new lenten sermon series · 2017-02-24 · color of lent shining from our towers will be inviting...

THE COVENANT CONNECTION Volume XXI No. 8 March 2017 Covenant United Methodist Church “To make disciples of Jesus Christ” whose Christ-centered lifestyles of personal and social holiness help “transform the world” through Education, Health and Wellness, Creation Care, and other acts of Compassion and Justice in the world. New Lenten Sermon Series March 1, Ash Wednesday: Remember, You Are Dust We gather to acknowledge our mortality and our sinfulness, and to seek God’s mercy and guidance for the season of intensive formation and re- formation in the way of Jesus that lies ahead. Join us for Ash Wednesday Worship at 7pm. First Sunday in Lent, March 5: Renounce We walk the way of temptation with Jesus and learn from him what it means to continue to renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of this world, and repent of our sin. Second Sunday in Lent, March 12: Accept Through powerful images of new birth and the biblical story of the serpent in the wilderness, Jesus shows Nicodemus and us what it takes for us to accept the freedom and power God gives us to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves. Third Sunday in Lent, March 19: Confess In an encounter with a woman at a well in Samaria, Jesus confesses he is the Messiah, and she not only embraces this, but leads others to make the same confession. Fourth Sunday in Lent, March 26: Nurture The response of the crowds to Jesus’ healing of a man born blind says much about how our congregation can actively “nurture one another in the Christian faith and life, and include these persons now before you in your care,” or fail to do so. Fifth Sunday in Lent, April 2: Believe! The faith we confess, and the faith that transforms us, is more than intellectual assent to a theological construct. It is to stake our lives on the Triune God, and so join Martha’s confes- sion, “Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into this world.”

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Page 1: New Lenten Sermon Series · 2017-02-24 · color of Lent shining from our towers will be inviting us to a time of reflection. There is help for this. Please do consider signing up


Covenant United Methodist Church “To make disciples of Jesus Christ” whose Christ-centered lifestyles of personal and social holiness

help “transform the world” through Education, Health and Wellness, Creation Care, and other acts of Compassion and Justice in the world.

New Lenten Sermon Series

March 1, Ash Wednesday: Remember, You Are Dust We gather to acknowledge our mortality and our sinfulness, and to seek God’s mercy and guidance for the season of intensive formation and re-formation in the way of Jesus that lies ahead. Join us for Ash Wednesday Worship at 7pm.

First Sunday in Lent, March 5: Renounce We walk the way of temptation with Jesus and learn from him what it means to continue to renounce the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of this world, and repent of our sin.

Second Sunday in Lent, March 12: Accept Through powerful images of new birth and the biblical story of the serpent in the wilderness, Jesus shows Nicodemus and us what it takes for us to accept the freedom and power God gives us to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves.

Third Sunday in Lent, March 19: Confess In an encounter with a woman at a well in Samaria, Jesus confesses he is the Messiah, and she not only embraces this, but leads others to make the same confession.

Fourth Sunday in Lent, March 26: Nurture The response of the crowds to Jesus’ healing of a man born blind says much about how our congregation can actively “nurture one another in the Christian faith and life, and include these persons now before you in your care,” or fail to do so.

Fifth Sunday in Lent, April 2: Believe! The faith we confess, and the faith that transforms us, is more than intellectual assent to a theological construct. It is to stake our lives on the Triune God, and so join Martha’s confes-sion, “Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God, who is coming into this world.”

Page 2: New Lenten Sermon Series · 2017-02-24 · color of Lent shining from our towers will be inviting us to a time of reflection. There is help for this. Please do consider signing up

March Coffee Klatch Group. Monday March 20th at 9am at Verge Coffee Co in the same location as the Service Station, but under new owners and with a new name. VERGE COFFEE CO, 9315 N. Nevada. We’ve invited Pastor Roger to join us next month. Please come and get to know your pastor better! Any questions, please contact Betsy Hartman, 325-3342 or Chanie Christman, 939-8109. RSVP if you would like to come, but everyone is welcome to join us!


Our Winter Preserve's Potluck and our February Guild of Gardener's/Foodie's Monthly Potluck were both well attended. Thank you for supporting these potlucks which help carry out a part of Covenant's vision state-ment of health and wellness, creation care, and educa-tion. Those attending are encouraged to bring healthy dishes that include organically grown, homegrown, or locally produced foods. Short video clips and talks on creation care are also presented. Our next Seasonal Potluck, the Spring Green's Potluck, will take place on Sunday, March 26th at 11:00am following worship. Linda Hahn and her Hospi-tality Team have done a great job of keeping the hot foods hot and the cold foods cold and serving them attractively on time. Thank you Hospitality Team! Our next Guild of Gar-dener's/Foodie's Monthly Potluck will occur on Sunday, April 9th at 6:00pm. The Monthly Potlucks take place in the evening on the second Sunday of the months that we do not have a Seasonal Feast Potluck.



