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  • 8/6/2019 ncm 106,,powerpointMs


    Care of clients with retinal detachment

    Retinal detachment

    is the separation of the retina from the choroid, a membrane dense with

    vessels that is located between the retina and the sclera.

    is the thin layer sensitive tissue that lines the back position of the eye

    When the retina detaches, it is deprived of its blood supply & source of

    nourishment & loses its ability to function. This can impair vision to the

    point of blindness.

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    Types of Retinal Detachment:

    Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment occurs due to a break in the retina that

    allows fluid to pass from the vitreous space into the subretinal space between the

    sensory retina and the retinal pigment epithelium Retinal breaks are divided intothree types - holes, tears and dialyses. Holes form due to retinal atrophy especially

    within an area of lattice degeneration. Tears are due to vitreoretinal traction.

    Dialyses which are very peripheral and circumferential may be either tractional or

    atrophic, the atrophic form most often occurring as idiopathic dialysis of the young.

    Exudative, serous, or secondary retinal detachment occurs due to

    inflammation, injury or vascular abnormalities that results in fluid accumulatingunderneath the retina without the presence of a hole, tear, or break. In evaluation of

    retinal detachment it is critical to exclude exudative detachment as surgery will

    make the situation worse, not better. Although rare, exudative retinal detachment can

    be caused by the growth of a tumor on the layers of tissue beneath the retina, namely

    the choroid.

    Tractional retinal detachment A tractional retinal detachment occurs whenfibrous or fibrovascular tissue, caused by an injury, inflammation or

    neovascularization, pulls the sensory retina from the retinal pigment epithelium.

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    Predisposing Factor:

    Age, Cataract extraction, Degeneration of retina, trauma, severe myopia,

    previous retinal detachment in the other eye,family history of retinal detachment

    Clinical Manifestation:

    Shadow or curtain falling across the field of vision

    Shadows or black area in the field of vision are the result of separation of

    visual preceptors from the neuro pathway

    No pain

    Onset is usually sudden & maybe accompanied by a burst of black spots of

    floaters indicating that bleeding has occurred as a result of detachment

    May also see flashes of light caused by separation of the retina

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    Surgical Mgt:


    If the retina is torn or detachment is slight, a laser can be used to burn theedges of the tear and halt progression. If the detachment is small, the laser

    can seat the retina against the choroid. Laser surgery is usually performed as

    an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia.

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    Uses nitrous oxide to freeze the tissue behind the retinal tear, stimulating

    scar tissue formation that will seal the edges of the tear usually performed

    as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia.

    Pneumatic Retinopexy

    Most effective for detachment that occur in the upper portion of the eye.

    The eye is numb with local anesthesia & a small gas bubble is injectedinto the vitreous body. Cryopexy or laser is used to seal the retina into


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    Scleral Buckling

    Surgical procedure to place the retina back in the contact with


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    Nursing Mgt:

    Help the client cope with the fears and reality of loss of vision & adopt to

    changes in vision

    Encourage the client to resume a regular diet & fluids as tolerated

    Postoperative eye medications generally include an antibiotic- steroid

    combination eye drop to prevent infection & reduce inflammation

    Either warm or cold compresses maybe applied for comfort several times a


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    Retinal Vascular Disorder



    is a general term that refers to some form of non-inflammatory

    damage to the retina of the eye. Frequently, retinopathy is an

    ocular manifestation of systemic disease.

    Causes of retinopathy are varied:


    arterial hypertension

    prematurity of the newborn

    direct sunlight exposure

    retinal vein or artery occlusion pheochromocytoma

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    Treatment for diabetic retinopathy depends on the type of diabetic

    retinopathy you have, its severity and how well it may have

    already responded to previous treatments.

    Early diabetic retinopathy

    If you have nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy, you may not

    need treatment right away. However, your eye doctor will closely

    monitor your eyes to determine if you need treatment.

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    Macular Degeneration

    is a degenerative disease of the retina (a thin layer of nerve cells that lines

    the back of the eyeball) that causes progressive loss of central vision.

    risk of developing macular degeneration increases with age

    most often affects people in their sixties and seventies

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    Risk Factors:

    Age, gender, race, smoking, family history

    Signs and Symptoms:

    Increasing blurriness of printed words

    Decrease in the intensity or brightness of colors

    Difficulty recognizing faces

    Visual distortions

    Decrease in or loss of central vision

  • 8/6/2019 ncm 106,,powerpointMs


    Care with clients with orbital and ocular trauma

    Ocular trauma Common cause of unilateral visual loss in young people. Often as a result of

    accident in and around the home.

    Signs of possible severe injury:


    Subconjunctival hemorrhage

    Conjunctival laceration

    Iris defect

    Lowered IOP

    Extrusion of ocular contents

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    Orbital Fracture/ Balack eye

    A break in one of the bones that make up the orbit. Since the orbit is the seat of the

    globe (the eye), an orbital fracture can be a serious, sight-threatening break.


