nebraska herald. (plattsmouth) 1882-03-09 [p...

THE HE&ALO GLEANINGS. There is a 8lemVul set of burglar's tools on exhibition in the Chicago Trib vne oifice. To the experienced observer they look like a pair of fcheaxs and a paste-cu- p. Lovxll Citizen. Boston contains ?,000 Swedes, accord- ing to n directory which has been speci- ally prepared to contain ' their names, sex, age, native place and date of arri-T- al in this country. Gentlemen who "kick" at the "cart- wheel", hats worn to the theatre by la- dies ought to be consistent enough to take their cloves" with them when they attend places of amusement. The Judge. "Mademoiselle," said, a witty and gallant septuagenarian the "ther day, making his demand for thft hand of a lady still in her teens. I am 70 and 3 011 an 17. Will you do me the honor of becoming my widow?" Funny, A gentleman in South Florida owns 46,000 orange trees, covering forty-tw- o acres. Of this number 10,017 are large bearing trees. One tree, about JJ0 years old. produced four years ago 628 good fruit; three years ago it bore 2,200; last year 4.200; this year 2,800. The Philadelphia Ledger printed last vear the announcements of the deatV of 889 persons who ' had reached 80 years of age, 834 of whom were men ana Mo women- - Two of the men and 10 of the women had passed 100 years. A fast mail train between New York and Washington was stopped several times a few days ago, by two elephants who happened to be in the cars pulling the bell-rop- e. It was more than an hour before the cause of the stoppages was discovered. A statue of Oakes Ames facing and pointing to the west, and one of Oliver Ames facing east, are to crown the monument which is in process of erec- tion at Sherman, Wy. T. It stands up- on the highest point of land on the Un- ion Pacific railway. Helena, M. T., is advancing. A young lady in one month as book can- vasser took sixty-nin- e orders for the Encyclopaedia Britannica," represent- ing the value of more than 10,000. Is this to be used a3 an argument for the admission of Montana into the Union or in favor of female suffrage? Last year 113,400,000 shares of stock were sold in the New York exchange, besides 43,000,000, shares of mining stock, and '387,000,000 of railroad bonds. The recorded dealings in gov- ernment bonds wtre 3G,CG3,000, and in state bonds 49,700,000 par value. The Cincinnati Gazette contends that the real mormon problem is not polyga- my, but the existence in this country of a theocracy which is a despotic system of civil and religious government, and is alien to the United States, and makes aliens of all citizens who bear allegiance to the United States, practically ing them no rights. Spain is having built in England sev- eral iron ships for her naval licet. The company which built for her sometime ago an iron cruiser has recently launch- ed a second after the same design. The length of these ships is 210 feet, and their tons burden 1,039; the armament being three ch 4-t- on breech-loadin- g Armstrong guns. Brooklyn Eagle: Bv-the-w- we think we have discovered the original of that dialogue between Capt. Corcoran and Sir Joseph Porter, K. C. B. Grattan was once asked, by a religious friend, "Do vou say your prayers?" Never,' replied the great Irish orator. 'What, neverr saul Ins hornheu examiner. Well, hardly ever,' answered Grattan." In his report of military operations in the department of Dakota during 1S81, Gen. Terry says lie regrets to say the outlook in Northern Montana is not as favorable as could be desired. TI e en- croachments of Indians from the British pnninees have caused the ranchmen to organize for mutual protection against t!ie dusky cattle stealers, and Gen. Ter- ry tl;inks it will require the best efforts of the governments on both sides of the boundary to prevent the evils that are likely to occur. A bickering pair of quakers were late- ly heard in high controversy, the hus- band exclaimiug: "I am determined to have one quiet week with thee." "But how will tliou be able to get it?" said the taunting spou". i.i tli.-i- sort of rei- teration which married so pro-vokin- indulge in. "I will keep thee a week after thou art dead," was the quaker's rejoinder.- - -- rrosidence Vt,. Americans, as a ruk are impatient of stistained thought or prolonged atten- tion; The perpetual cr U for amuse- ment, for short paragraphs, strong lan- guages, spicy sermons, sensational stories, and never too much of anything. Milton would not-a-da- y be asked to boil down his "Paradise Lost," and Shak-spea- re to recast his plays as "spectacu- lar" dramas- -' Seriousness is the one thing everybody is afraid of. Boston Star. During a steam voyage, on a sudden stoppage of the machinery, a considera- ble alarm took place, especially among the female passengers. "What is the matter? What is the matter? For heav- en's sake tell me the worst!" exclaimed one more anxious than the rest. After a short time a hoarse voice from the dx'k replied: "Nothing, madam, noth- ing; only the bottom of the vessel and the top of the earth are stuck together." The export season for the dried fruits of the Levant is now in full activity. In one fortnight lately no fewer than 195,-00- 0 barrels, eases, 'bags, boxes, drums, and baskets of ligs and raisins were shipped at Smyrra. The best tigs of commerce are chiefly grown in Asi. Minor, were the fruit begins to ripen at the end of June, and the summer yield, which gives employment to a large pop- ulation, comes to market in immense quantities in September and October. The trees often yield three crops. Thomas Carroll, a Wisconsin farmer, finding his leg decaying from a fever sore, grasped his foot with one hand and pressed hard wtih the other upon the decayed part and broke it asunder. He then called for a razor, which was handed him, and with it he deliberately cut off the entire limb. Then, without assistance from any one, he tied up the arteries, made the necessary lap of flesh around the bone, and sewed and band- aged the same without help, and is in a fair way of recovery. Frinee Bismarck, assisted by his sons, is said to be writing his memoirs. The jart of them which will come from the chancellor's own hands are those which concern the conflict between the govern- ment and the Prussian diet, the wars of 1806, and 1870, and his stav at St. Pe- tersburg and Paris. His childhood and vouth will be written of by Count Her- bert, " while the younger son. Count Withelm, will write out his father's im- pressions of the various ministers home and foreign with whom the statesman's long career has brought him into eontact- - Deacon George W. Chapman, of Bos- ton, recently in passing a candy store which the Sheriff was selling out, step-je- d in and bought the entire stock; and then followed a revelry in sweets among the thousand children in the Tremont Temple Sunday school, of which for years he has been Superintendent. F. Nichols Crouch, of Baltimore,' has written a letter in which lie says that from the thirty different editions of his son- - "Kathleen .Mavoumeen" which have been published i& this country, he lias not received a cent. He w now mechanic at lew working as a common than a dollar a day, and on this stipend lie has to support a wife and five chil dren. Domestic Eeceipts. Ginger Cookies. Two caps New Or- leans molasses, one enp lard, one-ha- ll cup sugar, one heaping teaspoonful .soda dissolved in three-quarte- rs of a cup of warm water, one teaspoonful ginger, one large teaspoonful cinnamon, one-ha- lf teaspoonful cloves. Mix with enough Hour to keep them from sticking to the board, and bake a nice brown color. I consider them just as good as the bakers' cookies. New England Baked Indian Pudding. One quart of milk, three-quarte- rs cup of molasses, two teaspoonfuLs ginger, one-ha- lf teaspoonful cinnamon, a bit of salt. ' Stir these thoroughly together, arid let come to a boiL Have ready three dessert-spoonfu- ls of Indian meal wet in a little cold milk; put it into the hot milk, and after stirring thoroughly let it boil five minutes. This should be made early in the morning, and set away to cool. When neededfor dinner, take two eggs well beaten, two table-spoonfu- ls melted butter, half a teacup cold milk; stir this into the first mix- ture, and let it bake two hours. Macaroni a V Italienne. Twelve sticks of macaroni (a quarter of a pound), half a pint of milk, two table-spoonfu- ls of cream, two of butter, one of flour, some salt, white pepper and cayenne, and a quarter of a pound of cheese. Break and wash the macaroni, and boil it rapidly for twenty minutes in two quarts of water. Put the milk on in the double boiler. Mix the butter and Hour together, and stir into the boil- ing milk. Add the seasoning, cream and cheese. Drain and dish the maca- roni. Pour the sauce over it, and serve immediately. One tablespoonful of mustard can be stirred into the sauce if you like. If the sauce and macaroni are allowed to stand long after they are put together, the dish will be spoiled. If they cannot be served immediately, keep both hot in separate dishes. Yorkshire Pork Pies. Use lean, fresh pork; have two or three pounds if the pie is to be a large one; cufc the pork in- to strips about two inches long and half an -- inch wide; line a buttered puddi- ng-dish with puff paste, put in the pork, season with pepper, salt, and sage, wet with half a pint of sweet cider or wine, put small pieces of butter over the top, cover with thick puff pa3te, cut a fancy figure on the top, brush over with beaten egg; bake an hour and a half, or, if small pies are preferable, bake in small patty pans. Oatmeal Samp. Put a pint of oat- meal to soak in warm water a few hours before cooking it; just water enough to cover it; then pour this mixture into boiling water, a little at a time, with a good pinch of salt, and let it cook slow-l- v, the same as a cornmeal hasty pud- ding, for half an hour longer. A pud- ding can be made of it by using eggs, milk, sugar, raisins, and cinnamon, the same as for other puddings. French Salad Dressing. Three table-spoonf- uls of oil, one of vinegar, one saltspoonful of salt, one-ha- lf a salt-spoonf- ul of pepper. Put the salt and pepper in a enp, and add one table-spoonf- ul of the oil. When thoroughly mixed, add the remainder of the oil and vine"-ar- . This is. dressing enough for a salaiT for six persons. If you like the flavor of onion, grate a little juice into the dressing. The juice is obtained by first peeling the onion, and then grating with a coarse grater, using a good deal of pressure. Two strokes will give about two drops of juice enough for this rule. Of Hayes' children, one, Webb Hayes, is a manufacturer in Cleveland; Burchard Hayes is practis- ing law with young Mr. Waite in Tole- do; Rutherford Hayes, Jr., is, at school in Boston, and the younger children go to the public school in the village of Fre- mont. An Iowa editor was challenged to fight a duel. He promptly accepted, and chose axes as the weapons. Then je issued a supplement, and named for- ty rods as the distance. m Fashion Notes- - Small sleeve-butto- ns are most stylish. The close English coiffure still pre- vails. Plash skirts make handsome balmor-al-s. Sealskin borders are on green clotu suits. Bearskin robes will be used in sleighs. Black velvet dog collars are again in fashion. Red satin fans are popular for day re ceptions. Feathers supersede flowers in head- dresses. . Plush-cover- ed pedestals are effective for statuary. Brown is preferred to gray for brides' travelling dresses. The small bonnets of last winter are the favorites of this j"ear. Moire stripes alternating with plush stripes are seen in rich gmds. Plain sleeves are preferred to puffs by fashionable young women. One wide bonier of fur is more stylish than two or three narrow ones. Every Egg Broke. A farmer, carrying a basket of eggs, tried to steal a ride on a freight train, and when he came to want to get off, the train didn't stop, and no he jumped off. The train wasn't going very fast, but he didn't understand getting away from it, and so got slung several sum- mersaults and stopped against a fence, with a wrist sprained, his clothes mud- died and rent, and one ear pretty near- ly torn of. He got up and took an in- ventory of the result, and in his de- spair, lifted up his voice and said: Gosh durn the gosh - durn luck, any- how! Even gosh durned egg in the lot's broke!" Boston rost. A Damaged Beauty. Miss Louise Montaiie, the celebrated 'Lalia Ro'kh" of Fo'rep.iugh'f pircu3, has filed suit for damages against tbo Lonisvill and Nashville railroad, con- cerning her intentions to do which much has been written in the papers. She says in her pet tion that she got on board a train of cars run for the defend- ant at Bowlinr Green, about 10 o'clock on the night of September 22; " that al- most as soon 0 she stepped on the platform the train started off at a high rate of speed, And ran 'Into soma .other cars which had been left on the track, producing a wrocV. in which she was caught and her left limb bruised and lacerated and t'.e flesh torn; tiiatnt. the time she was an : etress jn Ail am Fore-pangh- 's circus, receiving 333 ft week and traveling expenses: that by reason of the accident to her she had been con- fined for four weeks, suffering great bodily and mental pin, 1 sing I cr salary and incurring great expense for treatment and assistance; thst it will be a long tim;t before she will be able to fulfill her duties as an actress, and, besides, after she recovers the limb will still appear scarred and mntilated. and will be source of great dis.