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New Total English Intermediate - Wordlist English / German / French / Italian Headword Page Part of Speech Pronunciation German French Italian Example Sentence abandon 68 v əˈbændən aufgeben, aussetzen abandonner abbandonare How could she abandon her own child? abroad 84 adv əˈbrɔːd im Ausland à l'étranger all'estero I’ve never lived abroad before. absurd 68 adj əbˈsɜːd absurd absurde assurdo It seems an absurd idea. academic 98 adj ˌækəˈdemɪk akademisch académique accademico I'm not interested in the study of art as an academic discipline. acceptable 106 adj əkˈseptəbəl akzeptabel acceptable accettabile We came to an agreement which is acceptable to all sides. accesorise 82 v əkˈsesəraɪz mit Accessoires versehen garnir d'accessoires aggiungere accessori You can accesorise the clothes that you have. achieve 22 n əˈtʃiːv erreichen accomplir/réaliser raggiungere She eventually achieved her goal of becoming a professor. acquaintance 7 n əˈkweɪntəns Bekanntschaft, Bekannte(r) connaissance conoscente She was an acquaintance of my family in Vienna. adapt 66 v əˈdæpt sich gewöhnen s'adapter/se conformer adattare The children are finding it hard to adapt to the new school. adapt 128 v əˈdæpt anpassen adapter adattare The car has been adapted to take unleaded gas. adaptable 42 adj əˈdæptəbəl anpassbar adaptable adattabile The American Constitution has proved adaptable in changing political conditions. add up 53 phr v ʌp zusammenrechnen additionner sommare I can add up in my head quite easily. adhesive 93 n ədˈhiːsɪv Klebstoff adhésif adesivo He invented a waterproof adhesive. administrator 50 n ədˈmɪnəstreɪtə Verwalter administrateur amministratore I used to work as an administrator. admire 50 v ədˈmaɪə bewundern admirer ammirare I really admire the way she brings up those kids all on her own. admire 138 v ədˈmaɪə bewundern admirer ammirare Lewis was much admired for his work on medieval literature. adore 67 v əˈdɔː mögen adorer adorare I simply adore chocolate. adventure 77 n ədˈventʃə Abenteuer aventure avventura I enjoy going on adventure holidays. adventurous 84 adj ədˈventʃərəs abenteuerlich aventureux/audacieux avventuroso Andy isn’t a very adventurous cook. advise 67 v ədˈvaɪz beraten conseiller consigliare She needed someone to advise her. New Total English Intermediate A-Z Wordlist English / German / French / Italian Pearson Schweiz AG 1

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abandon 68 v əˈbændən aufgeben, aussetzen abandonner abbandonare How could she abandon her own child?

abroad 84 adv əˈbrɔːd im Ausland à l'étranger all'estero I’ve never lived abroad before.

absurd 68 adj əbˈsɜːd absurd absurde assurdo It seems an absurd idea.

academic 98 adj ˌækəˈdemɪk akademisch académique accademico

I'm not interested in the study of art as an

academic discipline.

acceptable 106 adj əkˈseptəbəl akzeptabel acceptable accettabile

We came to an agreement which is

acceptable to all sides.

accesorise 82 v əkˈsesəraɪz mit Accessoires versehen garnir d'accessoires aggiungere accessori

You can accesorise the clothes that you


achieve 22 n əˈtʃiːv erreichen accomplir/réaliser raggiungere

She eventually achieved her goal of

becoming a professor.

acquaintance 7 n əˈkweɪntəns Bekanntschaft, Bekannte(r) connaissance conoscente

She was an acquaintance of my family in


adapt 66 v əˈdæpt sich gewöhnen s'adapter/se conformer adattare

The children are finding it hard to adapt to

the new school.

adapt 128 v əˈdæpt anpassen adapter adattare

The car has been adapted to take unleaded


adaptable 42 adj əˈdæptəbəl anpassbar adaptable adattabile

The American Constitution has proved

adaptable in changing political conditions.

add up 53 phr v ʌp zusammenrechnen additionner sommare I can add up in my head quite easily.

adhesive 93 n ədˈhiːsɪv Klebstoff adhésif adesivo He invented a waterproof adhesive.

administrator 50 n ədˈmɪnəstreɪtə Verwalter administrateur amministratore I used to work as an administrator.

admire 50 v ədˈmaɪə bewundern admirer ammirare

I really admire the way she brings up those

kids all on her own.

admire 138 v ədˈmaɪə bewundern admirer ammirare

Lewis was much admired for his work on

medieval literature.

adore 67 v əˈdɔː mögen adorer adorare I simply adore chocolate.

adventure 77 n ədˈventʃə Abenteuer aventure avventura I enjoy going on adventure holidays.

adventurous 84 adj ədˈventʃərəs abenteuerlich aventureux/audacieux avventuroso Andy isn’t a very adventurous cook.

advise 67 v ədˈvaɪz beraten conseiller consigliare She needed someone to advise her.

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aerobics 63 n eəˈrəʊbɪks Aerobik aérobic aerobica I like to go to aerobics twice a week.

afford 43 v əˈfɔːd sich leisten

pouvoir payer/pouvoir

s'offrir/avoir les moyens de permettersi I couldn’t afford the rent on my own.

against the law 107 adj phrase əˌɡenst ðə ɔː gesetzeswidrig contre la loi/illégal/illicite contro la legge

The children knew that shoplifting was

against the law.

age (across the ages) 26 n eɪdʒ Zeitalter âge/ère periodo We are living in the age of technology.

ageing 31 adj ˈeɪdʒɪŋ alternd vieillir invecchiamento Europe’s ageing population.

agent 128 n ˈeɪdʒənt Agent agent agente My agent has a new script for me to look at.

aggressive 84 adj əˈɡresɪv aggressiv agressif aggressivo Jim’s voice became aggressive.

ago 16 adv əˈɡəʊ vor (...Jahren) il y a fa Her husband died 14 years ago.

agree 67 v əˈɡriː einer Meinung sein être d'accord concordare Teenagers and their parents rarely agree.

aid 109 n eɪd zur Unterstützung au profit de aiuto

We’re collecting money in aid of cancer


aim 68 v eɪm abzielen adresser à puntare The criticism wasn’t aimed at you.

air-conditioning 40 n ə kənˌdɪʃənɪŋ Klimaanlage climatiseur aria condizionata You need air conditioning in Dubai.

airfield 92 n ˈeəfiːld Flugplatz aérodrome/terrain campo di aviazione The show is at the airfield not far from here.

album 68 n ˈælbəm Album album album

The band plan to release their new album

next week.

allow 67 v əˈlaʊ erlauben autoriser/permettre consentire

My parents wouldn’t allow me to go to the


already 16 adv ɔːlˈredi schon déjà già

The performance had already started when

we arrived.

alternative 60 adj ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv alternativ alternative alternativa An alternative route is along the Via Unione.

alternative 112 n ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv Alternative alternative alternativa

Is there a viable alternative to the present


amateur 126 adj ˈamətə Amateur amateur dilettante I play in an amateur orchestra.

ambitious 53 adj æmˈbɪʃəs ehrgeizig ambitieux ambizioso

Alfred was intensely ambitious, obsessed

with the idea of becoming rich.

amount 137 v əˈmaʊnt es zu etwas bringen compter ammontare Jim’s never going to amount to much.

ancestor 92 n ˈænsəstə Vorfahr ancêtre antenato My ancestors were French.

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ancient 64 adj ˈeɪnʃənt alt ancien antico

I'm interested in the ancient civilizations of


announcement 81 n əˈnaʊnsmənt Ankündigung annonce/avis/faire-part annuncio

She's making an important announcement

later today.

annoying 26 adj əˈnɔɪ-ɪŋ ärgerlich contrariant fastidioso An annoying habit of interrupting.

anticipate 43 v ænˈtɪsəpeɪt erwarten anticiper anticipare Sales are better than anticipated.

apartment 35 n əˈpɑːtmənt Wohnung appartement appartamento She lives in a small apartment.

apologise 38 v əˈpɒlədʒaɪz sich entschuldigen s'excuser scusarsi I’m so sorry, I do apologize.

apparently 25 adv əˈpærəntli offenbar apparemment apparentemente

Apparently the company is losing a lot of


appeal 56 v əˈpiːl ansprechen attrait/charme interessare The programme appeals to young children.

appeal 106 n əˈpiːl Aufruf appel appello

The police have issued a new appeal for


applause 68 n əˈplɔːz Applaus applaudissements applausi

She got a round of applause when she


apply 113 v əˈplaɪ sich bewerben

déposer une

candidature/demande applicare

I applied to four universities and was

accepted by all of them.

appointment 56 n əˈpɔɪntmənt Termin rendez-vous appuntamento

I’d like to make an appointment to see the


approve 68 v əˈpruːv befürworten approuver approvare I don’t approve of cosmetic surgery.

architecture 40 n ˈɑːkətektʃə Architektur architecture architettura I love the architecture of Venice.

argument 14 n ˈɑːɡjəmənt Streit dispute/querelle discussione She had a big argument with her husband.

aroma 56 n əˈrəʊmə Duft arôme aroma I love the the aroma of fresh coffee.

around 26 adv əˈraʊnd im Umlauf circule intorno That joke’s been around for years.

arrest 22 v əˈrest festnehmen arrêter arrestare Her father was arrested for fraud.

arrogant 84 adj ˈærəɡənt arrogant arrogant arrogante He was unbearably arrogant.

artistic 88 adj ɑːˈtɪstɪk künstlerisch artistique artistico

Opinion about the artistic merit of his

paintings has been mixed.

ashtray 106 n ˈæʃtreɪ Aschenbecher cendrier posacenere Could I have an ashtray please?

assist 28 v əˈsɪst mitwirken assister/aider assistere

You will be employed to assist in the

development of new equipment.

associate 56 v əˈsəʊʃieɪt in Verbindung bringen associer associare I don’t associate him with energetic sports.

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astronomy 96 n əˈstrɒnəmi Astronomie astronomie astronomia

Jonathan has always been interested in


at once 8 adv æt wʌns sofort à la fois/simultanément subito

Now, go upstairs at once and clean your


athletics 63 n æθˈletɪks Leichtathletik athlétisme atletica

I really want to see the athletics at the next


attend 92 v əˈtend teilnehmen participer/assister à partecipare a Only 12 people attended the meeting.

attic 35 n ˈætɪk Dachboden attique soffitta A small attic room.

attraction 98 n əˈtrækʃən Attraktion attraction attrazione

Being your own boss is one of the

attractions of owning your own business.

attractive 60 adj əˈtræktɪv attraktiv beau/belle attraente Women seem to find him attractive.

audience 68 n ˈɔːdiəns Publikum audience/public pubblico The audience began clapping and cheering.

audition 126 n ɔːˈdɪʃən Vorsingen,-spielen audition audizione

I’ve got an audition for the Bournemouth

Symphony Orchestra on Friday.

autobiography 50 n ˌɔːtəbaɪˈɒɡrəfi Autobiographie autobiographie autobiografia

He wrote an autobiography towards the end

of his life.

autocratic 123 adj ˌɔːtəˈkrætɪk autokratisch autocrate autocratico He had an autocratic leadership style.

avenue 126 n ˈævənjuː Avenue avenue viale I used to work on Shaftesbury Avenue.

awareness 110 n əˈweənəs Bewusstsein conscience consapevolezza

Health officials have tried to raise


back 106 v bæk unterstützen soutenir/aider indietro

The scheme has been backed by several

major companies in the region.

back up 130 phr v ʌp unterstützen soutenir/appuyer/aider assistere

The police officers are backed up by extra

teams of people at the weekend.

background 80 n ˈbækɡraʊnd Hintergrund arrière-plan fondo The background looks out of focus.

background 128 n ˈbækɡraʊnd Hintergrund origine fondo

It’s important to understand other people,

people from different backgrounds.

bake 70 v beɪk backen cuire au four infornare I’m baking some bread.

baking 78 adj ˈbeɪkɪŋ mit Affenhitze torride cottura It was a baking hot day.

balance 74 v ˈbæləns balancieren équilibré/égal stare in equilibrio

He turned around, balancing awkwardly on

one foot.

balcony 35 n ˈbælkəni Balkon balcon balcone Has your flat got a balcony?

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bankrupt 60 adj ˈbæŋkrʌpt bankrott faillite fallito

The firm went bankrupt before the building

work was completed.

banned 106 adj bænd verboten interdit/banni bandito

Leaders of the banned party were arrested

last night.

bar 92 n bɑː Takt mesure bar We were only a few bars into the song.

bargain 55 n ˈbɑːɡən Schnäppchen bonne affaire affare

There are no bargains in the clothes shops

at the moment.

barren 78 adj ˈbærən öde aride sterile

Thousands of years ago the surface was

barren desert.

base 68 v beɪs basieren

base/fondement/point de

départ basare The film is based on a book.

basically 111 adv ˈbeɪsɪkli im Grunde essentiellement fondamentalmente I used to see him every night, basically.

beach 77 n biːtʃ Strand plage spiaggia Corfu is known for its sandy beaches.

beautiful 84 adj ˈbjuːtəfəl schön beau/belle/magnifique bello

She was even more beautiful than I had


behave 95 v bɪˈheɪv sich benehmen se comporter comportarsi

I hope Nicholas behaved himself at the


behaviour 10 n bɪˈheɪvjə sein bestes Benehmen zeigen comportement comportamento

I want you both to be on your best

behaviour at Grandad’s.

bell 36 n bel Glocke sonnerie/cloche campana Church bells.

belong to 8 phr v bɪˈlɒŋ tuː gehören appartenir à appartenere a The book belongs to Dan.

belt 63 n belt Gürtel ceinture cintura He unbuckled his leather belt.

bench 102 n bentʃ Bank banc banco We sat on a park bench.

benefit 93 v ˈbenəfɪt profitieren bénéfice/avantage beneficiare

Many thousands have benefited from the

new treatment.

besides 82 adv bɪˈsaɪdz außerdem par ailleurs/d'ailleurs/du reste oltre a

I need the money. And besides, when I

agree to do something, I do it.

best 112 n best es ist das Beste mieux ainsi/mieux comme ca migliore

I still don’t want him to go, but maybe it’s for

the best.

best-seller 68 n ˌbestˈselə Bestseller à succès/best-seller best-seller The game is already a bestseller in Japan.

big ticket 55 adj ˌbɪɡ ˈtɪkət kostspielig coûteux/onéreux costoso

Are they low value, high volume products,

or single, big-ticket items?

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bill 59 n bɪl Rechnung facture proposta di legge Have you paid the phone bill?

birdsong 39 n ˈbɜːdsɒŋ Vogelgesang chant d'oiseau canto degli uccelli I love listening to the birdsong.

blended learning 98 n ˌblendəd ˈlɜːnɪŋ integriertes Lernen apprentissage mixte apprendimento misto Do you find blended learning useful?

blender 95 n ˈblendə Mixer mixeur miscelatore I made the milkshake in the blender.

blister 109 n ˈblɪstə Blase ampoule/cloque/boursouflure bolla New shoes always give me blisters.

block 35 n blɒk Block bloc blocco A block of flats.

blush 70 v blʌʃ erröten rougir arrossire

Wilson saw she was watching him and


board 63 n bɔːd Board, Brett planche bordo I've bought a new surf board.

body language 56 n ˈbɒdi ˌlæŋɡwɪdʒ Körpersprache langage corporel linguaggio del corpo

It was obvious from Luke’s body language

that he was nervous.

boil 28 v bɔɪl kochen bouillir bollire Boil the rice for 15 minutes.

bombing 26 n ˈbɒmɪŋ Bombardierung attentat à la bombe bombardamento

The country suffered an intensive bombing


bookshop 81 n ˈbʊkʃɒp Buchhandlung librairie libreria I got it at my local bookshop.

bookworm 101 n ˈbʊkwɜːm Bücherwurm dévoreur de livres topo di biblioteca

He works in the library because he's a


boot 63 n buːt Stiefel boot/botte stivale

Take your muddy football boots off before

you come inside.

bored 64 adj bɔːd gelangweilt Qui s'ennuie/ennuyé annoiato After a while, I got bored and left.

boring 26 adj ˈbɔːrɪŋ langweilig ennuyeux noioso The job was dull and boring.

borrow 59 v ˈbɒrəʊ sich borgen emprunter prendere in prestito Can I borrow your pen for a minute?

boss 7 n bɒs Chef chef/employeur capo I’ll have to ask my boss for a day off.

brain 98 n breɪn Gehirn cerveau cervello

Messages from the brain are carried by the

central nervous system.

branch 98 n brɑːntʃ Zweigstelle filiale/succursale ramo The bank has branches all over the country.

brave 84 adj breɪv tapfer brave/courageux coraggioso

We're impressed by her brave fight against


break 30 irr v breɪk brechen briser/casser rompere She fell downstairs and broke her hip.

break 50 irr v breɪk brechen violer/outrepasser infrangere

They’re breaking the law by employing such

young children.

