neurology review

NEUROLOGY REVIEW James K. Rustad, M.D. Copyright © 2010. All Rights Reserved.

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Page 1: Neurology Review

NEUROLOGY REVIEWJames K. Rustad, M.D. Copyright © 2010. All Rights Reserved.

Page 2: Neurology Review

Lecture Outline

Neuroanatomy Review Neurotransmitters: Dopamine,

Norepinephrine, Serotonin Pain: Peripheral Nerve Fibers, Opiate

Receptor Subtypes and Neuropathic Pain Syndromes

Headaches (Tension, Migraine, and Cluster Headaches)

Brain Hemorrhages (Subdural, Epidural and Subarachnoid Hemorrhages)

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Lecture Outline

Dementias: Alzheimer’s, CJD, Lewy Body, Pick’s, NPH, SSPE

Neuropathology “power review”: Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Duchenne’s, ALS, Guillian Barre, Myasthenia Gravis, Multiple Sclerosis, Seizure Disorder, and Brown-Sequard Syndrome.

Stroke Lesion Localization Aphasias

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Neuroanatomy Review

Frontal Lobe: Remember stimulation drives eyes contralateral and destruction induces ipsilateral eye movement. Prefrontal Region - Frontal lobe anterior to motor strip contains executive and inhibitory centers.

Parietal Lobe: Stereognosis, two-point discrimination, visual association area (perception of visual symbols). Angular Gyrus (Gerstmann’s syndrome).

Occipital lobe: Visual cortex. Temporal lobe: Wernicke’s area. Mesial surface

is origin of most partial complex seizures.

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Neuroanatomy Review (continued)

Basal Ganglia = Caudate nucleus, Putamen, Globus Pallidus, Subthalamic Nucleus, Substantia Nigra.

Striatum = caudate nucleus and putamen.

Lenticular Nuclei = globus pallidus and putamen.

Nigrostriatal tract (substantia nigra to striatum).

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Dopamine Metabolism StepsPhenylalanin

eTyrosine DOPA





Tyrosine Hydroxyla


limiting) DOPA Decarboxyl


Dopamine Beta





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Serotonin Synthesis


Breaks down to 5-HIAA (5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid)


Converted by: Amino acid Decarboxylase


Converted by: Tryptophan Hydroxylase

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Peripheral Nerve Fibers, Opiate Receptor Subtypes and Neuropathic Pain Syndromes


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Peripheral Nerve Fibers

Type C fibers A-delta fibers

Size Small Large

Myelin No Yes

Conduction Velocity Slow Fast

Character Dull, aching Sharp, brief

Example Pancreatic cancer Burn

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Opiate Receptor SubtypesReceptor Action

Mu Analgesia, respiratory depression, constipation, miosis (pupillary constriction), euphoria

Kappa Analgesia, dysphoria, disorientation/depersonalization

Delta analgesia

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Neuropathic Pain Syndromes Mononeuropathy: Carpal tunnel

syndrome Polyneuropathy: Diabetic, Alcoholic Post-herpetic neuralgia

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Neuropathic Pain Syndromes Complex Regional Pain

Syndrome Type I (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)

Initial noxious event involving distal extremity, pain disproportionate to injury, not limited to single nerve distribution.

Associated with edema, changes in skin blood flow.

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Neuropathic Pain Syndromes

Sequela of injury to nerve or major branch (esp. median, sciatic, tibial, and ulnar nerves).

Due to thalamic infarct or other lesion.

Hemi-anesthesia followed by gradual return of sensory function and pain.

Pain contra-lateral to lesion.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 2 (Causalgia)

Thalamic Pain: Dejerine-Roussy Syndrome

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Migraine: at least five episodes of Episodic Headache lasting four to seventy two hours

Unilateral Throbbing Worsened by

movement Moderate or


Nausea or vomiting

Photophobia and phonophobia

Any two of: Any one of:

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Migraine Treatments

Non-specific: NSAIDS, Combination analgesics, Opioids, Antiemetics, Neuroleptics.

Specific: Ergotamine, Dihydroergotamine, Triptans.

Anticonvulsants (Divalproex, topirimate)

Tricyclics Beta-Blockers Calcium Channel


Acute Preventive

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Cluster Headache

M/F 6:1 Unilateral

stabbing headache

Ipsilateral lacrimation and nasal congestion with rhinorrhea

Usually triggered by alcohol use.

Treatment: 100% Oxygen (“Air Supply”)

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Cluster Headache

Rare Disorder (0.1-0.4% of population) Age of onset 20’s-30’s Clinical features: Excruciatingly severe,

retro-orbital pain. Radiates to temple, teeth, neck. Last 15-180 minutes.

