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CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DoD Spends Its Contracting Dollars MOSHE SCHWARTZ SPECIALIST IN DEFENSE ACQUISITION WENDY GINSBERG ANALYST IN AMERICAN NATIONAL GOVERNMENT JOHN F. SARGENT JR. SPECIALIST IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY POLICY When Congress appropriates money, it provides budget authority—the authority to enter into obligations. Obligations occur when agencies enter into contracts, submit pur- chase orders, employ personnel or otherwise legally commit to spending money. Outlays occur when obligations are liquidated (primar- ily through the issuance of checks, electronic fund transfers or the disbursement of cash). In FY2014, the U.S. federal government obligated $445 billion for contracts for the ac- quisition of goods, services and research and development. The $445 billion obligated on contracts was equal to approximately 13 per- cent of FY2014 federal budget outlays of $3.5 trillion. As noted in Figure 1, in FY2014, DoD obligated more money on federal contracts ($284 billion) than all other federal agencies combined. DoD’s obligations were equal to 8 percent of federal spending. From FY2000 to FY2014, adjusted for inflation (FY2015 dollars), DoD contract ob- ligations increased from $189 billion to $290 billion. However, the increase in spending has not been steady. Over the last 15 years, DoD contracting has been marked by a steep increase in obligations from FY2000 to FY2008 ($260 billion; 138 percent), followed by a Navy Cyber Launches Updated Strategic Plan U.S. 10th Fleet (FCC/C10F) released its updated strategic plan on May 6, during a media roundtable at the Pentagon. Vice Admiral Jan E. Tighe, commander, FCC/C10F, met with members of the media to discuss the plan and the Navy’s way forward in the cyberspace domain. “A lot of work had been done since our inception in 2010 and the world has changed—gotten a lot more dangerous. The cyberspace domain is changing on a daily basis,” said Tighe in explain- ing the reason for the update. “First and foremost [the plan is] a way to organize our mis- sion and to begin to measure if we’re making sufficient prog- ress in each of our goal areas.” Tighe outlined her five strategic goals: operate the network as a war- fighting platform, conduct tailored signals intelligence, deliver warfight- ing effects through cyberspace, create shared cyber situational awareness and establish and mature the Navy’s Cyber Mission Force. “Also, internal to the Navy, we’ve just had the release of the updated maritime strategy [Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower], which has significant implication for us, as it pertains to ‘all domain access’ and our role across the Fleet Cyber Command operational mis- sion sets,” Tighe said. All domain access and specifically ensuring access to space, cyberspace and the electromagnetic spectrum is a key element in how FCC/C10F fits into the overall Navy plan, and actually builds on the overall Information Dominance Strategy. The commissioning of U.S. Fleet Cyber Command and reestablishment of U.S. 10th Fleet on January 29, 2010, closely followed the Navy’s 2009 ac- knowledgement of information's central- ity to maritime warfighting, known as Information Dominance. Information Dominance is defined as the operational advantage gained from fully integrating the Navy’s information functions, capabilities and resources to optimize decision making and maximize warfighting effects. The three pillars of Information Dominance are assured command and control (C2), battlespace awareness and integrated fires. Fleet Cyber Command is a key opera- tional command in delivering on missions across those three pillars. Vice Admiral Jan Tighe, commander of U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. Tenth Fleet, hosts a media roundtable in the Pentagon to discuss the Navy cyber command's recent strategy update. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class George M. Bell) A PUBLICATION WWW.NAVY-KMI.COM MAY 12, 2015 WWW.NAVY-KMI.COM Plus: KEARSARGE GROUP CONDUCTS PMINT FINAL FLIGHT OF P-3C ORION 12 MAY 2015

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Continued on pAGe 12 ➥

Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DoD Spends Its Contracting DollarsMoshe sChwArtz speCiAlist in defense ACquisition

wendy GinsberG AnAlyst in AMeriCAn nAtionAl GovernMent

John f. sArGent Jr. speCiAlist in sCienCe And teChnoloGy poliCy

When Congress appropriates money, it

provides budget authority—the authority to

enter into obligations. Obligations occur when

agencies enter into contracts, submit pur-

chase orders, employ personnel or otherwise

legally commit to spending money. Outlays

occur when obligations are liquidated (primar-

ily through the issuance of checks, electronic

fund transfers or the disbursement of cash).

In FY2014, the U.S. federal government

obligated $445 billion for contracts for the ac-

quisition of goods, services and research and

development. The $445 billion obligated on

contracts was equal to approximately 13 per-

cent of FY2014 federal budget outlays of $3.5

trillion. As noted in Figure 1, in FY2014, DoD

obligated more money on federal contracts

($284 billion) than all other federal agencies

combined. DoD’s obligations were equal to 8

percent of federal spending.

From FY2000 to FY2014, adjusted for

inflation (FY2015 dollars), DoD contract ob-

ligations increased from $189 billion to $290

billion. However, the increase in spending

has not been steady. Over the last 15 years,

DoD contracting has been marked by a steep

increase in obligations from FY2000 to FY2008

($260 billion; 138 percent), followed by a

Navy Cyber Launches Updated Strategic Plan

U.S. 10th Fleet (FCC/C10F)

released its updated strategic

plan on May 6, during a media

roundtable at the Pentagon.

Vice Admiral Jan E. Tighe,

commander, FCC/C10F, met

with members of the media to

discuss the plan and the Navy’s

way forward in the cyberspace


“A lot of work had been

done since our inception

in 2010 and the world has

changed—gotten a lot more

dangerous. The cyberspace

domain is changing on a daily

basis,” said Tighe in explain-

ing the reason for the update.

“First and foremost [the plan

is] a way to organize our mis-

sion and to begin to measure

if we’re making sufficient prog-

ress in each of our goal areas.”

Tighe outlined her five strategic

goals: operate the network as a war-

fighting platform, conduct tailored

signals intelligence, deliver warfight-

ing effects through cyberspace, create

shared cyber situational awareness and

establish and mature the Navy’s Cyber

Mission Force.

“Also, internal to the Navy, we’ve just

had the release of the updated maritime

strategy [Cooperative Strategy for 21st

Century Seapower], which has significant

implication for us, as it pertains to ‘all

domain access’ and our role across the

Fleet Cyber Command operational mis-

sion sets,” Tighe said.

All domain access and specifically

ensuring access to space, cyberspace

and the electromagnetic spectrum is a

key element in how FCC/C10F fits into

the overall Navy plan, and actually builds

on the overall Information Dominance


The commissioning of U.S. Fleet

Cyber Command and reestablishment

of U.S. 10th Fleet on January 29, 2010,

closely followed the Navy’s 2009 ac-

knowledgement of information's central-

ity to maritime warfighting, known as

Information Dominance.

Information Dominance is defined as

the operational advantage gained from

fully integrating the Navy’s information

functions, capabilities and resources to

optimize decision making and maximize

warfighting effects. The three pillars

of Information Dominance are assured

command and control (C2), battlespace

awareness and integrated fires.

Fleet Cyber Command is a key opera-

tional command in delivering on missions

across those three pillars.

Vice Admiral Jan Tighe, commander of U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. Tenth Fleet, hosts a media roundtable in the Pentagon to discuss the Navy cyber command's recent strategy update. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class George M. Bell)



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Table of ConTenTs

exClusive subsCriber ConTenTsubscribers to Navy Air/Sea receive exclusive weekly content. this week’s exclusive content includes:

• A report about a new polymer resin licensed for commercial use by the Naval research

laboratory. According to one of its inventors, the resin exhibits “superior flame-resistant,

high-temperature and low-water-absorption properties that do not exist in the current


• An article about Electronic Attack Squadron 139, which held an airborne change of

command ceremony on May 3 aboard the USS Carl Vinson

Calendar of evenTs

Navy Cyber launches Updated Strategic Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DoD Spends Its Contracting Dollars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Singaporean, Malaysian and Indonesian Navies Meet With U.S. 7th Fleet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Navy Ends Mission Escorting U.S.-Flagged Ships in Strait of Hormuz . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Team Carl Vinson reaches 10,000th launch, recovery Milestone . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

kearsarge Amphibious ready group Conducts PMINT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Final Flight of the East Coast P-3C Orion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Quad Cities kicks Off Navy Week . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Air Weapons Systems Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Forward Deployed Energy and Communications Outpost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

C-40A Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

V-22 Supply Forecasting and Maintenance readiness Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

SSC Pacific Transmission Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

T-45 Aircraft Engineering, Information Management Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

ISr Technologies Successfully Tested on M80 Stiletto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Contracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Innovations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2 | MAY 12, 2015 | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM

Singaporean, malaysian and Indonesian Navies meet With U.S. 7th Fleet

Senior navy leaders from the U.S.

7th Fleet, republic of Singapore Navy

(rSN), royal Malaysian Navy (rMN)

and the Indonesian Navy (TNI) met for a

professional exchange of ideas in a va-

riety of technical and operational topics

aboard the U.S. 7th Fleet flagship USS

Blue Ridge (lCC 19) on May 4 and 6.

The U.S. 7th Fleet staff first met

with Singaporean navy subject-matter

experts for a day of discussions, or

“staff talks,” that included professional

dialogue between the two staffs and

were designed to share knowledge and

develop methodologies for joint re-

sponses to any contingency within Indo-

Asia-Pacific region.

The talks provided a platform for

partnered navies’ senior leaders and

subject-matter experts to meet and

discuss different aspects of their mis-

sion objectives and their responsibilities.

The exchange included discussions of

opportunities for increased multilateral

engagements, exercises and informa-

tion sharing to improve maritime domain

awareness, crisis response and anti-

piracy operations.

“The rSN possess advanced warf-

ighting capability, an extremely profes-

sional naval force and is a maritime

leader in South East Asia. The U.S. 7th

Fleet places great value on the high-

level training that is conducted annually

with the rSN and seeks to continue to

advance our relationship by increas-

ing the complexity of our at sea exer-

cises,” said U.S. Navy lieutenant Terrell

radford, U.S. 7th Fleet theater security

cooperation desk officer for Singapore,

Malaysia and Indonesia. “Operational-

level discussions of this nature with the

rSN not only offer us a forum to come

together to develop ideas, but also al-

lows us to simultaneously give those

ideas roots and traction. Continued

interaction in this capacity will allow

us to realize the shared vision for our


The U.S. 7th Fleet and republic of

Singapore Navy talks were followed

two days later with a first-of-its-kind

multilateral “roundtable” discussion

between senior leaders from the U.S. 7th

Fleet, Indonesian, Malaysian and Singa-

porean navies. U.S. Navy Vice Admiral

robert l. Thomas Jr., commander, U.S 7th

Fleet; Singaporean Colonel Chuen Hong

lew, commander, republic of Singapore

Fleet; Indonesian rear Admiral Darwanto

S.H., Tentara Nasional Indonesia Eastern

Fleet; and Malaysian rear Admiral Dato’

Pahlawan Mior rosdi, chief of staff for op-

erations and exercises, royal Malaysian

Navy; and their staffs engaged face to

face to discuss the important issues in

the region and how the allied navies can

increase theater security cooperation

by facilitating bilateral and multilateral

military interactions.

“The staff talks and the multilateral

roundtable were a big success,” said

radford. “Officers from all staffs brought

renewed dedication and enthusiasm to

the discussions, which prompted mean-

ingful dialogue and laid the groundwork

for future expansion of the relationship

between our navies.”

The two-day visit ended with a re-

ception aboard Blue Ridge with all four

navies in participation and served as an

opportunity for the U.S. 7th Fleet and

the regional neighbors to speak to one

another in a relaxed atmosphere further

building on the close relationship in the


Blue Ridge and embarked staff are

in Singapore conducting a port visit to

build naval partnerships with the navies

of Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia

to ensure peace and prosperity for the

entire region.

WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | MAY 12, 2015 | 3

Navy Ends mission Escorting U.S.-Flagged Ships in Strait of Hormuz

Ships from U.S. Naval Forces Central Command in Bahrain are no

longer accompanying U.S.-flagged maritime traffic in the Strait of Hormuz,

Defense Department officials said.

Sufficient U.S. naval forces were assigned to the command to meet

the requirements of the accompanying mission, officials said, adding that

Navcent coordinated with shipping-industry representatives to ensure the

operations went smoothly and efficiently.

The mission, which concluded on May 6, was prompted by two inci-

dents in the Strait of Hormuz in which Iranian navy patrol vessels harassed

commercial motor vessels traversing the strait.

On April 24, four Iranian patrol boats approached the U.S.-flagged mer-

chant ship Maersk kensington, Pentagon spokesman Army Colonel Steve

Warren said during an April 29 briefing.

first inCident

“The boats came astern of the kensington and followed her for 15 or

20 minutes in actions that the kensington’s master interpreted as aggres-

sive,” he added.

There was no U.S. military involvement at the time, but after the inci-

dent, the ship’s master filed a report with Navcent, Warren said.

“It’s difficult to know exactly why the Iranians are operating this way,”

Warren said. “We certainly call on them to respect all the internationally

established rules of freedom of navigation, the law of the sea to which

they are a signatory, and other established protocols.”

Then on April 28 at about 2:05 a.m. EST, Iranian patrol vessels ap-

proached the M/V Maersk Tigris, a Marshall Islands-flagged cargo vessel,

Warren said in a briefing that day.

MAersk tiGris

The republic of the Marshall Islands is a sovereign nation for which

the United States has full authority and responsibility for security and

defense under the terms of an amended security compact that entered

into force in 2004.

The United States and the Marshall Islands have full diplomatic rela-

tions, according to the U.S. State Department, and the security compact

between the two nations includes matters related to vessels flying the

Marshallese flag.

The Maersk Tigris was in Iranian territorial waters that also contain

internationally recognized commercial shipping lanes, Warren said, add-

ing that the Strait of Hormuz is in Iranian territorial waters, which is within

12 miles of the Iranian coast. But because the narrow strait is recognized

as containing international shipping lanes, he added, the principle of “in-

nocent passage” is applied, so ships that abide by international rules of

the sea are authorized to pass through the strait.

innoCent pAssAGe

Warren said no Americans are among the 30 or so people aboard the

Maersk Tigris.

The Tigris was transiting inbound, or north, in the Strait of Hormuz,

between the Persian gulf and the gulf of Oman in the Arabian Sea. The

strait is one of the world’s major strategic choke points, according to the

U.S. Energy Information Administration.

“The ship’s master was contacted [by one of the Iranian ships] and

directed to proceed further into Iranian territorial waters,” Warren said

during an April 28 briefing. “He declined, and one of the [Iranian] craft

fired shots across the bridge of the Maersk Tigris.”

Afterward, the master complied with the Iranian demand and motored

into Iranian waters near larak Island, Warren said. larak Island is off the

coast of Iran in the Persian gulf. The master then issued a distress call.

boArdinG the tiGris

Warren said initial reports indicated that members of the Iranian navy

had boarded the Tigris. Navcent, having picked up the distress signal, di-

rected the USS Farragut, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, to

proceed to the nearest location to the Maersk Tigris, Warren said. Navcent

also directed a Navy maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft to observe

the interaction between the Maersk vessel and the Iranian craft, he added.

The Tigris’s destination, according to a marine-traffic website, was Jebel

Ali, a port town 22 miles southwest of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.

MAritiMe seCurity operAtions

During an April 29 briefing, Warren said the USS Farragut was operat-

ing along with three U.S. Navy Cyclone-class coastal patrol ships—the

USS Typhoon, the USS Thunderbolt and the USS

Firebolt—all stationed in Manama, Bahrain.

The ships are conducting maritime security operations, maintaining

continual U.S. presence and supporting the monitoring of the Maersk

Tigris, which is at anchor near larak Island and Bandar Abbas, he said.

“As is always the case, these assets give commanders options,”

Warren said, adding that the U.S. government is in discussions with the

Marshall Islands on the way ahead.

Warren said the Navy ships’ mission is to conduct maritime security

operations, “but what they’re doing is keeping an eye on things.”

trAversinG the strAit

All of the ships are operating in the Persian gulf, in the Strait of

Hormuz, near where the Maersk Tigris incident occurred, he added. They

are close enough to the Maersk Tigris, Warren said, “that they’ll be able to

respond if a response is required.”

“Two [incidents] within four or five days has certainly created a situ-

ation where maritime cargo vessels presumably would have to consider

the risks of traversing that strait,” he added.

Warren said that Iran’s motive is not clear to the Defense Department,

and that DoD is not in contact with the Iranian government.

4 | MAY 12, 2015 | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM

Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group Conducts PMINTAmphibious Squadron (PHIBRON) 4 and

the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) began PHIBRON-MEU Integrated Training (PMINT) May 4 off the northeast coast of the United States.

During PMINT, more than 1,800 sailors from amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge (LHD 3), dock landing ship USS Oak Hill (LSD 51) and amphibious transport dock USS Arlington (LPD 24), along with 1,400 marines

from the 26th MEU, integrate for the first time to complete a series of exercises designed to enhance interoperability between the sailors and marines.

“We’ve done a lot of Navy planning prior to this exercise, but we’ve had to make assump-tions about what the MEU wants and needs,” said Commander Gregory Chapman, Kearsarge operations officer. “During PMINT, this is the first time we can really get the MEU engaged

into the planning and execution process while embarked aboard the ships.”

PMINT is a three-phase evolution that tests the Kearsarge Amphibious Ready Group (KSGARG) to embark the MEU personnel and conduct integrated warfighting operations through a series of planning exercises, surface gunnery and communication scenarios and air-defense exercises. KSGARG is commanded by Captain Augustus P. Bennett, commodore, PHIBRON 4.

“As I like to think of it, each of the units has already done their individual workouts and preparations,” Chapman said. “PMINT is our ‘spring training.’ It’s the first time we’re coming together to train as a team. We’ve done the posi-tion drills, and now we can start concentrating on a bigger picture.”

The exercise is the first of the three major joint milestones in preparation for the group’s upcoming deployment.

“After PMINT, we’ll move onto the ARG/MEU exercise and then to COMPTUEX (Composite Training Unit Exercise),” Chap-man added. “That’s where we’ll start playing our ‘preseason games,’ before we kick off the regular season on the day we deploy.”

