ncw~l(jttcr : m~ nnedy era pa

W, hington hy Mi kc .loka OfflC / lIl rU llll C AT I ON' J APAN AMCilUC AN CI TILI:fH nnedy Era PA IW n a.r (>/ e 'nt Ind Il llclpaU"" r mlnd[ul o[ th" fir t In. u.:uraUon "f F ran k II n D n.... c'·c1t ,...."..., than a Quaner o[ Il a go, the Kenned.· Era dawned I noon to,l3y when l1\e ""m;:C I elected .r. ld ,nl III b .or! "'Q_ S <'Ot"o into Retiring I as the aide.. 1 C\'cr to serve n Chler Ex CuU\"(". £I",t yeo GeocNI Ei· Indue ed Inl> "r· r! "1th the RI=' .nd pom 01 1\ mllllllrv h ro.· ·dth Ihe publ.:an... rU u! rl,¥ \Ubllan t In r 3lninl: the White House aile r I '''' dl!cade of OemOCr tic con· trol Four '" .u ('orHOl'. thoulfh the' Demo,,': t , r" pl.-. nnt\>· SUrpl' ed "h n their slandJrd con ",,,,Ieruen. Ih" ocr: sonnUty pro .... ms. Gnd reacllon. ot P re Id nl Harry Truman were ra th er ,,,II i)u, \In sinc" he had u ceeded \0 the ornee toUo"im: dealh at f'r .nkUn Roose,·clt thrt'C' )'<'ors ""rllel'. Th' y(ur. there Ee h) be me Kn e of urge ncy. of eri iJ. vI imminent "hange In Ihe In· <'OI1Ilng .\ dl1l,tni<tratWn. jut as therr 1\ In 1933. ,llhoul{h the mpln. on the emergenci!!s In· vol,'ed arc qUite the same 'n>en . th dome ·tic economic crtsU wn the ma)or problem a nd ;110 ·' o., al wos eonc";ved to deal .. ·ith these matI e r s. Ihoul/ll mlhl4ri I Germ any and J a\l<l n ntrcad,· embarked .)f\ the ir dnngcrou 0)1 111· templc'" arid domln IUon. No)w. lhoJu.h Ut mellc Cl'OllOmlC situation dc mond · Immedia te nt · the _I ngle mosl Impor- tant role or Gon'r nmcnt In t hiS po:rIod ot ;o.:cw F rontier. I thol or tor Ihe Ihrc3t of the IIn per bUsti c Sino-So .. l ct commu· ni, 1 bloe I lar more rcnl Ih an that JlO' ed by ,n,- other exler nnl "enem"" since Ihe Republic was - I Column Left: On K eQ{1edy 's i naug ura l day Uncle turn ' another page of its political history to- day as John F. Kennedy place bIs hand on the family Bibl r ad repeats tile presidentia aath of o((ice as prescribed ir the How tha page will read a year from no\\ ill depend upon the mannel tn which every citizen indivi iluaUy conducts bimself. That page wlll be reflected III bis attitude and behavior III his tbink1ag and action. If his attill/de Is one of in :JifCerence aDd complacency. :me of complete rel iance on government with the sense lbat it will de e\'erything for him, that page of our histol1' wID be for future historians to index as the natioD's road to decline. Too many people beHeve lbat all good things come rom the government with th E onsequence that they expect ore and more from the go- erDment, thus reducing the t.merican virtues of indio ,Iduality and self·reliance. AI ready, there seems to be e\'j 4ence pointing 10 a wide- lpI'Ilad belief that the ne\\ frontier will furnish every. thing to everybody wilh the footing the bill. Once conceasions are grant· 'd whereby the government launches ast wellare pro- Vams with their in t 78:l \T NOON' the ph.'ll. ant d ,. of the EI cnhower Admlnl- Ir.lion po ed Into hI. tory. the era the 0 dler*sl:u(' -",mnn. the (athor Imag". Ih" period or lIel ... hkh lh,' Harvard hi tori an Arlhur Schk Inllc·r. Jr •• de:crib<: i as Ih., ··condltlon 01 naIl nal w'urlne produced h .... ,o dt. .... cade 01 unrelenting crl Is" than a "car ago. when Prl Idenl Kennedy. then u tinil"d till Senntor. announced hl cnndld3c," for the Democr3tic n.>mlnallim. he deUnc-d Ib" Prest· dency as ulhe nlO t powerful Ot· lice In the In'., II rid·· and de· c1Med Iha\ "Ihrough I" lender· hlp can come n v!lal lIIe for our peoplc" In the Executive Branch he p«diclcd th:tt "Ih,' mo·t cluclal 01 thl century mu I be madc in the next tour years ". the I'r ,ldenll.1i cam· paign, Candld.le Kcnncody 5tol<-d OVer and o,'cr DgDln Ihnl Ihe 1 911O election was bc(een Ihe tlcootenh."OCi H and the ··conccrnt."'(j'·. He • ucees ri kl-d pollll· cal HIe on Ihe propo Ilion Ut nl KF.NNED\' mort we re conc l.!' rlll.'CI nlxml lhc (ut .:rc at home nnd e pcc i:IUy than werc conte nt ed wlUt the Quo e[[o rls 01 the lat Admlnb trntlon. He eon. ider that hi slim ma rgin in popular votes through· out the Cllunlr)' is a mandate. out the eountry Is a mandal. e. lho c who '''lIed him but 10 pw;h lorwa rd vigorQu Iy on 01\ t ronts 01 the New Fronti er In o rder that even those who op. po· ed him last November wm applaud and underst and hi s el- tor ts in Utc eoming four year, .' nrE L.\ST Admlnblrollion wa lba t of n gr'· . lt I' lar o el'o whose entire adult life. up to the last eight ye ars. had been spenl in the milil4ry . The new Admini- stra tion will be that of a young lind articulate lCIII . lotor who Spellt mo I of h.. .dull life In ""Utlcs Thougb n<vcr tITI ou tnndlnK Repre,cnt.IU,·e 01' Senolor. In th, · en c 01 conllrc ' ·Io nol I.'oder· hi". Ihere I no doubt Utat our 35th Pr $Idcnt hn. eonlidcncc In his ability to moke Ihe P ,·c ,l· dl'ncy the cooter or power both lor the ;lllItlolI :\nd for oil Ute It·eo world In a ope"ch olllllnlnll hI< con· c"pt ot the Pre.l deney. Ihen eontor KUluwdy pol ntc'CI oul Ulnt the Presld.,nt 1. mony Ihlngs c.hlcl cxccuU\"C. lelll lallve Icad· cr. port)' lend,·r. mornl lender He I. bolh hend 01 st .te. thl cen'monlal po t and heod o[ II0\"' ornme n!. On evcr)· fal.'l or thc Pn' idcncy, the IU!W Chicf E ' l'C- uUvc has vcry definite Id·'Rs. The le't 01 Ihe P re,ld,·nt. of COll ... C. Is whal he •• or Ian., to do durlllil hi Adlllln\..lrnUon And." John f' a sum,' hI. dlfllcult respoMlblll· tics Q P rcslden t 01 the Unltlod Stale we know Ul nl AII\crlcnu or .Jal an('!'tc join thell CeUow Aml'l"lc: in In the thnl will provide thb Nulloll wllh Ih · mal ure and r espon· ble leader. hiD it must hnve In the,e days II our woy of h [e Rnd govel'llmcnt Is 10 suvlve the challenge or wtolil ar lull com , Tl uulsm . IlEe USE ot Ule ug" f ac tor, nH, "l' J\nl t.H' i c.Qn or Japnnl!sc an· w ill hove pcr!"onJl con· t ac ts wilh It!ndct"s of th e no\\ Admlnb tr ollon. for m nny Nl. ". eith er we nt to school or wllh n lead er or two In thl KOllnl'CI v Admlnl, trntloll or ur, I n tim n t e Iy ncqunlnll'CI. with Irl"nd, and fOI'mel' school m ll tc' who ptlJ". onally know the new p ... d dent and hi' "team". Morc",vcr, ogaln becnu se 01 lito nICe tuctor, of Jnpnc....:c nnc est ry will have more 01 nn lInder>lllndlnll and a slllke In the Po, licy de cisions of this Ad· m inIs t rati on. Thu s, Arn t..- ric ans of J UP"JJWSC ance, lry wUl not oilly play a more vital 1'Ol e In the incoming Ad· ministration bl nl ·o will have more personal IdcnUncaUon with its impUoatioos and ramlfica· tion . Wh en the New Dea l wa s lnunchcd 28 year s ogo. Ameri· can. 01 Japanese ancestry we re neiUter s ure 01 their own s tatu s nor 01 the ambitious sche mes Qr the Japanese military . Now that Americans o( Japa· ne." ances try ha ve olrned their s tatus ot acceplanee ood J apan Is on<1 or the principal ailles 01 Ute United States in the Far East . we are conlldonl that Am,erlcans ot J a \l<l ne se ance str), will eonlinue to make their eon· trlbutlons to the weUare and progress of the Nation in greater pro",rtioD Utan Uteir numbers in this land . San Francisco mayor 'surprised' housing 'segregated than ever before' as charged SA.'l FRA;IICISCO. -Mayor Chris· ! sion th at non· whites are living In tophcr s aid this pas l week he wa, various areas . ot the oIty." "s urprised " by the aUe gat lon thai As tor Ihe rebuildi ng program, more San Franci s oo housing i! he specifically two low· s egregated Ihan ever b4!tore. income projects planned for the He challcnlled th" charge. madE Wes tern troct Utat. !lC by Frank Qu nn, executive director s a I d, would probably Include 01 the Council for CI"ic Unllv in many Negro tenants ." a nnual report, Utat "no 'new There were the In ternational housing is created ror non.whl tE Longs horemen and Warehous emen s lamilles" In San Francisco's reo Union developme nt and a Lutheran buUdlng program . Churc.h housing . .. "I ass ume these will be wlthm I Utlnk the number 01 non· the price range ma ny Don-white A'h lte lamll.les thaI mQved Into San fam ;lIes can afford." he said. "and, Fr ancIsco In the pa I decade ex· 01 course, none 01 Ute housing In ccedcd the at new h,us ing any redevelopment projects will be Ll nl ls ava ilab le, s aid Christophe!". g g ted II non. whlte familie s " I a m not re tutlng !ltr. Quinn ., se rc: a m" fac\$. but I was under the impres. are llnanclally able to rent Ute . Iak Ierasaki named pro-tem chairman of Mile-Hi chapter CCU Report Mumbers attending the l OUt an · nual meeting of the Council fOI Civic Unity Jan. 9 heard Mrs. P aine Knickerbocker, pres ident , reo view the role ot the Council in promoting interracIal unity in the t1 lllds ot hous iDg. employment, edu· cation Dnd oUter areas ot tensions Vol . S2 No.3 12S Wo ll or St., Rm . 302, Lo. Ang ol os 12, Cal if., MA 6·4471 10 CEN1 S Fr iday, Ja nuary 20, 1961 DISCRI M I NATION LABELED AS AMERICA'S 'MOST DESTRUCTIVE SOCIAL PROBLEM' Pre s ident 's Committ ee on Gov 't Contracts tells of 7 ·year expe rience monic. 10 t"te and local 'I'll" Committee also renewed It. I rce,mmendnllon tor Conl/re.. to t'nncl n f"rmnnent commJulon "to the cnu.e of eQuol Job OPPOI tUlllty lor workers onglll{rd I WASHI NGTON. _ Summi ng UP It III thu porlOI mnn ce 01 III 1f.;'\"l'n \'(',1' cXI>N'h'nC'(' in combn t I Ub·col lh'acL which provide thl' 'Ino Joh Iscdmin.tlon the Pre I with 1100:1· or crv· 'knt' Comlnitt,·e on GOl'crnmrnl Icr •. Conlract. In t we,·k labeled dl,. I The !'epol'l told 01 Ih. progre- -rll1llnntloll a Am"rlco'. "mo I mnde by Ihe Committee In It <I,-,trucllve soclnl lind cconoml I light nllllln. 1 dl .rlmln"\llon dUI·lnR p,·ohlem" I the jX'rlod 01 Oel. 1. 1059, to No' .\ l the omt' tIme, Jt n..'C'um l:twmJ. 30. 1900, when incl'un 'C wn od Ihat the Committe"', scoP<' "'1, noted In the percentalCc of planl. nettvlty nnd nuthnrll.v be e><pnnded , clnoloylng Ncgl'Ol!: al prof,," "IO:IIII o cxte nd the I\ovcmm"nt' pullcy I nnd technlenl ley"I, a. well. " o[ equol Job opport unities Into new supervisory capacities. lreus. 111l11fOvemellt. Nf)lcd The C mrnltt,·e. whu. e ch:tirmnn A.curdl n" 10 CommlUl'e flnullIlI '. Vl t'l" P"l"dd" nt Nlx,!", \\'"l!" c · t ab, pel'l"'ntaJ(c or S(ovt!rn monl can, Il9hed by P resldl'nl fo.1 e"hower "n tl'Oc l or- hl1'lng ot the pro- \ ug. 13. 19:;:1 In " n eXl'cIIIlV<' O.'dQI r ef.lonnl. tochniea l levol to ndmlnlstcr Ihe nondl.rrlm Inatlon tram 11 ptlr cent In 1957 to 38 ' Inu. r eo ntalned In nU gover nment per cenl In 1959. In 1967, an edl· conl n.c ts mn led 19 per cent 01 the 1I1ilnl ll cc" mmcll uullulI\ I slIrve)'ed Negroe: In "II· III the II nol report. Ule Co mm it· Dervl' ory cnpucltlcs and by 1959, teu l'ocomtn l' nd cd cxhm ",ion or the It was 3G per c ent. equnl oppor lunity prin ciple to: I In as kinll f OT legl.llltion to 1. Gl'n nt· ln·aid pr ograms. wlUI or eate n st atutory eom", I"lon. the particular rclere ncc 10 thos" In · Com mittee nokod Ih ol Contlre .. hod volving l"'<i uc ntion. tJ' ni r'lin g , r e· tur n ed down su('h a PfOpo ... :lI three Cfuitmc nt or refe rr al: tim es in tllt' two Neve l'· 2. Progt'tlm. wh ere led eral s ub- thel"' , Ih,' l'Otnrt sidles are Invol ved In hous in g; : "One or the Com mittee •. grcnl· 3. Ag ret'me nt s under Wh ich the I cs t hand lc nps hns beell " lack Federnl Gover nm ent cont ribut e, I adeq ua te lunds wIth whi ch tQ em· ploy :t .in rr lorge enough to nc· eomplish a ll Its objecllves. Thl. E ' f' I [ncl h uo mllde it I mpo.,ible to xpanslon 0 s a e I l'Slabli.h a dditional reglonol 'Jll ire, in sectlons of Ihe counll'Y whore t ' b' I w 'n Co mmitt ee Held work Is badly an 1- las a I nceded." The Committee bas t we regional I h ' d olli ce., one In Chicago headed by ousmg urge Pe rcy Wil liams and Ut e 'lt her In I Los An uel es hcaded by ElOlr E , hi St I.e I Kloke. Tht'lma C. Hyogo Is secre· SEA'ITL.E -;-I'he ng to." a. I t arv al the Los Angeles oUice. Bonrd Aga. nsl Dl sc rlmlnatl ?" las t S erving on the Commltt ee's pro. week adopted PI'Opos ed legISlation , fes5ional staCI is John Ye'lhlno lor 1 9GI leglsla tlll'e that I complia nce who h as pl"'l Jbiblt dls ertmlna t.' on by person 'peered belore many ci vic groups engaged In the bus mess ot se lling ·ncludlng IACL conventions to ex. or renting ! 'ea l proptl l·ty th e' Committee', work. Yo. of race. religion or !'atlooollly shino Is also acti ve In J ACL. h ,.-· " The IS lim Ited Ie Ing been r e.elecled pr esi de nt 01 Ut e pub ll cly housing or thaI Wa -hln gtoo D.C., ch apl er this which Is. !Ina need by FHA -or VA I . in sured lonns. y The action was taken alter J oe -- --- ----- Jon es, Unlv. of Washington tootbaU I play er. des cribed thc action of apartment bouse ma nager s who reo lused rental 01 an a partment to hlm becau se he is Negro. I Emperor would give warm welcome to Another a mendm ent proposed by the board would prohibit raci al dIs. , , in nons ecta ri an ceme· I Ike m Japan VISII The reeomme nded amendment; will be s ubmitted to Governor I TOKYO.-Imptlrl al Household oW· Rosellini, ci als said this week the ,Japan ese Emperor would ext.end a warm wel eome to P res ident E isenhower NISEI ASSIGNED TO U.S. if he sh ould visit Japao next Sep- , temb er or Ootober. EMBASSY POST IN MOSCOW I They s aid the Emptlror would be foUowin g a pr e ced e nt es tabli shed I by his grancUathcr. Empero .' Mel· ii. who warmly r ec eived Gen. , Ulysses S. Gra nt who came (0 Japan in Jui y, 1879 as a pas t presi dent of the United Sla tes. CSpecial to the P nclflc Citizen I WASHINGTON. - Ichiro Mori. now ot New York City. ha s been as signed to be an at ta c.he in the American Embassy in Moscow. Believed to be the fir st Nisei to be named to serve In the Soviet Union, he Is a ptlrmanent me mber of the Oltice of F o reig n Buildings of Ihe Sta te Depart- ment. He has just completed a live year tour In Japan. wbere he s erved as the su p"ervlliing architect. tor Ihe United States eonsuldtes in Kobe. Nagoya ond Fukuoka. A lormer pr es ide nt of the S!. Louis cha pter of the J apanese Amelllc an Citizens Lea gue . he is now en route t-o Ru ss ia with scheduled stopovers for s tudy and cons ultations In Bonn. West Germa ny, and Hel sinki, FInland They sal d the Empel ·ol' is a p. pre cla Uve 01 Pl'esident E isenhow· er's invitation to Crown P ri nce AkihilD and Princess Mic.hiko to the Uni ted State s la st tall. Nisei student helps put out dormitory firo, gets burnt PORTLAND. -Howard Kalo. S(·· nior at Or egon St ate College. suI· fered serious burn . on both l egs jllst beto .. e the Christmas holi da ys. He was helping his tt·iend pul out a fir e in a room at Ut e s c.hool dormllory JACL olicy on ag-ng opted ce by White ouse c fer Issei ba cl{ground ci ted as fa ctor (Specl .. 1 to the p" 'Ihe (;111/.<·,11 I On b,·haIr "I III' 1 i thdr Nl ,·i chll· dren. .l1r"III' e Arnerltun C.h· , n I prt p->, :I ani Ih. \"hUf.' HoulJt: C n1 renee '.,.0)1 ttl' Agln' arlopfO!l, policy 5tate,nent Ilhat I TIlL cultur:,I. ;m,1 n 1I0noi 'y hackground ,I ",r ,., nlor eitlz'n h,'Ulrl IK; and eon iclerlU"n shuulol bI' g",en the e ( tor In publlr an I prlvat. and ns' mnl •• tIItl and IOCDI program .. IDr the 2 ,\ i. Ian e h >ll\d bIJ mad. avalitlbl,' I .. the on the 01 I 01 Individual ncod. nnd without regard to c.'izen hlp. Tne color r.:r(,1 d. rengton. n deo"'c. 4.)r "'re' lallv 're oon Ibn 'II" law The JAC[, wa repre cnlld :'Y Mike ,loh. Wa hington re;>r.· so ,t:.tlvc He \\'8 .. mong the 2,7()(; ".'r anu organlzaUonal delegale \Vb I "art c.paLl:d In Ule week·loll g e la t week ,'or),, 1 3 r M'iCe<i Beca e "I Ih numt",l In' 1v I. dclellal<!l a Igned \lJ ,('Mlon- snd workl(roups I," tllOg r, their I background!!. Intcrt' IS, etc. lit. r/<'a Wi) 8 ned to the !cctfou on Ihe Sen·lces GERIATRICS SPE CIALIST FROM UTAH Under th. confcren.'c rule w.t Ing on sllecl!ie policy stalcmcn and recommeoc!JUons were taken only 10 thc e'lnns and work· grou oor iderlng It>e pro!Jlem. a .igned. Vole were not In v:ttna t'if;JOn ·.\'hu·h wert' attended "dll th" •• Senator Wtlllace F Bcnnell cR .• Ut ,h) lTd Y. Okaza kl, mom!'cr n[ Ihe ! "h delegation 10 the Whit" Hw." Con· f eren ce on Agin g. The Huw(jija n -born Nisei n:pr( thl' Senalor at lhe co n(cr ence as a geriat.rIcs and WB.E ch.airman ot the nursing hom!> comml ltee o( Ihe Governor' Conference on Aglnli held la.1 yea r," Utah. He has been with he Veterans Adminis· tr atlon Hosp ita l in Salt Lake (01' lhe past years . Charte r or Right. A Sen or CiIl7.en· Charwr 01 "0 ad ,pled by the White HOI'·" Conlerence The chartel A dvocates of financing progr am for ag ed th ro ugh Social Security in huge majority ',les that eacb SCDlor clUz.eo, r e- < of race. color or creed, is entitled 10 Tho right t be usetul. The ril!bl Iv oblain employ- men. based on merll The right fTeedem from ' '3nt llY JOH" YOSUlNO C peciat JACL Corl'c"Ilundenll WASHINGTON.-The Whi e House Conference on Aging. whIch con- ve ned here l ast week, came to a clo;e with vie lory tor ad\'ooates of Social Sec uri y financing 00 the medi cal care for aged . It was among th" h"ndr.d. of recommeoda! ons whkh QU t of Ihe 20 sections 01 the Conference a nd reported to the 2.75D a t the closing plenary se. sion helP at Constitulion Hall . Although P resident·elect Ken · ned" d id not altend any of thp ses;iol1s. it was apparLnt to dele- lIates Utat the and lor mer Secretary of Health. Eju · cation and Welfare \! u!,>n B. F,I· so m 01 the Ei e.,hQwer cabinet greatly InnucneAd the conlerence to supporl the Social Security 'ar>- pr cnc h The section on inoome maln· te nance voted 170·99 in Iov"r of P residen t"'lect 's approach. Al the same time. lhe section on healUt a nd medical oare vote'l to th e contrAry, !';a. rial S ecurity nnd h{,::llth care II· was unncccs:::ar,v and sirable wi I h 0 U I inter-generational rela· Uons"i;>. lacklOg attitudes of re- pcet or veneration (or ioadequate discipline. ')lton arro· gaot aod autonomous." As a resuit. the 1aml!,. organl· zation has bm',en do·.·n. "Dr. Linden said, aod tamJies I'.) look t-o outside groupS tor aid-calling mto being Ute vast army of social workers that today In age. The righ to fair s!lare !If the recreationaL. and me:l1 cal re- ources. The ngllt :0 obl<lw 1ecent hou." mg. suited to needs of Jater years. The right to mor,1 an:! finan· cal SUl)l:Ort by one·s flmi!y so lar as Is con i-lent with the best 10teresL< of the family The right to ll\ e independently The rIght Ih·e. 10 dIe with dignity. right 01 to aL knowledge ao av,,"lable on how to improve the laler year. I l ife health ao:tlV"1 ie as q public program ",'oulll unne,es· sary In a truly wel!·;)rdered so· ciety," h, added. A well·oroe:.!d w;)l1ld be one _ 0 childre" I reeei\"I'lo an ample mea >! 1 '\'€ and discipi"ne and \<'ade' ship and all so:iety characterl? ....! by strong. pal1'iarchal REEDLEY CHAPTER PUTS leade"hip in tbe nlle, JACl PLAQUE O N CITY' S feminine, maternal leadership in the female: nnd "'lder \\'erc :IS· POSTS signed a signliiran; sodal r31e 8. 'WELCOME' SIG N symbols of auth ,rity and Iamily REEDLEY - The J CL plaQue spirit hac b""n ted on Ute welcome Other Rt"rommenda tioll 'I!its at both entrances to th eit 01 Reedlev. 1111 wa, c'e 01 the Wilh the governmt'nt appearing communit;· public rdation' pro- as the "great white hope" t,) many C<lnterencc delegate:-. they np. jects. "'hi eh was sueg - ·'cod by '1;,. pro"ed the toUowin" recommend •• tional JACL Pre 'df:Ilt Frlltk I'h ... tions' 6 m an when he <poke a t the ceoc I conVE'nuon last mQnth. 1. Eslabh ·h on In t,Ll: o[ th,· Th e project here "a< larzelv CO:lrc re nce RuI"" Aging within .the framework 01 :be I completed thl'ough tbe elf',rts 01 However. Roberl W. Kean,· Natonal InstItute o! He3IUt. Eddie Yo no tax burdens, Ihe people seem DENVER - Th e MIl 1:I.J JACL in lalled colTl pletely ncw 21· 10 forget that they are member board ot governor ., at the In her annual report, Mr s. Knick· erbocker des cribed the Housing Opportunities Program whiCh ha s been In optlra Uon tor two year s. "Our ba sic approach is to help In· dlvldual s learn what their right, ar e and wllat alternati ve solutions exb l for their problem." s he s aid How 5,200 50-slar flags were flown over nation's Capitollasl July 4 described mHn or the Co,ference'- nation,1 2. E:< pan d dnd hbel'a"" t:'e I 'Abou' 10 mil", west. 'elma ad,'lsory committee and (Mmer Federal morlgage in<Ul'ance and JACL hag POSled the JACL em- R ecubliean fro m ·org·term I ans tv assist th- aging. I blem on the city' welcome po..' New Jersey. who mediate'" on the public housmg for tbe elderly. an:! i:ualed ·'n U . H .... y 99 . Selma eonflleting Tecommpndalion< organize abroad housing- rc "arelll was tht' lirst ehapt" .. 10 do this I und er eonlerence rules esttblished program. montbs ago. Ute secti n of "health 3 Autborlze lho Pre <lrten' to ar- a Dd medlcll care had "no right point a Committee on Emplrym 'nl 10 pa<s any recommendations on of Older Worker; to prow t. <>qual for it. They begin to ask for annual recognlUon and installation , dinner-dancc held at the new Den· more, never giving thought of i ve r HlllOn on New Yea r' . Eve. bow the government Is goin g ElCpr csslng mu ch re luctance In 10 meet its bill . takinll over helm of the new board a compr omis e was met In tbe aPlX'l ntmenl 01 'l'ak Te ra . akl a' Somewhere along the lme , the admlni& trlUon decides to .all a halt and propose a'l lusterity At that tJOint, s trike , demonstration In denn riots occur Thi. III an example of the develop. ment in Belgium , If, on thl! contrary , the in · diYldJ' al 's honest Jabor wllJ be i nspired with the s pirit of fre e ' nterpriae and thinking lhe result of alert inquir y, hi on equent action will reac' upon the government and b" of benefit to the entire D:ltion . Attl,r all , the official s of th e new admlnl i trdtlon are s er. van ts of the people and in il republic lI u <; h a 011 " the y 'Ir r expe c ted to act for the In pursuit of th e c '>mmon gOfJd .-JI.lI. boa rd cha irm an pro-tem. Dr. ;\1858 Gim o, past Chll ptel vlce·pr .. admlnl ",red th e onth 01 olf lc" to the lollowinll board memberA TOlh An do. Vf)JI h Ar :J l. O;av" Jo' uru .. !law.. , J im Jmat..ln J. If.1r u ko Knb lYI) - hi. Oeer." l!o1afl.m ... .iI. Roy Iotil)'cd u. ... n SIlo, lI enry 5utukf. O.k l T lml · wakl. 'ra hlrQ. 'rak T eru. nk l. lJud t f tl1lt1A, Sob U)'td ,1. Ayak<l Wada, Min Y uul. Kumaj/oi. t onnt r S Jc ra 'N& th,· able 0 kl 1'oolwakl, retiring presld' ·n l. re· viewed pa I 01 Ih e year and gave rcc<lgnltlr ;m to . 'h ,. I c.ponslble lor .ucce,. Qf many proler durIn" 1900. Tulare County JACler named to irrigation board VIlIAU A - II . '0 II -"It III>- v.Jlnh·d r o .. ntJ.I \I) th, bc'rd.rd I)J lIre t.or ul Ihe Slon,' C6rrul I r. [)I ,trlet hy t he 'r"l.r c., unly B<Jard "f Supervl."". UfIII' ".If) pn'I.' n fO lJ r·\,eill r ter m Cl:c..rdi n" t.o thP lupprvJ IJr I. th rn:- va no need (, r nn elecllon 0 here A111 nf) conteat lor Ihe pr, II Yubl U " hn active IIJ/)() ClulJo..r ot TuII<rc C'"W'..y JACL. Under s coflns a new Ul'gen cy In the work to bi ti ng about eQu nl opportunity for aU people. Fran\< QuIM. exe cutive director at CCU , warned that " Raci al dls crlm l n, · li on I . tunting the developmenl 01 Son Franci s co" las he a ppral s lod I lo" al tr ends and developme nt s in ra C I' relations during 1960. " In the pr ese nt We ·tern Addition pruJ ect mD't of the 6.000 non· whIte dl loea tee we nt Into publi c hOllo ln g or the nmet old e, t nel l{b- bor hood Now we pro co"" l 10 tear down th eBc hlocks. Where will the people go next? San Fr an· cl.eo will not be oble to T" new It ell unl e85 we con .., Ive this prob· lem ," HONOLULU -Fln y· star f I a g s which flew ov er Ut e nation's Capi· tol last Jul y 4 a rc pa rt or the Statebood tre as ur e In Hawaii to- day. The nags were pur chased by Sens. Oren E. Long a nd Hiram L. Fong Bnd R4p. Dani el K. Inouye lor dlstrlblltion lD sohools, gove rn· me nt o!fl ees and ve ter ans' or ganl· zattoru;. Th e Il ag> In Hawaii arc .ome of the approxi mately 5,200 flail wh ic h were nown In Was hinl{tnn d Ul'l ng an elght·hoUl' period Ind pendunce Day Others arc f lag which were fl OWD from the Cnpltol August 21. On ly Sulllllflu tlJ/' nnniversary 01 the signing 01 Quinn ow the etlmln ftUo n "I ra. I I-Tuwalla n Sl ate hood by Pros!dent clal dl .crl mlnatlon In hous in g a. Ei se nhower. th'· lIIly "olut on UII Y Jot D" "Fai r houoln" Inw will help. b .,l I The ·. nators an d repre.en l uUw they are D OL . n-,ugh b) themselve purclru ed about 100 lIog. npleee EVI' n though we el tubll h the leJ(n l Ie· dilltdbllilon In HawaII. accord· rl¥hts to rent or bu,\' a home with· Ing to Inouye. ou t d l,.r1 mln"Uon, we .Ult mu:t Th e .J ul) I flnll' Were 1I0wn r .. om ·,ccompll h the luc t. 17 temoorllry ling poles which " W .· huve " lellBcy or ·,"lIreg,l· were lI l u:d above Ihe n alloll', lion Which exl t. In the mi nd o( C"pitol ror the 50· nag OOCII men .lId " hlch I relnlorced bv Ion '1'lI1.-1)' Cupitol emnlo)'.,· r. Idclltln l ,oparation. Th e habit· worked In hills runnlllg the ba n jf oll r e". tl on 0,,· >to ld by ooUt ner' up "nd kwn. whit,.. . wd non- while., and th ey F.v,·ry twl' n r r JrJ(u lI ll.OLion to will be " lonll Ump III wllherlnv 1I0t a il e 01 th,· 50·' tar fllj/. al" private .'!Uch l/uL " lett.'r of c!'rUnculion whlrh the Council ror Ct, c Unity tok te lUI. thlll th,' 11011 wn !lOll 1\ d irect uC!lOI. IJllaln.1 them," ht July 4, lOtIO. Ihe 111'.,1 day II w.. luid Ill/' "ntloll'jI oUicl.tU (Jell. I l inancing sUCh care"' Its I<lSk wa S job opoorlunlUes "wit;..()u( regul<! It> improve health cart>. to age" H was reported Ir om Was hinglon The dllkr, nces Were resolved 4 E:labh.h a form of POint Four Denver Nisei ch osen to r 61 grand jury la st Jun e that the new fl ags would when Dr Leonard W Larron, technical assl tance I., the Sal 's eost 284 tor a 3 loot by 5 [ 001 presl dent·elect. of the In s etting up tor the DE. 'yER - Prol>ably the IIr:1 n ag a nd $5.80 fo r a llag I :'-I edical and c.halrma.n aginj!. ' :'lIse. to be .eletted tlo a Ilfano II o rdered Utrough Repr esentatives. 01 Ihe section on And '!ledl- 5. P ,·Id,' tin lIit-iai ,u port t I ury lor a area . Henry Th e ,a me fl ogs eo.t S3. 50 and cal care. ogrfAd to wllhdraw the "'talcs in .-radicn'.mg adult Uliter \lab 01 Uin. In wa, SC.50 it or dered through Senators. objecllonablll set'tlon 01 the Te acy 'mong 2 selected tast week I mpnd"flc,". A sbin')ing clerk. Mabe w". No r eason for the price diUer· Th e recommendalion will be 'mon!! 30 summ')ned b" lot fr m en ces was hoiven except that the sent to the President. who Is ex- Seatt le General h<1 general lur· lis '. V;stflct .\1. House stationery NOm JUst hap- peckd I \-on 'n'" to Ber: Kcat Quc.sti.-,m·d ptl ned to sell flags ch ea per than cn.lct 10 mee' ch ar ged with ra ce b ias '8ch 00" 'Then Vbtrl rt .1udl!c the ... !al nrens or th,' n8\,n s\ h F. Cook mode !'e"l!rnl In· the Senate stallonery room aging po"lIl"ttnn with rcfer,·nc,· h <;Jl:.\'ITLE TIl 5" 'I, Goncra'l 'uirles. Sc'h rc Ired to> :llsc"," the poor ho\lslug. mud 1II," medical II s It ,I "a order d !> ,., a and -holces and :lcsillnatcd 12. cnrc and in",rrlcl el ' me. dC;ist tram di cTlmln.tlllg m em· '!'hI year.'h "rond ]lIr, wilt Selma Nisei preparing I Fa mll y Role (Amll ,,,,'(t "Iorment , ]ccordlng t) be bu'y. ron lhe Drob 01 It parrnt' I1nd' !"ent made n' :enll . b' the poilce and lookmg into geologic maps for state children kn,w their pr"[>pr r'lle'l II1ll'n 8t31e .\g:l.lI: t Db· ther undi.;closed mntters, REEl DLEY.- 'l'h m ns IWOIllII .. Of III the I "nlly ond k," t Ih dcnll><l ,. 1lt _ _ _ _ _ _ Sel ma . IK now assisti ng in a.tnte. would be little lI eed (or th' v',,1 PIITO womnn w" > .., ",Ide pr ojec t of prepari ng geologic number 01 social pro" .. n",; thaI NppJicRUon blnnk at the ho, plln C keep cropping up. aCC<lrdlng to Dr I to" rk in Its jleL;ln· kit.hen. ,A •. m aps 01 olUorn in F. Lln.ipn. IT 0' . t.t "Irnev Ge"ler:tls. \\ in .. : He I II gr:ldullie or ReL'<fl,,) Phllnd e lphla' s dlvl ·Ion 01 mental I Luke nnd Elihu Hundt, inl"odu Coll ege where he SLRrted his SIll' health . nYldcnce to _ how Ihat while lb, 01 "I Within mll sl h, u. "holds Ihere hosootal emplo)'s Nellroe Ind nn· \.\"Ork at the Unh' . or CuJlCornta, Ol'l' •• omc\\'h t unhnppy Ql\n. whh"$ in :-Qnle dl1JnrLmcnt', JI"Illt Hc is now emplo.\'ed by the t.atc l'rntlon .tl the V,thlh' H(lII_<\l' Cnn- l!mploYl'ti in the dietary .:i( Depnrtmen l or Resourc,', f"renee Aglnl! WilS told 1'lI1' p.Hlm"nl. .'1 trlbun.,l IIIPQcd?' Ftor th(' mnpping pl"oject thr ,1dllrs \\'tlre dl':--l'l'lbt"1 "",Ut"n L\;J Joeul 1)1 :i '.11 Stale hn. been dldded lilt ""'·1 wlth'UI Intu. with lIl·d,·!lllttd und I ... ·\\" promlnenl c'\"Ic. 11011 to be 011 n roles ill Illc. socially "r 101ln·1 'h hO'pltal h .• d vlnlnl geolt)lIlc m'lI' . howl II!!, th.· rock nnd Iml1otent" tho stule law ng"lnsl dl crimina· jlJ'ound (ormiJtl n. Onh' u le\\ The p:lI'4'"l !'i \\"\'1"\' wlfh tlN1 I ho\'e bl'l'" fur, flUuU\'c lcudl 'r' hip. )1l..!:rml'<ivc und ;. The Hntl--dLl'l. ') 8 I' (I Iwamura nnd hi, COlll'IIi/U" hllv, Inllorln d .. clplinnrlan \I Ith ·ex·, h d Olll.l.1\ 10 , ure" O{>ndlll>1 '"' bt't!n worklnK POrtlonb or thl.' UI't!R Tl'vcrscd tolc ·the too weak" lmt, c!torLs fulled oround Ukiah to be .hown on Olle I the womon I ' tr unll Ihe C.I e "It_ ccttilled lor a public map 1 And UJl!lc an, !h" !leering. I CH A PTER IN DEX -----*---- Tho t:hUl)h'N bc lU\\ tho .. c whl t" h Old !l ll r nr" .... tlt"ndllne ond l l Q."·O &Corle In week' S3kcr,llt·hJ ("I c: 15PU CIl' ·rlnnd I)P1f',it Irhl1(1 "',,II "11f··1t1 'fontf.r!'y -leu LI\l Purtillud SIII1 tlll'R f't'\ncls,:v l"'\n ),I-"C C"'unh rh Ivr

