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SFG1160 v5









Power Engineering Consulting Northern Viet Nam Power Project

Joint Stock Company 2 Management Board

32 Ngo Thoi Nhiem St., Ward 7 04 Nguyen Khac Nhu St.,

District 3, Ho Chi Minh City Hoan Kiem District, Ha Noi City

Bac Ninh 3 220kV substation and connection line

Environmental Management Plan

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CP : Government

CSC : Construction Supervision Consultant

EVN NPT : National Power Transmission Corporation

EMP : Environmental Management Plan

EIA : Environmental Impact Assessment

EHS : Environmental, Health, and Safety

ESMF : Environmental and Social Management Frame

MONRE : Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

PC : People’s Committee

PECC2 : Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 2

QCVN : Vietnam Codes

QCVN QTD : Vietnam Codes and Power Process

SEO : Safety and Environment Officer

SEMP : Site Environmental Management Plan

NPMB : Southern Vietnam Power Project Management Board

TEP : Transmission Efficiency Project

TCVN : Vietnam Standards

VND : Vietnamese Dong

WB : Work Bank

Bac Ninh 3 220kV substation and connection line

Environmental Management Plan

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TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................................................... 2

List of tables ............................................................................................................................. 3

Figure ........................................................................................................................................ 3

Appendices ............................................................................................................................... 3


2.1. Government’s Environmental Regulations................................................................... 4

2.2. WB’s Safeguard Policy .................................................................................................. 6

III. SUBPROJECT DESCRIPTION ....................................................................................... 8

3.1. Objectives of the Subproject ......................................................................................... 8

3.2. Scope of the Subproject ................................................................................................. 8

3.3. Location of the Subproject ............................................................................................ 8

3.4. Subproject Management and Operation ...................................................................... 8

3.5. Scope of the Subproject ................................................................................................. 9

3.5.1. 220 kV substation ................................................................................................... 9

3.5.2. Connection line.......................................................................................................10

3.6. Subproject Main Activities ...........................................................................................15

3.6.1. Main activities of the subproject before and during construction period ..................15

3.6.2. Source of equipment and material and transportation alternative .............................15

3.6.3. Subproject Main Work Quantity .............................................................................16

3.6.4. Employment ...........................................................................................................20

3.7. Subproject Implementation Schedule and Total Investment ......................................21

3.7.1. Subproject Implementation Schedule ......................................................................21

3.7.2. Total Investment .....................................................................................................21

IV. SUBPROJECT ENVIRONMENTAL BACKGROUND .................................................21

4.1. Geographical Location .................................................................................................21

4.2. Climate, Topography, Pedology ...................................................................................21

4.3. Natural Resource ..........................................................................................................22

4.5. Environmental Baseline Data .......................................................................................25

4.5.1 Air Environment Quality and Noise .........................................................................25

4.5.2 Water Environment Quality .....................................................................................26

4.6. Socio-economic Status...................................................................................................26

4.6.1. Economics ..............................................................................................................26

4.6.2. Culture and Society ................................................................................................26

V. POTENTIAL IMPACTS ...................................................................................................27

VI. MITIGATION MEASURES ............................................................................................41

VII. MONITORING PROGRAM ..........................................................................................65

7.1. Objectives ......................................................................................................................65

7.2. Environmental Monitoring Plan ..................................................................................65

VIII. EMP IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS ........................................................73

8.1. EMP Implementation Arrangement ............................................................................73

8.2. EMP Implementation Reporting Requirement ...........................................................75

8.3. Capacity Building for EMP Implementation ...............................................................76

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9.1. Public Consultation .......................................................................................................77

9.2. Information Disclosure .................................................................................................84

APPENDICES .........................................................................................................................85

List of tables

Table 3.1. Description of connection line route

Table 3.2. Main construction items of substation

Table 3.3. Quantity of main construction and erection of substation

Table 3.4. Quantity of main construction and erection of connection line

Table 3.5. Investment cost of the subproject

Table 4.1. Land use situation on area affected by subproject

Table 4.2. House and building affected in ROW

Table 5.1. Potential negative impacts of the subproject

Table 6.1. Environmental Mitigation Measures of the subproject

Table 7.1. Environmental monitoring plan of the subproject

Table 8.1. Responsibility for EMP implementation by different stakeholders

Table 8.2. Reporting procedures

Table 8.3. Proposed training of environmental management program

Table 8.4. Cost estimate for training program

Table 9.1. Summary of ideas of public consultation meeting


Figure 1.1. Location of the subproject

Figure 4.1. Situation of paddy field at substation location

Figure 4.2. Interior canal on the West at substation location

Figure 4.3. Irrigation canal at substation location

Figure 4.4. Paddy field around route of connection line

Figure 4.5. Two houses near to location of tower No.9A

Figure 4.6. Ground-graves at proposed substation location


Appendix 1. Map of subproject location compared with natural reserves

Appendix 2. Terms of Reference for construction supervision consultant (CSC)

Appendix 3. Environmental specification for the Contractor

Appendix 4. Approval decision of EIA report

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The subproject “Bac Ninh 3 220kV substation and connection line” is one of the subproject

identified for the second phase implementation under the World Bank financed Transmission

Efficiency Project (TEP). The subproject will be implemented in Yen Phong district of Bac

Ninh province and Soc Son district of Ha Noi City. The implementation of the subproject is

in line with the national Power Development Master Plan 7 (PDMP7). This implementation is

to receive and transmit capacity of 220kV voltage from national power system, to distribute

capacity to 110/22kV substation in region and to meet load demands, strengthen reliability

and supply energy for industrial zones of Yen Phong 1, Yen Phong 2, urban and residential

zones, in Yen Phong district, other regions in Bac Ninh province and surrounding regions.

Activities of the subproject are to (i) construct a 220/110/22kV substation with capacity of

three transformer units of 220/110kV-250MVA and two transformer units of 110/22kV –

63MVA; (ii) construct a double-circuit 220kV connection line with 4,723m in length from

connection tower of Hiep Hoa – Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 500/220kV transmission line to

220kV switchyard of Bac Ninh 3 220/110kV substation. These activities could cause

negative impacts to environment and local communities during the period of pre-

construction, construction and operation.

To ensure the potential negative impacts are identified and mitigated during the

implementation period of the subproject and to comply with the Bank’s Policy on

Environmental Assessment, an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) of the subproject has

been prepared in compliance with the Environmental and Social Management Framework

(ESMF) of the TEP and in connection with the subproject EIA. This EMP is an instrument

that details: a) all anticipated adverse and social environmental impacts; b) the mitigation

measures to be taken during the implementation and operation of a the subproject to eliminate

or offset adverse environmental impacts, or to reduce them to acceptable levels; c)

monitoring objectives and type of monitoring with linkages to the impacts assessed in the

EIA report and the mitigation measures described in the EMP; d) the actions needed

including institutional arrangements to implement these measures; e) capacity development

and training to support timely and effective implementation of environmental project

components and mitigation measures; and f) implementation schedule and cost estimates for

implementing the EMP. The mitigation measures proposed in the EMP shall be integrated

into the bidding and contractual documents, and monitored and supervised during all the

phases of subproject implementation and operation.

According to Vietnam’s environmental assessment regulation, the subproject is subject to

prepare an EIA for submission to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

(MONRE) for appraisal and approval. The report on EIA was submitted to MONRE in

February 2014 and was approved by MONRE under the Decision No.919/QD-BTNMT on

05th May 2014.


2.1. Government’s Environmental Regulations

The following national laws and regulations are applied for the subproject:

- Law of Land No.45/2013/QH13 passed by National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of

Vietnam on November 29, 2013 and became effective as from July 01, 2014;

- Law on Electricity No.28/2004/QH11 passed by the Eleventh National Assembly of the

Socialist Republic of Vietnam at its 6th session dated on 03/12/2004;

- Law No.24/2012/QH13 on 20/11/2012 of National Assembly of the Socialist Republic

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regarding amendment and supplement some of articles of Law on Electricity


- Law on Water resources No.17/2012/QH13 passed by the Thirteenth National Assembly

of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at its 3rd session dated on 21/6/2012;

- Law on Cultural Heritage passed by the Twelfth National Assembly of the Socialist

Republic of Vietnam at its 5th session dated on 18/6/2009;

- Biological Law passed by the Twelfth National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of

Vietnam at its 4th session dated on 13/11/2008;

- Law on Protection of the Environment No. 55/2014/QH13 passed by the National

Assembly on June 23th, 2014, effective January 1, 2015.

- Law on Fire Protection and Prevention No.27/2001/QH10 passed by the Tenth National

Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam at its 9th session dated on 29/6/2001;

- Decree No. 43/2014/ND-CP of the Government on May 15, 2014 detailing the

implementation of some articles of the Land law;

- Decree No. 47/2014/ND-CP of the Government on May 15, 2014 detailing regulations on

compensation, support and resettlement when the land is recovered by the State;

- Decree No. 14/2014/ND-CP of the Government on February 26, 2014 detailing the

implementation of the Electricity Law of electrical safety;

- Decree No.29/2011/ND-CP dated 18 April 2011 regarding regulations on strategic

environmental assessment, environmental impacts assessment and environmental

protection commitments;

- Decree No. 59/2008 / ND-CP dated April 09, 2008 of the Government on management of

solid waste;

- Circular No.26/2011/TT-BTNMT of July 18, 2011, detailing a number of articles of the

Government's Decree No.29/2011/ND-CP of April 18, 2011, on strategic environmental

assessment, environmental impact assessment and environmental protection commitment;

- Circular No.12/2011/TT-BTNMT dated 14 April 2011 regarding the management of

hazardous wastes;

- Circular No.03/2010/TT-BTC of Ministry of Trade and Industry on 22/01/2010,detailing

some contents related to safety protection of high-voltage power grid.

Some applicable Standards and Regulations:

- QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT - National technical regulation on ambient air quality;

- QCVN 06:2009/BTNMT - Ambient air quality – National technical regulation on a

number of toxic substances in ambient air;

- QCVN 19:2009/BTNMT - National techincal regulation on industrial waste gas for dusty

and inorganic substances;

- QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT - National technical regulation on surface water quality;

- QCVN 09:2008/BTNMT - National technical regulation on underground water quality;

- QCVN 14:2008/BTNMT - National technical regulation on sewage water;

- QCVN 40:2011/BTNMT - National technical regulation on industrial waste water;

- QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT - National technical regulation on noise;

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- QCVN 27: 2010/BTNMT – National technical regulation on vibration.

- QCVN QTD 05:2009/BCT – National technical codes for testing, acceptance test for

power facilities;

- QCVN QTD 06:2009/BCT – National technical regulation on power technique –

Operation, Repairment of power facilities;

- QCVN QTD 07:2009/BCT – National technical codes for installation power network;

- QCVN QTD 08:2010/BCT – Low voltage power technical codes;

- QCVN 01:2008/BCT – National technical codes for safety regulations when working with

transmission lines and electrical equipment;

- TCVN 5308:1999 – Technical safety regulation for construction;

- TCVN 4086:1995 – Power safety Standard for construction;

- TCVN 3147:1990 – Safety regulation on loading and unloading works;

- TCVN 2292:1978 – General requirement on safety for painting work;

- TCVN 4244:1986 – Safety technical regulation for lifting equipment;

- TCVN 5863:1995 – Safety requirement on lifting equipment, steel strand, drum, hoist,

chain and sprocket.

2.2. WB’s Safeguard Policy

The environmental and social screening according to the criteria described in the Bank’s

policy on environmental assessment has been carried out, and the result shows that the WB

policies on Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01), Physical Cultural Resources (OP 4.11),

and Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12) are triggered for this subproject. The subproject

has also to comply with the WB’s requirements on public consultation and Policy on Access

to Information. The implementation of the policy on Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12)

is addressed in the Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) of the TEP project and the

Resettlement Plan (RP) of this subproject.

Environmental Assessment (OP/BP 4.01):

Environmental Assessment (EA) is an umbrella policy for the Bank’s safeguard policies. The

overarching objective is to ensure that Bank-financed projects are environmentally sound and

sustainable, and that decision-making is improved through appropriate analysis of actions and

of their likely environmental impacts. The EA process is intended to identify, avoid and

mitigate potential impacts of Bank operations. EA takes into account the natural environment

(air, water, and land); human health and safety; social aspects (involuntary resettlement,

indigenous peoples, and physical cultural resources); and transboundary and global

environmental aspects. EA considers natural and social aspects in an integrated way.

This subproject triggers OP 4.01 because it involves the installation and operation of a high-

voltage substation, requiring the identification, mitigation and monitoring of potential adverse

environmental and social impacts. As required by OP 4.01 and the government EA

regulation, the subproject has prepared an EIA and an EMP that meet the Government’s and

the World Bank’s safeguards requirements. By the TEP appraisal, the subproject EIA and

EMP have been disclosed locally at the subproject sites as required by OP 4.01 and the

Bank’s policy on access to information.

Involuntary Resettlement (OP/BP 4.12)

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The Involuntary Resettlement policy seeks to prevent severe long-term hardship,

impoverishment, and environmental damage to the affected peoples during involuntary

resettlement. OP 4.12 applies whether or not affected persons must move to another location.

The Bank describes all these processes and outcomes as “involuntary resettlement,” or simply

resettlement, even when people are not forced to move. Resettlement is involuntary when the

government has the right to expropriate land or other assets and when affected people do not

have the option to retain the livelihood situation that they have.

This policy is triggered because the subproject would have impacts involving the temporary

and permanent involuntary taking of land and the loss of structures and assets associated with

the land for the power towers and the right-of-way of the transmission line. By appraisal, the

subproject has prepared and disclosed a RP locally at the subproject sites and at the Bank’s

InfoShop. The RP includes the measures to ensure that displaced people are: (i) informed

about the options regarding resettlement; (ii) consulted and offered alternative resettlement

choices; and (iii) provided with effective compensation and livelihood restoration. The final

subproject final RP will be disclosed locally at the subproject sites, at the Bank’s InfoShop,

and the Vietnam Development Information Center.

Physical Cultural Resources (OP/BP 4.11):

Physical Cultural Resources Policy (PCR) is intended to ensure that projects identify and

inventory cultural resources that are potentially affected by the project. PCRs include

resources of archaeological, paleontological, historical, architectural, religious, aesthetic or

other cultural significance. Projects should include mitigation measures when there are

adverse impacts on physical cultural resources. Appropriate agencies, NGOs and universities

should be consulted.

OP 4.11 will be applied to this sub-project because the subproject would involve the

relocation of seven (07) graves at proposed substation’s location. Mitigation measures will be

addressed in the respective subproject’s RP. For this subproject, it is required that all

construction activities will include mechanisms to address chance finds to avoid or mitigate

adverse impacts on PCRs. Chance finds procedures have been prepared and included in

environmental management plan of the subproject. These chance finds procedures shall form

part of the safeguard procedures in the Technical specifications for Contractors.

World Bank Group Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines

World Bank-financed projects should also take into account the World Bank Group

Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines1 (known as the "EHS Guidelines"). The EHS

Guidelines are technical reference documents with general and industry-specific examples of

Good International Industry Practice.

The EHS Guidelines contain the performance levels and measures that are normally

acceptable to the World Bank Group and are generally considered to be achievable in new

facilities at reasonable costs by existing technology. The environmental assessment process

may recommend alternative (higher or lower) levels or measures, which, if acceptable to the

World Bank, become project- or site-specific requirements.

This subproject should conform the Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for

Electric Power Transmission and Distribution and the General EHS Guidelines.

1The EHS Guidelines can be consulted at

Bac Ninh 3 220kV substation and connection line

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3.1. Objectives of the Subproject

The subproject “Bac Ninh 3 220kV substation and connection line” will be implemented to

meet the following objectives:

- Receive and transmit capacity of 220kV voltage from national power system and

distribute capacity to 110/22kV substations in region of Bac Ninh province;

- Meet load demands, strenghen reliability and supply energy for industrial zones of Yen

Phong 1, Yen Phong 2, urban and residential zones, in Yen Phong district, other regions in

Bac Ninh province and surrounding regions.

3.2. Scope of the Subproject

The scope of subproject is to (i) construct a 220/110/22kV substation with its capacity of

three transformer units of 220/110kV - 250MVA and two transformer units of 110/22kV -

63MVA; (ii) construct a double-circuit connection line with 4,723 m in length from the

connection tower of Hiep Hoa – Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2 500/220kV transmission line to

220kV switchyard of Bac Ninh 3 220/110kV substation.

3.3. Location of the Subproject

Location of Bac Ninh 3 220kV Substation:

Bac Ninh 3 220kV substation will be constructed in paddy field near to the National Highway

No.18 and irrigation canal (boundary between Cho town and Yen Phu commune) in Phu Man

hamlet, Cho town, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh province. Geographical location is bounded

by paddy field and the National Highway No.18 to the North; paddy field to the South and

the East and paddy field and irrigation canal (boundary between Cho town and Yen Phu

commune) to the West.

