nea data bank · 2009. 8. 17. · the dobro method (refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent...


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Page 1: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the
Page 2: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the
Page 3: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the



Page 4: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the


N e i t h e r t h e O r g a n i s a t i o n f o r Economic Co-operation and Development, any o f its Member c o u n t r i e s o r t h e i r a g e n c i e s , nor any pe r son o r o r g a n i s a t i o n a c t i n g e i t h e r on b e h a l f o f any of them o r o t h e r w i s e i n t h e development, compi la t ion , p u b l i c a t i o n o r d i s t r i b u t i o n of t h e i n f o r m a t i o n i n t h i s r e p o r t :

1. Makes any war ran ty o r r e p r e s e n t a t o n , expressed o r i m p l i e d , wi th r e s p e c t t o t h e accuracy , completeness , o r u s e f u l n e s s o f t h e i n f o r m a t i o n which it c o n t a i n s , o r t h a t t h e use o f any i n f o r m a t i o n , a p p a r a t u s , method, o r pro- c e s s d i s c l o s e d may n o t i n f r i n g e p r i v a t e l y owned r i g h t s ; o r

2. Assumes any l i a b i l i t i e s wi th r e s p e c t t o t h e use o f , o r f o r damage r e s u l - t i n g from t h e use o f any i n f o r m a t i o n , a p p a r a t u s , method o r p r o c e s s d i s c l o s e d .


L ' O r g a n i s a t i o n de Cooperat ion e t de OBveloppement Economiques, s e s pays Membres, o r l e u r s agences , l e s personnes ou o r g a n i s a t i o n s a g i s s a n t en l e u r s noms ou pour l e d6veloppernent, l a c o m p i l a t i o n , l a p u b l i c a t i o n ou l a d i s t r i b u t i o n de l ' i n f o r m a t i o n dans c e r a p p o r t :

1. Ne g a r a n t i s s e n t , expressement ou impl ic i t ement n i que les ~ n f o r m a t i o n s c i - j o i n t e s s o n t e x a c t e s et complhtes , n i que l ' u t i l i s a t i o n de c e s i n f o r - mat ions , a i n s i que des a p p a r e i l s , methodes ou procCd6s d 6 c r i t s ne p o r t e n t pas a t t e i n t e 2 d e s d r o i t s a c q u i s ; ou

2. N'assument aucune r e s p o n s a b i l i t 6 en c e q u i concerne l ' u t i l i s a t i o n des d i t e s i n f o r m a t i o n s , a p p a r e i l s , methodes ou p rocedes a i n s i que les consequences pouvant en r e s u l t e r .

The NEA Data Bank is p a r t o f t h e O r g a n i s a t i o n f o r Economic Co-operation and Development and is f inanced by t h e fo l lowing s i x t e e n Member c o u n t r i e s :

A u s t r i a , Belgium, Denmark, F i n l a n d , France , Germany, I t a l y , Japan, t h e Ne ther lands , Norway, P o r t u g a l , Spa in , Sweden, S w i t z e r l a n d , Turkey and t h e United Kingdom.

La Banque de Donnees de 1'AEN f a i t p a r t i e de l t O r g a n i s a t i o n de Cooperat ion e t de Developpement Economiques e t e s t f i n a n c 6 e p a r l e s s e i z e pays Membres s u i v a n t s :

Allemagne, Aut r i che , Belgique, Oanemark, Espagne, F i n l a n d e , F rance , I t a l i e , Japon, Norvhge, Pays-Bas, P o r t u g a l , Royaume-Uni, Suhde, S u i s s e e t Turquie.

Page 5: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the



The Newsletter repor ts :

1. Evaluat ion work on p a r t i c u l a r nucl ides. 2. Development o f codes f o r nuclear model ca lcu la t ions , and other codes

needed f o r nuclear data work. 3. Pub l ica t ions re levan t t o the neutron data f i e l d .

Cont r ibu t ions on eva lua t ion a c t i v i t i e s and nuclear model codes have been rece ived from:


I n s t i t u t e o f Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Sof ia 6


FRANCE CEN, Cadarache CEN, BruyBres-le-Ch%tel

GERMANY DEMOCRATIC REP. Technische Un ive rs i tB t , Dresden 12

INDIA Reactor Research Center, Kalpakkam 13




ENEA, Bologna

Nuclear Data Centre, JAERI

ECN, Petten

PEOPLE'S REP. OF CHINA I n s t i t u t e o f Atomic Physics, B e i j i n g 22

ROMANIA Cent ra l I n s t i t u t e o f Physics, Bucharest 23

UNITED KINGDOM AERE, Harwel l 24 Nuclear Physics Laboratory, OXFORD 26 AEE, W i n f r i t h 27

USA NNDC, Brookhaven 29

IAEA Nuclear Data Section, Vienna 39

EFF (European Fusion F i l e ) ECN, Pe t ten , 40

OECD/NEA Data Bank, Saclay B r i e f Report on Op t i ca l Model Meeting J o i n t Evaluated F i l e (JEF)

The next issue o f NNDEN has been scheduled f o r Ju l y 1986 and con t r i bu to rs a re asked t o send i n t h e i r repo r t s by 15th June 1986.

NEA Data Rank. December 1985

Page 6: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the




1 8 37 1 8

1 8 37

37 37


1 2

1 6

1 6 27

37 37


37 1 2


2 1 37 37

1 6

37 37



1 2 26



~ o - ~ ~ v - ~ o M ~ v

1 0 - : e ~ - 2 0 ~ e ~ 10- eV-4MeV ~ o - ~ ~ v - ~ o M ~ v

~ o - ~ ~ v - ~ o M ~ v ~ o - ~ ~ v - ~ o M ~ v

~ o - ~ ~ v - ~ o M ~ v



1MeV-20MeV 1MeV-20MeV 1KeV-8MeV


1MeV-20MeV 1MeV-20MeV FAST



l - H -1

3-L I -6 3 -L I -6 3-LI -7

4-BE-9 4-BE-9

5-0 -10 5-8 -11

7-N -15



24-CR- 24-CR-51 24-CR-52 24-CR-53 24-CR-NAT

26-FE-56 26-FE-NAT


28-NI- 28-NI-58 28-NI-60 28-NI-NAT

29-CU-63 29-CU-65



41-NB-93 41-NB-93



















Page 7: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the


20 2 1

2 1


37 37


1 3


27 37

1 9 11 1 9 11

7 37


37 9 9

11 11 1 9

9 1 9

9 1 9 1 9

22 27


1 9 1 9

1 9

1 9


44-RU-101 44-RU-102



79-AU-197 79-AU-197 79-AU-198



92-U -234 92-U -235 92-U -235 92-U -235 92-U -238 92-U -238 92-U -238 92-U -238 92-U -239

94-PU-239 94-PU-239 94-PU-239 94-PU-239 94-PU-239 94-PU-239 94-PU-239 94-PU-240 94-PU-241 94-PU-241 94-PU-241

95-AM-241 95-AM-242M 95-AM-242M

96-CM-248 96-CM-249








MANY (N,v)



(N, V)(N,a)

(N,v) (N,ff) (N,F) MANY NU MANY NU (N, V) (N,N' ) (N,Y)(N,F) T1/2(N, Y)








~ o - ~ ~ v - ~ o M ~ v

~ o - ~ ~ v - ~ o M ~ v ,


5MeV-17MeV 30KeV-20MeV

~ O - ~ ~ V - ~ O M ~ V

~ o - ~ ~ v - ~ o M ~ v

~ o - ~ ~ v - ~ o M ~ v ~ o - ~ ~ v - ~ o M ~ v

~ o - ~ ~ v - ~ o M ~ v


10-ZeV-20~eV 10- eV-20MeV

~ o - ~ ~ v - ~ o M ~ v

~ o - ~ ~ v - ~ o M ~ v

Page 8: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the



Names : A,Mateeva, S.Toshkov, N. Janeva

Adarestr : I n s t i t u t e of Nuclem Research and Nuclear Ehergy Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Bul. Lenin 72 Sofia 1113, Bulgaria

Recent Publications

1. N. Janeva, N,Koyumdjieva, A.A.Lukyanov and S,Toshkov; Fluctuat Factors On Average Cross Sections For Overlapping Resonances, Bt. Conf. on Nuclear Data, Santa Fe, USA, May 1985,

2. V.V,Kolesov, A,A,Lukyanov, S.Toshkov and N.Janeva; Multilevel Analysis O f Pu-239 Neutron Cross Sections In The Resolved Resonance Region, fnt. Conf. on Nuclear Data, Santa Fe, USA, May 1985.

3. A.A.Lukyanov, N.Janeva; Average Neutron Cross Sections i n the Region of In te r fer ing Resonances, Sov. Nuclear Physics.

4. A.A.Vanlkov, $.Toshkov, V,P,fJhaintzev, N, Janeva; Methoa f o r Analysing Transmission Functions and Neutron Csoss Sections o Heavy Nuclfdes i n the Unresolved Resonance Region, JfNR, Dubn 3-84-848, 1984.

Work recent ly comwlet ed

1. A Code f o r Monte-Carlo Moaelling of F i s s i l e Nuclei Neutron Cross Bections.

2. Multilevel Parametrizaiiion of F i s s i l e Nuclei Resonance Cross SectLons.

Work i n progress

Precise Measurement of U-235 ''alphaH Value i n the Thermal XTeutron Znergy Point.

Page 9: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

Contribution to NNDEN-37



Names : F.H. Frohner, B. Goel, B. Krieg, E. Stein, H. Kisters

Address : Institut fir Neutronenphysik und Reaktortechnik Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe Postfach 3640 D-7500 Karlsruhe, West Germany

Work recently completed

- The KEDAK-4 documentation has been completed and issued as a KfK report, see Ref. 1. (B. Goel, B. Krieg)

- The problem of cross section fluctuations in the context of self- shielding and width fluctuation factors for resonance-averaged cross sections was restudied. The maximum-entropy distributions of S- and R-matrix elements for a given average S-matrix (given transmission coefficients) have been found to be the Poisson kernel in the domain of symmetric unitary matrices (S) and a generalized t-distribution in the space of real symmetric matrices (R). Exact cross sections cal- culated as averages over these distributions were compared with those from the heuristic approximations deduced by Moldauer and by Hofmann, Richert, Tepel and Weidenmuller from Monte Carlo results. First reports on this work were given in Refs. 2 and 3. (F.H. Frohner)

- The improvements in neutron data for actinides and fission products, achieved in a worldwide effort during the last ten years, has been reviewed with special emphasis on the minor actinides. Remaining discrepancies and data requirements are stated (Ref. 4). (H. Kusters)

Work in progress

- The KEDAK evaluation of 242m~m is being updated in the resolved and unresolved region so as to be consistent with recent resonance data from Livermore. (F.H. Frohner, B. Krieg)

- Work is under way on capture and inelastic scattering of 238U in the unresolved resonance region, including self-shielding studies. In this context the new methods recently developped at Karlsruhe and Heidelberg (see Ref. 3) for unresolved resonances are implemented in

Page 10: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

computer programs, in particular the GOE triple integral for partial cross sections, the R-matrix distribution for Monte Carlo sampling and the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein)