The Garden Design Sub-Committee met most re-

cently on 2/16/17. After receiving feedback from

the group on the various plans drawn up so far, a

master plan is being worked on by Don Harris.

Since the snow is delaying any work that might be

done on the grounds, chairperson David Yar-

brough would like for us to get started on building

raised garden bed frames. We have been offered

several places where we can store the frames.

Funds are available through the Jeremiah Fund to

begin work on this.

Also rules for those using the garden are being

discussed. We hope to learn more about this and

the building of the garden beds at an upcoming

class on Community Gardening at SCC on Febru-

ary 28th.. (If interested in attending this meeting,

please register at

spokane/event/starting-a-commnity-garden or call

509-477-2048. Cost is $10.00). This should give

us additional information so that

we can go forth with further plan-

ning at our next meeting on March

9th. Several from the group will

be attending the class.

Submitted by Sharon Arnold

Spaghetti Feed & Silent Auction To support

Boy Scout Troop 218 Sunday, March 19, 2017 12:00 noon—2:30 pm

Only $5 per person or $20 per family.

With hundreds of wonderful items up for bid, there will be something for everyone.

For more information and to purchase advance tickets, contact: Kaydin Millsap, 466-3172, the

boy scouts will also be at church on Sunday, Feb. 26th to sell tickets.

Eat, bid, win, have fun, & support Scouting!

Page 3: New Lenten Sermon Series · 2017-02-24 · color of Lent shining from our towers will be inviting us to a time of reflection. There is help for this. Please do consider signing up

Living the Story:

From Lent to Easter, Reflection to Action

You have already heard, I am sure, of a new thing about to happen at

Covenant. We are about to shine a light from our two church towers

(the “eyes” of the F.R.O.G.) into the surrounding darkness.

The light we shine, however, will be no ordinary light. It will change

colors. For the 40 days of Lent, it will be purple. Then on Easter Sun-

day it will change to a bright gold, and remain so for the “Great 50

Days” of Easter, celebrating God’s triumph over death and darkness. In other words, liturgically appropri-

ate, the light we shine will not be just any light. It will be the light that rehearses the story of him who

Christians know as the Light of the World.

And so we are invited. During this season the Church historically prepared new converts for baptism. It is

also a time for those already baptized to contemplate God’s call to re-commitment. This year the purple

color of Lent shining from our towers will be inviting us to a time of reflection. There is help for this.

Please do consider signing up for our daily devotional “40 Days with Wesley” by Bishop Rueben P. Job.

With meditations on “Living Prayerfully,” “Listening for God,” “Our New Nature,” “When All I Hear is

Silence,” the devotional will lead us to a deepening appreciation that “we can choose to love God and

grow in grace.” Such daily acts of devotion, combined with choosing to be regular in our acts of worship

during Lent, will prepare us for the adventure of Easter. Consider also joining the Wednesday evening

Lenten Life Group for an hour of Chr istian conversation and prayer using the daily devotional as

our friendly guide. It will help us journey together through Lent towards a deeper relationship with God

and each other.

I can hear the glorious sounds of brass instruments to the tune of “Christ the Lord is risen today” already.

Bryan is sniffing out the musical talented amongst us and Easter Sunday morning promises to be glorious.

How much more glorious will it be if we have observed a holy Lent leading us through intentional acts of

devotion and acts of worship to similar ly intentional Easter acts of compassion and acts of justice

during the 50 days?

Covenant wants to shine! But shining different colors from our church towers will only be window dress-

ing - unless we also shine God’s love in tangible, practical, real-world ways. Won’t you consider allowing

the Holy Spirit to guide you through acts of devotion and worship during Lent? Pray that God might lead

you to specific acts of compassion and justice during Easter, acts that shine God’s love into the darkness.

The Season after Epiphany ends this Sunday. Lent begins Ash Wednesday on March 1st. Then comes res-

urrection! Walking with Jesus will help us be who we want to be, Covenant United Methodist Church –

“Coloring our Neighborhood and city with the Light of Christ.”

Thank you for the privilege of serving Christ with you in this place.

Pastor Roger


Page 4: New Lenten Sermon Series · 2017-02-24 · color of Lent shining from our towers will be inviting us to a time of reflection. There is help for this. Please do consider signing up

In our Prayers

Joe & Jane Clements following the passing of their son Evan.

