new york daily tribune.(new york, ny) 1854-11-17 [p 2]. · 2017. 12. 17. · in errty aariety ol...

B BOB aai nJU.1T-II bb SALE-A -odrr. '.B 'H t-',;t *.'"- _a_M « i". Alii-pr'.vr- _ aa FB.n.tar. ror. plat tu-tat'l. for a B.w.y -¦£__ aa-WBrertwiall'bi.IIy Thr who.r will coat l.r.wren t\"t Bf te* 03.1"" fwl.ieh eaa ramaia on Ihr nroprrty .1 de- Sre* Ap|i *,. ..»¦', r_. ...1 ,.. AK M rJ-T-A O-t-. HOCSE f..r SALE at a OBEAT SACKIFICE, ta BBOOKLYN-For advanre. made t. owaer.-A wM'e mark- fiont thraratory and t_.rr,r f !HH 4E. p.'W aally-taaird r«l«iL. all Ua «._ara ImprovarT.rn... L by IT. coart Y«d in front Ac ; wortb about Bll.«_. Wul b* aold for »2._-C caab, and 14 6W on jymd and <n ».--_ Ia- cab' of T TOWStKN!) S 93 Saaaaa-tt. 1>AI(E C1IANCE.-A CORNER QROCERY, IV tabtef apw.r.: 17* a My. Pnre #4 VW. Tarrof aggy. Ona fer 04 :»-.: reBted f'-r 147*. B1.-«J eaeh. Al- t nornb-r a.'H'.M-atnc Lo** to *-ll or ttade. on e*»y tarm. .od che*p, Bt B. rOt-IROlT. Ne. 7. BoBth W_iarr_b_f,h Und OBra._ rraj EX( MA.M aad for 8ALE..The aub- X arrt.ra wi*b to eYrhaegr a epirndid and perfeetly B.w fFIVATE BK8IDENC.B is Brr-klvn 're-trd f«r th'.a y.»r* at » good rrt.ti 'or M "rtCH ANDI8E aaiuhle for a tonth.rn market. with tor.on'rart for th. aal* of i'i.BOO Corde, BBore or laaa of ftratgaaliy Virginia Pio. W'o'id, and |.«>,>«» Baabali of f'biireaal. They hare fcr .aia t.nmb kcxet Timbrred, Wood'd »r,d aaoa_Ml Farminf Land, with good improve- neotg all ef wbich are convenirat and aeceaaible by plaairo.. to tiAt water navig.tloo oa Jamaa Kiver Vb.-ia. For pari-.- alari .rply to AL1.X PACE, Bo-m No. III St M-koUl Uj Ul, tiliSa't...... l'-t. ; PACE. riTT-AW fc fERKlN3.Pet-ibnrf.Va. VALUABLE REAL ESIATE for KALE.. BlX L4/T8 oo l_-av., brtwrrn 2id and 24th_a |3. OBira at tba office of tbe E_b_* Iron Work*. foot rd Katt ivthtt SLOAN k LKG iK.rr. WAiNTED.To PLKCHASE for CA8H, a KABM of about 80 or U* ar.** of good L.od. with im- moYrrrj.Ma w_hia . or 30 mil. of New York. Addrea* FABkiER. Der-d Offit., gUtt.if term.. Ar Ac_ Jnstrnction. A FRENCH f.ENTLEMAN. areuatom.- to giv* INBTRtXTION ai.d r-w .r.ragel for . oortioo of ahe time ia on. of th. leading i.r.rate Bebaaj* ..''..- y de.irr. toobla.n a frw jilvaia pnpii. in Ibe ¥r-mcbi I.ang'iare, H_tory oy M.'l ___a Ad-re_ M E. LK K'A KE, .. bh. Eeo.aet'e. No. Tl Harik-t. Retrrencea: M. Peogn.I H.r. A'fin.M EB IU.UTE INhTRl.'CTION..Evi-ninE Letrioni givee open tbe B<_HM aod otber FL-T-B at No 211 Bull.vao-el ,hrtweeo Blrwkrr aud A.i.ity MRS. BOD.S_ErN(lat<.JIT.IA K. NOETH- ALL ) eootlaara to give ioetraction ia 8INGIN0 »t l.y realiteora No.-00 Birackrrat, ccminancing agaitj on MD.v DAV briit 1*. Applr *l Ibr*r. orio tlie Miieir Storee of UtmwL HaLL A BON. orBCIIARKENIlERG k LL'l-i. MOL'.'T WASHlNGTON COLLEGIATE IN STlTL'TK.No 211 (that.,ob Wa»hlngton-«.iuarr., (en- traric. No. IM M.rdougal Bt.) (JKOIIGE W. CLARKE A M and JAMES KANMNG. A.M.. comroencr. it* Tw-Iftb .-fchoo1 oo tbe teioai MONDAY »f IK-'.I P.;..i. fro -.. 7 to '.) vr.r.,ot .gr. Catalogun .t APPLETON'B, aod at tba Inetilatr VEW-YORK SCHOOL of WKITINH and ll A(C0l'NT8 -KOhTER, DIXON k Co AecoanUo-, Comninci.l Ttachrr. and Drcor.tiva Peomrn, No. 7 Applr.- _b'. KuUding No SKi BrondwBY, N. Y. Book kerping. B. F. Po.Ur; Pron..n.bip. Ilii.m llixr.n C.rd Wrltlng, Ac., Ir. B. Tvrma; Arilbmettefce. H. Dixon. Jr._ rTIIE _C__oL of Mr. BtNOHAM for BOYS, X eail.a tba CLA8.1CA- OYMNA8IUM, Bibla Honse, Aator place, rntrance in .iBV.ha. now aeYeral racancie. in of tha two department*. tbe compiemest hetng tweaty. The thorough. tyttrioatic aad tleg.nt trainlng tfiotiti ii peca- liar. aad believed to be oncqo.lrd ln tbi. country. Danring ^cabemice. A^Wlt^(^i^~W^^G ACADEMV, * No. 8ft Broadway, oppoilte lltb it..Igm.wupen far tbe laeeptl.n of piiplia. vthu cn commen.e at any time Ladie. and Cblldri-i. ou VV, dui.d.). oud Haturd.ja at 3 a-d 4 PM. Oentlrmeu oi. VVrdneadayi. Tbur..J., and rvery oth. r Frl- Aby. at 7j IV M. 1'n.. At* on Batnraav ...-ri.ngi Er Laa..aad Oaatlsaaa. Monthly Beig*e bbaawal Circa- lart (rontaluiug daya ai.u i.rni. of inilriKi'ioii ) can b* bad the At.druiy al .uv time. oi wiU be arnl by put. Piano-afortia. jPOLL-M, MELODEOKSa-d PIANOS, with _1j naw .nd Y.o.l.le ar.lea, over airi.ig. p.leot .rlioi. bi d io»pr_u<iii li.idgr, .ni*rior in tone. toncb dmability aad na.btoauy before ..Aarrd, now na band In errty aariety ol aiyie and nnuh, FOK 8ALK to de-er. and othrrt at radncd pri. ra Two ratred Roaewood Planoa nearly new, at a larg. ai, ecnt from co>t Ht.< )N I) II AND PIAN08 aod MKLO IrKONSforBALEorto RErtT LOW. NK.W MU4IC pnb li.hrd flailv Oor M icfc of and Mn.ic Book. ie one ol Ihe lai.rel in Ihe ciu.iliT llealer. inpplird »t low r.te. aemby mail. poeiage frte. BEIlKi k (.(JRIjON, No i-7 BroAdwiy, M. T. ril_v.]ON of PIIRCIIASEK8 i* r-irv-r-t- fally c*'lrd (o our Jtntly rrlebratad CELEsriAL PIANOS. wb.I rxral all otber* for powrr, awectria_ a.I parlty of _0_'ii tored only bT n* Pi*L0* lo LET v. itl. iirtYlla.r of pnrrh-rfng. KLY A MDNOElt.No 1121 Br .adway. N. B.-Tbe tripie lUr.ged Celclial 1'Uno i* now realy for _ ATlENilON i> ri-Hi.i'ctfiilly inviu-il to nu r-i- teitlve ia.ortmenl of .npirior PIANO KORTE3 *l rmr new and *parl.mi wirr roomi, tte 421 B >oma .'., (a few Aror* aaat of hrt>*dw by ) whlrh, In contequrnr. of the in- frraaed d.maiid lor oor tinriralod inttrnnirnti have bras Ittrdnp wltb .perlal rrgaid to the coiivc-lcnca of oar otu...-r- o.. fn. ndi aud i _u '. LlOlIT, NEWTON A BRADBURYS. AW l.Ai'li A OoB QBAHD DIAQ0Na£ . PIANO KORTES.w'-h new.>R\M> At.TION Aiao, CAI.IlAllTk NrfcUlJAM'B M'.l.oHK«J>S 8oleAg.-n.-r. H- 411 Broadway I.IM'M.v k THOMPSON." ARAKE HAkdALV.A ip!.iidi.i $:«J(l 7- wtarr ROiaKWOOD PIANO KOHTE will be »>ld for Br*' iiol (hrra n-.-r'ht io uar hy tha br*' niakrri fu'ly war- waottd.rxrrllanl ii.or rtnnd corr.rri, metalhr tra-e.. p.rfrcf Brvary w»y OwBer tg folBJ to C-ba. It can br icen gt .No I.I Cban bar. .t I>or:. C till b .. rlork,J<'r (wi. dny. AVERY BKAITIFUL .X.o ROSEWOOD I'lANfi EORTE. 7.*(.-.._ iHrrrl I... * 2 xS. inrlndmg B*r*ll BBd (.ovrr, .|'ln,.i.l laa* inai'r ... Bflff ITI. W-tAf l:nr* rated makera; ia peifrrt ai.d tally fuar.nlrrd. Hnt.hrd bark Ar owurr ia goio. i.'Ei.ri-j.' ir ran l.r aean fo.* three dav. at Ne Kl' plarr l-om o'. Inck tiatil .1 P M. I INK RO.SEWOOD J'JANo, »_Ic_ baa A Irt r v.rv littli- u.i il. f i.. r +.'."¦ tii to ha aold oo accouet karae. atill ii. oue wrek at Aitv-T Cal. at No 122 Meal .f.lrk M-k-gt BAK(..MN-S in PlA-SO_forCA_U..Oaeiploa- did 7 oetave Bi.i wood (BaaaiA t i.'iin*kr) for 124"- on* 1. rtav.. R.-«. woed t'» r. u* ... f, . Btt-| a.a. oi.r i.-uod-riTner t-.tla.. lM.-l.ilA ll....l.«u,| ...r, ..... f. i.ur. excrlitnl t-O*.». lo. eil- All lolly warraatr. BI lha a.i.iU.rt'..jr f_| wai. room. Mt'DOMALD h «->> No 21. Bowrry, near Meaattaet ("IK.-.T 1-l.l'MH M" 1'IAN08 and MELODE- ORI t-.._ il.i ..»:.-rl. tttt J .o tbe Uuited Btat. . io aaaorim-iiii a... al leaa pricea car. 1* f.nnd eler.hrre IICRAI K \\ ATKR-"S a..1 M m.-drroiinprovrd Plauoa, aaid, bv (he firal a>n.ic.l aulhr-ritira. to br io _t*B.. ia all d. .liabl* cjnaliiir. of too* aad ll._ of thoer of any inh.r _marirar u._ufa. tnrei T (ilLBEP.T.4- Ci> '4 Premiam PIA- N..> v. b... anl.. il.r .(..lian: IIA1.LKTT ACCM8TONS -IAB08. (of lhe "in iu ii. ot Ht lr( A Ca *nd li*noa of.'tht t eetrhreir. niakrii fuatlbih'y oa band. 8erood hand Piaool gt .rai ha.gai.i Pncei, B40, ?-. 075, #|.»i BI7J. f-.arli ln.trui.irnt tna'ai-ta^d To aiilt cnttoma-t m.ntblY CymenM are Iak I'gi'.-a ... rent. Caah paid foracco.1- __al_a.w. HORACI WATEBB.No «.i Broadway^ IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT in MUSICAL IN"TK1VKM- Tl .'. t't iBbular mataiic nerk for Vi- V Maa, v .bar* lle. 0. t.'raN.»e.,.nd all .Imilar crtngrl a_.ra.i,rr.. havli.g bert Ihi.ronglily teited anrl nnajalrjCBlly B|.*»ovari by larg. r im t-r* of Amacn'. and Ar( tn thr City .f Baaii.n a- 4 ihwwhere. n no* ol.-rrd with ror.fidenca to the patilir. *, ar. baygfia.I r.t worthy ot tb" highrit con.idrr.tioa aad paiwagfi By BitBcl.i.g ll i. .Bp.r.iu. rvrn lo th. ch. ap eai and tlmotl wrrili ra- de.m|.u,n ..I ___¦____, th' Y are Bt BBrr tranaformrd In all thrlr aonorou. aod Yihrilory quall- Ke.. and raiead ib valua, ln many ln.tan.r., to l.eoty iimri thett coat An rxamtaalion and trial of tome of the few n..ilaalteedy fo'..rd wl'l tmmediataly .lUfy eveiy one f_ii.ii.wr aith tha frtaevplaa of mnalcal acirnce. t.f thr va.t im- portanca of lhl* -t.i.l ab'a I. vrLlion. Sr.rlmri . t f (hr nn- pn..rd laat.amrn., aad t*_t_><..I. eoncrra <>g tbnn, ni.i be r.aa.t..rj al ItOKACK V\ ATI K8'4 Ro .111 Broadway, N,w- al tba M*,.ufa.t..rv No IM H_i,,.r at .Boetoa. IllANO-V'Oinr.S and MEL0DE0N8..Tho bnt la tbr u ark.t Fuliy warraa.A OEO r BHI8TOW.JIOBMEA C*i.,Wo. 4_Broadway. 1IIANO IOS-F4t.a-._M I'r.-ttiiiini 1841-4-1 44 .nd .VI -Tba -u-acribat li now gtllia*, h_ lupirior PI¬ ANOS gt * vriv rr.lnrrd mannfactaring prirr PirrhurnarB taqnaaledtucBil CHARH- J. IIOLOER. 163 Sprlng .t_ Q ifP K K L A Tl V E P I A N 0 8'. __> THK OLDEAT EATABLI8HMF.ST T. U. CMAMBtiBS. No. __ Bioadway. fllrtfljinmj, ^t. SEAV IN 5" MACB IN ES.Tbe AVERY 8EW- IBO BACH1NE Co. «_l *ttentl_ to tbair -eprorad BM..I ahicb rroalrrd tba Arat premiam at tb* Cryatal Palaee. T_* patenl ha* beea receatlv purcbaaad oy tbe Fraocb a..iiat to b* aar- Ib th* ii.anafa.turr nf N.vy aad Army Boiorme. Foi th* grwtaa of b*.vy go. _i, a* -aeke Ba«g Bto.t Clolbor Caa-maraa. whar. great atr_gtn tj machiaa ia InvY-aatil-. wt tbw raackiaa To aB Biacbiof. we aay ea_l al |i. 2M B-.._ -. SECOMMIAND STEAM KNiilNE for 8ALE, -A tw.nty boraa ENGINE and tw* ( YL1NDEB Bi>IL- KR8. all ur. fr*-- nt_i_f order for aale al l1.-. if .pp'ied for _iw.d-l.lT lo J LOMAI Fithkill Landtaf. N Y . _B-I I BMIM i-M'-k VT, i.'.aa %ea ___--_--. au.b w reoalreA. ibralr raaid w.wkiof i. TTvar. laaa dfcpate abm.1 th* |.tr.t o( tbw raackloa To *B wbo wiah . good ebeap and Aurabla ai <_n!lfr_ ano Qaxbmau._ it-rOPKR** TRU-S HOOPS.-OO eett aa- l(K)l'EB'8 EIMJE TOOLS. Alkerlaoa, Co-pr. H-taa, Banrti. aad othrr makar*. lOOBBB'S 81V ETS A lar«* avlPOPRR M HAMMKRS. DRIVKRS. BBCB 1BON8 Ar Ac feraaie ky (.ll«.< S LITII.K Noe . aad M F«r_B-t_ lURCOAL PIO IRON.The aat-r>ntrera, _*BB-rta-r* of Iroa aad Nalla la Clin-a i\. NT ib w4g*atta»t.* t* ..a;ar»..r aaa.y of l HAR.OAL PIO IB )N ___* at lb*ir warh* T.* Ir..e M ar.-a from magwatic or. aad baa k»ew pn*oao<_d bv thnaa wb* baa* lemtni ll a* tba k_rt Aair.can Pig Iroa Ibtv h*v. tm «.*. Por tale ia lel* r__^-t__.a. JOHN A Bl'ASINO B C. , a wa a-rta__» Ha a_CUt-ax_ .CCOTOnPIO-IRON~Hu_drr_ Uiut No. 1 |_l -aiteberrie. and M* taa. mixrd ao.bere beat P4< Iraa. ia "*r* ^trorrbib' ^il_ston a co n> » B-Mw.y C.KATES. In creat laru-ty. a-y i-i.Eldtl HP.LLti lo._e e_l *lrt.r»*A C'lAl. IIOIIS, Aai Slfj-i. PA.r. FIKK IRoNrt al. Il**lr ai.t a genrraJ aaenrtaeet i' ILmeea.. IUidwA-4 F..r ¦_- by CHAtv 8. LITTLK. N.w Baa* 94 f-tua-**. i_rnitnre, &i. HY. FARRINGTON, ENAMELED CIIAM- e EER FLRNITURE. AT TUE MANXFACIIRT. | Baa 4* tni 49 vV. . Il'ON Kl KM'l JJKE ..I erarj ratiat/, piain aad oir.t_i'Bt_ B._.'rtdaf.-oo, it to 8*). Sir.-i liair aod llcek M.tut.ea. Spring Pailleaeee aud Beddi-l <f e.ery de- tcr1ptl.p._B. H. BU-NPA* «» *»B***-w*T I kklW, (.IEA.NDOLE8. *e..T. W. OT- J- DER8.No 1 thtthtrrnqBirr fcea roaataatly ea fire aaeorttnent of Ltmr* Otr*n*ol»i. Cband'Hera. kerernicri for teaoryof deiirn end ert..tic ekiii atmmtJO j*B*lliy, _,,a_UtrcaUb!:,hr_eLtiB tbe city. Alao. ^^'»f___ FAtrnt Pioe Oil Lampe. Ott Furtaree, a- B_»ervo_. oo itt and 'ii floor* Ctll and examin*._ LA M P8. C~A M P H E N E, &. '.- L.r_~, Born.Bg Fl«_. Aleohol. Fao.re_.. 0t_rne0 onb lta]JW_[*_ t' 1AS 5_5f-_r^OW_5ra APPARATI'S, I Ac -Theae who deaire the beet cooking. by the actfeet bb_ n ott cooTMiient Broeeat. uH .t modcrate r-t are iarited to tall at tbe roorniof the Ajnenran Patent faee CooRiDg a_d IIeati.r Company. No- 368 bro^way iKTc^d fvoo, ^-d ex- aa__g tbe ippartlue there exhibilei The OAR BTCJH E.for wa'rn :n« oBcta tnd o'.ber lootna. wiil be fotrnd . great relief froiB the Rcnoyaoie* wteu-ug tbe uae of Cotl. Ordrra three ahould be left tt tn etrly day. to f aable tbe Cc-unaor to ,_ppla t.'