Bac Ninh 3 220kV substation will be located in delta region. There are two rice-crops which

is cultivated annually by the local people. Terrian is flat. Elevation fluctuates from 3.9m to

4.5m. Substation’s location is determined according to the plan of the local authority in Cho

town, Yen Phong district away from residential area; and this location will not affect civil

buildings and industrial zones.

Location of 220kV Connection Line:

Connection line starts from the connection tower (starting point) of Hiep Hoa – Dong Anh –

Bac Ninh 2 500/220kV transmission line in Kim Lu commune, Soc Son district, Ha Noi city

and ends at 220kV switchyard of Bac Ninh 3 220/110kV substation (ending point) in Phu

Man hamlet, Cho town, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh province. The route of connection line

runs over Kim Lu commune, Soc Son district, Ha Noi city and in communes of Hoa Tien,

Yen Phu and Cho town of Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh province.

The route of connection line runs parallel with the National Highway No.18 (from Ha Noi

city to Bac Ninh province) and away from road edge of 50m to 91m. Terrain of the route is

flat. Land situation within the ROW is paddy field and it will be a greenery corridor of the

National Highway No.18 according to the plan of local authority.

Location of the subproject is illustrated in Figure 1.1.

3.4. Subproject Management and Operation

- Owner: National Power Transmission Corporation

- Subproject Management Unit: Northern Vietnam Power Project Management Board

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- Design Consulting Unit: Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 2

- Operation Management Unit: Power Transmission Company No.1

3.5. Scope of the Subproject

3.5.1. 220 kV substation

Construction area:

- Total construction area is 48,191m2, in which:

+ The substation is 34,889 m2.

+ The guest-house and its access road is 1,106 m2.

+ The substation’s access road is 780 m2.

+ The operation-house’s access road is 11,416 m2 (this is the domestic road and it will

return the local authority for management after completing the subproject).


- High voltage: 220/110kV

- Medium voltage: 22kV

Capacities of the substation and transformer:

- 220kV side is inclusive of three transformer units of 220/110kV - 250MVA.

+ The first phase will install the transformer unit of 220/110kV - 250MVA;

+ The next phase will install the two transformer units of 220/110kV - 250MVA.

- 110kV side is inclusive of the two transformer units of 110/22kV - 63MVA.

+ The first phase will provide the standby location;

+ The next phase will install the two transformer units of 110/22kV - 63MVA.

Technical specification of transformer:

Transformer will be a new one according to the standard of IEC 60076 with the main

specification as follows:

- Nominated voltage: 250/250/50MVA.

- Type of transformer: 3 phases, auto-transformer, core type, submerged-oil, outdoor

- Frequency: 50Hz.

- Noise level: Under 75 dB at distance of 3 m.

- Weigth of transformer: ≤ 203 tons.

- Dimension of transformer: Length x Width x Height = 7,840mm x 7,250mm x 4,100mm.

- Oil volume: 48.3 tons.

- Type of oil: mineral oil, distallation form mineral oil (hydrocarbons), main components is

CnH2n and CnH2n + 2, type of Shell Diala A.X according to the standard of ANSI/ASTM

D3487, the transformer’s oil does not contain hazardous ingredients (PCBs).

Number of bays:

- 220kV side: The 220kV busbar will be implemented in the first phase, the number of

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220kV distribution bays is 11 bays, in which:

+ Four (04) bays will install in the first phase, including:

• 01 bay of Hiep Hoa 500/220kV substation.

• 01 bay of Dong Anh 220kV substation.

• 01 bay of transformer of 220/110kV -250MVA.

• 01 bus coupler.

+ Seven (07) bays will provide a standby location, including:

• 02 standby bays of the second and third transformer of 220/110kV -250MVA.

• 05 standby feeders.

- 110kV side: The 110kV busbar will be implemented in the first phase, the number of

110kV distribution bays is 17 bays, in which:

+ Six (06) bays will install in the first phase, including:

• 02 bays of Yen Phong 1 110kV substation.

• 02 bays of Yen Phong 2 110kV substation.

• 01 bus coupler.

• 01 out-going bay of transformer of 220/110kV -250MVA.

+ Eleven (11) bays will provide a standby location, including:

• 02 standby out-going bays of the second and third transformer of 220/110kV -


• 02 standby bays of the second transformer of 110/22kV -63MVA.

• 01 standby bay of 110kV capacitor.

• 06 standby feeders.

- 22kV side: the 22kV side will provide 22kV equipment for auto-transformer to supply

power for the substation:

• 01 auto-transformer from 220kV transformer with capacity of 22/0.4-250kVA

• 01 auto-transformer from 22-35kV local power network with capacity of 35-


3.5.2. Connection Line

Scope of the subproject:

220kV connection line will connect into Bac Ninh 3 220/110kV substation with the scope and

specification as follows:

- Voltage : 220kV

- The number of


: 02 circuits

- Length

- Starting point

: 4,723 m

: 500/220kV tension tower of Hiep Hoa – Dong Anh – Bac Ninh 2

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500/220kV transmission line

- Ending point : at gate tower of Bac Ninh 3 220kV substation

- Conductor : ACSR 400/51 (use of three wires/phase)

- Lighting wire : Use of two lighting wires; in which 01 wire is PASTEL 147 and 01

wire is OPGW 120, 12 optical wires with ITU-T G655 standard.

- Insulation

- Fittings

: Insulation by ceramic insulator or glass, type of 70kN and 300kN.

: Fittings are in accordance with insulated weight, wire and lighting


- Tower : Double –circuit galvanized steel tower.

- Foundation : Cast-in-place reinforced concrete

- Earthing : Radial form with galvanized steel φ12, steel of L63x63x6-2500

Main specification of connection line:

- The maximum value at G0 tension angle is P.90°10’46”.

- The minimum value at G5B tension angle is T.01°04’46’’.

- The longest section from G6 - G7 is 1,303 m.

- The shortest section from G5A – G5B is 106 m.

- The number of intersections over the road (Highway No.3 and 18) is 2 times.

- The number of intersections over the communication and power line is 5 times.

- The number of intersections over river is 3 times.

Description of connection line:

The length of each section of the connection line and the crossing communes of the connection

line are specifically described in the following table 3.1.

Table 3.1. Description of connection line route

No. Locations of

connection line


(m) Description of route

01 Cho town

(From Bac Ninh 3

220kV substation to


36 - Starting point from 220kV bay at switchyard of Bac Ninh

3 220kV substation, G0 location is in rice region in Cho

town, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh province.

02 Cho town and Yen

Phu commune

(From G0 (starting

point) to G1

201 - At G0, the route will turn right on 90°10’46’’, crossing

irrigation canal, G1 will locate in rice region of Yen Phu

commune, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh province.

03 Yen Phu commune anf

Cho town

(From G1 to G2)

217 - At G1, the route will turn right on 73°51’06’’, crossing

rice field and canal. G2 will locate in rice region of Cho

town, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh province.

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No. Locations of

connection line


(m) Description of route

04 Cho town and Yen

Phu commune

(From G2 to G3)

1,242 - At G2, the route will turn left on 79°40’03’’ and run

parallel to Highway No.18 (towards from Bac Ninh province

to Ha Noi city), the route crosses over Highway No.3 (being

constructed). G3 will locate in rice field of Yen Phu

commune, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh province.

- The route crosses Highway No.3 one time at PK11+95.

05 Yen Phu commune anf

Hoa Tien commune

(From G3 to G4)

166 - At G3, the route will turn right on 70°56’13’’ and crosses

Highway No. 18 to G4. Location of G4 locates in rice field of

Hoa Tien commune, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh province.

- The route crosses Highway N.18 at PK17+79

06 Hoa Tien commune

(From G4 to G5)

189 - At G4, the route will turn left on 79°58’37’’ and runs

parallel to Highway No.18 (towards from Bac Ninh province

to Noi Bai) to G5. The location of G5 will locate in rice field

of Hoa Tien commune, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh


07 Hoa Tien commune

(From G5 to G5A)

173 - At G5, the route will turn left on 02°12’34’’, the route will

run parallel to Highway No.18 (towards from Bac Ninh

province to Noi Bai) to G5A. Location of G5A is in rice field

of Hoa Tien commune, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh


08 Hoa Tien commune

(From G5A to G5B)

109 - At G5A, the route will turn left on 04°49’40’’ and run

parallel to Highway No.18 (towards from Bac Ninh province

to Noi Bai) to G5B. Location of G5B locates in rice field of

Hoa Tien commune, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh province.

- Four houses located in ROW (12 m from the centre line to

each side).

09 Hoa Tien commune

(From G5B to G5C)

161 - At G5B, the route will turn left on 01°04’46’’ and run

parallel to Highway No.18 (towards from Bac Ninh province

to Noi Bai) to G5C. Location of G5C will locate in rice field

of Hoa Tien commune, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh


- The route crosses over 35kV transmission line one time at


10 Hoa Tien commune

(From G5C to G6)

528 - At G5C, the route will turn right on 02°48’55’’ and runs

parallel to Highway No.18 (towards from Bac Ninh province

to Noi Bai). Location of G6 will locate in rice field of Hoa

Tien commune, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh province.

- The route crosses over 35kV transmission line one time at

PK28+ 16.

11 Hoa Tien commune

and Kim Lu commune

1.303 - At G6, the route will turn left on 05°15’51’’ and run

parallel to Highwat No.18 (towards from Bac Ninh province

to Noi Bai), crossing Ca Lo river (boundary between Bac

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No. Locations of

connection line


(m) Description of route

(From G6 to G7) Ninh province and Ha Noi city). Location of G7 will locate in

rice field of Kim Lu commune, Soc Son district, Ha Noi city.

- The route crosses some the following features:

+ Communication line at PK31+63 and 35+16: 2 times.

+ Mid-low voltage at PK38+07 and 39+53: 2 times.

+ Ca Lo river at PK32+03: 01 time.

+ Lake at PK39+95: 01 time.

12 Kim Lu commune

(From G7 to ending


398 - At G7, the route will turn right on 11°54’33’’ and run

parallel to Highway No.18 (towards from Bac Ninh province

to Noi Bai) to ending point. At the ending point, the route

will turn right and connect into Hiep Hoa – Pho Noi 220kv

transmission line (to be constructed) in Kim Lu commune,

Soc Son district, Ha Noi city.

- Lake at PK44+51: 01 time.

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Figure 1.1. Location of the subproject

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3.6. Subproject Main Activities

3.6.1. Main Activities of the Subproject Before and During Construction Period

Activities before construction period:

- PMB and manager of the subproject are responsible for information disclosure on the

subproject to local authority and people in the subproject’s region. They are also responsible for

site’s agreement of substation and connection line with the local and relevant authorities.

- Public consultation with local people in the subproject’s region is to record and respond

their ideas and these reponses will report to PMB for proposing a properly mitigation measure.

- Compensation and land clearance.

- Preparation for construction of worker camps, storage facilities.

Activities during construction period:

- Transportation of construction materials and equipment;

- Leveling;

- Excavation;

- Preparation of formwork and steel rods;

- Preparation of mortar and concrete;

- Construction;

- Installation of steel structure;

- Installation of equipment and power network.

3.6.2. Source of Equipment and Material and Transportation Alternative

a) Source of Equipment and Material

The sources of equipment and materials for the subproject include; locally produced

equipment and materials; and imported materials and equipment that cannot be domestically

produced. The local materials and equipment will be purchased from selling agents of

construction materials and equipment in Bac Ninh province and Ha Noi city. These agents

must be in legal operation and have an business license. The construction materials and

equipment will be bought and transported to the construction sites as follows:

- Sand, stone, gravel, brick, formwork and bamboo wattle will be purchased from local

agents in Bac Ninh province and Ha Noi city.

- Reinforced concrete, grounding, formwork will be purchased from local agents in Bac

Ninh province and Ha Noi city and manufactured at the site.

- Galvanized steel and bolts are taken from the manufacturer who has a business license.

- Wires, fittings, insulators, equipment of the subproject which have not been domestically

manufactured, they will be imported to Hai Phong port and will be transported to NPMB’s

warehouse and then will be transported to the site according to the construction schedule.

b) Transportation alternative of equipment and materials to the site


- Electrical equipment, materials and galvanized steel:

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+ The imported equipment and materials will be transported from Hai Phong port to

NPMB’s warehouse (the average distance is 110km) and from NPMB’s warehouse to the

site is 40km and then will be transported to the site according to the implementation


+ Galvanized steel and bolts will be transported from Ha Noi city to the site. The

average distance is 40km.

- Transformer will be transported from factory in Ha Noi city to the site with the average

distance of 40km.

Connection line:

- Long-way transportation is applied to convey equipment and materials stored at NPSM’s

warehouse such as steel towers, conductors, insulators, fittings. Transportation vehicles are

trucks on national highways with an average length of 40km.

- Manual transportation: The transportation of equipment and materials from gathering

places to each tower position is mainly performed manually or semi-manually. The average

manual transport distance for the entire route is 80 m.

3.6.3. Solution of Leveling and Layout of Substation

Substation bed will be constructed with the designed elevation from +5.5m to +5.7m to ensure

drainage and not affected by flood. In addition, the substation bed also meets the current

elevation surrounding the substation’s location.

Section of irrigation and drainage canals and local roads within the substation’s location will be

restored after completion. These canals and local roads will be designed along substation’s

fence. Structure of local road is made from gravelly soil of 3m in width with the current

elevation. Canals are made by M200 concrete with the current dimension.

Main characteristics of leveling and layout of substation are as follows:

- Interior area of substation: 24,960m2;

- Construction area: 16,055 m2;

- Percentage of building density: 64%;

- Substation bed with rock of 2x4, 1x2 and 0.1m in depth. Area of substation bed: 7.754 m2;

- The average embankment in comparison with natural elevation: 1.84m.

Table 3.2: Main construction items of substation

No. Items Unit Quantity

1 220kV outdoor switchyard m2 10,700

2 110kV outdoor switchyard - 8,840

3 250MVA power transformer foundation - 147

4 400KVA auto-transformer foundation - 1.08x2=2.16

5 Control room house 01

6 Pumping house - 01

7 Operation house - 01

8 Guest- house - 01

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No. Items Unit Quantity

9 Storage of firefighting tool - 02

10 Warehouse - 01

11 Motorcycle parking garage - 01

12 Emergency oil tank tank 01

13 Water tank for firefighting of 95m3 - 02

14 Lighting pile 30m pile 01

15 Road outside of substation with 5m in width m 43.5

16 Access road (reinforced concrete) - 932

17 Gate and fence of substation - 729

3.6.4. Subproject Main Work Quantity

Quantity of main construction and erection for the subproject is prescribed in the following


Table 3.3. Quantity of main construction and erection of substation

No. Works Unit Quantity Method of construction

I. Preparation of construction m2 48,191.0

1 Clearance - 34,889.0 Included the slope of substation’s


2 Clearance of the rest-house’s site - 1,106.0 Included the slope of substation’s


3 Clearance of the access road’s site - 780.0 Included the slope

4 Clearance of the temporary access

road’s site - 11,416.0 Included the slope

II. Proposed quantity for unexploded

ordnance’s clearance m2 48,191.0

1 Substation bed - 34,889.0

2 Guest-house - 1,106.0

3 Access road - 780.0

4 Temporary road for construction - 11,416.0

III. Excavation, backfill and leveling

III.1 Excavation (including the substation’s

foundation) m³ 25,330.8 Manually + machinery

1 Excavation of construction works - 14,660.81

2 Excavation of leveling works - 9,108.0

3 Excavation of rest-house’s site - 557.0

4 Excavation of road at location out of

the substation - 1,005.0

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No. Works Unit Quantity Method of construction

III.2 Backfill + Leveling + construction of road

m³ 101,768.1 Manually + machinery

1 Backfill - 11,305.0

2 Leveling by soil - 5,241.5

3 Leveling by sand - 73,796.0

4 Backfill of soil and leveling road at

location out of substation - 3,340.6

5 Backfill of sand and leveling road at

location out of substation - 8,085.0

IV. Concrete work m³ 2,383.0 Manually + machinery

1 Mortar of M75 - 105.0

2 Mortor of M100 - 375.0

3 Mortor of M150 - 297.0

4 Mortor of M200 - 1,606.0

V. Wood slad m³ 245.0

1 Framework by wooden - 245.0 Manufactured at the site

VI. Reinforced steel ton 128.0

1 Roll reinforced steel - 118.0 Manufactured at the site

2 Tension bolt - 10.0 Manufactured at the factory

VII. Erection work ton 242.8

1 Galvanized reinforced steel - 242.8 Manual erection

VIII. Construction of structure m2 645,0

1 Control room - 420.0 According to m2 of construction


2 Guest-house - 225.0 According to m2 of construction


IX. Fire Fighting

1 Construction of a water tank with

volume of 95 m3 for fire fighting tank 02 Reinforced concrete

2 Construction of an emergency oil tank

(6m x 7.2m x 3.5m) tank 01 Reinforced concrete

3 Installation of a pipe system and fire



m 01

4 Installation of pulverization system for

fire fighting of 220kV transformer


m 01

5 Installation of a fire alarm system syste

m 01

6 Pumping machine with electric motor set 01

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No. Works Unit Quantity Method of construction

