new  · 2017. 8. 3. · • .7 - - t^

• .7 - - T^<. f' V i* ’ ! iutk tii- darib aldo t, cll»«t*, clultiM rij, lot 1*0 IMI dos* t Ijjyintl otJ« \t f io<r 11 iKi’i fcfHi 01 I.W3 1 W*htb *?w» kv A u lilt rould rsnisect. ||« * il»y , liy ths loduitruiui.. ‘aired: w*trill ilert 1 dun boriud girl* > M P.Tftte > I m anyone ta* |*> ho IN tkfeumkc* r f k V. lay In* «p lar*a ! *P 9 .. A w . mu .II il'fil 4 . ■" . g g -it RD 8 l »i* nvirl r 1«nm» 't •#! 46 jjo? iM ;,r i1riasutti\ i’u»> .*• v-iii'.1 . "iiT dtfoatmvq^ru 1) N&CO. rap ffilU , . ,*t<S|gMti i It <1 .boo. 1 H) Estate. tfi w dW on ’ll- . ■ HIM tffb f? Ill t>» ‘f , __ L t lO'tlj v rij* L. r of th*s State. JUt i^ 1 »W f 7 *TB 111 i>l(l8 .OVj^i! ii'ifi 'ifiUt '-H 3D20K, tfllltM.) : , , v 111*. >Hatld adjoining s intrusted tom) eutfotv. ... . . ARS,1 j otlng Agent, iuo I' )epot. •ILL, V/Ol'MI i , f 8t. Louis, Mo. Uy O puiavj wu nno i alto agent for ranee Companv i -*? |ri>; i«t lx*Uh!>. >; rlimud » t nnrfi 4a S3 HKAT MARKET rrdKhW* nd aalt-OiMla con- niabie pnrai. TfIB PAID FOR HIDR3. lan( 7T« f . >U-.-M 3 •»V t;r • f . . •OXTCr rocertes IONS, rBeaky i BACON. PICK I da, 8jrtu>s, Sor* rled Beef, Lard,1 ___ Bngere, Notions,*?. V°d ; , „ it' received i yjirjented elao,; i ■> •■ ?i«a <* -H . aole at «lr». >nwr*xr'rT£rt : VOLUME VII. ' . LOOAt CHIPS. ft AihOktilM} DEVOTED TO TH# I f TE%$$TS'fttltiM'teWQHtS 4tfD r t ^ i t T . “lf ____ ~~ " [~> n' t/iUti nV .I ITii 7 i ~- ;- ‘^ - " T l,n‘l l ‘eyrtynA-n/r CHATSWORTH, ILLINOIB, SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER, 22, 1870 NUMBER 4. -Hogs, *8 . 86*8,110. w —Where wad the goat? " ; '* —••Bo mote It Be”-he. ' 1 —All right from the l£aat. —John Waters la a fall Hedged member. —Jerome Howe do you like the third de* greet & —Tne euaoadore needa no look, key nor hlngee. —Crumpton’s horse la a trotter sure enough. —When grapes are squeezed, It makes them w(h)lne. —Will Hall paid Hoops ton a business Visit this week. f ■sir —A little boy’s whistle, like himself, Is often sucked tin. —Query.—Can a man be a good Baptist and drive a fast tioiee. —'Squire Slnoyer’s court didn't have Juris diction over tne case. >i . * • —Charlie Sprague Is visiting friends In 'Jerra Haute, Indiana. * , —A good light wagon for sale cheape. Kn» quire of Frank bpelclier. J -Dr. C. K. Wiles was married to a young hady at Lincoln last week —I., Melster has put In a stock of custom made boots In Ills shoe shop. y —Tom Worrell acted the funny man’s par** In the show on Thursday evening. —Mr. Peter Shroyer visited his sou Hen. ry at New Castle, Indiana, this week. —If this kind of weather continues the boyg will soon have use for their “skates.’* '* —Assignee Wakelln attended the t)dd Fellow’s Grand Lodge, at Galesburg, tills week —The two wise men troni the east arrived here from Gilman In h buggy Wednesday night —Candidates for Initiation shonl.d always hecaieful and see that their feel are well washed. -VV;wo orange* for five, gent* Ht M ette’ii. u* . ( i i *t':J j t | ‘vj ~mr$ —Ioe au iueii aad a half IiU<tk U Wednesday night. r. —Oj’sterB in bulk at 34 cents r (juart at L. Mette’s. .fj —Thanksgiving Day next Thursday. Remember to keep It holy. . —Go and see the new soft coui stove at E. A. Jacksons. It Is the best stove in the market. ‘ ^ : : .' i X ■-IMO . 'i i rrr“I gave the child a dose of ,'Dr. Sellers’ Cough Syrup,' uud it wmh all right in an hour." Sold hv all drugr gists at 26 cents per bottle, . ; Issue,—we would Inform them that the avtiota may be obtfdued from our retail druggists, or h r -ttielr alii. Ask for S t . J acobr th« floes flot keep it in stock, he will be able to procure it in a few days from thft,wholesale houses. We understand there is t»H*kdy an lhimediate demand for the remedy, which 1 h not so very suri>rlsipgtMrhpi) It is 0 «usW*n»d wba^ H i» of rulief and cures, tiorderlng, In some IhutjiiidM iSl thft iniM nillM ia * ..ii. bl< i jit it l_lb,b:iil.. - % —Irish pntatpes.are wArce, we are free to admit, lint the marvel in well supplied with ugl-iators. y/ —l»u. Hpelchei' lias named Ills wheel burro w the City Express because everybody In tils neighborhood uses It. —History does not olalm that, old Mr. Noah wus a Mason, but we are fully convinced that he was a ship carpenter. —»V nnle Felker wAs Inquiring the price o u good razor the other day. Great heavensr and cats and cream so plenty, too —It Is thought thita the territories of Wash- liigton. Dakot .‘And Ctah will apply to Coil' grass for admission as states next winter. fain Crumpton is getting quite stylish Wi I )11 mold age. He received a handsome buggy I v mid «et of harness last Wednesday from St Louis —Subscriber^ of this paper for IHSQ who pay in full for the year, get a valuable book of 100 pages, free. Call early, pay op, aud obtain the premi Urn:' rij ill;O.'a J , > rrrExperience <has proven that the: bust remedy for Colic, Diarrhoia, Teething aud other troubled of In* fancy is Dr. Bull’s Baby Byrup. Palee 25 cents. •c —Nervousness and These sad afflictions so both to business and picture,-arises from u morbid condition of the body^1 wiiich is relieved by an* occasion a I dose of Dr. Bull's Baltimore Pljls. Try them, they will ;cio you good. —“The Home gulde, or A B*»ok l\v 600 Ladies," is a volume of 100 pages,., containing 1,000 practical recipes and hlnts on Cookery, the Houmdibld, the Toilet, the Sick Room, etc., a eflpy •which we prejeut; to e\*ery suliscrlber who pays in full for 1880. ' Improve this opportunity. ' : , —Corruption in our national tdliiirs lias the same dftfect on the Govern- ment tiiat a severe Coflgh or Ci^id has upon the) hum gn .ay/^ BtiliUcal reform in the foriner and Dr. Bull’s Cougli. Byrup in tiie lattei- case w ill remedy the.eVilg. Alt tbb Druggists •» ft — L i s t o f ‘ le t t e r s ' u n c l a i m e d ’' ati.d itjl .'eftised, NTdViem ber Ittli, 1875). . r ! , * t . I » t t Audrcss J. J., Dertliick J. G.j Dud- -7ai,dld,..cHtor •oi.nlwlm. a itp Ma [ ^ son society will pieiu-c leave their iiumcH at singer Murguret, Harr John, trihoukey the Dead heat Factory b> order of lliruin Mr.q. Ii. A i. Hmitli iiirallt, -Bit tie key 1 HR CRlrOlwlnl COHUHl} , 1 IlC C5t'ri“ Otfd’.'T'anHly" ivilf1 bfe given it the “City Obem Hoii'se’*'Wednesday even- ing, Nov 20tii, wltfe jtli.e follow east of characters. ah* Mr. Obarlee Torrens .............. Mr. Tom Worrell Lady SOWsrby vrsamlyuMifts Carrie Hrlghum Mrs. Cliarlea Torreo* •• ..Mtuole Brown Knmi i Torrons —• ......... ..Jennie Free Mr**. Ormaby Deltnafo... ’ ..vllaH Farnham .v .;.»<!i sarvao-sAK-. i Tire entertainment will coiiolude with a burlesque opera. The enter- tainment will be bptnplete in 1‘very respee^, ‘The priiceetls will lie for the Indigestion, benelit df the publle seJiooU Adjiiis- destructive ^j«n, gg wen is. • No extra charge for hftfebrvM seats. ; : “j . j p ’r; .***'•— -in.;:* —■Do not go to Fairbury to purchase your goods wlito you eun buy ilieiii ktthe Tshbeqt' tor a great tteai resR nioqey Ilian you have to ftiy, . >v.«rC*TiWjac.n.VAs. I'r^b i i l ’ll ft»i ■ ' WtOOSBS: Ul <>! Why do yon demand taa- exauss for ab- senuel., Has out the parent a right to keep his children St home when lie pleases? Yes, ih 1lfUi »lHte‘ ,'the parent Has k right to keep his children at hypie, but this teaclier imp a r^lp'iVify^.iL ls bis duty, M» determine W ither ihe childiwas detaiued or uotby bis pareut. Hence the excuse system, t’here wre many sehoiHrs who Would need neeifcuse from their pareut. But the law is dti’t intended for them, hut for those who woiiliV play frdabt • In fact it is a simple A Curious Case. ' a curious oase has jut* been decid by the Bupreuio Court of Tenuessee, which, had the decision been adverse, the ease would have tieeu taken to tim Supreme Court oi the United States. In several of the-counties of lower East Tennessee, several white niert wens itidieted in the State primi- tiali Court for playing cards With ne- groes. Tills was under an old statute, which, strangely enough, haaaurvlved accomplishing in the way tire vicissitudes of reconstruction, and never tweu repealed. The statute pro- vides that any white man guilty of playing cards with a negro slave or free man bf Color should tbe deemed gujlty of a misdemeanor, and subject- ed to fine and imprisonment. The Circuit Judge charged the grand Jurle* Bint tUlM statute, so fur as it referred to “free men of color,” was law to-day, anti under his instructions many indictments were fpund against ' ite, men for playing cards with col- ‘ m^U. Gambling.was qotnecessji- " ' fi.nser The mere Ii.a negro, con- me ants, ms, scrubbing bmrties, At*.,' &c. Any person calling on blui will be more than satistied with their bargaius, as they can get more goods of him for sm dollar than they can get anywhere else for twice that amount These good*, bear In mind, are not the cheap and inferior articles that are manufactured for auctioneers to sell, bat were bought at bankrupt sales, and arc the same quality of goods sold by other dealers at larger prices ^ Xi- Sellers’ constitute the act of playing cards w,itl> a negro, ot Htitbted' the pifbUne- rfUc Kuurq Court diseltarged all the' defenaan taxing the State with the cost^, Upon the ground that the “'results or the war,’’ and constitutional amendmehts, Itad, in effect, repealed th'e law mkk- iug card-playing with “lYee then of er»lor"iflcrime.•>< ! ' * \) »vl 1 ■> »’>- 1 ' : swindling Thirfingli the Halls. ;n{) ,‘I‘J /iillf’ji • 1 iGv t i Postmaster General Key is doing ail he can to prevent swindlers using the mails lor the purpose of robbing people. He began his raid upon the lottery companies because of the many,complaints that have been made of swindling during the last summer, rt IVus iieen a prosperous year; money hiis beeti plenty, so that tlie^iogus lot- tery. Companies have beeti growing like weeds. Similar swindling opn- eeriis are growing in Tike proportion Tp-dav u cirpujftr of a lot of Denver swindlers' was discovered and orders issued that mail directed to then iufd' Cough M f'V 'ff,-- ’»';«** i > ’fir Syrup! Fifty Tears Before tike Public. Pronounced by all to be the most P leasant and efpigaci. us remedy sow in use, for the Cure of Coughs, Colds. Croup. Hoarseness, ticklilig sensations of the toroat, whoupjng cou-h. etc O vkk a Million B, t - TLES 8 LD WITHIN TUB LAST FLW lE.uis. It gives relief wherever used.’anti has the power to impart benefit tl^t cannot be had from the cougli mixtures now in use. Sold by all Druggists at 25 cents bottle, pei- arc shdufd'be stopped, offot* beautiful town lots for sale In stibilrbsn plot, tfM ' I 4.M . .. . J\ ____ li. Olicu i/vm iio —There will be unlou services at tlie llapliH*. N O K e NYO*S 1 * M church op.ThaukMxivln* ••ay at tl o'clock, i 5 u-l- . .. Kev Mr. iteebe will preueh. aii ure Uiviteti to j —Our lady readers will be interested utteud. jin u neat iittLe vojuhty dfj.160 pages, —There wus a dance hi j o u e ’a H a ll : emGrtseintc 1,4300 practical recipes aud iieHUay nIght. ah our ^destrlHn appen Jages j on hoUsehohl i.latteti, tile are cburca iiiciiilierii. we ttla imM feel CHlif*u 1 oe> 1 upon 10 atieim. contributions of 1 bver 30U indies, a —Twenty dolluiR wiut rallied by tin# Itap- t’Opy‘Of which is given, free, to every tlRU last week, at rne1FJe«Uvul. . The niouey subscriber of thjp pupyr .vr|io;,psys in will be used l*jrtAeih uni at-h.tWaytiaiit of fu'u fQ’r jggo. ThI* offer is made fur a ttrelr hew organ. w ! limited time only. --Tkke; Advantage of it at once. V'v) ' play jniMiqofcqumtJftgmfWfipu bqiwecu Ijis^teach- er and, parent. .w ine hiita isked ua to exempt their cldldresi frdm this, fo rtify never stay out a^liM 78 ettduM.: Tbit» May be very true but1w e MUM treat all alike, add we hope that instead of writing uupieusaut notes to ttisIieHChers (a‘few Who have'been in 'tills habit) wifi ealiiupruo tuu Piiocipil we are epre tilings can be arranged saiisfiicioruly We publish the course of study tor me Primary iDspsRtfnsnf. this week, tue re- miduaer of the course for the whole hdiool ’ Halt follow. v ., | ..:j ...... . mi l These swindlers H ift sight of thb city of Deuvef. Alternate ibts In tills charm- ing sedtlon are offered at ?1 a piece. The explanation of the low price lies in the fa; t that these specolafors only aell aiternatfe lots, in liopes of getting the plat settled up, so as to make the remaining Jots valuable. All the arts of cheap rhetoric are expended to in- dup« ^ e verdant tor.Vgo in” for town S fo that,.are in sight of,, the oit-y of eu,>;er. A.uyt|)iug in sight of such a wealthy, prosperous city ought Purely to be worth something, v’ b • uljj“indtp'p^iple who havebouglit lots. visited the scene of tliglr purcliusg. find that the senders pf e^eulars own the land and have power to transmit :B clear title, and also fhat-ihe lots are .SELLERS’ LIYEIi PILLs a so highly recommended for curing Liver t .’omphiint. Constipation sick Headaches, Fever and Ague, and ali diseases of the stomach and liver. Solti by all Druggists at 2f> cents per box ! ! tt. E SEI.LERS &'CQr Pittsburgh, Pa. oc] 8-ly Ati —An towa Uebiodri^t' was turned tnif of church for getflni his raro checks Janlietl alter‘lie liad experienced reil«loii there are cases where people may be too exacting. a farmer, who It a reader of this paper, tells us that hogs may be kept Iroin ineqiJlpa. , __. , iriuhinoalR. etc, by m ixing a handfull of legt d expositlolFpf MbSOItTy by Elder good wood pal) S With their food twice a •» ,vlh ■!/u < • td .I'bniior •'* —Ou last Wednesday and: Thursday evenings the town hall was fillet! by people drawn thither'to hear the ul- FlftBT PiUMABY-*tTKN JH OKA OB. | •Fxoui charte and black board, first Reader completed, forming correct abitp In holding botjk, posidon, &o„ punctuation niarks iut iliey occur iu read iog. rtpelllug—By sound all words used; a ca rfeiut drill op. the dihereul sounds of lettc'fs as Uipy occur iq readiot lessou. Writ lug—Upon bln Okbpard upd slate all Words in Spelling lessdfo Hhd as iuucli ns poH.-ible of the readiDg lesson Luwguage-rFortning simple sentedceB, Using word* found iu reading lesnou Die teaclier will correct all misiakes aud give proper construction,, Tim exercise will be u connection with foe reading a clear title, and also flutt ..the lots are in' sight of Depver. The location is forty mtfos Worth dYDcnyer, up on topTof some ImtCcessibie pfountaine- niity. of dAurs^ ih siglit of pen- n ‘place tvelV ttft.Jtp the cjouds Brown and Mr; 'St&l, an ex-Muson. We ku,uw . nothing about Masonry, and of course, like everybody else not Masons, can hot week. —The razors are nil In prime condition Hank Wa'ker's burner shop, lie killed iwo , birds with one stone while In Chicago last ; ... . , , . , week He helped to receive Grant and got. Ills M»y whether the subject was grinding done. complished or hot. —The ladle* or the M. E. Churcii, in dial* —Tjic Kankakee Gazette worth, will give a l hanksglvlng anpper In gome oversight our eiglits to 24, objects alTt glan and three ub»t*> says name the Felke^ build ng, Thursdav evening, Nov. . “ ^ . . . 7, , Ur As *7tb. Admission and supper ^ cent*. Oyster* , Omitted from the list Of guesfo ^ extra. All are cordially Invited to attend. - —Straws are apt to show from what din/ eotlop the wind bloweth. ltd. .lone* whs arouftd pricing cook stoves last Monday. ami trying on a new coat at Woman's on the evening of the same day, • Look out for connubtalistn. u —Bally Dennis left on Monday night, for Little Book, Arkansas, where h* is to take a position in a large tinware establishment His brother William ha*been ont thereabout six weeks, Mrs. Wm F- Dennlsjr will start in about two w««k*. / | —Her. Linn shipped one hundred and five the Grant banquet in Chicago. To be sure weweru’t there, and hadn’jtany invitation to be there, but we hud made orrangemeuts with a proof reader to insert our name iu the list. It wus 1 nothing but jealousy, sir, sheer jeul- ously, flmi kebt him from sticking to his bargain.” —The attention on uud time of ’Squire Curran ana six intelligent Jurrymen was taken up last Wednes- day in the trial of a case in which cad of line hogs to Chicago last | Ptjter rook .a farmer was oneofthein weighed over seven hundred i L/OOk, u w tn io a o lurnui, was prnnds and the balance would average three j the defendant, Hlld Patrick Whalen , hundred and twenty-flve ponud* each . H ar was the ])lu|ntiff. The trouble to be settled was wheather Mr. Cook should pay th* defendant the sum of IH10.74, the amount- hev)(Cook) had become security f($r for his brother. Thejury rendered a verdict against the defend* imt.' ™ *j ).V? .Answer^ to Many Correspondent*. . •Iti reply to numerous inquiries from our readers^concerning the wonderful always haa fin* hoto*: —They are telling a funny story about Sam Crumpton taking oir his hat and coat and wading through the crowd to get a ohante to ahake hands ’Withi tieiL Grant at Chicago last week. It's one of that barber s storle*, and muBt be true —A small, two year old boy over 6n tlie Honth side of town )m* developed a wonder- ful appetite for pica, showing a decided preference for the variety Khown rt* putnp- kln; HI" dotlug mamma is terribly arpwled for fear that eXrly ple eafy will yet tie the osiise of htrfdenlli. .'q,' ” so as to recognize in groups or one, two JJ(vi- -(ti rfAtf '• ? ' k-lt. )•:'<•• : nlWTH GltADB. i UeadiDg—Second Reader; meaning of words; Keprowction of passages by pu- pil's '•■«') 1 'IU , SiHiiling—Oeali written and phonic. All words usyd iu tills grade. Words divided info sylables snd syllablee pronounced ‘ jug and reading lessoq. i Tenth Grade. Numbers—Readlbg add writing numbers to 1,000; Muitiplication Xnd Division to 0 i inclusive; Ad'didon and subtraction con dnued; Db oumber exoeedlng four figures, pad no.figures in the subtrahend exceeding in value tbe corresponding figure* in the minuend Roman numerals fo D- Ap plication of Addition, ^ubtroctlon, Ac , to rim .colllfiton affairs or life. See daily foaiftP Morals and Manners —oti Tenth Grade. MtstftHaneoiii^-The five senses Hod'their • Uses; Calesihenics, Binging!and Drawing. Reading and writing Arabia numbers to 00 ; adding sud subtracting .by, ones, twos, did flxas to one hundred; adding columns w ; - [ns, and l |o w ;t i s e # r Tf’i; 'j* • Morals and Manners -O ne lesson each vFeek, subject to be £iven by tile Principal cglianeous—Drawing In straight linea; i dlkht of Den-) folVtip in the clouds rrlitfht iie. ' 'rhc |oWerjtreBCrt of rocky waste in thik vlpfoity4fu>wno by these kpeciilafor*, vyJfo a<Xj%if^d th em for nothing, and up to the present time have been doing a brisk business in dollur lofoi !.t i-u iwf i - ♦ • '■ *tii _L 1 l (. If J : f rJ. Bnukrupt Goort« \ FreemAn Smith, the proprietor of the popular ten cent Store, has fully determin- ed io remain in Chalpworlh but a few day* longer, and wJH close out bis enlire stock at a trifle oveccost. He has just added a Lfoll line of mirrors and looking glasses, Which he wflj CkwV o|)t' dt prices so low th at yon can’t hii p bitylng. ftp also has a very fine assortmetM of cut ery consisting Of butcher knives, (Able knives, razors, and pocket knives of nil sizes and every de- scription. He also has a fine assortment of M i ') morocco pocket-books and moroc- co steel-bowed purses, ladles’ pearl and turtle shell back hair combs, French harps, tpptb, brushes, spectacles, nose- glasses, cuff buttons, twenty-flve different patems, geots’ scarf pins,’ ladies’ heavy gOldTl*l«d cuff pins, ladies’ Amyloid cuff pins, Children’s gold-plated ear drops, a large assortment of ladies’ bat ornaments. He also has a very large assortment of la- dies’ heir ornaments and braid pins. He A Boole to Eyery Sotecriber. The Home Guide, ------ OR------ .4 Book ly 500 Laiies, Is tlie title of a volume of ISO pages, embroiim about 1,000 Practical Recipes k Hints ox dgokery ; THE HOUSEHOLD, THE TOILET, TliE SICK ROOM, Etc milds of nipre than oi any colutrinft not ext. _ writing 'Roman fimh«rals & b.?i stltpnics and singing; Human es of visibje psrts; domestic as otrr r^aera^ncerning ttic wmmeriui. S s f ^ ^ ^ S e ^ ^ r U o T o f tlmafor qualities of fheGreatGerman Remedy, ihc iibp^exerai^fL aptl will have also lias a complete assortment of hair brushes, clothes brushes, boot brushes, toilet soap, lamp wicks, ail sizes, Mason’s beat blacking, and, Jloklen's French pol- ish, for- ladies’, misses’ add children’s boots and shoes He also has a beautiful assortment of plain and figured sets of glassware, splendid for Christmas pres eats, consisting of jelly stattds, cake stands; pitchers, goblets, tumblers, pickle dishes, mol auses cabs, Grecian bowls, prison howls, and egg glasses.\ A very large and well selected stock,or ladles’ plated jewel- ry and ladi-vi! Celluloid seta, ‘besides, a flhe assortment of ladles finger rings, plain,1 ' - (graved, and with sets; from fourteen to righteah Eflne. He has On’baud a Contributed by over!**) Ladles to the lloim- Department of the Chicago TrlbuaO dnrliiu the past three or fpur years. It contains more Information than do the fl.5p and cook hooka. MaMeapoMesMb^thWlmpor'Kiit ad vantage over all others, of being. Practical Experiences of ^rkedcal “ Horae’’ Keepers. Thene select, rlglnai and practical contribu- tions from so many ladles, have never before appeared in book form, and thM -volume Is the first and only compilation. We have Exclusive Control of the Book in this Locality, and it can be obtained only throngh This Offic*. A Copy of this Useful A Unlqoe Volume; ' .. q • WILL BE 1‘KKSKHTKDTb fiVKBY aUBSCKIBKlt : ' PLAINDEALEH ! c ''.'"ifon iW. ! : t Ip . 1 | L. ...... IM..... » ......................... .-•mil) ii i'.d $ !*•'■1 .tiritf# ■' • >«Si r This is the Choicest ’Premium Ever Given to News^apej; Subscribers. •Something of real and praetlcaUvatae. The ladles wtlFber delighted ..with tt. Make hp vour subscription* now. It your, neighbor* don’t tak*the PLAINDKASflMt tell them ot Ibis oflfer. Tbsy all want tfie paper and the pook. Yon get the Beat Newspaper, and a r— iraotleal. useral nook of loo pages, lee Of th* fotmet.- q>-' capital, pi f ,r t h e # 1 VC l y] IV 8 t. J agoiw Oil', mentioned in our last ti , ’ii i->rt ^u t or {ireysvd t j-tii rad Common Unware,. Now is Your Opportunity. .... T: ‘i , •-