.e ii,ir.tiu-.tdr_iALdIjj dutci.orae. Oaa heated FI.AT ihrlNS on Lan., aorthy of apecitl ftr.tiori llt.rao D riunr Actn*-^ TOVES and EANGES..The aubarriiVFi. baTfj on fatnd the twortmenf of Air ".rht Cook tud Ptrlor Btorei that ctn be foncd ra the c:ty. Storei of all daeeripti..r.i. ttylr. tai deaignt for burning wood or cotl, wbicb w. will w.rruit tod rutr»nt<e :r. e-rrij w.y. i'ai.jna in wtat of a .o* it « for betaty tnd 88988.By, will de well to call *t the KRTROrOLITAR ITOVr WARfTHO.f.1. HOPRIN3 k UVYY. Pr.vprieu.ra. _Wo -V. Water .1 N. T. STOVES, 8TOVE1S, 8T0VES.A lajjre aaaort- rr.rr.t of aew pttternt of COOKINO tnd PARLOR BTOVES ard PORTABLE HEATEK-. fonUebr Wil CLARK. No ' tt tod No JTORthar. afirc-jjroof gafes. B A-fK- Ri-nii'tifiieH expicA*-, bn.ker* fail and _J ruerchut* " go up." but LlLLIKS SAFES and BANK LOCKS were nerrr known 10 fall gg yield ihelr .eciiritiee, txti pt to the proper .utlii.ritiee.tbeir A larae ea- a>.itujrnt conatantlT on Iai.i1 at th. Otfkt uf WORLD'S SAFE Co., No. 119 Prail-at., IlaaorerKjuare, N X. 1 C MORRIS A..«'.' -Juil-iny flliiuiiula. COL-D WBOUOHT IRON BEAMS for FIRE- k7 FBOOr BLILDINOS, VAULT8. HTORK FBONT8, BOOF.S, Ar Tbe ni.derairned tr. now prepared to farnnh aolid wroneht irmi railed Beami. rut t.> iperitird lengtb., »t . price whirh enahl.a fir.-j-oof hnilrlinra t.. be ererted . . rery modeiate iiiimir on the eoat of wnodea onea The pnh i- »r« inritrd to ej.mine the new bnildm« of Meaera H.rper A Hroth era ia Clifi >t.. where tbey h.r. heen nved Kor fonher luloroi »ion »pp T to COOPER tr HEWITT, No. 17 Bnrling -alip. fttistclliineons. KJ COCKROACH. Ae., EXTERMINATOR. liro ,t No. 44« Broadway. N ¥. None unleaeiltned by BKHBl R. COSTAR. For aale hv ali ihe pr.... ipal UmrUu._ HEaVY F.£k.ilT I..r CHAJ.l_Ea_TON.-A few bnndr.d tnni He.ry Freight for tbe .bore port mty br Laa hy imniediate tppliration lo -FOFFOBI). TILESTON k Co No^SO Brotdwty^ IMP0RTAV1 to LADIE8 BB- OENTLEMEN. -Mewrt Y. DUMONT k Co beg reepectfully to inforra their nnmerona rnatomeri Ihal they cunturie ta receire ordera for tbeir mpenir ityle ol IlVKINd and aCOUKl.N.i al. kindi of ai'k tod weelen goirfa, i.dirjr dre«.n, ih.wla. grntl-n.n'i cl.thir.g. Ac Kid glorea cleuad wit.uut amelL OSce No. _«i_Broad»ay, N. VT_ Sl MMER CAXDLES..ALLAN, HAY & Co. roeiiBue lo niaaafactore a nperior artirl. of raUMMKR CANI.LEH, of all aiaea Warrantrd full weigbta, la oontei to the ponnd. Wi.rki Noa bt. II and 4i Itt aa_ Prenei garde R. jrnea bar. dated Olii nv/e eherta \\ ith rnnntrrfrlta Uf Lron'i Pill And du.i tofill. TNE pfiiuino jMAIiNETIC POWDER and |'| I.I-,-. hrar a tar aimilr of hi. aignaturea. and none otner wm efr. tnally extirtiate i_lecti and ve-niin. Pnncipal itpul, Wa 994 Broeaway. Al' llil. ROl'E.h'uriiiiii.'H.iiirlini-dplauea,hoiat T T ing. heaay wn«hti, ateerieg purpoae. for .eaeele. atayi or kraree Ac: nrmrh aaler and far -nore dnrabl. tnai beet he-re or lndr ropea. Aleo. for eaeh wrighte anii dnmb in borld- Inga, coaducf.ra Ar made ol erfra fine an* T.iy.exible. CHAR-ES W. CUPF.LANt). No 61 Btoadwty. YEAST POWDEB..B. T. BABBTTT la tlie i.iiglna', inTetitoT nf thr CHEMIf AI, YF.A-iT I'O WliKR, whirh ia |ff i a.e.l and aold hy bim at Noa 68 and 74 Waehiug. i.i at Nrw V'.rk in >in cana Thin,. who purchaae ahould eae tbat they get thal with ihe etn ve neme (.u. Jnenrance Companiffl. BROADWAY INSIIBANCB COMPANY, Na. 4M Br~adweT. I aaa* CASH CAPITAL B-*ja9*, Itanm tgainil Lom or Damage by Fir*, ob laTnrahl. lerm. Ii M. FORRESTER. Prri.ient. Jtlon IVrav. Beeretary ^.0RTU'AMERICa\N EIRE 1XSU___\CE I COMPANY. Utfire No 6 Wall ef, oppwite New^t CAbU CAPITaL. »-»II.OOO, va ith a large inipli.. Thii Cttapany iDnrea »«alnit loaaor daeiageby flre oa Bnlld- Mrtchaii.iae. hhpa in porl tnd tbeir Ctrgoea, ll.u .l.jid l:.initure ud prrrontl proptrtj genir.llT. .t tbe e.u'.lu.'.eg* JAM-ii W. OTIb, Fra.ideBt. R. W B.ttCRRR, Becrettry,_ REPUBLIC 1 TK-TlNSlTKANCE COMPAJV-T Oftice B* M Wall at..Thia Company harirn tbeir ctp-.ttl of BlA.'.Wt' paiii in eaafa tnd aecarely inreited. ar* prepared io lnmre againat lou or d._tg. by Fire ou ftrorabie trrmt The rharter of tle Company prorldei tbtt after paylr.g interett to the atockholdrra, at tbe rate of aeren per cent. pt i annum. four. fifihi of tlie rrmain.t protite are to ba dirided ainong tbe ae- aurrd ia errip. be.rini inirreit. whi, b errii. ia ro be rMeetni.Ue Id caah whrnerer th. acc.njul.ted pr.ifit* aud eepit.l .'aai a.ii..untto8;,iAR,,iW.. 19991999 Ch.rlea F R.aell. Dentiir.t Duer. Frederck A Delano, banirl B. KrariBg. Joliu Steaard, Jr., J.nea C Be'l. Wiiliam 11 Rueeeli. R.l.rrt B M.uturn, Danl. l>raxe Srr fh, Augualu.C.Ii-wui.ig.Reubeu Wnhere. Frederic ... koeter, Oaraway B l.tnitr. Edward C lecter, Frleg Hti Wm H'it er l.unctB, ioeiah llatra, Kobart S. Hoot, N. H Woife. Joeeph Oaiilard Jr bamael \ HiSiata, lawc T.>wt_and, Jii M Haterbury. laeorre W. Kicji, ..mriUarrra, tar.i.e l uitia. JP.oiraudb.ater. Artbar Lea.. Oeorge T. Adea. Joha A. C. Oray, ¦ort. *A llti-i!toB. Jobn J, Jt. RuBEkr B BONE rreaidaaL Dircaa F. CeatT, Rerreury.__ rTUE PEOPLE - iire insirXnie com- X FANY i.f thr CITY of HBW-TOBK. CA.SH CAPITAL... t* I .jO.OUti B-k a rarplnt. OSrea.N.«. iTs CalaI it aaa it Wila.m it. pjorertT generRllr tnenred .t.init ,w..nd damage by Fire. RICHARIj \AR1CK Freiiirnt. W. F. l'*l>r*ililt. 8ecrtt_rr. (Topartntreliij, Notirca. DISSOLI'TION..Thr partnivaliip baratofere exieiing ni-der ihe firm of BABCO.K. Dt'BL'IS.ON k HALL, lt diteolred by tbe drath ol Mr Btbcock wbo wu loet witb the ete.mer Arctic. The baeineo. of thr lat. wlll h* tettled br tbe aurviring partnera. New-York, hot. 1,1141. (iEORl.E W DUBL'I-SON JOHN II HALL. Ra 113 Fulton at. PISSOI.ITION -The cotairtn-nbip h.retofor* eirat Ing aaaaa tha fna of JOHN CAMPBELL A Co wa. dieai.Tved ba mntnal conaenf. on the let of Norember. The boii_ea*of the late brm w:_ be acttl-d b) 9B-99 ot tke ptiuea. Nor. 1, list. JOHN CAMPBELL. AVGUS.lNE BMit-L. Bea Ul and ;'.N***»uit. COPABTNEB-ir.-Tha aarr rtaj ptrtnera of th* Ute firm of BABCOCK. Dl Bl ISt4()N A HALL, bare roneolidtted their l.u-rret. w tb lh.** of Joba -aiNll C..undrr ihr naane and nrra ol CAMPBELL IIALL b Co.. wbo will luotiaiie th. paoet rommieeion bian- Beaa laalliu braochea, tl No. 11" and Ut Naeeanet. New- loik, Nor.1,1-1*. JOHS CAMPBRLL ORO W lll Bl'lvv.iN. Af. .C4TISK flMITH. ._JOHN H HALL. rTHE rSDER*?iGKED -bt. forat. al'AKT- * NER>H1P. under tke firaa of HOYT A JOIIN*ON. at a___r__T_*f_ T_fJ»i.lliTelU..r arteni.ntotb.aal. of ..;.. "o_r____»" *¦¦" ¦¦ aa* ..-. . .¦. f**T** »*tl EMatr. ud to the b.bo4m'i..* nt Loaaaoo kond raJa, vi!f*v .. WILLUM 1 HOYT >ew Yi.k N.t l5 ltM WM TEMPLETON JOHNSflS. ^=======S=!=:===?=~=--T-----., I " -=- _paintB.^iglagg, ^c, Z«_w__SffiT____.,ll,r^i»«- raw _-__:'_-_-__-___-__¦ "'"aed -err work* ud ta Tbeir \A H ITE -INC wkkh a aaid Ara _we_- -u ¦Utite WHI ewew Tbe- BROW|ea.l-ve«ee-. -".¦¦ . . , _^^ ud caa ealy be aiadr froai the Ziac Ore. froa Mww mXMMli ,.e ..:: kaawafer lu *rota*UT* iiaiXwaia, .ppoad'u ._..... '" ...pfe. __ Wva orotker a-etai'ic niarw Tbeir STONE-COLfOR PAINT 98-M99 »I the |BBB--_| A Ibe Brwwa. and u of ee agr».a*w ro^r far paia-aa _* uvre. dar-K. ma: >*...» bnd*x« aV Dealaaa npg_a4 g- 1.- ar. larww ka llAhNINO A MUCIER ke-nu tti _..-v- . , .- X. fiair. op -vBClurn. H. IViii.n Anr.l. -,-.r AUCTION NOTICE-i.i.AND SALE of -PLKNDtD IIOIWHOLD KIVINI rL-E". H_-4El» IWW LVAll <o- SALr ,_r_i .. , vr .iTi-d..!' > -I .rlTJall .. rn-'- »«"*« TBI* Trld.,. MIXSIN"; !. l'-o'-.-k .1 th. nOCAEHOLD l-AMIT-Bl .-» FIIOLD(»OOD*i .,.,[, v ..¦: .¦-. ..> ' .. .- it.b.y tBto p.rlor .nr) dminf rretr.. r- od Mi-ra- - .- / .-...' -t _ War* g'- I'er-.:..-. DI ffB. Of Wti *«.I nt beyocd dr_ r -t. _; _«- th* tWpai B_TO" aM CU PA_';-f». i-ct- T.trgtry. B-_*.U Carpeu. 1. » jVaboatr. *-¦ 1 * --nltare la all g_o_l_l npw-dof x the ciig_.Ico.t- Th-.m_ arg ca.:. __ '.__*. poaitivc._. M.TTHtw JotDAY A-et-aaer BY JOIIDAN a\ NOBTOrf, Atirtion^er* and Co_mit_or Merehv_t*. No M Broadway. (np ttuaj k.-»-.. F.atBb ar.d Le._a.dgta_ A M Ao- --¦ BY BANG-S BROTUER __ Oo..Trade .Sal* R- ». Ba P.-k-row AT PBIVATB *.ALE-A r.ry larg. ' thvrr Ergiiafi BrK.I- conrigurd from ro. a. *t emin-nt L'.od'B peb- bghea inciadinf the whole of Mr Bo-o'i ra-n-e ot Lto.rie*, eauicgce. of whtch may be hBd_ VV A T.gTr. Ancrlor.-rr Ro B D-.-at Gl_OCER__& i ORKS. CIOARS. iA<}\ OR*. I_TIII*I)AT.N.. MDev.t. c-rn*rof O r-uwieb-R..r in., t b.*-'*.f' t-kf 7n ...rl.. >o.-r IV.klat 8p.rrB.n4 T.lloYr Candie.. B-ooy Rani Oin Str.1 Prn. ( omlw t.r- Irt. VMra BatAM*. -t-_f Bl.okete, Bralr. vVnghtg, 8r-:nr l-rTt*.' _*BB_t- «*loon Ittnrre.f .utitar*. T.ol- ( hair. OTttar Bqy Ae_ AYTHOav J. RLtl.kil. Aaciioaeer IAI.-E and PEREM1T0RY .SALE at Al.V- J TloN o' :t VaU'aBIE BDlLBtftO L')T4. on Avannri B grd C ard l-i'h. I.Vh and IStn-at* in tb* Clry of Nrw-\.rk_A J BLF.FCKKR wi! g.11 at Ai'tion, oa WEDNE.DAY, Nov. 12. l&M, .1 12 M at th. Merrrtt-tr' Firb.rig.. Btrw Te_ thr following d'arrlried L'Jf* ie tbe ifih and l»th WO.* o' ihr Ci-y ot Naw York, rn: Avrnoe B ¦*. r'ltronnd on the e_t rde of Avenn* B. between IMh and 16tb gt., aad omprinn' tbr entire gveoae fro-t- Al*o on Ave-.e C.7 Lot. oa the werterly gide of Aventie C. ccm-nnclng 15 feet 'J laeheg aorth of 1.h Al.- .-n tL it v Lot. on tbe norbeily lide of 1-ib.t.. c..n mtnein* 1-8 feet eait of Av.i.ue C Aia.. n 13th .1 .7 Lot. on th- noitbrrly aidr of 17th ar and [IBIBUir.I BB -rt eut _ Ave-ue B. A,~.onl5_-rt.3 Lota on th* .rulherly .ide of IVIi-.i r.ininri,(lii| V* frrl .rg of Avrou. B Alm 1 Oor* Lof, r.m o r. ,. ¦ l-'i irri wral of ta. aboa. deacribed property, mt- (tiring I.V> on Ihe rrar. Al-o M L»t« on thr noriheriy .irte. coii'l't'-iof tbe rolira .treat front, beiween Avennr B Al*o on 1-th *t.-2* L.. en tlie eontherly «id* of MBVf., brtwren Avrnnr B i-H .' ror, prMl r tk* INft wreet front. Th', prriper-j ofter* nnnraal mdnrameBt. to cipit-tg.. or tbote coMerrp'iting r-.i!*.ng. *. thi. portion ot th* rity Ig r.ridlv improYing Tbe «. . wil'b« paremptory. gndetchl.t pnt up wili he aold to the btghevt btdeer The term. will be vary hrr.l ga 7.4 par re-L, ran remaln on bond .nd m jrtgtgr for iTtsM FormapaaLd p_t:c_an. apply to tba A No 7 Bnadtt _(M>_ F. Coi.TOv Auctioneer. IABOE SALE ef CABI.NET F«'KVITn,'K. J OIL C-O-BB, CABPBTa MIRROKS. W1BOOW BHADES. kc, Ae-F COLTON wiil tnl. THI. DAV. (Frid.Y.) Nor. 17. at the Auc'un Kiom. Not M Brrk.-uan and £9 Arn iti. a larg. aaaortmenl of Cabinet Furniture ttmu .'.ctnrrrwho iigivln. Bpthe baa..M Alio a l.rga lot of *«ioLd l.and Furriitute. fmni a fauiili ri nioving. all of whi.-h i. in good order ciioaiatin. ef Boarwoa. Parli.r Suito( ia B'oc* taliea.d Hair Ciotb. R.*r».*. Hreeaing Bureau. Mah.igany B.i-rai.1. ll.l.ogaLY French Badate.1* Cottaga Ch._l>er AriitM, M.r Cn.'rr Sidr acd Card Tai.lre: Mu.n Scaoda. vv.rd- Sofaa. Trt.k Tri.. Plsaa >".'!. Exirnao* Tahlee, Bl.rk Dirii.g a..d Tra Tablr* Comer Sr*nd», Book- c**r. and Sarrrlarira M.hog.nv gnd Caae Chair, Mirrira, VAir.dow, Oil P.ia'ini. Olaaaw.rr. Sol.r Lvrrip. Rirh ll'. V Me, h.tSi.rd. I."tinga*. Ma-lretar* Pglnajter*. M.hoggny,, Ho*ton R'<krr,. V oltaira gnd Katy Cbaira. Alto, . l.rga lot o' Rirh VV mdow Hhadr* aad Trtmmlnfg. Alw] I'f pirrra ot OU cli'thot dtrt-rrnt widtba Al.. two K... rd Pibbo Forte.. t>I octa... in good order. and futly w.rr.ntrd. Saa poaniva No p-i-.ponaniant on ariva.i.nt. M.\.v)l Inn- A>i.t>. ..-- Bv II ll. Uit). i Co ON THUR8DA- nnd I'RIDAV, KavaMker Ifi .nd 17 ai M_ oCock. ai thr riale. Boom No. 19 Nu- ean rt.. Rich r.rry d.o-ti co_i.rtingrt * Igrgrand YBlaable ia- Y.ce of Jip_)r«* Ooodi r-eeir.d from the Cryt'al P.lare; aiao aevrral otber l.rg* and velaablr ii voiceaol diSerent arti ticle*; *eYer*J lnv*.cri of Pl.t.d and BrOugad VV*r*. cmpraitig eaTera: ralnahle invou e. of rich patntad China V* Bta, Te* B.ta kc. Parian Figurt-i. S-.turtlr* Vatea. Coope*. ir'; flated Ware.Tt. S.U. Cu|a tll.ri. Liquori, Cake Ra* keU. Pitrbr... T-..I R.rkt. VV aiten. .il.rra.lg* Colre Saa, Fancy bror.aand orrnola Clock. china do Bron.a Kiiuri. Blfg.H. raalla IBrla. Coupa. On-upe, lar.e fBMBt Flgara* fo. bai', ai.d n chr*. A'... ¦ l.r.e B.aottn rnt ef Papirr Marhe Oood., T.rSlee, IVikt Back (.amn.on B._rr!.. Papetriei. Cah.r.ei*. Boxea, Fao- rj Bi ira Ar. Alto * uiodei m t Man of-VVar. compeie.- .."ggr.l ird -' ped will. vBJotble fancy tJood*.ro be wlrt withi.'i- r. ." _ (JVVi.i (il...