new design for the worlwide motorex barrels

magazine magazine poster inside INDUSTRY REPORT INSIDE MOTOR OIL No. 71/22 April 2004 4-stroke innovation “CHALLENGE THE LIMITS” campaign WP Suspension: World class in shock absorbers New from MOTOREX: the v max- technology

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CAR LINE: Sales offensive with pallet displays Winning team: ROTAX MAX Challenge and MOTOREX All-in-one: SWISSCUT ORTHO NF-X Certified: Environmental management in accordance with ISO 140001:1996 Spring cleaning with MOTOREX CLEAN & CARE Market research: Top grades for MOTOREX MOTOREX at the 74th Geneva International Motor Show New instrumentation in the MOTOREX laboratory


Page 1: New design for the worlwide MOTOREX barrels


poster inside





No. 71/22April 2004

4-stroke innovation


WP Suspension:World classin shock absorbers

New fromMOTOREX:the vmax- technology

Page 2: New design for the worlwide MOTOREX barrels

Getting ahead means going over the top. The only way to do the impossible

is to keep on going when others stop. And no matter where you want to go, the oil to get you

there is MOTOREX. ++41(0)62 919 75 75,


E d i t o r i a l

MOTOREX® and all employed productnames are internationally protectedtrade marks.

No responsibility is accepted for printingerrors or changes in the technical data.

Editor:BUCHER AG LANGENTHALMOTOREX LubricationCH-4901 Langenthal

Tel. ++41 (0)62 919 75 75Fax ++41 (0)62 919 75 95

Customer service by phone. Advice and problem solving also in German,French and Italian.

Design, redaction and art direction:AESCHLIMANN, Advertising Concepts and PR GmbH, Muri/[email protected]: BMP Translations AG, BaselGraphics and prepress: Sicolith AG,WabernPrinting: Benteli Hallwag AG,WabernText contributions may be used when source is indicated.Cover picture: supplied Moto Sport Schweiz

PAGES 12/13




CAR LINE: Sales offensive with pallet displays

Winning team: ROTAX MAX Challenge and MOTOREX


Certified: Environmental management in accordance with ISO 14001:1996

Spring cleaning with MOTOREX CLEAN & CARE

Market research:Top grades for MOTOREX

MOTOREX at the 74th Geneva International Motor Show

New instrumentation in the MOTOREX laboratory


New design for the worldwideMOTOREX barrels


CROSS POWER 4T SAE 10W/50 – 4-stroke innovation

INSIDE with poster 8/9

The new MOTOREX advertising campaign “CHALLENGE THE LIMITS”

REPORT 10/11

WP Suspension: World class in shock absorbers


The new MOTOREX vmax technology and SWISSCUT ORTHO NF-X

BOX 14

Cool ideasDid you know…?Comics

Industry In focus:The new vmax technologyand SWISSCUT ORTHO NF-X universal cutting oil.MOTOREX realized the vision of a faster and moreeconomic work process.

Inside With its new “CHALLENGE THE LIMITS”advertising campaign,MOTOREX builds on itspast advertising suc-cesses.You can be sure of benefits on the salesfront as well…

Motor oil The tightest possible tolerances andperformance-oriented technologies also require a motor oil “construction factor”. The answer for all 4-stroke motocross engines is: CROSS POWER 4T.

Dear readers,

People sometimes ask me, “What does it meanto have a family business with 215 employees?Does it show in your HR policy?” And myanswer is, yes, of course it does. The familycontinues to play an active role at BUCHERMOTOREX. For our HR policy, this meansthat the family knows every employee person-ally and that we have short lines of command.This enables us to act more quickly than largecorporations.

We provide unique customer benefits withquality products – “Swiss made” in Langenthal– and outstanding services. As the customer, you are at the center of all of our decisions and actions. We aim to be a professional part-ner, and we always offer you innovative solu-tions. As a member of the global community,BUCHER MOTOREX is also aware of itssocial responsibilities. We expect our employ-ees to use their creativity and encourage themto do so by supporting education and training,including that of apprentices. We are currentlyin the process of doubling our apprenticeshipoffering.

