nb3sn conductors for 12 tesla toroidal field coils

670 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS, VOL. MAG-17, NO. 1, JANUARY 1981 Nb3Sn CONDUCTORS FOR 12 TESLA TOROIDAL FIELD COILS* M. S. Walker, D. A. Damiano, W. C. Hamilton, R. E. Wilcox, B. A. Zeitlin, and R. 'VI. Stuart, Intermagnetics General Corporation; and J. P. Heinrich and C. L. Linkinhoker, General Electric Company SUMMARY Several advanced multifilamentary NbgSn conductors were examined forvarious modes ofcoolingforthe 12 Tesla ETF application. Of these, a pancake-wound 15,000 Ampere flat cable of triplets of large strands in a perforated stainless steel channel was selected as the preferred candidate. This cable will be cold- end cryostable in a pool-boiling environment with a maximum h e a tt r a n s f e r from the unoccluded strand sur- face of 0.24 Watts/cm2. The constructionofthe con- ductor and coil is relatively simple, offering poten- tial economies in quality assurance and production costs. I. INTRODUCTION approachesfor a Tokamak EngineeringTestFacility, the Department of Energy in 1979 funded scoping studies for the design of toroidal field coils to a general set of specifications'. The overall objec- tives, specifications, and results of one of these studies', performed by the General Electric Company and Intermagnetics General Corporation, is presented in a companion paper3: Key elements of the scoping study were (1) identification of conductor and winding arrangements suited to various cooling modes, and (2) an evaluation of the suitability of the various cooling/conductor modes for ETF. This paper presents the alternative concepts that were examined, elements of the process that have led to the selection of a pool-boiling approach, and theanalyses and experimen- tation supporting the choice of the selected conductor concept and its design. In order to identify viable candidate conductor 11. THE CONDUCTOR DESIGN PROBLEM coil winding has indicated that substructureforthe transmissionofradial and lateralcompressiveloads will be required2y3. Evaluation of various structural approaches has led to theselectionof a pancake winding of conductor that is either steel-reinforced or co-wound with steel reinforcement, based upon consi- derations mainly of cost and of the effectiveness of the structure. Evaluation of winding strain for Nb3Sn, which is considerednecessaryforoperation a t the 12 Tesla field level specified and in a pre-reacted form forpracticalcoilconstruction,further guided the design of thesteelsubstructure to a pancake stacking of turns, where each turn structurally resembles a wide flat steel box enclosing the electrically-active part of the conductor. This struc- turalconcept was selectedmainlyindependentlyofthe choice of cooling mode and d e t a i l e d description of the conductoritself. The design problem forconductor,insulation and cooling from this structural starting point can be briefly stated as follows: a relatively high winding currentdensity,1,700 Amp/cm2, must be achieved in a fully cryostable fashion even though substantial mechanical structureisincluded in the winding space to transmit the very large simultaneous stresses re- sulting from the 12 T operation: 1600 psi average radial compressive load at the nose, 3,700 psi peak average lateral compressive load, (7,300 psi for one- coil-down), and 0.13% tensile strain. The challenge is to identify a conductor/cooling scheme with suffi- *Research supported by theOfficeofFusion Energy A considerationofloads and stresses within the Departmentof Energy through Subcontract No. 22Y-Oj881C withthe Oak Ridge National Laboratory operated by Union Carbide Corp. for the Department of Energy under C o n t r a c t W-7405-ENG-26. cient capability to meet these requirements, but with sufficient simplicity to assure an economicallyfabri- cabledesignwithinthetime-scaleof ETF. 111. CONDUCTOR AND COOLING CONCEPTS considered in this scoping study: (1) a atmosphere pool boiling, (2) 1 atmosphere subcooled superfluid bath4, (3) supercritical heat-induced flow in confined spaces5, (4) supercritical forced flow with continuous heat exchange to the bath; (5) "conventional" super- critical forced-flow . These cooling approaches were ranked in the order of preference listed above after comparison on a general basis. One atmosphere pool boiling was ranked f i r s t because of its simpiicity and inherent low cost,providing that sufficient heattrans- fer can be achieved to meet the winding current density requirements. Subcooled superfluid bath cooing has the advantage of very high surface heat transfer, up to 1.9 Watts/cm2, but i t r e s u l t s in decreasedrefrigera- tion coefficient ofperformance,particularlyif AC losses are a criticalpartoftheoverall ETF design. There is also added cost and complicationfortheheat exchanger to subcool the bath. Conventional force flow was ranked l a s t because pumping losses can be high and the plumbing necessarytoavoid an excessive tempera- t u r e rise due to the pumping and/orrelieveexcessive pressure is complicated and costly,althoughtheuseof supercritical helium permits increased strand sub- division and the creation of surface for high heat transfer. An advantage is that the conductor forms the inner wall of a dewar withtheconductor becoming a well-insulated, solidly enclosed unit. Forced flow with continuous heat exchanged to the bath was ranked fourth because pumping l o s s e s , radiation losses, and AC losses can be removed continuously. However, t h e cryogenic design is complex, requiring both p1,umbing for forced flow and a surrounding dewar. Heat ex- changed, heat-induced flow in confined spaces was ranked third, ahead of other forced flow concepts, be- cause thermal disturbances supply the pumping power for heat exchange where it is needed for stability, with the other advantages of (3) being present. Selective openings to the bath can be used to releasethepressure build-up on quench, as well. Conductor Concepts. To properly assess the con- straints on conductor design implied by t h e s ec o o l i n g approaches, candidate conductor designs were examined. Some o ft h e s ea r ep r e s e n t e d : (1) thosefor pool boiling orsubcooledsuperfluidcoolingare shown in Figure 1, and (2) those for heat-induced or forced flow in Figure 2. The order of presentation of thefigures roughlyindicates an evolutionofthedesigns to the prime concepts shown at the bottom of the Figures. Note that the computed stability margin fortheheat- induced flow version of the concept shown inFigure 2 was found to compare favorably with tbat ofthe Westinghouse LCP conductor a t 8 Tesla r7. Overall cur- rent densities are higher than those achieved with the pool -boiling concepts. The pool boiling conductor shown in Figure Id was chosen as the prime candidatefor ETF, and the heat- induced flow version of the conductor shown in Figure 2d was chosenasthebestalternate, based upon the results of a 1 imitedtrade-offanalysis. The pool- boilingconductor was selected mainly because i t can achievetherequiredwindingcurrentdensity and be- ments, QA, reliability, and cost weighed heavilyinthe cause of its simplicity, with manufacturing require- all current density, the heat-induced flow concept and selection process. For more stringent demands on over- Cooling Approaches. Five cooling approaches were Selectionof a Preferred Conductor/Cooling Concept. 0018-9464/81/0100-0670$00.75 @ 1981 IEEE