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Page 1: Ncw~l(Jttcr : M~ nnedy Era PA

W, hington Ncw~l(Jttcr : hy Mi kc M~ .loka OfflC / lIl r U llll C AT I ON' J APAN AMCilUC A N C I TILI:fH

~ nnedy Era PA IW n a.r (>/ e ~lIem 'nt Ind

Il llclpaU"" r mlnd[ul o[ th" fir t In. u.:uraUon "f F ran k II n D n .... c'·c1t ,...."..., than a Quaner o[ Il ~nlury a go, the Kenned. · Era dawned I noon to,l3y when l1\e ""m;:C I elected .r. ld ,nl III ~ merrcan b .or! "'Q_ S <'Ot"o into ~tricc. Retiring I as the aide .. 1 C\'cr to serve n Chler Ex CuU\"(".

£I",t yeo n~o, GeocNI Ei· ."nhow~r ~. Indue ed Inl> "r· r! "1th the RI=' .nd pom 01 1\ mllllllrv h ro.· ·dth Ihe R'~ publ .:an... rU u! rl,¥ \Ubllant In r 3lninl: the White House aile r I '''' dl!cade of OemOCr tic con· trol Four '" .u ('orHOl'. thoulfh the' Demo,,': t , r" pl.-. nnt\>· SUrpl' ed "h n their slandJrd b4!~r(!r con ",,,,Ieruen. Ih" ocr: sonnUty pro .... ms. Gnd reacllon. ot P re Id nl Harry Truman were rather ,,,II i)u, \In sinc" he had u ceeded \0 the ornee toUo"im: Ih~ dealh at f'r .nkUn Roose,·clt thrt'C' )'<'ors ""rllel'.

Th' y(ur. there Ee m~ h) be me Kn e of urge ncy. of eri iJ. vI immine nt "hange In Ihe In· <'OI1Ilng .\ dl1l,tni<tratWn. jut as therr 1\ In 1933. ,llhoul{h the mpln. on the emergenci!!s In·

vol,'ed arc n~t qUite the same 'n>en. th dome ·tic economic

crtsU wn the ma)or problem a nd th~ ;110 ·' o.,al wos eonc";ved to deal .. ·ith these matI e r s. Ihoul/ll mlhl4ri I Germany and J a\l<ln h ~d ntrcad,· embarked .)f\

their dnngcrou m~:lon 0)1 111· templc'" arid domln IUon. No)w. lhoJu.h Ut mellc Cl'OllOmlC situation dcmond · Im mediate nt· t ~ nt lo n . the _Ingle mosl Impor­tant role or Gon'rnmcnt In thiS po:rIod ot ;o.:cw F rontier. I thol or slll'\·l~al. tor Ihe Ihrc3t of the IIn perbUsti c Sino-So .. lct commu· ni,1 bloe I lar more rcnl Iha n that JlO' ed by ,n,- other exlernnl "enem"" s ince Ihe Republic was

- I

Column Left:

On KeQ{1edy's inaugural day

Uncle ~m turn ' another

page of its political history to­

day as John F. Kennedy place

bIs hand on the family Biblr

ad repeats tile presidentia

aath of o((ice as prescribed ir the COl\stitu~on. How tha

page will read a year from no\\

ill depend upon the mannel

tn which every citizen indivi

iluaUy conducts bimself.

That page wlll be reflected

III bis attitude and behavior

III his tbink1ag and action.

If his attill/de Is one of in

:JifCerence aDd complacency.

:me of complete rel iance on

government with the sense

lbat it will de e\'erything for

him, that page of our histol1'

wID be for future historians to

index as the natioD's road to


Too many people beHeve

lbat all good things come

rom the government with thE

onsequence that they expect

ore and more from the go­

erDment, thus reducing the

t.merican virtues of indio

,Iduality and self·reliance. AI ready, there seems to be e\'j

4ence pointing 10 a wide­

lpI'Ilad belief that t h e ne\\

frontier will furnish every.

thing to everybody wilh the

~overnment footing the bill.

Once conceasions are grant·

'd whereby the government

launches ' ·ast wellare pro­

Vams with their enormou~

"r~.nlzc-d in t78:l

\T NOON' tod3~'t the ph.'ll. ant d ,. of the EI cnhower Admlnl -Ir.lion po ed Into hI. tory. the

era the 0 dler*sl:u('-",mnn. the (athor Imag". Ih" period or r.~ lIel ... hkh lh,' Harvard hi tori an Arlhur Schk Inllc·r. Jr •• de:crib<: i as Ih., ··condltlon 01 naIl nal w'urlne produced b~' h .... ,o dt. .... cade 01 unrelenting crl Is" ~ t on" than a "car ago. when

Prl Idenl Kennedy. then u tinil"d till Senntor. announced hl

cnndld3c," for the Democr3tic n.>mlnallim. he deUnc-d Ib" Prest· dency as ulhe nlO t powerful Ot·

lice In the In'., II rid·· and de· c1Med Iha\ "Ihrough I" lender· hlp can come n mor~ v!lal lIIe

for our peoplc" In the Executive Branch he p«diclcd th:tt "Ih,' mo·t cluclal 01 thl century mu I be madc in the next tour years" . Durln~ the I'r ,ldenll.1i cam·

paign, Candld.le Kcnncody 5tol<-d OVer and o,'cr DgDln Ihnl Ihe 1911O election was bc(een Ihe tlcootenh."OCi H and the ··conccrnt."'(j'·. He • ucees full~· ri kl-d h~s pollll· cal HIe on Ihe propo Ilion Utnl


mort . \m crJca n ~ were conc l.!' r lll.'CI nlxml lhc N ~ ti o n' ~ (ut .:rc at home nnd ~ bro" d . e pcci:IUy ~b r an d. than werc contented wlUt the st~ tus Quo e[[orls 01 the lat Admlnb trntlon .

He eon.ider that hi slim ma rgin in popular votes through· out the Cllunlr)' is a mandate. out the eountry Is a mandal.e. lho c who ' ''lIed a g ~in : 1 him but 10 pw;h lorwa rd vigorQu Iy on 01\ tronts 01 the New Frontier In order that even those who op. po· ed him la st November wm applaud and understand hi s el­tor ts in Utc eoming four year, .'

nrE L.\ST Adm lnblrollion wa lbat of n gr'· .lt I'lar o el'o whose entire adult life. up to the last eight year s. had been spenl in the milil4ry. The new Admini­stration will be that of a young

lind articulate lCIII . lotor who h~ Spellt mo I of h.. .dull life In

""Utlcs Thougb n<vcr tITI ou tnndlnK

Repre,cnt.IU,·e 01' Senolor. In th,· en c 01 conllrc ' ·Ionol I.'oder· hi". Ihere I no doubt Utat our

35th Pr $Idcnt hn. eonlidcncc In his ability to moke Ihe P ,·c ,l· dl'ncy the cooter or power both lor the ;lllItlolI :\nd for oil Ute It·eo world

In a ope"ch olllllnlnll hI< con· c"pt ot the Pre.ldeney. Ihen

eontor KUluwdy polntc'CI oul Ulnt the P resld.,nt 1. mony Ihlngs c.hlcl cxccuU\"C. lelll lallve Icad· cr. port)' lend,·r. mornl lender He I. bolh hend 01 st .te. thl cen'monlal po t and heod o[ II0\"' ornmen!. On evcr)· fal.'l or thc Pn' idcncy, the IU!W Chicf E ' l'C­

uUvc has >om~ vcry definite Id·'Rs.

The le't 01 Ihe P re,ld,·nt. of COll ... C. Is whal he do~ •• or Ian., to do durlllil hi Adlllln\..lrnUon

And." John f' K~n",ody a sum,' hI. dlfllcult respoMlblll· tics Q Prcsldent 01 the Unltlod Stale • we know Ulnl AII\crlcnu or .Jal an('!'tc nn('cstr~: join thell CeUow Aml' l"lc: in In the J)l'n\"~r

thnl ~c will provide thb Nulloll wllh Ih · m alure and respon· ble leader. hiD it must hnve In the,e l ~nslo n· Ii1"' d days II our woy of h [e Rnd govel'llmcnt Is 10 sur· v lve the challenge or w to lilarlull com ,Tluulsm .

IlEe USE ot Ule ug" factor , nH, "l ' J\nlt.H'i c.Qn or Japnnl!sc an· c:c ~ l r y will hove pcr!"onJl con· t ac ts wilh It!ndct"s of the n o\\ Admlnb trollon. for m nny Nl. " . either went to school or eolle g~ wllh n leader or two In thl KOllnl'CIv Admlnl, trntloll or ur, I n tim n t e Iy ncqunlnll'CI. with Irl" nd, and fOI'mel' school m ll tc ' who ptlJ". onally know the new p ... d dent and hi' "team".

Morc",vcr, ogaln becnuse 01 lito nICe tuctor, Am ~' rl ca n s of Jnpa· nc....:c nncestry will have more 01 nn lInder>lllndlnll and a slllke In the Po,licy decisions of this Ad· m inIs tration.

Thus, Arn t..-rica ns o f J UP"JJWSC

ance,lry wUl not oilly play a more vital 1'Ole In the incoming Ad· ministration bl nl ·o will have more personal IdcnUncaUon with its impUoatioos and ramlfica· tion .

When the New Deal was lnunchcd 28 years ogo. Ameri· can. 01 Japanese ancestry were neiUter sure 01 their own status nor 01 the ambitious schemes Qr the Japanese military.