We are proud of our employees’ entrepreneurialspirit and willingness to assume responsibili-ties. Our cooperative success makes our groupof companies attractive and reliable, both forour employees and for our business partners.

This issue of MOTOREX magazine reports on our new “CHALLENGE THE LIMITS” advertising campaign. This is not just a slogan;it applies on all levels at MOTOREX. Also for you as our customers, we always aim to gobeyond the limits and surprise you with new, innovative products, such as our new cutting oil SWISSCUT ORTHO NF-X.

Happy reading!

Sylvia BrotschiHead of Human Resources

C o n t e n t s

Page 3: New design for the worlwide MOTOREX barrels

N e w s



New instrumentation in the MOTOREX laboratoryMOTOREX is continuously investing in the research and development of new products andtechnologies. The results are well-engineeredproducts which prove their worth by deliveringtop performance under the toughest conditions.But high performance requires optimum condi-tions. New instruments are continually being developed to deliver faster and more accurateanalyses and to automate some of the processesthat take place in the chemical and engineeringlaboratory. One example is the recently in-stalled automatic analyzer which accommodatesup to sixteen different samples at a time. Such instruments are especially useful for largesample series of cooling lubricants, corrosioninhibitors etc.

The measurement results are processed elec-tronically and provide the chemists with fast,reliable information. Information which helpsto bring out the peak performance you can ex-pect from every product in every application.

For the 74th time, themotto was “to see and to beseen” at the 2004 GenevaInternational Motor Show.

BUCHER MOTOREX once againwent all out with their impressive two-level display in building 7. What’s more,all the available display space was fullybooked again this year – even despite themassive increase in floor space.

With its 300 m2 exhibit the BUCHER-MOTOREX Group was able to give interested parties an impressive presen-tation of its core competencies.

Geneva always proves to be a usefulsource of new and valuable leads, espe-cially for export markets.

Thanks for visiting us in Geneva!

A look back at the 74th Geneva International Motor Show

Market research: Top grades for MOTOREXThe MOTOREX brand has a spectac-ular 86% unassisted brand recall and received especially good grades forproduct quality and good sales forcesupport.

In the motorcycle sector, the MOTOLINE is well ahead with 69% market coverage in Switzerland, and is per-ceived by consumers as “friendly”, “customer-focused” and “sporty”. The survey results will help us serve you and your customers even better in the future.

MOTOREX CLEAN & CARE:Ideal for “spring cleaning”A thorough “spring cleaning” of your carwhen winter is over is no luxury. Once saltand heavy dirt have been removed, the

CLEAN & CARE line provides the right product for every area. The entire line contains ten products, including INTERIOR CLEAN, GLASS CLEANER andWHEEL CLEANER.

When a customer brings his car in for service, let him have it professionally cleanedwith the proper CLEAN & CARE products for an all-inclusive price. Or let himknow about the proper rim cleaner when he comes in for a spring tyre change. The solution is MOTOREX CLEAN & CARE!

It is indispensable for a company and brand to keep in touch with current mar-ket conditions by conducting regular representative surveys of the various target groups. BUCHER MOTOREXrecently commissioned a large marketsurvey of car and motorcycle dealers as

well as final cus-tomers fromthese marketsegments inSwitzerland

and its main export markets.

� 86% of dealers cite MOTOREX as their brand of choice

� 12% of respondents cite a different brand � 2% cite no brand

MOTOREX’sbrand awareness

N e w s


All-in-one: SWISSCUT ORTHO NF-XWith the development of the newMOTOREX SWISSCUT ORTHO NF-X, the requirements of all materials,degrees of difficulty and operations cannow be covered for the first time with only a single cutting oil. The product isfree from chlorine and heavy metals andcan be supplied in all three ISO viscosityclasses: ISO 10, 15 and 22. It is suitable for processing all common materials,

i.e. difficult-to-machine steels throughnon-ferrous metals to castings.