-onfor- t ami groat peeunt trr Joss to her. In con- sideration of nli of wiiiitt demands 20,000. Louisrl'le VourieirJournqL A correspondent of the New Yurk Evening Post says that the writer on Slang Phiases," in the January Atlan- tic, does not appear to kuow that the phrase "too thin" is purely and distinc- tively Shakspearian, and quotes "King Henry VliL." rt 5, scene 3, where the King is represented 'Iressing Gard- iner as follows: You were ever itxk! at sudden commendation, liirihop of Winchester. But kivnr, I come not To heucnch flattery now; and Jn my preseiicd Tber are v,jjp" end Iwse to hi le offence The Pint Mormon Sermon. The first Mormon preacher was a man nzaied Aldrich. I heard his first sermon, says a correspondent of the Salt Lake Tribune. When he got up in the school-hous- e he said that he would not preach the new gospel unless Gabriel Mowed his horn as a sign that he endorsed his views. J ust then a loud blast of a horn was heard, and then he began his preach- ing. The horn business had a peculiar effect upon some of the . congregation, and as it sounded night after night, just before he preached, many of the ignor- ant were converted. I was only a school- boy then, but myself and other school- boys determined to watch the place where the sound came from, and in a of trees, not far from the frove we found the Gabriel up a tree, with a fish-hor- n under his coat. We made him come down, and found him to be a worthless fellow whom Smith had hired to toot for him. One day when Aldrich was preaching, ho blew his horn, and arlot of old women came out, thinking the fish . and clam wagon was coming. We exposed the horn trick, and it was the laughing-stoc- k of the town. We used to tell the man to get a horn that was not a fish-hor- n, so that the people need not rush out, ex- pecting clams. The most astonishing thing about the matter was that, although the fraud was fully exposed, and the man who played the part of Gabriel was caught dozens of times behind hedges and out-buildin- blowing his old horn for Aldrich to preach from, there were lots of peo- ple who believed that the religion was the only true religion, and plenty of peo- ple joined the church, and even gave up all their property to it. A Eusy Man. Peck's Milwaukee Sun is responsible for this: A Milwaukee man, while in Cliicago, recently, sent a bouquet of flowers to a relative in a Wisconsin town, and when he heard from them they had arrived four days after le'ng shipped, wilted and dead. He was mad, and in talking it over with a railroad man, the railroader said: "You must not expect too much from an express agent. N ow, that bouquet had to pass Juuction, and I know the express agent there. He is the depot agent, express agcn keeps a restaurant, is postmaster, ..!s as switchman, helps unload freight, checks baggage, keeps a store, works a team on the road, drives passengers to adjoining towns, is sexton iu a church, buys coun- try produce, keeps the hav-scale- s, ruus the caucuses of 1 tTt political parties, goes out shooting chickens w itli hunters, keeps a pool table, has a mill for grind-i- r sugar-can- e, and runs a hop yard, beside helping his wife run a millinery store. Now, a man who has so much business as that ought to 1 e excused for letting a bouquet i in the express, office a week or ten days." ' The man who sent the bouquet said, come tothink about it, they were mighty lucky to get the flowers at all, and he would apolo- gize for anv words l e might have s;. ;? en in the heat of debate. What t.e country wants is a diversity of indust- ries. Crime and Sensational Literature. The direct connection between "pen- ny dreadfuls' and crime has been de- monstrated over and over again Jby the annals of our own police courts. The mischievous lad who sometimes 'since presented a pistol at her Majesty's head, and got well whipped for his pains, was found in possession of a collection of lives of celebrated highwaymen, and the various gangs of youthful burglars and would-b- e highwaymen who nave lately appeared In the dock have one and all modeled their career upon the heroes of criminal novels. Only the other day a terrible illustration ocenred of the actual effect of this gallows litera- ture upon Weak minds. A young man 19 years of age named Westby, shot his father dead at Nottingham, having first murdered a little ofiice boy at the office of the solicitor where he was employed, "merely to strengthen hU nerve," and then took refuge in a fowl-hous- e, where he was captured witli a revolver in his possession, with which, as he frankly owned, he intended, when the police came, to shoot as many as possible. The key to this otherwise inexplica- ble outbreak of homicidal fury was af- forded by the poor mother's words: "My son was very fond of reading and would sit for hours at his favorite amusement.studying periodicals and sen- sational literature." By this "sensa- tional literature?" his habits appear to have been formed, and the were ec- centric enough, Ie. would not, we are told, "allow any tnu to vjsjt his, bed- room, which was entered by an opening in the floor. To this opening he had at- tached ft trapdoor, with bolts, aml-jti- night he alwavM fastened himself in. He had also puiled down the bedstead, and had been in the habit of sleeping in a hammock slung up from the roof, while around the walls of the room were a number of pictures of the 4Life of Dick Tnrpin,' etc. A singular col- lection of cuttings from newspapers was also found in his desk at Mr. Era- ser's office, including recipes for the manufacture of guncotton and other ex- plosives, together vslth accounts of mar- velous adventures." .lien i a direct instance of the effect which the modern substitutes for the Newgate calendar have-upo- weak intellects and crazy brains. Saturday Ilcvlcw. A Man to Wham Vanderliit Cavi & Tan", The first wife of the Lit Cornmo hro Vanderbilt and the wife of iSamuel Carr were sisters. While Vanderbilt was laying the foundation of his great fortune. Carr was going backward. Ho finally became almost destitute. Com- modore Vanderbiit then bought a good farm, stocked it, and turned it over to Mr. Carr as a present; but it was not long before Carr had spent everything. He appealed for another trial, but the Commodore was- - inexorable. The re- sult was that Carr had to be taken to the Rjukmnmj (Jopnty Poor-Hous- e, where ho has vvna'ju for the last twenty years. Recently Mr, Wflljaw?, Vanderbilt. the grandson of domino? dore Vanderbilt, interceded, and now Mr. Carr, who is 70 years old, is In St. Luke's Hospital. Cranberry Culture. Not long ago a gentleman pointed out k' s 3 small fresh-wat- er marsh, and said: Thn pl;'f is worthless as it is, but it will yield "$$,tKM- - o SOOO worth of cranberries even- - vear." The cran- berries fonnd in our markets come from Wisconsin largely, and are worth in Joan Francisco at the present time $14 per barrttt, M half this price rep- resent freight chaj-gM- , an!' fhfl ret 3$ price brings them up to the nvignboiss hood of 17 per barret This berry has been cultivated largely ill tho New Jvng land states for years, and a largtf pro- portion of the country's supply comes from this so arcs. In Michigan and Wis- consin are large marshes where it flour- ishes in the wild state; but these marsh- es are now found to be inadequate to the demand, and a large amount of cap-jx- ij hij$ JY'eently been invested in land and iliipxutt,.i ff)T the propagation jjf he fruit la'tuaX rygio"o U jji.-os- i where it has grown- - wild. ' .The' "pnee (berg r4rc3 rum $2 to S2.i0 per bush el, and th eothpaaf evppct to get baud some profits from thi invesfnipfil these liirures. If the crauberrv can b produced here for even double the money thev are worth there, there would be a wide margin of profit for the grower. So far as we know, there has been no 2ort made to cultivate this berry on the coa.-- - Why should not some of our farmers experiment, .vith it? Humboldt TiniCS. :.i.':.S Pillll tzfrfl rib!'-- . . ' i U .Ai J " 3 xvj '' w-tf5 fW,. THE GREAT n t f yon w- -t BrM mm mm m c . m tm &. m .us Neuralgia; Sciatica Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell- ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, 'Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equal Sr. jArnnx Oil a a afr, ttirr, simple and eheap External K'medy A trial entails lint the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Onta, and every one niffi rrng with pain can hTe cheap and poaltiro proof of iu claima, Direction in Eleven Languages. 80LD BT ALL DRUGGISTS AKD LEALEK3 IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Sid., U. 8. A.. Agnta waat4 or the Lilt aund it orb of GARFIE1LB The only completeiitory of hi nohlp life and tragic death. Fretb,bril!iHnt, reliable. t.'.i:tlr printed in Kntrliih nnil Uprmaa; mumti etjtfy Illus- trated; handsomely Iwiund. Fui.-- t boolc ever poblishe'l. By John C. Kitlpntli. a. I.. Ik. f A TIT rrtTT I n' buy Ui? catch penny, 1 vamped lampa'un tirfks w'nh which, the country is flooded. Th;--y Hre utterly worthless: an outrage opon the he rrettt dead, and a base fraud on the public. Tli'.s Look is nrir. Theonly wort worthy U o th rue. Send Oo. in utamps for Acnil's Outfit. W. H. McCulim , Vv Moinea, Iowa a v eek la your o.v:i -- :, uiit-t- it free. So rifk. EvcmMfs mr Capital not require;. V - wi'l furuiU you c.i'i iL'i : A';.!:;, are making tii'H.' . i j:i!e mh make us itiueli - i !!. and lox and girl make preat p:iy. !i'V.i' r. if you want a business at which you'ean i;:;;t e great pay sill the time ycu work, write for particular to 11. Hali.ktt & Co., l'ortlaud Maine. TUTT PI ILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, HD THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER- - Logs of appetite.Nausea,bowel8 costive, Pain in theKencUwith a dull soosatfon in the back part. Pain "under the' shoulder Wade.J'unnef s'after f atinR.with a disin-clinati- oh to exertion of body or nsindj Irritabllityof temper. Low 'spirits. Lena of memory, with a feeling oi naving neg- lected soine duty, weariness. Dizziness, Fluttering ofthe H eart. Dots before the eyes, V el'ow bkin, H eadachgri estleaa. nesa at night, highly colored Urine. IT TEI3E-WAFvNING- AR-- UNHEEDED, SERIOUS DISEASES Will SOON BE DEVELOPED TU'lT'S PILLS " especially adapted to such CHes,one iloso effect auchaebange of feeling as to aatoniHH the ufferr. They IM-reaeli- e 4pprlte.andraisetbe , body to Take an rieab. thus the sylem Is noiirtohesl.and bv theirTnie Aetionon the IHfrUlrrOnana. BeyiilwrfclooU are pro- duced. VricB i (K in. a& Hnrraj St- -, n.X. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Gray Hair orWmwtvw changed to a ntossv Black by a nlnele application of this Dyk. It imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggist or sent br expren on reonpt of f I. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. CVr. TCTTa A?rt. r TalnMr t. will mailwl tKEK pUrtl 9 AAjSi.i-Vj;3i- t. A j?j M t xim. oriooisL'Ki T J U M a hid u c; tL a I Q CCKES THOUSANDS YK.ULV. FcrCcughs.Coi'Js. Jk U t fcwi qr f epics; ;&vr Cures Dyspepsia; wTistrraetiicM tliw system; J tJsSS Restores the Weak i dZi and Debilitated i ajJfcjrR-sSwsa- . A Ill "i'iJ-- f i fi r Dr.CriMtli' Win or Tart take no otber. For wltt by all iiruggmU. S. N. SMITH C9.,Prop'r! Jf ,1,-- 4, 8oewr U Ollrtr Crook A fa. B 1IATTOX. OHIO. fpm.n SBCCC8S aiW Tfa S5V 4 BY YEARS wWO of asii alnabla Discovery and New Separtnr in Mad lcaj Science. A poeitively effectiTe Kiniely for the speedy and permanent Curt, tururirnnicwenknee the) deplorable disease rusult iuc f:inn iodisereet practioea ! or exoesees in youth or at uo of life by the only ; true way, viz: AJirecr. a wuicauoxz actuig oy ao sorption, and exertioir its speciflo Inftueoceon the Veaiclea, Ducts, and Oland. that are unable to pea-for- their natural functions while this disease per- vade the tinman organism. The use of the Paatuie Is attended with no pain or Inconvenience, and doe not Interfere with the ordinary pursuit of life; It la quickly dissolved and soon absorbed, prodocins; an Jrnrneaiate soothine; and restorative enectopoa the pcVfWS ry;9ii(a'ioiis wrecked from vicdoas habitaer BxPMicsB.'stiTi'riinrifn rlraia from tb system, restor-la(- T tr.s mind t6 64a-lii- i ar.d ec ;it :!iB.fry.rMnor-Ina'.'Ui- e pininesa pf Slht:' Xkaitntffi'ot J-- i Aversion tj Society, etc. etc.. uad tLe nJIpnArtw pf praipatura eld age usuaiiy log fbfj tsoabia, aad restoring the vital forces, tthera Chef have been dormant fur yr. Xhis mode of tseafr meat has stood the tet iu vry severe oases, and 1 now a proconnced success. Xlruts are too much pr. ac.iled la this trouble, and, as many can bear wit- ness to, with but Utile if an; permanent good. There is no nonseosahouttliis J 'r.ivxrat ion. Practical ob- servation enable n to I'fwi'.ively flruaranfee that it will give satisfaction. Is hns been In genera) ose for several years nd wo hnve thoasanflf of testi nsoaials fmra imtienia, as to its vnlue, aod it fa now ooooedod to be the most rational means yet dia eovered for rs.tchLca and cuiLn this very prevalent .y'""- - that Is vrcll known to be the caieof untuid imsirrtc kic2T.ol upon whom quiwka prey with Uialr tospr-M- " nyvi'm-- ,. t-- -J biar fees. The Kemerly la potupin neat bases, af ifirvo!. fp. J,(enotu;h to last a month, I S3 J 'S.tmiihoienUto na tuA 3 er- - tnsnent cure, unless ir Sfevoro cams.t , (iaetina; oveir three ucrthn, iil restore-tnos- f a t.'ro worst conii inn. i S7. t!r nt bv mail, in plain wrappers. uii KlRRCl'lona r vauuflr Wiii. act ACK HOX. fefM4 fr orMtrtr r.T.v-rtnr- e -- .mpw i J Itf a tivipit Jtwiisitnical lllnirtction B tho most a .( :.': thu( 9 Hmrrti to ticrft-t- tienlrJt, t'tui ihf rfjul 1 SisPfe'4 thff'lu rvriccti-rtitUr- ii mame um if s.. nL7,ltl, &l,t (fl'ltf fry HARRIS REMSCY CO. MH. HE.m MaraetanflStli Sis. Ct. LOu:3, MO. Un!icltc3 teavlmor.y to tho Efficacy of Prof. Harris' Pastille, taken from Lt-ts- rs reoelvwl t Pa'romi Indiani. April It. TV Ike hsmody is srorklns; per f&cUr. Had ef.l,---r--'- n wwtnw. forb 3 oars past. Iowa. Oet. I' 'in. iH.l am almrast surprised at issr !!. TbcT hure work-H- l likifn charm oa m. I am ras X ofirht. and i Hre was socmsMrm cirmsrv X. ,.rro j. i. . t.r r.v. eine fuid I bJ"v9 it bw crd me. for tbnnJcfal- - J ncifrwi Had X Piea scd tt anochor r c frfond. Vcu &hva iSnn n r:aX thias ku 4 on cl ttiwm-iir- t ctta. - - - a From a physic Mf 5iif?3l. Mlssoart. Jan S. Pl farwr. isMMar k of to Pastille The tf.val on wh.itn 1 bava osiul aacwjt of oae bos, fa addition to a sarapio toi. is fast racovariosb and I think nno( Ur w Li I sia- aim ail rict. From a Druggist. Maryland, Sept. 2. T9. Last Janniirjr w CT" a box of yoar Hrbmi for on of oar castotnvrK. sod it bits mads a prf S cqrg of him. W have another customs aosr isMsj in to sam way. aod wlan ana Ko. a bas. ROEBRT DONNELLY'S S-- J eiSV Mwji I? tV .i1 l" i f-f- It BLACKSMITH flTTOP Vagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re- pairing, and general jobbing I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing or farm and otber machinery, as there la a good lathe in my shop. , 'PETER It AO EN, The old Reliable Wagon Maker baa taken charge of the wagon Khop. - He is well known as a NO. 1 WORKMAN. Sew Wacoa) . and Itnrsifn made to Order. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Shop on Sixth street nonoslte StrHeht'sStatle ' '. . AND - MACHINE SHOPS! . - ; I'latfMiuouth - Xelrnkn. Flepajrer of Steam Engines, Boilers, - Saw and Grist Millx, GAS AND STEAM FITTINGS. Wrought In-- Tine. Furce and Lift llpes.Steaia GaueM. Safety Valve (idvernor and jill kiiidf if lr.s Kngiue Kiltinfcs, repaired on slmrt iiot ice. Also all kinds if KABH JIAI HIVH! Y. XKW JiI!I( H VAIiP. I have now a new JJrick-M.ik- er from tlie east First-Cla- ss Workman. 130,000 No. 1 Brick ow. ju'auv ana for s;s;c i .j u:i. them for Yoiii-tivc- s. ir ik. fallow ;i in.'-i- i po . Yttf li;ld. Will KOt U8U::;!-- : tor a C;ant(t? ri linr I am iil;-- i!t V. i.;N !! l,itii!!': ;iiw! t f i t up any kind .f wnik in Brick wan tod v IKlinV ilARTMAX. A' n:v !!.(; . Avenue or at K. i M ii r- - .Tj M:iin r!;i:tMii.m!h, j Ne!.r;sk Vm a 2 AG HATT i Jl'ST tfEXF.f AO A IX. I tM, Clean, First Class Meat Shop, onMain Street Correr of Mil. ' l'l;itlniontli Everybody on hand for fresh, tender meat. .'; 1.116 any cauMsJso lor Uirtef ilccca.wt so!: Wrt ESSir lao tliykitM ditabilUg entlU 11 per lext n Ktrur. ty arvincio tlinchnrijrs rr-'- 7 h - yaotii't i to wncmcr en:::i -- i . r ' - s fci'jv.l two 3c. rta:Tji3 f"r ct 't of Itf?ormt ioii. A- In- - r r statnns. PTOIn.r:T & f'.. ': . and FatcnUi, 13 O LL,S V."., l .i:on. . ii ThirtvP1- - fai'rtleaof CshSae;e: of Cor: 8 of Cucoas- - bcr: i .: s; of Vc. : vf : t? "f S.uah; j of Bee: a.:: I n oi Tor.nto. miiU other varieties in proportlaa. a lar.fe pnrtwm f.' whi--- were on mv He seed farmt. sriti b-- - tn t ;n m rertable aat Flowrrr H-- 3ataloee for 1 SS. Sen: to ail vrho apply. C'w oruers of 1 Sc.w n nccl 2vt . ritir ftir it. AU fel i fmm rr.y aWiih-me- warrai.-c-- l l&h and true a io far. that shnuld ii o.Iicrwi.e. 11 refill o. r rr::s. The eri'lnnl liitrmlaorr f Fu-l- rt'.lu .ia l ?:.. Psta. tnm. SIa?i;! "ii.oJ Fn-?- v '.:. t: !.-.- ' ' . , llarblt iivuJ 4'uhi.utw I' :. ...'..--- . .t.ijreof ...her w Vtjrt.i. :r. I Irvc t- -t. , wl tiit ;hiI1ic "cT V'cffctabics a il-v- . JlSLZOr 9, J. J".. i,r ;,,? V; Mass. PLATTS MOUTH rvllLLS. PLATTSMOrXlI. SF.. C. lli:isr.l - frupif?tor. Flour. Corn .fetfl tfr Feui Al;iv on tmnil uml t(ir.iii'i I:.wti.';l e:isji nvirea. Ttie 1 sr I t prii'hn .,tli il" Wheii ;n,it C'ovn. rnrl'pnlnr ntn'ittion jr'ven finrd'n work. KENDALL'S rni n i in r- - Lt II I P ! II WW V ,eT'I uriv in uuiiLii f:,:u i i mm Till: 3I0ST SLTfESsri'I. IIE3IEDT ever diccovered. an it in certain in Its eficcss and does no! Mister. A no excellent for Iiu-ui- an ilesii. lrt'AD I'lifjUK 11KLOVY, From COL. U Tt FOSTER. Vftini;stown. Ohio, May lfath, l4". Dir. Ii. .J y. I'VDAM. & t.'o., ;nra;-- I had a very vsilualde llanibicti nian colt which I prized verv liithly. he had a lurue inme spavin on one joint art! n small one on tlie oilier wiueit luaae i:i;,i vcly lame ; I had him under She cliarjire or tivti t.nn:irv whlcli tailed to cure hiin. I.vra oiie day readin1; the advertisement J of Kctidairs Simvin Lure m me i nieago r.x-pro- -s, I determined at once to try it. they or- dered three bottles: I look tluin all ani thoufh! I would give it a tliorouuh trial. I used it according to directions and the fourth day the colt ceased' to Ire lame, and the lumps have dis.npearel. I used but one bottle and the colts limbs are as free from lumps and as smooth as anv hore in the state. lie is entiro-- - cure was so remarkable that I h-- t iu.) f jitJt;h'"'' tlie remaining iwo bottles. tflo aru Hr.W tjSny if4, ' Very T. FOSTKH. Seav in Care ON HUMAN H.ESK. PatUen'a Mille, Wash. Co.. X. V. Feb. 2ist. 1ST. Dlt. B. J. Kfs HALL, Dear Sir : Tbe iarticu-li- r awe on vliii-!- i I u.seU viur KpiuIuHV Sxviu t.'iire-wa- a niHlignHnt ankle fi-al- of lxt-e- n liioiitli" sitmitlini:. 1 bad trU-t- l liu.iiy tliinRs. Imt in tain. Your Spavin Cure uit the ImjI ttlie irioitnJ ay:Min, ami lor ine nrt time M'-i-- in.n. Fr. iftiHtiwnl positimi. F'or u f;ii:iiy liniment It f htI. inO (hiitg'M-- wd. .. . . ' ti ' Toura Tru! v. ' Krv. M. P RRLL, rtitort.f ty. F Citurdt, fMtrh'.s Mi0.-X- : ).- - Ken'li's spavin Cuf. SlmiiI aililrc-- ' for I!iustr;Hed i;iu.uliM. iti--- welhirik gives xisti-e'pno- tt vittus. ij rfnitiUv" h ftr m't ijh tiin! iinrm;iliufJ yijcr k-.- s ut iiur ksiuvlettr'A t" us w '"f'liVe 1, perix.ttle. r lx txitllM for 56. Alt Dnipgiets have it or can ;et It tor you. or it will be sent to any address tin receipt of prie by the projirb-tor- i. LK. B. J. KKXUALL & CO. Enoeburg Fulls. Vt. 341y SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. business now lit'f.ire the pub- lic. Vou can maAe money - v,. r.t work for in thtu at . Capital .i: ;.').!'.!. '. Wipwftl ftitrf you. Js, J And iipwariln ni;ideil inely iJit indu-trioU- ". .Men. m-n- . fiojs and t irl . Vntefl evr-r)lier-f tp work tqr il.- - 'Now iailie tixia. Vou Mia work in time only, or iive ryour tUnn l the: Uuli:i' , Vou caijlive at Home Hun uo m. worn .'i nnirr i.iimm will pav you nrarlj well. N oiie csn nil m make f'noniious jray by rt:iins at ti.-t- : Cirt-I- v oulOt and terms "free. lo!ev rru.ii' fnst.ea-ii- y aii IioDomldv. Addrewn 35lj Tkcjc it Co., avutfuato. Maine. 19 the OM Favorite and xirt3:rjcxrjATi Xiiaoxa Omaha, Kansas City, Atchison and St. Joseph, 3?" O CHICAGO, PEORIA, ST. LOUIS, MILWAUKEE, DETROIT, NIAGARA FALLS, New York, Boston! And All Points EAST and SOUTHEAST. THE LIXE COMPRISES Nearly 4.000 railed. Solid Smooth Ptopl Track. Alt comifctmns ar msdn in I'NlUN DEPOTS. It baa a Ucputnn.m n bt'irur THE GKGAT THIiul'UlirAK LINE find ! tiniversnllT conceded t' be THE FINEST KyriPPED itailroad iu Uta "World for all classes of travel. Trv it, and you will tlnd traveilnt; a luxury Instead of a discomfort. Throuch Tickets via this Celebrated Lino for sale at oil ottices In the. Wist. All information about Hates of Fare. Pleepine Car Accommodations, Time 'i'ahles, &c will bo clicer-- t ully Klveu by applying to T. J. POTTER, PERCEVAL LOWELL, id Vice Prnt t ft Oil Vui, Ga I Paucager A(L, Chicago, Ills. . CMczgo,MtS 1W mm Garmoro's Artificial Ear Drums. As I aTtnted and wera br Ma perTeatly rutarin the hearing. Entirely deaf for vnirty yer.h hear with them. eva whipr.ditinetly. An not obeervabb and re- main in position without aid. Descriptive Circular fr. t'.Vl-TlO- I Do net be deceived toj bufcas ear drums, alia ia the omy snocesfal artificial ear Drum nuaafactored. John fawiw, 8.W. Cor, tth b Race St.. Cincinnati. O. A Book of Rare Orlslnalltv. entitled TACTICAL LIFS The rreat prubiom solved. The individnsl einfallraoi. idered from tae site of responsibility up to maturity ia re curd to Education, Home, Society, Etiquette Hrnuioiiisiaii, urnn koiei marriage, busi peas, &C Uo Brtad-Eatt- n art to bt llrtaJ- - Wirmer. 1a vi Inms abounds in striking thoughts, rare informatioa and intent enmmonen. Full-pai- re colored plates each ONE A UEM. Agents Wanted Everywhere, bsad for cireoloj mil description, terras. Ad., address. J. O. HeCCKDY 4: CO .Mt. tenia, alo. BEST in the VORLD 1. winner" of highest distinction at every AND tireat noria'arair lor louneen years. Hillbll SFJ dta. is read this month, and will 6 " aent free to any addre:., annooncln; UnUMliONiwSTTUs; ovcrluOinalL Prices, 2S, $30. 