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Page 1: NATIONAL SUGAR INSTITUTE, National Sugar Institute, Kanpur 16 distilleriesabouttherecenttechnologicaldevelopments. # Institute


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History of the Institute History of the Institute : :

TheThe GovernmentGovernment ofof IndiaIndia establishedestablished thethe ImperialImperial InstituteInstitute ofof SugarSugar TechnologyTechnology

atat KanpurKanpur inin October,October, 19361936,, byby takingtaking overover thethe sugarsugar sectionsection ofof HarcourtHarcourt ButlerButler

TechnologicalTechnological Institute,Institute, (H(H..BB..TT..I)I) KanpurKanpur.. TheThe sugarsugar sectionsection inin HH..BB..TT..II existedexisted

fromfrom thethe yearyear 19261926..

AfterAfter India’sIndia’s Independence,Independence, thethe namename ofof thethe InstituteInstitute waswas changedchanged toto IndianIndian

InstituteInstitute ofof SugarSugar TechnologyTechnology (I(I..II..SS..TT..))..

WithWith effecteffect fromfrom 11stst January,January, 19541954,, thethe administrativeadministrative controlcontrol ofof thethe InstituteInstitute waswas

transferredtransferred toto thethe GovernmentGovernment ofof India,India, underunder thethe MinistryMinistry ofof FoodFood andand


InIn April,April, 19571957,, thethe namename ofof thethe InstituteInstitute waswas againagain changedchanged toto NationalNational SugarSugar

InstituteInstitute (N(N..SS..II..))..

TheThe InstituteInstitute shiftedshifted fromfrom thethe HH..BB..TT..II..,, toto itsits presentpresent premisespremises inin Kalyanpur,Kalyanpur,

KanpurKanpur inin 19631963..

AtAt presentpresent thethe instituteinstitute isis workingworking underunder administrativeadministrative controlcontrol ofof MinistryMinistry ofof

ConsumerConsumer Affairs,Affairs, FoodFood andand PublicPublic Distribution,Distribution, DepartmentDepartment ofof FoodFood && PublicPublic

DistributionDistribution ..

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Main FunctionsMain Functions

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# Institute caters to the technical manpower requirements of Sugar& allied Industry, institute conducts Fellowship/Post GraduateDiploma/Certificate Courses in Sugar Technology, Sugar Engineeringand Alcohol Technology disciplines. All the Post Graduate DiplomaCourses are approved by All India Council for Technical Education.

# Institute appoints Research fellows for award of PhD in AppliedChemistry disciplines.

# Admission to these courses is made through written test conductedon all India basis. The submission of application form is on-line.

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on all India basis. The submission of application form is on-line.

# To cope up with the requirement of the Sugar & allied industry, theinstitute undertakes re-structuring of existing courses andintroduction of new one’s, e.g. , Certificate Course in Quality Controlwas introduced from academic session 2014-15.

# Institute is introducing another course “Certificate Course inIndustrial Instrumentation & Automation” w.e.f. academic session2016-17.

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Research Programme/ Fellowship Courses

Post Graduate Diploma Courses (AICTE approved)

Certificate Courses

Fellowship of National Sugar Institute in Sugar Technology or Sugar Chemistry

ANSI (Sugar Technology)Associate-ship of National SugarInstitute in Sugar Technology. (69)

SECC Certificate Course in Sugar Engineering. (15)

Fellowship of National Sugar Institute in Sugar Engineering

ANSI (Sugar Engineering)Associate- ship of National Sugar Institute in Sugar Engineering. (28)

SBCCCertificate Course in Sugar

DETAIL OF COURSESNo. of seats in brackets

Institute in Sugar Engineering. (28) Certificate Course in SugarBoiling. (57)

Fellowship of National Sugar Institute in Fermentation Technology

DIFATDiploma in Industrial Fermentation and Alcohol Technology (28)

CCQCCertificate Course in QualityControl (15)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Physical Chemistry , Organic Chemistry , Bio- Chemistry & Applied Chemistry etc.

