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NEW-YORK »«>d HEW-HAY EN B ÜLIOJJX itw tl mm .11 ARRANG1 M ,t ..*.«. c ¦ < i v,, n hniirr .tftJor- ¦» N'" V '.. -' .'.'Jli*ccrirt» fc:rMr,<* TRAIN* LEAVE Nr. v ro&i Pot ¦»» h'"' a, *a.ak "t.i. U la, .. IPM.J Pal I 45 *- .> '"» . ~ ?. - a a. >.t » i 1 Ü let,, p.>», and ' v p n. Pot MV-rat. Strait M. f U»e:p < a. p.. I. ».. ) '.. k,m i eA p in * r Nt rw«J* . { e-i > («I i - p -71 Pot .Wut'« «' .. « " I ¦ li:4&. I .. I ». K If fm "f t Stamford, ">. 8 <»x.i, t- m <i ti 1:11 m.|, ? V>, «5, |:PP,f:9l p. a; |>ot port . i am aMa . ¦*> ft * .- 12:45. > i. m. I ON IE 1 T? t. Pot B-ev.n. t a. - ml) P <:» re aca 8rtaife4,-. a. m. (a*A ,f ..' p o -a.! K . Caaaaaaieoat Rivet Irrr«^ u *l<\.L->' ' a .1 . ar-a* i i* p. tt.. n.) u .w r* r it P .t %. w iv.. :. » .! ¦". alt|W Be' ...« a' "a o a -.. »p r r < .v R«. . -%1 b N ttv mpcb, 11 a. ei v . p cr Pot Hi autark Ra:roaA. ¦ a, an. Oat k pi Pot a. -*.'--1, « p. t. 1. !l p. at Oof Pti b ay aad Notar«1» ReUroaai ; |, .,_ v a> p. at IAMBS M riftTT lt| alaiialtal. YLW V'U K AND KKIK RAILROAD..Ol It raal aflat M< 'N:>a y. iprfl ; . ¦'. i ri a faem i Train* wlU .-*..- PI of U at Iowa, rial HI NhiKK EXPREmB ati u., foi Duakirb t-.d ¦ iSale. aaf prti 11pal ad ata I . MAIL TEA IN a- , , .' j kirk p:.d RiaRVo. a d inter- aaa-d.a'e Bttt> a ROfKLAND PASSENGER at 9 «i p aa., froaa fcwt f Har taaai at., via Piero . .».. H .flania and in .-.ate Btath WAV PAS8KNOER at tp u ,! . Nearl «ja, M dlatoaT. aaat baeeni « RIGHT K.X!,H...aS a. - p. NaT R t. t aal B-.e*jo. Tap aaave traiaa i v .... :¦.><-. Tk»>. Kapreaa Tran a eoaat ' a' ri.inira adtfe Uia K.rxli*. Oaaaitdakj tad) .*« »rata Ka-.i Ralli id, I r, «a . Pi..«, at .I» ttmoiv I-, art'.. Uii Byra a* «. -i Rtaaaai n RaJlraad, fat Byra. i.a» at Cotalap, wrri u.i H Ifaio, C ai.d N-w VorA Ra. riad t r p. d BjRalo; al Oreal Rend, vita Ua IVaiware, Lt'kaw .. a ar ri Vaatotl RaUf A '.'S m t-n at Hnrr..i,.,i a, arita taa Rofl Raa P City al ¦BdlaiRtiffa UadD llrk, With I. «. Sf. ;* RAilnad, f'd C3evala:.d. Cloa.iuaatl T-.eU. n r. Cl '. < i.AKI ¦ s M (RAN. r--.M'Ot Tp.TKW-V«»IiK la. th.' WHITK Mol M AINS ftJaadLARl MEMPHRBMAOOO Ry tBa Hear Tot* aaR PJeW-Hayea tad Coeoi tkral nr.d Paaawmpa:.: River Railriadi RBBaa aataatal .' I ¦: aad tta-av. JOKTUKI'N R. H. of N. JERSEY.Fei }'i-r- _" a,..r:, RyaoA, Ha. keoaa. k Er.rl-w.-od, A<-...I>a*ea foot ol tSaaotkaaarc-OL (Boaday . . ptedj at l:M a. m. ar d M n n y p. m. La-avva Ce. ¦ ¦. a: aad ~. Ifi * rn and 1:2ft o. m. _ HEYMuTR k. TOWER. VkU-JKKSKY RAILROAD.Foi PJIILA- Aa liPl.pmia ai'l -ha SOI Hard WEST, via JERSET CITY.. Mad aad Pupr-aa ttaaa laara Naw-York at 7. f aad Ü a a-- «od t a-.,i p ai -are * :. T .- .'ti Tisketaanal par Ca> afaioati »i d !f.'- V\ a-, a: d f r W aar, ». N v. O- ,im and 'ria Bofitk, A.-., aid tn aajk '.ar/»*e .¦-« at^i M W tahltfv.ri in1* aa. aad 4. p. m . a J -.V. lA'OODBOPP, a..! -a. . « T,.ri-.'»r.-".tv Hr batiar* -..> a ., > ., r.d ard aBookad ffteea ml ..«la advaaet f ... llaai of lea »Ii I, /llc^u^l. < OMPOI si) < iioi.era < ORD1 iL. A pr,'k> . r. aaajj al n v«i ,abl« aaaMtiaa ic the pr. vei Roa »i I aafaWCaoaan Motkaa, CanIota Irfaatnat. Rkvrthaa, kts, No taiua. hnkl all ,IH I- ai'i .. -hia M, di. ine E«< 0 bottle bk> aaaaajkaaai ikaa, a Mek faadert Rakaa t aaaa ,«i oaaaakai . au aaealtaa, to ahtaa i' will be bn,r.d of proat benefit iu prevent- Hit 't»- aapaaaaai I taV ,,ft> ¦ a aal by a kaapt of drmkiu(- aa 8<,|dliy.ill 4rot«data ami medi. in<- vend. r«. PI«.-, M aeata a.rboa. Wkoleaala, ky W. H. TOVVERR Proarietor, Ma. |tr«..idi»ay, N.wY.ik, whi.b ia alad Ika iapal art Towera't a. a i. J i DMPOI7ND COUOH CRJ IRL MY UOTIIER - s.\i.\ i; .- m btjfaia u.if.l by tie naanria f,,r Pil.t, ..Ha!- itaaaaa, RraaVpalaa, kau, and fa.,,,id to b.- tn. ki«' article . tei a ^ ,.(| f,,j |ka »p.edy pan f the afeive dia. aa.a. < KOX. N,,. Hl Kar lay -t., Wk .1. aale Apaati RURRILL* HUNTING, Proprietora, No. p.a Naa.a at P.-r tale by an Bvappkata Pi. t 96 tatt SANDS' SARSAPARILLA. Ira awaaV*rpjR| aailfkliaj >ne ratrp.,wert li«v>- b-eu .-vl- aena.dU. tb>- d. BM f Ilioiiaar da daffa| tbe laat BMBBtaaB jeera la etataof aeaofnlaof tka aroraf kfcad. Ro natafal a>aak Rw BAN OA' BABBAPABILLA, I taki > i will Rod fc fully iiieiit* t^e ..iivmble reauAation If ha« a. <|uired. Pi.pjr.d aad mid ky \ i; BO IANOR, Oraa^kata, Pia. MR Kalt« ii.' Naw-Yotk. IDiUcr (Turc. Moi NT PROSPECT WATER CURE, IUNQ- HAMTOM, P* V -K.rht h-,.ira ff rn Now Y .k -itya by Pa V k 1 R M I1 ¦ .-.''. haa a v. ry pi. and k.-altbi. i I ... , a p»:t ikldr.M J. M. NORfll, m If. Legal Notices. SirPRFME COURT.ALBANY COUNTY.. BAMUKL iu Ml 1.11 in «n,i iaN E HAMILTON Maarlfc, PWintiti-.. at.. >. DAVID 0 DAVIS aad RBBP.CCR DAVIS, ku büV SAMI KL PINCOTT ,i RLIZA PINCOTP, bit wile, LEBLll MtKAHI.ANDai.d mary m. PARI.AND. i.ia «.it. HABT Mil ri >8S1 v. widowoi It M Cl an tb e-...,t WILLIAM RDOAR McCROSdBN, LEANDER kl CKORBI N, inUN Ml l.o^Sl N ai CAROLINE m. CROd- NK.N Dtrfeiidatita I BAMI EL PINCOTT and ELIZA PIN t'OIT, lot wife, Defeadanu: You no- hereby taauaooed to aawwei lot of SAMUEL HAMILTON and JANE HAMILTON. Ina wife, Pbtl.- arl b wi bei 4tntkeoRVa i.f tin- cw-rk ol ti.. Oaaatj oi a Ibaap, «t ika CR] Hull, at tka dlily «f Albany, and to «» rv« a .( yur anaw. r on in.-at my aiBiaa in Ika CRj f Albany, WKala twenty daya aft.-r Iht «. i vir» M tkda aaaaaaoat aa yoa, aaekaalTa ol th- day of patriot. and it ton fall t, nri.w. r tna amd ..mplaint aa beieby required. Pae pbdutiPa will apply to the Supreiue Court for tbe relial de- ¦lainird iu tbe aaid uomplaiuC.Dated May 13, lüti. J m EIMBA Plahitiffa' Attiraa ?, N-. :*> Mall tt Albany. T^ie aaBBkaBat k Ikaakoraaatltlad a -ti. a wa.tii.-ii BttkooR Bare of tbe I letkol A bany Coui-tv. n 'be 2ii\ ilav "I Line I«.>>». a a.*, lawtiw's M RIMBALL, PklnUBV Atrtoniey, FbuaI EVRRI MOBTH..So fur in 1859, we have Lati ireet in Lkit gfMtJ State of New-Torli pparjp akoatb in tin- j PRI ihM, tim, in ÜM "RoMlaaSfB(aBTOf eanntif«, wina-re it ia jrerrra!')- lipptMPf] the falMPtd in aal \i iy l...ienn. Huth mi lha tit-' uii I fourth n.-ini'iifj-a pi July, nt Ai'i ulitany, than im .jhit** a nLow »f lYsat, Oathi fnurtli tin' fat i. s BB*J ['Im k »tt.k.- MBPR vhatS vital au |pw «ayaayitparj but raajetabioB VPItJ not NlitNtAajf ik> juraif. We alat ii.-hui ni fftaR .ii PatlatAI "tin r plBBtt laMtMRtl ika BtaatP, ¦.*) PfP phtll ink for » PB« fa^fn rut limtith. Ill Sopt.bBBAI IbVB, We -!ml! bava' it, to that if AipjwtoaapaBtaj wt tktU bavt (roM ia alt v.-n af Ikt BkoaRha of lkit year. low t Witt ii. Wt Iiut. ra-- rad from TI D a rmfii-1 'Imrit. Blot, Bkk mtt D irit Covatp, i..wa, ¦brm |u. intii kaAaV wi.-a*. |fOWR by I». Dajlp oi Mini i .»!'. ¦bash boat aBylhaapj of the boM RM kiaa Hi .a Mala- of CbBbmeri, Raiaf fa.11 -,\ lajebat btapj, aad will BaM witA baifiaRi It kbold a.n 'y, tmit pint iiitij4 up.'ii the [HlBBtl, Bl wi''l-ru!':\i.teJ \vh> .it phoul.i ataaAa, vtaald fUU .¦¦,'Uu- batha - prr aotv, A PEMaRaRR b< IfRaRpJ vBaai I a.