„new hungary” rural development programme 2007-2013 völgy vidék leader region 2008 aaaa völgy...

„New Hungary” Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 Völgy Vidék LEADER Region 2008 A a Völgy Vidék Local Action Group Völgy Vidék Rural Development Community Public Association

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Page 1: „New Hungary” Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 Völgy Vidék LEADER Region 2008 AaAa Völgy Vidék Local Action Group Völgy Vidék Rural Development Community

„New Hungary” Rural Development Programme2007-2013

Völgy Vidék LEADER Region2008


aVölgy Vidék

Local Action Group

Völgy Vidék Rural Development Community Public Association

Page 2: „New Hungary” Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 Völgy Vidék LEADER Region 2008 AaAa Völgy Vidék Local Action Group Völgy Vidék Rural Development Community

CAP financing until 2006 in the EUEAGGF

Guarantee Section Guidance Section

Inside market measures

Outside market measures


Direct supports

Supplementary aids(National Rural

Development Plan)



Rural development measures

Page 3: „New Hungary” Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 Völgy Vidék LEADER Region 2008 AaAa Völgy Vidék Local Action Group Völgy Vidék Rural Development Community

CAP financing from 2007


Inside market measures

Outside market measures


Direct supports:SPS (Single Payment Scheme)

from 2009

Community contributionsfor rural development



Separating CAP pillars

New Hungary RuralDevelopment Programme


Page 4: „New Hungary” Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 Völgy Vidék LEADER Region 2008 AaAa Völgy Vidék Local Action Group Völgy Vidék Rural Development Community

New Hungary Rural Development Programme (NHRDP)

NHRDP contains 4 axes and their 28 measures (3,8 billions of Euro):

Axis I. – Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural and forestry sector (47% of total costs; 10 measures)

Axis II. – Improving the environment and the contryside (32%; 10 measures)

Axis III. – Quality of life in rural areas and diversification of the rural economy (14%; 8 measures)

Axis IV. – Implementation of the LEADER-approach (5%; and more 2% for technical assistance)

To get Axis III and IV supports rural areas needed to work out their Local Rural Development Strategies (LRDS) and found public associations or non-profit limited companies

Page 5: „New Hungary” Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 Völgy Vidék LEADER Region 2008 AaAa Völgy Vidék Local Action Group Völgy Vidék Rural Development Community

Founded in 20/09/2008;

Joining 45 local actors: NGOs, enterprises and 17 municipalities (Völgy Vidék LEADER region);

A year planning period comes before foundation, when 67 local actors worked out a Local Rural Development Strategy (Völgy Vidék LRDS) managed by the Coordinating Group for Planning (15 members);

Völgy Vidék LRDS contains 5 priorities to develop this area, its people and their organizations;

About 3,7 millions of Euro help the implementation of our LRDS between 2007-2013;

Invitation-to-tender procedures;

4 calling for application is ongoing at the moment supported by the NHRDP 3rd axis.

Völgy Vidék Community Rural Development Public Association

Page 6: „New Hungary” Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 Völgy Vidék LEADER Region 2008 AaAa Völgy Vidék Local Action Group Völgy Vidék Rural Development Community

Objective and priorities of Valley-Land LRDSand ongoing call for applications

Main objective of Völgy Vidék LRDS

Well-known cultural landscape, attractive residental and service environment, a developped region in social and economical senses

Priorities of Völgy vidék LRDS

1) Increase the local economy of Völgy Vidék

2) Develop the tourism of Völgy Vidék

3) Improving the quality of life in Völgy Vidék

4) Preserve the local heritage and values of Völgy Vidék

5) Protect the natural and physical environment in Völgy Vidék

Ongoing call for appliacations (ending 10th january 2009)

1) Support for business creation and development

2) Encouragement of tourism activities

3) Village renewal and development

4) Conservation and sustainable development of the rural heritage

Page 7: „New Hungary” Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 Völgy Vidék LEADER Region 2008 AaAa Völgy Vidék Local Action Group Völgy Vidék Rural Development Community

Includes 17 settlements (2 towns and 15 villages)

Which comes 3 different micro-regions of Fejér County (10 micro-regions)

Where 44.000 inhabitants live

Völgy Vidék LEADER region

Page 8: „New Hungary” Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 Völgy Vidék LEADER Region 2008 AaAa Völgy Vidék Local Action Group Völgy Vidék Rural Development Community

NUTS 2 regions of Hungary(7 planning and statistical regions)

Page 9: „New Hungary” Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 Völgy Vidék LEADER Region 2008 AaAa Völgy Vidék Local Action Group Völgy Vidék Rural Development Community

NUTS 3 regions of Hungary (19 counties and Budapest)

Page 10: „New Hungary” Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 Völgy Vidék LEADER Region 2008 AaAa Völgy Vidék Local Action Group Völgy Vidék Rural Development Community

Local Area Units 2 of Hungary (174 micro-regions)

Page 11: „New Hungary” Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 Völgy Vidék LEADER Region 2008 AaAa Völgy Vidék Local Action Group Völgy Vidék Rural Development Community

Some pictures about typical local heritages of Völgy Vidék LEADER region

Page 12: „New Hungary” Rural Development Programme 2007-2013 Völgy Vidék LEADER Region 2008 AaAa Völgy Vidék Local Action Group Völgy Vidék Rural Development Community

Thank you for paying attention!Valley-Land LEADER Community2473 Vál, Vajda J. str. 2Phone, Fax: +36-22-243-124www.volgyvidek.hu

Contact: Tóth Ferencné, President of Valley-Land CommunitySzendrői Júlia, Head of Management GroupMolnár Balázs, PhD., project manager