new town high school issue: 4 friday 28 september ... · combines online digital content and media...

Department of Education NEW TOWN HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE BLENDED LEARNING Blended Learning is an education process that combines online digital content and media with traditional classroom methods. This approach combines the best aspects of face-to-face teaching and online instruction in ways that enable students to learn at their own pace. For example, a student in a blended learning course who masters a concept earlier than his peers can move on without having to wait, and conversely, a student who needs more time is not forced to move forward before fully grasping the subject This year we have introduced our new Virtual Learning Environment platform CANVAS. Teachers are starting to publish subject outlines, assessment tasks and learning resources on CANVAS. Students can access these resources from home and can submit their assignments online through this platform. Home learning (homework) can be undertaken through CANVAS and in 2019 we will use it instead of eDiary to keep a record of this learning. We have over 500 computing devices available for student use at our school. These range from high ISSUE: 4 FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER, 2018 UPCOMING EVENTS 18 21 October Basketball/Soccer Trip to Melbourne 25 October Royal Hobart Show Public Holiday 26 October Prof Learning Day Student Free Day 31 October JATNET 2018 Japanese Speech Contest 1 2 November Athletics Carnival 10 11 November Southern High Schools Basketball 13 November NAPLAN Awards Evening 14 November Inter-high Athletics Carnival 16 November G6 Orientation Day G10 EC Confirmation Day 22 November School Triathlon Challenge Arts Night 24 25 November High School Basketball State Championships - Launceston 6 December G10 Celebration Dinner 10 December House Sports Day 13 December Presentation Evening 14 December Reports Distributed 17 19 December G10 Activities 20 December Final Assembly Last Day of Term

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Page 1: NEW TOWN HIGH SCHOOL ISSUE: 4 FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER ... · combines online digital content and media with traditional classroom methods. This approach combines the best aspects of face-to-face

Department of Education




Blended Learning is an education process that

combines online digital content and media with

traditional classroom methods. This approach

combines the best aspects of face-to-face teaching

and online instruction in ways that enable students to

learn at their own pace. For example, a student in a

blended learning course who masters a concept

earlier than his peers can move on without having to

wait, and conversely, a student who needs more time

is not forced to move forward before fully grasping

the subject

This year we have introduced our new Virtual

Learning Environment platform – CANVAS.

Teachers are starting to publish subject outlines,

assessment tasks and learning resources on

CANVAS. Students can access these resources from

home and can submit their assignments online

through this platform.

Home learning (homework) can be undertaken

through CANVAS and in 2019 we will use it instead

of eDiary to keep a record of this learning.

We have over 500 computing devices available for

student use at our school. These range from high



UPCOMING EVENTS 18 – 21 October

Basketball/Soccer Trip to Melbourne

25 October

Royal Hobart Show – Public Holiday

26 October

Prof Learning Day – Student Free Day

31 October

JATNET 2018 – Japanese Speech Contest

1 – 2 November

Athletics Carnival

10 – 11 November

Southern High Schools Basketball

13 November

NAPLAN Awards Evening

14 November

Inter-high Athletics Carnival

16 November G6 Orientation Day

G10 EC Confirmation Day

22 November School Triathlon Challenge

Arts Night

24 – 25 November High School Basketball State Championships -


6 December

G10 Celebration Dinner

10 December

House Sports Day

13 December

Presentation Evening

14 December

Reports Distributed

17 – 19 December

G10 Activities

20 December

Final Assembly

Last Day of Term

Page 2: NEW TOWN HIGH SCHOOL ISSUE: 4 FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER ... · combines online digital content and media with traditional classroom methods. This approach combines the best aspects of face-to-face

powered computer lab devices to portable devices

such as iPads and Surface Pros. This is a relatively

high ratio of devices to students.

All students have access to Office 365 suite of

software including ‘One Drive’ which allows

students to store their documents in the Cloud. This

software of other online resources is made available

free to students and can be loaded on their personal

computing devices.

In 2019 we plan to place emphasis on our Bring Your

Own Technology approach, particularly in our senior

years. This technology will not include mobile

phones as they offer very limited resources for school

learning. We currently have a team of teachers in

training to use CANVAS and other online resources

to further engage our senior students in rich Blended

Learning experiences.

We are hoping that the developers of CANVAS will

be able to set up a parent view of your son/s learning

program and resources in the near future.

The use of mobile phones in schools is being debated

in various education jurisdictions across Australia

and others parts of the world. Our staff have taken

the stance to not allow the use of mobile phones in

classrooms as we have not found evidence that their

use in schools improves. We thank parents and

students for supporting our approach.

We believe the benefits to students learning and

mental wellbeing will be significant as a result of

restricting phone use at our school.


The school car park was designed for staff parking,

bus drop off and pick up and for visitor parking. It

also caters for students and parents with disabilities.

In recent months the car park has become congested

with parents standing their cars in no parking areas

and it has become unsafe. I have discussed this with

our School Association and have their full support in

reinforcing restrictions on parent access to the car


Effective Term 4, parents are requested to not drive

their cars into or park in the school grounds between

2.50pm and 3.15pm. We encourage parents to access

Mercer Street, Bromby Street and surrounding areas

to collect your son/s at the end of the school day.

Parents and carers who access the disabled parking

are exempt from this restricted access to school



Our newsletter once again highlights the

achievements of our students across many fields of

endeavour. We are a school with many talented

students and when we band together to represent our

school we do so will great flair and precision.

We are proud to

announce to the school

community that Tyler

McDonald has been

selected to play in the

Australian School Boys

Hockey team. This is a

significant achievement

in a very demanding and

high profile sport.

Enjoy reading our newsletter and keep in touch via

our school APP.

David Kilpatrick


Page 3: NEW TOWN HIGH SCHOOL ISSUE: 4 FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER ... · combines online digital content and media with traditional classroom methods. This approach combines the best aspects of face-to-face


Talk amongst the students is the same…it is hard to

believe we are at the end of Term 3 already. We have

seen our students continue an educational path that

will guide their future pathways. Witnessing our

student’s social and academic development has been

inspiring as educators. Many students have surfaced

as potential leaders and have offered support in a

variety of ways.