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Post on 21-Oct-2020




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  • ■• .7 -

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    iutk tii- darib aldo t, cll»«t*, clultiM rij, lot 1*0 IMI dos*


    Ijjyintl otJ« \ t f io

    M P . T f t t e >Im anyone ta* |*> ’ ho IN tkfeumkc*r f kV. lay In* «p lar*a !* P 9 .. Aw .m u .I Iil ' f i l4 . ■". g g -itR D 8 l »i* nvirl r 1 «nm»

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    ,*tH atld adjoining s intrusted t o m ) eutfotv. ... . .

    A R S , 1 jotlng Agent,i u o


    • ILL, V/Ol'MI i ,

    f 8 t . Louis, Mo.

    Uy O puiavj wu nnoi alto agent for ranee Companv

    i -*? |ri>;

    i«t lx*Uh!>.>; rlimud »t n n r f i ■ ‘4a •S3 HKAT MARKETrrdKhW*nd aalt-OiMla con- niabie pnrai. TfIB PAID FOR HIDR3.

    la n ( 7T« f .> U-.-M 3

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    • O X T C r

    rocertesI O N S ,r Beaky iBACON. PICK I

    da, 8jrtu>s, Sor*rled Beef, Lard,1 ___Bngere, Notions,*?.V°d ; ,

    „ it' received iyjirjented elao,;

    i ■>•■ ?i«a

    n w r * x r 'r T £ r t: •

    VOLUME VII.' .


    ft AihOktilM}

    DEVOTED TO TH# I f TE%$$TS'fttltiM'teWQHtS 4tfD r t ^ i t T . “lf____ ~~ " [~> n' t/iUti nV.I ITii 7 i ~ - ;- ‘̂ -" T l,n‘l l ‘eyrtynA-n/r


    -H o g s , *8 . 86*8,110. ’ w—Where wad th e goat? " ; '*—••Bo m ote It Be”-he. ' 1—A ll right from the l£aat.—John W aters la a fall Hedged m em ber. —Jerome H ow e do you lik e the third de*

    g re e t &—Tne euaoadore needa no look, k ey nor

    hlngee.—Crum pton’s horse la a trotter sure

    enough.—When grapes are squeezed, It m akes them

    w (h)lne.—W ill H all paid Hoops ton a business V isit

    th is w eek . f ■ sir —A little boy’s w histle, like him self, Is

    often sucked tin.—Q uery.—Can a man be a good Baptist and

    d rive a fast tioiee.—'Squire S ln oyer’s court d idn't h ave Juris

    diction over tne case. >i . * •—Charlie Sprague Is v is itin g friends In

    'Jerra H aute, In d ian a.* ,—A good ligh t wagon for sale cheape. Kn»

    quire o f Frank bpelclier. J-D r. C. K. W iles was m arried to a young

    hady at Lincoln last week —I., M elster has put In a stock of custom

    made boots In Ills shoe shop. y—Tom Worrell acted the funny m an ’s par**

    In the show on Thursday even in g .—Mr. Peter Shroyer visited h is sou Hen.

    ry at New Castle, Indiana, th is week.—If th is k ind of w eather continues the boyg

    w ill soon have use for their “sk a te s .’* '* —Assignee W akelln attended the t)dd

    F ellow ’s Grand Lodge, a t Galesburg, tills w eek

    —The two w ise men troni the east arrived here from Gilm an In h buggy Wednesday night

    —Candidates for In itia tion shonl.d alw ays h eca iefu l and see that their feel are well w ashed.

    -VV;wo orange* for five, gent* HtM e tte ’ii. u * . ( i i *t':J j t | ‘ v j ~ m r $

    —Ioe au iueii aad a half IiU

    ^ — Xi-


    constitute theact of playing cards w,itl> a negro, ot Htitbted' the pifbUne- rfUc Kuurq Court diseltarged all the' defenaan tax in g the State with the cost^, Upon the ground that the “ 'results or the w ar,’’ and constitutional am endm ehts, Itad, in effect, repealed th'e law mkk- iu g card-playing with “ lYee then of er»lor"iflcrime.•>< !

    ' * \) »vl 1 ■> »’>- 1 '■ : swindling Thirfingli the Halls.