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break the law 107 v phrase ˌbreɪk ðə ɔː das Gesetz brechen violer la loi infrangere la legge Is the company breaking the law?

break up 50 phr v breɪ ʌp sich trennen se séparer lasciarsi, separarsi The couple broke up last year.

bring out 139 phr v brɪ ʊt herausbringen lancer/mettre sur le marché mettere in evidenza He’s bringing out a new album next month.

bring up 17 phr v brɪ ʌp großziehen élever/éduquer educare He was brought up by his grandparents.

bring up 10 phr v brɪŋ ʌp anschneiden évoquer/aborder/parler de educare

Why did you have to bring up the subject of


brush 63 n brʌʃ Pinsel brosse/pinceau spazzola I painted it with a very small brush.

brush up on 101 phr v ˌbrʌʃ ʌp ɒn auffrischen

rafraîchir ses connaissances

en rispolverare

I must brush up on my French before I go to


budget 128 n ˈbʌdʒət Budget budget bilancio The budget for photography has been cut.

bunk-bed 44 n ʌŋk bed Hochbett lit superposé/lit à étage letto a castello I slept on the top bunk bed.

business 14 n ˈbɪznəs Unternehmen affaire/entreprise affari

She now has her own $25 million home-

shopping business.

business 95 n ˈbɪznəs Angelegenheit affaire/entreprise affari Tanya found the whole business ridiculous.

bustling 36 adj ˈbʌsəlɪŋ wimmeln agité/animé vivace

The flower market was bustling with


buyer 98 n ˈbaɪə Einkäufer acheteur acquirente I'm a buyer for a chain store.

buzz 39 v bʌz summen bourdonnement ronzare a loud buzzing noise

cabinet 42 n ˈkæbənət Schränkchen armoire stanzino You'll find it in the medicine cabinet.

café 81 n ˈkæfeɪ Café café/bistrot caffè, bar

The central square was full of outdoor


call off 141 phr v kɔː ɒf absagen annuler disdire The trip to Italy might be called off.

calm 96 adj kɑːm ruhig calme calma I tried to stay calm and just ignore him.

camping 77 n ˈkæmpɪŋ campen faire du camping campeggio Last holiday we went camping in Cornwall.

canal 81 n kəˈnæl Kanal canal canale We walked along by the side of the canal.

candle 66 n ˈkændl Kerze bougie candela She lit a candle in the church.

canvas 63 n ˈkænvəs Leinwand toile tela The gallery has a canvas by Paul Cézanne.

capital 84 n ˈkæpətl Hauptstadt capitale capitale

Hollywood is the capital of the movie


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carbon footprint 60 n ˌkɑːbən ˈfʊtprɪnt CO2-Bilanz empreinte carbonique impronta al carbonio

He flies so much that his carbon footprint

must be huge.

card 63 n kɑːd Karte carte scheda We were having a game of cards.

cardboard 25 n ˈkɑːdbɔːd Pappe carton cartone A sheet of cardboard.

career 105 n kəˈrɪə

Änderung in der beruflichen

Entwicklung carrière carriera

After ten years in the job, I realized that I

needed to make a career change.

carpet 136 n ˈkɑːpət Teppich tapis/moquette tappeto My bedroom carpet is green.

carry on 17 phr v ˌ ɒn fortfahren continuer continuare a fare Sorry, I interrupted you. Please carry on.

cash 59 n kæʃ Bargeld espèces contanti

Cash was taken during a burglary of the


castle 81 n ˈkɑːsəl Schloss château castello The king lived in the castle.

cat 14 n kæt Wildkatze chat gatto

The African wild cat is bigger than ordinary

domestic cats.

catch 8 irr v kætʃ fangen captiver/attraper afferrare

Stephen leapt up and caught the ball in one


catch 78 v kætʃ ins Auge fallen captiver/attraper afferrare

Out on the freeway, a billboard caught his


catch up 50 phr v kætʃ ʌp aufholen rattraper raggiungere Drive faster – they’re catching up with us.

cathedral 36 n kəˈθiːdrəl Kathedrale cathédrale cattedrale St Paul’s Cathedral.

cause 28 v kɔːz verursachen causer/provoquer provocare The fire caused £15,000 worth of damage.

ceiling 35 n ˈsiːlɪŋ Decke plafond soffitto Rooms with high ceilings.

celebrity 139 n səˈlebrəti Berühmtheit célébrité celebrità He’s a national celebrity.

cell/mobile 129 n sel/ˈməʊbaɪl Handy portable/cellulaire telefono cellulare

Call me on my cell/mobile if you’re running


cellar 35 n ˈselə Keller cellier cantina A coal cellar.

central heating 38 n ˌsentrəl ˈhiːtɪŋ Zentralheizung chauffage central riscaldamento centralizzato The central heating boiler.

certainly 25 adv ˈsɜːtnli sicher certainement certamente

I certainly never expected to become a


chain 53 n tʃeɪn Kette chaîne catena Peter owns a chain of restaurants.

challenging 125 adj ˈtʃæləndʒɪŋ anspruchsvoll stimulant impegnativo

Teaching young children is a challenging

and rewarding job.

change 59 n tʃeɪndʒ Wechselgeld reste/la différence cambiare Here’s your change, sir.

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change 105 v tʃeɪndʒ ändern modifier cambiare Do you mind if I change our arrangement?

change 105 v tʃeɪndʒ sich umziehen se changer cambiare

I usually change my clothes as soon as I get

home from work.

channel 26 n ˈtʃænl Sender, Kanal canal canale The news on Channel 4.

chant 95 v tʃɑːnt im Sprechgesang singen chanter salmodiare There was a priest chanting the liturgy.

character 68 n ˈkærəktə Figur personnage personaggio

Candida is the most interesting character in

the play.

charge 98 n tʃɑːdʒ Gebühr facture/frais carica

There is a charge for the use of the

swimming pool.

charity 98 n ˈtʃærəti Wohltätigkeitsorganisation organisation caritative carità

Several charities sent aid to the flood


charm 50 n tʃɑːm Charme charme fascino Joe’s boyish charm

charming 36 adj ˈtʃɑːmɪŋ bezaubernd charmant/adorable affascinante Harry can be very charming.

charter 85 v ˈtʃɑːtə chartern affréter noleggiare

We chartered a boat to take us to some of

the smaller islands.

chat 21 n tʃæt (c. show) Talkshow talk-show chiacchierata I saw him interviewed on a chat show.

cheat 50 v tʃiːt betrügen, mogeln tricher imbrogliare

He had cheated in the test by using a


check in 78 phr v tʃ ɪn einchecken s'enregistrer fare il check in, registrarsi He checked in at the Europa Hotel.

check on 30 phr v tʃek sehen nach vérifier controllare

Honey, can you go upstairs and check on

the kids?

check/bill 129 n tʃek/bɪl Rechnung contrôler/facture conto/fattura The check/bill for the food came to $100.

checkout 55 n ˈtʃek-aʊt Kasse caisse cassa Why can’t they have more checkouts open?

cheer up 109 phr v tʃɪə ʌp bessere Laune bekommen remonter le moral rallegrarsi

They cheered up when they saw us coming


childcare 126 n ˈtʃaɪldkeə Kinderbetreuung garde des enfants cura dei figli

People earning low wages will find it difficult

to pay for childcare.

childhood 98 n ˈtʃaɪldhʊd Kindheit enfance infanzia I had a very happy childhood.

chirrup 95 v ˈtʃɪrəp zwitschern pépier cinguettare ‘Yes, all finished,’ he chirruped.

city 120 n ˈsɪti City centre-ville città

The City is optimistic about the outlook for


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claim 85 v kleɪm Anspruch erheben prétention reclamare

No responsible therapist will claim to cure

your insomnia.

class 91 n klɑːs Unterricht classe classe He was injured in a science class.

classic 68 adj ˈklæsɪk klassisch classique classico

The Coca-Cola bottle is one of the classic

designs of the last century.

classmate 7 n ˈklɑːsmeɪt Klassenkamerad camarade de classe compagno di classe

I like doing speaking activities with my


clean 40 adj kliːn sauber propre pulito Are your hands clean?

clear 96 adj klɪə klar clair chiaro The question wasn’t very clear.

clearly 128 adv ˈklɪəli zweifellos clairement chiaramente Clearly, ignoring him had been a mistake.

clever 25 adj ˈklevə gescheit astucieux/malin/intelligent intelligente a clever man

client 56 n ˈklaɪənt Kunde client cliente I have a meeting with an important client.

climate 42 n ˈklaɪmət Klima climat clima I like Los Angeles’ warm dry climate.

close to 92 adj kləʊs

(be c. to) am Nächsten

kommen semblable à vicino alla

Fitt was the closest thing to a socialist in the


coast 110 n kəʊst Küste côte costa We drove along the Pacific coast to Seattle.

coastline 77 n ˈkəʊstlaɪn Küste côte/littoral costa

They walked along a beautiful stretch of


coin 59 n kɔɪn Münze pièce de monnaie moneta Toss a coin to see who goes first.

collapse 120 v kəˈlæps zusammenbrechen s'effondrer crollare

He collapsed with a heart attack while he

was dancing.

colleague 7 n ˈkɒliːɡ Kollege/in collègue collega a colleague of mine from the bank.

collect 30 v kəˈlekt sammeln collecter/rassembler raccogliere

The company collects information about

consumer trends.

colourful 64 adj ˈkʌləfəl farbenfroh coloré/pittoresque colorato There was a colourful display of flowers.

column 136 n ˈkɒləm Kolumne rubrique colonna He writes a weekly column for ‘The Times’.

come back 140 phr v kʌ zurückkommen retour tornare

My mother was scared that if I left home I’d

never come back.

come down 124 phr v kʌ ʊn umfallen tomber par terre cadere a terra A lot of trees came down in the storm.

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come up with 28 phr v kʌ ʌp ˌwɪð liefern

avoir une idée/proposer une

idée venire con

We’ve been asked to come up with some

new ideas.

comedian 109 n kəˈmiːdiən Komödiant comédien comico He started as a stand-up comedian.

comedy 21 n ˈkɒmədi Komödie comédie commedia A highly successful TV comedy

commemorate 133 v kəˈmeməreɪt gedenken, feiern commémorer commemorare

We're having a parade to commemorate the

town’s bicentenary.

commercial 26 n kəˈmɜːʃəl Werbung publicité commerciale A soap powder commercial.

commercial district 35 n kəˈmɜːʃəl ˌdɪstrɪkt Geschäftsviertel

quartier commercial/zone

marchande quartiere commerciale I work in the commercial district.

common 7 n ˈkɒmən etwas gemein haben commun comune

I found I had a lot in common with these


common 130 adj ˈkɒmən gewöhnlich commun comune Heart disease is a common cause of death.

communication skills 128 n


ˌskɪlz Kommunikationsfähigkeiten aptitude à la communication abilità di comunicazione

I think I have very good communication


community 56 n kəˈmjuːnəti Gemeinde communauté comunità

The new arts centre will serve the whole


commute 46 v kəˈmjuːt pendeln faire la navette fare il pendolare Jim commutes to Manhattan every day.

compact 44 adj kəmˈpækt kompakt compact compatto

The compact design of the machine allows

it to be stored easily.

company 7 n ˈkʌmpəni Gesellschaft en compagnie azienda The two men enjoy each other’s company.

comparison 55 n kəmˈpærəsən Vergleich comparaison confronto I found it on a price comparison website.

comparison 68 n kəmˈpærəsən Vergleich comparaison confronto

in comparison to other recent video games,

this one isn’t very exciting.

competitor 94 n kəmˈpetətə Wettbewerber concurrent concorrente

Last year they sold twice as many

computers as their competitors.

compile 97 v kəmˈpaɪl zusammenstellen compiler compilare

The document was compiled by the

Department of Health.

complain 14 v kəmˈpleɪn sich beschweren se plaindre lamentarsi

She complained that no one had been at the

airport to meet her.

complicated 105 adj ˈkɒmpləkeɪtəd kompliziert compliqué complicato

For young children, getting dressed is a

complicated business.

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compose 94 v kəmˈpəʊz komponieren composer comporre

Barrington has composed the music for the


computerise 24 v kəmˈpjuːtəraɪz mit Computer steuern informatiser computerizzare A computerized database.

condition 93 n kənˈdɪʃən Bedingung condition condizione

She laid down only one condition: that her

name not be revealed.

confident 53 adj ˈkɒnfədənt zuversichtlich sûr de soi/confiant fiducioso

He was very confident and spoke without


conflict 110 n ˈkɒnflɪkt Konflikt conflit conflitto

Marx points out the potential conflicts below

the surface of society.

confused 123 adj kənˈfjuːzd verwirrt embrouillé/confus/perplexe confuso

I’m totally confused. Could you explain that


confusing 24 adj kənˈfjuːzɪŋ verwirrend déroutant confuso The instructions were really confusing.

congestion 108 n kənˈdʒestʃən Stau congestion/encombrement congestione

There's a lot of traffic congestion on the


constantly 82 adv ˈkɒnstəntli dauernd constamment/tout le temps costantemente He talked constantly about his work.

construction 108 n kənˈstrʌkʃən Bau construction costruzione The hotel is currently under construction.

consultant 50 n kənˈsʌltənt Berater(in) consultant consulente She works as a management consultant.

consume 92 v kənˈsjuːm sich verzehren ronger consumare

He was consumed with guilt after the


contact 138 n ˈkɒntækt Kontakt contact contatto He has a lot of contacts in the media.

context 102 n ˈkɒntekst Kontext contexte contesto

To appreciate what these changes will

mean, it is necessary to look at them in


continent 111 n ˈkɒntənənt Erdteil continent continente

I have travelled to the continents of Asia

and Africa.

continuous assessment 98 n kənˈtɪnjuəs əˌsesmənt kontinuierliche Bewertung évaluation continue valutazione continua

I prefer continuous assessment to a final


contribute 123 v kənˈtrɪbjuːt beitragen contribuer contribuire

City employees cannot contribute to political


convert 26 v kənˈvɜːt umwandeln convertir convertire

They converted the spare bedroom into an


coordination 53 n kəʊˌɔːdəˈneɪʃən Koordination coordination coordinazione Too much alcohol affects your coordination.

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coordinator 98 n kəʊˈɔːdəneɪtə Koordinator coordinateur coordinatore I work as the coordinator of the group.

coronation 26 n ˌkɒrəˈneɪʃən Krönung couronnement incoronazione Were you at the Queen's coronation?

costume 63 n ˈkɒstjʊm Anzug maillot de bain/tenue de bain costume I need a new swimming costume.

cottage 35 n ˈkɒtɪdʒ Hütte maisonnette casetta We’re staying in a holiday cottage in Dorset.

cotton 143 n ˈkɒtn Baumwolle coton cotone Made from 100% cotton.

council 108 n ˈkaʊnsəl Rat conseil municipal consiglio

He sent a letter to the council to complain

about the noise.

counsellor 98 n ˈkaʊnsələ Berater conseiller consigliere

You should talk to a marriage counsellor

about your problem.

countryside 37 n ˈkʌntrisaɪd Land campagne zona di campagna

The house had lovely views over open


countryside 80 n ˈkʌntrisaɪd Land campagne/arrière-pays campagna

The house had lovely views over open


course 91 n kɔːs Kurs cours corso Andy’s doing a one-year journalism course.

cover 88 v ˈkʌvə abhandeln couvrir coprire

Are there any areas you feel are not

covered adequately in the book?

craft 88 n krɑːft Handwerk artisanat/métier artisanal mestiere

We went to see an exhibition of Indian arts

and crafts.

crash 39 v kræʃ knallen faire un fracas muoversi rumorosamente Thunder crashed and boomed outside.

crash course 92 n ʃ kɔːs Schnellkurs cours intensif corso accelerato

I'm taking a crash course in Spanish for my

new job.

crazy 60 adj ˈkreɪzi verrückt fou/étrange pazzo The neighbours must think we’re crazy.

creative 128 adj kriˈeɪtɪv kreativ créatif creativo

This job is so boring. I wish I could do

something more creative.

creativity 66 n ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti Kreativität créativité creatività

Editors complain about the lack of creativity

in the ideas put to them.

creature 28 n ˈkriːtʃə Geschöpf créature creatura All the living creatures in the sea.

credit card 59 n ˈkredət ˌkɑːd Kreditkarte carte de crédit carta di credito We accept all major credit cards.

criticise 129 v ˈkrɪtəsaɪz kritisieren critiquer criticare

Ron does nothing but criticize and complain

all the time.

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cross-legged 136 adv ˌkrɒs ˈleɡəd im Schneidersitz jambes croisées a gambe incrociate She sat cross-legged on the floor

cruise 77 n kruːz Kreuzfahrt machen croisière crociera

We were cruising in the Caribbean all


crumb 106 n krʌm Krümel miette briciola

She stood up to brush the crumbs off her


cultural 84 adj ˈkʌltʃərəl kulturell culturel culturale

I know a lot about Japan’s unique cultural


culture 38 n ˈkʌltʃə Kultur culture cultura

I love working abroad and meeting people

from different cultures.

culture shock 92 n ˈkʌltʃə ʃɒk Kulturschock choc culturel schock culturale

India is where I first experienced real culture


cupboard 38 n ˈkʌbəd Schrank armoire armadio It’s in the kitchen cupboard.

curator 26 n kjʊˈreɪtə Kurator conservateur direttore I'm the curator of a natural history museum.

cure 110 n kjʊə Heilmittel cure/thérapie curare There is still no cure for AIDS.

current affairs 21 n ˌkʌrənt əˈfeəs Zeitgeschehen actualité/affaires actuelles attualità Do you follow current affairs?

curtain 42 n ˈkɜːtn Vorhang rideau sipario Shall I open the curtains?

cut 120 irr v kʌt verringern réduire tagliare

You need to cut the amount of fat and sugar

in your diet.

CV 119 n ˌsiː ˈviː Lebenslauf CV CV Please send a CV and covering letter.

cynical 120 adj ˈsɪnɪkəl zynisch cynique cinico I have a very cynical view of human nature.

danger 68 n ˈdeɪndʒə Gefahr danger pericolo

The refugees believe that their lives are in


date back 26 phr v deɪt ˌbæk stammen aus (Zeit) remonter à risalire The church dates from the 13th century.

deal 126 irr v diːl kümmern gérer trattare Don’t worry, I’ll deal with this.

debit card 59 n ˈdebət ˌkɑːd Geldkarte carte de crédit carta di debito I'll pay with my debit card.

debt 60 n det Schuld dette debito She had debts of over £100,000.

decide 67 v dɪˈsaɪd beschließen décider decidere

Tina’s decided to go to Rome for her


decision 91 n dɪˈsɪʒən Entscheidung décision decisione

Do you ever wonder if you made the right


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decorate 36 v ˈdekəreɪt dekorieren décorer decorare

The bathroom is decorated in green and


decorate 120 v ˈdekəreɪt schmücken décorer decorare

Children’s pictures decorated the walls of

the classroom.

deep 78 adj diːp Tiefschlaf profond profondo He lay down and fell into a deep sleep.

degree 91 n dɪˈɡriː Abschluss diplôme

dploma ploma universitario,


Applicants must have a degree in


delay 114 v dɪˈleɪ verspäten retard ritardare

The flight was badly delayed because of


delegate 128 v ˈdeləɡeɪt delegieren déléguer delegare A good manager knows when to delegate.

delicious 38 adj dɪˈlɪʃəs köstlich délicieux(-se) delizioso

‘The meal was absolutely delicious,’ she

said politely.

delight 82 n dɪˈlaɪt Freude plaisir/grande joie delizia

We got a chance to sample the delights of

nearby Vienna.

delight 88 v dɪˈlaɪt erfreuen plaisir/grande joie deliziare

Her fabulous recipes will delight anyone

who loves chocolate.

delighted 106 adj dɪˈlaɪtəd erfreut heureux felici Sandy will be delighted to see you.

deliver 28 v dɪˈlɪvə liefern distribuer/remettre/livrer consegnare The morning mail has just been delivered.

deliver 28 v dɪˈlɪvə zur Welt bringen faire naître consegnare

They rushed her to hospital where doctors

delivered her baby.

democratic 123 adj ˌdeməˈkrætɪk demokratisch démocratique democratico She had a democratic management style.

department store 88 n dɪˈpɑːtmənt ˌstɔː Kaufhaus grande surface grande magazzino

I need to buy a few things from the

department store.

depend on 38 phr v dɪˈpend ˌɒn abhängen von dépendre de dipendono da

The length of time spent exercising depends

on the sport you are training for.

depressed 123 adj dɪˈprest deprimiert déprimé depresso She felt lonely and depressed.

depressing 64 adj dɪˈpresɪŋ deprimierend déprimant deprimente The whole experience was very depressing.

description 68 n dɪˈskrɪpʃən Beschreibung description descrizione

He gave an accurate description of the


deserve 24 v dɪˈzɜːv verdienen mériter meritare We didn’t deserve to win.

design 138 v dɪˈzaɪn entwerfen conception progettare The tower was designed by Gilbert Scott.