CCSPMMCertificate Course in SugarcaneProductivity & MaturityManagement (18)CCIIPACertificate Course in IndustrialInstrumentation & ProcessAutomation (15)

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: Manpower Trained (Till Academic year 2014-15)

CourseCourse IndianIndian ForeignForeign TotalTotal

ANSIANSI (ST)(ST) 30523052 7979 31313131

DIFATDIFAT 10471047 1212 10591059

ANSI(SE)ANSI(SE) 557557 2828 585585

SECCSECC 325325 1717 342342

SBCCSBCC 22012201 3232 22332233


246246 0505 251251

FNSIFNSI 4747 0101 4848

PhDPhD 140140 0101 141141

CCQCCCQC 1515 00 1515

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Moving from conventional teaching methodology, the instituteis marching ahead towards adoption of modern teaching aidsand established following during last one year so as to providecompetent Engineers & Technologists:

•Construction of a language laboratory & Auto-CadLaboratory

•High Speed Broad Band Internet facilities•High Speed Broad Band Internet facilities

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*Video-conferencing facility toarrange interaction of thestudents/staff with experts fromother organizations/factories.

*Keeping in view the*Keeping in view theimportance of automation &Instrumentation, laboratory hasbeen set up to impart practicaltraining w.e.f. academic session2015-16.

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•….Facilities being established….

•Conversion of existing classrooms into “SMART CLASSROOMS” underway.

• Setting up a nano brewery cumpilot plant for ethanolpilot plant for ethanolproduction to facilitate betterpractical training to students ofAlcohol Tech. course.

• A new 36 room hostel withamenities to accommodatestudents of proposed newcourse

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Institute going global……Institute conducted three weeks Accredited Training Program for the Trainee Engineers & Technologists of M/s West Kenya Sugar Co. Ltd., Kakamega, Kenya. The program commenced from 20th

February 2016 at factory site….

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To further improve quality of the students,opportunity is provided so that they canenrich themselves with views & experiencesof eminent experts/ practicing engineers &technologists. During the current academicsession 2015-16, lectures on important thetopics were delivered by the following:

1.Shri K. Jagadeesh, Consultant, M/s. J.P.1.Shri K. Jagadeesh, Consultant, M/s. J.P.Mukherjee & Associates Pvt. Ltd., Pune.

2.Prof. S. K. Gupta, Ex-Director, NationalSugar Institute, Kanpur.

3.Shri K. Prakash, Marketing Head, FCB -KCP Ltd., Chennai.

4.Shri D. K. Goel, Advisor, ISGEC Ltd, Noida

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Scientific Society provides platform to the students to exhibit their merits anddevelop scientific temperament. During the current academic session, poster& debate competition was arranged on the topics of “Environment Issues inSugar & Allied Industries” and “Value Addition in Sugar Industry” respectively.Prizes were given to students for their efforts.

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PRESTIGOUS SUGAR HOUSES e.g. M/s DSCL Sugars Ltd., PRESTIGOUS SUGAR HOUSES e.g. M/s DSCL Sugars Ltd., OlamOlam AgroAgro--Net Ltd., K.M. Sugar Mills Ltd., Net Ltd., K.M. Sugar Mills Ltd., UttamUttam Sugar Sugar

Mills Ltd., Mills Ltd., DalmiaDalmia Bharat Sugars Ltd., Bharat Sugars Ltd., MawanaMawana Sugar Ltd., Sugar Ltd., HargaonHargaon Sugar Mills Ltd., Sugar Mills Ltd., ShrijeeShrijee Process Engineering Process Engineering

Works Ltd. Mumbai, Catalyst BioWorks Ltd. Mumbai, Catalyst Bio--Group Ltd., Group Ltd., TitawiTitawi Sugar Sugar Complex, Innovation Chemicals recruited our Complex, Innovation Chemicals recruited our Complex, Innovation Chemicals recruited our Complex, Innovation Chemicals recruited our

Technologists & EngineersTechnologists & Engineers

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# Besides regular courses, institute conducts RefresherCourses / Short Term Training Programmes etc. forenhancing the knowledge of in-service personnel,carrying out skill development and with a view to updateknowledge of staff working in sugar factories &

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knowledge of staff working in sugar factories &distilleries about the recent technological developments.