The KSGARG is scheduled to deploy in fall 2015.

Team Carl Vinson Reaches 10,000th Launch, Recovery Milestone

The aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) and embarked Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 17 recently launched and recovered the 10,000th aircraft of the current deployment.

An Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 116 “Sun Kings” E-2 Hawkeye completed the 10,000th launch; a Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 81 “Sun Liners” F/A-18F completed the 10,000th arrested landing.

“Ten thousand launches and arrested recoveries is a significant mile-stone for this crew,” said Captain Karl Thomas, Carl Vinson’s commanding officer.

“What is truly amazing is the full availability of four catapults and four arresting wires every day for the duration of an extended deployment. It was truly a great job by all involved.”

Thomas also expressed his gratitude to the pilots and sailors assigned to CVW 17 during a daily 1MC announcement to the crew.

“The ship and air wing mission go hand in hand,” said Thomas. “We can’t get 10,000 traps without the air wing involved. The coordinated efforts of the ship and air wing are what made this milestone possible. It’s not just air department; it’s navigation, it’s reactor, engineering and supply; you name the department, everyone had a part in what we did to make this happen.”

Carl Vinson is operating in the U.S. 7th Fleet area of operations supporting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the Indo-Asia-Pacific region.

WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | MAY 12, 2015 | 5

Final Flight of the East Coast P-3C orionThe Patrol Squadron (VP) 26 “Tridents,”

based out of Naval Air Station Jacksonville,

are currently conducting missions in the U.S.

5th Fleet area of operations. This is the Navy’s

final active duty deployment of the P-3C Orion

aircraft from the East Coast.

The Navy is in the process of replac-

ing the decades-old lockheed Martin P-3C

turbo-prop aircraft with the new multimission

maritime aircraft P-8A Poseidon, a modified

Boeing 737-800ErX.

Historic events aren’t new to the Tridents.

VP-26 was the Navy’s first operational P-3

squadron when they received the first produc-

tion of the P-3B, which replaced the P2-V Nep-

tune in January 1966. Then, in 1979, VP-26

transitioned to the P-3C aircraft used today.

“It’s incredible and it means being a part

of history,” said lieutenant Cory Solis, tactical

coordinator assigned to VP-26. “The plane has

been a fighting force for the Navy for so long

and we’re still able to employ it. We can still

count on her to get up in the air and be vital

part of something like what we are doing now

in the Middle East.”

Even in the final missions of the P-3C

flights, VP-26 continues to work with joint and

coalition forces in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of

operations. During this deployment, VP-26 has

worked with British and French naval vessels

and successfully executed combined opera-

tions with the Bahraini Coast guard.

Today’s P-3 is equipped with the latest

Command, Control, Communications and

Computer (C4) technologies to enable it to

integrate with other forces and to facilitate

network-centric warfare. The P-8 is designed

to take these capabilities to the next level.

“The P-3 is an icon of Cold War anti-sub-

marine warfare, and it has proved extremely

flexible, adapting to meet a variety of missions

assigned by forward fleet commanders in the

25 years since,” said Commander gregory A.

Smith, commanding officer, VP-26.

Transition to a new aircraft goes beyond

utilizing the physical capabilities of the aircraft

and its technology.

“This flexibility is one of the hallmarks

of U.S. Naval service; however, it is not the

airframe that provides this flexibility,” Smith

said. “It is the people. The same people who

are making P-3s succeed on station will be the

ones who make the P-8 succeed on station.

The airframe will change, but the culture and

legacy of excellence in maritime patrol and

reconnaissance will remain.”

Orion Personnel are already preparing for

the road ahead. Sailors will have to adjust, re-

train and in some cases, find a different career

path in the Navy.

“My training is P-3 specific and there’s

not actually a spot for the in-flight technician

in the P-8,” said Naval Aircrewman (Avionics)

2nd Class John McDaniel, in-flight technician

assigned to VP-26. “So, I will be switch-

ing platforms. I will be going to the EA-6B

Prowler and will have to attend another “A”

school. I have been with P-3s for five years.

I feel pretty good and feel it’s time to do

something new.”

All maintenance sailors will be required to

attend the P-8 general familiarization course,

which is between five to 10 days. They will

also be required to attend P-8 rate training.

Upon completion, they will be assigned to Fleet

replacement Squadron, VP-30, in Jacksonville,

and work in their rating specific area to become

qualified collateral duty inspectors (CDI) and

plane captains on the P-8 for approximately six


All current VP-26 operators (aircrew)

identified for transition will return home and

complete Category II training at VP-30,

which lasts approximately six months. Upon

completion of training, they will receive their

new respective navy enlisted codes (NEC)

and begin their first P-8 inter-deployment

readiness cycle.

“You either ride the waves of change or

drown beneath them,” said Command Master

Chief James B. Daniels Jr., command master

chief, VP-26. “The point is change is going to

happen whether you like it or not. The P-8 is

a new, more capable aircraft, and as we did

with the P-3, we will maximize the use of it to

further the Navy’s mission.”

The new P-8 aircraft is expected to arrive

in Bahrain in approximately one year.

“I am extremely proud of what the men and

women of VP-26 do every day,” said Smith.

“They make complex and challenging evolu-

tions seem routine. We don’t set out every day

to make history; we set out to do the little things

the right way, the first time, to the best of our

ability. Being a part of a ‘first’ or a ‘last’ makes

it sound more special, but what is really special

is the way Team Trident works together to over-

come a challenge or rallies behind a shipmate

who needs extra support. To me the last (P-3)

deployment from the East Coast will always

imply the additional work and sacrifices required

to do more with less, and meeting mission in

spite of those challenges; the way VP-26 has

always done before.”

6 | MAY 12, 2015 | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM

Quad Cities kicks off Navy WeekQuad Cities Navy Week

kicked off May 4 with a sci-

ence, technology, engineer-

ing and mathematics (STEM)

presentation by USS Constitu-

tion and Explosive Ordnance

Disposal Training and Evalu-

ation Unit (EODTEU) 1 sailors

at the Putnam Museum in

Davenport, Iowa, and United

Township High School in East

Moline, Ill.

Other events that took

place May 4 included sailors

from the guided-missile

destroyer USS The Sullivans

(DDg 68)—Iowa’s namesake

ship, named to honor five

brothers from Waterloo, Iowa,

who served together aboard

USS Juneu during World War

II and lost their lives during

the Battle of guadalcanal—

volunteering with living lands

and Waters in Hampton, Ill.,

and U.S. Navy Band great

lakes performing at the river

Music Experience in Daven-


In commemoration of the

Navy reserve Centennial and

in celebration of Navy Week,

Navy Band great lakes will

be performing at Schweibert

Park, rock Island, Ill. Wednes-

day at 6:00 p.m. followed by

a joint proclamation from area

mayors and county repre-

sentatives and recognition of

local reserve sailors with Navy

Operational Support Center

rock Island. The event will also

include robot demonstrations

by EODTEU-1 and color guard

presentation by USS Constitu-

tion sailors.

“The Midwest doesn’t get to

see much of what the Navy does,

so this Navy Week is a great way

to bring sailors who can interact

with the locals and teach them

the missions of the Navy and

what the Navy really does,” said

Sam kupresin, a retired Navy rear

admiral and a leader in the Quad

Cities community.

The Navy Week program

is designed to raise awareness

about the Navy in areas that

traditionally do not have a naval

presence and include commu-

nity relations projects, speak-

ing engagements and media

interviews with flag hosts and

area sailors.

“The outstanding support

and patriotism from the Quad

Cities community, as well as

our many assets that are taking

time out of their schedules

to showcase their skills and

teamwork, will make this Navy

Week a successful one,” said

lieutenant Commander Tim

Page, Navy Office of Commu-

nity Outreach Event Planning

department head and the lead

planner for Quad Cities Navy


Iowa native rear Admiral

Michael T. Franken, director,

Defense POW/MIA Accounting

Agency, will serve as the senior

Navy representative during the

Navy Week and will participate

in various events throughout

the week including morning

television talk shows and meet-

ings with corporate executives,

civic groups, veterans orga-

nizations, educators, govern-

ment officials and community


“I think there are several

benefits that this Navy Week

will have on our community,”

said Jason gordon, vice presi-

dent of public affairs for Quad

Cities Chamber of Commerce.

“It serves as a reminder of just

how much the U.S. Navy does

for our country and the world.

It isn’t just ships and aircraft

carriers, although those func-

tions are critically important to

our nation’s security. The Na-

vy’s operations and capabilities

are many and quite diverse,

and I suspect some people

may not realize that fact.”

Navy Week will feature an

array of sailors and equip-

ment to showcase the Navy’s

capabilities and missions to

the public. The Quad Cities

Air Show, which features the

U.S. Navy flight demonstration

squadron, the Blue Angels, will

be held Saturday and Sunday,

and U.S. Navy Band great

lakes will be performing at

various locations throughout

the week.

Others include sailors from

USS The Sullivans; the Navy’s

STEM Tour interactive display;

robotics demonstrations by

EODTEU-1; and “Forest to

Frigates” presentations by sail-

ors from USS Constitution (the

world’s oldest commissioned

warship afloat.)

“Our band will work to be

a positive reflection of the U.S.

Navy in the Quad Cities during

the tour with us embodying the

honor, courage and commit-

ment that makes our Navy so

great,” said Musician 3rd Class

Jake Stith, guitarist for Navy

Band great lakes.

WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | MAY 12, 2015 | 7

Air Weapons Systems AnalysisThe Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons

Division (NAWCWD) intends to competitively

procure as a total small business set-aside, a

cost-plus-fixed fee (CPFF) indefinite delivery

indefinite quantity (IDIQ) type contract, to

a single awardee for air weapons systems

survivability analysis, systems safety analy-

sis, and modeling and simulation verification,

validation and accreditation support.

The research and development services

to be obtained under this procurement will be

for: (1) model and simulation (M&S) verifica-

tion, validation and accreditation (VV&A); (2)

vulnerability analysis; (3) assessment of M&S

VV&A-related products and processes; (4) sur-

vivability analysis; (5) susceptibility analysis;

(6) assessment of test results on survivability

estimates including proposed design changes

to enhance survivability; (7) systems safety

support; (8) lethality analysis; (9) analyti-

cal and test data acquisition and reduction;

(10) assessment of analytical estimates; (11)

simulation development, enhancement, opera-

tion, configuration management, maintenance

and related support; (12) test planning and

reporting for ballistic systems tests; (13) test

and analytical data review, (14) test planning

and reporting for susceptibility tests; (15)

mission effectiveness analysis; (16) air-vehicle

battle damage repair analysis; (17) cost-and-

operational effectiveness analysis; and (18)

analysis of alternatives studies. It is anticipat-

ed the majority of the work will be performed

at the contractor's site. A minimum of one (1)

task order will be ordered, and the contract is

anticipated to be 62,040 hours over a five-year

period of performance.

Award is anticipated to be on or approxi-

mately Sept. 31, 2015.

primary point of Contact: Jessica rodriguez,

[email protected], (760) 939-3974

Forward Deployed Energy and Communications Outpost

Forward Deployed Energy and Commu-nications Outpost (FDECO) will prototype a forward deployed, open, scalable and coordi-nated undersea energy replenishment, data management and communications infrastruc-ture (EDCI) for undersea vehicles and sensors.

For this purpose, the Office of Naval Research (ONR) will be holding an industry outreach event on Monday, May 18, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. at One Liberty Center, Office of Naval Research, 875 N. Randolph Street, 14th Floor (Bobby Junker ECC), Arlington, Va., 22203. The purpose of this event is to

inform industry about areas of research to support development of the forward deployed energy and communications outposts’ innova-tive naval prototype (FDECO INP).

Details concerning registration for this event are available at the following website: (Note: The website will close at 5:00 p.m. EST, Thursday, May 14, 2015)

Meeting Classification Level: SECRET NOFORN. SECRET Clearances and U.S. citizenship are required for attendance. Space

is limited. Each company/organization will be limited to two personnel.

Points of Contact:Government Technical: Eric Hendricks, FDECO Deputy Project Manager, ( 703) 696-4328; [email protected] Program Support: Todd Brunori ONR321MS, (703) 696-6598; [email protected] POC: Chris Williamson, (703) 696-6774, [email protected]

8 | MAY 12, 2015 | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM

C-40A trainingNaval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) has a

requirement to support the Navy’s Command Aircraft Crew Training (CACT)

program for the maintenance academic and maintenance simulator training on

the C-40A. This acquisition is necessary to facilitate practical training and repair

application on general aircraft systems with focus on C-40A (Boeing 737-700C

IgW) airframe, power plant systems and electrical/avionics systems in the

C-40A fleet. Each of the C-40A maintenance training courses shall be capable

of meeting Air Transport Association (ATA) Specification 104 level II or higher


The C-40A Maintenance Training course shall be capable of meeting ATA

Specification 104 level II or higher criteria.

The contractor shall provide C-40A specific individual courses to include:









The request for proposal is estimated for release in August 2015 with an

award to follow in January 2016.

point of Contact: kelly Stevens,

(407) 380-4143

V-22 Supply Forecasting and Maintenance Readiness Training

Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) has announced its intention to issue a modification to contract N00019-09-D-0008 with Bell-Boeing Joint Program Office on a sole-source basis to procure supply forecasting and maintenance readiness training (MRT) team support under the V-22 Joint Performance-Based Logistics (JPBL) program.

This acquisition is being pursued on a sole-source basis under the statutory authority of 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)(1), as implemented by Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) 6.302-1, only one responsible source and no other supplies or services with satisfy agency requirements. Bell-Boeing is the sole designer, developer and producer of the V-22 tilt rotor aircraft and is the only known source that possesses the engineering data, technical skills and requisite knowledge of the design, fabrication, performance, operation and maintenance and support characteristics of the aircraft.

For subcontracting opportunities, con-tact Ralph D’Lorio at (610) 591-9157, ralph.b.d'[email protected] and Matthew Sticksel at (817) 280-3103, [email protected].

Primary Point of Contact: Steven Preston, [email protected], (301) 757-1993

WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | MAY 12, 2015 | 9

t-45 Aircraft Engineering, Information management Support

The Fleet readiness Center Southeast (FrCSE) Jacksonville,

Fla., is tasked with providing engineering, logistics, information

management and other support, including systems development and

maintenance, to the following locations: Naval Air Systems Command

(NAVAIr), Program Manager (Air) PMA-273, lexington Park, Md.,

Chief of Naval Air Training (CNATrA) in Corpus Christi, Texas; NAS

kingsville, Texas, NAS Pensacola, Fla., NAS Whiting Field, Fla., NAS

Meridian, Miss., and NAS Patuxent river, Md.

Support is provided for the T-45 goshawk aircraft and other

trainer aircraft such as the T-44 PEgASUS, T-6 Texan, T-34 and TH-

57, their systems and components and trainer aircraft data systems.

To this end, the Navy has issued a performance work statement

(PWS) providing the baseline for T-45 aircraft engineering, informa-

tion management support, including systems development and

maintenance in support of the CNATrA fleet support team at FrCSE

Jacksonville. This contract will include, but is not limited to, aircraft

structural component strength analysis, aircraft systems engineering

program and process analysis and computer systems engineering,

computer programming and information security assurance in sup-

port of the goshawk Network (gOSNet).

The successful contractor shall provide technically qualified

personnel to perform aircraft system engineering, information man-

agement, analysis and related services in support of this effort. The

contractor shall provide direct support to the Navy T-45 fleet support

team (FST) located in Jacksonville at the Cecil Commerce Center. The

contractor’s engineering support will assist the T-45 FST in structural

analysis to develop T-45 aircraft repairs and other analyses for fatigue

life evaluation. Additionally, reports shall be provided to support ser-

vice life, fatigue management and retrofit/modifications.

primary point of Contact: Jeff Scott,

(904) 790-4495

SSC Pacific Transmission SecurityPEO C4I PMW 130 is responsible for the

acquisition, integration, delivery and support of cryptographic and key management efforts, including modernization of cryptographic de-vices. SSC Pacific is the Navy’s premier research, development, test and evaluation laboratory for command, control, communications, comput-ers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR). SPAWAR Systems Center (SSC) Pacific provides complete life cycle development and support for military C4ISR systems—from concept to fielded capability. SSC Pacific is one of two major systems centers reporting directly to the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Com-mand. SSC Pacific laboratories, test beds and simulated operational environments offer work-ing environments unachievable elsewhere.

SSC Pacific in support of the Program Executive Office, Command, Control, Com-munications, Computers, Intelligence (PEO C4I), Information Assurance and Cyber Security Program Office (PMW 130), is seeking information on development and production of a cryptographic module to provide transmission security (TRANSEC) for the TD-1271 and KGV-11 legacy systems.

The government objective is to obtain a replacement cryptographic module that provides TRANSEC capabilities using a modern algorithm interfacing to a legacy host device—the TD-1271 UHF DAMA modem the module must support Suite B al-gorithms and protect Secret data (threshold)

and future Top Secret (objective). The core technology should be upgradeable for other UHF DAMA and Integrated Waveform applications.

Primary Point of Contact: Diana Dressler, [email protected], (619) 553-4345

10 | MAY 12, 2015 | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM

ISR Technologies Successfully Tested on M80 StilettoThe U.S. Navy has successfully tested Raytheon’s advanced

intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) technologies aboard the experimental ship known as the M80 Stiletto while the vessel was under way. The test took place during operations at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story, Va.

The combined technology was created by combining two, proven Raytheon technologies: the Persistent Surveillance System Cross Domain Solution (PSS CDS) and Intersect Sentry. The successful test was conducted as part of the Stiletto Maritime Technology Demonstration Program.

PSS CDS receives critical data from multiple sensors and offers two-way sharing of information and commands across both classi-fied and unclassified domains. Intersect Sentry is an automation and analysis tool that creates alerts from a variety of intelligence, sensor and reconnaissance data streams according to parameters defined by the user. Both systems have been successfully demonstrated in sup-port of joint and coalition maritime operations.

