new super mario bros - guide - nintendo ds

Introduction Face it: It's been a while and your 2D Mario skills have faded. Perhaps you've romped through the easy sections of New Super Mario Bros. without fail, but rest assured that things will soon get difficult. With new controls and gameplay elements to deal with, it's an uphill battle just to save Princess Peach. Of course, fair- skinned royalty isn't your only objective in New Super Mario Bros. Each of the game's 80 stages is home to hidden Star Coins carefully placed just out of easy reach. Do the math and you'll realize that there are 240 Star Coins to find. They're buried in the cracks and crevices of these dangerous stages, and if you're looking to complete the game you're going to want those treasures. That's where we come in. In this New Super Mario Bros. strategy guide, you'll find: Basics: Introductory tips that'll help you at every stage of the game. Walkthrough: Tips for conquering all 80 stages, strategies to defeat all bosses, and everything you need to grab all 240 Star Coins. Secrets: Learn how to unlock World 4 and World 7 and then play through them as Luigi. Video Tips: IGN Insiders get access to video walkthroughs of all nine stage bosses. Guide by: Mark Ryan Sallee This PDF Guide is property of IGN Entertainment. Any unlawful duplication or posting of this document without the consent of IGN Entertainment will result in legal action.

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Page 1: New Super Mario Bros - Guide - Nintendo DS


Face it: It's been a while and your 2D Mario skills have faded. Perhaps you've romped through the easy sections of New Super Mario Bros. without fail, but rest assured that things will soon get difficult. With new controls and gameplay elements to deal with, it's an uphill battle just to save Princess Peach. Of course, fair-skinned royalty isn't your only objective in New Super Mario Bros.

Each of the game's 80 stages is home to hidden Star Coins carefully placed just out of easy reach. Do the math and you'll realize that there are 240 Star Coins to find. They're buried in the cracks and crevices of these dangerous stages, and if you're looking to complete the game you're going to want those treasures. That's where we come in.

In this New Super Mario Bros. strategy guide, you'll find:

� Basics: Introductory tips that'll help you at every stage of the game. � Walkthrough: Tips for conquering all 80 stages, strategies to defeat all bosses, and everything you need to

grab all 240 Star Coins. � Secrets: Learn how to unlock World 4 and World 7 and then play through them as Luigi. � Video Tips: IGN Insiders get access to video walkthroughs of all nine stage bosses.

Guide by: Mark Ryan Sallee

This PDF Guide is property of IGN Entertainment. Any unlawful duplication or posting of this document without the consent of IGN

Entertainment will result in legal action.

Page 2: New Super Mario Bros - Guide - Nintendo DS


An assortment of power-ups will change Mario's size and abilities, giving you access to new attacks and letting you reach otherwise impossible areas. Here, we'll go over the various forms of Mario and describe their unique abilities.

Mario You start the game as plain Mario, the only form with no special attributes. Standard Mario can't break blocks and he'll die in just one hit. If you're playing as Mario and see a power-up, grab it. You won't miss out on anything by upgrading to a new form.

Super Mario Grab a standard Mushroom power-up and Mario will become Super Mario, a larger form of his same self. As Super Mario, you can break blocks with ground pounds and jumps. Super Mario can also sustain a single attack without dying, though he'll revert to standard Mario.

Fire Mario Fire Mario is just like Super Mario but with the added ability to shoot fireballs. There can be two fireballs on-screen at any given time. Fireballs are capable of defeating most enemies, including Bowser Jr. and other bosses. Get hit once and Fire Mario will revert to Super Mario form.

Shell Mario The most unique power-up will turn Mario into Shell Mario. Shell Mario has some great advantages, but he can also be very dangerous to play. Start running and Shell Mario will soon tuck into his shell and bounce around the level. It's hard to control Mario while he's in his shell, but the move is good for both attacking enemies and breaking blocks from the side (since you can't get under all of them to jump and bust 'em). To stop the shell form, simply release the dash button. You can also hold DOWN on the controls to immediately tuck into Mario's shell. Mario becomes impervious to many enemy attacks, though you won't be able to move.

Many Faces of Mario

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Mini Mario Mini Mario's special power is...he's mini. Mini Mario can fit through gaps and into pipes that other plumber forms cannot. Playing as Mini Mario is a bit dangerous, though. He'll die in one hit and he's not very capable when it comes to defeating enemies. Jumping on most enemy heads does nothing. You'll have to use ground pounds to destroy even the simplest of enemies, including koopas and goombas.

Mega Mario A Mega Mushroom will transform Mario into Mega Mario, a huge version of the hero that's capable of stamping out anything in his path. Mega Mario cannot be hurt, though the Mega effect only lasts for a limited stretch of time. While in Mega Mario mode, try to stomp through as much debris as possible. Take out blocks and (especially) pipes to build up the meter at the top of the screen. Fill the meter enough and you'll earn free 1-Ups when the Mega effect wears off. Note that Mega Mario will always revert to Super Mario stage, even if you had Fire or Shell Mario before grabbing the Mega Mushroom.

Mario's basic controls are quite simple--walk, dash, jump--but as you progress through the game you'll uncover more difficult challenges that'll push these simple controls to the limits. Here we'll discuss the more advanced control techniques available in New Super Mario Bros. We suggest you learn them well.

Ground Pound To perform a ground pound, first jump then press DOWN on the D-PAD. Mario will flip in mid-air and slam down with his tush, crushing anything and everything below it. Hold the DOWN button and Mario will continue smashing until he hits solid ground (you can use this to smash through a row of blocks in just one jump). Ground pounds are good for clearing new paths through blocks and for defeating enemies. You'll also need to use a ground pound or two to trigger certain switches in the game.

Sweet Moves

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Wall Jump To execute a wall jump, first jump and press Mario against a wall. As Mario slowly slides down the wall, jump again and he'll leap off the wall. This move is great for reaching heights that are otherwise impossible, effectively giving you the height of two jumps. You can even wall jump between two walls that are closely spaced, repeatedly leaping back and forth to climb vertical passages.

Crouch Slide Though Mini and Standard Mario don't have to worry about it, the larger versions of Mario will sometimes find small gaps in a wall that are too small to simple walk through. To get by these obstacles, run towards the gap and press and hold DOWN to crouch just before you touch the wall. Mario will duck and slide, letting you slip through these narrow passages.

Triple Jump To perform a triple jump, hold down the dash button and start running. Jump once, then as you touchdown on the ground immediately jump again. Jump a third time without pausing and Mario will execute a triple jump that looks different than a normal jump. A triple jump will give you a bit more height and distance on the leap, letting you get to some hard-to-reach places (as well as hit higher parts of the flag for more points at the end of a stage).

Enemy Bounce Some bonus items are often placed just barely out of reach and you might think that if Mario were just a little bit more like Mike that he'd be able grab 'em. Quit yer frontin', Mario's fine just the way he is! You can often get a bit of extra height from a standard jump by hopping off the heads of enemies. Jump onto a goomba or koopa and press the jump button just as you land on its head. Mario will get extra height on the jump, letting you grab what at one time only Mr. Jordan could reach.

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Here are some more general tips to keep in mind throughout your Super Mario adventure.

General Tips

Collect Coins

There are coins scattered throughout the levels of New Super Mario Bros. Grab 'em all! For every 100 coins you collect, you'll earn an extra 1-Up.

Red Rings

Be on the lookout for Red Rings floating in various levels of the game. Jump through one of these Red Rings and a countdown will begin. Collect all eight of the Red Coins that appear and you'll be rewarded with a power-up.

Star Coins

Each and every stage--including towers and castles--has three Star Coins to find. These Star Coins can be used to unlock paths on the World Map that will give you access to mushroom houses. Most importantly, unlocking a path will give you the option to save your game. Try to collect all Star Coins to give you more chances to save your game.

Take a Peek

Stand still and press the L and R buttons to pan the camera around a bit. You can get a better view of Mario's surroundings, letting you better judge blind jumps before you make them

Free Mushroom Houses

Instead of immediately jumping onto the flag pole at the end of a stage, take your time and watch the clock. If you hit the flag when the last two digits of your timer are the same (example: 133, 211, or 099) you'll unlock a mushroom house on your World Map. If the last two digits are 1, 2, or 3, you'll unlock a red mushroom house. If the last two digits are 4, 5, or 6, you'll unlock a green mushroom house. If the last two digits are 7, 8, or 9, you'll unlock an orange mushroom house.

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Star Coin 1: The first Star Coin is found just before the halfway point on the map. It's in plain sight and can be grabbed simply by jumping off the row of bricks to the left.

Star Coin 2: Just after you hit the halfway checkpoint, look for a green tube that'll let you go underground. At the far end of the underground area is the second Star Coin. Jump to grab it.

Star Coin 3: If you've just come out of the tube where you grabbed the second Star Coin, turn around and backtrack a bit to find the third coin. You should be able to easily spot the coin under a row of bricks. As Super Mario (or better), jump and perform a ground pound (hold DOWN in mid-air) to smash through the bricks and grab the coin.

Red Coins: Immediately after grabbing the first Star Coin, look for a mid-air block formation with a gap in the bottom row. Jump up at the center of the gap and you should uncover some invisible blocks. Jump on top of the newly-formed blocks and bust the block overhead to reveal a green vine. Climb the vine and you'll enter a cloud area with the Red Ring. Gathering all of the coins should be a cinch.

Star Coin 1: The first Star Coin comes early in the level and is in plain sight. You can see it on a ledge up above. You can jump on top of the nearby bricks to reach it, wall jump off of the closer brick formation, or clear all the bricks and simply get a running jump to the ledge.

World 1 World 2 World 3 World 4 World 5 World 6 World 7 World 8

World 1-1

World 1-2

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Star Coin 2: Just past the first Star Coin is the second treasure. It's buried beneath a stack of blocks, only a few of which are destructible. As Super Mario or better, ground pound the tallest stack of blocks (the very center columns). You can smash your way through the blocks to grab the second Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: Before you reach the final tube of this underground stage you'll move across a see-saw platform. Wait on the left side of the platform to raise the opposite end, then quickly run up the slope you've created (jumping helps go faster!) so that you can leap off the right edge of the platform and jump onto the bricks above the rest of the stage. Mario will appear mostly off-screen. Continue running right and you'll find a hidden tube and the last Star Coin just below it.

Level Tip: After hitting the halfway checkpoint, you'll find a set of three pipes lined up next to each other, two of which are infested by piranha plants. You can enter the tube on the far-left, letting you into an underground passage. Don't get rid of the koopa inside! Instead, smash the blocks under him and kick his shell to the bottom level of the room. The shell will slowly destroy all of the blocks on the bottom level, letting you slide under the tube and into another underground area (one with a Mega Mushroom).

Level Tip: There are two ways to complete this stage and each way unlocks a different route on the world map. If you grab the third and final Star Coin, you'll go through a secret tube that unlocks a shortcut route to the south. If instead you miss the secret jump for the last Star Coin, you'll complete the level and unlock the northern route on the world map.

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Star Coin 1: Early in the stage you'll find a Spin Block. Jump on it to catapult Mario to a higher platform with a second Spin Block. Use this Spin Block to reach a trampoline platform above that'll let you jump high into the air to grab the first Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: After jumping on the trampoline to grab the first Star Coin, start floating to the right, following the trail of coins. The trail of coins will lead to directly to the second Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: The third Star Coin can be found just after the halfway checkpoint. You can see it clearly without having to hunt it down. Just wait for the mushroom platforms to rise so that you can easily jump to grab it.

Red Coins: The Red Ring is found just after nabbing the third Star Coin. The platforms beyond the Red Ring rise and fall, making it difficult to grab all of the coins in time. Wait for the nearest platform to reach its highest point before you jump through the Red Ring. You should then be able to move with the platforms and quickly grab the coins.

Level Tip: Just before the end of the stage is a mushroom platform that wobbles back and forth. Wait for the left end of the platform to go down so that you can leap off of the higher end (to the right) and onto the top of the flag pole. If you

World 1-3

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reach the very top of the flag pole you'll be rewarded with a 1-Up.

Star Coin 1: The first Star Coin can be seen as you move up the beginning portion of the tower, about one third of the way up. It's easy to see and easy to grab. Just make sure you don't jump on the platforms to the left before grabbing the Star Coin. You can't drop through the platforms after you've jumped on top of them.

Star Coin 2: At about the halfway point, the path splits in two directions. Go into the tube to the left and it'll catapult Mario upwards through the vertical passage. As you come down, slide against the left wall. You'll see a door to the right as you slide down. Wall jump to the door to enter a room with shifting blocks. The easiest way to grab the Star Coin is to get to the lower-right corner and wall-jump off the shifting blocks above you. Carefully land and make your way to the door to return to the main tower.

Star Coin 3: At the same place mentioned above, where the tower path splits in two directions, take the path on the right. Jump upwards with the shifting horizontal blocks to find the final Star Coin.