7 Pumping machine with diesel motor set 01

X. Electrical works (main equipment

and materials)

Manually + machinery

1 Conductor m 64,714

2 Installation of a 250MVA transformer set 1

3 Installation of a 400kVA transformer set 2

4 Installation of a 220kV circuit-breaker set 4

5 Installation of a 110kV circuit -breaker set 7

6 Installation of a 220kV disconnector et 17

7 Installation of a 110kV disconnector set 27

8 Installation of a 220kV current


nos. 12

9 Installation of a 110kV current


nos. 18

10 Installation of a 220kV voltage


nos. 8

11 Installation of a 110kV voltage


nos. 18

12 Installation of a 220kV arrestor nos.


13 Installation of a 110kV arrestor nos.


14 Installation of a 24kV arrestor nos.


15 Installation of a 220kV post- insulator nos.


16 Installation of a 110kV post-insulator nos.


17 Installation of a 220kV suspension

insulator nos. 36

18 Installation of a 110kV suspension

insulator nos. 39

Table 3.4. Quantity of main construction and erection of connection line

No. Works Unit Quantity Method of construction

I. Reparation of construction

1 Clearance m2 184.19

2 Cutting trees tree 884.40

3 Leveling m2 6,483.60

II. Proposed quantity for unexploded

ordnance’s clearance m2 48,191.0

1 Layout of tower foundation - 4,750.6

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No. Works Unit Quantity Method of construction

III. Excavation, backfill and eboulement

1 Excavation of foundation m³ 12,503.27 Manually + machinery

- Soil of the first grade: - 12,503.27

2 Foundation’s backfill - 8,805.37 Manually + machinery

IV. Concrete of foundation and pile

1 Concrete of M100 m³ 308.14 Manually + machinery

2 Concrete of M200 - 3,389.76 Manually + machinery

3 Concrete of M300 (pile) - 2,258.63 Manually + machinery

V. Reinforced steel of foundation and pile

1 Reinforced steel of foundation and pile ton

779.13 Manufactured at site.

2 Tension bolt ton 16.52 Manufactured at site

3 Grounding - 1.60 Manufactured at site

VI. Erection works

1 Galvanized steel ton 730.31 Manual erection

VII. Quantity of pile foundation

1 Soil quantity (temporary road, substation’s

surface, pile fabricating yard) m3 11,150.00

2 Piling (temporary road, construction’s

surface, pile fabricating yard) nos. 17,980.00

3 Bamboo wattle (temporary road,

construction’s surface, pile fabricating yard) m2 5,928.00

4 Steel of f4 (temporary road, construction’s

surface, pile fabricating yard) kg 757.25

5 Reinforced concrete of 1,2m, length of 4m pile 8.00

6 Reinforced concrete of 0.6m, length of 4m pile 2.00

VIII. Electrical works

1 Stringing wire km 87.63

2 Lighting wire km 4.92

3 Optical wire km 5.09

3.6.5. Employment

The construction period is expected in about 12 months. About one construction team will be

provided at site and about 80 workers will be mobilized for construction activities as follows:

+ Direct construction : 70 people.

+ Indirect construction : 06 people.

+ Project Management Board (at site) : 04 people.

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3.7. Subproject Implementation Schedule and Total Investment

3.7.1. Subproject Implementation Schedule

The subproject implementation schedule is expected in about 12 months and will be operated in

October 2015. The schedule will be proposed as follows:

- Completion and approval of investment document: March 2011;

- Technical approval: June 2014;

- Completion of bidding documents: August 2014;

- Bidding and signing contract: November 2014;

- Construction and installation: From October 2014 to October 2015

- Completion and commissioning: October 2015.

3.7.2. Total Investment

Total investment of the subproject is 399,709,546,000 VND according to the decision of

National Power Transmission Corporation (NPT). The investment cost of the subproject

isdetailed in the following table:

Table 3.5. Investment cost of the subproject

No. Items Amount (VND)

1 Cost of construction 161,094,656,000

2 Cost of equipment 106,692,900,000

3 Cost of compensation 12,573,915,000

4 Cost of subproject management 3,863,104,000

5 Consultation cost 11,899,348,000

6 Other costs 34,509,767,000

7 Contingency cost 69,075,855,000

Total 399,709,546,000


4.1. Geographical Location

The subproject will be implemented in Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh province and Soc Son

district, Ha Noi city. The connection line of the subproject will start at Bac Ninh 2 220kV

substation in Cho town (center of Yen Phong district), run parallel with highway No.18 , and

ends at connection point in Kim Lu commune (in the Southeast of Soc Son district). This

location is the gateway to the east of Ha Noi city and highway No.18.

This is of great advantage to traffic and foreign affair in order to develop rapidly


4.2. Climate, Topography, Pedology

a. Climate

Location of the subproject has a general characteristic of monsoon tropical climate,

specifically the Red River Delta region. Average temperature is 30°C - 36°C and 15°C - 20°C

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in the summer and winter, respectively. Cold season is from October to March of the

following year. The weather is affected by the Northeast monsoon, which usually brings

frosts and hoarfrost. Dry season is from April to October, and itis affected by the Southeast

weather, which usually brings rains. Rain depends to the season. Annual rainfall is about

1,600 mm peryear. Rainyfall during the rainy season is accounted for 80% of the annual

rainfall. Average air humidity is 83% per year. Sunny hour is 1,700 hour per year, which is

favourable for rice crops, industrial trees, and other trees.

b. Topography

The subproject is located in the riverside plain region to the South of Soc Son district and the

plain region of Yen Phong district. The elevation of the proposed substation location is from

3.9m to 4.5m and the elevation of the connection line in the field region is from 4.2 m to 7.0


c. Pedology

The subproject location at Cho town, communes of Yen Phu, Hoa Tien and Soc Son is

riverside plain region. This region has consolidated alluvium of Cau river and Ca Lo river;

thus, the soil is rich and available for the cultivation of agriculture, farm products, and

industrial trees within a short period (such as rice and crops).

4.3. Situation of Technical Infrastructure

a) Traffic

Location of the subproject is the gateway to the east of Ha Noi city so the traffic

infrastructure system is relatively developed. Highway No.18, Noi Bai international airport

and Cai Lan port (in Quang Ninh) will run parallel with the subproject’s location; this route

will be 150m from the substation to the north and run parallel with the connection line and

will be 50 to 91m from the subproject’s location. In addition, a complete traffic system

connected between the cities, provinces and economic region (in districts of Yen Phong and

Soc Son). Road system connected between highway No.3 in Ha Noi and Thai Nguyen,

highway No.18 and connection line route in Yen Phu commune. Provincial road No.295 to

the north connected with highway No.18 at Cho town and highway No.1A to the south

upgraded. Provincial road No. 286 to Bac Ninh province and Ha Noi was connected with

highway No.3. Therefore, traffic condition is relatively advantage.

b) Hydraulic Work

Water sources used for agricultural cultivation at the subproject’s location are taken from Cau

river and Ca Lo river via irrigation and interior canals system. At location of the subproject

has about 630m in length of irrigation canal. Section of this canal will be filled during

leveling the substation so this canal will be restored around the substation’s fence in order to

supply and drain water for paddy fields surrounding the subproject’s location.

c) Domestic Water Sources

People use currently local water system and well water to provide daily needs in Cho town

and communes of Yen Phu, Hoa Tien and Kim Lu, respectively. Water for fire-fighting and

daily needs of operators will use local water system in operation phase.

d) Power Supply

Currently, 100% of households in subproject’s location have been used power source from

the national power grid of the existing 220kV transmission line along highway No.18 via

22/0.4kV transformer installed on poles. Construction phase, the subproject will use the

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current local power grid. In addition, the subproject will propose to construct a 22kV shunt

line (about 200m long) from the existing 22kV transmission line along highway No.18 to

substation and install a 22/0.4kV transformer on pole with nominated capacity of 3x25kVA

in order to provide power in construction phase and testing equipment.

4.4. Land Use and Buildings on Land

a) Land Use

Total area of the subproject’s ROW is 103,906 m2, in which construction area of 19 tower

foundations is 4,750.6 m2. This area is mostly paddy field. Total construction area of

substation and access road is 48,191 m2. In which, access-road takes 11,416 m2; this area is

public road and will be returned to local authorities and managed by them after completion. A

status of land use of this region in comparison with land acquisition area of the subproject is

described in the following table:

Table 4.1. Land Use situation on area affected by subproject

No. Item/Location Area


Land Area (m2)

Rice Crop Resident River Traffic Grave

I Substation 36,775.0 26,791.0 1,390.0 0.0 6,296.0 2,098.0 200.0

Cho town 36,775.0 26,791.0 1,390.0 0.0 6,296.0 2,098.0 200.0

II Access road 11,416.0 11,096.0 0.0 0.0 240.0 80.0 0.0

Cho town 11,416.0 11,096.0 0.0 0.0 240.0 80.0 0.0


103,906.0 86,548.0 0.0 1.694.0 8,492.0 4,532.0 2,640.0

Cho town 11,223.9 9,532.5 0.0 0.0 1,204.2 487.1 0.0

Yen Phu

commune 27,914.1 22,895.5 0.0 0.0 1,765.8 3,252.9 0.0

Hoa Tien

commune 31,856.0 27,976.7 0.0 1,694.0 1,295.3 474.6 415.3

Kim Lu commune 32,912.0 26,143.3 0.0 0.0 4,226.7 317.4 2,224.7

Total 152,097.0 124,435.0 1,390.0 1,694.0 15,028.0 6,710.0 2,840.0

Note: ROW’s area includes construction area of tower foundations (4,750.6m2)

Figure 4.1. Situation of paddy field at

substation location

Figure 4.2. Interior canal on the West at

substation location

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b) Houses/Buildings on Land Affected by the Subproject

Total residential area within ROW (11m from the center of line to each side) is 1,694 m2.

There are not any houses/buildings within permanent acquistion land area. There are four

houses and buildings within the ROW. They will be limited height as stipulated in Article 13

of Decree No.14/2014/ND-CP.

Table 4.2. House and building affected in ROW

No. House Address




Floor area in

ROW (m2)


of roof



of roof


of wall


of floor

1 House Hoa Tien commune 792 355 4,5 Tole Concrete Brick

2 House Hoa Tien commune 85 184 13.8 Tole Concrete Brick

3 House Hoa Tien commune 275 55 4 Tole Concrete Brick

4 House Hoa Tien commune 144 17 4 Tole Concrete Brick

Height of the existing houses and buildings in ROW is from 4 to 13.8 m. The average height

is 6.6 m. Designed heigth of the transmission line will be at least 18m and 6m to ensure

distance from the lowest point of wire in the maximum sagging state to natural surface of

ground and from any parts of house/building to the nearest wire, respectively.

The current house and building will be rehabilitated and grounded to ensure safety condition

for existence of them within 220kV ROW. Therefore, the existing houses will not cause

displacement and relocation.

Figure 4.3. Irrigation canal at substation


Figure 4.4. Paddy field around route of

connection line

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Figure 4.5. Two houses near to tower No.9A

c) Grave in Construction Area of Substation

There are seven (07) graves located in the construction area of Bac Ninh 3 220kV substation;

the area of these graves is around 200 m2. This is the single graves, which existed on rice

land for a long time. These graves will be moved to another location. During the leveling

period of the substation, the subproject’s owner will co-operate with People’s Committee of

Yen Phong district and Cho town for implementing relocation.

Figure 4.6. Ground graves at proposed substation location

4.5. Environmental Baseline Data

In the investment project stage, the subproject’s owner will take samples and analyze the

quality of the physical environment (including quality of air, noise, surface water,

underground water, and etc.). These measurements will be the standards in identifying and

evaluating components of the physical environment for the subproject area.

4.5.1. Air Environment Quality and Noise

The air sampling indicates the air quality is quite good in the subproject location. Most of the

pollution criteria obtained at the sampling location of the substation and connection line met

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permissible limits according to QCVN 05:2013/BTNMT – National technical regulation on

ambient air quality.

4.5.2. Water Environment Quality

a) Surface Water Quality

Surface water sampling at interior canals of the subproject location shows there are signs of

pollution and microbial contamination. This also shows that some specific surface water in

the agricultural region will be highly impacted by the amount of fertilizer which will pollute

the high nutrient content in water. Other pollution criteria such as pH, suspension of solid

substance, oil, and etc. have met the permissible limits of the QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT –

National technical regulation on surface water quality.

b) Quality of Underground Water

According to the result, the quality of the underground water at certain wells of households in

the subproject’s location is fairly good. Thus, the permissible limits of pollution criteria are

met according to QCVN 09:2008/BTNMT – National technical regulation on underground

water quality. However, due to the effect of geology in local region, iron contents in

underground water at the sampling locations have exceeded lightly in comparison with the

stipulation from 1.09 to 1.23.

4.6. Socio-economic Status

4.6.1. Economics

a) Yen Phong district

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Yen Phong district in 2013 is around 6,000 VND

billion, an increase of 11% since 2012. The average income per person is 28 million VND

each year. The economic structure continues to grow and attract new investments into the

zone. Industrial zones have increased rapidly with a participation of nearly 100 domestic and

foreign enterprises. This will increase the number of employees to over 52 thousand people in

the region.

b) Soc Son district

The output value of Soc Son district has an estimate of an increase of 6.84% in 2013. Its

value will be higher in comparison with the planed criteria but will increase in the following

quarter. Industrial and handicraft fields have increased 7.15%; basic construction has

increased 6.84%; trade and services has increased 12.06%; agriculture – forestry – fishery

have decreased 0.65% in comparison with 2012. Economical mechanism will grow

positively. Trade and services will increase and agriculture products will decrease in ratio.

Per capita income is estimated to be 23 million VND per year.

4.6.2. Culture and Society

a) Population

Soc Son district

The population of district is about 300,000 people with 75,000 households, of which 44,000

households are accounted for 58.7% of agricultural production. The population density is

992people/square kilometer. The district has implemented vocational training and created

14,000 labors in the past five years (2009-2014). The rate of created labors will increase to

33.73% in 2013.

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Yen Phong district

The population of the district is about 139,100 people. The population density is about 1,436

people/square kilometer. Elderly working population is about 88,212 people, of which 6,482

people are working in the zones or industrial zones. There are 6,324 people working in

enterprises of the district region. Also, there are 636 labors which involve in working in

foreign country and the remaining are the agricultural labors.

b) Ethnicity

The subproject’s location (Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh province and Soc Son district, Ha

Noi city) is the oldest settlement of the Kinh ethnic group. This is the main ethnic group of

Vietnam. The subproject’s location does not exist any other minority ethnic group.

c) Culture and Society

Issues around the culture and society within the subproject’s location is the local authority’s

main concern. The subproject will contribute directly and indirectly into the improvement of

living standard for the local people, such as supplying power for production, development of

econimics, the lighting of all public works, and etc.

The subproject is not in area of historical area, cultural heritage site, social-culture structure,

nor national defense.


The screening of the environment around the subproject areas indicate that it is eligible for

financing with an exception that the subproject will not involve possible high risk and will

not create potential adverse impacts on: (a) critical natural habitats and/or protected area

including proposed protected areas; (b) loss or damage to cultural property, including sites

having archeological (prehistoric), paleontological, historical, religious, cultural, and unique

natural values; (c) water regime, particularly water flow; and (d) other significant

environmental and social impacts.

The subproject will bring about positive changes to the local and regional economies and

creating favorable conditions for local production activities and other social benefits.

The implementation of the subproject would mainly cause land acquisition, increased dust

generation, air pollution, domestic waste, and health and safety issues due to construction

activites and electrical magnetic field. However, these impacts are not significant, temporary,

and localized with available mitigation measures. So the subproject has been categorized as a

Category B project according to Policies of OP 4.01 and satisfied to use the World Bank’s


The potential negative impacts of the subproject are identified in Table 5.1. These can be

minimized by applying the proposed mitigation measures which has been developed for the

subproject in Table 6.1.

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Table 5.1. Potential negative impacts of the subproject

No. Impacts


of impacts


duration Impact Description

Pre-construction phase

1 Location of the


Small Short-term The subproject’s location is not near or in cultural heritage sites, nature reserves or buffer

zone of protected areas, wetlands, estuaries, nor forests. However, the subproject’s location

will affect the land and cultivation activities of 63 households, whose land will be

permanently acquired by the subproject. In addition, Ca Lo river, lake, and Highway No.18

will cross the connection line. Impacts at the intersection will take place during the pre-

construction and construction stages. These impacts will be minimized during the


2 Permanent land

acquisition and

affected land in the


Moderate Short-term

and long-


Area of permanent land acquisition is 52,941,6m2, in which construction area of substation

is 36,775.0 m2. Access road area is 11,416.0 m2. Tower foundation area is 4,750.6 m2. Area

of rice field is 42,637.6 m2; it accounts for 85% of total affected area. Area of crops land is

1,390 m2; it accounts for 2.6% of the total affected area. Irrigation canal land is 6.536,0 m2;

it accounts for 12.3%. Local road is 2,178.0 m2; it accounts for 4,1%; Area of grave land is

200.0 m2; it accounts for 0.4% of total affected area for construction of the project.