    A black eye, with swelling and black and blue discoloration around the injured eye;

    possible redness and areas of bleeding on the white of the eye and on the inner

    lining of the eyelids

    Double vision, decreased vision or blurry vision

    Difficulty looking up, down, right or left

    Abnormal position of the eye (either bulging out of its socket or sunken in)

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    Foreign Objects

    A foreign object in the eye, such as dirt, an eyelash, a contact lens, or

    makeup, can cause eye symptoms.


    Objects may scratch the surface of the eye (cornea) or become stuck on

    the eye. If the cornea is scratched, it can be hard to tell whether the object

    has been removed, because a scratched cornea may feel painful and as

    though something is still in the eye. Most corneal scratches are minor and

    heal on their own in 1 or 2 days.

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    Small or sharp objects traveling at high speeds can cause serious injury to

    many parts of the eyeball. Objects flying from a lawn mower, grinding

    wheel, or any tool may strike the eye and possibly puncture the eyeball.

    Injury may cause bleeding between the iris and cornea (hyphema), a change

    in the size or shape of the pupil, or damage to the structures inside the

    eyeball. These objects may be deep in the eye and may require medical


    Ocular Burn

    It should be irrigated with copious amounts of physiologic solution or water


    After irrigation the eye is dilated by antibiotics are instilled as prescribed (

    collagenase inhibitors such as acetylcysteine ( Mucomyst) or sodium

    edentate EDTA as prescribed to treat severe alkali burns.

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    Alkali Burns

    Alkali substances are lipophilic and penetrate more rapidly than acids.

    Saponification of cell membrane fatty acids causes cell disruption anddeath. In addition, the hydroxyl ion hydrolyzes intracellular

    glycosaminoglycans and denatures collagen. The damaged tissues stimulate

    an inflammatory response, which damages the tissue further by the release

    of proteolytic enzymes.

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    Acid Burns

    Acid burns cause protein coagulation in the corneal epithelium,

    which limits further penetration. Hydrofluoric acid is an

    exception. It is a weak acid that rapidly crosses the cell membraneas it remains non ionized. In this way, hydrofluoric acid acts like

    an alkali, causing liquefactive necrosis. In addition, fluoride ions

    are released into the cells. Fluoride ions may inhibit glycolytic

    enzymes and may combine with calcium and magnesium to form

    insoluble complexes.

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    Care with clients with infectious and inflammatory condition

    Dry eye syndrome

    is a condition in which tear production is inadequate, most commonlyoccurs in women between 50-60 years of age.

    3 primary causes are lacrimal gland malfunction, mucin deficiency, &

    mechanical abnormalities that prevent the spread of tears across the surface

    of the eye.

    Manifestation: Burning

    Itching eyes

    Sensation of something in the eye


    Artificial tears ( eyedrop & lubricants)

    Using airtight goggles at night to prevent tear evaporation

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    Artificial tears ( eyedrop & lubricants)

    Using airtight goggles at night to prevent tear evaporation

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    Inflammation of the conjunctiva from various microorganism

    Manifestation: Redness


    Exudation of eyelid many progress to eyelid drooping

    Abnormal tissue growth

    Mgt: Antibiotic eyedrops

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    Inflammation of the middle layer of the eye, termed the uvea but in common usage

    may refer to any inflammatory process involving the interior of the eye.


    Redness of the eye

    Blurred vision

    Sensitivity to light

    Dark, floating spots along the visual field Eye pain

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    Orbital Cellulitis

    Is an acute infection of the tissues immediately surrounding the eye including the

    eyelids, eyebrow and cheek.



    Painful swelling of upper and lower eyelids

    Eye pain especially with movement

    Decreased vision

    Bulging eyes

    General malaise

    Diagnostic Test:

    CBC, Blood culture, Spinal tap

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    Whenever the epithelium is damaged, the cornea becomes quite susceptible to

    infection; even small abrasions provide a point of entry for bacteria.

    Develop whenever the cornea is not adequately moistened and protected by theeyelids.


    Acetaminophen may be required for pain management

    Cycloplegics & mydriatics may be prescribed to alleviate pain and inflammation

    Collagen shield may be used when short term corneal protection

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  • 8/6/2019 ncm 106,,powerpointMs


    Signs and symptoms:

    Swelling on the eyelid

    Eyelid tenderness

    Sensitivity to light Increased tearing

    Heaviness of the eyelid


    Topical antibiotic eye drops or ointment (e.g. chloramphenicol or

    fusidic acid)

  • 8/6/2019 ncm 106,,powerpointMs


    Salamat sa pakikinig guyZZ!!!

    Ang mga gumawa:::


