neral nsuranc co., ltd. -

I iii 22nd. 1927. THE .A. JEW! H CHRONICLE. In and Around the Town. Here ther \a'"' nm< h fun and frolic. for th ned) \\ •d are \ery p<>pul::tr in lot.:, I J .... an lit app ar d c. ... if all theJr fn nd had ri ... emhlc<l. <'' rthrlt>....... th ·n· , a: no crcrn din• .. and it "a .. one of 100, t. G orge treet. Thursdav. gOY<'rll· ·h m hy pro- Crimea ·md (' 4 di1... 0 l l I · · niov · allegian ·e to the Pa e tmian ment ·who would try to wre k eff to hrinrr r lief and -uccour to mil- lion of in Ru sia. the an wer mu. t he an emphati -o !_ Then• are, fortunat I . main promrnent a1_ 1 d incerP- Zioni t, who ·e sympathy "ill always 1 <' v·:ith any ,cheme . to ameliorate th lot of th ir - uff rm!! brethren no matter under au.pice th chem may be. and do not "' in the Rus::oian Colomza· tion scheme a menace to the Pal s- tinian movement. ZIO I T OPPO ITIO"\. Fortunately thert' are many in th Zioni. t ranks. who recogni.e nee · itv of .omethinrr heinp: done to re· the deplorahl . tale of affair ... in Ru· ia imm diat k. and who see in the olonization scheme th mean ... Lo that nd. H r in out h A fried th organisation only "'" in it a machin to divert mon . R\\ a • from Pair tine. Thi· th v "ill not count nan('e al anv pric . To hem the blood and tear·s 'f their hrrthr n in count for nothing. They ha\ decn' J that the .Je" i-.h olonization chem . hall h ho'· colt d. This that the unfo.r- tunatc:,. in Ru _sia mu.t _ta n · and di until Pal tin i..: rebuilt and readv for occupation. But J can . f' no r a. on whv the one need aff e1 t the othn. Both mo' ·an lie d. Th Pale-;tinian :--r·hf'me j..; a national Lh oth<>r . el" out to ..,oh e a local μrohlern. 0 C :\JPETJTIO . Th rt> i no qu "t ion of com wli- tion. The Ru· imt ,oloni1.ation Sch"m" ·an lit• up >0rt d h,· Zioni L and 'ic r a. n fart 1 i. th r thin · th 'ill rri\' dl n rn iJI benefit the , oloni zal1<_rn cht'm. lu·n· i. one .... ion of ]t>" 1:' r<'quirinrr itr111H·diate n·l1cf. l\tlr ... tuH• callnol \Pl r 1•eh1· tlwm. It \\ill he a Ion..,. tinw I rfor it i ..... 1hlt> o aJi ... orh lar<rc numh r. of ·rn :..uropc>an Jc\\..:. 111 th1 nwm1- t ime "hat i tn happen lo th mil- lio1t ... C't") in° out for .iid? uth \fri1·a11 Je,n, ma\ l relird on to an ... , f'r thi 1)rn· ... 1i1:11 and \P ... 1,. th. t hc•\ an• not l1·rt in tlw lur ·h. \nil the ' ill -..till 1·11ntrihutc hand:-011wl · lo tlw atio11 I f• uud. 1 )wn• j ... no 111 < r f, r that lo I e }11 hr<l. On <'<lll Ill' a Zinni"! , nd wt !.!iH' annlh< r . dwmt" n up port. ancl the lo al Zio ii::-t {1rgm1i ... alion ... }wul<l n•n}i ... c' l 1i.. Thi· Rt ... ia11 J,,, vir tirn of tllf' ('\ tating ''"rid \\Hr. th1• f<ar· f ul pognllll". tlw uphe.1\, ) .... of tl1t rf'\ol11tio11 and the attendant ear'-' of rni ... P' irnd l11mg'r ... :ntd. , nd i "h, t the Hu ... inn ,olo11i- z<1I ion cl1 Ill' .:pf ... nut tc a hi1'\C'. ELEHH \TIO <,lu1 en·... lfoad. Tam h1 r· · 01 Thur.d Jtight \\3 cl i it . Both of. the mn-.t m c ..... .;f ul ·• parti \\hich it ha:- be n m; fortun pr .... ('nl. Bt'ing a cool '1•11in:r dancing: "a cnjoval>l . ancl th r · fre hmenl" a .iii. hi th e\'eni1 ..,. 1<.:er hoth dainl ; and d '· lici01L. rnonrr the o-u :t· \\'!"'a numhPr of Guild offi<'ial". fo1 Tr. Berman ha-. b en a member . im 1• tlw inc ption of that or•rani ... ation an l i-.. at pr -..ent on t H' E •cuti\e. A '1:.LL PARTY. t •• t ... tcliffe:· th re cILD · 1 P ... 0 EHT. The ··Popular THC PH GR\ I E. 011ti1w d 11 Pa e 1< . he Licen es & neral nsuranc 407 Co . ., The Original Burme e Teak Oil For Fm niture. Th World' P rf ct Pre ervative and Beautifi r. Sold b , quality grocer , f urni her and hardwarem n. :Beware of Imitations. -:_:;-_.:-;-_ -_ - - ,_,J I •-n-··-·-. I a e & So , · l Agents. I ) OU H I J\ A 0 I 11 l l' F HI:. l IRE;\JI'. T ""· I Lonnm rket 'Phone 3113. I APE T W!'. : I --- ·-.. -u_,_ - •- ·- _,,_I Wynberg Advertisers. 1- - - - -·-··- -·- ---- I I I I I I I ; l I I I F RV LUE ANDERSON'S BOOT STORE BERG. Co., Ltd.