Level Tip: When in the hidden room with the second Star Coin, notice a small gap in the upper-right corner of the room that's never closed by the shifting blocks. You can jump into the gap to reach a hidden area with a 1-Up (smash the

World 1-Tower

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invisible blocks as soon as you enter the room). Shell Mario can go one further, breaking the blocks along the floor to reach a warp cannon (it'll send you all the way to World 5).

Level Tip: At the top of the tower is a pipe that'll shoot Mario upwards and between the two large, collapsing stones. Time it wrong and you'll get caught between the stones and lose a life. Wait on top of the pipe for the stones to collapse completely, then count out "one-one-thousand" before pressing DOWN to enter the pipe. Mario should fly upwards just as the stones open up, letting you safely make it through.

Level Tip: You'll fight Bowser Jr. at the top of the tower. He's very easy to defeat this go-round. Just stomp on his head three times and he'll be down for the count. Alternatively, you can attack him with Fire Mario's fireballs. Just beware that every time Bowser Jr. gets knocked down he'll get back up and be a little bit faster than before.

Star Coin 1: Early in the stage, you can see a miniature pipe below a platform and a very small passage just right of the pipe. Only Mini Mario can fit through the tiny passage, and there's luckily a Mini Mario power-up nearby. Bounce the question block to the right to become Mini Mario, then go into the tiny pipe. On the far right side of the underground area, wall jump off the right wall to reach the Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: Just before the halfway checkpoint is an odd stack of blocks with a koopa patrolling nearby. Stomp the koopa and grab his shell. Jump onto the top of the block formation (stay on one of the solid, unbreakable blocks) and kick the shell into the blocks. The shell will bust through the blocks, slowly revealing the entrance to the green pipe at the bottom. Enter the pipe and do not collect any of the coins. Instead, punch the blocks at the end of the passage to reveal a P Switch. Hit the P Switch and the coins will turn into platforms, letting you reach the second Star Coin to the left.

Star Coin 3: As you emerge from the underground passage with the second Star Coin, immediately go left to backtrack just a bit. You'll see the final Star Coin under a rock formation. You need to be either Mini Mario or standard Mario to fit through the small passage. Simply run straight for the Star Coin (you'll skip over the hole in the ground) to grab it.

World 1-4

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Level Tip: Want an easy way to infinite 1-Ups? Carry a koopa shell to the area just before the very end of the stage. Where the terrain starts to slope upwards towards a pipe that spits out goombas, kick the shell to make it bounce between the goomba pipe and the wall to your left. As long as you're standing just close enough to the goomba pipe to see it (but not any closer!), the shell will bounce back and forth, killing all goombas that appear. Before long, each killed goomba will result in a 1-Up.

Star Coin 1: About a third of the way through the stage, you'll see the first Star Coin just floating in the water near the top of the screen. Grab it!

Star Coin 2: Just after nabbing the first Star Coin, look for a pipe that's poking down from the top of the screen. Enter the pipe and you'll warp to a surface area with the second Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: Near the very end of the stage is the final Star Coin, nestled in a hard-to-navigate rock formation. It's easiest to grab the Star Coin as normal Mario or Mini Mario. The smaller versions of Mario can fit through the small gap and easily nab the coin. However, it is possible to grab the coin as a larger form of Mario. You'll need to be at the far right side of the screen just as the opening to the coin becomes available. Quickly swim left to grab the coin, then get ready to dodge the sharks that appear.

World 1-A

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Red Coins: Just past the halfway checkpoint is the stage's Red Ring. Try to avoid triggering it until after it's about halfway through the screen. The time you have to collect the coins is limited, and if you hit the Red Ring early the coins won't appear on screen until late.

Star Coin 1: You'll find the first Star Coin at the very beginning of the stage. Just use the trampolines to bounce up and grab it.

Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin comes before the halfway checkpoint. Two platforms are tied together by rope they'll rise and fall in opposite directions. Stand on the left platform to raise the one on the right, then use the second platform's higher elevation to reach the second Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: Just past the second Star Coin are two more sets of platforms tied together. At the end of the final set of platforms is a pipe near the top of the screen. You'll need to raise the right-most platform to the highest position possible, letting you jump up and into the pipe. You'll warp to an area with lots of coins and a mushroom platform you can ride. You'll find the third Star Coin near the end of the ride.

Red Coins: Bounce up on one of the surrounding trampolines and go through the Red Ring as you descend. Try to gather the coins on the lower level first, then quickly bounce up to the upper level of platforms to grab the last of the bunch.

Level Tip: After bounding over the long first set of trampoline platforms, you'll reach one steady mushroom platform with a lone koopa. Stomp the koopa and knock his shell onto the next set of trampoline platforms. Chase after the shell and it'll take out all enemies in your path (as well as earn you a 1-Up).

World 1-5

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Star Coin 1: A little over halfway through the castle you'll see the first Star Coin in a narrow column between two spiked stones. Stand beneath the coin while the spiked stones drop and wall jump between the stones to reach the Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin is just a bit past the first one, hovering over a pool of lava. Wait on the platform to the left of the coin and a small stone will rise up under the Star Coin. Quickly jump onto the stone platform to grab the coin, then hop onto the nearby tightrope for safety.

Star Coin 3: Immediately after grabbing the second star is a set of two tightropes. Jump onto the second, longer rope and move to about the center. Let the rope stretch all the way down, then jump straight up while holding UP on the controls to enter a hidden pipe. You'll be transported to a room with the last Star Coin.

Level Tip: After pushing your way through the castle, you'll face off against the boss Bowser. If you've got Fire Mario, you can simply unload a mess of fireballs to quickly take down the enemy. Otherwise, hop onto the floating platform to the left and wait for it to rise to the top of the screen. Leap off the platform and over Bowser's head to stomp on the skull switch and collapse the bridge.

World 1-Castle

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Star Coin 1: You'll find the first Star Coin without trying. It's in the first quarter of the stage, in plain sight. Jump to grab it, but watch out for the pokey.

Star Coin 2: At about halfway through the stage, look for the second Star Coin between two floating obstacles. Wait for the nearby platform to rise, removing the danger of the pokey, then jump to grab the coin.

Star Coin 3: The final Star Coin is also easy to spot. Carefully jump onto a low platform just after the halfway checkpoint to nab the prize.

Level Tip: Immediately after grabbing the third Star Coin, you'll see a tiny green tube that only Mini Mario can enter. If you have a Mini Mushroom in reserve, we recommend you save it. There are about thirty coins to find in the underground area, but nothing else. It's not really worth the effort.

Level Tip: There's one last pokey at the very end of the stage, and you'll need to get over it if you want to reach the flag. Hit the blocks directly in front of the short stairway before the flag to reveal a P Switch. Stomp on the switch and the row of coins at the top of the stairs will transform into blocks, giving you an easy route over the pokey and to the flag's top.

Star Coin 1: At about a quarter of the way through the stage, a second lakitu will start terrorizing you from his cloud. Use either Fire Mario's fireball or a koopa shell to knock out the lakitu and leave behind the cloud. Mario can then jump into the cloud and float straight up to find the first Star Coin among a series of normal coins.

World 1 World 2 World 3 World 4 World 5 World 6 World 7 World 8

World 2-1

World 2-2

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Star Coin 2: Just past the first Star Coin, along the ground level, you'll see the next treasure stored under a bridge. Super Mario or better can ground pound the blocks to clear a path to the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: Right before you jump onto a large, shifting mushroom platform, you'll see two pipes stacked next to each other. Press DOWN to enter the green pipe and Mario will be catapulted into the sky. While flying, hold UP to enter the tube that's mounted in mid-air. You'll warp to a cloud area with two more cannon pipes. Use them to shoot Mario high into the sky and grab the third Star Coin.

Level Tip: The floating lakitu can be defeated with a fireball, a thrown koopa shell, a jump on the head, or by hitting a block directly beneath the enemy.

Level Tip: Pay attention to the music for cues that guide the spiny shell movements.

Star Coin 1: After sliding down the hill at the beginning of the stage, move forward a bit and notice the diagonal passage overhead. Wall jump off the wall to the right to launch Mario into the passage where you'll find the Star Coin.

World 2-3

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Star Coin 2: You'll go through some tight passages before reaching a large mass of halls and one-way doors guarded by a single piranha plant. Move forward through the first door, jump up and then follow the passage left and up to reach the top level. Once there, move all the way to the top-right corner, drop down two levels, then jump back up one level to push open the final door and grab the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: In the stage's final room, go to the left corner of the room and jump up one platform. Follow the passage on the right and keep right until you jump off the platform. You should be able to reach another platform across the gap where you'll find the third Star Coin.

Level Tip: Just over halfway through the stage, you'll reach a large area with a bit of water along the floor. Nearby is an orange switch that'll temporarily raise the water level, letting you swim up to the area's exit. Above the exit is a large room that's loaded with coins. If you can reach the very top of this room before the water subsides, you can hit a second switch that'll raise the water level even higher. Keep swimming upwards and you'll soon find an alternate ending to the level which opens up World 2-A on the world map.

Star Coin 1: The first Star Coin can be found very early in the stage. You'll have to stick to the lower platform as you approach it, and watch out for the swimming baddy that's waiting to take you out.

World 2-A

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Star Coin 2: You can see the second Star Coin near the end of the stage, hovering over the tightly guarded waters. Use the nearby Spin Block to launch Mario into the sky, then carefully guide him downwards to float through the coin.

Star Coin 3: Just past the second Star Coin is a green pipe that leads to the level's exit, and above that pipe you'll see a yellow pipe hidden in a hard-to-reach loft. To get to this yellow pipe, jump off the nearby Spin Block (the same one you used to get the second Star Coin) and float towards the koopa patrolling the area in front of the pipes. As you float down, land on the koopa's back and jump to launch Mario into the loft. Go through the yellow pipe and you'll find the third Star Coin.

Level Tip: Follow the steps above to locate the third Star Coin. As you go on to complete the stage, you'll unlock an alternate path on the world map. The path leads to a warp cannon that'll fire you off to the beginning of World 5.

Star Coin 1: You can easily spot the first Star Coin near the beginning of the stage. To reach it, wait for the piranha plant to retreat into the pipe under the coin, then jump off the wall to the right to get on top of the pipe.

Star Coin 2: In the second area of the stage, you'll drop down a bit before reaching a body of water. Swim to the far end of the water and you'll reach a long set of stairs that leads upwards. Instead of taking the makeshift stairway, swim under the rock formation to find a hidden set of pipes. The red pipe will take you to an underwater room at the end of which is a pipe that'll bring you to an area under a bridge. Walk left, going under the bridge, to find the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: The third Star Coin is in plain sight but guarded by two hammer bros. enemies. You can simply run through the center of their defense to grab the coin, or take out the enemies to make a safer grab. Just beyond the hammer bros. is a koopa you can stomp. Grab his shell and use it to defeat the hammer bros. (or simply tag the Star Coin with the shell to collect it).

World 2-4

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Level Tip: As the stage drops down to the large pool of water, you may notice a tiny pipe to the left. Only Mini Mario can fit into the pipe by sprinting across the water. The pipe will lead you immediately to an alternative stage ending. Complete the stage this way and you'll unlock a shortcut path that'll take you one stage away from the World 5-Castle.

Star Coin 1: After riding on three ferris wheel-like contraptions, you'll reach a rope that Mario must use like monkey bars to reach the upper level of this very large first area. Ride a fourth ferris wheel up and over the tall wall to the right, then drop to the ground. You'll find the first Star Coin nestled in the corner to the right, beneath a fifth ferris wheel.

Star Coin 2: After grabbing the first Star Coin, hop onto the ferris wheel that's overhead and backtrack over the tall wall you scaled earlier. Once back on the fourth ferris wheel, ride it to the upper-left corner and wall jump up the narrow passage to reach a hidden doorway. You'll then enter a room with a U-shaped elevator. To use the lift, you'll have jump inside of it and wall jump back and forth as the elevator brings you upwards. The second Star Coin can be found in this room.

Star Coin 3: You'll drop down from the doorway after leaving the room with the second Star Coin. Hit the red block that's in front of you after the fall and a few spinning platforms will appear. Follow them to the red tunnel coming out of the ceiling, but don't jump into the pipe quite yet. Instead, wall jump between the pipe and the wall on the left. You'll find

World 2-Tower

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another red block you can bounce that'll create some more platforms to the left. Use these new platforms to reach the final Star Coin in the upper-left corner of the area.

Red Coins: The Red Ring is found almost directly above the first Star Coin. On your way to the Star Coin, climb the rope that runs along the ceiling and drop through the Red Ring at the end. You can collect all eight coins by simply staying put on a single platform and moving to intercept them as the ferris wheel spins.

Star Coin 1: Early in the stage, you'll come across a bunch of mimic-type enemies that look like shaking blocks. You can stand on top of these blocks as they leap, propelling Mario high into the air. Move forward until Mario is aligned with the center of the first large pyramid in the background. Use the mimic blocks to launch into the air, following the row of normal coins to find the first Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: Just past the halfway checkpoint, you'll approach the center of another large pyramid in the background. You should notice overhead a couple short rows of coins. To the right of these coins is a row of blocks, one of which houses a P Switch (bump it from below). Use the enemy mimic blocks to jump onto the block platform and nail the P Switch, transforming the rows of coins into platforms that'll let you reach the second Star Coin to the left.

