new hope trumpet - amazon s3 · new initiative: people call office for rides to church is working...

NEW HOPE TRUMPET NOVEMBER 2019 A Call to Action The Celebration Autumn is here, and winter is fast approaching. It has been an exciting year and we give thanks for the ministry that God has given us at New Hope. Reading through our newsletters, and especially our annual reports, gives us a glimpse of all the ministry that flows from you, and the heart of this congregation. Thank you for being a part of New Hope’s life! Our congregation is a blessing to many. All of this is possible because we have sensed the power and love of God in our lives. As we sing and worship together, and laugh and cry together, we know that God is with us every step of the way – always faithful! In response we show mercy, live kindness, and strive for steadfast love toward the world around us. It is a way of life for good stewards of God’s grace. We have come to believe in our heart of hearts that the one constant is our faith in the amazing grace of God through Jesus Christ. This compels us to give ourselves away as we live out our mission to be a welcoming community of faith inspired by God’s grace to love, grow, and serve. A necessary and vital part of our life together – and hopefully a joy in that it is a response to God – is the financial support that makes ministry possible. Stewardship, however, really covers all of life as a Christian. We are compelled to respond by offering ourselves, our time, talents and abilities, and money – to God’s glory. Your contributions here go far beyond the financial support you share. Your prayers, your time, and all the abilities you offer are so significant to our church family. The Need New Hope has gone through transition over the past couple of years. With the sale of the parsonage this past month, the transition is complete. A part of that transition is the reality that our expenses are reconfigured, and the monthly costs of operating have increased. New Hope no longer has the ongoing expenses attached to owning and maintaining a parsonage, where a pastor lives and realizes a cash salary reduction in exchange for provided housing. Instead, a housing allowance is now paid as a part of the salary package and the pastor owns his/her own home. So, while we will no longer have the expense of home ownership, we do have the added line to our monthly ministry costs. You’ll see this difference as you peruse the monthly Treasurer’s Report. Offerings and Income have remained constant over the previous year, while expenses (largely represented by the change from a parsonage congregation to a non-parsonage congregation) have increased. The Challenge As people who come together as the New Hope family we make a commitment to support and share in creating and building up the Body of Christ within and beyond our walls. All of life for the Christian is about being good stewards of all that God gives us. As a congregation we reveal ourselves through the many gifts shared. Gifts of time, abilities, talents and treasure are all a part of how we build up our church so that we can fulfill our mission. The financial support given to the general fund, to support the day to day ministry of our congregation is vital so that we are free to accomplish all the other needs of ministry. Will you prayerfully consider, if possible based on your family’s income, increasing your offerings to the general fund of New Hope as we head into year-end, and throughout 2020. The bible speaks of the Tithe, or 10% of income given back. Not many have reached the point of the Tithe in their lives. Still, perhaps you would consider increasing what you are giving now by 2%, or 1%. Perhaps you can do more? Working together we can fill the gap. Charles Lane, in his book Ask, Thank, Tell identifies six stewardship habits of biblical givers. 1. They intentionally plan to give. 2. They follow a pattern of giving. 3. They are generous. 4. They give first of all they receive. 5. They give in proportion to what they receive. 6. Those who practice the other values will become cheerful in giving. Thank you for your partnership! Pr. Michael Sparby

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Page 1: NEW HOPE TRUMPET - Amazon S3 · New initiative: people call office for rides to church is working well. Family Education – Drivers are arranged for the confirmation food collection