SWISSCUT ORTHO NF-X is a fur-ther product of MOTOREX vmax tech-nology. Optimized cutting propertiesand chemical/thermal synergy effectsdeliver tangibly better performance.One test in your shop says more than athousand words... or pictures!

The new half-pallet sales displays for 4-liter CAR LINE cans just can’t be missed. No less than 60 canisters can easily be displayed in a space of 80 x 60 cm in any store. The displayunits for high-quality motor oils fromthe CAR LINE have already provenhighly effective in various export mar-kets. Some versions come completewith a parasol and a holder for the CAR LINE flyer.

Interested? Then contact yourMOTOREX partner for further details.

In 2000, the ROTAX Kart Center started to organize a worldwide series of kart races called the ROTAX MAX Challenge(RMC). The ROTAX MAX Challenge is the fastest growing kart racing class in the world and is now organized by our authorized distributors as a national

Certified:Environmental management in accordance with ISO 14001:1996The BUCHER-MOTOREX Group has always placed an especially high value on active and effective environmental protection.With certification of its new environmentalmanagement system in accordance with thestrict specifications of ISO 14001:1996 bySQS (the Swiss Association for Quality andManagement Systems), the Swiss family business has again shown its commitment to protecting the environment.

At MOTOREX, we are not satisfied with simple compliance with statutory require-ments, but rather we emphasize precise sys-tematization of environmental activities, such as is demanded by the environmentalmanagement system in accordance with ISO 14001:1996. The increased level of indi-vidual environmental responsibility is re-garded by all participants as especially posi-tive. With certification under the ISO 9001:2000 quality management standard and theISO 14001:1996 environmental standard,MOTOREX will continue to be a reliablepartner in the future.

competition in more than 30 countrieson all continents.

MOTOREX is also represented as thetechnical partner in the race series.From Australia through South Africa to the USA, the races are run usingproducts from the MOTOREX KARTLINE. The ROTAX MAX Challengeenabled successful worldwide distribu-tion of the Austrian-built FR 125 MAXengine as well as the FR 125 Junior engine for the Junior MAX Challenge.

For more details, see the for therace series and your MOTOREX part-ner for the MOTOREX KART LINE.

Sales offensive with pallet display

A successful team:ROTAX MAX Challenge and MOTOREX

Page 4: New design for the worlwide MOTOREX barrels

H i g h l i g h t

106 7






4-stroke innovation

The current crankshaft for the KTM 250 SX

is roughly 200 g lighter. The engine responds

instantly and revs up without hesitation.

The pistons, moving at up to 36.7 meters

per second, are separated from the cylinders

by a clearance of only 0.04 millimeters.

tected from wear. The purpose of these increasingly tighter clearances is the bestpossible utilization of the combustionpressure.

Fully synthetic CROSS POWER 4T SAE 10W/50With the development of its new multi-viscosity CROSS POWER 4T motor oilin SAE 10W/50, MOTOREX has brokennew ground in the advancement of thelatest generation of high-performance 4-stroke bike engines. Fully synthetic baseoils and a sophisticated additive packageguarantee that the lubricant will meet thestringent demands placed on it over itsentire range of application. Proven on the racecourse, the outstanding couplingbehavior of CROSS POWER 4T is con-vincing, and it prevents undesired slip-page of multiple-disk clutches in the oilbath under all conditions. This feature isunderscored by compliance with theJASO MA specification.

In close cooperation with KTM and various motocross teams, CROSSPOWER 4T was tested over a long pe-riod under every conceivable condition. It is therefore eminently suitable for usein the latest generation of all 4-stroke off-road bikes.

Engines revving, front tires are strainingagainst the bars of the starting gate; onlyseconds to go before the pack is released…these are tense moments that every motocross competitor knows intimately. Inside the engine, the same tension isbuilding. With lightning response, themoving parts on the crankshaft must accelerate to the required speed and musttransfer the torque with the minimum possible loss. Front-cover starts of the type delivered by multiple-time worldchampions such as Stefan Everts are pos-sible only with the correct material and absolute mastery of the sport.

