nederlands shp sjabloon - equitherapie · over the centuries, the dutch coastline has changed...

4th Meeting of partners LDV project on AMAT Presentation of The Netherlands by Annet Geerling and ULrike Thiel 1 Dear Partners of the EU-LDV Projecton AMAT The Dutch foundation promoting science- based equitherapy (equine assisted therapy) and therapeutic riding, SHP-E(NL) is happy to have you here Welcome in The Netherlands Welcome in the department Brabant South of Eindhoven City's in Brabant Den Bosch Eindhoven The two biggest city's in Brabant The variety in the landscape The historical Motto Of the NL is: Je maintiendrai (I will maintain)

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Page 1: Nederlands SHP sjabloon - Equitherapie · Over the centuries, the Dutch coastline has changed considerably as a result of human intervention and natural disasters. Most notable in

4th Meeting of partners LDV project on AMAT

Presentation of The Netherlands by AnnetGeerling and ULrike Thiel 1

Dear Partnersof the EU-LDV Projecton AMAT

The Dutch foundation promoting science-based equitherapy (equine assisted

therapy) and therapeutic riding,

SHP-E(NL) is happy to have you here



The Netherlands

Welcome in the department Brabant

South ofEindhoven

City's in BrabantDen Bosch


The two biggest city'sin Brabant

The variety in the landscape The historical Motto Of the NL is:

Je maintiendrai(I will maintain)

Page 2: Nederlands SHP sjabloon - Equitherapie · Over the centuries, the Dutch coastline has changed considerably as a result of human intervention and natural disasters. Most notable in

4th Meeting of partners LDV project on AMAT

Presentation of The Netherlands by AnnetGeerling and ULrike Thiel 2

The History of NL

Early History

The middel ages

Habsburg Netherlands 1519–1581

Dutch Republic 1581–1795

French domination 1795–1814

Kingdom of the Netherlands1815–1940

Second World War 1940–1945

Recent history 1945–present

Early History

The Low Countries have been inhabited byGermanic tribes since 600 BC when the Romansconquered it around 10 BC.

The middel AgesThe Low Countriespassed in and out offoreign hands duringthe Middle Ages,going through aBurgundian periodand a spell under theAustrian Habsburgs,before Phillip II ofSpain took control inthe middle of the16th century.

Habsburg NetherlandUnder Charles V,Holy RomanEmperor and King ofSpain, theNetherlands regionwas part of theSeventeenProvinces, whichalso included mostof present-dayBelgium,Luxembourg, andsome land in Franceand Germany.

Dutch Republic 1581–1795

After independence, the provinces ofHolland, Zeeland, Groningen,Friesland, Utrecht, Overijssel, andGelre formed a confederation knownas the Republic of the Seven UnitedNetherlands.

All these provinces wereautonomous and had their owngovernment, the "States of theProvince". The States-General, theconfederal government, were seatedin The Hague and consisted ofrepresentatives from each of theseven provinces.

French domination 1795–1814

Peace ofMünster. Partsof the southernprovincesbecame de factocolonies of thenew republican-mercantileempire.

Page 3: Nederlands SHP sjabloon - Equitherapie · Over the centuries, the Dutch coastline has changed considerably as a result of human intervention and natural disasters. Most notable in

4th Meeting of partners LDV project on AMAT

Presentation of The Netherlands by AnnetGeerling and ULrike Thiel 3

Kingdom of the Netherlands1815–1940

William I of theNetherlands, son of thelast stadtholder William Vvan Oranje, returned to theNetherlands in 1813 andbecame Sovereign Princeof the Netherlands. On 16March 1815, the SovereignPrince became King of theNetherlands.

Second World War 1940–1945

Liberation ofEindhoven,September 1944.

Recent history 1945–present

The Netherlandsbecame a foundingmember of theEEC in 1957 andthe EuropeanUnion in 1993.

Below seelevel

A large part of the Netherlandslies below the seelevel

Making land out of waterOver the centuries, the Dutch coastline haschanged considerably as a result of humanintervention and natural disasters. Mostnotable in terms of land loss is the 1134storm, which created the archipelago ofZeeland in the southwest.

Water plays a big role in NLAfter the 1953 disaster, the Delta Works wereconstructed, a comprehensive set of civil worksthroughout the Dutch coast. The project started in1958 and was largely completed in 1997 with thecompletion of the Maeslantkering. A main goal of theDelta project was to reduce the risk of flooding inSouth Holland and Zeeland to once per 10,000 years

Page 4: Nederlands SHP sjabloon - Equitherapie · Over the centuries, the Dutch coastline has changed considerably as a result of human intervention and natural disasters. Most notable in

4th Meeting of partners LDV project on AMAT

Presentation of The Netherlands by AnnetGeerling and ULrike Thiel 4

PoliticsA parliamentary democracy organized as aunitary state

It is also a constitutionalmonarchy since 1815

Every year on the 30th of April,Koninginnedag (Queensday) iscelebrated in the Netherlands

Provincies (departments)

Flag Province Capital

Drenthe Assen

Flevoland Lelystad

Friesland Leeuwarden

Gelderland Arnhem

Groningen Groningen

Limburg Maastricht

North Brabant 's-Hertogenbosch

North Holland Haarlem

Overijssel Zwolle

Utrecht Utrecht

Zeeland Middelburg

South Holland The Hague

Constitution and Divisions

The Netherlands is divided intotwelve administrative regions, calledprovinces,

each under a Governor, who iscalled Commissaris van de Koningin(Commissioner of the Queen),except for the province Limburgwhere the commissioner is calledGouverneur (Governor).

