neuro submodule - pattern recognition in common neurologic diseases (ct&mri)

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  • 8/23/2019 Neuro Submodule - Pattern Recognition in Common Neurologic Diseases (CT&MRI)


    NEURO Submodule on Disorders of Nervous System [RADIOLOGY] 1 February 2011YL6

    Pattern Recognition in Common Neurologic Diseases on CT and MRI Dr. Catherine Lazaro

    Team 6 LianDetteDenisePiaRonDArnelPBGSandyPatseeTJ Page 1 of 8


    I. CT Scan

    A. History

    B. Basic principles

    C. Hounsfield Unit Values of Various Substances

    II. MRI

    A. History

    B. Types of Scanners

    C. Terminologies


    A. Acute Hemorrhage

    B. Acute Epidural Hematoma

    C. Acute Subdural Hematoma

    D. Physiologic Calcifications in the Globus Pallidum

    E. Focal Falcine Calcification

    F. Herniation


    A. Acute Infarct

    B. Chronic Strokes



    A. Extra- axial

    B. Intra- axial



    A. Cytotoxic Edema

    B. Vasogenic Edema


    A. End Plate Damage

    B. Disc Herniations

    1. Disc Bulge

    2. Disc Protrusion

    3. Disc Extrusion

    4. Sequestered Disc

    I. Computerized Tomography Scan (CT Scan)

    A. History

    First introduced by British engineer Godfrey Hounsfield in

    April of 1972

    Hounsfield together with physicist Alan Cormack received

    the Nobel prize for physiology and medicine in 1982

    B. Basic Principles in CT Scan

    Figure 1. Basic Principles of CT Scan

    NOTE: CT is 2D but computers can manipulate it to reconstruct a 3D


    C. Hounsfield Unit Values of Various Substances

    Numerical Value Substance

    -1000 Air

    -10 to -30 Fat

    0 Water

    average of +30 Soft tissues/muscle

    +35 to +50 Acute blood /proteinaceou s material

    +80 to +500 Calcium

    +1000 Metal

    Table 1. Hounsfield Unit Values

    Hounsfield Unit degree of lightness and darkness on CT

    Hounsfield Artifact dirt in a CT image


    o Negati ve units appear black on CT

    o Positive units appear white on CT

    o Units only range from -1000 to +1000 units.

    D. Terminologies

    Hyperdense or high attenuation bright/white

    Hypodense or low attenuation dark/black

    Isodense degree of grayness similar to tissue being

    referred to or examined (i.e., isodense to surrounding brain

    parenchyma; isodense to muscular tissue)

    II. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

    Used to be calledNuclear Magnetic Resonance

    Contraindications: patients with metallic splinter in the eye

    or those with pacemakers

    It uses magnetic energy, not radiat ion.

    A. History

    1936 Dutch physicist, C.J. Gorter introduced the conceptof Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

    1973 Paul Lauterbur suggested the medical applications of


    2003 Lauterbur and Mansfield won the Nobel prize for

    physiology and medicine

    B. Types of MRI Scanners

    Open-type non-permanent magnet

    o used mainly for claustrophobic patients

    o image is not as clear as one rendered from closed-type

    Closed-type permanent magnet

    C. Terminologies

    Hyperintense or high intensity bright/white Hypointense or low intensity dark/black

    Isointense degree of grayness compared to tissue being

    referred to or studied

    T1-weighted (T1W) water/CSF appears black/hypo

    T2-weighted (T2W) water/CSF appears white/hyper

    (Remember: WW2 water is white on T2)

    o Calcifications appear bright

    o Infarcts appear as hypodense lesions

    NOTE: Some T1W images with contrast may look like T2W images.

    Technique is to look at CSF, which will always be black on T1W.