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I iii 22nd. 1927. THE .A. JEW! H CHRONICLE.

In and Around the Town. alo11~. Here ther \a'"' nm< h fun

and frolic. for th ned) \\ •d are \ery p<>pul::tr in lot.:, I J \i-..~l ·i~'<'lt• .... an lit app ar d c. ... if all theJr fn nd had ri ... emhlc<l. <'' rthrlt>....... th ·n· , a: no crcrn din• .. and it "a .. one of

100, t. G orge treet.


~O\lf'\ gOY<'rll·

·h m hy pro­Crimea ·md

(' 4 di1... 0 l l

I · · niov · allegian ·e to the Pa e tmian ment ·who would try to wre k eff o~t to hrinrr r lief and -uccour to mil­lion of Jew~ in Ru sia. the an wer mu. t he an emphati -o !_ Then• are, fortunat I . main promrnent a1_1d incerP- Zioni t, who ·e sympathy "ill

always 1 <' v·:ith any ,cheme . to ameliorate th lot of th ir - uff rm!! brethren no matter under "·ho~ au.pice th chem may be. and ,~h do not "' in the Rus::oian Colomza· tion scheme a menace to the Pal s-tinian movement.

ZIO I T OPPO ITIO"\. Fortunately thert' are many in th

Zioni. t ranks. who recogni.e tlv~ nee · itv of .omethinrr heinp: done to re·

lie~' the deplorahl . tale of affair ... in Ru· ia imm diat k. and who see in the olonization scheme th mean ... Lo that nd. H r in out h A fried th Zioni~t organisation only "'" in it a machin to divert mon . R\\ a • from Pair tine. Thi· th v "ill not count nan('e al anv pric . To hem the blood and tear·s 'f their hrrthr n in n.u~~ia count for nothing. They ha\ decn' J that the Ru-..~ian .Je" i-.h

olonization chem . hall h ho'· colt d. This me~nL that the unfo.r­tunatc:,. in Ru _sia mu.t _tan · and di until Pal tin i..: rebuilt and readv for occupation. But J can . f' no r a. on whv the one ~·whenH' need aff e1 t the othn. Both mo' Pment~ ·an lie ~upport d. Th Pale-;tinian :--r·hf'me j..; a national one~ Lh oth<>r . el" out to ..,oh e a local µrohlern.

0 C :\JPETJTIO . Th rt> i no qu "t ion of com wli-

tion. The Ru· imt ,oloni1.ation Sch"m" ·an lit• up >0rt d h,· Zioni L

and 'ic r a. n fart 1 i . th r thin · th 'ill • rri\' dl n rn iJI benefit fron~ the , oloni zal1<_rn cht'm. \11~\\d~. lu·n· i. one .... cc·~ ion of ]t>" 1:' r<'quirinrr itr111H·diate n·l1cf. l\tlr ... tuH• callnol \Pl r 1•eh1· tlwm. It \\ill he a Ion..,. tinw I rfor it i ..... 1hlt> o aJi ... orh lar<rc numh r. of l~a"t ·rn :..uropc>an Jc\\..:. 111 th1 nwm1-t ime "hat i tn happen lo th mil­lio1t ... C't") in° out for .iid? uth \fri1·a11 Je,n, ma\ l relird on to an ... , f'r thi 1)rn· ... 1i1:11 and \P ... 1,. th. t hc•\ an• not l1·rt in tlw lur ·h. \nil