1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the Nuclear Data Library KEDAK-4, October 1984", Report KfK 3838 (February 1985)

2. F.H. Frohner, "Information Theory Applied to Unresolved Resonances", Proc. Internat. Conf. on Nucl. Data for Basic and Applied Sci., Santa Fe, May 1985, to be published in Radiation Effects (preprints available on request)

3. F. H. Frohner, "Treatment of the Unresolved Resonance Regionu, Proc. Internat. Seminar on Nucl. Data, Cross Section Libraries and their Application in Nucl. Technol., Bonn, 1-2 Oct., 1985, to be published (preprints available on request)

4. H. Kisters, "Nuclear Data for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle", Proc. Internat. Seminar on Nucl. Data, Cross Section Libraries and their Application in Nucl. Technol., Bonn, 1-2 Oct., 1985, to be published (preprints available on request)

5. F.H. Frohner, "~ew Techniques for Multi-Level Cross Section Calculation and Fitting", Proc. Conf. on Nuclear Data Evaluation Methods and Procedures, Brookhaven, 1980, BNL-NCS-51363 (1981) vol. I, p. 375; separately issued as report KfK 3081 (1980)

6. F.H. Frohner, "Two Fast Methods for Doppler Broadening of Nuclear Cross Sections - SIGMAl and DOBRO", internal report 01.02.03 P03A (1983), available on request

Page 11: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

Con t r i bu t i on t o NNDEN 37


Department o f Fast Breeders Laboratory o f Physics Studies


France --


- Re-evaluation of 2 3 9 ~ u resonance parameters by ana l ys i s of transmis- s i o n data obta ined by ORNL (H. DERRIEN)

- Eva lua t ion o f 241~u resonance parameters (H. DERRIEN)

- Imp lan ta t i on o f RENZI's code t o c a l c u l a t e (u(,n) i n t r i n s i c neutron sources (N. CAUMETTE)

- Ana lys is of 2 3 9 ~ u f i s s i o n cross s e c t i o n i n the range 3C KeV-20 HeV (E. FORT, M. ANGRAND)

- Improved c a l c u l a t i o n on 2 3 9 ~ u i n t h e range 5 MeV-17 MeV. Adjustment o f (n,Zn) ca l cu la ted cross s e c t i o n on i n t e g r a l datum obta ined i n PHENIX core (E. FORT, P. LONG)

- Benchmark t e s t i n g o f JEF-1 pr imary ac t i n i des on fundamental mode i n t e g r a l data (E. FORT, J.P. DOAT)

- M o d i f i c a t i o n o f S12N ve rs ion 2 code i n view o f (n,4n) cross sec t ion c a l c u l a t i o n c a p a b i l i t y (E. FORT, P. LONG)


- Continuing a c t i v i t y o f 2 3 9 ~ u , 2 4 1 ~ u resonance parameters eva lua t i on (H. DERRIEN, P. LflNG)

- Complete reeva lua t i on o f 2 3 9 ~ u from 30 Kev-20 Mev (E. FORT, P. LONG)

- Cont inu ing a c t i v i t y on JEF-l pr imary ac t i n i des benchmarking (E. FORT, P. LONG)


- S ta te o f A r t on 2 3 9 ~ u resonance parameters. H. DERRIEN - Review paper, SANTE FE Conference (May 1985).

- A methodology t o c a l c u l a t e (n,xn) cross sect ion. E. FORT - Contr ibuted paper, SANTE FE Conference (Play 1985).

Page 12: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

Service de Physique et Techniques Nucleaires

Centre d'Etudes de BruyBres-le-Chztel




Address : Service de Physique et Techniques Nucleaires

Centre dlEtudes de BruyBres-le-Chstel

B.P no 12, 91680 BruySres-le-Chstel, France

Work recently completed and publications :

- Cross sections and analyzing powers for fast neutron scattering to the ground and first excited states of 58~i and 60~i . P.P. GUSS*et al., Nucl. Phys. A438, (1985) 187 .

- Nucleon-induced excitation of collective bands in 12c, **

A.S. MEIGOONI et al., Nucl. Phys. A455 (1986) 304 .

- Collective excitations of lg4pt in low energy Neutron Scattering, * * * X

M.C. MIRZAA et al., accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C . - Coupled-channel analysis of nucleon scattering from 40~a up to 80 MeV, G.M. HONORE* et al., accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C .

- Giant resonance coupling and - dependent potentials for 160, J.P. DELAROCHE et al., submitted to Phys. Rev.C .

- Partial Kerma factors for neutron interactions with "C at 20 &En 65 MeV, **

R.W. FINLAY et al., Nucl. Inst. Meth. in Phys. Research B10/11 (1985) 396

- Nuclear Deformation of 24~g, 28~i and 3 2 ~ from fast neutron scattering,

G. HAOUAT et al., Phys. rev. C - 30 (1984) 1795 . - Feedback of Dispersion Relations plus giant resonances on Nucleon elastic scattering from 40~a , J.P. DELAROCHE et al., Osaka Conf. Aug. 1985 .

- Energy Dependence of the Local Optical Potential for neutron - Nucleus Scattering,

J.P. DELAROCHE et al., Glouster Conf., Sept. 1984 . . . ./. .

- l 0 -

Page 13: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

- The Imaginary part of the spin - orbit Interaction for Neutron Nucleus Scattering,

* R.L. WALTER et al., Glouster Conf. Sept. 1984 .

+ + - Nucleon Induced Excitation of K"= 01, 02, I-, 3- Bands in "C . *I

A.S. MEIGOONI et al., Glouster Conf. Sept. 1984 . - Toward a Theory of Inelastic Scattering from soft Nuclei,

**I J.P. DELAROCHE and F.S. DIETRICH , submitted to Phys. Rev. C .

- Optical Model Description of the Neutron Interaction with '16Sn and 120sn

over a wide energy range, *

P.P. GUSS et al. , to be submitted to Phys. Rev. C . - Mesure et evaluation de la section efficace 239~u (n,2n) , Santa F B , New Mexico, USA , Nuclear Data for Basic and Applied Science, 13,17/5/85 J. FREHAUT, C.A. PHILIS, A. BERTIN, R. BOIS .

- 235, 23aU et 23gp,, - Evaluation de -$ pour

P J. FREHAUT, Note PTN-647/85 du 24.10.85 .

Work in Progress :

7+ 58,60Ni - Energy dependences of the optical model for * n t 54'56~e and n 1-

up to 30 MeV , J.P. DELAROCHE et al.

- Spectres des particules 6mises dans une reaction B trois corps en voie

de sortie , 0. BERSILLON .

- Transformation cinematique des spectres continus , 0. BERSILLON .

* Duke University USA

X *

Ohio Universitv USA ***

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory USA X***

Phys. Depart. Yarrnok Univ. IRBID Jordanie

Page 14: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the


W: D. Hermsdorf, D. Seeliger, et al.

Address: Technische Universitat Dresden Sektion Physik tlommsenstr. 13 DDR-8027 Dresden

The following evaluations were recently included in INDL/V(85) of the IAEA Nuclear Data Section:

MATIRev. nuclide documentation

INDLIV-2640 Rev.1 26-Fe-nat in coop. with FE1 Obninsk, YK 36(1) (1980)

INDLIV-4110 Rev.1 41-Nb-93 KE 20 166 (1977)

INDLIV-4111 Rev.2 same, supplemented by V. Goulo

Page 15: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the


Names: S. Ganesan, M.M. Ramanadhan, V. Gopalakrishnan, R.S. Keshavamurthy ----- Address: Reactor Group

311, G. S. Building Reactor Research Centre, Kalpakkam - 603102, Tamil Nadu, India.

Work recently completed and main results: ........................................

- Integral validation of capture and fission cross section by analyses of THOR assembly, in fission source energy range. The analyses showed that JENDL-1, ENDFIB-IV, ENDL/84, ENDFIB-V, INDL/A-83 ,and FRENCH(1969) overpredict capture by about 10 to 50%. The INDIAN and JENDL-2 files are consistent, within error bars. Based on this analyses it was also decided that fission cross sections of Meadows(l983) will be adapted in Indian file.

- Integral validation of (n,2n) cross sections for Th-232 was carried out using analyses of central spectral indices measured in center of THOR assembly. The preliminary indication is that JENDL-2 file is consistent whereas all other files overpredict %,2n / bf ratio for Th-232 corres- ponding to the flux at core center of THOR assembly.

- Calculations of displacement damage cross sections were successfully made for the flux spectrum of a small fast reactor for axial and radial locat- tions in the core.

- A compilation of details of specific integral experiments and measured integral values of parameters including uncertainties for benchmark testing for Th-232 and U-233 has been made.

- Effective one group cross sections for various actinides have been calcu- lated using core-centre and core-boundary flux spectra of a small fast reactor assembly.

Work in Progress: ----------------

- The program EVGRP for processing photonic production data under ENDFIB format is being commissioned.

- The possible use of available experimental information in the blanket region of THOR assembly is being explored for validation of capture and fission cross sections in the energy region which are appropriate to the spectrum in the blanket region. Errors in U-238 cross sections and fluxes in blanket will influence the interpretation by additional errors as compared to the more definite validation using measurements at core center.

Page 16: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

Publications: ------------

l. S. Ganesan et al., "Problems and Experiences in.Nuclear Data Processing in Developing Countries, " Progress in Nuclear Energy, 14, 301 (1984).

2. S. Ganesan et al., "Effect of Interpolation Error in Pre-processing On Self Shielding Factors and Their Temperature Derivatives," Paper presented in the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Basic and Applied Science during May 12- 17, 1985 at Santa Fe, New Mexico, U. S. A. (To appear in RADIATION EFFECTS

3. S. Ganesan et al., "A Programme of Evaluation, Processing and Testing Of Nuclear Data for Th-232 and U-233," Paper presented in the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Basic and Applied Science during May 12-17, 1985 at Santa Fe, New Mexico, U. S. A. (To appear in RADIATION EFFECTS)

4. S. Ganesan, "Status Report", Paper presented at the Research Coordination Meeting of IAEA held in Varna, Bulgaria, during 14-16 October, 1985.

Page 17: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

E.N.E.A. - Centro Ricerche Energia "E. Clementel" Laboratorio Dati Nucleari e Codici

Divisione Fisica e Calcolo Scientific0 Dipartimento Tecnologie Intersettoriali di Base

Via Mazzini, 2 - 40138 Bologna, Italy tel. 051/498111 - telex 511578 ENEABO I

Names: V. Benzl, C. Costa, F. Fabbri, G. Longo, G. Maino,

E. Menapace, A. Mengoni, G.C. Panini, M. Pescarini,

G. Peffo, K. Rosetti, F. Saporemi, M. Vaccarl.


1) G. Longo, F. Fabbri, "Production of High-Energy Photons in Fast Neutron Radiative Capture", -1nt. Conf. on "Nuclear

Data for Basic and Applied Science", S. Fe. N.M.(USA), May 13-17, 1985, to be published.

2 1 G. Reffo, "Summary Talk on Evaluation and Theory", Int. Conf. on "Nuclear Data for Basic and Applied Science", S. Fe, N.M.(USA), May 13-17, 1985, to be published.