Ipsilateral autonomic features, pacing, nocturnal attacks often awaken them.

Triggers: Alcohol, Nitroglycerin. Cycles usually occur spring and fall and

last 4-12 weeks.

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Cluster Headaches

Oxygen 5-10 Liters

Sumatriptan injection (FDA approved)


Prednisone Verapamil Lithium (for

chronic cluster headaches)


Acute Preventive

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Subdural, Epidural and Subarachnoid Hemorrhages

Brain Hemorrhages

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Subdural Hematoma

Suspect in older patient with new-onset headache

Follows head trauma Tearing of bridging

veins Extra-axial mass

causes focal findings

Waxing and Waning mental status

“Concave on CT”

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Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Cause: Rupture of

aneurysm or AV malformation. Clinical feature: sudden onset of “worst headache of my life”

Studies: CT scan. LP will show blood and Xanthochromia (yellow heme pigment)

Tx: Clip aneurysm

“Athena and Zeus”

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Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Occipito-nuchal Sentinel bleeds Most common

cause? Trauma

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CJD vs. AD


Course Six months (rapid) Insidious (years to decades)

Physical findings Myoclonus

EEG Periodic complexes, burst-suppression

Slowing of background

CSF 14-3-3 protein (>90%), some false +

Pathology Spongiform changes Plaques and tangles

Transmissibility Person to person and person to animal


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“NPH wouldn’t do that!”

Triad: an imbalanced, wide-based walk or “shuffle,” urinary incontinence and MEMORY PROBLEMS.

Dementia predominantly frontal lobe in nature, with apathy, dullness in thinking, and slight inattention. Memory problems are usually main problem, which can lead to the misdiagnosis of AD.

Neil Patrick Harris, aka “Doogie Howser, MD”

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Subacute Sclerosing Pancephalitis (SSPE)

Dementia and myoclonus with onset in childhood

Course usually rapid and fatal, may be aborted with antiviral drugs

CSF has anti-measles antibodies, and EEG shows periodic or burst-suppression

Cause probably measles or measles-like virus

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Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Duchenne’s, ALS, Guillian Barre, Myasthenia Gravis, Multiple Sclerosis, Seizure Disorder, and Brown-Sequard Syndrome.

Neuropathology “power-review”

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Parkinson’s Disease

Tremor: resting, “pill-rolling,” coarse, 3-5 Hz.

Rigidity: “cogwheel”

Bradykinesia or akinesia

Festinating gait: small accelerating steps with decreased arm swing.

Postural reflex abnormalities including a positive “pull test”

Hypophonia, Micrographia

Sleep Disturbances (partly iatrogenic from dopamine agonists)

Cardinal Features Minor Features

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Huntington’s Disease

Atrophy of cerebral cortex and head of caudate nuclei leads to compensatory enlargement of lateral ventricles (“bat-wing”).

Excessive Cytosine-Adenine-Guanine (CAG) trinucleotide repeats (other illnesses with excessive trinucleotide repeats include: Myotonic dystrophy, Fragile X syndrome, many forms of Spinocerebellar degeneration).

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Duchenne’s Type Muscular Dystrophy

Sex-linked recessive inheritance with onset in early childhood

Caused by loss of muscle membrane protein, dystrophin

Pseudohypertophy (especially in calves) Proximal weakness: requires arms to arise

from chair or floor DTRs decreased except for Achilles reflexes

(ankle) Elevated muscle enzymes: CPK, aldolase

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Sign and Symptoms

Upper Motor Neuron

Lower Motor Neuron

Reflexes Hyperactive Hypoactive

Babinski sign Positive (dorsiflexion) Negative

Muscle atrophy Absent Present

Muscle tone Spasticity Flaccidity

Fasciculation Absent Present

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Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Combines UMN and

LMN symptoms Asymmetric limb

weakness = most common presentation. Limb fatigability, twitching, wasting, and stiffness.

Bulbar onset (2nd most common type) features dysarthria and dysphagia.

“Lou Gehrig’s disease”

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Clinical Case ScenarioA patient develops progressive weakness two weeks after a viral infection. What is possible diagnosis and what tests would you order?

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Symmetric weakness, usually beginning in the legs, and more marked proximally than distally.

Some sensory complaints. Typical absence of deep tendon reflexes. May

be marked autonomic dysfunction. Slow conduction velocity CSF shows increased protein concentration

but normal cell count. Electrophysiology shows marked slowing of motor/sensory nerve conduction velocity (denervation and axonal loss)

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Myasthenia Gravis

Insidious onset. Slowly progressive course.

