neck and noggin presentation

Neck and Noggin References: Ortho-Bionomy; A path to Self-Care . By Luann Overmyer Acupressure’s Potent Points . By Michael Reed Gach Atlas of Skeletal Muscles . By Judith & Robert Stone Anatomy of Movement . By Blandine Calais-Germain

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Page 1: Neck and noggin presentation

Neck and Noggin

References: Ortho-Bionomy; A path to Self-Care. By Luann Overmyer

Acupressure’s Potent Points. By Michael Reed GachAtlas of Skeletal Muscles. By Judith & Robert Stone

Anatomy of Movement. By Blandine Calais-Germain

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High Hip Assessment

• Find the lateral most top of pelvis. Find the midline of the side body. Place your thumbs in at a right angle and notice which hip is higher. It helps to use your belly button as a guide and imagine a straight line from one thumb to the other. Is the line level?

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Q.L. Release• -Lay on your side with the high hip up

towards the ceiling; knees are bent. Place a pillow under your head. Make sure that your head shoulders and hips are in line. Don’t let your upper body curl in.

• - Place a stool or chair behind you. Gently roll back and place your top calf on the seat of the chair behind you. Let your top elbow slide back. Let your upper buttock fall back towards the floor but don’t actually touch the floor.

• - Relax here for 1-2 minutes breathing deep into your belly.

• (Overmyer, p.46)

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Hip Rotation

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Assess Hip Rotation

• Hip Rotation: Place thumbs perpendicular to the top of the pelvis at the mid-point of the side body. Then run your forefinger down the ridge of the pelvis until you reach a small boney crest or bump called the A.S.I.S. (anterior superior iliac spine.) Notice if one hip is rotated forward (anterior rotation) or back (posterior rotation).

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Find the hip rotation indicator points and notice if they are tender. Work with the most tender

hip first.

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Correction for Posterior Hip Rotation

• Lie on your belly and bring the knee of the knee out to the side like a frog. Make certain it is a comfortable position. Lay here relaxed & breathing into the belly for 1-2 mins.

• (Overmyer, p.38)

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Correction for Anterior Hip Rotation

• Come to the corner of the bed with the rotated side closest to the bed. Come forward so the top of your thigh is on the bed and keep your shoulders over your hips. Make sure this position is comfortable. Relax here breathing into your belly for 30 seconds-1 min.

• (Overmyer p.39)

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Side Saddle Somatics• Sit side saddle with knees pointing to the front

(you may place a folded blanket or pillow under the front thigh and hip). Place your hands on your hips. Rock your tail bone to the back wall Inhale. Exhale: tuck your tailbone under. Repeat 10-12 times moving with your breath!

• Place your hand on your side thigh. Inhale: roll your thigh down so that your fingers roll down toward the ground. Exhale: return to starting position. Repeat 10-12 times.

• Repeat both exercises on the other side.• March in place slowly 10 time

• -Maria Kalima (

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Tennis Ball Shoulder Massage• Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Place a tennis ball on each

side of the spine at the lowest angel of your shoulder blades (where a lady’s bra strap would be). Make sure your tennis balls do not press directly on the spine but on the muscles along the side. Take four deep breaths and relax down into the balls. Raise your hands up to the sky directly above your face. Cross your arms over your chest touching opposite shoulders. Your elbows are pointing up to the ceiling but your arms are heavy and relaxed. Take for deep belly breaths here. Bring your hands to your hips. As you inhale arc your arms up over your face and reach for the back wall. Let your knuckles rest on the floor above your head (you may need to bend your elbows to allow this to happen comfortably). AS you exhale swim your arms out to the side and down to your hips. Swim your arms up over your face and then down to your hips like this 3 more times, and then reverse it. Once again reach your arms toward the sky just above your face. Cross the other arm in front and touch opposite elbows. Take four deep breaths here. Next scoot your hips toward your heals and roll the tennis balls about 1-2 inches up toward your head, so they are in a new spot between your shoulder blades. Complete the above sequence on this new spot. Continue this swimming sequence until you get to the tops of your shoulders.

