new agm with bwc offices bamenda ngo fair, bwc from...

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: Website: BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC PARTICIPATION, SPONSORS & ORGANISERS AGM WITH BWC OFFICES FROM MAROUA, BAMENDA & YAOUNDE March 2012

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Page 1: New AGM WITH BWC OFFICES BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC FROM … · 2013. 11. 21. · VSO (Organizational Development Advisor) Better

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: [email protected] – Website:





March 2012

Page 2: New AGM WITH BWC OFFICES BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC FROM … · 2013. 11. 21. · VSO (Organizational Development Advisor) Better

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: [email protected] – Website:


Some of the things I’ve really enjoyed at BWC are the 2011 “Together for A Better World” International Sumer Work Camp, receiving visitors from various backgrounds, and making friends with the fantastic members and volunteers of the BWC team. Having three branch offices in three very different regions- Centre, North West, and Far North- can be difficult at times, but most of the difficult things in life are worth pursuing. So with one shared vision of seeing children, youth, and women as educated, empowered, happy, and healthy members of society, we’re providing non-formal education to produce positive outcomes. Some of the things we’re doing are empowering the girl child to be educated in the Far North, teaching biodiversity conservation in the Center, and providing care for orphans and disabled children in the North West, I’ve chosen to use diagrams and images to illustrate our one year action plan, since our brains are wired more for visuals; also, it’s more encouraging to see our activities and expected results depicted in pictures. My apologies to the members of NGUKT for the lack of regular communication and updates on my part. Relocating to the North West and no longer being able to use my laptop has hampered my time on a computer. Nonetheless, I could’ve been better about keeping in touch, especially since you all are a vital dimension that helps to keep BWC functioning successfully.

I am leaving Cameroon on a good note and hope to maintain the connection with BWC. “We are together.” All the best for our success in our professional and private endeavors; we’re moving onwards and upwards!

Hye Mi AHN


In Cameroon, when asking someone how it’s going, one of the possible responses may be “they are better.” We at Better World Cameroon are taking actions so that not only are there more people who say this but say it because it’s true. One of the ways we are doing this is by using Organizational Development (OD), essentially a team-oriented process of strategic planning, changes, and actions. It is like life itself- learning from experience so we can do better next time. Some of the OD things we’ve done are reorganizing the office files, IT assessment, and a capacity building workshop for members from all three regional branch offices. OD is an ongoing process and it’s up to each of us to keep it going. My time at BWC and Cameroon in general has had its challenges and rewards. Lack of clear communication has been the cause of many frustrations, but the important thing is that we genuinely care for one another. With practice, I hope we can improve our listening skills and better express ourselves.


Hye Mi AHN, VSO (Organizational Development Advisor)

Better World Cameroon

Page 3: New AGM WITH BWC OFFICES BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC FROM … · 2013. 11. 21. · VSO (Organizational Development Advisor) Better

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: [email protected] – Website:

