new millennium, new nail problems

New millennium, new nail problems ROBERT BARAN* & JEAN-CLAUDE ROUJEAU y *Nail Disease Centre, Cannes, France, and y Department of Dermatology, Ho Ãpital Henri Mondor, Creteil, France ABSTRACT: The major nail disorders in the new millennium may well be related to systemic drugs used for conditions other than nail problems. Conversely the new therapies for onychomycosis, a condition whose incidence is increasing, may result in drug interactions. We have chosen to report on the most common iatrogenic causes of nail disorders, such as toxic epidermal necrolysis, psoriasis or acral psoriasiform reaction, lichen planus or lichenoid reaction, antineoplastic therapy- induced palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia, paronychia and pyogenic granuloma, drug-induced onycholysis and photo-onycholysis, and drug-induced scleroderma and sclerodermiform condi- tions. The adverse effects and drug interactions of the newer oral antifungal agents will be quoted and their management will be discussed. KEYWORDS: drug-induced nail disorders, onychomycosis, toxic epidermal necrolysis. A large number of nail problems in the new millennium will be related to systemic drugs. Drugs are incorporated into nails by a double mechanism: deposition into the root of the growing nail via the blood flow in the nail matrix, and incorporation via the nail bed during growth from the lunula to the beginning of the free margin (1). The range of drug side effects varies directly with the multiplicity of the medications in use (1,2). Our drug armamentarium has expanded enormously and, with it, their toxic effects on the nail. Nail abnormalities may result from systemic drugs used for conditions other than nail pro- blems. Conversely, onychomycosis, which has existed for centuries, today presents increasingly newer manifestations matched with newer thera- pies and their accompanying adverse effects. Toxic epidermal necrolysis and Stevens±Johnson's syndrome (3±6) Some drugs are often implicated in the develop- ment of toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) (Table 1). Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Robert Baran, MD, Nail Disease Center, 42 rue des Serbes, 06400 Cannes, France, or e-mail: [email protected] or BARAN.R@ Table 1. Drugs significantly implicated in the development of toxic epidermal necrolysis and Stevens±Johnson's syndrome Allopurinol Oxyphenbutazone Amoxicillin and other aminopenicillins Phenobarbital and other barbiturates Bumadizone calcium Phenylbutazone Butalbital Phenytoin Butazolidin Piroxicam Carbamazepine Pyritinol hydrochloride Cefaclor Rifampin Cephalosporins Salazopyrin Chlormezanone Sulfadiazine Co-trimoxazole Sulfadoxine Diclofenac Sulfasalazine Disulfiram Sulfonamides Ethambutol Sulindac Fenbufen Tenoxicam Hydantoins Terbinafine Hydroxychloroquine sulfate Thiabendazole Ibuprofen Tiaprofinic acid Isoxicam Vancomycin Dermatologic Therapy, Vol. 15, 2002, 64 ± 70 Printed in the United States All rights reserved Copyright # Blackwell Publishing, Inc., 2002 DERMATOLOGIC THERAPY ISSN 1396-0296 64

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Page 1: New millennium, new nail problems

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