Every year Term 3 can see some major educational

conscious shifts in students, and our current Grade 7

is no exception. Students were recently asked to

complete their course selection for 2018. Many

students have given this process a lot of thought,

thinking about their future and where they want to be

next year and beyond. As Grade Supervisors, we

have found the maturity and thoughtfulness of each

student inspirational during course selection, and this

emphasises why we support our students daily.

All Grade 7 students experienced a new Swimming

Carnival program earlier this term, with a hope to see

increased involvement as they progress through to

Grade 10. Traditional events took place such as

freestyle and backstroke however the grade

witnessed the introduction of ‘Rope Rescue’, ‘Body

Board Race’ and ‘Raft Race Relay’. The students

were really enthusiastic and we had 100%

participation from our Grade 7 boys. Students had a

fantastic time, and all those there this year have

pledged participation in future swimming carnivals.

New Town High School participates in the

Tournament of Minds every year. This is a problem-

solving competition that involves teams coming up

with a creative solution to an open-ended problem

and then presenting their solution in a ten minute play

to judges. Grade 7 students joined students from

other grades to create three teams, and this year we

came away with Honours in the final for two of our

teams! As a school, we haven’t done that in at least

four years! All the boys showed New Town High

School in a positive light on the day, working well in

their team and supporting each other.

Grade 7 Students involved were:

Lochlan Bylett, 7J1, Jack Cartwright, 7D1, Oliver

Coulson, 7H2, Fraser Jackson, 7E2, Nick Lisson,

7E2, Isaac Petrie, 7E2 and Alexander Rodemann,


Due to the Hobart City Hall being flooded earlier this

year, a social with Grade 7 Ogilvie students was not

possible this year. However, thanks to some

excellent planning by Ogilvie students, our Grade 7

students had a BBQ and activities afternoon with

Grade 7 Ogilvie students. The afternoon was very

successful and all the students were buzzing with

excitement. We will definitely be doing this again!

Well done Grade 7 students, and remember, Grade 8

is one term away!

Amanda Woods & Pete Edwards

Grade 7 Supervisors

Sally Isles

Grade 7 Assistant Principal

Page 4: NEW TOWN HIGH SCHOOL ISSUE: 4 FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER ... · combines online digital content and media with traditional classroom methods. This approach combines the best aspects of face-to-face


Throughout Term 3, Grade 8 students have

demonstrated their capability to be responsible and

respectful at our school and in the public eye.

Students have been working extremely hard this

term, endeavouring to improve academically and

socially. This was clearly displayed at our recent

end-of-term meet with Ogilvie High School, where

Grade 8s from both schools participated in a wide

range of activities, from a large game of flags to a

highly competitive game of tug-of-war. All students

enjoyed this day greatly, and hope to do it again

sometime soon. Thanks to Mr Turnbull and the

Student Representative Council for helping to

organize this occasion.

This year’s Swimming Carnival was a great success,

with the new implementation of various novelty

events including rafting, a cannonball competition, a

wading race and a contest which involved diving for

weighted rings. Congratulations to Riley Su, 8-2 and

Zackary Alexander, 8-5, for their titles as

Swimming Champion and Runner-up, as well as

Sooho Lee, 8-7, for his amazing cannonball. Thanks

to all Grade 8s for their tremendous participation and

to the Health and Physical Education staff for their

incredible work in arranging the day’s events.

Our Grade 8s have been successfully involved in

several First Aid classes with St. Luke’s hospital,

where they learnt how to resuscitate people by

practicing on mannequins, how to use a defibrillator

in an emergency scenario, and other first aid

operations. We thank St. Luke’s for this enormously

beneficial opportunity. Thanks also to Ms Isles for

organising the program.

Congratulations to our 8-6 Futsal team for winning

the Term 3 contest and 8-2 for runner-up. It was a

great game with the final score of 3 to 2. Well done

to all the boys who participated. And thanks to the

HPE staff and G10 umpires.

Well done to our Tournament of Mind members,

with New Town High School teams two and three

getting honours in the categories of Language

Literature and Social Science, along with our Grade

7-8 Hockey team who played excellently, finishing

5th in the competition.

The Grade 8 Drama classes put on an astonishing

performance about the alphabet for the Grade 5 and

6 classes from New Town Primary, as well as a few

Grade 7 classes. Their acting was superb, and they

are eager to perform again soon.

This term Riley Su, 8-2 and Zackary Alexander, 8-

5, earned a place on the ONYA Merit Board in the

hall by successfully collecting 100 ONYAs; great


Many Grade 8s displayed excellence in their mid-

year reports, achieving an award in academic

endeavour. These students are: Jonathan Aboud, 8-

7, Zackary Alexander, 8-5, Nathaniel Davies, 8-4,

Elliot Hay, 8-2, James Heazlewood, 8-2, Luke

Hitchcock, 8-1, Leif Joyce, 8-1, Daniel

Ostapowicz, 8-2, Charlie Pilkington, 8-7, Ethan

Toselli, 8-2 and Oliver Walsham, 8-2.

Congratulations to all of those boys and keep up the

good work.

Thank you to Ms Lancaster and Mr Di-lenno for

taking Mr Deeley’s Home Group and Mrs

Weitnauer’s respectively this term – we welcome

their return in Term 4.

We’d also like to thank all the teaching, office and

ancillary staff for another fantastic ten weeks of

learning at New Town High School. We wish you all

a safe and happy holiday, and look forward to the

final exciting term for 2018.

James Heazlewood & Daniel Ostapowicz, 8-2

Page 5: NEW TOWN HIGH SCHOOL ISSUE: 4 FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER ... · combines online digital content and media with traditional classroom methods. This approach combines the best aspects of face-to-face


This term Grade 9s were presented with the

opportunity to undergo two days of Leadership

Training. The training was designed to gauge and

equip students with the skills required to partake in

next year’s Peer Support Program, assisting Grade 7s

integrating into New Town High. The days were

enjoyed by all, and the skills we learnt we will reap

for years to come. With Peer Support applications

having closed this week, preparations for next year’s

programme will soon take shape.

