new happy fall y'all · 2013. 10. 24. · sodium and sugar than the more raw, unprocessed...

HAPPY FALL Y'ALL VOLUME 14 October 2013 NUMBER10 Editorial Notice Editorial Staff: Melissa Grant Items for the newsletter must be submitted by the 1 st of the month for consideration for publication in the upcoming issue! submit items to: [email protected] If you no longer wish to receive Bariatric Bulletin, contact: [email protected] This newsletter is published monthly for Dr. Parham Mora 645 McQueen Smith Road. Suite 205 Prattville, Alabama 36066

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Page 1: New HAPPY FALL Y'ALL · 2013. 10. 24. · sodium and sugar than the more raw, unprocessed fresh summer fare. Lastly, wearing more clothes minimizes body awareness. After scarfing


VOLUME 14 October 2013 NUMBER10

Editorial Notice

Editorial Staff:

Melissa Grant

Bariatric Coordinator.

Items for the newsletter must be submitted by the 1

st of the month

for consideration for publication in the upcoming issue!

submit items to: [email protected]

If you no longer wish to receive Bariatric Bulletin,

contact: [email protected]

Bariatric Bulletin,

This newsletter is published monthly for Dr. Parham Mora 645 McQueen Smith Road.

Suite 205 Prattville, Alabama 36066

Page 2: New HAPPY FALL Y'ALL · 2013. 10. 24. · sodium and sugar than the more raw, unprocessed fresh summer fare. Lastly, wearing more clothes minimizes body awareness. After scarfing

Top 10 Tips to Fight Hunger Cravings

Succumbing to the many daily temptations, we easily put on weight. Consume just

an extra 250 calories a day (think 2 pieces of sandwich bread or an extra cup of

cereal), and you’ll gain a pound every 2 weeks. And as the weather gets cooler, we

eat more rich comfort foods, which traditionally prepared are higher in calories, fat,

sodium and sugar than the more raw, unprocessed fresh summer fare. Lastly,

wearing more clothes minimizes body awareness. After scarfing down seconds or

thirds, the bulging stomach is out of sight, out of mind.

In the interest of keeping you trim this winter, I'll share 10 tricks to eliminate

unnecessary snacking and curb cravings.

1. Carry Toothbrush and Toothpaste. Gently brush each time you

eat. A quick minty cleanse removes distracting food particles, which

otherwise left to rot, contribute to tooth decay and a desire to keep

eating. You know you're full. This is closure.

2. Chew Sugarless Gum. If you absolutely cannot brush after eating

this is your Plan B. Plus, chewing gum will satisfy oral fixations that commonly

trigger snacking between meals.

3. Bring It On, EOD! Tote workout clothes to the office, change there and head

straight to your gym or to the park for a run immediately after work. Eliminate

traveling home to change and thus, the opportunity to snack there. This habit

frequently leads to cancelling sweat sessions. Because exercise increases feel-good

endorphins that reduce cravings, try to get at least 30 minutes of physical activity


4. A Thorough Cleaning. Go through your fridge, freezer,

kitchen cabinets, car, office desk drawers or anywhere else

you've stashed food. Trash what you know lacks nutrition. While

it’s great to keep healthy snacks like fruit and unsalted almonds

in your car's glove compartment or office fridge, it's not cool to

stash candy and cookies in your nightstand, behind the couch or

hidden in the back of the pantry. Think about it. There's a

reason you're hiding it from yourself or others, but you still

know it's there, and it still talks to you. Get rid of junk food as well as your furtive

guilt and those cravings!

Page 3: New HAPPY FALL Y'ALL · 2013. 10. 24. · sodium and sugar than the more raw, unprocessed fresh summer fare. Lastly, wearing more clothes minimizes body awareness. After scarfing

5. Get to Business in the Grocery Store. Eliminate unnecessary trips to groceries,

pharmacies and convenience stores, where it's easy to grab something equally

unneeded. Go grocery shopping after you've eaten a

healthy satisfying meal. Buy only what you need to

prepare planned healthy meals. Unless I'm cooking for a

crowd, I refuse to get a cart. The limited space in those

plastic baskets and bearing the weight of my groceries

forces me to only get the essentials.

