networking acronyms

8/6/2019 Networking Acronyms 1/32 System and Network Security Acronyms and Abbreviations Karen Scarfone Victoria Thompson NIST Interagency Report 7581 September 2009

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System and Network Security

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Karen ScarfoneVictoria Thompson

NIST Interagency Report 7581

September 2009

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System and Network Security Acronymsand Abbreviations

Karen ScarfoneVictoria Thompson

C O M P U T E R S E C U R I T Y 

Computer Security DivisionInformation Technology Laboratory

 National Institute of Standards and TechnologyGaithersburg, MD 20899-8930

September 2009

U .S. Department of Commerce 

Gary Locke, Secretary

National Institute of Standards and Technology 

Patrick D. Gallagher, Deputy Director 

NIST Interagency Report 7581

September 2009

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Reports on Computer Systems Technology

The Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology

(NIST) promotes the U.S. economy and public welfare by providing tech

measurement and standards infrastructure. ITL develops tests, test methods, reference data, proof of concept implementations, and technical analysis to advance the development and productive use of 

information technology. administrative, and management standards and guidelines for the cost-effective security and privacy of 

sensitive unclassified information in Federal computer systems. research, guidance, and outreach efforts in computer security and its collaborative activities with industry,government, and academic organizations.

Certain commercial entities, equipment, or materials may be identified in this

document in order to describe an experimental procedure or concept adequately.

Such identification is not intended to imply recommendation or endorsement by the

 National Institute of Standards and Technology, nor is it intended to imply that the

entities, materials, or equipment are necessarily the best available for the purpose.

National Institute of Standards and Technology In teragency Report 758132 pages (Sep. 2009)

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The authors, Karen Scarfone of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and VictoriaThompson of Booz Allen Hamilton, wish to thank their colleagues who reviewed drafts of this report,

 particularly Liz Lennon and Tim Grance of NIST. Thanks also go to individuals and organizations thatsubmitted suggestions, particularly Tim Kramer, Mark Seecof, Janine Paris, the U.S. Department of Energy, and the U.S. Department of State. The authors also thank their colleagues who created acronymand abbreviation lists for their publications that were subsequently used as sources of information for thisreport.

Trademark Information

All names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

Note to Reviewers

Reviewers are encouraged to submit additional acronyms and abbreviations related to system and network security, particularly for emerging technologies, for consideration as additions to this report. Allsuggestions and corrections should be sent to [email protected]

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Table of Contents

1.  Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 1 

2.  Acronym and Abbreviation List ...................................................................................... 2 

Numeric .............................................................................................................................. 2 A ........................................................................................................................................ 2 B ........................................................................................................................................ 3 C ........................................................................................................................................ 4 D ........................................................................................................................................ 6 E ........................................................................................................................................ 7 F......................................................................................................................................... 8 G ........................................................................................................................................ 9 H ...................................................................................................................................... 10 I ........................................................................................................................................ 11 J ....................................................................................................................................... 13 K ...................................................................................................................................... 13 

L ....................................................................................................................................... 13 M ...................................................................................................................................... 14 N ...................................................................................................................................... 15 O ...................................................................................................................................... 17 P ...................................................................................................................................... 17 Q ...................................................................................................................................... 19 R ...................................................................................................................................... 19 S ...................................................................................................................................... 20 T....................................................................................................................................... 22 U ...................................................................................................................................... 23 V ...................................................................................................................................... 24 W ..................................................................................................................................... 24 

XYZ .................................................................................................................................. 25 

Appendix A References ......................................................................................................26 

Appendix B Former Acronyms ...........................................................................................27 

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1. Introduction

This report contains a list of selected acronyms and abbreviations for system and network security termswith their generally accepted or preferred definitions. It is intended as a resource for federal agencies andother users of system and network security publications.

The capitalization, spelling, and definitions of acronyms and abbreviations frequently vary among publications. It is easy to understand why this happens. While some acronyms and abbreviations (e.g.,

WWW ) have one universally recognized and understood definition within the domain of system andnetwork security, others (e.g., IA, MAC) have multiple valid definitions depending upon the context inwhich they are used. Some acronyms bear little resemblance to their definitions, such as Modes of Operation Validation System for the Triple DES Algorithm (TMOVS). Others use unexpectedcapitalization or spelling (e.g., Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup Language [ebXML] and

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [OECD]). As a result, acronyms,abbreviations, and their definitions may be inaccurately or inconsistently defined by authors, perpetuating

errors and confusing or misleading readers.

This report is meant to help reduce these errors and confusion by providing the generally accepted or 

 preferred definitions of a list of frequently used acronyms and abbreviations. The list does not include al l  system and network security terms, nor is it a compendium of every acronym and abbreviation found in

system and network security documents published by NIST. Readers should refer to listof acronyms and abbreviations (typically found in an appendix) for definitions applicable to that

 particular document.

The following conventions have been used in the preparation of the list of acronyms and abbreviations in

this report.