the ' ill -..till 1·11ntrihutc hand:-011wl · lo tlw atio11 I f• uud. 1 )wn• j ... no 111 < r ~it f, r that lo I e }11 hr<l. On <'<lll Ill' a Zinni"! , nd wt !.!iH' annlh< r . dwmt" n w· up port. ancl the lo al Zio ii::-t {1rgm1i ... alion ... }wul<l n•n}i ... c' l 1i.. Thi· Rt ... ia11 J,,, i~h vir tirn of tllf' ('\ tating ''"rid \\Hr. th1• f<ar· f ul pognllll". tlw uphe.1\, ) .... of tl1t rf'\ol11tio11 and the attendant ear'-' of rni ... P' irnd l11mg'r mu~t h~ ... :ntd. , nd thi~ i "h, t the Hu ... inn ,olo11i­z<1I ion cl1 Ill' .:pf ... nut tc a hi1'\C'.

ELEHH \TIO <,lu1 en·... lfoad. Tam h1 r· ·

01 Thur.d 1~ Jtight \\3

cl i it . Both


the mn-.t m c ..... .;f ul ·• parti \\hich it ha:- be n m; fortun pr .... ('nl. Bt'ing a cool '1•11in:r dancing: "a cnjoval>l . ancl th r · fre hmenl" a .iii. hi thron~houl th e\'eni1 ..,. 1<.:er hoth dainl ; and d '· lici01L. rnonrr the o-u :t· \\'!"'a numhPr of Guild offi<'ial". fo1 Tr. Berman ha-. b en a member . im 1• tlw inc ption of that or•rani ... ation an l i-.. at pr -..ent on t H' E •cuti\e.

A 1· RI~ '1:.LL PARTY.

t •• t ... tcliffe:· th re

cILD · 1 P ... 0 EHT.

The ··Popular


011ti1w d 11 Pa e 1< .

he Licen es & neral nsuranc


Co . .,

The Original

Burme e Teak Oil For Tc~/? Fm niture.

Th World' P rf ct

Pre ervative and Beautifi r.

Sold b , quality grocer , f urni her and hardwarem n.

:Beware of Imitations. ~_-;-_-;-_::_ -:_:;-_.:-;-_ -_ -~- - - ,_,J I •-n-··-·-.

I a e & So , · l

Auctioncer.~_a_n~-E-sMie Agents. I

) OU H I ~ J\ T~ A 0 I 11 l l' F HI:. l IRE;\JI'. T ""· I

Lonnm rket .~t. 'Phone 3113. I

APE T W!'. : I - - - ·-.. -u_,_ - •- -··- _,,_I

Wynberg Advertisers. 1- - - - -·-··- -·- - - - -I I I I I I I ;

l I I I




Co., Ltd.


\' - ·-- - ··- · - - u- u-11.- -- .-----::;

j If you have any trouble or financial =.I worrie. or '\\ish to enter upon any

busine ', enterprise it will pay you Lo i con ult . . ..

i The Workman's Protection and i i Aid Association,

i ~ j JO RG. I

i ! :_••- ••- uM- •n•- ••- 0- 111- 111- 111- ••- ,_ .,._ J i•-1a-11- ••- ••- ••- -•n-1a-1•-••-••-••-~

• I I : i Parktown Garage l l (~. nrn & ~1 L CKIE). i I : i For Petrol and Oils. l I l 1 Repairs a peciality. l = I l - o- : I ! l Attendant and Mechanics I 1 on Night and Day. ! I l 1 -0- l 1 l I 17A. D. R _,ER' TTIEET. ! ! (O i. THE TRA:\1 LI E), ! i BR 1FO TTEI . l I I 1 •-•- •- a1- - H- •- - n- •- _.,_J 1- - - _,,.._, - - ·- ··- .. - ·.,

11 I i I The Famou " Woolna " chool j

f Boot for Boys : i ! 11 to 1, from 12/ 6. I ! 2 to 5, from 14/6. i 1 chool hoe for Girl : i I 7 to 10, from 10/6. j \ 11 to 1, from 12/6. i = Ever Pair Guaranteed. i