World 2-5

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Star Coin 3: Near the end of the stage, a boomerang enemy guards the entrance to the final pipe. Defeat the enemy, then drop into the quicksand below him. Keep yourself near the surface of the quicksand but low enough to slide under the platform. You can emerge on the far right, jumping up in front of the silver panel to find a hidden entrance to another room. In this next room, jump onto the mimic block enemy and let him carry you over to the Star Coin. Wait for the mimic to jump, letting you grab the coin before defeating the mimic block for a 1-Up and exiting the underground passage.

Star Coin 1: The first Star Coin is easy to see as you ride the moving platform. Simply jump to grab it between piranha attacks.

Star Coin 2: Again, you'll see this Star Coin without looking hard. Just wait for your moving platform to reach it and jump to grab the treasure.

Star Coin 3: Like the first and second Star Coins, this third one isn't hard to find. Just wait for the screen to scroll far enough that you can safely grab the third Star Coin from the stationary platforms.

Level Tip: Having Fire Mario makes this stage easier, but even without the fireball powers you can breeze through the challenges. While on the floating platform that takes you through the bulk of the stage, stand directly in the center of the

World 2-6

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platform and ignore the piranha plants. If you stay at the platform's center the enemies will never get a chance to touch you.

Star Coin 1: A little under halfway through the castle, you should see the first Star Coin tucked in the center of stone formation. Wall jump up the passage on the left and quickly run for the hole in the walkway to drop before the rolling spiked ball can hit you.

Star Coin 2: In the desert area with the bullet bills, move right a bit until you see the second Star Coin in the loft above. Stand atop the right-most bullet bill cannon and wait for a bullet bill to come at you from the left. Jump and hop onto the moving bullet, letting it bounce you up to the loft with the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: After passing the bullet bills, you'll find a rope that swings over the top of a very large spiked ball. Use the rope to fling Mario onto the platform on the right and hit the blocks to reveal a Mini Mushroom. As Mini Mario, drop through the small gap to the right and wait for a clear jump over the gap (watch for spiked balls). There's a small gap you can fit into to find the third Star Coin.

Level Tip: As you might guess, you need to jump on the final boss's head three times to defeat him. The mummipokey will come out from the sand at one of a few different height levels. The shorter the pokey is the quicker he'll retreat into the sand, so be sure to be quick to stomp on him. It's hard to reach the top of the pokey when he's at his full height. To more easily stomp his head, use wall jumps to propel Mario higher in the air.

World 2-Castle

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Level Tip: You can unlock the path to World 4 (as opposed to World 3) by defeating the mummipokey as Mini Mario. Simply jumping on the pokey's head as Mini Mario won't accomplish anything. You'll need to use ground pound attacks to actually damage the enemy. As usual, it takes three successful attacks to defeat the boss. After grabbing the key dropped by the enemy, Mini Mario will continue on to World 4.

Star Coin 1: You'll hit the halfway checkpoint early in the stage and just before you reach a set of three pipes planted in the ground. Two of the pipes are blowing out air bubbles, but the center one is not. Drop into the center pipe and swim through the hidden underwater area to find the first Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: Immediately after emerging from the underwater passage with the first Star Coin, swim right a bit and you'll see the second Star Coin near the top of the screen. Lure the purple cheep away from the coin before quickly doubling back to safely grab it.

Star Coin 3: Just past the second Star Coin, you'll find a P Switch nestled inside a rock formation. Hit the switch and all of the blocks around you will turn into coins. Don't waste too much time gathering the coins--further to the right is the final Star Coin surrounded by coins. If you wait too long, the coins will turn back into blocks, slowing you down as you try to grab the Star Coin.

World 1 World 2 World 3 World 4 World 5 World 6 World 7 World 8

World 3-1

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Red Coins: There are two Red Rings in this stage, the first of which shows up early. You'll have to dodge between a bunch of cheeps, but collecting the first eight red coins isn't too tough. The bigger challenge is trying to grab the second set of eight red coins. Drop through the Red Ring from the top and let your downward momentum continue to grab the two lower coins to the right. Swim back up to the upper-right coins, then float down across the rock formation to collect the coins in the lower-left before grabbing the final coins in the upper-left corner.

Star Coin 1: Beyond the halfway checkpoint, you'll move over some land under which is a skeeter enemy and the first Star Coin. Let the skeeter drop bombs and clear away the blocks that surround the Star Coin before swimming down to grab it.

Star Coin 2: After grabbing the fist Star Coin, you'll find a series of barrels floating in the water. To reach the Star Coin placed high in the air, jump on top of the koopa underneath to get an extra boost and to grab the coin.

Star Coin 3: Grab the Mini Mushroom that comes from an underwater block just after the second Star Coin. As Mini Mario, continue to the next area and jump into the first pipe that's mounted on the ceiling. You'll warp to a hidden area with a long stretch of water and the third Star Coin. Mini Mario can skip across the water, letting you jump to grab the treasure.

World 3-A

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Red Coins: Swim through the Red Ring at full throttle. The red coins appear in a circle around you, including some just behind you. For now, use your forward momentum to grab the coins to the right, then swim up to the surface and turn left to grab the rest of the coins.

Level Tip: Use the Mini Mushroom near the end of the stage and then go through the pipe to reach the next area. Swim to the first solid platform and wait for the skeeter to swim next to you. The enemy will drop a bomb that destroys the blocks covering the miniature pipe underwater. Mini Mario can fit into the pipe, letting you grab a load of coins (as well as a Super Mushroom).

Star Coin 1: After the halfway checkpoint, look for a lone yellow pipe coming out of the ground. Drop into the pipe and you'll enter an area with a series of shifting mushroom platforms. Carefully jump across them to find the Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: When you emerge from the hidden area with the first Star Coin, look for a series of see-saw platforms leading right. Keep the see-saws high in the air, letting you jump across the shifting platforms and onto a solid platform with the second Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: The last Star Coin can be tricky to grab. As you ride the moving mushroom platform near the end of the stage, you'll pass by a flying koopa. Though you may be tempted to blast it away, don't get rid of the enemy just yet! You'll need to jump on the koopa's head to get some extra height in order to grab the third Star Coin that's floating high in the air. (Alternatively, you can kill the koopas on your first pass and stay on the platform as it doubles back towards the Star Coin. Stand on the very edge of the platform and, as the edge tilts up, jump to grab the Star Coin.)

World 3-2

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Red Coins: Jump through the Red Ring as you leap onto the next see-saw platform. You should be able to jump from platform to platform quickly grabbing the red coins until you reach the last of the see-saws. Stay on the platform and let it drop all the way down, letting you grab the two lowest coins as you jump off the falling platform to grab the last two.

Level Tip: At the beginning of the stage is a block mounted on the side of a platform. Toss an empty koopa shell at the block while standing on the shifting mushroom platform to the left. If you hit the block you'll knock out the 1-Up inside.

Level Tip: Just after nabbing the second Star Coin, you'll hop onto a moving mushroom platform that'll take you under a set of three pipes. You can jump to enter the green pipe (the right-most one), warping to an area with a P Switch and a Spin Block. Hit the P Switch and then quickly jump onto the Spin Block. After flying upwards through the coins, tap DOWN on the controls to quickly come back down for a second jump. Unfortunately, taking this route will preclude you from earning the third Star Coin. It will, however, let to complete an alternate route through the stage, unlocking the path to World 3-B.

Star Coin 1: You can see the first Star Coin trapped beneath two unbreakable blocks. Continue past it and look for a lone red pipe just ahead. You can go into the red pipe to reach a hidden area. Go left in this hidden area and jump into the next red pipe to collect the Star Coin. You'll have to backtrack through the previous pipes to return to the main stage.

World 3-B

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Star Coin 2: At exactly the halfway checkpoint, you can spot a small passage between two pipes at the top of the screen (green on the left, red on the right). Wall jump between the pipes to get over the red pipe, letting you grab the second Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: The final Star Coin is easy to spot and just as easy to grab. Simply wait for a safe path (watch the piranha plants) and drop from the right to grab the coin.

Star Coin 1: The first Star Coin is under a set of shaky platforms. Simply wait on the platforms for a second and they'll drop away, letting you grab the Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: It's definitely best to kill the spiked fish before trying to swim to the second Star Coin. Use Fire Mario's fireball to take out the fish (alternatively, use a koopa shell), then drop into the water to grab the treasure.

Star Coin 3: After grabbing the second Star Coin, look for a P Switch that will transform some coins to into a block platform. Use the platform to hit a question block, giving you a Starman power-up. Grab the Starman and run forward as fast as possible. There's another brick platform to the right that'll let you jump into the red pipe sticking out from the top of the screen. After going through the pipe, drop straight down to get the third Star Coin.

World 3-C

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Star Coin 1: Hop into the center pipe at the beginning of the stage and grab onto the first fence you see. Move left along the fence to reach the wall, then jump up to the fence above. At the top of the fence is a platform you can jump to, from which you can jump to grab the first Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin is easily found as you climb your way up the tower. At about halfway through the stage, look along the left wall to find the treasure.

Star Coin 3: You'll need to be Super Mario or better to reach the third and final Star Coin. While in the first tower area, stay along the right wall, breaking through bricks to reach the doorway in the very upper-right corner. In this next room, hit the switch to the left and very quickly make your way up the vertical passage using the red blocks that are only there temporarily. If the red blocks disappear before you reach the top of the room, don't fret. You can either retry the run or simply try to make it to the top level by jumping. It is possible to reach the Star Coin without the red blocks.

Level Tip: As with previous towers, you'll face off against Bowser Jr. at the end of this stage. Stomp on his head three times to defeat him. After stomping Bowser Jr. twice, watch out for his jumping attack. Stand close to him while he recovers from the previous hit, then retreat as he leaps into the air. You can then come down on the enemy as he lands from his leaping attack.

World 3-Tower

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Star Coin 1: At about halfway through the stage, look for a large opening in the bottom of the ocean floor. You can swim down and past a blooper squid to grab the first Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: Hit the switch near the first Star Coin to swim between the nearby narrow passage that's otherwise too turbulent to traverse. Just beyond the Red Ring is a series of pipes that slopes upwards. You can duck into the second green pipe, bringing you to a hidden area with the second Star Coin. It's located in the lower-right corner of the area.

Star Coin 3: After emerging from the hidden area with the second Star Coin, swim up and right to reach a vertical passage lined with pipes blowing bubbles. Before going into the pipe that's sticking out from the ceiling, drop straight down between the blowing pipes to find the third Star Coin. The moment you grab it, swim upwards fast. Four bloopers will appear around you.

Red Coins: After nabbing the first Star Coin, look for a switch nearby. Hit the switch and then quickly swim up to find a passage between pipes that are normally blowing bubbles. While the switch is in effect, swim through the passage to find the Red Ring. Collecting the eight red coins in this small area is pretty simple.

Star Coin 1: There's a doorway under a staircase and behind a switch. Go through the doorway to enter a hall with a bunch of splunkin enemies. Use the splunkins like mini trampolines, jumping on their heads to catapult Mario high enough to grab the Star Coin.

World 3-3

World 3-Ghost House

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Star Coin 2: After getting the first Star Coin, hit the nearby switch and jump onto the floating platform to reach the stairway on the right. Climb the stairs until you can see a second stairway on the left. Jump to this stairway and continue over the top of it to find the next Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: You'll need to be Shell Mario to get the final coin (there's a random item block in the upper-left corner of the room in which you need the power-up). Just past the doorway that leads to the stage's flag area is a brick wall that Shell Mario can smash through. Get through it and you'll find the third Star Coin.

Level Tip: Early in the stage is a doorway that leads to a small room with two blocks. Smash the one on the left to reveal an item, but don't touch the other. It'll simply spawn a ghost that's better left unbothered.

Level Tip: There's an alternate exit to the level that'll let reach a warp cannon to World 6. Just after grabbing the second Star Coin and reaching the far-right end of the area, there's a switch that comes out of a brick block. Hit that switch and two doors will appear. The nearest door takes you to the rest of the stage where you can collect the third Star Coin. The second door takes you to the warp cannon. This second door spawns near the base of the long slope to the left, directly next to the door that leads to the first Star Coin. You'll have to be super quick in order to reach the door--don't let the stairs slow you down!

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Star Coin 1: You can see the first star coin early in the stage. Wait for the giant spire to retract into the ceiling, then drop down to grab the treasure. Wait in the little alcove for the spire to drop down and retract again before jumping away to safety.

Star Coin 2: Don't kill the whomp that's standing on the bed of spikes. Instead, use him to reach the bed of spikes and jump onto the rope. Once on the rope, jump left to a platform with a hole in the ceiling. You can wall jump on top of the ceiling and continue left to drop through another hole and onto the second Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: Just past the final doorway is a small gap you can fit through with a running slide. Watch out for the spire that fires down into the water. You'll need to slip through the gap, swim to the right, jump onto the platform to the left and then jump up to the Star Coin to the right before the spire comes back down.