# Institute also imparts training to freshtechnicians/Graduates, particularly, to expose them tounit operations in sugar factories/distilleries.

# Such programmes are conducted at the institute andalso at the factory site on the request of sugar factories &other related organizations.

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One week refresher course was organized at NSI, Kanpur inJuly 2016 in which 70 delegates from various sugar producingstates such as Uttrakhand, Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra,Bihar, Haryana, Andhra Pradesh, Punjab, New Delhi and UttarPradesh participated.

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Accredited Training ProgrammeTwo weeks Accredited Training Programme wasorganized by the Institute at M/s Parrys Sugar Refinery,Silk Road, Kakinada, Telangana for the technicalpersonnel of the refinery.

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Skill Development cum Training Program

A Skill Development cum Training Program was organized in June 2015 for the benefit of pass outs from ITI’s

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Quality Control Training Programme

Training program for Laboratory In-charges and Quality Control Chemists of M/s Dalmia Bharat Sugars Ltd., was conducted at the Institute in June 2016.

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Advisory & Consultancy Advisory & Extension

Consultancy Services

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Consultancy ServicesA large number of factories situated in various sugar producing states are visitedevery year by team of experts of the institute. Suggestions/ recommendationsbased on the vast and rich accumulated technical knowledge and experience ofthe team members are given to the factories after making on the spot study.

The Expert opinion is given on the problems related to the following :

1.1. Consultancy from concept to commissioning of a new sugar factory/distilleryConsultancy from concept to commissioning of a new sugar factory/distillery2.2. Setting up facility for coSetting up facility for co--generation/alcohol (ethanol) productiongeneration/alcohol (ethanol) production2.2. Setting up facility for coSetting up facility for co--generation/alcohol (ethanol) productiongeneration/alcohol (ethanol) production3.3. Energy ConservationEnergy Conservation4.4. Water Conservation and Effluent TreatmentWater Conservation and Effluent Treatment5. 5. Lower recovery of Sugar .Lower recovery of Sugar .6.6. Inferior Sugar quality.Inferior Sugar quality.7.7. Higher loss of Sugar during processing.Higher loss of Sugar during processing.8.8. Higher steam consumption of the processing house.Higher steam consumption of the processing house.9.9. Lower capacity utilization etc.Lower capacity utilization etc.10.10. Deterioration of sugar upon storageDeterioration of sugar upon storage11.11. Decomposition of molasses upon storage.Decomposition of molasses upon storage.12.12. Problems associated with non achievement of optimum efficiency at a particular unit Problems associated with non achievement of optimum efficiency at a particular unit


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Large no. of sugar factories and distilleries situated in varioussugar producing states, e.g., Uttar Pradesh, Uttara-khand,Bihar, Haryana, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Punjab,Odisha, Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan have availed consultancyservices of the institute for various purposes.

This has helped the industry in carrying out productivityenhancement, value addition of by-products through powerexport and ethanol production, energy conservation, waterconservation and in improving sugar quality with reducedlosses of sugar during processing.

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…..& our overseas clients……

An agreement was signed between National SugarInstitute and M/s Kibos Sugar Refinery Co. Ltd,Kenya to avail institute services for technicalconsultancy and recruitment of manpower etc. for a


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.Shri Tushar Girinath, IAS, Secretary, Industries & Commerce,

Govt. of Karnataka signed a MOU with institute in December2014 for collaborative research, training programmes & alsofor providing the technical consultancy to sugar factories inKarnataka.

