network education: some thinking tools

Network Education: Some Thinking Tools Bonnie Stewart @bonstewart University of Prince Edward Island August 2014

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Post on 29-Nov-2014




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Digital technologies are often presented as tools for education, but the most important tools are the conceptual ones - the ones that give us scope to re-think what we do with classrooms. Keynote for Swedish educators, in the context of many Swedish municipalities adopting 1:1 (one student, one device) technology policies.


  • 1. Network Education: Some Thinking Tools Bonnie Stewart @bonstewart University of Prince Edward Island August 2014
  • 2. ME -------
  • 3. 1 : 1 h"ps://
  • 4. North America is jealous
  • 5. But also terried
  • 6. Pedagogy ^ Technology h"ps://
  • 7. NETWORK EDUCATION Information Abundance: context New Ethos: pedagogical approach Literacies: goal(s)
  • 8. Context
  • 9. What is education for?
  • 10. We cannot talk about education without talking about literacies
  • 11. Literacy, 400 BCE = Threat to Knowledge
  • 12. Literacy, 1500 CE = Control of Knowledge
  • 13. Literacies, 2014 BCE = Management & Synthesis of Knowledge
  • 14. Information Abundance h"ps://
  • 15. Structure of Abundance = Networks
  • 16. To network education is to model the literacies for making sense & contributing knowledge within information abundance.
  • 17. but abundance can become overload. h"p://
  • 18. Its not information overload, its lter failure. - Clay Shirky, 2008 h"p:// FINE THEN.
  • 19. Traditional Media Literacy Filters = Judgment, Analysis, Critical Thinking h"p://
  • 20. But those are no longer sucient. Not all media & information is coming from institutions - or via broadcast - any longer.
  • 21. h"ps:// Networks are not just for consuming, but connecting.
  • 22. Literate network citizens need to be able to lter AND contribute within the constant, intermeshed streams of abundance, without drowning.
  • 23. Oh Good. Easy. J
  • 24. hahahahahaha
  • 25. Challenges of 1:1? #NetworkEdLin
  • 26. Pedagogical Approach
  • 27. Technologies do not necessarily change the ways we approach learning h"p://
  • 28. Networks are not about online/oine
  • 29. New tech + old approaches new literacies
  • 30. New literacies = New ethos What is central to new literacies is not the fact that we can now look up information online or write essays using a word processor rather than a penbut rather, that they mobilize very dierent kinds of values and priorities and sensibilities. - Knobel & Lankshear (2007)
  • 31. Network Pedagogies Learner-driven Participatory Dierentiated Experiential
  • 32. (sometimes you dont even need tech) h"p://
  • 33. Goal(s)
  • 34. Waitwhat about standards? And measurement? h"ps://
  • 35. A networked education l Connects l Cultivates l Curates h"p://
  • 36. but cannot control or count in the same ways as institutional models of education
  • 37. New Ethos Literacy = Attention
  • 38. New Ethos Literacy = Contribution
  • 39. New Ethos Literacy = Connection
  • 40. New Ethos Literacy = Collaboration
  • 41. New Ethos Literacy = Critical Consumption
  • 42. Pedagogical Dierences Institutions product-focused mastery bounded by time/space hierarchical ties plagiarism authority in role audience = teacher Networks process-focused participation always accessible peer-to-peer ties crowdsourcing authority in reputation audience = world
  • 43. Orthe short form:
  • 44. But.
  • 45. Dont assume networks are inherently equalizing
  • 46. Last Word: Practice what you teach.
  • 47. Thank you. @bonstewart [email protected]