Yet another Grade 10 aspiration is on the horizon,

with the process for Prefect and House Captain

application recently opening. With a grade packed

with the volume of respectable candidates as ours,

everyone is encouraged to apply – no one is a long


After the excellent overall win for Jarvis at the

Swimming Carnival, with Owen Roberts, 9J2,

taking out Swimming Champion and Alex Rolle,

9D2, Runner-up Champion for the Grade, we’re

looking forward to the final opportunity for our

future leaders to step up and shine before the ballots

are cast.

The Student Representative Council Fundraising

group held a major sausage sizzle at Woolworths

raising money for our ever-approaching Grade 10

Activity Week. The fundraiser was a roaring

success, also doing a fantastic job of putting the

school out there; representing a conscientious, able,

willing and responsible school to the community.

Special thanks to the Moore family, Ms Noonan and

Ms Mulholland for sacrificing their valuable Sunday

towards our cause. Our latest fundraiser is a guess-

the-lollies-in-the-jar; head to the office for more

details and a visual!

We put forward three teams for Tournament of

Minds this year, and all students exhibited their prior

preparation with some stellar performances on the

day, with two Honours in separate categories.

Well done to all the boys who participated, especially

Luca Cartledge, 9J2, Joshua Rayner, 9D1, Luke

Van Emmerik, 9J2, Evan Stone, 9J2, Joshua

Ford-King, 9J2, Oliver Mitchell, 9D2, Liam

Rodemann, 9J2, Bryce Webberley, 9E1 and

Hakirat Grewal, 9E1.

The term has been enveloped in many different travel

opportunities, with the highly regarded Ski Trip

taking place in August. The trip was enjoyed by all

who attended, and many vowed to return to the slopes

next year. Furthermore, expressions of interest are

open for next year’s Territory Tour – make sure to

pounce on the much-anticipated tour of Australian

Culture, land and peoples.

Page 6: NEW TOWN HIGH SCHOOL ISSUE: 4 FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER ... · combines online digital content and media with traditional classroom methods. This approach combines the best aspects of face-to-face

Recently, Grade 9 students were presented with the

opportunity to attend the 2018 ICY on Climate

Change – many applicants were considered for the

trip to Poland to discuss

Australia’s climate

obligations on an

international stage, but

only one could be

victorious – a massive

congratulations to

Joshua Rayner, 9D1,

who we know will

represent the school and

the country with dignity

and respect.

This is not the only representation New Town has

had on a national stage this term. Our Titration Team

– consisting only of Grade 9 students – recently beat

out college teams for the state prize. We are yet to

hear of their final recent national competition results.

Their triumph is yet another testimony to New

Town’s scientific proficiency – well done to Dylan

Vertigan, 9H2, Maxwell Watson, 9D2 and James

Langfellner, 9D2!

Term 3 has been full of success and endeavour – and

Term 4 will only serve to build off and challenge the

standard set by it. Until then – enjoy your holidays.

Evan Stone

Grade 9 SRC President


With only ten weeks of high school life left for Grade

10s, our past term has been one of the busiest since

we stepped foot into New Town High.

The climax of our school term was a week-long

formal exam period. With exams and portfolios

covering nearly all subjects, they’re a great

preparation for future study into college and

university. Whilst there is still time to improve your

mark, a massive congratulation to all Grade 10

students for completing the important assessments

and we wish you all the best with your results.

This term also kept the Grade 10 Leadership team

busy, with both Prefects and House Captains

handling grade activities on top of their studies.

Early on they helped run parent teacher night,

differing from previous years with all teachers in the

hall. Then, the team pushed their way through

difficult circumstances to lock in place a Grade 10

Social with Ogilvie and set up a grade activities

afternoon for the last day of the term. Leaver’s

jackets also entered the fray early this term and will

be followed by personalized leaver’s tops at the

beginning of next term. Numerous assemblies and

immunisations were handled commendably by the

team as they also worked on planning Term 4

traditions such as the gift to the school and Leavers


For all students, the beginning of Term 3 was

characterised by house pride as the Swimming

Carnival was held second week back. As Grade 10s,

we’d gotten used to the old format of the carnival but

were very happy to welcome Ms Fitzgerald’s new

program, improving the carnival massively and

making it accessible to all. Novelty games, short

races and competitive races were merged seamlessly

into one during the day, allowing everyone to feel a

part of the carnival. Whether it was fending other

houses away from our rafts in the diving pool or

Page 7: NEW TOWN HIGH SCHOOL ISSUE: 4 FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER ... · combines online digital content and media with traditional classroom methods. This approach combines the best aspects of face-to-face

fighting for victory in our last relay, our final carnival

was one to remember.

This year, most of our boys are looking to go for their

licence. Because of this, our entire grade was taken

down to the Hobart Showgrounds for the day to

participate in RYDA, a driving awareness program

run by Rotary volunteers. Over the course of the day,

Grade 10s were exposed to real life driving

situations, had stories shared about the dangers of

driving irresponsibly and took part in workshops to

learn vital information about driving safely.

Our grade was also visited by the RACT this term,

who conducted a short safe driving and insurance

session, culminating in students taking the wheel of

a car to try going around an obstacle course whilst

texting, and whilst wearing beer goggles. We hope

that the information from both events goes on to

protect all participants into their future behind the


With college bearing down upon us, all Grade 10

students have completed their preliminary

enrolments for college subjects. For the majority of

boys, who are heading to Elizabeth College, this

came with the opportunity to sit down one on one

with a teacher and plan out subjects for Years 11 &

12. Final enrolments will be held in November later

this year.

Our students have also been going above and beyond

in involving themselves in extracurricular activities

this term. From English and Maths competitions to

being involved in a film shot at New Town High by

previous Deputy Head Prefect, Tom Roberts, our

students have been pursuing all kinds of activities.