-ry BAAAAplbaBA, tfoti^b out to be eOBaRaafad vitb the other. We La.i.e. ihaaa an >.f we Boval a psBl bmbrbj -'.ih wheat tia hi* in l.-a;t thi- Aefir. Ttv.' ArciORNTB OB FBI OeEAI WltTRBB RAIL. h ii. An tmflojut of Uit <;ra At IVpatafi Railvaj, i.aintit Woi. Ki «vier, waa run ovt-r auJ iaalaatlt ktlia-j tHi Kn-lHV a \ I y U trni of a 1 n. ;,' io \\ . i.^t T. pMavaatAtKti ol .-Mniiii'or at. i IWoato Railvaj. Mr. Kaiwarai Noion, n oltrk in lha fieifbt de|isrtiiiciit at HpajMRkam, vvn« barribiy taaaglrd at wt dapot ii tha| ti'a- nt u ni ii > a \ a im Wal t aUa'irj.f ,t.< to net oa n l.K't nu.tiv a- Hin. h wara u: notion, he afippad an I fell BakaWtkt whet'-. Yaa vbatbpMtad ov.-r botk hm \ry.*, rn^hii a tlia-in Irit'littiiMy. Tin lifbd la'^waa am- BaBABad M .my <i! ti e top "f to.- t! Igh, and tBt 'fit hB> aaraHaltlj BBort tleatikle. IIaaaTTiTadbol a fo.w b. ':r«. Bp ana ti man of aoeb pr. mtte. ar laprtt a latRe fitole of fueula ami rala'tvt-a in HanRltOB to ttioiirn i-im 'ai o!a hi ,i ^ i-l r. deceant*. ItiR. wiM; t Witt OPT ot * N\ iM'ow...laihu Kay. who r»-Mi!ee at No. i C'BkMBI - rtMi, wa.i air. .-!.¦¦: \-t taiL'ht by (»flii er PaMikaaal for tliTOVaBf Bit vikl out of a aiii.ia.w ea.n e aa-v.-tta-. ii feet abovi-the »:ilcw»;k. I»r. .lot,on wa« < n..e.i to n'T.'t:.l her. atnl o.iti«i i.-ra*.i hiT in a alatajppi poarftRJ ¦ oa BOfMtPM of intern*! iapViaa, It Hint Kay and wue rei.r.-d aa u^ual, laat RAjBi, and that abwl ii o'tRBBw he at awe and leit the Im ana, vkeretipi'ti Ina wife ^<<\ up an i lA«tet:ed the tRNB axait^t abPA, I BOB hit return, and nntnodiately * i it aa tit i tili entrann* :fta> the BttaMb ha' aei/.e.i Li vifa land pitcha d ba r out of tbe window. Kay am liroll^ht I.f,-, !l'...;i'' ( "lilt to-inV, All i, H.-llVlft* An tianripRikoa, wai ixarnkaattad tot tnal is dafanR nf tivl in $|ii.i*oii. IloKtam Journal, Jaly SI. lira.'*! VrBI . A kIBBI v I'm..In tin Nuperiaar I'utirt, yt>ter.lay. the Jury in tie cn-e ot H. R. aaaj «.. Ke> . . iAJOr paaj IJitj (JoubcU of iU!t:- in. ti re Bei ra-, rrpp R56,0O0 pjie ad aa litaiagrt tot m i'Ui'Lt EpOfl the BfPPjCa of a-Mltri'-' to bu:!lt!'i* Cttj Jail. ratttree I a v.-rat..-t m fartar of tho plfdatawY, bAYB R8RBH BRt- M j* I¦..'» ", T»al:. Atittr. At ti e !«"'. I ti bkpj Court in IjppSprakppj, Uaa., the mat. tt ho ¦ arii. i iii L .. lixyRaa viC m N Rth AdlaBaA, aidHtt-nrr- tad::. I'i a p'.ea.; .. at. !....;:) .. Van m-tittrai 'l to iw.' vo:- npi - nn'ent. HoBBI PiaOiaO. aV.t RMh a-AntaniePt bt'.< ba-en CPaaaS ka Ike am I. nt t»wn >( Cooim nipaw, fiami tbe fa. t that b.< y i i: . ii At v a J , t 'a-. » ti. fata, turned i.p a ii..-tnre.. ..r bol Met. .. half dollara ue aattak waataaawoSoa Tbotaday kf va- .; .niet wuv ajiv ai a BlaktAtaadlÜBIbll ktii . ..a.: NE W P UBLIVA T/ONS. THl BOlfAN QUKstiov. im>: ROMAN OJTWtlOlt Bj k Abm t. rmeteSea1 fcaai tfw K'.i'O, Ij 11. GL Cur. l. v. pa . Ii .m. f j. «..<. tdmoiid Ab* 'it i* a young French DttoHtBBJl, aim v, .ihm tte !s«t fooff ©r fi.e . .-«rs, La* ICBHiind iNMaJs^taMo OSlswfitrJ ai a popa'ar BOTolblt, B_l _1m> _r the wr.t.-r of or t.vo volume* <.f bigaV r ami _B_ ij.'h'.er top rl i';..- work BOB» iostied it in a different vein fl tu bis prwl... h j.-rt'irmanpf«, »_. a.idr.-e«.-a ii-f f Ihn rtiafSasbaS of pr. f..U'id qufitioDB of SPflhaisslil kl iri'l jj'iv^r'jtii^ntal polity. Ft Wlittei in f*nb8St IkSStUH} to tat t»-:nj.»*.rnl doausioi i'( 'in- Pope, mjU -a.:£j Um prevailing hv u-Tft ii winterer relates to tr.e »jün of ItsJy, can Mit Iii] if lud d| i ?> SS rircalntkll and Bk-MroaB rwsderi rbefiet oi its lupprossaoa by the? Knipe-ror Loui* N' ij .!»-. ii fives n:t addi- tok_l -.'"t to itl peniStJ i;i Luropo. *:.d v.,11 dount- i_ATpe_ Um poigdbocji of :t* entire to tbf lorers ot int«. l!«-ctual lut-snd Lhrnstootkisside ofths Atlan-:.<*. M Abo-t'i mode of handling *llbje.-t is pecv urtj Ffoneb. Hb cherishes so ras pect ef person*, bau do Bcniplss of modesty, M reverevs for cunt-ai or tradition, hnd pmfnssing'tn bo a «tanneb <'/V <.. br V..- p»-r»;il.)»».. of V !*rt:;»" to tJkC overthrow of tbo i'npiry. Hit wit. at irbiobboperpetasUj ...... is konowin*likotint of Jea*t, IS bis ths maiiee of tbat *ortb\, if not fcip deals i:i the eame niek<-d hits, if not Is eqtudl) briOisot e»eapatJes. knd like bim, beneath his 1 res of offaet and Bfk> sJoi for paradox, bftnij« a h>*ry inWi'-ty of BOO- fiction, v»hieh redoOBOl many of Lin zig-zur. li^ht- oinp, HklbciS from the chhrsctei of ftippfAtt Bad leohleM tliftof, W e W.ll o ,r r.f.'I'T« h few 'l> T!D1<'.'.». t&ki-tl at rundi m. wbi<"ii v%nl hitvm to ii, ,i-tr.:,< ;r, . man oer io wbicb bo Tfltllltfl bil MSJ agiinitt tbf tem¬ poral autbor,ty oi BOOM mi ton is \ Knro, Tbe KoiiiAn Cath'jlic Ckureb, trb oh i SkkOtm !y r"- .pa« t, OfaaiStI of oas hnnilr«-«! nnj Ik rty n::.-- null, n ¦¦ ¦ todiiidnslii iritb mt ooootisg littJs Mortara, It |t>Tarsjed by sovanty Cardiosls, 01 Plriaosi of Sbs Cbtl ub, s. 1: »¦:.'."-ry of tbs tW«l»S ApOBtlSS Tb«- CaidisalBisbop ol Rosas, abois siao dssic. nat««i by Mj» BSJDS >jt Vicsi of Jt-<aii CLri.-t, lluly FwLer, or Pops, is bvsstsd aitb bo mdlsai sol borits wer tbs 11 iadi of boa .r«d and thL't>-u,ss mill- loss of (IslboUos, Tbo i krdiosli fcrs iMmiBSttd by tbs Pops; tbo Pops if noiiiiiihU-ii liy tie Csrd i-aln, from '.:?) day of bil alactios bo iafsiKbis, at Issst is tbs opiokss -jf M de Mai'lre ari I :!,. bssl (Istbo id of 001 tflBO, Tbi." wai* no' tbs opBkkM cf B asmst] but .t ban ai- aaj> bass ti at oi tbs Popss Lbi oissItss. \\ bss iii<- BoTsrstsja PoatiaT 'l< Isrss to ai tbat the Virtin Mary ««h borii fr« <i from or.^nal -iin, 'lie bnr.- ired sad tbuty-oioe mil] ¦:. .: Cstaoitossrs booadto bslSTS it ol Liu word, lew in what low reecntiy oc- urr^i!. Tbis iii>'-i|i'.it.e of ui. I'r-tandiriR r»-llei *n infinite srsdit npua the niDeteentb osntwy. ti postsrity doss UJtUtM e, it will DS BSiafoJ |o BS therr-for. If will nee tbst fantsad "i CDtiiny oas sooüswr's throat* about Ibsoatatosl ipiiatkisis as bavo svvsysd liass of rslV any, laid :«..!« itrapbx QOBStiUtsd ft«'ri.i.-«-t-irit.en. Isn&cbad ^lijjih, pieroeu iatbimtass, created aciaaoea, Ti I' d law, «?'.'! t-h- *."!!., t'.-.l (!... (1 ». <-1V 11 Issd harhansi.f. dra i.« d DUribea, ooltivat'd «.*.»¦. taiidt> witboot ersr baviBg a siogls flirpits si to the Isfallibdit} "i h msa. BffS Mi's I'U' > -t «.'.. the age wbJofe tbs bost known tks vslos ot tisse, msj i"- obliged for s mossstitto oej'liTt \\» basisBBS, If, for DMtsneo, it ab mid remark sro'.rid BoflM ai.-i ilt Bkibop a riolssl si;;tat:oO, win. Ii ksktbsrtbs trickery sf diploma< y nor ttoprasswoof insV I < an Mippiei -. if 1' psrosrVs in a HttM eorn«r of I pssitiBiils s amnldi ring ti'e. ahieb utay at any m - obsdI bnnt forth, sod is twenty.fom koan savalops kB Barops, this sge, prodanl Iross . ssoss of dnty, on sccouot of ths sri ... tbh bss to a. ooowliss, tun it* sttestiop !" the idtastios oi Koni», and .n iats spos baowiag a hat it ai. mssns. In... a 1 tbst I impls prin. oJ of tbe tniddli» ajjef", pei.iii tli<- BhsL CbsrismsgDS, sod tho Conntsss III Uiuu, bakwrsd intb un ar .:i rajity tot..