COORDINATOR’S REPOT Over the past several months the Better World Cameroon (BWC) Development Team has been spending time learning and doing more about reaching the completion point of our Organizational Development (OD) Process started with Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) two years ago, with the goal of helping to better defining our objectives, increase our visibility, develop revenue and funding schemes, and ultimately ensure efficient operations for project identification, development and maintenance. If you recall, several months back I asked all stake holders of BWC to redefine their areas of collaboration with us and answer some questions about future relations in order to build a new mission statement. We wanted our mission statement to communicate our overall ideas, goals and philosophies so it can reflect what we do both internally and externally. Internally, our new mission statement is guiding the decision making process in ongoing public private partnerships. With Ndanifor Gardens UK Trust (NGUKT) the specific question has remained whether or not to continue pursuing the Ndanifor Permaculture project in Yaoundé, whose new guidelines fit BWC mission but not NGUKT-BWC agreement. The OD we are concluding in branding the new profile of BWC tends to point out that all communication externally, should succinctly explain what it is the organization does and what it stands for. As a compromise solution we are proposing working with NGUKT on the promising development approach of Ndanifor Permaculture Ecovillage Bafut addressing food and nutrition insecurity for orphans and vulnerable children using the God is Great Orphanage in Bamenda as platform. Although we are still building and reinforcing our networks and carving out a niche within North West Association of Development Organizations NWADO, things are evolving very fast these days and we trust that the right persons and funding organizations will cross our path. We have several common grounds such as building better communities through youth entrepreneurship based on social justice with Open World Villages Stockholm, the promotion of sustainable sanitation, organic farming, and quality future-based non formal education with focus on the development of the individual child (unlike the current factory-like schools) with UNICEF. As our networks are growing every day, a team of competent people are emerging from within the BWC team and enabling us to bring our goals into practice. That notwithstanding, we are very impatient to help more young people on a greater scale, after the difficulties with floods in the Ndanifor Community Garden in Yaoundé resulting in a slow-down in our training courses, we have inevitably chosen the grassroots approach and we are moving forward using our intuition and experiencing global synchronicity. The fast growing awareness and consciousness of people worldwide is on our side. Meantime, we are through with brainstorming about Transformatiom of the Ndanifor Community Garden Project into Ndanifor Permaculture Eco Villages that can act as a centre for sustainable agriculture and cross-cultural education using a resource-based and system’s approach. The ways and possibilities of working together and sharing our ideas with the array of partners exploring cooperation ties with Better World Cameroon will become clearer as things evolve in the Partnership and Governance collaboration with VSO. More ideas, discussions and contacts are welcome. Joshua KONKANKOH

Page 4: New AGM WITH BWC OFFICES BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC FROM … · 2013. 11. 21. · VSO (Organizational Development Advisor) Better

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: [email protected] – Website:


The fair was organized and sponsored by Peace Corps, VSO (Voluntary Service Overseas), and NWADO (North West Association of

Development Organizations), and was attended by over 70 NGOs, about 500 participants from the North West Region and about 10 donor organizations.

Better World Cameroon, Bamenda presented its activities as Environmental Education (EE), Water Sanitation ad Hygiene (WASH),

Organic Gardening, Permaculture and functional literacy for underprivileged children (arts and craft, interior décor, hair dressing, sewing and wood work).

Present were the representative of the Governor of the region, the Country Directors of VSO and Peace Corps, and the Mayor of Bamenda II Council.

Carmen CHANG, Peace Corps volunteer and brain behind the Bamenda NGO Fair

BWC team at the Bamenda NGO Fair

There were group and panel discussions on the opportunities, challenges and possible solutions of NGO sectors. Restitutions and resolutions were made by the end of the fair to give a positive way forward for NGO fair in Cameroon and how NGOs can function better.

Representatives of NWADO, VSO, Peace Corps, Mayor of Bamenda II council and Governor of North West Region (NWR)

BWC’s sponsor, VSO Cameroon

Restitutions by some NGO groups in their thematic discussions


International volontiers in NWR

An NGO presenting a variety of plants from North West Region

BWC stand made of frames, interior decoration items, photos & documents


Page 5: New AGM WITH BWC OFFICES BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC FROM … · 2013. 11. 21. · VSO (Organizational Development Advisor) Better

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: [email protected] – Website:


Imagine a plant in your backyard that will meet your nutritional needs. This healthy edible plant is nutritional dynamite.

7x vit. C than orange

4x vit. A than carrot

4x protein / calcium than milk. This plant is Moringa oleifera

Moringa oleifera is believed to be a native of Sub-Himalayan tracts of northern India but is now found worldwide in the tropics and sub-tropics.

Moringa can be multiplied either by vegetative propagation or seed germination. It is a dicot plant and needs a lot of care during the germination process. After intensive research in our germinasium, here are some important facts for a non expert to grow moringa. Its possible, commoooon!!!!