Now that Americans o( Japa· ne. " ances try have olrned their status ot acceplanee ood J apan Is on<1 or the principal ailles 01 Ute United States in the F ar East. we are conlldonl tha t Am,erlcans ot J a \l<lnese ancestr), will eonlinue to make their eon· trlbutlons to the weUare and progress of the Nation in greater pro",rtioD Utan Uteir numbers in this land.

San Francisco mayor 'surprised' housing 'segregated than ever before' as charged

SA.'l FRA;IICISCO.-Mayor Chris· ! sion that non·whites are living In tophcr said this pasl week he wa, various areas . ot the oIty." "surprised" by the aUegatlon thai As tor Ihe rebuildi ng program, more San Francisoo housing i! he specifically clte~ two low· segregated Ihan ever b4!tore. income projects planned for the

He challcnlled th" charge. madE Western A d cIJtlo,~ troct Utat. !lC by Frank Qu nn, executive director s a I d , would probably Include 01 the Council for CI"ic Unllv in ma ny Negro tenants." ~ Is annual report, Utat "no 'new There were the International housing is created ror non.whltE Longshoremen and Warehousemens lamilles" In San Francisco's reo Union development and a Lutheran buUdlng program . Churc.h housing proje~t. .

.. " I assume these will be wlthm I Utlnk the number 01 non· the price range many Don-white

A'h lte lamll.les thaI mQved Into San fam ;lIes can afford." he said. "and, FrancIsco In the pa I decade ex· 01 course, none 01 Ute housing In ccedcd the n u m . ~er at new h,us ing any redevelopment projects will be Llnl ls a va ilable, said Christophe!". g g ted II non.whlte families " I am not re tutlng !ltr. Quinn ., se rc: a • m " fac\$. but I was under the impres. are llnanclally able to rent Ute .

Iak Ierasaki named pro-tem chairman of Mile-Hi chapter

CCU Report

Mumbers attending the l OUt an· nual meeting of the Council fOI Civic Unity Jan. 9 heard Mrs. Paine Knickerbocker, president, reo view the role ot the Council in promoting interra cIal unity in the t1 lllds ot housiDg. employment, edu· cation Dnd oUter areas ot tensions

Vol. S2 No.3 12S Wo llor St., Rm. 302, Lo. Ango los 12, Ca lif., MA 6·4471 10 CEN1 S F r iday, J a nuary 20, 1961


Pres ident's Committe e

on Gov't Contracts tells

of 7 ·year e x p e rience

monic. 10 t"te and local pl'og1'llm~, 'I'll" Committee also renewed It. I

rce,mmendnllon tor Conl/re.. to t'nncl n f"rmnnent commJulon "to ndvnnc~ the cnu.e of eQuol Job OPPOI tUlllty lor workers onglll{rd I

WASHI NGTON. _ Summing UP It III thu porlOI mnnce 01 conlrac~ III

1f.;'\"l'n \'(',1' cXI>N'h'nC'(' in combn t I Ub·collh'acL which provide thl' 'Ino Joh Iscdmin.tlon the P re I r.o\"~rnment with 1100:1· or crv· 'knt' Comlnitt,·e on GOl'crnmrnl Icr •. Conlract. In t we,·k labeled d l,. I The !'epol'l told 01 Ih. progre­-rll1ll nntloll a Am"rlco'. "mo I mnde by Ihe Committee In It <I,-,trucllve soclnl lind cconoml I light nllllln. 1 dl .rlmln"\llon dUI·lnR p,·ohlem" I the jX'rlod 01 Oel. 1. 1059, to No'

.\ l the omt' tIme, Jt n..'C'um l:twmJ. 30. 1900, when ~1n incl'un 'C wn od Ihat the Committe"', scoP<' "'1 , noted In the percentalCc of planl. nettvlty nnd nuthnrll.v be e><pnnded , clnoloylng Ncgl'Ol!: al prof,,""IO:IIII o cxtend the I\ovcmm"nt' pullcy I nnd technlenl ley"I, a. well. "

o[ equol Job opportunities Into new supervisory capacities. lreus. 111l11fOvemellt. Nf)lc d

The C mrnltt,·e. whu. e ch:tir mnn A.curdl n" 10 CommlUl'e flnullIlI '. Vl t'l" P "l"dd" nt Nlx,!", \\'"l!" c · tab, t h ,~ pel'l"'ntaJ(c or S(ovt!rnmonl can,

Il9hed by Presldl'nl fo.1 e"hower "n tl'Oclor- hl1'lng Ne~I'oc, ot the pro­\ ug. 13. 19:;:1 In " n eXl'cIIIlV<' O.'dQI ref.lonnl.tochnieal levol Incre~M'" to ndmlnlstcr Ihe nondl.rrlm Inatlon tram 11 ptlr cent In 1957 to 38 ' Inu. r eonta lned In nU government per cenl In 1959. In 1967, an edl·

conln.cts mn led 19 per cent 01 the 1I1ilnl llcc"mmclluu llulI\ I slIrve)'ed r epo~te d Negroe: In "II·

III the IInol report. Ule Comm it· Dervl' ory cnpucltlcs a nd by 1959, teu l'ocomtn l'ndcd cxhm ",ion o r the It was 3G per cent. equnl opporlunity principle to: I In askinll fOT legl.llltion to

1. Gl'nnt· ln·aid program s. wlUI oreate n statutory eom",I"lon. the par ticula r rclerencc 10 thos" In· Committee nokod Ihol Contlre .. hod volving l"'<iucntion . tJ'nir'ling, r e· turned down su('h a PfOpo ... :lI three Cfuitmc nt or re ferra l : tim es in tllt' p~uil two ~·t;!nrs. Nevel'·

2. Progt'tlm. where lederal sub- thel"' , Ih,' l'Otnrt ·~Id· • s idles a re Involved In housin g; : " One o r th e Committee •. grcnl·

3. Agret'ments under Which the I cst hand lcnps hns beell " lack o~ Fede rnl Governm ent contr ibute, I adequate lunds wIth which tQ em·

ploy :t .in rr lorge enough to nc· eomplish all Its objecllves. Thl.

E ' f' I [ncl huo mllde it Impo.,ible to xpanslon 0 s a e I l'Slabli.h additional r eglonol 'Jll ire,

in sectlons of Ihe counll'Y whore

t' b' I w 'n Committee Held work Is badly an 1- las a I nceded." The Committee bas twe regional I

h' d ollice., one In Chicago headed by ousmg urge Percy William s and Ute 'lther In I

Los An ueles hcaded by E lOlr E , hi St I.e I Kloke. Tht'lma C. Hyogo Is secre·

SEA'ITL.E -;-I'he . WII ~ ngto." a . I tarv a l the Los Angeles oUice. Bonrd Aga.nsl Dlscrlmlnatl? " las t Serving on the Commlttee's pro. week adopted PI'Oposed legISlation , fes5ional staCI is John Ye'lh lno lor t . h ~ 19GI legls la tlll'e th at :voul ~ I compliance orllc ~r . who has a~ pl"'lJbiblt dlsertmlna t.'on by per son 'peered belore many civic groups engaged In the busmess ot selling ·ncludlng IACL conventions to ex. or renting !'eal proptll·ty b e cRu ~E, ~Iain the' Committee', wor k. Yo. of ra ce . r eligion or !'a tlooollly shino Is also a ctive In J ACL. h ,.-· " The p r es~ n t l a~ ~ ' IS lim Ited Ie Ing been re.elecled preside nt 01 Ute

publlcly ~ss l s led housing or thaI Wa -hlngtoo D.C., chapler this which Is. !Ina need by FHA -or VA I ea~ ' . insured lonns . y

The a ction was ta ken alter J oe ----------

Jones, Unlv. of Washington tootba U I player. described thc action of sl~ apartment bouse managers who reo lused rental 01 an apartment to hlm because he is Negro. I

Emperor would give warm welcome to Another a mendment proposed by

the board would prohibit racial dIs. , • ,

~~ ! ~ a llon in nonsectarian ceme· I Ike m Japan VISII The reeommended amendment;

will be submitted to Governor I TOKYO.-Imptlrla l Household oW· Rosellini, cials sa id this week the ,Japan ese

Emperor would ext.end a warm weleome to P resident E isenhower

NISEI ASSIGNED TO U.S . if he should visit Japao next Sep-, tember or Ootober .

EMBASSY POST IN MOSCOW I They said the Emptlror would be foUowin g a precedent established

I by his grancUathcr. Empero.' Mel· ii. who warmly r eceived Gen.

, Ulysses S. Grant who came (0 Japan in Juiy, 1879 as a past pr esident of the United Slates.

CSpecial to the P nclflc Citizen I WASHINGTON. - Ichiro Mori. now ot New York City. has been assigned to be an attac.he in the American Embassy in Moscow.

Believed to be the first Nisei to be named to serve In the Soviet Union, he Is a ptlrmanent member of the Oltice of F oreign Buildings of Ihe Sta te Depart­ment. He has just completed a live year tour In Japan. wbere he served as the sup"ervlliing architect. tor Ihe United States eonsuldtes in Kobe. Nagoya ond Fukuoka .

A lormer president of the S!. Loui s chapter of the J apanese Amelllcan Citizens Lea gue. he is now en route t-o Russia with scheduled stopovers for s tudy and consulta tions In Bonn. West Germany, and Helsinki , FInland

They sald the Empel·ol' is a p. preclaUve 01 Pl'esident E isenhow· er's invitation to Crown P rince AkihilD and Princess Mic.hiko to the United States last tall.

Nisei student helps put out

dormitory firo, gets burnt

PORTLAND. -Howard Kalo. S(··

nior at Oregon Sta te College . s uI· fered serious burn. on both legs jllst beto .. e the Chr istmas holidays. He was helping his tt·iend pul out a fire in a room at Ute sc.hool dormllory

JACL olicy on ag-ng opted ce by White ouse c fer

Issei bacl{ground cited as factor

(Specl .. 1 to the p" 'Ihe (;111/.<·,11

I W.\SIIINGTO~ On b,·haIr "I III' ~1:1II11 1 i ~nd thdr Nl ,·i chll· dren. th~ .l1r"III' e Arnerltun C.h· , n I e~gue prt p->, :I ani Ih. \"hUf.' HoulJt: C n1 renee '.,.0)1 ttl' Agln' arlopfO!l, policy 5tate,nent

Ilhat I TIlL cultur:,I. IHn~ua~c ;m,1

n 1I0noi 'y hackground ,I ",r ,., nlor eitlz'n h,'Ulrl IK; rl'rol:nllJ~d

and du~ eon iclerlU"n shuulol bI' g",en the e ( tor In h,,~" publlr an I prlvat. and ns' mnl •• tIItl and IOCDI program .. IDr the nlllll~

2 ,\ i. Ian e h >ll\d bIJ mad. avalitlbl,' I .. the &~ing on the 01 I 01 Individual ncod. nnd without regard to c.'izen hlp. Tne color r.:r(,1 d. rengton. n deo"'c. 4.)r "'re' lallv 're oon Ibn 'II" law

The JAC[, wa repre cnlld :'Y Mike M~ ,loh. Wa hington re;>r.· so ,t:.tlvc He \\'8 .. mong the 2,7()(; ".'r anu organlzaUonal delegale \Vb I "art c.paLl:d In Ule week·lollg cont~rc", e la t week

,'or),,1 3 r M'iCe<i

Beca e "I Ih numt",l In' 1v I. dclellal<!l wcr~ a Igned \lJ ,('Mlon­snd workl(roups I," tllOg r, their

I background!!. Intcrt' IS, etc. lit. n· r/<'a Wi) 8 ned to the !cctfou on Ihe S~dal Sen·lces


Under th. confcren.'c rule • w.t Ing on sllecl!ie policy stalcmcn and recommeoc!JUons were taken only 10 thc e'lnns and work· grou oor iderlng It>e pro!Jlem. a .igned. Vole were not tak~n In th(~ v:ttna t'if;JOn ·.\'hu·h wert' attended "dll th" dele~atc ••

Senator Wtlllace F Bcnnell cR .• Ut ,h) ch,.~ "~Ih ~:dw lTd Y. Okazakl , mom!'cr n[ Ihe ! "h delegation 10 the Whit" Hw. " Con· feren ce on Aging. The Huw(jijan-born Nisei n:pr( ~entf.-d thl' Senalor at lhe con(c rence as a geriat.rIcs .spC('iah~l and WB.E ch.airman ot the nursi ng hom!> commlltee o( Ihe Governor' Conference on Aglnli he ld la.1 year," Utah. He has been with he Veterans Adminis· tra tlon Hospita l in Salt Lake (01' lhe past ai~ years.

Charter or Right. A Sen or CiIl7.en· Charwr 01 "0 ad ,pled by the White HOI'·" Conlerence The chartel

Advocates of financing program for aged through Social Security in huge majority

',les that eacb SCDlor clUz.eo, r e­gardl~ < of race. color or creed, is entitled 10

Tho right t be usetul. The ril!bl Iv oblain employ­

men. based on merll The right fTeedem from ''3nt

llY JOH" YOSUlNO C peciat JACL Corl'c"Ilundenll

WAS HINGTON.-The Whi e House Conference on Aging. whIch con­vened here last week, came to a clo;e with vie lory tor ad\'ooates of Social Sec uri y financing 00 the medical care for aged .

It was among th" h"ndr.d. of recommeoda! ons whkh ~IDIe QU t

of Ihe 20 sections 01 the Conference a nd reported to the 2.75D delel'at~ a t the closing plenary se. sion helP at Constitulion Hall.

Although P resident·elect Ken· ned" d id not altend any of thp ses;iol1s. it was apparLnt to dele­lIates Utat the Pre~id ·~t"!leCl and lormer Secretary of Health. Eju· cation and Welfare \! u!,>n B. F,I· som 01 the Ei e.,hQwer cabinet greatly InnucneAd the conlerence to supporl the Social Security 'ar>­prcnch

The section on inoome maln· tena nce voted 170·99 in Iov"r of P resident"'lect's approach. Al the same time. lhe section on healUt and medical oare vote'l 16~122 to the contrAry, declal"in~ t"int~ !';a. rial Security nnd h{,::llth care II· ~cther was unncccs:::ar,v and und~ sirable

wi I h 0 U I inter-generational rela· Uons"i;>. lacklOg attitudes of re­pcet or veneration (or lorebc::arer~.

ioadequate discipline. ')lton arro· gaot aod inepU~' autonomous."

As a resuit. the 1aml!,. organl· zation has bm',en do·.·n. "Dr. Linden said, aod tamJies hav~ I'.) look t-o outside groupS tor aid-calling mto being Ute vast army of social workers that exisL~ today

In ""~d age. The righ to fair s!lare !If

the commur~tv· recreationaL. educ"'· and me:l1 cal r e­ources. The ngllt :0 obl<lw 1ecent hou."

mg. suited to needs of Jater years.

The right to mor,1 an:! finan· cal SUl)l:Ort by one·s flmi!y so lar as Is con i-lent with the best 10teresL< of the family

The right to ll\ e independently The rIght Ih·e. 10 dIe with

dignity. Th~ right 01 acc~s to aL

knowledge ao av,,"lable on how to improve the laler year. I l ife

"~lental health ao:tlV"1 ie as q

public program ",'oulll unne,es· sary In a truly wel!·;)rdered so· ciety," h, added. A well·oroe:.!d sO~lely w;)l1ld be one _ 0 childre" I reeei\"I'lo an ample mea ur~ >! 1 '\'€ •

and discipi"ne and par~nt.J1 \<'ade' ship and all so:iety characterl? ....!

by strong. pal1'iarchal m~seuline REEDLEY CHAPTER PUTS

leade"hip in tbe nlle, .t~?\I~, JACl PLAQUE ON CITY' S feminine, maternal leadership in the female: nnd "'lder \\'erc :IS· P OSTS signed a signliiran; sodal r31e 8. 'WELCOME' SIG N symbols of auth ,rity and Iamily REEDLEY - The J CL plaQue spirit hac b""n ~ ted on Ute welcome

Other R t"rommenda tioll ~ 'I!its at both entrances to th eit 01 Reedlev. 1111 wa, c'e 01 the

Wilh the governmt'nt appearing communit;· public rdation' pro­as the "great white hope" t,) many C<lnterencc delegate:-. they np. jects. "'hi eh was sueg - ·'cod by '1;, . pro"ed the toUowin" recommend •• tional JACL Pre 'df:Ilt Frlltk I'h ... tions' 6 m an when he <poke a t the ceoc

I conVE'nuon last mQnth. 1. Eslabh ·h on In t,Ll: o[ th,· The project here "a< larzelv

CO:lrcrence RuI"" Aging within .the framework 01 :be I completed thl'ough tbe elf',rts 01 However. Roberl W. Kean,· Natonal InstItute o! He3IUt. Eddie Yo no

tax burdens, Ihe people seem DENVER - The MIl. · 1:I.J JACL in la lled i~ colTl pletely ncw 21·

10 forget that they are payin~ member board ot governor., a t the

In her annual report, Mrs. Knick· erbocker described the Housing Opportunities Program whiCh has been In optlra Uon tor two years. "Our ba sic approach is to help In· dlvlduals learn what their right, are and wllat alternative solutions exb l for their problem." she said

How 5,200 50-slar flags were flown over nation's Capitollasl July 4 described

mHn or the Co,ference'- nation,1 2. E:< pan d dnd hbel'a"" t:'e I 'Abou ' 10 mil", west. 'elma ad,'lsory committee and (Mmer Federal morlgage in<Ul'ance and JACL hag POSled the JACL em­Recubliean Congre>sm~n fro m ·org·term I ans tv assist th- aging. I blem on the city' welcome po..' New Jersey. who mediate'" on the public housmg for tbe elderly. an:! i:ualed ·'n U . H .... y 99 . Selma eonflleting Tecommpndalion< t~a organize abroad housing- rc "arelll was tht' lirst ehapt" .. 10 do this I under eonlerence rules esttblished program. montbs ago. Ute secti n of "health 3 Autborlze lh o Pre<lrten' to ar­aDd medlcll care had "no right point a Committee on Emplrym 'nl 10 pa<s any recommendations on of Older Worker; to prow t. <>qual for it. They begin to ask for annual recognlUon a nd installa tion

, d inner-d ancc held at the new Den· more, never giving thought of i ver HlllOn on New Yea r'. Eve.

bow the government Is going ElCprcsslng much r eluctance In 10 meet its bill . takinll over helm of the new board

a compromise was m et In tbe aPlX'l ntmenl 01 'l'a k Tera. akl a '

Somewhere along the lme,

the admlni&trlUon decides to .all a halt and propose a'l

lusterity pro~am. At that

tJOint, s trike , demonstration

In denn riots occur • Thi. III an example of the develop.

ment in Belgium ,

If, on thl! contrary, the in·

diYldJ 'al 's honest Jabor wllJ be

inspired with the s pirit of free

' nterpriae and hi~ thinking

lhe result of alert inquiry, hi

on equent action will r e a c '

upon the government and b"

of benefit to the entire

D:ltion .

Attl,r all, the officials of the

new admlnli trdtlon are s er.

van ts of the people and in il

republic lIu <; h a 011 " they 'Irr

expec ted to act for the peoph ~

In pursuit of the c '>mmon

gOfJd .-JI.lI.

boa rd cha irman pro-tem.

Dr. ;\1858 Gim o, pa st Chll ptel vlce·pr .. _l d ~ nl, admlnl ",red th e on th 01 olflc" to the lollowinll board m embe rA

TOlh An do. Vf)JI h Ar:J l. O;av" Jo 'uru .. !law .. , J im Jmat..l n J. If.1r uko Knb lYI) ­hi. Oeer." l!o1afl.m ... .iI. Roy Iotil)'cdu.

:~6~~~~t. ~~teg:kaT:'jo~~kS"k:.).~~~ ~ ~ ... n SIlo, lIenry 5 u t ukf. O.k l T lml· wakl. Mlk~ ' r a hlrQ. 'r a k T eru. nk l. lJud t f tl1lt1A, Sob U)'td ,1. Ayak<l Wada, Min Yuul.

~n Kumaj/o i. tonnt r SJcra 'N& th,· able c m cc~. 0 kl 1'oolwakl, retiring presld'·n l. re· viewed pa I acllvltl':~ 01 Ihe year and gave rcc<lgnltlr;m to I h ~.e .'h,. }'~ r e I c.ponslble lor t h ~ .ucce,. Qf th~ many proler dur In" 1900.

Tulare County JACler named

to irrigation board

VIlIAU A - II . '0 II -"It III>­

v.Jlnh·d r o .. ntJ.I \I) th, bc'rd.rd I)J

lIre t.or ul Ihe Slon,' C6rrul Ir. ,~.II'," [)I ,trlet hy the 'r"l.r

c.,unly B<Jard " f Supervl."". UfIII' ".If) pn'I.' n fOlJ r·\,eill r ter m Cl:c..rdin" t.o thP lupprvJ IJrI. thrn:­

va no need (,r nn elecllon 0

here A111 nf) contea t lor Ihe pr, II Yubl U " hn active IIJ/)() ClulJo..r

ot TuII<rc C'"W'..y JACL.

Underscoflns a new Ul'gency In the work to biting about eQunl opportunity for aU people. Fran\< QuIM. executive director at CCU, warned that " Racia l dls crlmln,· lion I . tunting the developmenl 01 Son Francisco" la s he a pprals lod I lo"al trends and developm ents in ra CI' relations dur ing 1960.

" In the present We ·tern Addition pruJect mD't of the 6.000 non· whIte d l loeatee went Into public hOllo lng or the nmet olde,t nel l{b­borhood Now we h ~ar proco"" l 10 tear down theBc hlocks. Where will the people go next ? San F ran· cl.eo will not be oble to T"new It ell unle85 we con ..,Ive this prob· lem ,"

HONOLULU -Fln y· star f I a g s which flew over Ute na tion's Capi· tol las t July 4 arc part o r the Statebood treasure In Ha waii to­day .

The nags were purchased by Sens. Oren E . Long a nd Hira m L. Fong Bnd R4p. Daniel K. Inouye lor dlstrlblltion lD sohools, govern· m ent o!flees and vetera ns' organl· zattoru;.

The Il ag> In Hawaii arc .om e of the approxi mately 5,200 flail wh ich were nown In Washinl{tnn dUl'lng an elght·hoUl' period Inde· pendunce Day

Others a rc flag which were flOWD from the Cnpl tol August 21.

Only Sulllllflu tlJ/' nnniversary 01 the signing 01

Quinn ow the e tlmlnftUon " I r a. I I-Tuwalla n Slatehood by P ros!dent cla l dl .crlmlna tlon In hous ing a. Eisenhower . th' · lIIly "olut on UIIY JotD"

"Fai r houoln" Inw will help. b .,l I The ·.na tors and repre.en luUw they are DOL . n-,ugh b) them selve purclru ed about 100 lIog. npleee EVI'n though we el tubll h th e leJ(n l Ie· dilltdbllilon In HawaII. accord· rl¥hts to r ent or bu,\' a hom e with· Ing to Inouye. ou t d l,.r1 mln"Uon , we .Ult mu:t The .J ul) I flnll' Were 1I0wn r .. om ·,ccompll h the luc t. 17 temoorllry ling poles which

" W .· huve " lellBcy or ·,"lIreg,l· were lI lu:d above Ihe nalloll', lion Which exl t. In the mind o( C"pitol ror the 50· I~r nag OOCII

men .lId " hlch I relnlorced bv Ion '1'lI1.-1)' Cupitol emnlo)'.,· r. Idclltln l ,oparation. The habit· worked In hills r unnlllg the ban jf ollre". tlon 0,,· >told by ooUt ner' up "nd kwn. whit,.. .wd non-while., a nd th ey F.v,·ry twl' n r r JrJ(u lI ll.OLion to will be " lonll Ump III wllherl nv 1I0t a ile 01 th,· 50·' tar fllj/. al" Wl l ~ private o r ~unl",t1on .'!Uch l/uL " lett.'r of c!'rUnculion whlrh the Council ror Ct, c Unity tok te lUI. thlll th,' 11011 wn !lOll 1\

d irect uC!lOI. IJllaln.1 them," ht July 4, lOtIO. Ihe 111'.,1 day II w .. luid Ill/' "ntloll'jI oUicl.tU (Jell.