- Pops, rosy gave him lands s_d bss| SMNiraiM to ths fashion 01 . lie ttVMBkj abas inen, Leic«: merely t lie Ii vi) atoek of Um Land, wsre thrown uto lbs bargaiD. If thsy wars soDoros asi sol becsoss thsy ihonght. with II. ihisrs. tl. it lbs Pope could not be iiaiepeadesi with¬ out being s h.'..-; thsy bod issn bin in his porsrtj more bsdspsndsul snd mors ooaainsadins than af- ii i.- a: ) no m. h 01. eat til. Tln-y Stuiohsd him from ¦aothPSS ol M ndrihip, 1 alr.ila.'on, gratitude, ar it anight stss bs to difinherit tbsii rslstioss, a-, ae Bonotirncs sss Is ou own thus, Binos tbe ttavH ot tl.n Oooatsss Matilda, the Pops, bnvisjjoo. qalred ata-tn f.n possssaion, lia-< COM "u ronndisg lr-< tststft 11. bss obtsinsd itias bycnpitolsiion, si the i ;i-i' ol li..|o_-tia; be lia.< 11 i >at tiiu ar. noii h nmii'li, itimini; wiide mhih' he has npnropri. aii-d by treachery snd itsshh, ss Adcosc laasi 0 aeil have n.a::. r* be.'ii nia' aum), fliat in InVI the Baabop of Botns .- ths bsorp rsl loisrskfs of sbt rt mx iriilir"TTt uf sctsb, snd ti :l;iii otscIsrss sailhsai ote bawtrad and tw. iity four thowsM lij bsaSrsd and ility-sight BMsa, wm srs sll oryisg ut bodtj tgainat biin, Whal do thsy MNnplsJaol Only 1 -:kc, snd yon aili fo- n laarn. They ray.that the authority to alm h, withotst ha\ hbj Sil Ml a>k.-d «>r si epted it, they ate aubisi t. ie il.i is: -t fuBdsmentslly abaolttte thst wassrsrda> Insd bi Ai thai ths !. t daUvsjyVzs ..' re si Indicia] jiiw»r« an- raitsd,ooafoaiasd,sadJaaürfsd k>|:efber in 01 e aid the raine lud, eontraty tothe tractics of ciTihnt 1 >t«:»"'. sad to tte theory of loatsBcnthni; that tl sy vlllnkjly n "irnize tne mtJüA- bill'y Ol the PbpS BpOS lU rsBfioill question", but bVsl in eitil mutters it appears t.. tin-in '.e.-* tn-y to toksrste; that ttey Jo not refuse to obey, be. au-e. all Ihisgi conaiderad, n an bi do| panooO)Vsn bslowto ii.lio» tbs hast Ol 1- ovwi i.ratloiis, lint that they VtMld he l'liid toohey InWSj ths l,'' I plsMSSSof lay saaa, sewaver good r may h ., > n->t 10good as the Code A'bbWSbb . that tlie reigning Pops is sot an evil-diepo.-.-o, but tI .i» the aihitrary tfoTSrsSMSl of , i i- mai, even sdmittiog bis IsfsBib hty,. so never be kWything but 11 bad m \ eminent. Tl at in v bins of an SM eiit and '. UbfftO inera.ü. ab'" prai In e, lbs Pops II SSI its in tSMpOTOl fftn 'TV- uient of bil BlStss by the spintim! chief-, suimlcera«, and sp.rifut' imyiny* of hi« t'liurrb; tfist < irdina!«, BkthopB,CsRaaa, itrieats, fcrsgl psLVvrO shoot the i-oiir.try; t'iut i>ne sole aid idecti- al i-a.-:e po-*e*ses Um righl of adtnii iterkag both saaissssals and psor« mir.-, vi iol bin.iLfct l.rt.e ' y- a:. l the pd^im-M-i f the low r eoarts; vt flrisinisg ruhdsscoai and ar- ra tsi of d: patehing 1 sitsng aonki ind esp'aios* 00m ¦haaionsj thnt thk otalhskM of me i-iir,t'ial and the temporal IkhMSkOkBtSS BSSOng the hjghsf ofl'n e- a mul- tttwis of men, SBCsBsM n.» donbt in the ai»»iit of Hod, but msuppo'tah.e :ii that f the peof.'e: ft. 11 s*'at c- .¦. .. intry, - naMirosato bssinsss,sndnlwnyi InthoSS d .. * a bSShl 4 \ v *iely. aitiu-1: any -jK-iiai k'.owledite, unlew it b^ oi the th ii.« "i ar.otl. .;. wo»Id- witr.cut children, whteh rerdeis em ino-ftireLt to tbe .'..tti-e ot"'he nation; fcTSkbont wirss, wbicb randsrs tbsai dau^erou* to in SfSSOntj and t<i OOCclnds,* to near rea*<n. bsosnas thsy bsBsrs ven partn.11-atvts in the p*>utifci nlinfnlhbi] 'v. That tin ri Htrvatt.s i f s most ntered" 1! but «ome- HansssststsOod, ilsisltsniionslj abu.-e both Bssrey and haStiOBj that, foil 1J bkdnlgeaes tor the iodifleren'. tot the.r frisnds, a: i for thsSBSSlTSS, they treat with HlUBtt rigTt wh.e-ver ha« had the Bakf rtane to be- "».nie obnoxious t«< jHiwer; tl at they u .-ra rea Bh par- ion tlie aii-t, h win. 1'its a man. :im»:, '.' an the im- prudi i.t citisen who bi^.i.e- an abu>e. Tbat ths Pope, and t 1 j-ri. its aht» s«s:st htm, not hat og boon tnognt 001 isisnsgi ths pubhe tinarns; that v»i.rr> as u;n,!*»d:uD.straaon or n alvematK c of the pnbho flnsooes might have been loasrstsd n hnsdrsd joars sgo, wbas ths szpsassi of pnbln- wi rehip at : i .: ¦». oart »'¦:.¦ S-frayed by one hsndii u snd thirty-nins mdhon« of Caihohi-, B is . widely diatsrsnl afla.r cow, whon thsy horn to be supported by 3,1^4,619 lodividuale. Trat they do Dot i'oiuplun of pay::;^ tavef. be.-anse B at n naiTsrsaBy sttabnibsd praettss, but tba* thsy aish to see ti e.r moDey -;>i 11 upon :. rre.-:hal SS> SStS) that the eight 1 f «s:.:c%e. ci. ::. ee at. .f.Vet ti built rr ii.r.-.i.'aire i a'1 rrvperse, n-.i.'.. s tie :n Ca* sjlHos hat phtTSS thsi a- oBtnsas, hsoMSS, after all, are b;-t i;rpe*1"e' '-.ibeti'.ut.for railways a: . : ,t t) ei'.ear.i .- ¦.!' i.v >. end the e-e.-t -n .: hrkss a^aiu^: alSSSbnsaS| thai !.» ::.. baps snd j cbat'f.y raoMTOknors eDeot;r*geme: t tjian Sgncnltmrs, (01 -i.ene and ir.v tit.-vctitre-t ihn* j upcpLcity is ion Ii pod t" :he d- tfiu ei I of pwbtk 1 'uontun. liiBit.1'.- law SYkd tbap lea are t«oanaeh ooeapisd aith the mlrstisa of mux, and too UttiS with the ptisan si onofUsIies; that they } n-retst boo.-- p- pis -m dainiiirjrthen.m Krss by swear.c»r. reading' bai bot ka.oraee. ein«:!>.* "it'1 I-'" '.>'¦'¦ to! IhsJ 'Lev dent pn-m-ut ra-eal- fiotn ¦¦IltsiiSg ÜODert peWMSi List ¦UfSlll Ml SS bsdajl pTfltSrtsd SI p~" M at 1 :. at . 1* hard t<> be able to retk'.r; ujivn l> ii..' fcT lor tvx'.SJi ban B clü^o-i'^aviet., That they BSP made to pay heav-Jr for keepine tp an army w.tnont hi,. *,. v-- or BBBSapkae, an irmy PJ t ¦. aflBatkal courage and «touhti'ui b"tor«, and ie*>- t.r-.l Bevertolghl nt . f t BgaaBal tlMeWMMthoOJ BBfWBl thar it i- a<: lag :t RON If it jury t-1 umk<* a man pay lor Um rt,.k t...- L- btjataa v»itc. Thai thej .ereever, abBged tolodge hteiga Bfaaiaa, tad eepe» '.tally Au»:riatr. who, an (J-nr.aca, are Bot -tioa-.y Lta\y fi-ted. To".. 11 latle, tbey say all tkk not wi.a* ':.». Popa jr i: -<-o ,r»m n t i' "i. './ />r./ r tf th- l'Th of 'imp¬ fen her; and it is ««.1 to find ir.faiiibl- people break r..' t:.» .r Boat -m r--ii .xgb'p-u.eLta. 1 have M donbt UCM grhnan« are aaagajppatt I. I* v> imp.«--i?> 1. Ijfl.rv 'Mr an entfpa nation .-an be ¦0 ...rr'bly in tbe riirht kfalaat iTj* m«".s*er». We « .1 . ian..i e foe. fat-la of tbe ias« in deta:l le-fore. wa <ie- d le. We have not jat Blited at that point. THE KOBtUTT. An ItaBaa La-" Mid wKb paagaal irony. "Who knows bat that one of these data, a powerful Bb ft soopemay drtaflt ahtbalBI >i nohuity in :l,e 1.»i 1 am too national not b> apnlaad a g »od j«.ke, an-i yet I no-t <<t.»»-- :b"*e "- bulee <>f Lob..:ty do nol I oak rtah oaTaad my rea- There la no I ibt thai aooa take after tbair father*. Tie Bur. n- ? the MA He At-¦« trii,.-m: t.-l :¦> their ran a Iwritegt oi beroie gnsjities. K .*>.:...*.. k tt,e Great ....«.t ad a rat . ai gigantic art aadii i* by uitr- ry.r.