Residential land and house don’t exist in permanent land acquisition area of the subproject.

However, 63 houses will be permanently affected by the subproject. There are seven

graves with a land area of 200m2 located in the substation. These graves had existed for a

long time and they will be moved to another place.

In addition, the overhead connection line also affects the use of land in the ROW with area

of 99,155 m2. Most of areas affected by the ROW is rice land. Rice fields do not violate

the safety distance from the conductors to land surface; thus, the local people can cultivate

in the ROW without any impacts. There are four houses in the ROW with metal roofs.

These houses will continue to exist in the ROW when they comply with a roof-grounding

to ensure a safety for the project.

The land acquisition will affect 63 households, whose land is in the proposed substation

and the connection line. However, there are not anyhouseholds to be moved by this

acquisition. Additionally, according to the investigation and collection from rice activities

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of these households, the land acquisition only reduces one portion of total their income.

Most of them has obtained other income from non-agricultural activitives. Site clearance

will be implemented after the harvest season to reduce damages to crops.

In addition, according to the statistical report on socio-economic, the economical

mechanism at the subproject’s location is being grown in the industry as well as trade and

services. Many industrial zones are being established and attracted investors to Bac Ninh

province. Many works of the industrial field are being grown each year. Therefore, a heavy

burden of the local authority in finding a new job for workers who are impacted by the

acquisition will be minimized.

The cultivation land acquired will affect local people; however, these impacts can be

minimized through measures of compensation and assistance according to the stipulation of

the Government to ensure their life and security.

3 Temporary land


Small Short-term The land acquisition will be temporarily acquired during the subproject’s implementation

such as storage of materials and equipment and stringing wire. This land will be recovered

after completing the subproject. This land locates in the ROW and it does not affect life of

the local people. Land acquisition area for construction of a connection line is summarized

as follows:

- Temporary land acquisition for tower foundation is 6,483.6 m2

- Warehouse, storage of equipment and materials is 970.9 m2

- Stringing wire: 800 m2

Construction and storage of equipment and materials will be implemented at the substation

so it is not necessary for expanding a temporary land area. Construction at each tower

foundation location only lasts from one to two months so the temporary acquisition for

construction only affects a crop.

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4 Effects on vegetation

and habitat area due to

site clearance

Small Short-term Vegetation is mainly rice at the subproject’s location. Site clearance will be done after

harvest season so the vegetation is mainly rice stubble. Wheat plant is low and harvesting

period is short so they can stay in the ROW without being chopped down. Land clearance

only includes area of construction and temporary acquisition plan.

Generally, these clearance activities at the substation and connection line is assessed as a

minor impact and mitigable. The affected trees mainly get an economical value without

ecological one.

5 Effects on irrigation

canal and local road in

substation’s location

Moderate Short-term At proposed substation location has interior canals with 630m in length and 2-4.5m in width;

these canals is used for irrigation of the surrounding rice field and area of them is 6,536 m2.

Local road runs along with irrigation canal, which is used to access rice-field of local people.

Length of this local road is 630m and affected area by the subproject is 2,178 m2. These

canals and local roads will be filled prior to construction of the project so they will cause a

clogging of irrigation system and as well as a stopping of entrance to local road of people.

This affects the production of farmers around the proposed subproject location. Therefore,

these canals and local roads should be re-establised before leveling the substation’s site.

6 Risk on healthy and

environment due to

explosive and

chemnical substance

Small Short-term The subproject does not use chemical and explosive substances for clearance and leveling.

However, according to the opinion of the Bac Ninh province Military Command, the

subproject’s location can also remain unexploded ordnance underground, and they can

explode in case of having collision between them and construction equipment. This will

cause accident for workers and damage assests of local people. Therefore, the subproject

should prepare a removal plan for unexploded ordnances to ensure safety prior to


7 Impacts on historical

area and cultural

heritage site.

Moderate Short-term The subproject’s location is not near to or in historical area or cultural heritage site. However,

there are seven ground-graves in the proposed substation location. Relocation of graves can

cause effects on spiritual life of households, who owned them if the relocation does not do

properly with the local customs. But this is the ground-graves, which was existed for a long

time so they ensure time for reburing according to local customs.

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Construction phase

8 Effects on air quality

due dust generation,

exhaust gas from

construction vehicles

and transportation


Moderate Short term Dust will generate during construction such as excavation, backfill and transportation. This

dust is mainly generated from ground and it is easy to accumulate in a short time. This

source will be generated temporarily during construction phase. The subproject locates in

the agricultural region so its impact is small.

Dust and exhaust gas are generated from activities of engines of transportation means and

machineries. These means are used the clean-fuel so pollution content of waste gas is not

high. Effects on the waste gas are not significant in the subproject region because

generated location is mainly in rural region.

At section G5A – G5C of the subproject crosses over the residential region of Hoa Tien

commune. This location will bear strictly air pollution, the remaining locations of

connection line cross over the agricultural region so the effects on air pollution is small.

9 Impacts from noise and


Small Short term Noise and vibration can be caused by transportation means and mechinaries. However,

construction activities are mainly carried out manually or semi-mechineries with a small

means so the intensity of noise is not high.

Most of the construction locations are located in the rural region, away from residiential

region. The region caused strictly noise is the foundation locations crossing over the

residential region in Hoa Tien commune; section G5A – G5B has the foundation near the

local house.

10 Increase water turbidity

due to run-off and


Moderate Short term Ground and sand sweep away by the surface water flow at construction location can cause

erosion and increase turbidity. Especially, the subproject will mainly be located on

agricultural land with many interior canals and connection line will traverse Ca Lo river

and it also intersects two times with the lake. However, it is assessed as a small impact

because towers of this connection line will be 50m and 30m away from river and lake

edges, respectively. Terrain of the subproject’s location is flat. The construction period is

short. The construction site will provide pits and trenches for water drainage surrounding

the tower foundations. Quantity of excavation will be stored and maintained in a short time

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and they can reuse to fill foundation after completing concrete work, and it also uses for

filling slope work.

The subproject will not construct towers on river, lake and canal so impacts causes by

erosion, run-off are assessed as moderate.

11 Impacts on

environmental quality

due to water waste.

Moderate Short term Worker at the site is 80 persons in construction duration. Volume of domestic wastewater

will estimate 9.3m3/day. This volume would generate at tents of the substation and

connection line. However, these tents are far from canals and domestic wastewater only

generates in the construction period and rural region so impact on wastewater is not

significant. The wastewater is assessed as small and mitigable.

Apart from the domestic wastewater, during the construction period, the subproject also

generates construction wastewater, including pump pit drainage and a little capacity from

equipment and machinery’s sanitary during construction. This volume only happens in the

construction duration and component of the pollutant in waste water is mainly soil, sand,

non-hazardous substances. The soil and suspended-sand mixed in water will be easy to

deposit sediment in the temporary drainage trenches. Therefore, impacts on waste water are

as moderate.

12 Impacts on

environmental quality

due to waste.

Moderate Short term The amount of generated waste is 48kg/day for total 80 persons of the whole subproject in

construction duration. These amounts will be allocated at the two tents. Quantity of waste is

small; it does not contain hazardous components. This waste will be collected and handled

properly so it will not cause negative impacts on environment, unsanitary and effect on the

surrounding aesthetics.

Quantity of excavation will be reused for backfill work. Thus quantity of redundant soil is

small. These quantities will be fully utilized to slope banks against erosion in the tower

foundation of the connection line and do slope work at the substation. Redundant quantity

is small but if the contractor does not collect and store them properly; it will cause negative

impact on environment.

In the process of construction and installation of the subproject can generate a lot of

construction wastes such as concrete debris, formworks, steel scrap, crates, and etc.

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However, most of these construction wastes can be recycled and reused so it would be easy

to control and collect this waste.

The waste substance will be collected and treated according to stipulations of solid waste

substance and the implementation schedule is short term (15 months). Thus, the generation

of solid waste substances is assesses as moderate and mitigable.

13 Water and soil due to

hazardous waste

Small Short term Hazardous waste is mainly oil and oil rags, which will be generated from activities of

maintenance of equipment, machineries and transportation means in the construction

process. The waste oil volume generates from 41 construction means will be estimated

about 287 liters/time, around 47.8 - 95.7 liters/month. This volume only happens at the

maintenance agents and they are collected by these agents. Therefore, this waste oil volume

is low at construction site; it only happens when having samll repairment at site. Waste oil

and oily rags can collect strictly, store and streat safely so these impacts are assessed as


14 Soil erosion and

eboulement generation

caused by excavation,

leveling and fillback


Moderate Short term Excavation, backfill, leveling and construction of the subproject will change structure of soil

surface, it will cause a soil erosion due to rain-water run off or wind. Specially, substation

base is filled higher than the natural ground level of 1.84m so if the contractor has not a

suitable measure for reinforcing the substation base, and then risk of landslide will happen

and can affect the surrounding rice-field. Construction of pole foundation can cause a

erosion of canal edge at location near canal and river. This will reduce the capacity of the

natural drainage in the regional location if it is not properly managed. Especially, the

connection line will traverse one time via Ca Lo river and twice via the lake.

However, the subproject’s terrain is flat and the construction its construction always meets

stipulations on safety distance at the location near to canal. The contractor will apply

reinforcement measures to protect soild erosion during the leveling and excavation of

foundation pit. The total quantity of excavated soil would utilize to slope and backfill

foundations and substation plan. In addition, river and interior canals in the subproject’s

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region will be reinforced by the protection wall.

15 Impacts on road Moderate Short term Transportation, storage of equipment and materials at the site would affect local traffic and

installing tower and stringing wire at the cross section would interrupt traffic for a short

period of time only.

The substation would locate near Highway No.18, this location will be 150m from road

edge and the connection line will be 50-90m from road edge so transportation of equipment

and construction materials from Ha Noi city and local agents to the site is benefited by

Highway No.18. Therefore, transportation would not effect significantly to local traffic.

In addition, traffic activities will be affected by stringing wire work via road at intersection

section (Highway No.18 and Highway 3). However, the contractor will provide scaffold to

limit affects of local traffic during stringing wire.

Traffic affects can also happen at the rush hour during construction of tower foundations at

the residential region of Hoa Tien.

16 Impacts on waterway


None None Connection line will intersect one time with Ca Lo river, the width of this river is 48m; and

twice with the lake, its width is 63m and 67m. Activities of stringing wire at section via

river can interrupt waterway traffic from one to two hours. However, cross section at Ca Lo

river and the lake does not exist the waterway traffic. Therefore, the subproject will not

affect the waterway traffic.

Local people sometimes use small boat to fish in the Ca Lo river, but its activity does not

happen regularly in section of the subproject’s location because river fish currently is small.

During the stringing wire, these boats can be affected at section across the river. However,

period of influence is short so effects on boat in the river is assessed as a minor impact.

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17 Effects on house near

to section of G5A –


Moderate Short-term There are four houses located at section of G5A – G5B in Yen Vy village, Hoa Tien

commune, Yen Phong district. Two of them is near to location of tower foundation; it is

tower location No.9A. Distance between them is at least 20m. They are the fourth grade

house, brick wall, tole-roof with height of 4 - 4.5m. People lived in these houses will be

affected by noise and dust from construction activities. Structure of house can be affected

by shock from piling activity and landslide from excavation work. However, this is a house

without upstairs (single house); its height is low so negative impacts from these activities is

small. Landslide during excavation can be minimized by techinical method in construction

duration; and then impacts on noise and dust can be also minimized.

18 Effects on local traffic

system quality

Small Short term The transportation of materials with the high frequency can affect the rural road system in

the local region. The substation is 150m from Highway No.18 and the subproject will

contruct an access road for transportation of materials during construction and use for

operation period. The tower foundations of the connection line is 50m - 90m from Highway

No.18 so materials will be transported by manual means to the site.

Highway No.18 is designed to bear a heavy load so the transportation of equipment and

machineries for the subproject will not affect significantly. Transportation activities would

be carried out by manual means from Highway No.18 to the site, therefore, the

transmission frequency mostly increase low on the paths with bad quality. The subproject’s

activities will rarely affect these paths.

Nowadays, government authorities and local people closely monitor traffic management at

the local region. The means a weight load exceeding the limit will not be permitted access

to the local roads. This is also an issue for the contractor who must meet and carefully

propose the transportation solution and avoid damaging the local roads system and edge of

rice field.

19 Effects on health and

safety from camps and

spread of infectious


Small Short term Total workers are 80 persons at the subproject’s site. Sanitary condition and safety at the

tents and the site can affect the worker’s health. However, these works will be paid

attention by the contractor and these workers will be managed and checked periodically on

health. Therefore, the disease transmission from the worker is assessed as small because

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this transmission would be treated by prevention measures.

20 Conflict between

construction workers

and local people

Small Short term Conflict between workers and local people can happen due to difference of income, culture

and behavior.

Living period of worker at the site is short (maximum of 15 months). The estimated

workers at the site is 80 people, in which, it is proposed 30% of the total labor workforce

will be local residents. Most of the non-local workers are technical labors who have

extensive construction experience. Therefore, the conflict between non-local workers and

local people and community are expected to be minor.

21 Accident risks to

workers and


Moderate Short-term Accident risk can happen in construction duration if the contractor is not paid attention to

safety measures. Accident can happen due to foundation excavation, crane operation, tower

erection and stringing wire, and etc. Accident can also happen to the construction workers

or local people surrounding the subproject.

Particularly, workers do works at height and install equipment on overhead poles; the

posibility of accident is large when the contractor does not provide labor protection

measures appropriately. Effects on health due to accidents is high and death from these

accidents for victims is very high.

However, according to the current stipulations, labor safety measures will prevent and

solve accidents in the construction duration. Therefore, it will minimize accident risks.

22 Interruption of services Small Short-term During construction process of the substation and the connection line, it is necessary to de-

energize some regions so it willinterrupt some services using power network. However,

this de-energizing work only happens at the end construction period when this line is

connected to the power network. The estimated de-energizing time is from one to two


Operation phase

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23 Effects on

environemental quality

due to domestic waste

of operators

Small Long term Operators estimates about 22 persons at the substation during operation, these people will be

divided into three shifts and five groups. The substation operation activities will be carried out

according to shift regime, the actual number of operators is 7 persons per shift in maximum.

Operator’s activites will be generated a little volume of the domestic waste water and solid waste.

The volume of domestic waste water of the operators is about 0.84 m3/day. The quantity of

domestic solid is about 4.2 kg/day. Waste water and solid waste of the operators will

generate with the small quantity so they will not affect to environment. Waste water will be

collected and properly treated by septic tank before discharging into sewerage source.

Domestic waste will be collected strictly and stored temporarily in bins at the site after that

they will be moved by sanitation agent in local region.

24 Effects on

environmental quality

due to hazardous waste

Small Long term Hazardous waste generates during operation period is mainly oil leakage of the transformer

and oily rags. Oil of the transformer is fixed the interior of its one or capacitor and used to

cool or hold a function as an insulator so oil the transformer will not generate into the

environment. However, the oil can leak in the operation, repairment and maintenance

processes of the transformer, or the oil leakage can also happen in the process of oil

change. In addition, maintenance and santitation processes of the transformer will also

generate oily rags and this quantity estimates about 0.5 – 1.5 kg/month.

Oil of the transformer is mineral component with a long existence, it will affect to the

environment in case of leakage. But the transformer does not ensurely contain any

hazardous components of PCBs. Oil of the transformer and oily rags can collect strictly and

safely store and they will be transferred to the relevant agents for treatment.

25 Impacts due to noise of

the transformer

Small Long term As the technical result of 220kV transformer, they are designed according to the

international standard (IEC standard), the noise is around ≤ 76 dBA at distance of 2 m, so it

meets permissive limit (85 dBA) on noise in productive region issued at Decision


In reference with the monitored data which is being operated at 220kV substations, the

noise is 70 dBA at distance of 6 m to the transformer location, it meets value as mentioned

in QCVN 26:2010/BTNMT – maximum limits on noise in the production region at 6 a.m to

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9 p.m. Therefore, the noise only affects to operators, but its impact is a small, it will not

affect to their hearing and health.

26 Effects on health due

electromagnetic field

Small Long term The substation and connection line are designed according to electrical standards and met

stipulations on safety at Decree No. 14/2014/ND-CP. And then, the connection line is

designed with suspension height that will ensure maximum electric field intensity. The

electric field intensity should be less than 5kV/m in the ROW at the height of 1m above

ground level as stipulated in Clause 2, Article 7 of Decree No. 14/2014/NĐ-CP.