    ;n{) ,‘I‘J /iillf’j i • 1 iGv t iPostmaster General K ey is doing

    a il h e can to prevent swindlers using the m ails lor the purpose of robbing people. He began his raid upon the lottery companies because o f the m any,com plaints that have been made of sw indling during the last summer, rt IVus iieen a prosperous year; m oney hiis beeti plenty, so that tlie^iogus lottery. Companies have beeti growing like weeds. Similar swindling opn- eeriis are grow ing in Tike proportion Tp-dav u cirpujftr of a lot of D enver swindlers' was discovered and orders issued that mail directed to then


    Cough• Mf'V'ff,-- ’ »';«** i > ’fir

    Syrup!F ifty T ea rs B efore tike

    P u b lic .Pronounced by all to be the most

    Pleasant and efpigaci. us remedy sow in use, for the Cure of Coughs, Colds. Croup. Hoarseness, ticklilig sensations of the toroat, whoupjng cou-h. etc Ovkk a Million B, t -TLES 8 LD WITHIN TUB LAST FLWlE .uis. It gives relief wherever used.’anti has the power to impart benefit tl^ t cannot be had from the cougli mixtures now in use. Sold by all Druggists at 25 cents bottle,


    a r c

    shdufd'be stopped, offot* beautiful town lots for sale In stibilrbsn plot,

    t f M '

    I 4.M. .. . J \____ li.O licu i /v m iio—There w ill be unlou services at tlie llapliH*. N O K e NYO*S 1 * M

    church op.ThaukMxivln* ••ay at tl o'clock, i • 5 u-l- • . ..Kev Mr. iteebe w ill preueh. aii ure Uiviteti to j — O u r la d y re a d e rs w i l l b e in te r e s te dutteud. j in u n e a t iittLe v o ju h ty dfj.160 p a g e s ,

    —There wus a dance hi jo u e ’a H all : em G rtseintc 1,4300 p r a c t ic a l r e c ip e s a u diieHUay nIght. ah our ^ destrlH n appen Jages j o n hoUs e h o h l i . la t t e t i , t i leare cburca iiiciiilierii. we ttla imM feel CHlif*u 1 oe> 1upon 1 0 a tie im . c o n t r ib u t io n s o f 1 b v e r 30U in d ies , a

    —Twenty dolluiR wiut rallied by tin# Itap- t’Opy‘Of which is given , free, to every tlRU last week, at rne1FJe«Uvul. . The niouey subscriber of thjp pupyr .vr|io;,psys in will be used l*jr tAeih uni at-h.tW aytiaiit of fu'u fQ’r jggo. ThI* o ffe r is m ade fur a ttrelr hew organ. w ! lim ited tim e only . --Tkke; Advantage

    o f i t a t once. V'v) '

    playjniMiqofcqumtJftgmfWfipu bqiwecu Ijis^teacher and, parent.

    . w i n e h iita i s k e d ua to exem p t their cldldresi frdm th is, f o r t i f y never sta y out a^liM 78 ettduM .: Tbit» May be very true but1 w e MUM treat all alike, add we hope that instead o f w riting uupieusaut notes to ttisIieHChers (a‘few Who have'been in 'tills habit) w ifi ealiiupruo tuu P iio c ip i l w e are epre tilin g s can b e arranged sa iisfiicioru ly

    W e publish th e course o f study tor m e Prim ary iDspsRtfnsnf. th is w eek, tue re- m iduaer o f th e course for the w h ole h d ioo l

    ’ Halt fo llo w . v ., | ..:j . . . . . . .

    mi l

    T h e s e s w in d le r s H

    ift sight of thb city of D euvef. A lternate ibts In tills charm ing sedtlon are offered at ?1 a piece. The explanation o f the low price lies in the fa; t that these specolafors only aell aiternatfe lots, in liopes of getting the plat settled up, so as to m ake the rem aining Jots valuable. A ll the arts of cheap rhetoric are expended to in- dup« ^ e verdant tor.Vgo in ” for townS fo that,.are in sight of,, the oit-y of

    eu,>;er. A.uyt|)iug in sight of such a wealthy, prosperous city ought Purely to be worth som ething, v’b • uljj“indtp'p^iple who havebouglit lots.

    v is ite d t h e s c e n e o f t l ig lr p u r c liu sg . f in d t h a t t h e s e n d e r s p f e ^ e u la r s o w n t h e la n d a n d h a v e p o w e r to tr a n s m it

    :B c le a r t i t le , a n d a lso f h a t - ih e lo ts a re

    .SELLERS’ LIY EIi P IL L s a so highly recommended for curing Liver t .’omphiint. Constipation sick Headaches, Fever and Ague, and ali diseases of the stomach and liver. Solti by all Druggists at 2f> cents per box ! !tt. E SE I.L E R S &'CQr

    P ittsb u rg h , Pa.oc] 8 -ly


    —An tow a Uebiodri^t' was turned tn if of church for g e t f ln i his raro checks Janlietl a lte r ‘lie liad experienced reil«loii there are cases where people m ay be too exacting.

    —a farmer, who It a reader of th is paper,tells us that hogs m ay be kept Iroin ineqiJlpa. , __. ,iriuhinoalR. etc, by m ix in g a handfull o f le g t d e x p o s it lo lF p f MbSOItTy b y E ld e r good wood pal) S With th e ir food tw ice a

    •» ,vlh ■ !/u

    saysnam e

    the Felke^ build ng, Thursdav even in g , Nov. . “ ^ . . . 7 , , Ur As*7tb. Adm ission and supper ^ cent*. Oyster* , O m itted fro m t h e l i s t Of g u e s fo ^extra . All are cordially Invited to attend . -

    —Straws are apt to show from w hat d in / eotlop th e w ind b low eth. ltd. .lone* whs arouftd pricing cook stoves last M onday. ami trying on a new coat at W oman's on the evening of the sam e day, • Look out for connubtalistn . u

    —B ally D ennis left on Monday n ight, for Little Book, Arkansas, where h* is to take a position in a large tinw are estab lishm ent His brother W illiam ha*been ont thereabout s ix weeks, Mrs. Wm F- D ennlsjr w ill start in about tw o w««k*. / |

    —Her. L inn shipped one hundred and five

    the Grant banquet in Chicago. T o be sure w ew eru’t there, and hadn’jtany invitation to be there, but we hud made orrangemeuts w ith a proof reader to insert our nam e iu the list. I t wus 1 nothing but jealousy, sir, sheer jeul- ously, flmi kebt him from stick ing to h is bargain.”

    —The attention on uud tim e of ’Squire Curran ana s ix intelligent Jurrym en was taken up last Wednesday in th e trial of a case in which

    cad of lin e hogs to Chicago last | P tjter r o o k .a W en .to -d o farmer w a so n e o f th e in weighed over seven hundred i L/OOk, u w t n i o a o lu r n u i , w a sprnnds and the balance would average three j the defendant, Hlld Patrick W halen

    , hundred and twenty-flve ponud* each . H ar was the ])lu|ntiff. The trouble to besettled was wheather Mr. Cook shouldpay t h * defendant the sum of IH10.74,the amount- hev)(Cook) had becomesecurity f($r for his brother. T h eju ryrendered a verdict against the defend*imt.' ™ *j ).V?

    .Answer^ to Many Correspondent*. . •Iti reply to num erous inquiries from

    our readers^concerning the wonderful

    alw ays haa fin* hoto*:—They are telling a funny story about

    Sam Crumpton taking oir his hat and coat and wading through the crowd to get a ohante to ahake hands ’Withi tieiL Grant at Chicago last week. It's one of that barber s storle*, and muBt be true

    —A small, two year old boy over 6n tlie Honth side of town )m* developed a wonderful appetite for pica, showing a decidedpreference for the variety Khown rt* putnp-kln; HI" dotlug m am m a is terribly arpwled for fear that eXrly ple eafy will yet tie theosiise o f htrfdenlli. .'q,' ”

    so as to recognize in groups or on e, tw o

    JJ(vi- -(ti rfAtf '• ? ' k-lt. )•:'«Si rThis is the Choicest ’ Premium Ever Given to Newŝ apej; Subscribers.

    •Something of real and p raetlcaU vatae . The lad les wtlFber delighted ..with t t . M ake hp vour subscription* now . It y o ur, neighbor* d o n ’t ta k * th e PLAINDKASflMt te l l them ot Ib is oflfer. Tbsy a ll w a n t tfie paper and the p o o k . Yon get th e Beat N ew spaper, and a r — iraotlea l. useral nook o f loo pages,

    lee Of th * fo tm et.- q>-'capital, pi f ,r t h e # 1

    V Cl

    y ]


    8 t. J agoiw Oil', mentioned in our last ti, ’ii i->rt

    ̂u t or {ireysvdt j-tii

    rad C o m m o n U n w a r e , . Now is Y our O p p o rtu n ity .

    ■ .... T: ‘i , •-

  • 1IrtB r


    r x # -


    _ i— - — ■

    iSPQ M W , Pabllshar.


    - » ' 4 ' v . =


    T h e A g e n ts o f th e P o st-O ffice D e partment arrested 081 persona last year tor

    ------------- «JSV U wt-

    G e n e ra l N e w s S u m m a r y .

    D o m e s t ic .A novel c a se h as recently been tried

    before the Superior Court of Springfield, Mas*., involving the right of eodesiaatical discipline to the extent of Injuring an excommunicated man’s business. Joseph Parker, a Holyoke livery man, sued a French Catholic priest for 1 1 0 , 0 0 0 damages, claiming that the priest had, after excom m unicating him, ruined his business by undue exercise of pastoral authority. The Judge, in his charge to the jury, said the law o f the country does not allow ecclesiastical Interference with a man’s business after he has been excommunicated from a church, which is the extent of the punishm ent ecclesiastical authority can Inflict; nor is ecclesiastical authority allowed to interfere with any one to deter him from giving his patronage to that business. If defendant only forbade customers of plaintiff from being brought to church in plaintiff’s hacks, he did net exceed his ecclesiastical authority ; but if after the excommunication of Parker he preveuted the employment of his hacks for other than church purposes, then plaintiff is entitled to a verdict, and the damage must not be lim ited to the mere loss of custom entailed, but to all losses which have occurred therefrom. The Jury evidently thought from the evidence given on the trial that the plaintiff’s business had been seriously injured by undue and unwarranted interference on the part of the defendant, who had forbidden his communicants to patronize the plaintiff’s hacks under any circumstances, and hence they brought in a verdict for Parker for 13,433.

    Mas. Margaret Myers, of Memphis, Tenn., com m itted suicide the other day, by pouring kerosene oil over her clothes and then setting them on Are. She stated before her death that she had been inveigled into marriage with a man who had Bince robbed and deserted herself and children.

    I n L a n c a s te r C o u n ty , S . C ., a fe w nights ago, a white woman named Mrs. Jam es Adams cut the throats of her flve children, set fire to her own clothing, and w as burned to death. It is supposed she was Insane.

    A s u c c e s s f u l s tr ik e h a s r e c e n t ly o c curred among the longshoremen at Boston, Mass., the employers yielding to the demands of the workmen.

    A LARGELY-ATTENDED c it iz e n s ’ m e e tin g was held in Cincinnati on the night of the 1 1 th to devise means to aid the suffering people of Ireland. Speeches were made denouncing as false Lord Beaconsfleld’s statem ent that Ireland had never appealed to the Government of Great Britain In vain.

    A d e s p e r a t e l ig h t to o k p la c e on th e 10th at Candelaria Mountain fifty miles south o f El Paso, Texas, in the 8 tate of Chihuahua, Mexico, between a large band of Indians, •bout two hundred, and a party of fifty men from Carlza, N. M., thirty-two of whom were killed and eighteen escaped, wounded. The fight lasted all day.

    Edward C. P a l m e r , la te P r e s id e n to f the Louisiana Savings Bank, was arrested In New Orleans on the 11th, upon two Indictm ents by the Grand Jury, one charging him with em bezzlement In June, 1879, of $47,437 of money belonging to the bank or deposited therein, and the other with publishing false reports and willfully concealing facts as to the condition of the bank, to deceive the public. He was Imprisoned in default o f $40,000 bonds.

    General Hatch, o f th e In d ia n P e a c e Commission, reached Los Pinos Agency on the 13th. General Adams arrived there three or four days earlier. The hostile chiefs, with the exception of Jack, were there and willing to surrender. Jack had persistently refused to come to the agency and m eet the Commission. It had been determined almost beyond doubt that he led the hostlles in the Thornburgh fight. Ouray had, In a conference on th e 1 1 th, told the hostlles they need expect no mercy.

    P o s t m a s t e r -G e n e r a l K ey h a s arrived at the conclusion that all lottery companies and lottery agents are doing a fraudulen t business within the purview of his statutory powers concerning “ schem es to defraud the public,” and on the 18th he comm enced the Issuance of special orders to postm asters forbidding them to pay any postal money-order or to deliver any registered letter addressed to persons named In the orders as being concerned in the lottery business. Such letters are to be stamped “ fraudu len t,” and to be returned, as are also money- orders, to the senders. All ordinary mall m atter addressed to names that are known to be fictitious are to be sent to the Dead Letter Office.

    W h i l e a fire w a s in p r o g r e ss o n th e second floor o f a tenem ent house on Canon street, New York City, early on the morning of the 14th, Mary Babiskl, who occupied apartments on the third floor, leaped from a window to the street and waa fatally injured! Joseph Botzkle, who lived on the fourth floor, also threw himself from a window and was killed. His entire family, consisting of wife, two children and mother-in-law, were suffocated.

    T w o m e n (C h arles D r e w s an d F r a n k lin 8 tlchler) were hanged at Lebanon, Pa., on the 14th, for the murder of Joseph Raber at Indlantown Gap, In December last. On the sam e day u young man named Myron A. Buell was hanged at Cooperstown, N. Y., for the murder of a young girl named May Richards, In June last. Buel made a full confession of his bm tish and fiendish crime.

    The sc h o o n e r C. G. B r e e d fo u n d ered In a squall on Lake Erie on the afternoon of the 16th, and of this eight men on board only two were saved.

    B y a terrific boiler explosion in a sh ingle mill near East Saginaw, Mich., on the afternoon of the 15th, three men were fatally and one slightly Injured., /T h e sh o re en d o f th e n e w F r e n c h

    cable w aslShded from the steam er Faraday, at North Eastham, Mass., on the evening of th e 16th>

    offenses against tbe PosT h e C o m m iss io n to in v e s t ig a t e th e

    recent troubles at the W hite River Agency has commenced its duties. Chiefs Douglass and Johnson havfe testified that they had nothing to do with the massacre, and in substance that they didn’t know who did,

    Assistant-Appraiser Albert Gilbert, of the New York Custom-House, was suspended from duty on the 17th, by an order from Waahlngton. Frederick Snyder, an Examiner in the same department, was suspended several days before. The Appraiser •aid they were not charged with the same offense, but declined making public the charges pendiug an investigation,

    Three hundred and twenty v e s se ls from foreign porta arrived at the port of New York during the week ending on the 15th, being a larger number for one week than was ever before recorded on the Custom- House books.