  • 8/23/2019 Neuro Submodule - Pattern Recognition in Common Neurologic Diseases (CT&MRI)


    Pattern Recognition in Common Neurologic Diseases on CT and MRI RADIOLOG

    Team 6 LianDetteDenisePiaRonDArnelPBGSandyPatseeTJ Page 2 of 8


    Can be caused by bone, hemorrhage, or calcifications

    Do not just ident ify the lesion. Also describe what it does tosurrounding structures (e.g., herniation)

    A. Acute Hemorrhage

    Figure 2. CT Scan

    showing an intracerebral

    hemorrhage due to high

    blood pressure (*) with

    different densities of

    layering blood (yellow


    B. Acute Epidural Hematoma

    Figure 3. CT Scan

    showing epidural

    hematoma of the left



    NOTE: It assumes a

    lentiform shape

    because it is limited by

    the dura.

    C. Acute Subdural Hematoma

    Figure 4. CT Scan showing

    an acute subdural

    hematoma (arrows).

    NOTE: Compared to

    epidural hematoma,

    subdural hematomas

    assume a convexity of the

    lobe because it is not

    limited by the dura.

    NOTE:As blood ages, the color of hematoma on CT images gets

    darker and may assume the color of CSF.

    D. Physiologic Calcifications in the Globus Pallidum

    Figure 5. Physiologic

    calcifications in

    globus pallidi


    E. Pineal Gland Calcification

    Figure 6. Pineal Gland Calcification

    F. Focal Falcine Calcification

    Figure 7. Calcified

    meningiomas from the

    parietal convexity

    G. Herniation

    Figure 8. Subdural

    hematoma resulting

    to subfalcineherniation (arrows).

    NOTE: Measure the

    distance between the

    midline and the

    lesions. If it impedes

    that much, it needs


  • 8/23/2019 Neuro Submodule - Pattern Recognition in Common Neurologic Diseases (CT&MRI)


    Pattern Recognition in Common Neurologic Diseases on CT and MRI RADIOLOG

    Team 6 LianDetteDenisePiaRonDArnelPBGSandyPatseeTJ Page 3 of 8


    A. Acute Infarct

    Figure 9. Non-contrast

    CT brain of patient with

    right MCA infarct. Early

    ischemic changes

    evident at 4 h after

    onset are sulcal

    effacement (green

    arrows/arrows on left) ,

    and parenchymal

    hypoattenuation (pink

    arrow/arrow on right)

    due to edema.

    Figure 10. After 24

    hours, more



    hypodensity due to

    swelling (yellow

    arrow/arrow on left) and

    petechial hemorrhagic

    transformation (red

    arrow/arrow on right).

    Hypodense lesions are diffi cult to ident ify because almost

    everything is hypodense.

    Infarcts are the most common lesions seen in ER or in general


    Infarcts can be hyperacu te (

  • 8/23/2019 Neuro Submodule - Pattern Recognition in Common Neurologic Diseases (CT&MRI)


    Pattern Recognition in Common Neurologic Diseases on CT and MRI RADIOLOG

    Team 6 LianDetteDenisePiaRonDArnelPBGSandyPatseeTJ Page 4 of 8

    MRI is the best screening choice for rapid detection of lesions.

    However, CT remains the most commonly used because MRI is

    very expensive (CT: P2000; MRI: P8000)

    CASE 2:

    T2 FLAIR T1

    Figure 12. Comparison of T2W, FLAIR, and T1W MRI

    T2W image reveals hyperintensity in lentiform nucleus which

    is hardly perceptible using T1.

    Hyperintensi ty is seen more using Fluid Attenua tion Inversion

    Recovery (FLAIR)


    Figure 13. Infarct seen using DWI

    MRI is considered a better test than CT for identifying acute

    ischemic changes with diffusion MR being highly specific test

    for early detection of infarct.

    o Infarct is very hyperin tense using Diffusion WeightedImaging (DWI)

    However, after 12 hours, the sensitivity o f CT scan is almost

    the same as MRI.

    Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) is used with DWI.

    o Will determine if infarct is acute, hyperacute, or chronic

    o If an infarct were 4 days old, medications would not work


    Figure 14. Matched Diffusion-Perfusion

    Perfusion Scan shows how much blood flows into a particular

    area of the brain.

    o Match/superimpose diffu sion sequence (the lesion as seen

    on T1W or T2W) with perfusion sequence.

    o If they are completely superimposab le (no penumbra), it

    means that theres no more salvageable brain in the


    o If there is a penumbra, the salvageable parenchyma must

    be reperfused within 3 hours of onset (not at detection of


    Penumbra defined as an area of markedly reduced

    perfusion with loss of function of still viable neurons.

    Timely perfusion of this tissue may prevent cell death and

    help reestablish normal function.

    Figure 15. Penumbra in an Infarction

    VI. Trauma

    Figure 16. Schematic CT Scan of the

    most common skull and brain injuries

    at trauma

    1 Linear fracture

    2 Depressed fracture

    3 Foreign body of metal density

    4 Pneumocranium and


    5 Contusion hematoma with edema

    6 Acute subdural hematoma

    7 Chronic subdural hematoma with


    8 Extradural hematoma formation

    A. Extra-axial Injuries

    Injuries outsid e the brain parenchyma

    o Epidural hemorrhageo Subdural hemorrhage

    o Subarachnoid hemorrhage

    1. Epidural Hematoma

    Blood collection between the inner table of skull and dura


    Fracture across the middle menigeal artery groove

    Does not cross sutures

    Lentiform shape

    Can cross falx and tentorium

  • 8/23/2019 Neuro Submodule - Pattern Recognition in Common Neurologic Diseases (CT&MRI)


    Pattern Recognition in Common Neurologic Diseases on CT and MRI RADIOLOG

    Team 6 LianDetteDenisePiaRonDArnelPBGSandyPatseeTJ Page 5 of 8

    Figure 17. T2W MRI

    image of an epidural


    NOTE: Dura is seen as a

    hyposignal line.

    Epidura l hematoma shows mixed hyperdense and isodense

    (intermediate intensity). This indicates that it is actively


    2. Subdural Hematoma

    Hemorrhagic collection in the subdural space

    Stretching or tearing of bridging cortical veins

    Crescent shaped; concave border

    May cross sutures, not dural attachments

    Figure 18. An axial T1W

    MRI demonstrates

    bilateral subacute

    subdural hematomas

    with increased signal

    intensity. Areas of

    intermediate intensity

    represent more acute

    hemorrhage into the

    subacute collections.

    3. Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

    Collect around the sulci

    Figure 19. MRI shows subarachnoid hemorrhage, which

    appears hyperintense on T2W and FLAIR images and

    isointense to hypointense on the T1W image. Findings in

    the right parietal region extend into cortical sulci and

    suggest hyperacute or acute hemorrhage.

    B. Intra-axial Injuries

    Injuries inside the brain parenchyma or spinal cord

    1. Cerebral Contusion

    Injury to brain surfaces involving superficial gray matter

    Characteristic locations are adjacent to bonyprotruberanceor dural fold

    Patchy superficial hemorrhages within edematous


    Figure 20. Cerebral


    NOTE: These are

    more shallow than


    2. Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)

    Traumatic axonal stretch injury

    High velocity motor vehicle accident

    Tends to occur in three fundamental anatomic areas (lobar

    white mater, corpus callosuium and the dorsolateral

    aspect of the upper brainstem involved)

    Involvement becoming sequentially deeper with increased

    severity of trauma

    Figure 21. An axial, non-

    enhanced CT image of the

    brain demonstrates

    multiple small petechial

    hemorrhages at the gary-

    white matter junction, the

    caudate nucleus and the

    corpus callosum,

    characteristic of diffuse

    axonal injury in this male

    who was in a motor vehicle


    MRI is the best imaging modality for cerebral contusions

    Figure 22. Coup and Contrecoup Injuries

  • 8/23/2019 Neuro Submodule - Pattern Recognition in Common Neurologic Diseases (CT&MRI)