  Abbreviations and acronyms generally appear in all capital letters, although there are occasional

exceptions  for example, meter (m) and decibels referenced to one milliwatt (dBm).

  Technical terms are not capitalized unless they are proper nouns. Names of people, places, andgroups, and the titles of protocols, standards, and algorithms are considered proper nouns. For example, certification and accreditation (C&A) is not capitalized, but Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) is capitalized.

  Collective nouns are not capitalized (e.g., wide area network [WAN]).

  When two or more definitions of the same acronym or abbreviation are given, the acronym or 

abbreviation is italicized and repeated for each definition. Definitions are listed alphabetically.

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2. Acronym and Abbreviation List

This section consists of a list of selected system and network security acronyms and abbreviations, alongwith their generally accepted definitions. When there are multiple definitions for a single term, the

acronym or abbreviation is italicized and each definition is listed separately.


1xRTT one times radio transmission technology3DES Triple Data Encryption Standard3G 3rd Generation3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project3GPP2 3rd Generation Partnership Project 2


A address resource record typeA A ABAC attribute authorityA A A authentication, authorization, and accountingA A A K authentication, authorization, and accounting keyA A D additional authenticated dataA A R after action reportA AS adaptive antenna systemA B A C attribute-based access controlA C E access control entryA C L access control listA C M Association for Computing Machinery

A C O authenticated cipher offsetAD  Active DirectoryAD  authenticated dataA DS alternate data streamA ES Advanced Encryption StandardAES-CBC Advanced Encryption Standard-Cipher Block ChainingAES-CTR Advanced Encryption Standard-Counter ModeA F H adaptive frequency hoppingA-GPS assisted global positioning systemA H Authentication Header AI DC automatic identification and data captureA I M Association for Automatic Identification and Mobility

A I T automatic identification technologyAJAX Asynchronous JavaScript and XMLA K authorization keyA K I D authorization key identifier A K M authentication and key managementA L G application layer gatewayANSI American National Standards InstituteAP access pointAPI application programming interface

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A P W G Anti-Phishing Working GroupARIN American Registry for Internet NumbersA RP Address Resolution ProtocolARPA Advanced Research Projects AgencyAS  authentication server AS  authentication service

AS  autonomous systemASC Anti-Spyware CoalitionASC X9 Accredited Standards Committee X9ASCII American Standard Code for Information InterchangeASLR address space layout randomizationASN autonomous system number ASN .1 Abstract Syntax Notation 1ASP active server pagesA T A Advanced Technology AttachmentA T I M Announcement Traffic Indication MessageATM  asynchronous transfer modeATM  automated teller machine

A V antivirusA V I E N Anti-Virus Information Exchange Network A VP attribute-value pair 


B2B business-to-businessBCP  best current practiceBCP  business continuity planB GP Border Gateway ProtocolBGP-4 Border Gateway Protocol 4

BIA Bump-in-the-APIBIA business impact analysisBioAPI Biometric Application Programming InterfaceBIOS basic input/output systemBITS Bump-in-the-Stack BPM L Business Process Modeling LanguageBPSS Business Process Specification SchemaBRP  business recovery (resumption) planBS base stationBS C  base station controller BSI British Standards InstitutionBSIA British Security Industry Association

BSP best security practiceBSS  basic service setBSSID basic service set identifier BTNS better-than-nothing-securityB TS base transceiver stationBU binding updateBUA  binding update acknowledgement

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C & A certification and accreditationCA certificate authorityCA certification agent 

CA certification authorityC A C common access cardC A I D A Cooperative Association for Internet Data AnalysisC A P T C H A Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans ApartC A R O Computer Antivirus Research OrganizationC A V P Cryptographic Algorithm Validation ProgramC B C Cipher Block ChainingC B C - M A C Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication CodeC B E F F Common Biometric Exchange File FormatC C Common Criteria  Common Configuration EnumerationC C E V S Common Criteria Evaluation and Validation Scheme

CCIPS Computer Crime and Intellectual Property SectionC C K complementary code keyingC C M Counter Mode with CBC-MACC C M P Counter Mode with CBC-MAC ProtocolC C R A Common Criteria Recognition ArrangementCCSS Common Configuration Scoring SystemccT L D country code top-level domainCD  checking disabledCD  compact discCDFS compact disc file systemC D M A code division multiple accessCD-R compact disc-recordable

CD-ROM compact disc-read only memoryCD-RW compact disc-rewritableC E O chief executive officer CE RI AS Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and SecurityC E R T computer emergency response teamC E R T® / C C CERT® Coordination Center C F CompactFlash®C F A A Computer Fraud and Abuse ActC F B Cipher Feedback C F I computer and financial investigationsC F R Code of Federal RegulationsC F T T computer forensics tool testing

C G A cryptographically generated addressesC G I Common Gateway InterfaceC H A P Challenge-Handshake Authentication ProtocolC H U I D cardholder unique identifier CI DR Classless Inter-Domain RoutingCI FS Common Internet File SystemC I O chief information officer C IP critical infrastructure protectionCIPC Critical Infrastructure Protection Committee