“Raytheon has created two capabilities that are easily recon-figured for deployment on multiple missions,” said Bob Dehnert, Command, Control and Awareness director for Raytheon Intelli-gence, Information and Services. “They give warfighters proven, automated information sharing and analysis support for surveil-lance missions in any domain.”

During the Navy demonstration, Intersect Sentry automati-cally analyzed data streams and sent alerts to the PSS CDS for simultaneous display across various networks, creating a common operating picture for different users operating at multiple clas-sification levels.

The recent capability demonstration, designated CD 15-2, was one of a series sponsored by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research & Engineering. The Stiletto Maritime Demonstration Program and the Stiletto vessel are operated by the U.S. Navy, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division.

WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | MAY 12, 2015 | 11

substantial drop in obligations ($160 billion; 35 percent) from FY2008 to

FY2014 (see Figure 2).Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DOD Spends Its Contracting Dollars

Congressional Research Service 3

Figure 1. Contract Obligations by Agency

Source: Federal Procurement Data System-Next Generation, January 2015. Figure created by CRS.

From FY2000 to FY2014, adjusted for inflation (FY2015 dollars), DOD contract obligations increased from $189 billion to $290 billion.7 However, the increase in spending has not been steady. Over the last 15 years, DOD contracting has been marked by a steep increase in obligations from FY2000 to FY2008 ($260 billion; 138%), followed by a substantial drop in obligations ($160 billion; 35%) from FY2008 to FY2014 (see Figure 2).

7 Deflators for converting into constant dollars derived from Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), Department of Defense, National Defense Budget Estimates for FY2015, “Department of Defense Deflators – TOA By Category ‘Total Non-Pay,’” Table 5-5, p. 56-57, April 2014.

Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DOD Spends Its Contracting Dollars

Congressional Research Service 4

Figure 2. DOD Contract Obligations FY2015 Dollars

Source: CRS analysis of data from the Federal Procurement Data System—Next Generation, January 2015. Figure created by CRS.

Contract obligation trends are generally consistent with overall DOD obligation trends. For example, DOD total obligation authority increased significantly from FY2000 to FY2008, and decreased from FY2008 to FY2014 (see Figure 3).

Figure 3. DOD—Total Obligation Authority FY2015 Dollars

Source: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), Department of Defense, National Defense Budget Estimates for FY2016, “Department of Defense TOA – By Public Title,” Table 6-1, March, 2015. Figure created by CRS.

Contract obligation trends are generally consistent with overall DoD

obligation trends. For example, DoD total obligation authority increased

significantly from FY2000 to FY2008, and decreased from FY2008 to

FY2014 (see Figure 3).

Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DOD Spends Its Contracting Dollars

Congressional Research Service 4

Figure 2. DOD Contract Obligations FY2015 Dollars

Source: CRS analysis of data from the Federal Procurement Data System—Next Generation, January 2015. Figure created by CRS.

Contract obligation trends are generally consistent with overall DOD obligation trends. For example, DOD total obligation authority increased significantly from FY2000 to FY2008, and decreased from FY2008 to FY2014 (see Figure 3).

Figure 3. DOD—Total Obligation Authority FY2015 Dollars

Source: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), Department of Defense, National Defense Budget Estimates for FY2016, “Department of Defense TOA – By Public Title,” Table 6-1, March, 2015. Figure created by CRS.

Some analysts believe that this trend of rapid contract spend-

ing increases (averaging 11 percent annual increases), followed by a

relatively sharp cut in contract spending (averaging 7 percent annual

decreases), puts DoD at increased risk of making short-term budget

decisions (aimed at meeting budget caps) that could cause long-term

harm. These analysts argue that, even without changing long-term

budget reduction targets, DoD should make more strategically in-

formed decisions.

The limits on DoD funding resulting from the Budget Control

Act could also result in cuts that are not strategically thought

out. A more gradual reduction in spending, or additional funding

in select budget categories, could help DoD make more gradual

spending reductions and more considered choices, potentially

minimizing hazardous long-term effects of budget cuts. Address-

ing budget cuts, former Pentagon comptroller robert Hale wrote

that one option for Congress is to:approve more funding in at least

some budget categories and raise the budget caps to accommo-

date the boosted funding. This could be accomplished in a mini

budget deal (as opposed to the forever elusive “grand bargain”)

that, hopefully for at least a few years, would effectively eliminate

the threat of sequestration in favor of considered choices.

The boom-and-bust trend of DoD contract spending that makes

budget cuts more difficult is in marked contrast to the rest of the

federal government, which has had more gradual increases and less

drastic spending cuts (see Figure 4).Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DOD Spends Its Contracting Dollars

Congressional Research Service 6

Figure 4. DOD vs. Rest of Government Contract Obligations FY2015 Dollars

Source: CRS analysis of FPDS data. Figure created by CRS.

What DOD Is Buying In FY2014, 45% of total DOD contract obligations were for services, 45% for goods, and 10% for research and development (R&D). This is in contrast to the rest of the federal government (excluding DOD), which obligated a significantly larger portion of contracting dollars on services (68%) than on goods (22%) or research and development (9%).

How Are Contracts Categorized? FPDS categorizes contracts by product or service codes. According to FPDS, “These product/service codes are used to record the products and services being purchased by the Federal Government. In many cases, a given contract/task order/purchase order will include more than one product and/or service. In such cases, the product or service code data element code should be selected based on the predominant product or service that is being purchased. For example, a contract for $1000 of lumber and $500 of pipe would be coded under 5510, Lumber & Related Wood Materials.” Because FPDS-NG contracts are associated with only a single product or service code—even when the contract involves substantial deliveries of other products or services—the analysis in this report should be used only to identify broad overall trends.

Source: U.S. General Services Administration Office of Governmentwide Policy, Federal Procurement Data System Product and Service Codes Manual, August 2011 Edition, October 1, 2011, p. 6.

For almost 20 years, DOD has dedicated an ever-smaller share of contracting dollars to R&D, with such contracts dropping from 18% of total contract obligations in FY1998 to 10% in FY2014. (For a breakout of DOD obligations trends by product service code, see Appendix B.)

what dod is buying

In FY2014, 45 percent of total DoD contract obligations were for

services, 45 percent for goods and 10 percent for research and de-

velopment (r&D). This is in contrast to the rest of the federal govern-

ment (excluding DoD), which obligated a significantly larger portion of

contracting dollars on services (68 percent) than on goods (22 percent)

or research and development (9 percent).

For almost 20 years, DoD has dedicated an ever-smaller share of

contracting dollars to r&D, with such contracts dropping from 18 per-

cent of total contract obligations in FY1998 to 10 percent in FY2014.

The relative decrease in r&D contracts is not just as a percent-

age of overall spending, but also in terms of constant dollars. Despite

increased spending on r&D from FY2000 to FY2007, adjusted for infla-

tion, DoD obligated less money on r&D contracts in FY2014 ($28 billion)

than it invested more than 15 years earlier ($31 billion in FY1998). In

contrast, over the same period, DoD obligations to acquire both goods

Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DoD Spends Its Contracting Dollars➥ Continued froM pAGe 1

Figure 2. DOD Contract Obligations FY2015 Dollars

Figure 1. Contract Obligations by Agency

Figure 3. DOD—Total Obligation Authority FY2015 Dollars

Figure 4. DOD vs. rest of government Contract Obligations FY2015 Dollars

12 | MAY 12, 2015 | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM

and services are substantially higher than they were 15 years ago (see

Figure 6).Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DOD Spends Its Contracting Dollars

Congressional Research Service 7

Figure 5. DOD Contract Obligations by Major Category

Source: CRS analysis of FPDS data. Figure created by CRS.

The relative decrease in R&D contracts is not just as a percentage of overall spending, but also in terms of constant dollars. Despite increased spending on R&D from FY2000 to FY2007, adjusted for inflation, DOD obligated less money on R&D contracts in FY2014 ($28 billion) than it invested more than 15 years earlier ($31 billion in FY1998). In contrast, over the same period, DOD obligations to acquire both goods and services are substantially higher than they were 15 years ago (see Figure 6).

Figure 6. DOD Contract Obligations Dedicated to R&D FY2015 Dollars

Source: CRS analysis of FPDS data. Figure created by CRS.

Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DOD Spends Its Contracting Dollars

Congressional Research Service 7

Figure 5. DOD Contract Obligations by Major Category

Source: CRS analysis of FPDS data. Figure created by CRS.

The relative decrease in R&D contracts is not just as a percentage of overall spending, but also in terms of constant dollars. Despite increased spending on R&D from FY2000 to FY2007, adjusted for inflation, DOD obligated less money on R&D contracts in FY2014 ($28 billion) than it invested more than 15 years earlier ($31 billion in FY1998). In contrast, over the same period, DOD obligations to acquire both goods and services are substantially higher than they were 15 years ago (see Figure 6).

Figure 6. DOD Contract Obligations Dedicated to R&D FY2015 Dollars

Source: CRS analysis of FPDS data. Figure created by CRS.

totAl dod spendinG on reseArCh, developMent, test, And evAluAtion (rdt&e)

research and Development contracting is but a portion of overall

DoD investment in developing technology. For example, more than half

of DoD’s basic research budget is spent at universities and represents

the major contribution of funds in some areas of science and technol-

ogy. When taken as a whole, the r&D picture looks somewhat different.

Total outlays for rDT&E increased 70 percent in constant dollars from

FY1998 to FY2009, before dropping 24 percent from FY2009 to FY2014.

However, as reflected in Figure 7, over the last 15 years, rDT&E outlays

increased at a much slower rate (30 percent) than non-rDT&E (54


Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DOD Spends Its Contracting Dollars

Congressional Research Service 8

Total DOD Spending on Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E)

Research and Development contracting is but a portion of overall DOD investment in developing technology. For example, more than half of DOD’s basic research budget is spent at universities and represents the major contribution of funds in some areas of science and technology.11 When taken as a whole, the R&D picture looks somewhat different. Total outlays for RDT&E12 increased 70% in constant dollars from FY1998 to FY2009, before dropping 24% from FY2009 to FY2014.13 However, as reflected in Figure 7, over the last 15 years, RDT&E outlays increased at a much slower rate (30%) than non-RDT&E (54%).

Figure 7. DOD RDT&E vs. Non-RDT&E Outlays FY2015 Dollars

Source: National Defense Budget Estimates for FY 2015, Department of Defense Outlays by Public Title, Table 6-11. Figure created by CRS. FY2014 data from National Defense Budget Estimates for FY 2016, Department of Defense Outlays by Public Title, Table 6-11.

11 For a more detailed discussion of RDT&E spending, see CRS Report R43580, Federal Research and Development Funding: FY2015, coordinated by John F. Sargent Jr. 12 RDT&E budget activities are broad categories reflecting different types of RDT&E efforts. The seven RDT&E budget activities are Basic Research, Applied Research, Advanced Technology Development, Advanced Component Development and Prototypes, System Development and Demonstration, RDT&E Management Support, and Operational System Development. 13 Not all RDT&E categories have followed the same pattern. As Todd Harrison, analyst from the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments wrote “Two areas of RDT&E funding have trended upward throughout the overall budget cycle: classified R&D and basic research. While both are cut slightly in FY 2015, they remain well above their pre-build-up levels.” Todd Harrison, Analysis of the FY 2015 Defense Budget, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments, 2014, pp. 24-25.

the GlobAl environMent for r&d

The profile of DoD r&D spending takes place against a backdrop of

increasing defense and non-defense investments by foreign nations and

private industry. As reflected in Figure 8, U.S. federal defense-related

r&D dropped from 36 percent of global r&D in 1960 to 7 percent in

1998, and to 5 percent in 2012.

Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DOD Spends Its Contracting Dollars

Congressional Research Service 9

The Global Environment for R&D

The profile of DOD R&D spending takes place against a backdrop of increasing defense and non-defense investments by foreign nations and private industry. As reflected in Figure 8, U.S. federal defense-related R&D dropped from 36% of global R&D in 1960 to 7% in 1998, and to 5% in 2012.

Figure 8. Comparison of R&D Spending 1960-2012

Source: 1960: U.S. and ROW shares based on data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Technology Policy, The Global Context for U.S. Technology Policy, Summer 1997 (hard copy). 2012: U.S. and ROW share from OECD, Main Science and Technology Indicators, OECD. Stat. Figure created by CRS.

The reduction in U.S. and federal government shares of global R&D did not result from decreased U.S. spending, but from the increased R&D spending of other nations in aggregate. In constant dollars, federal R&D funding in 2012 was 2.4 times its 1960 level, while total U.S. R&D funding in 2012 was 5.3 times its 1960 level (see Figure 9).

Figure 9. Federal and U.S. Expenditures

Source: National Science Foundation, National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2011–12 Data Update, NSF 14-304, Table 6, December 2013, at Figure created by CRS.

The reduction in U.S. and federal government shares of global

r&D did not result from decreased U.S. spending but from the

increased r&D spending of other nations in aggregate. In constant

dollars, federal r&D funding in 2012 was 2.4 times its 1960 level,

while total U.S. r&D funding in 2012 was 5.3 times its 1960 level (see

Figure 9).

Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DOD Spends Its Contracting Dollars

Congressional Research Service 9

The Global Environment for R&D

The profile of DOD R&D spending takes place against a backdrop of increasing defense and non-defense investments by foreign nations and private industry. As reflected in Figure 8, U.S. federal defense-related R&D dropped from 36% of global R&D in 1960 to 7% in 1998, and to 5% in 2012.

Figure 8. Comparison of R&D Spending 1960-2012

Source: 1960: U.S. and ROW shares based on data from U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Technology Policy, The Global Context for U.S. Technology Policy, Summer 1997 (hard copy). 2012: U.S. and ROW share from OECD, Main Science and Technology Indicators, OECD. Stat. Figure created by CRS.

The reduction in U.S. and federal government shares of global R&D did not result from decreased U.S. spending, but from the increased R&D spending of other nations in aggregate. In constant dollars, federal R&D funding in 2012 was 2.4 times its 1960 level, while total U.S. R&D funding in 2012 was 5.3 times its 1960 level (see Figure 9).

Figure 9. Federal and U.S. Expenditures

Source: National Science Foundation, National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2011–12 Data Update, NSF 14-304, Table 6, December 2013, at Figure created by CRS.

In recent years, China has increased its r&D expenditures at a rapid

pace to become the second-largest funder of r&D among nations. Figure

10 shows growth in r&D expenditures for selected nations since 2000, as

reported to the OECD, and illustrates the comparatively rapid growth of

China’s r&D investments with respect to those of other nations.

Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DOD Spends Its Contracting Dollars

Congressional Research Service 10

In recent years, China has increased its R&D expenditures at a rapid pace to become the second-largest funder of R&D among nations. Figure 10 shows growth in R&D expenditures for selected nations since 2000, as reported to the OECD, and illustrates the comparatively rapid growth of China’s R&D investments with respect to those of other nations.

Figure 10. Growth in Gross Expenditures on R&D for Selected Nations Since 2000

Source: OECD data, Gross Expenditures on R&D (GERD), 2012. Figure created by CRS.

While the growth shown in Figure 10 is for total R&D funding, these trends have raised concerns among many analysts and senior DOD leaders, such as Under Secretary of Defense Frank Kendall, who testified in January 2015 that

[O]ver the past few decades, the U.S. and our allies have enjoyed a military capability advantage over any potential adversary.... The First Gulf War put this suite of technologies and the associated operational concepts on display for the world to observe and study. The First Gulf War also marked the beginning of a period of American military dominance that has lasted about a quarter of a century and served us well in several conflicts. We used the same capabilities, with some notable enhancements, in Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya and Iraq. It has been a good run, but the game isn’t one sided, and all military advantages based on technology are temporary....

The rise of foreign capability, coupled with the overall decline in U.S. research and development investments, is jeopardizing our technological superiority.14

The United States remains the world’s single largest funder of R&D, spending more than the next two highest funders combined (China and Japan) in 2012 (see Table 1). Global R&D is highly concentrated among a few nations. The 10 nations listed in Table 1 accounted for more than 80% of global R&D reported to the OECD in 2012.

14 Written Statement of Under Secretary of Defense Frank Kendall, U.S. Congress, House Committee on Armed Services, A Case for Reform: Improving DOD’s Ability to Respond to the Pace of Technological Change, 114th Cong., 1st sess., January 28, 2015.

While the growth shown in Figure 10 is for total r&D funding, these

trends have raised concerns among many analysts and senior DoD

leaders, such as Under Secretary of Defense Frank kendall, who testi-

fied in January 2015 that:

Figure 5. DOD Contract Obligations by Major Category

Figure 6. DOD Contract Obligations Dedicated to r&D FY2015 Dollars

Figure 7. DOD rDT&E vs. Non-rDT&E Outlays FY2015 Dollars

Figure 8. Comparison of r&D Spending 1960-2012

Figure 9. Federal and U.S. Expenditures

Figure 10. growth in gross Expenditures on r&D for Selected Nations Since 2000

WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | MAY 12, 2015 | 13

[O]ver the past few decades, the U.S. and our allies have

enjoyed a military capability advantage over any potential ad-

versary.... The First gulf War put this suite of technologies and

the associated operational concepts on display for the world to

observe and study. The First gulf War also marked the beginning

of a period of American military dominance that has lasted about

a quarter of a century and served us well in several conflicts. We

used the same capabilities, with some notable enhancements, in

Serbia, Afghanistan, libya and Iraq. It has been a good run, but

the game isn’t one-sided, and all military advantages based on

technology are temporary....

The rise of foreign capability, coupled with the overall decline

in U.S. research and development investments, is jeopardizing our

technological superiority.

The United States remains the world’s single-largest funder of r&D,

spending more than the next two highest funders combined (China and

Japan) in 2012 (see Table 1). global r&D is highly concentrated among

a few nations. The 10 nations listed in Table 1 accounted for more than

80 percent of global r&D reported to the OECD in 2012.