    Pattern Recognition in Common Neurologic Diseases on CT and MRI RADIOLOG

    Team 6 LianDetteDenisePiaRonDArnelPBGSandyPatseeTJ Page 6 of 8

    VII. Neoplasms

    A. Astrocytoma

    o Primary brain neoplasm

    o Has different configurations so difficult to diagnose solely on

    using imaging

    o The primary tumor is difficult to diagnose from the

    edematous parenchyma

    On T1W hypo intense On T2W hyperintense

    Figure 23. MRI of astrocytoma

    B. Glioblastoma Multiforme

    A high grade astrocytoma

    On T1W hypointense

    On T2W hyperintense

    o Perimetric edema

    Hypointense on T1W

    Hyperintense on T2W

    Figure 24. MRI of Glioblastom Multiforme

    VIII. Brain Abscess (Mature)

    Rim enhancing lesions on IV contrast- enhanced sequences

    Enhancement is secondary to collagenous capsule

    surrounding the liquefied necrotic material

    Pathognomonic of brain abscess: inner necrotic tissue

    surrounded by enhancing rim

    Figure 25. MRI of a pyogenic brain abscess

    IX. Patterns of Edema


    Due to cell death and injury

    Disruption of Na-K pump and autoregulation ofinflow/outflow of fluid at the cellular level

    Cell bursts when too much fluid is accumulated resulting in

    fluid collection around the lesion or at its perimetry thus a

    perimetric configuration

    Figure 26. Cytotoxic

    edema may appear

    as hypodensities

    surrounding the

    lesion. This is

    common in infarcts


    Disruption of normal blood brain barrier

    Third space loss

    Fluid extravasates into the area of least resistance and less

    cellularity (white matter)

    frond-like or finger-like configuration, which are

    project ions affect ing mainly white matter

    Figure 27. Vasogenic

    edema interdigitates

    into the spaces

    producing finger-like

    appearance. Due to the

    breakdown of the blood

    brain barrier, fluid

    extravasates into the

    white matter.

  • 8/23/2019 Neuro Submodule - Pattern Recognition in Common Neurologic Diseases (CT&MRI)


    Pattern Recognition in Common Neurologic Diseases on CT and MRI RADIOLOG

    Team 6 LianDetteDenisePiaRonDArnelPBGSandyPatseeTJ Page 7 of 8

    X. Overview of Spine Pathology

    Imaging deals with the relationship between

    o Vertebral bodies

    o Intervertebral discs

    o Posterior elements

    o Spinal cord/column

    MRI deals with soft tissues, cartilage, disc diseases, endplate

    changes and cord disease

    o MRI modalit y of choice for spinal cord

    CT deals with the osseous structures and images anatomy as

    well as fractures better than MRI

    o CT Scan modality of choice for spinal column

    A. End Plate Change

    Seen in degenerative diseases. These have to be typed to

    distinguish them from neoplasm

    Figure 28. End Plate Change on MRI

    Modic Type Changes T1W T2W

    1 Fibrovascular


    Hypointense Hyperintense

    2 Fatty marrow


    Hyperintense Hyperintense

    3 Sclerotic changes Hypointense Hypointense

    Table 4. Comparisons of Modic Types of End Plate Changes

    B. Disc Herniations

    Most common cause of complaints of back pains aside from

    kidney stones

    Classified into four categories because the management and

    picture for each would differ although they are very similar

    1. Disc bulge

    Diffusely bulging discs extending symmetrically and


    >2 mm beyond margins of adjacent vertebral body

    Disc bulges outside the rim of the vertebral body

    o If you see the bulge posteriorly, cords may be

    compressed and therefore manifests as back pain.