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Page 1: Nb3Sn conductors for 12 tesla toroidal field coils



M . S. Walker, D. A . Damiano, W . C . Hamilton, R . E . Wilcox, B . A . Z e i t l i n , and R . 'VI. Stuart , Intermagnetics General Corporation; a n d J . P. Heinrich a n d C . L . Linkinhoker, General Electric Company

SUMMARY Several advanced mult i f i lamentary NbgSn conductors

were examined for var ious modes of cooling for the 1 2 Tesla ETF appl ica t ion . Of these , a pancake-wound 15,000 Ampere f l a t c a b l e o f t r i p l e t s o f l a r g e s t r a n d s in a perforated stainless steel channel was selected as the preferred candidate. This cable will be cold- end cryostable in a pool-boiling environment with a maximum heat t ransfer from the unoccluded strand sur- face of 0.24 Watts/cm2. The cons t ruc t ion of the con- ductor and co i l i s r e l a t ive ly s imp le , o f f e r ing po ten - t i a l economies in qual i ty assurance and production c o s t s .


approaches for a Tokamak Engineering Test Facility, the Department of Energy in 1979 funded scoping s tud ie s fo r the design of t o r o i d a l f i e l d c o i l s t o a general se t of spec i f ica t ions ' . The overall objec- t i ves , spec i f i ca t ions , and r e su l t s o f one of these s tudies ' , performed by t h e General E l e c t r i c Company and Intermagnetics General Corporation, i s presented i n a companion paper3: Key elements of the scoping study were (1) ident i f icat ion of conductor and winding arrangements suited to various cooling modes, and ( 2 ) a n eva lua t ion of the su i tab i l i ty o f the var ious cooling/conductor modes for ETF. This paper presents the a l te rna t ive concepts tha t were examined, elements of the p rocess tha t have led t o t he s e l ec t ion o f a pool-boiling approach, and the analyses and experimen- tation supporting the choice of the selected conductor concept and i t s d e s i g n .

In order to ident i fy viable candidate conductor


c o i l winding has indicated t h a t subs t ruc ture for the transmission of radial and lateral compressive loads will be required2y3. Evaluation of various structural approaches has led t o the select ion of a pancake winding of conductor t h a t i s e i t h e r s t e e l - r e i n f o r c e d or co-wound w i t h s teel reinforcement, based upon consi- derations mainly of cost and of the effect iveness of the s t ructure . Evaluat ion of winding s t ra in for Nb3Sn, which i s considered necessary for operation a t t h e 12 Tesla f ie ld level specif ied and i n a pre-reacted form fo r p rac t i ca l co i l cons t ruc t ion , fu r the r guided the design o f the s teel substructure t o a pancake stacking of turns, where each turn s t r u c t u r a l l y resembles a wide f l a t s t e e l box enclosing the e lec t r ica l ly-ac t ive par t o f the conductor . This s t ruc- tural concept was selected mainly independently of the choice of cooling mode and detai led descr ipt ion of the conductor i t se l f .