A Call to Action The Celebration Autumn is here, and winter is fast approaching. It has been an exciting year and we give thanks for the ministry that God has given us at New Hope. Reading through our newsletters, and especially our annual reports, gives us a glimpse of all the ministry that flows from you, and the heart of this congregation. Thank you for being a part of New Hope’s life! Our congregation is a blessing to many. All of this is possible because we have sensed the power and love of God in our lives. As we sing and worship together, and laugh and cry together, we know that God is with us every step of the way – always faithful! In response we show mercy, live kindness, and strive for steadfast love toward the world around us. It is a way of life for good stewards of God’s grace. We have come to believe in our heart of hearts that the one constant is our faith in the amazing grace of God through Jesus Christ. This compels us to give ourselves away as we live out our mission to be a welcoming community of faith inspired by God’s grace to love, grow, and serve. A necessary and vital part of our life together – and hopefully a joy in that it is a response to God – is the financial support that makes ministry possible. Stewardship, however, really covers all of life as a Christian. We are compelled to respond by offering ourselves, our time, talents and abilities, and money – to God’s glory. Your contributions here go far beyond the financial support you share. Your prayers, your time, and all the abilities you offer are so significant to our church family. The Need New Hope has gone through transition over the past couple of years. With the sale of the parsonage this past month, the transition is complete. A part of that transition is the reality that our expenses are reconfigured, and the monthly costs of operating have increased. New Hope no longer has the ongoing expenses attached to owning and maintaining a parsonage, where a pastor lives and realizes a cash salary reduction in exchange for provided housing. Instead, a housing allowance is now paid as a part of the salary package and the pastor owns his/her own home. So, while we will no longer have the expense of home ownership, we do have the added line to our monthly ministry costs. You’ll see this difference as you peruse the monthly Treasurer’s Report. Offerings and Income have remained constant over the previous year, while expenses (largely represented by the change from a parsonage congregation to a non-parsonage congregation) have increased. The Challenge As people who come together as the New Hope family we make a commitment to support and share in creating and building up the Body of Christ within and beyond our walls. All of life for the Christian is about being good stewards of all that God gives us. As a congregation we reveal ourselves through the many gifts shared. Gifts of time, abilities, talents and treasure are all a part of how we build up our church so that we can fulfill our mission. The financial support given to the general fund, to support the day to day ministry of our congregation is vital so that we are free to accomplish all the other needs of ministry. Will you prayerfully consider, if possible based on your family’s income, increasing your offerings to the general fund of New Hope as we head into year-end, and throughout 2020. The bible speaks of the Tithe, or 10% of income given back. Not many have reached the point of the Tithe in their lives. Still, perhaps you would consider increasing what you are giving now by 2%, or 1%. Perhaps you can do more? Working together we can fill the gap. Charles Lane, in his book Ask, Thank, Tell identifies six stewardship habits of biblical givers. 1. They intentionally plan to give. 2. They follow a pattern of giving. 3. They are generous. 4. They give first of all they receive. 5. They give in proportion to what they receive. 6. Those who practice the other values will become cheerful in giving.

Thank you for your partnership! Pr. Michael Sparby

Page 2: NEW HOPE TRUMPET - Amazon S3 · New initiative: people call office for rides to church is working well. Family Education – Drivers are arranged for the confirmation food collection

Pine Creek Site WELCA 9:30 am Sunday, November 10th

Hostesses: Kim Clemetson & Lisa Mickelson “Blessing Bags” are being made to distribute to those in need, as well as our military members. Please have items at church for our November 10th meeting. Suggested items in a large ziplock bag: gloves, thermal socks, beef sticks, crackers, candy bars, toothpaste, toothbrush, wipes, deodorant, snacks and other items to help someone who is homeless or in need. Adjust contents specific for military and mark accordingly.

Thankoffering Service: November 17th

Monday, December 23rd Christmas Worship 7 pm at Pine Creek site

6 pm Potluck dinner prior the service A sign-up sheet will be available

Sand Creek Site WELCA Monday, October 11th : Offering received

(2nd Monday every month)

Sand Creek Site Circles Phoebe 9:30a Thursday, November 7th /Church Eve 7p Thursday, November 7th /Anita Jenson’s Rhoda 12p Monday, November 4th/Church

NOVEMBER STEWARDSHIP: Hunger Relief There are many ways to help those who are hungry

Like many of us, I have regrets. Regrets make memories and it seems just when I think the memories are past, the devil throws them at me. One morning while trying to pray through them, after having disturbing dreams , I prayed, “God, help me, I can’t keep doing this.” Then an image came to me as clear as anything. I was standing on a bridge looking over wild country and deep gorges. There was a large black bundle leaving me and it rolled down a steep embankment, down into an endless pit. I had to smile a bit as I saw on the outside of the bundle a small post-it note. A note I guess that was the last thought. My faith had been so weak, thinking how can God forgive and then forget? Whenever my faith weakens I can bring that image to mind. Maybe, add another post-it note. In the month of “Thanksgiving” I thank a loving God who always keeps His promises. Thank you, loving Lord. Amen. -Sue Piotrowski


Gone Forever “I am He who blots out your transgressions for my sake, and I will not remember your sins.” -Isaiah 43: 25


“What is impossible with us is possible with God” -Luke 18: 27

Early bird discount through Jan. 6, 2020. Registration NOW open online only. Visit WELCATG.ORG. Arrange your own transportation and roommates.