Get the fam ous " W oolna" for your l Boys anr1 Girl and have the best. \

I ~ I

] CJ~:k~' hoe Store , I I The Footu:ear Specialists, ·.I. j 55A, PRI CE'S .<\VENUE, j 'Phone 426. BE TO I l "-a-11- 11- 11- 11- ti - a•- u•- ••- ••- ••- ••- D'

Diamond Jubilee aundrv,

, ashznn and Repai:s martly Executed. Dry Cleaning a


229. Fo · and End t. ., Johann sburg.

H. I ll\1MEL1\1.A.. , Cabinetmaker. hop and Office Fitter

and Mantel JI aker. ink Table. . W.C. eat . Re er ~eats. PECIALITlES--

Dining Room uites, ideboard , l\Iant ·]pieces, ink Tables, etc. ~

'Phone 6339 ent. Estimate Free. \i 328, BREE T., JOHA. TE BLRG. i

................................................................... .=

r- ··- ··- ··- -·- -··- ··- ··- .. ·- ··- ··- ··-·., " l 1 G. M. CAMPBELL Boot111aker j l (late of Rabbit & Sons j 1 · ewington, Butts. London. ) j ! 56B. Appolonia treet TROYEVILLE. j l REPAIR I E: TL y EXEC TED. I L,•- nn- 111 - ••- ••- ••- 11- u - u - 111- 1111- 111- al i- M10- •"- .. - ••- a1- M11:- u- •11- 1t- 11•- 1•- 1pl

I . j George Rogers, ! : I ! Pianoforte Tuner. j I : ~ --o--- I j REPAIR AND REG 'LATING. j j PRICE MODERATE. T i : : Order executed per onally in the ! l Tran 'vaal and Orange Free 5tate. I i : i ----<>-- 1 :l 16B, IAR HAL ST REET, .Tl

JOH - - -E B 'RG. i : . I ,.._ ,.,_ •- ••-ttn-1r1-1•-••-••-••-111-11•-n-~ I -·~-,··- - • .. - •·1- u- •rt- ••·-••,- r.··- ••- 111; : I l 'Phone 2873. Tel. Add. "Tenacity." j 1 CSWlfd i 1 • • a <.e or , ~ : I

Fl . . A. (London) , j ecretary and Public 0 /Jicer of ~


Bo. 5946. Enquire at o. 23. OFFICE A'1.J) BOARD R00:\1:

78/ 81. EXPLORATIO. Bl'ILDI 'GS (Fir~t Floor). JOHANi E BURG.

l .:.... 11•- •1- a11- 11- 111- 1 -n-111-1 11-11-ttM-~ll-li.l

Brakpan Advertisers. i•- - - - d- •- ••- an- - • - ••- - - •r-111- · _ .. - - ••- -•11-•1-1u-1•-11•-••-••-111~

• I ! BE. ·o ·1: 'Phone 152; P.O. Bo 278. j

I Auctioneers. Lite tock. Pr~~r and ?V-TS I ' i i urnzlure a e men. : • ~~o----- I ! YO ~ CO I • YO R .ATTLE FR l\1 Q \IL\ -TI E AREA TO j J BRAKP \~; THE BIGGE T REEF BliYER T11 E E A. T RAND. j I • r: - ··- - - -


· - ··- · - - •


- - - .. - - - - · - ·· - i - 11• - · - · - · .. - · .. - · .. - ·--·· - ·· - .. J


I ! I

- - - -··- - ___ ,._ .. _ -, rakpan Garage,

(H. R >EA , Pr prietor). I j I ,

I For Olis, J>elrol and . pare .

J Repair to all makes of Cars.


i I i i I j

I BRAK~ . J __ "_ ,._.-n- •- •--••- ,_,._ ,_j

! - 11 - · - · - ·"- · - •1 - •ti - 1 - "·- ··- "" - ··--

1 DE l OCI BROS ! I ., ! j Con{ A ~en ts and Cartage Contractors. i I Furniture Remot"ing a pcciality. I j 631. !ODDER RB., BRAKPAN. ! j Bor 95. ! i-=--=::::-::-..:-_:::_;-::- .. - .. _.,_.,_J I Brakpan Cash Sav~~,s~;;- l ! ,:\L OHE •. Proprietor. ! ·1 General Dealers. Ce11 t's and B , j • 'al 0 oys ~ • • pec1 utfitter. . j ! Cor. ;\10DDEH RD. & BEDFORD T :. I Vus. 501 & 503 . I :_.. _ ,, __ , _____ .._,_ ____ . =, ----.. -...._.._.,.