Table 1. Total 2012 gross Expenditures on r&D, by Nation in billions of current purchasing power parity (PPP) U.S. dollars

Nation Amount

United States $453.5

China 293.1

Japan 151.8

Germany 100.7

South Korea 64.5

France 55.5

United Kingdom 38.9

Russian Federation 38.8

Chinese Taipei 28.7

Italy 26.9

Michael Dumont, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense

for Special Operations/low Intensity Conflict, reportedly stated:

Many of our adversaries have acquired, developed and even

stolen technologies that have put them on somewhat equal footing

with the West in a range of areas ... the U.S. government no longer

has the leading edge developing its own leading edge capabilities,

particularly in information technology.

In the early 1960s, the federal government funded approximately

twice as much r&D as U.S. industry and thus played a substantial

role in driving U.S. and global technology pathways. Today, U.S.

industry funds more than twice as much r&D as the federal govern-

ment. This transformation has had, and continues to have, implica-

tions for federal r&D strategy and management and for the efficacy

of the DoD acquisition system. As one general officer stated, whereas

the military used to go to industry and tell them to create a tech-

nology to meet a requirement, increasingly the military is going to

industry and asking them to adapt an existing commercial technology

to military requirements.

where dod obligates Contract dollarsDoD relies on contractors to support operations worldwide, includ-

ing operations in Afghanistan, permanently garrisoned troops overseas

and ships docking at foreign ports. Because of its global footprint, this

report will look at where DoD obligates contract dollars in two ways: by

geographic region and domestic versus overseas.

by GeoGrAphiC reGion

DoD divides its missions and geographic responsibilities among six

unified combatant commands:

U.S. Northern Command (NOrTHCOM),

U.S. African Command (AFrICOM),

U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM),

U.S. European Command (EUCOM),

U.S. Pacific Command (PACOM), which includes Hawaii and a

number of U.S. territories and

U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM).

These commands do not control all DoD contracting activity that

occurs within their respective geographic regions. For example, Trans-

portation Command (TrANSCOM), headquartered at Scott Air Force

Base, Ill., may contract with a private company to provide transportation

services in CENTCOM. For purposes of this report, DoD contract obli-

gations are categorized by the place of performance, not the DoD com-

ponent that signed the contract or obligated the money. For example, all

contract obligations for work in the geographic location that falls under

the responsibility of CENTCOM will be allocated to CENTCOM, regard-

less of which DoD organization signed the contract.

In FY2014, 90 percent of DoD contracts were performed in

NOrTHCOM (which includes the Bahamas, Canada, and Mexico). DOD

obligated 4 percent of total contract work in CENTCOM, followed by

PACOM (2.5 percent), EUCOM (2 percent), AFrICOM (0.17 percent),

and SOUTHCOM (0.14 percent).

doMestiC vs. overseAs

In FY2014, 92 percent of DoD contract obligations ($265 billion in

FY2015 dollars) were for work performed in the United States, the highest

percentage since FY2003 (see Figure 11). Over the last six years, obligations

for domestic contracts dropped by 34 percent, from a high of approximately

$400 billion in FY2008 to some $265 billion in FY2014; obligations for over-

seas contracts were cut in half, from $48 billion in FY2008 to $24 billion in

FY2014. The drop in overseas obligations stems primarily from drawdowns in

the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters, where contract obligations decreased from

$32.5 billion in FY2008 to $12.5 billion in FY2014 (Figure 12).

Figure 11. Percentage of DOD Contract Obligations Performed in the United States

Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DOD Spends Its Contracting Dollars

Congressional Research Service 13

In FY2014, 90% of DOD contracts were performed in NORTHCOM (which includes the Bahamas, Canada, and Mexico). DOD obligated 4% of total contract work in CENTCOM, followed by PACOM (2.5%), EUCOM (2%), AFRICOM (0.17%), and SOUTHCOM (0.14%).

Domestic vs. Overseas

In FY2014, 92% of DOD contract obligations ($265 billion in FY2015 dollars) were for work performed in the United States, the highest percentage since FY2003 (see Figure 11).23 Over the last six years, obligations for domestic contracts dropped by 34%, from a high of approximately $400 billion in FY2008 to some $265 billion in FY2014; obligations for overseas contracts were cut in half, from $48 billion in FY2008 to $24 billion in FY2014. The drop in overseas obligations stems primarily from drawdowns in the Iraq and Afghanistan theaters, where contract obligations decreased from $32.5 billion in FY2008 to $12.5 billion in FY2014 (Figure 12).24

Figure 11. Percentage of DOD Contract Obligations Performed in the United States

Source: CRS analysis of FPDS data. Figure created by CRS.

23 For purposes of this report, U.S. territories (including American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Johnston Atoll, and Wake) are deemed domestic spending. For a list of U.S. territories, see 24 Based on Congressional Budget Office (CBO) methodology, the Iraqi theater includes Iraq, Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates. See Congressional Budget Office, Contractors’ Support of U.S. Operations in Iraq, August 2008, p. 3. For purposes of this analysis, the Afghan theater includes Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.







14 | MAY 12, 2015 | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM

Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DOD Spends Its Contracting Dollars

Congressional Research Service 14

Figure 12. Contract Obligations in Iraq and Afghanistan Theaters FY2015 Dollars

Source: CRS Analysis of FPDS data. Figure created by CRS.

Despite the drawdown in Iraq and Afghanistan, in FY2014 DOD contract obligations for work performed overseas were still primarily steered to CENTCOM (52%), followed by EUCOM (21%), PACOM (18%), NORTHCOM (6%), SOUTHCOM (2%), and AFRICOM (2%) (Figure 13). However, a significant shift in where contracting dollars are allocated appears to be underway. Fewer dollars are being obligated in CENTCOM and EUCOM, whereas more dollars are being directed toward PACOM (see Table 2).

Figure 13. DOD Contract Obligations for Work Performed in Combatant Command Areas of Responsibility

Source: CRS Analysis of FPDS data. Figure created by CRS.

Despite the drawdown in Iraq and Afghanistan, in FY2014 DoD con-

tract obligations for work performed overseas were still primarily steered

to CENTCOM (52 percent), followed by EUCOM (21 percent), PACOM

(18 percent), NOrTHCOM (6 percent), SOUTHCOM (2 percent), and

AFrICOM (2 percent) (Figure 13). However, a significant shift in where

contracting dollars are allocated appears to be underway. Fewer dollars

are being obligated in CENTCOM and EUCOM, whereas more dollars

are being directed toward PACOM (see Table 2).

Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DOD Spends Its Contracting Dollars

Congressional Research Service 14

Figure 12. Contract Obligations in Iraq and Afghanistan Theaters FY2015 Dollars

Source: CRS Analysis of FPDS data. Figure created by CRS.

Despite the drawdown in Iraq and Afghanistan, in FY2014 DOD contract obligations for work performed overseas were still primarily steered to CENTCOM (52%), followed by EUCOM (21%), PACOM (18%), NORTHCOM (6%), SOUTHCOM (2%), and AFRICOM (2%) (Figure 13). However, a significant shift in where contracting dollars are allocated appears to be underway. Fewer dollars are being obligated in CENTCOM and EUCOM, whereas more dollars are being directed toward PACOM (see Table 2).

Figure 13. DOD Contract Obligations for Work Performed in Combatant Command Areas of Responsibility

Source: CRS Analysis of FPDS data. Figure created by CRS.

Table 2. Obligations for Contracts Performed Overseas FY2015 Dollars

Unified Combatant Commanda

FY2008 FY2014 Change

CENTCOM $32,783,702,635 $12,483,406,051 -62%

EUCOM $10,440,264,437 $4,987,819,112 -52%

PACOM $2,983,932,444 $4,236,333,879 42%

NORTHCOM $1,329,916,478 $1,376,759,556 4%

AFRICOM $312,105,190 $493,098,812 58%

SOUTHCOM $416,188,774 $396,447,846 -5%

Of the top 12 countries where DoD contractors perform work

abroad, fivewere in CENTCOM, three in EUCOM, two in PACOM, and

two in NOrTHCOM .

dod overseAs obliGAtions vs. rest of GovernMent

DoD’s share of total government obligations for contracts per-

formed abroad has trended down from a high of 90 percent in FY2000

to 71 percent in FY2014. Over the same period, combined Department

of State and USAID contract obligations increased from 4 percent to 24

percent of all U.S. government overseas obligations (see Figure 14).

Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DOD Spends Its Contracting Dollars

Congressional Research Service 15

Table 2. Obligations for Contracts Performed Overseas FY2015 Dollars

Unified Combatant Commanda FY2008 FY2014 Change

CENTCOM $32,783,702,635 $12,483,406,051 -62%

EUCOM $10,440,264,437 $4,987,819,112 -52%

PACOM $2,983,932,444 $4,236,333,879 42%

NORTHCOM $1,329,916,478 $1,376,759,556 4%

AFRICOM $312,105,190 $493,098,812 58%

SOUTHCOM $416,188,774 $396,447,846 -5%

Source: CRS Analysis of FPDS data, January, 2015.

Note: FY2008 chosen as point of comparison because FY2008 is the high point of DOD contract obligations.

a. Does not include contracts performed in the United States and its territories.

Of the top 12 countries where DOD contractors perform work abroad, 5 were in CENTCOM, 3 in EUCOM, 2 in PACOM, and 2 in NORTHCOM (see Appendix C).

DOD Overseas Obligations vs. Rest of Government

DOD’s share of total government obligations for contracts performed abroad has trended down from a high of 90% in FY2000 to 71% in FY2014. Over the same period, combined Department of State and USAID contract obligations increased from 4% to 24% of all U.S. government overseas obligations (see Figure 14).

Figure 14. DOD’s Proportion of Total U.S. Government Contract Work Performed Overseas

Source: CRS Analysis of FPDS data. Figure created by CRS.

Notes: USAID was established as an independent agency in 1961, but receives overall foreign policy guidance from the Secretary of State.

A number of analysts have argued that as a result of its larger budget

and workforce, DoD often undertakes traditionally civilian missions be-

cause other agencies do not have the necessary resources to fulfill those

missions. Some of these analysts argue that more resources should be

invested into civilian agencies to allow them to play a larger role in conflict

prevention, post-conflict stabilization and reconstruction. As the Senate

Foreign relations Committee Majority, Discussion Paper on Peacekeep-

ing, Majority Staff, April 8, 2010, stated, “The civilian capacity of the U.S.

government to prevent conflict and conduct post-conflict stabilization

and reconstruction is beset by fragmentation, gaps in coverage, lack of

resources and training, coordination problems, unclear delineations of

authority and responsibility, and policy inconsistency.”

Many of these analysts have argued that to achieve its foreign policy

goals, the United States needs to take a more whole-of-government ap-

proach that brings together the resources of, among others, DoD, the De-

partment of State and USAID—and government contractors. Then-Sec-

retary of Defense robert gates echoed this approach when he argued, in

2007, for strengthening the use of soft power in national security through

increased nondefense spending. As Secretary gates stated:

What is clear to me is that there is a need for a dramatic in-

crease in spending on the civilian instruments of national secu-

rity—diplomacy, strategic communications, foreign assistance, civic

action, and economic reconstruction and development.... We must

focus our energies beyond the guns and steel of the military, be-

yond just our brave soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen. We must

also focus our energies on the other elements of national power that

will be so crucial in the coming years.

Contract obligations since FY2000 may indicate a shift toward a more

whole-of-government approach to achieving foreign policy objectives.

how reliable Are the dod data on Contract obligations?

According to the Federal Acquisition regulation, FPDS-Ng can be

used to measure and assess “the effect of federal contracting on the

Nation’s economy and ... the effect of other policy and management ini-

tiatives (e.g., performance based acquisitions and competition).” FPDS

is also used to meet the requirements of the Federal Funding Account-

ability and Transparency Act of 2006 (P.l. 109-282), which requires all

federal award data to be publicly accessible.

Congress, legislative and executive branch agencies, analysts and the

public all rely on FPDS as a primary source of information for understand-

ing how and where the federal government spends contracting dollars.

Congress and the executive branch rely on the information to help make

Figure 12. Contract Obligations in Iraq and Afghanistan Theaters FY2015 Dollars

Figure 13. DOD Contract Obligations for Work Performed in Combatant Command Areas of responsibility

Figure 14. DOD’s Proportion of Total U.S. government Contract Work Performed Overseas

WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | MAY 12, 2015 | 15

and oversee informed policy and spending decisions. Analysts and the

public rely on the data in FPDS to conduct analysis and gain visibility into

government operations.

Data reliability is essential to the utility of FPDS. As general Account-

ing Office (gAO) has stated, “[r]eliable information is critical to informed

decision making and to oversight of the procurement system.” According

to officials within the White House’s Office of Federal Procurement Policy,

“[c]omplete, accurate, and timely federal procurement data are essential for

ensuring that the government has the right information when planning and

awarding contracts and that the public has reliable data to track how tax

dollars are being spent.” If the data contained in FPDS are not sufficiently

reliable, the data may not provide an appropriate basis for measuring or as-

sessing federal contracting, making policy decisions, or providing transpar-

ency into government operations. The result could be the implementation

of policies that squander resources and waste taxpayer dollars. According

to gAO, “[f]ederal agencies are responsible for ensuring that the informa-

tion reported in [the FPDS] database is complete and accurate.”

dAtA reliAbility ConCerns persist

According to the general Services Administration (gSA), data in FPDS

are provided by agencies and the agencies are required to validate their

data annually through the FPDS Data Independent Verification and Valida-

tion and Quality Certification. Agency statements regarding data accuracy

are independent of the FPDS systems and outside the authority of gSA.

gAO has repeatedly raised concerns over the accuracy, limitations,

and reliability of the data contained in the FPDS-Ng database. According

to gAO, FPDS-Ng often contains data with limited “utility, accuracy and

completeness.” The Office of Management and Budget has also released

guidance requiring executive branch agencies to implement gAO recom-

mendations seeking to improve FPDS data quality. Continued concerns

raised over the reliability of data have prompted many analysts to rely on

FPDS-Ng primarily to identify broad trends and make rough estimations.

According to one gAO report:

DoD acknowledged that using FPDS-Ng as the main data source

for the inventories has a number of limitations. These limitations

include that FPDS-Ng does not provide the number of contractor FTEs

performing each service, identify the requiring activity, or allow for the

identification of all services being procured.

Officials from the general Services Administration, the agency that

administers FPDS-Ng, stated that data errors in FPDS-Ng do not substan-

tively alter the larger context of 1.4 million actions and billions of dollars of

obligations entered into the system by DoD every year. Officials have also

indicated that whenever possible and feasible, steps are taken to improve

the reliability and integrity of the data contained in FPDS. For example, in

FY2011, the Congressional research Service reported on specific data

reliability concerns regarding contracts listed as having been performed

overseas that were actually performed in the United States. DoD addressed

the data error by reviewing past data and correcting coding errors. To

prevent similar coding errors in the future, a rule change was implemented

requiring agencies to adopt three-letter International Standard (ISO) codes

when coding a particular country into FPDS-Ng.

Other data deficiencies appear more consequential. According to DoD

officials, the obligations for FY2008 are “artificially higher by $13B and the

FY09 number is artificially lower by $13B” due to over-obligation on a single

contract. DoD went on to note that the money obligated in FY2008 was

never spent and that “this is a known error and even had a note in FPDS for

a while.” Such an error, particularly without an easily identifiable notation,

significantly affects analyses of DoD spending trends, including the analysis

in this report.

In a more recent example of data inconsistency within FPDS, CrS

identified a discrepancy of approximately $6 billion in FY2014 when users

employed different methods to extract data from the FPDS database.

Although the two methods presumably access the same dataset, in some

cases when data were extracted using the system’s “standard report,” it

produced a total dollar value significantly lower than that extracted when

using the system’s “ad hoc report.” The reason for the data discrepancy

appears to be that in cases when an agency does not report the place of

performance of the contract, the “standard report” omits the contract from

search results entirely.

When asked about this particular data discrepancy, gSA stated that

the difference was a “feature of the data.” CrS extracted FPDS data via

both the “standard report” and the “ad hoc report” for all fiscal years avail-

able and calculated the resulting discrepancies over time. Figure 15 shows

the dollar value of the discrepancy between the two search methods.

Defense Acquisitions: How and Where DOD Spends Its Contracting Dollars

Congressional Research Service 19

In a more recent example of data inconsistency within FPDS, CRS identified a discrepancy of approximately $6 billion in FY2014 when users employed different methods to extract data from the FPDS database. Although the two methods presumably access the same dataset, in some cases when data were extracted using the system’s “standard report,” it produced a total dollar value significantly lower than that extracted when using the system’s “ad hoc report.” The reason for the data discrepancy appears to be that in cases when an agency does not report the place of performance of the contract, the “standard report” omits the contract from search results entirely.38

When asked about this particular data discrepancy, GSA stated that the difference was a “feature of the data.”39 CRS extracted FPDS data via both the “standard report” and the “ad hoc report” for all fiscal years available and calculated the resulting discrepancies over time. Figure 15 shows the dollar value of the discrepancy between the two search methods.

Figure 15. Discrepancy in Different Methods for Calculating Total Contracts Obligations

(not adjusted for inflation)

Source: CRS analysis of FPDS data.

38 The data discrepancy appears only to occur when a user searches for data using the place of the contract’s performance as a filter for responses. So, for example, the discrepancy would occur when a user employed the “standard report” to search for contracts that took place in Texas, and then ran the same search using the “ad hoc report.” 39 GSA’s full email response read as follows:

This apparent discrepancy is actually a feature of the data. Specifically, the difference that CRS is pointing out is due to the fact that IDVs are not required to have a place of performance, but can have obligated dollars against them. The Geographical Place of Performance Report requires a place of performance whereas the Federal Contract Dollars and Actions Report does not. The entire difference in the dollar amounts that CRS observed comes from dollars obligated against IDVs which do not have a Place of Performance.

Information provided from GSA to CRS via email on February 4, 2015.

Despite the limitations of FPDS, imperfect data are sometimes better

than no data. A number of observers have noted that despite its shortcom-

ings, FPDS is one of the world’s leading systems for tracking government

procurement data. FPDS data can be used to identify some broad trends

and rough estimations, or to gather information about specific contracts.

Understanding the limitations of data—knowing when, how, and to what

extent to rely on data—could help policymakers incorporate FPDS data

more effectively into their decision-making process.