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CSS cascading style sheetCSV comma-separated valuesC T O chief technology officer C T R counter mode encryptionC V E Common Vulnerabilities and ExposuresCVSS Common Vulnerability Scoring System

C W E Common Weakness Enumeration


DA destination addressDAA  designated accrediting authorityDAA designated approving authorityDA C discretionary access controlDA D duplicate address detectionD A M L DARPA Agent Markup LanguageD-AMPS Digital Advanced Mobile Phone Service

DA O Data Access ObjectDARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects AgencydBm decibels referenced to one milliwattDBMS database management systemDC domain controller DC E Distributed Computing EnvironmentD C O M Distributed Component Object ModelDCS distributed control systemDDMS Department of Defense Metadata SpecificationDDoS distributed denial of serviceDE A Data Encryption AlgorithmDEP Data Execution Prevention

DES Data Encryption StandardD FS  Distributed File SystemD FS  dynamic frequency selectionDH Diffie-HellmanD H A A D Dynamic Home Agent Address DiscoveryD H C P Dynamic Host Configuration ProtocolDHCPv6 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for Internet Protocol v6DHS U.S. Department of Homeland SecurityDIMS Digital Identity Management ServiceDISA U.S. Defense Information Systems AgencyDL L dynamic link libraryDM A direct memory access

DM Z demilitarized zoneDN   distinguished name DN  domain nameDNP Distributed Network ProtocolDNS domain name systemDNSBL Domain Name System BlacklistDNSSEC Domain Name System Security ExtensionsDO C U.S. Department of CommerceDoD U.S. Department of Defense

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DO E U.S. Department of EnergyDO I domain of interpretationDOJ U.S. Department of JusticeDO M Document Object ModelDoS denial of serviceDPA differential power analysis

DR A data recovery agentDR M digital rights managementDRP disaster recovery planDS  Delegation Signer DS  distribution systemDS Field differentiated services fieldDS A Digital Signature AlgorithmDS L digital subscriber lineDSML Directory Services Markup LanguageDSN delivery status notificationDSOD dynamic separation of dutyDSS Digital Signature Standard

DSTM Dual Stack Transition MechanismDT C Distributed Transaction Coordinator DT D Document Type DefinitionDT R derived test requirementDUID DHCP unique identifier DV D digital video discDVD-R digital video disc - recordableDVD-ROM digital video disc - read only memoryDVD-RW digital video disc - rewritable


E A L evaluation assurance levelE AP Extensible Authentication ProtocolEAP-FAST Extensible Authentication Protocol-Flexible Authentication via Secure TunnelingE A P O L Extensible Authentication Protocol Over LANE A P O L - K C K Extensible Authentication Protocol Over LAN Key Confirmation KeyE A P O L - K E K Extensible Authentication Protocol Over LAN Key Encryption KeyEAP-TLS Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer SecurityEAP-TTLS Extensible Authentication Protocol-Tunneled Transport Layer SecurityE BGP Exterior Border Gateway Protocoleb X M L Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup LanguageEC2N Elliptic Curve over G[2N]

E C B Electronic Codebook (mode)E C C Elliptic Curve CryptographyE C D H Elliptic Curve Diffie-HellmanECDSA Elliptic Curve Digital Signature AlgorithmE C M Enterprise Configuration Manager E CP Encryption Control ProtocolE C P A Electronic Communications Privacy ActE D G E Enhanced Data rates for GSM EvolutionE DI electronic data interchange

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E DR enhanced data rateE E PROM electronically erasable programmable read-only memoryE F I Extensible Firmware InterfaceE FS Encrypting File SystemE GP Exterior Gateway ProtocolE H extension header 

E I C A R European Institute for Computer Antivirus ResearchE I GRP Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing ProtocolE I K EAP Integrity Keyemail electronic mailEMS  energy management systemEMS  Enhanced Messaging ServiceEMSK Extended Master Session KeyE P A L Enterprise Privacy Authorization LanguageEPC electronic product codeEPCIS Electronic Product Code Information ServicesE PHI electronic protected health informationEPS events per second

E RP enterprise resource planningESMS enterprise security management systemESMTP Extended Simple Mail Transfer ProtocolESN electronic serial number ESP Encapsulating Security PayloadESS Extended Service SetETSI European Telecommunications Standards InstituteE U European UnionEUI-64 Extended Unique Identifier 64 bitEV-DO Evolution-Data Optimizedext2fs Second Extended Filesystem

ext3fs Third Extended Filesystem


F A Q frequently asked questionsF A R Federal Acquisition RegulationFASC-N Federal Agency Smart Credential Number FASP Federal Agency Security PracticesF A T file allocation tableF B C A Federal Bridge Certification AuthorityF BI Federal Bureau of InvestigationFBI C JIS Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal Justice Information Services Division