Trips have been abundant as well, with several Grade

10 students heading along to the Mount Hotham Ski

Trip and several more touring Japan these coming


Our grade is also proud to congratulate Jayden

Vince, 10H1 and Tyler McDonald, 10H2, for

representing the state in a national hockey

competition. A particular congratulation to Tyler for

making the Australian school boys’ team going on to

compete in Europe next year.

Ten more weeks is all that is left for our Grade 10

students. As we enter into Term 4, we’ll be doing

many things for our last time. But our last Term at

Page 8: NEW TOWN HIGH SCHOOL ISSUE: 4 FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER ... · combines online digital content and media with traditional classroom methods. This approach combines the best aspects of face-to-face

New Town will be an enjoyable one, with events

such as the Athletics Carnival, Arts Night, Leavers

Dinner, Leavers Week and the Final Assembly to

look forward to. Whilst the idea of leaving our

school is sad, our last few weeks will be some of our

best yet.

Harrison Tunks

Head Prefect


The term has been a full and busy one with students

working well to advance their skills and

understandings in language and literature, proving

the intrinsic wisdom of Dr Seuss – ‘The more that

you read, the more things you will know. The more

that you’ll learn the more places you’ll go.’

At the end of July, thirty two students bravely

undertook the ICAS English competition. It is a

brave undertaking because the test involves

concentrated reading and interpreting of a range of

texts from the poetic to the scientific within a short

space of time. The skill areas tested are text

comprehension, writer’s craft, syntax, and

vocabulary. We need to remember that students are

really racing against the clock, with a mere sixty

seconds to come up with an answer to each question.

As a school, students achieved one High Distinction

award, 2 Distinction awards, 11 Credit awards and 3

Merit awards, which set New Town High School

nicely ahead of the Australian average.

In Grade 7, Henry Gell,

7J1, gave our school

reason to be very proud,

achieving a wonderful

High Distinction and

scoring in the top 1 per

cent of Year 7

participants in Australia.

Toby Burrett, 7H2 and

Ethan Duffin, 7J2, performed strongly to

achieve Credit awards

while Brandon Roberts,

7H1 and Zachary Sponberg, 7H2, earned Merit

awards for their work.

Nine Grade 8 students participated in the test with

Charlie Pilkington, 8-7, outstanding in achieving a

fine Distinction award.

In Grade 9, eight students tackled the challenging

paper that required processing textual information

and responding to a question each minute of the given

hour. Luca Cartledge, 9J2, Joshua Rayner, 9D1,

Evan Stone, 9J2 and Luke Van Emmerik, 9J2,

were the strongest performers, earning Credit awards

and William O’Neile, 9J1, scored well to achieve a

Merit award.

In Grade 10, eight students sat the test – Harrison

Tunks, 10E1, put in a first-rate performance to earn

a Distinction Award while Jasper France, 10D1,

Deklan Haas, 10E2, Nicholas Lavulo, 10D1,

Henry Pockett, 10E2 and Max Waters, 10D2,

earned Credit awards.

All participants can be proud of their skill level in

English and we proudly applaud them for

representing the School so well.

English teachers of Grade 10 classes acknowledge

the sincerity with which their students approached

the exams in September. Reading their papers it is

clear that students were thoughtful and earnest in

preparation and performance, giving themselves the

best chances of success.

This year the UN Voice speaking competition was

held in September and the school was wonderfully

represented by Charlie Pilkington, 8-7 in the Junior

division and Evan Stone, 9J2, in the Senior division.

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Voice is a unique public

speaking competition

that invites students to

solve issues that affect

the community, the

nation and the world.

Students make a pitch to

address a problem then

are required to answer

two questions regarding

their solution with only a

minute’s preparation.

Both Charlie and Evan

successfully reached the finals, which was in itself a

wonderful achievement. In their State finals pitch at

Parliament House, Charlie responded to the question

‘How Can the Australian Court System provide

better justice?’ and was placed second so he will

proceed to the National finals next year. Evan

responded to the question ‘How can Australia ensure

that its elections are protected from foreign

interference?’ and was unlucky not to make the

Nationals. We recognise the very fine efforts of these

representatives as they prepared and delivered their

perceptive speeches at the same time as performing

in Tournament of Minds, where they earned


We are proud to conclude our report on the term with

two fine examples of student writing, creation myths

from Grade 7 students Jett Kean, 7H1 and Brandon

Roberts, 7H1.


Noongah roamed the scorching red and arid desert

of outback Australia millions of years ago. Noongah

tended the land, providing it with nutrients and

moisture, keeping it healthy. But on one fateful day

the ground started to shake and shake – before

Noongah knew it, the earth his feet stood upon

collapsed beneath him.

Crunch! His body hit the ground with an almighty

thud. Noongah’s spirit fled his body like a helpless

mother with baby in arms fleeing a wildfire.

Noongah’s powers released a negative energy as

flames glowering inside him flared when his body

temperature became too hot.

One fateful day this occurred. As the flames rose,

clouds of smoke billowed up into the sky. Downpours

of rain from the clouds lashed the soil, exterminating

the fires. But the flooding downpours did not stop!

They continued to strike the ground, each drop

raising the water level and causing floods over the


That is how the ocean clouds and fire came to be.

Written Jett Kean


Before the dawn of light, there was just the Earth, the

spirits and two siblings of different sexes. Everything

was covered in darkness. Dar was the brother and

Ling was the sister. The two siblings were always

exposed to fear and had never felt what love is. Nor

had they the power to protect themselves against the

evil spirits lurking and watching them, waiting for

them to give in finally.

Dar, the brother, proposed creating something that

would shape the world as a whole. However, Ling

rejected the proposal because it was forbidden – the

act would have the world turn against them. That

night Dar decided to commit humankind’s first sin

because he hated running in fear, waiting until the

problem solved itself. For Dar blamed the world’s

evils on the spirits which haunted them. That night

he planned to carry out his endeavour.

Ling was shocked awake by aggressive and loud

footsteps stomping towards her. She leapt to her feet

and saw the bold, dark silhouette of a man. Squinting

for a moment, she realised it was her older brother

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Dar. He leaped out at Ling and smothered her.

Everything went blank, white.