    ——to culm inate during tbe winter and spring. Pauperism is greatly Increased, especially in

    P e r g o n a l a n d P o lit ic a LT h e r e is to be a m e e t in g o f th e N a

    tional Republican Executive Committee in Washington on the 17th of December, for the purpose of electing a Chairman in the place of Senator Chandler, deceased, and also to determine the place of holding the next Republican Convention.

    T h e D is tr ic t o f C o lu m b ia B oard o f Sehool Trustees recently had before them the question of the application of Mrs. Belva A. Lockwood and six other women for placing a woman on the School Board. A report was finally adopted admitting that there is no legal obstacle to women serving as members of the District School Boards, but taking the ground that there are grave objections “as a m atter of policy, and that therefore the application should be refused.”

    Charles H . Voorhis, member of Congress from the Fifth District of New Jersey, was arrested at Paterson on the 1 1 th, by a United States Deputy Marshal, on a charge of abstracting from the First National Bank of Hackensack, of which he was President, collaterals deposited to secure a private loan. The affidavit was made by Cashier Bower and Vice-President De Groot.

    General Grant received the m e m bers of the Army of the Tennessee, the veterans, the members of different posts of the Grand Army of the Republic and citizens generally at the Palmer House In Chicago on the 13th. In the evening he was duly banqueted. After the cloth was removed there were speeches from Generals Sherman, Grant, Logan, Vilas, Hurlburt, Schofield, Wilson, Woodford, Pope, Colonel Robert J. Ingersoll, Admiral 8 tevens, Leonard 8 wett, Emory A. 8 torrs, and a humorous address on “ Babies” by “ Mark Twain.” The banquet was a brilliant affair.

    ^ h e N e w Y o rk T r i b u n e o f th e 14th says exact results had been received from forty-flve out of sixty counties, which would Insure the election of the entire Republican State ticket except Soule (for Engineer and Surveyor). The majorities were estim ated as follows: Hoskins, for Lieutenant-Governor, 2,170; Carr, Secretary of State, 2,800; Wadsworth, Comptroller, 8,100; Ward, Attorney- General, 7,600; Wendell, Treasurer, 1,500; 8 eymour (Dem .), Engineer and Surveyor, 8,000. Cornell’s plurality for Governor would reach nearly 40,000.

    A t a meeting in Chicago on th e 13th of several members of the Army of the Potomac It was resolved to form a permanent society. The following officers were chosen: President, Lieutenant-General P. H. Sheridan ; Vice-Presidents, General Julius White (Chicago) and R. S. Robinson (Fort W ayne); Recording Secretary, J. 8 . Erly; Corresponding Secretary, C. W. Dean; Treasurer, E. B. Shermau; Executive Committee, General George A. Forsythe, ex-Governor John L. Beveridge, John W. Bennett, R. M. Ware- ham and Joseph C. Myers. The m eetings will be held on the second Thursdays of April and October, the latter to be the annual gathering. The next m eeting will be held in Chicago, in April, 1880.

    The A rm y o f th e T e n n e s se e , a t its recent reunion In Chicago, elected the following-named officers for the ensuing year: President, General W. T. Sherman; Recording Secretary, Colonel L. M. D ayton; Corresponding Secretary, General A. Hickenloper; Treasurer, General M. F. Force; Vice Presidents, General J. S. Reynolds, Illinois: General Ben. Spooner, Indiana; Colonel Frank Lynch, Ohio; Captain W. E. Ware, Missouri; Captain C. C. Chadwick, M ichigan; Major M.A. Higley, Iowa; General L. F. Hubbard, Minnesota; Colonel George E. Bryant, Wisconsin ; Colonel W. J. Landrum, Kentucky; General Amasa Cobb, Nebraska; Captain J.B. Raymond, Dakota; General M. M. Bane, Utah.

    Colonel John Hay has accepted the position of First Assistant Secretary of State, tendered him by Secretary Evarts, vice F. W. 8 eward, resigned.

    A Harrisburg (Pa.) telegram of the 17th announces that General Grant had accepted an invitation of the Grand Army of the Republic to visit that city on the 15th of December.

    Judge F . C. Beaman h as declined, on account of the state of his health, the appointm ent tendered htm by Governor Cros- wcll to fill the vacancy in the United States Senate caused by the death of Mr. Chandler. Governor Croswell, on the H[th, appointed ex-Governor Baldwin, of Detroit, to the position.

    Ex-President Grant r e c e iv e d th e public school children of Chicago in the Exposition building on the 17th. There were 50,000 children and parents. In the evening the Calumet Club gave him a reception and banquet

    F o r e ig n .In a la te d isp a tc h to th e S ta te D e

    partment Mr. Bailey, United States Consul at Shanghai, China, reports that the cotton crop In that country will not be more than half the average yield. The Consul at Odessa reports that the wheat crop of . Russia will fall far short of the usual harvest.

    T h e Ir ish L o c a l G o v e r n m e n t B oard has made a special report respecting the state of affairs in Ireland. The report saya the potato crpp Is everywhere deficient and Inferior, and this, combined with the absence of peat fuel, owing to rain, Is regarded as the leading cause of distress, which is expected

    A c c o r d in g to B u c h a r e st te le g r a m s of tbe 1 1 th the cattle plague was spreading virulently In Moldavia.

    G r e a t a g ita t io n p r ev a iled in B o s n iaon the 10th and 11th In oonseqaence of fears of a rising against tbe Austrians. Tho Christians and Mussulmans were making common cause against the Invaders.

    A B erlin te le g r a m o f th e 1 1 th says the editors of all the principal newspapers In 8 t. Petersburg had reoently been summoned to the Press Bureau of the Ministry of the Interior, and instructed with reference to the conduct of their respective papers. They were Informed that frequent com plaints had been received from Livadla that articles in the St. Petersburg press Interfered with the Im perial polley. and therefore they m ust not continue in the same strain. Neither Germany nor Austro-Hungary, nor the relations of Russia with either of these two powers, nor France, m ust be discussed. England might be discussed, bqt judiciously. These rules wonld be continued until the Emperor’s return to S t Petersburg, a month hence.

    A n a u to g r a p h le t t e r o f th e C zar w a s published on the 1 1 th, accepting the resignation of Count Schouvaloff as Ambassador to England, and conferring upon him the order of St. Vladimir, In recognition of his public services. Schouvaloff will remain a member of tbe Council of the Empire.

    T h e s te a m e r S t. L o u is le f t L iv e r p o o l on the 11th for New Orleans, with one hundred and twenty passengers, nearly all for Texas. There are many farmers among them, some with families, and a number of merchants.

    A n o t if ic a t io n h as b een r e c e iv e d a t the Post-Otfice Departm ent In W ashington that the Republic of Venezuela has become a member of the Universal Postal Union, to date from the 1st o f next January.

    According to the V ie n n a (A u str ia ) T a g b la tl of the 12th the treaty of alliance recently concluded between the Balkan Principalities, ostensibly against foreign Intervention In the Balkan States, but really against the Austrian treaty, stipulates that in the event of Austria extending operations beyond Novi-Bazar, 8 ervia will furnish 120,000 men, Montenegro 20,000, and Bulgaria 90,000, to form an allied army, and that 8 ervia will advance Montenegro 75,000 ducats for military expenses. The appointment of a Russian General as Commander-In-Chief of the allied forces was considered possible.

    F r a n c e is b u ild in g a n u m b er o f first- class forts oh the Belgian frontier, and this action causes much uneasiness in Brussels.

    According to a C o n sta n tin o p le d is patch of the 13th the Porte had demanded of the British Government an explanation of the movements of the British fleet in Turkish waters. It was reported that a cordial understanding had been reached between Russia and Turkey, and that in the event of trouble with Great Britain, the Czar would be found with the Ottoman.

    A n e x p lo s io n o f fire -d am p o cc u r re d In the Shortheath colliery, near Wolverhampton, Eng., on the 13th. Up to the morning of the 14th six corpses had been recovered.

    A t L e e d s , E n g ., on th e 14th , P r in c e Alamyn, son of King Theodore, c f Abyssinia, who was brought to England to be educated after his father had been killed in the battle fought at Magdala in 1868, died of consumption.

    O n th e 14th a m e e t in g o f th e Ir ish National Convention Comm ittee was held at Dublin, and a resolution was adopted to reconstruct the Irish House of Commons according to the O’Couiieii pian—to consist of 300 members elected by manhood suffrage, aud to m eet not later than 1882.

    T h e S u lta n o f T u r k e y h as ra tified th e plan of reform for his European provinces, and also those proposed for Asia Minor. At the instigation of Russia he has also directed that the forts of the Dardanelles be re-equipped.

    A c c o r d in g to a C ab u l d isp a tc h re ceived in London on the 17th forty-nine persons had, up to that time, been hanged for being concerned in the massacre o f the English Resident and his suit.

    A C o n s t a n t in o p l e d isp a tc h o f th o 16th says the Porte had invited a commission of Its creditors to examine Into the financial affairs of the Turkish Government.

    A c c o r d in g to L o n d o n d isp a tc h e s o f the 16th disorders in Turkey were constantly Increasing. W ithlu sixty miles of Constantinople the Circassians were robbing and murdering the inhabitants, and the Porte was powerless to prevent it.

    T h e C u b an in su r re ctio n h as b ro k en out again, and the Captain-General has telegraphed the mother country for troops to put it down.

    D i p h t h e r i a h a s a t ta in e d su ch fr ig h tful proportions in Russia that In som e sections the percentage of mortality far exceeds the births.

    A P a r is c o r r e sp o n d e n t te le g r a p h e d on the 17th that two French explorers discovered the source of the River Niger in September last.

    A P a r is te le g r a m o f th e 16th d e n ie s the truth of the recent report of the death of Abdel Kader, the Algerine chieftain.

    T h e B r it ish a u th o r it ie s are b u ild in g a railway to Candahar, In Afghanistan.

    A v io l e n t sn o w s to r m p r ev a iled in Vienna on the 16th.

    A c c o r d in g t o P e s th (H u n g a r y ) d ispatches received on the 17th famine prevailed to a frightful extent in M ontenegro. It was believed that one-sixth of the inhabitants were starving. The same dispatches say there had been severe fighting on the Turkish frontier, near Bresovitza, and that the latter city had been plundered by 500 Arnauts.

    While returning from a fair on tho 17th thirteen persons were drowned when crossing the Lochjndaal of the island of Islay.

    O n th e 17th , a t V ie n n a , th e A r c h duchess Marie Christine, the future Queen of Spain, formally renounced her right of succession to the Austrian Crown.


    s tr e tc h is b e s t ta k e n in a s o fa . , *p e o p le n o t p o p u la r w ith

    1 Bof

    rhe H u g ‘(e )n o t* .' n o d ru g w h ich e q u a ls th e

    so p o r if ic p o w e r o f a se r m o n th a t is to o lo n g .— N . T . H e r a l d .

    — B le s s e d are th e c h im n e y -s w e e t f o r th e y s o o t th e m s e lv e s an d e v e r y c th a t c o m e s in c o n ta c t w ith th em .

    — D o n 't p a y a n y a t te n t io n to a s ig n o f *• S h u t t h is d oor. I t is th e tr ic k o f a la z y m a n t o g e t o th e r s t o d o h is w o rkfo r h im .

    — E v e r y th in g h a s r e c e n t ly a d v a n c e d in p r ic es e x c e p t lib e r ty , w h io h r e m a in s a t e te rn a l v ig ila n c e , w ith lib e r a l r e d u c t io n s to th e tra d e .

    — S u ic id e s sh o u ld r e m e m b e r that r u sh in g in to th e n e x t w o r ld b e fo r e b e in g in v ite d is n o t o n ly a s in , b u t a lso a b rea c h o f g o o d m a n n er s .

    — M an y g ir ls w o u ld r a th e r w e a r th e ir s to c k in g s w ith h o le s in th a n h a v e th em d a rn ed , b e c a u se w h e n d a rn ed th e y are m e n d e d , an d g ir ls p r e fe r m e n a l iv e .— E x c h a n g e .

    — T h is fr e e e d u c a t io n is g e t t in g p la y e d o u t w h e n d in n e r is m a d e la te b y th e c o o k ’s s to p p in g w o rk to d iscu ss th e p r in c ip le s o f e v o lu t io n w ith a b ook a g e n t . — B o s t o n P o s t .

    — B o y : “ W h a t are y o u c r y in g fo r , S a lly !” G irl: “ C o s lg o t th e to o th a c h e .” B o y : “ Y o u g o rou n d to m y g r a n d m o th er; s h e 'u ll sh o w y e r w h a t to d o; sh e k n o w s h o w to ta k e h e r ’8 o u t an d put ’em b a ck w h e n e v e r sh e w a n ts .”

    — “ L a w y e r s ,” o b se r v e d D a d d y W ilso n , c o n te m p la t iv e ly , “ is ce r ta in ly sh a rp file s. T h e y d o n ’t th in k n o th in ’ o f f ilin ’ th e h a rd est k in d o f a b ill o f p a r t ic u la r s .” “ Y e s ,” re p lie d that g r a n d so n o f h is, “ b ut d id y o u e v e r n ea r o f o n e f ilin ’ d o w n a b ill o f co stsP ” T h u s , on th e v o y a g e o f life , w e s o m e t im e s fin d w isd o m ’s cu rr en t s e tt in g b o th w a y s .”

    — A E u r e k a ( N e v .) C oron er , a fte r s u m m o n in g a ju ry , an d o v e r th e c o r p se s w e a r in g th e sa m e, rem a rk ed : .“ G e n t le m e n , if y o u h a v e a n y d o u b ts a s to th e m an b e in g d ead , ju s t w a lk d o w n to th e d o c to r ’s o ffice an d e x a m in e h is h ea r t, w h ic h lia s ju s t b e e n r e m o v e d .” T h e ju r y w ith o n e a cc o rd ca m e to th e c o n c lu s io n w ith o u t fu r th e r e v id e n c e th a t th e m a n w a s d e fu n c t .

    — T h e tru th c o n c e r n in g -M ich igan g r o c e r s h a s a t la s t c o m e to lig h t . “ W h e n a g r o c e r ,” sa y s th e D e tr o it F r e e P r e s s , “ is tr y in g to l iv e so a s to m e e t h is first w ife in th e la n d b ey o n d th e sk ie s , h e w o n ’t sh a k e a p e c k m e a su re ax h e fills it w ith b ea n s. I f h e is l iv in g s im p ly to k e e p h is s e c o n d w ife in g o o d c lo th e s , h e ’l l ta lk an d sh a k e a n d r a tt le o ff m ore th a n a D in t.”

    T h e fo u r -m illio n d o lla rs d o w r y o f th e A r c h d u c h e ss M aria C h r istin a , o f A u str ia , h a s b e e n p a id in to th e N a tio n a l B a n k a t V ie n n a . I f a ll y o u n g m e n w o u ld p o s it iv e ly r e fu se to n a m e th e d a y u n t il th e g ir ls o f th e ir c h o ic e to o k ir e c is e ly su e n d e c id e d a c tio n as th is h e r e w o u ld b e f e w e r h ea r t-re n d in g lo o k s w r itte n b ea r in g th e t i t le “ H o w to L iv e o n S e v e n H u n d red a Y e a r .”