-. Ci>..a Aucnooaer, W'll.I. BELL THU DAY, at IOJ B-laek, II ,r Ba "I Bioadway. corarr of Datae g_, * lar,. ar.d .j-lmild of nrw and fathiona tlr Farniturr of rr.ry de«-ri|4ioti, frlng tha enMre g-ock of a rlrv marufartnrrr rotititilng of roa.wa.'. mahogaay. .od wai- aal Pa-lor I'i. ir g r.,-..... aml Chnmber Fura.rnra: a .o enam rlrd Cbamber KarcitBre, ra *nilr; aiao. rirh drc ir.trd C-ina, kilvrr rlatrd W ara Ar Cttlogori, and the art:r'.i can be t xarr iard ear y on lt. rr :ni g ot talr. N H -Krrular Anc'ion ralet held evary VV ednaadav an.l E'idaY.of Knriitnrr. I'ieno-Forte*. Of! Paiutkg.. Hotna-fur- ni.l.irg Articln. kc. C niULmrLt. Bollcltrd. .bd ad tbbc. t n.adr wben ieg-lrrd. Ai IS 'lilork. onr .rand a.-tl.o I'iano Korte._ Kliaj Comii. Au. tloreer. WILI, BELL »t AUCTIOV. on MONDAY II N fg m, atllo'clork A M .* No. 14R ( hamba-r. it., a r;aaBtitv of Panor and ( baniber Fnrnlmre. con.ia'inx lo part -ood Piano. Mahogani Cb»iri T.ble* B.d>teadi. Hu reaui Pt.rClin. Lira CurtAlna, Tipnt.) ..d logiain Car- |r(< Mattr. .*.!. Btorra ai ._ llivxi T. Ltcdi.Auetionoa, WILL BELL TIIIS DAY. Rev. 17, all Ike V T r-nr.tnrBCott.-edlu Honte No. (2 Wr.r .jtd ,t a- ot Kroa-vrty. r. B.M r., f Mih..*iny I'ailor Kurnl'ure in hair :oI_. Iturt.'.. Brd.t-a-i. vv aiti-Un-i and rhambrr Fsrak ti.. ,C__rta 011 Palnting. and Eigr»,ingt, IItt Iftgatf. Paillaaaat Qulltt.-c. Bt'a l(v( o'clork, pr.ri.rly_ A. C TlTTL... Aacliun.rr. ItUUi L0T8 DUTCB BULB0U8 a' **. 11 JF HOOTS at AUCTION. tlS.i. 17 Wall .1. THISDAY. at 101 o'elock. c..mpr_ir,g tbe l.rg_t and moet tho ra aaviortmeot of t. ,'roted llvsc.iti.. Tu Ifw, Crown Im- parlala. Lllitomi. OI_li .ut Ir.i Rar.oncollu., A-amoaiae, Cn. .. Jo. |Bl a Ar .fl-red at .u.-tn.o In .rvaral yaan io lota to .ul pur.b-.rr. Saie peren.ptory. to clr.. curirtfain-ii:.. Dnj ©oo_8. CLOAKR! CLOAKS:: CLOAKS".'.OEO. Bl'LPIN. Ni. itil Bro.dw.y. rrapretf-Uy invi-Mth**t ter lion of I..r* to bi. imporialior.t an* nianutacturee fur tb* i -. ».Lt tratoi.. n o.j rl.ii.g bb AJwonmrBt of TEN TIIOL'AASD CLOAKS. at tba foUowlBg aitr*nrdinary pricai: Two tbrti.nd raperb ck-ta mk line- Cloakg. at.BU Fiftrrn randrrd taprrb clothtilk lined loaxg .'..* II Bia.1 litrdrti-rujir.-t. clotb till uncd _.IM . and v-ry r-rh r.i'.b ul loaki, at.lll Twrlve bnadrrd taregb l.v nt vrln-t Cloakg. at.t2t Or.e tbooM-d npr.-t) Um vrlvet Cloakg. at.IM Five bundirdraperb Lyona Yelrrt Co..t at.A.! Four l.nndr.o magnificest Lvona vrlvet Cloak.. at.04* Five hundred .plrr.did M'io t loaka al.* Three buodred exu. lunar-n. ..tii Cloak.. at.*2f. Tl.rre hutdred euptrlMivr aatio Cloak.. a:.B.I Ard an B.A.. orofualon of rlnih Ts'm.aa at.A and 04 Ti e ......c.-ii. - dean.. lurthrr eoiruornt nnBerraaary 8uf Bfa it tt. aay Ika higb rbai.rtrr uf ibr f.da on .a ¦» al bi. ee l.biiehmrBt i* _fBB*Vj wrll krowa and he would mer»ly aod in r *. . «t tl-ahovr wlll be found. ob ln.p*<tion, to be ihe rchr.', be.' »-.d cheapa.t Clotkt eaer a-rn tn AmeriC- OEO. BL'LPIN. Pari. M.n't'la Emponna No Ml Bmadwav. CAMEL8'H_IR 8HAWLS..ARNOLD. CON- STABI.E A Co b.ra iiiit rrrr.ied ..__! iuvoice of Real Itdia Can.rir' Hair Si|uai*- Sbtw 1. in S ARLET BLACK (.REEN .nd BLUE Thrae 6haw- are very daalrabla iu et* ,e Al.. Ore n wl ;.- I.OXO 1'IUWL, beliaved to be the bano.o.i.a.i in ihr ciuntry. HeavyTo"__ cf demrTblh^goods from Al'CTlON.-TKACY, IRVVIN k Co., Noa. 2J4 and .o -roadwgy. b.ock above the Aiior Houar are dailr re crivlaf cboirr lota of Stlki. Muiiin De Laiae., Clolhg. C.Uirr.eri-. Vrgticg.. Liarr... Pr_U. Ladie*' Ciotbr., Hieirrv. C.ihmerr and Paid. Wo-ien aal a larg. Yartrty of ftOfeaaMf DrY Oood. whirl tbaa .re w-llinf ol clirap. Buvrrt wlll piraae call and look tiefora bovog_ C-O-IHO BL-1NESS: PIFSOLL'TION OK PARTHERSITIP. SELLINU OKF. SELLINJ OKF. WirilOt'T RE0AR3 TO COST Comn.eoc.m MONDAY. Noy. 13. H E A R D C L A P P k C... Kt M Orand-at. IN i'ln*ii!_ thu buiint-B oi thia concern, Me«trs. H C A Co w;l! on (ha 10th *o- lltb of Sovemb-r. eloae thrir .to.e for (L* pu'taer of tnarkirj; down thair entire gtock at racb pri et ag wili ineure g apeedy ..Ie wit-iont r-gard to c.w. or con^qeericr. Thrlr ohjrct i. to diap-ier of tbe loodg. t wortb of 0- 1. to be dupcat. of ia 80 daya, ctrnprieiaf Bich HB_a.kawll Vr veti. Mertnu*. Cubt-iere. Paramx'tvi. Bombuinr*. l antoo Clotbe. Dr L.toet kc, Aa ex'.emtve .. rtrnrnt of L.Ciee' Clotba. la al. col.1, 'Vt C.Mirr.ere. Batina't and Veatiogai Li-rc Tt' r ar.r> Ui.pri Cl Napki.i ar_ Towei.g, ¦ hbretief*, Flaanel aod B.okrtg, Bntiab Oertnan and Domeetie lloaieiy. (ilovaa. k.. Ia tbe gnBooneeujen. of ll_ iitooiatioa of thit finn. tha Btaal prrtrn.on «o axtrn.lvrly d.playr- hy othara. of arlliaf ot *t 4>' or bt- par cent. Lrlow ibe eoat of Iruportati. -i WiB ba tiutl.toliy r.Btraatrd bv oa- prfcea on aad after th. co__eare- maat ot onr wur* MONDAT Novamber II. 1IV4. III ARD CLAPP, k Cv No .1 Oraad-at.. betw.en k.Hn.r* .nd Allea «t*. IMPORTKB and MANTEACTl-EK «'f EM- 1 BROI0KAIE8. CAP4 CHF.MISETT-4. ILFEVR4 IUNDKI R( HIIKS ROBES. BAND4 C0LLAR4, AP PLICATIOM ENTRE-DFl'R. CUBTAINa. rarrytbiBi ia tbai.ivla Tb. *r.Wr-brr liu on baa4 iba rineet aaaort -eot of Frarrh aad <»w Kmbro-rriee of tha laat faad'oo, be erlla et tb* ioweet prc-i Marrba.Iwa .eetrad by e.ery .taan-rr frrrr Enr-tv. Dea.-ra ir rha. ,o.U ara raep*ctfu!:y invita. tc g v * call K D OOfRIE. B, ofBce l.-p-r-art K 11 PRINTS. Steama and M-idrr*. nrw itjle*. re- coivtd fr i*i Ihr work. daily fer aale br NKSMITH a Co Noe «q aad Tl B-adw»y pRINTS.Li«ht ando-rk atylea. Btrama and A la fr al rariety. larl-Uag Obirt-g Pt__. 44 Prr,..h Ir, _l. t, NF.DUITR A Co ttBnd71 Braadway. 1MCKH, DEMMS «nd CHECKB--A i»od H- .o._*at .bm raeria^ For aal* by ME9MITH A Co No. ItaalTl Broadway W'HTEKOCK SUIUTIN'-.-..Thi> Whit.rock TT M tagalBai r.7 inch Bl.eir.ed Cotton*. t_o ettr* aareawat.- . .( tr. nv. ¦ I ¦*- .: lor fi»*ae»i, peifoC_oa R-_9trRbil.t>. i ,.-afl.i _. , ri! *- C-^N.». 99 tr.l Tl B-TAd ".. \V 00 I K8.1 '-n pa-"var;r>*. .-..moriait.!; TT ..... ,r-i j eaa, Kaeatye, Lnn/i, Sbtwla. B.__- f-r v f:->: "r.i .«. r n -< 9aa-Tl Biaalway. fnr*. LADIE8* FUR WABEH0U8E, N«_ «M I-r. adw.t. betwiea Am'la .nd *ta «e-F. ''.,.. ba. tew for _e.ccUoa aa elr.A*: tutcl .,1 " L B B3 ..h.r for triuTT ut tMWtJ <>"¦ '.. d All articlr. wairautrd. Fncet i-odcrtlc t.d to tail *U Iiim*_._ L~A I> I E 8 ' F A N Bl F U R 8 .. A. TOTH.No bl Fnlfonit., N.Y..wo..i« et:' the.ri.o- tion of tbe v\ hjlritle ud Ret_l to b- «leet itoek o' FUR- orwewHing at ar-atiy re'-ced prf*._ I-'HE NEW-YORK FIR CmMPANY have nnw oa h.nd . anrerb eeeortaien of LADlEa' a.d <"fH-- PREN'S ft'RS Tke pablic tr» inri'ed 9*aaea_aeeaf ***** ifi- jc.g. for trerraelrn Stra-t-r. wil! -*__9i*_»alr a9**a- tage'toc-1 pnrtbt.-.zt el.he- Od *tr*ri-kpe4 -tfrrda.dftrhtngfdontr.oat re-ocab'e terma Hl-R/OO A. NEW 51A.Y .*- I -,-oadwAT, 88989**! v*. a k*r af Clnthing. 4_*> HATS..Ei»<i;atit an.l inimitabli* Frffirh XjPty B-k HtUtt the Uw price o*8J.*1 lew thtn Brotd wiy tfcei BBOW.N.No. I- Uadj-oo rt. tOatchfS, Itmclrge #.._ CBEAPE8T .IE\VeTrT~M.T and FAKCT OOODS of all kindi-VIERNRIfH A RAYNALhire opeefd. tt No. 141 BroRdwtr t D. pct fjr their own Minu'tc inrei Red lrrrcrttri:na. c.-nclng -i-ect from their h.uee In Parta. No. 16 Rne de I'Echig-ler. Mt.-cbas- wi_ -ad a great tdaitttge in CAlling_ GOLD WATCHE8 an.l 8TESLING 8ILVEB WARE. toiether wtrh a nch aaaortmeot of DIAMOND. «ed t.1 kirdaoffineOld Jewelrr. OOLD LEPINE. foar holetj.weled. 9_a OOLD U ATC^ES from .81". to S04> 8IHER ".". AT< HM jeweled. Ift to 61) PLAT.D TBA 8BT9 donn:. platrd. 1. te SO FLATtDCAKE BA^KETS. J to SO All our toodi tr. wtrruied tn 1 a aa repreeented. SUUII.E I.ANDER 1 Co No 97 Fulton it. New Tork. TOTABGET EX('i;R.sfoXLsTs. SaaSaaaM PRI/Erj. co_eiitiig nf tll th« airatll trticlee, in new ta! ketutiful irrlea fBraiihad at th. loweet price* br bUlIBE. LANDKR Co.. No. 97 Fu.ton-tt., N. Y. Profcesional iS'otircs. SHEA A ROIUNSON, Attortu-y* and CaBBBBl 989, No. 167 B.-oRdwRT. N. Y (room* Not. 4 tnd 5, hr* floor Al! batinett infrurted to their ctre In tny if th* Conrtt ol thia State or tbe L'nited -Utre, ptlent buiineaa. ptutecutiooof clain.l. -c. proxptly aod caretulIj atlended l*> UILI.IAME ROBINSON. OEOROE 8I1EA. (Cinin i.aii.B. r for Maiue Rhod. Ialaud. CuuoeaTtlcut, Ver- o.ciii I'eifia-.lvajjie Taaaaaaa*. WT_iinala.ata.|_ U~S. PA_a.PORTS. InilUrwfiail.le t<. travi'lfr*, e laattcd by J B. NONES. Nott-T Pablic. No. 1| War- ror. Broadway Ntta:.j-.d citii.tiA uiUAt produee tbeir certtfiritrA Paper UJarchonsi*. I>APER WA1EH0U8E..J. T. DERRICK 1 BM, Co., Nu. 3f) BetkiiiAu et., ofler for aale on the term.: W ritint Papera Eng'iah, Frenrh and Ameriean. Nawa Paper. .Tl n/ra wri.hie an-l .i-elUiee R..k F*8*r. all ala... wriiht. and qualiiiea Ti-»..r Pai-r. fanra rolore and whii.. nf the heal fint'ity. Heran l Paper, wfiite «.d en\.reA. differ.Bt widtlia. ,!..,.,> Paper, thir, .nd t.f the beet q-alitr. Cloth Patver Wi4» and 4<_4» FBghah Hardware Pap-r, a large aaaortroetit, j_t arrlred. fThratl 1B« Paper. nt the hett r)na!it- V\ rarping Pajer Ptraw Rag. tnd Mtuillt. Tea Paper of dllTrrent aiz.a Tar Roof_i Paper. auitabie for r~fa, in roll* Zoal_ OAL.Very Itfat titmlity nf RED A8H, *t..vr. tnd »gg acreeard tnd In good order frora undet Aed! at 87 prr tor.: WHITE ASM Ib. from yard No - Ooerck it.. beteeeo Hiringtoa and -Uotun iu. MATCI.INTON COAL, COAL..$7 per tun. 1.4'r.t ..ualitv K.-.l Afh, ¦**** or Kgg warranted wravned. yard, :>a» fr.nibotti Nn fi*. Haiard it.. between Bowery tnd M .tt at. C-*11,MHEKLANDH-OAL. .Thit NE\S CMY.EK J rO-IPANVo8rraforae:el' fr..m il.firMm.ain Hemp. ahire County \ a to be ebipprd irom their Wharree in Haial more. or fiom their I>rp..t in Nrw Vork. Thi* t'.ial haa be-B oeed io l'nited Sietee at.aoiei. Iiicomotia.a .nd iron fonad eri.a wrk rr.tire Mlielevrliuii Yor ateam pnri'xr. it haa no -ire-ior Apply .t tbe otfire of tbe Con.peny, No. .46 W.U a_ Nrw Vork_ IIYERPOOL l ANNKI. COAL J afh.At af d J;wl,ar»ing frnm ai.ipe I.ajac Wehh and Jerh. Tn.irrwir, nt largetiae, a^rcterl eipiea-ly for ftmily tiir-- ,«-.. [a/lew.ree ioto lh. Imlda. for aale io '.ta hYBAM- PFL THOMFBOB .v NEPIIKU V* M i.oldat and Nn. 27.i Prarl at er.d M*. .'lat it. tod Tth tr tul cor. Rlvingten and Norfclk at« ©tean Stfiimcra, &c. NEW-TORK aad CALIPOBNIA STEA-ffl llil' I.INP. ala NICARAOCA .Acceawory Tr«n»it Co nt Nie- ir»rna P M .-. Ihe ij.lrndia doiible rngine ate.-nanrp NORTMIRS LIOUT, Cit. E L Tuitlcpati.h, ('."». tun* bn-drn,. wil! leare frnm Pier No 3, North River tt Ti o'clock f M paecBely, tor FVMTA ABBBAB, on M'isD\Y. Nor. 77, eotnecting with the faronte ateamihlp UN 'LE SAM, rn.) orrr tbe Nictrajrua Trantit Route, .veiug bat IwelT. n,:.eol le...1 trar_p..rt.t..M liy carriAJl-_ Th.M itctri.eri tre .inaorpaMeil iatbe.r v.-.ii..aJ...rj aud accom no.4 tiont. For Inf. miati..n ur p.>Mge, apply only to CUAB-XJ MOBOAB, Aaci,!. No. 5 Bowling Oreea. L. _M Kaaa .ajIo up at tbe office. LetUra, -> ceute per | oui.ee_^___ ' K MAIL LINE for CALIFORN'IA, vil e ArTIMW ALL ard PANAMA RAILROAD-Oi MON DAV, Nor 20. tt . o'clock P. M from pier foot of War ren it North Rirer. will be diapiicned tbe tuanuhi| M'RTU M'AH. Capuia Richaid Wa.a. k. to connrrt vl Paoau.a wiil. tl.e new aud aupcrior atea_ie_ip OOLDEN AOE. A tvat aiwa>a al Paoaana. to peevenl deUntloo W\z ra-e of *. i.rlant For p..aag.. .pply tt tb. Crupen-'i office. No. ITIW.rt at., to J W. RAYMOSD. Ir S. MAIL STEAM.SIII.* COMI'AXV.F..r J* HAVANA .ad NEW-oR[.KAN."» -On FRIDAY, No» 17. .i.F M fn.m |-er |.a,t ,t Warr-ri it N R.. by the well known ttnd f.rorite tteunablp CREsCENT CITY.CapC John McOowen. cn be wrared tt tbe Comptny'i offi-e. Frrigbt to N.w Orleaiu. oO ceaU per cubic f.u- Srerie enly taker. on f.-> :rht to Havana. boipper. will be tupplird. witn bltnk billa of Ivlrnr of th. fcrtL I'.inrJ t\ the Cou.titny. on tppllcttloa tl tbeir o..-. No olbrr f_rn_ liit-ed, aud nu ..a of ladrng wiil be tAutal afiat tbe boiu nf atlllng. For freitht ¦* p.M.1. apoIt .1 the ofBre nf th« C.mptoy, Wo 1~ Wret et.. comer of Warren._M. O ROBF.K.T9 I^OR CTIARLESTON an.l PLORIDA.8efl_r- Weekly l'. 8. Mavil Line..Tbe iteamalup SULTH- F.RNKR T Tf-wan Cntniiranai-r. will le... Pier Np. 4. Nortb Ptrer. ..n 8ATI ROaY. Nor 18. tt 4 o'clock P. M. pre- rue.y. For Freigbt trrply on board. where all billa of ltding wi.l be aijned: ar.d for P_aa«e at tbe of Dpotford, Tlieaton A Ca., No. F> Brotdwty. Tl.rooih TirktU to Floiid* u loUowi: Tj Jt-rkaouTiile t'A; to I'ilatka 8~ The ateamer NuhTtlle wiU rncceed. tnd Ie*re on WEDVE1- DAY Nov ..' B B fin .nl »f:«r SATL'RDAY Ba*. 