Dar’s immoral act prompted a reaction of enormous

proportions. A hot burning sphere of molten rock

and iron, born of a human womb sent strong rays of

light splashing over Dar and Ling’s pale skin. All

this, shooting high up into the sky brought light to the


Love, mind, soul and spirit spread out across the

world, casting out all the evil spirits that had haunted

Dar and Ling. Giving birth to the star caused fury to

be unleashed from the Earth, punishing the siblings.

In a desperate plea Dar, brother of Ling, confessed

to the Earth and his sister the sin he had committed.

He hoped for forgiveness. In vain! In a blinding rage,

the Earth killed Dar. Screaming in pain, his piercing

screeches echoed through Ling’s head.

Red blood brutally splattered across the dirt, dyes the

roses red in remembrance of the sin Dar committed,

the thorns, covered by the beautiful red petals,

showing the evil done to create it.

In Ling’s sorrow, the sun hides from its mother,

regretting its existence as clouds and fog

surrounding the sky, pouring rain in sadness for what

Ling had lost – the only person she knew in a cruel

world. Brandon Roberts

Grace Guerzoni & Kathryn Jones



The New Town High School community and the Old

Scholars Association acknowledge with sadness the

passing of Peter Pierce, student from 1962 -1965 and

Tasmanian Rhodes Scholar, 1973. A Dechaineux

man, Prefect, member of the Orchestra and the Chess

Team, his contribution to the fabric of the School

lives on in the gently wise writings through the

COGS School Annual, presaging his gift for using

language to guide us all to articulate the best of our

shared human spirit. In fond appreciation, the School

pays tribute to a true gentleman and scholar whose

life will continue to speak to the hearts and minds of

alumni building for an enriching future.

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The inter school badminton season has recently

finished. We had seventeen students representing

our school every Friday night throughout the ten

week roster. Matches were played at New Town

High School, other school gyms and at the South

Hobart Badminton Centre.

Our Grade 10 team won the PREMIERSHIP! New

Town High defeated Montrose Bay High in a series

of thrilling singles and doubles matches. This was

the first time we had beaten Montrose Bay High

School all year. Grade 10 PREMIERS - Umesh

Rai, 10J1, (Captain), Adam Baines, 10J2, Seth

Kaehne, 10H1, Nadif Mashrur, 10H2, Aaron

Burt, 10J2, and Charlie Meadows, 10E2.

Our Grade 9A boys gave it their all but were

defeated by a very strong and experienced Kingston

High team. Grade 9A RUNNERS UP – Thomas

Morgan, 9D1, Joshua Glover, 9D1, Liam Timms,

9J1, Jaden Moore, 9D1 and Dylan Burns, 9E2.

Our 9B team didn't make it to the finals but played

admirably in their first ever season of badminton.

Grade 9B - Aiden Midson, 9H2, Rizal Muslih,

9D1, Samuel Payne, 9J1, and Ashley Spence, 9J2.

Grade 7s - we didn't have enough juniors to make a

whole team but these two boys acted as fill ins and

training partners for the senior boys: Keith

Shelverton, and 7E1, Oliver Coulson, 7H2.

Congratulations to all New Town High School

badminton players! It has been a great season and

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our boys have shown great sportsmanship every

Friday night.

Jane Brooks

HPE Teacher


Our students have had the opportunity to learn

fencing this year. This is an exciting Olympic sport

involving agility, balance, tactics and discipline. All

sessions have been held at New Town High on

Fridays 3.30pm – 4.30pm. We are very fortunate to

have had Avery Holderness-Roddam of the Van

Dieman Fencing Club coming in to provide

equipment and coaching for our boys. He brings to

our students a fun, safe and interactive fencing

environment at an affordable price. It was pleasing

to see former New Town High School boy Finlay

Semmens (class of 2017) at all sessions to help out

with coaching duties.

We had a small group of students sign up for the six

week course in Term 2 and many of those boys

continued on in to Term 3 for an additional eight

week course. Fees for these courses have been $60

and $70 respectively. We thank Avery and Finlay for

providing all equipment, coaching and membership

to Van Dieman Fencing Club at such a minimal cost

to our students. The boys’ skills and confidence

using the epee (sword) have certainly improved.

We now look forward to a possible gala day of

fencing against other schools in Term 4.

Jane Brooks



This event took place on Sunday 29 July a freezing

cold morning! The track was wet but it didn’t

dampen our spirits! Our boys showed up smiling and

ready to run around the Montrose foreshore.

Most of our entrants completed the 5km race, with a

few brave boys tackling the 10km race.

Congratulations to all New Town High School team


Grade 7 - Riley Spurr, 7H1, Henry Gell, 7J1,

Brodie Connolly, 7H1, Umberto Tucceri, 7D2.

Grade 8 – Nicholas Stozki (10km), 8-3.

Grade 9 - Jaden Moore, 9D1, Joshua Glover, 9D1,

Luke Van Emmerik, 9J2, Aiden Midson, 9H2,

Thomas Morgan, 9D1, Zachary Smith, 9E2,

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Oskar Puclin, 9D1, Owen Roberts, 9J2, Evan

Stone, 9J2, William O'Neile (10km), 9J1, Lindsay

Tyson-Mitchell (10km), 9J2, Callum Mason

(10km), 9J1.

Grade 10 - Ben Aitchison, 10D2.

STAFF - Jane Brooks, Jill Burrill, Ryan Marshall

(old scholar)

Jane Brooks

HPE Teacher


The Cranke Hobart Fun Run took place on Sunday

16 September another cold morning. Our New Town

High School runners showed up keen to pound the

pavement around Hobart’s waterfront. This event is

an important fundraiser for the Royal Hobart

Hospital Children’s Ward and is a great community

fun run for us to be involved in.

Congratulations to the following finishers:

Grade 7 – Indiana Woolley, 7D1, Brodie Godfrey,

7J1, Henry Gell, 7J1, Riley Spurr, 7H1.

Grade 8 – Nicholas Stozki, 8-3.