In reference the monitored value of electric field intensity at some locations of 220kV

substation which is being operated, it was shown that value of electric field intensity is

more than 5kV/m at the location of circuit-breaker and transformer. But there are not any

locations in the substation that its value is over 25kV/m – maximum permissive limit of the

electric field intensity in working environment as stipulated at Decision No.3733/2002/QD-

BYT of Ministry of Health. Therefore, the substation’s operators can access to working

locations in the substation when meeting time as stipulated at Clause 2, Article 7 of Decree


27 Effects on

telecommunity system

None None Communication system can be affected by the subproject, including communication line is

near the substation and radio communication centers. However, the impact is calculated

and considered according to the current stipulations when designing the subproject so this

impact is assessed as a minor. The phenomenon of corona on surface of wire was designed

according to IEC and TCVN standards to limit properly effects to radio and television


28 Risk on electric shock

to health of workers

and operators and local

people around the high


Moderate Short term Design of the subproject focus on safety measures. Network risk and accidents can happen

in operation phase if the workers do not comply to the safety rules or local people do not

meet the safety stipulation on power network.

29 Fire hazard and oil- Moderate Short term Oil overflow will not be significant since the transformer is operated in a normal condition.

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overflow of the


The oil over-flow only occurs when the transformer meets risks such as fire, which the

transformer should be paid close attention to during the operation. Fire hazard can happen

in many different reasons. They can occur inside or outside of the transformer and can be

increase the risk to high.

However, the substation has designed a fire-fighting system for the transformer. If fire

occurs, the fire-fighting system will alert with signals and extinguish the fire automatically.

This will prevent the fire from spreading to the outside location of the transformer and

outside of the substation’s gate.. Therefore, transformer’s risk will not impact to the

surrounding of the substation. In addition, the substation also provides a pit to collect all

oily leakage volumes if any.

30 Hazard on collapsed


Moderate Short term Towers of 220kV transmission line can be collapsed by lighting, wind, or storms. Weak

foundation, especially at towers in flooded location can cause the transmission line to

collapse as well. However, design and supervision have been implemented will and met

safety standards. Tower foundation is designed on the basic of topography conditions,

geology, and hydrometeorology of the region. Its design withstands against natural

elements as statistics has shown over the last 20 years.

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Conclusion: The implementation of the subproject would mainly cause land acquisition, increased dust generation, air pollution. However, these impacts

are not significant, temporary, localized impacts with available mitigation measures. Therefore, the subproject is assessed as B environmental category in

accordance with the WB’s criterion and eligible for funding by Transmission Efficiency Project.

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Environmental mitigation measures of the subproject are shown in Table 6.1.

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Table 6.1. Environmental Mitigation Measures of the Subproject

No. Environmental – Social

Issues Impact

Assessment Mitigation Measures


Code/Regulation Responsibility

Pre-construction stage

1 Location of the

subproject Mitigable - Survey site and consult with local government,

relevant agents affected by the subproject to select an

optimal alternative to minimize damages on plant, land,

house, works and infrastructures;

- Design according to scheme on socio-economic

development of local government.

- Meet design as approved by EVN.

- Meet regulations

of TCVN on

electrical design.

- Design unit

- Subproject’s


- Local authority

2 Permanent land


Mitigable - Careful site-survey, consultation with community and

local authorities to choose optimal solutions in order to

minimize land acquisition;

- Disclosure detailed plan for permanent land

acquisition for affected households;

- Compensate damages satisfactorily in accordance

with the RPF of the TEP project and the Resettlement

Plan of the subproject;

- Prepare a compensation and assistance plan

according to the stipulations of Government and

provincial People’s Committee;

- Complete compensation and assistance as specified

before construction the subproject;

- Plan working schedule after harvest times to avoid

impacts, losses for local people;

- Select tower foundation locations properly to

minimize impacts on land, rice field, or garden losses of

- Circular No.


BTNMT dated on

1/10/2009 of

Ministry of Natural

Resource and


- Decree No.


dated on 15/5/2014

of the Government;

- Decree No.


dated on 26/02/2014

of the Government.

- Design unit

- Subproject’s


- Local authority

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No. Environmental – Social

Issues Impact

Assessment Mitigation Measures


Code/Regulation Responsibility

local people; tower locations should be arranged

properly in local people’ land so that affected households

can still use the remaining part of their land comfortably.

3 Temporary land


Mitigable - Careful site-survey, consultation with community and

local authorities to choose optimal solutions in order to

minimize impact on land and living activities as well

during construction;

- Disclosure detailed plan for temporary land

acquisition for affected households;

- Agree with the affected people to pay rent for land

and compensate plants, crops in temporary acquisition

area and unify alternative on return of site after


- Prepare leveling schedule for temporary site after

harvest times to avoid losses for local people;

- Return of site as an original status or as unified

alternative between local people and authority.

- Circular No.


BTNMT dated on

1/10/2009 of

Ministry of Natural

Resource and


- Decree No.


dated on 15/5/2014

of the Government.

- Construction


- Subproject’s


4 Effects on vegetation

and habitat area due to

site clearance.

Mitigable - The Contractor shall prepare a Clearance,

Revegetation and Restoration Management Plan for prior

approval by the Construction Engineer, following

relevant regulations. The Clearance Plan shall be

approved by Construction Supervision Consultant and

followed strictly by contractor. Areas to be cleared

should be minimized as much as possible;

- The Contractor shall remove topsoil from all areas

where topsoil will be impacted on by rehabilitation

activities, including temporary activities such as storage

Law on Environment

protection No.


- Construction


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No. Environmental – Social

Issues Impact

Assessment Mitigation Measures


Code/Regulation Responsibility

and stockpiling, etc; the stripped topsoil shall be

stockpiled in areas agreed with the Construction

Supervision Consultant for later use in re-vegetation and

shall be adequately protected;

- The application of chemicals for vegetation clearing

is not permitted;

- Prohibit cutting of any tree unless explicitly

authorized in the vegetation clearing plan;

- When needed, erect temporary protective fencing to

efficiently protect the preserved trees before

commencement of any works within the site;

- No area of potential importance as an ecological

resource should be disturbed unless there is prior

authorization from CSC, who should consult with PMUs,

and the relevant local authorities. This could include

areas of breeding or feeding of birds or animals, fish

spawning areas, or any area that is protected as a green


- Work with local authoritites to well prepare

construction schedule to avoiding harvesting time.

5 Effects on irrigation

canal and local road in

substation’s location

Mitigable - Agree with local authority on re-establishnent plan

for irrigation canal and local road affected by the

substation location;

- Redesign irrigation canal and local road in the area of

substation, which is filled by the construction of project.

These canals and roads are designed close together. They

are arranged along and from outside of substation’s

Law on Environment

protection No.


- Design


- Subproject’s


- Construction


- Local authority

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No. Environmental – Social

Issues Impact

Assessment Mitigation Measures


Code/Regulation Responsibility


- Structure of local road is made from red-gravel mixed

soils with width of 3m and elevation is as the same the

current local road. Irrigation and drainage canals are

made from M200 concrete with dimension as the same

the current one.

- All irrigation, drainage canals and local road must be

completed before leveling and filling them;

- Rehabilitate landscape of irrigation, drainage area and

local road. In addition, slope and bank of irrigation,

drainage and local road shall be planted grass to protect


6 Effects on historical

area and cultural

heritage site (seven

ground-graves in

proposed substation


Mitigable - Survey carefully, consult community and local

authority to propose an optimal solution and minimize

impacts on spiritual life of household, who owned these


- Prepare a reasonable compensation and removal plan.

The removal plan shall ensure environmental sanitary

and it does not affect the local customs and religious

belief of people.

- Compensation and removal plans must be disclosed

publicly and take advice of people, who owned the grave

affected by the subproject.

- Removal of graves shall be implemented completely

before leveling the subproject’s site.

- Removal shall be implemented ritually and affected

households shall choose a good date for the removal of

Decree No.

47/2014/ND-CP on

15/5/2014 of the


- Subproject’s


- Local authority

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these graves.

- Apart from compensation and assistance cost, NPMB

should create an advanatge condition for households in

chosing date to relocate these graves.

Construction stage

7 Dust generation caused

by construction activity,

exhaust gas of

transportation means of

equipment and materials

during construction.

Mitigable - The Contractor is responsible for compliance with

relevant Vietnamese legislation with respect to ambient

air quality;

- The Contractor shall implement dust suppression

measures (e.g. water spray vehicles, covering of material

stockpiles, etc.) as required;

- Construction vehicles shall comply with speed limits

and haul distances shall be minimized;

- Material loads shall be suitably covered and secured

during transportation to prevent the scattering of soil,

sand, materials or dust;

- The Contractor shall be responsible for any clean-up

resulting from the failure by his employees or suppliers

to property secure transported materials;

- Exposed soil and material stockpiles shall be

protected against wind erosion and the location of

stockpiles shall take into consideration the prevailing

wind directions and locations of sensitive receptors;

- Dust masks should be used where dust levels are


- All vehicles must comply with Vietnamese

regulations controlling allowable emission limits of

- QCVN 05:


National technical

regulation on

ambient air quality;

- TCVN 6438-

2005: Road vehicles

Maximum permitted

emission limits of

exhaust gas;

- Decision



inspection of quality,

technical safety and



- Construction


- Shipping agent

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exhaust gases;

- Vehicles in Vietnam must undergo a regular

emissions check and get certified named: “Certificate of

conformity from inspection of quality, technical safety

and environmental protection” following Decision No.


- There should be no burning of waste or construction

materials or cleared vegetation on site;

- Concrete mixer should be located far from the

residential area.

8 Impacts from noise and


Mitigable - The contractor is responsible for compliance with the

relevant Vietnamese legislation with respect to noise and


- All vehicles must have appropriate “Certificate of

conformity from inspection of quality, technical safety

and environmental protection” following Decision No.

35/2005/QD-BGTVT; to avoid exceeding noise emission

from poorly maintained machines;

- When needed, measures to reduce noise to acceptable

levels must be implemented and could include silencers,

mufflers, acoustically dampened panels or placement of

noisy machines in acoustically protected areas.

- Avoiding or minimizing transportation though or

material processing near community areas;

- Avoiding construction activities from 10:00 p.m at

the site near to residential region.



National technical

regulation on noise;



National technical

regulation on


- Construction


- Shipping agent

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9 Increase of turbidity due

to surface water flow

Mitigable - Construction process should be ensured at least 50m

and 30m from the river and cannal edges, respectively as

specified in the design;

- Backfill soil to stop overflow from rainy water

acrossing construction site and provide temporary

trenches at and surrouding construction locations to

minimize overflow of rainy water;

- Stockpile should be covered and provided trenches

for drainage of rainy water at the surrounding locations

to minimize erosion of soil into flow.

- TCVN 4447:1987:

Earth works-Codes

for construction.

- Construction


10 Impacts on

environmental quality

due to wastewater

Mitigable - The Contractor must be responsible for compliance

with the relevant Vietnamese legislation relevant to

wastewater discharges into watercourses;

- Portable or constructed hygienic toilets must be

provided on site for construction workers. Wastewater

from toilets as well as kitchens, showers, sinks, etc. shall

be discharged into a conservancy tank for removal from

the site or discharged into municipal sewerage systems;

there should be no direct discharges to any water body;

- Wastewater over standards set by relevant Vietnam

technical standards/regulations must be collected in a

conservancy tank and removed from site by licensed

waste collectors;

- Using techniques as berming or diversion during

construction to limit the exposure of disturbed sediments

to moving water;

- Before construction, all necessary wastewater



National Technical

Standard on surface

water Quality;



National Technical

Standard on

underground water




National technical

regulation on



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disposal permits/licenses and/or wastewater disposal

contract have been obtained;

- At completion of construction works, wastewater

collection tanks and septic tanks shall be safely disposed

or effectively sealed off.



National technical

regulation on



11 Impacts on

environmental quality

due to waste

Mitigable - Before construction, a solid waste control procedure

(storage, provision of bins, site clean-up schedule, bin

clean-out schedule, etc.) must be prepared by

Contractors and it must be carefully followed during

construction activities;

- Before construction, all necessary waste disposal

permits or licenses must be obtained;

- Measures shall be taken to reduce the potential for

litter and negligent behavior with regard to the disposal

of all refuse. At all places of work, the Contractor shall

provide litter bins, containers and refuse collection


- Solid waste may be temporarily stored on site in a

designated area approved by the Construction

Supervision Consultant and relevant local authorities

prior to collection and disposal through a licensed waste


- Waste storage containers shall be covered, tip-proof,

weatherproof and scavenger proof;

- No burning, on-site burying or dumping of solid

waste shall occur;

- Law on




- Decree No.

59/2007/ND-CP on

solid waste


- Construction


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- Recyclable materials such as wooden plates for

trench works, steel, scaffolding material, site holding,

packaging material, etc shall be collected and separated

on-site from other waste sources for reuse, for use as fill,

or for sale;

- If not removed off site, solid waste or construction

debris shall be disposed of only at sites identified and

approved by the Construction Supervision Consultant

and included in the site specific measures. Under no

circumstances shall the contractor dispose of any

material in environmentally sensitive areas, such as in

areas of natural habitat or in or close to watercourses.

12 Water and soil pollution

due to hazardous waste

Mitigable - Used oil and grease shall be removed from site and

sold to an approved used oil recycling company;

- Used oil, lubricants, cleaning materials, etc. from the

maintenance of vehicles and machinery shall be

collected in holding tanks and removed from site by a

specialized oil recycling company for disposal at an

approved hazardous waste site;

- Unused or rejected tar or bituminous products shall

be returned to the supplier’s production plant;

- Relevant agencies shall be promptly informed of any

accidental spill or incident;

- Organize information program and training for

worker at site on safety working measure of hazardous


- Prepare and initiate a remedial action following any

- Decision No.


BTNMT – List of

hazardous waste


- Circular No.



hazardous waste


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Code/Regulation Responsibility

spill or incident. In this case, the contractor shall provide

a report explaining the reasons for the spill or incident,

remedial action taken, consequences/damage from the

spill, and proposed corrective actions.

13 Soil erosion and

eboulement generation

caused by excavation,

leveling and fillback


Mitigable - During construction at locations close to rivers and

canals, the contractor shall perform methods to reinforce

the banks with wood or iron columns to prevent

eboulement and soil erosion;

- Surrounding areas of substation plane shall be

embanked, reinforced by pile and soil embankment for

stability of the slope during leveling and compacting as


- When opening of foundations, it is necessary to

protect foundation holes with cajuput, bamboo and

regular water drainage (for locations immersed in water

or groundwater existence) should be performed;

- Embanking dikes, edges to prevent erosion and

eboulement around the construction areas;

- Stockpile should be covered and provided trenches

for drainage of rainy water at the surrounding locations

to minimize erosion of soil into flow;

- Slope will be reinforced and planted grass for anti-

erosion upon completion of the subproject;

- The Contractor shall restore all damaged road as the

original status or any temporary layouts or other

infrastructures caused by subproject activities.

- TCVN 4447:1987:

Earth works-Codes

for construction;

- Circular No.

22/2010/TT-BXD on

regulation of

construction safety;


08:2008/BTNMT –

National technical

regulation on quality

of surface water.

- Construction


14 Traffic management Mitigable - Before construction, carry out consultations with - Law on traffic and - Construction

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local government and community and with traffic police;

- Significant increases in number of vehicle trips must

be covered in a construction plan previously approved.

Needs to take into account sensitive sites such as

schools, hospitals, and markets;

- Installation of lighting at night must be done if this is

necessary to ensure safe traffic circulation;

- Place signs around the construction areas to facilitate

traffic movement, provide directions to various

components of the works, and provide safety advice and


- Employing safe traffic control measures, including

road/rivers/canal signs and flag persons to warn of

dangerous conditions;

- Avoid material transportation for construction during

rush hour;

- Transmission line shall ensure clearance-height as

specified in road management;

- Passageways for pedestrians and vehicles within and

outside construction areas should be segregated and

provide for easy, safe, and appropriate access. Signpost

shall be installed appropriately in both water-ways and

roads where necessary.

transportation No.


- Law on

construction No.


- Decree No.

22/2010/TT-BXD on

regulation of

construction safety.


15 Effects on house near to

section of G5A – G5B

Mitigable - Construction site shall be covered by tole with height

of at least 2m; it includes covering at tower No.9A. The

contractor shall also implement mitigation measures on

noise, waste gas, waste water and waste substances;

- Law on




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- Contractor shall propose reasonable reinforcement

measures during foundation excavation and pile driving

to minimize landslide; it makes effect on foundation of

surrounding local houses;

- Manual construction method will prevail at items if

necessary. Minimize operation of heavy means at

locations near to local house;

- Announce the affected households on implementation

schedule to arrange their living activities for minimizing


- Clean site and restore landscape of construction site;

agree with the affected household to compensate damage

(if any) caused by construction activities.