Doris Dyer George Newell

Ken & Beverly Stam Barbara Thornbrugh



Did you know that you

can get your favorite

espresso drink and

support our Youth

Program on Sunday


Come to the kitchen

window to place your order before or

after worship!

Coffee cards are $20 for 7 drinks!

Large drinks $4, Medium drinks $3.

Adult Education News February 26,at 10:45 am

Room 13

Hospice: Caring for Persons and Families

Experiencing Terminal Illness

Presenters: Dr. Jim Shaw, David McDou-

gall, Ted Ketcham and Jim Edwards

We have members of our congregation who are

intimately involved in the mission, and we are

privileged to hear from them this week.

This is their description of the program:

“Following a short video, our panel will talk about

the Hospice experience from four overlapping

points of view. Dr. Jim Shaw will discuss the im-

portance of palliative care; Head Chaplain Jim

Edwards will discuss the spiritual dimension of

Hospice; Director of Volunteers Dave McDougall

will talk about the role of Hospice volunteers, and

Hospice Volunteer Ted Ketcham will speak of his

experiences with Hospice clients and families.”

This week’s session will be a wonderful opportuni-

ty to talk about Hospice with people you know.

Grab a cup of coffee or tea and join us in room 13

after the morning service.

New Church Email Updates

Are you receiving weekly email updates from the church?

If you would like to receive this newest communication from the church, please

provide your email address to the church office and tell us to add you to our weekly

email list! Be sure to read the weekly updates and

watch for ways to connect and be involved at Covenant. If you don’t receive the up-

dates, check your spam folder for this email, some people have said this went to

their junk mail first. You may need to tell

your email server that this is desired mail.

New Church Directory

It is time to update our church directory!

Our directory includes everyone who considers

this to be their church home. You do not have to

be a member of the church to be included.

We would like to update everyone’s pic-

ture, address, phone contact, (include cell

phone numbers if you wish,) and email address-


Gregg Longmeier will take pictures at

church for everyone who would like to have

theirs taken, or you can provide a digital picture

for us to use by email, disk or flash drive.

Picture dates are April 23rd & April 30th.

If you have questions, please contact the church office, 466-1768

Page 5: New Lenten Sermon Series · 2017-02-24 · color of Lent shining from our towers will be inviting us to a time of reflection. There is help for this. Please do consider signing up

United Methodist Women News Recycled Greeting Card Project We are collecting used greeting and holiday cards to send them off to St. Jude’s Ranch for children. The Recycled Card Program has been doing a super job of teaching chil-dren work skills for more than 30 years. Here’s what to do: Tear off the fronts of greeting cards—We don’t want the whole card! All card fronts are welcome: Birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, Thank you, etc. Birthday and Thank you cards are especially nice as they are used all year long. Check that there is no writing on the back side of the fronts. Note: Disney, Hallmark and American Greetings cards can not be used because of copyright issues. Our monthly UMW meetings are on the second Mon-day of each month at the church and are open to all women to attend. Next Meeting: Monday, March 13 at 7:00pm

Dark Chocolate Easter Eggs Coming! Sister Church Fair Trade Sale-March 19th

Though the Easter bunny is still burrowed

under the snow, watch for Equal Exchange dark

chocolate Easter eggs to pop up at our next Sis-

ter Church Sale.

Organic Fair Trade Coffee, Tea, Olive Oil,

Hot Cocoa and Chocolate will be available March

19th before and after worship. We also have

three new chocolate bar flavors; Lemon Ginger

Black Pepper (lemony with a spicy kick!), Milk

Chocolate (just like the milk chocolate minis but in

a bar) and Extreme Dark Chocolate (88% cacao!).

We’ve also added Peppermint Herbal Tea to

our tea and coffee line up.

Your purchase helps send the children of our

sister church community in El Salvador to school.

We currently are supporting 81 elementary through

high school students, as well as five students pursu-

ing post-high school education. This would not be

possible without your continued


**Contact Bob or Fleeta Hol-

comb if you want to pre-order

packs of Easter eggs (18 mini-

sized dark chocolate eggs for

$6), as they went fast last year!

466-3356 or [email protected]

Lenten Devotional: Forty Days With Wesley

Written by former United Methodist Bishop, Rue-ben Job, with journal entries from John Wesley's diary, this Lenten devotional, is recommended this year. Lent begins March 1st on Ash Wednes-day. Do plan now to actively seek after God during this holy season. Draw closer to our Lord, learn about Wesley, and join a weekly small group for prayer and discussion. We will place an order for the devotionals. If you would like to reserve a copy, please let the church office know. The cost will be $11.

Dear Covenant family,

I have the privilege of being on an United Meth-

odist Volunteers in Mission (UMVIM) team

travelling to Nepal March 25 – April 15 this

spring to provide medical care, education and

supplies to 3 remote and poor villages in the An-

napurna region. Please keep this team and the

Nepalese we are going to serve in your prayers.