Grade 9 - Thomas Morgan, 9D1, Aiden Midson,

9H2, Jacob Sinko, 9E2, Luke Van Emmerik, 9J2,

Zachary Smith, 9E2, Oskar Puclin, 9D1, Evan

Stone, 9J2, Josh Rayner, 9D1, Liam Timms, 9J1,

Owen Roberts, 9J2, Samuel Brown, 9H1, Joshua

Glover, 9D1, Jaden Moore, 9D1.

Staff - Jane Brooks, Karin Hodel, Cassandra

Coleman, Grace Guerzoni, Richard Moore, Ryan

Marshall (old scholar), Samuel Marshall (old


Jane Brooks

HPE Teacher


Our Grade 7/8 Hockey team has been playing every

Tuesday afternoon this term at the Tasmanian

Hockey Centre. Every week we competed with no

bench and not enough players on the field. Our tiny

team battled hard and did so well to get a few wins

and finish 5th out of seven teams. This is an

admirable result considering we had three brand new

players who had not touched a hockey stick before!

Every week our boys showed huge improvements

and should be proud of their progress as a team.

Congratulations to the following students:

Henry Thomas, 7J2, Nick Lisson, 7E2, Magnus

McCausland, 8-4, Hamish McNamara, 8-4, Oscar

Neale, 8-4, William Sproule (Mount Stuart Primary

School), Isaac Petrie, 7E2, Oliver Sproule, 8-4.

Coach: Jayden Vince, 10H1.

Special thanks to Lisa Sproule for all her help getting

our ‘newbies’ skilled up.

Jane Brooks

HPE Teacher

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On Monday 3 September, New Town High entered

two teams in the Grade 9/10 Inter-High 3 v 3

Basketball Tournament, played at the Moonah Sports


The Grade 10 boys went undefeated the entire

tournament and in the process brought New Town

High their first Grade 10 3v3 Inter-High

Championship, the boys involved in bringing the

championship to New Town High School were:

Tyson Joseph, 10E2, Zayden Kelly, 10J1, Cooper

Meredith, 10D1 and Kevin Perez, 10H1.

Our Grade 10s hustled straight over to Moonah after

their English exam and, as a result of not being able

to play earlier timeslots, they had to play three games

back-to-back-to-back. They outplayed every other

school there and managed to stay humble despite

winning by big margins.

Four Grade 9 boys also headed over to Moonah to

compete in the tournament and also took out the

championship for New Town High School. The

Grade 9 boys had a couple of close games but were

still a level above the rest of the competition. In

general Marshall and Isaia stayed on the court while

Dylan and Ned subbed simultaneously for each other.

The Grade 9s went up against slightly tougher

competition than the Grade 10 boys but still managed

to go through the day undefeated. These boys were:

Marshall Cockshutt, 9E1, Isaia Johnson, 9D2,

Dylan Midson-Laredo, 9D2 and Ned Ormerod,


We also had quite a number of Grade 10 boys come

over to support their school mates, they were all well

behaved. It was a shame that this competition was

scheduled during New Town High School annual

Grade 10 exam week, as we probably would have

been able to fill ten or more highly skilled teams into

this competition.

Even though basketball is a team game, we would

like to give praise to Marshall Cockshutt especially

for showing great sportsmanship towards a member

of the opposing team in the final game.

Combined with the results of the Grade 7 and 8 3 v 3

Tournament held last term, New Town Basketball

has truly staked their claim on this new competition.

We ball for the future.

Written by Tyson Joseph

9/10 Writers’ Workshop


Why Is Focus Important To Your Son’s Creative


As we move into the final term students need to have

a clear idea of what they need to do in Arts subjects

in order to maintain or improve their ratings.

All Arts based subjects require a high level of focus.

Focus is the ability to be able to develop an idea into

a finished thing – a drawing, a band performance, a

painting, a play or a poetry reading. To stick with a

project and not become distracted!

The creative process is not fully understood by

people generally. Assumptions are often made

around the concept of “talent” and “gifted” and so on.

Throw away words, in my opinion, that assume

artworks are made by some mysterious force.

Like skilled footballers who are referred to as

“magic”. What an insult! It’s like hard work,

training and focus simply don’t exist!

It is true that some children show levels of

motivation, skill and understanding that exceed those

Page 15: NEW TOWN HIGH SCHOOL ISSUE: 4 FRIDAY 28 SEPTEMBER ... · combines online digital content and media with traditional classroom methods. This approach combines the best aspects of face-to-face

of their peers, but the creative process of generating

an idea and then making that idea actually work is the

same for all of us, from infants to children with

disabilities to adults working at university. This is

why it is important for your boys to be encouraged to

focus on projects in order to finish them and not

abandon them.

Motivation and focus is something that requires

positive encouragement from all of us. The boys

thrive on it!

Finished artworks generate great pride in their



Arts Night will be on Thursday 24 November this

year. We are all looking forward to seeing boys,

family and friends at this great event. Arts Night is a

celebration of our boy’s creativity and an excellent

family evening. I will publish more about this next

term stay tuned!

Peter Young

HOD – Arts


Over the last two years I have had the fantastic

opportunity to teach at the Australian International

School in Vietnam. I have learnt so much about

different teaching strategies and importance of

education, directions and priorities of student

learning at an international level. I have recently

returned, I am very happy to be welcomed back to

New Town High School at the start of Term 3.

I have previously coordinated the New Town High

School Presentation Evening for ten years and I am

looking forward to continually improving and

streamlining this evening. This year there will be

some changes to the format of Presentation Evening.

This is due to the maintenance work being carried out

on the Gymnasium.

Our 2018 Presentation Evening will be in the

Hudspeth Hall on Thursday 13 December starting at

6pm and concluding at 7.30pm. The Hall has a

seating capacity of approximately 450 people.

Seating will be limited to the immediate family

members of award recipients and it may be necessary

to book seating in advance. Prefects, House Captains

and student award winners will receive a notification

letter prior to Thursday 13 December 2018.

Other smaller changes include aligning our award

structure with the Colleges. Each year we receive

financial donations to fund students who have

excelled in learning. Some of these awards are

donated by official guests with a specific awards.