66, S4 to M0 and tip; aba for Tremont St., BOSTON: 4t East 11th bt., AiirV lUJiaj 19 rt aossq Ave.. tniuAuu. : 0,000 Ajrents Wanted for lAIo of It contain the full history of hU noble and eventful Ufa mlrlAst.irdlv a.ssassiuMtion. Surirical treatment, death. funeral obsequies, etc. The best chance of your life to make money, hewareof "catchpenny" imitations. This is theonly authentic and fully illustrated lifeof our mar- tyred President. Fine steel portraits. Extra terms to Agents. Circulars free. Address National Pcausaiaa Co., St. Louis, Ho. Ik l ::tsi hniiirteirom:iM:npie l'r'i"a! Leaf vi K;irf Value. :ul is a S'ositlve Itemed y fir:ill tlie lise:ifeK thitt eause l uiii.s in tlie 1t ren t of tli? ImmIV for lorpi"! l.jvfr llPaiiaelies Jain dice iJizzmess. Cravel, Miliaria, an.i aii l i :fi- - eultie-- ' : the Knlueys. l.ivcr ami ( rmaiy l)r- - pans. rrniale IMMpaveM. Jloulhiv Men- - stniai'.on. aim ft u d. r l renuaiicy. it haw no eijnal. It restores the or-ja- that mahr, tlie liloixi. aim iienee is tlie hest Itlood I'urifier. It is tlie only k'ncvn tliaf cures that sooui'iie. Iti-i;h- t m ItiMeune. Kr iJialjelec. ue tnnier h Safe IMalx-t- f ( lire. tor Sale liy Drnjrits and Dealer at 1.1 jier bottle. Large! bottie in tlie market. Try it. II. II. WAUXKit d CO.. Rochester. N. Y. ii J UfrlQ Ivpt A IVrfainery. Figiuuur. of l'.- - A Co., N. Vcttle. pARKers mum mm r ' "O Medicine for Every Family. P NEVER INTOXICATES. I Madcfrom Ginger, Eucliu. Mandnilce. Sti!!inpiaf j k and other of trie be: t rcmctiics known, 3 r Parker's Gingp.x Tonic has remarkably varied i V curative powers, & isthe greatest Stomach Correct- - J r or, lSlood I urifiernU Liver Keguhitot ever made (?: : The Best Medicine You can TJs i : forEestorinHealtli&Stree-t- 3 Itcommcncesto act from the lirt du-- s ?.ic!ics , out tne weak organs, and is warrar.n J n c::rc o" t help all cases of the Eov. els. I.i o;i. t Kioneys, l iter. Urinary prj;ans, a) ICciripI.iir is cf oroen, rvervousr.css, fcljcolcssucbs, ilueuuia- - lisia and Drunkenness. Try a bottic : itmavsave vau-rlife- . soct. L and$i sizes ataiidruesi-sts- . Kvcry Genuine bottle ' f nas pursignasure on puiside wrapper, Ilrsctz Ci VO., ff. i. lirge saving in buying !ft size. ?SraTT3a . J T ' St trm W Just What la Wanted. Everybody whose Kair is gray or tided has felt the reed of a Hair Restorer ar.4 dressinj that is cleanly, agreeably perfumed and hrra'css. Par-leer- 's H?ir liam utisiics the mot f.vticiimis li these rw?sc. Sold .y en. - .... TUB UBUT APPETIZEB TONIO, 1 . Ill: COUGH CURE OB y COUGHS, of - "COLD 8, i coysTjirrnoy, Bnoxcnms, ASTHMA, a no All Diseases or TUB tiuatj aud longs: ta Trie rt.4I,SA!rIof TOLl! has alwsji iiMitom of lbs most vrcsfioct leal Fcftjr tfslblt lb9 HJcroacbmetU of tto aUiivo iiij. . buillbujisv-t- ; beeq so sdvmia-- f sousiy eorapiiu&d-e- d as ia Lain nisei to tliHTia-- f TOLU. ROC K aad HVK. Iu soothlny Bilsibic Froperties stimulant, affords appetizer and tonic, to bnild DD tha Eva. es t.'-.c- r tha eonsh baa bees relieved. 'IMT'ft'J I Don' b" deceived rry dealers l J I f U i i who trv to paim oT Kock and .':.r I.j A, Utn i!s TOLU, KoCK i il :- - V".'.!l SB be-otil-v 4IEtU;ATivD ar - estiine hs a fK VA TK'JI i f-- . p :ei...-- i r i .. iu p on each bqttie,. ' iu: up a Q itri 8ii Bjit!e3. I'rioe $1.00. TOI.U. HOCK & RYE CO., Prop'rm. - CHICAGO, ILL. Sji-- J by UR'JCCISTS and GENERAL DEALERS Everywhere. BENNETT & LEWIS, A complete to:k of Staple and Fancy Groceries FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, CIGARS. AND TOBACCO. v We carry the lie?t stock of CAXNKI) GOODS in tins City. fHtf Fi.xlq, Teas a Specialty, AGENTS 1'OU C. S. Malta's "Old ReiiaWe" Brand 'of Baltimore Oysters; -- . - sS-CA- SK PAID FOK COXTlTTZK 3T IJROZDXJC JH.-i- Jl fiootis Uclivorcd Tree In any part of le clly. ssawsvissisaii ii siisimisji iiivii isiixii s in i isiisi i sssn sn .iiwiijisJis)nnilTTnTirs M hv v V f"1 Contains Pepsin, Rhubarb, Mandrake Gentian And cure. Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Rilliousties and all derangemcnU of the Stouiiicli arising from over-eatin- g anil drinking. Prrpnrnd only by msoiv.v iiiedicixk am invrncinnxo co LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. "-- J for su l,y all Dru-.Ht- o tC?Q The Old Soods Altliouyli Lt'cticn is over v. e are OU WILL FIND AT F.N. WHITE'S nxi-- HEIST MOCKS OI COODH, --Li XL .Mi. aA A T7 -O- J- The Green Winter sale. Over Ji.') Darn-I- s tli;wn Ci IIhj tn by the CA PAID FOR HIDES TALLO W, dC, at .! ,S'. ' RINGS A and Prices. Address D. rlJPrr"r and Plants. OnrGreenhnnaea and Kramra " " uiS uiimutu vi tour acres, solid iu (floss, , employing .iii .Ml eves1 drop for Potatoes Car-loa- d, PEACH BLOWS TYJJTiJS, PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA THE OfJITI fit SONS, Philadelphia. Vblecr.jDs & CO. 35 Street, e-v- r York. send tir Tllustrattd Catalogme of "nP6" "aWverytlilna: Garden," rflEC lias iny Jiamlri, uiaile uonie ou.S riiil7iir..M h:ic i lilcd . tills K at ami Ircomnarl lion inr. In l. ni.-- a e.nnrioun.1 my pn'i lee. Da. IluBEXfJ' t-- vil'H Nov. -- ,;!,. SKM WaMi AvVnoa. l:ZTxrT'J '.V7r:w'm"-'"-" misj 5 r'' I ?A f KyfD A? J f'-- l 1-- 7 Af . I &. iLt-- K.V : J liau ust4 iit JlAUI hit's ,. nuj -- ii u )i-iw- s iu ujtmiLTiiiu, n.ivr tit v i. r fovcrished condition of tne tilooi, t!ii3 peerless have ba.'lled some of our most eminent able remedy. I presorllie it in preference to any aa Db. UAitTEK'd Iso.M To.ic fs a neeessltv In l.m i. Mo.. It (rive color to the blowl, "V natural hralthfultontt to It 2 P :MfJf?f it applicable to Omrrall i V 1'ou-cr- s and Impr.trucn.l . MANUFACTURED 3Y THE DR HARTER J. F, BAUMEISTER Kiei-Ii- , I'me Mi.:; E.:E.iri:fss: eAsi.v. Si cciiil call- - arn-in;e.'- l t. iii.d Fio.-- h M.l from sair e o ti;ii;i.!i-- i ! en v.-i- - J a'-.- I ftf Fr, s fc . . 1:1 r ,i. ul J.. la mfwWWWP 617 St. Charlp's Sfrppt. Sf. Louis. Ifo. A renlar craji ite of txn Mwiical .li., (.. hu le lonor lu.-at.- i i tuun y otherl'liyniuiaa In bf lu:s.a eity pnits tikotr.aqld nil old raidants know. Sjrphilia, Gbuorrkc?-.- . G:et, Orehiua. Kupurcl ( urinary Bjrpbilitio or MercuriaJ Affactioaa J Xbroat. Skin or Jinnee enrcl Si.fcly, J'rivstelr. Sexual Dabiiitv and Imr.ntif a the result of Keif-- huso, eir,sein maturer Tears.erover braiawork. prod uciaff Drvoncness.srnrrv. ai emixsiom, dabulty. dimness o.'thrhl.fW-t;..- . n pry, phjsiciil decay, aversion to society coafuioa of low of svxaal pewsr,nu?nt loe. rendering max. riaire improper re Perzaanantlycured. onsulttioa at office or by mul free and lnvii,.1 P,,.t,,.i,i. ... tamp. Medicinea seat by mall or esorefca. Cores ..nam uuuui vxiHis n ia trucK iy th'ed. MARRIAGE t The whole story, vrcl! told, as it Is troe tolje, oa the foliewina snbjeots: VVbo rnny marry, arhi not, why. Manhood, Womanhood, Physical decay. Who should rnarrr : how life and happiness may be increased ; effects celibacy and excess, and nucy more. Those married oroontemplatinii mnrriaire should read it then keep un- der lock and key. 83 CtS. by mail in money or pos- - .?- - "wii -- r n;i.,a qrii--i pnoxen. ijely mio..l WanuniiiisiQi ot laeos, yivortlou to Society Liou.-- .Jeniory and Disorders brourbton l:v Sif. Abase. Anydrninristhriat!iolnipdieo-ji- . Oirat:ve lnst'e.61i Ht. Iinis, fo. 703 cnenutSt, St. Louie. Mo. at old office, eon Hunt to cure Bpenmv.rrium, S-r- r. n xl Weak- - o! 8yMa- Urinary or Bmdder disaa t. Jernt -- norrbcea, Tired in a 1- -w dys. Aiitbe dLseiMm T::ntn from 0rexpw-ur- e enwd for life with eufa A iv'.r. f r.. , u r . i .. rr.r ttrirt eonfi lenoe. .i Eooif Mrt.,m; ARRIACE GUIDEV octa ru; ran n 1 1 ii- CSr OISPE-rJSAR- Y, fctabllsisl 1S17 at 12 . Sii Strsst, ST. LCCT, K3. riiHE Pbr.icians in charge of Ibis eld and wll know X. institution are resnlar rrs4-jat- t in mediums sni 'irry. Years of i'xpenenoe to tbe treatment of Ciironio Discaeee bare made ibeir skill and ability murb superior to that of the ordinary practitioner, that tbey bare acquired a national reputation through iieir treatment of complicatd rues. NDlSCRETlOfs OR EXPOSURE ? sasHiaMsssBWBKasSBHsasHBwSBS adecuons A to btoosl, asilss er bone, treat--- ! witb auocr, 00 scientific prmcj pivs, without usin( Mercury or viber 1 rtnnnons Medicines and at moderate expense. YOUNC PN and those of mirtdle ae ebo are ' iJi.n.l afase suffering fr&Bi crfc-0-u- c weas:-lle- s that en ere its rirtlras for bus in0 or marriaEo. tormanently cured. moderate expea. tO gATjMTS .;,Mih SZV', fwrKuAi c . u . : I u 71 T i ti f. tm FREE xd tfiTitrd. LtM f to b vntwrrd iSf pattest dmmtriuf trctUnaes. fnra to any aJdreta om vi pi tci. f Pmm fWg' trim Bnptarr mhmmUl ec S t trfr addr, 4 Irftrn miUIm U tkeir aWssiUf a. It h. dM trn.f Corr.snur.n-w'iontric:!- coDfts-o- t in I, tKoo'J bt. -- - DU. BUTTS, IS 81b bee. LeuU. Mo." BSBSsBssajaaassssas 11 11 C l Li r. a- Dry Stand. not done (.'iili'jS, l. ;i Shot. U, OF Till LAW! EST A XI) OF ALL A' I XL'S IX THE 7 nvx. t mil SEED STORE To ovory man's door. If our SEEDS aro not sold In your town, usa Postal Card for nicest Apples SII FURS, Handsome Illustrated Catalogue LANDFIETH Si! sasujeiiaDieuiOjuli:o)otoiiiyiiatiiretl. b.- -t kimln tor Krult (wnowier f .r J'nvaw or Comm-- r- ' inon.ntrniv lest Hi .inn ,tv if all in Jerwv ( itv. are ih.. i.,-...- . i.. a IT:" an avt-ra-- of seventy nu n troiiLout tlm vsr' HErJDERSOfJ tortiatwlt PfVTc for tlie v, in iilivbii-fans- . ie. ?! & I f Stt'-C.LtSrS- Z ft fipermatorrba. so:anl ideas, ff FHEEwaiscl!,PT0H S?f,IT?pot'ncyI14,l.fcIP TWEATFO au-- A combination of JVo- -I tttxide of J mn, J'rrurian Hark and J 'ftosphoru it la rtalatabl form.. Tha ou2f prrjarattan of iron IttAt will not Itlarkrn thtl I trrth,mo churactrrlatievf V'thrriron jrepnrationm. JloiN iuMi: in mi- - r.K tii-c- , ail in an r of loiina aiiyii:iij ......... r. .x I'll. itAlliril a MCDIGIHC CO.. 213 "V. MAIN S.TstTToJ GO. a ' si U A" ill m i! r. i:i; ili ir itla. i - 7 M.Mii.ii! a i - i .i .1 Of I Jou- - ! t:iiil ii p: Jilllrjl, t? ; '.A .i.s.- - ', .l l ', I.iiio.-:- , IU iJliii. t..lirrl lilli-n:- - 1 iilu. t ra!-(!.- ( i ri i :'J ;' .'. ililrew .'iji. hLJ! i.i t. f HiCftGQ.IU ir Z,12iOZX: ; COHAHD COS "'- -; i'! ii. o O) fTZi Liu - V Z 4 ."i ' I.J r "ll7l..3raVA;Emjtf i OiDi r TYt n.iTitn. foi 12 for 2. fSforfia. I ','it') 1 ioom,d 26 4. 35 " 5. erxi rafelv h insil 75 10. IOO " I3.J to uil vouiU. WE GIVE A V A YMx j" "h rriari! tba-- j n.t !;.w-- s n. sr feni?"1 nrji iMu NPKCIAS. Itaeineae . wur 7rw t.mde, s r.,mti' Irmne r" ir- - ' Ca (Ac .w,:l riv nntl; i:lu,'ml,,t r I-- I T THE DEWC-Z- &. CONARD CO. KOMl-rowcr- s, oi tiro-- . c,t iiec(crCotl n sfal I nnn Can foeevred brthscssei 11 V I I Dr.fl.Jqin.' "---- '- lm I III ill! Indie liemedles. Yot 1 W II IB SII Book, ttc. isddreaa Cmumc K A co l't'i Hate St.. fbiiii.. r l HiiM Ilixilog Saw Mac Line is warranted . . . ' ta naw . r. V . o , i . , . , m luua uS iu a luinuces, auia I costa legs money than any other Saw "y Machino. Vja m-- e the first Una who ...... ........ Ji A A J t I.' V )?.Vn...kl.uj fm In Amm. Ufal ' V-- T f , i f V";l "- - .js l"-"""- " 1 own tha onjy lecai right of the same. Brad for our fce circular. United States Manf Co.. Waahlngton. D. 0. nADIESaMfHIT MOUSE OVtY BOOK B If of the klni 11 evcf p-- i'd ijThe i;niTioN. a 'iisioitr oi 1 of Ibe L-- d. o lw mi U-j- w.ih view oi masy o I " 'd(- - 1h the most sxUble hooj I pubbtbed. Acen j wanied-se- nu fee CucuUrs, with sail ... ... . I 3 North 4th St, PfclUdelphia. Fa. QTARTLirJG LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A victim of youthfnl i Bre lio:y Nervous . It Manhood. etr. oatuiK tried in vain every tuon remalv, has die-- OovervdaFin-.i.iKe.-lfrmr-- . T.lut-- iM ,a .."art fi-.- t 1 lis l.-- I low.ri:f..i. r ., .......... I 43 Cliatham f.t.. v v. " " n?'"H nv ( .,