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dessert 10 n dɪˈzɜːt Nachtisch dessert dessert What are we having for dessert?

determined 53 adj dɪˈtɜːmənd entschlossen déterminé/résolu determinato Gwen is a very determined woman.

develop 43 v dɪˈveləp entwickeln développer sviluppare

Scientists are developing new drugs to treat


device 25 n dɪˈvaɪs Vorrichtung dispositif/appareil/équipement dispositivo A device for separating metal from garbage.

devil 135 n ˈdevəl Teufel diable diavolo He’s a naughty little devil.

dialogue 68 n ˈdaɪəlɒɡ Dialog dialogue dialogo

Students were asked to read simple

dialogues out loud.

diary 78 n ˈdaɪəri Tagebuch führen agenda diario

While I was travelling, I kept a diary every


digital 26 adj ˈdɪdʒətl digital numérique digitale Digital TV.

diplomatic 85 adj ˌdɪpləˈmætɪk diplomatisch diplomatique diplomatico

Diplomatic efforts to end the fighting began

on October 25.

disappointed 38 adj ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntəd enttäuscht déçu(e) deluso Dad seemed more disappointed than angry.

disaster 38 n dɪˈzɑːstə Katastrophe désastre disastro

One hundred and twenty people died in

China’s worst air disaster.

discipline 95 n ˈdɪsəplən Disziplin discipline disciplina

The book gives parents advice on


discovery 31 n dɪsˈkʌvəri Entdeckung découvrir scoperta

The Hubble Telescope allowed astronomers

to make significant discoveries about our


disease 84 n dɪˈziːz Krankheit maladie malattia She suffers from a rare disease of the brain.

dishonest 52 adj dɪsˈɒnəst betrügerisch malhonnête disonesto

People on welfare are wrongly seen as lazy

or dishonest.

dishwasher 42 n ˈdɪʃˌwɒʃə Spülmaschine lave-vaisselle lavastoviglie Put your plate in the dishwasher.

distance learning 98 n ˈdɪstəns ˌlɜːnɪŋ Fernstudium

enseignement à

distance/téléenseignement formazione a distanza I did my degree as distance learning.

distinctive 24 adj dɪˈstɪŋktɪv unverkennbar distinctif distintivo A rock band with a distinctive sound.

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disturbing 64 adj dɪˈstɜːbɪŋ beunruhigend troublant/inquiétant inquietante

There's been a disturbing increase in the

crime rate.

divorcee 28 n dəˌvɔːˈsiː geschieden divorcé divorziato I'm a divorcee. We got divorced last year.

docu-drama 21 n ˈdɒkjʊˌdrɑːmə Dokumentarspiel docu-fiction film documentario

I've just been involved in making a


document 22 n ˈdɒkjəmənt Dokument document documento It's a top secret document.

documentary 21 n ˌdɒkjəˈmentəri Dokumentation documentaire documentario

A local film crew is making a documentary

about volcanoes.

dodge 88 v dɒdʒ ausweichen esquiver schivare

He ran across the courtyard, dodging a

storm of bullets.

doorway 135 n ˈdɔːweɪ Türöffnung embrasure de porte soglia There was Paolo, standing in the doorway.

dough 93 n dəʊ Teig pâte pasta Put the dough in the oven for half an hour.

drag 134 v dræɡ schleifen traîner sur le sol trascinare

Inge managed to drag the table into the


dramatic 77 adj drəˈmætɪk dramatisch dramatique drammatico

Some of the most dramatic events in

American history happened here.

dress 138 v dres anziehen s'habiller vestire

I usually have to dress the kids in the


dribble 60 v ˈdrɪbəl tröpfeln dégouliner gocciolare

Blood from the wound dribbled down the

side of his face.

drill 108 v drɪl bohren forer/percer trapanare

BP has been licensed to drill for oil in the


drive 35 n draɪv Auffahrt allée vialetto He parked his car in the drive.

drive 128 n draɪv Elan dynamisme/énergie drive Brian has got tremendous drive.

driveway 106 n ˈdraɪvweɪ Auffahrt allée viale His car's in the driveway.

drop 135 v drɒp fallen lassen rejeter/abandonner interrompere

The proposal was dropped after opposition

from civil liberties groups.

drop out 50 phr v drɒ ʊt abbrechen quitter/abandonner scomparire

Bill dropped out of college after his first


drown 85 v draʊn ertrinken se noyer annegare

Many people drowned when the boat


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drum 143 n drʌm Trommel tambour tamburo

1,000 people marched, beating drums and

carrying flags.

drunk 78 adj drʌŋk trunken ivre/soûl/ ubriaco When he won he was drunk with happiness.

dub 24 v dʌb synchronisieren doubler/postsynchroniser doppiare a British film dubbed into French.

dull 40 adj dʌl langweilig ennuyeux opaco Life is never dull when Elizabeth is here.

during 36 prep ˈdjʊərɪŋ während durant durante Foxes remain hidden during the day.

dusty 134 adj ˈdʌsti staubig poussiéreux polveroso Adrian cycled along the dusty road.

dyslexic 53 adj dɪsˈleksik schreib-/leseschwach dyslexique dislessico Two of the children in the class are dyslexic.

earn 49 v ɜːn verdienen gagner guadagnare He earns nearly £20,000 a year.

earthquake 70 n ˈɜːθkweɪk Erdbeben tremblement de terre/séisme terremoto

An earthquake measuring 6.1 on the Richter

scale struck southern California on June 28.

eccentric 11 n ɪkˈsentrɪk exzentrisch excentrique eccentrico Aunt Nessy was always a bit eccentric.

editor 98 n ˈedətə Herausgeber éditeur editore He's the editor of the Daily Telegraph.

effective 56 adj ɪˈfektɪv effektiv rentable/efficient/effectif efficace

The cheaper drugs are just as effective in

treating arthritis.

egotistical 50 adj ˌiːɡəˈtəstɪkəl egoistisch égotiste egoistico He’s a selfish, egotistical individual!

elevate 106 v ˈeləveɪt aufrichten élever elevare

Gradually elevate the patient into an upright


email 78 n ˈiː meɪl eine E-Mail senden courriel e-mail

Can you send me an email with all the


embroidery 98 n ɪmˈbrɔɪdəri Stickerei broderie ricamo I used to enjoy embroidery.

emotion 24 n ɪˈməʊʃən Gefühl émotion emozione She was good at hiding her emotions.

emotional 56 adj ɪˈməʊʃənəl emotional émotionnel/émotif emotivo

She provided emotional support at a very

distressing time for me.

empire 138 n ˈempaɪə Imperium empire impero He built up a huge fashion empire.

employ 119 v ɪmˈplɔɪ beschäftigen employer impiegare Kelly is employed as a mechanic.

empty 106 adj ˈempti leer vide/dessert vuoto I hate coming home to an empty house.

encouraging 96 adj ɪnˈkʌrədʒɪŋ ermutigend encourageant incoraggiando

The encouraging news is that typhoid is on

the decrease.

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end up 50 phr v ʌp enden aboutir finire

I wondered where the pictures would end up

after the auction.

endearment 10 n ɪnˈdɪəmənt Koseworte affection affetto Nicknames and other terms of endearment.

endless 40 adj ˈendləs endlos infini/sans fin/incomptable senza fine The possibilities are endless.

enemy 50 n ˈenəmi Feind ennemie nemico She’s a dangerous enemy to have.

enforce 106 v ɪnˈfɔːs Geltung verschaffen


poser dare attuazione

Governments make laws and the police

enforce them.

engine 39 n ˈendʒən Motor moteur motore The engine won’t start.

enjoyable 96 adj ɪnˈdʒɔɪəbəl angenehm agréable divertente Games can make learning more enjoyable.

enormous 10 adj ɪˈnɔːməs enorm énorme enorme An enormous bunch of flowers.

ensuite 36 adj ɒn ˈswiːt eigen attenant con annesso Both bedrooms have en suite bathrooms.

enter 137 v ˈentə gehen in rejoindre coinvolgersi

He entered the election as the clear


entertaining 26 adj ˌentəˈteɪnɪŋ unterhaltsam divertissant divertente

Children’s TV nowadays is much more


enthusiastic 96 adj ɪnˌθjuːziˈæstɪk enthusiastisch enthousiaste entusiasta

All the staff are enthusiastic about the


entrepreneur 53 n ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː Unternehmer(in) entrepreneur imprenditore

He makes his money by being an


equality 120 n ɪˈkwɒləti Gleichberechtigng égalité uguaglianza

Women have yet to achieve full equality

with men in the workplace.

equivalent 26 n ɪˈkwɪvələnt Äquivalent équivalent equivalente The word has no equivalent in English.

escape 28 v ɪˈskeɪp entkommen s'échapper fuga

He broke down the locked door and


escapee 28 n ɪˌskeɪˈpiː Ausbrecher fugitif fuggiasco

The escapees of Alcatraz have never been


estimate 27 v ˈestəmeɪt schätzen estimer stima

The tree is estimated to be at least 700

years old.

evaluate 120 v ɪˈvæljueɪt bewerten évaluer valutare

You should be able to evaluate your own


everlasting 31 adj ˌevəˈlɑːstɪŋ unvergänglich éternel eterno Everlasting fame.

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evolve 82 v ɪˈvɒlv entwickeln évoluer evolvere

The school has evolved its own style of


exam 91 n ɪɡˈzæm Prüfung examen esame At the end of each level, there’s an exam.

exchange 36 v ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ austauschen échange scambiare We exchange gifts at Christmas.

excited 123 adj ɪkˈsaɪtəd aufgeregt excité/enthousiasmé emozionato

Steve flies home tomorrow – we’re all really


exciting 26 adj ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ aufregend passionnant emozionante I’ve got some very exciting news for you.

exclusive 82 adj ɪkˈskluːsɪv exklusiv exclusif esclusivo

Bel Air is an exclusive suburb of Los


excuse 109 v ɪkˈskjuːz sich entschuldigen s'excuser scusare

Richard excused himself and went to his


exercise book 95 n ˈeksəsaɪz ˌbʊk Übungsheft cahier d'exercices quaderno

Can you get your exercise books out


ex-girlfriend 7 n ˈɡɜːlfrend Ex-Freundin ex petite amie ex-fidanzata My ex looks after the children on Thursdays.

exhaust 108 n ɪɡˈzɔːst Abgas gaz d'échappement scarico Be careful not to breathe the exhaust.

exhausted 123 adj ɪɡˈzɔːstəd erschöpft extrêmement épuisé esausto You look absolutely exhausted.

exhausting 123 adj ɡˈzɔːstɪŋ erschöpfend épuisant/accablant estenuante It had been an exhausting day.

expand 66 v ɪkˈspænd ausdehnen, erweitern étendre/grandir/élargir espandere

I do exercises that expand the chest


expect 25 v ɪkˈspekt erwarten s'attendre à aspettare I expect to be back within a week.

expensive 38 adj ɪkˈspensɪv teuer cher/coûteux costoso

Petrol is becoming more and more


experience 36 v ɪkˈspɪəriəns erfahren, erleben faire l'expérience/vivre sperimentare

Many old people will experience problems

as the result of retirement.

experience 119 n ɪkˈspɪəriəns Erfahrung expérience esperienza You’ve got a lot of experience of lecturing.

express 28 v ɪkˈspres ausdrücken exprimer esprimere Bill’s not afraid to express his opinions.

extensive 82 adj ɪkˈstensɪv weitläufig global/vaste estensivo The house stands in extensive grounds.

extravagant 53 adj ɪkˈstrævəɡənt extravagant extravagant stravagante Would it be too extravagant to buy both?

extreme 110 adj ɪkˈstriːm extrem extrême estremo

Extreme poverty still exists in many rural


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face 106 v feɪs sich gegenüber sehen faire face/se heurte à confrontare

McManus is facing the biggest challenge of

his career.

factory 70 n ˈfæktəri Fabrik usine fabbrica

The company has just opened a new factory

in Swindon.

fade 136 v feɪd ausbleichen terne/fade sbiadire The sun had faded the curtains.

fail 96 v feɪl durchfallen, versagen rater/échouer essere bocciato I failed my driving test the first time I took it.

failure 56 n ˈfeɪljə Fehlschlag échec/défaillance fallimento

Successful people often aren’t very good at

dealing with failure.

fair enough 140 adj ə ɪˌnʌf nichts einzuwenden d'accord abbastanza giusto

‘I think we should split the bill.’ ‘Fair


fair trade 110 n feə ɪd fairer Handel commerce équitable commercio equo I always buy fair trade bananas.

fake 27 adj feɪk gefälscht faux falso A fake ID card.

fall off 109 phr v fɔː ɒf abfallen se dissocier/se détacher staccarsi The door handle keeps falling off.

fall out 7 phr v fɔːlˈaʊt sich verkrachen

avoir une dispute/avoir une

querelle litigare They fell out over money.

false start 93 n ɔːls stɑːt Fehlstart faux départ falsa partenza

After several false starts, the concert finally


famous 84 adj ˈfeɪməs berühmt célèbre famoso The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark.

fan 68 n fæn Fan fan ventilatore

Groups of football fans began heading

towards the ground.

fantastic 36 adj fænˈtæstɪk fantastisch fantastique fantastico It’s a fantastic place, really beautiful!

fare 59 n feə Fahrpreis, Flugpreis tarif tariffa Air fares have shot up by 20%.

fascinating 8 adj ˈfæsəneɪtɪŋ faszinierend fascinant affascinante That sounds absolutely fascinating.

fashion 138 n ˈfæʃən Mode mode moda

I read a lot of magazines about fashion and


fashionable 21 adj ˈfæʃənəbəl in Mode à la mode, en vogue alla moda

Strong colours are very fashionable at the


father-in-law 7 n ˈfɑːðəɪnlɔː Schwiegervater beau-père suocero I don't really get on with my father in law.

fee 38 n fiː Gebühr honoraire/rémunération tassa

You can use the gym and pool for a fee of

£35 a month.

feed 28 irr v fiːd füttern Donner à manger alimentare Have you fed the cat?

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fence 134 n fens Zaun clôture recinto

The garden was surrounded by an old

wooden fence.

fiancée 113 n fiˈɒnseɪ Verlobte fiancée fidanzata This is Helen, my fiancée.

fiction 28 n ˈfɪkʃən Erzählliteratur fiction finzione Romantic fiction.

field 124 n fiːld Feld champ campo

We have a great view of green fields and

rolling hills.

filling 70 n ˈfɪlɪŋ Füllung farce riempimento I love a pie with cherry filling.

finance 120 n ˈfaɪnæns Finanzwesen finance finanza

She's involved in leasing and other forms of

business finance.

find 126 irr v faɪnd finden trouver/estimer trovare She found the work very dull.

find out 140 phr v faɪ ʊt herausfinden découvrir scoprire

I found out that my parents had never been


fine 59 n faɪn Geldbuße amende multa I had to pay a £40 fine.

fireplace 35 n ˈfaɪəpleɪs Kamin cheminée caminetto Does your lounge have a fireplace?

first aid 28 n fɜː ɪd Erste Hilfe premiers secours pronto soccorso

Being given first aid at the scene of the

accident probably saved his life.

fit 128 adj fɪt fit en bonne forme in forma

You must be very fit if you do so much


flashback 22 n ˈflæʃbæk Rückblende retour en arrière flashback

The hero’s childhood are shown as a series

of flashbacks.

flashy 43 adj ˈflæʃi auffällig criard/exubérant/tapageur vistoso She owns a lot of large flashy cars.

flat 35 n flæt Wohnung appartement piatto They have a flat in Crouch End.

flavour 129 n ˈfleɪvə Geschmack saveur sapore

Which flavour do you want – chocolate or


fleet 53 n fliːt Flotte flotte/parc flotta He owns a fleet of taxis.

flexible 53 adj ˈfleksəbəl flexibel souple flessibile We can be flexible about your starting date.

flexitime 119 n ˈfleksitaɪm Gleitzeit horaires variables orario flessibile I work flexitime so can start when I want.

flight 114 n flaɪt Flug voyage en avion/vol volo He immediately booked a flight to Toulouse.

flooding 42 n ˈflʌdɪŋ Überflutung crues/inondation inondazione

The heavy rain has led to serious flooding in

some areas.

floor 143 n flɔː Fußboden plancher pavimento My house has polished wooden floors.

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flow 133 v fləʊ fließen circuler/couler scorrere

These gates regulate the amount of water

flowing into the canal.

fluent in 8 adj ˈfluːənt ɪn fließend sprechen parler couramment parlare correntemente

She was fluent in English, French, and


fluently 137 adv ˈfluːəntli fließend couramment correntemente He spoke French fluently.

focus 56 v ˈfəʊkəs sich konzentrieren attention/centre d'attention focalizzare He needs to focus more on his career.

fold 42 v fəʊld

zusammenklappen, sich

zusammanklappen lassen plier piegare The chairs fold flat for storage.

for 16 prep fɔːr ... lang pendant/durant per Bake the cake for 40 minutes.

forbidden 106 adj fəˈbɪdn verboten interdit vietato It is forbidden to smoke at school.

foreground 80 n ˈfɔːɡraʊnd Vordergrund avant-plan primo piano There were three figures in the foreground.

forge 22 v fɔːdʒ fälschen falsifier forgiare

Someone stole my credit card and forged

my signature.

forgetful 45 adj fəˈɡetfəl vergesslich oublieux immemore He won't remember! He's so forgetful.

formal 50 adj ˈfɔːməl formell formel/officiel formale

There is no formal structure for negotiating

pay increases.

fortunately 105 adv ˈfɔːtʃənətli Zum Glück heureusement per fortuna

Fortunately, everything worked out all right

in the end.

fortune 36 n ˈfɔːtʃən Vermögen fortune/richesse fortuna He made a fortune selling property in Spain.

found 14 v faʊnd gründen fonder trovato

Eton College was founded by Henry VI in


fountain 81 n ˈfaʊntən Brunnen fontaine fontana I'll meet you at the fountain in town.

fraction 26 n ˈfrækʃən Bruchteil fraction frazione

I got these shoes at a fraction of the original


fragrance 139 n ˈfreɪɡrəns Duft parfum fragranza What's that fragrance you're wearing?

free 120 adj friː es ist Ihnen überlassen libre libero Remember, you are free to say no.

free 28 v friː freilassen libérer liberare He expects to be freed quite soon.

freelance 119 adv ˈfriːlɑːns freiberuflich en free-lance indipendente She works freelance from home.

freeway/motorway 129 n ˈfriːweɪ/ˈməʊtəweɪ Autobahn autoroute superstrada / autostrada

He was driving along the freeway/motorway

at a steady sixty miles an hour.