All provinces are divided intomunicipalities (gemeenten), 430 intotal (13 March 2010).

Carribean Islands The administrativestructure on the 3BES islands isdifferent. TheseCaribbean islandshave the status ofopenbare lichamen(public bodies) andare generallyreferred to asspecialmunicipalities. Theyare not part of aprovince.

Economy Amsterdam is the financial and businesscapital of the Netherlands.The AmsterdamStock Exchange (AEX), part of Euronext, isthe world's oldest stock exchange and isone of Europe's largest bourses. It issituated near Dam Square in the city'scentre. As a founding member of the euro,the Netherlands replaced (for accountingpurposes) its former currency, the "Gulden"(guilder), on 1 January 1999, along with 15other adopters of the Euro. Actual eurocoins and banknotes followed on 1 January2002. One euro was equivalent to 2.20371Dutch guilders.

Agriculture A significant portion ofDutch agriculturalexports are derived fromfresh-cut plants, flowers,and bulbs, with theNetherlands exportingtwo-thirds of the world'stotal. The Netherlandsalso exports a quarter ofall world tomatoes, andtrade of one-third of theworld's exports of chilis,tomatoes and cucumbersgoes through thecountry. The Netherlandsalso exports one-fifteenthof the world's apples.

Page 5: Nederlands SHP sjabloon - Equitherapie · Over the centuries, the Dutch coastline has changed considerably as a result of human intervention and natural disasters. Most notable in

4th Meeting of partners LDV project on AMAT

Presentation of The Netherlands by AnnetGeerling and ULrike Thiel 5


Ethnic groups (2008) 80.7% Dutch,

5% EU varieties,

2.4% Indonesians,

2.2% Turks,

2% Surinamese,

2% Moroccans,

0.8% Caribbean

4.8% others


The Netherlands is one of themost secular countries inWestern Europe, with only 39%being religiously affiliated (31%for those aged under 35), andfewer than 20% visiting churchregularly. According to the mostrecent Eurobarometer poll 2005,34% of the Dutch citizensresponded that "they believethere is a God", whereas 37%answered that "they believethere is some sort of spirit or lifeforce", and 27% that "they do notbelieve there is any sort of spirit,god, or life force".

Education Education in the Netherlands iscompulsory between the ages of 4and 16, and partially compulsorybetween the ages of 16 and 18.

The Dutch higher education systemdistinguishes between hogescholen(lit. 'high schools') and universities.The former only award Bachelor'sdegrees, usually in applied sciences,and have lesser entry requirements.Traditionally, they are considered alesser form of education thanuniversities, even though theirprogrammes generally are of highquality.


The Netherlands has had many well-known painters. The 17thcentury, when the Dutch republic was prosperous, was the ageof the "Dutch Masters", such as Rembrandt van Rijn, JohannesVermeer, Jan Steen, Jacob van Ruysdael and many others.Famous Dutch painters of the 19th and 20th century wereVincent van Gogh and Piet Mondriaan. M. C. Escher is a well-known graphics artist.

Weather and Climate

The predominant wind directionin the Netherlands issouthwest, which causes amoderate maritime climate,

cool summers and mild winters.

This is especially the case withplaces within direct proximityof the Dutch coastline, whichsometimes are over 10 °C (18°F) warmer (in winter) orcooler (in summer) thanplaces in the (south)east ofthe country.


Dutch – Double Dutch

Dutch is the nationallanguage of theNetherlands. Thestandard variety originatesfrom a dialect formerlyspoken around the city ofLeiden; this variety,officially known asStandard Dutch, is alsoone of the officiallanguages of Belgium andLuxembourg. The secondofficial language of theNetherlands is Frisian,

Page 6: Nederlands SHP sjabloon - Equitherapie · Over the centuries, the Dutch coastline has changed considerably as a result of human intervention and natural disasters. Most notable in

4th Meeting of partners LDV project on AMAT

Presentation of The Netherlands by AnnetGeerling and ULrike Thiel 6

Dutch things everybody knows Do you know him too? Sinterklaas

He arrives in the Netherlands inNovember each year on asteamboat from Spain and isthen paraded through thestreets, much to the excitementof Dutch children.

Dutch horses

The Frisian horse

The Groninger

The Dutch Warmblood:KWPN: ridinghorse/driving horse

Dutch horses

NRPS: Horses and pony’s witha minimum of 12,5% Arabianor Anglo-Arabian blood

Draft horse from Brabant

The Dutch therapy horse Cities in BrabantDen Bosch


Page 7: Nederlands SHP sjabloon - Equitherapie · Over the centuries, the Dutch coastline has changed considerably as a result of human intervention and natural disasters. Most notable in

4th Meeting of partners LDV project on AMAT

Presentation of The Netherlands by AnnetGeerling and ULrike Thiel 7

The variety in the landscape We wish you a very nice time in theNetherlands!!!