3) G. Reffo, F. Fabbri, "Neutron Capture in the Frame of the Unified Exciton Model", 4th Int. Coni. on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varema, June 10-15, 1985, to be published.

4) G. Maino, E. Menapace, "Energy and Parity Dependence on Nuclear Level Densities for Structural Materials", Proceed. of Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Basic and Applied Science, S. Fe, N.M.(USA), May 13-17, 1985, and Radiation Effects, to be published.

5) G. Maino, "BCSTO: un codice FORTRAN per calcoli Nilsson- Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer", ENEA report RT/TIB(85)3, February 1985.

6) A. Mengoni, F. Fabbri, G. Maino, "Evaluation of Gamma-Ray Production Cross Sections and Spectra for Neutron-Induced Reactions on Chromium", to be published.

7) M.G. Borgia, G.C. Panini, M. Pescarini, "Comparison between EURLIB-4 and VITAMIN-C Libraries with respect to a Shielding Reference Problemq',to be published.

Page 18: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

8) F. Fabbri, M. Pescarini, "MESHDOSE: un programma per il calcolo di dose a partire dal processamentc: di dati nucleari col sistems AMPX-11". RTI/TIB(85)29.

9 G.C. P . "Highlights of the ENDF-6 Format", tc be published.


I. Models and Methods

Nuclear Structure Models

a ! Particle-hole configurations have been counted by combinatorial calculation method. Single particle orbitals are calculated in the frame of Rilsson model and total configuration energy are deduced from BCS calculations. The method seems to cast some light on the problems of determining spin and paz'ity distribution on yrast lines as well as on the problem of exciton dependent pairing correction.

b l Energy and parity distributions of nuclear excited states have been investigated in the framework of the Nilsson-BCS formalism for nuclei in the mass range 48;A<65. - -

11. Nuclear Reactions

The neutron capture problem has been investigated in the frame of the unified exciton model with the inclusion of tstal rnornen%x conservation. Results have been compared with the ones from direct semidirect model. The more general validity of the pre- equilibrium picture as well as the necessity of refinements clearly appear.

b) Direct Semidirect Capture Model

The differential cross sections for the production of high- energy gamma-rays (10-50 MeV) due to radiative capture of fast neutron by Ti48 and Ni are calculated by means of DSD model.

111. Evaluation

Gamma-ray production cross sections and spectra are es- timated for the Chromium isotopes and the elemental Chromium in the energy range between 1 keV-8 MeV.

Page 19: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

IV. 1

a) The MEM:S code for nuclear data processing has been successfully Implemented at Bologna Center and used to process some JEF-1 materials in view of group data libraries for fast reactor project and benchmark purposes.

b A part of the VITAMIN4 library is bein& processed by THEMIS in the framework of the GEFF-1 project for fusion group librzies.

The processing will deal with the neutron data of 12 materials and the photon data of all materials of interest in the fusion field. The sollrces of the data are EFF-1 and JEF-1.

C) Work is ir, progrzss to im~;lsme:~t the ACE& module of NJOY for the production of libraries for the MCNP Montecarlc code.

d The following group libraries have been prepared:

1 - For the KIM Montecarlc code, uslng the code systems FOiRACES+PR0KI)r., in order to check the efficiency of the neutron counters of the experimental assembly

at Medicina ENEA Laboratory.

2 - Fissile data ir: the 620 group S - 1 structure for activation calculations.

3 - Activation cross sections for shielding calculation ir, the concrete of the PEC facility.

Page 20: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

Contr ibut ion t o Neutron Nuclear Data Evaluation Newsletter-37

Japanese Nuclear Data Committee (Nuclear Data Center, JAERI)

Work Recently Completed and Publ ica t ions :

( i ) Neutron Nuclear Data of 7 ~ i Adopted i n JENDL-2 Kei ich i SHIBATA

(JAERI-M 84-163(1984))

Neutron nuclear d a t a of 7 ~ i were evaluated f o r JENDL-2 i n the energy range from l ~ - ~ eV t o 20 MeV. Evaluated q u a n t i t i e s a r e the t o t a l , e l a s t i c and i n e l a s t i c s c a t t e r i n g , (n ,y ) , ( n , n l ) a t r eac t ion cross sec t ions and the angular d i s t r i b u t i o n s of neutrons. The present evaluat ion was completely based on a v a i l a b l e experimental da ta .

( i i ) Neutron Nuclear Data of ' ~ e Adopted i n JENDL-2 Kei ich i SHIBATA and Kimihiro I O K I

(JAERI-M 84-165(1984))

Neutron nuclear da t a of ' ~ e were evaluated f o r JENDL-2 i n the energy range from 1 0 - ~ eV t o 20 MeV. Evaluated q u a n t i t i e s a r e t h e t o t a l , e l a s t i c s c a t t e r i n g , (n,2n), (n ,y ) , (n ,p ) , (n ,d ) , ( n , t ) and (n , a ) r eac t ion cross sec t ions and the angular and energy d i s t r i b u t i o n s of emitted neutrons. The present eva lua t ion was completely based on a v a i l a b l e experimental da ta .

( i i i ) Evaluation of Neutron Nuclear Data of 6 ~ i f o r JENDL-3 Kei ich i SHIBATA

(JAERI-M 84-198(1984))

Neutron nuclear da ta of 6 ~ i have been evaluated fo r JENDL-3 i n the energy range from I O - ~ eV to 20 MeV. Evaluated q u a n t i t i e s a r e t h e t o t a l , e l a s t i c and i n e l a s t i c s c a t t e r i n g , r a d i a t i v e capture , photon-production, (n,2n) , (n,p) and (n,a) r e a c t i o n cross s e c t i o n s and the angular and energy d i s t r i b u t i o n s of secondary neutrons. The t o t a l , e l a s t i c s c a t t e r i n g and (n,a) c ros s sec t ions below 1 MeV have been ca lcula ted on t h e b a s i s of the R-matrix theory. Two d i s c r e t e l e v e l s were taken i n t o account f o r t h e i n e l a s t i c s c a t t e r i n g . The double-d i f fe rent ia l c ross sec t ions f o r the (n,2n) r eac t ion and the i n e l a s t i c s c a t t e r i n g t o the continuous l e v e l s were obtained from t h e phase-space model ca l cu la t ions .

( i v ) Evaluation of Neutron Nuclear Data of 7 ~ i f o r JENDL-3 Kei ich i SHIBATA

(JAERI-M 84-204(1984) )

Neutron nuclear da t a of 7 ~ i have been evaluated fo r JENDL-3 i n t h e energy range from 10-= eV t o 20 MeV. Evaluated q u a n t i t i e s a r e the t o t a l , e l a s t i c and i n e l a s t i c s c a t t e r i n g , r a d i a t i v e capture , photon-production, (n,Zn), (n,d) and ( n , n l ) a t r eac t ion c ross sec t ions and t h e angular and energy d i s t r i b u t i o n s of secondary neutrons. For t h e i n e l a s t i c s c a t t e r i n g two d i s c r e t e l e v e l s were taken i n t o considerat ion. The energy-angle d i s t r i b u t i o n s of neutrons from t h e

Page 21: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

i n e l a s t i c s c a t t e r i n g t o continuum and t h e (n,2n) r eac t ion were ca lcula ted wi th t h e three-body phase-space model.

(v) Evaluation of Neutron Nuclear Data of '"Pu f o r JENDL-2 Yasuyuki KIKUCHI and Nobuo SEKINE

(JAERI-M 84-l l l (1984))

Neutron nuclear da t a of 2 4 1 ~ u were newly evaluated f o r JENDL-2. Evaluated q u a n t i t i e s a r e the t o t a l , e l a s t i c and i n e l a s t i c s c a t t e r i n g , f i s s i o n , capture, (n,2n) , (n,3n) and (n,4n) r eac t ion cross s e c t i o n s , the resolved and unresolved resonance parameters, t h e angular and energy d i s t r i b u t i o n s of emitted neutrons, and t h e average number of neutrons emitted per f i s s i o n . The simultaneous evaluat ion method was adopted f o r the f i s s i o n cross sec t ion so a s t o keep the consisteflcy among t h e main f i s s i l e and f e r t i l e ma te r i a l nucl ides. The t h e o r e t i c a l ca l cu la t ions based on the sphe r i ca l o p t i c a l model and the s t a t i s t i c a l model were a l s o used, when t h e experimental da ta were not s u f f i c i e n t . Discussion i s given on the eva lua t ion method.

( v i ) Evaluation of Neutron Nuclear Data f o r 2 4 8 ~ m and 2 4 9 ~ m Yasuyuki KIKUCHI and Tsuneo NAKAGAWA

(JAERI-M 84-116(1984) )

Neutron nuclear da ta of 2 4 8 ~ m and 2 4 9 ~ m have been evaluated. Evaluated q u a n t i t i e s a r e t h e t o t a l , e l a s t i c and i n e l a s t i c s e a t t e r i n g , f i s s i o n , capture, (n,2n) , (n,3n) and (n,4n) r eac t ion c ross sec t ions , t h e resolved and unresolved resonance parameters, the angular and energy d i s t r i b u t i o n s of t h e emitted neutrons, and the average number of neutrons emitted per f i s s i o n . The f i s s i o n cross sec t ion of 2 4 8 ~ m was evaluated mainly on the b a s i s of measured da ta and t h a t of 2 4 9 ~ m was estimated from the systematic t rends. The o the r c ross sec t ions were ca lcula ted with the o p t i c a l and s t a t i s t i c a l models because of scarce measured da ta .

Work i n Progress:

( i ) Evaluation of neutron nuclear da ta f o r 2 4 9 ~ k and 2 4 9 ~ f i s i n progress i n t h e energy range from 1 0 - ~ eV t o 20 MeV.

(from Y . Kikuchi, JAERI)

( i i ) Simultaneous eva lua t ion of 2 3 5 ~ , 2 3 8 ~ , 2 3 9 ~ ~ , 2 4 0 ~ u and 2 4 1 ~ u i s i n progress. The covariance da ta were estimated from t h e p a r t i a l e r r o r s given by t h e experimenters.


S. I g a r a s i Nuclear Data Center Tokai Research Establishment Japan Atomic Energy Research I n s t i t u t e Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken 319-11 Japan

December 10, 1984

- 19 -

Page 22: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the



1. Names

H. Gruppelaar, H.A.J. van der Kamp, A.J. Janssen, R.J. Heijboer, J.M. Akker- mans, D. Nierop and Shi Xiangjun (visiting scientist), Netherlands Energy Research Foundation (ECN), P.O. Box 1, 1755 ZG Petten, The Netherlands. Telephone: 02246-4083, telex: 57211 REACP NL.

2. Recent publications and reports

C11 H. Gruppelaar and J.M. Akkermans, The GRAPE Code System for the Calcu- lation of Precompound and Compound Nuclear Reactions - GRYPHON code description and manual, ECN-164 (1985).

[2] H. Gruppelaar and J.M. Akkermans, A New Code System for the Calculation of Double Differential Reaction Cross Sections, Invited talk at the Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Basic and Applied Science, May 1985. Santa Fe, NM.

C31 J.M. Akkermans and H. Gruppelaar, Analysis of Continuum Gamma-Ray Emis- sion in Precompound-Decay Reactions, Phys. Lett. 157B (1985) p. 95.