    — T h e la te c o ld sn a p h a s e x to r te d th is fro m th e “ l o c a l ” o f a C in c in n a ti jap er:

    Come, let’s bury our sum m er’s dead,While our eyes with weening- are red.Here where droops tho withering- rose,Pla^e the fly that tickled our nose.Under the earth ten fathoms deep.Plant the mosquito who murdered sleep. Down in a grave both deep and wldo Linen duster and straw hat hide.Stick u slab at foot And head;Write: “ Here lies our sum m er’s dead.”

    — Ir ish w it is c e r ta in ly in im ita b le . I t is lik e a flash o f b r illia n c y w h ic h lig h ts up th e su rr o u n d in g g lo o m a n d le a v e s a p le a sa n t re m em b r a n c e o f it s e l f b eh in d .A so n o f th e G reen I s le s to o d o n th e h ig h w a y lo o k in g o n a co m ra d e w h o w a s ly in g h e lp le s s th ro u g h d rin k . T h e d a y w a s h o t, an d , as th e Ir ish m a n w ip e d h is fo r e h e a d , h e sa id sa d ly , “ A h , m y b o y , I w ish I h ad ju s t h a lf o f y o u r d is e a s e .” — N . Y . H e r a l d .

    — T h e tra m p s in W o r c e s te r , M a ss ., h a v e a d o p te d a n e w tr ic k to g e t food w ith o u t w o r k in g fo r it . T h e y p r e se n t th e m s e lv e s to th e la d y o f th e h o u se w ith a red fla g , o r a p a rt o f o n e , sa y in g th a t th e y are f la g m e n o n th e B o sto n & A lb a n y R a ilr o a d w h o h a v e c o m e to w o rk in th e m o r n in g fo r g e tt in g to ta k e th e ir d in n e r w ith th em . A n u m b er o f fa m ilie s h a v e b e e n th u s im p o sed u p on , an d th e tr ic k w a s n o t d is c o v e r e d u n til a tra m p p r e s e n te d h im s e lf a se co n d t im e fo r d in n er , c a r ry in g th e sa m e red flag.

    — P u tt in g h e r h ea d in to th e p o st- o ffice w in d o w , sh e sh o u te d a t th e a sto n is h e d c u s to d ia n of th e m a ils , “ A d v e r t is e d !” “ M a rm ,” sa id h e , a fter p a r tia lly r e c o v e r in g h is se lf -p o s se s s io n ,“ w h a t d id y o u w ish ? ” “ A d v e r t is e d !” sh e r e p e a te d , lo u d e r th a n b e fo r e . B y fo rce o f cu sto m , h e m a n a g e d to ask , “ W h a t n a m e , m arm P ” A g a in ca m e th a t sa m e r e p ly , “ A d v e r t is e d !” b u t th is t im e su p p le m e n te d w ith th e d em a n d .“ A n ’ h o w lo n g w id y e z k a p e a b od y a -s th a n d in g h ero w h ile y e z b e a garru p - in g lo ik e a m o o n c a l f * in a sn tab leP W u d y e z iv e r g iv e m e m e le tth e r I soyP ” “ B u t w h a t is y o u r n a m e, m y d ea r w o m a n ? ” “ O ch, d o n ’t y e z ‘ dear w o m a n ’ m e , y e z o u ld s in n e r ! D o n ’t y e z m a n e to o b o id e b y y o z o w n d iric- t io n s in to ir e ly . D id n ’t y e z p u t in til th e p a p e rs ‘ P e r so n s c a llin g fo r it

    Ela z e sa y 4 a d v e r t is e d r •i m a d e m e s ilf h o a rse w id

    Report i f fee PiroeUr of the MIrW

    W A sanaroN , November 10.T h e rep o r t o f H o r a tio 0 . B u rch ard ,

    D ir e c to r o f th e M in t, w a s su b m itte d to th e S e cr e ta ry o f th e T r e a su r y y e s te r d a y , a n d sh o w s th e o p e r a tio n s o f th e U n ite d S ta te s m in ts a n d a s sa y o ffices d u r in g th e f is c a l y e a r en d b d J u n e 30, 1879.

    D u r in g th e y e a r th e t o t a l d e p o s its o f g o ld a n d s ilv e r , in c lu d in g s i lv e r purc h a se s , a m o u n te d to $ 7 1 ,1 7 9 ,6 5 4 , o f w h ic h $ 4 2 ,2 5 4 ,1 6 6 w er e g o ld , an d $ 2 8 ,- 925 ,497 siLver, O f th e a b o v e a m o u n ts $ 3 8 ,5 4 9 ,7 0 5 o f g o ld an d $ 2 6 ,9 3 4 ,7 2 8 of s i lv e r w er e o f d o m e s t ic p ro d u c tio n , $ 1 9 8 ,0 8 3 o f g o ld an d $ 1 0 ,6 0 7 .7 9 o f s i l v e r w e r e U n ite d S ta te s co in , $ 1 ,0 6 9 ,7 9 6 o f g o ld a n d $ 1 ,0 7 2 ,9 1 9 o f s i lv e r w er e of fo r e ig n b u llion , $ 1 ,4 9 8 ,8 1 9 .7 1 o f g o ld a n d $ 6 9 8 ,6 8 2 o f s ilv e r w e r e o f fo re ig n co in , a n d $ 937 ,751 o f g o ld an d $208 ,609 o f s i lv e r w er e o f p la te an d o th e r m an u fa c tu r e d a rtic les .

    T h e a m o u n ts o f g o ld a n d s ilv e r se p a r a te d in th e re fin er ie s o f c o in a g e m in ts an d a ssa y o ffice a t N e w Y ork w e r e $ 2 0 ,7 6 9 ,6 4 9 o f g o ld a n d $ 1 0 ,6 8 7 ,- 5 2 6 .97 o f s ilv e r . T h e c o in a g e d u r in g * th e y e a r a m o u n ted to $ 6 8 ,8 1 2 ,5 9 2 , an d c o n s is te d o f 2 ,759 ,421 p ie c e s o i *

    fo ld , o f th e v a lu e o f $ 4 0 ,9 8 6 ,9 1 2 , and 7 ,2 2 8 ,8 5 0 p ie c e s o f s ilv er , o f th e v a lu e o f $ 8 7 ,2 2 7 ,8 8 2 , an d o f m in o r co in s 9 ,6 2 0 ,2 0 0 p ie c e s , o f th e n o m in a l v a lu e o f $9 7 ,7 9 8 .

    T h e a ctu a l u se o f g o ld as p art o f th e c irc u la tio n c o n se q u e n t u p on th e c o n v e r t ib ility o f U n ite d S ta te s n o te s in to co in , i t w a s a n tic ip a te d , w o u ld c r e a te a d em a n d fo r th e sm a lle r d e n o m in a tio n s o f g o ld c o in , an d d u r in g th e la st fisca l y e a r th e re h as b een a la rg er c o in a g e o f e a g le s , h a lf-e a g le s an d q u a r te r -ea g le s th an in an y p r e c e d in g y e a r d u r in g th e p er io d o f s ix te e n y ea r s . T h e c o in a g e o f e a g le s an d h a lf-e a g le s w ill b e co n tin u ed u n til th e d em an d is sa tisfied .

    T h e s i lv e r c o in a g e h as b een a lm o st e x c lu s iv e ly o f stan d ard s ilv e r d o llars , o f w h ich 27 ,2 2 7 ,6 0 0 w ere co in e d d u rin g th e y ea r , an d th e to ta l c o in a g e to N o v e m b e r 1, 1879, h as b een $ 4 5 ,2 0 6 ,2 0 0 . T h e to ta l a m o u n t o f su b sid ia r y co in is su e d s in c e th e p a ssa g e o f th e R esu m p t io n a c t w a s $ 4 2 ,9 7 4 ,9 8 1 . T h e fu ll a m o u n t co in e d w a s $ 4 3 ,9 9 4 ,9 3 1 , but $ 1 ,0 2 0 ,0 0 0 in d im e s w a s r e c o in e d in to p ie c e s o f la r g er d e n o m in a tio n a t th e m in t a t S an F ra n cisco .

    B a rs m a n u fa c tu red , fine an d im p o r ted , a m o u n te d to $ 2 2 ,0 2 2 ,6 1 4 , o f w h ich $ 1 2 ,9 7 6 ,8 1 2 w er e g o ld an d $ 9 ,0 4 5 ,8 0 2 s ilv e r . T o ta l a m o u n t o f g o ld bars, $ 1 2 ,9 7 6 ,8 1 2 ; to ta l a m o u n t o f s i lv e r b ars, $ 9 ,0 4 5 ,8 0 2 .

    T h e D ir e c to r th u s c lo se s h is rep ort:“ T h e tru e p o licy o f th is co u n tr y is su ch c o n se r v a t iv e a c tio n as w ill te n d to b rin g th e v a lu e s o f g o ld an d s i lv e r to th e ir fo r m e r re la tio n s , u p h o ld in g o n e and p r e v e n t in g th e a p p rec ia tio n o f th e o th er, u n til i t ca n be d e te r m in e d w h e th e r c o m m e r c ia l n a tio n s are w il l in g that b o th m e ta ls sh o u ld be y o k e d fo r eq u al m o n e ta r y se rv ic e . B u t in ca se th e use o f s i lv e r as m o n e y m u st b e ab an d o n e d , it is g r a t ify in g to b e lie v e th a t th e v a st re so u rces o f a g r icu ltu re an d m in e ra l w e a lth , p resen t d e v e lo p m e n t o f m in in g and m a n u fa c tu r in g in te r e s ts , au d fa c il it ie s fo r in la n d c o m m er ce , th e co m p a ra tiv e lig h tn e s s o f ta x a tio n an d r e lie f from h e a v y fo re ig n in d e b te d n e ss , an d , ab ove a ll, th e p ro d u c tiv e g e n iu s , in d u stry , in v e n t iv e sk ill an d c a p a c ity o f th e p eo p le o f th e U n ite d S ta te s , w ill en a b le th em to re ta in , or, a s n o w , d raw from ab road , g o ld n e e d e d fo r m o n e ta r y u se , an d that co m m er c ia l d isa s te r an d d e p ress io n , th r e a te n e d or fea red , as th e r e su lt ol r e s tr ic tin g th e co m m er c ia l w orld to on e m eta l, are m ore lik e ly to fa ll u pon nat io n s th a t in it ia te d a u d are re sp o n sib le for th e m o v e m e u t.”

    T h e C ity H a ll a t P h ila d e lp h ia , a ll th in g s c o n s id e r e d , is p ro b a b ly th e m o s t e x p e n s iv e p ie c e o f a r c h ite c tu r a l fo lly o n th e c o n t in e n t . I t h as a lr e a d y c o s t $ 7 ,2 5 0 ,0 0 0 , an d th e P h ila d e lp h ia B u ild in g C o m m iss io n e rs w a n t $ 1 ,2 5 0 ,0 0 0 a p p ro p r ia ted fo r th e n e x t y e a r , an d th e o u ts id e w a lls are y e t b u t h a lf w a y u p .

    T H E M A R K E T S .

    N ew York, November 18,1879.LIVE STOCK—Cattle.............. fa 50 ® f 9 26

    Sheep..................................... 3 00 275

    « BALTIMORE.CATTLE—Best............

    Medium........... . ••••■••«•HOGS—Good..............................SHEEP.........................................

    ft 37*

  • \ l

    • t the W m U j

    UBUoroa, November HL Horatia C. Burchard,

    wag submitted to * tfte Treasury yester-

    the operations of the ninte and assay offices 1 year endted June 80,

    *r the total deposits of including silver pur-

    ed to $71,179,684, of |6 were gold, and $28,- Jfth e above ampunts 'Id and $26,934,728 of domestic production,

    and $10,607.79 of sil- States coin, $1,069,796 2.919 of silver were of $1,498,819.71 of gold 'liver were of foreign 1 of gold and $208,609 pinto and other nianu-

    Of gold and silver refineries of coinage office at New York of gold and $10,687,-

    Tue coinage d u r in g nted to $68,812,692, f 2,769,421 pieces o iit ) of $40,986,912, and of silver, of the value ind of minor coins of the nominal value

    >f gold as part of the uent upon the con- id States notes into mted, would create a laller denominations luring the last fiscal en a larger coinage 3s and quarter-eagles ling year during the ears. The coinage of fles will be continued 3 satisfied.g e has been almost idard silver dollars,) were coined during total coinage to Nous been $45,206,200.' ° f subsidiary coin Jsage of the Resump- 2,974,981. The full is $43,994,931. but s was recoined into euomination at the co.*d, fine and import- '2,022,614, of which :°ld and $9,045,802 unt of gold bars, nount of silver bars,

    i closes his report: this country is such as will tend to bring and silver to their ipholding one and eciation of the oth- ietermined whether 1 are willing that be yoked for equal But in case the use Y Must be aban- uying to believe sources of ftgri- •al wealth, pres- *of mining and

    ests. and facilities , the comparative n and relief from $ecjness, and, above inius. industry, in. aeity of the people > 'vill enable them draw from abroad,Jtary use, and thaf

    and depression,I. as the result of 31’cial world to one y to fall upon Hand are responsible

    Philadelphia, all probably the most ■rchitectural folly

    has already cost hiladelphia Build- mt $1,250,000 ap- ,xt year, and the *ut half way up.

    JETS.November 18, 18TB.

    $9 25 4 20 4 10 7 75 1 31

    61 46 86

    11 10 7 40

    18 50

    ,. •. w 50 @• •. 3 00 .. 2 1 0 ©2 30 ©

    ce 3 20 ©).. 2 60 ©32 ©

    y. 28 @.. 18 ©.. 6 0 0 ©5 0 0 © i.. 6 0 0 @ j

    iff 1 16 © ] • 41t»@.. 7 321.©

    7154© 77 ©

    8 75

    10 606 SO

    5*17 60 30 0014 0015 00 2 60 2 75

    i&hntmorth $laindenkf.B. H. SPlJItUlK, Publisher.


    THANKSGIVING.Oh, m en! (frown Rck w fflffoll |

    Leave for a w h ll the oiflwde Ota, women i iin liB irWith

    Weary o f ITTForget your cores to-day, and come As children buck to childhood's hom e!

    Follow again the winding rills;Qo to the places where you went.

    And softly leaned your head to rest ,On Nature’s calm and peaceful breast.

    Walk through the sere and fading wood,Bo lightly trocfMn by your feet,

    W h e u a iL y o n if !* o f life ws lined o f 1

    ary lead ; jj's enchant!

    T aste the ripe fruit o f orch_Drink from the mossy weJ^Jnce more;

    Breathe fragrance from the crowded mows, With fresh, sweet clover running o'er;

    And count the treasures at your feet,O f sliver rye and golden wheat.