Stewardship Day, Monday, October 21, 19 at Sand Creek site 42 quilts were created for the Veteran’s Home in Chippewa Falls

Page 3: NEW HOPE TRUMPET - Amazon S3 · New initiative: people call office for rides to church is working well. Family Education – Drivers are arranged for the confirmation food collection

NOISY OFFERINGS 2019 January Bible Camp Scholarships $ 724.30 February Prairie Farm “Youth in Christ” 125.00 Warren Petryk/Sand Creek 207.00 March Southwest Flooding 418.20 April Malawi Flooding 663.35 May Local Food Pantries 379.55 (Bloomer/New Auburn, Chetek, Colfax, Prairie Farm/Ridgeland) June “Beds 4 Kids” 970.45 July Lutheran World Relief 322.78 August Malawi Sister Synod 416.53 September Luther Park Capital Campaign 710.18 “Building & Rejoicing” October Eau Claire Homeless Youth Shelter Pending November Hunger Relief December “Christmas Critter”

Treasurer’s Summary January-September 2019 2019 Actual Income Expense Difference Jan 1-Sept 30 $ 123,261.05 $154,874.66 -$ 31,613.61

Last Year’s Comparison 2018 Actual Income Expense Difference Jan1-Sept 30 $ 123,039.00 $ 124,307.00 -$ 1,268.00

-Kelly Hoff, Hoff Financial Services 715-455-1968 Prairie Farm 715-637-1968 Barron [email protected]*Detailed Treasurer’s Reports are always available from the office upon request.

10-18-2019 Dear Congregation Members, Thank you so much for trusting me with the sale of your beautiful parsonage. It has been a pleasure working with your congregation president, Robbie Jo, and your Property & Management team, Gene and Dale. Your church is in good hands. I also had the pleasure of working with your secretary, Becky! Enclosed is a contribution to your AV Fund as a token of my appreciation for your business. God Bless!

-Sue Nehring, Adventure North Realty/Bloomer, WI

2019 Memorials Received In Memory Of

February Don Donaldson Comforters $ 20.00 Our Savior’s Cemetery 45.00 Pine Creek Cemetery 20.00 New Hope Memorials 20.00 Edna Flatland Audio Visual Fund 25.00

April Betty Misselt Pine Creek Current Expense 65.00 Pine Creek Cemetery 80.00 Shirley Weber Comforters 20.00

July Esther Skjerly Pine Creek Building Fund 100.00 Pine Creek Cemetery 80.00 Pine Creek Sunday school 45.00 Pine Creek General Fund 10.00

Re-established Electronic Giving

You can give easily, or register for events and programs, with debit or credit cards, from our website.

Set-up is currently in progress Watch the GIVING TAB at for upcoming info very soon!

Sanctuary Audio Visual We’ve been aiming toward expanding capabilities in our sanctuaries to utilize visual screens. Many of today’s resources can enhance our worship experience, and allow us to show inspiring images. If you’d like to help, specify your gift:

Worship Audio Visual


Page 4: NEW HOPE TRUMPET - Amazon S3 · New initiative: people call office for rides to church is working well. Family Education – Drivers are arranged for the confirmation food collection

New Hope Lutheran Church Council Minutes Monday, October 14, 2019 at Sand Creek

These minutes subject to council approval

Called to order 7:30pm by Vice President, Aimee Mikl Present: Patty Audorff, Linda Bilodeau, Desiree Buck, Gene Buffington, Cathy Davis, Vern Ellefson, Wendy Loy, Jodie Madison, Aimee Mikl, Dale Paulson, Sue Paulson, Pastor Sparby; Guests: Kay Moen-Urseth, Carol Anderson Opening prayer (Pastor Sparby)

On behalf of WELCA, Kay Moen-Urseth and Carol Anderson, shared feedback of recent approved “Church Building Use & Food Service Guidelines”.

Secretary’s Report August 12, 2019 meeting minutes approved as printed. M/S/C (Patty Audorff/Sue Paulson). Treasurer’s Report (Gene Buffington) LP & insurance are paid. Comparing same time last year, we are $32,000 behind. Income is similar—expenses increased. Parsonage sale ($228,500) closed 10-14-19. After fees, net receipt is $213,593.