16 Effects on local traffic

system quality caused

by construction and

transportation activities

Mitigable - Transportation means shall meet load as specified for

road route or contractor shall choose the route in

accordance with its load;

- Restore all damaged roads and bridges and rural

infrastructures caused by subproject activities, if any.

- Regulations of the


- Construction


17 Workforce, Camps and

Site Management and

spread of infectious


Mitigable - Workers‘ camps will be located at least 200 m away

from schools and health care centres and not be located

on steep slopes. The workforce shall be provided with

safe, suitable and comfortable accommodations and safe

portable water. They have to be maintained in clean and

sanitary conditions.

- Site offices, worker camps, warehouse shall be

located NOT within 100m from any water courses, 500

meters of existing residential area.

- Labor Law;

- Stipulations of the


- Construction


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Code/Regulation Responsibility

- Septic toilets must be provided at all construction

camp areas where there will be concentration of labor.

- Engineers and workers shall register their temporary

residence with the local authority.

- Periodically check health of worker.

- First aid boxes shall be provided in each construction

camp site.

- Training workers on measures to prevent infectious

diseases, and kill factors causing deceases such as flies,

mosquitoes, grubs.

18 Conflict between

construction workers

and local people

Mitigable - Educate awareness for labors and workers;

- Priority is given to use local labours for properly


- Strictly treat all cases that non-performance

according to site’s regulations.

- Labor law;

- Stipulations of the


- Construction


19 Risk on accident for

worker and community

Mitigable - Safety method in construction duration:

+ Contractor shall comply with all Vietnamese

regulations regarding worker safety;

+ Prepare and implement action plan to cope with

risk and emergency;

+ Preparation of emergency aid service at

construction site

+ Training workers on occupational safety


+ Ensure that ear pieces are provided to and used by

- Decree No.

22/2010/TT-BXD on

regulation of

construction safety;

- Instruction No.

02/2008/CT-BXD on

safety and sanitation

issues in



- TCVN 5308-91:

- Construction


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Code/Regulation Responsibility

workers who must use noisy machines such as piling,

explosion, mixing, etc., for noise control and workers


+ Install fences, barriers, dangerous

warning/prohibition site around the construction area

which showing potential danger to public people;

+ The contractor shall provide safety measures as

installation of fences, barriers warning signs, lighting

system against traffic accidents as well as other risk

to people and sensitive areas.

+ Relevant authorities shall execute unexploded

ordinance clearance when it illustrates that the

subproject still exists them.

- Safety measures for workers who are being done at

high level (overhead):

+ Check structures in prior to work;

+ Prepare a working-program at overhead location

such as training on technical climbing and protection

method during working at height, checking

maintenance work and relocation of equipment and

rescuing worker from accident.

+ Fixed installation on the top of tower to protect

workers when they are being done at high level


+ Safety belt should be not less than two-in-one

with nylon of 16mm (millimeters) or materials with

equivalent strength. Safety belt should replace before

Technical regulation

on safety in


- Decision


on unexploded

ordnance clearance;

- Power safety

regulation (issued

with Decision


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Code/Regulation Responsibility

having a sign of aging or broken fibres.

+ Operators should have a spare part safety belt

when they work at high level.

+ Signal panels and other obstructions should

remove from the tower/pole or structures before

performing work.

+ Operator should use a tool bag, which has

checked carefully to raise or lower tool or materials

during operation.

20 Interruption of utility

services and agricultural


Mitigable - Planned and unplanned interruptions to water, gas,

power, internet services: the Contractor must undertake

prior consultation and contingency planning with local

authorities about the consequences of a particular service

failure or disconnection;

- Coordinate with relevant utility providers to establish

appropriate construction schedules;

- Provide information to affected households on

working schedules as well as planned disruptions (at

least 5 days in advance);

- Interruptions of water supply to agricultural areas

must also be avoided.

- The contractor should ensure alternative water supply

to affected residents in the event of disruptions lasting

more than one day;

- Any damages to existing utility systems of cable shall

be reported to authorities and repaired.

- String the conductor after crop havesting season.

- Decree No.

73/2010/ND-CP on


penalization security

and society issues.

- Construction


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Code/Regulation Responsibility

21 Restoration of affected


- Cleared areas such as temporary layout, stringing

area, disposal areas, site facilities, workers’ camps,

stockpiles areas, working platforms and any areas

temporarily occupied during construction of the project

works shall be restored as original status or better;

- Start revegetation at the earliest opportunity.

Appropriate local native species of vegetation shall be

selected for the planting and restoration of the natural


- Spoil heaps and excavated slopes shall be re-profiled

to stable batters, and grassed to prevent erosion;

- All affected areas shall be landscaped and any

necessary remedial works shall be undertaken without

delay, including green-spacing, roads, bridges and other

existing works;

- Trees shall be planted at exposed land and on slopes

to prevent or reduce land collapse and keep stability of


- Provide temporary irrigations canals if neccesary and

restore all damaged irrigation canals caused by project


- Law on


protection No.


- Construction


22 Communication with

local communities

- Maintain open communications with the local

government and concerned communities; the contractor

shall coordinate with local authorities (leaders of local

wards or communes, leader of villages) for agreed

schedules of construction activities at areas nearby

sensitive places or at sensitive times;

- Decree No.

73/2010/ND-CP on


penalization security

and society issues.

- Construction


- Local authority.

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Code/Regulation Responsibility

- Provide local communities and labors at site with

copy of ECOPs’ and safety environmental documents.

- Disseminate project information to affected parties

(for example local authority, enterprises and affected

households, etc) through community meetings before

construction commencement;

- Provide all information, especially technical findings,

in a language that is understandable to the general public

and in a form of useful to interested citizens and elected

officials through the preparation of fact sheets and news

release, when major findings become available during

project phase;

- Monitor community concerns and information

requirements as the project progresses;

- Respond to telephone inquiries and written

correspondence in a timely and accurate manner;

- Inform local residents about construction and work

schedules, interruption of services, traffic detour routes

and provisional bus routes, blasting and demolition, as


- Provide technical documents and drawings to PC’s

community, especially a sketch of the construction area

and the EMP of the construction site;

- Notification boards shall be erected at all construction

sites providing information about the project, as well as

contact information about the site managers,

environmental staff, health and safety staff, telephone

numbers and other contact information so that any

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affected people can have the channel to voice their

concerns and suggestions.

23 Chance finding

procedures in case of

founding objects with

historical or cultural


If the Contractor discovers archeological sites, historical

sites, remains and objects, including graveyards and/or

individual graves during excavation or construction, the

Contractor shall:

- Stop the construction activities in the area of the

chance find;

- Delineate the discovered site or area;

- Secure the site to prevent any damage or loss of

removable objects. In cases of removable antiquities or

sensitive remains, a night guard shall be arranged until

the responsible local authorities or the Department of

Culture and Information takes over;

- Notify the Construction Supervision Consultant who

in turn will notify responsible local or national

authorities in charge of the Cultural Property of Viet

Nam (within 24 hours or less);

- Relevant local or national authorities would be in

charge of protecting and preserving the site before

deciding on subsequent appropriate procedures. This

would require a preliminary evaluation of the findings to

be performed. The significance and importance of the

findings should be assessed according to the various

criteria relevant to cultural heritage; those include the

aesthetic, historic, scientific or research, social and

economic values;

- Law on Cultural

Heritage (2002);

- Law on Cultural

Heritage (2009)

supplemented and


- Decree No.


supplemented and


- Construction


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Code/Regulation Responsibility

- Decisions on how to handle the finding shall be taken

by the responsible authorities. This could include

changes in the layout (such as when finding an

irremovable remain of cultural or archeological

importance) conservation, preservation, restoration and


- Decisions concerning the management of the finding

shall be communicated in writing by relevant authorities;

- Construction works could resume only after

permission is granted from the responsible local

authorities concerning safeguard of the heritage.

Operation stage

24 Impacts on

environmental quality

due to domestic waste

of operators

Mititgable - Before construction, a solid waste and a waste water

control procedure must be prepared by Contractors and it

must be carefully followed during construction activities;

- Before construction, all necessary waste disposal

permits or licenses must be obtained;

- Working location at site shall provide bins and

collection means of waste;

- Waste storage containers shall be covered, tip-proof,

weatherproof and scavenger proof;

- Provide toilet and septic tank at operation room of

substation to collect and treat domestic waster water of


- Solid waste may be temporarily stored on site in a

designated area approved by the Construction

Supervision Consultant and relevant local authorities

- Law on


protection No.


- Decree No.

59/2007/ND-CP on

solid waste




National technical

regulation on



- Subproject’s


- Design


- Operation unit.

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Code/Regulation Responsibility

prior to collection and disposal through a licensed waste


25 Impacts on

environmental quality

due to hazardous waste

Mitigable - Before operation, a hazardous waste control

procedure must be prepared by management and

operation unit and it must be carefully followed during

operation process;

- Prohibit using PCBs in the subproject;

- Periodical maintenance for oil leakage of


- Provide emergency oil tank to collect volune of oil

leakage if happening transformer’s risk;

- Provide storage and tank of hazardous waste in

accordance with stipulation of its management;

- Sign a contract with relevant unit to transfer

periodically hazardous waste.

- Circular



management of

hazardous wastes.

- Subproject’s


- Design


- Operation unit.

26 Noise of transformer Mitigable - State technical requirement on noise of transformer

into bidding document;

- Transformer location will be far from operation


- Periodical maintenance for transformer.



National technical

regulation on noise

- Subproject’s


- Design


- Operation unit.

27 Impacts on health due

to magnetic field

Mitigable - Design works have complied with international

standards to protect human’s health (electric field is less

than 5kV/m at fence location of substation and ROW of

transmission line);

- Earthing iron roof and metal structure for house in the

ROW of transmission line;

- Quy phạm trang bị


- Decree No.


- Subproject’s


- Design


- Operation unit.

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Assessment Mitigation Measures


Code/Regulation Responsibility

- The post structures and connection points will locate

far from residential area and avoid climbing of small


- Operator must meet the operation procedure and

working time to ensure safety requirement;

- Operator must meet requirement to work in shifts for

ensuring contact time with electric field as specified


- Execute the environmental Monitoring Plan,

investigation, periodically check of magnetic field at

substation and transmission line;

- Periodical check and maintenance the safety distance

between objects in ROW of transmission line and

substation. The safety distance of high voltage wires is

specified in Decree No.14/2014/NĐ-CP.

28 Impacts on health of

operator and local

people due to electric


Mitigable - Provide a relay system, grounding system and

lighting system for equipment of substation and

transmission line;

- Provide signals at tower location to warn operator,

maintenance worker and local people of a danger under

the high voltage transmission line;

- Provide signals at crossing section of national road to

warn of a transportation of traffic means in accordance

with stipulations of relevant authorities;

- Check regularly safety corridors of high voltage

power grid to maintain the power safety conditions;

- Operators must meet operation procedures to ensure

- Meet the relevant

regulations on power


- Circular No.



10/01/2011 of

Ministry of Labor –

Invalids and Social

Affairs and Ministry

of Health Portal;

- Decree No.

- Subproject’s


- Design


- Operation unit.

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Assessment Mitigation Measures


Code/Regulation Responsibility

the power safety requirement;

- Equip fully instruments of labor protection, meet

stipulation on working time at area with high electrical

field to ensure safety requirements;

- Coordinate with the local government at location

crossed by the project and communicate, and disseminate

knowledge on safety corridors of high voltage power

grid to community; and announce them on loudspeaker

system and use posters at office of People’s committee

of commune.


29 Risk of fire, explosion

and oil overflow


Mitigable - Provide an emergency oil-tank and a fire fighting


- Provide an automatic and manual fire alarm system;

- Check periodically all equipment and tools of fire

fighting system;

- Check and maintain regularly transformer and

auxiliary equipment to meet good operation;

- Educate operator on the fire fighting work.

- Decree No.

35/2003/ND-CP on

04/4/2003 of the


- Circular No.

11/2014/TT-BCA on

12/3/2014 of

Ministry of Public


- Subproject’s


- Design


- Operation unit.

30 Effects due to collapsed


Mitigable - Carry out measure to reinforce the tower foundation

at locations of underground-water or geological

condition that it is not guranteed under the provisions of

the construction and power sectors.

- Consultant will supervise reinforcement of

foundation in accordance with the design as approved

on quantity, quality and construction stipulations during

construction process;

- Decree No.

15/2013/ND-CP on

06/02/2013 the


- Regulation on

power sector.

- Subproject’s


- Design


- Construction


- Operation unit.

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Assessment Mitigation Measures


Code/Regulation Responsibility

- Check carefully welding-gore and tighten bolts

before operation;

- Design foundation and tower based on the geological

investigation result;

- Check periodically quality of the project and repair

timely the collapsed tower;

- Case of the broken wire, relay will automatically

switch; and alarm system will operate and then operators

will repair timely at site.

Notes: All mitigation measures will be concretized as terms of construction contract, transportation contract and procurement contract of equipment and

materials in duration of construction and operation.

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7.1. Objectives

It is essential to design the monitoring program and monitoring frequency appropriately to be

able to demonstrate both the overall performance of the subproject works as well as the short-

term impact due to peak construction activities. More specifically, as the integral and critical

part of the EMP, the environment-monitoring program should have the following objectives:

- Determine the actual extent of the impacts.

- Control impacts which are generated from construction process and mentioned in the


- Check and supervise implementation of environmental protection solutions during

construction based on EMP.

- Suggest mitigation measures in case of unexpected impacts.

- Suggest to the related parties to coordinate with central and local environmental

organizations to solve any pending issues that might arise relating to environmental

protection under the scope of the subproject.

- Assess the effect of mitigation measures in pre-construction, construction and operation

stages and recommend for improvement.

7.2. Environmental Monitoring Plan

The environmental monitoring plan of the subproject is described in Table 7.1 below.

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Table 7.1. Environmental monitoring plan of the subproject




Monitored point Monitoring



frequency of


Responsibility Verification

Pre-construction phase

1. The





acquisition in


- Compensation

and assistance


- Tower and

substation location;

- The ROW.

- Checking the


minutes of

compensation and


- Observing and

consultating with

local residentials.

- During period of

compensation and land


- Owner’s


- Independent

supervision in

compensation and

land acquisition.

2. Temporary



- Compensation

and return of site-


- Temporary site-

plan during


- Checking the


minutes of


- Observing and

consultating with

local residentials.

- During period of

agreement and


- During return-period

of site plan after


- Construction


- Supervision


3. Vegetation


clearance or

cutting down


- Clearance


- Disposal of

cut-down trees.

- Construction

location and along

the connection line.

- Warehouse and


- Observing - From beginning to

the last moment.

- Construction


- Supervision


Construction phase

4. Dust and - Dust - Location of site - Observing and - Every week, when - Construction

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Monitored point Monitoring



frequency of


Responsibility Verification

air pollution






contamination at

site and



- Operation

condition of

construction and



and warehouse and


- Along

transportation road.

consultating with

local residentials;

- Checking

register license of


having official

acceptance of work.


- Supervision


5. Noise

level and


- Noise level by


- Local resident

response to noise

from the



- The line section

running over

residental area.

- Observing and

consultating with

local residents;

- Checking

register license of


- During activities

that may result in high

noise level;

- Complaints by local


- Construction


- Supervision


6. Increase of

turbidity due

to surface

water flow

- Drainage

system, sediment

gate, weather



vegetation cover

clearance and


- In boudary of

substation, along

ROW of connection

line, near to water

resource and slope in

region of the


- Observing - During and after

heavy rain.

- Construction


- Supervision



Environment- Situation of

wastewater at site

- At site;

- Gathering area of

- Observing - Every week, when

having official

- Construction


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Monitored point Monitoring



frequency of


Responsibility Verification

al quality due

to wastewater


- The tents have

been supplied

clean water and

had sanitary


workers. acceptance of work. - Supervision




al quality due

to waste

- Domestic



waste and

collection method

and discharge

- At drainage

location, camp and

stockpile of waste

- Observing - Every week, when

having official

acceptance of work.

- Construction


- Supervision


9. Water and

soil pollution

due to



- Maintenance

and repair

activities for



- Construction

means gathering


- Observing - During maintenance

and repair period of

construction means

- Construction


- Supervision


10. Erosion



due to


and backfill

- Situation of

erosion and

eboulement at the

site location

- Substation and

tower foundation


- Canals near to



- Observing and

consultating with

local residents

- During excavation

and backfill process of

tower foundation.

- Construction


- Supervision


11. Traffic


due to

- Number of


- At access roads

of stockpiles;

- Observing and

consultating with

- During gathering


- Construction


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Monitored point Monitoring



frequency of


Responsibility Verification




- Traffic

condition at the


location with the

traffic roads.