The design problem for conductor , insulat ion and cooling from th i s s t ruc tu ra l s t a r t i ng po in t can be br ie f ly s ta ted as fo l lows: a r e l a t i v e l y high winding current densi ty , 1 ,700 Amp/cm2, must be achieved in a ful ly cryostable fashion even t h o u g h subs tan t ia l mechanical s t ruc ture i s inc luded i n the w i n d i n g space to t ransmit the very large s imultaneous s t resses re- s u l t i n g from the 1 2 T operat ion: 1600 psi average radial compressive load a t t h e n o s e , 3,700 psi peak average lateral compressive load, (7,300 psi for one- coil-down), and 0 .13% t ens i l e s t r a in . The challenge i s t o i d e n t i f y a conductor/cooling scheme w i t h s u f f i -

*Research supported by the Office of Fusion Energy

A consideration of loads and s t resses wi th in the

Department of Energy through Subcontract No. 22Y-Oj881C with the Oak Ridge National Laboratory operated by Union Carbide Corp. for the Department of Energy under Contract W-7405-ENG-26.

c i en t capab i l i t y t o meet these requirements, b u t with su f f i c i en t s imp l i c i ty t o assure a n economically fabri- cable design within the time-scale of ETF.


considered in this scoping study: (1) a atmosphere pool bo i l ing , ( 2 ) 1 atmosphere subcooled superfluid bath4, ( 3 ) supercrit ical heat-induced f low in confined spaces5, ( 4 ) supercr i t ical forced f low w i t h continuous heat exchange to the bath; (5) "convent ional" super- cr i t ical forced-f low . These cooling approaches were ranked in the o rder o f p reference l i s ted above a f t e r comparison on a general basis. One atmosphere pool boi l ing was ranked f i r s t because o f i t s s i m p i i c i t y and inherent low cost , providing t h a t s u f f i c i e n t h e a t t r a n s - f e r can be achieved to meet the winding current density requirements. Subcooled superfluid bath cooing has the advantage of very h i g h sur face hea t t ransfer , u p t o 1.9 Watts/cm2, b u t i t r e s u l t s i n decreased refrigera- t i on coe f f i c i en t of performance, particularly if A C l o s ses a r e a c r i t i ca l par t o f the overa l l ETF design. There i s a l s o added c o s t and complication for the heat exchanger t o subcool the bath. Conventional force flow was ranked l a s t because pumping losses can be high and the plumbing necessary to avoid an excessive tempera- t u r e r i s e due t o t h e p u m p i n g and/or relieve excessive pressure i s complicated and costly, al though the use of supercr i t ica l helium permits increased strand sub- d iv is ion and the creat ion of surface for high heat t r a n s f e r . A n advantage i s t h a t the conductor forms the inner wall of a dewar with the conductor becoming a wel l - insulated, sol idly enclosed uni t . Forced flow with continuous heat exchanged t o the bath was ranked fourth because pumping lo s ses , r ad ia t ion l o s ses , and AC losses can be removed continuously. However, the cryogenic design i s complex, requiring b o t h p1,umbing for forced flow and a surrounding dewar. Heat ex- changed, heat-induced flow in confined spaces was ranked t h i r d , ahead of other forced flow concepts, be- cause thermal disturbances supply the pumping power f o r heat exchange where i t i s needed fo r s t ab i l i t y , w i th the other advantages of (3) being present. Selective openings t o the b a t h can be used t o r e l e a s e t h e p r e s s u r e build-up on quench, as wel l .

Conductor Concepts. To properly assess the con- s t r a i n t s on conductor design implied by these cooling approaches, candidate conductor designs were examined. Some of these are presented: (1) those for pool boi l ing or subcooled superfluid cooling are shown in Figure 1, and ( 2 ) those for heat-induced or forced flow in Figure 2 . The order of presentat ion of the f igures roughly indicates an evolution of the designs t o the prime concepts shown a t t h e bot tom of the Figures. Note t h a t the computed s t a b i l i t y margin for the heat- induced flow version of the concept shown in Figure 2 was found t o compare favorably with t b a t of the Westinghouse LCP conductor a t 8 Tesla r 7 . Overall cur- ren t dens i t ies a re h igher t h a n those achieved with the pool -boiling concepts.