Level Tip: The final boss is a large cheep that needs three good stompings before he's gone for good. As the large cheep swims back and forth, try to stay just a little bit ahead of him. When he jumps, he'll land on the bridge and bounce off the edge of the screen. It's easiest to jump on his head while he bounces, though you can also hit him while he's still in mid-air.

World 3-Castle

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Star Coin 1: You'll see the first Star Coin early in the stage. Jump to grab it. That is all.

Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin comes up as you ride on the dinosaur's back. Wait on the dino's head and jump when you're right under the treasure. Just be sure you don't touch the water (it's instant death).

Star Coin 3: Near the end of the stage, you'll find the third Star Coin under a block formation that's guarded by two spiders. Take out the enemies, then drop onto the platforms just above the water. Move quickly, running straight over the gaps to grab the Star Coin. If you're not quick enough, the platforms will fall, dropping you into the deadly waters.

Level Tip: While riding on the dino's back, look for a row of brick blocks with question blocks on either end. Get on top of the platform and jump at the center to uncover a hidden block with a vine. You can climb the fine to an alternate flag area, giving you a shortcut to the World 4-Tower.

Level Tip: As Fire Mario, stand on the dinosaur's back and launch fireballs at his neck. The fireballs will roll up the dino's neck and continue upwards, taking out the enemy spiders without endangering Mario at all.

Star Coin 1: To get the first Star Coin, jump onto the red mushroom platform to the right of it and then onto the block above the platform. Get a small running start before jumping big to the left and grabbing the treasure.

World 1 World 2 World 3 World 4 World 5 World 6 World 7 World 8

World 4-1

World 4-2

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Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin is below a purple mushroom platform. To grab it, stand on the far right edge of the mushroom platform and wait for it to tilt down to the coin. Be ready to leap off the platform as soon as you grab the Star Coin. If you don't jump early enough, Mario will slide into oblivion.

Star Coin 3: Late in the stage, you'll move over a small bridge with a clear opening below. You'll notice a brick block that forms part of the bridge. Do not ground pound the block! Instead, drop onto the purple mushroom platform to the right and use it to get under the bridge. Jump to smash the brick and a vine will appear. To reach the vine, jump back onto the purple platform to the right, using it as a stepping stone to the top of the bridge. The vine will lead you into the sky where you'll find a second vine and the third Star Coin.

Red Coins: Get a running start towards the Red Ring, jump through it, and continue across the two tall mushroom platforms to grab the first seven coins. After leaping over the second purple mushroom platform, double back and jump to the low green mushroom platform to grab the final red coin.

Star Coin 1: You'll need to be close to the far-right edge of the screen as it scrolls past the first Star Coin. Be ready to drop down and swim backwards to quickly grab the Star Coin before it scrolls of the screen.

World 4-3

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Star Coin 2: The Second Star coin is pretty easy to grab. Just be sure that you drop straight when grabbing it. If you come in at an angle, you risk coming too close to the eels.

Star Coin 3: A switch on the ceiling after the second Star Coin will turn off the bubbles coming from the pipes ahead. With the bubbles turned off you, can drop into the last pipe (it's green) to enter a room with the third Star Coin. Swim to the upper-left corner of the room and drop straight down to get blown into the treasure.

Red Coins: As you swim through the Red Ring, drop down to grab the two nearest coins and continue down to get the two lowest coins. You can then quickly swim upwards to collect the rest.

Level Tip: After grabbing the second Star Coin, watch the ceiling for a switch that'll turn off the bubbles on the following pipes. If you don't turn off the bubbles, you'll get blown into the giant eel that storms across the screen just ahead.

Star Coin 1: You need to be on the reverse side of the fencing to grab the first Star Coin. You'll see in on the left side of the screen as the fire chases you up the tower.

Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin is just beyond the first but on the opposite side of the stage. Be on the far right side of the screen to grab it before the lava catches up.

Star Coin 3: Almost just after the second Star Coin is the third. Again, stay on the right side of the screen, moving between the shifting blocks when possible. If you're on the wrong side of the wall by the time you reach the coin, jump onto the block that shifts horizontally and crouch to slide under the wall.

World 4-Tower

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Red Coins: Jump through the Red Ring and follow the coins as they lead you upwards to the boss room.

Level Tip: The fight with Bowser Jr. is a bit tougher this go-round. Anytime you approach little Bowser, he'll turn over and show you the dangerous side of his spiky shell. Don't jump on his spikes! Instead, keep jumping over the enemy to keep as much distance between you and him as possible. Eventually, Bowser Jr. will toss a koopa shell that you can stomp on. Stop the koopa shell and fire it back to knock Bowser Jr. on his back. While he's on his back, jump onto the enemy to damage him. Successfully jump on him three times and Bowser Jr. will be defeated. Just keep in mind that the shell he throws will get faster with each stomp.

Star Coin 1: You can spot the first Star Coin below the main walkway about halfway through the stage. Jump onto the upper level and use the koopa to take out the wiggler below (you can bounce it off the wall to the left to ricochet to the platform below). Then drop down to the lower level to grab the Star Coin. A wall jump will get you back to the main path.

Star Coin 2: Midway through the stage, there's a vine that leads to an upper portion of the stage. To the left is a wiggler walking under a few blocks, including one invisible block that spawns a second vine. Climb the vine to about the center and leap off to grab the Star Coin.

World 4-4

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Star Coin 3: After climbing a vine to an upper part of the stage, continue left a bit and you'll see the third coin against a wall, hovering over a gaping chasm. Slide down the wall on the left to grab the coin, then quickly jump off the wall and onto the pipes to the right.

Red Coins: Jump through the Red Ring and onto the back of the wiggler. You can reach the hard-to-get red coins by bouncing off the wiggler's back.

Level Tip: Just before you warp to the end of the stage, you'll run into a giant stack of flying koopas poised to keep you from completing the stage. You can easily jump over the flock, but it's better to milk them for a free 1-Up. Just jump on top of the highest koopa and let Mario bounce down, hitting each enemy on the head. If you get all of the koopas in one jump, the last stomp will result in a 1-Up.

Star Coin 1: It's pretty easy to get the first Star Coin. While on the paddle wheel, simply jump while the platform is high. For an extra boost, you can bounce off of one of the flying koopas, but that trick isn't necessary.

Star Coin 2: After nabbing the first Star Coin, you'll move to another paddle wheel area that's guarded by flying koopas. Before jumping onto the wheel, look above to spot the tail end of a vine. To reach it, jump forward and bounce off the top

World 4-A

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of the green flying koopa. Be sure to hold UP on the controls as you approach the vine, letting you swing to an area with the next Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: Just before the stage's end is a set of three pipes that form a stairway leading to the final area. You can duck into the first pipe to reach a hidden area with the final Star Coin. Wall jump to grab it (and watch out for the piranhas!).

Level Tip: There are odd wheel platform formations floating in the various bodies of water of this stage. By standing on the platforms, you can move the wheel to effectively drive across the water. You'll need to use this technique to make it across some large stretches of poisonous water.

Level Tip: When getting ready to grab the second Star Coin, knock the red koopa from his shell pick up the shell as a weapon. Stomp on the P Switch when the non-brick platform is clear of enemies and all of the koopas will fall to the ground. Kick the koopa shell down into the pit of enemies and it'll clear 'em all in one sweep, giving you a 1-Up.

Star Coin 1: After riding on the first orbiting platform, jump to the top of the enclosure and break the bricks overhead. Get on top of the brick platform and run to the right to find the first Star Coin.

World 4-Ghost House

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Star Coin 2: You'll need to hit a red switch to create a set of platforms that lead to a door. After passing through the door, turn left to hit another red switch, spawning two columns of red blocks. Wall jump between the columns of blocks to reach an upper level with the second Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: Bring a Mini Mushroom to this stage if you want to grab the third Star Coin. Just after getting the second Star Coin, hit the same red switch to create a platform that'll let you reach the top of the green pipe to the right. Do not enter the pipe! Instead, transform into Mini Mario and wall jump off the pipe to reach the small platform to the right. You can then wall jump up the very narrow passage to get to an enclosure with a door. Don't go into the door right away. You can wall jump between the two walls of the enclosure to reach the Star Coin at the top.

Level Tip: Completing the stage via the alternate route required for collecting the third Star Coin will unlock a path that grants you access to a warp cannon. The warp cannon will launch Mario all the way to World 7.

Star Coin 1: It won't be until after the halfway checkpoint that you see the first Star Coin. It's trapped under some unbreakable blocks and guarded by a patrolling bob-omb. Stomp on the bob-omb to get him fired up, then move away to watch him explode. If the bob-omb is close enough to the walls that hold the Star Coin, the walls will explode and you can grab the prize.

World 4-5

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Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin is just after the first. You'll see it trapped in a brick formation at the top of the screen. Jump under a brick to bounce the patrolling bob-omb, igniting his fuse. The bob-omb explosion will create a hole in the bottom of the brick formation, letting you jump in to grab the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: Near the end of the stage, you'll move across a series of platforms that work like a draw bridge. Under the last one is a pipe entrance that's covered in blocks. Stomp on one of the nearby bob-ombs and drop in onto the pipe to break away the blocks that cover the entrance. Go into the pipe and you'll reach an underground area with a buch of bob-ombs. Use the bob-ombs to clear a path to the Star Coin (but don't waste them!).

Level Tip: Early in the stage, you'll see a block formation that creates a sort of cage for two bob-ombs overhead. Hit a brick under one of the bob-ombs to blow out the lower row of bricks, letting you jump into the cage to hit the left-most brick on the top row. A 1-Up will appear and will quickly slide off the top of the cage. Time a jump to grab it in mid-air.

Star Coin 1: You can see the first Star Coin while on your ride on the dino's back. You'll need to jump onto the platform overhead to grab it, then quickly get back on the dinosaur to continue the ride.

Star Coin 2: Just after the halfway point is a P Switch in front of a block formation surrounding the second Star Coin. Jump onto the platform with the P Switch and you can easily jump to the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: Late in the dino ride, look for a red switch poking out from the ceiling above. As the dinosaur's head rises, jump to hit the switch. It spawns a pair of red blocks that'll let you enter the pipe to the right. Go inside and you'll find the Star Coin--along with many other coins--in a room with enemies. Before leaving the room, hit the block beyond the pipe to get a 1-Up.

World 4-6

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Red Coins: Get a running start and launch Mario through the Red Ring and onto the platform. Grab the one red coin on the platform, then double back to jump onto the dinosaur's back. As you land, perform a ground pound to speed up the dino's swim. Stay ducked and you'll ride the dinosaur across the rest of the coins.

Star Coin 1: Early in the stage, look for the first Star Coin in an alcove at the top of the screen. You need a running jump from the swinging platform to the left to reach the alcove and the treasure.

Star Coin 2: A little under halfway through the course is a large thwomp that smashes the blocks below it. Wait for the thwomp to smash away the first two rows of blocks before you drop down to collect the second Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: The third Star Coin is on a pedestal under a swinging platform. It's easiest to get from the next swinging platform to the right. Stand on the left edge and wait for it to reach its highest point. You can then jump off of the platform and onto the pedestal with the Star Coin.

Level Tip: The castle boss is a very large goomba that can only be damaged with ground pound attacks. The problem here is that the goomba is much too large to simply jump on. You'll need to hit the switch in the center of the room to summon platforms on either side of Mario. These platforms will rise to let Mario jump onto the goomba and ground

World 4-Castle

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pound away. As per usual, it takes three successful attacks to defeat the enemy. When you're not attacking, be sure to duck in the small crevices of the room to dodge under the dangerous march of the enemy.

Star Coin 1: You'll spot the first Star Coin under halfway through the stage. It's high in the air and only reachable by jumping off the solid question block to the right.

Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin is also high in the air, just past the halfway point. You can either bounce off the flying koopa to grab it, or hit the flying question block to create a platform that'll give you the boost you need.

Star Coin 3: You can reach the third Star Coin quite easily (but watch out for the snow spike to the right). Bounce the yellow block under the coin multiple times to create a taller platform, letting you jump to grab the coin.

Level Tip: Watch out for the shaking mounds of snow that rest in the trees. As you approach them, the mounds will drop, pinning Mario to the ground. You can get near them to start their fall, then wait to the left to avoid getting caught up

World 1 World 2 World 3 World 4 World 5 World 6 World 7 World 8

World 5-1

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in the mess.

Star Coin 1: The first Star Coin is at the top of the screen, between a set of pipes guarded by piranha plants. As Super Mario or better, jump to break the blocks under the coin to grab it and continue.

Star Coin 2: Just past the first Star Coin is a set of pipes--one yellow, one red--sticking out from the ceiling. Bring the springboard from the right back to the left to place under the yellow pipe. You can jump into the pipe, warping to an area covered in ice. Make it to the right side of the area and wall jump off the right wall to reach the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: You can see the third Star Coin between two blocks that are patrolled by spike tops. Use the nearby springboard to leap up to the Star Coin, but only when the spike tops are out of the way.