Medicinal value - Natural antibiotics

- Anti inflammatory - Gastric ulcer relief - Headache - Fight malnutrition in

children and nursing mothers.

With its esthetic, decorative and nutritional value, needless planting junk trees in our backyard. Moringa can decorate your compound as other flowering plants. This gives an added advantage for you to have moringa as decorator and nutrient.

For a sustainable environment, let’s mitigate climate change by not only planting trees but economically important trees.

Biophysical Limit:

It grows best in direct sunlight under 500 meters altitude. It tolerates a wide range of soil conditions, but prefers a neutral to slightly acidic (pH 6.3-7.0), well-drained sandy or loamy soil. In waterlogged soil, the roots have a tendency to rot. Presence of a long taproot makes it resistant to periods of drought. Temperature ranges are 25-35 degrees Celsius (0-95 degrees Fahrenheit), but the tree will tolerate up to 48ºC.

NUVAGA Sampson NTANTANG Women at Better World Cameroon undergoing training on the cultivation of Moringa oleifera

The nursing of Moringa seed


Page 6: New AGM WITH BWC OFFICES BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC FROM … · 2013. 11. 21. · VSO (Organizational Development Advisor) Better

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: [email protected] – Website:



in schools and farming communities,

Water Sanitation and Hygiene

(WASH), and promoting the use of

solar panels and improved cooking

stoves. He participated in the

volunteer day organized by Satoshi

where volunteers picked and properly

disposed of trash from the Etoug-Ebe

neighborhood in Yaoundé.

On 10th February Rohan GUYOT-

SUTHERLAND, Climate Change expert at

United Nations Development

Programme, visited Better World

Cameroon (BWC). He said he was

visiting out of personal curiosity and

because he was interested to know how

BWC works in Climate Change

Mitigation and Adaptation. He was

accompanied by (Japanese Overseas

Corperation) JICA Volunteer, Satoshi


The Director of BWC, Joshua

Kohkankoh, briefed them on BWC’s

Permaculture and Climate Change

Initiative. It includes organic gardening;

planting economically beneficial native

trees, vegetables, flowers and various

crops which absorb excess carbon

dioxide in the atmosphere and recycling

and reusing waste. There were also

discussions on Environmental Education

on the adoption of environmentally

friendly habits such as proper waste

disposal, Environmental Education (EE)

Since BWC already practices

Water Sanitation and Hygiene

(WASH), he suggested that we

jointly organize a volunteer day on

slum clearance along the Biyame

River to sensitize the local

population to reduce the rate of

mosquitoes which cause malaria,

and improve on the general

esthetics of the environment.

Their visit ended with a visiting

the Ndanifor Community Garden

site. He gave some technical

advice on its regeneration and

promised to give some help in

resource mobilization.


Welcome in the BWC Head Office

With Satoshi leaving soon, it was the

last chance we had to talk together,

concluding and saying good byes

Brain storming session to propose better ways of dealing with climate change mitigation and adaptation.

A hand of fellowship from me to you Rohan!


Page 7: New AGM WITH BWC OFFICES BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC FROM … · 2013. 11. 21. · VSO (Organizational Development Advisor) Better

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: [email protected] – Website:

Help with BWC’s Cross-cultural Education Programme. She took a few pictures of the BWC Head office and family photos with the staff. Finally the two parties promised to keep in touch looking forward to work together in the nearest future.

Tiffany FOURMENT, an American volunteer working with RELUFA (micro credit scheme for youths in Yaoundé) came to Cameroon for a one month stay and decided to visit Better World Cameroon (BWC) after hearing us from Brendan SCHWARTZ, who visited on 12th June 2009. She came to know more what BWC is doing in its Environmental Education in schools and Development Education Programme. She said she works with schools in Colorado and is in Cameroon to develop syllabus on uranium mining to teach in schools and could continue to other minerals such as iron.

Tiffany said she came to discuss with the coordinator of BWC her future project which is to create an NGO that will recruit volunteers and raise funds to support volunteers from America to come to come and help out in organizations in Cameroon and Africa.