Pastor’s Report – written report provided summarizing recent activities. Highlights include: •Rev. Michael Peterson will be guest pastor/pulpit supply two weeks in late October. •Christmas worship schedule: Monday, Dec. 23 –7pm Christmas Eve Candlelight at Pine Creek site with WELCA serving 6pm potluck Christmas dinner; Tuesday, Dec. 24 – 5pm Christmas Eve Candlelight at Sand Creek site •Congregational Annual Meeting/Worship Together at Pine Creek site: Sunday January 19 vs. January 26 8:30 am-worship, 9:30 am-meeting followed with brunch. •Lenten schedule begins Wednesday, Feb. 26, similar to last year: 11am worship/soup lunch at Sand Creek site, and evening worship with Confirmation at Pine Creek site. •Guest: Human Trafficking speaker at Pine Creek, Wednesday, Oct. 30 at 6:30 pm, with a supper at 5:45 pm. Invitation is open to all.

Committee Reports Property/Management – Security systems are no longer supported by Mosaic as of Oct. 1st; other options are being explored. Sand Creek bell tolls at random times; clock resets when power goes out; issue likely been corrected. Stewardship & Evangelism – 2020 offering enveloped ordered. Recent Sunday morning coffee/offering for Carol Anderson (Post house fire) was well attended. New initiative: people call office for rides to church is working well. Family Education – Drivers are arranged for the confirmation food collection event Oct. 23. Christmas pageants will be Dec. 22 during regular worship at both locations. $664 balance in the preschool fund remains open. Per Dec. 2018 council minutes, council approved preschool fund be eliminated and merged into Family Education account. Discussion at December 2019 meeting will determine if funds should be designated specifically. Worship & Music – Thankoffering service: Nov. 17, led by WELCA at both sites. Approved Christmas schedule details under Pastor’s report. 2020 usher/reader lists will soon be available.

Old Business • Food serving guidelines discussion: Concern expressed current wording “there is no set fee” and “cost of

purchased food” is too broad. Funeral homes need more details to share with families in planning. Donations will be truly optional if not stated as part of the fee. Council asks WELCA to review and revise their form.

• Financial: Bank notice of inactivity for Sand Creek Choir Savings with $1,936.10 balance received, M/S/C (Gene Buffington/Jodie Madison) to close Sand Creek Choir fund and move to AV Fund.

• Harlan Anderson is listed on Security Bank signature cards. New officers elected in January 2020 will need to personally visit bank and update signature cards.

New Business • Budget Meeting: November 11, 2019, 7:30 pm at Pine Creek (Nov. 18 back-up date). Property/Management &

Stewardship committees are included. • Nominating committee to fill 2020 council vacancies: Wendy Loy, Mary Peterson, Jodie Madison.

Vacancies: 1 Property/Management (PC); 1 Stewardship/Evangelism (preferred PC); Worship/Music (prefer 1 from PC & 1 from SC).

Next Council Meeting: Monday, December 9, 2019 at Pine Creek Adjourned 8:42 pm. (Jodie Madison/Desiree Buck) Closed with The Lord’s Prayer -Wendy Loy, Council Sec.

Page 5: NEW HOPE TRUMPET - Amazon S3 · New initiative: people call office for rides to church is working well. Family Education – Drivers are arranged for the confirmation food collection

New Hope Men’s Group Thursday, November 21, 19

7pm at Sand Creek Site

Homeless Youth Christmas Stockings Students are collecting items for homeless youth Christmas Care Packages. Our goal is 35 Stockings (2 per student). Keep posted at church for items received and those still needed. If you prefer a monetary donation, we can pick up the items. Thank you!

Items needed: 35 of each • Small Toothbrush/Toothpaste • Adult Thermal Socks • Small First Aid Kit (.99 cent size) • Small Pack of Tissues • Full-size Deodorant • Lip Balm • Hand Cream • Hand Warmers • Pair of Magic Gloves • Small memo pad/pen • Candy, Chocolates, Breath Mints, Gum • Deck of Cards • $20 Gift Cards (Target or Wal-Mart) • $10 Gift Cards (Walgreens and CVS) • $5 Gift Cards (McDonald’s, Subway, Starbucks) • Adult Tube Socks

ASSEMBLY: Wednesday, December 4 Bring items to the church in the “Homeless Youth Christmas” box by Sunday, December 1.

ELCA’s comprehensive campaign concludes with a total impact of $250 million

CHICAGO (Oct. 1, 2019) – The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s (ELCA) 1st comprehensive campaign, Always Being Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA, concluded after more than 5 years. The total impact was $250 million, including $195 million in cash gifts & gift commitments, as well as $55 million for planned gifts to campaign ministries.