F C C Federal Communications CommissionF C C ID Federal Communications Commission Identification number F C L final checklist listF C P F Federal PKI Common Policy Framework F C R A Fair Credit Reporting ActF CS frame check sequenceF D A Food and Drug AdministrationF D C C Federal Desktop Core ConfigurationF D C E Federated Development and Certification Environment

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F D E full disk encryptionFD I C Federal Deposit Insurance CorporationF E A Federal Enterprise ArchitectureF E K file encryption keyF F M I A Federal Financial Management Improvement ActFHSS frequency hopping spread spectrum

F IB forwarding information baseF I C C Federal Identity Credentialing CommitteeFIPS Federal Information Processing StandardsFIRST Forum of Incident Response and Security TeamsF I SCAM Federal Information System Controls Audit ManualFISMA Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002FISSEA  F L E T C Federal Law Enforcement Training Center F M R false match rateF MS Fluhrer-Mantin-Shamir F N M R false non match rateF O I A Freedom of Information Act

FPC Federal Preparedness Circular F P K I Federal Public Key InfrastructureF P K I A Federal Public Key Infrastructure ArchitectureFPKI PA Federal Public Key Infrastructure Policy AuthorityF Q D N fully qualified domain nameF RR false rejection rateFSO field security officeF T C Federal Trade CommissionF T C A Federal Trade Commission ActF TP File Transfer ProtocolF US Fast User SwitchingF Y fiscal year 


G A O U.S. Government Accountability OfficeG B gigabyteG F A C generalized framework for access controlGFIRST Government Forum of Incident Response and Security TeamsG Hz gigahertzG I G Global Information GridGI NA graphical identification and authenticationG K E K Group Key Encryption Key

G L B or  G L B A Gramm-Leach-Bliley ActG M K Group Master KeyGnuPG GNU Privacy GuardG O T S government off-the-shelf GPL general public licenseGPM C Group Policy Management ConsoleGPO Group Policy ObjectGPRS general packet radio serviceGPS global positioning system

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G R graceful restartG RE Generic Routing EncapsulationG RS General Records ScheduleGS1 Global Standards OneGSA U.S. General Services AdministrationGSM Global System for Mobile Communications

G T C Generic Token CardG T E K group traffic encryption keyG T K group temporal keyg T L D generic top-level domainGTSM Generalized TTL Security MechanismG UI graphical user interface


HA  high availability HA home agent

H A G high assurance guardH C I host controller interfaceH E R F hazards of electromagnetic radiation to fuelH E R O hazards of electromagnetic radiation to ordnanceHE RP hazards of electromagnetic radiation to personnelH F high frequencyH FS Hierarchical File SystemH HS U.S. Department of Health and Human ServicesH I N F O host informationH IP Host Identity ProtocolHI PAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability ActHI PE RL AN high-performance radio local area network 

H K L M HKEY_Local_MachineH L7 Health Level SevenH M A C keyed-hash message authentication codeH M I human-machine interfaceHPA host protected areaHPFS High-Performance File SystemH R human resourcesHSARPA Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects AgencyHSPD Homeland Security Presidential DirectiveH T C I A High Technology Crime Investigation AssociationH T C P Hyper Text Caching ProtocolH T M L Hypertext Markup Language

H T T P Hypertext Transfer ProtocolHT T PS Secure Hypertext Transfer ProtocolHz hertz

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I & A identification and authenticationI / O input/outputI3P Institute for Information Infrastructure ProtectionI A information assurance

I A B Internet Architecture BoardI AC I S® International Association of Computer Investigative SpecialistsI A I P Information Analysis and Infrastructure ProtectionI A N A Internet Assigned Numbers AuthorityI A O information assurance officer I A T F Information Assurance Technical Framework IB C iterated block cipher IB E identity-based encryptioniBGP Internal Border Gateway ProtocolIBMJSSE IBM Java Secure Socket ExtensionIBSS independent basic service setI C3 Internet Crime Complaint Center 

I C A M P Incident Cost Analysis and Modeling ProjectI C A N N Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and NumbersI C C I D Integrated Circuit Card IdentificationI C C P Inter-control Center Communications ProtocolI C F Internet Connection FirewallI C M P Internet Control Message ProtocolI CP Internet Cache ProtocolICS  industrial control systemICS  Internet Connection SharingICSA International Computer Security Association I C V integrity check valueID identification

  Information Design Assurance Red TeamIDE  integrated development environmentIDE  Integrated Drive ElectronicsI D E A International Data Encryption AlgorithmiDEN Integrated Digital Enhanced Network ID-FF Identity Federation Framework I D M E F Intrusion Detection Message Exchange FormatIDMS identity management systemIDPS intrusion detection and prevention systemIDS intrusion detection systemID-SIS Identity Service Interface SpecificationsID-WSF Identity Web Services Framework 

ID-WSF DST Identity Web Services Framework Data Services TemplateI E Internet Explorer I E C International Electrotechnical CommissionI E D intelligent electronic deviceIEEE-SA IEEE Standards AssociationIESG Internet Security Steering GroupI E T F Internet Engineering Task ForceI E T F B C P Internet Engineering Task Force Best Current PracticeI E T F R F C Internet Engineering Task Force Request for Comments