C41 J.M. Akkermans and H. Gruppelaar, Comments on the State Densities and the Transition Rates in the Pre-Equilibrium Exciton Model, Z. Phys. A - Atoms and Nuclei 321 (1985) p. 605. -

[51 J.M. Akkermans, The Pre-Equilibrium Hybrid and Exciton Models Revisited, Contr. Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Basic and Applied Science, May 1985, Santa Fe, NM.

C61 H. Gruppelaar, Present Status of the European Fusion File, Inv. paper Int. Semi. on Nuclear Data, Cross Section Libraries and their Applica- tions in Nuclear Technology, Bonn, Oct. 1985.

[7] H. Gruppelaar, R.J. Heijboer, A.J. Janssen, H.A.J. van der Kamp, - -

N. Karouby-Cohen, L. Martin-Deidier, G. Rimpault and M. Salvatores, Integral Test of Fission-Product Cross Sections. Contr. Int. Conf. on - Nuclear Data for Basic and Applied Science, May 1985, Santa Fe, NM; extended ECN-report in press.

[81 H. Gruppelaar, D. Nierop and J.M. Akkermans, Processing of double- differential cross sections in the new ENDF-V1 format - GROUPXS code description and users' manual -, ECN-report in press.

C91 P.E. Hodgson, G.M. Field, H. Gruppelaar and P. Nagel, Pre-Equilibrium Processes in Nuclear Reactions, Inv. paper Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Basic and Applied Science, May 1985, Santa Fe, NM, extended re- view paper has been submitted to Rev. Nuovo Cim.

[l01 H.A.J. van der Kamp and H. Gruppelaar, Evaluation of neutron cross sections for 'OIRu (RCN-4 data library), ECN-85-129, available upon request.

3. Work recently completed

. Precompound-mddel studies: [l -5,9,101. . Preliminary release of EFF-1 file C61. . Revision of lead continuum cross sections C61. . Third phase of integral-data test JEF-1 fission-product file (cooperation CEA-Cadarache) 171. . Documentation Ru-l 01 evaluation C1 01. . Investigation of spin effects in exciton models.

Page 23: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

4. Work in progress

. Unified precompound and compound-model study. . Fourth phase of integral-data test JEF-1 fission product file (cooperation CEA-Cadarache). . Evaluations of Pd-107, Ru-102, Ni-isotopes. . Activation cross sections for fusion reactors.

5. Computer codes

. GRAPE system [l]: available from NDB. . GROUPXS code C81: available for EFF users.

Page 24: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the


m: Gu Fuhua, Yu Baosheng, Shi Xiangjun, Zhuang Jingshang, Liu Guisheng, Zhou Delin

Address: Institute of Atomic Energy Physics Research Division P.O. Box 275 Beijing

Within the IAEA Co-ordinated Research Programme on the Validation and Benchmark Testing of Actinide Nuclear Data, a new evaluation of Am-241 in ENDF/B-4 format was sent to the IAEA Nuclear Data Section.

The following partial evaluations from CENDL (Chinese ENDL) were included in INDLlV of the IAEA Nuclear Data Section.

CENDL Nuclide No. of Lab. **) Year MAT-Nr . records

1000 5-6-10 2445 Qinghua 1982

1060 12-Mg-nat 5118 BJG 1983

1070 14-Si-nat 4118 BJG 1983

1200 40-Zr-nat 4598 Se-Chuan 1983

1600 79-Au-197 1696 LNZ 1983

1800 73-Ta-181 1316 LNZ 1982

1900 42-Uo-nat 865 Nanjing 1983

7809 82-Pb-nat 1116 Se-Chuan 1978

7810 74-W-nat 366 Se-Chuan 1978

7813 92-U-235 805 CNDC 1978

7814 92-U-238 1312 CNDC 1978

7815 94-Pu-239 625 CNDC 1978

Author E-min (up to 20MeV)


Qi H.C. et a1 0.0253eV

Taug Guo-You 0.0253eV

Shi Zhao-Min 0.0025eV

Zhou Yi Uing et a1 1 keV

Feng GbZhen 5 keV

Yao Li-Shan 1 keV

Liu Sheng-Kang 1 keV

Cao Jian-Hua et a1 1 keV

Ma Gong-Gui et a1 1 keV

Yu-Bao-Sheng et a1 1 keV

Chou You-Pu et a1 1 0 - ~ eV

Liang Qi-Chang et a1 1 keV

**) BJG Peking University, Beijing CNDC Chinese Nuclear Data Centre, Beijing LNZ Lanzhou University Nanjing Nanking University Qinghua Qinghua University Se-Chuan Se-Chuan University

Page 25: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

Fa= : M. Ivascu, V. Avrigenau

Address: Central Institute of Physcis P.O. Box M66 R-76900 Bucharest-Magurele

The reactions (n,np), (n,p), tn,d) on 42-MO-92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100 were evaluated and included in INDL/V of the IAEA Nuclear Data Section under the MAT-numbers 4222 to 4229. (Report NP-28-1983).

Page 26: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

Contribution t o Neutron Nuclear Data Evaluation Newsletter from Nuclear Physics Division, ERE, Harwell

Calculat ion of "CO Cross Sect ions us ing GNASH and Comparisons with Previously Published Resul ts (D. W. ~ u i r ) *

The pre-equilibrium, s t a t i s t i c a l nuclear-model code GNASH(^) was obtained from the code authors and implemented on the CRAY-1 a t AERE Harwell. Also obtained were f i l e s containing the Wapstra-Audi-Ros 1982 ground-state mass t a b l e s and a s p e c i a l nuc lear -s tn lc ture t a b l e ( l e v e l energies , sp ins , gamma-ray branching r a t i o s ) i n the format required by the GNASH code. Also implemented was the small code T C C A L S ( ~ ) , which ca l cu la t e s p a r t i c l e transmission c o e f f i c i e n t s from input nuclear optical-model parameters and s t o r e s them i n t h e GNASH format. Several t e s t problems were executed t o ve r i fy t h a t GNASH and TCCALS were opera t ing cor rec t ly . GNASH and TCCALS were then combined i n t o a s i n g l e program(5) t o f a c i l i t a t e ca l cu la t ions with a var ie ty of d i f f e r e n t optical-model parameter s e t s . TCCALS was general ized s l i g h t l y t o allow the code use r t o include terms of the form

i n the s p e c i f i c a t i o n of e i t h e r well depths or geometrical parameters ( i . e . , nuclear radius and d i f fuseness) , by simply g iv ing the associated c o e f f i c i e n t s a through e. This new f e a t u r e should be very he lp fu l i n applying g lobal optical-model s e t s over a range of nuclei . An e x i s t i n g f ea tu re of TCCALS which permits the s p e c i f i c a t i o n of well depths which a r e funct ions of t h e centre-of-mass energy E ,

was changed t o allow the code user a l t e r n a t i v e l y t o supply a s e t of c o e f f i c i e n t s which apply t o the laboratory energy E. (Most published c o e f f i c i e n t s apply t o E).

After the completion of the implementation and these minor improvements, GNASH was applied t o the ca lcula t ion of the cross sec t ions of a l l ene rge t i ca l ly possible neutron-induced reac t ions on "CO, f o r inc ident neutron energ ies from 6 t o 18 MeV. These r e s u l t s were compared with a s imi l a r ca lcula t ion(3) using an e a r l i e r version of GNASH by E. Arthur, P. Young and W. Matthes (AYM). Also included i n the comparison were the recent ca lcula t iond4) on t h i s same t a r g e t nucleus performed by D. Wilmore and P. E. Hodgson (WH). Roth the AYM and the WH optical-model parameter s e t s were employed a t various s tages of the present ca lcula t ions .

In the ca l cu la t ions using AYM parameters, not su rp r i s ing ly , good agreement i s obtained with the e a r l i e r AYM r e s u l t s . There i s a s l i g h t tendency f o r t h e e a r l i e r r e s u l t s t o show a s t ronger pre-equilihrium e f f e c t than t h e present ca lcula t ions . This trend i s present ly being examined i n more d e t a i l . The present ca l cu la t ions with the WH parameters a r e genera l ly q u i t e s i m i l a r t o those with the AYM parameters. As expected, the GNASH calcula t ions with the WH o p t i c a l parameters a re d i f f e r e n t from the r e s u l t s i n ~ e f ; (4) a t high energ ies (above about 12 MeV), because the GNASH calcula t ions include a pre-equilibrium correc t ion , and those i n Ref. ( 4 ) do not.

*On attachment from Los Alamos National Laboratory

- 24 -

Page 27: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

(1) E. D. Arthur and P. G. Young, "GNASH: A Pre-equilibrium, Statistical Nuclear-Model Code for Calculation of Cross Sections and Emission Spectra", Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA-6947 (1977).

(2) P. G. Young, private communication. TCCALS basically consists of the optical-model portion of the COMNUC program, adapted to the needs of GNASH.

(3 ) E. D. Arthur, P. G. Young and W. K. Matthes, "Calculation of 5 9 ~ o Neutron Cross Sections between 3 and 50 MeV", Symp. on Neutron Cross Sections from 10 to 50 MeV, Upton, N.Y. USA U.S. Department of Energy report DOE/NDC-211~ (198O), pp.751-768.

(4) D. Wilmore and P. E. Hodgson, "Netitron Scattering and Reactions from 1 to 20 MeV", Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, report AERE-R 11439. A shortened version of this work will be published in Journal of Physics G.

( 5 ) D.W. Muir, "Implementation of GNASH.. ." AEKE R 11877 ( J u l y 1985).

Page 28: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

Neutron Nuclear D a t a Evaluation Newsletter December 1985


Publications 1. T h e Neutron Optical Potent ia1.B~ P.E. Hodgson. Reports in Progress in

Physics 47, 613, 1984. A comprehensive review of present knowledge. 2. T h e Phenomenological Neutron Optical Potential: Fine St ruc ture As-

pects By P.E. Hodgson. Proceedings of the AIP Conference 124 on Neutron- Nucleon Collisions (Ohio 1984), 1, 1985.

3. T h e Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons by 238U.By P.E. Hodgson and A.M. Ko- bos. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 89, 111, 1985.

4. T h e Inelastic Scattering of Neutrons by 2S2Th.By A.M. Street and P.E. Hodg- son. To be published in Nuclear Science and Engineering.

5. Neut ron Scattering a n d Reactions on "CO f rom 1-20 MeV. By D. Wilmore and P.E. Hodgson. J.Phys.G. 11, 1007, 1985.

6. Pre-Equilibrium Processes in t h e Reactions of Neutrons o n 59Co a n d 93Nb.By G.M. Field, R. Bonetti and P.E. Hodgson. To be published in J.Phys.G.

7. Pre-Equilibrium Processes in Nuclear React i0ns .B~ P.E. Hodgson, G.M. Field, H. Gruppelaar and P. Nagel. Invited paper to Santa Fe Conference (May 1985). This reviews both the exciton and the quantum-mechanical theories.

8. T h e Interactions of Neutrons wi th 69Co.By P.E. Hodgson. Invited paper presented to the 4th Intenational Conference on Nuclear Reaction Mechanisms, Varenna, 1985.