“The Campaign for the ELCA began in 2013 with a goal of nearly $200 million,” said the Rev. Elizabeth A. Eaton, ELCA presiding bishop. “That was a big goal. But with God’s help and our members’ generous support, we made it. I thank God for what this church has done for the ELCA’s ministries — here at home and around the world.”

Through the campaign, ELCA members and congregations helped strengthen and expand the ministries of this church in 4 priorities — congregations, hunger and poverty, leadership, and the global church. The campaign focused on areas that include growing this church’s communities of faith, forming new leaders, welcoming neighbors, overcoming malaria, confronting hunger/poverty, and accompanying our global churches.

“It’s been an amazing blessing to be able to direct this campaign,” said the Rev. Ron Glusenkamp, director of Always Being Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA. “To be able to be in so many different places and spaces across this church and to see how people have responded to the call to give — to give from the heart and to give generously — has really been a gift. And, while the dollars are impressive, what is most important is the impact these gifts are having. And so, for all of that, I say thank you and God bless you.”

For a detailed look at the campaign’s impact in its four priority areas, as well as a breakdown of giving, please visit

As we anticipate the festival of All Saints, we think of those who have gone before us. Worship might include reading the names of those who have died in the last year. Bells might be rung, candles lit or photographs displayed. Our faith has been planted and nurtured by people who have journeyed before us, some known dearly and others we’ve never met. When remembering saints who have gone before, may we also lift up our heads to notice the living saints, the children of God, who worship with us each and every week. Every time we gather in Word and Sacrament, we are reminded that song of the saints that encompasses space as well as time. -Deacon Jennifer Baker-Trinity Resource Development Program Director

New Hope Saints Remembered All Saints Sunday, November 3, 2019

Brian Duane Aasen December 15, 2018 Donald Clair Donaldson January 22, 2019 Betty Louise Misselt March 2, 2019 Esther Rasmussen Skjerly June 16, 2019

Page 6: NEW HOPE TRUMPET - Amazon S3 · New initiative: people call office for rides to church is working well. Family Education – Drivers are arranged for the confirmation food collection


Sunday, November 3 All Saints Sunday Sunday, November 10 Hunters Blessing Monday, November 11 Council Budget Meeting 7p at our Pine Creek site Sunday, November 17 Women of the ELCA Thankoffering Wednesday, November 20 10:15a Pastor Chapel at Colfax Health & Rehab Thursday, November 21 7p Men’s Group at our Sand Creek site packing Thanksgiving Boxes Sunday, November 24 Christ the King Sunday Wednesday, Nov. 27 7p Thanksgiving Eve Worship/Sand Creek site/potluck desserts to follow

DECEMBER Sunday, December 1 First Sunday of Advent - Guest Pastor Michael Peterson Tuesday, December 3 Pastor Chapel at Dove/Atrium in Bloomer Sunday, December 22 Regular Sunday schedule w Sunday school Christmas Pageants Monday, December 23 6p Christmas Potluck served by Women/ELCA 7p Christmas Candlelight/Pine Creek Site Tuesday, December 24 5p Christmas Candlelight/Sand Creek Site Sunday, December 29 Regular schedule - Lessons and Carols/no communion ***For those who do not drive after dark, please contact the office, so we can help arrange carpools.

JANUARY 2020 Sunday, January 19 1 Worship together at Pine Creek site 8:30a followed by Annual Meeting at 9:30a, followed with potluck brunch

FEBRUARY Saturday, February 22 “Walking Together & Christ Jam”/UWEC Davies Center-Eau Claire Sunday, February 23 Transfiguration Sunday Wednesday, February 26 Ash Wednesday - Lenten Worship begins: 11a SC and 7p PC

April Saturday, April 4 Women of the ELCA Synod Day of Renewal hosted at Sand Creek site Sunday, April 5 Palm Sunday Thursday, April 9 7p Maundy Thursday at our Pine Creek site Friday, April 10 7p Good Friday at our Sand Creek site Sunday, April 12 Easter Sunday

MAY Wednesday, May 13 6p Confirmation Rehearsal/Dinner at our Pine Creek site, 6th/7th families serve Saturday, May 16 Northwest Wisconsin Synod Assembly at Trinity Lutheran/Eau Claire Sunday, May 17 Confirmation Sunday, students confirmed at their home sites Sunday, May 24 1 Worship together at our Pine Creek site with Memorial Day observed

JULY Thursday July 16-Sunday, July 19 Women of the ELCA Triennial Convention in Phoenix, AZ Sunday, July 19 1 Worship together outdoors at Memorial Park in Sand Creek