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I G M P Internet Group Management ProtocolI GP interior gateway protocolI ID interface identifier I I F information in identifiable formI I H I individually identifiable health informationI IS Internet Information Services

I K E Internet Key ExchangeI M instant messagingI M A P Internet Message Access ProtocolI M E I International Mobile Equipment IdentityIMSI International Mobile Subscriber IdentityI NC I T S InterNational Committee for Information Technology StandardsIP Internet ProtocolIPA initial privacy assessmentIPComp Internet Protocol Payload Compression ProtocolIPng Internet Protocol Next GenerationIPS intrusion prevention systemIPsec Internet Protocol Security

IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6IPX Internet Packet ExchangeIR  infraredIR  interagency reportIR C Internet Relay ChatI rDA® Infrared Data Association®IR Q interrupt request lineIRS Internal Revenue ServiceI R T F Internet Research Task ForceIS information systemISA interconnection security agreement

ISA International Society of AutomationISAC information sharing and analysis center I SAKM P Internet Security Association and Key Management ProtocolISAP Information Security Automation ProgramISAPI Internet Server Application Programming InterfaceISATAP Intra-Site Automatic Tunnel Addressing ProtocolIS F Information Security ForumISID Industrial Security Incident DatabaseIS-IS Intermediate System-to-Intermediate SystemISM  industrial, scientific, and medicalISM  information security markingISMS information security management system

IS O International Organization for StandardizationISP Internet service provider ISSEA International Systems Security Engineering AssociationISSO information systems security officer ISSPM information systems security program manager I T information technologyI T A A Information Technology Association of AmericaI T F Interrogator Talks FirstI T L Information Technology Laboratory

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I T U International Telecommunications UnionITU-T International Telecommunications Union-Telecommunication Standardization

Sector IU T implementation under testI V initialization vector 


Java E E Java Platform, Enterprise EditionJ A X R Java API for XML RegistriesJFFS2 Journaling Flash File System, version 2JI T just-in-timeJPEG Joint Photographic Experts GroupJR E Java Runtime EnvironmentJSM Java Security Manager JSP Java Server PagesJSSE Java Secure Socket Extension

J T A G Joint Test Action GroupJTC1 Joint Technical Committee 1 (International Organization for Standardization

[ISO]/International Electrotechnical Commission [IEC])JV M Java Virtual Machine


K B kilobyteK bps kilobit per second

K D C key distribution center K E K key encryption key

K G key generator K GD key generation and distributionk Hz kilohertzK I N K Kerberized Internet Negotiation of KeysKSG key stream generator KSK key signing key


L2CAP Logical Link Control and Adaptation ProtocolL2F Layer 2 Forwarding

L2TP Layer 2 Tunneling ProtocolL2VPN Layer 2 Virtual Private Network L3VPN Layer 3 Virtual Private Network L A C N I C Latin American and Caribbean IP Addresses RegistryL A N local area network L C D liquid crystal displayL DA local delivery agentL DAP Lightweight Directory Access ProtocolL E D light emitting diode

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L F low frequencyLFSR linear feedback shift register L IR local Internet registryL M LAN Manager L MP Link Manager ProtocolL O C location (DNS record)

L OS line-of-sightL RA Local Registration AuthorityL UA limited user account


m meter MAC  mandatory access controlMAC  media access control (layer)MAC  Medium Access ControlMAC  message authentication code

M A F multi-mode authentication framework M A N metropolitan area network MAPS Mail Abuse Prevention SystemM B megabyteMbps megabits per secondM BR master boot recordMBSA Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer M D message digestM E mobile equipmentM E D multi-exit discriminator M EP message exchange patternM ES manufacturing execution system

M Hz megahertzM IB management information baseMIC  mandatory integrity controlMIC  message integrity check MIC  message integrity codeM I K E Y Multimedia Internet KEYingM I M E Multipurpose Internet Mail ExtensionsM I M O multiple-input, multiple-outputM IN mobile identification number Mini SD mini secure digitalM IP Mobile Internet ProtocolMitM man-in-the-middle (attack)

M L D Multicast Listener DiscoveryMMC  Microsoft Management ConsoleMMC  MultiMediaCardMMCmobile MultiMediaCard MobileM MS Multimedia Messaging ServiceM N mobile nodeM O magneto-opticalM O A memorandum of agreementM O B I K E IKEv2 Mobility and Multihoming Protocol

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M ODP modular exponentialMOSS MIME Object Security ServicesM O U memorandum of understandingM O V S Modes of Operation Validation SystemMPA Mobile Prefix AdvertisementMPLS multiprotocol label switching