I A 1D AROU:\!D THE TOWN. (Continued from Page 407.)


":\1:ru. Prinz, better kno\ n HS Mi Irma Stern, i , a South African arti t who i ' meeting \\ith much _ucc s oversea . Th general public of Cape Town were fir t acquainted with her work when she executed the ucene for the "'Fairyland Fete '' at the City Hall, ~ome four years ago. AL that time her work was severely criticised. She had di~tinctlv Futuristic leaning , ,.,,-hich were not· generallv approv d. But h ha matured in her art and ha - d veloped a dL tinctive expr -sion which ha attracted Continental critics, who pay many tributes to her undoubted talent . :.\I is Stern is shortly exhibiting her art in Paris, and there i no doubt that her work will be a favourably received there as in Leip i and Berlin.


The Jc, ish Telegraphic Agency i u. ually o well inform d that I wa' urprised to read ju its lat~-t bulle­

tin, commenting on the pa. mg away of Mr . I aac Lewis, that the deceased gentleman tabli hed the J e:wi~h Orphanage in Johanne burg. This is, of cour e, quite inaccurate. and no doubt the .Agency ha become con· fuved \\ ith the fact that in hi~ life· time, )lr. Isaac Lewi~ contributed ~ener u~l v to the Cape J ewi h brphana; , and to pt rp tuate the m morv of hi wife th ·•Sarah Ann Le\-v i~ ,; ho pital al that Institution was erected through hi genero ity. I never saw it mentioned. in any of the r ferenc s made to bis death in Lhe outh African pres ·, that he had ever made anv contributions tu the Johanne burg ·orphanarre.

THE 0 G OF SONGS. l n addit ion to the ordinary l·eading,

on the v nth day of Pes.ach, it is cu t mary in many ynagocru c;;, for th book kno\ ·n bv the name of '" Song of ong ., to be rearl. In rnme ongregations this beautiful book i not read, i a great pity. Its h auty lie not alone in that it consi ts of th greatest song of love e\er wrilten but that it also contains rnl uable le ' On with regard to the pre~en t day position of the Jew.

In Chapter L ver e 6, we read: ~. . . . . . T hev have made me the keeper of th vi~eyard ', hu t min own \ ineyard I have not kept ." The inA u nee of the J v,r ha been f lt in e'er phere of life : educational, political and economical, and vel we find }e\\ry w re the guardi.~ns of strange vineyard -. Our politirians are pol itician· of the countri of their hirth. The ame applies to every other pha~e of life. '' Our own vineyards we have not guarded. ' It is only now, with th e tabl ishment of the Hebre\ · UniYersitv at Jeru­~alem that v,'e are b comino- the " d' f ,..., guar ian. o our own vinevard " and thi' messagf" hould pe1:cola~e throughout Jewry with the burning de..::ire to again bear the torch of cfrilization~ and it should be kno\rn as the I ezci ·h torch of ciYiliz:.ltion.

:\1R. GOS IP. r-11- .. - ·•- H- 11- H-10- 11- 0•-••-on- o -= : I I : : S.A. JEWISH I I ~


j Send 10~ I I for a year's f I ;; i Subscription ! : I

f post free. I ii' I I ; j ADDRESS: !

I Box 2000, ! : c T I ! ape own i I ~

i 1 -•::t- 1u- 11- 11 - n1- • - •n-••- ••-•-••-••- •J

April 22nd .. 19:.7·

Anti-Semite' .Appeal.