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There is a 8lemVul set of burglar'stools on exhibition in the Chicago Tribvne oifice. To the experienced observerthey look like a pair of fcheaxs and apaste-cu- p. Lovxll Citizen.

Boston contains ?,000 Swedes, accord-ing to n directory which has been speci-ally prepared to contain ' their names,sex, age, native place and date of arri-T- al

in this country.Gentlemen who "kick" at the "cart-

wheel", hats worn to the theatre by la-

dies ought to be consistent enough totake their cloves" with them whenthey attend places of amusement. TheJudge.

"Mademoiselle," said, a witty andgallant septuagenarian the "ther day,making his demand for thft hand of alady still in her teens. I am 70 and3 011 an 17. Will you do me the honorof becoming my widow?" Funny,

A gentleman in South Florida owns46,000 orange trees, covering forty-tw- o

acres. Of this number 10,017 are largebearing trees. One tree, about JJ0 yearsold. produced four years ago 628 goodfruit; three years ago it bore 2,200; lastyear 4.200; this year 2,800.

The Philadelphia Ledger printed lastvear the announcements of the deatV of889 persons who ' had reached 80 yearsof age, 834 of whom were men ana Mowomen-- Two of the men and 10 of thewomen had passed 100 years.

A fast mail train between New Yorkand Washington was stopped severaltimes a few days ago, by two elephantswho happened to be in the cars pullingthe bell-rop- e. It was more than anhour before the cause of the stoppageswas discovered.

A statue of Oakes Ames facing andpointing to the west, and one of OliverAmes facing east, are to crown themonument which is in process of erec-tion at Sherman, Wy. T. It stands up-on the highest point of land on the Un-

ion Pacific railway.Helena, M. T., is advancing. A

young lady in one month as book can-vasser took sixty-nin- e orders for the

Encyclopaedia Britannica," represent-ing the value of more than 10,000. Isthis to be used a3 an argument for theadmission of Montana into the Union orin favor of female suffrage?

Last year 113,400,000 shares of stockwere sold in the New York exchange,besides 43,000,000, shares of miningstock, and '387,000,000 of railroadbonds. The recorded dealings in gov-ernment bonds wtre 3G,CG3,000, and instate bonds 49,700,000 par value.

The Cincinnati Gazette contends thatthe real mormon problem is not polyga-my, but the existence in this country ofa theocracy which is a despotic systemof civil and religious government, andis alien to the United States, and makesaliens of all citizens who bear allegianceto the United States, practicallying them no rights.

Spain is having built in England sev-

eral iron ships for her naval licet. Thecompany which built for her sometimeago an iron cruiser has recently launch-ed a second after the same design. Thelength of these ships is 210 feet, andtheir tons burden 1,039; the armamentbeing three ch 4-t- on breech-loadin- g

Armstrong guns.Brooklyn Eagle: Bv-the-w- we

think we have discovered the original ofthat dialogue between Capt. Corcoranand Sir Joseph Porter, K. C. B. Grattanwas once asked, by a religious friend,"Do vou say your prayers?" Never,'replied the great Irish orator. 'What,neverr saul Ins hornheu examiner.Well, hardly ever,' answered Grattan."

In his report of military operations inthe department of Dakota during 1S81,Gen. Terry says lie regrets to say theoutlook in Northern Montana is not asfavorable as could be desired. TI e en-croachments of Indians from the Britishpnninees have caused the ranchmen toorganize for mutual protection againstt!ie dusky cattle stealers, and Gen. Ter-ry tl;inks it will require the best effortsof the governments on both sides of theboundary to prevent the evils that arelikely to occur.

A bickering pair of quakers were late-ly heard in high controversy, the hus-band exclaimiug: "I am determined tohave one quiet week with thee." "Buthow will tliou be able to get it?" saidthe taunting spou". i.i tli.-i- sort of rei-teration which married so pro-vokin-

indulge in. "I will keep theea week after thou art dead," was thequaker's rejoinder.- - -- rrosidence Vt,.

Americans, as a ruk are impatient ofstistained thought or prolonged atten-tion; The perpetual cr U for amuse-ment, for short paragraphs, strong lan-guages, spicy sermons, sensationalstories, and never too much of anything.Milton would not-a-da- y be asked to boildown his "Paradise Lost," and Shak-spea- re

to recast his plays as "spectacu-lar" dramas- -' Seriousness is the onething everybody is afraid of. BostonStar.

During a steam voyage, on a suddenstoppage of the machinery, a considera-ble alarm took place, especially amongthe female passengers. "What is thematter? What is the matter? For heav-en's sake tell me the worst!" exclaimedone more anxious than the rest. Aftera short time a hoarse voice from thedx'k replied: "Nothing, madam, noth-ing; only the bottom of the vessel andthe top of the earth are stuck together."

The export season for the dried fruitsof the Levant is now in full activity. Inone fortnight lately no fewer than 195,-00- 0

barrels, eases, 'bags, boxes, drums,and baskets of ligs and raisins wereshipped at Smyrra. The best tigs ofcommerce are chiefly grown in Asi.Minor, were the fruit begins to ripen atthe end of June, and the summer yield,which gives employment to a large pop-ulation, comes to market in immensequantities in September and October.The trees often yield three crops.

Thomas Carroll, a Wisconsin farmer,finding his leg decaying from a feversore, grasped his foot with one handand pressed hard wtih the other uponthe decayed part and broke it asunder.He then called for a razor, which washanded him, and with it he deliberatelycut off the entire limb. Then, withoutassistance from any one, he tied up thearteries, made the necessary lap of flesharound the bone, and sewed and band-aged the same without help, and is in afair way of recovery.

Frinee Bismarck, assisted by his sons,is said to be writing his memoirs. Thejart of them which will come from thechancellor's own hands are those whichconcern the conflict between the govern-ment and the Prussian diet, the wars of1806, and 1870, and his stav at St. Pe-tersburg and Paris. His childhood andvouth will be written of by Count Her-bert, " while the younger son. CountWithelm, will write out his father's im-pressions of the various ministershome and foreign with whom thestatesman's long career has broughthim into eontact- -

Deacon George W. Chapman, of Bos-ton, recently in passing a candy storewhich the Sheriff was selling out, step-je- d

in and bought the entire stock; andthen followed a revelry in sweets amongthe thousand children in the TremontTemple Sunday school, of which foryears he has been Superintendent.

F. Nichols Crouch, of Baltimore,' haswritten a letter in which lie says thatfrom the thirty different editions of hisson- - "Kathleen .Mavoumeen" whichhave been published i& this country, helias not received a cent. He w now

mechanic at lewworking as a commonthan a dollar a day, and on this stipendlie has to support a wife and five chil


Domestic Eeceipts.Ginger Cookies. Two caps New Or-

leans molasses, one enp lard, one-ha- ll

cup sugar, one heaping teaspoonful.soda dissolved in three-quarte- rs of acup of warm water, one teaspoonfulginger, one large teaspoonful cinnamon,one-ha- lf teaspoonful cloves. Mix withenough Hour to keep them from stickingto the board, and bake a nice browncolor. I consider them just as good asthe bakers' cookies.

New England Baked Indian Pudding.One quart of milk, three-quarte- rs cup

of molasses, two teaspoonfuLs ginger,one-ha- lf teaspoonful cinnamon, a bit ofsalt. ' Stir these thoroughly together,arid let come to a boiL Have readythree dessert-spoonfu- ls of Indian mealwet in a little cold milk; put it into thehot milk, and after stirring thoroughlylet it boil five minutes. This should bemade early in the morning, and setaway to cool. When neededfor dinner,take two eggs well beaten, two table-spoonfu-ls

melted butter, half a teacupcold milk; stir this into the first mix-ture, and let it bake two hours.

Macaroni a V Italienne. Twelvesticks of macaroni (a quarter of apound), half a pint of milk, two table-spoonfu- ls

of cream, two of butter, oneof flour, some salt, white pepper andcayenne, and a quarter of a pound ofcheese. Break and wash the macaroni,and boil it rapidly for twenty minutesin two quarts of water. Put the milkon in the double boiler. Mix the butterand Hour together, and stir into the boil-ing milk. Add the seasoning, creamand cheese. Drain and dish the maca-roni. Pour the sauce over it, and serveimmediately. One tablespoonful ofmustard can be stirred into the sauce ifyou like. If the sauce and macaroniare allowed to stand long after they areput together, the dish will be spoiled.If they cannot be served immediately,keep both hot in separate dishes.

Yorkshire Pork Pies. Use lean, freshpork; have two or three pounds if thepie is to be a large one; cufc the pork in-

to strips about two inches long and halfan -- inch wide; line a buttered puddi-

ng-dish with puff paste, put in thepork, season with pepper, salt, andsage, wet with half a pint of sweet cideror wine, put small pieces of butter overthe top, cover with thick puff pa3te, cuta fancy figure on the top, brush overwith beaten egg; bake an hour and ahalf, or, if small pies are preferable,bake in small patty pans.

Oatmeal Samp. Put a pint of oat-meal to soak in warm water a few hoursbefore cooking it; just water enough tocover it; then pour this mixture intoboiling water, a little at a time, with agood pinch of salt, and let it cook slow-l- v,

the same as a cornmeal hasty pud-ding, for half an hour longer. A pud-ding can be made of it by using eggs,milk, sugar, raisins, and cinnamon, thesame as for other puddings.

French Salad Dressing. Three table-spoonf- uls

of oil, one of vinegar, onesaltspoonful of salt, one-ha- lf a salt-spoonf- ul

of pepper. Put the salt andpepper in a enp, and add one table-spoonf- ul

of the oil. When thoroughlymixed, add the remainder of the oil andvine"-ar- . This is. dressing enough for asalaiT for six persons. If you like theflavor of onion, grate a little juice intothe dressing. The juice is obtained byfirst peeling the onion, and then gratingwith a coarse grater, using a good dealof pressure. Two strokes will giveabout two drops of juice enough forthis rule.

Of Hayes' children, one,Webb Hayes, is a manufacturer inCleveland; Burchard Hayes is practis-ing law with young Mr. Waite in Tole-do; Rutherford Hayes, Jr., is, at schoolin Boston, and the younger children goto the public school in the village of Fre-mont.

An Iowa editor was challenged tofight a duel. He promptly accepted,and chose axes as the weapons. Thenje issued a supplement, and named for-ty rods as the distance.


Fashion Notes- -

Small sleeve-butto- ns are most stylish.The close English coiffure still pre-

vails.Plash skirts make handsome balmor-al-s.

Sealskin borders are on green clotusuits.

Bearskin robes will be used in sleighs.Black velvet dog collars are again in

fashion.Red satin fans are popular for day re

ceptions.Feathers supersede flowers in head-

dresses. .Plush-cover- ed pedestals are effective

for statuary.Brown is preferred to gray for brides'

travelling dresses.The small bonnets of last winter are

the favorites of this j"ear.Moire stripes alternating with plush

stripes are seen in rich gmds.Plain sleeves are preferred to puffs by

fashionable young women.One wide bonier of fur is more stylish

than two or three narrow ones.