MPS Mobile Prefix SolicitationM Q V Menezes-Qu-VanstoneM RI magnetic resonance imagingMS  MicrosoftMS  mobile subscriber MSC mobile switching center MS-CHAP Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication ProtocolMS-DOS Microsoft Disk Operating SystemMSDP Multicast Source Discovery ProtocolMSEC multicast securityMSEL Master Scenario Events ListMSIL Microsoft Intermediate Language

MSISDN Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network MSK master session keyM SKB Microsoft Knowledge BaseMSSP managed security services provider MSWG Metadata Standards Working GroupM T A mail transfer agentM T M Mobile Trusted ModuleMTU  master telemetry unitMTU  master terminal unitMTU  maximum transmission unitM U A mail user agentmW milliwatt

M X mail exchanger 


NA Neighbor AdvertisementNA C network access controlN A C I National Agency Check and InquiriesNAP Network Access ProtectionN A R A National Archives and Records AdministrationNAS network access server NA T network address translation

NAT-PT network address translation   protocol translationNAT-T network address translation traversalNB A network behavior analysisNBAD network behavior anomaly detectionNCE S NetCentric Enterprise ServicesNCP National Checklist ProgramNCSD National Cyber Security DivisionNCSI NIST National Center for Standards and Certification InformationND Neighbor Discovery

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N D A C nondiscretionary access controlNet BE U I NetBIOS Extended User InterfaceNetB IOS Network Basic Input/Output SystemNetB T NetBIOS over TCP/IPN F A T network forensic analysis toolNF C near field communication

N FS  network file systemN FS  Network File SharingNH next header N I A C National Infrastructure Advisory CouncilNIAP National Information Assurance PartnershipNI C network interface cardN I C C National Infrastructure Coordinating Center NIJ National Institute of JusticeNIPC National Infrastructure Protection Center NIS Network Information SystemNISAC National Infrastructure Simulation and Analysis Center NISCC National Infrastructure Security Co-ordination Centre

NIST National Institute of Standards and TechnologyNISTIR National Institute of Standards and Technology Interagency ReportNL OS non-line-of-sightNPIVP NIST Personal Identity Verification ProgramNPPI nonpublic personal informationNS  name server NS  Neighbor SolicitationNS A National Security AgencyNSAPI Netscape Server Application Programming InterfaceNSEC Next SecureNSI national security informationNSRL National Software Reference Library

NSS Network Security ServicesNSTB National SCADA Test BedNSTISSC National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security

CommitteeNSTISSI  National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security

Instruction NT FS New Technology File SystemN T L M NT LAN Manager NTP Network Time ProtocolN T T A A National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995NUD Neighbor Unreachability DetectionNV D National Vulnerability Database

N V L A P National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation ProgramNW3C National White Collar Crime Center NX no execute

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  Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information StandardsO C C Office of the Comptroller of the CurrencyO C I O Office of the Chief Information Officer OCSP Online Certificate Status Protocol

O D B C Open Database ConnectivityO E C D Organisation for Economic Co-operation and DevelopmentO E M original equipment manufacturer O F B output feedback (mode)O F D M orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing  Open Grid Services ArchitectureO H A Open Handset AllianceO I G Office of Inspector GeneralO L E object linking and embeddingO M B Office of Management and BudgetO NS Object Naming ServiceO OB out-of-band

OPC OLE for Process ControlOpenPGP An Open Specification for Pretty Good PrivacyOPM U.S. Office of Personnel ManagementO RB open relay blacklistOS operating systemOSHA Occupational Safety and Health AdministrationOSI Open Systems InterconnectionOSPF Open Shortest Path FirstOSS open source softwareOSSTMM Open Source Security Testing Methodology ManualOSVDB Open Source Vulnerability DatabaseO TP one-time password

O U organizational unitO V A L Open Vulnerability and Assessment LanguageOWASP Open Web Application Security ProjectOWL-S Web Ontology Language for Services


P2P peer-to-peer PAC  Privilege Attribute CertificatePAC  Protected Access CredentialPA D peer authorization database

PA M pluggable authentication modulePA N personal area network PAOS Reverse HTTP Binding for SOAPPAP  Password Authentication ProtocolPAP  policy access pointPAS publicly available specificationPB A pre-boot authenticationP B A C policy-based access controlP B C C Packet Binary Convolutional Code

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PB E pre-boot environmentPB X private branch exchangePC personal computer PCI  Payment Card IndustryPCI  personal identity verification card issuer PC I DSS Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

P C M C I A Personal Computer Memory Card International AssociationPC N process control network PCP IP Payload Compression ProtocolPCS process control systemPCSF Process Control System ForumPCSRF Process Control Security Requirements ForumPD A personal digital assistantPDD Presidential Decision DirectivePDF Portable Document FormatPDP policy decision pointPDS protective distribution systemsPE AP Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol

PE D portable electronic devicesPE M Privacy Enhanced MailPEP policy enforcement pointPFS perfect forward secrecyPGP Pretty Good PrivacyPH I protected health informationPHP PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor PH Y Physical (layer)PI A privacy impact assessment  Platform for Internet Content SelectionPII personally identifiable informationPI M personal information management