I linancing sUCh care"' Its I<lSk waS job opoorlunlUes "wit;..()u( regul<! It> improve health cart>. to age"

H was reported Irom Washinglon The dllkr, nces Were resolved 4 E:labh.h a form of POint Four

Denver Nisei chosen to r 61 grand jury

last June tha t the new fl ags would when Dr Leonard W Larron, technical assl tance I., the Sal 's eost 284 tor a 3 loot by 5 [001 presldent·elect. of the .~mene.n In setting up pr~i:rams tor the DE. 'yER - Prol>ably the IIr:1 nag a nd $5.80 fo r a l lag I :'-Iedical A~soclatlon and c.halrma.n aginj!. ' :'lIse. to be .eletted tlo a Ilfano II ordered Utrough Representatives. 01 Ihe section on he~Uh And '!ledl- 5. P ,·Id,' tin lIit-iai ,u port t I ury lor a metropo~.tan area. Henry The ,am e flogs eo.t S3.50 and cal care. ogrfAd to wllhdraw the "'talcs in .-radicn'.mg adult Uliter \lab 01 H~2 Uin. In wa, SC.50 it ordered through Senators. objecllonablll set'tlon 01 the Te m· acy 'mong 2 selected tast week

I mpnd"flc,". A sbin')ing clerk. Mabe w". No reason for the price d iUer· The recommendalion will be 'mon!! 30 summ')ned b" lot fr m

ences was hoiven except that the sent to the President. who Is ex- Seattle General Ho~ p itol h<1 general lur· lis '. V;stflct .\1. House s tationery NOm JUst hap- peckd I r~lIe't \-on 'n'" to ~rnc~ Ber: ~t Kcat n~ Quc.sti.-,m·d ptlned to sell flags ch eaper than cn.lct ~nnbling lc~lslat"n 10 mee' charged w ith r a ce b ias '8ch 00" 'Then Vbtrlrt .1udl!c

the ~ ... !al nrens or th,' n8\,n • s\ h F. Cook mode !'e"l!rnl In· the Senate stallonery room aging po"lIl"ttnn with rcfer,·nc,· h <;Jl:.\'ITLE TIl 5" 'I, Goncra'l 'uirles. Sc'h rc Ired to> :llsc"," the

poor ho\lslug. mud 1II," medical II s It ,I "a order d !> ,., a and -holces and :lcsillnatcd 12. cnrc and in",rrlclel ' 'n'~ me. dC;ist tram di cTlmln.tlllg m em· '!'hI year.'h "rond ]lIr, wilt

Selma Nisei preparing I F amlly Role (Amll,,,,'(t "Iorment , ]ccordlng t) anno'~ncl' be bu'y. ron ·nula~ lhe Drob 01 It It-ra"dpal ·~nt parrnt' I1nd' !"ent made n' :enll . b' th~. wn<~ the Den\"t >~ poilce and lookmg into

geologic maps for state children kn,w their pr"[>pr r'lle'l II1ll'n 8t31e B~ard .\g:l.lI: t Db· ther undi.;closed mntters,

REElDLEY.-'l'h m ns IWOIllII I· .. Of III the I "nlly ond k," t \h~m. Ih r· 'r ~m~'11 0n. dcnll><l ,. 1lt _ _ _ _ _ _ Selma. IK now assisting in a.tnte. would be little lIeed (or th' v',,1 PIITO womnn w" > ..,

",Ide project of preparing geologic number 01 social pro" .. n",; thaI NppJicRUon blnnk at the ho, plln C keep cropping up. aCC<lrdlng to Dr I to" rk in Its jleL;ln· kit.hen. ,A •.

m aps 01 olUornin ~IuurlC' c F. Lln.ipn. dir.~ct IT 0' t~t;'"t . t.t "Irnev Ge"ler:tls. \\ in .. : He I II gr:ldullie or ReL'<fl,,) Phllndelphla's dlvl ·Ion 01 mental I Luke nnd Elihu Hundt, inl"odu

Coll ege where he SLRrted his SIll' health . nYldcnce to _ how Ihat while lb, d l e~ 01 lIeolo~v. oo r nplpl ' n~ "I Within mllsl h, u. "holds Ihere hosootal emplo)'s Nellroe Ind nn· \.\"Ork at the Unh'. or CuJlCornta, Ol'l' thr~t> •• omc\\'h t unhnppy Ql\n. whh"$ in :-Qnle dl1JnrLmcnt', JI"Illt

Hc is now emplo.\'ed by the t.atc l'rntlon .tl the V,thlh' H(lII_<\l' Cnn- Wt'r~ l!mploYl'ti in the dietary .:i( Depnrtmenl or N~lturnl Resourc,', f"renee ~II Aglnl! WilS told 1'lI1' p.Hlm"nl. .'1 trlbun.,l IIIPQcd?'

Ftor th(' mnpping pl"oject thr ,1dllrs \\'tlre dl':--l'l'lbt"1 "",Ut"n L\;J Joeul nU-1rn~V!'i 1)1 :i '.11 n~Vl

Stale hn. been dldded lilt ""'·1 wlth'UI Intu. with lIl·d,·!lllttd und I ... ·\\" Wln ~. promlnenl c'\"Ic. WOJ"~ 11011 • ~nch to be d,·plct~d 011 n nmbl~"o\lS roles ill Illc. socially " r 101ln·1 'h hO'pltal h .• d vlnlnl geolt)lIlc m'lI' . howl II!!, th.· rock nnd Iml1otent" tho stule law ng"lnsl dl crimina· jlJ'ound (ormiJtl n. Onh' u le\\ The p:lI'4'"l!'i \\"\'1"\' (lh'ITg,~ wlfh tlN1 I m~,p. ho\'e bl'l'" publbh~d ~o fur, flUuU\'c lcudl'r' hip. )1l..!:rml'<ivc und ;. The Hntl--dLl'l. Inl~utlon ~ ') 8 I' (I

Iwamura nnd hi, COlll'IIi/U" hllv, Inllorln d .. clplinnrlan \I Ith ·ex·, h d Olll.l.1\ 10 , ure" O{>ndlll>1 '"' bt't!n worklnK POrtlonb or thl.' UI't!R Tl'vcrscd tolc ·the mu~, too weak" il':!C~m~nL, lmt, ~':hf!n. c!torLs fulled oround Ukiah to be .hown on Olle I the womon I ' trunll Ihe C.I e "It_ ccttilled lor a public map ~heet 1 And UJl!lc an, !h" )'uunfl~t~rs. !leering. I

CHAPTER IN DEX -----*----

Tho t:hUl)h'N 1I.~~ed bclU\\ ar~

tho .. c whl t"h Old !l ll r TUl '~ d RY

nr" .... tlt"ndllne ond l l Q."·O &Corle In tlll~ week' I~~uc ,

S3kcr,llt·hJ ("I c: 15PU

CIl' ·rlnnd I)P1f',it Irhl1(1 "',,II "11f··1t1 'fontf.r!'y

-leu LI\l

Purtillud R(:cdl~V'

Stu:ran\[,IU~l SIII1 tlll'R ~"n f't'\ncls,:v l"'\n ),I-"C ('Inom'~ C"'unh

rh Ivr

Page 2: Ncw~l(Jttcr : M~ nnedy Era PA

,---~~.'-:~~-~ .. -,o,-, •• -.... -.... -, ... -,«.-'''-..... -".--.. ' : PC Letter Box I By Henry Mori 11 children aided during 1960 by Shonien program PACIFIC CITIZEN

'Livin9 with JACL' Series \\ ntt! Ills

10 Ih£ \\("1 ('oa I aflt:I' 1l11' exclll:ioll

IllI thl' (II " III th .. hn:enwnt 01 a Pn~1

'I' I «llsf fl't.'d tn Ihl' lntprllalional In·

h ,lo~il.11 \ lue of Ih., files. sonll' :11-

I .. h \f 'he L I II "I ('ahlnTnia I.,hl",ry IlIkrofllm

'" 1 ,)(1, h'll ttl y did not nwlcz-ialin'.

1I!l 1:0 dl' Ided io h\(' 111 Los .\ngel". he lell t11f' t· Hokllbl'l M:UllIdll since m:lny III tht' 'Ia ll' mem ,

'I' :-lUI \\'0,..1<1 ~un \I\'re th~rl'

at. has dl'l\ d jilt.) thl' fill'S, future l'nlumns

de hJlg \\'11 h Ihe prl'l\ aT .. ra IV ill be

:lnd 1l1ake Ihe Sl'rlt"S 1I11l1'e iIllI'TP. I-

"ta lhroll~h Ihe bOUI1,1

l1I.mlol r of PC a<; Ibllmenl' 111 the pa t.

I, _ carch for. ourlt! malerial \1111 find him

hln the .Id ikkcl ~himin and prew31' PC' files

_\ Ie I' (('PIt:> or Ihe P(', 'Ihen lh!')' were pub·

Ih£' I ar in '"atll ... wl! San Frilnci co, arc In

romple!t.' Itne of .Japanese ,\merican

aHfornia call hl' founel in Ihe bound

himpo whIch gil back into the middle

hu ;\Ialrrichl al'n ha .. 11: prl'wat· edilion on


• ~IJ I ulll'd 11110 orl(' ill Ihe first lV{'ek of Ihe new

!'lOll u \ Olll' man de~r:rihc(1 it I hi. decade will be

r m"wh, (I. j ~I' .. oann.! 'Il" i,,'s," SomE' nf lhe ,igns show.

'ri Ip III !he J'( it ,eem:s 10 LIS.

In ,IE' "n,

* One More Colu mn, Fred

.' m,d I or thl' .. (T'lladc "hkh f'n'r! Takala richl)

ror I" sen'TN! a~ n:"ional ./ \('1. director here Ih e

nd half yl'.l hal nowed la I • unday al hi.,;

ptnC'hed a 'ore spot ill Fred's liIe a~ reo

hen h(' wa reminder! Ihat another ·'Point.

rrl" a II I' h"rorc he ~~. umes hI , new

h'lIt mE' to



longhand and then

routine was indeed

to tYIl" Ihe "tou{'h

l'(' him lallor over his columll

all lh,· rI"a(lIilws a 11(1 hE' ha,.,

tOf 'r1hutllr IIoh(, kc' p (hi' d"a,lhn" alltl submits

n ". \ fI' WTlt', n IIrJUhle'fipatf>11 has lJ warm spo'

Ir t rl of ,,[ \ ('(hlnr f fl'd"<I Ihh way ahoul IllS

r po' It, II· I'C' • od \ III" nol .. J(JUfIlah I h)' Ir<linlng

'Ir <It lit 11 (uIUWJI ha 'e l.eell 'mtcrl;lIl1ing perhaps

')0 IT 'I " I. I II -murh "r thl' enOl! Id(' of his officI'

cluln' r 'I tilt Po t thf' Irnpnnt 'If hl~ talllln" 3Jtd dill

to, t n Iflnal cilrl""nr IV,L dearly evirlellt last Sunday " 11"11' I[ 'In' 'null .lrnn, I whl" dn overflow <:rowrl (:amc In

hr>l)nr til" If ,It \ t, 1111 ::"lv (Ill ,,, kN'r, th,> pr bowllt1~

I I,.· .. k lSI lit<· Ihe IlC\\' YC;If', we've 1(,;1

I ( ',ul of I'! I fo'f( d' frll'· an"'lrIr mall ahout"

............................................... Format Reaction

"I'll( rtt 0"

ilren t l;:nJn,· 1t \ ~rY

HtG SHl~r.lml·ntt) ,I.\CL


I l hlt"t.~n', r I.' el~' Ii jillY fa\'1' bl~· ~'nmmCf\t Oll pC'; Unt '"' Jook • :\fUl'h t In.r~ ....... nne, ~Qm"" a\' 11 look U.kro.l ,-huin '>, n' lid. Ont'

lor th, "d\'lmuy:,·~ or v,,· Ilabl,I::I1 ',\11 the UI\"lm- Itt' mnl"l~

~allr1b' h.'ad • J l'an ft )prf"clo ,. lhl' ,'nll,unll'

\. ,1111· f r th l'hrUljll \\',--'r but \\,1'111,'1' 11 the \l\('-roll ltd\'l1llllllC .t ch,,' o!d .)n ('nt .Uun \\n n't worth It .....

haninR .rl'I·~ KAI10WAKI

PC N ame Change

Puh-It f! I I O",n't l' h I n 1t t.' thc nunlL't f""'01 Pacific Cit ll~n to IIn\'· thinK pbl. I It .l ~I.od nartl.~-nnd

d('(~r\"inu Jf rli'l..,h r tv 1)1."11': Hl :<IT

Sail r-"rtnC, cn .r"'\Ct~

Family evacuated from Indonesia aided by churches

I :;AC liA~II::\' rtl , O .. t>'l, fifmll' 1\'1('Ulkd r .. nUl Indfln :, tl 1t,1· 1.'"Ind mne \'tar awn J hl1inl{'1 ., tl~ b\' th .. ",t .1·Ip:ml· ... t.· M_'th',rlf 1 l"hurch.·~ .,( the Cputl':!1 V,Jll p~'

Ol .... trlt't .aCt'i ntJn~! 10 lilt! Re\' L.e"h .. " Suz\lkl~ J) I tor nt dw PI ,. ne<r ;\h·thodllOt ChUfl'h hor.,

Th£" fomi'" uf f<'l':lnroi Duma ./l .!!, hi.;: \\ir, lun two :bulothtt'l' I !I.C'hr"C .. nh ,f tn an\·,· h( n' JJl'xt ~·eftk. TIlt" ,J.lpahe."p Ml'Lhodlsh 01

l,oomi Fl01'1n and Sacrlmt'nttl In' moklng nlTan~,"m('nt .... to nlll thi: Camlly' In. hom~ and !o ha,', a io,;) ror Ih., m.chlni I husbaod,

PI.h' fool' fur", hlng h'IU<l'bld IInell. kitchen IIlell<li< !Inri b, 'ic roocht 'rr. will b,' made befor<l Ihelr ,rrll'al. Rt'l' ulIIk' said

I TIle (nmi1-" cvacualed to H:>!land ~t.'vcr'll year~ D~O wh{lll the 1"­doneslnn Rt.'pubU(' took U\',Jr thl' former Dutch It.:'rritory, bllt mndf: arrangcml'nt 100 t.·milj(l,.HCo to the Untied SI"les n' He,lIand is flor>ded with rt~rUfl('l'~ and cnnnnt ~uT'port

then' all

Changing of the Guards


· 6 L~ "~'~~~~~.~mA;~E: IN~~~ . E ;: ~~ ~ ~ , ~~~ " ;~,',~ I Senate unexpected, he It r~I"rI '<I, l.onll' I taking til.

I Ion Ihnl h,' dec 'r"t· ,,1 JII may wont full term .. ~-ve I' , rm br'(orc rei, I'm!: .rnd

HONOLUI.L D '" T I in lb. wali 1n thl (1mlflg bl('nn: 1m 11 bf'.r:inninl{ I I \\'ond, .. ho\\ J;")' a...

t'VInntrt belw .• n l'f S. S£1'n 11 )r 01 n E. Lon!! (Ind (' on~r 'l'>"n \) ~ rl K JnnuYtl IJHI) be 1"l'''OtvE'd b(d3rC 1962. nrcnrdin2' kl D(.tl1 Horfo, Stii. B, f>till tn(( wrih'r

Ihol h .. It"" I cnt.tlcd I> rJ' H!,l n jn HHi2

Th~ "ooillel "H' rrnth- • I In "bn'ancc Ir<lll~. \\'1 h I,h, p,rt)' tltk'I,moldl"'< h"r "10111/' en· I Ihli~ln m 1)1' Ihp II" J'InI!!Qn whIr will wnn,· be(ort· 1962. I

LT, ':lI1whUcr, ln fhJl \ {'JnUnuc,\ t.o I bltil1 up " VII"K~tlin& re lI'1lbn ! h .• 1 by il"ctr "' IV • "c" 'ua,k ' lnD& "to t ·Iking an ~.11~:J retirement

Los Angeles NEWSLETTE R F:lcvon child. D penl 'Ill or pari

01 lOGO in Shon~' !1l'oup h ~me for chlld"'n". In, Sh~n,"n Board or TrU !l l~e$ wag lnrorrncd :\fl)nfin:v I>y hom~ dlrec Mike Suwkl. il

Bank promotion comes

quicker than usual

This \"'('!I·k. !:'s'ank K. Ornutsn Who hI' b 'n lA.'i"h l'j~ Sumi. lomo B.lhk 01 rallf n II I Tokl" "'im,'," .June or U)S(; WI! pr(lmotcd

nn a tal1t C"" hlt'r Whllt, " gnilic Int <I( hi

p.nmotlnn' It', jll t tit Om 110 \I \\'onl ,"I

Ih,· bonkln!! ~ u Ine 10 pr IV'

n point I II lit , \"'nl .11;" "ll , emplov,·.- tn n Jr., ~,"l: ... In. tHIJ lI'>n ,,'111 be K .. t.I)~ Ihe ~nm.

break In ifdvanl< ment a I"n~ th('~' can pro ... ·C' th<.,tr wnrtht·


Umat tI, wh» rnt· ... a 1rca · tlfer I hr.'·A' n pvr J>r~ 11J f J( thE

U .ed to wllr (or an, 11'nportlnp u!'cti to work In the- hn t )rl102 nnd (,,,pOlling !irlY' Wh" h, madl' his chAng oV"r \\'1' ask rJ hlro Frank, <f • \'1)11 I!llnk \"ou r£ doinK th .. IIghl thlDlI'

001""". [,I',,: fnllr and" hr,1I vonr o( hurd \\i)rk. pl'oved h did Ih. rlghl thing With h. .,,'w ro p<>n"bll , c • mor(> work will pll(> on him on dDIIM But h ' ,hl')wn m.:.ny of u. wh;"It rJ.a,ti('nre nnd pt'rt:erv('r;Inc(' can do ror C\

man · .... h') want. to g(.~ Uj') an

Ih" world, Ko ~IIWIl, hranrh manager far

5umitomo hrrr IOlIJ promll'lon for Oma!'u rome Cjukkl'r Lh'," (or other. but "he' h WII a lot of prom,' i! an,l abllllV which none of u ~n, gn')ft.!

So a. the :an Franr. Co b01l1 j

or dih'Clvr m("l'tUlg. thl'\' UP}>l'':! thr, rank "'1' Om It U I 10 n oHieer at th FIr nJ <:;.In Proro St bank J·o more hCiI\'\ brief cnsc '· ... h. Frank'

Time to make C. of C.

scholarship meaningful

The Japanese Cllotnbr.f ul Commcrc(' ha ann lunl(>d f1fLh ,ml·anou.1 e()mpc-tllhn for Wlnlrr I~GI high < 'hool 1I .. ",du,

alc, 01 Jnp1n~ •• "n4l!5 try Five rCprc9('"I(>(J 2732, around.Lhr.tloek en h o'o\ord:1 of $100 ~ach nrl' 14 oy or O[lr~ lc> b~ !r,Ve" lop wmner flunnero While Shonlen .s \lcpnsed by the up. ,r J ,0. t poh<:)' prevail, Will D~pJ ot 300101 W~!(:tre hr eRr. be PfC cotNI a lounl In Jl<'n o( Children ·b,·tNten the age. 01

La I I'e,r. In tonnceli n wllh 6 and 11, wllh ""01"1 tlear,1nce, .he U S -.Jopan Centpnnlu I Cele· tho IJ ,,"'Idren t>;Shlc(1 during t"~ brallDn, Ih .. eh mb., "lrmNi a past y"ar ranll-P.d In !tJ!e from ~ n£ w commllt. 10 ralJe fuod' to 16. The yearl ... overngt of ages (or ueh' lIr , of fO' n'lng ! o[ Chrldrr·n earh<i for ,bring 1!K1I'

hoI r hI t N it cor I wn botween 6. lind 8. ~I, Q m <, kl h ,d Ihe Ohlldren <lor,·d lor Ineluded re-

gr.\I , IIr I thol J In lerr,,1! from rombl"rs. lawy.r~. 31,000 I In \ e I/e' w,'. ,," chopl authorltl~ •. ndoPlion ""cn'

Arldl lun.,1 80.000 0 Ide I"'Y' C'S and dlrf!ft P!;,cpmcnLO b) :obi,· within Ihe n t Ihr< '('Al' c"unly .... cUare aJ!enc,og.

Although. th, Ie 'nt qll.llt~I' WhM" chIld ,i .. C<CpIPel upon c.llon (or 'h< J .. ·.lr hIp I '1t.1' direct ~prlleotlon by the lamlly, Ih,· ,npllcnnt mil,' II< of high Suzuki explolned', thai il roon'hly gr,ldc (· .. 11 Irf' h) W>o'l CU.l n. brJ:Jrt1 and r.:JT~ clce i:; arranJ,tt""d hlp nnd Icadnr hi In rhlJ~t ami "" the hmllY' ahllity tn p.~y

,n the c, mmUOlly, w,' r"1 I Shontcn T.·~lVl'd S4,IG,>;, 07 from Ihere- hOI I,) be .'!dcd I nol Parcnl Rllri the I't)unl,v '~r board n Ihi s"m I r' d "ll'j. and Mrc pormept wllh the balance

la\J(tD-·thc word d. < Yln~ >r met Irnm Shonli!n'. general lund In ne.d·· o( Ihe lUi Ion Id,

The proJc~t k.ll~y I d_,u(c nd t nd only a • I {>n .

gram In ",hl'h p \\crthv .tld.ntl I .,wanlcd lOll tor hI Ill~h

eh ,I ,chI ,'emeot In tht f: llionary time' team h c vcr nllhUlg but " rccoemtion t}l thf' winnt rllo "ondlng

The Charnb~r 01/1 lnl ""r.;"d organlz]tional ~lr~ tlg£.' If • c~n

OJ'. gl\'., " $1 0011 I' n '" ..... or!hy and descr~lnll' t)r nec·d • condidljl', t u t' 'h mon( y rei urn bl n 10 limen! In .' glv"n pet"':! "I (,.