    ^G o, sit beside the hearth again,“ > Whose circle once was glad and gay ;

    And If from out the precious chain 8 ome shining links have dropped i

    4 T b a n v l wnMMsdcreftgmart tyjd

    “ I’m not detaining you,” he blundered out in masculine sincerity. 8he gave the pitiful glance of a bound captive, but never moved An inch.

    “ You are lovely as a dream,” he murmured, watching her changing face.

    “ Let me go ,” she pleaded again.“ And dreams go by contr anes,” he

    (claimed, a light breaking in upon im. |" l j r u n ’t lePNPuaaev Belle;” ick fceiA y threw C U o-m about

    “ Oh dear,” she complaii

    upon ” and


    whatcomplained, am I to say? You’re very rude.”

    “ Say, *1 love you, Jack.’ ’’She looked as if about to speak; he

    stoonfcd to oa«oh tto tyords-1 She turned archly asi e, but haiward the window, snrieke

    Oh!” and broke

    s . sfl^ole house would be inf 9f i P r hi>vppbld W f S jC od W Jack w ai iiu g^ ||c

    •raw near the board with plenty spread, „en place

    DrawAnd If In the accustomed place

    You see the father’s reverend head,Or mother’s patient, loving face;

    Whnte'er your life may have of 111,Tbauk God that these are left you still.

    And though where home hath been, you stand To-day In alien loneliness;

    Though you may clasp no brother's hand,Ana claim no s is te rs tender k iss;

    Though with no friend or lover nigh,The past Is all your company—

    Thank God for friends TtfurU*e h a t known. For preryW ar, depareJw M y, ” m ^

    The blessed past Is safe alone—God gives, but does not take away;

    He only safely keeps above For us the treasures that we love.

    —Phcebe Cary.

    violence that nearly sent JackhnalgL ^ . i

    nee n outsl

    heels He

    dozeiand Tnanroering least half a dozen

    Wned broi

    to turn to- out a start-

    away with arerL

    against the aa grin,

    the small glass. Tom was

    prhn Maud lookingflatfin a broad gri shocked, $qA F 1 wondtof the long window. In an instant the ribe were inside; in another instant the

    ’omied that g Miss Car

    ted, anil Flossy jn very wide-eyed fer. Cmrirlie was turning the catch


    “ Cousin Jack ! Cousin Jack !” screamed a whole crowd of children on Thanksgiving afternoon, chasing Cousin Jack to the ubfary door, which he im-

    *“ Oh, Cousin Jack!” yelled Charlie,

    into "the key-hole, “ you used to play with us and tell us nice stories, and now you run away.”

    ■% teH Ufi a story,” said pretty Miss M*i“ _

    li#sfato®tT &ti . ”tliS'ciTrlT-^eltdereHandout (N . F .) F

    —rA remarkable instance of the sa-

    Dryadea strap*, £h * partioiDante in the event Anout to be related were- kC t, which foi; some years past has

    b a great pet wJtb‘ tne children ofthe fa j^ y t y y ) p I1..WP?P;weenTUdterms, and had

    ional rambles together during the goat? 8 spare moments, when there were* no oysters - cans, door- scrapers or dther edibles frit* It to dispose of. The singular behavior of the

    most piteous manner, and seemed half distracted. Some ope at )ast suggested tjbat the animal should be followed; and it, seeming to appreciate the fact that it had b the re commosF inTts laS; TFru^le’s. The "pu_ was quickly rescued and restored to t! goat, whi£greeted it with the fondestcaresses.—N. 0. Times.


    “ I want to know, Mrs. rupted Hubbard, f‘ I Mfant ■f?

    inter- know on

    ..................................... *Rh,south, east <

    “ It’s on this side,” replied the lady, motioning with Jier hand.


    “ No, it’s straight across from Mrs. B.’s pariot.JwimfoWi not twenty feet from it, you------”

    “ Mrs. ------,” shouted the Captain,“ will you tell me if that L is on the east, west, north or south side of yourhouse?”

    “ It ain’t on any side of the house,” replied the witness, compressing her lips; “ it’s at the end. Yon know as well as I do/1 You’vR seep it Jjnanyand there ain’t no u s e ------”

    “ Qome, come, Mrs. ——j,” interrupted Judge Cromer, “ tell tho gentleman where the L of your house Is situated.”

    “ Haven’t I been telling him just as plain as I couldP”

    “ Where is the L situated?” said Hubbard, desperately.

    41 Right in the lot, back against the end of the house.”

    “ Will you answer my question?” shouted the affable Captain, nmning up his hair in desperation.

    “ What question P”“ Is the L on the east, wept, north or

    south side of the houseP” £ £ > f « : “ Judge, I’ve told him just as plain

    as ever a woman could. I didn’t corns here to be sassed by no one-horse lawyer. I know him and his father before him. He ain’t got no business putting on airs. What kind of a family ------”

    “ Silence!’ ’ thundered Cromer. 4 ‘Now,M rs.------, which side of your housedoes the sun rise onP”

    “ That one,” said the witness, indicating.

    •*Ia the L on that suls?”“ Yes, sir.”44 Then it’s on the east side?”“ Yes.”“ Why didn’t you say so, then?” asked

    the exasperated Captain.“ ’Cause you never asked me, you

    bald-headed old snipe. I know a thing o r ------”

    44 Thatw illdo,” said Hubbard. “Take the witness,” he added, turning to Tom Wren, the opposing counsel.—N. ¥. World.

    Why He Stole.

    J He had a wife.His 8aUry was twenty-five hundred

    ollars per annum.But she complained.She wanted a better house,Better clothes;Nothing fit to go out in;No country cottage,Nor carriage,Nor front pews,Nor society.She coveted a place on the ragged

    edge of the select five hundred.She kept it up Night and day,And moaned and Groaned and Growled andWept.He lacked style, also,

    sixAs well as new clothes every weeks, and various other things.

    He knew how his employer made several hundreds daily on the street.

    A thousand or so would not be missed for a few hours;

    So he took it, went upon the street and won.

    She got her sealskin.He took more and lost.More to get that back and lost.More yet.Defalcation discovered.He wears the penitentiary check.Others are going to.Beware.But if you win regularly, society

    won’t be hard on you.But if yon lose, society will sit down

    on you.Beware.Better is a modest room up two pair

    of back stairs than a cell in tne Tombs.And a plain woolen jacket ratherthan

    a pair of prison uniform pants on poor Charlie’s legs.—N. Y. Graphic.


    _______ m

  • \

    \ f

    roe-Boltoa Kkl titovw, French 4tv‘ • ■; . »• » m .> rwi*,

    English Cashmere and Elegant Si’k

    Dwaa Pattern* €W*nn Away In

    Premium* for Subscriber*,

    at Club Rates ton u I tl »r

    ARTHUR'S HOME M M U I I E .^«S8!Oi 4

    E8 t fXJ* a I mt, with a I arc* n Hpcclataa m m U*. t U OJCHTftaa fcr Ctab-Oattar'i Rpaeial 0 1

    TIBK8 IOloba.

    rwSaouon for t .Otrealar. con-

    Lining fall part Ionian of thin iptaadM otter.t. 8. ARTHon * son. va 8. sixth Bt„ jp hiiadeiphu


    DRY GOODS.Mir:

    Indian corn was first grown by European* in this country at the James riversettlement in Virginia, in 1600. In 1609 more than forty acres were grown by the Virginia planters.

    Farmlands in De Witt Qo., 111., that oould have been bought for $20 and $36 an acre recently, are now held at $80 to |45, transaction* having been made at the high figure.

    Cattle thieves are numerous in McLeod and Meeker counties, Minn. Over forty head had been stolen recently, and almost every day some one oomes to Minneapolis looking for stray bo vines.

    The stock of lard in the country, is esti* mated at 290,000 to 279,000 tierce*—largely in excess of the supply on hand one year ago. The stock of other kinds of product is considered smaller than one year ago.

    Last year over thirty thousand barrels of apples were shipped from Clyde, N. V., to Eastern markets. It is very doubtful wheather three thousand barrels can be secured for shipment this year in that village.

    Hog cholera in a strange and most malignant form has broken out among the swine of farmere in the vicinity of Ocono- mo woe, Wis. One large stock raiser in Summit, lost nearly one hundred fine hogs in less than two weeks by means of the epidemic, $nd farmers generally, are frightened at the prospect.

    Only 170 head of live catt'e were exported from New York to foreign markets last week. The export trade has been overdone and the cattle marketed in Liverpool since June last have lost “brls" of money for the shipper. A “boom” is needed in this branch of the business. '

    In all accounts the fairs lately held in nearly every pan of the country, there sire few things more remarkable than< the rapid

    prepared toojtfer to OhatsworUi and vi> j propagation of Jersey cattle noted by theprominent positions they hold at the differ-

    ■*/; Hats, Cans, Boots, Show,

    rV t ' " - V . . ' ( ■

    Piece Goods, hints,

    Readymade ClothingW a l l P a p e r < & c .

    Agent for the




    olnity, the best selected stock, and the best variety ot goods, to

    oe had lta town,


    IT • tOOO'i A YEAR, or |5 to | 2 0 it day lu your owu locality. No rink. Women do as well as men. Maoy make more than tlie'amoant stated above. No one can tail to make nu.n.y

    fast, Any one can do the work. You can make from Ml eta. to |2 an hour by devot og yOur.evenings and iparf time to the binrindn. It costs u thing to try chir budaevs. Nothing like it for Money making ever ottered before. Buxines, pleasant and etrirlly honorable. Reader, if yuu wai|t to know ail about (lie-best paving hnsineiM liefuie the public, send us

    "your addrfseend we w,iM -.etui you full parti, ular* and p ivHte terms free: simple, worth J5'nl>' ** M"h* **•| l< >mtiling t'ewfr* Ao*W. Ad*r*$$—rCOK« YONGE. H t Liimin. Mft.E X C H A N G E HOTEL

    W M . A . M IL L E R , - - - P r o p r ie t o r .

    J u n c tio n C . & A . and T . , P . & W . R . R ’s

    • Ch e n o a , I l l i n o i s .

    S u b se t bes / o r th e T test.

    The Western RuralAX0 TUB


    Only $3.(Hi for Roth Papers.

    The Western Rural is nu eight-page Agri.-tiltnrai aud Family >Veekly. The mint enterp-lsine and practical, cooddrted with ability and experience.and by all odd* the l.eadimr Weekly Paper of its class in America, noth in Circulation Quality and Influence It gives inure reading matter for the money than any other agricultural paper in the United Ststes. It is not sectional, l.nt national in it* character and fntlii- e n ee , and Us circulation extends from Maine to Oall- ornia. It i< conducted by

    A PRACTICAL PARMER. , „ Whose experience in agriculture, together Willi a .norough knowledge of the theory,end tbeaidnl an efficient corps of associate editors and contributors (the beet of t^elr class) have brought the pa^r to its prevent high steudard ot excellence, and giveu it a national popularity.

    ITS PDITORIAL8Discuss with ability a t ' experience, questions perj talking to the various dep rtments of practical egrl- culture, and also all the lea ling questions of the day whichareof particularioterr*' to the fartnernnd hia am lly. *

    ITS LIVE STOCK DEPARTMENTS Form an especial feature of the paper, aud contain More reliable I ive stork intelligence during the year than monthly papers devoted exclusively to this branch of farming.

    ITS VETERINARY DEPARTMENTS I t presided over by one of themo«t expe-lenced Veterinarians in the United State*

    ITS MARKET REPORTS.Are of the lateet *nd most relialdsfcbaracte-. Qimta-

    -ttetM are given from all the tarlone trade center* In- winding all articles In which the fkrmer i« Interested

    ITS HOUSEHOLD DEPARMMENT ftIe presided over by a lady of experience end ability,

    and contains s largeemonnt of valuable Information or the ladles, who are delighted with It.T H E W E S T E R N R U R A L F O R 1878Will maintain Ita former high tendard for excellence sad If It I* possible for talent nergy and experience to make It 'o, will he l*etter than efrr lefore.

    Orders for the Plslndealef and Western Eurel should he cent to this nteee For vemplee, lllnetrated premium Ret .etc., address THE WESTERN RUEAL.

    Chicago, Tt^aele*

    T he undew lgned lin ve n R e stock o f

    C L O T H I N G ,■i l Bit Jy.'tiJti >•

    . - io .h . •«>.!{

    W • J i l l . IB A T 8 and C A P 8 , .

    BOOT3 wd 8HOE8,L A D IE S nnd G E N T S

    i au I


    i vi




    T h ese good s w ill be sold to su it purch asers and com pare w ith the lim es. One door east o f H a ll A Cranes.

    8. GOIHSTim SON.

    Chatswortb Illinois.■ i V-

    J o h j a . W a l t e r ,

    eut exh ib ition s . A few years back , a Jersey w a s seldom seen at any o f th e fairs, except here and there in the E ast, w hereas, n ow , according to nearly all reports, they number as m any as any other breed, and often m ore.

    T he far W est live stock traffic is draw- iug to a c lo se ; som e o f the m ost extensive ranchm en o f W y o m in g and N ebraska, w ho were on the m arket this w eek , say th a t about another traiu or two from each o f the large ranches w ill be about all that w ill com e forw ard th is season . T h e trade has been a prosporous one as far us the ranchm en are concerned; a few outside speculators m ay have lo st m oney, but raisers and ow ners seem satisfied with the season ’s business.

    T h e farm on w hich C ornw allis surrendered at Y orktow n, V a , is now ow ned by Mr. B ob W olf. T h e ground w here Cornw allis actually handed over his sw ord to W ashington w as for m any years marked by four tali poplar trees, but these were cu t dow n for fire wood in the late war, not, how ever, w ithout the precaution beiDg taken to plunt a peach sapling in their place, and this lias now grown up, and stands all a lone in a w ide m eadow.

    T h e C alifornia H orticulturist recom m ends ttie fo llow in g m ode o f keeping grapes: Spread the carefu lly cut fruit thinly on sh e lv es or tables for a few d ays, to dry up the stem s a little . Then cut clean , dry rye si raw in a straw -cutter about an inch lon g, and cover liberally the bottom o f a su itable tigh tly jointed box, on w hich place a m oderate layer o f fruit; then cover w ith the cut-straw liberally and lay on fruit again , aud thus proceed. P ut them in a coo l, dry p lace, and the grapes will keep sound for several m onths.

    T h e law exem pts from duty anim als im ported for breeding purposes under such regulations as the Secretary o f the T reasury m ay prescribe. T h e treasury departm ent declares that on ly anim als o f superior stock , adapted to im proving the breed in the U nited States, are entitled to such exem ption!. In a recent case in Maine, Ju dge L ow ell held th a t the departm ent had no right to thus restrice the law , and anim als im ported for breeding purposes, w hether superior or in ferior sto ck , were entitled to free ep try . T h e treasury departm ent con tem p lates an appeal to the U nited S ta tes suprem e course.