The pool boiling conductor shown in Figure Id was chosen a s t he prime candidate for ETF, and the heat- induced flow version of the conductor shown in Figure 2d was chosen as the best al ternate, based upon the r e su l t s o f a 1 imited t rade-off analysis . The pool- boiling conductor was selected mainly because i t can achieve the required winding current density and be-

ments, QA, r e l i a b i l i t y , and cos t weighed heavi ly in the cause of i t s s i m p l i c i t y , with manufacturing require-

a l l cur ren t dens i ty , the heat-induced flow concept and select ion process . For more s t r i n g e n t demands on over-

Cooling Approaches. Five cooling approaches were

Selection of a Preferred Conductor/Cooling Concept.

0018-9464/81/0100-0670$00.75 @ 1981 IEEE

Page 2: Nb3Sn conductors for 12 tesla toroidal field coils


f ind the Von Mises equ iva len t s t r e s s . The maximum channel web bending s t r e s s due to the Lorentz load appears i n the 12 Tesla grade, taking i n t o account the e f f e c t s of vent i la t ing ho les by properly reducing the bending section width. Potential buckling of the web due t o s ide loads was assessed u s i n g e las t ic buckl ing theory for a p l a t e clamped on two edges and f r e e on two edges. The ana lys i s was performed f o r both normal and 12-coil operation and f o r one coil a t zero current with 11 c o i l s a t f u l l c u r r e n t . Design l i m i t s were in- creased t o t h e y i e l d s t r e n g t h f o r t h e l a t t e r c a s e , which is a f au l t cond i t ion . The r e s u l t s o f t h e s t r e s s ana lys i s a r e summarized i n Table 2 . Note t h a t reason- able design margins were achieved with the assumptions noted.

and superfluid bath concepts could be prime choices , assuming continued experimental verification of the potential for these approaches.

IV. THE SELECTED CONDUCTOR Description of t h e Conductor/Cooling Concept and

Manufacturing Approach. For th i s l imi t ed s tudy , t he c o i l was a rb i t r a r i l v d iv ided i n to 2 Tesla sections. The six grades achieve the required overall average winding current density of 1,700 Amps/cmz. Figure Id and Table 1 descr ibe the 12 T and 2 T grades. The w i d t h o f t he channel sides increases as one moves from t h e high f i e l d t o t h e low f ie ld grades to take u p t h e increase i n accumulated radial Lorentz force load. The s t rands and t r i p l e t s f o r ' t h e low f ie ld g rade a re smaller and occupy a smaller volume so t h a t t h e con- ductor i s thinner and higher i n current densi ty while r e t a in ing t he sam'e overall conductor w i d t h f o r an even pancake winding. The smaller conductor cross section a t low f i e l d s i s permitted because of higher cri t ical cur ren t in the Nb3Sn and lower magnetoresistance i n t h e s t a b i l i z e r . The reduct ion in s tab i l izer c ross section impacts coil protection, however, and would have t o be eva lua ted fur ther for an optimized coil design. Strand insulat ion, i f required to achieve low l o s s e s , i s assumed t o be ava i lab le from developments on the LCP program.

channel are conventional processes. I t i s a n t i c i p a t e d , however, that the es tabl ishment of the cabl ing tech- nique will be a key element in the development of this conductor. To our knowledge, a lightly-compacted core- l e s s cab le o f this type has been manufactured only once (a cable of subcables made by IGC for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory'). The basic conductor con- c e p t i s amenable t o e i t h e r (1) fabricat ion of the entire conductor as an integral uni t us ing the re- en t r an t cha rac t e r i s t i c of the channel t o hold t h e cable , as shown in Figure I d , or ( 2 ) co-winding of the s t e e l channel and c a b l e o f t r i p l e t s . For the former approach, the cable wil l be annealed, compacted i n t o the s tee l channel , and reacted i n full grade lengths on a large diameter spool t h a t serves both as a re- action spool a n d shipping and winding spool. The channel thus protects the conductor during handling and coil winding. Type 316 L N s t a i n l e s s s t e e l was chosen f o r t h e channel material, based upon i t s strength, toughness and weldabi l i ty . G-10 i n t e r t u r n insu la t ion wi l l be co-wound w i t h the conductor , i n s t r i p s which l i e between the s t r i ngs of holes in the channel and along the outer edges o f the channel, leaving the shor t l a te ra l spaces between the holes uninsulated to a v o i d the need fo r ax i a l r eg i s t r a t ion o f i n su la t ion and channel.