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…Committed for Improvement in

Sugarcane Productivity

AlthoughAlthough thethe domaindomain ofof activitiesactivities ofof thethe instituteinstitute isis moremore

towardtoward processingprocessing ……..butbut keepingkeeping inin viewview thethe lowerlower andand

stagnantstagnant sugarcanesugarcane yields,yields, particularlyparticularly inin subtropicalsubtropical

regionregion……thethe instituteinstitute hashas mademade effortsefforts toto educateeducate allall thetheregionregion……thethe instituteinstitute hashas mademade effortsefforts toto educateeducate allall thethe

stakeholdersstakeholders onon thethe issueissue andand waysways && meansmeans toto bebe

adoptedadopted forfor enhancingenhancing thethe farmfarm productivityproductivity.. “More“More

SugarSugar perper Hectare”Hectare” higherhigher yieldyield andand higherhigher sugarsugar

contentcontent inin thethe sugarcanesugarcane isis goinggoing toto bebe thethe keykey forfor

successsuccess.. TheThe instituteinstitute conductedconducted severalseveral seminars/brainseminars/brain

stormingstorming sessionssessions onon thethe mattermatter..

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.An All India Seminar on “Mechanization of SugarcaneCultivation” organized jointly with The SugarTechnologists’ Association of India at Kanpur to educateCane Development Officials and farmers on the matter.

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AnAll India Seminar on “Diminishing Productivity of

Sugarcane and Sugar recovery in Northern India –Reasons & Opportunities” organized jointly with TheSugar Technologists’ Association of India and a BrainStorming Session at Indian Institute of Sugarcane Researchat Lucknow.

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Farm trials/demonstrations on cultivation of Sugar Beet,Inter-cropping of wheat with Sugarcane and on effect ofgraded doses of potassium on yield and quality ofsugarcane.

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…reaching to sugar & allied

industryTheThe instituteinstitute continuouslycontinuously endeavorsendeavors toto bringbring aboutabout aa

changechange inin thethe technologicaltechnological andand economicaleconomical scenarioscenario ofof

thethe sugarsugar industryindustry ……....byby addressingaddressing theirtheir problems,problems,

creatingcreating awarenessawareness aboutabout newernewer technologies,technologies, andandcreatingcreating awarenessawareness aboutabout newernewer technologies,technologies, andand

suggestingsuggesting waysways andand meansmeans forfor valuevalue additionaddition throughthrough

byby--productproduct utilizationutilization..

ToTo dodo soso……....duringduring thethe lastlast oneone yearyear oror soso……thethe instituteinstitute

organizedorganized variousvarious Seminars/Workshops/BrainSeminars/Workshops/Brain StormingStorming

SessionsSessions atat variousvarious placesplaces toto createcreate awarenessawareness andand toto

discussdiscuss && deliberatedeliberate onon variousvarious suchsuch importantimportant issuesissues..

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An all India seminar on “Innovative Approaches toEnhance Productivity of Sugar Units” was organizedjointly with South Indian Sugarcane and SugarTechnologists Association and Deccan Sugar TechnologistsAssociation at Kolhapur, Maharashtra.

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An All India Seminar on "Process Options to Produce Sugarfor Domestic and Global Requirements” organized jointlywith S. Nijalingappa Sugar Institute at Mysore.

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A workshop on “Fresh Water Conservation In SugarIndustry” organized jointly with Dalmia Bharat Sugar Ltd. &DSCL Sugar Ltd. at Nigohi, Shahjahanpur.

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An All India Seminar on “Use of B Heavy Molasses orAlternative Feed Stocks for Maximizing EthanolProduction” was organized jointly by NSI-STAI at New Delhi.

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All India Seminar on “Water Management & Meeting theCPCB Guidelines” at National Sugar Institute organizedjointly by Sugar Technologist Association of India andNational Sugar Institute, Kanpur on 12 May 2016.

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An All India Seminar on “Sugar Industry- Emerging Trendswas organized by the institute at Kanpur. Dr. M. Mathlouthi,President, A VanHook Associates, France, delivered the key note


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An All India Seminar on “ Sugarcane Energy UtilizationTechnologies-Present, Emerging & Future” was organizedjointly by NSI & J P Mukherjee & Associates Pvt. Ltd. at Pune.