96, theae itein.ra wiT! letTr al Tjo clock P. M. in.teed of Io'clock, t* hertfotore. W'AhDLAW, WALKEB &. HI'UNSIDE TT FACTORO and COMMI«4ION MEKCHANTS ani EFCEIVI.NO aa- FORWABDiNii AOtNI'sl. CUAALE. i ¦¦ - cs_ FOR SAVANNAH.FARE REDFCED.Th.« l/riud Steie* Mtii StrtmaLip KBTtTOB- STATE, Cij.t. R lU/d.e. will leave rbii.dr.phia. for 8ai*:intii. ua WEDNESUAV.Noreuihe. _T. tt l''..'..-:ock. A. M Ktre. ?»; Stea-tge. BT The PTATS OF l.FoRi.IA will leare. a* aUive. tbe F0LI.OW1M. tV_DK__DAT. Aimla il New York. FCRANTtjX k TALLMAN. No 19 O.d Slip. where etaterooma may be eecuied taJ'HAMSllII'S l.-tw.-a-ii HATBE an.l N'EW- ^y YOBR. DIRECT. The iteamihlp ALP4 wlll i*:! from Harre, direc-. New V rk. (wjttont celltni *: *ny port ta E.R.nd.) on SATUR- DAY Vuli of Norembrr. The rAt.e of freiibt aad p«**Me in ai.. Srci t.d Ctbio* wili ba very niodertle. Tle aAi.aia. ol ihtr lucieariilng i-.e.uirra wili be abortly tn- nouBird. Tbe ra'e ef iBinrance In France ia itm by ahip. fYom Herra liirrrt f.r NrwYork, rh.n br ahip. cailint at tn E'.glah oor- Applr ii. or P»rii, I'l Boul-vt-da Jet Italieot.t iUj.V ALD CL'BRIE o.-inNeva-Yorklo E CL'NARO. No. 4 Bowliag greea. T~~j_E~KEW-YORK and LlVERPOOL UNFTED STATES MAILST-AMt_3.-rht thipe compotuig tb_ line tre tne foilowna ATLANTIC. C.ptr. Weat. PACIFIC. Capt. Nt*. ARCTIC. Capt. Luce BALTIC. C*pC Coaaux-L ADRIATIC. fnea* i-tp* har* ***a bailt by coatrtct. *ipre*aly (br Oot- .rsBieal ternc- Eaary ctre hu beea taken ia tbeir eaoatros- atioa. ti t_o in tbeir e.Ainee. toiaaare atrangth tndapead, *_l tcfon modAtlOBi for paatenjjrr. are uii-i-aled for elegaoc* aadeomtort Fric. of paaaage from NrwYork te Lir.rp<«>l ia Siei c aa» eahlB. 8139: la aecond de., klj; ncuiira aee of tr» a_» atate rooma. 0305- from Lirerpoel to New-York, tXt aai A99. An expeneare. eargaaa atiacbet) to eacb abia. No. ber.b ae. nrrd anti. pald for FROPOnED dates of bailino. "<". ">» TORk. ia - Lirgarooi.. 8AT1RDAV.Sept. t WT.DNESDAY.Sept. 9 BATLRrrAV.Sepf-lfi WF.ONKSDAY.!4ep_ » j. H KDS ESDA Y.0«t 4 9ATIHDAY.Ott. ig WKDSfcSDAY.Oet 11 BAURi'AV .IH- WKDNESDAY.Nor. 1 BATt RDAY.Koe. II' WED.VE.SDAY.Not. IJ 8A1I RDAY.Not. 24WEDNESDAT.Nor 19 .ATLRDAY.Dee. 9 WF.DNF.SDAY.Doe. 13 BATI HDAY.De- _> WEDNEiUAY.Oa*. V For freight or paaaage apply to EDWD R roLLINB A Co ffa. SS *_-._ ¦ T BROWN. SHIPLEY A Co., Li-errjooL JOHN ML'NROE k Cu fa* Nr.ire Deme *ee Wtoiia* P-iaorOFO H DRAPER H.era. The ow-Ben of .eee ehip. will aot be aeeoentable far aaU Blret balUoa. ^wcie. Jewelr., practoa* 9988*9 or meta.. oa leea bi!a mt lading are r.(_eai tbere: jr. ta* tbe r.:u. tberaaa tbere. 9888*1881 9-lpper. will ple**e Ut. no".e, that ta* abipt *f t'aU lia* ¦etM ctrry aay |»wli oatrtbead of wat. T'HE ,.-iT.sH and NORTH AMERICA-t BOYAL MAIL Sl r AVIflMP-- __. FHOM NKW \<)KK r" I.IVB ClirtCab.o Paaa*... Beeo- tl'^ ii P- ng. .... " IROM BO-i'ON IO LIVKBt'-OU Cfclrt (VtaP.-a.e.Bi'A Cel bl ..H . At n AR.vftlA -Br*. Jadk.e, AXERtCA.Ceat I.t g. I'ERrlA C._- Ryrla. A .A I'.i.' Il U !.¦-t, CANADA t'vpt Stone. AflTCA .aad H-riaoa BTAO AEA. *^_r_*___. J na.I ca-ra . ch v. a_ L_y. fl n_-head, Orea. ar.ll-.W. _"; 'B ,-.-t'..-W. _________ N_ . MA..AI1A 1- :. _*' . ¦---¦ __¦.* -r"_.»'_ J'',_ i?,_*_-rt "*". N'" _^"a?_S-S SS * St^.A%_T__ .. 5rTork'-W^_:r.D,-.A A'tl'A H.irtaoo, ~i w-iur... . ,( r ROPA. .basaoa. " BbbMb.\\ ,<anmto,, itt mm R.,lf. ..., -ror.r) n-f tad .' Ari rv-."-'i-r.( SnrgroB ou board ; »,.-, f( faagbi-B oot be arr.iaiBtBrile Suvrr. Ball BB.B****., Jrwrlry. Ptrr.p.ia *t .ne* or -.»*!«. - r.t l.ning ar* tifned.errfor, an. t-e iuer_f I mi or r-"*- ;rr;V.NARD, No 4 BmB.B* PATl.'IOTIC"LINE..N.w Line of NEW- Y( IRK a..) LIVERPOOL PACKETS. Tbi* lin. wul ba rorr.i-o*»'' ..(tbe f. 11 wir.t new .-..I .plrudid ehipe Yt».: CALHODN..'.I) ran. Nird-n ... D H Traraaa H CL.A1.l.-Oarnn.v)nr*k_....Capi DarW C.ukimi arRhBTBB..-.'.'«»'tpn. barinn....C*tl .1 ) L.wrenc. OK'bNT .'**' "tn* hBtrlert... Grtt. 8 HJ1. Ibe gN-ive vaMel. kwa beeB rer.ntly btrllt, _»d are the Urgrgt grd iroer ..rartanti.l ln tbe trade. T*--y otr ccmtr.«Mrd by man ol tapenffe ..4 *»iltty. TB. Bccom-todation. ore VTry'raprrior. to. aarey .vertlrrti will bo to promote tha eomfort of r_aA-nger* »nd the eo.vaa- l*-ee of ihlpper. r*r ftright or paa-ag-.rrlyto SPOKKORD T1LESTON A (V, No 30 Broaow.y. _grna in Livcrpool-T. ORlM.-iUAW k Co., No. 1* Otrm- Plaza. 8 t.ambo-ta au- Sailroa.9. N0VEMBER, lcv54..The new and t-lendid tte.o.ei AL1CE C. PRICE. A. H. H.rgrrtv. fot SIIRFAVsnntT, Ac, wlll ruu Rj-.-t-i .1. Piei. Norta Bivei. a. followa; I »BVg Ull'-rOlg. I.RAVR BIB lABJt. Bhur-.y. Noy 16 ... I P M. Kri.lay Noy. 17 .J4 AM. B..ur.i./.NoY.U. B PM Mo.,.r*v Nov '.n..... * A.M. T_r..,.No, 21. 8 AM U«Ur_lBY N..y .1...* _.M Thnr-dev.Nov 2.1.... a- A Vt Thnrwla. No» B....1I * _. Frc.Y N'-v M.7 A M Kndav. Noy. II.l«- A M r-tarri*.. Noy 2-....10 A M. Monrtay.No..-..B A M T-ewlaV Noy -.I" A.M Tne-.y, Novv **..... 11 P M Uedneaday. Noy .«t.llj * M, vVrdoeeday, Noy -J...J PM. Thur-.y. Noy _... I V M Kndav. Da-. 1.. 2 PM. ..turd.Y Ott '-'. -I r.M. M -dBY.Pre.g. 74, P M. ELIAS HA10UTS tm.AN BTAUEB ruB te coBBecuoa with lh- boat. TbTYACK and_HAVERSTRAW STEAMBOAT StrJ-r ARMENIA le.vee .dailv (aa»*M BjBtMMC hao.- ba-*.t Pirr ti 3 P M.,.rN\ACK and HAVER-TRAW. laodicg at R.vgl.nd «n.i Pirrmont, U conaertiOB with the Naw York and K-r Railroad. Retnroing, le*Yr* HaYeretraw avary mornina at «| o'cloa, acd *t "i A M 14. B._Tbi* rne ot bo*t* do nor l*nd *l Am._ .( {______ lSl.ANDand NEW-YORK EKliliY AT NOTlCB-CRB_r EXOTBHOW-Ftn «t c.o'« Ob ard * April l«. If.r4. lh* boela will leaae *. follow. antU fartbar roiir*: Le.Ye V.n.larliU'. Land)Bg, Biatea l.t»nd eaery hour trom 6 A M to 7 P. M. !-.»* foot of Whnel_B «t. N, w \'. rk. rvary boar from * A M. to 7 P. M. FOR BOSTON viA NEWPORT aad FALL RI\TR.Tlie gplrmld aod aap.'ior *t*amer* BAY BTATK. C*H Wm BrowB, lrav-« Naw York rvary MON¬ DAY VVFt.NF.SDAY ar.d 4 oc'.*-. P M »ad | MTIII STATF *pt Beeiamio B'*y"'n. b-ave* Naw-Tofk every T-ESDAT Till RSDAV .n.l SATL'RDAY at o ,.-ol._k P Nf .irom PierNo 3N R.,Be_ tle Batterv BoU touohiuf at raewia.rt each w«Y. . Ha-*a*i ae reea « will h. reg.nled u -<ured to any eppH- fant ont.i thr ratne "ball bave brrn peid for hr- ,..¦ to B.'*t..n forwarded throufh trltb «-«at d_p»'ch br .i-xpre.* hratght Traja VVM HDrd'K.N. Af^'. Noe. 7B and 71 VAeet.. DEOULaI MAIL LINE ril STONTNOTON I _(('.. BOSTON PROVIDENTE. NEVV-ir.DEORD anl TAI 'NTON..IiiibiiiI R.nta witboul chw.f* of tui or detea- BfB c.r.yinf the Kaaier- M.ii. The .laaoi.ra I'l.V.VIol IH ROl Joel *OYie, and COMMODORK. ( r-4 vv II Krai.e. in I'o.Mjrctli.B wuh tha Itoningtonaiid ProiidrBC. -rd Bo.tun .nd Provld.nee Rt-I roM. [ravirig New York d.ily (.unday* excpi.d.l fm-n ITpt No '2 N B rirat whuT above B.ttery pi..-e. ai 4 o'elock r_t ard 8-clngtcn kt 8 ./clock P. M.. or on tbe amval ot tha Mail _a_, wbich B_tn»t 5*. p M Tbe,r gtruxia-Bie UMirpaaard for»'r»n_ h, .fatY. ^>aaa, eomfort aad eleggLoa. Th* o.cor* are exper.ncod aud *t- trutiva _ The nalnr- adv _it»gee of thil ronte ara goperl- to any oth.r. Being .hort. r *_d more dirrct the trip ia more plra__lly aud v gara ciualara*. r.-W raai-hi.g ib-ir dctinatiou in aJva.:* ol tho*. by oilhe/ of Ike °lThe"a>MMODOiir from Naw York-Moadar. aB-Mlt, day .nd Fi-.y. »'..._ Stouluft-a.Tur.lay, Tbur-lay aud Tba P-TBO-TB ROCK fr..... New Y .rk -i-**d.T. Thtira- day and .-tu.Jey. From Btouiufton.Mouday, Wedne»i»y *"»i p'_p,«_.agara, on arrlvlng at BB..kt.B. p'oe.ed <m- oiediafelv hv' iraln lo Pr-Y-****, B. Mk, aod Nrw Be-ttird, or by _<-.i_modaliOB Ir.iu. from -louinftoo at A Bag.a.e ae-impaii-. the .tramboat train* to aad from B.e'on Kor paeaage, r^rlhe. gf.te mom., or frelgkt, .rrpllea'long m.y br mtdt »t pt jr No. 2 N.R.. or ». the oftice, No. I" B.t¬ tery pl.ta. ttfTcTaoo TO 8 t. lo ui-.. \_/Nrw and on v dirr. r rouie now onea vla CHlCAdO AND MIB8lrirlIPPI RklLROAD (' H. M.a gnd Expr... route tHro dAlly Pwaerger Triina (BqndBya exreprrd) leava Cliil»r* (eorner ..( V an Hureo au* Kheririar. ere ) Firrt.St. Loni* D*y Kxprr**. *_» A.M. BerOBd-Fl Lo.ii. Sight Kxprr**.tl ¦*> P M. Train* run dtrrc: to Altoa (.*. mtlre) wttho*t cliaag. ol curg or baggue. and rornr.1 w:-h the rnnpany'. inleodid (teamarf W |M HEBTEB AND KEINDtlER (BanclBg ln exclnaivr conaertioB wtth the P_*engar Ttalag) throogb tu Bt. LoaU (15 mi.'e*) with.ut l.ndi... T1MK KRL'M CHICAOO TO ST LOUIB I4J HOIJRS. Tli. Cbic.g.1 *nd M.ii.lppi aallro.1 teeont tbroagb loliet, B_omia_-a,BartagAeld, and i.'arliuv.llo to Altoni and Lha Traveli-g Publie wlll at .r. aaa the ImwrUnt sdvaotage ed Ihia, AN AIK LINE ROL'TK TO ST LOUI.4, Over ara other route fioti, (hi.*_o (1 tbe -..I'hwaU. NOTK K IMI'OllTA-T ( UNNKCTIONB. At AlU' with daily line pa k.t Kr.)k..k, mak ng Ihia Ih- m.wt direct route to Uaoaibal, U.ocy, K¦;¦- kuk ai.d N.r'baaair-r. Miaaoori. A' r- LfOB f-liefllllfBf wuh flrtt-rlaaa llnatof etramerg for NewOrlr*n. and all point* oa Lowrr MiwAr-lppI, Ohio, Cambrrland, TenneMee and A'kana. River*; aml aiao wrb ftsa.«fl for all t...-r.ta uo Mumuri River, _aklnf thi* tn. Urrn Vjoi* to Kanaaa and Cooneil Bloffa. C-_UO.Aaff.MI.l-M. K P. MOKOAN. Ir.. Hop"!. CENTRAL KAIL-OADot NLW-JERSEY.- NK.W-YORK BAITOB Si.MKRVILLK. Ae. r ai i. iiiii.Ytn, to*i.vir.»ciYO irrr 4, IfcM. Lrave New York for Eaatea, Ac, at I A M., M ul 4PM Lrave Nrw York for Somrrri'le (w.y) *t A Vt P. M. By .tr.nirn kh'l) JACKKT and VV^oVII.NO, from Pter No 2 N K ronnaciinf at'htowa vrttb trg.B. by Naw- Jrriry Raiigo*. from fo. ol Court.ndt.L Rel.rninff, wiil leave P_-t4p*0e_| (oppo.Ite Euton) at 6.15 aud 10 A. M. aad BomerrUl* (wav) gt 6 » A. M. ELI/.AHKTHPORT AND NEW YORK. Leave Naw York gt 8 and 1" 15 A. M., 12 M. aad 5.30 T. M. L.ave fcluabe_i>ort*t7IO_Bd9-A.M.,I.'28. 3 and H P M| fJEOROE H. PEGRAM, Sj,.e,-_i_. nL C""A'MDENTiid AMBOY RAILKOADt.. FHIL ADKLPHlA.from Pirr No 1 North River .Two linaf d.ily. .: ti A. M .nd 2 P. M Morning line 8 A. M.,by gte._l.o»: JOHN POTTER to BOUTH AMBOF, thenea by ean to wav plarea aad Ph-adnphia. Far. *2 Exprn** lint a(2P M. by JOUN POTTERto AMBOY, thence drect to Can.rn by car*. through in five huiira. Kar.AJ Way, Ac- c -I..U-. .Ution and K.migrant Liae at 1 P. M. Eare 11 M. E- grant Line 4 P. M-: 01 75. _ Ii^LMIRA, CANANDAIOI.'A and NIAWAKA Li FALL8 RA1LBOAD-WIDE CARS wftb BOKA BEATB-THREE TRAINS DAILY from foot of Dnaae at Tbe longe.t br.a_ ga-ge Railroad Boat. ln the world. v:A Bew TOlk .nd Erle B.l-o*d to K'mira, El-iiiraCnauiaif-ia and Nugara Fal_ Railroad to Niagara Fa!!*; Oreat W.atera Railwav K.'aa-dal (o 1). troit. «6rl uJItt Tbe U*9 meattnard road conrrcu al DaUoll with tba Mk.MaCt.-I- Railroad for all i-.-iit* to the Oreat We.. Tbe K C an.1 N. V (Uil- road nal Li wiatoti w.'b tbe Royal MaJ Li-.e of Stram- an for alto witt. thr Amerirao Line af Sira.ueri fuf Klngaton. Ofder.ibur.h. Montreal and tb* WhiU Mobui.1n*. Tbi* rvule it r.u. witb prrfec'. refula/it; _. f-paich, alwayt « ii. .or uectiot.. TKKFTBran l^prornrtal aa follow.: From C . Tafiprn, i. . hro.rIw.y; M B Bpauldlog. Ne tfi Broadway-, Dt- r.ui Cl.B, No. 17.) Broadway, and at tbe Naw-York aod B-.e Railroad Office. Bai of Duane gt. WILLIAM 0. LAPHAM, Sapenntra-ent, Super*ntend.nr_ Oifica.*. Jon. II 18.54. V* Vi VV PALMEB, Ag-nt. No. 1_- Breadway, B. T. H~~UDSON RTVEJ- RAILROAD..SL'MMER ABRANfiEMKNT.Train. C-_.beraat. d.ily for A ar v .nd Trc-y On and atter MONDAY, Aaff 14,1-4, tha Train* wili rnn u (oi.owt: F.xpreM Train. 6AM, thronrh la foar hotat, from 3Ut rt, eonnacting with Northern gnd VVeetern Traina. M.:l Train. 8 AM. T-rengh Way Ir.ia 11 BL ExpraM Train. 4.36 P.M. AeeommoAarJon Trgtn at « 50 RM. Foi Way Pageenfer TruoB at T A. M. aod S P M : aod VV av. Freifht aad Train at 1 P. M. Foi Peek-iU at 9 A. M..130 P. M. u_ 5du P. M The Pee__Jl and P.Bffhkeepa- Traiag atop at a_ tho Wa; BB.Mt Pat.engerg taken at Chgaiberg, Caaal, Ch..op.vr, 14th anl ¦aaa M MJAY MAIL TBAKtS at 9 ____, (-9 Canal ri. fof Albai.v. .lot ping at all Way Siation*. OLlVER H. LEE^Vlee-PtaAitdeo^ M~TCHIGAN BOrTHERN RAILROAD LINK.