Level Tip: Near the end of the stage is a tight passage than Super Mario will have to crouch through. Overhead are an ice block and a piranha plant coming from the ceiling. You can warp into the piranha plant's pipe to reach an alternate exit and open a warp pipe that lets you skip the World 5-Tower.

Star Coin 1: The first Star Coin doesn't show up until after the halfway checkpoint. You can see it under the main walkway, just right of a red switch. Wait for the stretching platform underneath to expand. Drop onto the expanded platform and you can easily grab the Star Coin. You'll need to hit the red switch to create platforms to the left to return to the main path above.

World 5-2

World 5-A

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Star Coin 2: Immediately past the first Star Coin is an area with more stretching platforms. Near the top of the screen is a brick block that, when hit from beneath, births a vine. Climb the vine to a secret area in the clouds and hit the nearby P Switch. Quickly jump onto the Spin Block to launch Mario into the air and onto the brick platform overhead. From this platform you can jump to grab the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: You can easily spot (and grab) the third Star Coin near the end of the stage. Just wait for the stretching platforms to contract, then drop down to the lowest platform to grab the coin.

Red Coins: The platforms under the red coins take turns expanding and contracting. Pay attention to which are opening and which are about to close. It should be easy to run across the platforms while they're expanded to grab the eight red coins.

Star Coin 1: The rising platform will take you to the first Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: The rising platform will take you to the second Star Coin, as well.

World 5-Tower

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Star Coin 3: Hey, guess what! The rising platform will take you to the third Star Coin.

Level Tip: Don't stomp dry bones enemies patrolling the stage. Instead, let the rolling spiked balls roll them over to wipe 'em out. If a dry bones enemy is crumbled on the ground, the spiked ball will pass him up instead of getting rid of him completely.

Level Tip: You'll face off against Bowser Jr. at the end of the tower. He's up to his old tricks, simply charging at you headlong without any defense. Jump on top of Bowser Jr. three times to defeat him. Be careful after the second stomp because the enemy will change his pattern a bit. Also beware the slippery ice floor.

Star Coin 1: After sliding down the first large hill, look for a large collection of ice blocks that overhang a second downward slope. Jump onto the top of the ice blocks instead of sliding down the hill and you can grab the Star Coin to the right.

Star Coin 2: As you enter the tight passage surrounded by ice, you'll spot the second Star Coin encased in bricks. As Super Mario or better, bust the bricks to grab the coin.

World 5-3

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Star Coin 3: Near the end of the stage, you'll pass through a tight passage surrounded in ice. Look for a vertical gap in the ice that'll allow you to wall jump to the last Star Coin.

Level Tip: If you slide down the large hill and keep holding DOWN until you stop moving, you'll slide through the enemies below and earn a 1-Up.

Level Tip: After the halfway checkpoint is a small set of brick surrounding a question block. Hit the brick just above the question block and a vine will appear. Climb the vine and you can take an easy route to the end of the stage, collecting loads of coins on the way. This path will take you over the second Star Coin. Backtrack if you want to grab it.

Level Tip: If you climb the vine to take the path described above, stomp on the first koopa you see and send its shell flying forward. Chase after the shell and it'll wipe out the enemies ahead, giving you a 1-Up.

Star Coin 1: Just before the halfway checkpoint is the first Star Coin. You can see it under an icy platform. To reach it, drop to the right of the coin and carefully jump onto the platform directly under the treasure.

World 5-B

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Star Coin 2: This Star Coin is at the top of the screen, hidden behind two brick blocks. To get to this upper platform, continue right to a slope. You can jump onto the icy platform and hit the P Switch to transform the bricks into coins, letting you pass through to collect the Star Coin. Alternatively, you can use a koopa shell to destroy the bricks guarding the treasure.

Star Coin 3: You'll spot the third Star Coin underneath the main path near the end of the stage. To grab it, follow the downward path to the left past the snail. It's probably easiest to simply avoid the snail, though you can stomp on the snail to knock it off the cliff if you like.

Level Tip: Just under the second Star Coin is a row of red koopas. Stomp on the first to get his shell, then kick the empty koopa shell to the right. Chase after the shell and it'll wipe out all the koopas, giving you a 1-Up.

Level Tip: There's an alternate exit to the stage just past the third Star Coin. Instead of jumping onto the flag, look for a vertical passage to the left. You can wall jump to the top of the screen and, as Shell Mario, run left to break through bricks and complete the stage. This alternate route will unlock a warp pipe that takes Mario straight to the World 5-Castle.

Star Coin 1: You can lure a broozer to the right to smash through the blocks that surround the first Star Coin. Alternatively, you can grab a spinning beetle and use it to break the bottom row of blocks. Slide under the coin and jump to destroy the rest of the bricks, letting you grab the coin.

World 5-C

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Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin is overhanging a chasm. Don't fall into the chasm! The best way to get the treasure is to kick a beetle shell at it. The beetle shell will collect the coin for you so that you don't have to put Mario in danger.

Star Coin 3: Just past the halfway checkpoint--but before the red switch on the ground--is a row of brick blocks, one of which spawns a vine. Before hitting the blocks to summon the vine, clear the row of bricks along the ceiling so that the vine can grow to full height. Climb to vine to reach a hidden area with a broozer and trick the broozer into clearing the path to the final Star Coin.

Star Coin 1: After making your way up the third set of stairs, notice the wall at the top that the broozers can plow through. Lure a broozer into the wall to clear it away, letting you go into the area to the right to wall jump to the first Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: On the left side of the ghost house is a doorway overhead. Go into the doorway and immediately wall jump off the blocks before the broozers have a chance to destroy them. You'll need to wall jump twice to reach the Star Coin before dropping back down to return to the main house.

World 5-Ghost House

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Star Coin 3: At the base of the longest stairway in the stage, look for a set of three bricks to the left. Jump onto the bricks and jump to reveal three hidden coin blocks. Jump on top of the center coin block and crouch. Jump while crouched and you'll uncover a hidden vine. Climb the vine quickly and always stay at the top. A broozer to the right will chase towards you and break down a wall, letting you into a hidden doorway. Inside the door is a haunted platform that slowly rises upwards. On the right wall is an opening in the passage that leads to the third Star Coin.

Level Tip: Complete the stage by going after the third Star Coin and you'll go down an alternate path that unlocks a warp cannon. The cannon will send you directly to World 8.

Star Coin 1: At about halfway through the stage, just before the screen scrolls to another non-mushroom section of the stage, wait on the last red mushroom to make it rise to the top of the screen. Get a running start and leap to the right, hopefully landing Mario on the platform with the Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: Mini Mario can simply slip through the crack in the wall just after grabbing the first Star Coin. Otherwise, quickly drop back down to the path below and hug the right side of the screen. There's a mushroom platform at the end of the stairs that'll bring Mario to the top of the screen, at which point you can either run left really quickly to grab the Star Coin or toss a koopa shell to collect the treasure.

World 5-4

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Star Coin 3: The third Star Coin is easy to spot and just as easy to grab. Just be sure you don't get caught against one of the nearby block walls as the screen scrolls right.

Red Coins: As you jump through the Red Ring, stay on the platform directly below you to grab the lowest coins, then jump in place to make the platform rise, letting you grab the two coins above. Jump onto the next platform and stay on it while it rises, letting you jump onto the next falling mushroom platform. From there, you can easily jump to the last red coin.

Level Tip: Just past the halfway checkpoint is a green koopa. Grab his shell and bring it with you as the screen scrolls right. There's an odd block formation just ahead with a question block oddly placed at the bottom. Toss the koopa shell into the formation to hit the question block and knock out the 1-Up inside.

Star Coin 1: You should spot the first Star Coin quite easily. Simply stand on the conveyor to the left and drop down to collect it.

Star Coin 2: At just under halfway through the stage, you should see the second Star Coin in a small loft at the top of the screen. Move onto the conveyors to the right and wait for a springboard to come flying towards you. Use the

World 5-Castle

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springboard to launch Mario up to the loft to grab the treasure.

Star Coin 3: You'll need to be Mini Mario to get the last Star Coin. Near the end of the stage, you'll find a lone question block underneath a gap in the ceiling. As Mini Mario, get a running jump from the right to land on top of the question block. From there you can leap and wall jump off the small ceiling wall to reach the very top of the screen. Run right to find a secret passage that leads to the last Star Coin.

Level Tip: The boss at the end of the stage is a large piranha plant. Stand at either the left or right ends of the room and wait for the plant to fly overhead. As it rears up for an attack, quickly run away to let the piranha slam on the ground. Wait for the enemy to fall on his back before jumping onto him for an attack. After two successful attacks from Mario, the piranha will switch up his pattern a bit. He'll make short hops across the screen. Try to time your run to squeeze under the piranha as he jumps, then wait for him to open up for your final attack.

Star Coin 1: Early in the stage, after sidling the first wall, look for a ledge to the right that overhangs a stair-like walkway. Jump onto the ledge and jump off the wall to the right to grab the first Star Coin.

World 1 World 2 World 3 World 4 World 5 World 6 World 7 World 8

World 6-1

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Star Coin 2: Almost immediately after grabbing the first Star Coin, you'll need to wall jump once to continue the stage. Instead of going right after the required wall jump, turn left to find the second coin.

Star Coin 3: While sidling the wall just before the finish, press DOWN to hang onto the ledge and grab the third Star Coin.

Level Tip: While sidling along the walls, press DOWN to hang off the ledge. You can use this move to collect coins below Mario and to dodge the many bullet bills.

Level Tip: After sidling the second wall, you'll approach a cliff guarded by many bullet bills. You can get a running jump and bounce off one of the bullet bills to get onto the platform above the cannons. You'll then have a shortcut to the end of the stage. Along this shortcut is a pipe that only Mini Mario can fit into.

Star Coin 1: Jump into the first tornado you see and hold RIGHT on the controls. Mario will launch into the air and float down towards the first Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: There's a hidden warp pipe just beyond the first Star Coin. A tall column of sand hides the pipe. Stand in the column of sand (it's about as wide as a pipe) and let it pull Mario under. You can then dive into the warp pipe to appear underground where a well-timed wall jump will net you the Star Coin.

World 6-A

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Star Coin 3: Near the end of the stage, you'll be attacked by three lakitus at once. Just past the point where they appear, you'll move across a number of pipes of varying colors. You can duck into the only yellow pipe, leading you to an underground area with the coin.

Level Tip: The pipe that leads to the third Star Coin is covered with invisible blocks. If you fall into the pit with the yellow pipe then the only way out is to head into the yellow pipe. You'll need to eventually get across this hurdle. You can either take a running jump across the pit, or hijack a lakitu cloud to float over the trap.

Star Coin 1: In the stage's second area (with the water that rises high and sinks low), there's an invisible block just above the first palm tree you see. Hit the block and a vine will shoot towards the sky, leading you to a platform with a brick block. The brick block houses a P Switch that, when hit, will create a block platform to the right. Quickly hit the P Switch and jump along the flying question block to reach the brick platform and grab the first Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: About halfway through the stage, after firing Mario over a wall with a green pipe, let the water rise to carry Mario to the second Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: You can spot the third Star Coin late in the stage, underneath the main path. There's a load of spinys

World 6-2

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patrolling the area near the coin. Grab the Starman from the nearby question block, then quickly run right to find an opening that lets you into the area with the Star Coin.

Red Coins: Be sure to swim through the Red Ring when the water level is high. The coins appear on the platforms above the Red Ring and it's hard to get to them without a high water level.

Level Tip: Just under halfway through the stage is a pair of tall green pipes among a rising water line. Duck into the pipe on the left and Mario will be shot into the sky to reach a hidden area. Stand near the front of the platform and jump to hit the boxes that scroll by Mario and you'll uncover coins and 1-Ups.

Star Coin 1: You'll find the first Star Coin at the very tip of the extended fourth spiked column. Wait for the spiked column to retract, then run to the left side of the screen where you can grab the treasure and then duck for cover.

Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin can be seen as you quickly jump up the tower after passing through the first doorway. Tempted as you may be, do not go straight for the Star Coin. Continue your quick jump to the top platform above the last spiked column. After the columns shoot out and then retract again, drop down to grab the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: Instead of going into the boss door the moment you see it, stomp the nearby dry bones and use the walkway in front of the door to get a running start. Jump to the right to hit the right wall, letting you wall jump between the wide passage above. It'll take a lot of careful timing, but it's possible to get to the top with a secret warp pipe. Wait for the spiked columns to retract before jumping to grab the Star Coin. You'll need to drop down to the center platform to crouch and avoid the columns as they shoot out again.

World 6-Tower

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Level Tip: Before you pass through the first door, jump to reveal the hidden blocks nearby (including one with a power-up item).

Level Tip: Bowser Jr. challenges you at the end of the stage. He's very easy in this fight, with no change in his pattern other than speeding up. Simply stomp on Bowser Jr.'s head three times to defeat him.