PIM-SM Protocol Independent Multicast  Sparse ModePIN personal identification number PIP policy information pointPIR Public Interest RegistryPI V personal identity verificationP K C S Public Key Cryptography StandardP K I public key infrastructureP K M privacy key managementPKM v1 Privacy Key Management Protocol version 1PKM v2 Privacy Key Management Protocol version 2PL public lawPL C programmable logic controller 

PM A Policy Management AuthorityPM K pairwise master keyPM KSA Pairwise Master Key Security AssociationPMP point-to-multipointP M T U path maximum transmission unitPN packet number PN G Portable Network GraphicsP O A & M plan of action and milestonesPOC  point of contact

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POC  proof of conceptPoE Power over EthernetPOP Post Office ProtocolPOP3 Post Office Protocol version 3PP protection profilePPP Point-to-Point Protocol

PPTP Point-to-Point Tunneling ProtocolPPVPN provisioner-provided virtual private network PR A Paperwork Reduction ActPre-PAK pre-primary authorization keyPRF pseudorandom functionPRNG  pseudorandom number generator PS K pre-shared keyPSTN public switched telephone network PT A privacy threshold assessment (or analysis)PT K pairwise transient keyPT V perceived target valuePUB publication

PU K PIN unblocking keyPV G patch and vulnerability group


QoP quality of protectionQoS quality of service


R& D research and developmentR / W read/writeRA receiver addressRA Registration AuthorityRA remote assistanceRA Router AdvertisementRAd AC risk adaptive access controlRADIUS Remote Authentication Dial In User ServiceRAI D redundant array of independent disksRA M random access memoryRA T remote administration toolR B A C role-based access control

RC2 Rivest Cipher 2RC4 Rivest Cipher 4RC E route cache entryR C F L Regional Computer Forensics LaboratoryRCP Remote Copy ProtocolRDBMS relational database management systemRDP Remote Desktop ProtocolRE L rights expression languageREP Robots Exclusion Protocol

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REST Representational State Transfer RF radio frequencyRF C request for commentsRF D route flap dampingRFI D radio frequency identificationRFP request for proposal

RIB routing information baseRIP Routing Information ProtocolRIPE NC C Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination CentreRIPng Routing Information Protocol next generationRIR regional internet registriesRIS Remote Installation ServicesRM A reliability, maintainability, and availabilityR M O N Remote MonitoringRN G random number generator RO E rules of engagementRO M read-only memoryRP responsible person (record)

RPC remote procedure callRPF Reverse Path ForwardingRPO recovery point objectiveRR resource recordRRSIG resource record signatureRS   relay stationRS  Router SolicitationRS A Rivest-Shamir-AdelmanRSBAC rule set-based access controlRSN Robust Security Network RSNA Robust Security Network AssociationRSNIE Robust Security Network Information Element

RS O reduced sign-onRSS Really Simple SyndicationRSSI received signal strength indicationRSVP Resource ReSerVation ProtocolRT F Rich Text FormatRT L S real-time location systemRT O recovery time objectiveRTP Real-Time Transport ProtocolRT U remote terminal unit or remote telemetry unit Ru BAC rule-based access controlR-UIM Removable User Identity Module


S / M I M E Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail ExtensionsSA security associationSA source addressS A C L system access control listSA D security association databaseS A F E R Secure And Fast Encryption Routine

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SAID security association identifier SAISO senior agency information security officer SAM  Security Account Manager SAM  software asset managementS A M A T E Software Assurance Metrics and Tool Evaluation


SA N storage area network S-BGP Secure Border Gateway ProtocolSC subcommitteeS C A D A supervisory control and data acquisitionSCAP Security Content Automation ProtocolSCP Secure Copy ProtocolSCSI Small Computer System InterfaceSCT P Stream Control Transmission ProtocolSD Secure DigitalSDIO Secure Digital Input OutputSD K software development kitSDLC System Development Life Cycle

SD O standards development organizationSDP  Session Description ProtocolSDP  Service Discovery ProtocolSE I Software Engineering InstituteSE M security event managementSEND Secure Neighbor DiscoverySEP secure entry pointSFT P Secure File Transfer ProtocolSH A Secure Hash AlgorithmSHA-1 Secure Hash Algorithm 1shim6 Site Multihoming by IPv6 IntermediationSHS Secure Hash Standard

SI A Security Industry AssociationSI D security identifier SI E M security information and event managementSI G special interest groupSIIT Stateless IP/ICMP Translation AlgorithmSIM  security information managementSIM  subscriber identity moduleSI P Session Initiation ProtocolSIS safety instrumented systemS K E M E Secure Key Exchange MechanismSL A service level agreementSM B Server Message Block 

SM E subject matter expertS / M I M E Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail ExtensionsSMS  Short Message ServiceSMS  Systems Management Server SM T scar, mark and tattooSM T P Simple Mail Transfer ProtocolSN L Sandia National LaboratoriesSNMP Simple Network Management ProtocolSNTP Simple Network Time Protocol