.. r II the 130.000 0" wh ' 'Jt'r

I I Ie ',tll I to t.. useel la In" ~ch' lar hlo p r ') Jet' IJ(11 nn amount I ~" ~O t,·c ! y ar ( :)1' 10 Siin Cl h lh ch.OJ: "r •• i.u­tI t • WI ,. , \t or ) ~rtI.;)o

to the (nn Uti In raLf~ed

'f"he Judqc:- IIIn hi on. the r u Mg­ni lion d Inn r ar R.«I and 1 ne Bul lie hi uhl c and Ihe I

WI. belle\' n '.\ I th t ~o g~t h~,tI Z' org l,"'d to M D

dllt"'t an ",.)r;J{ t schab rul­Ilan

Reedley 'JACL to aid alien registration

REEDLEY - Th~ Rl','<ilcv JACL eMlltor WIll" I In Tl'lii terinr ,11 Jaoano<e ah~nl 'In I\fond~y. Jon 23 Ir(lm 8 10 9 30 p,m, at Ihe J .pane, e H" II

Prve mcmbers 0( Ih" Rl'cdley .(ACL ha,' .. been "PpolOtcd to moke a _ ~udy fIn vari ,UI acUv1t}(:f' lor Ihe !aosl chaplet In 1%1. The)' arc Klyo chmn,: 'I' .. k 'ai" Kay Kit han Carol nr Tke.

ml , and Ed '1' .. ,0

Community l"irnie Th~ ReedlEY J I) nr, Commu­

nlt~ Pionl- plan III bt- ~nd.r ..... "y with Hlrami hlml2u and Hlro To­glOka 'U co-cha,rmen. During Ihe picniC <ommltl"" m.:l'tlnl: whkh will be held on J~n Zi, the ch,lr. men ot O!~ - cpmmil ees will br' elccted. The newly complt:t!d tro;hr co:c

is MW in Ihe Japanese Hall witlt aU of the J ACL Irophfe= Thl~

Imphy ca C '4'. donatcd by Ki· mul'. Trucking and Ben UYt-da

J. rml!·~ St ~n;'ltl.'" tf'rm ('xplrp.~ in 1962, Hp', r.~ rled to be anxlou. to run lr}r T -c){"C'tbn.

Jnou\"t:: ('j 'md H e tf'rm _!if: €'xpircs In 1062 H' r"oot! ,,; I bt~ anxlOu,- tu Jno\'t~ up to the Spnatt> 10 t ~ . I· ,t lll~ h 11

ori£inalh- mll'ndt~ tIl un t Y' 111

th .. - f r,1 S! >Ie ,It 'tlon in 1959

!hl~ ~~~I';~~;:'\'~h~'~~::~ ~~n~i~~i I session of Feb S supporls AID program In I ,bnd cl~.lIon hI I1rY til p.,11 • f mort thnn IOII.~OO vc>I'

Bakersfield JACL prepares for CCOC A Good Plue 10 Eal Nov" to Mldnlcbt

(Clo.eeI Tuesday) LI t "io'rmbcr. h mMgln "a BAKERSFIELD-Full support I)[I~Iurotani wa< ~opojnt"" way and e\'Eln nl"lre imbrc' .. she JnrU",p t'1c IOCJI AID J: ")sttam W8!'iO an- !neans r:()mrnittec chaIrman ,

Therf"s bt·tn . 'l"n ,ell 1 f " L EM' S CAF E 'Jr. JACL' adopted

by San Francisco , Sansei youth group

hrit Im'lIY" i bcln~ prt")I\:ur' -, t wait untJl HH.i4 lnn I) 1'lIn a' 'n t

I RCl1ubll 'a.n St'": ! ')! Hir:lm I F' .'w I InStt.~ad Of batthn~ Long 111 l!)f.2

Pll ~ tpOnt·n\l · nt l 'nlll(('lv

nounr.d bv the Bakcr.ricld .J ACI. The chapter has a blOO<! thlnk plied up mor" Ih,n 135 ~OO "01' afler it lrT't ~cneral me~'ln~ .,/ ,'pen (or p'"rson ..r Japan_ e an­h d~(',)t Rl' 'U,,1 "'n Fred'nck I the vo,r .Jan, 15 under Ih' chaIr' ""stry here ::\I~mbeT> ""rD url!'~ ':;100:''' who [,,' d I, 11 0 m.n!'hip o[ .Ire On 1961 piC. I, I> eontr,oll'oe 10 th. b~nk, Th

Prelucte t.o Bi"'I!/'r Thin".. de;Ili'ke T-)ril. member 'blp ('h .if I ;:;.~:~e:r a~~ I~a;e~l.: 3t~U:r~~rort .tJ

Ok " 'I' n ,I 1 hi, th 'on man. aon ~unc('d Ih,' l'h "Ier ha~ Ihll'd "ear IDC, d IIeh an acll. .m· 66 member ... including ~i" Th,u. A! the saol,1 h ur. Bob Kawll'

REAL CIJINJlsa Dleln. Lo. Anlele. JLA .... 2SJII

~ East Ftnrt s ..... t

.bono Orders Takea

S,,"" FRA, Cl co. Thl' Son Frnnl!tsco \Jr .fACL f (ormprlv thf: Yo;,.th Group·· ... JACLI \\'iU pre"~nt an e\'lmine with "Pnnt:;1 of AmC'r!"an~" from f:'rn Fronci,o" tate Cr.lIege ()n Fridd~" Alan. 27. 8 .n1.. l't U C ;\[pdic<ll Cen c,·. ;o;r",lIcnl Sci, pnce auditorium at P,'tJ'naS:~lI anc Third Ave

Thl' P'iOP! ,f A'nl"riran. W:J

«13bL-he,j 10 1955 in New York I City a. an intergroup educational

prt tram ponsorcd b,\· Americ:}n colJelitc'i clnd uni\'l· .. ~tie~ for :t J!eon· tr:lI - udience

That (nou, i ''t. Hltcl ,h i nr! t.:) 'tH'h I 'Jien n t t;iln ("IC't 10")-+ 001 :i"l n sander.", to urpJ 10 't .'·f'itr'· t). h fU and Bc~ T~ubola were e _ a I ~qlll':o't I. '11 unlikl'l It Ib n;;n d(,rri a "b! 'It r .... C'e·· \l/a 1 tal tcodad farllwell g'fe'" of :1~precl ...

",oInl Inoll.'"" :j,'nlr h, It, .. m .• d huild Ill) " te!lo"'mg fo,· hI;: ('('DC Lunoh,on lion l"r their ac!lve c<>ntribution any pl'om e h t 1C'l\It.: Fcmg fqU! toa.lnt 10 1962 and p3rtklp:atlon."~ ta h mo': . \ (Jr1r rrom naW Inouy C' t.'rm. tht 3n 'tjot('r(>~ling The chapter will ho·t thl' next ing ,") Fresno. . 00 thl" "thpr h Ind. h" h" n "b cr"ot! n .. fl., ",'plll iMd hI! un. CCDC meeting here '>D Sunday I he dOl !'On', 1hlnk hl~ and 1 m~ ..... ·('I\I"i r .. It·nl1ng c~mpaign this W~\· ,Feb . .5 1-frs. J~mcs 1\Ion)1. cor -- ---

over haV<' I" (',,"'1 n gn '~r th "\i've·r ,inop I I)cg"n running lor sec,. was accepting local re "rv New scoutmaster "am" 1"11 A' \II(' 'mr tJm~" 0/' 'l' In 195t. I· ·f." always main. lion' T m Kuwahar. volunle ro h.. ",d the I '0 pc>'!' C>f h 'U • ID <I 'hal on~ 'hollid run ,·igor· 10 fill the of1lee of treasurer FOWLER -Georae Tel.ok.... fnr. mn~ Jllr Ih" S~nal... ~ 1962 . r I' 1/ tall.' ' vaeat<.'!i by Boh Kawahara wh I mer JACL eh"pt<r pr<l id<lnt here .... \ "hln tl1'(.' 1 .. um or ~I'eat P" H "tcrc ~ 10 a Sen3te ~e t is has moved to VH:a!13 :\ir::. Guy 'I w.a~ appo1llted new scoutmaster ')( sibilit\· .. 0 ·;"lU b F 1 So S H

Inr': .n."}: remark!: (!C'rTI t") 1 tAn L"" th .~(" <\'ho bell. 'c In u 'l' t e ow ~r r cO\J,t tr '1P I

~a!e :h.1 ho hel,ew I 'nil "I <h lid Ip' IlT 'he S~nale lli J hn Downtown L. A. JACLer 's actl\'e wilh the Frc no BOY.ln,





D,ujll., I'hii will be ror the c\'eninf;!

t!\,(·nlualh· rlp ide ar.a.1I l nllmm l\ Burn'. la t Dele~.·:.t(: "0 C mf:!Y"lto • I berry Assn and IS ::ecretanr. lor :r ,,:eond !"rm, 'lin In. 11\',,', .~tH.~nl lut~r earns bank promotion ~reasurer oi 'h~ Cali(omia Boysen,

chail'm:lll J Reportt;: nd "1 part 11' I Burn;; Jld he probably ,"nil run PromotIon 0 F'·ank Omat5t. ae- cerr}' _0\5::.n whf) m-mf'II\'en'1 (nou,! ~ I· t

,) ft'!I' C.)vcrnc: a;:aln In J9G2 If hl' D (1\ J 'CL a< ~ ____________ _



Charll'~ .Junlol' i, I>r~'ld~nt ,I 'he S.F SU.lp Collr!!~ chaIAe.· and ,\ill ~I'ie Ihe hi.'lor;- and p"oeram or the Crr~ftni7..c1tJl)n. P eggy SHsa-

Y 1\' o\O.'n. 'n -. .., "I. " \ I nin,l.{ rnr tht' '·hu.l· In.tC'ad "If HI .I unj at 3 1 n:'si.ti .'Iot cas h i CO r ;.it Sumftl'l'mo I confliC't m~ ... bl: n ~ol\'~d with ~l _\ I ~ I" Sl S(~nutt- in 1959 also 11'(. h'Jjiin'l! 1h Bank .)f C11: ~orniQI .. branrh at Lo~ I

442 Veterans Club elect .~nge '" w" nnnoun eoo .. J5 pa

grnc.eful "xit bv 1.on12: week by m"DAg~r K, ;\1iwa 1'11."1'

hlm". 't .. d~nt in In!ern:ltional Af. r:un~ 3nd onto or the .... peaker-= <)f Ih~ l~t;I) :-lif' "nal Cr'm'pnllon Ol'a· lorieal ('ont~c', I. if ml'mb~r nnd on( ur th,· J..->cukpr' of till' P;ml'l

B"h,"d-lh~-'C!·n .. s politi,·· I' hI rei urn Ir'.m the director', m .. et. pc·:tedl." (Hl(ued Inou,", out ,'r"n G,2, 442 RCT veteran ing in San Frlncise< I nlnl! hr Ih,' S"Mh' illsl bd HO:-JOl.ULU,-KennctJl Sarulntnri The promotion. which "a' un. the- filing d('arlline In th~ .s ! n of H~nolulu ',\'3j elecled 19G1 PI" !si· animou Iy appro\'ed by the dir~ :_ ,f 1959 by gl nl( him it we,;, dent of Ihe 442 Veterans Club tors J,.n. 10, makes OmotsJ ,II I

Fh"c "' pC"kl·r, in 1962. .. promi'p hi' a shot n lI,e h,·r", Ill' crvcd with 2nd Bn, th·,rd Ni;Aj 10 b~ a'l"inted an I 1'h. Panel I 'bosed "1) Ih. A Ihe ,amt' time Long r I >fl. Hq. and MiIIlnry Intel1lltencc Sen', officer of Ihe Los Angcles oUke

I ire L.nguaj1e School. He i< execu· 0 36 d I 1 =============== I'hihsoph,\' Ihat lh'>ught and ch;'~~' edly wa' flul up lor Ihl' Senate Iv director 01 Lhe Hdwah Cancer malsu,', L- a gra ua e .~ c can bl'~l bt· . 1tmulJtcd by eXJY.)slll~ by \,,'rp:-;llJl,1{ from hIm ~, Drom • ~. v UCLA, joined with SumitoJmo Bank I people ~f dlV. lor". background. Ir I Ihal hl' would tow oul after one I orIN in 195t1 a; a field r"I,re ,en!~III'~ each olher< Id~., Team· )( [h', I~rm HIS maIO dUlles now on WIlt be pcoker -fir mon Catholic, Prol Draw, Shurtcr Tcnn NEWS STORIES SJtO'ULD BB as loaD oHice,. ~~J1t •• 1ewi!oOh, Negr~) and Ameri· At thut Urnl.' nobod. (' 'n .... tder d 1I'\t-(.PO 0008(... SP 0\, C'.. ==============

before campu nnd ('-lmm\lnit~- au.

Far Thlno! Jopanen

Gift • "Ilra:ln~ - Recorcb

THE YOROZU dleMc. 10 dl<clI' th"lItrercllce' • lh<.lt C'hur,ll'lc"!lt' thc- Amerlcnn cuI·

Whole5Dlo a.n:d Recall


reet que-sUoo.. :.rtcr orler .=> menl Irom each ,ludel'l

can. f'f Olher elhnlc origin ~ppe,u l I

I.urallsnd e"p" Audience" ... k rHo TOY ~

"'1111 Panl.'f' pur. "J!ol.' is to ex, / :============::.:=.:.' [ am1nc Ute \ alul' that h.f\ f' mad!..: •

thi I N' go~ldy of many dh"'T'~ Toyo Printing Co, groUPlo a lIllllJed. dynamIc wh')le STU 0 10

"0" St •• Sacramento 1 I

Prompt Mail Service rUC;C:><E & It utOlD OIOD"

H,,"c r "nd se·trchinj( eKchAnge 01 318 East First Street OUse! • LeUerpress Idea., ond Ihe highly pers< .1allzt'<i Linolyplng

qual It," of each spl'nker', remark l o s Angeles 12 309 S. Sau P edro lSi. glv" Ihe Pan~1 of Americ~o MA 6,568 1 Los An~el.s _ 1Il.\ 6-8153 unktUf- flu \,'or".

Ex·San Francisco Nisei

bound for Brazil position SAN t' RAN ~T S C 0 ,KaZU'l

F'r"n.· t'ukul local bov who mad .. good In J;)P''"' top",'" here brfcflv In.! w,'"k "nroul,' "" Rio dr' .,.1n(·lrt.,. to .J ·umr' monfl Ref-

hiIJ of Lh<! MIL ubi, hi Shoji X.II· ~h·.' br.unt'h JHic'- thl'J"('

F"uku.'11 J»nrf'nt ..; olJt..'r;.tt'oj lhl' Y ... rf ~u flroc(-r!t' (1)1'(' 'In tht· corner of Sutk,. and Buchanun St. be. ron- fh' WIT .. 11." ""R"" ,,('live In l~{)uung. t.'tng iii le,ldt;1" Jf T,"OOp

Fukui "rot In J"IJ:t1l nnd £llldld :01 111101 uhli hi Univ, r~i!r

HI mothl'f ;:I nd \'t.Ulngl'r bl't'lthl'Y 11\,(' In San "~r;Hlcl 'C'h

Teen canteen


The pnpulnT annu.1t cVlmt rl'(Jturin~ culture of vUl'ious nnlionali.t y ",roups "t Dt ~trot Inlerlltlllflnal Jnst ltu1C' I. ltnown as the Old \VOlld MarhL hold hleh :.'~n .. In Iho lall' f,,11. In Ihp piclure of 0corgc OIOUJI To,hl :rnd fu.y lhgo. and Jure Obuj, 1960 co-chaIrmen Th ... ,,"paOls .. '\rn"ricun booth is mannt'd by DClroll JACLcrs


8225 Sunset B lvd., Hollywoo d - OL 6·1750 WELCOME JACtERS -- YOUR HOST: GEORGE FURUTA, 1000ER

When in Elko Stop at the Friendlv Stockmen's


Stockmen's, Elko, Nev.

FUJIMOTO & CO . 302-306 SO. 4TH WEST


Business-Professional Guide

e-:·~ Idaho

S£CV'UTY tlFE '" ACCIDENT CO, ~on·can· ('!able g'Uarantt>eci rcnf,.'We

able (h.~JbJIU::.· income pt.a.n.-.... -LIfe InC"1.Jf;1nCl'!'--

KEN SCll'llDT Box ';:.!1'; Bol~, t 1':0, Ph. 4-2.lU

G .... ater Los Anael&s

Financial Industrial Fund \ 'tutual F'und

O~re:e.I Innl: ki-'-t'll.DO eW3Jo Co-Ot .. tI;JCl • J,1nn&e.

llO N. s.... P.4rb II~I .IA 8-1688

f'!o\,,·e.rOl' ,nr Any Oc(,"~ion

Flower View Gardens Mer, 1b~r FTD

Ar' lto 1 t3ti~ Yr lGOOen 5149 1.0, Fell, Sh'rI. NO 3-3HS

Fuji Rexall Drues PJ'f'~criptl"n Specialists

ST£P!fEN U OKAYAMA 300 E, First t - MA 8-5197


~ E 2nd St. Lo.:.; Anfl~tl':i. ~. C:allt. t

5.nburo Kido-P~~. :md Publisher

DR ROY III. NISHIKAWA So"I.lilifltJ In Coni act L.nsts

234 S O.lo,d (4) DU 4·7400


NI\t!l Ow"'" City ('enter Motel

12(h &. D Is_· Gl 3:;478 $wlmmln<l P'l9/"..Room P~ontos

1\.1"9""'" Alr·Condltioning T~le\', ion

"FIOWCr:i i<Jr • It OcC3..."1Ot\S"

East aCl'amen to ursery and F lorist

58Lh $< Folsorrt. ~I\"d GL 5-8298

Royal Florist "l~lowcl fer \ll OcC",1Jlon!"

CHtCM:O 'I'he .JlInlor ,r,\('1 r,1

W'L TOZUO <.'llN'I'!!!n ~ 'Q n JAPANESE CONl'J:C"I'10NJr:I\Y

244 E. 1st St.. - LO$ Angelos - MA 8-4935 2!1!!1 lOth st Cl 3·, ti !-·Rov Ht.:.!hII1(,

Chic-a"" ;1 (I' J)IJ Ir'n~ it 'rf'.·O Cnnt('(.·n PI 'gr,lm fur ,,(mnJ.! ).K·Oplf· bdwt.·f.~n th.' Hfl.· I,r Jrt an" 2.1

I It till OU\'('l tn tlln f· gym "Ven' SUlId IY n(tPf 0'':'11 bolwf'('n :! .:j,lJJ h ,,'chlck

Elnpirc Prj nting CO. ElllfUfth und JI'IIll'nll !':.

COMMtmCIAt .• n<l SO<'IAI. pntNTtNO

MA 8-7060 I Thf· ptoi(r,lfn ror tht'" ilflp'rn n I

incllJdf!~ rl'('ord, d,l",·tn",. J'~ing

ponl(, 1I6m~, and n'fre h· ment.. ________ _ 11 4 W.II., St., Lo. AngAlel 12

EAGLE:.. PRODUCE Uuutlcd ('omnll~~lon I'otorohllnt.o

"'''''I .... lft ltrull anti V"I~I.\I1 ....

929·943 S. San Pedro St. MA 7-6686

los Angel .. U

'l'rutime \\ratch hop ~;~~~8~bdfpWc~~r~Tk

Tnk TnkeucW t '!In • 7th St at 2 .. G1U

WAK IO-l1R Suklv:tkl·. Chop $Ut',·

OI'Wt~ L1 ''''- ttl ·l·tl tundo

2~17 ' IOlh :it. - CI If li~a l

Page 3: Ncw~l(Jttcr : M~ nnedy Era PA

By Lorry Toj ir i

l :ltest from Broadway 'ell York Cily

PAT SUZUKI who became a Ilroad\\,:l' star in "Flo\\"

cr Drum ng'; developmg a p3tt!!rJ1 for h!!l- future

profe ~Ional ,reer Pat (. Irs 'lark Shaw I becaml' 3 mother

('\'en \\ eek a and her home hfl.' \\,111 come firsl.

plannm 10 t,ke Ollly 3 few I'ngagcmcll[S ;t year,"

I t id ThIS pnng 1m gOIlP to the Waikiki hell 11\ 110-

nolulu Cor th lIanJ. [al>un 1 han' two \\'l'('k.~ :It tilt? (III-

hI lub In PJlm 'PI'Illg nd .IX \\'l'cks III IH" Vegas \\'Ith

Joe r. Lel\l " All till 1'3:t \\l'ek Pat wa. bll Y rehl':lrs­

IIIg her PJI in the pre-Inaugural l~.lla which W;lS singed

last nigh I III \\ a hin'lon Pat appeared in Ihe "Ollc to the

Inauguration" final With l:'rank • inatra, Jimmy Durante,

" rry Bclafonte. Ton} Curtis. Jnnet I.eigh, EllJ Filzgl'rald

:Ind others eng. g ments \\'ill be Pat's I ir t SII\CC shl'

n "Flo\\cr Drum ong' look to the road

" FLOWER DRUM SONG" Ira' l'.·lteu the t .lames The­

ater and ''Tile \\'orld of ~uzle W('ng' and "A ~laJority of

One" 1'<' al 0 on tour We. t 441h "tl-eet l'l\'t Onenlal alley

an) more anrl Brl)adw3Y's \ 11111 pha I' seems over [or :t lIlIle

Alone 11m Ollll' Iwo dozen pcrCIlrmers 01 Japanese '1I1C.C5'

try, rna tly '1 ei \\cr<' performing 1~1 Ihrei! theaters Side

by Ide 011 \\ e, t 44th • omc are sl1.ll With I~le shows on tOUI'.

Othe~ are hJck at non·theatrital Job~, waltmg for the next

Orll'nUI surge The 1 '(;\\ York theater periolheally interest itself ill

uhJect Orir Ilta\. There W:1 a limC'. shortly after the turn

oC the centur "hen mu i al comedies, such as "Geisha".

\\'cr<' in \ogue Th II there WJ the World War I period dO\~'n

In Greenwlcl) \ Illage when the problems of cultural t:onfllct

obse. cd plav\\right ,lOU Katherine Cornell, then a young

actress from' Buffalo made her first, '(!I\' York appearance

in "Bushido" and Mililio lto was featured in Rit:1 \\'eiman 's

":tnng oC thl' :amlSclI' _ Laler on, the aspect of interracial

romance iO\'ol\'lng Japanese \\ as explored in a drama called

, 1 pta" n Wesl" and in "Love Cily" which slarred Sesslle

lIa Jkawa more lh n 30 vear- ago

"Teabo I e of th ,\ugusl Moon" launch('d the most reo

cent eyel nd pro\'cd there \\as ufflcien t theatrical talent

to C3St even the more demanding Oriental roles. \Iariko Niki

played the feminme I ad III the. 'ew York company, and

I:lter Michl Kobl and Reiko ~ato portraye:d the geisha. Lo·

tus RID om Then came' Flower Dnlm , ong". " A :'.tajority

of One ', 'Auntie. lame' 'The Pleasure of HIS Company."

''The World of uZle Wong" and "Katakl", in whic h at leas t

one 3ctor of JJpanese :lncestry wast cast.

"lIollday 10 J:1pah" wh ich played last lall a\ lhe Latin

QU3rter. Wd.! performed mainly by a cast from Japan. al·

though thue \\Il're ~everal l'i ci r eplacements Srnce Ihen

Broadway. for the fir t tlm(; III everal seasons hasn't had a

single. ISCI on th boards

'!'here h not al the present lime. an)' shows with Ori·

entJl roles \;ith Ihe pos_ibl<' exception of " 13 Daugh4!rs".

the mUSIC:al about Ha\ ail. which is now in rehearsals. Anoth·

er musical. ~rark fiued "The GIrl 'from Oul ;ide". the story

oC a common I' who marries the crown print:e of Japan,

\, a- a possil'IIIY COl' a time but production plans appear in

su perulon at the moment.

............................................................................... u •••••••••••• •


National JACL Credit Union SATURDAY, JAN. 28, 1961 - 7 P .M.

Hy.Tone Club, 4981 S. State St., Murray, Utah

* Buffet Supper

Business: Repo"~' Election of Offkcrs


......................................................................... ....................... .

STOCKS-BONDS Investment Securities


( I SC'ClIriirf'!; ,mil IInli. te,l S"rllrilil'!;

Illlual 1'111111

SHEARSON, HAMMILL ~ CO ',. Yc t Stoct.: F.x'·h~ng(' nnd "Ih~r , urll·1 ( . mr .. J IV c

3:124 \\ II Ilr(' Blvd. Los Angl'l<,s :i. (·alif.

f) J J 335:; (It 1·2241 SY !i·9591

ha.z-~o:re tu.di..o OF DRESS _ ... -




Bill introduced in

Slate Sen ale by

Farr and Arnold

SAN JOSE. - The commlttec for the 15th Annual National JACL Bowllng Tournamenl here March 6-11, In keeping with the dc'<lleatlon at thl. tournament to the SOth Stote of Hnwail and lhe bowler lram HawaII, l< plen.l-d to on· nounce thal HawaII ConlO'essmnn Doniet K. Inouy" will (calure the climax nwnrdf; dlnncr..danc(! on Saturdoy, Marcb II, to be held 01 Ih. County Fairgrounds.