The cab le o f t r i p l e t s compr i s ing t he e l ec t r i ca l ly - act 'ive part of the conductor i s an open, large surface area, porous s t ructure with re la t ively large channels f o r bubble clearing, even wi th the requis i te degree of precompaction before reaction for good mechanical sup- por t . The f r e e movement of helium and clearance of bubbles within the pie eliminates the need f o r any helium replenishment or bubble clearing from the sides of the pie . Relat ively inexpensive sol id sheets o f G-10 have accordingly been se l ec t ed a s t he i n t e rp i e insu la t ion mater ia l . The design will accept ei ther . mono1 ithic (internal bronze) or composites of separately fabricated elements, including internal or external- bronze, as shown i n Figure 3. The external bronze approach, in which t i n is diffused into copper and Nb s t rands, a l though not as ful ly-developed, offers the potential for lower conductor cost . The reference design summarized in Table 1 assumes an internal bronze conductor s t rand of the sor t developed a t IGC, w i t h s o l i d Nb f i laments reacted in a bronze matrix.

S t resses in the Channel Insu la t ion . In o r d e r t o assess design margins, stresses were c a l c u l a t e d a t a l l c r i t i c a l p o i n t s i n the channel and then combined t o

Tr ip le t ing and the ex t rus ion and punching of t h e

IC, S t r a i n , and Conditions for Reaction of the m. For full-scale production of internal bronze, used as a reference for the design, the 2.88 mm dia- meter strands of the high field grade conductor will contain 2.5 micron diameter filaments. Scaling from t h e z e r o - s t r a i n c r i t i c a l c u r r e n t d e n s i t y a t 1'0 Tesla , 4.2 K measured i n a sample of IGC conductor having 2 .5 micron diameter fialments and filament spacing equiva len t to t h a t of the present design, a Jc of 4.8 x l o 4 Amps/cm2 i s expected in the bronze and f i l a - ment a r e a a t 1 2 T . Since the conductor will be wound on both a s t r a igh t l eg o f t he D-shaped co i l and on a minimum bend rad ius , a d i f fe rence in bend s t r a ins o f from (Cable Thickness/R,) = 0.00% t o (Cable Thickness/ Rmi ) = -0.65% will be experienced by tha t pa r t o f t he cabre a t t h e conductor edge d u r i n g winding. Ideally, t o maximize the c r i t i ca l cu r ren t dens i ty ove ra l l , t he m i n i m u m and maximum s t r a i n would be b iased to s t raddle t h e s t r a i n a t which t h e peak J occurs in the Nb3Sn. The b i a s ing s t r a in has been degermined by assuming t h a t the maximum c r i t i ca l cu r ren t occu r s a t an applied s t ra in of 0 .18%,as observed for IGC internal bronze conductor with 0.87 micron filaments15. A Strain span from -0.15% t o +0.50% is therefore required. The 0.5% s t r a i n must be equal t o t h e sum of (1) 0.13% from the tensile loading of the conductor, ( 2 ) 0.055% f o r d i f f e r e n t i a l thermal contraction from 650 C t o 4 .2 C , and ( 3 ) a s t r a i n o f 0.315% associated with unwinding the conductor from the reaction spool (1.08 cm divided by the radius of the react ion spool) . The required radius of the react ion spool is thus 3 .43 meters . I f cmax i s d i f f e r e n t f o r 2 . 5 ~ d i a m e t e r f i l a m e n t s from t h a t assumed, then the spool radius will be changed. The design point for this ETF conductor i s thus Jc = 0.76 J, = 0.84 Jc (E=O) = 4.0 x lo4 Amps/cmZ; a s shown i n Figure 4, a c r i t i c a l c u r r e n t margin of 40%, or a temperature margin of 1.6 K .

The conductor and coi ls are expected to experience several hundred excitation cycles, each involving a 0 .13% decrease in t ens i le s t ra in , and a number of ther- mal cyc les to room temperature each involving an addi t ional 0.055% decrease i n t e n s i l e s t r a i n . No de- c rease i n c r i t i ca l cu r ren t r e su l t s i n 0 .87~ d i ame te r filament conductor from c y c l i c s t r a i n u p t o peak s t r a i n values which l i e below t h e r e v e r s i b l e s t r a i n l i m i t , ~i~~ = 0.85%, even for l o 5 or more cycles15. Assuming t h e same cyclic behavior for 2.51~ D f i l amen t s , fo r t he design maximum s t r a i n of 0.50% the conductor will be ope ra t ing s a fe ly a t l e s s t han 60% of i t s i r r e v e r s i b l e s t r a i n l i m i t .