Star Coin 1: You can either jump off of the swinging question block while it's bouncing around, or hit the block from below to stop it, creating a platform that's just high enough to let you reach the first Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: As you emerge from the underground area with the Red Ring, duck into the second green pipe to collect the next Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: After passing through a second underground area, you'll emerge next to a spinning block. Hit the block (non-spiky side) to stop it from spinning, then use it to leap over the tall green pipe to the left. You can then grab the third Star Coin and wall jump back to the main path.

World 6-3

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Red Coins: The Red Ring is easily seen in the underground area near the stage's beginning. Run through it and keep running right, jumping over the gaps between the logs to collect all eight red coins.

Star Coin 1: Wall jump up the passage that's just right of the spinning fire rod. The first Star Coin is at the top of the passage.

Star Coin 2: About halfway through the stage, you'll spot a red switch that creates two blocks nearby. Either use the blocks or simply wall jump to the next level and continue upwards. After getting above the next fire rod, go to the left to find the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: Near the end of the stage you'll sidle along a huge wall via a series of short ledges. Follow the ledges upwards as you move right to find a hidden warp pipe. You'll then need to sidle past a series of small fire rods to reach the third Star Coin.

World 6-4

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Star Coin 1: The first Star Coin is on the far right side of the screen, just before the halfway checkpoint. It hovers over a conveyor that tries to push Mario into the wall. Drop off the platform above and lightly run left to keep control until you grab the coin, then run hard to the left to avoid hitting the spikes.

Star Coin 2: Over halfway through the stage is a pipe that'll launch Mario into the air and to another part of the tower. Land on the low platform to the left and wait for the spiked beetles to vacate the area above the conveyor belt. As Super Mario or better, crouch and ride the conveyor belt to a pair of brick blocks that can be destroyed, letting you grab the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: The third Star Coin is at the top of the tower. Climb on the rope to the right and shimmy across to grab the coin. You can drop off and onto the conveyor below, but be sure you hold DOWN to crouch below the spikes.

Level Tip: As you near the top of the tower, you'll move up tall stairway with two blocks overhead, one brick block and one question block. Try to get on top of the brick block without hitting it from below (crouching jumps make it easier to get up the stairs under the block). Ground pound the brick block and hold DOWN to earn the max number of coins and a Super Mushroom. Grab the power-up, then hit the question block for a Fire Flower. You'll go into the stage's boss fight fully prepared.

Level Tip: You'll fight Bowser Jr. on another wobbly platform, and this time he adopts his tricky defensive pattern. Jump over Bowser Jr. as he charges towards you and shows his spiky shell. Wait for the enemy to toss a koopa shell, then stomp the koopa shell so that you can fire it back towards Bowser Jr. When Bowser Jr. is on his back, stomp him to cause damage. Three successful attacks will defeat the enemy.

World 6-Tower 2

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Star Coin 1: The first Star Coin appears near the top of the screen early in the stage. Two green cheeps will appear near the top of the screen. Stay low to lure them down, then swim under them before going up to get the treasure.

Star Coin 2: There's a yellow pipe in the ceiling well past the halfway checkpoint. Swim into the alcove at the top of the screen and dodge between the green cheeps to grab the Star Coin. Fire Mario makes getting this coin a lot easier.

Star Coin 3: The last whirlpool of the stage has brick blocks surrounding its base. Let this whirlpool suck you in and you'll reach a hidden area with the third Star Coin.

Red Coins: Swim through the Red Ring while floating downwards to grab the first two red coins. The remaining the coins alternate between high and low locations, so be ready to move up and down across the screen as you gather them.

Level Tip: The whirlpools throughout this stage will try to suck you down to Mario's death. It's possible to swim through them by rapidly mashing the buttons, but it's better to wait for the whirlpools to subside before swimming through the waters they guard.

World 6-5

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Star Coin 1: Early in the stage, after swinging across three poles, you'll find a downward slope with a goomba and a koopa. Stomp the koopa to commandeer his shell, then toss the shell down the slope to hit and collect the Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: There's a second pipe that'll catapult Mario high into the air. As Mario approaches the top of his flight, move left to bounce off the flying koopa and onto the Star Coin hanging in mid-air. After grabbing the coin, hold RIGHT.

Star Coin 3: Near the end of the stage is a set of floating poles spanning a large gap. Swing from one pole to the next, but don't jump off the second right away. Let the second pole rise towards the top of the screen, letting you fling Mario off and onto a platform with the third Star Coin.

Star Coin 1: You can see the first Star Coin on the left side of the stage, hidden behind two rows of brick blocks. Use the nearby Spin Block or wall jump to reach the top of the adjacent column of blocks after hitting the bottom block to reveal a P Switch. Ground pound through the column of bricks and you'll hit the P Switch, turning all of the brick blocks into coins and allowing you to grab the Star Coin.

World 6-B

World 6-6

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Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin is in the upper-left corner of the stage at the top of a chain chomp post. Before continuing over the massive wall on the right, use the highest Spin Block to float upwards and left to grab the treasure.

Star Coin 3: At the bottom of the second half of the first huge area are two Spin Blocks. In the upper-right corner of this lower clearing is a green pipe that's covered with two rows of bricks. Use the Spin Blocks to launch Mario into the air, float down onto the flying koopa and re-launch into the ceiling to hit the P Switch. In the same swift move, float down to the walking koopa and bounce off his head to fling Mario towards the pipe entrance. Once in the hidden area, use the Spin Block to reach the top of the wall and then jump to slide down the wall on the right. When you see the Star Coin, wall jump over to the left wall to grab it.

Red Coins: You need to prepare for the Red Ring before you actually get to you. You'll just barely see it at the bottom of the screen, below a ledge with a Spin Block. Use the Spin Block to get Mario floating, then float down through the passage to float through the Red Ring. Continue your slow descent, hitting all of the red coins on your way down. The last red coin is tucked away to the left. To get it, you'll need to bounce off the koopa below and continue to float upwards.

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Level Tip: After grabbing the second Star Coin you've got the option to try for a hidden 1-Up. Though it's honestly not worth the effort, here's what you can do: Jump to the small alcove in the wall on the far left of the chain chomp. From there, jump high and wall jump off the wall above you to reveal an invisible coin block overhanging the gap between the left wall and the chain chomp's platform. There are two invisible coin blocks to uncover. When you've made them appear, take a running jump from the top of the chain chomp's post to get on top of the coin blocks. You can then jump over the wall on the left to find a hidden area with a 1-Up.

Level Tip: There are four pipe cannons at the very end of the stage. Drop into the third pipe and Mario will be launched to the top of the flag pole, earning a free 1-Up.

Star Coin 1: Kick an empty koopa shell at the first Star Coin to grab it. No need to risk Mario's skin!

Star Coin 2: You'll see the second Star Coin near the bottom of the screen just under halfway through the stage. Stand on the solid platform above it and drop down when the lowest platform has moved all the way left. Crouch down and the platform will carry you into the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: Immediately after the halfway checkpoint, use a wall jump to get onto the upper level of the next set of

World 6-Castle

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platforms. On the far right is a koopa on patrol. Jump onto and off of the koopa, then hold RIGHT just as the shifting mass to the right reaches its lowest point. If you time it correctly, Mario will launch off the koopa and onto the top of the stage. Run to the right to collect the Star Coin.

Level Tip: Monty will occasionally poke out from the top of his tank to toss a bob-omb your way. Wait for the bob-omb toss, then jump on Monty's head. After a successful attack, move to the corner of the screen and crouch to evade the following flurry from Monty. When the tank settles down, a second tier will sprout. Again, stomp on Monty as he pokes his head out and crouch to avoid the following attack. The third tier of the tank will make it tough to reach Monty's head. You can either jump off the middle cannon as it points towards you or catch air off a bullet bill flying your way. As per usual, the third successful attack will end the fight.

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Star Coin 1: The second roving platform first goes over the Star Coin. Let the platform continue moving right until it drops off its track and onto a second track below. You can then ride the platform left to grab the Star Coin, then continue with the platform as it returns right.

Star Coin 2: In the first area, just past the first Star Coin, you'll spot a platform that's moving around on a circular track. Jump onto this platform and wait a few seconds for a flying question block to appear. You need to jump onto this question block without knocking out the 1-Up inside. Instead, ride the flying block as it moves right across the screen. You'll fly to a hidden warp pipe that brings you to an area with the second Star Coin and an easy 1-Up.

Star Coin 3: If you continue along the main path in the first area, you'll warp through a pipe to reach the second main area. There are two platforms you can choose to ride. Jump on the upper platform to ride the higher path and swing by the third Star Coin.

Red Coins: Hop through the Red Ring and stay on the platform as it pulls you around to collect six of the eight red coins. After the platform returns to the left side of the track, take a running jump right to grab the last two coins.

World 1 World 2 World 3 World 4 World 5 World 6 World 7 World 8

World 7-1

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Star Coin 1: Hit the left brick in the row under the doorway at the beginning of the stage to reveal a switch that summons five doors. The upper-left doorway leads to a room with the first Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: Hit the left brick in the row under the doorway at the beginning of the stage to reveal a switch that summons five doors. Enter the top-most door and ground pound the green goo to the left to work your way to the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: In the ring of doorways, use the door in the lower-right corner to continue on the main path. After passing through the very next room, you'll enter a third room in which you'll see a P Switch and tons of coins. Hit the P Switch to turn the coins into blocks, then quickly run to the right and follow the short brick platforms upwards as you near the right wall. If you're quick enough, you'll be able to reach a hidden alcove in the upper-right corner of the area. There lies the third Star Coin.

World 7-Ghost House

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Level Tip: There are rooms in this Ghost House in which you'll find floating hands always pointing in the same direction. These hands are pointing at invisible blocks that are shifting back and forth across the rooms. Jump where the hands are pointing to hit the invisible blocks.

Level Tip: It's possible to open an alternate path on the World Map that leads right to the World 7-Castle. When you get to the room with the P Switch and tons of coins, hit the P Switch and run left. The row of blocks overhead will soon end, giving way to a large gap in the ceiling. Keep moving left until you find the left lip of the gap in the ceiling. Hit the third block (counting from the right) to reveal a vine that'll lead you a door above with the alternate stage ending.

Star Coin 1: After passing through the narrow vertical passage near the beginning of the stage, hug the right wall with the directional platform. You can break the bricks surrounding the first Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: You can see the second Star Coin just after the halfway checkpoint. It's encased in brick blocks and impossible to get without the help of a koopa shell. Stomp a flying koopa as you approach the Star Coin and grab the empty shell. When you can, toss the koopa shell onto the platform to the left and it'll bust through the bricks and collect the Star Coin for you.

World 7-2

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Star Coin 3: The third Star Coin is visible as you approach the end of the stage. The treasure is to the left, behind a large pack of flying koopas. If you're un-prepared, the only way to grab the coin is to wait for the koopas to fly downward and then jump on top of them to launch Mario into the Star Coin. But if you prepare ahead of time, you can toss an empty koopa shell through the crowd of enemies to collect the coin.

Red Coins: Hit the Red Ring with just the tip of Mario's head as you blast full speed across the screen, moving left. After hitting the Red Ring, continue left to wrap to the other side of the screen and collect the first two coins. Continue with this full-speed movement to collect the rest of the coins.

Star Coin 1: The first Star Coin is guarded by a boomerang bro. Ride the wiggler under the enemy so you can hit a brick below him, taking out the threat. You'll need a running jump to get onto the platform yourself where you can grab the first Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: You'll see the second Star Coin late in the ride on the wiggler. It's easy to grab with a running jump off the hump of the wiggler's wave.

Star Coin 3: There's a set of brick blocks in the flag room at the end of the stage. Ground pound the left-most block to send a vine spiraling towards the underground area. As Super Mario or better, you can then ground pound through another brick to climb down the vine and leap to the third Star Coin.

World 7-3

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Red Coins: Collecting the eight red coins isn't tough at all, but actually getting through the Red Ring can pose a problem. Stand a bit to the left of the Red Ring as you approach it. When you see the back of the giant wiggler rise up like a wave, run and jump off the hump to get through the Ring, then quickly continue right to collect the coins.

Star Coin 1: The first Star Coin is in plain sight as you move up the tower's early sections. Look for it on the right, tucked between some shifting blocks and a wall of spikes. Wait for the blocks to move all the way right before dropping down to get the coin.

Star Coin 2: Look for the second Star Coin just after hitting the halfway checkpoint. As you move between a series of shifting blocks, the coin can be seen on the right side of the screen. Drop on the shifting blocks as they fall to avoid being pushed into the spiky ceiling.

Star Coin 3: You'll spot the last Star Coin just before you go through a door to fight the boss. As the blocks open up, quickly jump across the tower to get the coin. Once you've got it, hold still! Wait for the blocks to close and open up again before making a dash for the door.

Level Tip: Bowser Jr. awaits at the end of the castle. Though the floor shifts back and forth, it really doesn't have much

World 7-Tower

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effect on the battle. Lure Bowser Jr. towards you and leap over him as he throws up his defenses. Wait for him to toss a koopa shell your way and stomp the shell to use it as a weapon of your own. Toss the koopa shell back at Bowser Jr. to knock him over, leaving him vulnerable to an attack.