9. International Nuclear Model Code Comparison Study of the Spherical Optical Model for Charged Particles. By P.E. Hodgson and E. Sartori. Nuclear Data Bank Publication NEANDC-198-U. INDC (NEA) 5, 1985. This work includes a neutron comparison.

Work i n Progress 1. Neut ron Scattering and Reactions o n 93Nb f rom 1-20 M e X By D. Wilmore

and P.E. Hodgson. 2. Weisskopf-Ewing Calculations of Neutron Reactions. By S. Ait-Tahar and

P.E. Hodgson. The cross-sections of neutron reactions on 56Fe and '08Pb are being compared with Weisskopf-Ewing calculations. The aim is to find a simple yet accurate way of calculating many neutron cross-sections.

3. Intercomparison of THRES-F a n d Weisskopf-Ewing Codes By P.E. Hodg- son. Neutron cross-sections calculated with the THRES-P codes of L. Giancarli and H. Gru~pelaar and the CADE (Weissko~f-Ewing) code of D. Wilmore are being compared with each other and with experimental data. The preliminary compar- isons are being made for neutron reactions on 59Co and "Nb from 1-20 MeV.

4. Pre-Equilibrium Processes in Nuclear Reaction Theory: S ta t e of the A r t a n d Beyond.By H. Gruppelaar, P. Nagel and P.E. Hodgson. This is a more detailed version of the paper presented to the Santa Fe conference.

P.E. Hodgson October l985

Page 29: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

AEE Winf r ith

Compiled by R W Smith

1 Nuclear Data Evaluation and Validation

1.1 Fission Product Yields ( M F James, P S Whitworth, J Banai)

The new l i b r a r l e s of f i s s i o n y i e l d s , C4U and C4A, have been t e s t e d and compared wi th o ther s e t s i n decay hea t c a l c u l a t i o n s , and a d r a f t r e p o r t issued on t h e r e s u l t s . Yields f o r 14 MeV f i s s i o n have been added, and some e r r o r s found and cor rec ted .

1 .2 IAEA Co-ordinated Research Program on Transactinium Decay Data (A L Nichols)

The published d a t a f o r s p e c i f i c actinides have been c r i t i c a l l y evaluated. The nuc l ides and evaluated decay parameters a r e as follows:

Pa-231: gamma-ray emission p r o b a b i l i t i e s and a lpha -pa r t i c l e emission p r o b a b i l i t i e s

U-234: h a l f - l i f e , gamma-ray emission p r o b a b i l i t i e s and a lpha -pa r t i c l e emission p r o b a b i l i t i e s .

U-239: ha l f -1if e and gamma-ray emission p r o b a b i l i t i e s

Am-242m: half - l i v e s

Extensive and complex decay schemes were produced during t h e eva lua t ion of t h e d a t a f o r Pa-231 and U-239. This work w i l l be published a s p a r t of an i n t e r n a t i o n a l programme i n t h e form of an IAEA r e p o r t .

1.3 Other Gamma Decay Data ( A L Nichols)

The gamma-ray decay d a t a f o r Cr-51, 21-1-65, Se-75 and Au-198 a r e being assessed. These eva lua t ions w i l l assist t h e IAEA i n e s t a b l i s h i n g d a t a f i l e s on x-ray and gamma-ray s tandards f o r de tec to r c a l i b r a t i o n .

1.4 Few Group Capture Cross Sections of Eu-153 in FISPIN ( R W Smith)

An in-depth review of t h e t h r e e group ( thermal , resonance and f a s t ) cap ture c ross s e c t i o n s of Eu-153 a s used i n FISPIN, has been completed f o r MAGNOX and PWR f u e l s . Error es t imates have been der ived by comparing c a l c u l a t e d va lues wi th an eva lua t ion of a l l a v a i l a b l e experimental d a t a .

Page 30: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

1.5 Benchmark Testing of the JEF-1 Library (Mrs C R Eaton, C J Dean and M J Grimstone).

Benchmark testing of this library has continued. The 71-group version of the library provided by the NEA Data Bank has been used in calculations with the MURAL code for a number of zero leakage systems. These included the Zebra 8 series of plate cells and a series of PROTEUS pin lattices containing PuO, + UO, fuel and steel. Some intermediate spectrum systems have been examined as possible benchmarks, and have been calculated with the 71 group data, although it is recognised that this data set is not suitable for the treatment of these systems in its present form. Further benchmark tests of this data set have also been carried out on spherical homogeneous representations of Past critical assemblies.

1.6 Cross Section Processing Codes

1.6.1 REMD (R W Smith)

The code REMO (a version of SIGAR7 with a multi- channel fission Reich Moore option) has been used to process resonance parameter data (for Ni60 and Pu241) supplied by the IAEA. The results in the form of o/E files at OoA have been forwarded to Vienna as the UK contribution to thls IAEA International Intercomparison Exercise.

1.6.2 'NJOY (C J Dean and Mrs C R Eaton)

The latest version of NJOY has been successfully implemented on the CRAY computer at AERE Harwell. By using the Update facility Fortran and other changes to the reference version of the program (in this case 6/83) originating from Los Alamos, NEA, AERE Harwell and AEE Winfrith have been included. The Update System provides a convenient means of cataloging and exchanging information on modif ications and improvements and the UK would like to see its universal adoption by all NJOY users.

1.7 New Data Files (C J Dean and P S Whitworth)

The ENDL file for P31 has been converted into ENDF/B-5 format.

AEE Winfrith

November, 1985

Page 31: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

USA Contr ibut ion t o NNDEN-37 v i a The National Nuclear Data Center

Recent Publ ica t ions

ANLINDM-88 1985 "An Evaluated Nuclear-Data F i l e f o r Niobium," Argonne National Laboratory. A. Smith, D. Smith and R. Howerton

ANL/ NDM- 9 1 1985 "On t h e Energy Dependence of t h e Optical-Model of Neutron Sca t t e r ing from Niobium," Argonne National Laboratory. A. Smith, P. Guenther and R. Lawson

ANL/NDM-89 1985 "Compilation and Evaluat ion of 14-MeV Neutron-Activation Cross Sect ions f o r Nuclear Technology Applications--Set-l ," Argonne National Laboratory. B. Evain, D. Smith and P. Lucchese

J. Phys Gll, p. 125 1985 Fast-neutron Sca t t e r ing from Indium," Argonne National Laboratory. A. Smith e t a l .

ANL/NDM-90 1985 "Fast-Neutron Spectnm! Measurements f o r t h e Thick-Target Be-9(d,n)B-l0 Reaction a t 7 MeV," Argonne National Laboratory. D. Smith, J. Meadows and P. Guenther

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985, In t e rna t iona l Conference on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science

"Measurement and Evaluat ion of Se lec ted 14-MeV Cross Sec t ions f o r Fusion" D. Smith, J. Meadows and S. Cox

~ ~ ~ / N c S - 1 7 5 4 1 3rd Edi t ion , Suppl I (ENDF-201) January 1985 "ENDF-201 Supplement I ENDFIB-v.2 Summary Documentation" Compiled and e d i t e d by B. A. Magurno and P. G. Young

BNL/NCS-31470-3 Apri l 1985 "COMPUTOPE Chart," Brookhaven National Laboratory. S. P e a r l s t e i n

~ N ~ / ~ c S - 5 1 7 7 1 lSt Edi t ion , Suppl. I Apr i l 1985 " In teg ra l Charged P a r t i c l e Nuclear Data Bibliography. L i t e r a t u r e scanned from Apr i l 1, 1984 - March 31, 1985," Brookhaven National Laboratory N. E. Holden, S. Ramavataram and C. L. Dunford

~NL/~cS-35513-R November 1984 "A Reevaluation of t h e Average Prompt Neutron Emission M u l t i p l i c i t y (Nubar) Values from F i s s ion of Uranium and Transuranium Nuclides," Brookhaven National Laboratory. N. E. Holden and M. Zucker

Page 32: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

BNLINCs35514-R November 1984 "To ta l and Spontaneous F i s s i o n Half-Lives of t h e Uranium and Plutonium Nuclides ," Brookhaven National Laboratory. N. E. Holden

BNLINCS-35521-R November 1984 "Total and Spontaneous F i s s i o n Half-Lives of t h e Americium and Curium Nuclides," Brookhaven National laboratory. N. E. Holden

BNLINCS-35808 January 1985 9 "Evidence f o r a NucleorrNucleus Spin-Spin I n t e r a c t i o n i n Be," Brookhaven

National Iaboratory. S. F. Mughabghab

BNL-35794 June 1985 "The I n t e r n a t i o n a l Scope of Data Evaluation," presented a t ANS Meeting, he ld a t Boston, MA, June 1985. S. P e a r l s t e i n

BNL-35829 June 1985 "A Methodology f o r Evaluat ing Pu M s t r i b u t i o n s ; Resul t s t o Date," presented a t ANS Meeting, he ld a t Boston, MA, June 1985. M. S. Zucker and N. E. Holden

BNL-36467 May 1985 "Neutron M u l t i p l i c i t i e s f o r t h e Transplutoniun Nuclides", 7th ESARDA Meeting, he ld a t Liege, Belgium. N. E. Holden and M. S. Zucker

BNL-NCS-35522 March 1984 "A Leas t Squares F i t of Thermal Data f o r F i s s i l e Nuclei", IAEA Meeting he ld a t Geel, Belgium. M. Divadeenam and J. R. Stehn

BNL-NCS-35912 May 1985 " Inves t iga t ion of t h e Nuclear SpirrSpin In t e rac t ion , " Int . Conf. on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science, he ld a t Santa Fe New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985. S. Mughabghab

BNL-NCS-35913 May 1985 "Spin Dependence of t h e Coherent S c a t t e r i n g Lengths and Admixture of S- and E- P a r t i a l Wave", Int. Conf. on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science, he ld a t Santa Fe New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985. S. Mughabghab

BNL-NCS-36380 May 1985 "Mean F i s s i o n Neutron ectrum Energies f o r 2 5 2 ~ f and F i s s i l e Nuclides, 2 3 3 ~ , 2 3 5 ~ , 2 3 9 ~ u and "'Pu'', Int . Conf. on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science, he ld a t Santa Fe New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985. N. E. Holden

Page 33: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

BNL-NCS-36379 May 1985 "Prompt Neutron M u l t i p l i c i t i e s f o r t h e Transplutonium Nuclides", Int . Conf. on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science, he ld a t Santa Fe New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985. N. E. Holden and M. S. Zucker

BNL-NCS-36550 June 1985 "Uranium and Plutoniun T o t a l Half-Lives and f o r t h e Spontaneous F i s s i o n Branch," ICRM Meeting he ld a t Grenoble, France, June 1985. N. E. Holden

BNL-NCS-3655 1 June 1985 "Americium and Curium T o t a l Half-Lives and f o r Spontaneous F i s s i o n Branch," ICRM Meeting he ld a t Grenoble, France, June 1985. N. E. Holden

BNL-NCS-36552 June 1985 "Prom t Neutron F i s s i o n Spectrum Mean Energies f o r t h e F i s s i l e Nuclides and 2'2Cf ," ICRII Meeting he ld a t Grenoble, France, June 1985. N. E. Holden

BNL-NCS-36553 June 1985 "Light Mass Elements T o t a l Half-Lives f o r Selected Long-Lived Nuclides," ICRM Meeting he ld a t Grenoble, France, June 1985. N. E. Holden

