neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки...

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases” 13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria In collaboration with neuromuscular disease neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association for NeuroMuscular Diseases EAMDA, Eur. Alliance Neuromuscular Disease Associations ENMC, Eur. NeuroMuscular Center for stim. & coord. of research EPPOSI,Eur. Platform Patient Organisations, Science & Industry Vice president WANDA, World Alliance Neuromuscular Disorder Associations

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Page 1: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

neuromuscular diseaseneuromuscular diseaseYsbrand Poortman

Founder/ board memberVSN, Dutch Association for NeuroMuscular Diseases EAMDA, Eur. Alliance Neuromuscular Disease Associations

ENMC, Eur. NeuroMuscular Center for stim. & coord. of researchEPPOSI,Eur. Platform Patient Organisations, Science & Industry

Vice president WANDA, World Alliance Neuromuscular Disorder Associations

Page 2: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

Page 4: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

neuromuscular diseaseneuromuscular diseasecontent:characteristicsimpact of diseasehealthcare services

models counteractions - disability manus robot arm- social field AFM-telethon- medico scientific field

european neuromuscular center (ENMC) “Patients’ Roadmap to Treatment”

contributions to medicine developmentnear future

Page 5: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

neuromuscular diseaseneuromuscular disease

Main characteristics

• paralysing due to mal functioning of cellsin spinal cord, muscle cells or conjunction

• progressive, often life-threatening• most are genetic (all patterns) and rare•no cures (?), • complex management to counteract implications of disease

– physio therapy, orthopedic / surgical, treatment– transportation, accomodation

More than 600 different neuromuscular diseases 

Page 6: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

neuromuscular diseaseneuromuscular diseaseMain characteristicsLocation defect:* spinal cord

– spinal muscular atrophy– (post) polio poly neuropathies– poly neuropathies

• muscle– Duchenne muscular dystrophy– Becker muscular dystrophy– facio scapulo humeral muscular dystrophy– metabolic muscular dystrophies (glycogen storage diseases; pompe)

• conjunction muscle & nerve– myasthenia gravis

Freqency/prevalence NMD: one in 150

Page 7: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with



Arch.barriers, employment integration

Physical & economical dependence

Social research


Adaptations / ADL; techn. aids

Financial budget

Relatively able

Technical research


Paralysis, respiratory & orthopedic & surgical treatment

Profound disability

Health research

neuromuscular diseaseneuromuscular disease burden of NMDburden of NMD

Page 8: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

neuromuscular diseaseneuromuscular diseaseHealthcare services:

Diagnosis: timely, accurate, multi disc. teamwork data & DNA/tissue recorded

Follow up: genetic counselingtimely, free & well informed choices

referral to - specialised/experienced centres for treatment/rehabilitation- long term plan for living with nmd

housing, availability/daily care, recreation- national association for neuromuscular diseases

Page 9: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

Government Science





Page 10: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

Research & DevelopmentResearch & Development


Science Industry


DiagnosticaTherapeuticaQOL products


Page 11: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with






Page 12: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

neuromuscular diseaseneuromuscular disease

ExampleContribution to independancyMANUS robot arm

Sharing Best PracticesSharing Best Practices

Page 13: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

AssociationAssociationFrançaiseFrançaise contre lescontre les

MyopathiesMyopathiesfounded in 1958founded in 1958

Telethon since 1987, 100 M€ / y

R & DSocial missions

Fund raising

Admin. costs

64 M €38 M €

12 M € 9 M €

Budget 2008: €125 M

Model: France

Page 14: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

Sharing Best PracticesSharing Best Practices neuromuscular diseaseneuromuscular disease

European Neuro Muscular Centre (ENMC)

Aims:• to contribute

to the eradication of neuromuscular diseases• to improve

efficiency in European neuromuscular research• to facilitate and support

research communication between European (and international) researchers and clinicians

Page 15: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

Sharing Best PracticesSharing Best Practices neuromuscular diseaseneuromuscular disease

Collaborative WorkshopsCollaborative Workshops 165165

ParticipantsParticipants 22002200

ConsortiaConsortia 18 18

PublicationsPublications 210 210

Intern. agreed diagnostic criteriaIntern. agreed diagnostic criteria 22 DMDs 22 DMDs

Page 16: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

Sharing Best PracticesSharing Best Practices neuromuscular diseaseneuromuscular disease