Increasingly lighter 4-stroke enginesNew materials and manufacturing process-es enable tremendous savings in weight.Coupled with multiple-valve technologyand modern ignition systems, maximumpower can now be wrung out of every drop of fuel. The results are instant re-sponse and significantly higher output and torque over a wide range of speeds.Achieving these goals also involves in-creasingly tighter clearances. In a KTM450 SX Racing engine, only 0.04 millime-ters separate the piston from the cylinder.Given their average piston velocity of 36.7 m/s, the metal surfaces must slide on a hydrodynamic film of motor oil at alltimes in order to ensure that they are pro-

The days of sluggish one or two-

cylinder 4-stroke engines for motor-

cycles are past. The latest models

demonstrate that modern 4-stroke

engines still harbor significant poten-

tial for performance. Motor oil plays

a significant role as a “construction

factor” in this development.

M o t o r o i l

Revamped drum designThe new drum design is intended to express more strongly the intrinsic values – i.e. the high quality – ofMOTOREX’s range of lubricants and

The MOTOREX barrel has a long

tradition but, like the brand and

company it represents, still continues

to develop. This development is now

reflected in the drum’s new design.

care and cleaning products. There’s nodoubt that the MOTOREX drum is an important “ambassador”for the brand.

The proof can be seen throughout Switzer-land and in the main export markets everysingle day.

The drums, in their unmistak-able eye-catching MOTOREXgreen draw attention to them-selves everywhere – just as theyhave been doing since the MOTOREX brand waslaunched in 1947.

Page 5: New design for the worlwide MOTOREX barrels

Records are there to be broken. The only way to do the impossible is to keep

on going when others stop. And no matter where you want to go, the oil to get you there

is MOTOREX. 062 919 75 75,


I n s i d e


I n s i d e

Il limite è sempre al di là dell’orizzonte. Solo chi prosegue laddove gli altri si fermano rende possibile l’impossibile. Indipendentemente

dai vostri obiettivi, l’olio necessario proviene da MOTOREX. 062 919 75 75,

Getting ahead means going over the top. The only way to do the impossible is to keep on going when others stop. And no matter

where you want to go, the oil to get you there is MOTOREX. 062 919 75 75,

On ne prend conscience d’une limite qu’après l’avoir franchie. Seul celui qui

persévère quand tous les autres abandonnent rend l’impossible possible. Quelle que soit votre ambition:

avec l’huile MOTOREX, c’est gagné. 062 919 75 75,

More than just a sloganBut “CHALLENGE THE LIMITS” differs from ordinary slogans in yet an-other important way. Just as it holds fortop drivers in extreme situations and forour customers in their everyday chal-lenges, it is also a motto which applies tothe MOTOREX brand and to our per-sonnel. Every day, more than 200 highlymotivated employees are hard at work onthe further development, production andmarketing of MOTOREX products, put-ting all their energy into securing ourcontinued lead.

That’s what “CHALLENGE THE LIMITS” is about. That’s what MOTOREX is about.

Born on the racetrack“CHALLENGE THE LIMITS” was born on the racetrack, where world-classdrivers repeatedly give their best and continually increase their performance. No question that the choice of motor oil is critical in such extreme situations.Thanks to MOTOREX, countless worldchampions and peak athletes can implicitlytrust their materials, always reaching newlevels of performance.

But racing is only one side. In “CHALLENGE THE LIMITS”,everyday challenges are just as important.These not only have to be met, but newlimits have to be actively sought out and redefined, working together with an equally ambitious, professional and inno-vative partner – MOTOREX. This is themessage of MOTOREX’s new advertisingplatform.


This is the slogan of the MOTOREX’s

new advertising campaign.


pushing to new boundaries, defining

them and overcoming them. Only by

pushing on where others remain

standing the impossible can be

made possible. No matter how high

you set your goals, MOTOREX has

the oil to get you there.

Think extreme.Think beyond.

