new maths vocabulary for year 1 · web viewreview : november 2019 the richard heathcote cp school...

The Richard Heathcote CP School Maths Teaching, Learning and Calculations Policy

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Page 1: New maths vocabulary for year 1 · Web viewReview : November 2019 The Richard Heathcote CP School Maths - Teaching, Learning and Calculations Policy How to use this policy This mathematics

The Richard Heathcote CP School

MathsTeaching, Learning and Calculations Policy

November 2018

Review : November 2019

Page 2: New maths vocabulary for year 1 · Web viewReview : November 2019 The Richard Heathcote CP School Maths - Teaching, Learning and Calculations Policy How to use this policy This mathematics

The Richard Heathcote CP School Maths - Teaching, Learning and Calculations Policy

How to use this policy This mathematics policy is a guide for all staff at The Richard Heathcote CP School and has been adapted from work by the NCETM. It is purposely set out as a progression of mathematical skills and not into year group phases to encourage a flexible approach to teaching and learning. It is expected that teachers will use their professional judgement as to when consolidation of existing skills is required or if to move onto the next concept. However, the focus must always remain on breadth and depth rather than accelerating through concepts. Children should not be extended with new learning before they are ready, they should deepen their conceptual understanding by tackling challenging and varied problems. All teachers have been given the scheme of work from the White Rose Maths Hub and are required to base their planning around their year groups modules and not to move onto a higher year groups scheme work. These modules use the Singapore Maths Methods and are affiliated to the workings of the 2014 Maths Programme of Study. Teachers can use any teaching resources that they wish to use and the policy does not recommend one set of resources over another, rather that, a variety of resources are used. For each of the four rules of number, different strategies are laid out, together with examples of what concrete materials can be used and how, along with suggested pictorial representations. The principle of the concrete-pictorial-abstract (CPA) approach [Make it, Draw it, Write it] is for children to have a true understanding of a mathematical concept, they need to master all three phases within a year group’s scheme of work.

Key Principles

At The Richard Heathcote CP School, maths teaching is taught following the concrete-pictorial-abstract (CPA) approach to concept learning and by following the White Rose Scheme. It

is centred on problem solving

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is differentiated through questioning, support, consolidation and deepening is precise in language expectations ensures children deepen concept learning and reach an understanding of the abstract

Children will:• self-correct and respond to feedback using green pen• participate in partnered, group and whole class discussions during each session• use the concrete–pictorial–abstract approach• complete different types of questions in their workbooks to show their learning• access consolidation and deepening activities in their maths books

Teachers will:• recap previous learning at the beginning of each lesson• actively bring discussions back to draw a conclusion • assess at every step within the lesson - ‘teach it, assess it’• teach with appropriate pace• model precise use of language• ensure active participation from all children• ensure differentiation by depth of concepts• give time for children to respond to feedback• correct spellings of maths words• cover all of their class objectives• guide children’s understanding ultimately to the abstract• include an element of fluency, problem solving and reasoning within all lessons

Teachers will refer to the document Maths at The Richard Heathcote School for further guidance.

Assessment At The Richard Heathcote CP School, we recognise that assessment for learning lies at the heart of promoting learning and raising standards of attainment.

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The formative assessment procedures within our school consist of: Questioning, discussion and observations (these ‘immediate’ responses are mainly verbal and may not always be recorded). Fast feedback in books is in response to the achievement of the learning target or to correct any difficulties encountered. Self-assessment using the schools marking policy for maths and learning conversations. Small steps pre and post lesson assessment grid completed by pupils and teacher and confirmed by a challenge task 2 weeks

after the unit’s completion.

The summative assessment procedures within our school consist of: A standardised test will be administered at the end of each school year to accurately ascertain the children’s maths age and

current working level. White Rose ‘cold’ assessment at the beginning of a term to check pupils’ current knowledge and understanding which is then

repeated as a ‘hot’ assessment at the end of the term to ascertain the children’s progress over the term. Teacher assessment of the maths objectives for the stage to be completed at the end of each unit.

Mathematics Mastery At the centre of the mastery approach to the teaching of mathematics is the belief that all children have the potential to succeed. They should have access to the same curriculum content and, rather than being extended with new learning, they should deepen their conceptual understanding by tackling challenging and varied problems. Similarly, with calculation strategies, children must not simply rote learn procedures but demonstrate their understanding of these procedures through the use of concrete materials and pictorial representations. This policy outlines the different calculation strategies that should be taught and used in Year 1 to Year 6 in line with the requirements of the 2014 Primary National Curriculum.