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freezing 38 adj ˈfriːzɪŋ Gefrierpunkt glacial congelamento It was well below freezing last night.

fresh 143 adj freʃ frisch frais fresco The beans are fresh from the garden.

fridge 42 n frɪdʒ Kühlschrank réfrigérateur frigorifero Should you keep eggs in the fridge?

friend 7 n frend bester Freund ami(e) préféré(e) amico Fiona was her best friend.

friend 7 n frend enger Freund ami(e) amico She’s a close friend of mine.

friend 7 n frend alter Freund ami(e) de longue date amico

We went to see some old friends who had

moved to Harlow.

friendly 40 adj ˈfrendli freundlich aimable amichevole

I’ve found a great pub – good beer and a

friendly atmosphere.

fries/chips 129 n fraɪz/tʃɪps Pommes frites/chips patatine fritte/ patatine

I'd like some fries/chips with my meal


frightened 123 adj ˈfraɪtnd Angst haben effrayé spaventato

Don’t be frightened. We’re not going to hurt


frightening 96 adj ˈfraɪtn-ɪŋ beängstigend effrayant spaventoso

It was the most frightening experience of my


fuel 25 n ˈfjuːəl Brennstoff carburant/combustible carburante Coal is one of the cheapest fuels.

fumes 108 n fjuːmz Dämpfe fumée fumi The house was full of fumes from the paint.

furious 10 adj ˈfjʊəriəs wütend furieux furioso She was absolutely furious.

furniture 42 n ˈfɜːnɪtʃə Mobilar meubles/mobilier arredamento

I helped him choose the furniture for his


gadget 25 n ˈɡædʒɪt Gerät gadget gadget A neat gadget for sharpening knives.

gallery 81 n ˈɡæləri Gallerie galerie galleria

There's an exhibition of African art at the

Hayward Gallery.

garage 35 n ˈɡærɪdʒ Garage garage garage I’ll just go and put the car in the garage.

garden 35 n ˈɡɑːdn Garten jardin giardino He’s outside in the garden.

gas/petrol 129 n ɡæs/ˈpetrəl Benzin gaz/essence benzina She stopped to fill up with gas/petrol.

gate 35 n ɡeɪt Tor portail cancello We went through the gate into the orchard.

generally 108 adv ˈdʒenərəli im Großen und Ganzen généralement generalmente It was generally a positive conversation.

generous 53 adj ˈdʒenərəs großzügig généreux generoso She’s always very generous to the kids.

gesture 11 n ˈdʒestʃə Gebärde geste gesto

Jim raised his hands in a despairing


get 28 irr v ɡet (g. lost:) verirren devenir ottenere You might get lost if you don't take a map.

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get 87 irr v ɡet bekommen acheter acquistare Where did you get that jacket?

get 87 irr v ɡet nehmen prendre andare You can get a bus to the station.

get 87 irr v ɡet werden devenir andare Don’t get upset.

get 87 irr v ɡet bekommen recevoir cambiare We get a lot of junk mail.

get 87 irr v ɡet gelangen arriver à ricevere Peter got to the airport late.

get back 87 phr v ɡ zurückkommen revenir/être de retour ritornare I’ll talk to you when I get back.

get down to 101 phr v ˌɡ ʊn tuː daran gehen

s'y mettre/passer aux choses

sérieuses venire al punto It’s time we got down to work.

get in 81 phr v ɡ ɪn ankommen arriver arrivare What time does the bus get in?

get on 17 phr v ɡ ɒn zurechtkommen s'entendre andare d'accordo I’ve always got on well with Henry.

get over 141 phr v ˌɡet ˈəʊvə über etwas hinwegkommen se remettre de/se rétablir superare She never got over the death of her son.

get through 101 phr v ɡ ː durch etw. durchkommen arriver à/terminer completare

We got through half the application forms

this morning.

ghost 32 n ɡəʊst Geist fantôme fantasma The ghost of Old Tom Morris.

give up 136 phr v ɡɪ ʌp aufgeben arrêter/renoncer/abandonner rinunciare

Darren has decided to give up football at the

end of this season.

glamorous 98 adj ˈɡlæmərəs glamourös prestigieux affascinante She led an exciting and glamorous life.

glance 78 irr v ɡlɑːns blicken jeter un coup d'œil fugitif gettare uno sguardo The man glanced nervously at his watch.

global warming 110 n ˌɡləʊbəl ˈwɔːmɪŋ globale Erwärmung réchauffement planétaire riscaldamento globale

Polar bears are in danger because of global


go ahead 98 phr v ˌɡəʊ əˈhed frtfahren commencer à faire avanti

They’ve decided to go ahead with plans to

build 50 new houses on the site.

go for it! 112 exclam ɡəʊ fə ˌɪt greif zu! vas-y ! forza! If you really want the job, go for it!

go on 140 phr v ɡəʊ ɒn was ist los arriver/se passer andare avanti I don’t know what’s going on.

go through 95 phr v ɡəʊ ː durchlaufen traverser une période passare

Candidates must go through a process of


goggles 63 n ˈɡɒɡəlz Schutzbrille lunette de protection occhiali di protezione Have you seen my goggles?

golden 50 adj ˈɡəʊldən goldenes Zeitalter doré d'oro

Do you remember the golden years of


good 53 adj ɡʊd geschickt im Umgang mit bon bene He’s very good with people.

good-looking 50 adj ˌɡʊ ʊkɪŋ gutaussehend beau di bell'aspetto I think he's a really good-looking guy.

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goodwill 38 n ˌɡʊdˈwɪl guter Wille bonne volonté buona volontà

A fund was set up as a goodwill gesture to

survivors and their families.

gossip 21 n ˈɡɒsəp Klatsch rumeurs pettegolezzo

Here’s an interesting piece of gossip about

Mrs Smith.

governess 137 n ˈɡʌvənəs Gouvernante gouvernante istitutrice

Marie had to work as a governess to

support her sister.

green 77 adj ɡriːn grün vert verde Look at the beautiful green fields.

green space 35 n ɡriː ɪs Grünfläche espace vert spazio verde

The green spaces in the city are important

to maintain your quality of life.

grey 50 v ɡreɪ grau werden gris diventare grigio Jim was greying a little at the temples.

grill 70 v ɡrɪl grillen griller/faire du barbecue cucinare alla griglia I like swordfish grilled over charcoal.

grin 95 n ɡrɪn Grinsen large sourire largo sorriso

He came into the room with a friendly grin

on his face.

gripping 22 adj ˈɡrɪpɪŋ packend captivant entusiasmante Collins’ gripping detective novel

grow 113 irr v ɡrəʊ erzeugen cultiver crescere

Britain grows 6,000,000 tonnes of potatoes

a year.

grow up 17 phr v ɡrəʊ ʌp erwachsen werden grandir crescere What do you want to be when you grow up?

guarantee 31 v ˌɡærənˈtiː garantieren garantie/promesse garanzia I guarantee you’ll love this film.

habit 58 n ˈhæbət Gewohnheit habitude abitudine Thinking negatively can become a habit.

hand 101 n hænd zur Hand gehen (donner un coup de) main mano Can you give me a hand?

hand out 95 phr v ʊt austeilen distribuer distribuire

Could you start handing these books out


handlebars 106 n ˈhændlbɑːz Lenker guidon manubrio keep your hands on the handlebars.

hard 73 adj hɑːd hart dur difficile

After months without rain, the ground was

too hard to plough.

hate 67 v heɪt hassen haïr odiare He hates his job.

head 22 v hed fahren nach aller vers testa The ship was heading for Cuba.

heart throb 68 n ˈhɑːtθrɒb Frauenschwarm idole rubacuori Brad Pitt is such a heart throb.

heatwave 108 n ːtweɪv Hitzewelle vague de chaleur ondata di caldo

In the seventies there was a terrible


helmet 63 n ˈhelmət Helm casque casco Remember to wear your helmet.

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heroic 78 adj hɪˈrəʊɪk heroisch héroïque eroico She portrayed him as a heroic figure.

heroine 68 n ˈherəʊɪn Heldin héroïne eroina She is a heroine of the French Resistance.

hip hop 14 n ɪp hɒp Hip Hop hip hop hip hop He's a producer of hip hop.

historical 108 adj hɪˈstɒrɪkəl historisch historique storico

It is important to look at the novel in its

historical context.

hit 94 n hɪt Hit succès/tube colpire

Which band had a hit with ‘Bohemian


hold back 28 phr v həʊ verschweigen étouffer/retenir trattenere

Tell me all about it – don’t hold anything


holiday 85 v ˈhɒlədi Urlaub machen vacances essere in vacanza They’re holidaying in Majorca.

home 138 n həʊm Heim foyer casa I could never put Dad into a home.

homeless 64 adj ˈhəʊmləs obdachlos sans-abri senza tetto

Thousands of people have been made


homesick 133 adj ˈhəʊmˌsɪk heimwehkrank avoir le mal du pays nostalgico

I felt quite homesick when I went to


honest 52 adj ˈɒnəst ehrlich honnête onesto He was a hard-working honest man.

honk 108 v hɒŋk hupen klaxonner suonare il clacson Several drivers honked their horns.

honour 70 n ˈɒnə Ehre honneur/distinction honorifique onore It is an honor to have you here, sir.

hopefully 111 adv ˈhəʊpfəli hoffentlich avec un peu de chance si spera Hopefully, I’ll be back home by ten o‘clock.

hopeless 53 adj ˈhəʊpləs hoffnungslos nul/voué à l'échec senza speranza

My brother was always pretty hopeless at

ball games.

horn 39 n hɔːn Hupe klaxon corno Blow your car horn.

horror 21 n ˈhɒrə Horrorfilm horreur orrore I love horror films.

hostel 81 n ˈhɒstl Herberge auberge ostello

We went from the airport straight to the


hotel 81 n həʊˈtel Hotel hôtel albergo I’ve booked the flights and the hotel.

hour 53 n aʊə lange Arbeitszeit heure ora Many hospital staff have to work long hours.

household 42 n ˈhaʊshəʊld Haushalt famille/ménage domestico

A growing number of households have at

least one computer.

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hum 134 v hʌm summen fredonner canticchiare

Tony was humming to himself as he drove


human nature 56 n ˌhjuːmən ˈneɪtʃə

es gehort einfach zur

menschlichen Natur nature humaine natura umana

It's human nature to want what you can't


humidity 40 n hjuːˈmɪdəti Feuchtigkeit humidité umidità

The room is kept at 72 degrees and 50%

relative humidity.

humour 7 n ˈhjuːmə Sinn für Humor humour umorismo

I like Pam – she has a really good sense of


husband 7 n ˈhʌzbənd Ehemann époux marito Have you met my husband Roy?

hut 70 n hʌt Hütte cabane/hutte capanna The restaurant was really just a wooden hut.

ideal 36 adj ˌaɪˈdɪəl ideal idéal/optimal ideale

he scheme offers an ideal opportunity for

youngsters to get training.

identity 106 n aɪˈdentəti Identität identité identità

Our strong sense of national identity has

been shaped by our history.

illegal 107 adj ɪˈliːɡəl illegal illégal/illicite illegale They were involved in illegal activities.

illusion 56 n ɪˈluːʒən Illusion illusion illusione

It is an illusion that the Arctic is dark in


image 105 n ˈɪmɪdʒ

Wechsel des

Erscheinungsbildes image/look immagine I fancy an image change I think.

imagination 66 n ɪˌmædʒəˈneɪʃən Phantasie imagination immaginazione

She's a storyteller with an incredible


imaginative 96 adj ɪˈmædʒənətɪv einfallsreich imaginatif fantasioso He has always been an imaginative child.

immediate 56 adj ɪˈmiːdiət sofortig immédiat immediato

They promise immediate action to help the


impolite 10 adj ˌɪmpəˈlaɪt unhöflich impoli scortese an impolite remark

impress 92 v ɪmˈpres beeindrucken impressionner impressionare

Steve borrowed his dad’s sports car to

impress his girlfriend.

impression 22 n ɪmˈpreʃən Eindruck impression impressione An artist’s impression of the new building.

impulse 55 n ˈɪmpʌls Spontankauf achat impulsif impulso Motorcycles are often an impulse buy.

inconvenience 38 n ˌɪnkənˈviːniəns Unannehmlichkeit désagrément disagio

We apologise for the delay and any

inconvenience caused.

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incorporate 93 v ɪnˈkɔːpəreɪt aufnehmen incorporer/intégrer incorporare

We’ve incorporated many environmentally

friendly features into the design of the


incredible 26 adj ɪnˈkredəbəl unglaublich incroyable incredibile The view is just incredible.

industry 28 n ˈɪndəstri Branche, Industrie industrie industria I work in the oil industry.

inflation 60 n ɪnˈfleɪʃən Inflation, Inflationsrate inflation inflazione Inflation is now at over 16%.

influence 14 n ˈɪnfluəns Einfluss influence influenza As a scientist, his influence was immense.

influential 138 adj ˌɪnfluˈenʃəl einflussreich influent influente He had influential friends.

inhabitant 106 n ɪnˈhæbətənt Einwohner habitant abitante

The capital is a city of six million


inherit 28 v ɪnˈherɪt erben hériter ereditare He inherited a fortune from his grandmother.

innocent 120 adj ˈɪnəsənt unschuldig innocent innocente Nobody would believe that I was innocent.

inoculate 84 v ɪˈnɒkjəleɪt impfen inoculer/vacciner inoculare

All the children had been inoculated against


insist 95 v ɪnˈsɪst bestehen auf insister insistere

We insist on the highest standards of

cleanliness in the hotel.

inspiring 22 adj ɪnˈspaɪərɪŋ inspirierend inspirant esaltante

King was a great orator and an inspiring


insulate 42 v ˈɪnsjəleɪt isolieren isoler isolare Pipes may need insulating against the cold.

insult 10 v ɪnˈsʌlt beleidigen insulter insultare

Nobody insults my family and gets away

with it!

intelligent 84 adj ɪnˈtelədʒənt intelligent intelligent intelligente

Sontag was once famously described as the

most intelligent woman in America.

intensive 92 adj ɪnˈtensɪv intensiv intensif intensivo We had a day of intensive negotiations.

intensive farming 110 n ɪnˌtensɪv ˈfɑːmɪŋ intensive Landwirtschaft agriculture intensive agricoltura intensiva

There has been strong consumer reaction to

intensive farming.

interesting 96 adj ˈɪntrəstɪŋ interessant intéressant interessante That’s an interesting question.

intriguing 64 adj ɪnˈtriːɡɪŋ faszinierend intrigant/fascinant intrigante

The magazine carries an intriguing mixture

of high fashion, gossip and racing.

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invent 140 v ɪnˈvent erfinden inventer inventare

Alexander Graham Bell invented the

telephone in 1876.

invest 49 v ɪnˈvest anlegen investir investire

I’ve got a few thousand dollars I’m looking

to invest.

iron 36 n ˈaɪən Eisen fer ferro The iron and steel industry.

ironic 50 adj aɪˈrɒnɪk ironisch ironique ironico

Your car was stolen at the police station!

How ironic!

irritating 106 adj ˈɪrəteɪtɪŋ irritierend irritant irritante He’s the most irritating man I’ve ever met.

isolated 70 adj ˈaɪsəleɪtəd abgelegen isolé isolato Not many people visit this isolated spot.

job 59 n dʒɒb Arbeit travail lavoro Do you enjoy your job?

jogging 63 n ˈdʒɒɡɪŋ Joggen jogging jogging Have you been jogging for the marathon?

junction 80 n ˈdʒʌŋkʃən Anschlussstelle jonction/intersection giunzione You need to take Junction 5 on the M40.

junk food 67 n ʒʌŋk fuːd Junk-Food prêt-à-manger ccibo spazzatura He should stop eating so much junk food.

jury 52 n ˈdʒʊəri die Geschworenen Jurés giuria The jury found him not guilty.

just 16 adv dʒʌst gerade juste avant/peu avant appena John’s just told me that he’s getting married.

justification 60 n ˌdʒʌstəfəˈkeɪʃən Rechtfertigung justification giustificazione

There is no justification for holding her in


keen on 8 adj kiːn ɒn mögen adorer/adorer faire appassionarsi I’m not keen on cabbage.

keep 123 irr v kiːp weiter etw. tun continuer à faire/refaire mantenere

I keep thinking about Joe, all alone in that


keep in touch 7 v phr kiːp ɪn tʌtʃ in Verbindung bleiben rester en contact tenersi in contatto Anyway, we must stay in touch.

kidney 113 n ˈkɪdni Niere rein rene My sister needs a kidney transplant.

kind-hearted 11 adj ˌkaɪnd ˈhɑːtəd gutherzig au bon cœur di buon cuore A kind-hearted gesture.

know 101 v nəʊ kennen

connaître comme le fond de

sa poche sapere I know Puccini's operas inside out.

knowledgeable 96 adj ˈnɒlɪdʒəbəl sacherständig bien informé ben informato Graham’s very knowledgeable about wines.

laissez faire 123 n ˌleseɪ ˈfeə Laissez-Faire laissez-faire laissez faire, liberista The company has a policy of laissez-faire.

lake 81 n leɪk See lac lago We went for a swim in the lake.

land 92 v lænd landen atterrir/se poser atterrare Flight 846 landed five minutes ago.

land 112 v lænd an Land ziehen décrocher ottenere He landed a job with a law firm.