    HAT8 and CADS,

    ■ ' .J ' ' ' ) ' : , '• i t j-

    BOOTS and SHOES,

    DKE8S GOODS,i ■ /;

    PRINTS,- r i * . ' i ,

    ■ >I have the largest and best stock 6f

    Ever brought to Chatsworth whichj * * ' i

    I am selling extrenie’y cheap.

    We make a specialty of all brands oi

    CHOICE FLO U R .J»• • r f ' • *»'f ■ >

    G i v e ME a Ca l l .

    L hafsw orth Illin o is

    P L E


    R U i

    I IUSE

    • - i . i w : V

    • 'iiW SA cB V '; *»rf ; *jnr! ta^ •>'*.»•$» i V ‘' 3 \ ! Ofc ]

    •d >1 / ')’(.i JhT'*H II i

    1. . . , - , _ - _’ )! i * ,\r • r- ■ •

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    " I • IS ■ 1 I | . •! It .//•> ', I •• 1 1.1 I . 't ■: «l il: >n- . J a - i d hi i d i !


    ta . (i

    } ) . J.V.

    t list.

    . I, .


    : Jt




    J E

    O i l D M i DO.


    Ifk -s w . rnc.,i

    U !fatThey *re especially designed to meet

    tlm reW em ente o f ‘to dress wejC m

    n a n .u n r r .

    s i

    “ I have a love-letter,” said the servant- girl to her mistress. **Will ye rade it me?And here is some cottou wud ye stuff in yer eays whoile ye rade it?”

    New York propose* a school for plumbers. We are glad of this, It is time that _ , ________ __________________a plumber should learn to compute more mo*t Inexperienced. Send 8c. for oat accurately than to make ten minutes’ work olpguo. Addre**, with a soldering iron and four hours of love-m*kl5g*to ihe oook, at sixty cents an hour, figure up 019.84 .—Boston Post.

    f t readily end*

    “ Domestic” Fashion Co.NEW YQRK. , . J

    A Full Lln« ot

    ̂ ' ■ j ,

    American end Foreign Watche

    '/ .»

    Largest Stook ! Lowest Prices


    I'*.1vi« , , od(I fo rc s tx lo g u e and call when in the elly u ttie rs w ill receive p ro m p t arid cerefuls t l r t i l lo n .

    . I Jv 4

    No 91 S A te St., C h iu tro . i

    Are You GoingTO ANY POINT IN

    Iowa, Nebraska, Texas« C o M o ?

    If so, go under th e au sp ices of th e

    BUREAU OF WESTERN EMIGRATION.The establishment of this Bureau is for

    the protection and benefit of the Emigrant, and not for the sale of lands or the settle, meat of any particular town or State. Arrangements have been made by the Bureau with principal Western Roads securing Cheap Transportation for Passengers, Household Goods, Stock, Implements, &c., to all points in Missouri Kansas, Nedraaka, Colorado or Texas

    Passengers holding Second-Class or Emigrant Tickets purchased through* this Bureau art forwarded on First-Class Passeu ger Trains, and make same time and connections as those holding First-Class Tick eta. Passengers are ticketed only by the most direct route making the quickest time through to destination.

    New Combination Box Freight Cars are used for the transportation of Household Goods and Stock combined, and one person passed free when in charge of Btock.

    These cars should be ordered through the Bureau at least three days in advance of shipping.

    The Special Facilities which the Bureau Is able to offer makes it very desirable for parties to go West under its auspices.

    For Tickets, Maps, Circulars or farther information, call ob or address,B. F. Tichbnob, W. G. Messler

    Manager of Bureau, Agent,Peoria, III. Chatswortb, 111.

    -- 'TU; l h > ft ■ ,





  • f

    ■ -rTr " T v

    14 . {»

    « • • '« . . • « * / ! > / ̂ JV


    r» in?



    ) R i .

    k W j t

    is Stock.

    • O I N T I N

    i a u s p i c e s o f t h e

    SEN EMIGRATION.f t h i s B u r e a u ia f u r e f l t o f t b e E m i g r a n t , l a n d s o r t b e s e t t l e , t o w n o r S t a t e . A r -

    m a d e b y t b e B u r e a u r n R o a d s s e c u r i n g n f o r P a s s e n g e r s , ;k , I m p l e m e n t s , & c . , i K a n s a s , N e d r a s k a ,

    ie c O n d -C la s s o r E m i - e d t h r o u g h ' t h i s B u -

    F i r s t - C l a s s P a s s e u s a m e t im e a n d c o n - n g F i r s t - C l a s s T i c k l e k e t e d o n ly b y t b e n g t h e q u i c k e s t t im e

    ox Freight Cars are atlon of Household lined, and one peraon arge of Stock, i ordered through tbe days in advance of

    a w h i c h t h e B u r e a u t v e r y d e s i r a b l e f o r e r i t s a u s p i c e s . C i r c u l a r s o r f u r t h e r r a d d r e s s ,. G . M k s s l e b

    A*ent,C h a t s w o r t h , 111.

    * 1

    aubjaot JtftffaI (b tflM P H P N * year ia oar exoase forreferring to It so soon ag>p o u l t r y f o r m a r k e t , Is o f t e o i m p r o p e r l y

    1 e r f o r m e d , a n d h e n c e t h e g r a n t d i i f e r e a o e in t h e i r m a r k e t v a lu e . T h in la a l s o o n e o f t h e r e a s o n s w h y l i v e f o w l* a r e n o o f t e n

    s o u g h t n f t e r . I n t h e f i r s t p l a o e t h e b i r d s m u s t b e p r o p e r l y f a t t e n e d , a n d t h b k i n g

    d o n e , U th e y a r e c a r e f u l l y d r a a e e d , r e m u n e r a t i v e p rh s s a a r e a l w a y s t h e r e a u l t . / t ,

    B e f o r e b e in g k i l l e d , a l l f o w l s s h o u l d b e f a s t e d f o r a t l e a s t f o u r t e e n h o u r s . A m o n g

    th p m e t h o d s o f k l l l l u g u s u a l ly h a d r e o o t i r e e t o , f t t . S o y e r r e c o m m e n d s b r e a k i n g t h e n e c k ; w h ic h Is d o n e b y t a k i n g t h e h e a d lo

    t h e r i g h t h a n d , w i th t h e t h u m b a g H iu a l t h e b a c k o f i t , s e i s in g t h e n e c k w i t h t h e

    l e f t , t h e s a m e a r m s u p p n e t ln g t b e f o w l ; th e n a q u ic k J e r k w i t h tbfc r i g h t h a n d , t u r n in g th e t h u m b d o w u w a t d a t t h e s a m e

    t im e , s e i e r a i e s t h e v e r te b ra * — b u t i t t a k e s l a t h e r a a t r o m t a r m to d o H . C o u n t r y m e n

    , i \ u d m a n y o t h e r s a t t a i n t h e s a m e o b j e c t b y t t f k in g t h e h e a d In th e r i g h t h a n d a n d s w in g in g th e f o w l r o u n d b y i t . O o e s w iu g , p r o p e r ly d o n e , w i l l d i s l o c a t e t h e s p in e . A n o t h e r m e th o d i s t o s t r i k e a fc h a rp b lo w o n t h e b a c k o f t l i e n e c k w i th id M ic k . B u t a n y o f t h e s e m e t h o d s m a y

    c a u t e m u c h n e e d le s s s u f f e r i n g ' i n u n s k i l f u l b a u d s I t is t r u e t h e r e i s n o " I n s U n t a n e o u s " m e th o d o f k i l l i n g a f o w l , t h e t e n a c i t y o f l i f e b e in g v e r y g r e a t $ u t t b e a c t u a l o p e r a t i o n s h o u l d b e o n l y t n o m o n t a r y ; a n d w e s t r o n g l y a d v i s e a l l i n e x p e r ie n c e d a m a t e u r s t o m a k e s o r e o f t h e m a t t e r b y l a y i n g th e n e c k o n a b lo c k a n d c h o p p i u g o f f t h e h e a d a t a b lo w . W h a t w e h a v e s a i d a s t o t h e t e n a c i t y o f l i f e m a y b e i l l u s t r a t e d b y s a y i n g t h a t e v e u a f t e r t h i s c a p i t a l o p r a t i o n , t h e b i r d , i f l e f t t o i t s e l f , w i l l s t r u g g l e v io le n t ly a l l o v e r t h e y a r d ; b u t t h i s c a n , p e r h a p s , h a r d ly b e c a l l e d l i f e in t h e t r u e s e n s e , a n d w e m a y h o p e t h e r e ia l i t t l e o r n o c o n s c io u s p a i n . T h e f o w l s h o u l d o f c o u r s e b e f l r s t b a n d a d g e g , t o p r e v e n t s t r u g g l i n g ; a n d , in d e e d , th i s o u g h t t o b e d o n e iu a l l c u s s e s w h e r e t h e k n i f e is e m p lo y e d , a f t e r w a r d s h a n g in g u p b y t h e f e e t

    to b le e d f r e e ly . W h e n th e h e a d is c u t o ff, t h e s k in s h o u l d a f t e r w a r d s b e d r a w n n e a t ly o v e r t h e s t u m p a n d t ie d

    P o u l t r y s h o u ld b e p lu c k e d o r p ic k e d w h i l s t s t i l l w a r m , w h e n th e f e a t h e r s w i l l b e r e m o v e d w i t h m u c h l e s s d i f f i c u l ty , f o w l s a r e g e n e r a l l y p i c k e d q u i t e c le a n , b u t i t l o o k s b e t t e r iu t h e c a s e o f y o u n g c h ic k e u s lo l e a v e a f e w f e a t h e r s a b o u t t h e t a i l T h e y a i d e a t b e s t i f n o t h i n g f u r t h e r is d o n e to t h e m ; b u t i t i m p r o v e s i l ie u p p e a r u u c e g r e a t l y t o r m a r k e t t o p l u n g e th e c a r c a s s , im m e u t . i i e ly a l t e r p l u c a i u g , i u to a v e s s e l o f b o i l in g w a t e r f o r a f e w m o m e n t s , W h ic h w ill ' ' p l u m p ” i t a g r e a t d e a l a u d tn k k e t h e s k iu to o k b r ig h t a n d c le a n A f t e r s c a ld in g , t u r k e y s a u ( l f o w l s s h o u ld b e h u n g b y th e le g s , a n d w a t e r f o w l b y th e n e c k F o r s e n d in g to m a r k e t w h o le s a le , th e y s h o u ld n o t h e d r a w n , a s t i i c y w il l k e e p - m u c h b e l t e r w i t h o u t , a n d t h i s i s t h e p r o p e r b u s in e s s o f t h e r e ta i l e r ; b u t in s e l l- tu g f o r c o n s u m p t i o n , t h e b i r d s s h o u ld b e p r o p e r l y p r e p a r e d f o r t a b l e I i m r y n q t o e o u t o f p la c e t o r e m a r k , t h a t i f a f t e r d r a w i n g , t h e c iv i y Ire t i l le d w i th c h a r c o a l b r o k e n in s m a l l p ie c e s , t h e f o w l m a y b e k e p t s w e e t a c o n s i d e r a b le t im e .

    \ f

    B L O O M I N G T O N & M U N C I E R O U T E .


    KAIL WAY •

    The shortest soil most direct route, m aking inimedi it to connections l-r jiMssenger* both fa s t sud Went.


    WESTWARD. | Chicago Time | KASIWARP. Arrive . Arrlre C. B. A ill . Feoria 0.16 a IU ...............

    ............... 2.15 u in Bloomington 11.10 it m ...............

    .................................. I, B. A W........................................................................... ILL. CENT, .......................................-.......... 0.45 h in 8 uiix City p u i ............. ................ 7 .10» m Duiunpie 0.10 p m . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ 5.53 p in BliHiiuiuetuu 7.43 a ia .............................. dknvib cxrtBM .................... ft 30 p m O 8 00 a m ................... . . » ...... 12.40 p iu 8*. Joseph 3 IS p in ................................ 12.60 p m Atchison 2.40 p m .................

    ......... ft.22am Kansas City A .40pni ................................ 6.06 p m Bloomington 10.10 a m ............. ... ......... ... .. .» .» . C. A A. B . R. ,H ....... .................2.00 a m 8.26 pm 8t. Lou in 7.46 p m o .w » mS.iiOam 2 15 p m Bloonliugtou 2.20 a iu 2,45 pm8-20 p m 2.00 p m Bloomington 11.00 « m 5.10 pm7.00 p m 12 37 p m Gibson 12,13 p ill 7 oo p In

    0 27 p in 11,59 a m Paxton 12.41 p iu7.55 p iu

    4,37 p ra 11.06* m Hnopaston 1.28 p ni4.30 a m

    6 88 a mc 40 p ui l't.Ui a m Templeton 2.20 p m 6.55 a m5 (HI p In 9,211 m tit

    IftrtTt Jiiric’n3 00 p III 7.60 a m

    3 56 p pr ' o-) 1 a in 3.U6 j) 'ii 3 7̂ p ni

    7 65 a mp iii H IH h iii F n-kf.ilt o.ofi a m

    2.IKI p III 7.15 HIM 'npr^n 5.IS1 p iii 10,15 # lu............ 6.f>0 »i in Klwood 6.27 p III

    0 311 i> m................K. A K. R. r

    ............... S.16 u m Frnnkturt 5.45 p m 10.4in iii

    ............... 7 .|)| CGHt .ri-vlilt>. I y Iii(.u^ ..h n u u -ton, Gallatin, Cameron. Leayvnwnrtii i-nU Atchison; W ashington to Ulgourney. Oiknluusa Utnl kn oxylllo : Keokuk to Farmington, Bonuparte, Uontonspori, Independent. Eldon, Ottumwa, Uddyvllle. Ottku- Ioosb, Pella, Monroe, and Dea Moines: Dus Moines,

    'a and W m ten et; Atluntio to And to llarlan. This Is positively the -hlch owns, oontr.dn and operut

    rwtr P-i'nce Cara 5 on c„.t enjoy jou r

    Magnificent Iron_M issouri rivers s t a l l

    ^H avana” at allSMOKING SALOON

    hours o f tt Mississippi 1 brthls line, 1 Huffs, Leav<

    _____ whereuraof the day.

    span the M ississippi and nte crossed b rth ls line, and

    Union d.

    G ilT n / IA tJ ; r icauv!


    Bridges ill point ded at on, com

    JO, n iiu ali aiverguig lines

    transfer* are avoided a t Council Bluffs, L eavenworth and Atchison, connections being made In


    to Indlanola and W iaterset; Atluntio to AudulMin and Avoea to llarlan. This is puslttveiy tlie only Railroad which owns, oontr.ds and operates a through line between Chicago mid Kansas.