B.o b Sakamoto. transportation, ,lure the Men's S-Game Sweepers Olok Inouye, trophle.; John Hott<J, 'Ind th~ Wompn' 4-Came Sweep­l'Ouvenlr program booklet. Clark en, handled by Saku Toketa. Lucy Tokcta, publIcily. 'lnd Helen HI· MIJ)amlsbin and PegllY Okashlma. Mga. hostoosc.. !,lIro Nakagaw~ The Team event, on Thur<day will head the mcn , dl,:,l!lon. witt Marc!) 9. will be manait'CI by Vic Soya Togaml and Sa~hl Ikeda II' Hirose on the men' Ide and Lil pervlJnng the women, event. Hinaga and May Kurasakl tor the

SACR.\~IF.:o..,'O JaPlln~'~ Amerl, con \'('h-ron {World ilWr It who ji1jnccl th(" armed t..\rvlc:e~ after bt..'lnr t.. \'8ClI0 h'<l (rom C111tornlu In t!1-H wlil henrlll II " bill. Inl",· duc'fln thl" fltt t \\'t.-'(lk In SI1(,l'n· m('ntn i ncinnh'fi

R«.' Idf'nt ClllUornia Ni ei \\'ho ('n" lisled trom r~loc"tlon centcr$ ,)T

rrom oth~r 5tlllC!I i.1rtcr be-InK e\',I" CUll h.l(1 hn VI.! been nble In mo!tt m t.lnces In sccurlng Cahrornh l; 1. b~n~hl. upon ,. labll<h'ng Droor of Ih"It' pr~vious reSidence I In Ihl. £131C

110\\"\'0'. thl' new bill would qllalily such ;1:1 ei veiN an. Cor Cnl· vet form ,md hornl-' IOHns Will'Ull'l or nol they n:c(loIVltct bonu:c:.; from olh.'1' ... t.lit! .

Thl' bill. S.B. 52, wus rnlroduNd In I Monda)' in Ih" Siale S"lll1t" b)' Statc Sen. Fred S. Furr. D , Cormet. anli Sl1le S('n Slnnl,,\· Arnold. n . Su. ,"villl' •


!IIrs. (hl"o Ko , I ""nll'l I and daul!htrr Kunl (leU) nf Son Fron· \'1 ('"0 ath'ndl'u tht.· I ml'I)I'W 1 Nt"\\' Year',' PO(.~try purty, Jon. 12, at Tokyo, 1\1 Ii .hl I Mrs.. Sntnmt I. hidn pinning" cor Ig~ on her mol her Kunl I~ an (lctin' J ,\CLer -J!lpun Air Line' Ph 010.

Issei Poem Read Before Emperor TOKYO. -1\ Snn Fl'llncl C !l1'"c"r' Wltl~ hNUd her prlzl~wtnnlni l>(>em

rend betor~ the Emperor of Jlll'"n on Jan . 12 She wcpl

Mrs. KOlin ,pok(' with emotion aboul rplurnln¥ to her nnllve coun· Iry !Iller 35 yeurs In the Unllcd Slatd

Notional JACL DIrector MaN Sa· tow announced thal M ... Adelaide "Mom" Slugbnr, long considered the "Queen MOlhcr" at bowUng In HalVali. wlU be honort'd with ~

spectn l cllatlon. An unusually lorlt" delegation of bowler: from Hawaii will be oman/! the tournament par' ticlpant", Recording to tournament co-chairmen Joe Tl:nma and A a Yoncmura.

Entry blunks have bc('n mailed to all paris oC the country with the cnlry deadline the Jan. 22 mid· night postmork. Tournament treo.· urers ore Ceorge Mal,ul. JIm Y<lgl, Lorry fIlrone. and Mosl Shl· mada; with May Kurasokl in chare(' of regtslrolfons.

A .. lsling on the loumomenl com· mlttee arc Rolnnd Santo. housing;

A pre·tournament mixer I. sch women uled for ail particlpahng bow·'-'r. . on Monel«y, March 6, at Lou' TIle Doubte. take, place on Fr!· VUlnge, under Ihe direction of Tak day, March 10. with Mas Ono In Abo. A special fo .. hlon show is charge ,for lhe men, and Tulo plonned ror Ihe Visiting lodles on Oohilam and Sachl Inouye In Wt-dneway noon at Ih~ HawaUan charge tor the women. Carden. . The Single' event en Saturday,

Bowllnr Schedul e March 11, will wind up the bowlfnK All bowling eV('nL will be held schedule. Frank Sakamoto wlll con·

at Ihe 4G-lane Mel', Palm BOWl. duct the men', SIngles. while the The Mixed Doubles event will women', will be under the dlrec·

lead orr the tournam"nt on Tuel. tion or Kaz Sakamoto. Kuml Saito, dny, March 7. with :\llke Mura- and Kay Tachibana. bune, Yoyo Hayo hi lind Agnes Practically ail at the defending Okamoto In charge. Also starling champIOn, or the varlou5 eVL'1lt Tuesday will be the furltllme ;)ou· from lasL year'. Denver toum a. ble.. the only handicap event In m('nt wfli be on hand. With the this otherwise scratch tournament continual Improvement of NI«el The Ragtime Double:; wlli continue bowling each year, It I. until the start of the Ulurnamcnl that. number of tournament rec. Team events on Thur<day Tom ord. wlli bc 'at. Thc prl7 .. money Cyotoku. Satoko Mune, and Ruby wlll be divided equally between Scllo are responsible for thl' event quad pYlze. and m~ln prizes.

Wednc<dny. March 8, will fea·

Thl' blil ha b"cn I' rt.rred to the rn;Jtc'~ COlnmith ,. on \t\, and Veteran ullail .

1.· I or "." Dill This commlLtee I hO.1dcd by

51 te Sen C rl L (,hn ten,en. D. Eureka

MIS. Chino KOlln. onc 0/ the 17 lir t·place winners III th,· Em· J\cror's nnnunl poctf\' conh~:t. at· lelldl'd th,' poelry r('adlng cere many at Ihe Im""rlal P,lacc.

" It wa so impn" 'Iv" It will T('mtlln the bl' t memory or m) IIle ". uld Ihe 55-year old woman

"I um ~o glad to be hpre," Rhe s.lld. " I .Iuril'd to write tanka 131·syllabl(, v('roe I more th~n 1~

year. ago." Thi' wa. during the \\.'.1r when her fdml1y wa" s~ nt

to a center In Texas.

Sacramenlo bowlers continue to supporl JACL, three-fourths renew lor 1961

The bill rrad~ ns follo\\'sl "S cllnn I Secllon !1f1O I IS added

11 thr ~hllUlry nd \"''''1 an Cn:lc. III n.~nrl.

·'!lSO.1 Thl" h I'm '\'("tpran: o. u,,~t In Ihl~ cha"I"I', .. 1'0 inoilldl: on)' Pl'!" n or .Tnpan!' p anr('-:.;tr~·

who durin!: Wortd Wal' II wo e"acual",1 from Camnrni" pursu, ant 10 Pre',drntlal Executive Or· der N'umber 9OG6. d.ted F('bruary 19. 19r1. and wh~ ('nil. t<"<i in the armed forces from n slale other t han Culifornla. t'egordlc or "'hcther orno .lIch per 'on ha received .l bonus. compensation, .,r benelil from ,'ch other tat(' on the ba i. of h,s servIce in th" arm('d forcc<."

Nat'l Nisei VFW reunion al Anaheim

A. ·AlIEI~I.-The 11th annual no· honal • ',set \'FW convention will be "I.g at Di<ncvland Hotel. F eb.


17.19. Wllh S(,lj, Yamauchi as gen· eral chairman. The recently or·

IltaOlzed Kuuo :\1Jsud.1 JIlemorial P'SI 3670 01 Oronge County will be hMts.

Doris Fujlno. who rode the 1961 sweep. takes winner in the Tourna· ment of RO;t·s. will l!r("cl \'cterans as hostess. She spon· >ored by the post in the )osl :>Iisei Week queen conlesl and was $elecl<"<i ":'.Ii« Tomodnchi" by the ~ndidnle,. The float. "Green·(,.vc>d Dragon" Wa sponsored by Helm, Bakerie:.



JAPANESE DECORATIONS TOKYO. - Two bi'hoos and two prie,L wcrc among 298 Americans recently honored here as bene· laclors of Japan.

U.S. 'dollar policy' rapped by JAL head

HONOLULU - Seljiro Yallagllo. pre 'Ident or JUPdn Ail' LII ... , wno addrc'ccd the 10th annual conler cnee of the Pacific Area Travel Assn. h('re 1.101 week. said the recent U.S. "doll." policy" suit· g~3ts an Inrormal Amc'rican Doy· cott of forl'ign carners,

As n form~r bank"r. Yanaglt. rccognlzed the mOlivation (or thr policy. "but In the long run. such " policy hils at the wry core o( International h·ade."

He predicted that jU~1 as Amerl· can doUar . h.lvc 1I0Wt>d abroad, "SI can other strong curr(lnch.·..; br channeled to the United States" Because International Irade "nd tourism nrc not one·way slreet. he believes that tourists Irom throughout Ihe world would re· cip'acat" in like nun\ber the visit. paid their respect"·,, countries by Americans,"

Mr Kogo said. he senL poem, to the Imperiat cont('sts In 1957 ond 1958 but fnil"d to plnce. She is thl' third Cautornilln 10 be In· vited to the I"wtry parly. held I..tach ycnr o:; hortly 'l lter U1C New Ye,1I' holiday . Lucille Nixon," ehool principal lI'om Polo Alto. and Mr> Fumlko Ogo WO, wile of a Los Angcles hotel owner, heard their poem' read In .Ianuory. 1057

Mr, Kogo was accompanied to Jnpan by a daughter, Kunl.

This i.. Mr· KogO's ",Inning poem.

"Ura wakaku watorlkltarl~hi Americn·n! 11. uk!. hlka futorino Soboto wallanaru "

Tn English, lhls means' "A t a tender age Aero.. Ihe oc"nn to Americn­And now I lincl myself Thll grandmother of two."

Publisher's wife beaten by thugs

American discrimlnation against A pubUsher', wife. Mrs. M.B. foreign c.lrrlers "can \'Itolly art"et ,'Akah,ri. was brutaliy beaten by the economic .trength or some 01 a thug who attempted to rob her American's closcs~ ITlend~." Ynnn- last week whIle !=;hc was \Y~utfn g oita added at E. 1st and Curence Sts. for o her hllsband who publi~ h e~ th t

Yamasaki on jury to pick

architectural honoree

SAN FRANCISCO -Five United States and South American archi· tect:, were- named last week tc sel~ct the reciol(,111 of the 1961 R.S. Remolds ~Icmonlll Award fOI dlstingu; . het! ach;c\'cm('nt in ar· chit..,lurc .

Among Ihe four U.S. jurists '" Minoru Yamasaki of Birmingham. Michigan. A mcmber oC the AlA he recci\'ed all AlA First Honor Award in 1959

Town Crier, a Li'l Tokio mimeo­graph daily

The Issei couple hod Icft the nearb.v J apa nese thealer with Mrs. Kikuye Sam('shima, a companion. Her husband walked around the corner to get his cnr. Because 01 some dillicuity in drIving the car out of tbe lot, Mrs . Sameshlma decided 10 go home on a streel car

BY SlUG SAKA1\1'OTO SACRAMENTO. - Despitc the fact that JACL membcrship require· menl has been dropped (or par· ticipanl~ In the annu al NIRel bowl· Ing t.Durnoment here, Ihree·fourths of the iocal bowlers have renewed their JACL memberships thIs ycar

It was good news to Bill Matsu· moto, chapter membershtp chair· man. whose heart probably skipped a couple of beat. when IL was decIded to open the tournament to a U Nisei bowlers and dropping the JACL requirement. It was un· der J ACL auspices for the past 15 years.

This move makes the National JACL cJassic the only maior tour· nament reserved for JACL mcm· bers. It happens to be the ani)' Nisei scralch lourney. Only re· strlction being placed by the local tourney officials under the ne" rule Is Ihat participants bowl In a Nisei league.

The local affair, to be beld Feb. 4·5 at Country Club Lanes, 26()(' Watt Ave .. will be called the Sac· ramenlo NBA Invitational Handi· cap Tournament. Eugene Okada 322 "0" St .. is tournament chair· man.

80 Teams E xpected Aboul 80 teams are expected tc

participate in the Invitational wfth entries coming from the San Fran cisco Bay area, Santa Ro.;a Loomis. Marysville, Lodi, Stockton San Jose. Redwood City, San r.fateo and Mountain View.

The teams will stllrl rolling ir lwo squads on Sa turday. Feb. 4 a t 7:30 and 10 p.m Singles an<' doubles ore scheduled all day Sun day. Feb. 5.

Assisting Okada on the tourna· ment are Dubby T~uga 'va. Sh i~

Sakamolo. Kenny Shtbata, Ed Ha· yashi. Kelji Oshima. Larry Ishi·

They arc Bishop Raymond A The award jury was announced

When Akahori returned, he failed to locate his wile. He checked the theater and thcn called police who couldn't Cind no trace of her. Fur· ther investfgation resulted in his finding her at White MemorIal Hospital. suUering from concus· sion and skull fracture

298 game bowled by Detroit Nisei

Lane, :\I.~t., 01 L,Wl'ence, Mass.; by Edmund R Purves. executi"" Ihe late BlShop Patrick J Byrne, director of the American Institute

DETRO IT.-Thomas Fukuda had 11 strikes In a row at the Harbor Lanes in the Macomb "lajor Clas sic League and threw the 12th bar thai came up a little high on thE head pin to lenve the 3·6 pin. for a 298 game recently.

M.M .• o( WashinRlon, D.C.; and 01 Architects, which odministc", d' f Father; Leoooid H. Tib,·sar. M.M .• the S25.000 annual International Great Kato les a fer oC Quincy. lll.; and Leo J. Stein· award (or "0 significant work 01 wrestling bout in Canada bach, :'.1.:\1.. 01 Charlton, IOWl. archilectu re. In the creation 01

The benefactors were honor(.-'(! which aluminum ha ' bcen an 1m, Funeral services for Stllnley S. (or their contributions to thc pro· portant factor" h-11yeshlro, 42. who wrestled under gre •• 0/ Japan during the past Yamasaki Is an active 1000 Club Ihe name 01 The Great Kato, were century by Ihe Japan·U.S. Amity member 01 the Detroit JACL chap- conducted Sunday at the Nishi

F ukuda had a 180·179-298 'for a 6Si series. On the same ieam witt Tom, Ceorge Wong led with , 686 series. and Trad(' Cenlennial Association tor Hongwanjl Buddhist Temple.

t Falher Tibesar, who was sta· Mayeshiro die d foUowlng a Larry [waki on Dec. 23 at Melod) Lanes fired a 714 series on game. of 268·244·202.

tioned In Los Angeles and Seattle , "'l'cHling match in Vancouver Jan

belore the wa~. joined Seattle eva· SO. Calif. Gardeners add 11 cuees al ;\!lnldok:o WRA Camp I Father Steinbach. who was in Lo; 20th group to Federation Angeles. mlnistcrcd to Japane.'(' ~vacu('e~ at Manzanar Both arc I The So. CaliC Garden~r s Fed·

V I TAL STATISTICS In JaDan tod.w I eraUon selecled .Ierry Hashu a. flm'J'mll H.'.mlya. Geor,. - ,'rl. Dec. 2-1

. 1961 president at It" annual me.'f. SAN .rOSE Kunlo R~t;t~~ 'll }~ 'mes H.-clrl. Dec. 13.

Tulare County JACLer

on citrus society board

ing Sunday at IL Foderation head· I AlJ':,~ki.1~nZbo~fY Jellery Mor ..... w •• Yukl~Clrl , Dec. Ie

The group now ha ~ 20 chapters, I ~~~· ~~~llf~m . Nov. 2 Tad~m3ru. Muankl-boy. Dec. 13 Ihe lale~t bclng the Azusa Garden· GyOloku. Selto-bo, Brinn M .. Dec. 20 Yam.molo. Grlllllh-bo) Dec. 2.5


quarter 125 \Vcller Sl Dot. Mosaakl-alrl Cayle A . Dec 17 ~:~~7r!~Q~io~~aa~~:;~·· ~~ · l:l .

erg. Th c (",deration represents H4ndD. l Ojaor 1..., Nov 15 POI\.TLAND OROSI Don Kurihara. active ;ome 3000 member Hlraharo. To,hlml B -".1 Lisa Tnka· NI,hlol.,. 5.,"le I~lfchlko Mosuokal-

Tutor£' Counlv JACLcr, wa .. ~lected ' H~:d a~oCc~:~~JI~~~Rlr l Cvnthtn N. Sa":~~tf;;r:~~~i'T~." ~5.~! .e":o. r('cenUy to the board ot directors Nnv 30 ., ONT \RIO. ORl': . of the California Citrus Nursery· Nl'sel' appol'nted 10 Immz.uml. wJUy 1\1 -,ltl RoxOlnn~ L . Rtral. PauJ-llrl. Dec Z7 ~)' j..q. men's Society n Rtverside. J .... ~~~rl~ 8tn T -alrl. NO\' :!o ~!~~~ft~~nY~~~:...b~~·N~\' P~':"Wayeue

Tho organization Is C'onccrned K uwQ:shlma, Fred-,ltl, Due 4. Santo 8i\ TTLE .... lIh th(' pro;>agatlon of orange h' h ' 'I I Clora, Hal. WIIII,n,-boy. Sopl 10. Ic('dlfngs ., n d Impro';cment 01 Ig UniVersl y pOS I Klno,hUn TId T.-,Irl Robin Yukl)" Hlkld.. Roy-,Irl. Sopt. 13. varieties i~ conjunction with the K~~.· ~~~·01.210ct R~ ~ ~~ Frank T.-ftrl £lIMn A.

r"Icmrch program conducted. b) BOULDER. Colo.-Thc Unlv 01 KI~.;.;~peG::::ro-.lrl (leI. 2.5. I,hlmaro . Akln-,Irl. (let 16

th~ Unlv ot CaUCornl" citrus .Ia· Colorado Board of Regenl ·I n· Mlyak •• Bald,,·ln-bov. No,' 2.1 Deo ~:b:)'?::hi, SJ'li~~-;F.lso~~I. ,,:fI. lion at Rlv~r·,d.. nounccd the appointmcnt or Dr. , M:~.'kU'U' Tom ~ -boy By,.n. ~~::,.~~. !~~~;:j .bo&tSe~: 13.

James I D~I. director at InsUtu· ~",.n •• ". Frank H 1 .. 1 Pnl,I.I. Jo. Noma. ()-;hlro-,Irl. (let 16.

Left-turn divider causes

auto mishap, four injured Mosrs I AK~: Wo h Four J.l • '.)"'.( Amerjcan were jnjurC'd carller thl monlh whpn the COl

Ihey WN" rldinll struck" lell·turT fllvlder on Sin I.' IIIV)' II.G.skidd,," InUl Ih~ dilch, .truck . 1 culverl nnd o\.'ftrt rnr'd r.rlCC.

Driver Nob ... , Morl .... okl. 39. wh rf'C'clvl'd an InJllred pC'lvis W:"IF charll''<l by Inlc police wIth nOllll· It,,nL dr VIn" 111, c·,mp·IOlon Fronk Kahn. 42, was h" pltlllln><1 with a br ken back Skl<.l "rilll, ~O. and ,I~m" M nllt.}nl SO, h d min r In'

HJrlCI lind ·.\'l"U' nf"lt ho olt tiled

NEW QUARTERS PLANNED FOR PHILADELPHIA 1.1. 1'!fI1 \On ,PillA l-'ri<'nd "r Int. '" linn.! In' (ilul,. Indudlnll IMOI J hCI.trl. nil ndl'd ;) rrccp­l.on h t wf'(·k lit lhf' Lol'u t Club. t31h ,,'If I S"ruco St " which Will bl! thl lutun· h,' IdquurLcr tor Jntrrnnllon I In tlllll .. ••

rn Ie 1 ell [lrVfCf.' Dm1 n~rd nl nd,lltlon I "',N! I roclpll If,d ~h"

p' ,II IQ vurcha u Ihe Locusl <.'1 b,

1I0nai re s~arch, as a5sociolC pro- NO:°' 81

N b b S \I Rlkl OkOUlkl, K.t.-IIIrI . Sopl 13. vost. I ~ No~?'t\~~· 0 O·n o~· CO 0 OkUTn . K.n-c1rl Oct. ~

Working with Provost O.,;w:'I ld Nnknmur;l. Jamt. M Klrl . Linda E" =~toto~"A':1t~c:=~~~.: ~~~. ~, Tippo, Dnl will hn\'<; r~,.po""l.b.lil~V N:f.:::,o.'5 Georao K ~Ir l Doni.. L. T07l1mn. t:lm.r-boy, SOPI O. (01 ... ludH' nnd HC'lIOn ~n sc\C"r.ll N"O\' 18, Sunn.n',llC' Taken" .. ,o, Rkhard-bo}'. Oct ~

Ilcacit'mlc 'Ir~n. Thes~ Jncludf' NlIk"o. h\':~o- ~Irl, Nov 20. Enst Pnl0 ~:~:~:: '+~~rtT~~~.:u~~:k J.7 O~ 10 I Educatlonnl ('xperlmentalinn "lin Wntonob •. Shl~oo-boy. So pt. :!9

to improve tt'achlng mct.hods. N'tt~~~h'm •. lc'hlro- boy. Nov. I Min Y:"Imodn, K~nU-bo}·. Oe\ 8

2 F,H:ulty utiliZAtion. work lond, Nakn him.l , S3d.,o-bO}" J,l"(. Dec 16 ~: ,~:~:n..Db:ne--;;r~~b~·l. ~t !1. nod IU'udcmk managcment. In· N,';"htl. Jumn T ·boy trJok C No\' MIN'l'" \POII S

~:~:I~t~d ~:~~.~. P::~~~'~5 a Ck1S$ OJ,.~~:~ Kit umf- . Ir1. No\'. 11 , San ~~:::t~~·~\C~~~d-·~:?;.1 ~~br; A, No, ~ J. Prcl)HI'ation nnd an lysis 01 Shlomolo, Kt>n T~~T~o\' 2-t o!d.), T .. k _ .'rl l.,·"n ,o\\'D, De-<". 6.

bud"l't~ lor ncudcmic unit .lnd Kl,nlknlU RonAld jUrl. No\' 15 I Nt:\\ YORK proiJrum. M.I),l-da, Sianh ·boy. Oct. :U, l.,.;llhTOP Akaho, hi. Irvin 'bO), SlMlley. No\' 10

4 LIDllJon with ncadl'mlc dtlon s \ . I n '~('ISCO l.hIIUlul. 'In rut- ·boy OtC" ~ IlOfj others in thr' A n II A .lOn. ]if'la'r boy Andrrw. OC!c 2fi

tn 'HulUm, 01 Higher EtJucatinn nQ~.'ltl:~1 K~~J,-~~b:~J· ~~v 12.1

1)0' h.& conducted (-'xt('n.ivc rt,; fond._ flohr' I bo~~, No\' ft ('ureh llnd publJ hf'tl m.:lUy ;Irtl, f~no natoftl y bo~', Nov !to.