Other donations that we receive continue to fund

existing awards. This year unallocated donations

will be contribute towards the Dux of each grade as

this award recognises excellence in academic

learning. We are always looking for new ways to

raise funds for our Presentation Evening and funds

are donated to students as a way of recognising

students’ achievement at New Town High School. If

you would like to financially contribute towards our

Dux winners or sponsor an award, please contact our

School Office or myself, Andrew Sweeney on

62780400. Thankyou.

Andrew Sweeney

Coordinator Presentation Evening


Preliminary enrolments for Elizabeth College were

held at New Town in August and over 80% of Grade

10 boys have now completed a preliminary

enrolment which shows wonderful support for the


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Confirmation of enrolment for New Town boys will

be held in the Elizabeth College library on Friday, 16

November from 9am – 11am and parents/carers are

also welcome. This is an opportunity for students to

talk with teachers from their chosen subject areas to

confirm their choices are appropriate.

Dave Newcombe (Elizabeth College Liaison Officer)

will resume his regular Wednesday morning visits to

the school in Term 4. Any boys wishing to attend

Elizabeth College next year who have not yet

completed a preliminary enrolment should see Dave

as soon as possible as many classes are already at, or

near, capacity.

Alternatively, Dave can be contacted on

[email protected] or by

ringing the college on 6235 6555.

Dave Newcombe

EC Liaison Officer


A group of twenty five students represented New

Town High School at the Alliance Française

Competitions on Friday 29 June and achieved

outstanding results. Our students had to recite a

French classical poem by heart and with the best of

pronunciation and intonation to convey the

meaning. This year’s poems were quite challenging

to learn so we are very proud of the wonderful


In Grade 7, Noah Von Gehr, 7E1 and Jordan

Wilton, 7E1, were awarded Honourable Mentions.

In Grade 8 Charlie Pilkington, 8-7, was awarded

1st prize, Leif Joyce, 8-1, was awarded 2nd prize and

James Heazlewood, 8-2, Luke Hitchcock, 8-1 and

Oscar Neale, 8-4 all earned Honourable Mentions.

In Grade 9 Jaden Moore, 9D1 earned 1stprize and

Joshua Ford-King, 9J2 and Michael Napthali,

9J2, were awarded Honourable Mentions

While in Grade 10 Thomas Beswick, 10D1 and

Max Waters, 10D2, were awarded Honourable


When we remember that an Honourable Mention

means a word perfect recitation in good French, we

can be very proud of our boys. All boys earned

kudos for their efforts and will be presented with

badges in the next formal assembly.

Thanks to Ms Areka Brown for accompanying us

but thanks to the boys for making it such a

wonderful day in the most pleasant company.

Grace Guerzoni


Well done to all the students who participated in the

Australian History Competition last

term. Congratulations to the following students

who achieved excellent results.

Henry Gell, 7J1, not only achieved a High

Distinction; he has also been awarded a medal for

the highest achievement in Tasmania for Grade 7.

G7: Lochlan Bylett, 7J1 – Distinction

G8 - Charlie Pilkington, 8-7 - Distinction, Joshua

Hitchman, 8-7 – Credit

G9 - Alex Rolle, 9D2 - Merit, James Langfellner,

9D2 - Merit, Levi Rose, 9E1 - Merit, Guntaj

Singh, 9D2 - Credit, Luke Van Emmerik, 9J2,

High Distinction

G10 - Joseph Woolcock, 10E2 - Merit

Amanda Woods

HOD – Civics


On Thursday 23 August six students interested in

finding out about careers in Tourism and Hospitality

were invited to Drysdale – Hobart -TasTAFE.

Julian Abbott, Head of School at Drysdale

welcomed over sixty students and their teachers

from Southern Tasmania to participate in this

showcase day. Led by the third year Tourism and

Hospitality students from Drysdale, our New Town

High School students participated in five activity

groups, ranging from rope tying in an Outdoor

Education Adventure guiding course, prepared hot

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chocolate and coffee, experiencing bar and food

training as well as learning about events


A benefit for the New Town High School students

is that they met key employers and trainers from

industries, namely Wrest Point, Hotel Grand

Chancellor, Tasmanian Hotels Association and the

Beacon Foundation.

It was a great morning for these grade 9/10 students

to realize the range of opportunities that exist for

them to continue their education.

Karen Weitnauer

HOD – Foods



Two Grade 7 classes were very fortunate to

experience VR headset Oculus and interact with

planets and dinosaurs. The room was abuzz with

excitement and it was very rewarding to observe a

group of highly engaged learners.

Some comments from the students:

“It was cool and kind of weird”

“It was a new way to experience different cultures

and landscapes”

“It was awesome and hope we do to again”

“Simply Amazing”

Sally Isles

Assistant Principal


Congratulations to Combined New Town High

School/Ogilvie High School Concert Band, who

were awarded a certificate of merit and an

honourable mention in the “Advanced” section of

the Clarence Eisteddfod on Tuesday 4 September.

Following the successful performance of the

combined New Town High School & Ogilvie High

School Concert Band at Lenah Valley Primary

School (pictured), the band performed a range of

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music including Hawaii Five-0, Sambeando and

crowd favourite Guardians of the Galaxy, which

was received with one of the biggest rounds of

applause for the evening.

The band looks forward to its next public

performance at BANDSCAPES, held on Saturday

20 October on the lawns at MONA, Berridale, and

is gearing up for its 2019 trip to Melbourne for the

Victorian Schools Music Festival. The students

hope to repeat their previous success of 2017 where

they were being awarded a “platinum” level in the

advanced section of that competition.


New Town High School old boys Enzo Balducci

and Sam Kenner at their recent Under 19's

Australian Outback Jersey Presentation.

Enzo and Sam are representing Australia by

competing in the 2018 IFAF Junior World

Championships in Mexico City.

The boys are pictured with South Australia's Jordan

Mailata (who was selected by the Philadelphia

Eagles in this year's NFL draft).


Term 3 saw us host the annual Quiz Night combined

with Ogilvie. Ogilvie managed to retain the trophy

this year. Each school will receive around $2,000 for

their efforts.