Every Egg Broke.A farmer, carrying a basket of eggs,

tried to steal a ride on a freight train,and when he came to want to get off,the train didn't stop, and no he jumpedoff. The train wasn't going very fast,but he didn't understand getting awayfrom it, and so got slung several sum-mersaults and stopped against a fence,with a wrist sprained, his clothes mud-died and rent, and one ear pretty near-ly torn of. He got up and took an in-ventory of the result, and in his de-spair, lifted up his voice and said:

Gosh durn the gosh - durn luck, any-how! Even gosh durned egg in thelot's broke!" Boston rost.

A Damaged Beauty.Miss Louise Montaiie, the celebrated

'Lalia Ro'kh" of Fo'rep.iugh'f pircu3,has filed suit for damages against tboLonisvill and Nashville railroad, con-cerning her intentions to do whichmuch has been written in the papers.She says in her pet tion that she got onboard a train of cars run for the defend-ant at Bowlinr Green, about 10 o'clockon the night of September 22; " that al-most as soon 0 she stepped on theplatform the train started off at a highrate of speed, And ran 'Into soma .othercars which had been left on the track,producing a wrocV. in which she wascaught and her left limb bruised andlacerated and t'.e flesh torn; tiiatnt. thetime she was an : etress jn Ail am Fore-pangh- 's

circus, receiving 333 ft weekand traveling expenses: that by reasonof the accident to her she had been con-fined for four weeks, suffering greatbodily and mental pin, 1 sing I crsalary and incurring great expense fortreatment and assistance; thst it willbe a long tim;t before she will be ableto fulfill her duties as an actress, and,besides, after she recovers the limb willstill appear scarred and mntilated. andwill be source of great dis.-onfor- t amigroat peeunt trr Joss to her. In con-sideration of nli of wiiiitt demands

20,000. Louisrl'le VourieirJournqL

A correspondent of the New YurkEvening Post says that the writer on

Slang Phiases," in the January Atlan-tic, does not appear to kuow that thephrase "too thin" is purely and distinc-tively Shakspearian, and quotes "KingHenry VliL." rt 5, scene 3, where theKing is represented 'Iressing Gard-iner as follows:You were ever itxk! at sudden commendation,liirihop of Winchester. But kivnr, I come notTo heucnch flattery now; and Jn my preseiicdTber are v,jjp" end Iwse to hi le offence

The Pint Mormon Sermon.The first Mormon preacher was a man

nzaied Aldrich. I heard his first sermon,says a correspondent of the Salt LakeTribune. When he got up in the school-hous- e

he said that he would not preachthe new gospel unless Gabriel Mowedhis horn as a sign that he endorsed hisviews. Just then a loud blast of a hornwas heard, and then he began his preach-ing. The horn business had a peculiareffect upon some of the . congregation,and as it sounded night after night, justbefore he preached, many of the ignor-ant were converted. I was only a school-boy then, but myself and other school-boys determined to watch the placewhere the sound came from, and in a

of trees, not far from thefrove we found the Gabriel up a tree,with a fish-hor- n under his coat. Wemade him come down, and found him tobe a worthless fellow whom Smith hadhired to toot for him.

One day when Aldrich was preaching,ho blew his horn, and arlot of old womencame out, thinking the fish . and clamwagon was coming. We exposed thehorn trick, and it was the laughing-stoc- k

of the town. We used to tell the manto get a horn that was not a fish-hor- n, sothat the people need not rush out, ex-pecting clams.

The most astonishing thing about thematter was that, although the fraud wasfully exposed, and the man who playedthe part of Gabriel was caught dozensof times behind hedges and out-buildin-

blowing his old horn for Aldrichto preach from, there were lots of peo-ple who believed that the religion wasthe only true religion, and plenty of peo-ple joined the church, and even gave upall their property to it.

A Eusy Man.Peck's Milwaukee Sun is responsible

for this: A Milwaukee man, while inCliicago, recently, sent a bouquet offlowers to a relative in a Wisconsin town,and when he heard from them they hadarrived four days after le'ng shipped,wilted and dead. He was mad, and intalking it over with a railroad man, therailroader said: "You must not expecttoo much from an express agent. N ow,that bouquet had to pass Juuction,and I know the express agent there. Heis the depot agent, express agcn keepsa restaurant, is postmaster, ..!s asswitchman, helps unload freight, checksbaggage, keeps a store, works a team onthe road, drives passengers to adjoiningtowns, is sexton iu a church, buys coun-try produce, keeps the hav-scale- s, ruusthe caucuses of 1 tTt political parties,goes out shooting chickens w itli hunters,keeps a pool table, has a mill for grind-i- r

sugar-can- e, and runs a hop yard,beside helping his wife run a millinerystore. Now, a man who has so muchbusiness as that ought to 1 e excused forletting a bouquet i in the express,office a week or ten days." ' The manwho sent the bouquet said, come tothinkabout it, they were mighty lucky to getthe flowers at all, and he would apolo-gize for anv words l e might have s;. ;?en in the heat of debate. What t.ecountry wants is a diversity of indust-ries.

Crime and Sensational Literature.The direct connection between "pen-

ny dreadfuls' and crime has been de-

monstrated over and over again Jby theannals of our own police courts. Themischievous lad who sometimes 'sincepresented a pistol at her Majesty's head,and got well whipped for his pains, wasfound in possession of a collection oflives of celebrated highwaymen, andthe various gangs of youthful burglarsand would-b- e highwaymen who navelately appeared In the dock have oneand all modeled their career upon theheroes of criminal novels. Only theother day a terrible illustration ocenredof the actual effect of this gallows litera-ture upon Weak minds. A young man19 years of age named Westby, shot hisfather dead at Nottingham, having firstmurdered a little ofiice boy at the officeof the solicitor where he was employed,"merely to strengthen hU nerve," andthen took refuge in a fowl-hous- e, wherehe was captured witli a revolver in hispossession, with which, as he franklyowned, he intended, when the policecame, to shoot as many as possible.

The key to this otherwise inexplica-ble outbreak of homicidal fury was af-

forded by the poor mother's words:"My son was very fond of reading andwould sit for hours at his favoriteamusement.studying periodicals and sen-

sational literature." By this "sensa-tional literature?" his habits appear tohave been formed, and the were ec-

centric enough, Ie. would not, we aretold, "allow any tnu to vjsjt his, bed-room, which was entered by an openingin the floor. To this opening he had at-tached ft trapdoor, with bolts, aml-jti-

night he alwavM fastened himself in.He had also puiled down the bedstead,and had been in the habit of sleeping ina hammock slung up from the roof,while around the walls of the roomwere a number of pictures of the 4Lifeof Dick Tnrpin,' etc. A singular col-lection of cuttings from newspaperswas also found in his desk at Mr. Era-ser's office, including recipes for themanufacture of guncotton and other ex-plosives, together vslth accounts of mar-velous adventures." .lien i a directinstance of the effect which the modernsubstitutes for the Newgate calendarhave-upo- weak intellects and crazybrains. Saturday Ilcvlcw.

A Man to Wham Vanderliit Cavi & Tan",The first wife of the Lit Cornmo hro

Vanderbilt and the wife of iSamuelCarr were sisters. While Vanderbiltwas laying the foundation of his greatfortune. Carr was going backward. Hofinally became almost destitute. Com-modore Vanderbiit then bought a goodfarm, stocked it, and turned it over toMr. Carr as a present; but it was notlong before Carr had spent everything.He appealed for another trial, but theCommodore was- - inexorable. The re-

sult was that Carr had to be taken tothe Rjukmnmj (Jopnty Poor-Hous- e,

where ho has vvna'ju for the lasttwenty years. Recently Mr, Wflljaw?,Vanderbilt. the grandson of domino?dore Vanderbilt, interceded, and nowMr. Carr, who is 70 years old, is In St.Luke's Hospital.

Cranberry Culture.Not long ago a gentleman pointed out

k' s 3 small fresh-wat- er marsh, andsaid: Thn pl;'f is worthless as it is,but it will yield "$$,tKM- - o SOOO worthof cranberries even- - vear." The cran-berries fonnd in our markets come fromWisconsin largely, and are worth inJoan Francisco at the present time $14per barrttt, M half this price rep-resent freight chaj-gM- , an!' fhfl ret3$price brings them up to the nvignboisshood of 17 per barret This berry hasbeen cultivated largely ill tho New Jvngland states for years, and a largtf pro-portion of the country's supply comesfrom this so arcs. In Michigan and Wis-consin are large marshes where it flour-ishes in the wild state; but these marsh-es are now found to be inadequate tothe demand, and a large amount of cap-jx- ij

hij$ JY'eently been invested in landand iliipxutt,.i ff)T the propagationjjf he fruit la'tuaX rygio"o U jji.-os-i

where it has grown- - wild. ' .The' "pnee(berg r4rc3 rum $2 to S2.i0 per bushel, and th eothpaaf evppct to get baudsome profits from thi invesfnipfilthese liirures. If the crauberrv can bproduced here for even double the moneythev are worth there, there would be awide margin of profit for the grower.So far as we know, there has been no2ort made to cultivate this berry on

the coa.-- - Why should not some of ourfarmers experiment, .vith it? HumboldtTiniCS. :.i.':.S

Pilllltzfrfl rib!'-- .

.' i

U .Ai J "3xvj '' w-tf5

fW,. THE GREAT n t f

yonw- -t BrM mm mm m c . m tm &. m

.usNeuralgia; Sciatica Lumbago,

Backache, Soreness of the Chest,Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell-

ings and Sprains, Burns andScalds, General Bodily

Pains,Tooth, Ear and Headache, 'Frosted

Feet and Ears, and all otherPains and Aches.

No Preparation on earth equal Sr. jArnnx Oila a afr, ttirr, simple and eheap ExternalK'medy A trial entails lint the comparativelytrifling outlay of 50 Onta, and every one niffi rrngwith pain can hTe cheap and poaltiro proof of iuclaima,

Direction in Eleven Languages.80LD BT ALL DRUGGISTS AKD LEALEK3


A. VOGELER & CO.,Baltimore, Sid., U. 8. A..

Agnta waat4 or the Lilt aund itorb of

GARFIE1LBThe only completeiitory of hi nohlp life and tragicdeath. Fretb,bril!iHnt, reliable. t.'.i:tlr printedin Kntrliih nnil Uprmaa; mumti etjtfy Illus-trated; handsomely Iwiund. Fui.-- t boolcever poblishe'l. By John C. Kitlpntli. a. I.. Ik.f A TIT rrtTT I n' buy Ui? catch penny,

1 vamped lampa'un tirfks w'nhwhich, the country is flooded. Th;--y Hre utterlyworthless: an outrage opon the he rretttdead, and a base fraud on the public. Tli'.s Look is

nrir. Theonly wort worthy U o th rue.Send Oo. in utamps for Acnil's Outfit.

W. H. McCulim , Vv Moinea, Iowa

a v eek la your o.v:i -- :, uiit-t- it

free. So rifk. EvcmMfs mrCapital not require;. V - wi'lfuruiU you c.i'i iL'i : A';.!:;,are making tii'H.' . i j:i!e mhmake us itiueli - i !!. and lox

and girl make preat p:iy. !i'V.i' r. if you wanta business at which you'ean i;:;;t e great pay sillthe time ycu work, write for particular to 11.Hali.ktt & Co., l'ortlaud Maine.






TORPID LIVER- -Logs of appetite.Nausea,bowel8 costive,Pain in theKencUwith a dull soosatfon inthe back part. Pain "under the' shoulderWade.J'unnefs'after fatinR.with a disin-clinati- oh

to exertion of body or nsindjIrritabllityof temper. Low 'spirits. Lenaof memory, with a feeling oi naving neg-lected soine duty, weariness. Dizziness,Fluttering ofthe H eart. Dots before theeyes, V el'ow bkin, H eadachgri estleaa.nesa at night, highly colored Urine.IT TEI3E-WAFvNING- AR-- UNHEEDED,SERIOUS DISEASES Will SOON BE DEVELOPED

TU'lT'S PILLS " especially adapted tosuch CHes,one iloso effect auchaebangeof feeling as to aatoniHH the ufferr.

They IM-reaeli- e 4pprlte.andraisetbe ,

body to Take an rieab. thus the sylem Isnoiirtohesl.and bv theirTnie Aetionon theIHfrUlrrOnana. BeyiilwrfclooU are pro-duced. VricB i (K in. a& Hnrraj St--, n.X.

TUTT'S HAIR DYE.Gray Hair orWmwtvw changed to a ntossvBlack by a nlnele application of this Dyk. Itimparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously.Sold by Druggist or sent br expren on reonpt of f I.

Office, 35 Murray St., New York.CVr. TCTTa A?rt. r TalnMr

t. will mailwl tKEK pUrtl 9AAjSi.i-Vj;3i- t. A j?j Mt xim. oriooisL'Ki T

J U M a hid u c; tL a I



Jk U t fcwi qr f epics;;&vr Cures Dyspepsia;

wTistrraetiicM tliw system;J tJsSS Restores the Weaki dZi and Debilitatedi ajJfcjrR-sSwsa- . A Ill "i'iJ-- f i

fi r Dr.CriMtli' Winor Tart take no otber.For wltt by all iiruggmU.S. N. SMITH C9.,Prop'r!

