networks spring 2009

NET MINISTRIES NETWORKS Challenging young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church S ERRA I NTERNATIONAL AND NET M INISTRIES : W ORKING TOGETHER TO FOSTER VOCATIONS NET Ministries has long strived to respond to Blessed John Paul II’s challenge to “Spread the Gospel,” and ministers to 60,000 teens each year through retreats and ministry initiatives. Drama, music, games and small group presentations are all used to present basic Gospel messages in an exciting and dynamic way and to invite every teen on retreat to give their lives to the only one who can satisfy their hungry hearts, Jesus Christ. These teens who attend NET retreats aren’t the only ones changed by the NET experience. A NET Team member’s year of service begins with a five-week training program. NET Volunteers are brought to a deeper understanding of their faith and given practical skills to effectively communicate their faith to others. The training and experience helps team members build a firm foundation for lives of service to the Church. After finding joy in serving, many of these young men and women go on to dedicate their lives in religious vocations. Over 90% of them continue in some form of service to the Church, so it makes sense to partner with other organizations that strive to foster religious vocations and dedication to our Lord. Serra International ( seeks to foster, affirm and promote vocations to ministry in the Catholic Church. Serra was founded to promote Catholic values by fostering vocations to the priesthood and religious life and increasing its members’ common Catholic faith. There are thousands of Serrans in the United States, and many more serve internationally. Serra works with high school and college age students, but also takes an active role in adult faith formation. Because NET and Serra are already partners in the Lord’s work, a partnership between the two organizations seems to be a match made in heaven. Serra purchased a van for NET teams to use in 2001, and four NET team members who spent their year using that van are currently pursuing a religious vocation. One particular Serran, Mike Pohlen, generously dedicated a large amount of his time, money and prayers to building this relationship. Mike and his wife Laurie arranged meetings between local Serra Clubs and NET teams, and frequently visited the NET Center during training times to check in with teams who had interacted with Serrans. His dedication has led to numerous meetings and sponsorships, all of which seem to edify both groups. One NET team member remarked, ”It was just fun to visit with the Serrans and is a neat chance for us to interact with adults in love with their faith.” Mike Pohlen passed away in late 2008, but other Serrans are continuing to welcome NET teams to their dioceses and challenge young Catholics to affirm their vocation within the life of the Church. We pray that his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, may rest in peace. Judy Cozzens, Serran and NET supporter, contributed to this article. Mike Pohlen stands at the NET booth with other Serrans and NET Staff at the 2007 Serra International Convention

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NETWORKS Spring 2009


Page 1: NETWORKS Spring 2009


N E T WO R K SChallenging young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church

S e r r a I n t e r n a t I o n a l a n d n e t M I n I S t r I e S : W o r k I n g t o g e t h e r t o

f o S t e r v o c a t I o n S

NET Ministries has long strived to respond to Blessed John Paul II’s challenge to “Spread the Gospel,” and ministers to 60,000 teens each year through retreats and ministry initiatives. Drama, music, games and small group presentations are all used to present basic Gospel messages in an exciting and dynamic way and to invite every teen on retreat to give their lives to the only one who can satisfy their hungry hearts, Jesus Christ.

These teens who attend NET retreats aren’t the only ones changed by the NET experience. A NET Team member’s year of service begins with a five-week training program. NET Volunteers are brought to a deeper understanding of their faith and given practical skills to effectively communicate their faith to others. The training and experience helps team members build a firm foundation for lives of service to the Church. After finding joy in serving, many of these young men and women go on to dedicate their lives in religious vocations. Over 90% of them continue in some form of service to the Church, so it makes sense to partner with other organizations that strive to foster religious vocations and dedication to our Lord.

Serra International ( seeks to foster, affirm and promote vocations to ministry in the Catholic Church. Serra was founded to promote Catholic values by fostering vocations to the priesthood and religious life and increasing its members’ common Catholic faith. There are thousands of Serrans in the United States, and many more serve internationally. Serra works with high school and college age students, but also takes an active role in adult faith formation.