loca l deformat ion of t r ip le t s d u r i n g operation i s a concern because the NbaSn may be damaged l o c a l l y . Al- though the conductor would continue to operate because i t i s cryostable , s ignif icant heat loads and voltage drops could develop. The minimum Lorentz force, on the 12 Tesla grade, i s approximately 180 k g per axial cm of conductor length, d r i v i n g the cable of the con- duc tor aga ins t the web of i t s channel housing. Although t h i s i s n o t a l a rge l oad , i t i s appl ied to s t rands which a r e mainly fully-annealed copper (anneal occurs during reaction of the Nb3Sn). Where t r i p l e t s o f t h e c a b l e

Experiment - T r i p l e t Bending under Load. Large

Page 3: Nb3Sn conductors for 12 tesla toroidal field coils

' 612

cross the web, they are well supported. As they cross over the open side of the channel, they are pressed aga ins t the oppos i te ly-cross ing t r ip le t s which l i e aga ins t t he web. Even though the cab le wi l l have been annealed and pre-compacted before reaction to a s su re t h a t t h e t r i p l e t s a r e deformed across each other a t crossing points t o provide greater bearing area for adequate support subsequent to reaction, because of the f luted nature of the t r iplets support on e v e r y t r i p l e t c ross ing po in t i s n o t assured. Support on a t l e a s t every-o ther t r ip le t c ross ing po in t i s expec ted , how- ever . To t e s t f o r p o s s i b l e t r i p l e t bending under load i n t h i s s i t u a t i o n , a t r i p l e t of annealed 0.288 cm D copper strands was loaded between supports with the equivalent of the 11 kgm per cm load expected from t h e Lorentz force. Plastic bending was observed a t 3 t o 4 cm support separation, a l a rger d i s tance t h a n the 2.5 cm dis tance for suppor t a t every-other t r iplet- upon-tr iplet crossing. Thus, support a t every-other t r i p l e t c ros s ing po in t should be adequate t o prevent t r i p l e t bending, and the pre-compacted cable should n o t deform s i g n i f i c a n t l y under Lorentz load.

Credible Events a n d S t a b i l i t y . An assessment was made of possible credible events which might d r ive t he superconductor normal. Frictional heating resulting from major forces occurs only on the ex te r ior sur faces of the s ta inless s teel channel , a poor thermal con- ductor . T h u s , the heat will be deposited mainly in the helium. The only s ignif icant heat ing t h a t the superconductor cable sees i s from movement or defor- mation within the channel. The most s i g n i f i c a n t possible event, sl ight deformation under Lorentz load, provides a thermal input of 57 mJ/cc of conductor s t r and , f a r l e s s t han t he minimum postulated thermal input of 100 mJ/cc f o r t h i s program. The 100 mJ/cc minimum per turba t ion tha t has been specif ied was u t i - l ized, nevertheless , for the analysis of recovery for this conductor.

each temperature for measurements that have been made on various surfaces and conductors i s shown in Figure 5. No d i s t i n c t i o n has been made between horizontal and ve r t i ca l o r i en ta t ions of the conductor, since b o t h o r i en ta t ions a r e assumed to achieve the conservative hea t t r ans fe r cha rac t e r i s t i c s shown. I t i s apparent from Figure 5 t h a t t h e 2 T grade will recover uncon- d i t i o n a l l y from normalizat ion, s ince the ent i re heat generat ion curve l ies below the heat transfer curve. The time for recovery i s 0.06 seconds, d u r i n g which 7.4% of the helium within the conductor channel i s boiled away. With t h i s small helium b o i l o f f , a maxi- mum o f 50% of the helium space i s f i l l e d w i t h g a s , leaving an adequate reservoir of l iqu id helium so t h a t no helium replenishment i s necessary. Bubble c lear ing channels are short and a1 mm in d iameter in ' th i s g rade , allowing the removal of bubbles generated by nuclear heating or AC l o s s e s .

Computer analysis shows the 12 T grade of the con- ductor, with a cr i t ical temperature of 9.4 K and a current-sharing temperature of 5.2 K , t o be s t a b l e o n a cold-end recovery basis. The superconducting regions propagate in from the ends of the normal region with a velocity of 122 cm/sec, a half- turn normal recovery time of 6 .3 seconds. During th i s t ime, 450% of the helium volume w i t h i n the conductor channel a t the cen- t e r of normalized length i s boiled away. Replenishment of t h i s helium volume during the 6.3 seconds should be easily achieved, since replenishment of helium on a s teady-s ta te bas i s was found t o occur in channels with fewer holes for a comparable 1 eve1 of heat t ransfer ' .

A composite curve of the lowes t hea t t ransfers a t

REFERENCES 1. W . A . Fietz, Proceedings of the Cryogenic

Engineering Conference, Madison, August 1979, t o be published.

2. Part 1, Final Report, 12 Tesla Toroidal Field Coils Engineering Test Facility (ETF), U n i o n Carbide Corp. Subcontract No. 22Y-07881C.