BNL-NCS-36554 June 1985 "Heavy Mass Elements T o t a l Half-Lives f o r Se lec ted Long-Lived Nuclides," ICRM Meeting he ld a t Grenoble, France, June 1985. N. E. Holden

Nucl. Sci. Eng. 88, pp. 56-70 1984 " ~ v a l u a t i o n a n d Tes t ing of n + 2 3 9 ~ ~ Nuclear Data f o r Revision 2 of ENDFIB-V," Los Alamos National Laboratory. E. Arthur, P. Young, D. Madland, and R. MacFarlane

Phys. Rev. C 32 92 1985 y ~ o i n c i d ~ t NeutrowProton Emission from Proton Bombardment of 8 7 ~ r and " ~ r , " Los Alamos National Iaboratory. J. C. Dousse, E. D. Arthur , D. M. Drake, J. Gursky, J. D. Moses, N. S t e i n and J. W. Sunier

Jou rna l of Nucl. Mat 122, 1058 1984 "Improved Act iva t ion Cross Sec t ions f o r Vanadium and Titaniun," Los Alamos National Laboratory. D. W. Muir and Edward D. Arthur

Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. c, 759 1984 "Improved (n , f ) Cross Sec t ions Using Measured F i s s i o n P r o b a b i l i t i e s ," Los Alamos National Laboratory. E. D. Arthur

Page 34: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

Proc. 5th I n t . Symp. on Capture Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy and Related Topics, Oak Ridge Nat. Lab. , Knoxville, Tenn , Sept. 9-14, 1984

"Analysis of n + l g 7 ~ u Cross Sec t ions f o r E, = 0.01-20 MeV" P. G. Young and E. Arthur

Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 49, 198 1985 ( t o be i ssued) "Nuclear Theory and Nuclear Data Evaluation," Los Alamos National Laboratory. E. D. Arthur

LA-UR 85-2255 November 1985 "Calcula t ion of A l ( ~ . x n ) and CU(D .xn) Thick-Target Neutron Angular Yields - . - - . - and Spectra f o r Ep(50 MeV," presented a t ANS Meeting, San Francisco, Nov. 10-14, 1985. E. Arthur and W. Wilson

Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 3, p. 725 June 1984 "IMFBR Neutronics Calculat ions with t h e Los Alamos Class V1 Computers," Los Alamos National Laboratory. R. J. LaBauve, T. R. England D. C. George, R. E. MacFarlane and W. B. Wilson

Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 3, p. 724 June 1984 "CINDER-3--Depletion Code f o r Class V 1 Computers," Los Alamos National Laboratory. W. B. Wilson, T. R. England, R. J. LaBauve and R. E. Schenter

Trans. Am. Nucl. Soc. 46, p. 643 June 1984 "DKPOWR: A Code f o r t h e Ca lcu la t ion of Decay Power, Energy, Cur ies , and Multigroup Beta and Gamma Spectra Using Pulse Functions," Los Alamos National Laboratory. W. B. Wilson, T. R. England, R. J. LaBauve and D. C. George

NEANDC ( J ) 100/U, p. 1 March 1984 "F i s s ion Product and Act in ide Data S t a t u s i n ENl)F/B," P r o c NEANDC Topical Conference on Measurements and Evaluations of Nuclear Data and Decay Heat f o r F i s s i o n Products he ld a t Tokai-mura, Japan, March 12-16, 1984 T. R. England, P. G. Young, R. E. Schenter, F. M. Mann, and C. W. Reich

Nucl. Sci. and Eng. 87 , 418 1984 "Evaluation of z l a y e d Neutron Emission P robab i l i t i e s " F. M. Mann, M. Schreiber , R. E. Schenter, and T. R. England

NP3787 E l e c t r i c Power Research I n s t i t u t e r e p o r t (ENDF 332) December 1984 "ENDFIB-V Summary Data f o r F iss ion Products and Actinides" T. R. England, W. B. Wilson, R. E. Schenter, and F. M. Mann

LA-UR 95-157 January 1985 "DKPOWR: A Code f o r Calcula t ing Decay Power, Energy, A c t i v i t y , and 6 + y Spectra i n LWR Fuel Using Fiss ion Pulse Functions," submitted f o r pub l i ca t ion t o The E l e c t r i c Power Reserch I n s t . , Pa lo Alto, CA. W. B. Wilson, T. R. England, R, J. LaBauve, and D. C. George

Page 35: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

LA-UR 85-2256 November 1985 "Calcula t ion of Neutron Sources and Spect ra i n a PWR Fuel," t o be presented a t t h e Am. Nuclear Soc. meeting, he ld a t San Francisco, CA, November 10-14, 1985. W. B. Wilson, R. T. Per ry , J. E. Stewart, and T. R. England

LA-UR 85-2290 November 1985 "Quasi-Analytic Poin t Reactor K ine t i c s Calcula t ions Using Indiv idual Precursor Data," t o be presented a t t h e Am. Nucl. Soc. meeting, he ld a t San Francisco, November 10-14, 1985.

M. C. Brady, R. T. Perry, W. B. Wilson, and T. R. England

LA-10412-MS June 1985 "DANDE-A Linked Code System f o r Core ~ e u t r o n i c s / ~ e p l e t i o n Analysis," Los Alamos National Laboratory. R. J. LaBauve, T. R. England, D. C. George, R. E. MacFarlane, and W. B. Wilson

LA-UR 84-1026 Apr i l 2-4, 1984 "Prel iminary Proposals f o r Extending t h e ENDF Format t o Allow Inc iden t Charged P a r t i c l e s and Energy-Angle Corre la t ion f o r Emitted P a r t i c l e s , " presented t o t h e IAEA Consultants ' meeting on Format f o r t h e Exchange of Evaluated Neutron Nuclear Data, Int. Atomic Energy Agency, he ld a t Vienna, A p r i l 2-4, 1984. R. E. MacFarlane, L. Stewart , G. M. Hale, and C. L. Dunford

LA-UP84-3556 November 1984 6 "Theore t ica l Calcula t ions of t h e L i ( n , t ) Cross Sect ion," presented a t

t h e IAEA Advisory Group Meeting on Nuclear Standard Reference Data he ld a t Geel, Be lg im, November 12-16, 1984.

IAEA-TECDOC-335 p. 267 November 1984 " D i f f e r e n t i a l and I n t e g r a l Comparisons of Three Representat ions of t h e Prompt Neutron Spectrum f o r t h e Spontaneous Fiss ion of 2 5 2 ~ f ," i n Nuclear Standard Reference Data, P r o c of a n IAEA Advisory Group Meeting on Nuclear Standard Reference Data, he ld a t Geel, Belgium, November 12-16, 1984. D. G. Madland, R. J. LaBawe, and J. R. Nix

LA-UR-84-1101 Apr i l 1984 "A Proposed Charged-particle Format f o r ENDFIB-VI," presented a t t h e IAEA Consultants ' meeting on Format f o r t h e Exchange of Evaluation Neutron Nuclear Data, In t . Atomic Energy Agency, he ld a t Vienna, Aus t r i a , A p r i l 2-4, 1984. R. E. MacFarlane

LA-UR 84-3906 March 1985 "S a t u s of Data Processing Codes and Data L ib ra r i e s , " presented a t t h e 6t' Topical Meeting on t h e Technology of Fusion Fnergy, he ld a t San Francisco, CA, March 3-7, 1985. R. E. MacFarlane, R. W. Roussin, and R. J. Howerton

Page 36: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

AIP Conference Proceedings #124, p. 318 September 1984 "Semi-Microsco i c Calculat ions of E l a s t i c , I n e l a s t i c and Total Neutron Sca t t e r ing by q 3 9 ~ , " presented a t P r o c Conference on "Neutron Nucleaus Collisions--A Probe of Nuclear Structure," he ld a t Glouster, Ohio, September 5-8, 1984. C. LaGrange, D. G. Madland, and M. Girod

LA-10230-MS (ENDF-340) October 1984 "Analysis of Cent ra l Worths and Other I n t e g r a l Data from t h e Los Alamos Benchmark Assemblies," Los Alamos National Laboratory. D. W. Muir

LA-UR-85-758 March 1985 "A 14-MeV Neutron Source", presented a t t h e 6th Topical Meeting on t h e Technology of Fusion Energy, he ld a t San Francisco, March 3-7, 1985, t o be publ i shed R. T. Per ry , T. A. P a r i s h , and W. B. Wilson

Prog. Nucl. En. z, 193 1984 "Control Mate r i a l s and Light Coolant Cross Sec t ion Data," Los Alamos National Laboratory. P. G. Young and L. Stewart

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985 I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conference on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science ( t o be i ssued)

"A Comparison of Measured and Calculated Neutron I n e l a s t i c S c a t t r i n g Cross Sections f o r Vibrat ional S ta t e s from 680 t o 1060 keV i n 2 3 8 ~ " J. J. Egan, E. D. Arthur, G. Kegel, A. M i t t l e r , and J. Q. Shao

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985 In t e rna t iona l Conference on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science ( t o be issued)

"Status of Fast Neutron Nuclear Data f o r 2 3 9 p ~ " E. D. Arthur

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985 I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conference on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science ( t o be i ssued)

"Delayed Neutron Spect ra and I n t e n s i t i e s from Evaluated Precursor Data" T. R. England, M. C. Brady, W. B. Wilson, R. E. Schenter, and F. M. Mann

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985 I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conference on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science ( t o be issued)

"Application of Deta i led Fiss io l rProduct Decay Gamma Spect ra i n t h e Calculat ion of Photoneutron Spectra from D(y,n) Reactions i n PWR Fuel" W. B. Wilson, J. E. Stewart , T. R. England, and R. T. Perry

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985 I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conference on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science ( t o be i ssued)

"Application of Evaluated Fission-Product Delayed-Neutron Precursor Data i n Reactor Kine t ics Calculations" R. T. Perry, W. B. Wilson, T. R. England, and M. C. Brady

Page 37: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985 I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conference on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science ( t o be i ssued)

"The Los Alamos National Laboratory NeutrorNeutron S c a t t e r i n g Program" D. Glasgow, M. Moore, G. Morgan, N. King, K. Alr ick, M. Shepard, J. Streetman, G. Hale, J. Norman, L. Fawcett, and C. Bowman

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985 In t e rna t iona l Conference on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science ( t o be issued)

"R-Matrix Analysis of t h e 7 ~ i System with Peripheral Channel Overlap Exchange Effec ts" G. M. Hale

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985 I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conference on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science ( t o be i ssued)

"The Neutron Cross Sec t ion Standards Evaluat ions f o r ENDFIB/-VI" A. D. Carlson, W. P. Poeni tz , G. M. Hale, and R. W. Pee l le

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985 I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conference on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science ( t o be i ssued)

"Comparisons of Four Representat ions of t h e Prompt Neutron Spectrum f o r t h e Spontaneous Fiss ion of 2 5 2 ~ f " D. G. Madland, R. J. LaBauve, and J. R. Nix

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985 In t e rna t iona l Conference on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science ( t o be issued)

"Effect of F iss ion Dynamics on t h e Spectra and M u l t i p l i c i t i e s of Prompt F i s s ion Neutrons" J. R. Nix, D. G. Madland, and A. J. Sierk

UCRL-50400 (Vol. 26) September 1984 "A Bibliography and Index f o r Nuclear Reactions Among Light Charged P a r t i c l e s , " Lawrence Livermore National Iaboratory. S. T. Perkins, A. M. Hansen, and R. J. Howerton

UCRL-91774 1985 "Measurements and Calcula t ions of t h e Leakage M u l t i p l i c a t i o n from Hollow Beryllium Spheres," Lawrence Livermore National Iaboratory. C. Wong, e t . a l .