She would very much like BWC to be included in the list of NGO’s to start with.

Apart from working on Environmental Education (EE), she said she could equally be of


Tiffany FOURMENT: “I am very impressed & happy to be




On 5th March, 2012, SUH ADAMU, journalist of Radio Environnement (RE), visited Better World Cameroon (BWC) Head Office in Yaoundé to seek information and explore partnership possibility between BWC and RE.

He said he heard about BWC in a workshop organized by NWADO (North West Association of Development Organizations) in 2010 but had not contacted them. Recently, while he was rearranging his files and stumbled on the BWC brochure he had been given during the workshop, which he had not

yet read.

He read it and immediately contacted the director of BWC, Joshua KONKANKOH. He was immediately very interested in BWC’s measures to mitigate climate change and so he enlisted BWC to participate in RE’s radio program ‘Environmental Perspectives’ - debates, talks, quizzes (to encourage interaction with the audience) and interviews.

BWC expressed interest in this and has, therefore, given a go ahead to RE to propose a Memorandum of Understanding for the both parties.

Finally, Adamu said the BWC has great potential, high standard of professionalism but needs to do much to make its initiatives appreciated by increasing visibility through the media. With this in mind, BWC is exploring ways of creating a partnership with IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature) so as to be regular participants of RE’s programmes.






Page 8: New AGM WITH BWC OFFICES BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC FROM … · 2013. 11. 21. · VSO (Organizational Development Advisor) Better

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: [email protected] – Website:



The International Women’s day, set aside on March 8th is a day when women all over the world are joined with men and children to give honor to the woman, and the girl child. Cameroon was not left out on this day. The theme for this year’s Women’s Days is « Connecting girls to inspire the future ». This means that reducing poverty and empowering girls and women in various formal and non formal education programmes guarantees the future will be marked by social entrepreneurship and women’s independence. Business women will also serve as job providers in the society.

In Cameroon, this day is usually characterized by a series of events launched one week before by the Ministry of Women’s Empowerment and the Family, ranging from educational to recreational activities. There is also the Women’s Day fabric that spices the D-day as the women match past 20th May Boulevard in Yaoundé, all dressed up in attires of different sorts. This year, Cameroon celebrated this day under the theme « Empowering rural women to fight poverty ». This will only be achieved by women involving themselves in and creating social enterprises.

Since BWC is an organization that promotes women and girls (it is made up of 80%, females) it was also heavily involved in the celebration of this day. BWC in fulfillment of its Policy of empowering women and young girls organized a special common launch to mark the day. The UN office in Yaoundé paled an active role in encouraging women in all their activities.

Women dancing (above & below) to commemorate the Women’s Day


Women matching past the grand stand with inspiring messages for the world

Women in the Bafut municipality matching past the Grand Stand in their colorful Women’s Day fabrics

Page 9: New AGM WITH BWC OFFICES BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC FROM … · 2013. 11. 21. · VSO (Organizational Development Advisor) Better

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: [email protected] – Website:


This was to bring together all BWC offices, evaluate their work, know their difficulties and challenges and find solutions to them. All three BWC regional offices in Bamenda, Maroua and Yaoundé were represented.

BWC Bamenda said their activities are based on the God is Great (GIG) Orphanage made of street kids and HIV orphans who are empowered arts and craft, interior décor, hair dressing, sewing and wood work. They also have an orchard project for organic fruits and fruit juice production in the making.

BWC Yaoundé presented its activities as Environmental Education (EE), Water Sanitation ad Hygiene (WASH), Organic Gardening, Permaculture

BWC Bamenda Representatives: Grace TANGYIE (Regional Coordinator) to the right & Marceline DOH (Secretary) to the left

BWC Maroua Representative: Beatrice OFAKEM (Regional Coordinator)

BWC members from the three regions – North West (Bamenda), Far North (Maroua) and Centre (Yaoundé)

forestry for mitigation of climate change, petit trading for income generation and sustainable livelihoods. They are equally working towards adopting the Open World Café concept.