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All India Seminar on “Exploring Alternate Feed Stocks &Addressing Environmental Issues in Distilleries” organizedjointly with AIDA, New Delhi at NSI, Kanpur

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Institute undertakes research on problems beingfaced by the sugar & allied industry so as todevelop cost effective solutions and technologies.

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#Work on production of Ethanol from alternatefeed stocks. Work in progress using Cassava,Sugar Beet, B-heavy molasses and ligno-cellulosicmaterial.

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#Work on zero fresh water requirement in sugarindustry-after collection of data and site visits, amodel “Water Recycling & Management System” hasbeen prepared which has been circulated amongstvarious sugar factories. Further work has been takenup to try “Electro-coagulation” technique forpurification of waste waters.

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#Development of a techno-economic process forproduction of Sulphur-less Sugar. It is aimed atproducing Sulphur-less Sugar in a single stage. Forone such process “Carbo-Phosphotation &Decantation” patent application has been filed andfurther work is in progress.

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#Development of BIG-GTCC (Biomass IntegratedGassifier- Gas Turbine Combined Cycle). Preliminarystudies on bagasse gasification taken up and trialswere conducted at Vadodara in collaboration withISMA & NFCSF during the last crushing season.Further work is in progress.

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…….and many more e.g.

#Studies of Energy EfficientMethods of juice extraction.

# Production of Graphene Oxidefrom bagasse: synthesis and itsutilization in carbocatalysis

# Mechanical clarification of syrupand molasses to produce better# Mechanical clarification of syrupand molasses to produce betterquality plantation white sugar.

# A Systematic study on Physico-chemical parameters of Raw spentwash & its effect on seedgermination of selected crops andsoil micro flora.

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Application for one no. patent on “Electrical Method ofCane Juice Clarification” filed during 2013-14. Anotherapplication for grant of patent on “Process for Productionof Sulphur-less Sugar” filed during 2014-15 & application


of Sulphur-less Sugar” filed during 2014-15 & applicationfor grant of patent on “ Air Flotation & Electro-coagulation Technique for Waste Water Treatmentfrom Sugar Factories” filed during 2015-16.

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Prestigious Noel Deer Gold Medal to Dr. P. K. Jain et al for their researchpaper “Treatment of Raw Distillery Effluent by Double CompartmentElectrolytic Cell using KCL as Reference Electrolyte” published in theproceedings of the 72nd Annual Convention of STAI & DSTA MEDAL2015– For Best Research paper to Narendra Mohan, A. Bajpai & S KTrivedi for their paper“Innovative approach to enhance theprofitability of North India Sugar Factories”

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Director, National Sugar Institute was adjudged “Professional of the Year 2013” and was conferred

with prestigious SARDAR GS MANN GOLD MEDAL. He

was also conferred with ISGEC GOLD MEDAL –ENGINEERING FOR EXCELLENCE in 2015.

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VISITORS FROM ABROAD….Delegations from Sugarcane Training & ResearchInstitute, Iran, International Potash Institute,Switzerland and a delegation from Australia visited theinstitute for technical tie-ups……

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# Sugar Standards for each season are prepared and supplied by

Bureau of Sugar Standards, National Sugar Institute, Kanpur tosugar factories and other users to facilitate quality control, markingand marketing of sugar. To facilitate easy procurement, thestandards can be procured on-line.

# New set of sugar standards comprising 7 grades (L-31 & 30, M-31& 30, S-31 & 30, SS-31) was prepared and sale commenced from

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& 30, S-31 & 30, SS-31) was prepared and sale commenced from01.10.2015.

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To facilitate marketing of refined and other specialsugars being produced by the sugar factories in India,NSI has taken up the task of preparation ofspecifications and grades of various type of sugars.

* Keeping in view, production of Refined Sugar pickingup in the country, the institute through a sectionalcommittee (FAD-2) of Bureau of Indian Standards hasformulated standard grades for Refined Sugar also.

* Formulation of specifications for Organic Sugar andDemerara Sugar has also been taken up.

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