Next year the school will be celebrating its 100 Year

Anniversary. Plans are underway for celebrations

and will be released soon. A sub-committee of “old

boys” has been formed who are putting a lot of work

into organising events and forming a database of ex-


School Association meetings are held on the last

Tuesday of each month at 7pm. All welcome to


Karen Commane


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As is a long-running tradition at New Town High

School, senior students of 2019 are being offered the

opportunity to participate in next year’s Territory


This is the only opportunity current Grade 8s and 9s

(i.e. the senior students of 2019) will have to

participate in this trip during their time at New Town

High School.

The thirteen day trip involves flying directly to Uluru

then traveling north to Darwin by private bus. Check

out the ‘snapshot itinerary’ included in this

newsletter for a day-by-day summary of the trip.

The 2019 Territory Tour is set to depart on the last

Wednesday of Term 2, returning on the second

Monday of the holidays.

This biennial trip consistently receives glowing

praise from participating students. New friendships

are forged and existing ones are strengthened.

Uniquely Australian experiences are shared and

lifelong memories are made.

In addition to being highly enjoyable and

entertaining, the tour is invaluable in broadening

your son’s knowledge and understanding of our

country’s culture, geography, history and people.

The total cost of $2,900 per person includes: return

airfares; coach transport; all accommodation

expenses, meals, entrance fees and activities; and

even individual travel insurance.

Collect a form from the office and, along with an

initial $400 deposit, return it ASAP to confirm

your son’s place on the 2019 Central Australia Tour.

The remainder of the total cost is payable in a series

of instalments, with the final payment not due until

late May next year.

Places are limited to just over forty students – and a

number of keen students have already made their

initial deposit. So get in quick to secure your seat on

the bus for 2019’s All Aussie Adventure!

If you have any further enquiries, or to request an

electronic copy of the paperwork, including the full

version of the trip’s itinerary, please email:

[email protected].

Interested students can talk to Miss Fitzgerald, Mr

Howard or Mr Newbold to learn more.

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DAY 1: Fly to Uluru, meet our coach driver and cook, and

begin our tour! ‘Valley of the Winds’ walk at amongst the

36 great domes of Kata Tjuta (aka ‘The Olgas’). View the

sunset over Uluru.

DAY 2: Uluru National Park. Walk the circumference of

Uluru and view the hidden caves and Aboriginal rock

paintings. Visit to Uluru-Kata Tjuta Cultural Centre

including cultural elements talk.

DAY 3: Travel to Watarrka National Park. Complete the

Kings Canyon shelf walk and explore spectacular

sandstone cliffs, natural rock pools, and the lush vegetation

of the ‘Garden of Eden’.

DAY 4: Travel to Alice Springs, stopping midway for a

short camel ride. Once in The Alice, we get a guided tour

of the School of the Air then visit ‘Rex the Snakeman’ at

Alice Springs Reptile Centre.

DAY 5: Alice Springs Desert Park “Birds of Prey”

show. Witness free-flying birds of prey, see rare and

endangered animals in the spectacular nocturnal house.

Royal Flying Doctors guided tour. View sunset from

ANZAC Hill Lookout and survey Alice Springs and

surrounding ranges.

DAY 6: Travel to Daly Waters via The Devil’s Marbles,

a cluster of huge boulders near Tennant Creek, home of the

eggs of the Rainbow Serpent. Dinner tonight is at the

iconic Daly Waters Pub.

DAY 7: Travel to Katherine stopping at Mataranka

Homestead, heart of the "Never Never" country, to bathe

in the famous Mataranka Thermal Springs. There’s also

a great pool at our camp site.

DAY 8: Nitmiluk Dreaming Cultural Cruise (2hr)

across two gorges. View the picturesque patterns engraved

into the hard stone floor and 75m high Sandstone rock

walls. Travel to Kakadu Lodge.

DAY 9: Yellow Waters Cruise (2hr). View the abundant

wildlife, powerful salt-water crocodiles and majestic

Jabiru Storks, Mudskippers and Rainbow birds. Self-

guided tour of Warradjan Cultural Centre. Explore

Aboriginal shelters and stunning art in the galleries at

Nourlangie Rock in Kakadu National Park. View an

unforgettable sunset over Arnhem Land from atop Ubirr


DAY 10: Bowali Visitor Centre. Learn about Law, land

and family on a guided ranger tour. In Darwin, see feeding

time and hold a baby croc at Crocodylus Park. Visit

Casuarina Square Shopping Centre.

DAY 11: Explore the picturesque waterfalls and clear

rock pools of Litchfield National Park, with plenty of

time for swimming. Leanyer Park in the afternoon, which

includes a swimming pool, three water slides and

basketball court. Watch an outdoor film screening at the

Deckchair Cinema.

DAY 12: NT Museum & Art Gallery to see the Cyclone

Tracy exhibit and a very famous, very big, croc. Darwin

Military Museum to learn of the Japanese bombing of

Darwin and see the collection of artillery, vehicles,

uniforms and more. Free time to explore Darwin City.

Select cuisines from the dozens of food vans, watch a

magical sunset, and do some last minute gift shopping at

Mindil Beach Sunset Markets. Our trip ends with a

private night harbour cruise on the Spirit of Darwin


DAY 13: Fly home, arriving at Hobart Airport mid-

morning on Monday 15 July.

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Rogue Nation is a local martial arts club located at

the Moonah Sports Stadium in Gormanston Road and

offers martial arts classes in Rogue Nation Karate

(ages 12+), Muay Thai (ages 12+).

If your child would like to participate in a six week

program commencing on 14 September 2018, please

contact Ian Gentile on 0438 530 547.

The cost of attending the activities is a gold coin

donation to be paid on arrival at the activity.


6 Midwood Street, NEW TOWN 7008

PO Box 428, MOONAH 7009

Phone: 03 6278 0400

Email: [email protected]



6278 0499 or 0417 984 981 Call or text any time (24/7)

regarding your son’s absence.

Leave his name, Home Group

and nature of illness.