Nucl. Sci. and Eng. 90, 83 1985 "Reevaluation of t h e 9 ~ e ( n , 2 n ) Reaction and i t s E f f e c t on Neutron H u l t i p l i c a t i o n i n Fusion Blanket Applicat ions," Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. S. T. Perk ins , E. F. P lechaty , and R. J. Howerton

Nucl. Sci. Eng. 86 1984 " ~ m ~ l e r n e n t a ~ o n of an Advanced Pa i r ing Correct ion f o r Particle-Hole S t a t e Dens i t i t e s i n Precompound Nuclear Reaction lheory ," Oak Ridge National Laboratory. C. Y. Fu

Page 38: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

TM-9179 August 1984 "Updated Users' Guide f o r SAMMY: Mul t i leve l R-Matrix F i t s t o Neutron Data Using Bayes' Equations," Oak Ridge National Laboratory. N. M Larson

TM-9335 September 1984 "Office of Basic Energy Sciences Program t o Meet High P r i o r i t y Nuclear Data Needs of t h e Office of Fusion Energy: Summary of Resul ts 1976-1983" D. C. Larson and R. C. Haight

ORNL-6120 January 1985 "Physics Divis ion Progress Report f o r Period Ending September 30, 1984," Oak Ridge National Laboratory. A. B. Livingston

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985 I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conference on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science ( be i ssued)

"R-Matrix Analysis of t h e 589Pu Neutron Cross Sections" G. DeSaussure, R. B. Perez and R. L. Macklin

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985 I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conference on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science ( t o be i ssued)

"Pai r ing Correc t ion of P a r t i c l e H o l e S t a t e Dens i t i e s f o r Two Kinds of Fermions" C. Y. Fu

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985 I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conference on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science ( t o be i ssued)

"Analysis of Neutron Data i n t h e Resonance Region Via t h e Computer Code SAMMY" N. M. Larson

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985 I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conference on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science ( t o be i ssued)

"Calculated NeutrowInduced Cross Sec t ions f o r 63,65cu, 58,60Ni, and 5zcr from l ' t o 20 MeV and Comparisons wi th Experiments" D. M. Het r ick , C. P. Fu, and D. C. Larson

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985 In t e rna t iona l Conference on Nuclear Data f o r Basic and Applied Science ( t o be issued)

"Status of t h e Parameters of t h e 1.15-keV Resonance of 56-Fe" F. G. Perey

Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 13-17, 1985 I n t e r n a t i o n a l Conference on Nuclear Data f o r Ba ' c and Applied Science ( t o be i ssued)

""Ni + n Transmission, Capture and D i f f e r e n t i a l E l a s t i c S c a t t e r i n g Data Analysis i n t h e Resonance Region" C. M. Perey, F. G. Perey, J. A. Harvey, N. W. H i l l , and R. L. Macklin

Page 39: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

Evaluations Recently Completed or in Progress

Material Laboratory Status

IH LANL Analysis complete for ENDFIB-VI.

3~ LANL R-matrix analysis complete to 20 MeV.

3 ~ e LANL

6 ~ i LANL

6 ~ i ANL

R-matrix analysis complete to 10 MeV.

Analysis complete to 4 MeV for ENDFIB-VI.

Simultaneous evaluation-(n,t),(n,n) reactions.

'Be LLNL Completed.


















Analysis nearly complete for ENDFIB-VI.

Simultaneous evaluatior(n ,a o), (n,a ly ) (n,n) reactions.

New evaluation in progress.

New evaluation in progress.

New theoretical analysis in progress.

New theoretical evaluation complete 10 keV to 20 MeV

All reactions 1-20 MeV in progress.

All reactions 1-20 MeV in progress.

In progress.

All reactions 1-20 MeV in progress.

Evaluation of high energy portion in progress.

Recently completed.

Simultaneous evaluation-(n,y) reaction.

Simultaneous evaluation-(n,f) reaction.

Simultaneous evaluatiorr(n,y ) ,(n,f) reactions. Reactions for W45 keV in progress.

Resonance region. In progress.

Simultaneous evaluatior(n,f) reaction.

Page 40: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

Evaluat ions Recently Completed o r i n Progress

Mate r i a l Laboratory S ta tus

2 3 9 ~ u ORNL Resonance r e g i o n Well underway and w i l l be completed e a r l y i n 1986.

2 4 0 ~ u ORNL I n progress.

FP Yields LANL

v Precursor LANL d s p e c t r a

Preliminary eval. f o r 50 s e t s each of independent and cumulative y ie lds . (ENDFIB Format)

Preliminary eva lua t ion of 30 precursor s p e c t r a

v Precursor HEDL~LANL - 70 Precursor emission p r o b a b i l i t i e s . Pn reevaluated

Philip F. Rose National Nuclear Data Center Brookhaven National Laboratory Building 197D Upton, New York 11973 October 1985

Page 41: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

IAEA Nuclear Data Section P.O. Box 100, A-1400 Vienna, Austria

Tel.: 2360-1710, Telex: 1-12645

Names: D.E. Cullen, V. Goulo, H.D. Lemel, P.K. McLaughlin, K. Okamoto, 0. Schwerer

New evaluated data files:

1. ENDL-84: The 1984 version of the Evaluated Nuclear Data Library of LLNL (R.J. Howerton) has been issued in ENDF-5 format. For summary of contents (95 materials) see document IAEA-NDS-11 Rev.4.

2. IRDF-85: The 1985 version of the International Reactor Dosimetry File has been issued in 640 group structure, containing 54 materials and benchmark neutron spectra. For summary of contents see document IAEA-NDS-41 Rev.1.

3. INDL/V: The 1985 version of the IAEA Nuclear Data Library for Various evaluations in ENDF-5 format was issued. This library is a collection of evaluations of different origin; most of them are partial evaluations only (either for specific reactions or for a limited energy range). For summary of contents see document IAEA-NDS-31 Rev.3. The library includes now 196 materials (67 new, 115 revised from previous version, 14 unchanged from previous version). - The niobium evaluation from Hermsdorf (Dresden, GDR), INDL/V-4110 Rev.1, was supplemented by V. Goulo to a "complete" evaluation, INDL/V-4111 Rev.2., by calculating energy spectra with STAPRE and adding the resonance region from JENDL-2.

4. B: The start of a Chinese Evaluated Nuclear Data Library in ENDF-4 format, containing partial evaluations for 12 nuclides, was issued and documented in IAEA-NDS-61. The same evaluations converted to ENDF-5 format were included in INDL/V.


IAEA-TECDOC-336. Transactinium Isotope Nuclear Data, Proceedings of the third IAEA meeting on this topic, Uppsala, Sweden, 21-25 May 1984.

INDC(NDS)-158. A. Lorenz (ed.), Summary Report of the same Meeting on Transactinium Isotope Nuclear Data, Uppsala, 21-25 May 1984.

IAEA-TECDOC-335. K. Okamoto (ed.), Nuclear Standard Reference Data, Proceedings of an IAEA meeting, Geel, 12-16 Nov. 1984.

INDC(NDS)-170. D.E. Cullen: Report on the IAEA Cross-Section Processing Code Verification Project, by which ENDF/B-5 processing codes were tested, intercompared and corrected. A summary will appear also in the proceedings of the Seminar on Nuclear Data Cross-Section Libraries and their Application in Nuclear Technology, Bonn, 1-2 Oct. 1985.

INDC(NDS)-175. K. Okamoto (ed.), Sumary Report of the IAEA Meeting on Nuclear and Atomic Data for Radiotherapy and related Radiobiology, Rijswijk, the Netherlands, 16-20 September 1985.

Handbook on Nuclear Activation Data, K. Okamoto (ed.), IAEA Technical Report, to be published.

Decay Data of the Transactinium Nuclides, A. Lorenz (ed.), IAEA Technical Report, to be published.

Page 42: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the



(file management: ECN, Petten)

The European Fusion File (EFF) is a nuclear-data file for application in fusion-reactor blanket design calculations, in particular for neutron- tiransport calculations of the Next European Torus (NET). The EFF-project is part of the European Fusion Technology Programme of the European Com- munity (EC). More specifically, it belongs to the so-called B2 task on the development of "tools" for neutronics calculations. The following labora- tories are contractors in the EFF-project: CEA (Saclay), ECN (Petten), ENEA (Bologna) and KfK (Karlsruhe). Moreover, JRC (Ispra) and CBNM (Geel) are involved as EC institutes. The project is conducted by the NET-team at Garching and by EC-Brussels; the file maintenance and management is per- formed at ECN (Petten). Other European laboratories are also involved: SCK/CEN (Mol) with an experimental programme performed at CBNM, the UK laboratories Harwell, Birmingham and Culham (JET), ENEA (Frascati) , KFA (Jiilich) and EIR (Wirenlingen). Furthermore, technical support is re- ceived from the NEA Data Bank at Gif-sur-Yvette.

This summer a first version of EFF has been assembled [l]. It consists of a file with 24 important fusion materials. The format of EFF-1 is that of ENDF/B-V, with the addition of file MF6 of ENDF-V1 for the reaction types MT 10, 16, 17 and 91. Furthermore, gas-production cross sections (MT 203- 207) and the neutron-disappearance cross sections (MT101) have been added. The file contains 16 evaluations that are different from ENDF/B-IV, which is still frequently used for neutronics calculations. In addition to the evaluations that were taken from the Joint Evaluated File (JEF-1) of from other sources (e.g. for Be) the following activities were made by the EFF-evaluators: (1) A modification of the Li-7(n,nt)T tritium production cross section by

KfK, Karlsruhe. (2) A revision of the evaluations for A1 and Si by ENEA, Bologna. ( 3 ) A revision of the double-differential continuum neutron emission cross

sections for lead by ECN, Petten. At present the EFF-1 file is used for the production of group constants and transfer matrices for application in neutron-transport calculations 121 of NET fusion reactor concepts. A recent report on the status of this project is given in Ref. [l].


[l] H. Gruppelaar, Present Status of the European Fusion File, Int. Sem. on Nuclear Data Cross Section Libraries and their Applications in Nuclear Technology, Bonn, Oct. 1985.

r21 H. Gruooelaar. D. Nier-OD and J.M. Akkermans. Processinn of double- - - differkntial cross sections in the new E N D F ~ V ~ format GROUPXS code description.and users' manual -, ECN-report, in press.

Page 43: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the



From 13th t o 15 th November 1985, a s p e c i a l i s t s ' meeting on t h e use o f t he o p t i c a l model f o r t he c a l c u l a t i o n o f neutron cross sec t ions below 20 MeV was h e l d a t OECD Headquarters, w i t h f o r t y p a r t i c i p a n t s from both the bas ic and app l ied physics communities.