^ n en <>f ail feat t.. women "f five feet da. The raildtaa oi a^Vverman areaotfoofo, provided th^ir nother baa l< r fail, d :e 1 er daties; and abaa tba ( ¦¦ naof I be Air- .nt-rmarry. Ibt > ptod ¦¦ - I fx*. W a kt,"w doga axe «1..» r ia--. bat näi eoted >.r ak> ria. according; to tbeii biet d, Bad hay a Iajo- yi-«r-<..d r«>lt ut»<u Iba atp-ngth bb kk* paatigrae, Caa »¦ Ddataatijl <tcu,.: tflbflrtj BBaOSBJj iior»«3 ami BAAjBj ami deny it am..t / n ' Ad<i lo tbJe, tba» the pr-de "f b^artHf an aaVhBBI aania ia a ptrwarfal iaeaativa to a Ddo g, KoUeaara bavadotiea tofaMtlbothtowaid tl..-ir *r.r.-«*..rr4 an! tl ¦ r p- -vroy. They innat waik uprightly under the j, »ti.ty of ata oBoeiag an «t.'ir»- ra. .¦. Tiatütioa wbUgaa thtm tviloai a path afboQJOt and virtue. aib tbey caaaol atraj a ah -;. p with at tall i..-. Tbey aerei rfgi thaii aaaaaa a/Uaaat aoaaa aanratad tfcoaght . i an beradlitary >>blitraii<<n I u u-t atU&il t'iat .-v. jftaiag .I geaeratea in the radLaad thai thaporaathl.i Bay eaaarioaally loaa i*-- h uh qoaütiefi, aa tint n>oat geaerooB what tana t>. Beolaaaea aad vkegar. Bat wa bare ail of aa bmH ia the world a \< Bog nian <.!' lofl »-r and ptXMdar bttariiajr, iure ( ich raiadad aad Btore eoaragaoaB.thaa bki fu- lowaj <-r « w».ii un b»'autifui and aimpl»* at-d ,-!.u.-te?, thai eh.' heen.. d ii ad.- ..f a Iii -r < !ay th in *l ¦. r^-t ..f l.ei Wt- «:.!>. be -ur»' that b.-ti ..! an 1 tt.- "ti.- r have in tbtir biood iobm gfebaiaa ..i Dobtiity, Tbe-e pr*< t«.un gk>bnlea, waieh bo micrc^npe will ever be powerful em ngb todeiaet, '.u* a»hieh the b> Loi f' 11 obaarrat -..> - mth the aakaal era. aia rare eaoagb Ib Kurnpe, and I anaotaanaBBai taeiraxkit* aaee oat of it. A aaaall oolkaotioa <>f them nii»;ht be broagl t together la France, in Si.air, in Knrrland, in Kaaaia, ia i.erniat y. in Italy. K.-me it OM af the oittei whiob '.¦ wwaal aoaldbalonad Ami y^t the aobilitf n rnrmniided with a pertain preh'tu-e. Th'tty ore prinf^-a or dnke«, a "Teat number of npftpi -, oii'-, baroai ai..l kaigbtaj a aiattitade of aobla fatniliea withoat trtlaa, aixty .f ahoai were in- -(rtaad bj 'lie Capitol t.y Boaiadha XlV.j a vaal enent al ligaitaial dooaaiaa; a thoaaaad pakaoaai a baaarad pit t;ir--."i. ,K*\:n ami small; a (¦..iimderahle rev- eaae; ¦ prod u'al aHaplay oi botaaa, «arriaKe-., s.-rvant<< and muioiial beiu.iK-i - tue. aim -t ruyal ent.-r.&in- ntenta in ti e ooaraa of every Winter; the ramaiaa of ft .' ! r rile gee, tad ;h>' re-pert of the kpaai oraWa: lach are the m.>re retnatkaij'.e featurea wiiieb di<tin- golab 'I..- Kuman aobtlity, and prpoo» it to the a-lmira- t on oi all the tra\i-i ^ ... km ft of the univirte. Ici i-rai e, nilenei-n, vanity, serv'lity, and above all in- eapa* .i) the-e are the pel viepp Which plare it below ail the arii-kx rai H .-t in Knmpe. BbotlH I meet with any pxaaptioBB on my road, 1 rhall o<ui-i>ler it my duty to p..od Laeaa out. Tha ri-o*« el the K>«man nubility are very .iivtrse. The Onixi and the Colooaa fanuh. - taaceaditVooa tha betoei vi trrlgpBitf ofthe Middle A^**. That of Caeta ii dated trnui i'.iu. Tba boaaaaofMaaaLato,8anta Croce, and Mati, t"1 ba< ku» Ury ia aaadah of their !¦¦ ;i lert. PrinCP Ala-fimo bears in shield the t-a. i of the n krehioga and aaaataaaaaraiiiaga of fabina Jla.\'ii.i:s, oiheiwiM called Caactator« H.s aaotta 1-, Caaffaaate real fuit. SaniaCr.Ke boaafi of i.-:ti,' t-.-i oiUkOOl of VaJeti.;- I'lihlienla. The Mati family founts Matioa s arvola BBoaai tta an- oaatora. This nobility, whether anllieatiij or aot, i at all events v>-ry aacieat, asdiaoi iadapeadnaa] orlgia. I-, baa not he.-n aatohad aadee tha robea of the Popea, Tbeaeooad t ata^nry ia ..i Poalbasal oricia. Its titled and ftWtaaaa have their orit.Mii in nepotism. In the ooaraa t.t the ppppalaaaab aaaaavy, Paal \' i ri.-m \ 111., laaoopat X., AJexaa let \ II., Claaapat UL, and laaoffart XI.. created ti e booaeeof Dcwhaaa, I'.ar- berini, I'amphih, Cbigi, bViapigboat, and MaaiMalofai. Tbey vied aaa anothtr m apjajaaitsbaj their humble tatnilies. Tbadomuina of the Horche*: bouse, h bjeb mako a toleral.l v large apoi un the map of K i- ro|»e, te-tiiy that Paal V. wa- by BO means an unnat¬ ural uncle. Tbe Popea nave kept up ti.e practice of . in., bling their relations, bit the icaaaal of their liber, aliti»- ceaees with 1'iusj \T., another of the lirasi hi lamely (1775 lv| . The laet batch aacladea the baakaca, each aaTVw. loaia Bad kusp' h, atoaopohata like Antonelli. millera bi Ike Mae. hi, bakers i,kethe Dabei OB, ttibiv- ooaiatpI ka the Mankoaa Parraiaolii and nvrnian hke |1m Man i »-se Calabi iai, I add, by way of inenmrandiiiii, strar^erc, noble or aot 'is may !).., «ho parcheaa bb aatata, gat a title Lbi an into tha bargaia. A abort tkne ago a Frea ii p. It] O BB'ry ttentleman. who had a little n n.-v, w .ko up a Rotaa Piiaea one :'...». apprainaj, the e.piai of the Doriaa, roraaaiap, bn.loi the hak.-r Uuke Gra/.ioli. Koi they nr.-ail pcroal frorn the boar whea tbe Holy Pal bei ti aigaad their pareb»aata. Wbatererba the o::o;(,Ri ,,| their nobility, and tbe antiquity of their kaaaea, they no arm in arm, without anv oi.putea as to prec<dance. Uta aaaaaa ofOraim, ('..lonna, and Mot/a are j ambled togatbar ia the raarlrj of a toraser ,/<r. Tl.e -ot, nt a Laker murriea tbe I gate] ..f a l.ante de I.a Borara, nrand Ipngtltaf of a Innre I'olonna. Bad a Pnti-e.a ¦: Sav«..e Carigaaa rbereiano i»'ar t al tba baaaoai traarral of 'ne jinnros and .'uk-s, wbich r-. rooeed the badtgaatioB oi our .:>.¦-.} >:. Simon, w ii: ever be r> p> a' .1 au.-.i tue It >- n in an-t n-raoy. I., what parpeaa aboul.1 it be,grack>aa baareBa! lion » they wall know..lukea and p:.u. es that they ate all alike inferior to tlie ¦babbits! of iheraroinals 1 'I tie day .hat a Captn i. ti re. e.vrs tlie red h»», he a<-- rroirea the right to epla a mad m their face« a* he i..lea past in bis gilded BPapBh. laall BMakkrcnjcal Mat.--, the kiag ia thaaataial bcadtf tkenokibty. The atroageet term that an'-ntJe- ti i».n aaa niak.- nse of, in aBaalfakg t>> bis Banana, is that .' :< tu noble as the K:ti>,'. ""¦« /'"/»' wonld ba s:.ip'y 'u<i<, linca a swineherd, -. n of a swim-herd, may he t-a-.'ted Pope, ii re. the oath of tie.lei y :r nn all the lb i: at pfinCPP, T'.-y may w. ti.'n ...i.-der |akata> «..;... i- Bpoa an aojaa ity araoaaj tbeinaelTaa, tbaaa no >r graadeaa, atnlag that th.-y are e<ijaoy iooked iowa up. ti by a lew priests. 11 ay < pie tl .. - i\e» w-.tb tha tl igad that they are »upenor to a.I the laymen in lha world. Tfjia eoothiag vanity, aaatbar aakrj n< r inaob nt, bat aooa the lew firmly reot' d in their hearts, enabl.-s them to swai.-.w 'ne u.iily .-»rT- nt of ron.-< ;:.fet.ority. 1 am ijuite awaje .1 the pou ts in wi. h th.-y are in¬ ferior P. the up-tatt- t the t'hup Ii, but tiieir alle.teti tuperiority to otb«r men it lese tvi Jett to me. A to tl e r conraga N'Uie j.