Star Coin 1: Use Spin Blocks to reach the first Star Coin on the far right side of the stage, directly above the last column of mushroom platforms.

Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin is just left of the first and further up. Use the Spin Blocks and the pink trampoline platform above the first treasure to bounce up and reach the next.

Star Coin 3: Floating high above the mushroom platforms at the top of the stage is the third Star Coin. You'll need to jump off the highest Spin Block and float to the trampoline mushroom platform left of it to launch Mario high enough to grab the coin.

Red Coins: Hit the Spin Block just left of the Red Ring and float downwards and through the ring, moving left across the screen. You can nab the first set of coins as you float towards the mushroom platform to the left. When you land, quickly jump up to the trampoline mushroom platform and leap onto the Spin Block again to catapult Mario into the last coins.

World 7-4

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Level Tip: There's an alternate level exit in the upper-left portion of the first area that only Mini Mario can reach. Bounce off the trampoline mushroom platform at the very top of the platform stack and land on the floating question block to the left. From there you can jump into the crevice above and, once in the crevice, continue to leap up and over the wall to reach the hidden warp pipe. Complete the stage via this alternate path and you'll unlock a shortcut to the World 7-Castle.

Level Tip: After warping through the pipe in the upper-right corner of the first area, take note of the brick block to your right. Don't hit it yet! Instead, use the Spin Blocks to reach the top of the vertical passage and either drill through or ground pound the three brick blocks you see to your right. With those blocks destroyed, return to the brick block below and hit its underside to send a vine curling towards the ceiling high above. Climb the vine to reach a hidden warp pipe that leads to an area with lots of spin blocks, a P Switch, and loads of coins.

Star Coin 1: There's a bob-omb patrolling the platform with the first Star Coin. Bounce the bob-omb from below (you can use the bullet bills to get extra height on your jump) to clear the blocks away, letting you jump to get the prize.

Star Coin 2: You'll need to be Mini Mario to get the second Star Coin. You should be able to spot the miniature pipe that leads underground. It's covered by a solid block that only a bob-omb can destroy. Wait next to the pipe for a bob-omb to

World 7-5

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stroll by. Ground pound the bob-omb and get away as it blasts the pipe open. Once underground, find the Mega Mushroom from the question block to the right. As Mega Mario you can push in the green pipe that covers the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: The third Star Coin is trapped between two rotating bullet bill cannons. Wait on top of the cannon to the left. As the left cannon's two barrels spin and point to the left, drop down and grab the Star Coin, then watch the bullets to make a hasty retreat to the right.

Level Tip: Near the end of the stage, you can see a green pipe buried under a large stack of solid blocks. There are two nearby bob-ombs that you can use to clear a path to the pipe, but it's definitely not easy to do. The easiest way inside this pipe is to bring a Mega Mushroom to the stage and walk through the stack of blocks from the left side of the screen. Inside the pipe you'll find an alternate stage exit that unlocks World 7-A.

Star Coin 1: Immediately after the halfway checkpoint are two rows of blocks with flying koopas underneath. Clear away the top row of brick blocks before jumping under the bottom row. A vine will sprout out from the bottom row and, if the top row is clear, will continue up to a hidden area with the first Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: Star Coin numero dos is easy to see, but it's stuck in a small enclosure that's guarded by two koopas. Wait for the koopas to butt heads in the center of the enclosure before jumping in to grab the prize.

World 7-6

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Star Coin 3: After grabbing the second Star Coin, look out for the very next yellow pipe. The pipe leads to a hidden area with a load of question blocks. To the right is a series of flying koopas and past them a pipe that leads to the third Star Coin. To reach the pipe, jump and hold the jump button to bounce across the backs of the koopas as Mario flies right.

Level Tip: Early in the stage is a brick block placed at the edge of a mushroom platform. Use an empty koopa shell to hit the block from the side to knock out the 1-Up inside.

Star Coin 1: There's a row of invisible blocks just right of the pink platform at the stage's beginning. Hit the blocks to make them appear, then use them to walk into the green pipe to the right to grab the first Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: Directly above the first Star Coin is a pipe placed against the far right wall of the stage. Drop inside the pipe and it'll fire Mario into a row of coins and past a pipe entrance. As Mario comes down from the shot, slide down the right wall. From this position you can wall jump left to reach the pipe entrance that leads to the second Star Coin.

World 7-A

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Star Coin 3: Near the end of the stage, right as you warp upwards to stare a piranha plant in the face, head right to find a question block with a Mini Mushroom. Return left and wall jump between the two narrowly-spaced pipes to enter a mini pipe with Mini Mario. You'll find the third Star Coin within reach.

Level Tip: Near the second purple platform is a brick block tucked between unbreakable blocks. Toss an empty koopa shell into the mess of blocks to hit the brick and knock out the 1-Up inside.

Level Tip: Directly above aforementioned 1-Up is a tight place between the left wall and a green pipe. Get a running jump to hit the left wall and wall jump to the pipe on the right. At the top of the pipe is a pair of invisible blocks, one of which has a 1-Up.

Star Coin 1: Simply ride the first paddle wheel platform you see and don't be afraid to ride a platform all the way to its lowest point in order to get the Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin lies below the platform you'd normally cross. Stand on the yellow blocks above the coin and wait for them to drop. As they do, hold RIGHT to slide down the wall and be ready to wall jump out of the precarious situation just after you grab the prize.

World 7-7

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Star Coin 3: Just after nabbing the second Star Coin, the screen rises upwards as you hurdle over a series of falling blocks. Leap from the top set of blocks to get the Star Coin above you and to the left, then quickly catch up with the ever-moving screen as it pans away.

Red Coins: You need to jump through the Red Ring before you actually see it if you want to get all red coins. A little under halfway through the stage, you ride a platform that follows a track moving upwards through the sky. As the track makes a second left turn, jump off the top of the screen to hit the Red Ring. You can then ride the platform through most of the red coins and then leap off the platform at the end of the track to grab the last two.

Level Tip: Just past the first Star Coin is an odd block formation. Toss an empty koopa shell into the blocks to bounce around the formation and knock out a 1-Up from the brick block on the left.

Star Coin 1: You'll spot the first Star Coin while moving over the green snaking platform at the stage's early section. Simply jump to get it before the platform moves too low.

Star Coin 2: As the second snaking platforms moves over the top of the second Star Coin, wait directly over the coin for the snake to move out from under Mario. You should drop right onto the treasure

Star Coin 3: The third Star Coin is just before the door that leads to the boss. It's below any platform you can walk on, which makes it a real challenge to grab. You don't have much time to plan for the grab, so be quick. As the second snaking platform comes to a stop, stand on the far right edge. The platform will begin to shake and will soon fall down, taking you with it. Drop a little below the Star Coin and leap at the very last second to jump off the falling platform, through the Star Coin, and onto solid ground to the right.

World 7-Castle

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Level Tip: While riding the first snaking platform, don't wait for the thwomps to rise back into the ceiling. Quickly run near them to lure them down, then jump over them to avoid getting left behind by the snaking platform.

Level Tip: The second snaking platform you ride is very hard to keep up with if you use nothing else for platforms. However, you can jump onto the blocks that hold the spinning maces and wait for the snaking platform to do its thing before hopping back on.

Level Tip: The stage's boss is Lakithunder, a variation of the typical lakitu that's got a lot more bite. Make sure that you're never standing directly under him or you may taste his lightning strike. Watch for the spinys he throws as you prepare for your attack. You need to jump on Lakithunder's head three times to defeat him. You can simply jump straight up and hope to get over his head, but it's pretty risky since Mario will just barely clear Lakithunder. Instead, wait on either side of the main platform (but not in the center). As Lakithunder rears up to dive down towards you, run to the opposite side of the platform and wall jump off the outer wall. You'll get plenty of height from the jump to easily come down on the enemy.

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Star Coin 1: A little under halfway through the stage you'll see a question block floating over the top of a gap between two solid blocks. Hit the question block from below (stand on one solid block underneath, then jump sideways to land on the second) to knock out the springboard inside. Grab the springboard and carry it to the short two-block platform to the right. Drop the springboard on the platform and use the springboard to jump and get the first Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: Jump off a flying bullet bill to gain the height required to grab the second Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: The third Star Coin appears just after the second. To get it, simply jump down between flying bullets. Wait for the large cannon to fire before wall jumping off of the large cannon and back onto the upper walkways.

World 1 World 2 World 3 World 4 World 5 World 6 World 7 World 8

World 8-1

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Star Coin 1: In the third area of the stage, you'll drop through an area that's almost completely filled with brick blocks. There are three large stacks of brick blocks. Make your way to the third and final brick block stack and prepare yourself for a ground pound the likes of which has never before been seen. Stand over the fourth column of brick blocks, counting from the right. Ground pound through the blocks and you should smash straight through the first Star Coin. Alternatively, you can slowly whittle through the brick blocks to more cautiously aim your descent. Once you drop past the Star Coin there's no going back.

Star Coin 2: After crushing through the stacks of brick blocks, go through the pipe to the right to enter the fourth area. There are two skeeters overhead and a nearby switch. Leave the skeeters alone as you hit the switch and follow the water as it rises. You need to jump off the back of a skeeter to reach the Star Coin overhead. Alternatively, Mini Mario can wall jump to grab the Star Coin without the help of the skeeters.

Star Coin 3: Late in the stage you'll enter another underwater portion with two skeeters overhead and two smiling yellow blocks. Hit the switch in the center of the room and then follow the passage on the right. Before the water recedes, jump to grab the Star Coin.

Level Tip: Aside from the area with the second Star Coin, it's best to get rid of the skeeters before you start messing with the water levels. If you leave the skeeters be, they'll drop bombs into the water as you try to chase it upwards in the rooms. Get rid of 'em and you won't have to worry about the problem.

Star Coin 1: The first Star Coin is easily had by exploring the right side of the screen very early in the stage. Wait for the nearby platform to slide to the left so you can use it to boost Mario to the prize.

World 8-2

World 8-Tower

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Star Coin 2: Well past the halfway point of the stage, look for the Star Coin on the far left side of the tower (just beyond the low ceiling of spikes). Wait for the spiked beetles to roam by, then jump onto the shifting platform to the left. Duck as the platform pulls back to the left, then jump up to get the Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: The last Star Coin in the stage hangs just over the top of the door to the boss room. There are invisible blocks you can manifest by jumping straight up while standing in front of the door. You can then wall jump off the wall to the left (or bounce off a dry bones head) to get onto the blocks and grab the Star Coin.

Level Tip: A little past the midway point, you'll need to get Mario through a very tight area that's got nasty spikes in the ceiling. Standard Mario should be able to run through, but if you're Super Mario or better you'll need to crouch and let the shifting platform to the left push Mario through the gap.

Level Tip: The tower's boss is Bowser Jr. again. He plays defensively in this battle, curling up in his spiky shell every time Mario gets near him. Let Bowser Jr. charge towards you before leaping over his head. Run to the far end of the platform (but not past the torches) and wait for Bowser Jr. to toss a koopa shell your way. Stomp the shell, hit Bowser Jr. with it, and then stomp on the enemy while he lies upside-down. After being hit twice, Bowser Jr. will change his pattern a bit, leaping into the air to catch Mario. As Bowser Jr. jumps, quickly run under him to lure out the koopa shell and seal the deal.

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Star Coin 1: About halfway through the stage, while being chased by the giant eel, look along the ocean floor to find the first Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: Just after grabbing the first Star Coin, start making you way towards the top of the screen. The second Star Coin can be found above two brick blocks. As Super Mario or better, smash the blocks to grab the treasure.

Star Coin 3: Near the very end of the stage, you'll find the third Star Coin along the ocean floor. It's tucked away under some brick blocks, forcing you to swim right and then cut back to the left to grab the prize. Be sure you have plenty of distance between you and the giant eel at this point. You'll need to grab the Star Coin and get back up to speed before the enemy catches up.

Red Coins: The Red Ring shows up early in the stage. Try to get on the left side of the ring to swim through it moving right across the screen. This will give you the momentum you need to quickly grab the first coins and continue to the rest. You'll also want to wait for the eels overhead to move out of the way before activating the Red Ring.

World 8-3

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Red Coins: There's a second Red Ring late in the stage. It appears while you're being chased by the giant eel, so we generally don't recommend going for the coins. But if you must, be sure you have plenty of distance between you and the giant enemy. You can use your momentum to grab the first five coins with easy, but the last three are a bit more difficult and require a bit of doubling-back.

Level Tip: While being chased by the giant eel, swim in front of the jet pipes to get a burst of speed that'll put more distance between you and the humongous enemy.

Star Coin 1: You can spot the first Star Coin early in the stage, near the top of the screen. Get a running jump from the platform to the left of it to leap up to the tight space with the Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: The second Star Coin is well past the halfway checkpoint. You can see it near the top of the screen, above a pair of platforms that rise up and fall down. Stand on the platform to the right and wait for it to reach its peak. Jump straight up as Super Mario or better and you'll have the prize.