We are also in need of donations for medicines

and a few specific medical supplies we will use

while providing care in the rudimentary health

clinics. In addition, we need non-medical sup-

plies such as toothbrushes, three-crayon packs

and stickers are great for the large number of

kids we expect to see. Your tax deductible dona-

tions can be made to Covenant, attention Nepal

UMVIM Trip 2017. Thank you so much for your


Peace, Jim Shaw

Page 6: New Lenten Sermon Series · 2017-02-24 · color of Lent shining from our towers will be inviting us to a time of reflection. There is help for this. Please do consider signing up

Worship Servants: Thank you for offering your gifts & service to our

morning worship experience.

You are appreciated!

February 26 Reader: Gail Harris

Greeters: John & Sharon Colman

Ushers: Bobbi Renner

Welcome Table: Sharon Arnold

March 5 Reader: Bob Iller

Greeters: Mahlon & Kathy Dirks

Ushers: Robert & Brenda Bumann

Welcome Table: Pam Tsuchida

March 12 Reader: Sue Jackson

Greeters: Jerry & Margy Fey

Ushers: Elizabeth Williams

Welcome Table: Ron & Cheryl Vaughan

March 19 Reader: Elizabeth Williams

Greeters: Gordon & Sue Jackson

Ushers: Tom & Nancy Morlock

Welcome Table:

Book Review Group March 14 Book: Big Little Lies By Liane Moriarty Reviewer: Carol Ellsworth Hostess: Barb Miscoi April 11 Book: Ordinary Grace By: William Kent Krueger Reviewer: Cheryl Vaughan Hostess: Gail Harris May 9th Book: A Man Called Ove By: Fredrik Backman Hostess: Marge Ruby Reviewer: Diane Thomas

Do you love to read? Join us! We welcome new people to join us for discussion and fellowship. Contact Jeannie Peer, 466-4623 for more information.


The Fig Tree

2017 Deepening Our Roots

Benefit Lunch Friday, March 10

Buffet begins 11:45am...Program 12-1pm

Benefit Breakfast Wednesday. March 15

Buffet begins 7:15am...Program 7:30-8:30am

BOTH are at Cataldo Hall at Gonzaga University

The breakfast and luncheon are complimentary.

Guests will be invited to donate to support The Fig Tree.

CALL 535-4112 or 535-1813 email [email protected]

The Fig Tree, 1323 S Perry St., Spokane WA 99202

March Collections for New Hope The New Hope Resource Center needs fillers for Easter Baskets. Needed: Easter candy/individually wrapped snacks/gum, etc Baskets & plastic pails Plastic eggs Small toys NO BASKET GRASS PLEASE! All donations can be left in our collection barrel. Families will have the opportunity to pick out filled baskets for their kids in April.

Page 7: New Lenten Sermon Series · 2017-02-24 · color of Lent shining from our towers will be inviting us to a time of reflection. There is help for this. Please do consider signing up

Sunday Schedule

Worship .......................................................................... 9:30am

Children’s FROG Time .................................................. 9:45am

Adult Education Hour .................................................. 10:45am

Youth Group for grades 7-12 ......................................... 6:30pm

Covenant Staff Pastor ........................................................ Rev. Roger Hudson

Music Leader .................................................. Bryan Swenland

Pianist ........................................................................ Feng Tsai

Church Secretary ..................................................... Karen King

Custodian ................................................................... Bob Ratts

Youth Ministries .................. Skyler Lamberd & Aric Williams

Nursery Supervisor ............................................ Marcy Hansen

Preschool Director ............................................ Angie Canavan

Office Hours: Mon-Friday ..................................................... 9:30am -3:00pm

“The Covenant Connection” is printed once a month by Cove-

nant United Methodist Church. Deadline to turn in arti-

cles for the next newsletter is Tues, Mar. 21 at noon.

Covenant United Methodist Church 15515 North Gleneden Drive

Spokane, WA 99208-9743

Phone (509) 466-1768

Email: [email protected]


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Permit No. 20

A chance to meet our new Bishop. Bishop Elaine Stanovsky's "Threshold Event"

at Spokane Valley UMC. Sunday, Feb 26th from 2-4PM.

Spokane Valley UMC 115 N Raymond Rd

Spokane Valley, WA 99206

Covenant Blood Drive

The Inland Northwest Blood Mobile will be at

Covenant on March 19, from 9am-11am.

Mark your calendars now.

Donation appointments are now available.

Sign up through

Use Sponsor Code: “Covenant United”

or call the church office 466-1768.