“CHALLENGE THE LIMITS”uses four eye-catching motifs from the automotive, motor-cycles, agriculture and transportsegments to promote theMOTOREX name.

Page 6: New design for the worlwide MOTOREX barrels


R e p o r t


R e p o r t







WP products are factory-filled with

MOTOREX’s state-of-the-art lubricants

and know-how.

“Quality at the highest level” – this is not

only required by the ISO standard, but also

by every employee of himself.

WP Suspension’smotto is:

“We have the bestshock absorber for

every type of motor-cycle in the world.


See www.wpsuspension.comfor further information.

A Dual compression control mechanismfor low- and high speed

B Oil reservoir

C Separation piston

D Nitrogen high gas pressure reservoir

E Piston rod � 18 mm

F 2 main pistons for the progressivedampings system

G Steel tube

World class in shock absorbersThe company was officially founded in1977 by Wim Peters. WP Suspension immediately realized the great importanceof perfectly matching shock absorptionand suspension to the vehicle. The directconsequences are not only victories inmotor sports, but also driving comfortand safety, factors which are anything but unimportant. The company ploughed significant resources into research andproduct development, and this was quickly reflected in a product spectrumwith an amazing breadth and depth.

Only one level of quality – the highestFrom the very beginning, the outstandingquality of WP products was another win-ning selling point. Absolute customer satisfaction was defined as the primary objective. Every day the company moveda little closer to its goal by focusing onzero margin of error and precision pro-cessing. WP Suspension spared no ex-pense and created no less than 11 full-time positions for quality inspectors! Relevant information from all areas, suchas the production process, is documentedin words and images in a quality databaseand routed directly to the relevant per-

sons. This facilitates a continuous learn-ing process for all participants, resultingin ongoing improvements in quality. Finally, each individual product under-goes functional testing and visual inspec-tion on a test stand at the end of each production line. This commitment toquality has brought the Dutch manufac-turer worldwide renown.

In renowned makes of motorcycleWP Suspension’s great expertise and con-tinuous search for innovative technical solutions quickly made the company a valued partner of renowned motorcyclemanufacturers. WP Suspension has thusbecome the original equipment manu-facturer for KTM, Husaberg, BMW andothers. In parallel, the after-market prod-uct line was extended and professionalsupport was offered to racing teams.These successes reached all the way toFormula 1 competition, where MichaelSchumacher took the world title in both1994 and 1995 in a Benetton Fordequipped with special WP shock ab-sorbers. Racing has always been known at WP Suspension as “Shock AbsorberUniversity”. Only there it is possible togather experience at the absolute limit –

with the very pleasant side effect of win-ning several world titles by the case!

New headquarters in Malden,HollandFollowing calculation of damping andspring parameters and further develop-ment work, the prototype departmentproduces several shock absorbers for eachspecific application. This is followed bytests on the test stand and in real life set-tings. With their many years’ experience,the trained experts at WP Suspension candirectly apply the fine art of perfectlymatching a shock absorber to a chassis. As a technology partner, MOTOREXworks closely with the specialists fromMalden. What’s more, WP products are factory-filled with high-qualityMOTOREX lubricants.

At its new headquarters in Malden, in the province of Gelderland in eastern Holland, WP Suspension has over10,000 m2 of space at its disposal,combining all areas from researchthrough production to storage andtechnical services under a singleroof. Over 67,000 front forksand 84,000 highest-qualityshock absorbers and furtherhigh-end components areproduced annually on mod-ern computer-controlledproduction facilities.

Sales growth last yearwas over 30%! Andthe products are suc-cessfully distributed aroundthe world through a dense networkof 26 importers.

No other manufacturer of shock

absorbers can look back upon so

many successes in motorcycle racing

or series production as WP Suspen-

sion. But a fast motorcycle isn’t even

ridable until it has perfect shock

absorption and suspension.

The WP success story has its roots in motor

sports. This can be seen in the countless

championship titles.

Over 180 employees work at the modern

headquarters in Malden, Holland. Sales in

2003 totaled roughly 34 million euros.