-Ti.Yalar. for CHICAOO, 8T. LOL'IS. 1AN- BA8, acd all point. VVnt and Bouth Wegt, ean Thi- j.i.b Tickett, acd al. ir.fonnaiion ruBceming ro._e, fare.eV... tuh.r bv the NEWYORR AND ERIE RAILROAD. or NEW- TORR CENTRAL RAILROAD. by appllcarioa at tha Cora- peay .-_.,_-l.Ero.dwav.ew De--.,lo JOHN F PORTEl. Oen.ral Afe_, or L. P D1NTON Ttckri Agant NEW WIDE^bAI.GE ROUTE fr..m NEW¬ YORK to ROC HEBTEB-Tha BOCUE-TERgad OEBBBKB VALLEY RAILROAD I* cow op»n and ln eon- Bect_o wt'b the Baffalo. Cornlng New-York _d New Yoik aad Eria Bal-oad.. fonc a direct rotite from New-York to Bi.cbaarrr. Tba dlrectnMB ef thia roeta, tofether with tbe gaprrbr m _- fort a-brdeA by the wide oar.. render. lt by _r the moet de_ra- ble -etweea tbe ahova namr cittee. TlckaU caa be procurad Bt tha New Tork aal Eria Railroad TV kat O-re. foot ef Daaaa et. a_. at No. 1AI Broad. ay, a.0 ba Jer»ey City. BaggM* chrekrd throtua. Frrighu wil! be U-i.pMta.d betw.aa Nrw Tork aad B_r_» ter wltb A-patrh. Any info.Balka ta regard tbrreto ean br obtaiord hy cgllicf opon tha (Je-oeral Freigbt Af*at tbe New York aad Eri* Railroad. Kna riu:._ng» or C. t. TAPPAN. Exprea* Fraifht Affeat, Na I-i Brwadway No traiag oa Uf Bulaio. Corninj aod Naw York aa ¦aad.y. J. A. aE-FIELD.Bupetlataadaa- TOM aBLAHD RAILROAD..I^BTtBraak , **aeert, l" A V tm H- v». i. a ,,_, T- M F.rm.e.-.fa e I 49 P M i.m.i*. I«* »., ¦JJJ I Ml«A ll ivJiM' B. I..-4 r>|.»l hiwtj . . . I't. *.tTi-.r.T ' ' Jl.r-tvra. , _a,....-t." A bl T fa.-f_-aajfrd.le.9 4e i*. B.. aaaw « >.-i jiT. 4 2b k M F r A M r'.ri: a*AA» LMilje - AYa*i P V v '. M_ KEW-YORK aad Mv"! __hl.ku_JX_^j: ad altef U ednaWey. I"-!* 9*. anat .-tv '-ittkmt aatJ, r.»rr.«rrTr.." .... Frr'.<* 04 l>fW-*a| t. tmtawt aV H»?t.'r.Ptrfee.a-< A M f-i p-aVi.k ri-ee a. * A M « b'ai »i <| A M for tad Baeil*, ud -aiWWl(||L .tetu-r. RocllAtd Pafa».-iger a> t{ P M ftMtr t-c. ni "_wk_.ii -ig F - - . -n. md ii'. Staiwaa. * w aj | VK-r.-ri at 1 F M lut «.?_... koA _BBB___| St. "¦v*1.., Csa8-B at M P M. for D.nklr* aad 8-Uia. * .rvn:*.t>P M. k.r Da.ti.-k *_d B*C-.. aad iw^-^ at. BB-Baa ______ . _ Onr.L.Nl'AY.o4Si:*'>*Kj.»r**lT:_c.»l 'f P B. Tbea. __fl*a* Tia'v l Batal* ar ik *-t utm -.-.-ul Rric. r. ou Lat* E.-> for »'l poiU oa li. Ut.. aag al flur.lrk with th. Lake .-"bare fU-nMilj v_Mfe_9.0a ll. 4'. Cfwaeral .«u<>.r,.i^4,l TV'EVr YOKK -»ai Nr.W-IlAv KS KAILHoad: i> FALL MENT. NOV. 9. ItH TraineLeer.- Ne* York f-r New Har.-a. -». I. (la.) __» AM 3 Itt 4. lEt.l 4.V F.M.I Far krila.^.. , . foid. VairtrUI.SoB-ipar-. tn-1 W eetport. .. I. * AB ^ M.P.M.. r«KN«lB, T-. ".** A- _*-i *i .< £«-J __». 9.5, MVP.M; K,.rD_teot_d (..rvj.BW.cb. 7. I. J8 AM la, 4 IJ. j IA r. .V F.r Sfa-n.i-. J. ». " " » * * 1 (Ft.) 5 39, 4 19 IV r M Far Poit CkmU,aai ItUrt-Aaa !____», T.RtAlt-IA Mjl-.I.IJ,.Mi' M CoBnerti,, T..1...-1' r U.^a. « A J* >>« P B. iXx;l For Ilai4.'....i ai.J 8pc.e«iVIJ. * .Et.) ll # A iL a. I.F M iii -t R.v'f «..' ^* "_¦*.< t a. *4..(Ea ., ForCaoal B_lr..«d. ». (Ea 9* A M »« Nrw 1.. ne.ii _.ilroe* « A. M 3 F. M r or H.~a_Mt> Ra*. iraflM: P.r NagetB.-k Rallrawd, 7AM 1 P M (Rt;| lor I'ant.iifT end N.-rwaik R«ilro_l 1 A M.; .> *. P B. T-initi. Nrw V,.,k Fnm. \rw Ha-. A-.7.9B. A B| 1 !<> trl l e'.l,EtI4 4.1,-J J4i.P. M ;iF-iii Hndg.pwt AM, 142 1".11 A M I."".' ». 91 fF.i;>rr), B«*w_k.9.**4.9.».l*,«4 M. .Mlir..)MJ,l«»,ri_ (Ei l) Frr-tn Fort Che_er. *.».«. 41. 7 > » bt lltJl R.; kiajaB t. - JAV- ____*_£ ^"Tj-\»'-V0BJ- anii l'HILADELI'ri'.A aod tko I ROI TH er.i HKT ».. lh. NEW- IBRH9Y HtAll- foad-i s maii. tad BXPBBaa MBBB la***Baaa York fool of Llba-ftr-et at 7, 8 and I" A M.asdliiad*. P ft) lhrmih in K-ur Honra Ytre Oi t> n> 1: 01 H A *,, and 89 in 9, W tmi <. New Vor* A.-.-.>niiu.>daf»r Uia. leaaaa at 1. al *'-' ito;rmg »' all way atatioaa Throarh ttrk-taaatf lot Ciucinnati (at 819) and tb* Wct. ani for PtltiaByrt.Waa*- InttjiB Nortolk. *c ti d thnmrh bag_a«a 9B99_al .* W'aaB. Iiigtun ni » and A. M And 6 P.M_ CUlaa-t gPTf._ T~EtE l_E__W_*n_5uOT___f WATEE- CURE oSert tbe beil tcioiuaio.atieai. tot poienai Bt tre.t-trnt for tbe ¦mtcr.tud U<rm. ta i»ea>iut.i. *f *hm . hr-. Aldirm O. U. W-LL1NOTO.V M No. I73 1*h.t .Nrw >.rfl NEW TORR CITY WATlR-tl'BB No. M* \khak, Am.rof Cnhfertlfeplare._ IVATER-tTEE INsTITlTEand SCH«.()U TT Nn. iSLAH.lir Sl'.R T TRALL, M tk. tk\0ttk a|.0 1'atia.nt. C...ii|»teuttea_a» Phv i-iaiia. Tki-Thiid Lei ture wf ihe llydrop_A_ aad PbTai.U'ti.'.l School wlll commeaea N..» I. \%' ATEK-I L'RE, .-..iiitT i.l'i'.lli-av. an.l :*>r*8-gi TT iir. MilKW uni'.-. w.ih Dr. TAYLOR lo thia -ta. andenmBiodiooieatalliehment forthe Fa.l ai.d Wlater. tk- TIFtaTM and H4'AKI>FKT4 rrcelved al r.aaoi.aUe raua. Out -eor pi«'.i.-« pimiifl'-T **________ to._ .ttcbicnl. NO PREPARATION evr-r yrl iav.iitaaj eaa esn- OOl RAl'D'S ITAL1AN MEDK ATITD .-!OAr 9* cnrlet ttn, pimple., Irecklrt. cliap*. cha/.e. eiid all aklala Itrmltiri li. were of I. liooa coula.nla* awiwra! eelr.uaeegg cttrrly miiioaa ta> th. ci..| I. end bv Itu ir tion eBdanarriug ti-altb. OO-RAUIPS I'ol'DRE 4i;.:TIU ot-oof. ai.y part ul the _.1t f.i.i<»il Raae. LUy \l '.ill... II.Ir Dt« ...d, al the wi.l &?»**, «7*.». ,, -i I'u-t .'. r. fiom Briaadwai, Calieoilar. W kl m Pbilai .... ¦ I Cfgal Noticre._ IN OBEDIENCE to _n ordrr ot the Court, _w Hberiff |.i_«li.he. tliet.ll.iwin.r 8AMUEI. Al.l.KN ShenA " ILril n*a-.i|.hia Sheti* a orh ., Oed 1*94 OB) aed i.miiiv.i PkilaaelpUa - The (oim.ionwealih in Peaaa* aenia I.i the Kk-rttl ..f Philadelr-hia 4 ..n.i-v 4ire-tina \*a ron,n.»n.l Ti.mlia. eea a tarh W ALLAl H - CAl.frWF.l4s !..fe ..I y....'r 0*4H ta. !.> all end aingui.r. bi gooda aod rheiteB, lenda aoairu.iii.i.te in wlioa. baooi or poaa*ae«>n iba aame n ay be. m that lie be and appcr aai Daatnal I nn tor'ihe 1 ity »nd I ..unty ot PbilatfrlpBi. to be kn.4.u At hi« in .nd iir i.ld I ity .nd t'oantr. fb. *rw Mendey I ol DrraanbrrBrjt t.i an.wei THOM \4 J IDLKMAN wf a plra of tieiapet* on the .... Ac. Aml wr tlti coinui.iid fua tbtt y< u lunimoo tll pt raon. In whuae hand. oi peaeeMlee tbe mid goiHla r I.a r .y ol them m.v l.e alUahed. a* iba tiiey .ndtvery ol them b<- end eiip*»r be/*** tb. Mid C .mn a tl r d.y aod .foi.aald, to im*. r whal e-e'l he obje<t*4 aieli, and tkkl* of tbe i'ourt tl..rriBt and have aaa ikaa ll.. re tl... writ. WWWMt ili- ll»amei4e lir.,..r Sl,anw..iid. Prwidrnl of. .ir aavul 4 .nut a' l'ki!..i-lp*ja tb. 23d d. v ot Seplember. iu lli« T»er nf um Ijoid ea* tlmnamt euht Imii-taad »i«i lil"'. four, IA ti 1AM) TIIOM4S KLK.ri'llBR. P.oiban.i... Indorw.1 "No. », l>e-ri..rwrTe.- l*H" Tb... tah. iTi.n r. Wallare K C.ldwell, K.,rei»- . BJ Bwl a>i;i<ai Altirh g.MHl. .nd rh.t'rl. N'i le af.l t--:rin«ea^ iirht. tnd rrmn o? .i. tr, ,ia.H m ti,- rm...le |.«aw.:oi tt 88 t, .1. .1 . baiie. ThnrniAU, and eau.¦ biai ai itrinila* of I ltwi.w V "J. CI. A l < a Any. lo' PIC"_ IN PURM'ANCE i>fan ordt-r f.t'flit-S.irrf.Rnte«l tl.e Caaall of NrW Yoik, ia IrrrllT aia.B te ll f-r7*r *.*-g -*-'-r*. *anm A i.l.'M-1*4. latr .| tba City ef New-1ork, li. aiiad te araeeai Uia aaaaa wtth r.i.irkaw oE l .N. Ut Varictel o'ui »*B. i.Y.L, l.nI'N -HI ii i N 21 |.-y -i I* th. . ', tt Bea- iork, .., i.i belbaetbe te ,uv r-iai th dty of Apnl ont Dtled N.w York, tbe iblli d.y ..f October. |i-M BAMUB. L0DN9BURT, I ..,___ o77 lawiii-.Th F.I-U..RD l'Ry \l MK'.lN, I IK l't am E of aa BfaW af t-oBniiBt-lB 4 tbe 4'o.iBty ol New Vork, n.ifir. i. h.r-l,- Riaen io ail eor aaaa Bai-ig i -.». .aalail .Lr.VA-.l.r.K f 4 l.'i.rii.aT.iata tka frt Bew-1 tk. ittommi. I* ftawal iB* mnewaa ronrher. there..' tn'he inbarriber. «t lh. T'.ire of AleitideiC I nltert, No. HM faaai rt R. <he 4 ity .,' New York au .* before th. d.irrnth d.y ot Apnl next.- i New Y.rk.A* teellih d.y ofOotttin-t. icM. Kl.l/A ( 1'I.KKRT Admln!atr»__. olS Al.f'A 1 LBEBT A.imu-trali-. IN II l.'.-IAMCE otan unli-rot thi'Snrrf.((At»-* the (niinij ol Nev» '1 ,..« Botlre a li. ¦.¦ "it glTea to all pa j claiine againat THoMAjS HALEV, late of Ibe CttA] of New York huiloer. deeeaaed. to ****M_| tbe eeae, wn Tonchera thcreol tn the aiioarrll.rr, at the el lawaatP. No. 110 Elirabrtb «t. iu the City ol New York. oa or befi lha tw.nty f. .uth day of l-.uutrj Daled N.w-Y. tbe tweutieU, day ot JuJy, 19*4 MARAIIA MALEY.Eteottrit.. JtII ltw6n.F^_by tHAfi. T. HAI.EY. N ITRSDANCE i.f an order i.f th" Surr.^ale 1 tl- f uity of New York. :a h-rrky gla.a lat pettcnt htruig clainie tgai-tt ANN V. 0ILLK-P1-, laUl the City of Nrw Ynrk.d.craAed to nreernt tha laine witb f* ::.. r. ..I to tl.e auLa.r.n.i. at l..a ,:!n .-. No 1" * at., corarr ol .'.leanat lu the City of N.w Y..ik. H .r b< tbe arr.iiih day of Jeiiuary nrRt-Dated. Naw Yurk, tbineentb ita of July, l^VI. 1, in.w6i..'F-_DANIEL FANSUAW, Et»c**o*_, IH PUS8UAKCE i.f ta order of tha SarnrgaW a tbe County ol V w York. Notiee w bertbj gir.e to aj4 pe aooe barina laim. aiainit tlr./KMAH LYO.N lei- 1 tbeCa ot New Vork. T--A lajtein. derrawd. to p.aenl th. wa with -ourbcie fh-rr^it to the rtobaicnbera at rh. *V* * TUOMSON PBICE No V. \\ a-n ,- m thr C*y of Naa . u or mmtmt the Elereath dar ol Deceaaker ,*wk- Dtt.d, N-w-York, tbe«tb dar of Joae. |8*A HTEFHEN LYfiN, ( .d_.k.!_i___, _j.9 I.w«rr.F* 'I IIOMSON PIUl _, ! hamtAUttrktaWi^ ^TEW-YORK BUPREME COLRT.FRHI_ I IBICB I >TALLKNKuHr JAMK.4 HAF FER'I V .--rimone for a Mon.a Demana on r..,,trart (0*8 not arrard ).To JAME-i II A FFFRTY Aeinirlaiit ietW here4.a eummnoed an^ reo'ilred to anewer IS. -aepMH. aag a. tlon wi.i'h *>. ti rd m theOltl.e t th-4 lerkot tbrCitT4a County of New York. at the City llall in the Cily. »f lt**> York. on the 3d day of Noe-mh«r, AV D. 1*44, *ai to wa.If coi y ol yoor .r.rwer to tha aaid compiiint oa tbe aabearlberja hiaorfice No kANieaeoat In the aaid City. witbia twamW ity* alter the errvicj ol thi* aumnone oa y./o. «*tlaa*M of tbe day of eucb trrriet; ard if yu fa.i t_ ere.* tbe itid compitint withln _M Um. a' mki ib- *!*__¦¦ thU acti.jii will Ute judA-eat aat.n*' y..a for lh- .«*» Atf AU w.rli Intrr.-.i Irom tbe br.t iaj ot Niiw-W.a li..,_at:d.AbthuL...d and M] l'»'}^*Tl'?';,r'w'' ['J* _cti... -D.ird Neva-tU. J, 1SVI > 0 RTALLRNE. liVT. aoriai.a A' ori.»| ia p.op«r perw* V"TKK'jt'A'lTAIiLMENT..IJyor.Iafr..fn*B J3l B r iif.rM,oM of the Jii.-ice.ef Ib. bapttam l. m\ totice i* berrhy Riaen thal aa aft*chm-nt hai ieiaed,aeaii-t * *««. ot ANbftEvv *.tter,-4 thit tb. Mirr w:T: bar .old for the peTment of bw d«b_ aaJW he appetn and diAChtrget iucb attwDtiiet,'. tcrordla* <o ** withlij n'.ne montba from the firal puhlicttioo ot t."-." mm and that tha p*yn.ent of any d.bte lue to l..m by "'¦'*___' th;. iLd thr drli-.rry to bim <ar for hia uae of e>.y pref* tv - tl 1* Stat> kela-iung 10 him. ani ihe Ir-iafrf ef I* aoch proprrty by bim, te forbiddeo by Uw .ad ."_ _*^.^ f.lo Oet 29 ltk WALKER A MOABH. t. Uw9n.F Attora.ja for A'_-tbi*| l.teAMk KY. BUFKKME COlRT.-Dfc.NMS I'lU a KINS, MITIHELL C BROOK* tnd tjEyM WHITEiftnatL M. ATTAWAY-To tba DEFFMUA9 .h.,a. t.tro-il: Yoai are herehy mmmrned Mid re^n-rtAJA awtr tke complalnt In tka wtkrn. wb ch te ftled .*_»..*¦» a.rl ierkoftLet-.ty aaa Coante of New tb.f «J ¦ IS taui cuy tnd to 99989 t fopy of yo4- tn.wer¦** ******,. pU:nt 00 Ibe rob_-rtb«r. *t fii* o*e* No V* ^'* ttidCilyof.New York. »ifhin tweuy dtya tttm tka fat inmmo-a on yoa. e»da_r. ol ti* day of aai* .* If yoa fall to ai..w.r tbe tali complalnt »ii-n tle i^ei ..inai.e piwjjtiB. in thiaecileu will uke j*irm.riiitm iui Thr tuwui 0*2 31 wUhluteMetfr,- -dd k 14*."_ with later** no- n.b J_.._ry.l*S4. a49* l«.»"^ rr.r,.th.8-hd.TofM.T I9S4: ani 8499 B, with ..ien thefcthdeTwl 3-ur. 1.44, ba^tdee tbe c.eM of taw * \m\m\ Ja-a U. 199a' B. <.***\l\*%\\t%^ Tbe gpaaWBl tn thia .clien waa filed ln *V**\ Clerk of ibe f ut __ Ceaa* rtJUrwJotk oo tb* iwaj Reptember I96_ R (iOODBAN, Flt-tttiF j*""' w.0 UwfJwF_m_ SiTREME COURT.-Cit; aud N.w Y. rk -ROBEBT li C«oMWELL i*a>_« TAYLOR-'un-oeae T.. lh. liEFBMJANTi trntft iytotr,n.totiVtmwmai Ua* comp-J*! ¦»'*¦.'!}__ wttfilad with tbe Clerk ol thU Caart. tt Ihe Cdy Ba.. tby of New York. Uie aUy. aad lo wrr. I, *aM ..0 me. .t my uB-Jf ia the Citj, of Nr» York Jt**99 i.y. tfttt wirior bereof of .h. d.y of me*m an.l if yoa fa.l 'o asewer a. a'oreeaid fh« PUIni * * Jadgmrot »g.ia* ro* ter ihe aam ef n* h*aare« u*J\jm ihrre d. Il.r. wi'h interert fr> m Je.y tt. I*9«_»*~7. itei dollara. «b* fram rhadafe hrre.^ oa «he /. ira-aaj ..dearoet. -DatedNoe I I8M. BDOtR J L"^ a. I*w9wF' Attoraey for PUntH, Ntw i*T» **'