Star Coin 3: Late in the stage, you'll hop across a series of shifting platforms. At the bottom of the screen is a miniature pipe through which only Mini Mario can fit. We recommend bringing a Mini Mushroom as a secondary item so that you can use it when you get to this point (instead of trying to push through the entire stage as Mini Mario). Activate the Mini Mushroom while on the platform directly above the small pipe, then drop down to the platform below as it shifts left and towards the pipe. As always, watch for falling spiders. As Mini Mario, only a ground pound will take them out. Once you enter the pipe, hit the nearest question block to get a Starman, letting you plow through the tiny goombas. A second question block on the far side of the room houses another Starman. Grab it, then continue through the tiny passages to grab the Star Coin.

World 8-4

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Level Tip: Spiders constantly drop in from the ceiling as you move throughout this stage. They'll come suddenly and without warning, so be sure to stay away from the top of the screen as much as possible. If you're about to jump onto some small platforms, stall a second to wait for the spiders to appear before leaping out. You can often lure the spiders into positions where they'll fall right off the screen instead of landing on and occupying the same tiny platforms that Mario needs.

Star Coin 1: You'll see the first Star Coin almost as soon as you start the stage. Move past the Star Coin along the second set of tracks, then jump onto the next solid bit of land. Hit the nearby red block to summon a platform on the upper track to the left. You can ride that platform to backtrack a bit and easily grab the Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: Just a bit past the first Star Coin is another red block that changes the position of the platform to the right. Hit the red block to move the platform onto the top track. Jump onto the top track and ride it as it moves right. Stay on while the platform drops off the top track and lands on the very bottom track, pulling you left and through the next Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: Immediately after grabbing the first Star Coin, look for the next red block to the right. Make sure you move the next platform to the bottom track before riding it to the next part of the stage. When you reach the end of the stage, there should be a platform on the track just below the boss door (if you rode the platform along the top track at the last red switch then this final platform will not appear). Ride the platform to the right and hop across the rotating platforms to grab the final Star Coin. There is a rotating platform directly beneath the Star Coin, but it's only usable when in the vertical position. Wait for it to emerge from the lava (just the tip is visible) before jumping to grab the treasure.

World 8-Castle

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Level Tip: You need to hit the switch behind Bowser to take him out. At first, Bowser will toss a series of bones in an arc. Simply wait outside this arc to avoid the attack. Next, Bowser will fire off a fireball in one of a few possible positions. After the fireball is fired, look for Bowser to leap high into the air. Be ready to quickly act so that Mario can run under Bowser to get to the switch. Beware that Bowser often fires more than just one fireball before jumping high (he may even make a short jump to shoot a fireball). Be careful not to run towards Bowser until he's preparing to do his super high jump.

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Star Coin 1: Watch the bottom of the screen to find the first Star Coin early in the stage. Simply drop onto the rock platform to grab it, then quickly jump off the platform before it crumbles away.

Star Coin 2: A bit over halfway through the stage, you can see the second Star Coin hovering over the lava without any platforms below it. To get the prize, toss an empty koopa shell off the platform to the right of the Star Coin. You should be able to easily hit the coin.

Star Coin 3: Near the very end of the stage, you'll move across a long series of crumbling rock platforms. Follow the platforms as they lead towards the top of the screen so that you can use the final platform to leap and grab the last Star Coin that's hovering high above the ground below.

Star Coin 1: As you run from the lava you can see the first Star Coin on the right side of the screen. Hop into the green pipe nearby and it'll launch Mario up and over the wall to the left. Walk left to wrap back around to the right side of the screen so that you can grab the Star Coin.

World 8-5

World 8-6

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Star Coin 2: You should be able to spot the second Star Coin about halfway through the stage, on the left side of the screen. Mario can ground pound through the blocks that cover it, though it's easiest to launch off the nearest Spin Block and then press DOWN on the controls to drill through the bricks blocks. Note that normal Mario cannot ground pound through the bricks, but he can drill through them off the Spin Block.

Star Coin 3: The third Star Coin lies just a bit past the second, at the top of the springy platforms guarded by spinys. Simply make your way to the top of the springy platforms through the hole on the right to grab the treasure.

Level Tip: After firing Mario out of the cannon pipe at the end of the stage, move left to find a hidden Spin Block. Launch of the Spin Block and float right to get an easy 1-Up from the flag.

Star Coin 1: Use a koopa shell to defeat the hammer bro. near the beginning of the stage, then toss that same koopa shell off the ledge to the right to skip along the lower series of platforms to hit the Star Coin.

Star Coin 2: Well past the halfway checkpoint, you'll find a pair of platforms that rise up and down. On the further right of the two platforms is a boomerang bro. Grab an empty koopa shell from the left and toss it onto the nearest platform just as it begins to move down. The koopa shell should slide and hit the boomerang bro. while simultaneously grabbing the

World 8-7

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second Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: The third Star Coin is beneath a row of brick blocks that's guarded by a heavy hammer bro. You can ground pound through the bricks yourself, or wait for the heavy hammer bro. to smash through the blocks. After he's smashed through the first row of bricks, quickly run and hop on his head before he begins tossing hammers again. You can then grab the Star Coin without more confrontation.

Red Coins: Getting all eight red coins is easy here. Simply run through the Red Ring, grab the nearest coins, then hop in the green pipe to launch Mario through all but the eighth coin.

Level Tip: Early in the stage there's a tall wall guarded by two koopas and a heavy hammer bro. on the other side. Stand at the base of the tall wall and jump straight up to reveal a hidden coin block that provides footing for climbing the wall. Grab a koopa shell from one of the nearby koopas and toss it at the hammer bro. to defeat him.

Star Coin 1: Move past the first Star Coin when you see it. Just a bit further to the right is a platform that'll let you jump up to the highest walkway with the Star Coin. Before moving back to the treasure, wait for the next break in the rain of lava rocks. If you move left while the rocks are falling, it's almost impossible to avoid getting hit.

Star Coin 2: Right past the halfway checkpoint is a stretch of runway that breaks under the pressure of the falling rocks. At the bottom of the screen you can just barely see the top of a miniature warp pipe. As Mini Mario, wait for the falling rocks to destroy the blocks over the pipe, then drop into the pipe to enter a hidden underground area with the second Star Coin.

Star Coin 3: You can see the next Star Coin surrounded by a group of brick blocks. It's easiest to wait near the prize and allow the falling rocks to break away the bricks, letting you safely grab the Star Coin without slowing down.

World 8-8

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Level Tip: Volcanic rocks will fall from the top of the screen in short bursts. If you're at a particularly tough section of the stage, stop and wait for the rocks to fall. There's a short break between the bursts of rock fall. Use the break to quickly take care of the tough parts of the stage.

Star Coin 1: The snaking platform will take you by the first Star Coin just before the stage's halfway checkpoint. Jump between the spikes to grab the treasure from the small alcove above.

Star Coin 2: After the snaking platform moves past the Red Ring, it'll form stairs that lead you upwards and to the left. Follow it past the following fire rods, then leap off the snaking platform and onto the upper ledge with the Star Coin. Follow the snaking platform as it moves right to jump on it and continue the stage.

Star Coin 3: Late in the stage, rolling spiked balls will fall onto the snaking platform. After the third spiked ball comes at you, leap over it and onto the ledge to the right to grab the Star Coin, then quickly jump back onto the snaking platform. Run to the front tip of the platform immediately so that you can hitch a ride upwards to the boss door.

Red Coins: As the snaking platform loops around on itself, heading left towards the Red Ring, leap through the ring and collection the three nearest coins. Quickly follow the tip of the snaking platform to grab the rest of the red coins.

World 8-Tower 2

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Level Tip: Stay need the front of the snaking platform at all times. Any time you see the platform veer upwards, quickly jump on the front tip to follow along. There are two areas of the stage where every piece of the snaking platform moves upwards. If you're not on top of the front tip, you'll lose your walkway and plummet to Mario's death.

Level Tip: Bowser Jr. awaits your arrival at the end of the stage. Jump over him as he charges your way and intercept the koopa shells he tosses. Knock Bowser Jr. over with a reflected koopa shell and stomp on him to damage the baddy. After the second successful hit, Bowser Jr. will leap into the air between shell attacks. Run under the enemy when he does this and await the last koopa shell.

Star Coin 1: You'll flip the castle a second time before going through a doorway that brings you to a hall full of miniature whomps. Move up along the stairway and you should see the Star Coin to the right. When you see a clear path to the left that leads to the platform with the Star Coin, dodge between the whomp's attacks to grab the prize and continue.

Star Coin 2: After flipping the castle for the second time, go through the doorway past the whomp to return to an upside-down version of the previous area. Before going through the doorway to the right, go to the far left end of the room and hit the brick block to reveal a switch. Hit the switch to spawn a platform on the other side of the wall to your left. Later in the stage, in the same room with the first Star Coin, you'll flip the castle for a third time. Continue through the next doorway and you'll see a rising platform to the left (the same platform you earlier spawned). Ride the platform to the doorway to the left and you'll find the Star Coin in the lower-right corner of the next empty room. Be careful not to run off the ledge.

World 8-Bowser's Castle

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Star Coin 3: You'll see the third Star Coin after making it through the maze near the middle of the stage. As Super Mario or better, ground pound through the brick blocks in front of the passage to the coin. Then get a small running start and crouch to slide into the tiny passage. While still holding DOWN to crouch, repeatedly tap the jump button to wiggle your way to the Star Coin.

Level Tip: After grabbing the second Star Coin, you'll go through a door and reach a maze area of the stage. At the first set of platforms, run across the lower level (Mario will skip across the gaps) to continue to the next stretch of the stage. If you use the other platform walkways you'll hear a noise that indicates you messed up. If you do it correctly, you'll hear a chime that lets you continue to the next part. On the second set of platforms, stay on the very top level. On the third set of platforms, move along the center platform to continue.

Level Tip: At the end of the stage you'll face off against both Bowser Jr. and his resurrected the same time! For the time being, ignore Bowser and focus on Bowser Jr. You'll need to jump over Bowser Jr. as he curls into his spiked shell, then intercept his koopa shells to toss back his way. Hit him three times while avoid daddy Bowser's tracking fireballs to take out Bowser Jr.

With Bowser Jr. out of the way, you can focus on eliminating the big guy by hitting the switch behind him. Bowser will change up his pattern once Jr. is dead. In between red fireball shots, Bowser will fire groups of blue tracking fireballs. Randomly after these tracking shots, Bowser will step back a bit and then leap high into the air. As he steps back, jump over the tracking fireballs and run full speed towards Bowser. You want to run under Bowser just as he jumps into the

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air. If you hesitate for even a second, Mario will slow down and get squished. Also note that you can't sacrifice a hit to pass through Bowser. If you get hit as Super Mario or better, you'll bounce off the enemy and away from the switch.

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Unlock World 4

You can unlock the path to World 4 (as opposed to World 3) by defeating the World-2 boss--the giant mummipokey--as Mini Mario. Simply jumping on the pokey's head as Mini Mario won't accomplish anything. You'll need to use ground pound attacks to actually damage the enemy. As usual, it takes three successful attacks to defeat the boss. After grabbing the key dropped by the enemy, Mini Mario will continue on to World 4.

Unlock World 7

Defeat the World 5 boss--a giant flying piranha plant--as Mini Mario. After you've grabbed the key, Mini Mario will continue on to World-7. Alternatively, you can complete the World 4-Ghost House via an alternate route to unlock a cannon that launches Mario to World 7. For more information on completing the stage with this alternate route, consult the World 4 walkthrough.

Play as Luigi

Hold the L and R buttons down while selecting a save file just after booting up the game. When you reach the world map, you'll see that you're now playing as Luigi.

Save Anytime

Normally, you are limited to when you can save your game. However, after defeating the game's end boss you'll unlock the option to save anytime you'd like. It may be helpful to rush to the end of the game to unlock this option before going back to collect all Star Coins.

Unlimited Mushroom Houses

Mushroom houses on the world map give you free power-ups and 1-Ups. Normally when you use a mushroom house, the house will disappear from the world map and never return. But once you've completed every stage in the game you'll be able to go in and out of mushroom houses as much as you'd like.

Timer Rewards

If you complete any stage when the last two digits of your countdown timer are the same (ex. 177, 233, 088) a bonus mushroom house will appear on the far left side of the world map. Stopping the timer with 11, 22, or 33 will give you a red mushroom house with a random item box. A timer with 44, 55, or 66 will give you a green mushroom house that rewards you with 1-Ups. Stop the timer at 77, 88, or 99 and you'll unlock an orange mushroom house that gives you a Mega Mushroom.

Earn Easy 1-Ups

Play the first stage in the game--World 1-1--and hit the flag pole right as the last two digits of your timer are 44, 55, or 66. As described above, you'll unlock a green mushroom house that rewards you with 1-Ups. Go into the mushroom house, get the 1-Ups, then complete World 1-1 all over again. You can do this as many times as you'd like, quickly increasing your 1-Up supply.