. . Trte· We- learn from the J Wbh ,. tic

!!Taphic Arrencv that the Han'"t '1 . c- o . 1 aftet

upreme Court at Hamburg 1ns ' J·

a hearin(Y laetincr seven hour"· 1


b o Jl I'" held the sentence of four 111nr 11 impri onment pas ed last October



Ex-Deputy Fritsch. the fe\"ent~·l\' ii year-old · anti- emitic agitator '-1!1.

member of the Bureau of the A11•111


1·1 1 111~ Semitic International, for 1 iel. r Herr :\fax Warburg and Dr. :\1ek·11? ~ ff 11\• The Eentence now become~ e cc. _ 11 and Frit ch ''ill have to rro to pn=-


to sene hif'i term. . b


In his addres to the court. Fri.t:- .J contended that the article co111pln 1{1~i( I' of had been publi hed in the pu ; c1

. W b takJJI~ mtere=t . ar ur!! w<ts a man d ~ prominenl part in public lifr. d'~ 11

II ·r l ' . ar tfl,., ' t 1er \n1~ any u p1c1on reg< ke hi conduct it wa nece~ ary to / 11


11 \

· Th l · re it known so that there should ne . . l enqmry. e court. 10'weve1 • tu~Ad to accept this plea.

Frit ch, who i the editor of ti~ Hammer, a virulent anti-Semitic ptt d lication appearing in Leipzig. ~ the head of a publi hina h u.d . . . . . b k a11 1~ umg anti- em1llc oo · '=' ·d'· pamphleL, including Henry Fo1


•·International Jew;' which he tfl .. 1'

foted into G rman. alleo-ed t!1at :,rof Max Warh~rg, with the .connn'antlflt'f Dr. Melchior had durrng- and 8 Jti· the war acted in league v-:ith c1

brothers, Feli - and P~ul Warhll~~ · tizen ' of the United States. to

tray Germany to thf' Allies. 1\i,e< re ult of the 'e allegation~ . a nun. f d r10L

o attempt were ma e at ''11 ]'fl'· times on Herr Max Warburg'::· '1

Lihrl proeeeoing·s were immedii1l[1 taken bv Herr _fox Warburg and \ilelchior and the ca e w, s fir::-t i~ b in Decemher, 1924. Deputy Fr1l'"

1 a he wa~ then. wa sentenced ~~ three month ' imprLonment. th appealed again 't the "entencP· :~ appeal b ing heard the follO'd1

0~ month. The Appeal Court imp(1se

1 1

him a fine of 1,000 Marks in P ~, of the term of imprisonment. basic~ its decision on the ground th·11 Per son ' like Ma · Warburg. wh0 '~ 11 .pla.yincr a~ .h! toric role must 1?~ ,ikt' 1ect t c:·1t c1::;m. HoweYP m1. t.ji Frit~ ch' Yiewu might be. the ,-c~t J"

'd h f · I - 111 sai , t ey were not nvo ou:-. . 11 •

h l h ,·1C

muc a l ad preached those Jo consi Lenth· for over fortv vear=-· 1 • • . 1rr11 riew of this fact and of his P tt!O

a ere the court held that a fine ' 0

b~ ~ uffi 'lent to meet the ca:"e· wi !ferr Ia Warhur~ and ~r_. 11ii·

ch10r counter-appealed a!!an1'"\I 111

decision of the court. and thr. 'rt burg upreme Court in Octohe~ !'j111·

tenced Frit ch to four month=- jii·t prirnnment. Fritsch appealed ,.g"'{ et It thi verdict which has no' ' upheld.

Palestinian Defences·

\1} l

DECREA E I:\ THE ESTJi\ l • 1111

D ·1 f h . te .. for {· eta1 s o t e estnna - . 1tJ:... 1

pcrial and Foreign Ser:,ices up8 rl} 1• 192:8 are continued 111 a 1bt mentarv paper i ued recentl~·. 11rl

. 6 5 760 ·1 l total estimate i £8. · · ··inciJ, decreac of £60L380. Thr 1 g~1oo 111j item is a savinrr of £1.0 •

1 , tvt

1\ • o . , Tit ·11 ~,iJ:1ddle Eastern ervice::-. f,-i tc1

um provided for 'Middle. 'i't1t1i11" 000 111r •I

Service$ i £3.680. d palc-=~'il £2,519.000 on lrak an £< ~ 1• l.

f · tw Defence (a decrease ... 0 ()(} 11 t t

again t 1926-27). £ :i.O . f11rC '-' . . d F nt1er ti Pale::tme Trans1or an ro · ~t

~6') 0 () ·t•'<11Jl (l!' (a de.:rea e f .f ,J. ' ({on 'fr!l t pr~viou y ar) and £62.00 . -cu~t' iJ

j ordan Administration (a _d (; )'c t ' 1 rev10 11 := £30.000 egainst t 1e P