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Post on 30-Jan-2021




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  • BBOB aai nJU.1T-II bb SALE-A-odrr. '.B 'H t-',;t *.'"- _a_M « i". Alii-pr'.vr-_ aa FB.n.tar. ror. plat tu-tat'l. for a B.w.y-¦£__

    aa-WBrertwiall'bi.IIy Thr who.r will coat l.r.wren t\"tBf te* 03.1"" fwl.ieh eaa ramaia on Ihr nroprrty .1 de-Sre* Ap|i *,. ..»¦', r_. ...1 ,.. A K M rJ-T-A O-t-.

    HOCSE f..r SALE at a OBEAT SACKIFICE,ta BBOOKLYN-For advanre. made t. owaer.-AwM'e mark- fiont thraratory and t_.rr,r f !HH 4E. p.'Waally-taaird r«l«iL. all Ua «._ara ImprovarT.rn... Lby IT. coart Y«d in front Ac ; wortb about Bll.«_. Wul b*aold for »2._-C caab, and 14 6W on jymd and oma .'., (a fewAror* aaat of hrt>*dw by ) whlrh, In contequrnr. of the in-frraaed d.maiid lor oor tinriralod inttrnnirnti have brasIttrdnp wltb .perlal rrgaid to the coiivc-lcnca of oar otu...-r-o.. fn. ndi aud i _u '.


    AW l.Ai'li A OoB QBAHD DIAQ0Na£. PIANO KORTES.w'-h new.>R\M> At.TION Aiao,CAI.IlAllTk NrfcUlJAM'B M'.l.oHK«J>S 8oleAg.-n.-r.H- 411 Broadway I.IM'M.v k THOMPSON."

    ARAKE HAkdALV.A ip!.iidi.i $:«J(l 7-wtarr ROiaKWOOD PIANO KOHTE will be »>ld forBr*' iiol (hrra n-.-r'ht io uar hy tha br*' niakrri fu'ly war-waottd.rxrrllanl ii.or rtnnd corr.rri, metalhr tra-e.. p.rfrcfBrvary w»y OwBer tg folBJ to C-ba. It can br icen gt .No I.ICban bar. .t I>or:. C till b .. rlork,Jn.ic.l aulhr-ritira. to br io _t*B.. iaall d. .liabl* cjnaliiir. of too* aad ll._ of thoer of any inh.r_marirar u._ufa. tnrei T (ilLBEP.T.4- Ci> '4 Premiam PIA-N..> v. b... anl.. il.r .(..lian: IIA1.LKTT ACCM8TONS-IAB08. (of lhe "in iu ii. ot Ht lr( A Ca *nd li*noa of.'tht teetrhreir. niakrii fuatlbih'y oa band. 8erood hand Piaool gt.rai ha.gai.i Pncei, B40, ?-. 075, #|.»i BI7J.f-.arli ln.trui.irnt tna'ai-ta^d To aiilt cnttoma-t m.ntblY

    CymenM are Iak I'gi'.-a ... rent. Caah paid foracco.1-__al_a.w. HORACI WATEBB.No «.i Broadway^IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENT in MUSICALIN"TK1VKM- Tl .'. t't iBbular mataiic nerk for V Maa, v .bar* lle. 0. t.'raN.»e.,.nd all .Imilar crtngrla_.ra.i,rr.. havli.g bert Ihi.ronglily teited anrl nnajalrjCBllyB|.*»ovari by larg. r im t-r* of Amacn'. and Ar( tn thr City.f Baaii.n a- 4 ihwwhere. n no* ol.-rrd with ror.fidenca to thepatilir. *, ar. baygfia.I r.t worthy ot tb" highrit con.idrr.tioaaad paiwagfi By BitBcl.i.g ll i. .Bp.r.iu. rvrn lo th. ch. apeai and tlmotl wrrili ra- de.m|.u,n ..I ___¦____, th' Y areBt BBrr tranaformrd In all thrlr aonorou. aod Yihrilory quall-Ke.. and raiead ib valua, ln many ln.tan.r., to l.eoty iimrithett coat An rxamtaalion and trial of tome of thefew n..ilaalteedy fo'..rd wl'l tmmediataly .lUfy eveiy onef_ii.ii.wr aith tha frtaevplaa of mnalcal acirnce. t.f thr va.t im-portanca of lhl* -t.i.l ab'a I. vrLlion. Sr.rlmri . t f (hr nn-pn..rd laat.amrn., aad t*_t_> THK OLDEAT EATABLI8HMF.ST

    T. U. CMAMBtiBS.No. __ Bioadway.

    fllrtfljinmj, ^t.

    SEAV IN 5" MACB INES.Tbe AVERY 8EW-IBO BACH1NE Co. «_l *ttentl_ to tbair -eproradBM..I ahicb rroalrrd tba Arat premiam at tb* CryatalPalaee. T_* patenl ha* beea receatlv purcbaaad oy tbe Fraocba..iiat to b* aar- Ib th* ii.anafa.turr nf N.vy aad ArmyBoiorme. Foi th* grwtaa of b*.vy go. _i, a* -aeke Ba«g

    Bto.t Clolbor Caa-maraa. whar. great atr_gtn tjmachiaa ia InvY-aatil-.

    wt tbw raackiaa To aBBiacbiof. we aay ea_l al

    |i. 2M B-.._ -.

    SECOMMIAND STEAM KNiilNE for 8ALE,-A tw.nty boraa ENGINE and tw* ( YL1NDEB Bi>IL-KR8. all ur. fr*-- nt_i_f order for aale al l1.-. if .pp'ied for_iw.d-l.lT lo J LOMAI Fithkill Landtaf. N Y

    . _B-I I BMIM i-M'-k VT, i.'.aa %ea ___--_--.

    au.b w reoalreA. ibralr raaid w.wkiof i.TTvar. laaa dfcpate abm.1 th* |.tr.t o( tbw raackloa To *Bwbo wiah . good ebeap and Aurabla ai

    iperitird lengtb., »t .price whirh enahl.a fir.-j-oof hnilrlinra t.. be ererted . . rerymodeiate iiiimir on the eoat of wnodea onea The pnh i- »r«inritrd to ej.mine the new bnildm« of Meaera H.rper A Hrothera ia Clifi >t.. where tbey h.r. heen nved Kor fonher luloroi»ion »pp T to COOPER tr HEWITT, No. 17 Bnrling -alip.


    KJ COCKROACH. Ae., EXTERMINATOR. liro ,t No.44« Broadway. N ¥. None unleaeiltned by BKHBlR. COSTAR. For aale hv ali ihe pr.... ipal UmrUu._

    HEaVY F.£k.ilT I..r CHAJ.l_Ea_TON.-Afew bnndr.d tnni He.ry Freight for tbe .bore port mtybr Laa hy imniediate tppliration lo

    -FOFFOBI). TILESTON k Co No^SO Brotdwty^IMP0RTAV1 to LADIE8 BB- OENTLEMEN.-Mewrt Y. DUMONT k Co beg reepectfully to inforratheir nnmerona rnatomeri Ihal they cunturie ta receire orderafor tbeir mpenir ityle ol IlVKINd and aCOUKl.N.i al. kindiof ai'k tod weelen goirfa, i.dirjr dre«.n, ih.wla. grntl-n.n'icl.thir.g. Ac Kid glorea cleuad wit.uut amelL OSce No._«i_Broad»ay, N. VT_Sl MMER CAXDLES..ALLAN, HAY & Co.roeiiBue lo niaaafactore a nperior artirl. of raUMMKRCANI.LEH, of all aiaea Warrantrd full weigbta, la oontei tothe ponnd. Wi.rki Noa bt. II and 4i Itt aa_

    Prenei gardeR. jrnea bar. datedOl ii nv/e eherta\\ ith rnnntrrfrltaUf Lron'i PillAnd du.i tofill.

    TNE pfiiuino jMAIiNETIC POWDER and|'| I.I-,-. hrar a tar aimilr of hi. aignaturea. and none otnerwm efr. tnally extirtiate i_lecti and ve-niin. Pnncipal itpul,Wa 994 Broeaway.Al' llil. ROl'E.h'uriiiiii.'H.iiirlini-dplauea,hoiatT T ing. heaay wn«hti, ateerieg purpoae. for .eaeele. atayi or

    kraree Ac: nrmrh aaler and far -nore dnrabl. tnai beet he-reor lndr ropea. Aleo. for eaeh wrighte anii dnmb in borld-Inga, coaducf.ra Ar made ol erfra fine an*T.iy.exible. CHAR-ES W. CUPF.LANt).No 61 Btoadwty.

    YEAST POWDEB..B. T. BABBTTT la tliei.iiglna', inTetitoT nf thr CHEMIf AI, YF.A-iT I'O WliKR,whirh ia |ff i a.e.l and aold hy bim at Noa 68 and 74 Waehiug.i.i at Nrw V'.rk in >in cana Thin,. who purchaae ahould eaetbat they get thal with ihe etn ve neme (.u.

    Jnenrance Companiffl.BROADWAY INSIIBANCB COMPANY,Na. 4M Br~adweT. I aaa*

    CASH CAPITAL B-*ja9*,Itanm tgainil Lom or Damage by Fir*,

    ob laTnrahl. lerm.Ii M. FORRESTER. Prri.ient.

    Jtlon IVrav. Beeretary

    ^.0RTU'AMERICa\N EIRE 1XSU___\CEI COMPANY.Utfire No 6 Wall ef, oppwite New^tCAbU CAPITaL. »-»II.OOO,

    va ith a large inipli..Thii Cttapany iDnrea »«alnit loaaor daeiageby flre oa Bnlld- Mrtchaii.iae. hhpa in porl tnd tbeir Ctrgoea, ll.u .l.jidl:.initure ud prrrontl proptrtj genir.llT. .t tbe e.u'.lu.'.eg*JAM-ii W. OTIb, Fra.ideBt.R. W B.ttCRRR, Becrettry,_REPUBLIC 1TK-TlNSlTKANCE COMPAJV-TOftice B* M Wall at..Thia Company harirn tbeir ctp-.ttlof BlA.'.Wt' paiii in eaafa tnd aecarely inreited. ar* prepared iolnmre againat lou or d._tg. by Fire ou ftrorabie trrmt Therharter of tle Company prorldei tbtt after paylr.g interett tothe atockholdrra, at tbe rate of aeren per cent. pt i annum. four.fifihi of tlie rrmain.t protite are to ba dirided ainong tbe ae-aurrd ia errip. be.rini inirreit. whi, b errii. ia ro be rMeetni.UeId caah whrnerer th. acc.njul.ted pr.ifit* aud eepit.l .'aaia.ii..untto8;,iAR,,iW..

    19991999Ch.rlea F R.aell. Dentiir.t Duer. Frederck A Delano,banirl B. KrariBg. Joliu Steaard, Jr., J.nea C Be'l.Wiiliam 11 Rueeeli. R.l.rrt B M.uturn, Danl. l>raxe Srr fh,Augualu.C.Ii-wui.ig.Reubeu Wnhere. Frederic ... koeter,Oaraway B l.tnitr. Edward C lecter, Frleg HtiWm H'it er l.unctB, ioeiah llatra, Kobart S. Hoot,N. H Woife. Joeeph Oaiilard Jr bamael \ HiSiata,lawc T.>wt_and, Jii M Haterbury. laeorre W. Kicji,..mriUarrra, tar.i.e l uitia. JP.oiraudb.ater.Artbar Lea.. Oeorge T. Adea. Joha A. C. Oray,¦ort. *A llti-i!toB. Jobn J, Jt.RuBEkr B BONE rreaidaaLDircaa F. CeatT, Rerreury.__

    rTUE PEOPLE - iire insirXnie com-X FANY i.f thr CITY of HBW-TOBK.

    CA.SH CAPITAL... t* I .jO.OUti B-k a rarplnt.OSrea.N.«. iTs CalaI it aaa it Wila.m it.

    pjorertT generRllr tnenred .t.init ,w..nd damage by Fire.RICHARIj \AR1CK Freiiirnt.

    W. F. l'*l>r*ililt. 8ecrtt_rr.

    (Topartntreliij, Notirca.DISSOLI'TION..Thr partnivaliip baratofereexieiing ni-der ihe firm of BABCO.K. Dt'BL'IS.ON kHALL, lt diteolred by tbe drath ol Mr Btbcock wbowu loet witb the ete.mer Arctic. The baeineo. of thr wlll h* tettled br tbe aurviring partnera. New-York,hot. 1,1141. (iEORl.E W DUBL'I-SON

    JOHN II HALL. Ra 113 Fulton at.PISSOI.ITION -The cotairtn-nbip h.retofor* eirat

    Ing aaaaa tha fna of JOHN CAMPBELL A Cowa. dieai.Tved ba mntnal conaenf. on the let of Norember.The boii_ea*of the late brm w:_ be acttl-d b) 9B-99 ot tkeptiuea. Nor. 1, list.

    JOHN CAMPBELL.AVGUS.lNE BMit-L. Bea Ul and ;'.N***»uit.

    COPABTNEB-ir.-Tha aarr rtaj ptrtnera of th*Ute firm of BABCOCK. Dl Bl ISt4()N A HALL,bare roneolidtted their l.u-rret. w tb lh.** of Joba-aiNll C..undrr ihr naane and nrra ol CAMPBELLIIALL b Co.. wbo will luotiaiie th. paoet rommieeion bian-Beaa laalliu braochea, tl No. 11" and Ut Naeeanet. New-loik, Nor.1,1-1*. JOHS CAMPBRLL

    ORO W lll Bl'lvv.iN.Af. .C4TISK flMITH.