6. That's the Plan, Stan. Plan to eat every 3-4 hours.

Pack lunch for work or at least have an idea where

you can get a healthy lunch. No plan can lead to

feelings of desperation, which increases the likelihood you'll make poor food


7. Naturally Delicious! Eat a diet rich in unprocessed vegetables, fruit, lean meat,

fish, nuts and eggs. Try it! Removing processed sugary foods and adding protein

and fiber at every meal will level out your blood sugar. In a few days your cravings

and stress levels will diminish substantially. Undoubtedly your ability to love

yourself and control what goes in your tummy will go way


8. Brew at Home. Coffee shops can be a diet death trap for

many. Delectably crafted menus insist "try something artsy."

While coffee is calorie free, baristas enlist an arsenal of full

fat milk, half and half, whipped cream, caramel, chocolate

and flavored syrups to sneak in calories mostly coming from

fat, refined sugar and high fructose syrup. Starbucks' Java

Chip Frappuccino ® has 600 calories, 23g fat (14g saturated), 96g carbohydrates

(77g sugar). And it's nearly impossible to ignore those beautiful beckoning baked

goods. Manage to pass on the fru fru coffee drinks? You probably feel even more

entitled to a sweet reward. Instead, save bucks and calories, by brewing joe at

home. Drink it black, make a latte with skim, almond or hemp milk, or try my low

calorie, high protein, low sugar, caffeine-infused Espresso Smoothie.

9. Drink Up! Keep a huge bottle of water on your desk, in your car, purse...

somewhere you are very aware of its presence, which will remind you to drink up!

Hydration is essential for weight loss, and especially important if you are working

out regularly. Drink 3 or 4 liters daily to flush away toxins that keep weight on and

cravings for crap food high. Frequently, we mistake dehydration for hunger. Our

body can't digest the food from a prior meal without water, so dehydration slows

your metabolism. If cravings strike after you've recently eaten, chug! Surprise,

Page 4: New HAPPY FALL Y'ALL · 2013. 10. 24. · sodium and sugar than the more raw, unprocessed fresh summer fare. Lastly, wearing more clothes minimizes body awareness. After scarfing

tummy full, craving gone. For variety drop slices of lemons, limes, cucumbers, fresh

ginger or a sprig of mint into your H20.

10. Sleep. Aim for those essential eight hours every night. Less than seven

repeatedly and your body senses stress, and wrongly anticipates an upcoming

famine. To protect itself, your body

decreases metabolism, stores fat in energy

reserves and increases appetite. Get in bed

an hour before you want to fall asleep about

the same time each night. Put in a mouth

guard or retainer. Read a fiction book by soft

light. No computer, no TV, the light hypes us

up. You'll find your sleep quality increases.

Your body will welcome a steady rise and

rest routine, reducing stress equals releasing

stress pounds and cravings.


Why Your Workout Stinks! There are several reasons why your workout may not be working. It could be that

the style of workout you are doing does not fit your needs, it could be the intensity

you are working at, the duration, your form... That's why I know how valuable our

services are, as personal trainers - we can help you fully assess your situation and

make a plan of action for you.

One of the biggest mistakes I see people make,

though, is doing the same workout over and over.

Week after week, month after month, and sometimes

year after year doing the same workout over and

over. It is so important for you to keep switching up

your workouts, for two big reasons:

1. Your body adjusts to your workout. You should be switching it up to keep

shocking your body so you continue to make progress. If you do the same thing

over and over, your body will adjust to it and you will stop seeing results.

2. You will get bored mentally. And when you do, most people will fall off their

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program and take a break. Consistency is vital for long term results!

For any of my in-studio clients, or anyone using my Lean and Mean in 15 online

program, I take out the brain-work and automatically switch up things for them.

Usually every workout we do is a little different. There are several ways to switch

up your workout.

For your strength routine you can:

- switch the exercises you are doing

- switch the repetitions you are doing

- switch the order you are doing your current routine

- switching your grip style or positioning can make a big

difference in some exercises

- switching what you use for a particular exercise (weights,

machines, bands, kettlebells...)

- switch the style or rest periods you use...

For your cardio routine:

- switch your intensity(most important, if you ask me!)

- switch the duration of your total workout

- switch the duration of intervals

- switch what you do (run, swim, bike, elliptical, jump rope...)

- incorporate some cardio into your strength routine

(depending upon your goals)

So if you want to keep making progress, make sure you keep

switching it up! Otherwise you will hit a wall and stop seeing the

results you want.