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SOA service-oriented architectureSOA start of authority (resource record)

soBGP Secure Origin Border Gateway ProtocolSoD separation of dutiesS O H O small office/home officeSOP standard operating procedure

SO R system of recordsSORN system of records noticeSO X Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002SP  service pack SP  special publicationSPD security policy databaseSPI security parameters indexSP L Structured Product Labeling

    SPP-ICS System Protection Profile for Industrial Control SystemsSQ L Structured Query LanguageSR service release

SRES signed responseSRTP Secure Real-Time Transport ProtocolSS subscriber stationSSDP Simple Service Discovery ProtocolSSE-CMM Systems Security Engineering-Capability Maturity ModelSSH Secure ShellSSI Server Side IncludesSSID service set identifier SSL Secure Sockets Layer SSLF Specialized Security-Limited FunctionalitySSN social security number SSO single sign-on

SSoD static separation of dutySSP secure simple pairingSSPI Security Support Provider InterfaceST security targetST A stationST I G security technical implementation guideSTS security token serviceSUID Set-User-IDSWSA Semantic Web Services Initiative ArchitectureSZ security zone


TA test assertionTA transmitter addressT A C A C S Terminal Access Controller Access Control SystemT A G technical advisory groupT B terabyteT C technical committee

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UDP User Datagram ProtocolUFS UNIX File SystemUH F ultra high frequencyUI user interfaceU K United KingdomUL    

UL A unique local addressULP upper layer protocolUM L®   UM PC ultra-mobile personal computer UM T S Universal Mobile Telecommunications SystemUNII Unlicensed National Information InfrastructureUPC Universal Product CodeUPnP Universal Plug and PlayUPS uninterruptible power supplyURI Uniform Resource Identifier UR L Uniform Resource Locator USB Universal Serial Bus

US-CERT United States Computer Emergency Readiness TeamUSIM UMTS Subscriber Identity Module or Universal Subscriber Identity ModuleUT M unified threat managementUUID Universally Unique Identifier UW B ultrawideband


V B Visual BasicV B .N E T Visual Basic .NETV B A Visual Basic for Applications

V BScript Visual Basic ScriptV F D variable frequency driveV H D virtual hard driveV H F very high frequencyV L A N virtual local area network V M virtual machineV MS vulnerability management systemVoIP Voice over Internet ProtocolVOIPSA Voice over IP Security AllianceVPN virtual private network VPNC Virtual Private Network ConsortiumVRRP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol


W3C® World Wide Web ConsortiumW A N wide area network WAP  wireless access pointWAP   Wireless Application ProtocolWaSP Web Standards Project

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W A V E Wireless Access for Vehicular EnvironmentW A Y F Where Are You FromW C C P Web Cache Coordination ProtocolW-CDM A Wideband Code Division Multiple AccessW DS wireless distribution systemWeb DAV Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning

W EP Wired Equivalent PrivacyWf M C Workflow Management CoalitionWfMS workflow management systemW G working groupWIDPS wireless intrusion detection and prevention systemW i M A X Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave AccessW L A N wireless local area network W M A N wireless metropolitan area network W M M® Wi- W O R M write once, read manyWPA Wi-Fi Protected AccessWPA2® Wi-Fi Protected Access® 2

WPAN wireless personal area network WS Web servicesWSDL Web Services Description LanguageWSH Windows Script HostWS-I   Web services interoperability WS-I  Web Services Interoperability OrganizationWSS4J Web Services Security for JavaWS-Security Web Services SecurityWSUS Windows Server Update ServicesW V E Wireless Vulnerabilities and ExploitsW W A N wireless wide area network  W W W World Wide Web


X A C L XML Access Control Language

    X C B C XOR Cipher Block ChainingX C C D F eXtensible Configuration Checklist Description FormatX H T M L Extensible Hypertext Markup LanguageX K M S XML Key Management SpecificationX M L Extensible Markup LanguageX O R exclusive OR 

X r M L eXtensible Rights Markup LanguageXSD XML Schema DefinitionXSL Extensible Stylesheet LanguageXSLT Extensible Stylesheet Language TransformationXSS cross-site scripting

ZS K zone signing key

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Appendix AReferences

Sources used in the development of the list of system and network security acronyms and abbreviations inthis document include the following:

 National Institute of Standards and Technology Publications, NIST Computer Security Division

Resource Center Web site,  

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 

Microsoft Hardware Developer Central, Glossary of Acronyms for PC and Server Technologies,  

Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS),  

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Appendix BFormer Acronyms

Over time, as organizations, technologies, or other entities change, some acronyms associated with themmay lose their definitions and thus no longer be considered acronyms. This appendix presents selected

former acronyms related to system and network security. As additional acronyms in this publication losetheir definitions, readers are encouraged to send notification of these, along with references to

authoritative sources of information, to [email protected] for possible inclusion in futurereleases of this report.

I E E E  

Definition dropped by the organization( ).

SOAP  April 2007 ( ).