    This Company own and control their Sleeping Cum, which are Inferior to none, and give you a double

    erth between C hicagoantlCouncll Blairs,^.oiivcii- >Dollura

    and * section for F ive Dollars, wltllq all other lines -■-nrge betw een th e sam e points, Thre<

    ouble berth, and Six Dollurs i'orusoi ' c o s t w ill be Iliaoum t

    hllepatwlng ____o f Illinois and Iowa, In one o f our nutg

    roe Dollurs forlection.

    pleugttro o f over tit a beantt-

    chsrge between a double berth, 1

    ,W hat will p lea se /u enjoying your meala, wbileful prairies o f Illinois and Iowa. _______.ulOcent Dining and R estaurant Cars that oeooi ___all through E xpress Trains. You geta n entire luettl, aa good as la served In any flrst-cluns h o te l, for seventy-five cen ts 1 or you can order what you like, and pay for w hat yon get.

    Appreciating tho fact that a m ajority o f th e people prefer separate apartm ents for different purposes, (and the enorm ous passenger business o f th is lino -------- ‘ --------- pleased to announce th a t this

    to r tbe EastA t KNdLXWOon, With tne Lake Shore & Mlchlgat

    ............ ~ ‘ R. Rds

    B are pleased to announce th a t this Company fu n s l u 1‘ALACK BLKEi'LNt; CAU8 f,.r Sleeping purposes, an d lts PALACE DINING CAB Afor

    tplng purposes. Eating purpose#. Une other great teuturo o f I

    Southern and Pittsburg. Ft. Wayne A Chicago R. Rds.A t W a sh in g t o n H eights, with Pittsburg, Cin

    cinnati & 8k Louis B. It.A tL \ Fa LLE. w ith Illinois Central R. R. Atl-EOIUA, with P „ P . ft J.: P .,L . ft D ; 1. B. ft W ;

    III. Midland; andT „ P. ft W. Railroads.A t KOCK ISLAND, with W estern Unto 1 K. K. and

    Rock Island ft Peoria Railroads:A t D a v e n p o h t , with the Davenport ft North-

    w estc - n R. R.At \VEST LIBERTY, with the Burlington, Cedar

    Kapil's ft Northern K. R.AtGBINNBLL, with Ccntrsl It. R. o f Iowa. a t Dt:s Mo in es , with i>. m a pa. Dodge R. R.A t Co u n cil B l u f f s , with Union Pacific R. R.A t OMAHA. With B. ft Mo. K R. K. (in Neb.) AtCiti.UMUUS J unc tio n , with Barlington, Cedar

    Kapli.a ft Northern R. it.A t O TTm wA, w ith Central R. R. o f lowat 8t.

    Louis, Kun. City A Northern und C., B. ft Q. R. Rds.A t Ke o k u k , w ith Toledo, Peoria and Warsaw;

    Wubash, and St. Louis, Keokuk ft N .-W .ILRds. A t I1EVEKLT, With Kan. a t y , 8t. J. ft C. B. R. R. At ATCHISON, wltli Atchison, Topeka ft Santa Fa;

    Atchison ft Neh. and n. Br union PacificR. Rda. A t LEAVENWOKTliTVlth K. 1'. and K .Cen.R. Rds.

    “ p “ “ ‘ * « » « « « ■ ■ ■ » “ » *T ic k e t s v i a th is X .lne. k n o w n its th e " G r e a t K o o k I s la n d R o u t e ,” a r e so ld b y a l l

    i t a k e t A g e n t s In th o U n ite d S t a t e s a n d C a n a d a .T i c k e t A g e n t s l a -------------------------------------------------------T o r I n fo r m a t io n n o t o b t a in a b le a t y o u r h o m e t i c k e t oflHto,

    A . K I M B A L L , &Gen’l Superintendent

    a d d r e s s ,N T . J O H N ,G en’l Tkt. and Pass'gr Agt„

    Chicago, 111


    I m p r o v e m e n t s S e p t e m b e r , 1 8 7 8 .

    Notwithstanding the VICTOR has long been the Machine in the market—a fact

    of volunteer witnessed—we now claim for, i i greater simplicity,

    0i friction ana ft rare combination of dad [ruble qualities. Ito shuttle is a beautiful spedmM of mechaniain, and takes rank with the highest achievements

    inventive genius. Abfc.—We do not lease 'or oonsign Machines, therefore, have no old ones to patch np and re-varnish for our customers.

    Vi Sill Nat Machims Ewy Tim.Liberal terms to the trad*. Don't buy

    Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the Market— The Ever Reliable VICTOR.

    i — V I C T O R S E W I N G M A C H I N E O O M M N Y , — *> Western Branch Office 2S6 B iu i 8r„ Chsoaoo, Inn. MIDDLETOW N. CONN.

    T o r S x l e b y M . H . H A L L , C h a t s w o r t h . X U

    Send for DluHtrated Circular and parioes. until you have seen the

    - l » K / I.KJf I X -

    ’> > .1 >'

    loots, smioei. tots

    Notions, Psriodicals. Etc.

    A I H i t P O S I'O F K IU E


    WHO IS U N A CQ U A IN TED w i t h t h e o e o o r a p h v o f t h i s c o u n t r y , w i l l s e e b yEXAM INING T H IS M A P , TH A T T H E

    The Danville RouteVIA

    fhicago & Eastern lilinois R. R.UuittiM-titig at Watsea with the

    T . F . R a i l r o a d ,

    N O R T H & S O U T Hl>ir* i c i nrctinii fur OIIICAUO aiitl all poiota is

    Nortlieri ^tate-«.

    Close uouuectiou made with the throuuh SOUTH KRN EXPRESS running

    through lo EVANSVILLE without chuuge of cars. ELE


    on this train.'I’lti* sliorir«t, best, and most popular line

    to nil points in

    '■£) ^inky. Tennessee, Georgia, Ala- O’ma. Florida, and South Carolina.

    A R E YOO GOING TO FLORIDA,either lor health, pleasure or business? If to. send to A. S DUNHAM, Genera) Pas- gentler and Ticket Agent “ Danville Route” Chicago, for ntttps, guides, or any information desired, mid it w ill be cheerfully fur nished.

    Km*eg us low and time shorter than by any otther route.O S. Syfohd. A. S. Dunham.

    Superi.iteitileut. t in 1 hh. &. tC h ic a g o .

    a n dT A K K TH K

    I . B . & Wr o u t e : .

    IVT/-v O Laava. CHAMPAIGN at 6:00 a. DtUANVII.LB, 7:35 a. nt. Crawfordsvilia

    9:15 a .m . Arrlvss INDIANAPOLIS at 11.00 a. m.: CINCINNATI at 4 05 p. -n ; D syton, 5,40 p m.; Louisville, 7.45 p. m .,1\ J A F Leave* Peoris0,16 a .m .,P ek in , 9.40a.m. t l U , * Hloomlagton,11.06 a. ra.; Farmer Cltv. 12.01 noon; Msnefield, 12.20 p m.j Champaign, 12.52 p. m.; Danville. 2.30 p. m.; Crawfordeville. 4.05 p. m.- Arrives INDIANAPOLIS. 5 40 p. m .• CINCINNATI, 10.00 |i. 111.; LOUIBVILLK.ll 00 p. ni.;Na«hvl|]et7.2t s.m .. C«lnmbns, 12.50 a. m.; W heeling, 11.25 s. m.; PIT i SIIURil, 7.50 «. m ; BALTIMORE, 7.35 p. m„ WABHIN’iITON, 8.00 p, m.; PHILADKLPHIA, 7 2- p.m.jNHW Y'ORK, 10.16 p. m.: Clevetaud,7.1» » m.: UuOsli), 1.10 p. ni.; Albany. 12.45 a. nt.- Bo-urn, 8.20 s .m .: But ON K NIGHT out to prlnc p»i Kantern Cities.T\T n f S Leaves Peoria 7.25 p. n; ; dally ; Pekin,

    U 7.55 p. nt. Blooniltigteii s .4 0 p . m,; Farmer City, 10.38 p. m.j Mansfield,10 58 p.m., Champaign, 11.36 p. in.; Danville, 1.16 a. m - Crawfords, vllle, 2.47 a. m.: arrive#, INDIANAPOLIS. 4.10 a; in.jCINCINNATI 8.15a. rn.; LOU18VILLK.8.20a.m.; NA8HVILLF., 7.30 p. m ; DAYTON, 9.30 a. m.; 00L U M B U 8.12.20p .n l.; W a KKLING, 6.15 p. m.; PfTTSBCKO, 7.36 p. nr* BALUMORK, 7.45 a. m„ WASHINGTON, 5.10 a. in.; PHILADKLPHIA. 7.40 a. m.; NKYV YORK, 1036 a. m.;CLISVKLAND,2 40 p. m, 6UTFALO,8,o5 p. m.; A L BA NY.8.20a. m.; BOSTON, 2,40 ;

    Reclining Chair Sleeping cars, with Slate Rooms, ar» run on No. 6 from Peoriu to lndlanapolis.

    Through coaebee ar* run on No. 6 from Burlington to Indianapolis. ,

    Close connections are made t»v Nos. 4 and 6 at Dan- villa , reaching Terre Haute, Vincennes. KTaiisville. Lafyette, Loganaport, Ft. Wayne, Toledo and De roit insadvanc* o f other lines.

    When traveliug la l e the soon est lo u te that pre- *> nta i-qual advantagas and ronvealances o f thiough -art. Tl e I. H. A YV. is the ehorteat throngh Hue, n d reaches all Eastern c ities on as quick tim e ss its '-nmwetltori, without excessive speed, and w ith tha advantage of the finest outfit o f through cart In tb* w -st

    Address the G*d'I Pass. A gent, and get a copy of „ur New M«p-Folder, g iv in g foil inform ation “ how , reach tbe Hast and S o u th .’’

    J.vo. W. Brown,G en’l Pass, ft Ticket Ag't, InniAXirqlis, I m

    4 if

    . iv .4


    O U J F L E .JATES a i t . i n i f r i r e l t a BYBTBfifi.

    J -C .

    • r. ■

    Staple and Fancy Groceries!iu t iiM B iP H f

    • rjirOroekfifif, aUatA Unmiwaf*,

    • f Wood#nw»r#, , ■


    And ev ery th in g k ep t In a F lr st-cU e* G ro - fifiTjr S tore . .......


    R em em ber th e p la c e , o p p o s ite K ttliv W arehouse.

    Wly M o t to Is F a ir D e a lin g ,


    D e a le r i n a n d M s q u f a c t u r e r o f* v •'1 * Ml' 1 7* ' . V

    Harness & Saddles!C o lla rs , Ti h ip s , H r id le s , Ate,

    REPAIRING PROMPTLY EXECUTEDAll work warraatrd to h a o f the very heat m aterial or no charge. Com* and-see me and aave money.

    C H IC A G O At A LTO N R A IL R O A D .O n a n ti a f t e r M a y . n t h . 1979. i r a i n s n il i

    le a v e U lie n o a a e fo llu w a ;G O IN G N O R T H .

    E x p r e s s M a ll , N o . l , a t 3 5 0 p . m . L l a h t n l n a i s f f i a . m _ D e n v e r E x p r e s s

    No. 6 , at 'll i/9 a .m Stock ft Frnlt Expraaa^No^ at 1217a. in . Eastern F reigh t, No. 13 a 1

    ; i " V t lh r H U g lV r' " f h t * N o ’ a t 101 _____itock Exprese, No. A , 9 2 0 p m Stock E x-^ lU ^ T o '^ m 1 10 30 P'm ' 'Va> lf ,e *8bt. No.

    GOING 8t»UTH. i x press Mai I, N o. 2 , a t I -.>1 p. ,u . L ig h tn in g L-xproea No. 4, a i iz 45- a . m . D en ver E x - pi t ie . So. fl, at 4 67 p. m Kansu a 1 1 t ig h t N o . 19.a t l l i n .u i Eastern Frelgh t---- 14 at 6 1 8 p . in . Rloom fngtun F reight N o1 8 , ai 72fia.m . I brough F reigh t, N o .2 « ,a t l 0 38Itfh It rolirnt At . A m iFi v . a n u 35

    6 45 a . m . m ..,W a y

    • - •••wwgii a- ■ v Jkii I, , A”p . m . ih r o u g h F r e ig h t .N o . 21 a t r iirm ig h F r e ig h t , N o . 24 a t 7 80 a F r e ig h t , N o - 8ti a t i 01 p . m

    T r a in N o .6 o n t h e T . p . * w . c o n n e c t s a t b e 'u in w it h t r a in fo r B lo o m I n g t o n . i s p r in i -

    fie ld a n d S t . I .o u i s a n d w it h D e n v e r E x c r e t a w h ic h r u n s t b r o n g h t o K a n s a s C I t y w i t h o u t c iiH iig e o f ch r s

    •I. C. M cM U L L IX , G e n .S u p t . l. t 'll A R l,T O N ,G e n . T ic k e t A g e n t .

    A . H - 't o p e la n d . T ic k e t A g e n t ,

    T I M E T A B L E I L L I N O I S L L M l t A ITi ains leave Gilinun going north:

    N o. 2. M a ll, 3 Id p . in . , d a l ly .N o . 4. a x p r e s s , 262 a . m .N o . 6. G ilm a n P a s s e n g e r , a t 5 a . m „ d a i f v

    e x c e p t S u n d a y .N o. 14, W ay F r e ig h t . 9 5ti a . in . n o . lb. E x p r e s s F r e ig h t , 11 40 a . m .

    GOING SOUTH.N o . 1, M a li. II 4 0 a

    c e iite d .M >■ 3, E x r p e s s , a t 12 1 5 p . m . d a i l y .N o . 5 G ilm a n P a s s e n g e r ,( a r r iv e s ) 8 60 p .

    D aily e x c e p t n u n d s y .N o. 13 W ay F r e ig h t 3 80 p . m .

    m ., d a lly , Sunday ex

    C H IC A C O A PADUCAH R A ILR O A DHOI N il SOUTH________________ GOING NO RTH .

    N -. . So . 1. Nu. 2.7.V5 alii (Jl’icngu

    Vi. U. It. A Q.11.10 Hill H u m

    2.00 pui 1 ~.3u u in Sliutor 3.85 pm2.53 pin 1.10 pm t'ornrll 2.63 pm•4.U6 i ui 1 42 >K riiiiMKo 2.18 pmi u l . * A.

    4.1(» pin 1.45 pm Fon line 2.15 |>m5.60 jiiu pm IVirbu r y 1 | UI7 55 i in tf.60 i Hi SlTHK 11 1.(8 pui8.40 pin - 05 | in Burr Oaka 12.56 pm

    9.30 r 3.32 piu Gibson 12.3 II j ini 3D plU ' ‘sp-h Id 11.:k. |.n,a.15 put Ulontii 4-1 Jo oU III lletncut 10.* Oi’I»i3,1/0 pm iinniiuonii 10,00 MillO.IN pm l.uvlugtuii V.-Ul Hill

    pm SUlllMtU7.18 i ui " iud** r fi.36 . si7,53 pm S ihmmi dhoi 7.62 nn