3. J . P . Heinr ich e t . a l . , "Scoping Study of a 12 T Toroidal Field Coil for the Fusion Engineering Test Faci l i ty ," This Proceedings.

Verdier, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 2 3 , p. 358, 1978. G . Claudet, C . Meuris, J . Parain, B . Turck, IEEE Trans. E, P . 340, 1979.

5. J . R . Mil ler , L . Dresner, and J . W . Lue, Proc. Eng. Problems of Fusion Research, Knoxville, Tennessee, P . 1282 (1977), L . Dresner, "Heating-Induced Flows in Cable-in-Conduit Conductors," t o be published in the proceedings of the 1979 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, August 1979. Lue, Mil ler a n d Dresner, "Stability of Cable-in-Conduit Conductors," t o be published in the proceedings of the 1979 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, August 1979.

6. L . Dresner, "Stabil i ty of Cable-in-Conduit Force- Cooled Conductors: Elementary Theory," Oak Ridge National Laboratory Publication ORNL/TM-6657.

7. L . Dresner, "Heating-Induced Flows in Cable-in- Conduit Conductors," t o be published in the pro- ceedings of the 1979 Cryogenic Engineering Con- ference, Madison, Wisconsin, August 1979. Lue, Miller and Dresner , "S tab i l i ty o f Cable-in-Conduit Conductors," t o be published in the proceedings of t h e 1979 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, Madison, Wisconsin, Augus t 1979.

8. R . E . Schwall, S . S . Shen, 3. W . Lue, J . R. Miller , and H . T . Yeh, Advances in Cryogenics, 4, p . 427, 1979.

9. R . E . Schwall, F. J . Reles , and J . P . Heinrich, IGC Report #779-1, Boiling Helium Heat Transfer in Large Cabled Conductor Channels, t o be published in Advances in Cryogenics, Volume 25.

Problems of Fusion Research, Knoxville, Tennessee, p . 920 (1977).

11. R . Quay, e t . a l . , P roc . of the Seventh Symposium on Engineering Problems of Fusion Research, Knoxville, Tennessee, October 1977, p . 926.

4. G . Eon Mardion, G . Claudet, P . Seyfer t , and J .

1 0 . D. S . Hackley and J . P . Waszczak, Proc. Eng .

12. E . S e i b t , IEEE Trans., E, p . 804 (1979). 13. P . A . Sanger, E . Adam, E . Gregory, W . Marancik,

E . Mayer, G . Rothschild, and M . Young, IEEE Trans. MAG15, p. 789 (1979).

a n d M . S . Wal'ker, M . J . Cutro, B . A . Z e i t l i n , G . M. Ozeryansky, R . E . Schwall, C . E . Oberly, J . C . Ho, J . A . Woollam, IEEE Trans. , w, p . 80 (1979).

-- 15. J . W. Ekin, IEEE Trans. m, . p . 197 (1979)



D e s c r i p t i o n o f Channel O p e r a t i n g C u r r e n t

Wid th H e i g h t S ide Th ickness P l a t e T h i c k n e s s

D e s c r i p t i o n of Cab le H o l e D and A x i a l S p a c i n g

No. o f T r i p l e t s No o f S t r a n d s S t rand D iamete r % He l ium i n Channel

NbgSn Type (For Reference On ly ) 7 I " \

M:ximum. M i n . S t r a i n I \ D l

Cu S t a b i l i z e r , A n n e a l e d RRR

Area/Cab le p ( B ) , I r r a d i a t e d

1, (4.2 K, E = 0) I (4.2 K, C = .I:- Grade F i Y l y Normal Heat Transfer

Per Unoccluded Surface Per S t rand Sur face

H i q h F i e l d ( 1 2 T)

15,000 Amperes

6.38 cm 1.66 cm 0.58 cm 0.59 cm 1.06 cm, 3.18 cm

48 1 6

44% 0.288 cm

9 . 4 K I n t e r n a l B r o n z e

4 . 8 x IO4 Amps 0.50%, -0.15

4.0 x l o 4 Amps2 0.525 cm2

150 8 x 10-8 Rcm 2.60 cm2 25,200 Amperes 21,000 Amperes 1,335 Amps/cmE

0.24 Watts/cm2 0.16 Watts/cm2

Low F i e l d (2 T )

15,000 Amperes

6.38 cm 0.83 cm 1.04 cm 0.21 cm 1.06 cm, 3.18 cm

23 69

44% 0.165 cm

15.3 K I n t e r n a l B r o n z e

+0.37%, -0.00%

61.5 x Ig5 Amp/cm2 0.034 cm

150 2.2 x 10-8 ncm 1.44 cm2 25.200 Amoeres 21;OOG Amperes 2,233 Amps/cmZ

0.18 Watts/cm2 0.12 Watts/cm2

Page 4: Nb3Sn conductors for 12 tesla toroidal field coils


a ) va r i a t ion o f GD L C P Concept(")

