new olympic wealth fund 'biathlon' brochure

Biathlon Horizon Fund See further, go further

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Introduction to Biathlon

Company overview

Biathlon Fund features

Where Biathlon invests

Biathlon’s investment strategy

Client goals and our standards


As far back as the 18th Century, military ski patrols in Scandinavia were responsible for

guarding country borders during winter months. This required travelling long distances

on skis while carrying a rifle.

An Olympic athlete in the modern day Biathlon event must combine power and

endurance, with the calm and precision of a marksman. The current Biathlon

competition consists of a race in which competitors ski long distances cross-country

and where the distance is broken up by several shooting rounds.

This athletic fortitude and sharp shooter accuracy resonates with our newly launched

Biathlon Horizon Fund.

Biathlon has a global equity outlook, which is designed to provide you with consistent

gains over the long term using a low risk cautious strategy similar to that employed by

Warren Buffett. This involves investing in equities from the perspective of buying into a

business which is well run, has a distinct marketing edge and has a high probability of

above average performance.

Olympic Wealth is a thriving brand that is continuing to flourish and expand. The

Directors of Olympic Wealth have extensive investment experience having successfully

invested in global markets; creating wealth for individuals, families and corporations for

nearly twenty years.

Our board at Olympic Wealth has a depth of experience drawn from a variety of

backgrounds related to the investment industry, such as economics, finance, fund

management and banking. Furthermore, our independent board members have

international experience in numerous countries including the UK, Malaysia, the Middle

East, Singapore, China and the Caribbean.

Designed with our industry partners, our aim is to provide you, our valued clients, with

a range of high caliber, sustainable, profitable funds to help you achieve your financial


Our Investment Manager, Pathway Asset Management, prides itself in being at the

forefront of service, quality and innovation. They operate in diverse markets throughout

the globe with strategically placed international offices currently in London, Monaco,

and shortly, Southeast Asia.

We have a strong focus on fiscal prudence and collectively, we at Olympic Wealth and

Pathway Asset Management, execute our fiduciary duties to protect clients with the

utmost of integrity and transparency.

Introduction to Biathlon

Company overview


Our Biathlon Horizon Fund is different from other types of investments in that the

techniques we use have direct benefits for you, the investor.

The first major feature we employ is a ‘Hurdle rate’ which means that your fund value

must grow in excess of the ‘Hurdle rates’, currently 3% and 5% annually, depending on

the amounts you invest, before our Fund Manager qualifies for any performance fee.

Any growth in excess of the rates is then allocated 75% for clients and 25% to the Fund


The Fund Manager will not qualify to receive any performance fee until the ‘Hurdle

rates’ have been beaten.

The second major feature is a ‘High water mark’. If the Fund Manager has not grown

your investment in excess of the aforementioned ‘Hurdle rates’, they will not receive any

performance fee unless they have additionally surpassed the all time historical highest

share price, or ‘High water mark’.

These combined features streamline and create synergy with both your goals and ours

and enables Olympic Wealth to be focused on performance with laser precision.

Biathlon Fund features


Biathlon Horizon Fund is focused on investing in companies that are listed on the major

worldwide stock markets including the London Stock Exchange (LSE), the Dow Jones

Industrial average (DJIA) and the NASDAQ in New York.

In addition to investing in robust, developed nations such as the UK, the US and Europe,

we also seek out investment opportunities across developing countries which are

experiencing economic growth.

Biathlon has a global outlook and we shall invest in countries which are economically

and politically stable, where we believe we can identify investments that will yield an

attractive growth and income over the long term.

Where Biathlon invests


Olympic Wealth’s investment objective is to provide capital appreciation over the

medium to long term investment cycles, the bedrock of which is seated in Warren

Buffett’s ‘Focus Investing’ approach.

The principles of Focus Investing date back to the early 1930’s which were codified in

Benjamin Graham’s book ‘Security Analysis’ in 1934. This has stood the test of time

over the past 80+ years and still resonates today with Warren Buffett being the biggest

proponent of this style.

Focus Investing involves investing in equities from the perspective of buying into a

business which is well run, has a distinct marketing edge and has a high probability

of above average performance. Olympic Wealth adheres to the following guiding


• We aim to purchase assets that have a sustainable competitive advantage, or

‘moat’ around them, holding them long term to compound the benefits.

• We purchase assets for significantly less than their book value.

• We concentrate on holding a small number of high caliber assets rather than over

diversifying, preferring to hold quality over quantity.

• We focus on return on equity (ROE) rather than earnings, which can be fleeting.

We believe that this long term approach of increasing return on equity will

have a more profound effect on an asset’s value compared to earnings.

• A low debt/equity ratio is an important factor in selecting assets, as high debt

used to finance operations can result in volatile earnings.

• Any assets purchased must be currently producing, or will be capable of

producing, regular dividends to the Fund.

• Profit margins should be high and preferably, increasing.

• We will seek out extraordinary investments in unusual markets that we believe will

excel in the coming years.

Biathlon’s investment strategy

At Olympic Wealth we are focused on building our

brand in the major continents and will strive to give

you the best investment experience possible, helping

you create wealth and provide for your future.

The future


Our goal is to grow our Fund’s profitability, while maintaining a high degree of fiscal


In addition to seeking long term, consistent gains, we firmly believe that you, our

valued clients, deserve a more informed connection with your investments and those

managing it.

We believe that you wish to understand the investment process and seek to have a

belief that the Directors of the Fund, the staff and the Financial Advisor dealing with

your investments always have your best interests in mind.

We have a highly client-centric service standard, which is essential to our success and

we continually disseminate intuitive, insightful information to you and your Financial

Advisor. We believe this fosters a real sense of understanding and involvement, coupled

with a two way dialogue and complete transparency.

Client goals and our standards

Note: Funds are invested in USD or currency equivalent.

Disclaimer: This document and the information it contains has been produced by Olympic Wealth Management in conjunction with the Fund Manager, Pathway Asset Management with the aim of providing information to current and prospective investors to the Fund.

It should be noted that the document itself, does not represent an offering and should be read in conjunction with the Fund’s Offering Memorandum which provides detailed information on the Fund including investment type, investment strategy and leverage limits. Please note that past performance does not guarantee future payments and that the value of the income derived from investments may fluctuate up or down and investors into the Fund may not get back their original investment.

Further information regarding Biathlon Horizon Fund SP can be obtained from the Offering Memorandum document available on our website:

Segregated Portfolio Company

Olympic Wealth Fund SPC


Email: [email protected]

Investment Manager

Pathway Asset Management Winchester House

259-269 Old Marylebone Road

London NWI 5RA


Email: [email protected]

For further information

Telephone: +44 (0) 203 755 3457

Facsimile: +44 (0) 207 170 4001