By the end of the AGM, all participants agreed that it was a worthwhile exercise as it was very enriching.

Participants and resource persons during the BWC Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Maroua too presented its activities as working with young girls (school dropouts) and women in organic gardening for soil restoration, agro

Workshops (above & below) on Agricultural development in Cameroon, Leadership, Communication and Organizational Change with resource persons being AZEH John MUMA and John ENONGENE



Page 10: New AGM WITH BWC OFFICES BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC FROM … · 2013. 11. 21. · VSO (Organizational Development Advisor) Better

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: [email protected] – Website:


Sharing Knowledge & Promoting Environmental Action in Cameroon

Better World Cameroon and Yaoundé III City Council have signed a convention to replicate the Ndanifor Community Garden in schools and communities in Yaoundé 3rd District. The convention signed for 3 years renewable seeks to create an industrial nursery of native trees to be used for environmental protection urban regeneration and sustainable development.

Under the agreement, Better World Cameroon will use the expertise of its Better World Student’s Nature Club in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Permaculture training for unemployed youth and climate change mitigation and adaptation to set up a multipurpose economic plants nursery on an industrial scale for the promotion of environmental Education, reforestation, enterprise development and agri-business.

On its part, the Yaoundé III Council will look for funds to support the initiative.

The overall objective is to ensure economic sustainability of urban slums and youth entrepreneurship through the design and creation of exotic city-scapes.


Page 11: New AGM WITH BWC OFFICES BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC FROM … · 2013. 11. 21. · VSO (Organizational Development Advisor) Better

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: [email protected] – Website:



The Africa Climate Change Market Place is a forum which was organized by Action Foundation Initiative Group (AFCiG) in Bamenda 8th - 9th March, 2012. It assembled NGOs from all over Africa, for the exchange of innovative ideas on strategies to combat climate change. Better World Cameroon (BWC) was among the seven organizations that came from Kenya, Ghana and Cameroon. We brought out our main mitigation techniques which are; sensitization, tree planting, eco friendly ways of living such as, use of solar panels and environmentally friendly stoves and other renewable sources of energy.

We are engaged in the use of computers and the internet to carry out environmental education through our E-classes programme in primary schools in Yaoundé. On the other hand, we have adopted Permaculture and tree planting demanding that, before planting any tree you make sure the tree performs at least 3 functions where it is planted. The Moringa oleifera is a case in point; it contains both nutritional and medicinal values. With this as our sample product, we pledged to complete our « operation 10,000 trees » during this year’s up coming Cameroon’s “Together for a better World ”International Summer Workcamp August 1st-21st, 2012 in collaboration with the Yaoundé 3 City Council and develop a module within our permaculture programme that can be replicated any where else.

With such initiatives coming up, Africa and the World at large will be able to improve on key sectors like; Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental protection and Capacity Building. As a consequence, the world will be realizing the Better World Vision. Together, let’s make A Better World !

MBAH Sonita, DOH Marceline & CHIFON Sharon in Bamenda


Page 12: New AGM WITH BWC OFFICES BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC FROM … · 2013. 11. 21. · VSO (Organizational Development Advisor) Better

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: [email protected] – Website:



Water, as we all know, is the fluid of life and it makes up the greatest percentage of nature, though in

many different forms such as water in water bodies, plants, animals and in the atmosphere and soil. World Water Day (WWD), which has been set aside on the 22nd March every year, is a day for people to reflection on the Quantity and Quality of drinking water, the importance of water to nature’s existence, see the threats befalling water and what to do to make it portable and suitable for other uses e.g. domestic use, industrial use and as a habitat for aquatic organisms.