GsA efforts to iMprove fpds

According to gSA, a number of data systems, including FPDS, are

undergoing a significant overhaul. This overhaul is a multi-year pro-

cess that is expected to improve the reliability and usefulness of the

information contained in the data systems. Part of the effort includes

focus groups with stakeholders, including agency decision-makers and

congressional staff, to solicit feedback on how to improve the reliability,

usability, and relevance of the data stored in the systems being updated.

CrS analysts participated in focus groups. While no date has been set for

completing this effort, officials believe that the upgrades will be rolled out

sometime in 2017 or 2018.

The extent to which gSA and federal agencies succeed in their efforts

to improve the accuracy, reliability, and usability of FPDS will determine the

extent to which Congress and senior executive branch officials will have

access to reliable and timely data that can be used to make budget and

policy decisions.

Figure 15. Discrepancy in Different Methods for Calculating Total Contracts Obligations (not adjusted for inflation)

16 | MAY 12, 2015 | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM

AECOM Technical Services Inc.,

los Angeles, Calif., is being awarded

a maximum $45,000,000 firm-fixed-

price, indefinite-delivery/indefinite-

quantity architect-engineering

contract for preparation of Navy

and Marine Corps facilities planning

and environmental documentation

in the Naval Facilities Engineering

Command (NAVFAC) Europe Africa

Southwest Asia (EUrAFSWA) area

of responsibility (AOr). The work to

be performed provides for design

projects including, but not limited to:

administration buildings, religious

facilities, community buildings, din-

ing facilities, recreational facilities,

security buildings, child development

centers, bachelor quarters, Navy

lodges, airfield facilities, waterfront

facilities, operational facilities, base

housing, water treatment facilities

and associated work, central plant

utility system upgrades and other

infrastructure. No task orders are

being issued at this time. Work will

be performed at various locations

within the NAVFAC EUrAFSWA

AOr including, but not limited to,

Naples, Italy; Sigonella, Italy; Souda

Bay, greece; Manama, kingdom of

Bahrain; Djibouti, Africa; rota, Spain;

and Vicenza, Italy. The term of the

contract is not to exceed 60 months

with an expected completion date

of May 2020. Fiscal 2015 opera-

tion and maintenance (Navy) funds

in the amount of $10,000 are being

obligated on this award, and will

expire at the end of the current fiscal

year. This contract was competitively

procured via the Navy Electronic

Commerce Online website, with eight

proposals received. The Naval Facili-

ties Engineering Command, Europe

Africa Southwest Asia, Naples, Italy,

is the contracting activity (N33191-


General Dynamics Ordnance

and Tactical Systems, Marion, Ill.,

is being awarded an $8,790,026

firm-fixed-price contract for Mk 258,

MOD 1 armor-piercing, fin-stabilized,

discarding, sabot, tracer (APFSDS-

T) cartridges. This contract is to

produce, test, inspect and deliver

30x173mm Mk258 MOD1 ammuni-

tion for use in the Mk46 gun weapon

system. Work will be performed in

Marion, Ill., and is expected to be

completed by March 2017. Fiscal

2014 procurement of ammunition

(Navy, Marine Corps) contract funds

in the amount of $8,790,026 will be

obligated at the time of award, and

funds will expire at the end of the

current fiscal year. This contract

was not competitively procured in

accordance with FAr 6.302-1(a)(2);

only one responsible source and no

other supplies or services will satisfy

agency requirements. The Naval

Surface Warfare Center, Indian Head

Explosive Ordnance Disposal Tech-

nology Division, Indian Head, Md.,

is the contracting activity (N00174-



ConTraCT awards Compiled by KMI Media Group staff

Alutiiq Technical Services

LLC, Anchorage, Alaska (N39430-

15-D-1660); De la Fuente Con-

struction Inc., National City, Calif.

(N39430-15-D-1661); Iyabak Con-

struction llC, Anchorage, Alaska

(N39430-15-D-1662); Virtual Com-

puting Technology, Carlsbad, Calif.

(N39430-15-D-1663); and Windy Bay

Services llC, Anchorage, Alaska

(N39430-15-D-1664), are each being

awarded an indefinite-delivery/indefi-

nite-quantity multiple award contract

for worldwide passive security barrier

services. The maximum dollar value

including the base period and four

option periods for all five contracts

combined is $90,000,000. The work

to be performed provides for logisti-

cal support, installation, inspection,

refurbishment, development and field

supervision/operation of waterfront

barriers, associated moorings, pas-

sive water barriers and related marine

facilities worldwide. The work will

also include engineering and design

services to support passive water

barrier development and installation

as well as prototyping and testing

of improved systems and ancillary

components. Work will be performed

at various Department of Defense in-

stallations worldwide. The term of the

contract is not to exceed 60 months

with an expected completion date of

May 2020. Fiscal 2015 operation and

maintenance (Navy) contract funds in

the amount of $50,000 are being obli-

gated on this award and will expire at

the end of the current fiscal year. This

contract was competitively procured

via the Navy Electronic Commerce

Online website, with five proposals

received. These five contractors may

compete for task orders under the

terms and conditions of the awarded

contract. No task orders are being

issued at this time. The Naval

Facilities Engineering and Expedition-

ary Warfare Center, Port Hueneme,

Calif., is the contracting activity.

Insitu Inc., Bingen, Wash., is

being awarded $10,919,060 for firm-

fixed-price delivery order 0008 against

a previously issued basic ordering

agreement (N68335-11-g-0009). This

effort is for the procurement of site

activation services and field service

representative personnel to perform

site lead, pilot/operator and mainte-

nance personnel duties to support

intelligence, surveillance and recon-

naissance services program and force

protection services for the government

of Iraq. It will also procure one Mark

4 launcher, two Full Mission Training

Devices and spares kits. Work will be

performed in Taji, Iraq (86.5 percent);

and Bingen, Wash. (13.5 percent), and

is expected to be completed in August

2016. Foreign military sales funds in


WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | MAY 12, 2015 | 17

ConTraCT awards

the amount of $10,919,060 are being

obligated at time of award, none of

which will expire at the end of the fis-

cal year. The Naval Air Warfare Center

Aircraft Division, lakehurst, N.J., is

the contracting activity.

Mikel Inc., Fall river, Mass., is

being awarded an $8,754,060 cost-

plus-fixed-fee contract modification to

previously awarded contract (N00024-

11-C-6295) to exercise an option for

research and combat system de-

velopment and processing for Navy

submarines. Work will be performed in

Middletown, r.I. (75 percent); Wash-

ington, D.C. (10 percent); Manassas,

Va. (5 percent); Fall river, Mass. (5

percent); and Honolulu, Hawaii (5

percent), and is expected to be com-

pleted by January 2016. Fiscal 2015

shipbuilding and conversion (Navy)

funding in the amount of $350,000 will

be obligated at time of award and will

not expire at the end of the current

fiscal year. The Naval Sea Systems

Command, Washington, D.C., is the

contracting activity.

I.E.-Pacific Inc., San Diego,

Calif., is being awarded $6,626,000

for firm-fixed-price task order 0005

under a previously awarded multiple

award construction contract (N62473-

11-D-0066) for renovation and repair

of Building 775 and quarter deck

Building 773 at Naval Station North

Island. The work to be performed

includes the liquefaction assess-

ment and compaction grouting below

Building 775. The renovation of these

facilities will bring each space up to

code compliance and provide much-

needed finish upgrades, modifications

to existing layouts to optimize pro-

gram requirements and structural

enhancements to ensure the safety of

the users. The options, if exercised,

provide for the installation of entry

canopy, monument sign, new Ameri-

cans with Disabilities Act and re-

served parking area, new tile flooring

in restrooms, coating on stairwells,

and dual roll-up shades. The task

order also contains six unexercised

options, which if exercised would

increase cumulative task order value

to $6,941,000. Work will be performed

in Coronado, Calif., and is expected

to be completed by May 2017. Fiscal

2015 operation and maintenance

(Navy) contract funds in the amount

of $6,626,000 are obligated on this

award and will expire at the end of

the current fiscal year. Five proposals

were received for this task order. The

Naval Facilities Engineering Com-

mand, Southwest, San Diego, Calif.,

is the contracting activity.

Commercial Service of Blooming-

ton Inc., Bloomington, Ind. (N40085-

15-D-7912); Custom Mechanical

Systems Corp., Bargersville, Ind.

(N40085-15-D-7913); Harrell Contract-

ing Inc., Worthington, Ind. (N40085-

15-D-7914); Mastercraft Mechanical

Contractors Inc., Bloomington, Ind.

(N40085-15-D-7915); and Siemens

government Technologies Inc., Arling-

ton, Va. (N40085-15-D-7916), are each

being awarded an indefinite-delivery/

indefinite-quantity multiple award

construction contract for mechani-

cal construction projects at the Naval

Support Activity, Crane and the

glendora Test Facility. The maximum

dollar value including the base period

and four option years for all five

contracts combined is $20,000,000.

The work to be performed provides for

all labor, equipment, tools, supplies,

transportation, supervision, quality

control, professional design services

and management necessary to per-

form various heating, ventilation and

air conditioning (HVAC) construction,

renovation and maintenance design

build or design-bid-build projects at

assorted buildings and structures.

Work includes but is not limited to de-

sign, general construction, alteration,

repair, demolition and work performed

by special trades. Commercial Service

of Bloomington, Inc. is being awarded

task order 0001 at $856,000 for the

Naval Surface Warfare Center Building

3235 HVAC renovation at the Naval

Support Activity, Crane, Ind. Work

for this task order is expected to be

completed by February 2016. All work

on this contract will be performed in

Crane, Ind. (95 percent), and Sul-

livan, Ind. (5 percent). The term of the

contract is not to exceed 60 months,

with an expected completion date of

May 2020. Fiscal 2015 working capital

funds (Navy and Army) in the amount

of $936,000 are being obligated on

this award and will expire at the end

of the current fiscal year. This contract

was competitively procured via the

Federal Business Opportunities web-

site, with eight proposals received.

These five contractors may compete

for task orders under the terms and

conditions of the awarded contract.

The Naval Facilities Engineering Com-

mand, Mid-Atlantic, Norfolk, Va., is

the contracting activity.

Bell Helicopter Textron Inc.,

Fort Worth, Texas, is being awarded

a $16,947,176 indefinite-delivery/

indefinite-quantity contract to provide

engineering and technical field ser-

vices to the H-1 aircraft airframes, avi-

onics, electrical power plant systems

and associated equipment in support

of the Naval Air Technical Data and

Engineering Service Command, San

Diego, Calif. The services provided

include on- and off-site proficiency

training, technical guidance and

advice to resolve unusually complex

technical problems. Work will be

performed in Camp Pendleton, Calif.

(27 percent); Mcguire Air Force Base,

N.J. (18 percent); Cherry Point, N.C.

(18 percent); kaneohe, Hawaii (10

percent); New Orleans, la. (9 percent);


18 | MAY 12, 2015 | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM

Compiled by KMI Media Group staff

New river, N.C. (9 percent); and War-

ner robins Air Force Base, Atlanta,

ga. (9 percent), and is expected to be

completed in April 2020. Fiscal 2015

operation and maintenance (Navy)

funds in the amount of $1,548,962 are

being obligated at time of award, all

of which will expire at the end of the

current fiscal year. This contract was

not competitively procured pursuant

to FAr 6.302-1. The Naval Air Warfare

Center Weapons Division, China

lake, Calif., is the contracting activity


United Technologies Corp., Pratt

& Whitney, Military Engines, East

Hartford, Conn., is being awarded

a $7,643,131 fixed-price-incentive

firm target modification to a previ-

ously awarded advanced acquisition

contract (N00019-13-C-0016) for long-

lead items for low-rate initial produc-

tion (lrIP) lot X. The long-lead items

include group hardware supporting the

lrIP lot X delivery of conventional

take off and landing (CTOl) propulsion

systems for the Air Force, group hard-

ware supporting the lrIP lot X deliv-

ery of CTOl, carrier variant propulsion

systems for the Navy/Marine Corps,

and group hardware supporting the

lrIP lot X delivery of short take-off

and vertical landing propulsion

systems for the Marine Corps. Work

will be performed in East Hartford,

Conn. (67 percent); Indianapolis, Ind.

(26.5 percent); and Bristol, United

kingdom (6.5 percent), and is expect-

ed to be completed in February 2017.

Fiscal 2015 aircraft procurement (Air

Force and Navy) funds in the amount

of $7,643,131 will be obligated at time

of award, none of which will expire at

the end of the current fiscal year. This

contract combines purchases for the

Navy ($7,444,443; 97.4 percent), and

the Air Force ($198,688; 2.6 percent).

The Naval Air Systems Command,

Patuxent river, Md., is the contracting


Sybrant Construction LLC, Phoe-

nix, Ariz. (N62473-15-D-2436); M&M,

Tempe, Ariz. (N62473-15-D-2437);

Anderson Burton Construction Inc.,

Arroyo grande, Calif. (N62473-

15-D-2438); and Bristol general

Contractors llC, Anchorage, Alaska

(N62473-15-D-2439), are each being

awarded a firm-fixed-price, indefinite-

delivery/indefinite-quantity multiple

award 8(a) set-aside construction

contract for new construction, reno-

vation and repair of general building

construction at various locations

within the Naval Facilities Engineering

Command (NAVFAC) Southwest area

of responsibility (AOr). The maximum

dollar value including the base period

and four option years for all four

contracts combined is $99,000,000.

Types of projects may include, but

are not limited to, administration

buildings, school buildings, hospitals,

auditoriums, fire stations, gymna-

siums, office buildings, hangars,

laboratories and parking structures.

No task orders are being issued at

this time. These four contractors may

compete for task orders under the

terms and conditions of the awarded

contracts. Work will be performed

within the NAVFAC Southwest AOr

including, but not limited to, Califor-

nia (90 percent), Arizona (6 percent),

Nevada (1 percent), Colorado (1

percent), Utah (1 percent), and New

Mexico (1 percent). The terms of

the contracts are not to exceed 60

months, with an expected completion

date of May 2020. Fiscal 2015 opera-

tion and maintenance (Navy) contract

funds in the amount of $20,000 are

obligated on this award and will

expire at the end of the current fiscal

year. This contract was competitively

procured as an 8(a) set-aside for

firms with a bona fide place of busi-

ness with the respective jurisdictions

of the Small Business Administration

district offices in California, Arizona,

Nevada, Utah, Colorado and New

Mexico, via the Federal Business Op-

portunities website with 46 propos-

als received. The Naval Facilities

Engineering Command, Southwest,

San Diego, Calif., is the contracting



The Boeing Co., Seattle, Wash.,

is being awarded an $118,148,562

modification to a previously awarded

firm-fixed-price contract (N00019-

12-C-0112) for the procurement of

training systems and training materials

in support of the P-8A multi-mission

maritime aircraft for the Navy and the

government of Australia. This modifica-

tion provides for the procurement of two

operational flight trainers (OFTs), two

weapons tactics trainers (WTTs) and

upgrades to the existing training system

support center (TSSC) for the Navy. In

addition, this modification provides for

the installation of two OFTs, two WTTs,

one part task trainer and one TSSC; the

procurement and installation of six elec-

tronic classrooms, 26 mission station

desktop trainers, and 32 flight mission

system trainers; and the procurement of

royal Australian Air Force courseware,

training and interim support for the

government of Australia under a memo-

randum of understanding. Work will be

performed in Whidbey Island, Wash. (52

percent); St. louis, Mo. (34 percent);

and Edinburgh, Australia (14 percent),

and is expected to be completed in

June 2019. This modification combines

purchase for the Navy ($92,207,908; 78

percent) and the government of Austra-

lia ($25,940,654; 22 percent).


WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | MAY 12, 2015 | 19

Fiscal 2013 and 2014 aircraft procure-

ment (Navy) and international partner

funds in the amount of $118,148,562

are being obligated on this award,

$76,186,834 of which will expire at the

end of the current fiscal year. The Naval

Air Warfare Center Training Systems

Division, Orlando, Fla., is the contracting


Vigor Industrial LLC, Portland, Ore.,

is being awarded an $11,979,903 firm-

fixed-price contract for the regular over-

haul and dry docking of USNS richard

E. Byrd (T-AkE 4). The contract includes

options which, if exercised, would bring

the total contract value to $12,126,316.

Work will be performed in Portland,

Ore., and is expected to be completed

by July 1, 2015. Fiscal 2015 mainte-

nance and repair contract funds in the

amount of $12,126,316 are obligated at

the time of award and will not expire at

the end of the current fiscal year. This

contract was competitively procured,

with proposals solicited via the Federal

Business Opportunities website, with

two offers received. The Navy’s Military

Sealift Command, Washington, D.C.,

is the contracting activity (N32205-


Shell Marine Products U.S.,

Houston, Texas, is being awarded

an $11,107,442 modification under a

previously awarded indefinite-delivery/

indefinite-quantity contract with firm-

fixed-price delivery orders (N00033-

13-D-8020) to exercise a one-year

option for the supply and related

services of lubricant oil products for the

Engineering Directorate of the Military

Sealift Command and other govern-

ment agencies in need of lubricant oil

supplies and related services. Work will

be performed worldwide and work is

expected to be completed May 2016.

If all options are exercised, work will

continue through May 2018. Working

capital contract funds in the amount of

$11,107,442 are being obligated at the

time of award. Contract funds will expire

at the end of the current fiscal year. The

Navy’s Military Sealift Command, Wash-

ington, D.C., is the contracting activity.

Triton Marine Construction Corp.,

Bremerton, Wash., is being awarded

$9,923,450 for firm-fixed-price task

order 0003 under a previously awarded

multiple award construction contract

(N44255-14-D-9007) for the construc-

tion of the integrated drydock water

treatment system at Puget Sound Naval

Shipyard. The work to be performed

provides for the construction of the

infrastructure necessary at Dry Docks

1, 2 and 5 to bring the shipyard into

compliance with current environmen-

tal standards for the collection and

treatment of industrial process water.