SEPTEMBER Sunday, September 6 1 Worship together at our Sand Creek site/Labor Day Weekend

Page 7: NEW HOPE TRUMPET - Amazon S3 · New initiative: people call office for rides to church is working well. Family Education – Drivers are arranged for the confirmation food collection

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

2019 1 2

3 All Saints Sunday 8:30a PC9:20a Fellowship10a SC

4 8:30a Comforters

5 7p AA/SC

6 6p/SC Confirmation

7 9:30a Phoebe/SC7p Eve/Anita Jenson

8 HS Youth Godstock-10th

9 HS Youth Godstock-10th

10 Hunter’s Blessing 8:30a PC9:20a Fellowship9:30a PC WELCA10a SC

11 8:30a ComfortersSC WELCA offering received12p Rhoda/SC7p Budget Mtg/PC

12 7p AA/SC

13 6p/SC Confirmation

14 15 Newsletter articles due


17 Thankoffering Sunday 8:30a PC9:20a Fellowship10a SC

18 8:30a Comforters

19 7p AA/SC

20 10:15a Pr. Colfax Chapel6p/SC Confirmation

21 7p/SC Men’s Group

22 23

24 Christ the King Sunday 8:30a PC9:20a Fellowship10a SC

25 8:30a Comforters

26 7p AA/SC

27 7p/SC Thanksgiving Eve Worship

28 Happy Thanksgiving

29 30

USHERS Pine Creek Nate Keilholtz & Annette MasonSand Creek Paul Gilberts, Joel Smith, Jeff Berg

LECTORS Pine Creek Sand Creek

3 Lillly Kunkel Jodie Madison 10 Mary Schwegman John Loy 17 Dawn Kunkel Thankoffering Service 24 Linda Bilodeau Mary Ann Omtvedt

ALTAR GUILD Pine Creek Jenna Bartels & Annette MasonSand Creek Lou Ann Gilberts & Susan Paulson


3 Maveric Suvada, Angie Madison 10 Bryce Killoren, Jerry Timm, Juel Smith 17 Luke Anderson, Lana Anderson 24 Zoe Mikl-Young, Jodie Madison, Mary Ann Omtvedt

SC COFFEE HOSTS 3 Rhoda Circle 10 Phoebe Circle 17 Men’s Group 24 Eve Circle

Page 8: NEW HOPE TRUMPET - Amazon S3 · New initiative: people call office for rides to church is working well. Family Education – Drivers are arranged for the confirmation food collection

FamilyEducationKellyNelson-Esterby 715-658-1861 [email protected] WendyLoy 715-658-1000 [email protected] PattiAudorff 715-642-2602 [email protected] RobbieJoEllefson 715-642-2344 [email protected] DesireeBuck 715-658-1287 [email protected] Property&ManagementDalePaulson 715-658-1364 [email protected] GeneBufOington 715-237-2154 [email protected] 715-837-1029 PC Vacancy ——————— Stewardship & Evangelism SuePaulson 715-658-1364 [email protected] Mary Peterson 715-308-9593 [email protected] MaryAnnOmtvedt 715-658-1896 AimeeMikl 715-308-0240 [email protected] Worship&MusicJodieMadison 715-495-5297 [email protected] LindaBilodeau 715-458-2479 [email protected] CathyDavis 715-949-1817 [email protected] PC Vacancy —————————————————————

2019 New Hope Council PresidentRobbieJoEllefsonVicePresidentAimeeMiklSecretaryWendyLoy TreasurerKellyHoff/HoffFinancialServices715-455-1968kelly@teamhoff.comAsst.TreasurerGeneBufOingtonWORSHIP 8:30 am/Pine Creek 9:20a Coffee Fellowship Sunday school 10 am/Sand Creek 9:20 am Coffee Fellowship Sunday school during worship Telephone Ministry: 1-515-739-9173 (long distance rates apply) FREE Live stream

Pr. Michael Sparby 715-764-9779 [email protected] Office 715-658-1470 [email protected]

New Hope Lutheran Church E9085 County Road V PO BX 85 Sand Creek, WI 54765

Missing Confirmation Photos Needed

Former Our Savior’s Lutheran Church 1919, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1928, January 19, 1930, December 6, 1930, June 14, 1931, 1932, 1935, 1936, 1938, 1942, 1943, 1950, 1954, 1959 Former Zion Lutheran Church: 1946 and 1968 If you have these photos, please bring them to the church office to be scanned in updating our history. Watch for upcoming status with work in progress.