    ._JOHN H HALL.rTHE rSDER*?iGKED -bt. forat. al'AKT-* NER>H1P. under tke firaa of HOYT A JOIIN*ON. ata___r__T_*f_ T_fJ»i.lliTelU..r arteni.ntotb.aal. of..;.. "o_r____»" *¦¦" ¦¦ aa* ..-. . .¦.f**T** »*tl EMatr. ud to the b.bo4m'i..* nt Loaaaoo kondraJa, vi!f*v .. WILLUM 1 HOYT>ew Yi.k N.t l5 ltM WM TEMPLETON JOHNSflS.^=======S=!=:===?=~=--T-----., I " -=-

    _paintB.^iglagg, ^c,Z«_w__SffiT____.,ll,r^i»«- raw_-__:'_-_-__-___-__¦ "'"aed -err work* ud taTbeir \A H ITE -INC wkkh a aaid Ara _we_- -u

    ¦Utite WHI ewewTbe- BROW|ea.l-ve«ee-. -".¦¦ . . , _^^

    ud caa ealy be aiadr froai the Ziac Ore. froa Mww mXMMli,.e ..:: kaawafer lu *rota*UT* iiaiXwaia, .ppoad'u._..... '" ...pfe. __Wva orotker a-etai'ic niarwTbeir STONE-COLfOR PAINT 98-M99 »I the |BBB--_|

    A Ibe Brwwa. and u of ee agr».a*w ro^r far paia-aa _*uvre. dar-K. ma: >*...» bnd*x« aV Dealaaa npg_a4 g-1.- ar. larww ka llAhNINO A MUCIER ke-nu

    tti _..-v- . , .- X.

    fiair. op -vBClurn.H. IViii.n Anr.l. -,-.r


    .. .- it.b.y tBto p.rlor .nr) dminf rretr..r- od Mi-ra-

    - .- / .-...' -t_ War* g'- I'er-.:..-. DI ffB. Of Wti *«.I

    nt beyocd dr_ r -t. _; _«- th* tWpai B_TO" aMCU PA_';-f». i-ct- T.trgtry. B-_*.U Carpeu. 1. »jVaboatr. *-¦ 1 * --nltare la all g_o_l_l npw-dof

    x the ciig_.Ico.t- Th-.m_ arg ca.:. __ '.__*.poaitivc._.

    M.TTHtw JotDAY A-et-aaer

    BY JOIIDAN a\ NOBTOrf, Atirtion^er* andCo_mit_or Merehv_t*. No M Broadway. (np ttuajk.-»-.. F.atBb ar.d Le._a.dgta_

    A M Ao- --¦

    BY BANG-S BROTUER __ Oo..Trade .Sal*R- ». Ba P.-k-rowAT PBIVATB *.ALE-A r.ry larg. ' thvrr

    Ergiiafi BrK.I- conrigurd from ro. a. *t emin-nt L'.od'B peb-bghea inciadinf the whole of Mr Bo-o'i ra-n-e ot Lto.rie*,eauicgce. of whtch may be hBd_

    VV A T.gTr. Ancrlor.-rr Ro B D-.-at

    Gl_OCER__& i ORKS. CIOARS. iAo.-r IV.klat 8p.rrB.n4T.lloYr Candie.. B-ooy Rani Oin Str.1 Prn. ( omlw t.r-Irt. VMra BatAM*. -t-_f Bl.okete, Bralr. vVnghtg,8r-:nr l-rTt*.' _*BB_t- «*loon Ittnrre.f .utitar*. T.ol-( hair. OTttar Bqy Ae_

    AYTHOav J. RLtl.kil. Aaciioaeer

    IAI.-E and PEREM1T0RY .SALE at Al.V-J TloN o' :t VaU'aBIE BDlLBtftO L')T4. onAvannri B grd C ard l-i'h. I.Vh and IStn-at* in tb* Clry ofNrw-\.rk_A J BLF.FCKKR wi! g.11 at Ai'tion, oaWEDNE.DAY, Nov. 12. l&M, .1 12 M at th. Merrrtt-tr'Firb.rig.. Btrw Te_ thr following d'arrlried L'Jf*ie tbe ifih and l»th WO.* o' ihr Ci-y ot Naw York, rn:Avrnoe B ¦*. r'ltronnd on the e_t rde of Avenn* B.

    between IMh and 16tb gt., aad omprinn' tbr entire gveoaefro-t-

    Al*o on Ave-.e C.7 Lot. oa the werterly gide of Aventie C.ccm-nnclng 15 feet 'J laeheg aorth of 1.h

    Al.- .-n tL it v Lot. on tbe norbeily lide of 1-ib.t..c..n mtnein* 1-8 feet eait of Av.i.ue C

    Aia.. n 13th .1 .7 Lot. on th- noitbrrly aidr of 17th ar and[IBIBUir.I BB -rt eut _ Ave-ue B.A,~.onl5_-rt.3 Lota on th* .rulherly .ide of IVIi-.i

    r.ininri,(lii| V* frrl .rg of Avrou. B Alm 1 Oor* Lof,r.m o r. ,. ¦ l-'i irri wral of ta. aboa. deacribed property, mt-(tiring I.V> on Ihe rrar. Al-o M L»t« on thr noriheriy.irte. coii'l't'-iof tbe rolira .treat front, beiween Avennr B

    Al*o on 1-th *t.-2* L.. en tlie eontherly «id* of MBVf.,brtwren Avrnnr B i-H .' ror, prMl r tk* INft wreet front.Th', prriper-j ofter* nnnraal mdnrameBt. to cipit-tg.. or

    tbote coMerrp'iting r-.i!*.ng. *. thi. portion ot th* rity Igr.ridlv improYing Tbe «. . wil'b« paremptory. gndetchl. tpnt up wili he aold to the btghevt btdeer The term. will be varyhrr.l ga 7.4 par re-L, ran remaln on bond .nd m jrtgtgr for

    iTtsM FormapaaLd p_t:c_an. apply to tba ANo 7 Bnadtt _(M>_

    F. Coi.TOv Auctioneer.

    IABOE SALE ef CABI.NET F«'KVITn,'K.J OIL C-O-BB, CABPBTa MIRROKS. W1BOOWBHADES. kc, Ae-F COLTON wiil tnl. THI. DAV.(Frid.Y.) Nor. 17. at the Auc'un Kiom. Not M Brrk.-uanand £9 Arn iti. a larg. aaaortmenl of Cabinet Furniture ttmu'.ctnrrrwho iigivln. Bpthe baa..M Alio a l.rga lot of*«ioLd l.and Furriitute. fmni a fauiili ri nioving. all of whi.-hi. in good order ciioaiatin. ef Boarwoa. Parli.r Suito( ia B'oc*taliea.d Hair Ciotb. R.*r».*. Hreeaing Bureau. Mah.iganyB.i-rai.1. ll.l.ogaLY French Badate.1* Cottaga Ch._l>er AriitM,M.r Cn.'rr Sidr acd Card Tai.lre: Mu.n Scaoda. Sofaa. Trt.k Tri.. Plsaa >".'!. Exirnao* Tahlee,Bl.rk Dirii.g a..d Tra Tablr* Comer Sr*nd», Book-c**r. and Sarrrlarira M.hog.nv gnd Caae Chair, Mirrira,VAir.dow, Oil P.ia'ini. Olaaaw.rr. Sol.r Lvrrip. Rirhll'. V Me, h.tSi.rd. I."tinga*. Ma-lretar* Pglnajter*.M.hoggny,, Ho*ton R'..a Aucnooaer,

    W'll.I. BELL THU DAY, at IOJ B-laek,II ,r Ba "I Bioadway. corarr of Dataeg_, * lar,. ar.d .j-lmild of nrw and fathionatlr Farniturr of rr.ry de«-ri|4ioti, frlng tha enMre g-ock of arlrv marufartnrrr rotititilng of roa.wa.'. mahogaay. .od wai-aal Pa-lor I'i. ir g r.,-..... aml Chnmber Fura.rnra: a .o enamrlrd Cbamber KarcitBre, ra *nilr; aiao. rirh drc ir.trd C-ina,kilvrr rlatrd W ara ArCttlogori, and the art:r'.i can be t xarr iard ear y on

    lt. rr :ni g ot talr.N H -Krrular Anc'ion ralet held evary VV ednaadav an.l

    E'idaY.of Knriitnrr. I'ieno-Forte*. Of! Paiutkg.. Hotna-fur-ni.l.irg Articln. kc. C niULmrLt. Bollcltrd. .bd adtbbc. t n.adr wben ieg-lrrd.

    Ai IS 'lilork. onr .rand a.-tl.o I'iano Korte._Kliaj Comii. Au. tloreer.

    WILI, BELL »t AUCTIOV. on MONDAYII N fg m, atllo'clork A M .* No. 14R ( hamba-r. it.,

    a r;aaBtitv of Panor and ( baniber Fnrnlmre. con.ia'inx lo part-ood Piano. Mahogani Cb»iri T.ble* B.d>teadi. Hu

    reaui Pt.rClin. Lira CurtAlna, Tipnt.) ..d logiain Car-|r(< Mattr. .*.!. Btorra ai ._

    llivxi T. Ltcdi.Auetionoa,WILL BELL TIIIS DAY. Rev. 17, all IkeV T r-nr.tnrBCott.-edlu Honte No. (2 Wr.r .jtd ,t a- otKroa-vrty. r. B.M r., f Mih..*iny I'ailor Kurnl'ure in hair:oI_. Iturt.'.. Brd.t-a-i. vv aiti-Un-i and rhambrr Fsrak

    ti.. ,C__rta 011 Palnting. and Eigr»,ingt, IIttIftgatf. Paillaaaat Qulltt.-c. Bt'a po.itiYe.r_aorfblnr.atl(v( o'clork, pr.ri.rly_

    A. C TlTTL... Aacliun.rr.

    ItUUi L0T8 DUTCB BULB0U8a' **. 11 JF HOOTS at AUCTION. tlS.i. 17 Wall .1.THISDAY. at 101 o'elock. c..mpr_ir,g tbe l.rg_t and moettho ra aaviortmeot of t. ,'roted llvsc.iti.. Tu Ifw, Crown Im-parlala. Lllitomi. OI_li .ut Ir.i Rar.oncollu., A-amoaiae,Cn. .. Jo. |Bl a Ar .fl-red at .u.-tn.o In .rvaral yaan iolota to .ul pur.b-.rr. Saie peren.ptory. to clr.. curirtfain-ii:..

    Dnj ©oo_8.CLOAKR! CLOAKS:: CLOAKS".'.OEO.Bl'LPIN. Ni. itil Bro.dw.y. rrapretf-Uy invi-Mth**tter lion of I..r* to bi. imporialior.t an* nianutacturee fur tb*i -. ».Lt tratoi.. n o.j rl.ii.g bb AJwonmrBt of

    TEN TIIOL'AASD tba foUowlBg aitr*nrdinary pricai:Two tbrti.nd raperb ck-ta mk line- randrrd taprrb clothtilk lined loaxg .'..* IIBia.1 litrdrti-rujir.-t. clotb till uncd _.IM

    . and v-ry r-rh r.i'.b ul loaki,at.lllTwrlve bnadrrd taregb l.v nt vrln-t tbooM-d npr.-t) Um vrlvet Cloakg. at.IMFive bundirdraperb Lyona Yelrrt Co..t at.A.!Four l.nndr.o magnificest Lvona vrlvet Cloak.. at.04*Five hundred .plrr.did M'io t loaka al.*Three buodred exu. lunar-n. ..tii*2f.Tl.rre hutdred euptrlMivr aatio Cloak.. a:.B.IArd an B.A.. orofualon of rlnih Ts'm.aa at.A and 04

    Ti e ......c.-ii. - dean.. lurthrr eoiruornt nnBerraaary 8ufBfa it tt. aay Ika higb rbai.rtrr uf ibr f.da on .a ¦» al bi. eel.biiehmrBt i* _fBB*Vj wrll krowa and he would mer»ly aodin r *. . «t tl-ahovr wlll be found. ob ln.p* HATS..Ei»a al Paoaana. to peevenl deUntloo

    W\z ra-e of *. i.rlantFor p..aag.. .pply tt tb. Crupen-'i office. No. ITIW.rt at.,

    to J W. RAYMOSD.

    Ir S. MAIL STEAM.SIII.* COMI'AXV.F..rJ* HAVANA .ad NEW-oR[.KAN."» -On FRIDAY,No» 17. .i.F M fn.m |-er |.a,t ,t Warr-ri it N R.. by thewell known ttnd f.rorite tteunablp CREsCENT CITY.CapCJohn cn be wrared tt tbe Comptny'i offi-e.Frrigbt to N.w Orleaiu. oO ceaU per cubic f.u-Srerie enly taker. on f.-> :rht to Havana.boipper. will be tupplird. witn bltnk billa of Ivlrnr of th.

    fcrtL I'.inrJ t\ the Cou.titny. on tppllcttloa tl tbeir o..-. Noolbrr f_rn_ liit-ed, aud nu ..a of ladrng wiil be tAutal afiattbe boiu nf atlllng.

    For freitht ¦* p.M.1. apoIt .1 the ofBre nf th« C.mptoy,Wo 1~ Wret et.. comer of Warren._M. O ROBF.K.T9

    I^OR CTIARLESTON an.l PLORIDA.8efl_r-Weekly l'. 8. Mavil Line..Tbe iteamalup SULTH-F.RNKR T Tf-wan Cntniiranai-r. will le... Pier Np. 4. NortbPtrer. ..n 8ATI ROaY. Nor 18. tt 4 o'clock P. M. pre-rue.y. For Freigbt trrply on board. where all billa of ltdingwi.l be aijned: ar.d for P_aa«e at tbe of Dpotford,Tlieaton A Ca., No. F> Brotdwty.Tl.rooih TirktU to Floiid* u loUowi: Tj Jt-rkaouTiile t'A;

    to I'ilatka 8~The ateamer NuhTtlle wiU rncceed. tnd Ie*re on WEDVE1-

    DAY Nov ..' B B fin .nl »f:«r SATL'RDAY Ba*. 96,theae itein.ra wiT! letTr al Tjo clock P. M. in.teed of Io'clock,t* hertfotore.


    FOR SAVANNAH.FARE REDFCED.Th.«l/riud Steie* Mtii StrtmaLip KBTtTOB- STATE,Cij.t. R lU/d.e. will leave rbii.dr.phia. for 8ai*:intii. uaWEDNESUAV.Noreuihe. _T. tt l''..'..-:ock. A. M Ktre. ?»;Stea-tge. BT The PTATS OF l.FoRi.IA will leare. a*aUive. tbe F0LI.OW1M. tV_DK__DAT. Aimla il NewYork. FCRANTtjX k TALLMAN. No 19 O.d Slip. whereetaterooma may be eecuied

    taJ'HAMSllII'S l.-tw.-a-ii HATBE an.l N'EW-^y YOBR. DIRECT.The iteamihlp ALP4 wlll i*:! from Harre, direc-. New

    V rk. (wjttont celltni *: *ny port ta E.R.nd.) on SATUR-DAY Vuli of Norembrr. The rAt.e of freiibt aad p«**Me in

    ai.. Srci t.d Ctbio* wili ba very niodertle.Tle aAi.aia. ol ihtr lucieariilng i-.e.uirra wili be abortly tn-

    nouBird.Tbe ra'e ef iBinrance In France ia itm by ahip. fYom Herra

    liirrrt f.r NrwYork, rh.n br ahip. cailint at tn E'.glah oor-Applr ii. or P»rii, I'l Boul-vt-da Jet Italieot.t iUj.V

    ALD CL'BRIE o.-inNeva-Yorklo E CL'NARO.No. 4 Bowliag greea.

    T~~j_E~KEW-YORK and LlVERPOOL UNFTEDSTATES MAILST-AMt_3.-rht thipe compotuig tb_line tre tne foilowna

    ATLANTIC. C.ptr. Weat. PACIFIC. Capt. Nt*.ARCTIC. Capt. Luce BALTIC. C*pC Coaaux-LADRIATIC.

    fnea* i-tp* har* ***a bailt by coatrtct. *ipre*aly (br Oot-.rsBieal ternc- Eaary ctre hu beea taken ia tbeir eaoatros-atioa. ti t_o in tbeir e.Ainee. toiaaare atrangth tndapead, * tcfon modAtlOBi for paatenjjrr. are uii-i-aled for elegaoc*aadeomtort Fric. of paaaage from NrwYork te Lir.rpl iaSiei c aa» eahlB. 8139: la aecond de., klj; ncuiira aee of e»tr» a_» atate rooma. 0305- from Lirerpoel to New-York, tXtaai A99. An expeneare. eargaaa atiacbet) to eacb abia. No.ber.b ae. nrrd anti. pald for

    FROPOnED dates of bailino."» TORk. ia - Lirgarooi..

    8AT1RDAV.Sept. t WT.DNESDAY.Sept. 9BATLRrrAV.Sepf-lfi WF.ONKSDAY.!4ep_ » j. H KDSESDAY.0«t 49ATIHDAY.Ott. ig WKDSfcSDAY.Oet 11BAURi'AV .IH- WKDNESDAY.Nor. 1BATt RDAY.Koe. II' WED.VE.SDAY.Not. IJ8A1I RDAY.Not. 24WEDNESDAT.Nor 19.ATLRDAY.Dee. 9 WF.DNF.SDAY.Doe. 13BATI HDAY.De- _> WEDNEiUAY.Oa*. VFor freight or paaaage apply toEDWD R roLLINB A Co ffa. SS *_-._ ¦ TBROWN. SHIPLEY A Co., Li-errjooL

    JOHN ML'NROE k Cu fa* Nr.ire Deme *ee Wtoiia*P-iaorOFO H DRAPER H.era.The ow-Ben of .eee ehip. will aot be aeeoentable far aaUBlret balUoa. ^wcie. Jewelr., practoa* 9988*9 or meta.. oaleea bi!a mt lading are r.(_eai tbere: jr. ta* tbe r.:u. tberaaatbere. 9888*18819-lpper. will ple**e Ut. no".e, that ta* abipt *f t'aU lia*¦etM ctrry aay |»wli oatrtbead of wat.

    T'HE ,.-iT.sH and NORTH AMERICA-tBOYAL MAIL Sl r AVIflMP-- __.FHOM NKW \MMODOiir from Naw York-Moadar. aB-Mlt,day .nd Fi-.y. »'..._ Stouluft-a.Tur.lay, Tbur-lay aud

    Tba P-TBO-TB ROCK fr..... New Y .rk -i-**d.T. Thtira-day and .-tu.Jey. From Btouiufton.Mouday, Wedne»i»y*"»i p'_p,«_.agara, on arrlvlng at BB..kt.B. p'oe.ed P M.