-ars hu ve eiapsed BBtOe tbey bad the opportun ty of provmg :t <>n the field of La:tie. Heaven I rb:-:* duelitijf. The Government BtPP thogei t.'-r \ ir*uei>. Tbey are Lot waiting in a certain oetentationa and t: Btni a. libarabty. A Piomhino aent his eiubrwador :.. tin- Coararaact it V.enna. iii..tit; £4,100 l>r the j; .¦! t rt -.oi A H r_'i ->. cave the m' b at Koaie a baaqaal tba*. coat Ji tn 000, t-> .-elebra'e the p . -xot PiaaVtL aVbaatl nfl tb< Boaa :. ntiafta opea tbair palaoaa vihaa, aftid galienes to the pabbe, lo be r-1.r>-. .-ei > tarra Bead to peaataaaoa oapy - i t-.rt s. !.;.: bp waa a nototioaa mu.-er, and hat 1'oi'iiU i'> imttntora. Tin y Btaotkot irenerally tlie virtue of charity, in a . aba) 11 r:;:. Bate mar.rjer, frooa tne i"ove of aatvoaaga, haaa ati ka, abit, and weakness, because t I ar- »- an rate rafaaeL Tory are by no means ba.iiy iiisja-td, tiiey are ntHoi. I stop at tLis word, lest I ibeadd po loa lar. Tbey are not wanting in to-n-* or mteilgen.e. I'titf Ma-simo quoted r h.s go.*! -.¦es»", and tbe tao l a»*an. nt tbtir pur.«. Santa-fpse, a little traiktd, lo oM.nary man. Hut what a wretched edut-atton tlte Govern¬ ment p:v.s tbaat! v\ baa thay a->- aot tbe chü- Iraa, tney are the p^tr-tLs of pritata, wb.s.. -yst-'n ¦rinctpalry consists in'tea^htrj them RatMBjc. Get boM i f a student of St, Solpi. e, wash him tolerably rVsn, Lave I :m dre-.-ed by Aloa 1 or Pat 'e, and L»* Mweled by Ca^tcllani or ilunt ac.f Koskel, let him Vam to tl.tnm a / tar. ami s-i: t;p»n a horse, at-d v ..'! b..\e a R. man pr.cce as K'asl aa the bert of thetci. 1'oa probably tbrab t aabaraj fkal paaalp biaagbl Bp a* Korne, in the midat of th» fine-t wnrk» of art is u. - it, inoaJd take kfittkl -n art, and know at.ojtthj cb-'Ut 't. l"»-av b^ nn ie.^tved. Tl * man baa rever entered the \atk an enei t to pay v jits; that ana known »- < f bi-owr. i;al.erv. but thi -u. h tie r-. at of Iis .t;«e-«teward. Another had nevor I the Catart inba fill he bet ame Pape. They feea ar. akaaal bri rai pa, wM h 'hey think in Bpod ta-te. ami w bieb w-.U always be fasLiouible in a Cain- Bll at ui.'t;. ni I i\. C.u Bp-e, BMJbMJ aiw li^sivi'.-iV atVt » (iAiffi W U.« respe/-. all right-minded rVir not thai I ibnll bs wsntfeg d -a. r. r- -r». f. But trtst. rss «J-.-> it* rliix«: it also is old, B is m*» kfStJt, :t .a M y. axd R Is *om*t»j>*s cruelly il-trwat'-d by BW-B. I shoO i . :' rgsl the.! BbS P pS i' »7 years of SRS. ÜmR bs «<-«r«* assrsoflleis] y isssrsti soya band* i I 1 :i Irtj HUM ? .. .r SS I CstJbslkNL, that his private Bfs tae Vver been ' ienplsry, that he oh*en es UbS ir"«t ton!« lunhtereetednssi np>»o s thrOM where sst fnbssM bss Isaf fceid -way, that be spontAn^ou-ly ccmf seed hit n ;jrn by ooaaaTriBg bensfits, Ihst bis fir-t */.- bsU .. a tbs fiUrsst hor-e* fo Itay sad to K"J'> »t.a» .. ".¦> mff-fO t: .' lingering t'tTtSRVSf .'lie. tBRt bs SasfsiSBS a precanoi;* and dependent royal'y uEdtr the pr.i'- cti.'n of two f.p-ign armies, and thai bs lives under the control «.f s Car- Ji! si. Uut Um -.¦ abs hove feUh n fit t bm to tbs erT. rt» maite *u MpbRM htm on his tlSBM, UbSSS wbSBBtbs Ansfriani have, at ids request, shot sod sabred, in opi'-r l" rse-'ab .-r. t :* authority, and eyn tho»e who teil hi tbs fbllllS St I it ill p'au.* of tbs BOMSB Cam- ..'ftL'Ta to t. bi v. are far BbOSS to be pitied than be is. 0 rsnni Mi-.r hail llsstsiFsrrettLbors tbs 13th Way, 17 -j, atd eie. t- i lV.f e the loth June, IM6, .itefeT tbe n.ime 0f proa 1% , is S SSW WR4 looks osofs that h.* artia! age; he i. sbest, ohe*e, somewhat pal¬ lid. Rsd l health. BM bsasaohRSt «ni .it-, py eor.Ltenat.. ¦.. br-athes t:. ^wi itureand [a«*i'n le, L. ,.f an mpo-tn* obsrseter. lireg «ry WJ-. tr,. L|..y .it.u ;....... ..i -....1 to ave ...t-i a grM I a>r. I' us )\. play- lil par. in 'he jOrgQQBI a] -w« of the Kon an Cs:hoh< tbuii a meiiTer- riily well. Tne f*,»h- f .1 »! o hav- .. ¦¦ e in atar .>.fit in p-'n>nn 5K-s. are a uttle surprise i to s««'ake a piochsl sum!" m the ndd*t ot'he azure titt.-d clouds of ir.oeuse. In I. .* boWSsf lei.-ure i..- plays at bdluuds for SMfSMO| b] ordi r i hie physh .ate. HebslsTei in "(,<-i. He is n<>» on'y a c.ICbfb> tiax, but a dsTOtM In h:s sntbseissH for UbS Vu^'in Msiy. bs isi isaaatsd s assaaas daRsan, and siaRajarad tbs Pl«7zii >ii Bpagas t>y a saiasaaiaf of badtasta. BMahorala are |.lire, a* <ney alwnya ha\" b.-en, e\en v bovmryoRSgprisstj mv isstsa s sis ..m- ti ei,oi!^i. i.u...iitL' eir r«ry, but rare, rot to say u bassssae, bayoad f!ie A!t«. Bs l*" sepbsva, «i.o, voosMrfol tO r-la-*, ir« ssstbsf r.r,i\ nor sttasiM, nor *\ -r. afbassa An i ft I there is no law vbJeb preven« him from spoiltn»; bis rabjects for tbs bsnelit of Ids fan.ily. Bresjory Mil. gSTi hdsnspbsv 1,-iJi v.-i £lsV,0W of cood pa(«er. wi rth mm c-h. The l(..rehese faimly booajbt at ons Mroks stssty-Rre hrna ml ths s aey of Pssl V. AeifajtahnbsRwbicbtaetin 1640,and ribs presi. ssaeo sf tbs Bsrsrsad Psthsr VltnUssobi, Qsasrsl of s Jesnfta, decided, in order to put an n I to ji''h Rbwsss, ttatthe Popsa bbosVl ssssbts tbasMsrtrss to sstsittrs props rti to lbs srmwisI sf £is\00Q s year poo their fronts sspbsw and hi- t'*t..:.y irithtbs rhjht of oroslhif an bsbr to tbs same privihtaes), and that ti e p' rtioR of eaeii of th> ir i...-e.-s.. t.iuid not i- Ceed £*> IH.O. 1 tm iwnn U M ospotissn M brto Bssnstnds a* tbs r. BNHbssMssI f tbesichtssoth esatary; botthsrs »ji. nothing to prevent riM IX Grosn bnsRjaa a into fai-nion again, after the txarrple of Ptna VI., if he ebossi bat bs dww oot obouM to do so, B9s rsastioei a:> of the -eeoji't "-irr of nobiii'y. an I ar> I .. he ha* dons bothSM to alfer their posilhwi. His ¦epbsw, Count Msstsi Perretti, asi recsnttf sat risdj at .1 ti.e Pops WsddhM pre*..!/ ooSsiaUd of a few «lia ii. r. Is, WOltfa al"-.t Al*,1"»1. Nor di 1 t'.i» ODO I «I | It c. st the cation one ba;oeeho. The diamonds eatne Irtaat tbs apfsrsigs of Turkey, Boom let y.v.-" uj the Sal**tn sf t'oiii-tantinople, the CommandVr of the Psttbfnl, presented tbs oonmsnder of tbs nsfsitbfnl with a iRddVi wbroldsredwttb pro oas itos .;. Ths tiavrlers !tl the re-NTing .'I.e. » o :,s.-.| to ti i. k to QsstR and Poitici, earned off a great number of then is their bogsj at at ttn y It aie in the casket of yotn i CoustsM PsrrottL Thai :.ara« tST tbil ft ipsotshls old man i- made up .n votiot, tiaipbcity, vanity, wosknsss and ob* -: t «¦ y. a its an on sal i si' a b of rsaei r. II" Mes. vvitn unetioa, and par bansirith ditiirulty; he i* a g P prieat, and an inaoA ienl h H;s intellec', which has rai-ed -neh greathopss, at.i csossd sueh r-ruej dhtsppointnanA is m a very or- dn.aty eapacity. I cm bsrdly IRinh he :.- infedUOM iu temporal statters. Hs edncstioo is that of thonvsr* age of cardinal* in SSBSrsL Hs talk* Prsnoh pu tty well. Ths BfflWSM fuSIIIOti «n exaggerated SpfoJOB of bial at bil SflflOSSion, ani hive due so ever rbbCS, In 1M<, when bs boasstly manifested a rJssirs to do, ti..