Work will be performed in Bremerton,

Wash., and is expected to be completed

by October 2016. Fiscal 2015 military

construction (Navy) contract funds in the

amount of $9,923,450 are obligated on

this award and will not expire at the end

of the current fiscal year. Four proposals

were received for this task order. The

Naval Facilities Engineering Command,

Northwest, Silverdale, Wash., is the

contracting activity.

Oshkosh Defense, Oshkosh, Wis.,

is being awarded $8,910,254 for firm-

fixed-price delivery order 0021 under

an existing indefinite-delivery/indefinite-

quantity contract for the purchase of 13

low-rate initial production vehicles and

vehicle federal retail excise tax. Work

will be performed in Oshkosh, Wis.,

and is expected to be completed by

Jan. 31, 2017. Fiscal 2015 procurement

(Marine Corps) funds in the amount of

$8,910,254 will be obligated at the time

of award and will not expire at the end of

the current fiscal year. This contract was

competitively procured via the Federal

Business Opportunities website, with

three offers received. The Marine Corps

Systems Command, Quantico, Va., is the

contracting activity (M67854-13-D-0214).

Burr-MZT JV, San Clemente, Calif.,

is being awarded $8,776,000 for firm-

fixed-price task order 0008 under a

previously awarded multiple award con-

struction contract (N44255-13-D-8012)

for replacement of diesel generator

controls and switchgear at Naval Base

kitsap-Bremerton. The work to be

performed provides for replacement of

existing switchgear with new modern-

ized switchgear and demolition and

replacement of generators. Work will be

performed in Bremerton, Wash., and is

expected to be completed by November

2016. Fiscal 2015 working capital funds

(Navy) contract funds in the amount of

$8,776,000 are obligated on this award

and will not expire at the end of the

current fiscal year. Three proposals were

received for this task order. The Naval

Facilities Engineering Command, North-

west, Silverdale, Wash., is the contract-

ing activity.

Mercury Systems Inc., Chelmsford,

Mass., is being awarded a $7,132,822


firm-fixed-price contract for bus control-

lers, precision direction finding synthe-

sizers, PDF tuners, eight-channel digital

receivers, four-channel digital receiv-

ers, and clock generator versa module

eurobus cards. These components will

be used as spares during the installa-

tion of the AN/SlQ-32(V)6 electronic

countermeasure system on Navy and

Coast guard ships. The AN/SlQ-32(V)6

was developed as part of the Navy’s

Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement

Program, which is an upgrade to the

AN/SlQ-32 electronic warfare anti-ship

missile defense system. Work will be

performed in Chelmsford, Mass., and

is expected to complete by May 2020.

Fiscal 2015 other procurement (Navy)

funding in the amount of $1,115,110 will

be obligated at time of award and will

not expire at the end of the current fiscal

year. This contract was not competi-

tively procured in accordance with FAr

6.302-1 — only one responsible source

and no other supplies or services will

satisfy agency requirements. The Naval

Surface Warfare Center, Crane, Division,

Crane, Ind., is the contracting activity


ConTraCT awards Compiled by KMI Media Group staff

20 | MAY 12, 2015 | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM

Multirotor Convertible high-speed helicopterCountry of origin: russia

language: russian

This helicopter is equipped with the system of distributed thrust

of different-size rotors in X2+3 configuration. One smaller rotor turning

in vertical plane is fitted at fuselage end and panels of first swept-

forward wing and second swept-back X-like wing. Besides, there are

two large and smaller rotors.

Helicopter represents a monoplane of two-beam configuration

with mid-wing. It comprises fuselage nacelle, power plant including

engine and reduction gearbox with rear dual concentric rotors. The lat-

ter allows horizontal thrust and vertical or inclined thrust correspond-

ing to deflection between two-keel rudder and three-leg undercarriage.

rotor system with distributed thrust of different-size rotors in 2+3

configuration comprises smaller rotor mounted at rotary reduction

gearbox, larger rotors mounted at first wings pylons and two smaller

rotors arranged with their reduction gearboxes at second-wing tips.

Helicopter allows conversion of its flight configuration from five rotor

one into rotorcraft configuration or winged autogiro with single-rotor


The reported effect is better weight efficiency, better transverse and

longitudinal controllability.

3 drawings

Aerial refueling hoseMide Technology Corp.

Country of origin: usA

language: english

There have been several attempts to address the problem of in-

flight refueling hoses oscillating in flight during refueling operations.

To date, however, potential solutions have either not been commer-

cialized, do not result in a hose meeting government specification

(e.g., MIl-H-4495D)and/or do not adequately solve the oscillation

problem. The oscillations can result in hose breakage, damage to the

refueling aircraft or the aircraft being refueled, and/or potential harm

to personnel.

This design describes an in-flight refueling hose comprising a rub-

ber inner tube, a compounded cover and a spiral wire between the inner

tube and the compounded cover. A braid includes pseudoelastic shape

memory alloy (e.g., nitinol) wires undergoing a stress-induced phase

change absorbing energy to dampen oscillations of the hose in use.

5 drawings

underwater vehicle simulationU.S. Navy

Country of origin: usA

language: english

Daily global ocean forecasts that include a four-dimensional (4d)

(latitude, longitude, depth and time) estimation of ocean currents

can be generated. An approach taken for the estimation of vehicle

position over time is to start with a known position from infrequent

fixes (global Positioning System (gPS), Ultra-short Baseline (USBl),

terrain-based, etc.) and use the vector sum of the vehicle velocity

(heading and speed through the water) with the forecast current.

Validation of this approach can be accomplished using log data

that were received from underwater gliders, which provides gPS

positions at each dive and surfacing point. An underwater glider

propels itself using a buoyancy engine and wings that create lift to

produce horizontal motion. From a vehicle motion modeling per-

spective, an underwater glider must have vertical motion to move

horizontally. Since underwater gliders do not use engines for propul-

sion, they generally have substantial endurance suitable for ocean

sampling, underwater plume tracking and sustained surveillance.

However, these vessels are slow, with sustained horizontal speeds

typically below 0.5 m/s, and navigating them is challenging as ocean

currents can exceed 2 m/s.

The Naval Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM) was developed to

generate daily global ocean forecasts predicting temperature, salinity

and currents. FIgS. 1 and 2 show representative current forecasts

during underwater glider deployment exercises. In these figures,

color 303 represents current speed in m/s and arrows 301 indicate

the current direction. FIg. 1 shows the current at the surface with

speeds as great as 0.8 m/s. FIg. 2 shows the current at 1,000 m,

the maximum depth of the glider dives, where the speed is predomi-

nately below 0.02 m/s.

Position estimation for underwater vehicles operating in the

open ocean can be problematic with existing technologies. Use of

defense innovaTions Compiled by KMI Media Group staff

WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | MAY 12, 2015 | 21

gPS can require the vehicle to surface periodically, which poses a

potential navigation hazard and subjects the vehicle to the faster

currents near the surface. Inertial systems can be ineffective without

the use of Doppler Velocity logs (DVl) whose ranges can be too

limited for deep ocean operation unless the vehicle is very near the

seafloor. Surface- or bottom-mounted transponder systems can be

expensive to deploy and restrict the geographic area that the vehicle

can operate in. A ship equipped with a USBl system can be used to

track an underwater vehicle, which can be an expensive option for

long deployments.

A complication in the open ocean is that position estimation is

problematic while submerged. glider depth can be directly measured

by the vehicle using a pressure sensor. Vertical velocity can be derived

from depth versus time, and horizontal speed through the water can

be estimated given vertical velocity, vehicle pitch angle and a param-

eterized hydrodynamic model for the vehicle. Consequently, the only

certain position information, for purpose of simulation, is depth (as

a function of time), the time of the dive and the starting and ending

surface positions. In the present embodiment, the motion model can

use initial simplifying assumptions including zero hydrodynamic slip

between the vehicle and ocean current and a symmetric V-shaped

flight trajectory. For the simulations conducted, the maximum depth

of the dive and the time of the dive can be used to compute an

estimate of a single vertical velocity. Beyond this model, sources of

error in position prediction can include errors in the forecast currents,

hydrodynamic slip and deviations of the vehicle from the commanded

heading, horizontal and vertical speeds. Variations in the vehicle com-

manded motion can include factors such as putting the processor to

sleep periodically to save power (so heading is not strictly maintained),

variations in vertical speed due to changes in water density, and other

than symmetric dive profiles.

What are needed are a system and method for estimating the ves-

sel’s position while it is underwater that improves on a simple straight

line dead-reckoned estimate.

This design describes ethods and systems disclosed herein relate

generally to predicting a vessel’s trajectory, and more specifically, to

predicting the trajectory of an underwater vehicle.

MissileGosMKB Vympel im. I.I. Toropova

Country of origin: russia

language: russian

This missile design includes case in the form of connected sepa-

rable joint units with pyrotechnical burst connection of sealed head

compartment with a sequence of homing head, inertial control system,

ammunition, active thermal protection system and independent fluid or

paste fuel propeller containing fuel with oxidiser and liquid-propellant

rocket engine set with longitudinal nozzle, four liquid-propellant rocket

engines with transverse nozzles and four liquid-propellant rocket en-

gines generating head compartment torque, and propeller compartment

with aerodynamic rudders, rudder drives, double-pulse solid fuel propel-

ler aggregate, second pulse timing unit and correction unit.

The reported effect makes the missile more efficient striking of high-

altitude targets.

4 drawings

Aircraft Missile launcher CoverBoeing

Country of origin: usA

language: English

Air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles are typically mounted on missile

launchers that are affixed to hard points on the fuselage or wings of an

aircraft. Missile launchers fall into two categories, ejection-type missile

launchers such as the lAU-142 manufactured by the EDO Corporation

and rail missile launchers such as the lAU-127 manufactured by the

Marvin group.

A rail missile launcher or “rail launcher” generally has attachment

points on top for affixing the rail launcher to the aircraft and launch rails

on the bottom for mounting the missile. launch rails have guide slots or

tracks that run longitudinally along the length of the launch rails. A mis-

sile is typically loaded on a rail launcher by slidably engaging the tracks

with corresponding rails, hooks or hangers located on the missile and

then sliding the missile onto the launch rails. For example, the AIM-9

series of Sidewinder missiles is loaded onto lAU-127 rail launchers by

engaging “T-hangers” on the Sidewinder with tracks on the lAU-127.

When the missile is launched, the missile slides forward along the tracks

until it flies clear of the aircraft towards the target.

In order to prevent the missile from inadvertently sliding off

the rail launcher during flight, take-off and landing, rail launchers

typically have restraint mechanisms such as stops or detents that

engage corresponding stops on the missile to prevent the missile

defense innovaTions

22 | MAY 12, 2015 | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM

Compiled by KMI Media Group staff

from sliding off. The detents are lowered or retracted out of the

way when the missile is being loaded, unloaded, or launched from

the rail launcher. rail launchers may also have grounding mecha-

nisms for dissipating precipitation static or P-static. P-static is

created when rain, snow, hail, dust or other particles strike the

surfaces of the aircraft. If not dissipated, P-static can damage the

aircraft and its electronics.

Some missions do not require an aircraft to carry missiles.

During such missions the rail launchers may be empty. Empty

rail launchers typically have a large flat area, sharp angles and

cavities that reflect radar signals back to the radar transmitter.

This increases the radar cross section of the aircraft, making it

more detectible by radar. rail launchers may be removed when

a particular mission requires an aircraft to be less detectible by

radar but does not require missiles. However, some aircraft are not

allowed to fly without rail launchers attached. For example, the

F/A-18 Hornet fighter jet is not allowed to fly without rail launch-

ers attached to its wingtips even if a particular mission does

not require missiles. Also, current procedures for removing and

re-installing rail launchers are complicated, labor intensive and

time-consuming. Moreover, rail launchers can be damaged during

the process of removal and re-installation.

This design generally relates to a cover for an aircraft mis-

sile launcher and, more particularly, to a flightworthy cover for an

empty rail missile launcher that reduces the radar cross section of

the aircraft.

10 drawings

supersonic AircraftNovye grazhdanskie tekhnologii Sukhogo

Country of origin: russia

language: russian

This concept describes an aircraft comprising a fuselage with

front lErX, power plant arranged above tail unit and equipped with

nacelle with turbojets and two supersonic air intakes with rectangular

cross-section. Pylon is arranged nearby aircraft mirror plate between

said nacelle and tail unit skin. Wedges of air intakes compression

are arranged vertically nearby aircraft mirror plane above said pylon.

Fuselage features smooth decrease in vertical size and smooth

increase in horizontal size in the area from fuselage cross-section

at the joint of front lErX. Tail unit skin top and bottom surfaces are

interconnected at fuselage tip in sharp edge.

The reported effect is decreased interferences of supersonic air

intakes and fuel consumption.

16 drawings

unmanned Aircraft system with Collapsible wingJames Barbieri

Country of origin: usA

language english

In modern-day military operations, unmanned aircraft systems

(UAS) may be carried by front-line soldiers for use as a quick source

of intelligence as needed. In those areas of interest, which are too

dangerous for humans to investigate firsthand, a UAS may be as-

sembled and launched to observe the area of conflict using an array of

intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISr) sensors carried by

the UAS airframe. Imaging sensors may typically include electro-optic

(EO), infrared (Ir) and synthetic aperture radar (SAr). Emerging uses

of UAS may include integrated signals intelligence (SIgINT), electronic

warfare (EW), cyber warfare, data relay and attack capabilities. Exist-

ing UAS airframes are typically radio-controlled aircraft with varying

levels of

autonomous flight capabilities. Small-class UAS may

typically have wingspans ranging between about four and about five


Mobility and ease of use are somewhat limited for existing UAS.

Existing UAS are typically transported in a disassembled state with the

wing detached from the fuselage of the aircraft. Transporting an exist-

ing UAS aircraft in the field typically entails carrying multiple boxes

that are the full size of the wing, and may require two or more person-

nel to move. Further, the assembly of some existing UAS aircraft may

be accomplished with tools that may be difficult to operate in limited

visibility conditions or by soldiers wearing protective gear such as gas

masks or gloves.

The limited mobility and difficulty of assembly in certain conditions

may hamper the effectiveness of UAS by front-line soldiers in combat

situations. The bulky crates may hamper the mobility of the soldiers

WWW.NAVY-kMI.COM | NAVY NEWS WEEklY | MAY 12, 2015 | 23

and limit the front-line scenarios in which an UAS may be used. If the

assembly of the UAS in the field requires an inordinate amount of time

to unpack, assemble and/or deploy, the resulting delay in obtaining

critical intelligence may squander a window of opportunity to complete

a mission or potentially endanger the lives of personnel.

In addition, the role of UAS technology is expanding to encom-

pass a wide variety of operational scenarios including law enforce-

ment, border patrol, search and rescue, mapping, meteorology and

other scientific research, as well as recreational uses. At present, the

U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is considering the release

of formal regulations related to the operation of small, unmanned air

vehicles (UAVs) within U.S. airspace. given the proliferation of these

UAVs, there exists a need for a fundamental improvement of their

design to increase portability, usability and practicality.

A need exists in the art for a UAS with enhanced mobility and

ease of assembly. In particular, a need in the art exists for a UAS that

may be transported in a container small enough to be easily carried

by an individual operator. Further, a need in the art exists for an easily

transported UAS that may be assembled quickly in low visibility and

time-sensitive conditions without the use of tools or extensive training.

Such a UAS may facilitate the continued adoption of UAS by a larger

number of users in a wider variety of scenarios.

This application relates to a collapsible wing, methods of pro-

ducing the collapsible wing and an unmanned aircraft system that

includes a collapsible wing.

16 drawings

flap for short takeoff and landing AircraftGOUVPO VGTU

Country of origin: russia

language: russian

This invention relates to aircraft engineering. This flap comprises

main link, deflector, carriages with support rollers and flap displace-

ment guide rails. Main link top part has stiff panels articulated there-

with whereto connected are tie-rods articulated with rotary board

levers via panel drive rocker and mid tie-rods. Said panel is arranged

at flap main link front while rotary board levers are articulated via turn

tie rods with release/retract mechanisms.

The reported effect is higher lift.

11 drawings

Miniature torpedoBoeing

Country of origin: usA

language: english

Typical anti-ship torpedoes are too heavy and too large to be carried

by and launched from an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). A typical tor-

pedo is constructed using heavy plastique explosives. The amount and

type of explosives employed in a typical torpedo add significantly to the

torpedo’s size and weight. As typical, small UAVs have a limited payload

capacity, the size and weight of typical, larger torpedoes prohibit their

use on smaller scale UAV platforms.

The miniature torpedo of the present invention overcomes the

size and weight disadvantages of conventional torpedoes that prevent

them from being carried by and launched from smaller UAVs in addi-

tion to significantly increasing the torpedo payload capability of both

larger UAVs and conventional manned anti-ship aircraft, and anti sub-

surface ship aircraft. The miniature torpedo of the invention has an

overall length of approximately 18.5 inches and approximate weight of

less than 10 pounds. The miniature torpedo is therefore ideally suited

for being carried by and launched from small UAVs while also increas-

ing the torpedo carrying capacity of larger UAVs and conventional

manned aircraft.

21 drawings

defense innovaTions

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Compiled by KMI Media Group staff

Aerial target trackingFGOU VPO VAIU

Country of origin: russia

language: russian

This invention relates to telescopic sights of guidance systems of

controlled objects and can be used in air defense fire control systems.

The method comprises detecting an aerial target; selecting angular

aiming speed of an electro-optical module (EOM) by superimposing

the cross on a monitor screen with the target; turning the EOM into an

automatic target tracking mode by inputting an image of the target into

a tracking gate and issuing a Capture command; measuring the current

range to the target by emitting laser radiation towards the target and

receiving the radiation reflected from the target; controlling the spatial

position of the laser radiation towards the target by issuing control

commands, which correspond to angular coordinates of the target, to a

two-dimensional acousto-optical deflector; converting the digital code

of the range into a video signal; display thereof on a monitor in the form

of a digital inscription; determining angular velocities of the aerial target

and the drive of the EOM; determining the value and direction of the

necessary changes of the angular velocities of the drive of the EOM by

comparing angular velocities of the target and the drive of the EOM;

issuing a recommendation to the pointer of a portable system on the

required value and direction of changing angular velocity of the drive of

the EOM.