    Train* run dtrrc: to Altoa (.*. mtlre) wttho*t cliaag. ol curgor baggue. and rornr.1 w:-h the rnnpany'. inleodid (teamarf

    W |M HEBTEB AND KEINDtlER(BanclBg ln exclnaivr conaertioB wtth the P_*engar Ttalag)

    throogb tu Bt. LoaU (15 mi.'e*) with.ut l.ndi...T1MK KRL'M CHICAOO TO ST LOUIB I4J HOIJRS.Tli. Cbic.g.1 *nd M.ii.lppi aallro.1 teeont tbroagb loliet,

    B_omia_-a,BartagAeld, and i.'arliuv.llo to Altoni and LhaTraveli-g Publie wlll at .r. aaa the ImwrUnt sdvaotage edIhia, AN AIK LINE ROL'TK TO ST LOUI.4,

    Over ara other route fioti, (hi.*_o (1 tbe -..I'hwaU.NOTK K IMI'OllTA-T ( UNNKCTIONB.

    At AlU' with daily line pa k.t '» Kr.)k..k,mak ng Ihia Ih- m.wt direct route to Uaoaibal, U.ocy, K¦;¦-kuk ai.d N.r'baaair-r. Miaaoori.

    A' r- LfOB f-liefllllfBf wuh flrtt-rlaaa llnatof etramergfor NewOrlr*n. and all point* oa Lowrr MiwAr-lppI, Ohio,Cambrrland, TenneMee and A'kana. River*; aml aiao wrbftsa.«fl for all t...-r.ta uo Mumuri River, _aklnf thi* tn.Urrn Vjoi* to Kanaaa and Cooneil Bloffa.C-_UO.Aaff.MI.l-M. K P. MOKOAN. Ir.. Hop"!.

    CENTRAL KAIL-OADot NLW-JERSEY.-NK.W-YORK BAITOB Si.MKRVILLK. Ae.r ai i. iiiii.Ytn, to*i.vir.»ciYO irrr 4, IfcM.

    Lrave New York for Eaatea, Ac, at I A M., M ul4PMLrave Nrw York for Somrrri'le (w.y) *t A Vt P. M.By .tr.nirn kh'l) JACKKT and VV^oVII.NO, from Pter

    No 2 N K ronnaciinf at'htowa vrttb trg.B. by Naw-Jrriry Raiigo*. from fo. ol Court.ndt.L Rel.rninff, wiilleave

    P_-t4p*0e_| (oppo.Ite Euton) at 6.15 aud 10 A. M. aadBomerrUl* (wav) gt 6 » A. M.

    ELI/.AHKTHPORT AND NEW YORK.Leave Naw York gt 8 and 1" 15 A. M., 12 M. aad 5.30 T. M.L.ave fcluabe_i>ort*t7IO_Bd9-A.M.,I.'28. 3 and H P M|

    fJEOROE H. PEGRAM, Sj,.e,-_i_. nL

    C""A'MDENTiid AMBOY RAILKOADt.. FHILADKLPHlA.from Pirr No 1 North River .Two linafd.ily. .: ti A. M .nd 2 P. M Morning line 8 A. M.,bygte._l.o»: JOHN POTTER to BOUTH AMBOF, thenea byean to wav plarea aad Ph-adnphia. Far. *2 Exprn** linta(2P M. by JOUN POTTERto AMBOY, thence drect toCan.rn by car*. through in five huiira. Kar.AJ Way, Ac-c -I..U-. .Ution and K.migrant Liae at 1 P. M. Eare 11 M. E-grant Line 4 P. M-: 01 75. _

    Ii^LMIRA, CANANDAIOI.'A and NIAWAKALi FALL8 RA1LBOAD-WIDE CARS wftb BOKABEATB-THREE TRAINS DAILY from foot of Dnaae atTbe longe.t br.a_ ga-ge Railroad Boat. ln the world. v:ABew TOlk .nd Erle B.l-o*d to K'mira, El-iiiraCnauiaif-iaand Nugara Fal_ Railroad to Niagara Fa!!*; Oreat W.ateraRailwav K.'aa-dal (o 1). troit. «6rl uJItt Tbe U*9 meattnardroad conrrcu al DaUoll with tba Mk.MaCt.-I- Railroadfor all i-.-iit* to the Oreat We.. Tbe K C an.1 N. V (Uil-road nal Li wiatoti w.'b tbe Royal MaJ Li-.e of Stram-an for alto witt. thr Amerirao Line af Sira.ueri fufKlngaton. Ofder.ibur.h. Montreal and tb* WhiU Mobui.1n*.Tbi* rvule it r.u. witb prrfec'. refula/it; _. f-paich, « ii. .or uectiot..TKKFTBran l^prornrtal aa follow.: From C . Tafiprn,

    i. . hro.rIw.y; M B Bpauldlog. Ne tfi Broadway-, Dt-r.ui Cl.B, No. 17.) Broadway, and at tbe Naw-York aod B-.eRailroad Office. Bai of Duane gt.

    WILLIAM 0. LAPHAM, Sapenntra-ent,Super*ntend.nr_ Oifica.*. Jon. II 18.54.

    V* Vi VV PALMEB, Ag-nt. No. 1_- Breadway, B. T.

    H~~UDSON RTVEJ- RAILROAD..SL'MMERABRANfiEMKNT.Train. C-_.beraat. d.ily forA ar v .nd Trc-y On and atter MONDAY, Aaff 14,1-4, thaTrain* wili rnn u (oi.owt:F.xpreM Train. 6AM, thronrh la foar hotat, from 3Ut rt,

    eonnacting with Northern gnd VVeetern Traina.M.:l Train. 8 AM. T-rengh Way Ir.ia 11 BLExpraM Train. 4.36 P.M. AeeommoAarJon Trgtn at « 50 RM.Foi Way Pageenfer TruoB at T A. M. aod S

    P M : aod VV av. Freifht aad Train at 1 P. M.Foi Peek-iU at 9 A. M..130 P. M. u_ 5du P. MThe Pee__Jl and P.Bffhkeepa- Traiag atop at a_ tho Wa;

    BB.MtPat.engerg taken at Chgaiberg, Caaal, Ch..op.vr, 14th anl

    ¦aaaM MJAY MAIL TBAKtS at 9 ____, (-9 Canal ri. fof

    Albai.v. .lot ping at all Way Siation*.OLlVER H. LEE^Vlee-PtaAitdeo^M~TCHIGAN BOrTHERN RAILROADLINK.-Ti.Yalar. for CHICAOO, 8T. LOL'IS. 1AN-BA8, acd all point. VVnt and Bouth Wegt, ean Thi- j.i.bTickett, acd al. ir.fonnaiion ruBceming ro._e, fare.eV... tuh.rbv the NEWYORR AND ERIE RAILROAD. or NEW-TORR CENTRAL RAILROAD. by appllcarioa at tha Cora-peay .-_.,_-l.Ero.dwav.ew De--.,loJOHN F PORTEl. Oen.ral Afe_, or

    L. P D1NTON Ttckri Agant

    NEW WIDE^bAI.GE ROUTE fr..m NEW¬YORK to ROC HEBTEB-Tha BOCUE-TERgadOEBBBKB VALLEY RAILROAD I* cow op»n and ln eon-Bect_o wt'b the Baffalo. Cornlng New-York _d NewYoik aad Eria Bal-oad.. fonc a direct rotite from New-Yorkto Bi.cbaarrr.Tba dlrectnMB ef thia roeta, tofether with tbe gaprrbr m _-

    fort a-brdeA by the wide oar.. render. lt by _r the moet de_ra-ble -etweea tbe ahova namr cittee.TlckaU caa be procurad Bt tha New Tork aal Eria Railroad

    TV kat O-re. foot ef Daaaa et. a_. at No. 1AI Broad. ay, a.0ba Jer»ey City.BaggM* chrekrd throtua.Frrighu wil! be U-i.pMta.d betw.aa Nrw Tork aad B_r_»

    ter wltb A-patrh. Any info.Balka ta regard tbrretoean br obtaiord hy cgllicf opon tha (Je-oeral Freigbt Af*attbe New York aad Eri* Railroad. Kna riu:._ng» or C. t.TAPPAN. Exprea* Fraifht Affeat, Na I-i BrwadwayNo traiag oa Uf Bulaio. Corninj aod Naw York aa¦aad.y. J. A. aE-FIELD.Bupetlataadaa-

    TOM aBLAHD RAILROAD..I^BTtBraak, **aeert, l" A V tm H- v». i. a ,,_,T- M F.rm.e.-.fa e I 49 P M i.m.i*. I«* »., ¦JJJ

    I Ml«A ll ivJiM' B. I..-4 r>|.»l hiwtj . .. I't. *.tTi-.r.T ' ' Jl.r-tvra.

    , _a,....-t." A bl T fa.-f_-aajfrd.le.9 4e i*. B.. aaaw «>.-i jiT. 4 2b k M F rA M r'.ri: a*AA» LMilje - AYa*iP V

    v '. M_KEW-YORK aad Mv"! __hl.ku_JX_^j:ad altef U ednaWey. I"-!* 9*. anat .-tv '-ittkmt aatJ,r.»rr.«rrTr.." .... Frr'.fW-*a| t. tmtawt aVH»?t.'r.Ptrfee.a-< A M f-ip-aVi.k ri-ee a. * A M«b'ai »i t{ P M ftMtr t-c. ni "_wk_.ii

    -ig F - - . -n. md ii'. Staiwaa. *w aj | VK-r.-ri at 1 F M lut «.?_... koA _BBB___| St.

    "¦v*1.., Csa8-B at M P M. for D.nklr* aad 8-Uia. *.rvn:*.t>P M. k.r Da.ti.-k *_d B*C-.. aad iw^-^

    at. BB-Baa ______._Onr.L.Nl'AY.o4Si:*'>*Kj.»r**lT:_c.»l 'f P B.Tbea. __fl*a* Tia'v l Batal* ar ik *-t utm

    -.-.-ul Rric. r. ou Lat* E.-> for »'l poiU oa li. Ut.. aagal flur.lrk with th. Lake .-"bare fU-nMilj v_Mfe_9.0a

    ll. 4'. Cfwaeral .«u.r,.i^4,lTV'EVr YOKK -»ai Nr.W-IlAv KS KAILHoad:i> FALL MENT. NOV. 9. ItHTraineLeer.- Ne* York f-r New Har.-a. -». I. (la.) __»AM 3 Itt 4. lEt.l 4.V M» F.M.I Far krila.^.. , .

    foid. VairtrUI.SoB-ipar-. tn-1 W eetport. .. I. * AB ^M.P.M.. r«KN«lB, T-. ".** A- _*-i *i .< £«-J __». 9.5,MVP.M; K,.rD_teot_d (..rvj.BW.cb. 7. I. J8 AM la,4 IJ. j IA r. .V F.r Sfa-n.i-. J. ». " .» " » * * 1(Ft.) 5 39, 4 19 IV r M Far Poit CkmU,aai ItUrt-Aaa!____», T.RtAlt-IA Mjl-.I.IJ,.Mi' MCoBnerti,, T..1...-1' r U.^a. « A J* >>« _« P B.

    iXx;l For Ilai4.'....i ai.J 8pc.e«iVIJ. * .Et.) ll # A iLa. I.F M iii -t R.v'f «..' ^* "_¦*.<t a. *4..(Ea ., ForCaoal B_lr..«d. ». (Ea .» 9* A M »«Nrw 1.. ne.ii _.ilroe* « A. M 3 F. M r or H.~a_Mt> Ra*.iraflM: P.r NagetB.-k Rallrawd, 7AM 1 P M (Rt;|lor I'ant.iifT end N.-rwaik R«ilro_l 1 A M.; .> *. P B.T-initi. Nrw V,.,k Fnm. \rw Ha-. A-.7.9B. A B|

    1 ! trl l e'.l,EtI4 4.1,-J J4i.P. M ;iF-iii Hndg.pwt AM,142 1".11 A M I."".' ». 91 fF.i;>rr),B«*w_k.9.**4.9.».l*,«4 M. .Mlir..)MJ,l«»,ri_(Ei l) Frr-tn Fort Che_er. *.».«. 41. 7 > » bt lltJl R.;kiajaB t. - JAV- ____*_£^"Tj-\»'-V0BJ- anii l'HILADELI'ri'.A aod tkoI ROI TH er.i HKT ».. lh. NEW- IBRH9Y HtAll-foad-i s maii. tad BXPBBaa MBBB la***BaaaYork fool of Llba-ftr-et at 7, 8 and I" A M.asdliiad*.P ft) lhrmih in K-ur Honra Ytre Oi t> n> 1: 01 H A *,,and 89 in 9, W tmi niiu.>daf»r Uia. leaaaaat 1. al *'-' ito;rmg »' all way atatioaa Throarh ttrk-taaatflot Ciucinnati (at 819) and tb* Wct. ani for PtltiaByrt.Waa*-InttjiB Nortolk. *c ti d thnmrh bag_a«a 9B99_al .* W'aaB.Iiigtun ni » and 1« A. M And 6 P.M_

    CUlaa-t gPTf._T~EtE l_E__W_*n_5uOT___f WATEE-CURE oSert tbe beil tcioiuaio.atieai. tot poienai Bttre.t-trnt for tbe ¦mtcr.tud Uiut.i. *f *hm. hr-. Aldirm O. U. W-LL1NOTO.V M I»

    No. I73 1*h.t .Nrw >.rflNEW TORR CITY WATlR-tl'BB No. M* \khak,

    Am.rof Cnhfertlfeplare._IVATER-tTEE INsTITlTEand SCH«.()UTT Nn. iSLAH.lir Sl'.R T TRALL, M tk. tk\ a|.0 1'atia.nt. C...ii|»teuttea_a»Phv i-iaiia. Tki-Thiid Lei ture wf ihe llydrop_A_ aadPbTai.U'ti.'.l School wlll commeaea N..» I.

    \%' ATEK-I L'RE, .-..iiitT i.l'i'.lli-av. an.l :*>r*8-giTT iir. MilKW uni'.-. w.ih Dr. TAYLOR lo thia -ta.

    andenmBiodiooieatalliehment forthe Fa.l ai.d Wlater. tk-TIFtaTM and H4'AKI>FKT4 rrcelved al r.aaoi.aUe raua.Out -eor pi«'.i.-« pimiifl'-T **________ to._


    NO PREPARATION evr-r yrl iav.iitaaj eaaesn- OOl RAl'D'S ITAL1AN MEDK ATITD .-!OAr 9*cnrlet ttn, pimple., Irecklrt. cliap*. cha/.e. eiid all aklalaItrmltiri li. were of I. liooa coula.nla* awiwra! eelr.uaeeggcttrrly miiioaa ta> th. ci..| I. end bv Itu ir a»tion eBdanarriug ti-altb. OO-RAUIPS I'ol'DRE 4i;.:TIUot-oof. ai.y part ul the _.1t f.i.i all end aingui.r. bi gooda aod rheiteB,lenda aoairu.iii.i.te in wlioa. baooi or poaa*ae«>n ibaaame n ay be. m that lie be and appcr aai DaatnalI nn tor'ihe 1 ity »nd I ..unty ot PbilatfrlpBi. to be kn.4.u hi« in .nd iir i.ld I ity .nd t'oantr. fb. *rw Mendey Iol DrraanbrrBrjt t.i an.wei THOM \4 J IDLKMAN wf aplra of tieiapet* on the .... Ac. Aml wr tlti coinui.iid fuatbtt y< u lunimoo tll pt raon. In whuae hand. oi peaeeMlee tbemid goiHla r I.a r .y ol them m.v l.e alUahed. a* ibatiiey .ndtvery ol them be-ri..rwrTe.- l*H" Tb... tah.

    iTi.n r. Wallare K C.ldwell, K.,rei»- . BJ Bwla>i;iTALLKNKuHr JAMK.4 HAFFER'I V .--rimone for a Mon.a Demana on r..,,trart (0*8not arrard ).To JAME-i II A FFFRTY Aeinirlaiit ietWhere4.a eummnoed an^ reo'ilred to anewer IS. -aepMH. aaga. tlon wi.i'h *>. ti rd m theOltl.e t th-4 lerkot tbrCitT4aCounty of New York. at the City llall in the Cily. »f lt**>York. on the 3d day of Noe-mh«r, AV D. 1*44, *ai to wa.Ifcoi y ol yoor .r.rwer to tha aaid compiiint oa tbe aabearlberjahiaorfice No kANieaeoat In the aaid City. witbia twamWity* alter the errvicj ol thi* aumnone oa y./o. «*tlaa*Mof tbe day of eucb trrriet; ard if yu fa.i t_ ere.*tbe itid compitint withln _M Um. a' mki ib- *!*__¦¦thU acti.jii will Ute judA-eat aat.n*' y..a for lh- .«*»Atf AU w.rli Intrr.-.i Irom tbe br.t iaj ot Niiw-W.ali..,_at:d.AbthuL...d and M] l'»'}^*Tl'?';,r'w'' ['J*_cti... -D.ird Neva-tU. J, 1SVI > 0 RTALLRNE. liVT.

    aoriai.a A' ori.»| ia p.op«r perw*

    V"TKK'jt'A'lTAIiLMENT..IJyor.Iafr..fn*BJ3l B r iif.rM,oM of the Jii.-ice.ef Ib. bapttam l. m\totice i* berrhy Riaen thal aa aft*chm-nt hai ieiaed,aeaii-t **««. ot ANbftEvv *.tter,-4thit tb. Mirr w:T: bar .old for the peTment of bw d«b_ aaJWhe appetn and diAChtrget iucb attwDtiiet,'. tcrordla* kela-iung 10 him. ani ihe Ir-iafrf ef I*aoch proprrty by bim, te forbiddeo by Uw .ad ."_ _*^.^f.lo Oet 29 ltk WALKER A MOABH.t. Uw9n.F Attora.ja for A'_-tbi*| l.teAMk

    KY. BUFKKME COlRT.-Dfc.NMS I'lUa KINS, MITIHELL C BROOK* tnd tjEyMWHITEiftnatL M. ATTAWAY-To tba DEFFMUA9.h.,a. t.tro-il: Yoai are herehy mmmrned Mid re^n-rtAJAawtr tke complalnt In tka wtkrn. wb ch te ftled .*_»..*¦»a.rl ierkoftLet-.ty aaa Coante of New tb.f «J ¦IS taui cuy tnd to 99989 t fopy of yo4- tn.wer¦** ******,.pU:nt 00 Ibe rob_-rtb«r. *t fii* o*e* No V* ^'*ttidCilyof.New York. »ifhin tweuy dtya tttm tka inmmo-a on yoa. e»da_r. ol ti* day of aai* .*If yoa fall to ai..w.r tbe tali complalnt »ii-n tle i^ei..inai.e piwjjtiB. in thiaecileu will uke j*irm.riiitmiui Thr tuwui 0*2 31 wUhluteMetfr,- -dd k 14*."_with later** no- n.b J_.._ry.l*S4. a49* l«.»"^rr.r,.th.8-hd.TofM.T I9S4: ani 8499 B, with ..ienthefcthdeTwl 3-ur. 1.44, ba^tdee tbe c.eM of taw *\m\m\ Ja-a U. 199a' B.