Click here to check out for my workout program that

takes out the brain-work for you and switches it up every week automatically for


Trainer Pete

Page 6: New HAPPY FALL Y'ALL · 2013. 10. 24. · sodium and sugar than the more raw, unprocessed fresh summer fare. Lastly, wearing more clothes minimizes body awareness. After scarfing

Your Other Backside

Shoulder exercises are a popular part of resistance workouts. Working out

while facing a mirror, many people train what they can see — the front and middle

heads of the three-part deltoid muscle. But the rear head of the deltoid needs

attention too. Otherwise, you'll have unbalanced strength in your shoulders, which

can set you up for a rotator cuff injury.

Let's take some time to target the backs of your shoulders with bent-over shoulder

raises. Here's how:

1. Sit on the edge of a chair or workout bench with a dumbbell in each hand and your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend forward at the waist so that your upper body is parallel with the floor. Let your arms hang straight down under your chest, with your palms facing inward towards each other. Exhale and raise the dumbbells, pulling your arms apart, up and out, until they are parallel with the floor. Hold for a beat.

2. Inhale and slowly lower your arms back to the starting position; repeat. Keep a slight bend in your elbows throughout the entire movement. Be careful not to lift your torso when you raise the weights.

Why Aren't My Abs Toned?

Q: I do crunches religiously, but I don't seem to get more toned

in my abdominal region. What's my problem?

A: You may need to spend less time doing crunches and more time on the treadmill,

stair climber, or stationary bike. Contrary to popular belief, abdominal tone doesn't come

from doing a million crunches. In fact, you may already have abs of steel — they simply

may be covered by a layer of insulation. So, instead of doing 10 or 15 minutes of

crunches, try doing three to five minutes of exercises targeting different abdominal

muscles as well as your lower back; focus on using good form and really tightening

those muscles. Then spend the extra five to seven minutes burning fat with a cardio

ctivity such as running or cycling.


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Quote of the Day

"The capacity for hope is the most significant

fact of life. It provides human beings with a

sense of destination and the energy to get

started." – Norman Cousins

About Norman Cousins

American writer and editor Norman Cousins is best known for his book, Anatomy

of an Illness, an account of how he used nutrition and positive visualizations,

including laughter, to heal from an illness diagnosed as fatal. He was born in New

Jersey in 1915. He served many years as editor-in-chief of the Saturday Review, a

job he loved. Under his guidance, circulation increased from 20,000 to 650,000.

He received the UN Peace Medal for his world activism. He died in 1990.

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Artichoke Chicken - Dietitian's Choice Recipe

Servings: 1

Nutrition Information:

Calories: 212

Protein: 31 g

Carbs: 2 g

Fat: 2 g

Saturated Fat: 0 g

Sodium: 308 mg

Fiber: 6 g

Category: Main Dish


1/2 cup artichoke hearts (in a jar)

1/2 cup sliced fresh mushrooms

1 diced tomato

2-3 garlic cloves, minced

2-3 tablespoons white wine or low-sodium broth

3 ounces skinless chicken breast, grilled or baked


Sauté artichoke hearts with mushrooms, tomato, garlic and wine or broth until heated through.

Pour hot mixture over the cooked chicken breast. TIP: Great served with instant wild rice!

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Grilled Asparagus with Balsamic


Servings: 4 Nutrition Information: Calories: 53 Protein: 3 g Carbs: 6 g Fat: 3 g Saturated Fat: 0 g Sodium: 3 mg Fiber: 2 g Category: Side Dish


1 pound asparagus, bottoms trimmed

Cooking Spray

1 tablespoons olive oil

2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

1 tablespoon shallot, minced


Preheat an outdoor grill for high heat. Lightly coat the asparagus with cooking spray.

Grill over high heat for 2 to 3 minutes, or to desired tenderness.

In a small bowl, whisk together oil, balsamic vinegar and shallots.

Arrange asparagus on a platter

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Melissa's Corner

Well Happy Halloween everyone. I hope this month's newsletter finds

everyone doing well and enjoying this cooler weather. In this

newsletter, I wanted to discuss with all of you an issue that I have

seen occur often. Some of my patients that are working up for their

weight loss surgery, whether lap band, gastric bypass or gastric

sleeve, have a rather lengthy workup due to insurance requirements,

while some have very little of a wait. Regardless, everyone should

approach the workup in the same manner no matter the steps you

have to take to be approved with your insurance, especially with your

eating habits! During your workup, you should treat this time as

preparation for how you will eat differently after the surgery in

regards to type of food and amount. I will be contacting you along the

way to check on your progress and if necessary, have you come in for

weight checks. Your BMI (body mass index) can affect whether Dr.

