natural health encyclopedia1 Часть324

duration from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours daily; copious water drinking; colonic daily. IMPROVE NUTRITION OF SPINAL CORD— Fomentation to the spine at 110 0 -120 0  F. twice daily, with Heating Compress during the interval between. Thorough massage of the back; suspension, or spine-stretching by flexion of the trunk upon the thighs or flexion of the thighs upon the trunk. ATAXIC MOVEMENTS— Special exercises in small movements of each of the affected muscular groups. LIGHTNING PAIN— Prolonged Warm Fan Douche to spine at 95 o -100 o  F., 2-3 times a day (with pressure at 2-5 pounds.) GASTRIC CRISES— Very hot Fomentation to the abdomen several times a day, followed by Heating Compress when nerves of lower back are sensitive; continue for several weeks; Revulsive Compress to stomach. LOCAL PAINS— Revulsive Compress and Revulsive Douche, followed by Heating Compress. RECTAL PAIN— Very hot Anal Douche at 115 o -122 o F., with little pressure; Revulsive Sitz Bath; Fomentation over buttocks; Hot Colonic. PARESIS OF BLADDER— Daily Colonic. Cold Plantar Douche. TROPHIC CHANGES - CHARCOT'S JOINTS— Fomentation to the parts when painful, 3 times a day, with Heating Compress during the intervals between. Apply mechanical support when necessary. CONTRAINDICATIONS— Cold baths, cold applications to spine, general cold douche, very hot applications. GENERAL METHOD— Build up his general health by gentle tonic measures, carefully avoiding such applications of cold water as are found to increase pain or aggravate other symptoms; combat the local morbid process in the spine by the measures above indicated, and restore the power of coordinated movement in the affected muscular groups by special gymnastic training. MENINGITIS—1 SYMPTOMS— Symptoms vary considerably, but usually include a sore throat, fever, headache, stiff

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8/15/2019 Natural Health Encyclopedia1 Часть324 1/2

ration from 30 minutes to 2-3 hours daily; copious water drinking; colonic daily.

MPROVE NUTRITION OF SPINAL CORD— Fomentation to the spine at 1100-1200 F. twice daily,

th Heating Compress during the interval between. Thorough massage of the back; suspension, or

ine-stretching by flexion of the trunk upon the thighs or flexion of the thighs upon the trunk.

TAXIC MOVEMENTS— Special exercises in small movements of each of the affected muscular


GHTNING PAIN— Prolonged Warm Fan Douche to spine at 95o-100o F., 2-3 times a day (with

essure at 2-5 pounds.)

ASTRIC CRISES— Very hot Fomentation to the abdomen several times a day, followed by Heating

ompress when nerves of lower back are sensitive; continue for several weeks; Revulsive Compress to


OCAL PAINS— Revulsive Compress and Revulsive Douche, followed by Heating Compress.

ECTAL PAIN— Very hot Anal Douche at 115o-122oF., with little pressure; Revulsive Sitz Bath;

mentation over buttocks; Hot Colonic.

ARESIS OF BLADDER— Daily Colonic. Cold Plantar Douche.

ROPHIC CHANGES - CHARCOT'S JOINTS— Fomentation to the parts when painful, 3 times a

y, with Heating Compress during the intervals between. Apply mechanical support when necessary.

ONTRAINDICATIONS— Cold baths, cold applications to spine, general cold douche, very hot


ENERAL METHOD— Build up his general health by gentle tonic measures, carefully avoiding such

plications of cold water as are found to increase pain or aggravate other symptoms; combat the localorbid process in the spine by the measures above indicated, and restore the power of coordinated

ovement in the affected muscular groups by special gymnastic training.


YMPTOMS— Symptoms vary considerably, but usually include a sore throat, fever, headache, stiff

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ck, and vomiting. Children and adults can become critically ill in 6-24 hours after the first appearance

the symptoms. This condition requires rapid diagnosis and initiation of treatment. Take him to the

mergency room immediately! Demand immediate help!

mptoms include sore throat, red or purple skin rash, fever, chills, malaise, headaches, vomiting,

nsitivity to light, nausea, delirium, stiff neck, and convulsions.

infants: vomiting, fever, difficult feeding, irritability, a high-pitched cry, a bulging fontanel (soft spot

top of the head). Changes in temperament and extreme sleepiness indicate dangerous changes in

rebrospinal fluid.

arning: A child can be hurt when he is picked up.

AUSES— Meningitis is an inflammation of the two membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord.

ey are called the meninges. In addition, the thin membranes that cover the spinal cord may also be

fected. It is a contagious disease.

uses include several different viruses (including those causing polio, measles, rubella, fungi, yeast

fection) and several types of bacteria.

fection can spread from the nose and throat to the meninges. A depleted immune system (along with

se and throat trouble) can cause it to enter the blood stream and go to the brain.

not treated properly, a case of flu or ear, nose, and throat infections can develop into meningitis.

ting heavy meals or taking drugs while sick can cause an infection to drive deeper into the system and

ter the brain area.

her factors aiding in the development of meningitis are alcoholism, brain surgery, brain cancer,

posure to chemical agents, head injury, pneumonia, Lyme disease, syphilis, tuberculosis, or anything

at weakens the immune system (chemotherapy, radiation treatment, steroid therapy, HIV infection,

d certain types of cancer).

f the three main types of meningitis, viral infection is more common and produces milder symptoms,

ch as malaise and headache, which generally clears up on its own in a week or two.

ut the bacterial type requires prompt, aggressive treatment—or brain damage or death can result. (Any

me a bacterial infection occurs [such as strep throat or an ear infection], eliminate it; do not ignore the


ngal meningitis progresses more slowly, but also requires medical care.