Because NET and Serra are already partners in the Lord’s work, a partnership between the two organizations seems to be a match made in heaven. Serra purchased a van for NET teams to use in 2001, and four NET team members who spent their year

using that van are currently pursuing a religious vocation. One particular Serran, Mike Pohlen, generously dedicated a large amount of his time, money and prayers to building this relationship.

Mike and his wife Laurie arranged meetings between local Serra Clubs and NET teams, and frequently visited the NET Center during training times to check in with teams who had interacted with Serrans. His dedication has led to numerous meetings and sponsorships, all of which seem to edify both groups. One NET team member remarked, ”It was just fun to visit with the Serrans and is a neat chance for us to interact with adults in love with their faith.”

Mike Pohlen passed away in late 2008, but other Serrans are continuing to welcome NET teams to their dioceses and challenge young Catholics to affirm their vocation within the life of the Church. We pray that his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, may rest in peace.

Judy Cozzens, Serran and NET supporter, contributed to this article.

Mike Pohlen stands at the NET booth with other Serrans

and NET Staff at the 2007 Serra International Convention

Page 2: NETWORKS Spring 2009




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Challenging young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church



PrESIDENT: Archbishop John C. Nienstedt

ExECUTIVE DIrECTOr: Mr. Mark L. Berchem,

M.S.W., M.T.S.

TrEASUrEr: Mr. Jack J. Cozzens

Mr. Gerald D. Brennan, CIMAMr. Gordon C. DeMarais, M.A.T.Mrs. Jan GloudemanMr. Thomas L.

Grundhoefer, J.D.

Mr. Daniel J. Hagen, CFAMrs. Patricia HuberDr. James C. Kolar, D.MIN.Mrs. Barbara KochMr. Alan Kraling

Mr. Patrick O. Regan

EPISCOPAL ADVISOry BOArD: Francis Cardinal George,

O.M.I., Ph.D., S.T.D.

Bishop Frederick F. Campbell, D.D.

Archbishop robert J. Carlson, D.D.

Bishop Sam G. Jacobs, D.D.

Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, D.D.

NET is under the ecclesial vigilance of Most reverend John C. Nienstedt, Archbishop of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. It is governed by a national board of directors, is a member of the Association of Fundraising Professionals and has been audited by Lewis, Kisch and Associates, Ltd.

Dear Friends,

I have had a number of people ask me how NET is weathering the turbulent economic times. I share with them about the prudence the staff is exercising in stewarding our budget and the continued generosity of our benefactors. Before I even finish, they jump in with a statement about how this must be a great time to talk about faith, since people really need it.

It is always a great time to talk about Christ! Sure people may be a little more attentive in difficult economic times, but Jesus didn’t come to ease our economic anxiety. He came to answer a more fundamental question about who we are and what’s the

purpose of our life. All of us, whether times are good or bad, are searching for meaning and purpose. Deep down within us there is a God-shaped hole in our heart that, try as we might, can only be filled by God. In the words of St. Augustine, “Our hearts are restless, until they rest in You.” We will never truly know ourselves or the purpose of our life until we understand ourselves in relation to God.

That’s what the NET teams share with young people. They talk with young people about their profound dignity as God’s children. They share with young people about God’s gratuitous love for His children that moved Him to send His son, Jesus, into the world. The NET teams let young people know that no matter what wrong they may have done, God is ready and waiting to forgive and receive them back again. Our young evangelists share with young people that contrary to what our culture says, the way one finds oneself is to make a gift of yourself to God and others.

It’s always a good time to share that message! During these challenging times, we are even more grateful for the people who support the teams in this important work. Thank you so much.

With this issue of Networks, we call your attention to Serra International, one of the fine Catholic organizations that partner with us for the spread of the Gospel. I ask for your continued prayers and support. May you and your family experience a greater outpouring of God’s grace.

Sincerely in Christ,

Mark BerchemFounder and Executive Director

Jesus didn’t come to ease our economic anxiety. He came to answer a more

fundamental question about who we are and what’s the purpose of

our life.

Page 3: NETWORKS Spring 2009


N E T M I N I S T R I E S a L U M N I

N E T WO R K SChallenging young Catholics to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5) When winter lingers on, my soul and body long for the lengthening sunlight that melts the snow and sprouts spring blooms. As dreary as winter can get, hope never quite fades because I know that the light of spring will always triumph. Scripture refers to light in various ways that can give us meditative fertilizer.

“Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.” (Matthew 5:16) I don’t know about you, but more often than I care to admit, I don’t really feel like the light of the world. Nor do I even want to be the light.

On days when my flesh struggles, I don’t want to shine too brightly. Not so much because I don’t want to be a good example - everyone wants to make a difference - but more so because I don’t want to put forth the effort. “you must never grow weary of doing what is right...” (2 Thessalonians 3:13) But I do weary of being good. Some days doing the right thing grates my will.

What’s the difference if I don’t declare this little amount of money on my taxes? Who does it really hurt if I download a few songs “illegally” on the Internet? So what if I don’t smile at the lady behind the cash register? Or why do I have to let that guy into traffic? I already let four other people in??!! Why can’t someone else be a light to me today?

But Jesus didn’t say that I “should be the light,” rather, he said “you ArE the light.” If we dare bear the name “Christian,” then we are a light whether we like it or not, whether we want to be or not. Our lives communicate something, and people scrutinize us even more. If my behavior (or lack thereof) “shines” into someone’s life, then I best be mindful of what kind of aura emanates from my life.

Sometimes I can fool myself into thinking that I’m really shining pretty brightly. This past summer while camping, my family visited the Soudan Underground Mine, a retired iron ore mine where you travel ¾ mile underground for a tour. At such depths, any light seems as bright as the sun because the darkness is so ominous. But as a Christian, I am not supposed to measure the

brightness of my light against the darkness that surrounds me. rather, my life should take Christ as its guide. He is light itself.

Christ is like the sun, the brightest light known to us. The physical sun

(the star) doesn’t just shine, it gives off heat. It is a never ending furnace of nuclear explosions. The energy it gives off produces life. It feeds on itself and works together to be what it is. Sounds amazingly like the perpetual self-giving love of the Trinity. And just as when I stare directly at the sun in the sky, when I fix my gaze on Christ, the truth blinds me as to how dimly I burn, not how brightly.

That could very well leave me in despair if I didn’t realize this truth: Jesus is really the light. “Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12). Any love, any generosity, any compassion, mercy, patience, kindness that emanates from me and my behavior is really reflecting HIM.

So as the days lengthen into spring and summer, I encourage us all to ponder what kind of light/fire are we, and what do we need to burn as the Lord would wish? Am I burning at all? Have I let life, laziness, sin and struggles snuff out any flame? Do I need some fresh air to fan the burning coals? Do I need some more logs (fellowship) so I can burn brighter? Am I off burning by myself, far removed from the source of life and light?

If we aspire to the eternal light of heaven, then we must consider our lives and respond accordingly. “And this is the verdict, that the light came into the world, but people preferred darkness to light, because their works were evil. For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come toward the light, so that his works might not be exposed. But whoever lives the truth comes to the light, so that his works may be clearly seen as done in God” (John 3:19-21).

Shining christ’s Light into the World

We will be sending out NET alumni information via email. Please go to and update us with your cORREcT email address. also, send us what’s going on in your life and be included in NET alumni news!

Page 4: NETWORKS Spring 2009

NETWORKS Please continue to pray for each other! Why not pray for those who have served on your same NET Team number? Feel the unity!

Parish Team Alumni and FriendsJoin Us!

Divine Mercy Parish Dedication Faribault, MN – August 2, 2009

This marks the 6th year of DEP, an intensive nine-day program for

young adults modeled after the training that team members receive.

DEP 2009 will be held June 20-28th. If you know someone looking

for Catholic discipleship formation between the ages of 17 – 24,

contact Susan at [email protected] for more information.

Greetings fellow recruiter! You may not realize it, but over 90% of the 2008-2009 Netters are here because of our faithful alumni! We have already visited over 20 college campuses & have sent out over 700 applications for this upcoming year. We have been in contact with over 200 people who have told us that they would like to apply. We have you to thank for them. Thank you for your great witness of the faith that inspires people to inquire about NET! If you work with young adults (or high school seniors), we’d love to send you any posters, brochures, or applications you want, because it helps to have something to give to those who are interested. Call (651.450.6833x12) or e-mail [email protected] or [email protected] if you’d like anything sent your way, or if you have any people to send our way!