Jf,1,-- 4, 8oewr U Ollrtr Crook A fa. B1IATTOX. OHIO.

fpm.n SBCCC8S



BY YEARS wWO of asiialnabla Discovery and New Separtnr in Mad

lcaj Science. A poeitively effectiTe Kiniely for thespeedy and permanent Curt, tururirnnicwenknee the)deplorable disease rusult iuc f:inn iodisereet practioea !

or exoesees in youth or at uo of life by the only ;

true way, viz: AJirecr. a wuicauoxz actuig oy aosorption, and exertioir its speciflo Inftueoceon theVeaiclea, Ducts, and Oland. that are unable to pea-for-

their natural functions while this disease per-vade the tinman organism. The use of the PaatuieIs attended with no pain or Inconvenience, and doenot Interfere with the ordinary pursuit of life; It laquickly dissolved and soon absorbed, prodocins; anJrnrneaiate soothine; and restorative enectopoa thepcVfWS ry;9ii(a'ioiis wrecked from vicdoas habitaerBxPMicsB.'stiTi'riinrifn rlraia from tb system, restor-la(- T

tr.s mind t6 64a-lii-i ar.d ec ;it :!iB.fry.rMnor-Ina'.'Ui- epininesa pf Slht:' Xkaitntffi'ot J-- i

Aversion tj Society, etc. etc.. uad tLe nJIpnArtwpf praipatura eld age usuaiiy log fbfjtsoabia, aad restoring the vital forces, tthera Chefhave been dormant fur yr. Xhis mode of tseafrmeat has stood the tet iu vry severe oases, and 1

now a proconnced success. Xlruts are too much la this trouble, and, as many can bear wit-ness to, with but Utile if an; permanent good. Thereis no nonseosahouttliis J 'r.ivxrat ion. Practical ob-servation enable n to I'fwi'.ively flruaranfee that itwill give satisfaction. Is hns been In genera) osefor several years nd wo hnve thoasanflf of testinsoaials fmra imtienia, as to its vnlue, aod it fa nowooooedod to be the most rational means yet diaeovered for rs.tchLca and cuiLn this very prevalent.y'""- - that Is vrcll known to be the caieof untuid

imsirrtc kic2T.ol upon whom quiwka prey withUialr tospr-M- " nyvi'm-- ,. t-- -J biar fees. The Kemerlyla potupin neat bases, af ifirvo!. fp. J,(enotu;hto last a month, I S3 J 'S.tmiihoienUto na tuA 3 er--tnsnent cure, unless ir Sfevoro cams.t ,(iaetina; oveir three ucrthn, iil restore-tnos- f a t.'roworst conii inn. i S7. t!r nt bv mail, in plain wrappers.

uii KlRRCl'lona r vauuflr Wiii. actACK HOX.

fefM4 fr orMtrtr r.T.v-rtnr- e --.mpw iJ Itfa tivipit Jtwiisitnical lllnirtctionB tho most a .( :.': thu( in.vi9 Hmrrti to ticrft-t- tienlrJt, t'tui ihf rfjul1 SisPfe'4 thff'lu rvriccti-rtitUr- ii mame

um if s.. nL7,ltl, &l,t (fl'ltf fryHARRIS REMSCY CO. MH. HE.m

MaraetanflStli Sis. Ct. LOu:3, MO.Un!icltc3 teavlmor.y to tho Efficacy of

Prof. Harris' Pastille, taken from Lt-ts- rs

reoelvwl t Pa'romiIndiani. April It. TV Ike hsmody is srorklns; per

f&cUr. Had ef.l,---r--'- n wwtnw. forb 3 oars past.Iowa. Oet. I' 'in. iH.l am almrast surprised at issr!!. TbcT hure work-H- l likifn charm oa m. I am

ras Xofirht. and i Hre was

socmsMrm cirmsrv X.,.rro j. i . . t.r r.v.eine fuid I bJ"v9 it bw crd me. fortbnnJcfal- - J ncifrwi Had X Piea scd tt anochor

r c frfond. Vcu &hva iSnn n r:aX thiasku 4 on cl ttiwm-iir- t ctta. - -

- a

From a physic Mf 5iif?3l.Mlssoart. Jan S. Pl farwr. isMMar kof to Pastille The tf.val on wh.itn 1 bava osiulaacwjt of oae bos, fa addition to a sarapio toi. is fastracovariosb and I think nno( Ur w Li I sia- aim ail rict.

From a Druggist.Maryland, Sept. 2. T9. Last Janniirjr w CT" a box of

yoar Hrbmi for on ofoar castotnvrK. sod it bits madsa prf S cqrg of him. W have another customs aosrisMsj in to sam way. aod wlan ana Ko. a bas.


S-- J eiSV Mwji I?tV .i1 l" i f-f- It


flTTOPVagon, Buggy, Machine and Plow re-

pairing, and general jobbingI am now prepared to do all kinds of repairingor farm and otber machinery, as there

la a good lathe in my shop., 'PETER ItAO EN,

The old Reliable Wagon Makerbaa taken charge of the wagon Khop.

- He is well known as aNO. 1 WORKMAN.

Sew Wacoa) . and Itnrsifn made toOrder.

SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.Shop on Sixth street nonoslte StrHeht'sStatle

' '. . AND -

MACHINE SHOPS!. - ; I'latfMiuouth - Xelrnkn.Flepajrer of Steam Engines, Boilers,

- Saw and Grist Millx,GAS AND STEAM FITTINGS.

Wrought In-- Tine. Furce and Lift llpes.SteaiaGaueM. Safety Valve (idvernor and jill

kiiidf if lr.s Kngiue Kiltinfcs,repaired on slmrt iiot ice.

Also all kinds ifKABH JIAI HIVH! Y.

XKW JiI!I( H VAIiP.I have now a new JJrick-M.ik- er from tlie east

First-Cla- ss Workman.

130,000 No. 1 Brickow. ju'auv ana for s;s;c i .j u:i.

them for Yoiii-tivc- s. ir ik.fallow ;i in.'-i- i po .

Yttf li;ld.Will KOt U8U::;!-- : tor a C;ant(t? ri linr

I am iil;--

i!t V. i.;N !! l,itii!!': ;iiw! t f i t

up any kind .f wnik inBrick wan tod v

IKlinV ilARTMAX.A' n:v !!.(; . Avenue or at K. i

M ii r- - .Tj M:iin r!;i:tMii.m!h, jNe!.r;sk Vm




Jl'ST tfEXF.f AO A IX.I tM, Clean, First Class Meat Shop,

onMain Street Correr of Mil. ' l'l;itlniontliEverybody on hand for fresh, tender meat.

.'; 1.116

anycauMsJso lor Uirtef ilccca.wt so!: WrtESSir lao tliykitM ditabilUg entlU 1 1 per lext

nKtrur. ty arvincio tlinchnrijrs rr-'- 7 h -

yaotii't i to wncmcr en:::i -- i . r ' - sfci'jv.l two 3c. rta:Tji3 f"r ct 't

of Itf?ormt ioii. A- In- - r rstatnns. PTOIn.r:T & f'.. ': .

and FatcnUi, 13 O LL,S V."., l .i:on. . ii

ThirtvP1- - fai'rtleaof CshSae;e: of Cor: 8 of Cucoas- -bcr: i .: s; of Vc. : vf : t? "f S.uah; jof Bee: a.:: I n oi Tor.nto. miiU other varieties in proportlaa. alar.fe pnrtwm f.' whi--- were on mv He seed farmt. sritib-- - tn t ;n m rertable aat Flowrrr H-- 3ataloeefor 1 SS. Sen: to ail vrho apply. C'w oruers of 1

Sc.w n nccl 2vt . ritir ftir it. AU fel i fmm rr.y aWiih-me-

warrai.-c-- l l&h and true a io far. thatshnuld ii o.Iicrwi.e. 11 refill o. r rr::s. Theeri'lnnl liitrmlaorr f Fu-l- rt'.lu .ia l ?:.. Psta.tnm. SIa?i;! "ii.oJ Fn-?- v '.:. t: !.-.- ' ' . ,

llarblt iivuJ 4'uhi.utw I' :. ...'..--- . .t.ijreof...her w Vtjrt.i. :r. I Irvc t--t. , wl tiit ;hiI1ic"cT V'cffctabics a il-v- .

JlSLZOr 9, J. J".. i,r ;,,? V; Mass.


C. lli:isr.l - frupif?tor.Flour. Corn .fetfl tfr Feui

Al;iv on tmnil uml t(ir.iii'i I:.wti.';l e:isjinvirea. Ttie 1 sr I t prii'hn .,tli il" Wheii ;n,itC'ovn. rnrl'pnlnr ntn'ittion jr'ven finrd'n work.

KENDALL'Srni n i in r- -Lt II I P ! I I WW V ,eT'Iuriv in uuiiLii f:,:u

ii mm

Till: 3I0ST SLTfESsri'I. IIE3IEDTever diccovered. an it in certain in Its eficcssand does no! Mister. A no excellent for Iiu-ui- an

ilesii. lrt'AD I'lifjUK 11KLOVY,


Vftini;stown. Ohio, May lfath, l4".Dir. Ii. .J y. I'VDAM. & t.'o., ;nra;-- I had a

very vsilualde llanibicti nian colt which I prizedverv liithly. he had a lurue inme spavin on onejoint art! n small one on tlie oilier wiueit luaaei:i;,i vcly lame ; I had him under She cliarjire ortivti t.nn:irv whlcli tailed to curehiin. I.vra oiie day readin1; the advertisement J

of Kctidairs Simvin Lure m me i nieago r.x-pro- -s,

I determined at once to try it. they or-dered three bottles: I look tluin all anithoufh! I would give it a tliorouuh trial. I usedit according to directions and the fourth daythe colt ceased' to Ire lame, and the lumps havedis.npearel. I used but one bottle and thecolts limbs are as free from lumps and assmooth as anv hore in the state. lie is entiro-- -

cure was so remarkable that Ih-- t iu.) f jitJt;h'"'' tlie remainingiwo bottles. tflo aru Hr.W tjSny if4, '


Seav in CareON HUMAN H.ESK.

PatUen'a Mille, Wash. Co.. X. V. Feb. 2ist. 1ST.

Dlt. B. J. Kfs HALL, Dear Sir : Tbe iarticu-li- rawe on vliii-!- i I u.seU viur KpiuIuHV Sxviu

t.'iire-wa- a niHlignHnt ankle fi-al- of lxt-e- n

liioiitli" sitmitlini:. 1 bad trU-t- l liu.iiy tliinRs. Imtin tain. Your Spavin Cure uit the ImjI ttlieirioitnJ ay:Min, ami lor ine nrt time M'-i-- in.n.Fr. iftiHtiwnl positimi. F'or u f;ii:iiy liniment ItfhtI. inO (hiitg'M-- wd.

.. . . ' ti ' Toura Tru! v.' Krv. M. P RRLL,rtitort.f ty. F Citurdt, fMtrh'.s Mi0.-X- : ).--

Ken'li's spavin Cuf.SlmiiI aililrc-- ' for I!iustr;Hed i;iu.uliM. iti---

welhirik gives xisti-e'pno- tt vittus. ijrfnitiUv" h ftr m't ijh tiin! iinrm;iliufJ yijcrk-.- s ut iiur ksiuvlettr'A t" us w'"f'liVe 1, perix.ttle. r lx txitllM for 56. AltDnipgiets have it or can ;et It tor you. or itwill be sent to any address tin receipt of prieby the projirb-tor-i. LK. B. J. KKXUALL & CO.Enoeburg Fulls. Vt. 341y

SOLD BY ALL now lit'f.ire the pub-

lic. Vou can maAe money -v,. r.t work for in thtu at

. Capital .i: ;.').!'.!. '.Wipwftl ftitrf you. Js, JAnd iipwariln ni;ideil inely

iJit indu-trioU- ". .Men. m-n- . fiojs and t irl .Vntefl evr-r)lier-f tp work tqr il.- - 'Now iailietixia. Vou Mia work in time only, or iiveryour tUnn l the: Uuli:i' , Vou caijliveat Home Hun uo m. worn .'i nnirr i.iimmwill pav you nrarlj well. N oiie csn nil mmake f'noniious jray by rt:iins at ti.-t- : Cirt-I- v

oulOt and terms "free. lo!ev rru.ii' fnst.ea-ii- y

aii IioDomldv. Addrewn35lj Tkcjc it Co., avutfuato. Maine.

19 the OM Favorite andxirt3:rjcxrjATi Xiiaoxa

Omaha, Kansas City, Atchison and St. Joseph,3?" O




New York, Boston!And All Points EAST and SOUTHEAST.

THE LIXE COMPRISESNearly 4.000 railed. Solid Smooth Ptopl Track. Alt

comifctmns ar msdn in I'NlUN DEPOTS. It baaa Ucputnn.m n bt'irur THE GKGATTHIiul'UlirAK LINE find ! tiniversnllT concededt' be THE FINEST KyriPPED itailroad iu Uta"World for all classes of travel.