On the f i r s t two days, n ineteen t a l k s were g iven i n t h e framework o f four main sessions w i t h the headings:

- Fundamental aspects o f t he o p t i c a l model - Convent ional models and c a l c u l a t i o n a l t o o l s - Parameter isat ion o f t h e o p t i c a l model - Ca lcu la t ions o f neutron-induced cross sec t i on w i t h spec ia l emphasis

on t h e r o l e o f t h e o p t i c a l model.

The l a s t day was devoted t o sho r t con t r i bu t i ons and a lso t o two work- shops w i t h very l i v e l y and i n t e r e s t i n g discussion.

The problems o f t he o p t i c 1 model parameter isat ion were developed i n t h ree main regions o f t h e p e r i o d i c t ab le : s t r u c t u r a l mater ia ls , f i s s i o n pro- ducts and a c t i n i d e nuc le i . The a v a i l a b i l i t y o f t h e data t o ob ta in t h e o p t i c a l model parameters was a l s o discussed.

The i n t e r e s t o f t he p a r t i c i p a n t s was a lso d i r e c t e d t o t h e ca lcu la - t i o n a l t o o l s (code development and intercomparison) and t h e physics necessary t o t e s t and improve the r e s u l t s o f p r a c t i c a l ca l cu la t i ons .

The proceedings w i l l be publ ished e a r l y i n 1986 as NEANDC-222-U.

Recent p u b l i c a t i o n s a v a i l a b l e a t NEA Data Bank r e l a t e d t o t h e o p t i c a l model

- I n t e r n a t i o n a l nuc lear model and code comparison on pre-equ i l ib r ium e f f e c t s , NEANDC-204-U, H. Gruppelaar, P. Nagel.

- I n t e r n a t i o n a l nuc lear model code comparison study o f t he spec ia l o p t i c a l model f o r charged p a r t i c l e s , NEANDC-198-U, P.E. Hodgson, E. S a r t o r i .

- Report on t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l nuc lear model code intercomparison coupled-channel model study, NEANDC-182-A, E. S a r t o r i .

- Report on t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l nuc lear model code intercomparison s p h e r i c a l o p t i c a l and s t a t i s t i c a l model study, NEANDC-152-A, A. Pr ince, G. Reffo, E. Sa r to r i .

- Proceedings o f t h e s p e c i a l i s t s ' meeting on the use o f t he o p t i c a l model (November 1985, Pa r i s ) t o be publ ished e a r l y i n 1986 as NEANDC-222-U.

Page 44: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the


NEA Data Bank

I n t r o d u c t i o n

The F i r s t v e r s i o n o f t h e J o i n t Evaluated F i l e (JEF-1) h a s now been d i s t r i b u t e d t o t h e main l a b o r a t o r i e s p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n t h e p r o j e c t . The General Purpose F i l e s had been a v a i l a b l e a l r e a d y i n A p r i l 1905, whereas t h e S p e c i a l Purpose F i l e s ( t h e r m a l s c a t t e r i n g law 6 a t a , decay d a t a , F i s s i o n y i e l d d a t a , and photon i n t e r a c t i o n d a t a ) were compiled dur ing t h e summer of 1985 and were ready For d i s t r i b u t i o n i n September 1985.

Content o f JEF-1

The General Purpose l i b r a r y , which is a v a i l a b l e on ly t o s c i e n t i s t s i n NEA Data Bank member c o u n t r i e s , h a s f o r s i z e r e a s o n s been s p l i t i n t o n i n e d i f f e r e n t f i l e s , and c o n t a i n s neu t ron c r o s s s e c t i o n d a t a , angu la r and energy d i s t r i b u - t i o n s f o r more t h a t 3CO i s o t o p e s and e lements . I t is a v a i l a b l e i n two Forms: one wi th resonance parameters and one where t h e po in twiae d a t a a r e g iven i n t h e resonance reg ion .

The S p e c i a l Purpose l i b r a r y c o n t a i n s thermal s c a t t e r i n g law d a t a f o r : hydrogen i n wa te r and p o l y e t h y l e n e , deuter ium i n heavy wa te r , and g r a p h i t e . The rad io - a c t i v e decay d a t a F i l e c o n s i s t s of more t h a t 1 1 O O s p e c i a l s e l e c t e d i s o t o p e s , whereas t h e f i s s i o n y i e l d F i l e h a s d a t a f o r about 700 i s o t o p e s From seven d i f - f e r e n t a c t i n i d e s . The photon i n t e r a c t i o n f i l e g i v e s d a t a f o r about 110 e l e - ments.

JEF Working Group Meeting

A JEF Working Group Meeting was h e l d a t t h e NEA Data Bank on 22nd t o 25th Octo- b e r 1985, cover ing one s p e c i a l s u b j e c t each day. The f i r s t day was devoted t o r a d i o a c t i v e decay and f i s s i o n y i e l d d a t a , t h e second t o e v a l u a t e d fo rmats and p r o c e s s i n g codes , t h e t h i r d t o benchmark t e s t i n g and f i n a l l y t h e f o u r t h t o new e v a l u a t i o n s .

The Working Group on r a d i o a c t i v e decay and f i s s i o n y i e l d d a t a reviewed t h e JEF-1 f i l e s and agreed on Future benchmark t e s t i n g OF t h e d a t a and a procedure For t h e r e v i s i o n and upda t ing o f t h e d a t a f o r JEF-2.

The Format f o r t h e JEF-2 F i l e was d i s c u s s e d on t h e second day. A s p e c i a l wor- k ing group had been formed and a r e p o r t on t h e f i n d i n g s o f t h i s group was pre- s e n t e d . I t was g e n e r a l l y F e l t t h a t i t would be advantageous t o adopt t h e new ENDF-6 Format For JEF-2, under t h e c o n d i t i o n t h a t t h e t r a n s l a t i o n from ENDF-5 t o ENDF-6 would be p o s s i b l e wi thou t a t o o l a r g e e f f o r t . Concerning computer codes , it was agreed t h a t t h e NJOY based code THEMIS would be used f o r d a t a p r o c e s s i n g .

Page 45: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the

The f i r s t phase of t h e benchmark t e s t i n g of t h e JCF-1 l i b r a r y had been f i n i - shed and t h e second phase of more s o p h i s t i c a t e d c a l c u l a t i o n s was we l l under way. From t h e r e s u l t s s o f a r it cou ld be deduced t h a t t h e q u a l i t y o f t h e JEF- 1 l i b r a r y was a t l e a s t a s good a s o r b e t t e r t h a t a l l r e c e n t e v a l u a t e d d a t a l i b r a r i e s f o r most a o p l i c a t i o n s ( f a s t and thermal sys tems , s h i e l d i n g c a l c u l a - t i o n s and f u e l c y c l e s t u d i e s ) .

The l a s t day o f t h e meet ing was devoted t o t h e e v a l u a t i o n e f f o r t going on f o r t h e JEF-2 l i b r a r y . The major s t r u c t u r a l m a t e r i a l s (Fe , Cr, and Ni j and a c t i - n i d e s (U-23e, Pu-239, Pu-240, and Pu-2411, t o g e t h e r wi th some o f t h e most i m - p o r t a n t f i s s i o n p r o d u c t s and t h e Zr- and t h e Hf- isotopes would be re-evalua- t e d . The e v a l u a t i o n s shou ld be ready by t h e end o f 1987: a l lowing t h c NEA Data Bank t o assemble t h e JEF-2 l i b r a r y by t h e end of 19eB.

Page 46: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the



AUSTRIA F. Putz, H. Vonach

BELGIUM H. Ceulemans, F. Motte

BRAZIL L.T. Auler, K.R.P. Nai r , R. P a v i o t t i Corcuera



CZECHOSLOVAKIA R. F i l i p , I. Ribansky

DENMARK N. Ne l t rup

EURATOM K.H. Boeckhoff, H. L i sk ien , H. R ie f , G. Rohr, E. Wattecamps, H. Weigmann

FEDERAL REPUBLIC S. Cier jacks, F.H. Froehner, B. Goel, E. Kiefhaber, H. OF GERMANY H. Kuesters, M. Mattes, M. R i t t be rge r FINLAND F. Wasastrjerna

FRANCE J. Bouchard, C. Cardot, C. D e v i l l e r s , H. Derr ien, E. Fo r t , R. 301y. J. Legrand, A. Michaudon, V.C. P h i l i s , P. Ribon, M. Salvatores, J. Salvy, H. T e l l i e r , R. V ida l


GREECE M. D r i t s a

HUNGARY Z.T. Body, J. Cs ika i , P. Vertes

IAEA D.E. Cullen, H.D. Lemmel, V. Goulo, J.J. Schmidt

ICELAND M. Magnusson

INDIA S. Ganesan, S.B. Garg, S.S. Kapoor


ISRAEL S. Y i f t a h

ITALY V. Benzi, U. F a r i n e l l i , E. Menapace, G.C. Pan in i

JAPAN S. I ga ras i , S. I i j i m a , Y. Kanda, I. Kimura, H. Kitazawa, H. Matsunobu, R. Nakasima, A. Sugawara, K. Sugiyama, A. Zukeran

NEA J.A.G. RosBn, N. Tubbs

NETHERLANDS M. Bustraan, H. Gruppelaar, H. van Dam

NORWAY E. Andersen, J.O. Berg


- 44 -

Page 47: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the















M. Bustraan, H. Gruppelaar, H. van Dam

E. Andersen, J.O. Berg

K. Gul

A. Marcinkowski

F. Gama Carvalho

G. V a s i l i u

R. Caro Manso, M. Gomez Alonao, C. Sanchez d e l Rio, G. Velarde

G. Apelquis t , H. Cond6, E. He l l s t rand, L. Wal l in , T. Wiedl ing

J. Hadermann, R. Richmond, W. S e i f r i t z , F. Widder

C. Er tek

M.V. B l inov , A.V. Ignatyuk, V.A. Konshin, V.N. Manokhin, M.N. Nikolaev, V. Shpakov, G.B. Yankov

J.R. Askew, P. Christmas, J.C.Cuninghame, C.J. Dean, A.C. Douglas, P. Hodgson, M.F. James, M.C. Moxon, A.L. Nichols, B.H. Pa t r i ck , E.O. Pendlebury, J.L. Rowlands, R.W. Smith, M.C. Sowerby, C.A. U t t l e y

E. Arthur, R.C. Block, A. Carlson, E. Cheng, C. Dunford, D. Gardner, H. Goldstein, R. Haight, J. Hardy, P. Hemmig, D.C. Larson, P. Lisowski, C.R. Lubi tz , F. Mann, R. McKnight, D.W. Muir, NNDC L ib ra ry , 0. Ozer, S. Pear ls te in , R.W. Peel le, S. Perkins, W. Poenitz, C. Reich, P. Rose, R. Roussin, R.E. Schenter, D.L. Smith, L. Weston, S.L. Whetstone, P. Young

A. Trkov

Page 48: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the
Page 49: NEA DATA BANK · 2009. 8. 17. · the DOBRO method (Refs. 5, 6) for temperature-dependent self-shielding. (F.H. Frohner, E. Stein) References 1. B. Goel, B. Krieg, "Status of the