- Traffic section at

the intersected


local residents - During constructing

at the intersected


- Supervision


12. Effects on

local traffic



- Weight

vehicles on the

local roads;

- Situation of

roads surface,

density of traffic.

- Along the

transportation route.

- Observing and

consultating with

local residents

- Every week, when

transporting material

and equipment to the


- Completion of


- Construction


- Supervision


13. Safety

and health

from camps

and disease

- Sanitation

situation and

hygiene of

worker's camp;

- Sanitary

situation at


- Worker's camps;

- Stockpiles's


- Observing;

- Consulting

with workers.

- Every week, when

official acceptance of


- Construction


- Supervision


14. Conflict



workers and

local people

- Worker and

their living-


- Worker's camps. - Observing;

- Consulting

with worker and

local residents

- Every week, when

official acceptance of


- Construction


- Supervision


15. Risks for - Safety - At site and - Observing; - Every week, when - Construction

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Monitored point Monitoring



frequency of


Responsibility Verification

worker and

local people.

condition at site;

- Complying

with regulation of

labor safety

worker’s camp. - Consulting

with worker and

local residents;

- Checking

site’s diary

official acceptance of



- Supervision


Operation phase

16. Domestic

waste of


- Situation of

collection, storage

and discharge

- At substation’s


- Observing;

- Checking

receipt of waste


- Consulting

with operator.

- 3 months/time - Operation unit.



al quality due

to hazardous


- Situation of

collection, storage

and transfer of

hazardous waste

- At substation’s


- Observing;

- Checking

documents in

transfer the

hazardous waste;

- Consulting

with operator.

- 3 months/time - Operation unit.

18. Noise of

transformer - Noise level - Complaints by

local residents.

- Observing and

consulting with

local residens;

- Noise meter.

- Complaint - Operation unit.

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Monitored point Monitoring



frequency of


Responsibility Verification

19. Impact on

health due to




- Magnetic


- At house nearest

to the ROW;

- At house nearest

to the substation.

- Consulting

with local


- Electro

magnetic meter.

- 6 months/time;

- Complaint of local


- Operation unit.

20. Accident

due to


- Safety

condition of high

voltage power


- Frequency of

check and

maintenance of

safety condition

- At substation and

surrouding area;

- At ROW.

- Observing;

- Consulting

with local

residents and


- Checking

procedures of

safety and



- 6 months/time;

- Complaint of local


- Operation unit.

21. Fire

hazard and


of the


- Safety


- Available

situation to treat

and overcome


- At substation,

location of

transformer and

control room

- Observing;

- Consulting

with operator;

- Checking

procedures for

prevention and

treatment and

document of


- 3 months/time. - Operation unit.

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Monitored point Monitoring



frequency of


Responsibility Verification

22. Hazard

on collapsed


- Loading

situation of tower

and foundation.

- At tower


- Ovserving;

- Checking.

- 3 months/time;

- When a storm will

be proposed to happen.

- Operation unit.

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8.1. EMP Implementation Arrangement

Proper environmental management during construction requires the involvement of several

stakeholders and agencies, each with different roles and responsibilities including: NPT,

NPMB, DONREs (Provincial Department of Natural Resources and Environment) of Bac

Ninh province and Ha Noi city, the Contractors, the Construction Supervision Consultant, and

local communities.

To ensure effective implementation of the EMP, the following actions will be carried out

during the implementation of the subproject:

a) During the detailed design and tender documentation making

- During the detailed design of technical specifications and preparation of bidding contract

documents for each contract, the technical design consultant will incorporate into these

bidding and contractual documents the parts of the EMP specific to that contract, as well as

the specific measures identified in the EMP.

- In preparing the bidding and contract documents, make an effort to ensure that the

contractors are aware of the safeguard obligation and commit to comply. The environmental

and social specifications needs to be included in the bidding and contractual documents.

b) During the course of preconstruction and construction

NPMB will assign the Construction Supervising Consultant (CSC) and/or field engineer to be

responsible for supervision of safeguard performance of contractor on a daily basis. A generic

Terms of Reference (TOR) is provided in Appendix 2. CSC and/or field engineers will carry

out, but not limited to, the following tasks:

- Before the commencement of the construction, confirm that all compensation for land

and facilities are provided and relocation and/or land acquisition/donation has been


- Review and approve Site Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) to be prepared by

contractor before the commencement of the construction.

- Closely supervise the implementation of the EMP throughout the construction period.

- Confirm the compliance with the agreed environmental plan and inspect any damages

incurred by the contractor. If necessary, prepare an order to compensate/restore the

construction sites as specified in the contracts. Contractor safeguard performance will be

included in the subproject progress report.

The role and responsibilities of relevant parties in the implementation of EMP are described

in the following table:

Table 8.1. Responsibility for EMP implementation by different stakeholders






Agency: EVNNPT

- EVNNPT will be responsible for overseeing the subproject

implementation including ESMF implementation and environmental

performance of the subproject.

- The NPMB will be responsible for monitoring the subproject

implementation, including environmental compliance of the project.

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Agency: NPMB

SPMB will have the final responsibility for ESMF implementation

and environmental performance of the subproject during both the

construction and operational phases.

- The NPMB is responsible for fostering effective coordination and

cooperation between contractor, local authorities, and local

communities during construction phase. NPMB will be assisted by

the environmental staff, and CSC/or field engineer.

- Specifically NPMB will: i) closely coordinate with local authorities

in the participation of the community during subproject preparation

and implementation; ii) monitor and supervise EMP implementation

including incorporation of EMP into the detailed technical designs

and bidding and contractual documents; iii) ensure that an

environmental management system is set up and functions properly;

iv) be in charge of reporting on EMP implementation to EVNNPT

and the World Bank.

- In order to be effective in the implementation process, NPMB will

establish an Environmental Unit with at least an environmental staff

to help with the environmental aspects of the project.


Unit EU (EU)

under NPMB

- The EU is responsible for monitoring the implementation of WB’s

environmental safeguard policies in all stages and process of the

subproject. Specifically, this unit will be responsible for: i) reviewing

the subproject EIAs and EMPs prepared by consultants to ensure that

they follow the project ESMF and meet the government and the Bank

requirements; ii) helping NPMB incorporate EMPs into the detailed

technical designs and civil works bidding and contractual documents;

iii) helping NPMB incorporate responsibilities for EMP monitoring

and supervision into the TORs, bidding and contractual documents

for CSC; iv) providing relevant inputs to the consultant selection

process; v) reviewing reports submitted by the CSC; vi) conducting

periodic site checks; vii) advising SPMB on solutions to

environmental issues of the project; and viii) preparing

environmental performance section on the progress and review

reports to be submitted to EVNNPT, the Bank, and the local

authorities if requested.



Consultant (CSC)

and/or Field


- The CSC will be responsible for routine supervising and monitoring

all construction activities and for ensuring that Contractors comply

with the requirements of the contracts and the EMP. The CSC shall

engage sufficient number of qualified staff (e.g. Environmental

Engineers) with adequate knowledge on environmental protection and

construction project management to perform the required duties and

to supervise the Contractor’s performance.

- The CSC also assists NPMB in reporting and maintaining close

coordination with the local community.

- Based on the approved EMP and environmental

specifications/requirements in the bidding and contractual documents,

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the Contractor is responsible for establishing a site-specific EMP for

each construction site area, submit the plan to the NPMB and CSC for

review and approval before commencement of construction. In

addition, it is required that the Contractor get all permissions for

construction (traffic control and diversion, excavation, labor safety,

etc. before civil works) following current regulations.

- The contractor is required to appoint a competent individual as the

contractor‘s on-site Safety and Environment Officer (SEO) who will

be responsible for monitoring the contractor‘s compliance with the

EMP requirements and the environmental specifications.

- Take actions to mitigate all potential negative impacts in line with the

objective described in the EMP.

- Actively communicate with local residents and take actions to prevent

disturbance during construction.

- Ensure that all staff and workers understand the procedure and their

tasks in the environmental management program.

- Report to the NPMB on any difficulties and their solutions.

- Report to local authority and NPMB if environmental accidents occur

and coordinate with agencies and keys stakeholders to resolve these


Local community

- Community: According to Vietnamese practice, the community has

the right and responsibility to routinely monitor environmental

performance during construction to ensure that their rights and safety

are adequately protected and that the mitigation measures are

effectively implemented by contractors and the PMB. In case of

unexpected problems, they will report to CSC/PMB.



- These organizations could play a role as a bridge between the

PPC/DPC, communities, contractors, and PMB by assisting in

community monitoring.

- Mobilizing communities participation in the subproject, providing

training to communities.

- Participating in solving environmental problems if any.

Province and







- Oversee implementation of subprojects under recommendations of

DONRE and PMB to ensure compliance of Government policy and


- DONRE is responsible for monitoring the compliance with the

Government environmental requirements.

8.2. EMP Implementation Reporting Requirement

The safeguard performance will be included in the subproject and Project progress reports.

PMBs with assistance from the CSC will include safeguard performance at subproject level to

PMBs periodically. At the project level, EVNNPT will prepare safeguard performance report

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Page 76

twice per year for submission to the World Bank describing the Project progress and

compliance with the ESMF and other safeguard requirements. The reporting requirement is

described in Table 8.2 below.

Table 8.2. Reporting Procedures

Report Prepared by Submitted to Frequency of Reporting

1 Contractor to the Employer NPMB Once before construction commences

and monthly thereafter

2 Construction Supervision

consultant (CSC)

PMB Weekly and monthly

4 Community Monitoring PMB When the community has any

complaint about the subproject

safeguards implementation

5 PMBs EVNNPT Six-monthly

6 EVNNPT WB Six-monthly

PMBs’ report on environmental performance/compliance of the subproject should be included

in the progress report submitted to the NPT before each project implementation support

mission and must include sufficient information on: i) preparation and disclosures of

environmental safeguards instruments for subprojects; ii) incorporation of new subproject

EMPs in the bidding and contractual documents; iii) monitoring and supervision of EMP

implementation by the contractor, the construction supervision engineer, and the PCs; iv) any

challenges in safeguard implementation, solutions, and lessons learned.

8.3. Capacity Building for EMP Implementation

Training plan includes:

- Training program of EVN: Internal training about implementation of on-site

environmental management, six-month/annual environmental reports. Mitigation measures

for corrective actions of unexpected environmental impacts which are different from

predictions in EMP also mentioned in the program.

- Training program of EVNNPT: for local Power Companies and some local residents


+ Safety: Periodical training of safety, grid maintenance;

+ Supervision method and EMP report: for relevant parties of province and districts

where subproject is located. The training also gives guidelines for corporation with

community in environmental management;

+ Environmental management, hazardous waste management.

+ Proposed training of environmental management program is shown in table 8.3.

Table 8.3. Proposed training of environmental management program

No. Training content Period

Responsibility of EVN

1 On-site environmental management, periodical

environmental reports submitted to EVNNPT and WB, other

tasks relevant to environmental management of the

Twice a year

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No. Training content Period


Responsibility of EVN NPT

2 Safety, maintenance of transmission line. Yearly

3 Environmental management, hazardous waste management

for substation and transmission line.


4 Supervision method and EMP report in accordance with

TEP’s project.


Table 8.4. Cost estimate for training program

No. Training Cost (VND)


1 Yearly training for

interested parties

conducted by EVN

Included in operation cost of EVN. NPMB will pay for

expenditures of accommodation, travelling for participants

Participants: 3 persons of SPMB of EVNNPT

3 persons x 2 days x VND7,000,000/person = VND42,000,000

2 Workshop for

sharing experiences

of Environment

Impact Assessment

and EMP


Included in operation cost of EVN

Participants: 2 persons x 2 days x VND 7,000,000/person =

VND 28,000,000.

3 EMP implementation Participants: 2 persons of SPMB

2 persons x 2 days x VND5,000,000/person= VND 20,000,000

Sub-total cost for

construction phase



4 Safety training

conducted by PTC1


implemented by the

provincial operation

management unit)

Included in operation cost of the operation management unit.

8 people x 1 day x VND 1,000,000/person x 20 years (Life

cycle of subproject) = VND 160,000,000

Grand total for life

cycle of subproject



9.1. Public Consultation

During the subproject preparation stage, the following activities were accomplished:

Activity 1: Investigation and discussion with local authorities about the route location.

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Activity 2: Site investigation, Preparation of Environmental Impact Assessment and

Environmental Management Plan for the subproject.

Activity 3: Organization of public consultation

The meetings with local authorities and local people effected were carried out at the offices of

Kim Lu Commune People Committee, Soc Son district, Ha Noi city, Hoa Tien and Yen Phu

Commune People Committee, Cho town, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh province from

September 11, 2014 to September 12, 2014. There are 35 persons and 72 persons, who were

representing the local authorities and the affected people of Kim Lu commune, Soc Son district,

Ha Noi city, and Hoa Tien and Yen Phu communes, Cho town, Yen Phong district, Bac Ninh

province, respectively, participated in the public consultation meeting. Representative of

Commune/town People Committee were presided and managed at the meetings. Representative

of PECC2 was presented the main investment items, information on environment,

environmental protection solutions, policies on compensation, clearance and power safety of

the subproject to representatives of local authorities and the affected people in region of the

subproject. Parties were discussed environment and social issues and representative of PECC2

and the subproject’s owner were responded all their ideas and provided more relevant

information. The ideas of public consultation at the meeting are summarized as follows:

Table 9.1: Summary of ideas of public consultation meeting





Took Place,

Date and


Participants Summary of Issued or

Concerns Discussed/Raised

How Concerns were Taken

into Account or Why Not

1 - Location:

Cho town,

Yen Phong

district, Bac



- Time: 8:30

a.m on


Local Authority


and social


06 persons

Affected people


45 persons

Opinions of local people:

- Subproject will construct in

a large area, so the

construction has or has not

impact on irrigation canal. If

any, it should provide

measures to restore the

irrigation canal and to ensure

irrigation for the surrounding

paddy field;

- Substation and

transmission line has or has

not impacts on rice


- Some of paddy fields can

be acquired with a large area

and the remaining area is

small, which can not

cultivate on them, so the

subproject has or has not

compensation for the

remaining area.

- Affected area should be

measured exactly to properly



- Substation construction

will fill a part of irrigation

canal, however, the part of

the canal will be backfilled

surrounding the substation

fence to ensure impacts on

irrigation condition of paddy

fields according to the


- Substation and

transmission line will be

designed in accordance with

power safety regulations. The

current substation and

transmission line has existed

in paddy field but it does not

impact on rice productivity.

- For paddy field has a small

area after acquisition, the

subproject’s owner will

consider, measure its area

and he will propose to

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Took Place,

Date and


Participants Summary of Issued or

Concerns Discussed/Raised

How Concerns were Taken

into Account or Why Not

compensate the local people


- Compensation has or has

not paid damages on rice

during construction; and how

is compensation level?

Opinions of local


- Unify environmental

management plan of the

subproject’s owner as

reported in the meeting. It is

required to fully execute

environmental protection

measures in phases of

construction and operation as


- Unify compensation

alternative according to the

Government’s stipulation.

The subproject’s owner is

required to inventory in

details and properly

compensate damages for

affected people.

Conclusion: Unify

alternatives of environmental

protection, compensation and

assistance of the subproject.

The subproject’s owner

should cooperate with local

authority and negotiate with

local people to unify proper


Compensation Council for

acquisition and compensation

or assistance.

- During RP’s

implementation, the

inventory will be carried out

after the cut-off date and

properly compensate for

affected people;

- All damages during

construction will be

compensated properly by the

construction contractor.

2 - Location:

Yen Phu


Yen Phong

district, Bac



- Time: 2:00

p.m on

Local Authority


and social


12 persons

Affected people


14 persons

Opinions of local people:

- It is required to construct

after harvesting crop to avoid

affecting to rice productivity;

- Towers should design in

the large paddy field to

reduce impacts on household;

it should detail the affected




- Construction schedule will

consider to execute after

harvesting crop. All damages

will be properly compensated

in case of the urgent

construction according to the

government’s policy.

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Took Place,

Date and


Participants Summary of Issued or

Concerns Discussed/Raised

How Concerns were Taken

into Account or Why Not

11/9/2014 - Local people always meet

the Government’s regulation

for country’s development

but compensation shall

execute according to the

stipulations of province.

- Land is acquired with a

large area, and the remaining

land area is small; so it

should consider to

compensate the remaining

area when it can not use.

- Compensation will execute

when damages caused

duration construction.

Opinions of local


- Unify to construct the

subproject. Implementation

schedule meets design and in


- Construction method

should provide to avoid

affecting to local people’s

produce. Temporary site

shall restore as the original


- Subproject must meet the

government’s policies on

compensation and


Conclusion: Unify to

construct subproject. The

subproject should design

tower location properly to

reduce damages of

household. It must restore all

damages if affected during

construction. It is unified

compensation and assistance

in accordance with the

government’s regulation. It

must detail impacts to

- Duration of RP’s

implementation, it shall

detail data of damages for

compensation and assistance;

- Subproject has designed

and chosen the optimal

alternative to minimize

impacts on household.

