new empirical data, psychological interventions and persuasion agenda 1. what is the new data? 2....

New empirical data, Psychological Interventions and Persuasion Agenda 1. What is the new data? 2. Psychological treatment of schizophrenia 3. Consequences of the new data 4. Discussion

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Page 1: New empirical data, Psychological Interventions and Persuasion Agenda 1. What is the new data? 2. Psychological treatment of schizophrenia 3. Consequences

New empirical data, Psychological Interventions and Persuasion

Agenda1. What is the new data?2. Psychological treatment of schizophrenia3. Consequences of the new data4. Discussion


Page 2: New empirical data, Psychological Interventions and Persuasion Agenda 1. What is the new data? 2. Psychological treatment of schizophrenia 3. Consequences

CQS Morten Aagaard & Jonathan Ledet Larsen

New Data Description Examples EmergenceInnovative examples Costs($)




Simple statements captured in context

HANDS - interventions

SMS – messages with reply opportunity

”Quit smoking campaign” from

Free do exist, but they are not individualised

Qualitative micro asssesment

Video, sound or other writings captured in context

Blogs med video, twitter

Blogs Kairos based interventioner.

Twitter, blogs etc are free

Logdata Log of computer mediated behaviour

Google analytics webside log

Quality assurance of websites

Evaluation of online pedagogical activites in HANDS(article)

Almost free

Sensor data Measurement of physical wellbeing, emotional state and behaviour

Measurement of stress during computer use

Medicine, Physiotherapy, Affective Computing

Monarcha - EC ICT research project in preventive ICT for bipolar patients

Varies, relevant equipment starts at 300 $

Rapid technological development takes place

The new data

New DataDescription



Innovative examples Costs($)




Simple statements captured in context

HANDS - interventions

SMS – messages with reply opportunity

”Quit smoking campaign” from

Free do exist, but they are not individualised

Qualitative micro asssesment

Video, sound or other writings captured in context

Blogs med video, twitter

Blogs Kairos based interventioner.

Twitter, blogs etc are free

Logdata Log of computer mediated behaviour

Google analytics webside log

Quality assurance of websites

Evaluation of online pedagogical activites in HANDS(article)

Almost free

Sensor data Measurement of physical wellbeing, emotional state and behaviour

Measurement of stress during computer use

Medicine, Physiotherapy, Affective Computing

Monarcha - EC ICT research project in preventive ICT for bipolar patients

Varies, relevant equipment starts at 300 $

Rapid technological development takes place


Page 3: New empirical data, Psychological Interventions and Persuasion Agenda 1. What is the new data? 2. Psychological treatment of schizophrenia 3. Consequences

CQS Morten Aagaard & Jonathan Ledet Larsen

BabyBump Pregnancy Pro(Andorid Market

BabyBump is a pregnancy app with daily info, images, and tracking tools(15,81DKK)

Quantitative micro assesments 1/3


Handwrist questionaires. Source


Tobias – how did like swimming today?

Bowling starts in a short time – would like advice on not being angry?

Send OK

I loved itI was OKI was stressedI cried

No Yes Video Later

Screenshot of a HANDS prototype:

HANDS Interventions – an interactive SMS

Page 4: New empirical data, Psychological Interventions and Persuasion Agenda 1. What is the new data? 2. Psychological treatment of schizophrenia 3. Consequences

CQS Morten Aagaard & Jonathan Ledet Larsen

Qualitative MicroassesmentsBlogs, vblogs, audblog, twitter, moblogmapping

Lifecasting is a continual broadcast of events in a person's life through digital media. Typically, lifecasting is transmitted through the medium of the Internet and can involve wearable technology.[1] Lifecasting reverses the concept of surveillance, giving rise to sousveillance through portability, personal experience capture, daily routines and interactive communication with viewers.