Background The 2014 Primary National Curriculum for mathematics differs from its predecessor in many ways. Alongside the end of Key Stage year expectations, there are suggested goals for each year; there is also an emphasis on depth before breadth and a greater expectation of what children should achieve. In addition, there is a whole new assessment method, as the removal of levels gives schools greater freedom to develop and use their own systems. One of the key differences is the level of detail included, indicating what children should be learning and when. This is suggested content for each year group, but schools have been given autonomy to introduce content earlier or later, with the expectation that by the end of each key stage the required content has been covered. For example, in Year 2, it is suggested that children should be able to ‘add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero’ and a

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few years later, in Year 5, they should be able to ‘add and subtract whole numbers with more than four digits, including using formal written methods (column addition and subtraction)’. In many ways, these specific objectives make it easier for teachers to plan a coherent approach to the development of pupils’ calculation skills. However, the expectation of using formal methods is rightly coupled with the explicit requirement for children to use concrete materials and create pictorial representations – a key component of the mastery approach.

Mathematical Language The 2014 National Curriculum is explicit in articulating the importance of children using the correct mathematical language as a central part of their learning (reasoning). Indeed, in certain year groups, the non-statutory guidance highlights the requirement for children to extend their language around certain concepts. It is therefore essential that teaching using the strategies outlined in this policy is accompanied by the use of appropriate and precise mathematical vocabulary. New vocabulary should be introduced in a suitable context (for example, with relevant real objects, apparatus, pictures or diagrams) and explained carefully. High expectations of the mathematical language used are essential, with teachers only accepting what is correct. The school agreed list of terminology is located at Appendix A to this document.

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Maths vocabulary for the new National CurriculumThis document sets out Key Stage (KS) 1 and KS2 maths vocabulary under the new National Curriculum. The tables can be used to check pupils’ understanding of new vocabulary introduced in years 1-6. The lists are intended as a guide to what pupils should know, and are not exhaustive.

New maths vocabulary for year 1

Number and place value

Addition and subtraction

Multiplication and division

MeasureGeometry (position and direction)

Geometry (properties of shape)

FractionsGeneral/problem solving


Zero, one, two, three to twenty, and beyond


Count (on/up/to/from/down)

Before, after

More, less, many, few, fewer, least, fewest, smallest, greater, lesser

Equal to, the same as

Odd, even

Number bonds, number line

Add, more, plus, make, sum, total, altogether


Double, near double

Half, halve

Equals, is the same as (including equals sign)

Difference between

How many more to

Odd, even

Count in twos, threes, fives

Count in tens (forwards from/backwards from)

How many times?

Lots of, groups of

Once, twice, three times, five times

Multiple of, times, multiply, multiply by

Repeated addition

Full, half full, empty



Weigh, weighs, balances

Heavy, heavier, heaviest, light, lighter, lightest



Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, etc.

Seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter

Day, week, month, year, weekend

Birthday, holiday

Morning, afternoon,


Over, under, underneath, above, below, top, bottom, side

on, in, outside, inside

around, in front, behind

Front, back

Before, after

Beside, next to, Opposite


Between, middle, edge, centre


Group, sort

Cube, cuboid, pyramid, sphere, cone, cylinder, circle, triangle, square


Flat, curved, straight, round

Hollow, solid

Corner (point, pointed)

Face, side, edge

Make, build, draw


Equal parts, four equal parts

One half, two halves

A quarter, two quarters

Listen, join in

Say, think, imagine, remember

Start from, start with, start at

Look at, point to

Put, place, fit

Arrange, rearrange

Change, change over

Split, separate

Carry on, continue, repeat & what comes next?

Find, choose, collect, use, make, build

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Units, ones, tens

Ten more/less





(In) order/a different order



Between, halfway between

Above, below

make..? How many more is…than..? How much more is..?

Subtract, take away, minus

How many fewer is…than..? How much less is..?

Array, row, column

Double, halve

Share, share equally

Group in pairs, threes, etc.

Equal groups of

Divide, divided by, left, left over

evening, night, midnight

Bedtime, dinnertime, playtime

Today, yesterday, tomorrow

Before, after

Next, last

Now, soon, early, late

Quick, quicker, quickest, quickly , fast, faster, fastest, slow, slower, slowest, slowly

Old, older, oldest, new, newer, newest

Takes longer, takes less time

Hour, o'clock, half past

Clock, watch, hands

How long ago? How long will it be to…? How long will it take to…? How often?