Diplopia, dysarthria, ptosis, extremity and generalized weakness not conforming to distribution of any single nerve.

Pupillary responses not affected. Persistent activity of a muscle

group leads to temporary increase of weakness > restoration of strength after brief rest.

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Myasthenia Gravis

Edrophonium challenge test (screening)

EMG Confirmatory: Ach receptor antibody

test Tx: Neostigmine, Pyridostigmine (if

poor response: Corticosteroid). Consider Thymectomy in all patients

< 60 yr unless only extraocular weakness.

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Internuclear ophthalmoplegia When the

patient attempts to look to left, left eye turns with nystagmus (abducted eye) and right eye cannot turn to left (impaired adduction).

Location of lesion: Medial longitudinal fasciculus.

Young adults: MS most common cause

Older patients: vascular diseases.

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Seizure Disorder

Partial Seizures: originate in a focal region of a single hemisphereSimple Partial Seizures: no alteration of consciousnessSecondary Generalization: spreads to both hemispheresComplex Partial Seizures: alteration of consciousnessBrief Duration (i.e. 2-3 minutes); May have motionless staring or automatisms (involuntary motor behaviors)

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Generalized seizures: involve both cerebral hemispheres from the outset

(1). Tonic: sudden muscular rigidity (extension or flexion) (2) Clonic: generalized rhythmic jerking of muscles, no initial tonic phase (3) Generalized tonic clonic (may feature epileptic cry, apnea/cyanosis). Ictal activity 1-2 min; Post-ictal: incontinence, flaccidity, gradually return to normal consciousness. Disoriented, headache, sore mouth (oral trauma, muscular ache)

(4). Atonic Seizure: brief loss of muscle tone(5). Absence ("petit mal") a few seconds of staring/blank look/unresponsive(6). Myoclonic: localized or widespread: non-rhythmic rapid jerking movements of muscles

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Brown-Sequard Syndrome Contra: loss of P and T, Ipsi: loss of

vib./joint position, paralysis, hyperreflexia, Babinski

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CSF in Meningitis

Diagnosis Cells Glucose (mg/dl)

Protein (mg/dl)

Opening Pressure

Normal 0-5 lymphocyte

45-85 15-45 70-180


25-2000, mostly lymphocytes

NORMAL High > 50 Slight elevation

Bacterial 200-20,000 Polymorphs, neutrophils

Low <45 High >50 Markedly high


100-1000 lymphocytes

Low <45 High > 50 Moderate Elevation

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Vertebrobasilar Artery

Vertigo Nausea and

vomiting “Drop Attack” Vertical

Nystagmus Dysarthria/

dystonia Ataxia Labile Blood


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Pure Motor Stroke

Weakness of face, arm, and leg on one side of body (without cognitive, sensory, visual abnormalities) favors presence of thrombotic stroke involving penetrating arteries or small intracranial hemorrhage.

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Gerstmann’s Syndrome

Finger agnosia Left-right

disorientation Agraphia Acalculia

Dominant parietal lobe angular gyrus lesion (stroke or congenital abnormality).

Associated with learning disabilities, right-sided paresis and hyperactive DTR’s.

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Category Non-fluent Aphasia Fluent Aphasia

Previous terms (not synonymous)

Expressive, Motor, Broca’s, Anterior

Receptive, Sensory, Wenicke’s, Posterior

Spontaneous Speech Output: Sparse < 50 WPM, single wordsContent: Nouns and Verbs primarily, Dysarthric, Telegraphic

Output: Plentiful > 100 WPM, entire phrases, Paraphasias (incorrect words, clang associations, neologisms)

Response to Tests Comprehension Preserved but Naming and Repeating impaired

Comprehension Impaired (variable) and Naming and Repeating impaired

Associated Deficits R-sided hemiparesis (arm > leg)

Minimal hemiparesis, hemianopia, hemisensory loss

Etiology CVAs, trauma, other focal lesions

Focal lesions, sometimes frontotemporal dementia, AD, cerebral anoxia

Location of Lesion Frontal lobe, especially L MCA

Temporal or parietal lobe

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Variants of Fluent Aphasia

Conduction Transcortical (Isolation)

Abnormality Cannot repeat Can only repeat (echolalia), other functions variable

Nature of Injury Disconnects arcuate fasciculus

Isolates language arc from remainder of cortex

Etiology Focal lesions Anoxia, CO poisoning, occasionally AD

Location of lesion Posterior temporal lobe

Area(s) surrounding peri-sylvian arc