The reported effect is high reliability of tracking high-speed and

maneuvering targets.

2 drawings

towed sonar ArraysRaytheon

Country of origin: usA

language: english

Some sonar systems employ sonar elements towed by a ship. So-

called passive towed sonar systems typically have a towed line array

of acoustic receiving elements. The passive towed sonar systems can

passively receive sounds radiated by targets, for example, ships or

submarines. Typically, the passive towed sonar system has processing

capabilities that can, from the received sounds, detect the target, that

can localize the target, and that can classify the target.

So-called active towed sonar systems typically have both a

towed line array of acoustic receiving elements and also a towed

sound source. The active towed sonar systems can generate acous-

tic pulses with the towed sound source. The sound pulses travel

through the water, and impinge upon an object, for example, a ship,

submarine or a mine, creating echoes therefrom. The towed line array

of acoustic receiving elements used in the active towed sonar system

can receive the echoes from the targets. Typically, the active towed

sonar system has processing electronics that can, from the received

echoes, detect the target, that can localize the target and that can

classify the target.

Conventional towed active sonar systems us a first winch and a

first associated tow cable to tow the line array of acoustic receiving

elements and a second winch and a second associated tow cable

to tow the towed sound source. Having two winches and two tow

cables tends to result in excessive use of ship deck space and also

complex deployment techniques.

17 drawings

robotic Complex for intelligence and fire supportZavod im. V.A. Degtjareva

Country of origin: russia

language: russian

This design describes a robotic complex for intelligence and

fire support is built as per a modular principle and includes the fol-

lowing functionally completed modules and mounted equipment. A

chassis is of a track-type version, and the chassis housing is load-

carrying and welded of armored steel plates. A control system of a

platform is additionally equipped with a survey control and orienta-

tion system that includes independent navigation equipment, me-

chanical speed sensors and satellite navigation equipment, which

are connected to a central computer. An electrical power supply

system of the robotic complex has two voltage ratings for a power

plant of a propeller, an on-board power circuit of facilities and the

mounted equipment. For each voltage rating, a provision is made

for a lithium-iron phosphate storage battery. The electrical power

supply system is provided with a microprocessor charge control

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unit and a diesel generator. The robotic complex is also provided

with a collision warning system consisting of an interface unit and

ultrasonic sensors.

6 drawings

deployable Automated refueling buoy for unmanned systemsU.S. Navy

Country of origin: usA

language: english

This invention is directed towards a class of surface water

vessels that include aluminum-hulled vessels of about 40 feet

that displace more 20,000 pounds of water. These vessels may be

unmanned surface vessels (USVs) that may be powered by diesel

engines and twin propellers or waterjets. The fuel capacity is gen-

erally 400 to 800 gallons, which translates to a limited endurance

while performing the mission for which they were designed. All

must be brought to the mission area by a larger host vessel.

generally, each USV must be retrieved from the sea and

brought on board the host vessel to be refueled. This reduces the

percentage of time the USVs are conducting their mission, reduc-

ing their effectiveness and also causing the host vessel to remain

relatively close to the mission area. While recovering, the host

vessel may be restricted in course and speed, unable to launch

and recover other USVs, and not able to operate other systems,

which limit its efficiency. If the host vessel can only launch/recover

one USV at a time (as is typically the case), this creates a queuing

problem for groups of USVs and subtracts from the total mission

time available as all must wait while each unit is replenished and

re-launched before returning to the mission area. Deteriorating sea

conditions may make recovery difficult, dangerous or impossible

and disrupt the USVs mission.

recently, the U.S. Navy has been developing and working on

arrangements for the at-sea refueling of USVs. There are many

difficulties associated with open-water refueling, such as, for

example, unpredictable sea states, and difficulty in obtaining a

proper connection between the USV and the fueling station to

avoid spillage. It is therefore desired to have an at-sea refuel-

ing station that overcomes the pitfalls of at-sea refueling, and

obviates the need for using a host vessel to provide this service,

allowing the host vessel to conduct other missions simultaneously

or stand off from a potentially hazardous area.

3 drawings

Counteraction to optical-electronic laser-Guided systemsNII OEhP

Country of origin: russia

language: russian

In this design a method of counteraction to optical-electronic

laser-guided systems with laser targeting (OElSg), the irradiating laser

impulses are registered and generate interfering laser impulses in the

certain method right after registration of each irradiating laser impulse.

The device of counteraction to optical-electronic laser-guided systems

contains a laser radiation receiver, an amplification and converting

signal processing unit, a laser starting pulse shaper, a laser, a unit of

induction of interfering laser impulses and its control unit, an evaluator

of minimum time interval between irradiating laser impulses connected

in certain way.

The reported effect is high efficiency of OElSg counteraction at any

time-and-frequency sequence of irradiating impulses.

2 drawings

defense innovaTions

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Compiled by KMI Media Group staff

underwater load-CarrierLockheed Martin

Country of origin: usA

language: english

Underwater mining includes mining nodules lying on the bottom surface

of an ocean. Nodules contain valuable minerals such as manganese. Under-

water mining operation includes mining the nodules and bringing the nodules

to a surface ship to be processed or transported to a processing location.

An underwater load-carrier (load-carrier) is disclosed that includes an

underwater-balloon detachably attached to a container. The container is

initially loaded with ballast through a loading hose connected to a con-

nector disposed on a top surface of a hopper of the container. The bal-

last may be salt in a solid form (salt), tailings, which are waste product of

a mineral extraction process, or salt and tailings as a mixture or in alloy

form. The container loaded with ballast is lowered into the water of an

ocean from a ship platform, attached to the underwater-balloon and al-

lowed to descend to an ocean bottom. At the ocean bottom, a remotely

operated vehicle (rOV) connects the load-carrier to a mining-vehicle by

an umbilical cord through which nodules are loaded into, power is sup-

plied to and communication is established with the container.

The container includes a controller that controls ejectors such as

screws. The controller controls a buoyancy of the load-carrier and a load in

the container (everything that is not part of the container) by ejecting ballast

while the mining-vehicle loads nodules into the container. In this way, the

controller adjusts the buoyancy of the load-carrier and the load to maintain

a positive altitude of the load-carrier above the ocean bottom. Ejectors

include detectors that detect whether nodules or ballast are being ejected.

When nodules are ejected, then loading of nodules into the container may

be stopped. Where more than one ejector is installed, loading of nodules

may be stopped when all ejectors are ejecting nodules.

When nodule loading is completed, the container further ejects

nodules and/or ballast until load-carrier reaches a desired buoyancy

sufficient to ascend the load-carrier at a desired speed. The rOV dis-

connects the container from the mining-vehicle and the load carrier lifts

the load of nodules to an ocean surface. After surfacing, the container

is hoisted onto the ship platform and nodules are unloaded into a cargo

hold of the ship. The container is reloaded with ballast and lowered

back into the ocean to continue the underwater mining operation.

19 drawings

infrared radiation-Absorbing Composition for soaking textile ArticlesChistjakov Savva Sergeevich

Country of origin: russia

language: russian

This invention relates to compositions intended for absorbing

infrared radiation generated by external sources of electromagnetic

waves in the infrared spectrum and infrared radiation coming from

the object itself. The composition for soaking textile articles contains

the following components (vol %): mineral, semisynthetic and syn-

thetic industrial liquid hydrocarbons in the form of multi-grade engine

oil or food-grade vegetable liquid hydrocarbons in the form of food-

grade vegetable oils - 99; pigment-dye – soot in the form of mono-

chromic, black, nonmagnetic, mechanical toner, which is uniformly

distributed in the medium of said liquid hydrocarbons - 1.

The reported effect is the improved absorption of infrared radia-

tion when the object is irradiated with electromagnetic waves in the

infrared spectrum.

Airdrop Controller systemBoeing

Country of origin: usA

language: english

Airdrops are typically used to deliver cargo to various locations

in which other types of cargo delivery systems may not be able to

access as easily or as quickly. Airdrops may be used to re-supply

troops, provide humanitarian aid, deliver equipment, deliver ve-

hicles and for other suitable types of purposes.

An airdrop may be performed using an airdrop system that

comprises a payload attached to a parachute. The airdrop system

also may be steered towards a target location as the airdrop system

descends toward the ground. Airdrops may include low-velocity

airdrops, high-velocity airdrops, free-fall airdrops, high-altitude

airdrops, low-altitude airdrops and other suitable types of


An airdrop system may include, for example, a parachute, a

payload, electric or pyro-electric actuators, a computer, a global

positioning system, navigation control software and other suitable

types of components. The actuators may be attached to a struc-

ture on which a payload is located or may be attached directly

to the payload. These actuators may be controlled by the

computer, the navigation control software running on the

computer and possibly with the use of a global positioning

system to control the flight path of the airdrop system toward a

target location.

In designing and manufacturing airdrop systems, the cost of

components may be a factor in selecting components for an airdrop

system. Oftentimes, after the airdrop occurs, some or all of these

components may not be reusable or may not be returned for future

airdrops. For example, a parachute or pallet on which cargo is

placed in the airdrop system may be rendered unusable during the

landing of the airdrop system. In other examples, circumstances

may prevent recovery of these components. For example, a human

operator receiving the cargo may be unable to transport the differ-

ent components of the airdrop system. Present airdrop control is

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accomplished with single-purpose devices useful only for control

during the airdrop mission segment.

As a result, these components may be left at the target location or de-

stroyed. Thus, it is desirable to increase the usefulness of an airdrop system.

12 drawings

ice-breaking pusher AdapterFGUP Krylovskij gosudarstvennyj nauchnyj tsentr

Country of origin: russia

language: russian

This invention relates to shipbuilding, particularly to ice-breaking

facilities operated in combination with tug. Propose ice-breaking

adapter pushed by pusher tug is intended for making of navigable

waterways in ices. Adapter hulls are composed of front and two lateral

rigidly interconnected frame structure for tight contact with pusher tug.

Said hulls feature a broken flat stern in shape approximating to triangle

at waterline level. lateral hulls feature equal width and are shifted

downward from the main hull so that the line extending through their

stems level with the waterline is spaced from the parallel line extend-

ing level with waterline through main hull stem-post at least 0.1 of the

main hull width in its midship. Said lateral hulls are located on both

sides from the main hull so that their midship planes are spaced from

ice-breaker midship plane by distance I defined by a pre-set formula..

Device for tight contact of said adapter with pusher tug is arranged at

frame structure to extend by magnitude b making at least 3 m beyond

the line passing through lateral hull stem-posts.

The reported effect is higher safety of navigation in ice.

1 drawing

ice breaker for operation in shallow freezing sea AreasFGUP Krylovskij gosudarstvennyj nauchnyj tsentr

Country of origin: russia

language: russian

This invention relates to shipbuilding, particularly to ice-breaker ves-

sels and pusher tugs to be operated in shallow iced areas. Ice-breakers

comprises hull with sledge-type stern counter and steering mover com-

plex arranged in the latter and including two paddle propulsors arranged

on sides as well as two whirligig steering columns provided with two

propeller screws and arranged in symmetry about the ice-breaker center

line. Stern counter at structural waterline area features ice-breaking shape

with expressed wedge-shape with taper angle in waterline making 90-180

degrees and with surface inclined to vertical, at least 30 degrees.

Ice-protection nose is formed in stern counter perimeter, features

wedge-like cross-section and does not extend beyond ship hull. Said

nose extends in fore direction beyond the screw propeller disc plane by

magnitude not exceeding two diameters of said propulsors. This nose

features height whereat its bottom edge at stern is spaced from rotational

axes of screw propellers by at least half the radius of said propellers.

The reported effect is better maneuverability in ice.

3 drawings

hull and rotary rudder propellersAlthough originally described as being designed for a fishing vessel,

this proposed one-hull multi-deck vessel with underwater part shaped

to flatfish pontoon design equipped with propulsion complex. liv-

ing quarter deck at top deck is shifted toward fore to make exposed

fishing deck. Underwater fore part has bulbed end shaped to oval. The

underwater section ratio varies from 1.5 to 2.6. Propulsive complex is

composed of two steering complexes arranged at the hull aft and lifting

steering column at hull fore.

3 drawings

defense innovaTions

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Compiled by KMI Media Group staff

Conversion of vertical take-off and landing AircraftCountry of origin: russia

language: russian

Method of conversion of vertical take-off and landing aircraft

with a wing and the lifting propeller consisting of a disk from

which during take off and landing blades of the lifting propeller

are released. The plane wing is mounted according to the high-

wing monoplane configuration. In its center wing section, a disk is

placed, the top part of which during take-off or landing is released

from the center wing section into air flow; the disk is brought to

rotation and is converted into the lifting propeller, releasing blades

from it. During cruising flight, the blades are taken away into the

disk, the disk rotation is stopped and its top part is taken away into

the center wing section, which form with it a common, well-stream-

lined surface.

The reported effect is an increase in speed, flying range and

decrease of fuel consumption.

2 drawings

Atmospheric flying saucerCountry of origin: russia

language: russian

This (wacky? – editor’s note!) invention relates to aviation, in

particular, to vertical take-off and landing aircraft. The atmospher-

ic flying saucer has body, jet engine, flight deck with steering

wheel, instrument panel, pilot seat and passenger seat. The body

consists of radial side members, outer upper rubs, inner upper

ribs, outer lower ribs, cabin side members. Engine and fuel tank

are installed above flying saucer body in engine nacelle the lower

part of which has a nozzle and is mounted on stems of hydraulic

cylinders installed on outer upper ribs. Profile of outer upper

ribs follows wing upper part form where the front edge is the

most distant from vertical symmetry axis of flying saucer,

and the rear edge transits into conical surface of inner upper


Profile of outer upper ribs can follow form of upper rear wing

part where wing profile rear point is the most distant from sym-

metry axis of flying saucer, and wing profile bend point coincides

with end point of inner upper rib. Chord of wing profile can have

angle of slope relative to horizontal line of 0° to 90°. Vertical

component of T-shaped profile of reactive torque equalizers can

be made in the form wing profile or in form of arc.

28 drawings

transport Aircraft for space rockets Carrying and Acceleration inStratosphere

Country of origin: russia

language: russia

This invention relates to aircraft engineering. Transport aircraft

for space rockets carrying and acceleration in stratosphere includes

two fuselages, chassis, vertical stabilizers, engines, wing consist-

ing of central part and two outer wing panels, where engines are

mounted, and cradles-guides for attachment of the mentioned

rockets. It is provided with additional wing with engines on con-

soles, which are mounted on top ends of vertical stabilizers. rear

parts of fuselages are linked by aerodynamically clean crosspiece.

The cradles-guides are attached to top surfaces of wing central

part and on crosspiece.

The reported effect is an increase in mass of space rockets

brought into Earth stratosphere and improved controllability.

9 drawings

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flight Management of an Aircraft during a landing phaseAirbus Operations SAS

Country of origin: france

language: english

It is known that, usually and according to a standard procedure,

in order to land, an aircraft descends from a start of descent altitude

to a predetermined altitude (generally of the order of 3,000 feet) whilst

maintaining a constant speed. When it arrives at this predetermined

altitude, the aircraft decelerates down to an intermediate speed. The

aircraft then intercepts a descent alignment path corresponding to the

airport and to the runway used. The standard slope during the final

approach is fixed at. During this phase, the aircraft continues to decel-

erate whilst extending the slats, the flaps and the landing gear in order

to change into the landing configuration. At about 1,000 feet above the

ground, the aircraft maintains a selected stabilized approach (which

depends on the configuration of the aircraft and on the meteorological

conditions) down to 50 feet above the threshold of the runway, and

then it initiates a flare in order to come into contact with the runway

and complete its landing.

It is known that one of the many objectives of those involved in

aeronautics (aircraft manufacturers, airports andair companies) is to

reduce the environmental impacts (noise, fuel consumption) in the vicin-

ity of airports.

The final approach is generally located on a path defined by beams

(of the “locating” and “glide path” type) of an IlS (Instrument landing

System), which imposes the location of an aiming point; that is to say a

point where the descent path joins the runway.

New navigation technologies now make it possible to carry out

satellite-guided approaches. Approaches for which only lateral guidance

is provided are called non-precision approaches, for example when

only gPSs (global Positioning Systems) are used. On the other hand,

precision approaches refer to cases where the aircraft is also guided in

the vertical plane, having recourse to systems such as the glS (gBAS

landing System, where gBAS signifies “ground-Based Augmentation

System). In the case of non-precision approaches or of no-constraints

precision approaches using ground guidance means like the IlS or the

MlS, the pilot can be free to position his plan of approach. However, he

practically always chooses to take, for safety and though lack of knowl-

edge of the minimum braking distance required for the actual conditions

(conditions at the moment of landing), the runway threshold as a refer-

ence point, from which the aiming point is derived.

The present invention relates to a method and a device for aiding

the flight management of an aircraft, in particular a transport aircraft,

during a phase of landing on an airport.

projectile steering surfaceKorporatsija Takticheskoe raketnoe vooruzhenie

Country of origin: russia

language: russian

This invention relates to aircraft and rocket engineering. Fold-

ing steering surface of “airborne hitting means” (projectile – edi-

tor’s note) comprises the base composed of two symmetric halves

secured by fasteners, folding support and tension spring fitted in

said base.

The reported effect is a higher reliability of unfolding.

4 drawings

reinforced polymer Composite wing boxOtkrytoe aktsionernoe obshchestvo Natsional'nyj institut aviatsion-

nykh tekhnologij

Country of origin: russia

language: russian

This invention relates to the structure of the wing box of the aircraft.

Wing box comprises the outer rigid power massive frame formed

by the front and rear longerons and ribs and outer skin, forming the

aerodynamic contour and secured on the outer surface of the frame.

In this case, the wing box comprises the inner massive power frame,

composed from individual grid power units transversely spaced relative

to longerons, that fill the space inside the outer frame and fixed on


The reported effects are weight reduction and improvement of

operational reliability of the aircraft wing, increase in hardness, bending

and torsion resistance.