Always, never, often, sometimes, usually

Once, twice

First, second, third, etc.

Estimate, close to, about the same as, just over, just under

Too many, too few, not enough, enough

Length, width, height, depth



Left, right, up, down, forwards, backwards, sideways


Close, far, near

Along, through

To, from, towards, away from


Slide, roll, turn, whole turn, half turn

Stretch, bend

Tell me, describe, pick out, talk about, explain, show me

Read, write, record, trace, copy, complete, finish, end

Fill in, shade, colour, tick, cross, draw, draw a line between, join (up), ring, arrow


Count, work out, answer, check same number(s)/different number(s)/missing number(s)

Number facts, number line, number track, number square, number cards

Abacus, counters, cubes, blocks, rods, die, dice, dominoes, pegs, peg board

Same way, different way, best

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Long, longer, longest, short, shorter shortest, tall, taller, tallest, high, higher, highest

Low, wide, narrow, deep, shallow, thick, thin

Far, near, close

Metre, ruler, metre stick

Money, coin, penny, pence, pound, price, cost, buy, sell, spend, spent, pay, change, dear(er), costs more, costs less, cheaper, costs the same as

How much? How many?


way, another way

In order, in a different order

Not all, every, each

New maths vocabulary for year 2

Number and place value

MeasureGeometry (position and direction)

Geometry (properties of shape)

Fractions Data/statisticsGeneral/problem solving

Numbers to one hundred


Partition, recombine

Hundred more/less

Quarter past/to

m/km, g/kg, ml/l

Temperature (degrees)


Clockwise, anticlockwise

Straight line

Ninety degree turn, right angle


Bigger, larger, smaller

Symmetrical, line of symmetry



Mirror line, reflection

Pattern, repeating pattern

Three quarters, one third, a third

Equivalence, equivalent

Count, tally, sort


Graph, block graph, pictogram,


Group, set, list, table

Label, title

Most popular, most common, least


Describe the pattern, describe the rule

Find, find all, find different


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popular, least common

New maths vocabulary for year 3

Number and place value

Addition and subtraction

Multiplication and division

MeasureGeometry (position and direction)

Geometry (properties of shape)

Fractions Data/statistics

Numbers to one thousand

Column addition and subtraction


Multiples of four, eight, fifty and one hundred

Scale up

Leap year

Twelve-hour/twenty-four- hour clock

Roman numerals I to XIII

Greater/less than ninety degrees

Orientation (same orientation, different orientation)

Horizontal, perpendicular and parallel lines

Numerator, denominator

Unit fraction, non-unit fraction

Compare and order


Chart, bar chart, frequency table, Carroll diagram, Venn diagram

Axis, axes


New maths vocabulary for year 4

Number and place valueMultiplication and division

MeasureGeometry (position and direction)

Geometry (properties of shape)

Fractions and decimals Data/statistics

Tenths, hundredths Decimal (places)

Round (to nearest)

Thousand more/less than

Negative integers

Count through zero

Roman numerals (I to C)

Multiplication facts (up to 12x12)

Division facts



Convert Coordinates




Perimeter and area



Right angle, acute and obtuse angles

Equivalent decimals and fractions

Continuous data

Line graphNew maths vocabulary for year 5

Number and place value

Addition and subtraction

Multiplication and division

MeasureGeometry (position and direction)

Geometry (properties of shape)

Fractions, decimals and percentages

Powers of 10 Efficient written method

Factor pairs

Composite numbers, prime number, prime factors, square number, cubed number

Formal written method


Imperial units, metric units

Reflex angle


Regular and irregular Polygons

Proper fractions, improper fractions, mixed numbers


Half, quarter, fifth, two fifths, four fifths

Ratio, proportion

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New maths vocabulary for year 6

Number and place value

Addition and subtraction

Multiplication and division

Geometry (position and direction)

Geometry (properties of shape)

Fractions, decimals and percentages

Algebra Data/statistics

Numbers to ten million

Order of operations

Order of operations

Common factors, common multiples

Four quadrants (for coordinates)

Vertically opposite (angles)

Circumference, radius, diameter

Degree of accuracy


Linear number sequence




Known values


Pie chart