,'le (m utili' Itlnn of SPA CU. 11· ~im~~~t~'··!r.:III~I"-;;~i;;I.N~:t 2'1111 nanr(·JI. Rc:.d mjc plnnning nnd Nnk.ldal • • Clhmn-bn\" .. Nov 1'1 oroj(rnm una I., , UtI \\ ill contlnl/~ Orll1 . MJ<'h"rl Y _11'1 . 0 .. 1 :17.

hJ, work .1' In Ututlnnl1l Ht c.uch g'::~I'rl.KJ',~::~19~~i1'r.°Nn~7 7. ,1Jn'clol' fJt~IIl<I. O.wld '1 -,'rI Dec. 10

H«..: camr to ('(1 In 1057 Irom Sakumnw. T1~""Ul.J-btly" No," 11. thl' N"w :\11 xito f)rulrd of ~'tIJCH' Sh,~~!,~,,: ~111:n:t~~tr~n"Nn~O :!l lIomll t· inutlct" '",hl'111 he"Il hud. f!,u.tun. Yo "hkl ... ·"oy Nuv. ~" iel :In.lJy t. n 1 tJnt th thlJ eh n"I'T"kl\VlUloJ'" IUd.'IIII-"lrl. N'(JY 30

:cJlol lind n .. la'nnl rhnnc:oU;'f Ita I +j:~~ - ~~~~o. J\~~~:~-'~~I~ T?:;\' ~~~ . hold rna t~r and dt"Jrlor de .. TY"rhll,nl. Alh·" \" .Irl. 0\" 26 .ret" from thr ('nW nf Chlc'aKo "11m' ttl . t"'r-j 9-11111, Dr(" a

Thr nppnlJllmt'lI, wal hnnuunccd V • .."n. urlll J:~(;, \r.~\' ,i1~\' z.' on D(:~. JO, truII.WI, £1",-,lr1. DC't" II.

WEDDr OS J."c· Ya -ruell) Nu\' :'''0. HQl nnd

MIYo. both Sf'llltil" KI\n.mato-... \ htluwa·· No\' e Alb~rl T •

• ·Iorin; J,."n C, C'hC!>\·('nn~ .

HoknI'3wn-)(O\\ .Jt-u- Orc 11 Kcm"lu ond It.n.. hnfh PnrUllnd

OkurlU'tl-Tudp·· No\' :la. Lt Ift..'fny. OC'lroil. Snlly. Sf,:tlnlt'

\\'ut.&"abl~-Knwt1 ·.lkl- On' 17. t:dward l' and Chh'C'kn, both O.,rkl·I~)·

,. In",moto .. \'iJ1lok.:aw.I ... OflC' 11, Tnk,­hi lind Pllrtl":-' S both SIUl Ii'ran·

dlC'U ,


,r\k3horl. f"tun, 1& Jan t:! sW:,. It hthel. ja b\ P .. "I. Potion Uctn, lClC'bH."o, 82 S,lnlftor In" Ill. YoIhumotQ, Sad.lhiro, lJ [,(111 An.att: ,

D('c 101

.aka. Yosh Nakamoto, Harry Fu., jli, Dr Henry Sugiyam~, Tak Ka· nponga and membe", of the local I NBA.

Entry deadline I, Jan. 22. H.lndi· cap is based two-thirds of 200 with a ISO minimum entering average. I Special scratch core pril-c,. will be awarded. Entry fee I $5.50 per I person per event.

The Sacramcnto NBA, considered as one of the biggest 0/ it. klnd with 350 members In five league.,. IS governed by a "Sociation ollicers. Each league elecB It, own orlicers. who are automatically on the NBA board, along with team captains of the league,


Friends hereabouts. knowing that Yours T ruly contributes to PC. have praised the new look .,r the Pacillc Citizen. Ot course havin~ no part In this succes.. 1 had them aU referred to edItor Harry Honda and hls staff.

Genial Bill Matsumoto ha. been

Ask Us Now Free Information


Sumitomo Bank (CAl.D'OR."llA)

«0 Montgomery SI. San Francisco EX 2.~

101 S. San Pedro Los Angeles MA '-49U

1400 • Fourth Sl Sacramento GI 3-IGU


cbosen once again by the Wesl ~':r~ .. ~,tfn~::.,~s':~ :::'" Coast Life Iosurance Company l'RU! DI!:LIVERY IN CITY

where he is employed flree plug! ISle FenI<.n Av •• _ UN ~ to Its top achievement class and I swear that his pbOt.D must have Detroit, Mich.

been taken when he was 21.year;;. 1,,==============, old! He claims not $0. I r :-lOW YOU KNOW DEPT.

Al least 10 bowling tearns from Sacramento will be heading down ~ San Jose for the National JACL Tournament. And about 40 )ocal 'eams will be heading down to San Francisco for the aonual Northern

Ask for •• ,

'Cherry Brand'

California Invitational there. Tak Tsujita I to be president 01

YACL chapter for second term? I of Sacramento is cooking up some real demonstration when bidding

Mutoal SopplT Co. 200 Davl!! St. San FTlln cisco


~ ompltle Insuranu Prottction--

'ime comes for the Nationals in A1HAllA IMS, AGY. A1ha,..O ... tsu.KMIIa '63 .•. What's cooking in Southern 114 S. Son Ptdro .. .... .. MA 6-9041

California' The names and address A1tSON T. FUJIOKA. Room 20& ot aU team captallls of Sacramento 312 Eo 1st St MA 6-4393. AIt 3.1104 :\'SA were requested but did not I ;peci[y for wh:n purpose. FUNAKOSHI illS. Aey. Funakoshl.Manllta.

S\oe~ Uld Bonds On


Fred Funakoshi Report .and Studies

A, ... Uabte on Request

WALSTON & COMPANY 'If'mbe-r-s New York

Stock ExcbOlnc:e

- MA 9-3232-550 pring I.. Lo An&,e1es

Res. Pbone : AN 1-1-112

Masunalca, 218 S. san P<dro MA 6-5275. HO 2·7400

HIROHATA INS, ACY. 354 E. 1st St.. lilA 8-1215. AT 1-8GO.j

HIROTO 00. AGY. 318~ Eo 1st St RI 1· 2396. MA 4-0753

INOUYE INS. AGY.. NOIWaIl<-15029 SylYanwood .......... UN 4-m4

TOM T. ITO, P~: <4-7t ~~:: I~~'

MINOBU 'NlX' NAGATA. r.l""l<nY P • .--497 RocI< H .... n ... .... AIt 8·9931

SATO Ills' AGY " Mi6~J42~ ~ 5-67!T " .................................... , ............... -

--------------Look ror Thi Brand For J apanese Noodle Fugetsu-Oo


31. E . First t .. Los Anceles l! 111.,\ 5-8595


Nanka Seimen 130 E. 1ST ST., LONG BEACH, CALIF.

Los Angeles HE. 6·0721


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Let Us Arrange Your Trip by SeQ or Air ."';111

OUT 20 Years Er-periMlce' in TroL't'l SeT1.'ice

The T aiyo-Do SEA·AIR


3!7 Ea. t First treel. Lo An"et .. I!. Calif. Pllone lIlAcU~on 5-1505 - Re.. PArkvlew 8-7019

Sales Dept. - Stationary - Office Supplies

Fukui Mortuary "Three Gencralfo.u of Erpfrit'llCt""

10te m FUKUI JAMES NAlfAOAWA 707 Turner SI .. Los Anl ele. MA G-S&5

- Cal-Vita Produce Co., Inc.-OundtU Com,"l. .Ian Me~~u'"

... ruU ..... V('letublt.

n4 8 . Centrol A v~, - WlIOlesaleo T ~l'Tf\lnal Markea

Loe Angel .. MA 2.\lS9S, MA 7·7038, MA 3~S04


Page 4: Ncw~l(Jttcr : M~ nnedy Era PA

~ A C I FIC: CITIZEN _. --'f-. - --.'


t Monterey hits all -t im hi'gh in membership Me successOf' named

fer rttiOllal offiCI ~tfKfOf' in L.A.

Ill' IU lun- 1I0SD'

JAC~ rs In 'thern C AI, ( o rnl.~

"uctlt' l~ ' t(\Qk occr Ihe third n r .Jt ~ .. "fuku Sunday II lltht to c)(· \l'nd ht'd TA""!.l their hcarth,,, I , S I;)r s ure in h oew \'en· Ill", ;oM to ~tol h 'e .... 1 s.1 JACL r~ 1031 • recl r lor th, ~ 1<; y a rs

Sine<> th~ Pacil c moved 10 t.o" AOi!l.'l s. onc ot thl! ,Iutie DC the r onal direct r 'os Ie ".", a b" In S m nnlt" r 01 th

PC. Durll1I Ibe past rune l"ar> ..... bave ~n on Ihe stol/. we' v I'OCIr through two bu ,n m an-

_ ..,rs--Tat.s Kusb!da and 110\\

Fn-<I T~k la . A jobs go, Ihe PC , m:m D cr ·s " .. sn·t loJ

"""nuous c cept Cor th· lIolida, ~II(" Fr nnd Tats both

- ~fvtcod 'b t Ie ds " had. JIIIlScd ~ rill n 1l C: un a nd

- 1aad chaf'" 01 th drculation and a~Unl: d p.lrunenlS. althougb ,~ !;oncr two ecUon h "c been lA capable haod.! \\1th J:frli a ~ry ImoD, !llIkl Fuku blma and PHrI MUll hlma a ssumlRg th, cll«rs ov r the )=rs.

rc Column

• • One of the additional usiGn· _ts of the "'Klona} olhcc .. a s ttl wrlle for tbe PC rClul rly. y;,

• Icl.r reminded '-rod he ow ~s ... ooe mo", belore he Ie v,, th

w...,~ come Jan . 31. In mld t 01 .at ~ fIDe words Sllid 01. Fr.'C! . _ must h \'c ~n • r ude ~ln!a1nl that he s tiU ha aha\(·

&llGI\UI to /10.

a"" Joe Yasakl startl"<l th 's now of " rd.s ",Ih an

at that ba~ned a thl t'ftmtmo na Ilona I "n,,' nt/on .re somt I<-Uo\\'s dIC .... ed the

ru aU allbt In Fred's rwrn . 0 1 ~.,.. 10 .<Ic\ a bIt of pi In lit' ,lory. Joe 1 .... 110 "a part "I

~raurous mob n }'rC'd' room l

,. In some C'lIlrn data and id the wI-Une In the: pro<: S.

"tid!! wu the sole attempt to "cm-• JiIrrau" the bonorre of the eve-

1dJIr. for the parade of Sp<'aker ' 1ItIo tTalpsrd In their mcl<1JI1 fecI 8:"\IIe mleropbooc couldn't lind ~ dillerrnt trays \0 teU Fred "1I&Ab" alld "~ luck".

21M 11111 prCSlOrtl wbo w'cn .. ,&JIUeIIt .at the banquet spoke on ...... 01 tM chapter. It was their ~" ~~b boolore any JACL ~ _lid aU we", admlrabl) fitIMd.. .'Jhr DCW leaders ,,'('re Jaek ............ 11m DlelO; JoIllrk Kilu. ..... a..Jaa t L.A.; Solehl Fukui.

kIWn L . A.~ -Janc Yarnasbiw, Y.IIJiI~t:ullYu; and Henry Kane·

• 0riQ&r CounlT_ ,Heliry Is it

~ci JACLer. ba\1nJ: s.:r ... ed daIiter Pte3ldnt 111 IMH2.1

"" ~ a.

I psWDC chalTman. extended n croll In appl',claUon whlcb he

tK-outlluU)- h ~d dr.lwn Kay Naka· glfl, PSWDC chairman. presented Fred on engra",'" "Tist watch.

'Th.: scroll rc.ld. In PMl. " lor lddlty, Inte/lrlty "nd slcadCostne<.

01 pur c with nbnll)-. d lllnlty .Uld do,oUon to duty-sl:l nd.lrds tha i the JACL hn nlw3 .. > odh"r.'<I ~ h,' hn merited Ih" Instl nil Ir lbule of T\:Sp.:CI. contld Cll l."C n nd ... • h:cm:-

In r e. pon ", Fred lell " bit ~"", , 'C hl ,· bUI. ,.id he hope; IA)

N IlLlnue to h"lp JACL and thaI he MI not Roing to ,.w "good bye" bul "so long" and thank,'<I the mon" Ir lelld, lor Ihe "veulng .

G.'Or,;'; F ujita and J im Hllta hl. who c.>c.haITN Ihe lcstim .. ninl. Cell the nc'" J ~ ancsc room S o f th ~ Kawa fuku would ~ .ldl'qUntC. It has a capacity 01 93 per ns. Bul there were HO allendlng and some h.ld to ~ ."rnod a way Irom thr I, tl\·l ti.'S. Tho>" who appea red 15 mlnu t \!!'o lah.- \I, ~r c unable to lind .l cat I But I manaJ,!,,'(j bccau."l," ~I ac k Yama!'uchl. DCW P"sadcn. J ACL president, laU,'<I to appear to tak'-' hjs reservation . 1

During the enl,'r:alnment hall 01 the c,·,ning. }'runk SUfukida em· ceed and "ull<'<I on Mawo Uwate of Radio U ' I Tokyo. Eljl Ta nabe. Roy Yamlldera and Joe Yasaki to render songs In Japanese. Mrs. ~lfchl Shunnzu, wile of past SWLA pr . Idenl Tom Shlmazu. lidded a beaullCul f"nunln c louch by dedi· callng "Beeau, ,, of You".

t'red 's parent>· .• 'If. aJld Mrs . P .\Ia trU Takal1, wcrc aLso present Fred wl11 join the Talyo-D<> Travel Bur"au . No . UCCLssor bas been l ppointL'<I ,1 S yet



Notes 'The ncw year began wIth 3S new

and rco",,';!1 m,mb('rs in the J ACL l OOIl Club. according to NaUooal H"adquarters . lor the per 'od 01 Jan. 1-15 as lol1o\\'s :

TW BU .... II l 'IAft New York-l'hn, ...... s. T. HaY1'3J\J.

IiL B \ ' IENTU " EIUt 5.>n.. Borbora-Dr. YOShI<> Nak"JI. OmAhA-K. l"'olItrlC'''' OkuR'.

T Til '1' 8 _ Bcork<le,·-M. uJI f'uJIi. Santa B.lrbln - ~tr . LiDlan NakaJL

t.lG IITIl YEAR I Pht",de111hta-r.,1ra. Teru Nakano. Yo.

atlk~ Nakano. O.,.1tLtnd-Fntd S Nornu~ I-

Ed~n TownsbJp.-'hl4\lloa Saka ••

~lroll-W:n.'lJTL~~ ft Eon Loa AnsW;~ ~ IU.h l .

D~nt~ N~tJ:::I.tro Kusa, Bc:ach-Mrs. Barbara Mtan. Dr

DaVid M. MJu.... Dr. Masao Take· Jl\1 ... .

Sealt_Bowlrd S, S.kura. F IFTII Y'EAa

Phll.1~ I p/lI.~rl.. Hlrokawa. ~quo1a-BlrojJ Karl)" • . Cr~s.h.m .. TTOutdal.r-.1ack T. Ouclltda


MONTEREY. - 'The now orrtcor, Other chapter oUlcc r arc MaS.o ceeded I~ I9GlJ roU 01 230 mom. lor the Ml>ntctcy P enlnsul n JACl Yokognwa, V·P.; Alice Ka moku beTS. which WD IL ali-time htj!h nnd AuxllJory will be Installed on exec. and rcc. , ec.; Ha rry Menda Menda Is continuing to accept '61 Sundoy. F eb. 5, G p.m .. at Splnd rll1 Irea ; Mike Sanda. :oclol. Su..u. membcnhlD>. fl eslourQnt wi th Notional .IACL 0 1· mu Uyeda , newsletter ; Hoshlto MI. rector Ma . S,ltoW • • the Ins talllng 1000 Club; Mlts uyc Ha . hl. Memberc nrc a l.o invited Lo en· oUleor and principal speaker, II moLo, pub.; Akl SUj!lmolo, de\.; roll In the ch.PICr Blue Cro," wos .,1OounCt'<l thl. week. Gcorge Kod.lm a. olt. del. ; CII[lord Il'0up nnd 10 check with Kn, Ok.

F rnnk 't a naKa, lonJ(.lIme r es I· Nakajima. Boy Scout I.R . ; George or Harry Menda. Enrolment no­d"nt h ro nnd eu r" enlly em ploYt'<l V Uyt'<lo . h" t .; James Tabala , :Ice. musL be made by next April MICHIGAN SUPREME COURT by U,e Cit)· 01 Mont"rcy, wa' hall; and Alton Ohmolo. bldg. JUSTICE TO ADDR elecled chnpte\' pres ident. Tnkek Olher AuxlUary ortlcer s nrc Jo- lSIr:r •• t (;haplcr Board I (SS Enokldft ond Allee Knmoku were a nne Nishi, sec. ; Id a Shlnlanl 'The 1001·r board 01 dlrec· DETROIT JACL INSTALLATION elecled Auxiliary co-ehalrmen. trea s. ; and Shlz Torobayashl . Swl' lor Is compo. cd 01 42 mcmb" r

Undo Obayashl. d oughier 01 Mr and Mrs. AI Obnynshl , ond J ock Malsueda. 1961 Son Dlello J ACL pr~51de n l (a l th" whe"l) pa rtld­pJt"d In National Clly's March of Dime purode Insl wack . Olher nntlonn llly lI1'uup. were In the line of march. Lindo Is 0 student al PI Lomo High School.

--;--- shine Girl representing (lve district. embrac: DETROIT -Ju_<tlce Georlle C t.:1. Membership lII"'h 109 the chapter arca. a lollow wards of the Mlehlgan Stat~ Suo

U;S. lagging on undentanding of problems in Africa

" l ' W MON T ERe\' OI ST preme Court WD, announced ' I the Hen ry Tanaka and Harry Mendo Up ~ r PIIlC Slr<ei.-HnrQld n~~~ chl prlnelpal :peak"r at lbe 15th an-

have com piNed Ih elr big pUsh lor \... " uml Kom.lsu. Joh""~ UY,d; nual Detroit JACL Installation din. '61 mombershlps ond acknowledged C ~!~r U ,l' I~~··S : :~~I _ ~ ~~"w'!,;· ner-<la nce Jan. 28 at the Statler. the C!lor Ls 01 Ihe committeemen a s ~I~, . ~~~~d'!;.~~~~r Y "I hI. "H~ ~ ':; Hilton

Sonoma County chapter membership drive undaunted by increase in dues BY E IIIILY mGUClD

WASHINGTON.-The Unlted Stntes ~ cem s 10 be fniling In Its respon· slbUltles . or at least In Its oppor· lunl tles, In rega rd to Alrlea. "We hava been very slow In providing l<lngtble as&lstance to the under·

·de"clopt.od ~ tate s a nd In showing that we arc sympalhetlc wlth thdr drslra lor sell·\,ule." decl ored Con· .gr""",ma n Barratt O' Hara, /lUnol ~

Ocm<)cra\ who wns Ute principal speaker last Saturdaf at U,e W08h· wgton , D.C., JACL Insl<lllatJon din·

SEBASTOPOL.-Deplte th" 51 In· e!'l'ase In nntlonal JACL member· ship dues Irom 1001. Son 0 m n County chopter is anticipating to SUrp.1SS Il< ellrr"nl goal oC 300 members this month .

Dr. Roy Okamoto. president· clcct, J im l>1iyano nnd Ed Ohkl. In charge 01 membershlp.' , sold Ihe current campa ign locally would end Jan . 31 A. 01 the IIrst ",,,ckend of Ja nuary. Iltc ehapler has IUl'Oed In 282 mcmbershlps .

The enrlv succc. s of the memo b,' rshlp drive wa, attributed 10 th< hustling commlllCc comJ1Osed 01 :

Santa nO!>Ol-Ed Ohkt. chmn .• Jim \luTa\c;aml. G<-ur~e tt.lrnallloto ~ nd Arthur Su.lyatna; S<'bM$lupol - Dr Ok.motu. ('hn\l1 .. ChArllt' Yllll1UUllotU,