Epidemiological studies Epidemiological studies prevalence/incidenceprevalence/incidencetransitiontransition

A clearing-house for clinical trials-studiesA clearing-house for clinical trials-studies

EU-projectsEU-projectsmitochondria myopathiesmitochondria myopathiesTREAT-nmdTREAT-nmd

Page 17: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with


EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEEXECUTIVE COMMITTEEPatient organizations (8 voting members)Patient organizations (8 voting members)in charge of management, policy, promotion, in charge of management, policy, promotion, implementation of outcomeimplementation of outcome

RESEARCH COMMITTEERESEARCH COMMITTEE11 elected members11 elected membersin charge of all sciencein charge of all science

Page 18: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

Professional backgrounds Workshops participants 2004




Basic sciences27%



Page 19: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

DISSEMINATION OF KNOWLEDGEDISSEMINATION OF KNOWLEDGEbooks, workshop reports, scientific papers, website, presentation and posters at international meetings

Page 20: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

Beyond presentations…Beyond presentations…

…much interaction, interactivity,

and socialization…

…leading to more collaboration

Page 21: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

A few group picturesA few group pictures

Minocycline in ALS Inducing Hypertrophy

Page 22: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

Multi-centre clinical trialsMulti-centre clinical trials Uniform outcome measurements, patients registries, fundingUniform outcome measurements, patients registries, funding

Better Better networkingnetworking with other centres with other centres Muscular Dystrophy Association (USA)Muscular Dystrophy Association (USA) Asian Oceanian Myology CenterAsian Oceanian Myology Center

Integration of Eastern European countriesIntegration of Eastern European countries and developing/emerging countriesand developing/emerging countries

Secure funding (including thrSecure funding (including throughough the E.U.) the E.U.)

European NeuroMuscular Center

Page 23: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with


“seeks a world in which neuromuscular disorders are understood and eradicated and in which the people affected are well supported”.

Quadrennial assembly, 50 national NMD-ass.Support emerging/new associations

Page 24: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

Objective 4:Objective 4:

“to facilitate swift dissemination of information on treatment and research findings”

Warnings for fake treatments:

myoblast transfer, stemcell therapy in China

Page 25: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

Sharing Best PracticesSharing Best Practicesneuromuscular diseaseneuromuscular disease• WANDA• Istanbul 2006• Patients roadmap to treatment

Page 26: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

Pathways leading to therapy (1986) Pathways leading to therapy (1986) (2006)(2006)

• Internationally recognised uniform/consistent diagnostic criteriaEarly detection, diagnostics (an alert primary healthcare)

• Multi disciplinary networks of expert centres• Uniform/consistent

– longitudinal registration of patient data (how to set up a registry)– banking of patient material (DNA, tissue &)(how to set up a biobank)

• Understanding of pathogenesis• Gene localisation, identification, gene products• Availability of animal models• Pharmacological research; trials, phase 1, 2, 3 (???)• Encouraging regulatory system

– designation, authorisation, reimbursement• Patient organisations as

lobbyists, fighters in media & political arena, entrepreneurs!

Page 27: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

Page 28: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with


HelplessnessEmancipationManagementDrivers of healthcarePartners in medicine developm.

Page 29: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

Trends in healthcareTrends in healthcare

– 1960 Ignorance 1960 – 1970 Uncertainty 1970 – 1980 Diagnosis 1980 – 1990 Quality of life 1990 – 2000 Management

2000 – 2010 Prevention, testing/screening 2010 - Timely & well informed decisionmaking

re own health & off spring Personalised healthcare

From disease management to health maintenance

Page 30: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

From disease management…From disease management…to health maintenance

Page 31: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

Pompe’s diseasePompe’s diseasePractice

Page 32: neuromuscular disease - Институт по редки · neuromuscular disease Ysbrand Poortman Founder/ board member VSN, Dutch Association

Fourth Eastern European Conference for Rare Diseases and Orphan Drugs “Together for Integrative Approach to Rare Diseases”

13-14 June 2009 - Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In collaboration with

Increasing opportunities for Increasing opportunities for innovative drug development innovative drug development

Urgent need forUrgent need forearly detection & fast prescription of medicinesearly detection & fast prescription of medicines

Benthe (received medication at age 2 weeks)

Lucas (received medicationat age 9 months)