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landmark 26 n ˈlændmɑːk Meilenstein repère punto di riferimento

The discovery of penicillin was a landmark

in medicine.

landmark 82 n ˈlændmɑːk Wahrzeichen repère punto di riferimento

One of Belfast’s most famous landmarks,

the Grosvenor Hall, has been demolished.

landscape 78 n ˈlændskeɪp Landschaft paysage paesaggio

I was surprised by the beauty of the New

England landscape.

late 98 adj leɪt Ende ... (Alter) tard in ritardo Paul’s in his late forties.

latitude 124 n ˈlætətjuːd Breite (geogr.) latitude latitudine The town lies at latitiude 30° North.

launch 126 v lɔːntʃ


Markteinführung lancer/mettre sur le marché lanciare

We're planning the launch of a new

women’s magazine.

lawn 136 n lɔːn Rasen pelouse prato I spent all morning mowing the lawn.

lead 109 v liːd führen provoquer/emmener à faire condurre

A degree in English could lead to a career in


leafy 40 adj ˈliːfi mit viel Grün arboré frondoso They live in a leafy suburb.

lean 109 v liːn mager mince magro He was lean, tall, and muscular.

leap 85 irr v liːp springen faire un saut/faire un bond saltare She leapt over the fence.

learning curve 92 n ˈlɜːnɪŋ ˌkɜːv Lernkurve courbe d'apprentissage curva di apprendimento

Everyone in the centre has been through a

very steep learning curve.

leather 139 n ˈleðə Leder cuir pelle

The inside of the bag was lined with soft


leave 112 n liːv Beurlaubung congé lasciare I’ve applied for three days’ leave.

lecture 50 v ˈlektʃə Vorlesung cours magistral fare una conferenza

He regularly gives lectures on modern

French literature.

lend 49 irr v lend leihen prêter prestare

I lent my CD player to Dave and I haven’t

got it back yet.

library 81 n ˈlaɪbrəri Bibliothek bibliothèque biblioteca

I need to go to the library to return some


lie 52 v laɪ lügen mentir mentire I could tell from her face that she was lying.

life expectancy 40 n ɪf ɪkˌspektənsi Lebenserwartung espérance de vie aspettativa di vita They don't have a long life expectancy.

life-saving 110 adj ˈlaɪfˌseɪvɪŋ lebensrettend vital salva-vita

The boy needs a life-saving transplant


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lifespan 40 n ˈlaɪfspæn Lebenserwartung durée de vie durata della vita Men have a shorter lifespan than women.

lifestyle 56 n ˈlaɪfstaɪl Lebensführung style de vie/mode de vie stile di vita

Regular exercise is part of a healthy


lifetime 38 n ˈlaɪftaɪm Leben le vivant tutta la vita

During her lifetime she had witnessed two

world wars.

lift 35 n lɪft Aufzug ascenseur ascensore They took the lift down to the bar.

likely 42 adj ˈlaɪkli wahrscheinlich probablement probabile Snow showers are likely tomorrow.

limitation 66 n ˌlɪməˈteɪʃən Beschränkung limitation limitazione

Any limitation to the king’s power could be


line manager 120 n ɪn ˌmænɪdʒə direkter Vorgesetzter supérieure hiérarchique manager di linea I really can't stand my line manager.

link 102 v lɪŋk es besteht eine Verbindung lien collegare Police think the murders are linked.

liquidise 95 v ˈlɪkwədaɪz pürieren liquéfier rendere liquido Liquidise the fruit and pour into a glass.

litter 106 n ˈlɪtə Abfall déchets rifiuti

People who drop litter can be fined in some


live 26 adj laɪv live en direct vivere

There will be live TV coverage of tonight’s

big match.

live on 28 phr v ɪv ɒn leben von vivre de in diretta su They live on bread and potatoes.

lively 40 adj ˈlaɪvli lebhaft vif/animé/agité vivace

The hotel is situated next to the lively

bustling port.

local 84 adj ˈləʊkəl örtlich local locale It's not popular with local residents.

locate 36 v ləʊˈkeɪt sich befinden localiser individuare

The business is located right in the center of


long 130 adv lɒŋ lange longtemps lungo

This all happened long before you were


long distance 112 adj ˌlɒŋ ˈdɪstəns Fern- longue distance a lunga distanza

We had a long distance relationship for the

first year.

longitude 124 n ˈlɒndʒətjuːd Länge (geogr.) longitude longitudine The town lies at longitude 12° east.

look after 17 phr v ˌlʊk ˈɑːftə aufpassen (auf) prendre soin de accudire Don’t worry, I’ll look after the kids tomorrow.

look forward to 67 phr v ˌlʊk ˈfɔːwəd tuː sich freuen auf envisager avec plaisir de aspettare con impazienza I’m really looking forward to our vacation.

look up to 17 phr v ˌlʊ ʌp tuː aufsehen zu

Admirer/avoir de l'admiration

pour rispettare

I’ve always looked up to Bill for his courage

and determination.

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lorry 105 n ˈlɒri LKW camion camion It was delivered by lorry.

lose 59 irr v luːz verlieren perdre perdere I’ve lost the tickets for tonight’s show.

lose 96 irr v luːz verlieren perdre perdere

Diana was determined not to lose her

temper with him.

lose touch 7 verb phrase luːz tʌtʃ Verbindung verlieren perdre le contact perdere il contatto I lost touch with Julie after we moved.

lull 39 v lʌl einlullen assoupir/bercer cullare

The hum of the tyres on the road lulled her

to sleep.

lush 77 adj lʌʃ üppig abondant lussureggiante The fields were lush with grass and flowers.

luxury 27 n ˈlʌkʃəri Luxus luxe lusso She stole to keep her boyfriend in luxury.

lyric 68 n ˈlɪrɪk Liedtext paroles lirica

He wrote some great music, but the lyrics

weren’t that good.

magnetic 50 adj mæɡˈnetɪk magnetisch magnétique magnetico

He used magnetic ink to change the

numbers on the cheque.

mail/post 129 n meɪl/pəʊst Post poste posta

Your letter must have got lost in the


mainland 53 n ˈmeɪnlənd Festland partie continentale terraferma

There are flights between a Greek island

and the mainland.

make 27 irr v meɪk hereinbekommen gagner fare

The plan could cost you more than you

would make.

make up 50 phr v meɪ ʌp sich etw. ausdenken inventer inventare Nick made up a song about them.

make-up 98 n ˈmeɪkʌp Makeup maquillage trucco, make-up I don’t usually wear much make-up.

manage 67 v ˈmænɪdʒ gelingen parvenir à /arriver à gestire

I finally managed to push the huge animal


manufacture 26 v ˌmænjəˈfæktʃə herstellen fabriquer/produire produzione The company that manufactured the drug.

marinate 70 v ˈmærəneɪt marinieren mariner marinare

You should try fish marinated in olive oil,

garlic and vinegar.

mark 91 n mɑːk Note note voto The highest mark was a B+.

market 81 n ˈmɑːkət Markt marché mercato

I usually buy all my vegetables at the


marketing 56 n ˈmɑːkətɪŋ Marketing marketing marketing

Company sales improved dramatically

following a $2 million marketing campaign.

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marking 128 n ˈmɑːkɪŋ Korrektur correction votazione I have to do a lot of marking tonight.

martial art 74 n ˌmɑːʃə ɑːt Kampfsport art martial arte marziale Bruce Lee was a martial arts expert.

massage 60 v ˈmæsɑːʒ massieren masser massaggiare Alex massaged Helena’s aching back.

massive 43 adj ˈmæsɪv massiv massif massiccio The bell is massive, weighing over 40 tons.

match 66 n mætʃ Streichholz allumette fiammifero Don’t let your children play with matches.

material 25 n məˈtɪəriəl Material matériau materiale A cape made of a soft material.

mean 11 adj miːn gemein méchant vile That was a mean thing to do.

mean 53 adj miːn gemein méchant tirchio He’s too mean to buy a present for his wife.

mean 134 irr v miːn eine Menge bedeuten méchant dire I know your work means a great deal to you.

meanwhile 108 adv ˈmiːnwaɪl unterdessen entre-temps nel frattempo

Cook the sauce. Meanwhile start boiling the

water for the pasta.

media 126 n ˈmiːdiə Medien média media

The scandal was widely reported in the

national media.

medieval 40 adj ˌmediˈiːvəl mittelalterlich médiéval medievale

These spices were first brought to Italy from

the East in medieval times.

melody 68 n ˈmelədi Melodie mélodie melodia They played some lovely melodies.

member of parliament 98 n ˈmembə əv ˈpɑːləmənt Abgeordneter membre du parlement/député deputato He's the member of parliament for my area.

memento 133 n məˈmentəʊ Andenken mémento ricordo

I kept the bottle as a memento of my time in


memorable 97 adj ˈmemərəbəl unvergesslich mémorable memorabile

We want to make this a truly memorable

day for the children.

memorial 133 n məˈmɔːriəl Denkmal, zum Gedenken mémorial memoriale

The hospital was built as a memorial to King

Edward VII.

memory 133 n ˈmeməri zur Erinnerung an à la mémoire de memoria

She set up a charitable fund in her father’s


merchant 85 n ˈmɜːtʃənt Händler marchand/commerçant mercante He's the son of a wealthy merchant.

mess 38 n mes Unordnung désordre confusione

When I got home, the house was a

complete mess.

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mess around 101 phr v mes əˈraʊnd herumblödeln

faire du désordre/faire

l'imbécile giocherellare

Stop messing around and get ready for


methodical 128 adj məˈθɒdɪkəl methodisch méthodique metodico

He always checked every detail in a

methodical way.

metre 129 n ˈmiːtə Meter mètre metro It's 10 metres long.

millionaire 54 n ˌmɪljəˈneə Millionär millionnaire milionario The owner is a millionaire businessman.

mind 67 v maɪnd

(I don’t m.) es macht mir

nichts aus être dérangé par essere infastiditi da I don’t mind the heat, in fact I quite like it.

minor 106 adj ˈmaɪnə geringfügig mineur/bénin minore

We have made some minor changes to the


miracle 28 n ˈmɪrəkəl Wunder miracle miracolo It’s a miracle you weren’t killed!

miss 59 v mɪs auslassen rater mancare I’m absolutely starving – I missed lunch.

mission 53 n ˈmɪʃən Aufgabe mission missione

I made it my mission to do as well as I


mistake 91 n məˈsteɪk Fehler erreur errore

We may have made a mistake in our


mistake 93 n məˈsteɪk Fehler erreur errore

We may have made a mistake in our


misunderstanding 93 n ˌmɪsʌndəˈstændɪŋ Missverständnis malentendu malinteso

There must have been some


mix up 8 phr v mɪks verwechseln confondre scambiare

I always mix him up with his brother. They

look so much alike.

modern 40 adj ˈmɒdn modern moderne moderno

A lot of progress has been made with the

use of modern technology.

monitor 58 v ˈmɒnɪtə beobachten, überwachen surveiller/suivre/observer controllare

The government is monitoring the situation


monsoon 80 n mɒnˈsuːn Monsun mousson monsone The monsoon is late this year.

moral 50 adj ˈmɒrəl moralisch morale morale

The book places a high moral value on

marriage and the family unit.

morale 120 n məˈrɑːl Moral moral morale A win is always good for morale.

mortality rate 110 n mɔːˈtæləti reɪt Sterbichkeitsrate taux de mortalité tasso di mortalità There is a high mortality rate there.

motivated 123 adj ˈməʊtəveɪtəd motiviert motivé motivati The students are all highly motivated.

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mounting 60 adj ˈmaʊntɪŋ steigend croissant montaggio

There was mounting pressure_ on him to


move in 28 phr v muː ɪn einziehen emménager traslocare Steve’s going to move in with her.

move on 125 phr v muː ɒn weiterziehen passer à autre chose andare avanti

I enjoyed my job, but it was time to move


moveable 42 adj ˈmuːvəbəl beweglich mobile mobile The teddy bear has movable arms and legs.

movie/film 129 n ˈmuːvi/fɪlm Film film film

Have you seen any good movies/films


moving 26 adj ˈmuːvɪŋ ergreifend émouvant in movimento

Bayman’s book about his illness is deeply


muscular 109 adj ˈmʌskjələ muskulös musculeux muscolare

She was fast and strong, with a slender,

muscular body.

museum 81 n mjuːˈziəm Museum musée museo

The museum has an extensive collection of

early photographs.

mystery 28 n ˈmɪstəri geheimnisvoll mystère mistero

Who was the mystery woman spotted on

board the yacht with the prince?

nap 85 n næp Nickerchen sieste/petit somme pisolino I usually take a nap after lunch.

narrow 36 adj ˈnærəʊ eng étroit/mince stretto The stairs were very narrow.

natural disaster 110 n ˌnætʃərəl dɪˈzɑːstə Naturkatastrophe catastrophe naturelle disastro naturale

In recent years there has been an increase

in weather-related natural disasters.

naughty 96 adj ˈnɔːti ungezogen vilain impertinente

You’re a very naughty boy! Look what

you’ve done!

nauseating 26 adj ˈnɔːzieɪtɪŋ ekelhaft dégoûtant/nauséabond nauseante His nauseating remarks.

near 112 adj nɪə in der nächsten Zeit proche vicino

They promised to contact us again in the

near future.

needle 98 n ˈniːdl Nadel aiguille ago I really need a tapestry needle.

negotiation 66 n nɪˌɡəʊʃiˈeɪʃən Verhandlung négociation trattativa

The negotiations with the company had

reached a crucial stage.

neighbour 129 n ˈneɪbə Nachbar voisin vicino

One of the neighbors complained about the

noise from the party.

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neighbourhood 35 n ˈneɪbəhʊd Nachbarschaft voisinage quartiere

She grew up in a quiet neighborhood of


net 63 n net Netz filet rete Can you pass the fishing net?

nickname 14 n ˈnɪkneɪm Spitzname surnom/petit nom soprannome We had nicknames for all the teachers.

nightlife 108 n ˈnaɪtlaɪf Nachtleben vie nocturne vita notturna

The hotel is only a five minute walk from

both the beach and the nightlife.

nod 10 v nɑːd nicken faire un signe de la tête fare un cenno col capo

I asked her if she was ready to go, and she


nonsense 26 n ˈnɒnsəns Unsinn absurdité senza senso

‘I’m a prisoner in my own home.’


nostalgia 133 n nɒˈstældʒə Nostalgie nostalgie nostalgia

He looked back on his university days with a

certain amount of nostalgia.

note 59 n nəʊt Banknote billet de banque nota You gave me a ten-pound note.

note 91 n nəʊt Notiz note nota I read the first chapter and took notes.

notion 56 n ˈnəʊʃən Gedanke, Vorstellung notion/concept nozione

She had only a vague notion of what she

wanted to do.

observation 88 n ˌɒbzəˈveɪʃən Beobachtung observation osservazione

He spent two nights under close

observation in hospital.

obviously 111 adv ˈɒbviəsli offenbar évidemment ovviamente We’re obviously going to need more help.

odd 52 adj ɒd gelegentlich exceptionnel dispari I take the odd day off work.

odds 137 n ɒdz entgegen allen Erwartungen contre toute attente probabilità

Against the odds, he recovered from his


offence 106 n əˈfens Vergehen délit/crime reato

His solicitor said he committed the offence

because he was heavily in debt.

offensive 10 adj əˈfensɪv offensiv offensif offensivo I found her remarks deeply offensive.

online 21 adv ˈɒnlaɪn online en ligne in linea The reports are not available online yet.

open 84 adj ˈəʊpən

offen (open to negotiation =

verhandelbar) ouvert aperto

The new rates of pay are open to


open up 92 phr v ˌəʊpə ʌp sich eröffnen s'ouvrir aprirsi

With a microscope, a whole new world of

investigation opens up.

open-minded 84 adj ˌəʊpənˈmaɪndəd unvoreingenommen à l'esprit large di larghe vedute She’s quite open-minded about sex.

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operation 113 n ˌɒpəˈreɪʃən Operation


chirurgicale operazione

She’s going to need an operation on her


operational 88 adj ˌɒpəˈreɪʃənəl betriebsfähig opérationnel operativa

The boat should be operational by this


organic 110 adj ɔːˈɡænɪk biologisch biologique organico

Organic farming is better for the


originate 74 v əˈrɪdʒəneɪt stammen von être originaire de/émaner de provenire

A lot of our medicines originate from tropical


orphanage 32 n ˈɔːfənɪdʒ Waisenhaus orphelinat orfanotrofio He was raised in an orphanage.

outdoors 106 adv ˌaʊtˈdɔːz im Freien à l'extérieur all'aperto It’s warm enough to eat outdoors tonight.

outskirts 35 n ˈaʊtskɜːts Außenbezirke périphérie periferia They live on the outskirts of Paris.

oval 73 adj ˈəʊvəl oval ovale ovale I have an oval mirror in my bathroom.

over 92 adv ˈəʊvə immer wieder à maintes reprises oltre

The way to learn the script is to say it to

yourself over and over again.

overboard 85 adv ˈəʊvəbɔːd über Bord par-dessus bord fuori bordo

One of the crew fell overboard and


overreact 110 v ˌəʊvəriˈækt überreagieren réagir excessivement reagire in modo eccessivo You always overreact to criticism.

overseas 112 adv ˌəʊvəˈsiːz in Übersee outre-mer oltremare Chris is going to work overseas.

overtime 119 n ˈəʊvətaɪm Überstunden heures supplémentaires straordinario

They’re working overtime to get the job


pace 39 v peɪs auf und ab gehen

faire les cent pas/faire des

allées et venues camminare su e giù

I found Mark at the hospital, pacing

restlessly up and down.

package 77 n ˈpækɪdʒ Pauschal- paquet pacchetto

Everything is arranged for you on a package


page-turner 68 n ɪdʒ ˌtɜːnə fesselndes Buch livre captivant libro avvincente It's a real page-turner.

palace 81 n ˈpæləs Palast palais palazzo The Queen lives in Buckingham Palace.

pale 70 adj peɪl bleich pâle pallido He looked very pale and drawn.

panel 25 n ˈpænl Team commission/comité pannello

A panel of experts has looked at the


pantomime 128 n ˈpæntəmaɪm Pantomime pantomime pantomima

We go to see a pantomime every


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parachute 92 n ˈpærəʃuːt Fallschirm parachute paracadute I've always wanted to do a parachute jump.

Paralympics 137 n ˌpærəˈlɪmpɪks Parlympische Spiele Jeux Paralympiques Paraolimpiadi The Paralympics are held every four years.

park 35 n pɑːk Park parc parco Let’s go for a walk in the park.

particularly 21 adv pəˈtɪkjələli insbesondere particulièrement particolarmente

We are hoping to expand our business,

particularly in Europe.

partly 14 adv ˈpɑːtli teilweise partiellement/en partie in parte

The poor weather was partly responsible for

the crash.

pass 101 v pɑːs

mit fliegenden Fahnen

bestehen Passer avec succès passare She passed with flying colours.

patient 96 adj ˈpeɪʃənt geduldig patient paziente Louise was very patient with me.

pavement 106 n ˈpeɪvmənt Gehweg trottoir marciapiede

A small group of journalists waited on the

pavement outside her house.

pay rise 119 n ɪ raɪz Gehaltserhöhung augmentation de salaire aumento

Some company directors have awarded

themselves huge pay rises.

peace 110 n piːs Frieden paix pace

The country is at peace with its neighbours

for the first time in years.

pebbly 77 adj ˈpebəli kieselig caillouteux ciottoli We walked the dogs on a pebbly beach.

pedal 106 n ˈpedl Pedale pédale pedale You have to keep your feet on the pedals.

peer pressure 120 n ɪə ˌpreʃə Gruppenzwang pression de groupe pressione dei compagni

Teenagers often start smoking because of

peer pressure.

penniless 137 adj ˈpenɪləs mittellos sans un sou senza un soldo Uncle Charlie was jobless and penniless.

pensioner 98 n ˈpenʃənə Pensionär retraité pensionato It's a club for old age pensioners only.

perfume 138 n ˈpɜːfjuːm Parfum parfum profumo

She was wearing the perfume that he’d

bought her.

perhaps 98 adv pəˈhæps vielleicht peut-être forse Perhaps she’s next door.

perk 119 n pɜːk Vergünstigung à-côté vantaggio

I only eat here because it’s free – one of the

perks of the job.

personally 111 adv ˈpɜːsənəli persönlich personnellement personalmente Personally, I don’t think much of the idea.

persuade 84 v pəˈsweɪd überzeugen persuader/convaincre persuadere

I finally managed to persuade her to go out

for a drink with me.