[b) Variat ion of GE LCP Concept''')

D. Orientat ion poor f o r NbgSn s t r a i n D. I n t r o d u c t i o n o f s t e e l d i f f i c u l t

D. Needed hea t t ransfer > 0.4 W/c& D. Fab. & handl ing a f te r reac t ion

r eac t ion

:) var i a t ion o f G E LCP & KFK Concepts(l2)

0. Hole r e g i s t r a t i o n

(d) Selected Concept for ETF (Pool Boiling) NbgSn

Grade 2 T

Extruded Steel Channels

A . No hole regis t ra t ion requirgd A . Large heat transfer surface A . Large spaces for bubble clearin5 A . Inexpensive fabr icat ion A . Low AC l o s ses A . No-solder , low Nb3Sn s t r a i n 0. Diffusion barr ier needed f o r Sn

i g . 1 Conductor concepts examined f o r pool 3il ing or subcooled superfluid cooling modes.


a) Variation of Westin house LCP Concept(13') A . Large heat transfler surface A . Low AC lo s ses 0 . Bend s t r a i n on Nb3Sn may be h i g h D. Support plates expensive

T u b

[A A . D i f fus ion -ba r r i e r fo r Sn not needed D . Soldering & handing a f t e r r e a c t i o n

0. Not t e s t ed and may not gain from HIF for fab .

(c) Variation of Karlsruhe (KFK) LCTConcepdli A . Wide f l a t conduc to r fo r low Nb3Sn

A . Low AC l o s ses D. Limi ted sur face for hea t t ransfer

(d) Best Al ternate For ETF [Heat Induced flow

s t r a i n

,Stainless Steel r C u o r S tee l

12 T Grade

A . No so lde r , low NbgSn s t r a i n A . Large surface heat t ransfer A. Low A C l o s ses , Fab. cos t reasonable D. Diffusion barr ier needed f o r Sn _ _ _ - _ - - - - - -

F i g . 2 Conductor concepts examined f o r supercr i t ical forced f low or heat induced flow cooling modes.

Notes fo r F igs . 1 & 2 :

A , Advantage D, Disadvantage

O e 2 L Dat; a t , 1 2 :, 4.: K for 1;C 1;t. , 1 Bronze with 0 . 8 7 ~ D F i l . ( J ack Ekin)(I5)


-1.0 - .8 -.6 - .4 - .2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 E , $

Figure 4 . Dependence o f the Nb3Sn Cri t ical Current Density on S t r a i n a t 1 2 T, 4 .2 K.


(a) Monolithic Strands (Internal Bronze)t - Thin Inorganic

Insulation Per LCP

DFHC Copper

Ta Diffusion

Bronze and Nb3Sn

Bar r i e r

0.288"cm +/

(b) Sintered Composite of Substrands

T h i n Inorganic Insu la t ion Per LCP

OFHC Copper

External Bronzet$nd Nb3Sn Substrandti ' or Internal Bronze and NbgSn Substrand

3 g . 3 Generic candidate multif i lamentary ib3Sn t r i p l e t s . *For 12 T grade. ?Or w i t h Cu :enter , bronze outs ide for each strand or w i t h :wo C u s t r ands and one superconductor s t rand. -tSn on substrand surface before s t rand fabr i - : a t ion d i f fuses in to Cu and Nb dur ing reac t ion ) f cab le .



94.0 50.0 115



Design Limit

Established BY 213 Of 140,000 psi % of 100,000 Assumed Buckling Limit y i e l d f o r 316LN p s i i t S t a in l e s s S t ee l*

91 .8 50.0 1/5.1

H i g h Field A t Bore

A t Grade Division 87.6

66 .O 0 1/37

49.3 1/37

'Assumes tha t s t ee l w i l l r e t a in p rope r t i e s du r ing t he r eac t ion of the Nb3Sn or t ha t t he cab le w i l l be co-wound w i t h the channel a f te r reac t ion .

ttAssumes (1 ) 100,000 Psi tolerance achieved by p iece se le t ion on G-10 and

t i m e scale of ETF. ( 2 ) development of t o l e rance of o rgan ic i n su la t ion t o lo5 rods i n t h e


0 ' 4 7 - 1 Selected Conservative Composite Heat

0 .3

0 .2 cu E V --. 3 0.1 .e, a


Transfer Curve - Excess Heating

.// -

2 4 6 8 10 12 AT, K

Figure 5 . Heat Transfer Curve a n d Heat Generation Curves for t h e 2 T and 12 T Grades