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Tennis Ball Massage on the Rotator Cuff

• Lie on your back and place a tennis ball in the middle of each shoulder blade (try to get on the meaty muscle rather that the more boney bits). Raise your hands to the sky just above your face and do 4 slow wrist circles in each direction. Let your fingers move as if you were playing a harp. Next bend your elbows and do 4 really big wrist circles in each direction. Bring your arms out wide to the side with your palms up and bend your elbows (like a cactus). Rest here for 5 deep breaths. Then remove the balls from under your shoulders.

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Roast Turkey Release for 12th Rib and Diaphragm

• Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Place a pillow under your hips but keep it bellow your waistline. Bring your knees toward your armpits. Keep your elbows on the floor and rest your knees on your hands. Keep your arms and legs relaxed as you breathe deep in this position for 1-2 minutes. (Overmyer, pp.117-118)

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Gach p.178

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Gach, p.179

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1st Rib Release• Sit in a chair with one knee bent (or

stand facing a shelf that is shoulder height). Bend your elbow and rest it on your knee (or shelf). Using only 10-20% of your strength, initiate a push from your elbow into your knee. Press for 10 seconds while visualizing the elbow pushing down through the hard surface. After 10 seconds release the pressure and allow your arm to drop by your side. Then slowly raise your elbow directly out to your side (perpendicular to your torso) and press your elbow into the wall to compress the shoulder joint. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds and then release. (Overmyer, pp142-143)

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Alternative 1st Rib Release• Place a soft pillow or thick blanket over

the back of a chair. Sit sideways on the chair and hang the affected arm over the back of the chair so your arm pit rests on the pillow. Reach the affected hand down toward the floor using the rib muscles to assist. The pillow will provide resistance. Continue reaching down for 10 seconds and then release. Stand up and allow the arm to passively drop toward the ground. Next bend your elbow and raise your arm out to the side, level with your shoulder, and gently lean in to the wall. Relax the muscles in your neck and shoulder, and hold this compression for 10-30 seconds. (Overmyer, p.144)

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Rib Release at the Sternum

• Feel for tender points where your ribs meet your breastbone (sternum). Hold the point with the hand on the opposite side. Slowly drop your chin toward the point and cross the same side arm in front of you to create a hollow or cave around the tender point. Find the position that causes the point to soften and become less tender and hold here for at least 10-20 seconds. (Overmyer, p.145)

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Isometric Neck Release

• Sit with proper posture (if you are in a chair make sure your feet touch the ground). Keeping your shoulders still, turn your head as far to the right as you comfortably can. When you find that edge then back off about ¼ of an inch. Place your palm on your right cheek to add resistance as you turn your face to the right. So you are gently pressing your palm into your cheek as you attempt to turn your nose to the right. Keep your shoulders relaxed. Hold this for 10 seconds then release and slowly look to the Right. Return to center and repeat this on the left side.

• Notice which direction had the least range of motion and repeat the exercise on that side.

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Neck Squeezes

• Lift your shoulders up toward your ears and look up, bringing the base of the skull to meet the top of your shoulders. Gently squeeze your neck, shoulders face and jaw. Exhale and relax your shoulders down. Slowly drop your chin to your chest and let your jaw hang slack. Repeat this exercise twice.

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Range of Motion Neck Releases

• Although you may do these exercises sitting or standing, I recommend doing them lying down so that the neck muscles are not holding the weight of your head. If you have multiple tender points in the neck then work with each point individually. Begin with tender points in the middle of the neck then the lower points near your shoulder and finish with the upper points near your head.

• Rotating the Neck: Lie on your back and sense the contact your head makes with the ground. Initiate the rotation from the back of your head and Slowly rotate your head to the right and then back to center. Then Slowly rotate to the left and back to center. Notice which direction is easiest and most comfortable. Rotate to the position of greatest ease and hold here for 10-30 seconds. Return to the center and then recheck for increased movement in the opposite direction. (Overmyer, p206)

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Ear to Shoulder• Slowly drop your ear toward

your shoulder and then come back to the center. Then drop the other ear to your shoulder and return to the center. Notice which side moved easiest and felt most comfortable and return to the position of ease for 10-30 seconds. Slowly bring your head to the center and recheck your range of motion on the opposite side. (Overmyer, pp.206-207)

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Back & Sides of the Neck Release

• Place your finger on any tender points you find on the back of your neck. Slowly look up bringing your chin to the ceiling and monitor for the position that causes those points to soften and feel less tender. Relax in this position of ease for about one minute. You may place a pillow or rolled up towel under your neck to support this position.