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persuade 128 v pəˈsweɪd überzeugen persuader/convaincre persuadere

I finally managed to persuade her to go out

for a drink with me.

pet 85 n pet Haustier animal domestique animale domestico They have two pets - a cat and a dog.

photo 78 n ˈfəʊtəʊ ein Foto machen photo foto Can you take a photo of me and Rachel?

photocopy 120 v ˈfəʊtəʊˌkɒpi fotokopieren photocopie fotocopiare

Leave the papers with me and I’ll get them


pick up 50 phr v pɪ ʌp aufschnappen apprendre sur le tas raccogliere

I picked up a few words of Greek when I

was there last year.

picnic 106 n ˈpɪknɪk Picknick pique-nique picnic

We decided to have a picnic down by the


picturesque 40 adj ˌpɪktʃəˈresk pittoresk pittoresque pittoresco

A quiet fishing village with a picturesque


piece of cake 101 adj ˌpiːs ə ɪk Kleinigkeit morceau de gâteau facilissimo

Landing this type of aircraft is a piece of

cake for an experienced pilot.

pile 10 n paɪl Haufen pile mucchio

All that remained of the old house was a pile

of rubble.

pipe 70 n paɪp Pfeife pipe tubo Dad was there, smoking his pipe.

place 113 n pleɪs Platz place posto

We’ve been trying to find her a place in a

residential home.

planet 8 n ˈplænɪt Planet planète pianeta Mercury is the smallest of all the planets.

plastic surgery 31 n ˌplæstɪk ˈsɜːdʒəri plastische Chirurgie chirurgie esthétique chirurgia plastica Would you ever get plastic surgery?

plate 8 n pleɪt Teller assiette piatto The plates were piled high with rice.

playground 35 n ˈpleɪɡraʊnd Spielplatz

terrain de jeu/cour de

récréation parco giochi

Children shouting and running in the


pleasant 11 adj ˈplezənt angenehm agréable piacevole It had been a pleasant evening.

pleasure 70 n ˈpleʒə Vergnügen plaisir piacere She sipped her drink with obvious pleasure.

plenty 36 pron ˈplenti sehr viel beaucoup de abbondanza Make sure she gets plenty of fresh air.

plot 68 n plɒt Handlung intrigue trama the plot was a little confusing.

plug into 25 phr v ˌplʌɡ ˈɪntuː angeschlossen werden enficher innestare

Games consoles plug into the back of the


plunge 112 n plʌndʒ den Sprung wagen se jeter à l'eau tuffo So, I quit my job and took the plunge.

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pocket 110 n ˈpɒkət Tasche poche tasca Luke came in with his hands in his pockets.

poignant 22 adj ˈpɔɪnjənt ergreifend poignant commovente

a poignant reminder of our nation’s great


point 8 n pɔɪnt der springende Punkt point essentiel punto

Nobody knows exactly how it works. That’s

the whole point.

point of view 66 n ˌpɔɪnt ə ː Gesichtspunkt point de vue punto di vista

From my point of view, there is no way they

can win.

pole 63 n pəʊl Stab perche polo His pole snapped in the competition.

polite 84 adj pəˈlaɪt höflich poli gentile She’s always very polite.

political 105 adj pəˈlɪtɪkəl politischer Wechsel politique politico This country needs political change.

politics 112 n ˈpɒlətɪks Bürointrigen politique interne politica

I’m tired of dealing with all of the office


polluted 40 adj pəˈluːtəd verschmutzt pollué inquinati The lake is seriously polluted.

pollution 110 n pəˈluːʃən Verschmutzung pollution inquinamento

The costs of pollution control must be


pool 133 n puːl Lache étang/bassin pozza

Mosquitoes breed in stagnant pools of


poor 53 adj pɔː arm pauvre/démuni povero

Her family were so poor they couldn’t afford

to buy her new clothes.

pop-up 58 n ɒpʌp Pop-Up-Fenster fenêtre contextuelle pop-up I hate these pop ups. They're so annoying.

positive 128 adj ˈpɒzətɪv positiv positif positivo

You’ve got to be more positive about your


possibility 66 n ˌpɒsəˈbɪləti Möglichkeit possibilité possibilità

Archer began to explore the possibilities of

opening a club in the city.

pour 80 v pɔː gießen se déverser versare

It was pouring down with rain at three


poverty 110 n ˈpɒvəti Armut pauvreté povertà Millions of elderly people live in poverty.

powered 25 adj ˈpaʊəd angetrieben


par alimentato A nuclear-powered submarine.

prefer 67 v prɪˈfɜː vorziehen préférer preferire This type of owl prefers a desert habitat.

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premium 81 adj ˈpriːmiəm Spitzen- haut de gamme premio

I can't taste the difference between premium

ice cream and normal.

prepare 128 v prɪˈpeə vorbereiten préparer/apprêter preparare

Coulthard’s team were up all night preparing

the car for the race.

presence 95 n ˈprezəns Gegenwart présence presenza I asked you not to smoke in my presence.

presenter 26 n prɪˈzentə Moderator présentateur presentatore The presenter of BBC 2‘s ’Newsnight'.

preserve 40 v prɪˈzɜːv bewahren préserver preservare We must preserve our existing woodlands.

pretend 24 v prɪˈtend vorgeben prétendre/faire semblant de fingere Let’s pretend we’re on the moon.

prioritise 128 v praɪˈɒrətaɪz Schwerpunkte setzen classer selon la priorité fissare priorità You need to prioritize your tasks.

prison 50 n ˈprɪzən Gefängnis prison carcere He visits his dad in prison every week.

procession 26 n prəˈseʃən Prozession cortège processione

They marched in procession to the Capitol


producer 26 n prəˈdjuːsə Produzent producteur/metteur en scène produttore Hollywood producers

profession 119 n prəˈfeʃən Beruf profession professione

Some students enter other professions such

as arts administration.

profit 31 n ˈprɒfɪt Gewinn Profit/bénéfice profitto

The shop’s daily profit is usually around


programme 26 n ˈprəʊɡræm Sendung émission programma

What’s your favourite television


progress 91 n ˈprəʊɡres Fortschritt progresser progresso

We are making steady progress towards a

peaceful settlement.

promote 112 v prəˈməʊt befördern promouvoir promuovere Helen was promoted to senior manager.

propeller 25 n prəˈpelə Propeller hélice elica

The propeller fell off and the helicopter


proper 67 adj ˈprɒpə richtig approprié corretto

Try to eat proper meals instead of fast-food


protect 84 v prəˈtekt schützen protéger proteggere

Are we doing enough to protect the


proud 70 adj praʊd stolz fier orgoglioso Her parents are very proud of her.

prove 109 v pruːv beweisen prouver dimostrare Tests have proved that the system works.

psychological 56 adj ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkəl psychologisch psychologique psicologico

Sleep disorders are a serious psychological


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pub 81 n pʌb Pub, Kneipe pub/bar pub Do you fancy going to the pub?

public 106 n ˈpʌblɪk in der Öffentlichkeit en public pubblico

Her husband was always nice to her in


publish 98 v ˈpʌblɪʃ veröffentlichen publier pubblicare The first edition was published in 1765.

punctual 130 adj ˈpʌŋktʃuəl pünktlich ponctuel puntuale

She’s always very punctual for


punish 96 v ˈpʌnɪʃ bestrafen punir punire

Smacking is not an acceptable way of

punishing a child.

puppet 68 n ˈpʌpət Marionette guignol/marionnette marionetta We went to see a 20-minute puppet show.

purr 134 v pɜː schnurren ronronner fare le fusa

The cat sat on my lap and purred all


put 133 irr v pʊt etwas so ausdrücken exprimer/formuler mettere

Let me put it this way - she's not as young

as she was.

put up with 141 phr v pʊ ʌp ˌwɪð zurechtkommen mit supporter/subir sopportare She put up with his violent temper.

pyjamas 82 n pəˈdʒɑːməz Pyjama pyjama pigiama He's the boy in the striped pyjamas.

qualification 119 n ˌkwɒləfəˈkeɪʃən Abschluss qualification qualificazione He left school without any qualifications.

quiet 40 adj ˈkwaɪət ruhig silencieux/calme/tranquille tranquillo Our hotel room was comfortable and quiet.

quit 112 v kwɪt kündigen


ner smettere

He quit his job after an argument with a


race 78 v reɪs wettrennen faire la course correre in una gara I’ll race you to the end of the road.

racquet 63 n ˈrækət Schläger raquette racchetta Can I borrow a racquet please?

raise 28 v reɪz aufbringen soulever une question aumentare I’d like to raise the issue of publicity.

raise 98 v reɪz aufbringen lever des fonds aumentare

The Trust hopes to raise $1 million to buy


ramble 136 v ˈræmbəl faseln divaguer divagare

She’s getting old and she tends to ramble a


rate 106 n reɪt Rate taux tasso

Australia’s unemployment rate rose to 6.5%

in February.

rather 25 adv ˈrɑːðə ziemlich plutôt piuttosto He was limping rather badly.

real 112 adj rɪəl wirklich réel/vrai reale I remember my first real job.

realise 129 v ˈrɪəlaɪz begreifen, feststellen

réaliser/se rendre

compte/comprendre diventare consapevole I suddenly realised that the boy was crying.

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realistic 24 adj rɪəˈlɪstɪk realistisch réaliste realistico

A realistic portrayal of life in Victorian


reality 66 n riˈæləti Wirklichkeit réalité realtà TV is used as an escape from reality.

reality show 21 n riˈæləti ˌʃəʊ Realityshow téléréalité reality show

There are too many reality shows these


reasonable 52 adj ˈriːzənəbəl vernünftig raisonnable ragionevole

I thought it was a perfectly reasonable


receipt 55 n rɪˈsiːt Quittung reçu ricevuta

Keep your receipt in case you want to bring

it back.

receptionist 120 n rɪˈsepʃənəst Empfangschef/-dame réceptionniste receptionist Could you speak to my receptionist?

recipe 64 n ˈresəpi Rezept recette ricetta I know a recipe for tomato soup.

recommend 68 v ˌrekəˈmend empfehlen recommander raccomandare

I recommend this book to anyone with an

interest in chemistry.

recover 140 v rɪˈkʌvə sich erholen guérir recuperare

After a few days of fever, she began to


rectangular 73 adj rekˈtæŋɡjələ rechteckig rectangulaire rettangolare Just design a simple rectangular building!

recycle 25 v ˌriːˈsaɪkəl wiederverwerten recycler riciclare Packaging made of recycled paper.

recycling 42 n riːˈsaɪklɪŋ Wiederverwertung recyclage riciclaggio

Recycling is important to help protect our


reduction 59 n rɪˈdʌkʃən Reduktion réduction riduzione

There has recently been a slight reduction

in the price of oil.

reference 119 n ˈrefərəns Referenzen référence/lettre de motivation riferimento

We will need references from your former


reflect 28 v rɪˈflekt widerspiegeln refléter riflettere

The drop in consumer spending reflects

concern about the economy.

reflect 80 v rɪˈflekt refelektieren refléter riflettere She could see her face reflected in the lake.

refugee 28 n ˌrefjʊˈdʒiː Flüchtling réfugié profugo

Refugees were streaming across the


refund 38 n ˈriːfʌnd Erstattung remboursement rimborso They refused to give me a refund.

refurbish 36 v ˌriːˈfɜːbɪʃ überholen rénover/restaurer rinnovare

The Grand Hotel has been completely


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refuse 38 v rɪˈfjuːz sich weigern refuser rifiutare She asked him to leave, but he refused.

regret 112 v rɪˈɡret bedauern regretter rammaricarsi Don’t do anything you might regret.

regularly 8 adv ˈreɡjələli regelmäßig régulièrement regolarmente It’s important to exercise regularly.

related 92 adj rɪˈleɪtəd in Verbindung stehen en rapport l'un avec l'autre correlati

Police now believe that the three crimes

could be related.

relationship 112 n rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪp Beziehung relation rapporto

I have quite a good relationship with my


relative 138 n ˈrelətɪv Verwandte(r) un parent parente Her boyfriend is a distant relative of mine.

relativity 137 n ˌreləˈtɪvəti Relativität relativité relatività

I learnt about the theory of relativity on my


relaxed 123 adj rɪˈlækst entspannt relaxé/détendu rilassato

Gail was lying in the sun looking very

relaxed and happy.

relaxing 96 adj rɪˈlæksɪŋ entspannend détendant/relaxant rilassante I just want a relaxing evening at home.

relaxing 123 adj rɪˈlæksɪŋ entspannend détendant/relaxant rilassante I want a relaxing evening at home.

release 98 v rɪˈliːs herausbringen publier rilascio

A version of the game for Mac computers

will be released in February.

relevant 125 adj ˈreləvənt einschlägig pertinent pertinente

Relevant documents were presented in


relocate 14 v ˌriːləʊˈkeɪt umziehen relocaliser/transférer trasferirsi

A lot of firms are relocating to the North of


rely on 42 phr v rɪˈlaɪ ˌɒn sich verlassen auf se fier à/compter sur contare su

Many people now rely on the Internet for


remember 59 v rɪˈmembə sich erinnern se souvenir ricordare I can’t remember her exact words.

remember 133 v rɪˈmembə gedenken se souvenir ricordare

On this day we remember the dead of two

world wars.

remind 59 v rɪˈmaɪnd erinnern rappeler ricordare Yes, I’ll be there. Thanks for reminding me.

remote 70 adj rɪˈməʊt abgelegen distant/éloigné a distanza The house was in a remote border town.

remote control 58 n rɪˌməʊt kənˈtrəʊl Fernbedienung télécommande telecomando

Can you pass me the remote control


reorganise 120 v riːˈɔːɡənaɪz umorganisieren réorganiser riorganizzare Our office is being completely reorganized.

report 28 v rɪˈpɔːt berichten rendre compte/faire rapport rapporto

Witnesses reported seeing three people flee

the scene.

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republic 94 n rɪˈpʌblɪk Republik république repubblica Nine republics took part in the referendum.

reputation 40 n ˌrepjəˈteɪʃən Ruf réputation/image reputazione

Judge Kelso has a reputation for being strict

but fair.

research 91 n rɪˈsɜːtʃ Nachforschungen recherche ricerca

It’s a good idea to do some research before

you buy a house.

residential 35 adj ˌrezəˈdenʃəl Wohn- résidentiel residenziale A quiet residential neighbourhood.

resort 82 n rɪˈzɔːt Urlaubs- lieu de vacances località Lagoon Reef is one of the best resort hotels.

respond 56 v rɪˈspɒnd reagieren répondre/réagir rispondere Dave didn’t respond to any of her emails.

respond 124 v rɪˈspɒnd reagieren répondre/réagir rispondere

Responding to the news, Mr Watt appealed

for calm.

responsibility 92 n rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti Verantwortlichkeit responsabilité responsabilità

Kelly’s promotion means more money and

more responsibility.

restroom/toilet 129 n ːm/ˈtɔɪlət Toilette toilette bagno / WC Mummy, I need to go to the restroom/toilet!

resume/CV 129 n ˌrezʊˈmeɪ/ˌsiː ˈviː Lebenslauf CV curriculum / CV

Could you send us your resume/CV so we

can consider you?

retain 140 v rɪˈteɪn behalten retenir conservare

You have the right to retain possession of

the goods.

retire 98 v rɪˈtaɪə in Ruhestand gehen prendre la retraite andare in pensione Most people retire at 65.

retirement 98 n rɪˈtaɪəmənt Eintritt in den Ruhestand retraite ritiro

He became a keen golfer after his

retirement from politics.

return 28 v rɪˈtɜːn zurückgeben renvoyer/remettre à sa place ritornare I returned the books to the library unread.

revenue 120 n ˈrevənjuː Einnahmen recettes/revenu reddito

Strikes have cost £20 million in lost


review 55 n rɪˈvjuː Bericht examen/analyse esame She sent us her review of the research.

revolve around 126 phr v rɪˌvɒlv əˈraʊnd sich drehen um tourner autour ruotare attorno Jane’s life revolves around her children.

rich 37 adj rɪtʃ bedeutend riche ricco The area has a very rich history.

ring 123 irr v rɪŋ anrufen

téléphoner/appeler au

téléphone chiamare al telefono

I was going to ring you but I don’t have your


ring 133 n rɪŋ Ring anneau/bague anello There was a fountain in a ring shape.

riot 140 n ˈraɪət Unruhe émeute sommossa His murder triggered vicious race riots.

risk 60 n rɪsk Risiko risque rischio It was a risk, sending a letter to my house.