-y enUsd bia ngrsst man, wiier-Bs ,i. ton.. f fact 1..' an* a w irtliy mss whowianadtai t better than his prodwessssrs had done, ami tbet> by to win SOBS uppiause Uom Ba¬ ri pe. Is II Ö bs penal los s violent reset oaliL bo> isaasati have dbbsoiusRsd his good intentionsi at d abov e ail. because I ardinal Antonelli, who mas- t-ts .'inn by tear, violently draws him ibhlllasids I consider bus m pneritinc ssitboi pa.-t sdnairstioa nor preeSOl hatred. 1 pity Irin for having ioOSeasd the r»-in up' n h.s poople, wil'.i tit po-se-*ir.g ths nrmness r.-,| uaite t.. restrms tneoi aassoasbly. I pi'y -.ill more that infirmity of chnrSCtsr which now alloa* more ev il to be .lore in his name thau he I as ever bun-' If done good. The tsünrs of nO bis wtsrprisss, snd three or fsnr accident* whieo happened in Usprseeaoe, n^ve given ;,-e *,. Um j"; .1 bi belief that the Vicar of as C'btirt is what lbs Italian* call yettmttrt in other wordi tbst be hna tbsevi/1 as. When hs drirei alon^ ths CorSO, tbe 0 .1 aOIIISS fall down M their ku«e-, but they snap their Bngers at hbn bsneeththsir loak*. Tbovshnbsn of the ItnBss aecrst aoehstisa bnpats to i. in.though for other twsssno.oU lbsevfli anieb SfiitRUttirOoaatry¦ It is evident tliif lbs Italian SWMttSfl WORld bs gteally -unphried if there were uo P ps ol Romej but the hntrsd of tbe BIsBBioisM ;.i -t Pint IX is t" bs eoadsawssd in a it* »er-mal h-j ei TbOJ wnuld Ii IUI to R OOrtRaRtJ if our troops wrrs not there t.. defaad bint. This murder would be as ui'ju-t a* that of Loahl XVI., and as use- less. Tbe gwiuotine would deprive a d oid mas of In« l.fe, but i' would not put an end to the bad princi¬ ple ,,f iBfOfdotsl noMreby, 1 did Ii" t reek an Sudiel-ea of P lls IX. I .flier bissad bh bsRd sor bli kbppof ths oi j mnrfc of Bttsttioi I rsesrrsd frowt bint trsi s few Uses of insaM in the QiornaU di Ramm, Stil!, I never can bssi him a< ised withi st feodh | him. l.-t niy r.-ajers few SOIQliaiBl pafi thsSMSTrsi n tl e ¦Ines of thi* too illustrious and t<s> ni.fortuna'e old man. Aller having been t< r SSRllj tWO fSOTI the .* rorits oi pnbhe opuioa, snd tbs ti i of Barops, bs fi und hmii-eif obBgod ' n I ths Osbrfabsl Pslnse M a nosneat'i soCtoo, t-.i Ossto and Porrid bo bhstsd tbOM i.i.gerirg hours whh ri HV the -pirit of the exile. A grand and time-honored principle, of which the kgitiBNhry is not doabtfnl to lum. wt< violated m his p. rr-L. BisoRsMt iunaainboaslyssid 1 "Itis jeu owRfsnk, TonbRTSsndnagsrsd tbshnoaarsbj by y.ur ideas of pit poos. The m mobility of govern- BIHIl Ml tbo SIM \ a BSa Of tbs stab'lity of thrones. Ton wnl not doubt this, if you read again the Uatnty of your pre.i.< eP.. r-. Hs I sd ha.1 tune to bsesansj i"\tIttBj I" U m bsUsf wheu lbs armies of the Cath¬ olic l'uwen .!. .. mole opened for him the road to Boats, Ororjoyodol eeeii.jf tbs principle saved, he v oa. .i '" b:n.-ejf t.ev -r tzain to » ompromi»e it, but to reiga wRhoat posgrsss, a. sdtog to papal MssBrioa. lint tLe-e \.ry fore gn powers who hvl saved las cp at. were ti e rir«t to in pose on htm the condition of Ml SOI kg \\ hat WM hO BS BOSS 1 iL-was equally iiira. topr< ¦ 0 SI erytha g. aud to refuse ev «rythitiA Aft. r a 1' t io - ta' ..r. 1 .. paWOMMd in BpAoof SHI H I thee bs sbsshrsd bbwsslf, nr tbs Mahasftbs future, feWM the kSMHhgSShWRM ue had made jr the sake M tae pre.' 1 '. >'oa he is out of hnmer with hi* people, with the French, and with himself. lie knows the nation is nffstbig, but he hliowi hua-eit to be porsaatfsd that t. e mistortuEes of the nation ar>- m pensable to tbe safety of tie Chun h. Tb"««. als.'it him take t are that the repp'tu he* of Ins nL.-t ksnes shall be -titled by the iscoflsolioasof 1S1B sr 'i ti e dread of a new revolution. He -top* is eyes and bil tar*, sr. ! prepsr-s to die < aimiy betWSM his laSMM robjscM ot ore Land, and bM nSSBsBod pro» tnt.r- in the other. Ary nat: wanting in energy, m as he i*. would behave exa. tiy in the same n st i er. Tbs (nah i. i is ot a -.-akLees and Ski a.e. BfS I do SOl un b-rtaks to obtain the ao<iu.'ta! if bM MtnillST m Mate, tar linsl Ant.-:.- ANTl'S'i I L IL- ws, bom in a dec of UdnrWA I Its Latlvv place. Su tiro i- mt're celebrated in the tüst'-ey of crime th-in ail Areatia in the annals ..( vi'tue. This nest of rul- ture* was hidden in ths soutiiero mour.*a;cs, toward tne >. . tat ff' Boa - iu-;.ra.-t.. ah.e t. mounted driptO'-E-, windfsg through brakes and thr-kete: ti jnp.t..trai b to ths rtrssgsr; dasp rsTdaee nod gli. it y %v, cxn-bined to ft rm a tnoet le-.rable latdriepe, f. r the 301 verience of erime. Thehjusei of >. ciico. old. ill-'-u !?. r! .f g ne' -x«l' o-e up."-, tte otl-er, ar.d a!mo-t nnitibab tab.e by hutnaa beiage, .:.;. et mt fact,BttlsassstRM lopotool piBsgs anil mji aba 11 ropfa .. Tl S ] [ .>. a a a I v e r. B», I asi for mary oent rfeo pioctiesd art sd rob¬ bery snd rjepredafi'.t,"snd (raintd RR RSWRRand at ths jn Lt if tie. (arbife. \ a-b -rt. * ."..' Cot» terrp' ofthelawwttn tMasoanOsbl 8;r, an-i fire win tu I'veofotberi fo-eia with their mother*' A m¦>< M soon ss they «notd walk, they aaeunied the rxncrv, or u. a- - L- f SRtSRRodlsRlnsr, with which thsy learned to r.L fe» al i ? - « l_-e g I...-' .-'.nta a arserpaesa. V\ kea thsy had aeeasreR tM art sf pan ag sad ascapisg, of lahiag aithoot being takse, ths knowledpe of the ralue of tne different coin*, tbo arith- nteih-of the dietitbution of b<e.»T, aad ti e principles of t . rights of nations as th*y are prar 'ieed am- ng the Apsi ntiertbe Comar'be« ication wae deem»>l .-.ü: .. Thsyitgnirsd aptooohiogl .-.aiiih*.wto apply tbe >t> rand to «v.-fy their pa--.....» ia the hour of victory. In the yenr oft/race IMC, this tesaraJ, br-.fal. umi- ,,r.. MTparttBieas, tganraBB, and ( rai,j -nd >. «i Italy With a Lttie mountaineer, known as QiaeaBBO Artonelh. Ilaak* ,)o not batch doves. Thi« it an txtotj n ¦timl hltltaj ahlth bttt need of aanioattrttloa. Hat) Piscinas iattiTlH hti gifted at bit birth tith tin p> virtues nf an Arcadian shepherd, hu vm ._'e w.Mi <i have aMajaUjatwiBBiid mm EM the BataaaMO ol certain »v»nta niodfiei h.» .a-ir. .?. al'l: ..!gr "-v faded ?.i tn-dify !..« nature. Ria infan« y and hL< Cfl la> bead w e re * n hi .¦. ted . ntwoop p< ni r- giaiaeaSWS. If he r- . \>.| ? > tr: est :e-son» fr.»in -'lo--, -«f,i. br gej> .s,.;e. ¦!'!':' nrki"> »'¦!¦'.:"¦ >r... vVhen wt* hardly 1-ur year* old. th» -Jtsoharga ¦fah,gn moral i »f. n «t'o»k n;< . .r*: X » tv Fr-n. ''.«..p* »Hf thestbbg brgAtid* IB tb»* aaanaaTBtei Atter tl a retara of Ptu« VII. Sie witnessed the.leoap t>'0 of a v w i.e.gtiboruiaj rc'aiivs »!. ad often d ind'ed him on their k; aa, 1':. k r Lao XII. it wa« »tili wena, ItaBaa waVBaaaBM corrective* 'he wwodsa lif"- nnl th* "Mpp're ja. k. w--re -: d ia tbt viLlag^ square. Aliout ooea afofti cbl tbefaathafitiee rased tha beaeeef toaaa brigand, aftet taatnag hia family to the gaiioy«, and p iyw c a reward 10 tbt arorwMr wba had ieananaawd f-.::n. St. iv-.-rs (late, \». .. eili.:t< tic- hoii»e id" the An'.u.el'.'*. a a.