Food Security is the right of people to the availability of healthy food. Since food and water are much related, it is important to always treat them as complementary. Thus, it doesn’t suffice just to take care of food only during cooking, but also at the time and point of cultivation. If the soil and water used to grow food is polluted, the food in turn is contaminated and when consumed posses health threats to both the animals and humans who eat it.

This year’s WWD was celebrated

under the theme “Water and Food Security”.

Better World Cameroon (BWC) is always on the watch for water hygiene through its regular WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) progarammes in the Tam-Tam area of Yaoundé.

BWC members carrying out WASH to promote water sanitation & reduce the prevalence of cholera in Nsimoyong

Clearing land in preparation for sustainable cultivation of organic crops

There is then the multiplier effect due bio magnification and bioaccumulation. Thus, it is always very important and necessary to mind where we dispose of our wastes, grow our

crops and how we prepare the food we eat.

Properly preparing properly cultivated food (above and below) posses no risk of infection from pollutants and other food borne diseases. Engage in agriculture and produce your own food. It is healthier and cheaper!

Food is the fuel of the body. The family that eats together stays together!

Water, water everywhere, yet none to drink!


Page 13: New AGM WITH BWC OFFICES BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC FROM … · 2013. 11. 21. · VSO (Organizational Development Advisor) Better

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: [email protected] – Website:




Le lancement du e-class a été quoi qu’il en soit un succès à tous les nivaux. Nous pouvons parler ici du don d’équipement nécessaire par l’ambassade d’hollande.

Équipement informatique de l’ambassade d’hollande

L’enthousiasme des enfants a encouragé la mise sur pied effective en début de cette année.

Bien que la formation des enfants ait ralenti un tout petit peu particulièrement ce dernier mois, à cause de la préparation à l’examen dans leur établissement respectif, le secrétariat par contre vit normalement et des moyens sont entrain d’être mis en œuvre pour assurer une meilleure gestion

The solutions can be as simple as sharing email with students in a foreign country to learn geography, politics, climate, etc; as complex as students from various countries working on a joint project; or students learning geography by using Google Earth. We will be creating something that does not exist, but makes a lot of sense. There is a crucial need for schools and educational institutes to use ICTs as part of learning strategy. ICTs will improve and promote the role of education both for students and educators. The question is how many of our local schools are entitled to have access to ICTs. Many local education foundations in our portfolio are struggling to have their

schools equipped with computers and technologies but they are faced with many financial handicaps. Another very important aspect is that educators find it difficult to use computers as way of teaching. Here in Cameroon, teachers are reluctant to using ICTs in their classes because of all the hassles involved.

And that is where Better World Cameroon e-class comes in!


E-class invite des amies

Programme e-Pal

Le premier trimestre de l’année 2012 est déjà écoulé et BWC garde son climat qui tout au fond cache de grandes ambitions ; le e-class suit son court lentement mais surement.

We are talking about creating brand new career paths for unemployed

youth and vulnerable children. The person taking the e class program will learn the basics of computers and the Internet and how to integrate them into a lesson that teachers could use. All too often teachers want to use the Internet but are not clear how. The e class works with the teacher to find out the goals and objectives and works with the teacher to create a program to solve a single lesson, a whole unit, or a whole year. We do not create solutions, but we give the teachers the tools to develop a solution. We

do not give fish; we teach them how to fish.

Page 14: New AGM WITH BWC OFFICES BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC FROM … · 2013. 11. 21. · VSO (Organizational Development Advisor) Better

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: [email protected] – Website:



BWC One on One meeting with NWADO Managing change: Reaching out to academics, Branding & Rebranding, Introducing Permaculture Design Courses to small & medium scale farmers and establishing public gardens. BWC to sign MoU with NWADO on using Cameroon One World Linking Association (COWLA) for promoting Linking schools and communities and building Public-Private partnerships. Exploratory meeting with Association for Creative Teaching ACTWID MoU to be signed on carrying out a Wi Fi network for IT Skills for rural farmers in the North West Region

Thematic Groupings Workshop at NWADO Harmony among members [synergy] sign of healthy growth; Civil Society Organizations

contribute to good governance, build capacities and lobby to influence policy and empower

women & youth entrepreneurship at the grassroots.