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river 81 n ˈrɪvə Fluss rivière fiume There were several boats on the river.

roadside 70 adj ˈrəʊdsaɪd am Straßentrand bord de la route/bas-côté ciglio della strada We stopped by a roadside snack bar.

roaring 78 adj ˈrɔːrɪŋ brausen rugir/gronder ruggente Can you hear the roaring wind and waves.

rob 59 v rɒb rauben, ausrauben dévaliser/dérober rapinare

They killed four policemen while robbing a


robot 42 n ˈrəʊbɒt Roboter robot robot Most cars are built by robots.

rocky 77 adj ˈrɒki felsig rocheux roccioso They hurried over the rough rocky ground.

role 68 n rəʊl Rolle rôle ruolo

Matthews plays the role of a young doctor

suspected of murder.

roof 70 n ruːf Dach toit/toiture tetto They finally found the cat up on the roof.

rope 63 n rəʊp Seil câble/corde corda

They tied a rope around my waist and

pulled me up.

rough 73 adj rʌf rau rugueux/irrégulier ruvido Her hands were rough from hard work.

round 73 adj raʊnd rund rond/circulaire round Jamie’s eyes grew round with delight.

round trip/return 129 n raʊ ɪp/rɪˈtɜːn

Hin- und Rückfahrkarte/-

flugticket aller-retour viaggio di andata / ritorno I bought a round trip/return to china.

roundabout 81 n ˈraʊndəbaʊt Kreisverkehr rond-point rotatoria Turn left at the first roundabout.

routine 82 n ruːˈtiːn Routine routine routine

John’s departure had upset their daily


routinely 66 adv ruːˈtiːnli routinemäßig par routine/par habitude di routine This vaccine is already routinely used.

row 14 n raʊ Krach dispute fila He had just had a row with his wife.

royalty 126 n ˈrɔɪəlti fürstlich membre de la famille royale reali

At school the other children treated them

like royalty.

run 92 irr v rʌn betreiben diriger/animer correre For a while, she ran a restaurant in Boston.

run out 43 phr v rʌ ʊt einem ausgehen épuiser esaurire

I’ve got money you can borrow if you run


running 111 adj ˈrʌnɪŋ fließendes Wasser (eau) courante corsa

Only half the city’s houses had running


rush hour 38 n ʌʃ aʊə Hauptverkehrszeit heure de pointe ora di punta I got caught in the morning rush hour.

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saddle 63 n ˈsædl Sattel selle sella

I need to raise my saddle because this bike

is too small.

safari 77 n səˈfɑːri Safari safari safari They went on safari in Kenya.

salary 12 n ˈsæləri Gehalt salaire stipendio

The average salary for a teacher is $39,000

a year.

sample 82 v ˈsɑːmpəl ausprobieren goûter campionare

We'll give you a chance to sample the local


sandy 77 adj ˈsændi sandig sableux sabbioso The soil is quite sandy.

satellite 26 n ˈsætəlaɪt Satellit satellite satellite

This broadcast comes live via satellite from

New York.

saucer 134 n ˈsɔːsə Untertasse soucoupe piattino The kittens all drank milk from my saucer.

save 28 v seɪv retten sauver de salvare

Emergency aid could save millions

threatened with starvation.

save 49 v seɪv sparen économiser risparmiare

He managed to save enough to buy a small


say 59 v seɪ sagen dire dire Don’t believe anything he says.

scene 68 n siːn Szene scène scena Let's rehearse the opening scene.

scenic 77 adj ˈsiːnɪk landschaftlich schön pittoresque scenico Let’s take the scenic route home.

score 68 n skɔː Filmmusik musique/partition spartito Who wrote the score for the movie?

scream 135 v skriːm schreien hurler/pousser un cri urlare

After the first few shots, people started


screen 26 n skriːn Bildschirm écran schermo He went on staring at the TV screen.

screen 26 v skriːn senden, zeigen diffuser schermo

The film is being screened around the


scuffle 135 n ˈskʌfəl Handgemenge échauffourée baruffa

Scuffles broke out between rival supporters

during the match.

scurry 39 v ˈskʌri eilen se précipiter/se hâter correre velocemente People were scurrying off to work.

seagull 28 n ˈsiːɡʌl Möwe mouette gabbiano I was woken up by the seagulls.

section 21 n ˈsekʃən Teil (Zeitung) rubrique sezione

This issue will be discussed further in the

arts section.

see red 14 verb phrase siː Rot sehen voir rouge infuriarsi

The thought of Pierre with Nicole had made

her see red.

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seize 136 v siːz ergreifen saisir impadronirsi I like to seize every opportunity as it comes.

self-centred 50 adj ˌself ˈsentəd egozentrisch égocentrique egocentrico I can't stand how self-centered he is.

self-employed 119 adj ˌselfɪmˈplɔɪd selbstständig travailleur indépendant lavoratore autonomo He works as a self-employed plumber.

selfish 11 adj ˈselfɪʃ selbstsüchtig égoïste egoista How can you be so selfish?

self-sufficient 42 adj ˌself səˈfɪʃənt autark auto-suffisant autosufficiente Australia is 65% self-sufficient in oil.

semi-detached 35 adj ˌsemidɪˈtætʃt Doppelhaushälfte maison jumelée semi-indipendente Her house is semi-detached.

seminar 98 n ˈsemənɑː Seminar atelier seminario We have a Shakespeare seminar tomorrow.

sensation 68 n senˈseɪʃən Gefühl sensation sensazione

Caroline had the sensation that she was

being watched.

sense 109 n sens Sinn sens senso This is true in a general sense.

sepia 64 adj ˈsiːpiə Sepia sépia seppia he uses a sepia photo for his profile picture.

sequel 68 n ˈsiːkwəl Fortsetzung suite continuazione She’s writing a sequel to her first novel.

series 8 n ˈsɪəriːz Serie série serie

he series of events that led to the outbreak

of war.

set 78 v set untergehen se coucher tramontare The was setting as we arrived.

set 32 irr v set spielen scène scenario The novel is set in France.

set up 98 phr v ʌp gründen fonder/montrer/créer impostare

They want to set up their own import–export


set up 128 phr v ʌp arrangieren préparer/organiser impostare

There was a lot of work involved in setting

up the festival.

setting 40 n ˈsetɪŋ Umgebung endroit/cadre ambiente

He lived in an old farmhouse in a beautiful


several 140 pron ˈsevərəl mehrere plusieurs parecchi Several people have volunteered to go.

severely 95 adv səˈvɪəli hart sévèrement gravemente

Parents don’t punish their children so

severely these days.

shade 79 n ʃeɪd Schatten ombre ombra

She was sitting in the shade of a large oak


shake 105 v ʃeɪk beben secouer/agiter scuotere The whole house started to shake.

shawl 134 n ʃɔːl Schal châle scialle The old ladies all wore shawls.

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shed 135 n ʃed Schuppen abri capannone

My father worked in his shed at the end of

the garden every night.

sheet 38 n ʃiːt Betttuch drap lenzuolo

I’ll go and find you some clean sheets and


shimmer 39 v ˈʃɪmə schimmern scintiller scintillare The lake shimmered in the moonlight.

shoemaker 14 n ˈʃuːmeɪkə Schuhmacher cordonnier calzolaio His father was a shoemaker.

shop 81 n ʃɒp Laden boutique negozio Her brother runs a record shop in Chester.

shop around 55 phr v ˌʃɒp əˈraʊnd Preise vergleichen faire le tour des magasins fare il giro dei negozi Take time to shop around for the best deal.

shopkeeper 50 n ˈʃɒpˌkiːpə Ladeninhaber boutiquier/marchand negoziante Scissors are the tools used by hairdressers.

shortage 60 n ˈʃɔːtɪdʒ Kürzung manque/insuffisance/pénurie carenza There is no shortage of funds.

sibling 16 n ˈsɪblɪŋ Geschwister sœur/frère fratello

Most young people are influenced by their

older siblings’ habits.

sightseeing 77 n ˈsaɪtˌsiːɪŋ Besichtigung faire du tourisme giro turistico

She swam and sunbathed, went

sightseeing, and relaxed.

since 16 adv sɪns seit depuis fin da quando We’ve been waiting here since two o'clock.

sincere 11 adj sɪnˈsɪə aufrichtig sincère sincero A warm-hearted, sincere man.

siren 39 n ˈsaɪərən Sirene sirène sirena I heard police sirens in the distance.

situated 36 adj ˈsɪtʃueɪtəd liegen situé situato The house is situated near the college.

skilful 74 adj ˈskɪlfəl geschickt doué abile Peter's a very skilful footballer.

skill 60 n skɪl Geschick habileté/savoir-faire/aptitude abilità

He was valued for his skill in raising money

for the company.

skincare 98 n ˈskɪnkeə Hautpflege soins de la peau cura della pelle

She uses a lot of expensive skincare


skylight 44 n ˈskaɪlaɪt Oberlicht lucarne lucernario The skylight lets a lot of light in.

slave 74 n sleɪv Sklave esclave schiavo

The slaves worked in extremely poor


sleepless 109 adj ˈsliːpləs eine schlaflose Nach nuit blanche insonne

Adrian spent a sleepless night wondering

what to do.

smell 106 v smel riechen odeur odorare My clothes smelt of smoke.

smooth 73 adj smuːð glatt lisse liscio Her skin felt smooth and cool.

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soap 21 n səʊp Seifenoper feuilleton sapone I can't stand watching soaps.

soccer/football 129 n ˈsɒkə/ˈfʊtbɔːl Fußball football calcio / calcio Which soccer/football team do you support?

sofa 136 n ˈsəʊfə Sofa canapé divano He spends all day lying on the sofa.

sofabed 44 n ˈsəʊfəˌbed Schalfcouch canapé-lit divano letto You can sleep on my sofabed if you like.

soft 73 adj sɒft weich mou/tendre morbido My feet sank into the soft ground.

solar 25 n ˈsəʊlə Solarkollektor panneau solaire solare

All of the power for the house comes from

solar panels.

solar power 110 n ˈsəʊlə ˌpaʊə Solarenergie énergie solaire energia solare

Many people promote the use of nuclear


solve 22 v sɒlv lösen résoudre risolvere

Charlie thinks money will solve all his


solve 124 v sɒlv lösen résoudre risolvere

Charlie thinks money will solve all his


somehow 98 adv ˈsʌmhaʊ irgendwie d'une certaine manière in qualche modo

Don’t worry, we’ll get the money back


sound effects 68 n ʊnd ɪˌfekts Toneffekte effets sonores effetti sonori

There are a lot of sound efects used in the


sound wave 42 n ʊnd weɪv Schallwelle onde acoustique onda sonora I study soundwaves as part of my job.

soundtrack 68 n ˈsaʊndtræk Soundtrack, Filmmusik bande sonore colonna sonora I love the soundtrack to ‘Top Gun’.

souvenir 37 n ˌsuːvəˈnɪə Souvenir souvenir souvenir

I bought a model of the Eiffel Tower as a

souvenir of Paris.

spare 49 v speə übrig temps libre risparmiare

Anyone who has time to spare and would

like to help can contact Moira.

speaker 25 n ˈspiːkə Lautsprecher haut-parleur altoparlante The speakers for his radio are huge.

special effect 24 n ˌspeʃəl ɪˈfekt Special-Effect effet spécial effetto speciale I don't like modern special effects.

specialise 72 v ˈspeʃəlaɪz spezialisieren se spécialiser specializzarsi Simmons specialised in contract law.

spectacle 68 n ˈspektəkəl Spektakel spectacle spettacolo

He produced a multimedia dance and opera


speech 98 n spiːtʃ Rede discours/allocution discorso

Each child had to give a short speech to the

rest of the class.

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spend 49 irr v spend ausgeben dépenser spendere

I can’t afford to spend any more money this


spend 30 irr v spend verbringen passer le temps spendere I want to spend more time with my family.

spicy 73 adj ˈspaɪsi würzig épicé piccante It's cooked in a spicy tomato sauce.

spill 120 v spɪl verschütten déverser versare Katie almost spilled her milk.

split up 141 phr v splɪ ʌp sich trennen se séparer de quelqu'un separarsi Steve’s parents split up when he was four.

spoil 32 v spɔɪl verderben gâter/abîmer rovinare We didn’t let the incident spoil our day.

spooky 32 adj ˈspuːki gespenstisch sinistre sinistro A spooky old house.

spring 120 irr v sprʌŋ in Aktion treten passer à l'action attivarsi

They were prepared and ready to spring into


sputter 39 n ˈspʌtə stottern crépitement farfugliare The car sputtered before it stopped

square 73 adj skweə quadratisch carré piazza It's a square bedroom.

square 81 n skweə Platz place piazza

The hotel is just off the main square of


squash 63 n skwɒʃ Squash squash squash Do you fancy a game of squash this Friday?

stain 136 n steɪn Fleck tache macchia There was a dark red stain on the carpet.

stair 35 n steə Treppe escalier scala Jerry ran up the stairs.

staircase 44 n ˈsteəkeɪs Treppe cage d'escalier scala He fell down the staircase.

stamina 128 n ˈstæmənə Ausdauer endurance resistenza

You need stamina to be a long-distance


stand 67 v stænd ausstehen supporter sopportare I can’t stand bad manners.

standard 81 adj ˈstændəd Standard- standard/normal standard We paid them the standard rate.

standard of living 110 n ˌstændəd əv ˈlɪvɪŋ Lebensstandard niveau de vie tenore di vita It is a nation with a high standard of living.

star 8 n stɑː Stern étoile stella I lay on my back and looked up at the stars.

star 68 v stɑː Hauptrolle spielen jouer avere ruolo protagonista

Eastwood starred in ‘The Good, the Bad,

and the Ugly’.

start 112 v stɑːt eine Familie gründen créer iniziare We’re not ready to start a family yet.

start off 125 phr v stɑː ɒf beginnen faire ses débuts cominciare

The theater company started off their new

season with a Shakespeare play.

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starter 10 n ˈstɑːtə Vorspeise entrée iniziatore

We had soup as a starter, followed by


starvation 60 n stɑːˈveɪʃən Hungertod famine fame There are people dying of starvation.

stationery 52 n ˈsteɪʃənəri Schreibwaren fournitures de bureau cartoleria I need to buy some stationery for school.

stay on 98 phr v steɪ ɒn verbleiben rester rimanere

He resigned as chairman, but stayed on as

an instructor.

stay up 126 phr v steɪ ʌp aufbleiben rester éveillé stare alzato We stayed up all night talking.

steal 49 irr v stiːl stehlen voler rubare

Boys broke into a shop and stole £45 in


steal 68 irr v stiːl die Schau stehlen ravir la vedette rubare

Elwood stole the show with a marvellous


steep 92 adj stiːp steil raide/abrupte ripido The road became rocky and steep.

steer 92 v stɪə lenken diriger indirizzare He was steering with only one hand.

stepmother 7 n ˈstepmʌðə Stiefmutter marâtre matrigna I'm visiting my dad and stepmother.

sticky 73 adj ˈstɪki klebrig collant/adhésif appiccicoso There’s some sticky stuff in your hair.

stone 143 n stəʊn Stein pierre pietra The floors are made of stone.

storm 28 n stɔːm Unwetter tempête tempesta

The weather forecast is for severe storms


stranger 7 n ˈstreɪndʒə Fremder étranger sconosciuto Children must not talk to strangers.

stream 143 n striːm Bach cours d'eau ruscello I caught a fish in the stream.

strength 53 n streŋθ Stärke force/atout forza

Her main strength is her critical thinking


stressful 46 adj ˈstresfəl stressig stressant stressante

Moving to a new house is a very stressful


strict 95 adj strɪkt strikt Strict rigido

There are strict limits on presidential

campaign contributions.

striking 64 adj ˈstraɪkɪŋ eklatant saisissant impressionante

There is a striking contrast between wealth

and poverty.

strong 135 adj strɒŋ stark fort forte This cheese has a very strong flavour.

struggle 74 v ˈstrʌɡəl kämpfen se battre/avoir du mal lottare She’s struggling to bring up a family alone.

studio 35 n ˈstjuːdiəʊ Einzimmerwohnung studio studio He lives in a tiny studio.

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stumble upon 80 phr v ˌstʌmbəl əˈpɒn stoßen auf

trébucher sur/trouver par

hasard imbattersi

Researchers have stumbled across a drug

that may help patients with Parkinson’s


subject 10 n ˈsʌbdʒɪkt das Thema wechseln sujet/thème soggetto She tried to change the subject.

subject 91 n ˈsʌbdʒɪkt Fach sujet/thème soggetto My favorite subject is maths.

submit 97 v səbˈmɪt einreichen soumettre presentare

All applications must be submitted by


subtitle 24 n ˈsʌbˌtaɪtl Untertitel sous-titre sottotitolo A French film with English subtitles.

suburb 35 n ˈsʌbɜːb Vorstadt banlieue sobborgo

Don’t you get bored living out here in the


subway 106 n ˈsʌbweɪ U-Bahn ligne de métro metropolitana

Boston has the oldest subway system in the


successful 45 adj səkˈsesfəl erfolgreich de succès di successo The operation was successful.

suggestion 91 n səˈdʒestʃən Vorschlag suggestion suggerimento Any suggestions would be welcome.

suicide 31 n ˈsuːɪsaɪd Selbstmord suicide suicidio

More people commit suicide at Christmas

than at any other time.

sulky 11 adj ˈsʌlki mürrisch boudeur imbronciato A sulky child.

sum up 122 phr v sʌ ʌp zusammenfassen récapituler/résumer riassumere

Gerald will open the debate and I will sum


summarise 129 v ˈsʌməraɪz zusammenfassen résumer riassumere

The authors summarize their views in the


sunshine 143 n ˈsʌnʃaɪn Sonnenschein soleil luce del sole We had three days of spring sunshine.

suntan 38 n ˈsʌntæn Sonnenbräune bronzage abbronzatura He has a horrible suntan.

supply 14 v səˈplaɪ liefern alimenter/approvisionner fornire

Paint for the project was supplied by the


surgeon 110 n ˈsɜːdʒən Chirurg chirurgien chirurgo He's a brilliant surgeon.

surgery 137 n ˈsɜːdʒəri Operation chirurgie chirurgia She required surgery on her right knee.

surprisingly 111 adv səˈpraɪzɪŋli überraschend curieusement sorprendentemente The exam was surprisingly easy.

survey 21 v səˈveɪ befragen enquête/sondage sondaggio

Of the companies surveyed, 10% had a

turnover of £50 m.

survive 28 v səˈvaɪv überleben survivre sopravvivere Only 12 of the 140 passengers survived.

swap 37 v swɒp tauschen échanger/troquer scambiare Do you want to swap umbrellas?

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swash 39 n swɒʃ plätschern clapotement swash There was a swash as the water leaked out.

swell 109 v swel schwellen grossir gonfiarsi Her ankle was already starting to swell.

swish 39 n swɪʃ zischen sifflement fruscio

The stick made a swish as it flew through

the air.

switch 52 v swɪtʃ ersetzen échanger/remplacer scambiare

Tim may switch his BMW for something


switch on 38 phr v swɪtʃ ɒn einschalten mettre en marche/allumer accendere He switched the torch on.

swoosh 39 v swuːʃ rauschen siffler frusciare

The electric car swooshed past at a good


tablecloth 70 n ˈteɪbəlklɒθ Tischtuch nappe de table tovaglia

Can you put a tablecloth on the table


take 28 irr v teɪk nehmen prendre/emprunter prendere Sorry I'm late. I took a wrong turn.

take after 17 phr v ˌteɪk ˈɑːftə geraten nach

ressembler à/être le portrait

craché de assomigliare Jenni really takes after her mother.

take in 82 phr v teɪ ɪn mitnehmen visiter comprendere

They continued a few miles further to take in

Hinton House.

take over 105 phr v teɪk ˈəʊvə übernehmen prendre les commandes rilevare

Ruth moved into our apartment and

promptly took over.

talent show 126 n ˈtælənt ʃəʊ Talentshow concours de jeunes talents talent show

Don’t assume winning a talent contest is a

passport to success.

taste 82 n teɪst Geschmack goût gusto He asked about my taste in music.

teacher's pet 101 n ˈtiːtʃəz ˌpet Lieblingsschüler chouchou du professeur cocco della maestra John is teacher's pet.

team-mate 7 n ˈtiːm-meɪt Teamkamerad coéquipier compagno di squadra

He finished just ahead of his Ferrari team-


tease 135 v tiːz auf den Arm nehmen taquiner stuzzicare Don’t get upset. I was only teasing.

technically 124 adv ˈteknɪkli technisch techniquement tecnicamente

Technically, the two countries are still at

war, as a peace treaty was never signed.

technique 56 n tekˈniːk Technik technique/méthode tecnica

There are various techniques for dealing

with industrial pollution.

television set 26 n ˈteləˌvɪʒən set Fernseher téléviseur televisore A colour television set.