~=r: : .,~;:;'~l;~ln~ . ~~~o . ~l\n~~~~~~ ~ Un Shlnlll p. Tak KamC'oka. Bath

~~~l~~d • . n!rd's~~\ ~::;~~"c;: ~~t~~~: John U lr()C)ke .

TentIU" e Calendar Outl!oIm: and newly-cleeted boord

members recently mct to plan the cbapter prO!!l'am 01 actjvllles Cor the year. The d atos aro aU len· taUve.

Feb. 25-Crab Iced . Ma r . 17-18-Japanese movie ben·

elit; Tak Kamcoka. chmn. Apr . 8-Fam llv BowllIu1 Night;

Shlz Kawaoka and Bath Yamaoka, co-chmn .

Aprll-Schola rship judging . lI1:Iy-Ohow meln dinner [or lien·

efit of World ACCalrs E"chanl/C Club, Talc Kam coka. chm n. : Bowl· Ing awards dlnner.

'Kid basketbiill' success seen by Chicago Clers I .

May 3D-Memorial Day ob<crv· nnee at Golden Gale Notlonol Cemel"ry,

June 17-5lYlmmlng party; Mar­Un Shimizu. ehmn.

July 2-Commu nlly picnic ; hr. thur SUlllyoma , Tak Kameoka, KOl :l-1uknld .. chmn.

AUI(. 28- Skatlng party; Arthur Sugiyama. ehm n.

S" Plcmbcr-Ffl.hlng derby . Sept. 29-3~apa n e s e movie ben·

elil . Oel. 29-Nlsel GI MemOltal Serv.

icc. Nov. 3-5-11/G2 Member :hJp drlvo;

ArUtur Sugiyama, Tak ~~mcok3 , Ka7, 1I1ukalda. eo-chmn.

Nov . S-S u k~v ' lkl dinner. Novcmbel'-Flshlng derby. Dec. l&-Chrls tmas p.t1.y. OU,er special aetivltlc:i durin g

lhe year wlU be desll(l1atcd.

Chicago JACL credit! union declares 4 Yz % dividend


Tlte dinner was hold a l lite PrlJlec Georltes COWl try Club In Landover, Md ., wllere the chapter's new board oC director. was In. ~ ta ll ~ d by EMtern D lstr lol Council C h ~lrmnn Wllllam Marula nl 01 I'hU.ldclphlo .

On the board arc John Yo.hi no, ch mn.; n uth Kurobhl. Paul Oka· moto. J oe [chlujl, Chlsnto Ohara, H(soko Sok,,!.~ . Harry T akagi, H ~ I 1l0rJlIFhi. Yoshio Sakauye and Ald· ko t wotn,

Tho eo n ".~s s mn n "'os Introduced by Mike ' Masaoka, Washington JACL representalive. O'Hua Is the r batr man of !III! House Foreign Re· IAtioos Subcoml1'\lttee on Atrlca a od had just relurned from ao Ins pec· tlon tour 01 Africa. . He polDted out th at the cur renl

CH[CAOO. - Tha Chicago JA.CL Am crlc~ n atliluda wi th regard to Credit Unlo'! has d eel~rrd a ~ Atr \i:-;! w ~ s such at Nrleans teod per cent diVIdend lor 1960. It was l tQ idenl1ty the U.S. with Ihe colo­a nno .' ~n e ed ~ . Y U 0!¥llli. SII!m idzu . nial pqwcrs, their ,tr adlUoJfal op­preSIdent . It , ~ the liiigcSt ih vldend pressors In the credit unlon's 13·year his· •. L' .. f J II U lo r~ ' ac 0 0 t I ve

TI;(..tanObal lTIe~~ t ~ II be held He cited a~ a n o"a mple oO ' our IrAlighl a( Como Inn. 1ftember t will lack · oC' Ini tiative InA.' rlqa . our "Ieel Its new board oldireetol'S Ca llure 10 re$pbnd to 'GulDea's pica Candlda les arc : l or _aJd In jO; ilrst wd~ks of In·

Eslher t( Q~lw.ra, · R!oh.rd Klkaw.. dependence. lie swt('(l ~h Rt Our !lobore Hondo. ShlftOO Ino, R oY- Iw ~ ~ " bl;tentlon In. the- recent vote on the ~:~~ . K \\~;I: u~ ~ ~ .~"~;"Tb ° 8:fI~ V'.1ol'. resoluUon conde,,!,nlng cofo. l'hom •• E. IATry O.blma. J .~k nla115m was anothell ' lDstance 01 OlA, Llnooln Shlmldzu and Or. Roy the sort of behavior' wbleh e aus~ s

T .. hlm.. us to lose ground a mong Afrlc3 ns. In Ghana. IOvernment oUiclals

r J JAC.i avoid Am o~l c a n s , according to Jan ose L ' I' O'llara, and his o wn appointments wit!). olficilils ,w"fc I\U ,llroken on

lollows . MOl<Tll ft &\ IJI STftl CT 'Tho d lnn" r 'vlU tart at 7 ,!\I, • r.elUc Cruve-Pl1u l It'hluJI. J nmc. We: t o( W. hln- ' n S p nd th d t )0

' I nbnln. Arch ie Mlyut1I'uo . r. :Ikt CCOrK(' Koda';n~ , M J~;-~~or CI .m . Xl P. anrc a p.rn . N tlw Monlerev-HAruo Nnknaako Yo"hJn T.lbut ... Jarne. Taklrawa a,,:u. AdmJ !IQn will be sa 00 per p ,..,',oo

~ r"n kl Tonukn, Johnny Uyeda. Roy ohIo S. low . •• lor both tht! dinner a nd dn nco .nd IIkn f'..... 01 W •• hlnrton 51. ·HO>I1 l1o $2 P !r per:<on for the dance oDr" o~ o nt.c r e t_ l:,"k O a \Val.1nabc, Allon MJy.:unoto. K enneth S~ t o. Tliluro w,.. SirkAn of beel Will be the :tin s ' ~:i rJ o- ~ !ll e ~ am: ~ f:hl. Clift Naka. ~~: . b ~ ·Oh ~' J1!m~~~~~A. Eb e K.lta.lcntrcc m.

~1~t ·S ~ '~~:~' KuwAtonl, BUI YOkOl.l Sou th : r-~ ~ ~ ! ~ w !~ ~ ~~' ~ T MaNka R C" Cr\i~tlf)n nrc being i'lcccpt,.:d

No IIllures wa r ~ raporled but I Cllrlord NhkaJlm., Jack ~.hld" . HOI\: by VOT< K.~nwa. Sumi KatJeko. Monterey Peninsula J ACL has ax- ry Ono. Ha .. o Yoko,.wa. De.n I. HII. Lanr :. Mly",hl. Sue Oguro. D(\l"Othy

Henry Tanak. OkamOlo a nd Mory TogaJllkl.


T ~e opening . ession of Ihe lirst biennial Na tional J,ACx... ConvenUon was held In 1930 at SeatUe's J Qpanese Chamber of Commerce. The author of "LIVing wIth J'ACL" is seated on the fourth chair

!rom the left . What should catch the fancy .sf those wbo've atlended. JACL con\'cn tJoos U1 recent 'years is the presence of cut nowe!> on the tablH - 3 gay item now re5crved for gay a(lairs.

DoYiDtoWD L.A Sonoma CO~~~ii~~u~ Yokoyama

CHICAGO. - Wllh more than 50 youngsters enrolled. the Chicago JACL Y o u t h Commission has crtarled iLs first season of "Kid Basketball" lasl SWlday a t Ollvel gym. The boys ra nge lxItwcen the ages 01 11 and IS.

I E S k varIous exouses.

e ects a auye In Liber l\!, 01) the oth& .balld , • . be found a sympallictle attitude

1 towards thl!' tl.s., d l\~ ill large

",,: I Living with JACL: by Saburo Kido

chaplaIn. sai~ ~~~.~~ek-~' ;~ho~o~" Kanda dellolous .ukl ~ :.Ild.Columbl ~ -M .. , ~lIkl. YasuL

manaccment . TIIIRD YEAJl VollsWne. gave CI .. et.ncl-Fronk Hiul<>l1\l.

1iII.· ..... illlt seemed 10 be a child's Sequol.a-P·Wc:'':~·W.:.a

)tango KWlluugu. pa 61 ~-:~f~)I';':U~~~.<J': ~~ I ~:~Q~~~~ Shtnbo_

au. Olymp~Torao Nakoc;awa. Bcrkrley-f'r .. nk T . Y a maSOlkj~ Abmeda-Jtm S Vumae

.·lRn \'lIAR Pl,l1ul1up VaUr't -Hlro Ya.uehl. Sh" Fernando-Or S:tnbo S. Sakagu·

chL Sf'quol:t-Yo h NI~lmt)to

Portland JACl starts '61 membenhip campaign

PORTLAND. - 'The 1001 JACL memlx" ~ hip d r I ve Is underway h"re with John Hada. trcal urer, o( 1131; ~ , Oak St. , Hili boro. accept· Ing the fe,, ~ oC S5 per person and

All markines that the venture will be successful a p p a a r cd a s youngsters praeUeed lor an hour ID 1ha gym under the dlrcetlon 01 Shig Murao, basketball coach a l Waller High School.

On the coaching starr are Sam Z.~ima n . Ralph Ta kaml. Johnny Okamoto, Hiro Uchida , Tak I taml Gary Ramircz, Tom Terajl nnd Tom Hayashi, who was 0 ph)'sleal education teacher in PorUnnd .

The lads were given a T·shlrt and belore Ihe afternoon session WAs over a round of eompetllive ploy. They wll meet on SWlday afternoons.

$9 per couple. P as I president Gcorge Gokaml Is campaign chair­miln.

SAN JOSE.-Ellcru S a k ~uy e, first oort to t he m ahy Americans who postwar chapler 'presldent oC S. ~n have ta ken par t in the develop­J ose J ACL after It was r eactivated ment oC Liberia. in 1946, wlll be Installed a s 1001 He also visited sta tes wbose in. pres ident tomorrow night a t Golden ternaLlonal aff iniLles had just be. Doors Restaurant in Los Gatos. gun 10 Corm-the colonies o[ Tan.

Other oUiears eleeted were Dr. ganylka . Kenya, Zanzibar, an d Tom Taketa, 1st v.p. ; Ha rry Ishi· Uganda that arc now moving to­gaki, 2nd v.p. : Wayne .Ka nemoto. ward sell-r ule. He expressed the treas .; May Kurasaki, r ec. sec,; hope tha t these Cour areas would Mrs. Tae Ajar;' cor. sec.; LIl11 am be able to ullite in a single re· Hlnaga, pub.; and Grace Hane. public l or the sake of freedom his!. and secur ity oC their peoples.

Appointed chairmen of the st.1nd· Niger ia. Morocco, and Guinea ingcommitt.ces were Dr . Roborl were other eOWlt ries on his itln· Okamoto, Blue Cross; ' Norman MI· era"Y.. O' Hara said that througbout neta, 1000 Club; and Mrs. P h1l Africa. the Idea oC tol&ance need· Matsum ura. welfare. cd ' to be taught and emphasized.

Aldj l Yoshimura. pas t national Comments on JACL JACL vlce·presldent. or Colusa was In closing, Congrcssma n O'Hara, announced '85 guest speaker of Ihe who has long been a supporter evening. Henry Uyeda is banquel of the JACL, described the JACL chairman. as belDg the most o((eetive and

--------- - -------- -----------------------:-- respected ot the minority organl·

Hope someday 'most successful lobbyist in Washington' will be decorated for his crusade to aid Issei and Nisei


" Th" 1\10. t Suece, lui Lobbyist In Wa hlnltll)n" wao th~ LItle given to Mike M a saoka by the Reader' Dlles t. From the . l<lndpolnt 01 .,cwmpll hm enl.<, It II trua. In lact, Mlk .. lI twlncd ,rroter height> In achlevlnJ( 3ueccu by havlnp numerOU! lel(l l la lton pa t'<l which benr.filled a ll I><-·".on.' oC Jnpane5( nncestry.

I Will umonll thl) c whl) thoul!hl th"t he d" 8"rvoo Lo receive omt ~.,.c lal "'''''lEnl llon In conjunction wIth th, · Cr nl"nnial celebration. No Individual h'" ckmc ,..., mu ch fOl

per (In. "I Japan'" e anec. try In thl counlry

M ke w., . working Cor the Ja",,· nesc In Ihl. c(JIlntry. WhatevH bondi th ,. In Japan received 'I;, re Incidenta l. A. an AmerIca n c1t1un. he w In te r c~ ted In win· nlns rccollllUlon lor the I d , th, pare nt l/cnc ratlon, and to help thr local r c ilkn to r njoy tho . orne rl.hll a nd prlvlirllc< as a ny other

111-n IIrouP In thl country. IIh!u. ror J l pan •••

Thl Imm laratklll .. nd natlJra ll/cl­lI"n In .... more comm'mly known R th .. Whl\(:r-MrCar r;1I1 Act, w. I " nd<'r!IJI I 21,1 lion lor J AP" " And h"r pt.~,,, I ., . It '"VC tMm n t ~tu . comp:arUbl l'> nllen. IflJm

,g ny other rOll nlry while doing the aamo (or our I l eI.

Yor the lImount 01 monay lpenl for Iobbylnl/. the Hchlr'vomenll were mlr ilculouli. There "'n l thr. Evacu" llon Clai m . Act 'Alhdch h I< returned to the ov . c u .~ m llUon. " I dollarl . E vrn th()lJah It did not reslm'c nU wha t h 1\ bern 10it. Ih,. fY.' ,mll"t.t ttld hi"" In ''''''011

,truetlon and rehabilitation. I when he was firs t beldnning to II the leg~lntion had been han· show whal ho can do, m ~ny visl·

d ied on a prolc ~: lo n a l basis, Mlke tors Irom Japan discussed aboul would have received handsome re· Mike working to hell> create good· wa rd for the l uccess he attai ned. wlll for JapaD. Hc was considered No one would have been Coolish as a public rela lIorn; director . Bu1 enough 10 do 50 much at such his main clleDt was th~ J apanesr a mall payment. But he was Am"rican CItizens Lengue and Its righting for a cause. It was not membership. 'Tho couSe which the work; It wa a crusade Cor him JACL was working lor laselnaled to win "quality and Justice for the hi m. Consequently, wlU, low pny, allen Japanese. he sluek It out until the lIoal wa s

VieWed In this Usht. we, who atta ined. There were ma ny beller thOlll!ht Mike deserved recognlUon. orter,. However, he h ~ d promlsod may h;,vc b,'cn mis taken. H" wn to continue lIahtl ng unlU vIctory working primarily for those in Uti. WIlS realized. eounlry who happened Lo be Japa· Also, he hnd become Ihe symbol nCll ,· citilCD . of the Japanese In thl . country

The generol r ule adopted Cor the "" he hes ltoted to r epresent the awards 01 decorations Cor olgnlll· Japanese Int c re ~t.s. ca nt contributions to J apanese. J AO., ShulOo Amel Icon rcintlons Is that the rc· clplent mu. I be around 70 yenr. old. 'The r caw n I that the " Ider ))Cople a re Ie I likely to bring d is· credit to the recognition.

JJomlnlnt Role

Becouso Mike', contribution ha he<n aD /In'u l nnd . Ince the 01'1· 'lOde nnd c tll In which he pillyed . uch a domlnunl rolc II becomlnA " Ihlng " I the PII. I. We w'IDted to have hi ..... ark r eeollnlzed .

II MJke live l'> enjoY life unW he I Dvcr 70 yean old, he m ay bt drcorated By that LIme, he nouy have Corl/oltcn the glorle. of the cam po lin

" Public .~rvlc(·" or~ word Mlk" C n lorll<:t. lie haa 'a bl,lger role a nd /lold It> play In. H,·ocuCol'th . he will be cftr rylnll the Jo-dd for 00 lIr more million p,:oplc 01 J llpll n When h'1 lrlu 10 promote beltl'r I r~ d " r cl.L1'lns.

F rom WII~ ."rl· In tlw lortf,·

TI)c lime hnd to come Cor th~

.TACL 10 Ihurne Its organlza tlonol ,ct·up. I nm (lInd that thc tran!!' lion was accomplished without ony undu" hardship.

I hnve repeatedly 8ta In the pn ot. "II MIke MII!nokn ennn~1

rcpre entlhe JACL, It will be time l'> el',"e our door., In the n"tI""" Ca pitol " 'ThIs Is wha t Is happening today, 'ThIs wa un Inevlbble end· Ing. TItc JACL ehnptcrs c<l nnOI l uotoln (I budget which provIdes lor nn ortice In Wl18hlngto", D.C. 1'h ~rc b no burning Issua under wh leh the people could roily. fn . ome ways, Clvarybody 1. becomlng too com place nt about th e fr iendly mon· ncr the J apan ela Amorlcans ore being acoepted.

I Ineerely hOJ)6 that wo can continue to keep on with the new uo. I ~ under which Mike I. going to help u. In Wu.hlnllton.

Shin Nil hlbul

zations in this counlry. Congressma n and Mr ~. Dan lno­

uye oC Hswali and Mr. and Mrs. DUlon M)'el" (he was head 01 the War llelo ~ alion Authorl\.v during Worl. Wor H I Were the other spe· clal guests for the evening.

Jolm Yoshino. who wo s re-eleoled Presl<\ont 01 tho Chapler, wa s pre· sented a Post-P res ident's Pin for his scrvlce~ durlog 1960. Chlsnlo Ohara, cbarter mamber of the Chapter, wos owa rded a special citation for her line work over many years.

Hal Horiuchi wa s toastmnster for the evening. Mrs. Cla ire Mlnoml nnd Mrs. Susie Ichlujl wera In chorga of aU arrangemenls for the d lnn& and dancc. One hundred nnd l"enty-seven members and frlonds 'aUanded the oteolr.

Idaho. Falls JACL ,

carni,., tomorrow IOAHO FALLS.- AII Is set Cor U,e annual Idoho FaUs J ACL " Wtnler Ca rn ival" lomorrow at U,e DO Wf.y remodeled Armory Bldg.

Dooh open at 10 a .m. 'There wm be homemnde noodles , Or lcn· In l box lunches, chow meln, ba· 70nr <l nd gnme booth ..

At tho choPI"r 's Ilrst m e~U n , of tha yeor. J an. 7, Mr . nnd M rs . Vernon MorUn of the lOC Al Cnnaer SociallY presenlcd n 111m on eanecr oM Or. T.H. Cotr answered ques· fion5 during the d iscussion period tltot followed.

TI,U bu»lne .. port ion oC the meol· In, concerned thy seleeUon 01 com· mltlecmon lor th~ Winter Cornlvol

Lilat weuk, the JAYs and JACL members heard Prosecuting Attor· ney EUllane n Uslt talk on juvenile delllKjuoncy . It woo p r oe~odcd by I' /lilnCa kc ullpor,

rve of the 1st Biennial' PART TWO ; Continued

'There werc s ix of us men deciding to r ide on Tom Ycgo' s Dodge to Seattle. Ha"lng ar· ranged to meet him at Sacra· mento. we took the train and stayed overnight at a J np:lOcsl hotel there. Tom drove down from Newcastle to pick us up. 'Thus, the Irek 10 the flrst na· tional J ACL Convention. which was to start on Aug. 29, 1930, began.

Those who went with me from San Francisco were Lloyd Eno­moto, Ryuzo "Ruu,y" Ma eyamn , Akl~a HOl'ikoshi. Jerry l sonaka and Saiki Munano. Miss To 'hl Takocr.- the other d e le~ate lI'om Sail Francisco, wenl to Seatlle by train. Traveling by pla ne was stiU a dream In those days.

(Seven men io one cor I 'The t It 0 ugh t has me wonderi ng whether another ca r wos In· volved. I called up J erry Iso­naka, wbo is now living in Los Angeles . a nd asked him IC he remembered some of the deta,1s oC th at trip. He replied that he didn 't so leI's pres ume the trip wos mad" on one car. )

We were young In tbose day .. I would not dare repenl such n trip ogain. I am too old even II I ac l young. It was a long r i'de but We enjoyed the scenes of virgin forests througb Oregon a nd WashlnJ:ton. Since I didn't know how 10 d rlva. I dId nol hove 10 as. ume th" chore "I ta king Iho wheels during tha t 750-mile journey 10 Ihe Pacific North· wesl. 'Thl wos 10 be my Clrsl and only Irlp 10 Seattle by l1ulo­lnoblle.

It wn, tOWllrdS cv.nlnl{ wh,'n we nrrlvtod a t our d ~~tl n ntlo n . On Ihe WUY. wo h;\d lunch a l Portlnnd . We did not know any· one th e r e. Consequently. we walked a nd drove around the Rose CIIy 10 l<lkc In Ihe slghls.

Soarch ror ' ourOl> MateriA l

'The outlook lor source mn· Icrlnl dues nol look hopelc". as II did wh"n I was II sked to wrl le Ih l' ~ ' · r l e s.

Ln sl week I wenl 10 San Froll ' cl8co to .ocur~ malorlul '01' Ihe " Japanu. e Who', Who I Amerl· e,," , which lite Shin Nlchlb,'1 I plnnning 10 publl ~ h At Ihe Ilrsl opPOrl~nlt ~· I hod I visited Ihe 1I0kubei Mlllnlchl I knuw Ihcy h Id thu bound volumcs 01 tile New World, New World Dally News, Hokubel Asabl ond the New World Sun, each 6UCCC<'<I. Ing tho oU,er until the oulureuk 01 the Pacilic Wo r.

'The reason I knew Ihe Hokubci Mainichi had them was because I gave the bound volumes. I ha,'e ottan humored "hieC editor 111'30 Shlm 17.u, who ha< cbarge oC the J apa nese seetion. thai iC Ihey were .in my po... ... -es!)ion today, they would nevcr be relInquished

I had bccome president oC tt,e New World Sun In 1942 to liqui· da le their a ssets In preparation Cor e\'acuation. 'The direclor.; W"fe being delal ned al the Silver Ave. Immig raUon Slation Con.c­quently, they had to hold • di· r aclor 's meeting Ihere to appolOt me as ·preslden!. I had been a columnist and Ihdr attorney lor m any :rcnrs o 1 prc.sumc it was n"lural thnt they pick me. Ewry. body clse. especially the hsci, wos afraid to gel iflvol"ed during thosa hysterIcal d,ys.

'There arc other neWspaper lIIe ~ which will a ssis l me.

I know Ihe Rafu Shlmpo has its files In bet. During the eva· cuatlon cla ims processing dol'S. I obtolned permls~lo n 10 check tha classified ad section 10 prove thnt gardencrs' roules were be­in~ sold and 10 esl.bUsh n value. \ \'.hether there Is adequ.lle co\,· erage 01 J ACL news remain. to be seen. At lenst. there sh u1d be something since It: prewar English editors. Louise S .. kl. Gcorge Nakamolo and Togo T o· n~ko were strong JACL supporl· er ..

I also have llllkl'<l with Ya,uo. Ablko. whose pa rents owm'<i 0\\,: p r ~ \\' a r Jn p.1 ncsc American N cw ~ , th~ l ~lr"~:t Japa nc."l\ vcr­nncultt r in the country nt one time . Vas. who ·till relalns h l~ deep Interesl In J ACL. sold Ih,'r ' had been two bill t ire: wh ich des lroyed wha levor fi ll" hi, news paper hod

eatlf . Convention

The volumes of the N,·" W"r'd conlalned reporls 01 Ihc 19 ~ O

Seoltl< con \' ~ntlon I do not kilO .

who d lspnteh,od the e ICPO"!:. o r u .! mcmbcr whether we were n.' sponslble for them

'The J oplllwse 01 Ihe Stute 01 Wo . hlnaton had raIsed $1.400 I'l' the con\'olltlon . "Nol n .llIgle <11111 mOlllent, a brilliant and perfeel four-<lay proaram." Ihe .. e W

World said 01 the conv,·ntlon . That convention oP"ned n t:lC

mOl'lllng of August 29. Conv,'n· tlon ehnlrman Clarence ArM ex· te llded U,e welcome n"'>SIII/C Tlte Boy Scout bUl/lers blew "To Ih,' Colors" and the Rudlence then , ung " Amerlco" Iter th" Plcdllc ul AlIvlllo nc".

WyUe Hemphill. presidcot o{ the Seattle C h.~ m be r o( Com· merce. exlended gre~U n gs on be­ball of the ei13' Other grectc~ wcre ~ I r. H R. Okuda a nd .Mr. J .J Oono\'an.

The roll oall howed 20 dclc­gates Crom CaIiCornia . 'TheJ;l: w~re 58 re~lstered fre"l1 Hs 'ali, Br itish Columbia. Warolngton. Orc ~on. CalJIornia lllinois and NOll' York. AlmO' ev e ~' 10,,'11 and h lOUCt wbere J . panese lived In Washington and Oregon were represented be,l~ many oth& inlcr.-ted J apaoc.;. and Ameri­can I>copie wbo were not dele· gute,. Ln all Ibere were 181 rcgLtefLod .

Re>POndinr.: lor U,,: vl:itor, (01)

the opcn.inl( day were Kido and Tasuke Yamagal<l. lb ~

Phi Bela Kan student and bank"r Irom Hamil wbo was bilthly regard~-d b)' the delegate; For mOllY of u .. i was the fi r ~ l

time we had m" a Ni!<el Phi Bela K app.~. Hk:.. hud Ibe key . • howlnll hI! WI'- a tide houor student during hi' coUege da,: 'l' .

Among the t'e;oiutirns passed at the COD,'entloo were :

I . Requesling C o n g res s amend the Cablc Act by rept."!). inlt Ihe pro" I"lon whleh a u~ molleally deprh','<1 citizooship [n

CR'c n <>ILlTen woman m arri ~ an aUen "weUgiblc to e iti~ cn­. hlp·'

2. Petition in,: Co n Ie re s . to g rant nnluTalbll\ioll privil,'g"" 10 .I«panesc vctertlDS or World War I

:1. H'I \illll oach J ,\ CL di., lrict com p U~ i1 Ii ·t of Jl(pane$c AmOf' tcun voters

~ Dtsl.lollltlnll til <ltes t lli nexl convontlOll.S1 J93.2 In L >s Anlldc.s aDd 1934 III Honolulu.

Flnol J.\ L Con Ututlon

II \\' a~ 0 loo>cly·kntt organlza., tlOIl thllt Ihe delegntes hnd 01-

!I" n!zed The naliooal ,,'roup was. 10 be called thc " J apane_ e­American CiUlt.' ns Lt.'aguc· ' n no othl'r approprIate nome could to. conceived. Dc:<plte the hy­phenation In the title, It wu · . 1"1 thaI Ihe nume was se explonalor)' of wbo II:> members" ""re and of wha l It nature was,

'Th,' Ilrl JA0i.. constitution <,,11,'<1 lor 00 eleeled nationAl of­Il l'r 'I111~ p l' l.!s ldcJlt IJ: the ch8 ~

I"r hO;ling the 'W.· I con\'ent.lOll w 0 10 be reco\l1llzL'<I nS the ""atlonal" pre Idunt ond bls "ec· re lOn' and Irea , urcr were to be ~l mU it rJ.y reoognlzl>d The dI. trk ! choll'm l'n 'lCre to ~~f\'C os , Ic r)o ,,'e,ldell l.