* araajaaatad with a ganai, d of human iMMkdkwbioh Bloejasat raBoa grimed dogmatically enough m their irOBBBgea It IM s'age be a taBOOl of aft, -ir-iy nab aatagaaatbia a rare Toaac tiiae.*- u <> was etabied t<> rerb , t upon the inoorven eives brioan.i.ig.e, »v-n b.-tore Le hau tast.-d *s >*«'.>. A:, al i.ttn 'i " BBBBafHaaTl ¦ ha.' a!r«aiyengaged i'. iBdaatilal pafaatta afabwa ha^ard-m* aanra than robbery II sown lather, who, it »a> wh'.-pered. bad ai l itaaT of a Oatpaioae ot a Pai at****, iaotaad ofaxpotiat h BnieB upon the highways, took to keep- 11 g bu.ioi k»; he then became an Infen-'ai t, aid *ati- eemieiitiy a a'made a Mui.ioipal Keeetver; by which aoaajaatkaaa ba .vip.ired more ¦oaajab aoaaawathy !e-* rirk. Tie taaaa AaanaaQi batitatad (or aotaa ttaaa aa to tba i hoi- e of a caDiB£i lb . aalatai rocatk n a-a.» tiitt of the lababltaala of floaaina in n. rai, to !iva in nlaaty, to a^V y e\ery »ort of pleai ire, t i make b'm- e- t at home everywhere, to be dependent apoa a*> bmiy, to rule otbaCB, and to frignten them if netvr»try, I nt ab.ive all, to awaajhi tht lawi with IttpaaHy, \\ ;th tt.- % tw of attain mg «-> !. fty an ei withoal \- p-Titg hi* life, tor wbanb ho ever uaiia most parucu ar regard, he aatarad Iba paal aainaaarj af Roaaay la our Lai d of ikeao! tarn, a to tag man aalan the i ary witii the hope of baaag nrdalaad i ;r Antot ei ei.ter. >l it wrta the oppueita intentioo, Bal a eapttal of the Catbolie Caarah, yoang Levitot of ordiaan iatt ngaa< t bei ome mag *':at-*, prere< .», a oneikaa of state, ai d aaa ster*. w kik tue "dry frail " no ugl.t giiKi aaooab for wtabing pi iatta, Aatoaauieo distifgu sh-d bbxawb^tbat (wRb heav¬ en s h< !pi i,'' escaped the svament of ordioattba. He baa aeTai mid mass: .,. t>&* tev.-r aoaaaaaada peaiteatj i wont swear tie baa even ooal. '. t. If, II-» gained what was of bmn value thaa i< the C r:-tian vi:fnes the (rioadthip of QrtgOty XVI Ho ei a prolate, a magistral", a pr- Pec rotary General of tie laterior, and MioUter of 1- aaai a, Ho aaa can *ay he as net cboaaa the right path, A iaaBftininwttr,If bebaowaanythingef h.s basiaett,caa btybaaaoraBaoaeyin -:\ aaoaaba than al! ti-- brfgaada of Soeaiao ia ttraaty yeart, UaearQiagerj XVI. he bad beaa areactioafaa,to abaae bat tovareiga. On tha aooeaakw ol PiaalX., Ii r the Mime reason, he prof- Med liberal IdeAA, A red hat and a nuiustcnal portfoUo wera tbe rocoatpaateol is new coat ic ioiis. and proved to thtt inhabitaato tri Boaarao that Kbaraham ittehTiB more hkBrative thaa brigaa laga, Wl a; a praetteal Itteoa tat th- --. naoaa tabkeeral <'ne of themselves olothad laparplaaad bne mien, actually riding in d » ' oai ptaas I the br-.trai ks, and their old friends the dragooat praMBl g arm», in.»tea-l ol tinng ba | not» at bun lb- obtained tbe aaaBe mflacaoe over tha bow Pom II a? he ad over tba old one, tin:* proving tb vt people may be got hold of without stopping them mi the high¬ way, riaa IX., who had no aecrata fraan blaa, oaa> Bded to him bin with to ootreet abatee, wrtboat oaa> ceahacbi fear of i .ling too waB, He aarvad the H ly Father, e\en m i.i irr.Intioat. At Preeident of tba Baprtma Cooacil of State, ba proponed rafbrme, and as Mtniater ho poatpoaad their adoption. No¬ body waaaaore acthra than be, whether in aattBagoa THtlatragtbamiaatitntii.i l^is. H.t Horando to i.gut tie.- Anttriaat, and diaavowed himsiterthe bll»«le. He OwMted tie pfakbdryaa soon aa he found there were daar itnooaaaaiad, bataeaaalad tbe Popt in In, .not .\ j it, on la his ministers. Tin- mnrd.-r oft'- ,{,t Boast gave Mat ttrioat eaaea for ranjoction, A man .. t '.the »' 'rouble t«i be born at s mi,in«>, in order to N t an baaataaafaaaaadi naitat.n»ra ry. Ha placed tbe Papa aad Manien ia tatety, aad Inea weal la Gaeta to paay the part of Baorataiy of btate tn / 'ii '//'¦'«. From lhi» enle dates his onm;poterce over the will of the Holy Father, his reinstatement in the esteem of the Au.-tr.ans, and the OOaakBjaWCJ in hit nrhola cob* dart, Hace taoa ao more coatradJctioaa labfatpeaaV ii al life. Tbey who fonaavy accated bimofheaitat u.g between the welfare of the nation and Ins own j. raeaal interest are re.m ad to aOeaee. He wi-h.-sj to reatota the absolute power of the pope, t: In- may diapoae of a at his ea.»e. He prevents nil r-11 i,i iiiation between PiaalX, and bit subjects; he. riinimont the cannon of Catholiclam to effeet the con. qaeal o| Home. He ili-uses tin- French, who are will- iiiL' to die for bbai be turns a deaf ear to the liberal ci hi eels of Nap"!, on HI., he di signed!/pn '. f » exi.e of his ma.»'er; be flraw*. up the promises o| the Aior» Proprio, w.. .- davbang amaaetoeladi A! n i;tii, he returns to, and f >r ten years eon. baaea to reiga over a Baud om inaa aad aa eariaved p. opto, opposing a pasaiva reabaaaca lo a tba ¦ mi Mai af WpfaMBacy and ail the demand< of KaaWM Cbagiatj laaaatoasfj to power, let kkwa aa to tbe fa> tan Bitaaaiag proaeat opportaadttae, and .lav by day ba :. -i- g kia sortoaa» an r Iba mann, r oi ioaarao« In ttr.s a oar of graet IS99, lo ,s titty-three y< ar< of age. lb pri sei-s the nppaaraaci of a a p - n i man. His frann- is slight aad roboat, aad bit ouaaiMa tioa b that of a mounta i e. r. TBe breadth oi bit forelii-ail. the brilliancy of bis eyes, 1.1st beak-llko aoae, aad. all tb'- upper part of hia too tnapire a aertaia awe. Hi* cooatenaace. id' abnoal M.i-b baa, H at tim»-n lit up by Hashes of Intalleet. Ii il ins bi-a\y jaw, Im long BaAaj-Bbe laaib, and hi* thick bps express the craaaesl appetite*. He give* v 'i tr id< t ot a ii :n: t r grafted on a sn\ \\ h> ti he as»i..ts ti.- Popa in the nesaaaota * Of tie Holy \Veek bs bj ¦agfanWatly diadsia- and BBaambjSati Be ''irr,» from time to time in the direcBoa of the diploniatic tribune, and itMik* antho:it a su ..e at ti e po«,r emnaseadors, Whom he cnjoleafroin to t.igi.t. Von aiimir.- tba BOtOI arbo 1 at hi* pnb.ic. Hut a hen at an evening party he engagea :!<.*< awaraataaa « tb a udaome woman, the play of bis connteuatce shows, the direciton of bin thoughts, and those of t ie lii.agma'.ve i.b«.-rver are :ti of, ptibiy carried to B rosdskBS in a loneiy forest, in wbk I. tie- prim teal objects are pwBtrata postiboas, oaerturaed earrugt, bsmbbaej RHBalss,aad a i . party i I the BlbsMttBtS ol S nnino! He kveBBBtbe Vatican, :mn,e.|;ale:y ,,\>-r the Pope. T e Romana nab pnnaingly wbieb w tba upperiBeat, the poi,e or Aitoi,e|,i ' All ciaer«-« of sacisty l ate him equally. Cassini him. ¦alf WBBBOtflaoaa c'.rdiaiiy detected. H- :- * e ,,i y ... pg Baa tolawra lag whom ..n aatirs paapls ¦ ag-e. .J. A K' man prince furnished me with eoine informa¬ tion respecting tie r- .ative fBTtaaes of rr.e nobility. \\ BOB be gave me the list be Mad, " IToB w:'.l remark the aames oi two iadividoals, tba amount of wn«*w nropeft] it daaeribad a* mba tad. They are Tor Man aad Anton- QL Tbwy liave bath ma U barjaj for- tute-i;, a f< w years- the tir-t by spec.