9 drawings

defense innovaTions

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Compiled by KMI Media Group staff

Assembly for stealth vehicleThales

Country of origin: france

language: french

The invention relates to a metal shell assembly for a vehicle that is

of revolution about a longitudinal axis comprising stiffeners with a peri-

odic distribution having a period and comprising a plurality of resonant

annular acousto-mechanical elementary structures indexed according

to an index and arranged respectively in a plurality of positions along

the longitudinal axis and having respectively a plurality of resonant fre-

quencies, a metal internal layer having internal acoustic impedance and

a radial internal thickness, an intermediate layer having an intermediate

acoustic impedance and a radial intermediate thickness an an external

layer made up of a portion of the shell of a length substantially equal

to said period and centred on said longitudinal position. In addition,

at least one of the resonant frequencies of an elementary structure is

contained within a determined frequency band containing frequencies

of acoustic waves dependent on the periodic distribution of the stiffen-

ers, and at least one of the radial thicknesses can be varied according

to the index so that the resonant frequencies associated with the radial

thicknesses are also variable.

12 drawings

vtol hydroplane and engine thrust vector deflectorTANTK im. G.M. Berieva

Country of origin: russia

language: russia

This invention relates to rotorcraft, namely, to VTOl aircraft.

VTOl hydroplane is equipped with thrust vector deflector arranged

atop center section shaped to inverted V and two boats fuselages

with inflatable floats and crew cabins. Two wing panels and tail unit

are rigidly jointed with boats fuselages. Hydroplane is provided with

jet rudders arranged at the ends of wing panels, tail unit and canti-

lever beam ahead of center section. Thrust vector deflector makes

an extension of the engine discharge channel that changes over to

square or rectangular cross section subject to the number of engines

in the stack. Said deflector directs gas flow at 90 degrees to make a

vault with surface composed by surfaces of rotary blades that face

said discharge channel. On opposite side, said blades are shaped to

wing profile top part. gas flow outlet is provided with several rotary


The reported effect is to rule out unbalance at failure of one or

more engines at hovering and VTOl.

9 drawings

small smart weaponLone Star IP Holdings

Country of origin: usA

language: english

Present rules of engagement demand that precision guided

weapons and weapon systems are necessary. According to well-

documented reports, precision guided weapons have made up about

53 percent of all strike weapons employed by the United States from

1995 to 2003. The trend toward the use of precision weapons will

continue. Additionally, strike weapons are used throughout a cam-

paign, and in larger numbers than any other class of weapons. This

trend will be even more pronounced as unmanned airborne vehicles

(UAVs) take on attack roles.

Each weapon carried on a launch platform (e.g., aircraft, ship

and artillery) must be tested for safety, compatibility, and effective-

ness. In some cases, these qualification tests can cost more to

perform than the costs of the development of the weapon system.

As a result, designers often choose to be constrained by earlier

qualifications. In the case of smart weapons, this qualification

includes data compatibility efforts. Examples of this philosophy can

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be found in the air-to-ground munitions (AgM)-154 joint standoff

weapon (JSOW), which was integrated with a number of launch

platforms. In the process, a set of interfaces were developed, and

a number of other systems have since been integrated which used

the data sets and precedents developed by the AgM-154. Such

qualifications can be very complex.

An additional example is the bomb live unit (BlU)-116, which

is essentially identical to the BlU-109 warhead in terms of weight,

center of gravity and external dimensions. However, the BlU-116

has an external “shroud” of light metal (presumably aluminum alloy

or something similar) and a core of hard, heavy metal. Thus, the

BlU-109 was employed to reduce qualification costs of the BlU-


Another means used to minimize the time and expense of

weapons integration is to minimize the changes to launch platform

software. As weapons have become more complex, this has proven

to be difficult. As a result, the delay in operational deployment of

new weapons has been measured in years, often due solely to the

problem of aircraft software integration.

Some weapons such as the Paveway II laser guided bomb [also

known as the guided bomb unit (gBU)-12] have no data or power

interface to the launch platform. Clearly, it is highly desirable to

minimize this form of interface and to, therefore, minimize the cost

and time needed to achieve military utility.

Another general issue to consider is that low cost weapons are

best designed with modularity in mind. This generally means that

changes can be made to an element of the total weapon system,

while retaining many existing features, again with cost and time in


Another consideration is the matter of avoiding unintended

damage, such as damage to non-combatants. Such damage can

take many forms, including direct damage from an exploding weap-

on, or indirect damage. Indirect damage can be caused by a “dud”

weapon going off hours or weeks after an attack, or if an enemy

uses the weapon as an improvised explosive device. The damage

may be inflicted on civilians or on friendly forces.

One term of reference is “danger close,” which is the term in-

cluded in the method of engagement segment of a call for fire that

indicates that friendly forces or non-combatants are within close

proximity of the target. The close proximity distance is determined

by the weapon and munition fired. In recent United States engage-

ments, insurgent forces fighting from urban positions have been

difficult to attack due to such considerations.

To avoid such damage, a number of data elements may be pro-

vided to the weapon before launch, examples of such data include

information about coding on a laser designator, so the weapon will

home in on the right signal. Another example is global positioning

system (gPS) information about where the weapon should go, or

areas that must be avoided. Other examples could be cited, and

are familiar to those skilled in the art.

Therefore, what is needed is a small smart weapon that can

be accurately guided to an intended target with the effect of

destroying that target with little or no collateral damage of other

nearby locations. Also, what is needed is such a weapon having

many of the characteristics of prior weapons already qualified

in order to substantially reduce the cost and time for effective


4 drawings

nanocomposite optical Ceramic domeRaytheon

Country of origin: usA

language: english

Outwardly looking radar, infrared and/or visible-light sensors

built into vehicles such as aircraft or missiles are usually protected

by a covering termed a dome. The dome serves as a window that

transmits the radiation sensed by the sensor. The dome can also

act as a structural element that protects the sensor and that can

carry aerodynamic loadings. In many cases, the dome can protect

a forward-looking sensor, wherein the dome bears large aerostruc-

tural loadings.

Where the vehicle moves relatively slowly, as in the case of

helicopters, subsonic aircraft, and ground vehicles, some domes

are made of nonmetallic organic materials that have good energy

transmission and low-signal distortion, and can support small-to-

moderate structural loadings at low-to-intermediate temperatures.

For those vehicles that fly much faster, such as hypersonic aircraft

or missiles flying in the Mach 3-20 range, nonmetallic organic mate-

rials are inadequate for use in domes because aerodynamic friction

heats the dome above the maximum operating temperature of the

organic material.

In such cases, the dome is typically made of a ceramic material

that can withstand elevated temperatures and that has good energy

transmission characteristics. However, existing ceramics, such as

sapphire, have the shortcoming that they are relatively brittle and

non-elastic. The likelihood of fracture can be increased by the pres-

ence of small surface defects in the ceramic and externally imposed

stresses and strains. The ceramic dome can be hermetically attached

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to the body of the missile, which is typically made of a metal with

high-temperature strength, such as a titanium alloy.

Ceramic material has a relatively low coefficient of thermal ex-

pansion (CTE), while the metal missile body typically has a relatively

high CTE. Changing the temperature of the missile body and dome

can result in a CTE mismatch, which can create or induce strain

between the dome and the missile body when the two are joined.

This can greatly increase the propensity of the dome to fracture in

a brittle manner and can lead to failure of the sensor and ultimately

failure of the missile. In one typical example, the dome and the

missile body are joined by brazing at approximately 1,000 degrees

F. At this temperature, there is effectively little to no strain in the

joint due to a CTE mismatch. A temperature change can occur as

the parts cool from the joining temperature. Additional temperature

changes can occur, for example, when the missile is carried on

board a launch aircraft or during service, in which the temperature

can drop to -55 degrees F. The difference in temperature between

1,000 degrees F. and -55 degrees F. can create the greatest CTE

mismatch that the dome and missile body experience and, there-

fore, the greatest strain between the dome and the missile body.

In other words, the maximum CTE mismatch stress occurs at low

temperatures, when the substantially “zero stress state” at braze

temperature is at its greatest difference.

To account for this CTE mismatch between the dome and mis-

sile body, some designs comprise multiple parts coupled by braz-

ing and include transition elements to reduce the severity of CTE

mismatching in stages. For example, a transition element may have

an intermediate CTE relative to the dome and missile body to allow

the dome to be coupled indirectly to the missile body. The result

is a complex design that may also require additional aerodynamic

components and sealing of joints and gaps between components,

such as with polysulfide.

5 drawings

Aircraft power supply systemVVA

Country of origin: russia

language: russian

This system comprises accumulator batteries, control, adjust-

ment and protection equipment, DC-AC converter, thermoelectric

elements consisting of hot- and cold-junction heat exchangers, and

a charge controller. The hot-junction heat exchangers are mounted

at inner surfaces of combustion chambers, flame stabilizers and

turbojet engine afterburner. The cold junction heat exchangers are

mounted at the aircraft outer skin. The charge controller is coupled to

output of thermoelectric elements and to input of accumulator bat-

teries as well to input of DC-AC converter. Outputs of DC-AC con-

verter as well as DC-DC outputs are the device outputs. Output of

the DC-AC converter is connected to input of the controlling, adjust-

ing and protecting unit. Output of accumulator batteries is coupled

to DC-DC input of the converter. Output of the DC-DC converter is

coupled to the input of the controlling, adjusting and protecting unit.

Output of the controlling, adjusting and protecting unit is coupled to

input of the accumulator batteries.

The reported effect is to provide power supply to consumers

when generators are not available.

2 drawings

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Guidance rolling Missile and Guidance systemKonstruktorskoe bjuro Priborostroenija

Country of origin: russia

language: russian

An error signal containing information about the missile deviation and

interference, is additionally summed with the error signal shifted with respect to

the source in the direction of delay for a time equal to half the period of the har-

monic signal of interference. At that, adjustment of the delay time is inversely

proportional to the frequency of rotation about the roll axis, provides interfer-

ence suppression of variable frequency changing during the missile flight.

The guidance system of the rolling missile additionally comprises serially

connected clamped amplifier, the second link with adjustable delay time and

the second summing amplifier, which output is connected to the second input

of the modulator, the second input is connected to the output of the first sum-

ming amplifier, connected with the output to the second input of the second

link with adjustable time delay. The clamped amplifier input is connected to an

output of the period meter.

The reported effect is an increase in accuracy of missile guidance in the

presence of interference in signals of coordinates at double rotation rate about

the roll axis of the missile.

3 drawings

retaining and deploying CanardsSimmonds Precision Products, Inc.

Country of origin: usA

language: english

During the launch of a projectile, it is desired to have retractable

canards, which are retained within the projectile and subsequent

to launch the canards unfold from within the projectile and extend

into the airstream. Slots in the projectile housing are provided to

accommodate deployment of the canards from within the projectile

to the outside airstream. These slots increase drag on the projectile,

reducing the range for the projectile launch, and expose the inner

components to environmental conditions, such as electromagnetic

interference. To solve these problems, slot covers can be used.

Existing mechanisms for canard cover ejection and canard

deployment on launched projectiles are known in the art. In the

past, mechanisms for canard deployment typically employ multiple

pyrotechnics to eject the canard cover and additional spring-loaded

mechanisms to deploy the canards. Using separate pyrotechnics

and spring-loaded mechanisms to eject the covers and deploy the

canards makes it difficult to synchronize the deployment of the

canards, therein creating instability if one canard deploys before

another, and increases the cost and the complexity of the deploying


The invention relates to retention and deployment systems for

canards and more particularly to systems and methods for retaining

and deploying canards and canard covers on a projectile.

11 drawings

folding AirfoilNPO Mashinostroenija

Country of origin: russia

language: russian

This concept describes a folding airfoil comprises center section

and panel articulated therewith at center section coaxially with fold-

ing axis and allow the contact between pusher and screw rod. Said

rod is fitted in two aligned cylindrical bores, one being located at

center section and provided with screw grooves for screw rod ledges

to fit in while another bore is made in aforesaid panel. Said rod and

panel bore make a sliding slotted joint. rod-slotted joint side end

has threaded bore aligned with rod axis while center section wall

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on side of said end has bore for access to threaded bore. Centre

section has height-adjustable ledge for panel thrust at turn through

opening angle.

The reported effect is perfected aerodynamics, optimum applica-

tion of the drive.

3 drawings

Combined shaped lining for high-speed Compact element formationNII SM, SM-4

Country of origin: russia

language: russia

The combined shaped lining for high-speed compact element

formation includes jet-forming part of hemispheric shape interfacing

with a cylindrical cutoff part. Thickness of jet-forming part of shaped

lining decreases from hemisphere top to its base from (0.08-0.1)rC

to (0.03-0.05)rC where rC is the external radius of the hemisphere.

Thickness of cylindrical cutoff part of shaped lining is 0.5-1.0 of the

hemisphere base thickness.

The reported effect is increased speed of high-speed compact


5 drawings

launch and recovery systemIsraeli Aerospace Industries

Country of origin: israel

language: english

An underwater launch and recovery system is disclosed includ-

ing: a surface water vehicle; at least one underwater vehicle; a

docking system for selectively docking and undocking each un-

derwater vehicle with respect to the surface vehicle at a selectively

controllable water depth. The docking system includes a docking

port for enabling the underwater vehicle to be selectively engaged

and disengaged with respect to the docking system, the docking

port being connected to the surface water vehicle via a movable

connector. The movable connector is configured for: providing a

predetermined said water depth to said docking port for enabling

said selectively docking and undocking, and for decoupling at least

surface heave movement of surface water vehicle from underwater

heave movement of the docking port at said predetermined water

depth. Also disclosed are methods for underwater launch and


8 drawings

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piracy protection systemThales

Country of origin: france

language: french

The invention relates to a piracy protection system for the

detection of suspect vessels around a vessel to be protected, the

piracy protection system comprising a processing unit configured

to determine, for each vessel in the proximity of the vessel to be

protected: - a behavior indicator, - an overall risk indicator, and/or - a

coherence indicator, and to determine both the piracy risk indicator

of each vessel as a function of the corresponding behavior indicator,

as well as at least one indicator from the corresponding overall risk

and coherence indicators.

Aircraft door


Country of origin: russia

language: russian

This aircraft door comprises the door leaf and upper hinge mech-

anism, comprising two pivoting levers, interconnected by means of

rigid element, control rod with roller, and carrier, pivotally coupled

by the first end to the control rod. Door also comprises two rock-

ers, pivotally coupled by first ends to the door leaf, and traverse of

upper hinge mechanism, pivotally coupled to the second ends of the

rockers, to the first ends of pivoted levers and to the second end of

the control rod. In this case, the axes of hinge connections of rockers

with door leaf and traverse are parallel to each other and arranged

horizontally, axes of hinge connections of traverse of upper hinge

mechanism with the first ends of pivoting levers and with the second

end of control rod, axis of roller, axes of elements of hinge connec-

tions at the second ends of pivoting levers and at the second end

of carrier are parallel to each other and arranged vertically.

Door may also contain the stabilizing mechanism and weight

compensation, actuator mechanism, mechanism of handles, actuator

mechanism with locking device.

The reported effect is a simple design and improved reliability

of locking.

27 drawings

superstructure for a shipDCNS

Country of origin: france

language: french

The invention relates to a superstructure for a naval platform,

comprising a plating and a floor, the floor being applied to the plating

and suitable for fixing to a deck of the naval platform, said super-

structure being characterized in that the floor is detachably fixed to

the plating and suitable for fixing to said deck independent from the

plating and at a distance therefrom.

10 drawings

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Adjustment shieldKonstruktorskoe bjuro priborostroenija im. akademika A.G.


Country of origin: russia

language: russia

This adjustment shield simulates forward radio signals and

radio signals specularly reflected from the earth, propagating from

a missile and a target to a final homing area. The adjustment shield

is located in the far zone of a radio direction-finding antenna and

comprises laser and infrared emitters. To simulate signals from a

missile transponder and signals reflected from a target, the shield is

provided with a radio pulse generator with a frequency synthesizer.

The reported effect is a high accuracy of adjustment.

3 drawings

emergency helicopter shipboard landingHenry Lewis

Country of origin: usA

language: english

Sometimes visibility can change within minutes, and helicopters opera-

tions from small surface ships can be cut short by rough seas, low visibility

and darkness, landing being by far the greatest problem. This invention is

designed to greatly help solve this problem in an economical way; a system

that is effective and reduces the need for at least some of the costly elec-

tronic systems. This is an electrical system not an electronic one.

radars can be too powerful to be used at short ranges. Some can

have blind spots close to the ship because of sea return. Others are not

designed for tracking helicopters all the way to the deck.

To guide a helicopter all the way to the deck, a high-resolution sur-

face surveillance radar with effective filters that take away sea and rain

clutter. Integrated with the radar is an electro-optical infrared camera to

provide a clearer picture of the helicopter to the controllers. The above

system can solve the problem. Then there is the cost factor to consider

for the above and other highly technical electronic systems.

On a small ship especially, visibility can suddenly deteriorate to a

degree that, the approach for landing a helicopter becomes a hazard-

ous task. For visual landing in rough seas, low visibility and darkness,

this light system alone, or in combination with one or more less complex

electronic systems for added safety can be used. Better visibility will

be possible for the air crew to make a safe approach and landing. This

is an electrical system not an electronic one. No high-profile technical

knowledge is needed to operate or repair this system, just some basic

knowledge of electrical theory.

12 drawings

Airborne vehicle (unmanned)Country of origin: russia

language: russian

This design describes a miniature remote-control aircraft comprises

airfoil, two screw propellers and weight, its position being varied to

vary the center of gravity of miniature aircraft. Airfoil is located above

the plane defined by rotational axes of screw propellers to develop the

lift. Airfoil is composed of a top airfoil arranged above bottom airfoil.

This miniature aircraft represents a flying wing design. Aircraft in-flight

position with respect to lengthwise axis and/or aircraft vertical axis can

be adjusted by the difference in propulsion, preferably between rpm of

screw propellers. If used as a reconnaissance plane it can be equipped

with monitoring means.

The design is reportedly is a: compact and durable structure with

perfected flight characteristics.

3 drawings

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