Trv it, and you will tlnd traveilnt; a luxury Insteadof a discomfort.

Throuch Tickets via this Celebrated Lino for saleat oil ottices In the. Wist.All information about Hates of Fare. Pleepine CarAccommodations, Time 'i'ahles, &c will bo clicer-- tully Klveu by applying to

T. J. POTTER, PERCEVAL LOWELL,id Vice Prnt t ft Oil Vui, Ga I Paucager A(L,

Chicago, Ills. . CMczgo,MtS

1W mmGarmoro's Artificial Ear Drums.

As IaTtnted and wera br Ma perTeatly rutarin thehearing. Entirely deaf for vnirty yer.h hear with them.eva whipr.ditinetly. An not obeervabb and re-main in position without aid. Descriptive Circular fr.t'.Vl-TlO- I Do net be deceived toj bufcas ear drums, aliaia the omy snocesfal artificial ear Drum nuaafactored.John fawiw, 8.W. Cor, tth b Race St.. Cincinnati. O.

A Book of Rare Orlslnalltv. entitledTACTICAL LIFS

The rreat prubiom solved. The individnsl einfallraoi.idered from tae site of responsibility up to maturity ia recurd to Education, Home, Society, EtiquetteHrnuioiiisiaii, urnn koiei marriage, busipeas, &C Uo Brtad-Eatt- n art to bt llrtaJ- - Wirmer.1 a vi Inms abounds in striking thoughts, rare informatioaand intent enmmonen. Full-pai- re colored plates eachONE A UEM. Agents Wanted Everywhere,

bsad for cireoloj mil description, terras. Ad., address.J. O. HeCCKDY 4: CO .Mt. tenia, alo.

BEST in the VORLD 1.winner" of highest distinction at every

AND tireat noria'arair lor louneen years.

Hillbll SFJ dta. is read this month, and will 6" aent free to any addre:., annooncln;

UnUMliONiwSTTUs; ovcrluOinalLPrices, 2S, $30. 66, S4 to M0 and tip; aba for

Tremont St., BOSTON: 4t East 11th bt., AiirV lUJiaj19 rt aossq Ave.. tniuAuu.

: 0,000 Ajrents Wanted for lAIo of

It contain the full history of hU noble and eventful UfamlrlAst.irdlv a.ssassiuMtion. Surirical treatment, death.

funeral obsequies, etc. The best chance of your life tomake money, hewareof "catchpenny" imitations. Thisis theonly authentic and fully illustrated lifeof our mar-tyred President. Fine steel portraits. Extra terms toAgents. Circulars free.

Address National Pcausaiaa Co., St. Louis, Ho.

Ikl ::tsi

hniiirteirom:iM:npie l'r'i"a! Leaf vi K;irfValue. :ul is a S'ositlve Itemed y fir:ill tlielise:ifeK thitt eause l uiii.s in tlie 1t ren t of

tli? ImmIV for lorpi"! l.jvfr llPaiiaelies Jaindice iJizzmess. Cravel, Miliaria, an.i aii l i :fi- -eultie-- ' : the Knlueys. l.ivcr ami ( rmaiy l)r- -pans. rrniale IMMpaveM. Jloulhiv Men- -stniai'.on. aim ft u d. r l renuaiicy. it haw noeijnal. It restores the or-ja- that mahr, tlieliloixi. aim iienee is tlie hest Itlood I'urifier.It is tlie only k'ncvn tliaf cures thatsooui'iie. Iti-i;h- t m ItiMeune. Kr iJialjelec.ue tnnier h Safe IMalx-t- f ( lire.tor Sale liy Drnjrits and Dealer at 1.1jier bottle. Large! bottie in tlie market. Try it.

II. II. WAUXKit d CO.. Rochester. N. Y.

ii J UfrlQ Ivpt A IVrfainery. Figiuuur. of l'.- -A Co., N. Vcttle.

pARKers mum mmr ' "O Medicine for Every Family.P NEVER INTOXICATES.I Madcfrom Ginger, Eucliu. Mandnilce. Sti!!inpiaf jk and other of trie be: t rcmctiics known, 3r Parker's Gingp.x Tonic has remarkably varied iV curative powers, & isthe greatest Stomach Correct- - Jr or, lSlood I urifiernU Liver Keguhitot ever made (?:

: The Best Medicine You can TJs i: forEestorinHealtli&Stree-t- 3

Itcommcncesto act from the lirt du-- s ?.ic!ics, out tne weak organs, and is warrar.n J n c::rc o"t help all cases of the Eov. els. I.i o;i.t Kioneys, l iter. Urinary prj;ans, a) ICciripI.iir is cf

oroen, rvervousr.css, fcljcolcssucbs, ilueuuia--lisia and Drunkenness.

Try a bottic : itmavsave vau-rlife-. soct.L and$i sizes ataiidruesi-sts- . Kvcry Genuine bottle '

f nas pursignasure on puiside wrapper, Ilrsctz CiVO., ff. i. lirge saving in buying !ft size.

?SraTT3a.J T ' St trm W

Just What la Wanted.Everybody whose Kair is gray or tided has felt

the reed of a Hair Restorer ar.4 dressinj that iscleanly, agreeably perfumed and hrra'css. Par-leer- 's

H?ir liam utisiics the mot f.vticiimis lithese rw?sc. Sold .y en. - ....


TONIO,1 . Ill:


- "COLD8, icoysTjirrnoy,Bnoxcnms,


All Diseasesor TUB

tiuatjaud longs:


Trie rt.4I,SA!rIofTOLl! has alwsjiiiMitom of lbs most

vrcsfioctleal Fcftjr tfslbltlb9 HJcroacbmetUof tto aUiivo iiij.

. buillbujisv-t- ;beeq so sdvmia-- f

sousiy eorapiiu&d-e- d

as ia Lain niseito tliHTia-- f TOLU.ROC K aad HVK. Iusoothlny BilsibicFropertiesstimulant,


appetizer and tonic,to bnild DD tha Eva.

es t.'-.c- r tha eonsh baa bees relieved.'IMT'ft'J I Don' b" deceived rry dealersl J I f U i i who trv to paim oT Kock and

.':.r I.j A, Utn i!s TOLU, KoCKi il :- - V".'.!l SB be-otil-v 4IEtU;ATivD ar- estiine hs a fK V A TK'JI i

f-- . p :ei...-- i r i .. iu p on each bqttie,. '

iu: up a Q itri 8ii Bjit!e3. I'rioe $1.00.TOI.U. HOCK & RYE CO., Prop'rm.


DEALERS Everywhere.

BENNETT & LEWIS,A complete to:k of


We carry the lie?t stock of CAXNKI) GOODS in tins City.

fHtf Fi.xlq, Teas a Specialty,AGENTS 1'OU

C. S. Malta's "Old ReiiaWe" Brand 'of Baltimore Oysters; --

. -


fiootis Uclivorcd Tree In any part of le clly.

ssawsvissisaii ii siisimisji iiivii isiixii s in i isiisi i sssn sn .iiwiijisJis)nnilTTnTirs

M hv v V f"1

Contains Pepsin, Rhubarb, Mandrake GentianAnd cure. Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, Rilliousties and all derangemcnUof the Stouiiicli arising from over-eatin- g anil drinking. Prrpnrnd only by

msoiv.v iiiedicixk am invrncinnxo coLEAVENWORTH, KANSAS. "-- J for su l,y all Dru-.Ht-

o tC?Q

The OldSoods

Altliouyli Lt'cticn is over v. e are


--Li XL

.Mi. aAA


-O- J-The Green Winter sale. Over Ji.') Darn-I- s tli;wn Ci IIhj

tnby the


.! ,S'.'


and Prices. Address D.

rlJPrr"rand Plants. OnrGreenhnnaea and Kramra" "uiS uiimutu vi tour acres, solid iu (floss, , employing






Potatoes Car-loa- d, PEACH BLOWS



fit SONS, Philadelphia.


& CO.35 Street, e-v- r York.

send tir Tllustrattd Catalogme of "nP6""aWverytlilna: Garden," rflEC

lias iny Jiamlri, uiaile uonie ou.S riiil7iir..Mh:ic i lilcd . tills K at ami Ircomnarllion inr. In l. ni.-- a e.nnrioun.1my pn'i lee. Da. IluBEXfJ' t-- vil'HNov. -- ,;!,. SKM WaMi AvVnoa.

l:ZTxrT'J '.V7r:w'm"-'"-" misj5 r'' I

?A f KyfDA? J f'--l 1-- 7 Af .


&. iLt-- K.V : J liau ust4 iit JlAUI hit's, . nuj -- ii u )i-iw-s iu ujtmiLTiiiu, n.ivr tit v i. r

fovcrished condition of tne tilooi, t!ii3 peerlesshave ba.'lled some of our most eminent

able remedy. I presorllie it in preference to anyaa Db. UAitTEK'd Iso.M To.ic fs a neeessltv In

l.m i. Mo..It (rive color to the blowl, "Vnatural hralthfultontt to It

2 P :MfJf?fit applicable to Omrrall i V

1'ou-cr- s and Impr.trucn.l .


J. F, BAUMEISTERKiei-Ii- , I'me Mi.:;

E.:E.iri:fss: eAsi.v.Si cciiil call- - arn-in;e.'- l t. iii.d Fio.--h M.l

from sair e o ti;ii;i.!i-- i ! en v.-i-- J a'-.-

I ftf Fr, s fc. .1:1 r ,i.


mfwWWWP617 St. Charlp's Sfrppt. Sf. Louis. Ifo.A renlar craji ite of txn Mwiical .li., (.. hu lelonor lu.-at.- i i tuun y otherl'liyniuiaa In bf lu:s.aeity pnits tikotr.aqld nil old raidants know. Sjrphilia,Gbuorrkc?-.- . G:et, Orehiua. Kupurcl (urinary Bjrpbilitio or MercuriaJ Affactioaa JXbroat. Skin or Jinnee enrcl Si.fcly, J'rivstelr.

Sexual Dabiiitv and Imr.ntifa the result of Keif-- huso, eir,sein maturerTears.erover braiawork. prod uciaff emixsiom, dabulty. dimness o.'thrhl.fW-t;..- . npry, phjsiciil decay, aversion to society coafuioa oflow of svxaal pewsr,nu?nt loe. rendering max.riaire improper re Perzaanantlycured. onsulttioaat office or by mul free and lnvii,.1 P,,.t,,.i,i. ...tamp. Medicinea seat by mall or esorefca. Cores..nam uuuui vxiHis n ia trucK iy th'ed.MARRIAGE t

The whole story, vrcl! told, as it Is troe tolje, oa thefoliewina snbjeots: VVbo rnny marry, arhi not, why.Manhood, Womanhood, Physical decay. Who shouldrnarrr : how life and happiness may be increased ; effectscelibacy and excess, and nucy more. Those marriedoroontemplatinii mnrriaire should read it then keep un-der lock and key. 83 CtS. by mail in money or pos- -.?- - "wii --r n;i.,a qrii--i pnoxen.


WanuniiiisiQi ot laeos, yivortlou to SocietyLiou.-- .Jeniory and Disorders brourbton l:v Sif.Abase. Anydrninristhriat!iolnipdieo-ji- .Oirat:ve lnst'e.61i Ht. Iinis, fo.

703 cnenutSt, St. Louie. Mo. at old office,eonHunt to cure Bpenmv.rrium, S-r- r. n xl Weak- -o! 8yMa-Urinary or Bmdder disaa t. Jernt

-- norrbcea,Tired in a 1- -w dys. Aiitbe dLseiMm T::ntn from

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fctabllsisl 1S17 at 12 . Sii Strsst, ST. LCCT, K3.riiHE Pbr.icians in charge of Ibis eld and wll knowX. institution are resnlar rrs4-jat- t in mediums sni'irry. Years of i'xpenenoe to tbe treatment of

Ciironio Discaeee bare made ibeir skill and abilitymurb superior to that of the ordinary practitioner,that tbey bare acquired a national reputation through

iieir treatment of complicatd rues.NDlSCRETlOfs OR EXPOSURE ?

sasHiaMsssBWBKasSBHsasHBwSBS adecuonsA to btoosl, asilss er bone, treat--- ! witb auocr,00 scientific prmcj pivs, without usin( Mercury or viber1 rtnnnons Medicines and at moderate expense.YOUNC PN and those of mirtdle ae ebo are

' iJi.n.l afase suffering fr&Bi crfc-0-u-c weas:-lle- s

that en ere its rirtlras for bus in0 or marriaEo.tormanently cured. moderate expea. tO

gATjMTS .;,Mih SZV',fwrKuAi c . u . : I u71 T i ti f. tm FREE xd tfiTitrd.LtM f to b vntwrrd iSf pattest dmmtriuf trctUnaes.

fnra to any aJdreta om vi pitci.f Pmm fWg' trim Bnptarr mhmmUl ec S ttrfr addr,4 Irftrn miUIm U tkeir aWssiUf a. It h. dM trn.fCorr.snur.n-w'iontric:!- coDfts-o- t in I, tKoo'J bt. -- -DU. BUTTS, IS 81b bee. LeuU. Mo."


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