Mora will be able to proceed with your surgery. I see all of you work

so hard to get to where you are now and felt this little reminder

would be helpful to keep you on your pre-op track to surgery and not

experience any unnecessary delays.

Keep in mind that being involved in the support group meetings are

the BEST and most successful way to discuss your struggles openly

and share your experiences, whether good or bad. This is also a good

way to communicate with Dr. Mora and talk with him about any

issues or questions you may have. You are creating an entirely new

lifestyle for yourself, so devote some time just for yourself to

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concentrate on your weight loss journey and be a part of the

meetings! You are not in this alone! Together, we make a great team!

On a much lighter note I am asking for you, your friends and your

families help. I have entered my sweet grandson into the Gerber baby

photo contest. I am asking for your help in voting for him. I am

including the info needed to vote. The voting starts on Nov 4th. Thank

you very much in advance.



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You can now hear our commercial on Bama

Country 98.9 and Q96

We have also changed our office email addresses. To reach me it is

[email protected]. Please make a

note of this and change it in your address book. If you don’t have Email

please make sure I know. This is how I do a lot of my communication

with you.

Search morasurgicalclinic

Don't forget about our website

We will feature a new weight-loss story every month.

You can now see us on the big screen at the Prattville Promenade

Page 14: New HAPPY FALL Y'ALL · 2013. 10. 24. · sodium and sugar than the more raw, unprocessed fresh summer fare. Lastly, wearing more clothes minimizes body awareness. After scarfing


1. Maintain a healthy, low calorie diet that is

low in carbs and fat, but rich in protein. Your

water intake should be at least 64 oz. per day.

2. Exercise (walking, jogging, swimming, biking,

cardio, etc.) 1 hour per day, 5 days a week.

3. Take vitamins and prescribed minerals without fail.

4. Seek out help from a mental health care individual (psychiatrist,

psychologist) to learn new ways of coping with stress as needed.

5. If you are a lap band patient and you have had an adjustment to your band,

and start having problems keeping foods or liquids down that day, that night,

or the next day, CALL US IMMEDIATELY and let us know. Adjustments are

usually done on Mondays and Wednesdays when Dr. Mora is in clinic. You

MUST let us know by Friday if you are experiencing problems so Dr. Mora can

evaluate you before the weekend. Do not go over 24 hours without reporting

problems to us or you can damage your band.

6. If you are a gastric bypass patient, 3 months or more out from surgery,

have your lab-work done one week prior to your follow-up appointments.

7.Regularly attend support group meetings.

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Please write a story of YOUR weight loss

story with pictures and submit to Melissa

@ Dr. Mora’s office for publication in

the newsletter. Submit to

[email protected] or call

the office @ 361-6126, ext 2


KNOW!!! WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! The support group meetings and newsletters are for you, our patients. We want to make sure you’re getting the information you want from both the meetings and the

monthly newsletters. Send your suggestions to Melissa at [email protected] or call the



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Prattville Doster Community Center

124 South Northington Street, Prattville, AL.

TIME: 6:00 P.M. -7:00 P.M.

DATE: 2013 October 28, November 18, December 16, 2014

January 27, February 17, March 24, April 28, May 19, June 23, July 28, August 25

and September 22

PLEASE note all dates are subject to change due to availability of Dr. Mora or other

extenuating circumstances. We encourage you to call to check that the date has not

been moved ahead of time each month, especially if you live out of town!

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Everything said and heard in the group will be treated with respect for the

participants’ privacy. What is said in the group stays in the group.

• Silence is acceptable. No one needs to say anything she/he does not wish to say.

The group is supportive rather than judgmental.

• The group offers respect for individual choices and experiences.

• Only one person talks at a time.

• Turn off all mobile phones and pagers.

• No one is allowed to dominate the conversation.

• The group facilitators’ roles must be respected.

• Begin and end meetings on time.

• The group is a safe place to share feelings, and to obtain and provide support,

information, reassurance and encouragement.

• The group is broadly defined. It is flexible; flowing with the participants’ needs

and interests, and provides an opportunity to reduce feelings of isolation.

• Bariatric surgery support groups are open to all persons going through the

surgery process, including family members and others in a supporting role.

• Although the results of going to the group can be therapeutic, the group is not

meant to replace individual behavior therapy.

• Every effort should be made within the group to resolve conflict arising from or

during group interaction.

If you have any concerns or questions after attending one of our meetings, please feel free to contact Melissa

confidentially by email at [email protected]