Page 7: New design for the worlwide MOTOREX barrels

I n d u s t r y


I n d u s t r y





d To






d Kl



Non-ferrous metal parts heat up less during

machining than steel parts – ORTHO NF-X

smoothes the way for both.

All materials, degrees of difficulty and

operations can be covered with just one

cutting oil





















600 815 974 250 328 426 400 500 585 277 238 388 250 238 711

1) Fabrication at the performance limit of a conventional cutting oil

2) Fabrication with MOTOREX ORTHO 400 at the cutting rates from 1)

3) Fabrication at the elevated performance limit enabled by vmax-technology using MOTOREX ORTHO 400

Comparison of tool life/workpiecesat performance limits

1. Solid blankroughing and drilling

2. Internalroughing

3. Externalroughing

4. Internalfinishing

5. Externalfinishing

Workpiecesper tip

MOTOREX v gymax-technology

Remarkable technical advancesIt goes without saying that predictionslike this catch ears in the metal turningsector. Since the first beginnings of seriesproduction with optimized cutting dataroughly 10 years ago, remarkable techni-cal advances have been achieved in the areas of machine-tools, tools, machiningfluids and materials.

The choice of the right cutting oils is alsoimportant for the perfect interaction be-tween the mentioned factors. Here aswell, it is clear that time has not stoodstill, as is witnessed by the newMOTOREX vmax-technology and theground-breaking cutting oils from theSWISSCUT ORTHO family.

Chemical synergy effects from heatUntil now, the goal was to prevent anddissipate any heat generated as efficientlyas possible. This is no longer the casewith the new vmax-technology from

MOTOREX. When machining at maxi-mum processing speed, a specifically defined high temperature can triggerdesirable chemical synergy effects at thecrucial moment, and in so doing open the path to an exponential increase in performance. In the past, attempts of thistype regularly went up in smoke; now re-producible success can be achieved withoptimized parameters and cutting rates.

Hefty increasing performanceThis performance increase is directly coupled to the use of low-aromatic, sol-vent-refined base oils, combined in a newway with synthetic active components and special vmax-additives. The results are above-average tool service life withoutstanding surface quality – and a heftyincrease in performance.

vmax-technology is put to the testMachining is a precise field, the most important parameters of which are ofcourse cutting and feed rates, surfacequality, tool service life and of course theoutput rate per machine hour. A real-lifetest was therefore recently performed ona modern CNC machine at a neutral site,where the operator pushed the machinestraight to its performance limits.

The tool service life and output rate for a modern, high-quality cutting oil werecompared with the tool service life andoutput rate for MOTOREX ORTHO400 from the vmax-generation. The evaluation was based on five repre-sentative processing steps on a workpieceof molybdenum-containing INOX.

ORTHO NF-X for a wide variety of applicationsManufacturers who frequently work withsmall and medium-sized production runsknow the great advantage of being able tooptimize machinery scheduling. Today,customer deadlines are set in stone andhave a significant influence on successfulorder completion. This situation demandsthe greatest possible flexibility on the partof the fabricator as well as new solutionsfrom supplier industries.

The development of the new SWISS-CUT ORTHO NF-X means that for

the first time in the more than 30-yearhistory of MOTOREX AG, the require-ments of all materials, degrees of diffi-culty and operations can be covered withjust one cutting oil. The product is freefrom chlorine and heavy metals and canbe supplied in all three ISO viscosityclasses: ISO 10, 15 and 22. It is suitablefor processing all common materials, i.e.difficult-to-machine steels through non-ferrous metals to castings.

We will be pleased to provide you withfurther information on MOTOREXvmax-technology and the new achieve-ments in the MOTOREX SWISSCUTORTHO family.

Special vmax-additives become active

at just the right time, enabling a tangible

increase in performance.

The high machining quality is unmis-

takably reflected in the outstanding

surface finish.