Twitter is a website owned and operated by Twitter Inc. which offers a social networking and microblogging service, enabling its users to send and read messages called tweets. Tweets are text-based posts composed of up to 140 characters displayed on the user's profile page. Tweets are publicly visible by default; however, senders can restrict message delivery to just their followers. Users may subscribe to other users' tweets – this is known as following and subscribers are known as followers


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CQS Morten Aagaard & Jonathan Ledet Larsen

Logdata 1/3

X3Watch (Android app)Monitors your web browsing, search, and app installation activity & emails that information in a weekly report to anyone you want [flags adult websites] - price 7 $


Screenshot from the teachers tool in HANDSDocuments the usage of pupil Michael Storgaard of the functionality HIPD


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Sensors 1/4


Lydtest reveals autism with babies

Sound recorder in the babys sleep wear detects autism

AAU student projects wants to measure the visual sensing distorting with pupils with autism


Screen from: Rosalind Pickard – Keynote speaker at Persuasive 2010


Screen from: Rosalind Pickard – Keynote speaker at Persuasive 2010


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Page 12: New empirical data, Psychological Interventions and Persuasion Agenda 1. What is the new data? 2. Psychological treatment of schizophrenia 3. Consequences

CQS Morten Aagaard & Jonathan Ledet Larsen

Thesis - Praxis

1. The Credibility of the new data are different and in some respects higher than traditional data. A credibility that can influence the credibility of the therapeutical intervention/activity.

2. The use of new data can be Persuasive: the data will enable interventions at opportune moments. Either for monitoring or for therapeutical purposes.

3. The collection of the new data will raise awareness of the therapeutical goals in the everyday life.

4. The new data will give birth to a number of new therapeutical methods. Methods that share a number of properties: closer relation between the therapeutical session on one hand and real life activities, social surroundings on the other hand.



Page 13: New empirical data, Psychological Interventions and Persuasion Agenda 1. What is the new data? 2. Psychological treatment of schizophrenia 3. Consequences

CQS Morten Aagaard & Jonathan Ledet Larsen

Thesis - Epistemology

5. The amount of the new quantitative data will require

mathematical models that reflect a humanistic epistemology.

6. The new data complements old data: the primary object for

observation is biology and emotions in context.

7. The new data will ease case studies.



Page 14: New empirical data, Psychological Interventions and Persuasion Agenda 1. What is the new data? 2. Psychological treatment of schizophrenia 3. Consequences

CQS Morten Aagaard & Jonathan Ledet Larsen

Thesis - Research

8. The low costs of using the new data will be a strong argument

in favor of using the new data.

9. Technology development and methodology research may not

take the classical path: research, theorybuilding, labtesting, …

10. The new quantitative data will give rise to humanistic e-science.



Page 15: New empirical data, Psychological Interventions and Persuasion Agenda 1. What is the new data? 2. Psychological treatment of schizophrenia 3. Consequences

CQS Morten Aagaard & Jonathan Ledet Larsen

Thesis - Ethics 

10. A new ethical challenge is introduced: influence take place

when vulnerable patients are left by themselves.

11. The data privacy is a top priority design issue for system

designers as well as for caretakers of vulnerable



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CQS Morten Aagaard & Jonathan Ledet Larsen




Jonathan Led Larsen / Region Nordjylland [email protected]

Morten Aagaard/AAU

[email protected]



Page 17: New empirical data, Psychological Interventions and Persuasion Agenda 1. What is the new data? 2. Psychological treatment of schizophrenia 3. Consequences

CQS Morten Aagaard & Jonathan Ledet Larsen

Bonus slide 1-Heat Flux

- Galvanic Skin response (GSR)

- 3-axis accelerometer

- Skin temperature





The Cognitive model – aspects of life experiences, from Oestrich, I.: Tankens kraft, 2007





























- Galvanic Skin response (GSR)


Page 18: New empirical data, Psychological Interventions and Persuasion Agenda 1. What is the new data? 2. Psychological treatment of schizophrenia 3. Consequences

CQS Morten Aagaard & Jonathan Ledet Larsen

1. Personal judgement and knowledge is valid knowledge.

2. The mathematical models should be possible to validate by domain expert.

3. The models should be able to integrate statistical data, experience data, and relations decribed in formulars

4. The models should integrate many data sources.

5. The models models correlations. Correlations that has to be interpreated.

The amount of the new quantitative data will require mathematical models that reflect a humanistic epistemology.


Page 19: New empirical data, Psychological Interventions and Persuasion Agenda 1. What is the new data? 2. Psychological treatment of schizophrenia 3. Consequences

CQS Morten Aagaard & Jonathan Ledet Larsen

Bayes net

A closed and explicit modelBut …