Saint Paul’s Outreach (a sister ministry of NET) is partnering with The Saint Paul Seminary School of Divinity to offer: M.A. in Pastoral Ministry, M.A. in Religious Education and M.A. in Theology. The SPO Masters of Arts program is designed to allow participants to complete the bulk of their coursework over three summers, enabling them to serve full-time with SPO or a similar ministry during the academic year. For more information or to apply, please contact Joanna Davis, the program administrator, at [email protected] or visit

Master’s Program


SHINE Catholic Work Camp began in the summer of 2000 by Augie and Dawn Leal from Houston, TX.

SHINE stands for Serving Him In the Needy and Elderly. It has always been the vision of the Leals to empower teens to live out their baptismal call to

serve those in need. SHINE consists of daily Mass, meaningful service

projects, a keynote speaker, awesome games, teambuilding, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament,

a concert and an opportunity for the teens to experience our universal Catholic church in a hands on way. They receive Christ daily in the Eucharist and get to go out and “be Christ” to those they are


For more information about SHINE, please check out

Joanne Bigelbach, 1995-96 Team #7NET sadly announces the passing of NET

Alumna Joanne M. Bigelbach (NET Team #7 1995-96). She died of heart failure Saturday, February 28th. In addition to being a team member, Joanne served NET several years as a Diocesan Contact Person (DCP) in the Chicago area. If you did not know Joanne,

you may well have know her father-in-law and mother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul and Carolyn

Bigelbach, who have hosted NET team members in their home for many years. Please pray for her family, teammates, and everyone else involved. She leaves behind her husband

John and four young children.

NET Team 7 1995-96

NET Alumni Week 2009

News for NET Alumni


Page 5: NETWORKS Spring 2009

“It was such a delight having our daughter

home for christmas. She’s always been a wonderful

daughter, but there is a noticeable difference

in her. Her love for the Lord is very bright and

illuminated right now. We thank you for your

ministry and your love for the NET young adults.

Praise be Jesus!”

Kathleen B., mother of a NET team member

“I came to this retreat with loneliness in

my heart and questions about God’s love. I left the

retreat with a filled heart and no doubt that God is

here for me, and for every one of His children.”

Logan N., 16, NET Retreatant

NET Team 5, Bishop Carlson and young people from Saginaw, MI

Amanda Salazar of NET Team 4 encourages young people to choose Faith

NET Team 9 shows that God views all of us as “ideal,” and we should not be discouraged by the world

“This retreat has opened my eyes. I was

straying far from God and constantly piling

activities and other things onto my plate

instead of loving Him. This retreat was

a reminder of how important my faith

is and that I can’t keep putting God off until I’m in

trouble and need Him. I was challenged to make

changes and grow in my faith.”

Amanda P., 16, NET Retreatant

r o a d c l I P S

NET Team 2 can pray anywhere!


Page 6: NETWORKS Spring 2009

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www.netusa .org

D o n ’ t m i s s t h e s e g r e a t s u m m e r e v e n t s !

www.netusa .orgf o r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n

are you ready to D o s o m e t h i n g

a m a z i n g ?

a p p ly f o r net,s e e w h a t h a p p e n s . . .

C a n ’ t s p e n D a y e a r o n a net t e a m , b u t s t i l l w a n t t o D e e p e n y o u r fa i t h ?

(a g e s 18-25)DEP is a nine-day program that features daily Mass, personal prayer, praise and worship, recreation, group discussions and

presentations, all geared to support the deepening of your faith and equip you with the skills to be a witness to others.

Join us June 20 - 28, 2009!

t e e n s 13-18 , b e b o l D ! b e s t r o n g ! b e a D i s C i p l e !

Discipleship Weeks are taking place across the country this summer, sign up to re-engergize youre relationship with Jesus Christ! D-Weeks combine music, talks, praise and worship and recreation!

crookston, MN Saint Paul, MNduluth, MN Victoria, TX

Redlands, ca