“Much faster, more precise and more cost-effective” was the prediction of

metal turning experts a few years ago. The trend was clearly towards higher

processing speeds. This vision has long since become reality thanks to still

more powerful machines and new technology.

MOTOREX vmax-technology

The material:UGINOX 18-13 MS (also known as X2CrNiMo18-14-3 or material No. 1.4435)

This stainless austenitic steel (hardening heat treat-ment) has impressive properties such as high corro-sion resistance in acids and chlorine-containing media, excellent compression and deformation sta-bility, good weldability and outstanding polishingcharacteristics (mirror finish).

This material is used in sectors including chemicalequipment construction (piping), the food industry(tanks), marine engineering, the clockmaking in-dustry etc.

Page 8: New design for the worlwide MOTOREX barrels

• Optimized performanceguaranteed

MOTOREX AG LANGENTHALLubrication TechnologyCH-4901 LangenthalTel. ++41 (0)62 919 74 74Fax ++41 (0)62 919 76

The vmax-technology.The vmax-technology.

B o x






With tremendous personal initiative, 30-year-old truck driver Yves Balleneggerfrom Bougy-Villars in canton Vaud,Switzerland, has established the “Globe-trucker” aid project. He used his trailertruck to bring aid materials such as books,

writing materials, furniture and computers to roughly 120 children in a school in Mon-golia. He was accompanied on the long trip via Hamburg, Finland, Moscow and Siberia by his friends Sandra Roth and Jean-Philippe Fontaine. On arrival in the north-ern Province of Selenge, they not only unloaded their gifts, but stayed on another 4 weeks to help build the school.

The Globetruckers traveled nearly 21,671 km for this good purpose. Yves Bal-lenegger’s comment: “On this long and veryinteresting trip, I was happy to know that I had two good friends by my side and that I could always rely on my truck.” The lubri-cants donated by MOTOREX are sure tohave brought him a little more peace ofmind along the way!

www.globetrucker.orgTop, left to right: Jean-Philippe Fontaine, Sandra Roth and Yves Ballenegger.

Aid for Mongolia

Do you have a snapshot for the MOTOREX magazine? Send the photo (in 300 dpi high resolution if it is in digital format) together with

a short description to us at: BUCHER AG Langenthal, MOTOREX magazine, Postfach, CH-4901 Langenthal, Switzerland. Thank you!

The roughly 130 employees who work for tool manufacturer PB BAUMANN at Wasenin the Emmental valley produce roughly 8 million hand tools a year. The screwdriver,one of the company’s bestsellers, has come especially far. Today, it is successfully marketed on every continent on the globe. It has been continuously developed over the past 60 years, and it now constitutes the international standard for grip and quality. Producing the best also means not compromising on machining fluids.

PB BAUMANN has trusted in MOTOREX products for years.

Did you know that . . .. . . PB BAUMANN screwdrivers contain over 60 years’ innovation?















Page 9: New design for the worlwide MOTOREX barrels

CAR LINE overallAir vents for optimal ventilation

Available in sizes 42 – 62.Article no. 4.89 + size

Baseball cap, sportTactel, beige with embroideredMOTOREX logo, one size fits all.

Article no. 4.01A

Tough and very attractive!

CAR LINE work coatAvailable in sizes 44 – 60.

Article no. 4.90 + size

Baseball cap, racingTactel, basic colour green, with green panel, yellow cord and embroidered

MOTOREX logo, one size fits all.Article no. 4.01

MOTOREX work clothes offer maximum comfortand unsurpassed functionality. All clothes aremade of a high-quality, durable 60/40% cotton/polyester blend.This fabric is rugged and easy-care.• Fashionable, attractive design• Now with a mobile phone pocket• Typical MOTOREX cut for maxi-

mum freedom of movement• Outstanding workmanship• Adjustable cuffs• Velcro on all pockets• 2-color collar

CAR LINE bib overallsAvailable in sizes 42 – 62.Article no. 4.88 + size

For your order, please use the card in the center of this magazine. Please ask your MOTOREX importer about the availability, price and delivery time of theabove articles.Thank you.




