ncsmkanold2012 april 24th

5/8/12 1 © Timothy D. Kanold Leadership Discipline: Turning Vision Into Action! The reality is that on most days your leadership work exhausts you. You are trying really hard… Your true leadership work, is to train in the disciplines that will enable you to lead well, and that will transform who you are as a PLC school leader. Timothy D. Kanold © Timothy D. Kanold Strand: Mathematics Leaders Translate Vision to Practice Focuses on mathematics coaches, specialists, teacher leaders, and PD providers and the work they do to support and encourage teachers for education reform in enhancing mathematics teaching and learning in their classroom © Timothy D. Kanold When Did You Decide? To Become a mathematics education teacher and leader… and enter into the messy world of leading and influencing other Adults? © Timothy D. Kanold We lead/influence from the middle. © Timothy D. Kanold Is Your Positive High Relational Energy Important? Rath and Conchie (2008) Weaknesses: 9% Strengths: 73% Full Engagement © Timothy D. Kanold Is Your Positive High Relational Energy Important? Pheffer and Sutton (2008) 60-75% worse aspect of the job is their boss or a peer

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Page 1: NCSMKanold2012 April 24th



© Timothy D. Kanold

Leadership Discipline: Turning Vision Into Action!

The reality is that on most days your leadership work exhausts you. You

are trying really hard…

Your true leadership work, is to train in the disciplines that will enable you to lead well, and that will transform

who you are as a PLC school leader.

Timothy D. Kanold

© Timothy D. Kanold

Strand: Mathematics Leaders Translate Vision to Practice

Focuses on mathematics coaches, specialists, teacher

leaders, and PD providers and the work they do to support and

encourage teachers for education reform in enhancing

mathematics teaching and learning in their classroom

© Timothy D. Kanold

When Did You Decide?

To Become a mathematics education teacher and

leader… and enter into the messy world of leading and

influencing other Adults?

© Timothy D. Kanold

We lead/influence from the middle.

© Timothy D. Kanold

Is Your Positive High Relational Energy Important?

Rath and Conchie (2008)

Weaknesses: 9%

Strengths: 73%

Full Engagement

© Timothy D. Kanold

Is Your Positive High Relational Energy Important?

Pheffer and Sutton (2008)

60-75% worse aspect of the job is their boss or a


Page 2: NCSMKanold2012 April 24th



© Timothy D. Kanold

Is Your Positive High Relational Energy Important?

Kouzes and Posner (2006)

The single best predictor of career success…

Is the quality of your relationship with your very first supervisor

© Timothy D. Kanold

Is Your Positive High Relational Energy Important?

 Daniel Goleman… You are to foster a relational capacity

among the various adults in your sphere, recognizing when it is low,

and if so, providing immediate feedback for improvement.

© Timothy D. Kanold © Timothy D. Kanold

Could you train to get better?

© Timothy D. Kanold

PLC Leadership Disciplines:

  A set of actions you intentionally practice, through continuous training, to improve your ability to lead.

1 Vision

2 Action

3 Plusing

4 Energy

5 Inspiring

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Discipline of Vision and Values

Better at …

© Timothy D. Kanold

Noel Tichy – Your Teachable Point of View or TPOV

“A cohesive set of ideas and concepts that a person is able to clearly articulate to others.”

© Timothy D. Kanold

Your TPOV for Effective Instruction

Describe one vital teacher or administrator behavior…

Your Vision for effective Instruction

Share with shoulder partners

non-negotiable… non discretionary… © Timothy D. Kanold

SMP 6: Attend to precision •  state the meaning of the symbols

they use •  label the axes to clarify context of

the problem

Comic:   © Institute for Mathematics & Education 2011

© Timothy D. Kanold

Turning your Vision for Instruction Into Action!

Your “non-negotiable” Vital Teacher/Administrator Instructional Behavior – How certain are you that your

Instructional Vision component is a right thing to pursue in 2012-2013?

© Timothy D. Kanold

Reconciling Your Experience with the Research and Evidence

How can your PLC team distinguish your experiences from actual evidence?

5 Levels of certainty in your current PLC Instructional practices…

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© Timothy D. Kanold

Reconciling Your Experience with the Research and Evidence

5 Levels of certainty in your practices…

 1. Opinion — This is what I believe and I believe it sincerely.

 2. Experience — This is what I have seen based on my personal observation 

© Timothy D. Kanold

Reconciling Your Experience with the Research and Evidence

  3. Local Evidence— This is what I have seen based on the experiences of my friends and colleagues.

  4. Preponderance of evidence — This is what we know as a profession, in many different contexts and across all locations (Research and data).

© Timothy D. Kanold

Reconciling Your Experience with the Research and Evidence

5 Levels of certainty in your practices…

5. Mathematical Certainty —This what I have seen with 100% certainty. There is no need for a debate.

The Non-negotiable behaviors

© Timothy D. Kanold

Levels of Certainty

YES - Evaluating the Evidence – John Hattie (2009) meta-analysis of over 800 studies…

Professional Development… as a PLC- .62

© Timothy D. Kanold

PLC Leaders Are Different…

You Translate vision to practice by becoming a tenacious steward of the vision…

And enlisting others to do the same… p.43

Discipline of Accountability and Celebration

Better at …

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© Timothy D. Kanold

Leading implemented change: The Leadership Discipline of Accountability and Celebration

The promise to yourself and others to monitor stakeholder actions that will lead to those

improved results; with consequences.

© Timothy D. Kanold

Leadership for Momentum Toward Implementation (P.51-52)

© Timothy D. Kanold

Leadership Strategies for Moving Vision into Action

 What are additional specific steps you can take as a PLC leader/ to get better at closing the Vision Implementation gap?

© Timothy D. Kanold

PLC Leadership Strategies for Moving Vision into Action

  Take a few minutes to read the 8 suggestions on the Blue handout…

  Identify one strategy you will develop in yourself during 2012-2013…

  State a commitment you will make and share…

© Timothy D. Kanold

The Leadership Discipline of Accountability and Celebration

Everyone is a leader and steward… Everyone must be involved in the

Accountability/ Celebration PLC culture…

The three Tiers of Accountability and Celebration

© Timothy D. Kanold

The Goal of Your Leadership is Tier 1 and Tier 2…p.56

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© Timothy D. Kanold

Rejecting Victim Speak p. 53

 Effective school leaders move their school culture away from a “Blaming Others” mindset, toward systemic and effective self-ownership at every level…

 Avoiding the mysterious “THEY”

© Timothy D. Kanold

The Beauty of a PLC…The Team Acts as an Inequity Eraser

Equity begins with the   selection and implementation of

tasks,   the assessment of those tasks,   the technology used &   The fidelity of feedback and RTI

  If it so widely variant from teacher to teacher, then what? GAPS!

© Timothy D. Kanold

The Leadership Discipline of Accountability and Celebration

 Accountability/celebration of Student Results

 Accountability/Celebration of Adult Actions

 Your # 1 Job – monitor both with consequences Note Cards

© Timothy D. Kanold

The Tall Poppy Syndrome!

Page 73…

© Timothy D. Kanold

Discipline of Reflection and Balance

Better at …

© Timothy D. Kanold

The CCSSM May Be Our Last Opportunity to Get it Right

The unprecedented adoption of the same set of mathematics standards by

nearly all states … provides the opportunity for educators nationwide

to press the “reset” button on mathematics education.