• Lightly place your finger on the tender spot on the side of your neck to monitor the point. Slowly rotate and side bend your neck toward the tender point until it softens, pulsates and becomes less tender. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds or longer if you need to. (Overmyer, p.210)

• (Overmyer, pp. 209-210)

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Lower neck Release

• Check for tender points at the base of your neck where it meets your shoulder. Lightly place a monitoring finger on the tender point and then look away from the point. Slowly rotate your head back to the center stopping for 10-20 seconds anywhere on the path that you feel a softening or pulsating in that tender point. (Overmyer, p.211)

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Front of the Neck Release

• This one is good to release tender points and general tension in the front of the neck. Use a finger to monitor the tight spot. Allow your chin to slowly drop toward your chest add a slight rotation and side bend to create a softening in the tight spot. Stay here for 10-30 seconds. If you are lying on your back then use a pillow to support your head. (Overmyer, p.211)

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Bridge of Nose Release for the Head

• Lightly rest your fingers on either side of the cartilage of your nose. Very Slowly move the nose to one side and then the other and notice which position moves easiest and is most comfortable. Hold this position of ease for 10-30 seconds and release.

• Next slowly push the bridge of the nose up toward your forehead and then down toward your chin. Hold in the position of greatest ease for 10-30 seconds. (Overmyer, p.218)

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Ear Massage• Massage your ears with your

fingertips and thumb. Begin at the top of your ear and using slow circular strokes work your way down to the ear lobe.

• When you’ve given both ears a relaxing massage grasp the lobes and gently pull your ears out away from your face. Feel the stretch behind the ears where they meet your scalp. Notice which ear is tighter. Play with gently pulling your ears in various subtle directions to create different sensations deep inside your head and neck. (Overmyer, pp.222-223)

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Gach, p.145

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Gach, p.146

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Pelvic Release for the Jaw

• Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Open your mouth Very Slowly and notice any areas that feel tight or seem to pull to one side. Then close your mouth Very Slowly and notice any areas of tension. Slowly open your mouth again and stop at the first area of deviation or tension. Hold your mouth open at this place and let you knees fall down to the side (it doesn’t matter which side). Rest in this position for 3-5 seconds only. Then as you let your legs extend fully to the floor, slowly close your mouth. Open and close your mouth to recheck for less tension and smoothness of motion. Only do this exercise 2 times for each self care session so that you do not fatigue the reflex. (Overmyer, p.224)

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Isometric Jaw release

• Sit in a chair with proper alignment and your feet on the floor. Place both fists under your jaw. Gently, with only 15% of your effort, try to open your jaw against the resistance of your hands and hold for 10 seconds. Then release and let your mouth fall softly open.

• Next, open your mouth until you feel the tension in your jaw and place your fingers in your mouth on your bottom teeth. Very gently, with only 10% of your effort, attempt to close your mouth against the resistance of your hand. Hold this for 10 seconds and then release. Use your hand to passively close your mouth.

• Massage your jaw and cheeks with an open palm using circular strokes in both directions.

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Tender Cheeks Massage

• Lightly pinch your cheek between your thumb and forefinger. Use the full pads of your fingers not the finger nails. Pull down in diagonal strokes from your cheek bone to the corner of your mouth and massage the entire cheek this way. Repeat on the other side.

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Trigger Point to release the Masseter

• There is usually a tight and or tender knot in the middle of your cheek. Place your fingers on your cheeks and open your mouth. That band of muscle that pops out is your masseter. Feel along this muscle for a little knot and press your fingers or thumb into with as much force as feels comfortable. Hold this knot for 30-60 seconds unless it releases sooner. Gently massage your cheeks after you release this trigger point.

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Release point inside the Mouth

• Run your forefinger along your upper teeth until you reach the back of the last molar then press up. There is an indentation like a little cave up there behind your teeth. Press into this spot with as much pressure as you can take. This spot is often very tender but hold here for 30-60 seconds and then slowly release. Repeat on the other side of your mouth.

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