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tell 59 irr v tel mitteilen dire dire

I wish someone had told me the meeting

was cancelled.

tell off 17 phr v ɒf tadeln engueuler/faire des reproches sgridare

Shelley was always getting told off at


telly 58 n ˈteli Fernsehen télé televisione Is there anything good on telly tonight?

temper 10 n ˈtempə die Beherrschung verlieren humeurs indole I’ve never seen Vic lose his temper.

temple 40 n ˈtempəl Tempel temple tempio He goes to temple on Saturday.

tend 12 v tend neigen zu avoir tendance à curare

People tend to need less sleep as they get


tent 44 n tent Zelt Tente tenda

We looked for a flat spot where we could

pitch our tent

terraced 35 adj ˈterəst Reihenhaus maison mitoyenne terrazzati I live in a terraced house.

terrified 135 adj ˈterəfaɪd Angst haben terrifié terrorizzato Sid is terrified of heights.

terrifying 8 adj ˈterəfaɪ-ɪŋ schrecklich terrifiant terrificante He told her of his terrifying experience.

text-message 140 v ˌmesɪdʒ per SMS senden texto inviare un messaggio di testo Text-message me the details.

that 23 pronoun ðæt der, die, das que/qui che

There are lots of things that I need to buy

before the trip.

theatre 129 n ˈθɪətə Theater théâtre teatro I saw it at an open-air theatre.

theory 12 n ˈθɪəri Theorie théorie teoria

Different theories about how the brain


thriller 22 n ˈθrɪlə Thriller roman/pièce à suspens thriller ‘The Birds’ is a classic Hitchcock thriller.

throw 8 irr v θrəʊ werfen lancer buttare He threw his shirt to someone in the crowd.

throw away 111 phr v ˌθrəʊ əˈweɪ wegwerfen jeter buttar via I never throw clothes away.

throw up 10 phr v θrəʊ ʌp sich übergeben vomir vomitare

Georgia was bent over the basin, throwing


tidy 64 adj ˈtaɪdi aufgeräumt ordonné ordine I try to keep the garden tidy.

time 136 n taɪm von Zeit zu Zeit de temps en temps tempo

These food safety scares happen from time

to time.

tiny 38 adj ˈtaɪni winzig minuscule piccolo She always felt a tiny bit sad.

tired 123 adj taɪəd müde fatigué stanco I’m so tired I could sleep for a week.

tiring 123 adj ˈtaɪərɪŋ ermüdend épuisant/fatiguant faticoso We’ve all had a long tiring day.

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together 112 adv təˈɡeðə zusammen ensemble insieme

Mark and I have been together eight years


tolerant 53 adj ˈtɒlərənt tolerant tolérant tollerante

Luckily, my parents were tolerant of my

choice of music.

tolerant 96 adj ˈtɒlərənt tolerant tolérant tollerante

Luckily, my parents were tolerant of my

choice of music.

tolerate 140 v ˈtɒləreɪt ertragen tolérer tollerare I couldn’t tolerate the long hours.

tool 50 n tuːl Werkzeug outil strumento

Television is an important tool for the

modern teacher.

top 28 adj tɒp Spitzen- meilleur top Our top tennis players.

tour 28 n tʊə Rundfahrt visite giro A 10-day tour of China.

tour 77 n tʊə Rundfahrt visite giro We met on a coach tour in Italy.

touristy 40 adj ˈtʊərəsti touristisch touristique turistico Benidorm is too touristy for me.

towel 38 n ˈtaʊəl Handtuch serviette asciugamano Have you got a clean towel I could use?

tower block 108 n ˈtaʊə ˌblɒk Hochhausblock tour blocco I grew up living in a tower block.

traditional 36 adj trəˈdɪʃənəl traditionell traditionnel tradizionale Traditional Italian cooking.

traffic jam 108 n ˈtræfɪk ˌdʒæm Verkehrsstau embouteillage/bouchon ingorgo stradale We were stuck in a traffic jam for two hours.

trainer 74 n ˈtreɪnə Trainer entraîneur allenatore I need to get a personal trainer.

trainers 63 n ˈtreɪnə Sportschuhe chaussures de sport formatori You must wear trainers in the sports hall.

tram 80 n træm Straßenbahn tramway tram We waited at the stop for the tram.

transform 126 v trænsˈfɔːm verwandeln transformer/métamorphoser trasformare

Increased population has transformed the


translate 85 v trænsˈleɪt übersetzen traduire tradurre Translate the text from Italian into English.

translation 24 n trænsˈleɪʃən Übersetzung traduction traduzione A new translation of the Bible.

travel 59 v ˈtrævəl reisen voyager viaggiare Someday I’d like to travel abroad.

travelling 128 adj ˈtrævəlɪŋ Reise- itinérant itinerante I work for a travelling circus.

treat 72 v triːt spendieren traiter trattare We treated Mom to lunch at the Savoy.

treat 126 v triːt behandeln

traiter/se comporter vis-à-vis

de trattare She treats me like one of the family.

treehouse 42 n ˈtriːhaʊs Baumhaus cabane dans les branches casa sull'albero They were hiding in the treehouse.

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tremble 92 v ˈtrembəl zittern trembler tremare

His lip started to tremble and then he started

to cry.

trial 52 n ˈtraɪəl Verfahren procès prova The trial is due to start next week.

trick 28 n trɪk Streich astuce trucco

The girls were playing tricks on their


trick 50 v trɪk austricksen duper/rouler ingannare

She knew she’d been tricked, but it was too


trickster 50 n ˈtrɪkstə Schwindler escroc imbroglione John is such a trickster.

tricky 66 adj ˈtrɪki knifflig astucieux/difficile difficile

I can get you tickets for the show but it’ll be


trip 59 n trɪp Ausflug tour/voyage viaggio Did you enjoy your trip to Disneyland?

trolley 56 n ˈtrɒli Handkarren caddie/chariot carrello

I need a shopping trolley when I do a big


tropical 77 adj ˈtrɒpɪkəl tropisch tropical tropicale

I carried out research in the tropical rain

forests of South America.

truly 10 adv ˈtruːli wahrhaftig sincèrement/véritablement veramente I am truly sorry.

turn down 106 phr v tɜː ʊn ablehnen rejeter/repousser rifiutare

They offered her the job but she turned it


turn into 106 phr v tɜːn ˈɪntuː werden zu changer en/transformer en trasformarsi

A few weeks later, winter had turned into


turn on 28 phr v tɜː ɒn aufdrehen

mettre en

marche/allumer/ouvrir accendere ‘I’m thirsty,’ she said, turning on the tap.

turn out 135 phr v tɜː ʊt sich herausstellen se révéler/se dévoiler/s'avérer rivelarsi

It was a difficult time, but eventually things

turned out all right.

turn up 98 phr v tɜː ʌp auftauchen apparaître/débarquer presentarsi You can’t just turn up and expect a meal.

tutor 98 n ˈtjuːtə Tutor directeur d'études precettore She was my tutor at Durham.

typical 70 adj ˈtɪpɪkəl typisch typique tipico This is typical British weather.

ugly 40 adj ˈʌɡli hässlich affreux brutto It's the ugliest building in town.

understanding 96 adj ˌʌndəˈstændɪŋ verständnisvoll compréhensif comprensivo Luckily, I have a very understanding boss.

unexpected 93 adj ˌʌnɪkˈspektəd unerwartet inattendu inaspettato

The experiment produced some unexpected


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unfair 45 adj ˌʌnˈfeə unfair injuste sleale

Many employers have recognized that age

discrimination is unfair.

unfold 68 v ʌnˈfəʊld sich entwickeln dévoiler svolgere, evolvere

As the story unfolds, we learn more about

Max’s childhood.

unforeseen 22 adj ˌʌnfɔːˈsiːn unvorhergesehen imprévu imprevisto

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the play

has been cancelled.

unforgettable 84 adj ˌʌnfəˈɡetəbəl unvergesslich inoubliable indimenticabile

A visit to Morocco is a truly unforgettable


unhurt 85 adj ʌnˈhɜːt unverletzt indemne illeso

The driver escaped unhurt from the


uniform 50 n ˈjuːnəfɔːm Uniform uniforme uniforme He was still wearing his school uniform.

unimaginable 43 adj ˌʌnɪˈmædʒənəbəl unvorstellbar inimaginable inimmaginabile She has unimagineable wealth.

university 91 n ˌjuːnəˈvɜːsəti Universität université università She’s at Cambridge University.

unjustifiable 60 adj ʌnˈdʒʌstəfaɪəbəl unvertretbar injustifiable ingiustificabili

Poisoning the earth’s atmosphere is

ecologically and morally unjustifiable.

unknown 139 adj ˌʌnˈnəʊn unbekannt inconnu sconosciuto The murderer’s identity remains unknown.

unlikely 93 adj ʌnˈlaɪkli unwahrscheinlich peu probable improbabile

Donna might be able to come tomorrow, but

it’s very unlikely.

unnecessary 120 adj ʌnˈnesəsəri unnötig inutile inutile

There’s no point in taking unnecessary


unpaid 112 adj ˌʌnˈpeɪd unbezahlt non payé non pagato I am taking unpaid leave.

unreal 70 adj ˌʌnˈrɪəl unwirklich irréel irreale

It seemed unreal to be sitting and talking to

someone so famous.

unrealistic 26 adj ˌʌnrɪəˈlɪstɪk unrealistisch irréaliste non realistico

It is unrealistic to expect these changes to

happen overnight.

unrelated 66 adj ˌʌnrɪˈleɪtəd ohne Beziehung sans rapport l'un avec l'autre estraneo

The police think that the two incidents are


unspoilt 40 adj ˌʌnˈspɔɪlt unverdorben authentique/épargné(e) incontaminata The area is completely unspoilt.

unusual 64 adj ʌnˈjuːʒuəl ungewöhnlich inhabituel/hors du commun insolito This picture is very unusual.

unwelcoming 40 adj ˌʌnˈwelkəmɪŋ abweisend peu accueillant non accogliente

The atmosphere in the restaurant was very


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up to 25 adv ʌ ː bis zu jusqu'à fino a

The Olympic Stadium will hold up to 80,000


upbeat 11 adj ˈʌpbiːt optimistisch optimiste levare An upbeat message.

urgent 50 adj ˈɜːdʒənt dringend urgent/pressant urgente He was in urgent need of medical attention.

username 98 n ˈjuːzəneɪm Benutzername nom d'utilisateur nome utente

Please enter your user name and password

and click ‘OK’.

vacancy 119 n ˈveɪkənsi offene Stelle vacance posto vacante

There are still two vacancies on the school


vacation/holiday 129 n vəˈkeɪʃən/ˈhɒlədi Urlaub vacances vacanze / vacanze

I’m away on vacation/holiday until the 1st of


valley 77 n ˈvæli Tal vallée valle

The route passes through beautiful wooded

river valleys.

value 49 n ˈvæljuː günstig valeur valore

At only £45 a night, the hotel is great value

for money.

vampire 68 n ˈvæmpaɪə Vampir vampire vampiro The film is about a vampire.

variety 82 n vəˈraɪəti Vielfalt variété varietà

The girls come from a variety of different


vase 28 n vɑːz Vase vase vaso Put the flowers in that vase.

vast 60 adj vɑːst riesig vaste vasto

The government will have to borrow vast

amounts of money.

vegetarian 72 adj ˌvedʒəˈteəriən Vegetarier végétarien vegetariano

There's a good a vegetarian restaurant in


version 24 n ˈvɜːʃən Version version versione The original version of the text.

vibrant 82 adj ˈvaɪbrənt lebhaft vibrant vibrante Hong Kong is a vibrant, fascinating city.

vibrant 108 adj ˈvaɪbrənt lebhaft vibrant vibrante Hong Kong is a vibrant, fascinating city.

Victorian 36 adj vɪkˈtɔːriən viktorianisch victorien Vittoriano A big Victorian house.

view 35 n vjuː Aussicht vue vista

The house has wonderful views over the


viewer 26 n ˈvjuːə Zuschauer téléspectateur spettatore

The new series has gone down well with


village 37 n ˈvɪlɪdʒ Dorf village villaggio A little fishing village.

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vineyard 82 n ˈvɪnjəd Weinberg vignoble vigneto

The wine is from one of Germany's most

famous vineyards.

vivid 64 adj ˈvɪvɪd lebhaft vivace/pénétrant vivido He had vivid blue eyes.

volunteer 112 n ˌvɒlənˈtɪə Freiwilliger volontaire/bénévole volontario

Most of the relief work was done by


wage 120 n weɪdʒ Lohn salaire salario

The wage increases will come into effect in


wake 109 irr v weɪk erwachen se réveiller svegliarsi

When she woke, the sun was streaming

through the windows.

wander 85 v ˈwɒndə spazieren se promener/faire une balade vagare I’ll wander around the mall for half an hour.

war 110 n wɔː Krieg guerre guerra He served as a pilot during the war.

washing machine 42 n ˈwɒʃɪŋ məˌʃiːn Waschmaschine lave-linge lavatrice

Can you get the clothes out of the washing


waste 42 n weɪst Abfall déchets rifiuto The emphasis now is on recycling waste.

waste 49 v weɪst verschwenden gaspiller sprecare Don’t waste your money on that junk!

watchable 26 adj ˈwɒtʃəbəl sehenswert

qui vaut la peine d'être

regardé/intéressant guardabile A highly watchable film.

waterfall 77 n ˈwɔːtəfɔːl Wasserfall chutes (d'eau) cascata We washed in the waterfall.

wave 39 n weɪv Welle vague onda

Dee watched the waves breaking on the


wavelength 7 n ˈweɪvleŋθ

auf derselben/einer anderen

Wellenlänge sein longueur d'onde lunghezza d'onda

Dad is just on a different wavelength from


wax 66 n wæks Wachs cire cera It's difficult to remove wax from material.

way 109 n weɪ Weise méthode modo

There are several different ways we can

tackle this problem.

weakness 53 n ˈwiːknəs Schwäche faiblesse/point faible debolezza The plan has strengths and weaknesses.

wealth 110 n welθ Wohlstand fortune/richesse ricchezza The country’s wealth comes from its oil.

wealthy 85 adj ˈwelθi wohlhabend fortuné/riche ricco

He left as a poor, working class boy and

returned as a wealthy man.

website 21 n ˈwebsaɪt Website site Internet sito web

For more information on weight loss, visit

our website.

weird 25 adj wɪəd merkwürdig bizarre/mystérieux strano A really weird thing happened last night.

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well-off 84 adj ɒf wohlhabend aisé/fortuné benestante

Many pensioners are less well-off than they

used to be.

well-paid 112 adj ɪd gut bezahlt bien payé ben pagato He has a well-paid job.

well-rounded 68 adj ˌwelˈraʊndəd Allround- personne complète tutto tondo

The university seems to produce well-

rounded graduates.

werewolf 68 n ˈweəwʊlf Werwolf loup-garou lupo mannaro

Beware the werewolf when there is a full


when 23 pronoun wen als, wenn quand/au moment où quando Leonard was nine when his father died.

where 23 pronoun weə wo où dove This is the place where I hid the key.

whereupon 124 conj ˌweərəˈpɒn woraufhin sur quoi/à la suite de quoi dopo di che

She refused to hand over her money,

whereupon there was a fight.

which 23 pronoun wɪtʃ der, die, das quel/quelle che Did you see the letter which came today?

who 23 pronoun huː der, die qui chi

She was the one who did most of the


whose 23 pronoun huːz dessen, deren qui di chi

That’s the man whose house has burned


wild guess 101 n waɪld ɡes wilde Vermutung supposition au hasard congettura azzardata

I made a wild guess and I got the answer

right first time.

willing 128 adj ˈwɪlɪŋ bereit consentant disposto How much are they willing to pay?

wind 143 n wɪnd Wind vent vento The wind blew from the northeast.

wind up 25 phr v ˌwaɪ ʌp aufziehen remonter caricare Wind it up and it will work.

wire 22 n waɪə Draht fil métallique filo copper wire

wise 95 adj waɪz vernünftig sage saggio I think you were wise to leave when you did.

wisely 49 adv ɪzli vernünftig sagement saggiamente Invest the money wisely.

withhold 28 irr v wɪðˈhəʊld vorenthalten refuser trattenere

Ian was accused of withholding vital

information from the police.

wooden 35 adj ˈwʊdn hölzern boisé/en bois di legno A wooden bench.

work 59 v wɜːk arbeiten travailler lavorare Where do you work?

work out 50 phr v wɜː ʊt aufstellen arriver à comprendre/calculer risolvere See if you can work this bill out.

workforce 120 n ˈwɜːkfɔːs Erwerbstätige

population active/main

d'œuvre forza lavoro

Women now represent almost 50% of the


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workplace 120 n ˈwɜːkpleɪs Arbeitsplatz lieu de travail sul posto di lavoro

I am interested in health and safety in the


world 113 n wɜːld Welt monde mondo

The diary gives us an insight into

Hemingway’s world.

worry about 8 phr v ˈwɜːri əˈbaʊt Sorgen machen um se faire du souci/s'inquiéter preoccuparsi I worry about my daughter.

worth 49 adj wɜːθ wert sein valoir valore

The house must be worth quite a lot of

money now.

worthwhile 60 adj ˌwɜːθˈwaɪl lohnend salutaire/louable utile He wanted to do a worthwhile job.

worthy 28 adj ˈwɜːði wert digne de degno

A couple of other books are worthy of


wrinkly 10 adj ˈrɪŋkli faltig ridé rugoso Her thin, wrinkly face.

yet 16 adv jet noch (nicht) pas encore ancora I haven’t asked him yet (= but I will).

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