- After recovery, the

remaining paddy fields are

too small and it can not

cultivate. The owner shall

consider to propose with

Compensation Council to

acquire, compensate and

assist them.

- Construction contractor

shall compensate properly all

damages in construction


- Construction shall meet

schedule and design of


- Construction contractor is

required by the owner to

minimize impacts in

construction duration and

shall restore all temporary

sites as the original situation.

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Took Place,

Date and


Participants Summary of Issued or

Concerns Discussed/Raised

How Concerns were Taken

into Account or Why Not

compensate properly.


- Location:

Hoa Tien


Yen Phong

district, Bac



- Time: 1:00

p.m on


Local Authority


and social


05 persons

Affected people


8 persons

Opinions of local people:

- Construction shall ensure

safe condition and restore

site as the original situation;

- Local people unify

compensation unit according

to the Government’s

regulations. The owner shall

cooperate publicly with local

authority and affected people

compensation policies.

- Opinions of local


- The subproject

management board should

strictly cooperate with local

authority to construct as

design and determine

landmark of transmission line

route. Implementation

schedule shall be reasonable

to minimize damages;

- How does construction

method to cultivation will not

affect local people.

Implementation schedule

shall announce local people

for their arrangement in


- It shall compensate

reasonably temporary

impacts for households.

Compensation will complete

before construction.

Conclusion: People’s

Committee unify to construct

the subproject.

Compensation will be done

according to the

Government’s unit price and

assistance will be done under

the provincial stipulation.

Crop will compensate in

accordance with unit price at



- Contractor shall be

submitted a construction

method for the owner’s

approval before constructing

the subproject. The method is

to ensure safe and

environment in construction

duration. Implementation

schedule shall be reasonable

in order to minimize impacts

during construction and the

contractor shall restore the

temporary site as the original


- RP’s implementation

should cooperate with local

authority and affected

people. Compensation

alternative, RP’s report and

implementation schedule

shall be disclosed at office of

commune People’s


- Subproject is the national

electrical work so the

subproject must be done in

accordance with the design’s


- Landmark will be

measured, determined

specifically during RP’s


- Temporary impacts will be

compensated properly.

Compensation will be done

before leveling the

subproject’s site;

- Compensation unit price

will be updated during RP’s


- The remaining paddy fields

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Took Place,

Date and


Participants Summary of Issued or

Concerns Discussed/Raised

How Concerns were Taken

into Account or Why Not

acquisition time. The owner

should acquire the remaining

area if it is too small.

is too small and it can not

cultivate. The owner shall

consider to propose with

Compensation Council to

acquire, compensate and

assist them.

4 - Location:

Kim Lu


Soc Son

district, Ha

Noi city.

- Time: 3:00

p.m on


Local Authority


and social


12 persons

Affected people


5 persons

Opinions of local people:

- Local people unify to

construct a subproject but the

subproject shall propose

environmental protection

measures properly.

Opinions of local


- Tower foundation location

shall determine specifically

on map. The owner shall

cooperate with local officials

to determine exactly affected

household by the subproject;

- Local authority and people

agree construction of a

subproject but the owner

shall determine and announce

exactly affected households;

- Construction contractor is

responsible for compensation

and assistance according to

the Government’s policy.

Conclusion: Local authority

and people unify

construction of a subproject.

The owner should coordinate

with local authority to

protect environment,

compensate, survey and

inventory damages. And

there is a specific

compensation policy to

facilitate a dissemination to

the local people.



- Environmental protection

plan is preparing in this

phase and it will be disclosed

information at office of

commune People’s


- Tower foundation location

has been determined in RP’s

implementation duration.

The owner will dispatch an

official to coordinate with

local authority for

determining damages and

affected households. The

result of inventory will be

basis of compensation and


- RP’s report is prepared on

the basis of the Government

and WB’s policy; the report

will be disclosed at office of

commune People’s


Beside the above-mentioned issues, subproject owner and Consultant also agree to receive all

comments and will consider and update it to EMP report.

Activity 4: Review and update the EMP according to collected comments. Continue to receive

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feedback from affected households.

In addition, public consultation of affected households will continue upon the detailed design

approval. During the subproject construction phase, a supervising construction consultant will

be hired to monitor the implementation of EMP.

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9.2. Information Disclosure

Disclosure of information was carried out in accordance with the World Bank requirements.

The disclosure is as follows:

- The draft EMP of the subproject in Vietnamese will propose to disclose in March of 2015

at the office of People Committee of affected communes and districts in order for local people

and institutions to approach and search.

- Also, the draft EMP in both Vietnamese and English versions will disclose at the Vietnam

Development Information Center (VDIC, 63 Ly Thai To St., Hanoi City) in March of 2015 for

relevant organizations to read, inquire and give their opinions about the report.

- The final EMP of the subproject in English will disclose at the Bank’s InfoShop in

Washington DC in April of 2015.

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Appendix1: Map of subproject location compared with natural reserves

The subproject locates in region of Ha Noi city and Bac Ninh province.

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Appendix 2: Terms of Reference for CSC


In order to prevent harm and nuisances on local communities, and to minimize the impacts on

the environment during the construction of the civil works under this subproject, a subproject

EMP has been prepared and should be adhered to the Contractors and his employee.

The Construction Supervision Consultant is to provide professional technical services (“the

Services”) to help ensure effective implementation of subproject EMPs.

Scope of Service:

The general services to be provided by the CSC are to inspect, monitor the construction

activities to ensure that mitigation measures adopted in the EMP are properly implemented,

and that the negative environmental impacts of the subproject are minimized.

On behalf of the NPMB, the CSC will conduct the following tasks:

- Conduct regular site inspections;

- Review the status of implementation of environmental protection measures against the

EMP and contract documents;

- Review the effectiveness of environmental mitigation measures and subproject

environmental performance;

- As needed, review the environmental acceptability of the construction methodology

(both temporary and permanent works), relevant design plans and submissions. Where

necessary, the CSC shall seek and recommend the least environmental impact alternative in

consultation with the designer, the Contractor(s), and NPMB;

- Verify the investigation results of any non-compliance of the environmental quality

performance and the effectiveness of corrective measures; and

- Provide regular feedback audit results to the contractor’s Chief Engineer according to the

environmental stipulation and site-specific mitigation measures;

- Provide regular feedback audit results to the contractor’s Chief Engineer according to the

noncompliance procedures of EMP.

- Instruct the Contractor(s) to take remedial actions within a specified timeframe, and

carry out additional monitoring, if required, according to the contractual requirements and

procedures in the event of non-compliances or complaints;

- Instruct the Contractor(s) to take actions to reduce impacts and follow the required EMP

procedures in case of non-compliance / discrepancies identified.

- Instruct the Contractor(s) to stop activities which generate adverse impacts, and/or when

the Contractor(s) fails to implement the EMP requirements / remedial actions.

- For contracts that Site Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) are required, the

CSC shall provide the final review and recommend clearance of all Site Environmental plans

which may affect the environment. These include, but are not limited to: dredging areas,

borrow pits and disposal sites, worker’s camp plans. The CSC will review and approve the

SEMP presented by the Contractors. Where these plans are found not to comply with the

EMP, EIA or RAP, the CSC shall work with the NPMB and Contractor to establish a suitable

measures or remediation.

- Addressing Complaints: Complaints will be received by the Contractor’s Site Office

from local residents with regard to environmental infractions such as noise, dust, traffic

safety, etc. The Contractor’s Chief Engineer or his deputy, and the CSC shall be responsible

for processing, addressing or reaching solutions for complaints brought to them. The CSC

shall be provided with a copy of these complaints and shall confirm that they are properly

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addressed by the Contractors in the same manner as incidents identified during site


- Confirmation for Monthly Payments: The CSC shall confirm the monthly payments

for environmentally related activities implemented by the Contractor.

- Report: the CSC shall prepare the following written reports:

+ Bi-weekly report of non-compliance issues

+ Summary monthly report covering key issues and findings from reviewing and

supervision activities

+ At the end of the subproject, the CSC shall prepare a final report summarizing the

key findings from their work, the number of infringements, resolutions, etc. as well as

advice and guidance for how such assignments should be conducted in the future.

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Appendix 3: Environmental Specifications for the Contractor

The environmental management requirements in construction of the subproject have been

established and presented clearly in the EMP (Section VIII of EMP report). The Contractor

need to carefully read and fully understand all requirements included in the bidding document

of construction and installation of the subproject.

I. Overview

In order to avoid negative effects into the environment and local community, as well as

minimizing damaging impacts to the environment during the construction and operation

stages of the resettlement sites, Contractor and workers are required to observe the mitigation

measures as mentioned below:

- “Environmental Management Plan for the Project”.

- The technical specifications, procedures and the most popular practices are presented

in this annex.

II. Overall Requirements of Contractor for Environmental Management

Contractor need, in in line with the requirements of the EMP, to include, but not limited the

following responsibilities:

- Be in compliance with the current national legal regulations on environmental


- Work in scope of requirements in the contract and the conditions in the bidding


- Assign the representative of the construction team to participate in the site inspection

operations by the PMB, CSC or the DONRE as well as implement all corrective actions

to overcome the environmental issues as guidance provided by the Construction

Supervision Consultant (CSC).

- Provide and update information for PMB about any activities, assignments that can

contribute or continue to cause the significant harmful impacts into the environment.

- In case of instruction by the CSC and PMB, the Contractor must stop the construction

activities that causes adverse impacts, also propose and conduct the environmental

remedial actions and implementation other construction methods (if required) to

minimize the negative environmental impacts.

- Establish and maintain an Environmental and Safety Unit, which consists of

Construction team leader or Vice- team leader and Safety and Environmental Officer

(SEO) with the purpose of receiving and dealing with the complaints, objections,

argument and displeased of the local community caused by the construction operation.

SEO is responsible to record all of complaints, resolve methods and results into the

complained register. The register need to keep at the construction office and available

for review by the supervision engineer and PMB.

III. Responsibilities of Contractor in EMP Implementation

The construction Contractor has responsibility in compliance with the technical specifications

of the EMP and national environmental management regulations, including but not limited

the following items.

i) Mitigation measures presented in table 6.1 of the EMP and prepare budget for

implementing the mitigation measures.

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ii) Based on EMP, Contractor developed a detail Site Environmental Management Plan

for addressing the construction related impacts. The SEMP includes the following


- Management Plan for worker camps.

- Management Plan of the overall construction operation.

- Plan for management and storage of construction materials (including the

dangerously chemicals)

- Solid waste and waste water management plan (including construction and

household waste)

- Plan for management and mitigation of noise and dust.

- Plan for management and mitigation of impacts to vegetation and wild animals.

- Plan for environmental landscape restoration

- Healthy and safety ensuring plan at the construction.

- Erosion and soil aggrandizement controlling plan.

- Safety plan during the construction stage and training for workers about

environmental management and community relations.

- Rules and regulations about living activities of staffs and workers at the

construction sites.

- Emergency Problem Treatment Plan.

- Management and Monitoring Plan for Report Process.

The detail measure of plan need to satisfy the following requirements: to implement the

particular mitigation measures: who implement (people, team, etc), how to implement

(labours, machines, equipment, etc.) and the cost. This plan shall be completed and submitted

to the CSC for review and approval before start of the construction. The Contractor will:

a) ensure that at least one supervisor is available in compliance with EMP before and

during the construction time.

b) ensure that all of the construction activities will be approved in document of the

relevant authorities.

c) ensure that all of staff and workers understand through their process and duties.

d) be in compliance with requirements about the environmental management monitoring

and reporting in EMP and inform to PMB about the difficulties and solutions.

e) inform to the local authority and PMB in case of environmental problems and co-

ordinate with the relevant institutions and stakeholders for resolving.

IV. Safety and Environmental Officer of Contractor:

Each contractor will nominate a Safety and Environmental Officer (SEO) to work full-time at

the construction site. Requirements for a SEO include an undergraduate degree in

Environmental Major, at least 3 years of working experience in environmental management,

training and monitoring at the infrastructure construction project. Additionally, SEO should

have a good knowledge about Vietnamese Environmental Legal Regulations and has

participated to the labor safety and sanitation training class that organized by Department of

Labour- Invalids and Social Affairs and have the labor safety and sanitation certificate.

SEO have the responsibilities for implementing and managing EMP of Contractor. Tasks of

SEO will include, but not limit the following activities:

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i) Training and developing environmental awareness for workers of Contractor within 2

weeks after the contractor is mobilized. The training is repeating every six months.

The additional trainings will be implemented under the guidance of Environmental

Supervision Engineer.

ii) Conduct the internal environmental monitoring at the site to check the construction

activity implementation of contractors, equipment and implementation methods to

manage the environmental pollution and evaluate the efficiency of the mitigation

measures into the environmental impacts.

iii) Internal monitoring the implementation of environmental mitigation measures and in

compliance of contractors with the environmental protection measures to prevent and

control pollution; the committed requirements in the contract; guidelines of the

contractor(s) on environmental improvement, environmental awareness and also

proactive measures to prevent pollution.

iv) Conduct an investigation and propose the mitigation measures for the contractor(s) in

case of incompliance/ infringe the EMP; monitoring and implementing the

environmental mitigation measures.

v) Evaluate the success of the EMP implementation to estimate effectively the cost and

adequacy of the implemented mitigation measures.

vi) Survey after receiving the complaint, thence evaluate and select the corrective actions.

vii) Conduct the additional monitoring activities, based on the concrete guidelines of the

monitoring engineer and/ or PMB; and

viii) Contact and implement all activities under the co-ordination or guidance of the

Contractor Leader, Environmental Supervision Engineer, Supervision Engineer,

PMB, representatives of the provincial environmental management offices, local

authority about all of environmental problems if necessary.

ix) Establish the regularly reports for the environmental implementation of the civil

works package.

x) All of the internal monitoring as well as other activities of SEO should be documented

and updated frequently in the environmental implementation monitoring diary of

Contractor. This diary is used for normally checking by the CSC to evaluate the

effectiveness of mitigation and the work of SEO.

V. Monitoring the Environmental Implementation of Contractor

The PMB will sign a contract with the Consultant to carry out the task of CSC. The CSC will

apply the environmental and monitoring activities of the package as indicated in Appendix 2.

The environmental monitoring engineer of construction/execution monitoring Consultant is

responsible to monitor daily the implementation of measures, in order to minimize

environmental impact and safety of the Contractor. The construction monitoring Consultant

will carry out the following main tasks:

� Before the construction stage, make sure that all of the compensation process

for land, works on land and relocation and/ or recovery/ donation of land as well

as the clearance of landmines and UXO have been completed.

� Review and approve the SEMP for implementing the EMP by Contractor before

the construction operation.

� During the construction process, monitoring closely the compliance with

implementing of the environmental and safety mitigation measures.

� Confirm the compliance with the EMP of Contractor and check any negative

effect or damage caused by the contractor. If necessary, establish a request

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statement for contractor to compensate/ restore the construction site, as

provided in the contract. The implementation of environmental management

issues of the Contractor shall be mentioned in the progress report of the sub-


VI. Compliance Framework

a) The contractors are not allowed to implement the construction activities, including

preparation of construction within the project scope in advance the detail SEMP for

implementation of the EMP are reviewed and approved by the construction supervision

consultant and environmental official of the Client.

b) The PMB is mandatory to ensure that the Contractor in compliance with the contract

provision including compliance with EMP and the detail implementation plan of EMP. In

case of incompliance with EMP, Client will require the Contractor to bring out the suitable


c) In order to ensure in compliance with the environmental standards of the sub- project,

PMB is allowed to hire the third party to solve the problems in case the Contractor could not

implement the remedies on time, leading to the negative effects into the environment, as


- For small infringements (such as minor impact/ damage, temporary and repairable),

PMB or the representative of PMB (the CSC) will notify the Contractor to correct the

problems as required in the EMP within 48 hours after receiving the official report. If the

mistakes are satisfactorily repaired during that time, no more action should be

undertaken. Supervision consultants have the right to extend more 24 hours in the limited

time for recovery, under the conditions that the Contractor has implemented activities but

not completed the prescribed time, due to irresistible conditions that mentioned in the


- For major violations, it is required about 72 hours for repairing, the PMB through

the CSC will announce the violation and require the Contractor to rectify the problems

within the prescribed time by their budget. If the Contractor fails to complete corrective

work according to the specified time, they will be punished by financial punishment (cost

punishment is calculated by the cost of remedying damage).

- According to the evaluation of the CSC, if the Contractor fails to resolve the

problems in environmental management or the contractor conduct reparing

unsatisfactorily within the specified period of time (48 hours or 72 hours), the investors

have the capacity to arrange for another contractor (third-party) to implement the suitable

measures and deduct money for this task from the contract with the contractor in the next


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Appendix 4: Approval decision of EIA Report

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