BWC participating in Education working Group with potential of sevice provider for Development

Education and research on information flow.

Page 15: New AGM WITH BWC OFFICES BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC FROM … · 2013. 11. 21. · VSO (Organizational Development Advisor) Better

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: [email protected] – Website:

REHABILITATING Better World Bamenda’ s

Orphanage to host new Administrative Unit of Ndanifor Permaculture

Eco- Village

European Union (EU) intervening in poverty alleviation in the North West Region

The EU has launched a new Support Program for Civil Society in Cameroon. PASC has come to the North West Region with a view to establishing the baseline situation of development in the region and building capacities of development organizations in project presentation.




Page 16: New AGM WITH BWC OFFICES BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC FROM … · 2013. 11. 21. · VSO (Organizational Development Advisor) Better

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: [email protected] – Website:



Some representatives of UNICEF visited BWC to establish a systematic approach for the WASH (Water Hygiene and Sanitation) sector in Cameroon in association with the Ministry of Water Resources and Energy, Department of Hydraulics and Hydrology and Better World Cameroon.

There was signing of visitors’ book, family photo and refreshments.


The group of 6 persons, Della Dash, UNICEF WASH consultant in Cameroon, Sunny Kim, US Embassy Yaounde, Director of self support Program, Stegura Christina, UNICEF WASH Technical Assistant ( Peace Corps volunteer), Jesse Casanova, (Peace Corps volunteer) working with Malaria No More, Kimberly Pever (Peace Corp), Koutou Njoya Idriss, MINSEC/ONG OSEAUNE, WASH expert visited BWC to know more about the Eco Village project which they came across over the internet and discuss possibilities of further working together in the area of WASH. There were a series of discussions to explore possibilities of working together.

BWC Coordinator explains « Together for a Better World » Camp as a means of finding high quality motivated and committed volunteers.

BWC introduced its personnel and

presented its activities which

included International Summer

Workcamps, Permaculture, WASH,

Environmental Education (EE) and

E-classes in schools, operation 4000

trees with project as a means of

reforestation for a green city of


Della is in Cameroon to develop a

project on cholera contingency

plan and a package for the

hydrology department at the

Ministry of Water Resource and

Energy. She also suggested that in

the nearest future, she will

connect BWC to visit UNICEF to

make a presentation of its


The BWC team led the 6 man crew

to visit the Ndanifor Community

Garden after a quick site tour of

the BWC Head Office compound.

Discussions centered on friendship providing logistics for research, marketing, outreach and effective information flow

Consultants at Ndanifor Permaculture Eco village site; BWC’s Eco Village Concept will play a role in delivering UNICEF Cameroon’s WASH

Page 17: New AGM WITH BWC OFFICES BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC FROM … · 2013. 11. 21. · VSO (Organizational Development Advisor) Better

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: [email protected] – Website:

v World Environment Day v International Permaculture Day v “Together for a Better World”

International Summer Workcamp v Outcome of Organizational

Development(OD) Process v COWLA Conference v BWC NWADO Convention v Ndanifor Eco Lodge

“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.”

Chinese proverb

“If people are trying to bring you down, it only means you are more than them’’


Page 18: New AGM WITH BWC OFFICES BAMENDA NGO FAIR, BWC FROM … · 2013. 11. 21. · VSO (Organizational Development Advisor) Better

B.P 30801 Yaoundé – Tel.: (237) 22 68 08 09 – Cell: (237) 77 89 15 80 – Reg. N°: 00117/RDA/JO6/BAPP Email: [email protected] – Website:


Publisher: Joshua KONKANKOH

Editor: ATABE SENGE Laura

Design Layout: WIRDIN Benice MOSONI

Reporters: NUVAGA Sampson NTANTANG



Contributor: Hye Mi AHN