    o If it bulges laterally not significant in that it

    doesnt compress anything; no back pain

    Figure 29. Disc Bulge

    2. Disc protrusion

    Focal asymmetric extension of disc tissue beyond vertebral

    body margin in to spinal canal or neural foramina

    Mediolateral dimension broader than any other dimension

    Some outer annular fibers intact

    Does not extend in the cranial or caudal direction

    T1W & T2W low signal

    Width of the protruding disc is wider than its AP diameter

    (Width > AP diameter)

    Significant when it compresses the nerve roots as this

    produces pain

    Annular fibers are intact, keeping the nucleus pulposus in


    There could also be spinal canal stenosis

    Nucleus pulpo sus protrudes into canal

    Figure 30. Disc Protrusion

  • 8/23/2019 Neuro Submodule - Pattern Recognition in Common Neurologic Diseases (CT&MRI)


    Pattern Recognition in Common Neurologic Diseases on CT and MRI RADIOLOG

    Team 6 LianDetteDenisePiaRonDArnelPBGSandyPatseeTJ Page 8 of 8

    3. Disc extrusion

    More pronounced than protrusion

    Disruption of outer annular fibers

    Greater AP dimension than base (neck area/ mediolateral


    Migrates up or down behind adjacent vertebral body but

    maintains continuity with the parent disc

    Same signal as parent disc on all pulse sequences

    AP diameter of the extruding disc is greater than its width

    (AP > width)

    Causes significant narrowing of spinal canal

    Can migrate up or down, but still bounded by annular


    If there is migration going up or down, it will produce more

    symptoms depending on level involved

    Figure 18. Disc Extrusion

    4. Sequestered Disc

    Low signal similar to parent disc

    Peripheral or diffuse high signal on T2W and T1C+

    Annular fibers are torn

    Can produce symptoms far away from the level where it

    pinched off from (Sequestered disc may originally come

    from level X but the symptoms manifested are characteristic

    of level Y)

    Figure 19. Sequestered Disc


    Modified T/F. If false, correct the statement.

    1. 24h after a CVA, an MRI becomes only as sensitive as a CT scan.

    2. The penumbra is the salvageable part of an ischemic lesion and

    has markedly reduced perfusion with loss of function.

    3. You must act within 3h after diagnosing a patient with CVA.

    4. An epidural hematoma forms a crescent shape, while a subdural

    hematoma forms a lentiform shape.

    5. On T2W, a hemorrhage gradually decreases from bright to dark

    when shifting from hyperacute to old.

    6. On T1W, a hemorrhage is hyperacutely to acutely intermediate,

    subacutely bright, and dark when old.

    7. Cytotoxic cerebral edema has flooding of the cells forming frond

    or finger-like forms on imaging.

    8. A sequestered disc is a protruded disc that may migrate up or

    down while maintaining continuity with adjoining discs.

    9. Most supratentorial astrocytomas are hyperintense on T1 and

    slightly hypointense on T2.

    10. In a patient with subdural hematoma, when the b lood has been

    around for a few days, it appears hypodense on CT.


    1. 12h after a CVA, an MRI becomes only as sensitive as a CT scan.

    2. TRUE (Its markedly reduced, BUT the neurons are still viable.)

    3. You must act within 3h after the CVA.

    4. An epidural hematoma forms a lentiform shape, while a subdural

    hematoma forms a crescent shape.

    5. On T2W, a hemorrhage alternates between bright and dark

    when shifting from hyperacute to acute to subacute to old.

    6. TRUE (Intermediate to bright to dark.)

    7. Vasogenic cerebral edema has flooding of the brain parenchyma

    forming frond or finger-like forms on imaging.

    8. A sequestered disc is an extruded disc that may migrate up or

    down and does not maintain continuity with adjoining discs.

    9. Most supratentorial astrocytomas are slightly hypointense on T1

    and hyperintense on T2.

    10. In a patient with subdural hematoma, when the b lood has been

    around for a few days, it appears isodense on CT.