¦tlation, tbe y power. Iba Caroiaala Altieri tr AntoneD wer«; one -lay d'oputing ujsin some .i. the I*op<- s preaeaes Tbey t'atly oalradieted ei <. another: and tl"- Popeia- ehaad t-i tba oalnioa ol bit .Minister. " Bbaaa your Hob mess, sani the tohie Altieri. " BCSaada bstlief to a noraari rather tnan to a Hi u..ti. j-r.n- e, 1 have nothing to do but to witb iraw. Ihe Apoetle» then-e'ive* a;; * ec.te-'ain no v>-:\ ami .:: It !'..» .[.,¦. towar :. t. S r-'ury ol >rate. The last tine tie- Papa made a soieu u entry BBtO Cj capital 1 t;..t.k .r wa» a ', r .- rt..- ,- uj pi> 1- gro the Porta oe! Popow and tbe Oorao were ac- rording to < oatom hung with draperie», 1/ehitd which lha oaf -tatue.- of Bt, Potar aad Bb Paal were eaan> phBtry hkidea. A<c<irding'y the people were ect.-r- ta bj tit. Bg tba ablkvwBkj abuog .e aj pt adad to thaeoraeroi - -t.-eett Peter tu PomL M Itsssbbb tobm, oi-i f-Uow. that w bal i' r- lbel >..*r-.' /' af to Ptter, " What would you have ? We are no iorger ttyti.jig. ThSM is but .Jaan s in tue arsaU BOW, I am aware( tt .a»- 1 - -v- * nothmg- .-v»n the A; -. -. I ¦¦ r re- n cAtmn. which cbnaaB to be tbi-iignt jnat, icsudfi the funera. pBasanWBM of i XIt Itslao occaaioi ally d- taatsd Heari IV. f.-r I.:* e< or.otr y, ¦¦>< Stp>- --o f«>r bis Victore«. No atatesmon-t .: ¦.>¦. Jasbjad i..roD tbe taet.nocy of Ua et>:. e*. Tt-e only av lete-e we sbonld admit either f r or agabart bbw, br Ida pabtb- a/-ts. The only wit- aeeaaa to whaab aay w.- gt.t simaid be aunhated are t. e g»- at: era fci. 1 J ' -.'' .ot *. .. CoOatf] ha gavaraa. !». en an inqniry would. I fear, ire ruinooa to An- : if .., Ii,« nation reproaches mm bix witn all the \ .s .. a- .!:¦ fori .- Bat tea J --an. Tbe pakhc irretcbodaeMnad IgastaBes, the daaBas of tha arts, the .r'-e snpp..».-ion ! rty, ti t eve- ;,-e»ent t urae of toreign < ipalior .all f&o upon hia head, be¬ cause he alone is reeporsthle f< r everything. It inay bv a.>gvJ Uat ..e at Utt : .:v-l r. act cd try party. I mach d«> kfM .'- What a- tetnal la. iujti» baa ba suppressed ' Se. re* t at have rwaruMsd in Kotne dirirg hi* re .an. What r»rr' r Tar. fr m without ¦¦ s.,-r»eed f Furipe continue* to erMBahkhl cani Roash/, and day by -tar bits np i < v< .< .> a ..b«- or two u.gher. He hss tailed %i re. oueMr* ime amgie party or oca srnglo p. w : to th> llo'y r**fh. r. |»irr.g hi* ten year*' dic¬ tator »h p to ba- r.. ;thct gait..I the erdeem ot" oue for- aner I r Übe OOaaVhbha t oao Hainan. AI M has ta bed it UM Hu pretereirt«! capacity ;* hu* siym* ts. To Um tr* k. ry . f tbs preeeal be aids U.inning <n t! Ii d an, but be Cae rot tna* BWWSSMMB ot Ti- a with, 'it ah « b it s- bapssa bio to reiebli-h firmly the alasety of the p.-, pie. No one poeeease* in a greater eg ragging oa SO affair, and mat iv enog with and I Dg out di| uakhtaMO; but it is t f pIsssaBaTMS si tbi :t t.<at s tyranny rss bs propped np. Ahbsngh tu» SMposys sowy sab- .. k. oan to diehoesM poBcy. I am not faBM sars the! he ha* roii the cratt ol' a poh loan. Tbe atta.rust nt of bia own etel doee not is fact re- quire it. k or aftsr sO, wbsi is bis si II In wait hope, * '. s v kbB, <::.! 11 OOOM i ose iroui tbe tnoduta.ii* Of S .t.n.t.o ,'i j v ! \. lie tig f of W miPg t> hoinfäctaay o< tasnatna '- or lbs savior of MM Papa- ¦ y < r the I »i n Qsixote of lbs Church f N K, soeh a 11 sht, Brat, of f; sect ndly, of b.s family. II - (SI By is I Brisk 1f. H - f. || brothers. Füippo 1 (!:. ' ». '.! -i »ivo ;re mark' tngelo, all aor< tb< in thefr yoaagsr day * they hw#, oas anj all, wear :: e count - roi et. t toe - governor of the bask, aeapatal poet, at t Moos boos Casapaas'i roialamiiai ios tie has gut Ute aloala di Pieta. An shea- is Coassnratoi of U sa, ssdai a Boaster sspoeksJry .elected for bii kkospoefcty. Asotbar follow s ipeniy trade «-f a monopolist, with immense l*c.lilies foi tbor preventing or aii'noniing sxporlo ioa, rrmibV lag IS bui wn woioboaa i »I p-'t hi bs ' H ot 1 npfy. '1 s. afreet - tbe mater ai traveler, tbsdlpfct- BtStkH ÜM MSOMOgSf af ths family, dlagORM /v-niu. .\ the tnitiiiy, ('."int ttandini, reigns over " police. rhiatttUs troop ta psrpetasBy m work adding rtuss wbleh is isvMibM ssd baesacasabba, The n- sss ot Assoaalli is not ptthW m Boaathsa A- f r t; .. Bl rotary oi S its, a!! who know h'nt b> timataly, both eien *i..l Wolter, n^re.- tf,-et he 1-aJa a plesssnt Kfs, Il aerosol lot tl l bora of assbbag Dead SgSSBSl tbe dlpkwaatlsts, and g'vtng audieneo . v ry bBOnhh*, bs VOObj bs tbshspptsOtof MkMk> t beers, His tsetss srs BsrpM a scarlet iUh nbO| nnlituiled poaer, an saoiMOM lortune, a KuiMpean reputstios, sod with ad the bMMMM within maus reat' Ibis tr;i!e ¦stisSss ti s HWpb lastss of the fat- dinal HisMter. Add by tbs by, ssploadid sylMetbM 11 mil srsle, p.,rf»ct!y eubMiflsd, whtni bs hj ooosbaMby enriel Bg siu tbs poirioi sf an SBBOtoai and UM Mo> dei i.c.-^ of a '.atlu r. IHNUBBB 0411 PATIOff, The 1'ope is lived and rOTSTOd :u all fatbo'.io c' iintrita aarept bM swa It is, thsrafbia, perfectly just and nat. 'al that I y i' II,1 M of devoted sad leepecUVJ men should ren¬ der bifcs saaiatescs airauist i,ÜUO,000 of disooasaabsd ouesb it is nut eaoagh togisw bin a tsnporalhMsy. or to batrarssOarsd *.itt kiagdosita bin srbsa bs I id tl misfor uue to U»*e it, I. mil t lend i un a permsj sal tupport, oalsss lbs sxpsooosf a frcth resto- il tfl »>e UMSIfed every veat. [bii -. sprira pU of tbs awsiga ooeapotMBa We are lii'.i.i ll.oui nf Catholics, Who nave Violently dele- gaied to 3,000,000 of [tattaai tboboaorsf b->ardina: aid lodging cur spiritual chief. If wo were not to leave s respsetable army us Italy to watch over the t ii of oar ooaHMaadS) aa woohl bo Ssawg omi wo'k bv ha v aa In MrM logie, the security of the PtjSSShOOMbO gaarsateed at Um ssanssa npss.t tne taihoint I'oWers. It w-eiiis quits' na'uial mat each nation inter- e-:>d in the sppfSSstsO of the Uoinans sho.ild larnish its ci ottagOhi ot rxddiers. Such a system, however, would have the effect of tuririig the CkwB of St. Angslo into sastbsr Tosrsr of Babel. Bssidas^tbs aiiasis i this WSfMSM not all regulated .c .. d ug .«» tbe i riaciplas ol ktaio. Tl oaly three Towers WhSSh contributed to the re- SStablii-hiiieiit of l'ius IX. wi re Krance, Austria and Sjiain. The PrsaoO bssasgsd B 'tne; the Austrian* ¦S'sed Um plocss of tbo AdltatiCj tic Spaniards did eery liitls, aol (ran ths aaal aatbsssf good-will or (ouiage, bathaeaass tbsir sllisi bfbtbsai notiung to do. If a p v at e individisl tnay hs permitted to probe the motives upon a hi ii I'l a ra< t, I woahf veuiureto "Uggsst Uiat ths O1 an*'1 lsa.1 nothing in view li the ,,, i,,i no i 'lit'1 '. ller soldiers came re,t».ie i, ,, j. .,. , tin it "; they went as aoon as hewasi.,,,,, ,J.'i |o- :s a cht vaboas pabsy. Kapol*,,, in. w»otcin-ioT'-d the rssMmsMa ti the Pope to ^ i M ta>t»a*aeOBaBaryloabaaso4odtbo Cboreb. r.......». ihtaki i»lB tbongh I couldn't .wear to a, j,.i h m tin . of sctioa wars oookpae kled, Bhaa« P I i yt the French Republic, heir t.. a name a lu ll MOMBOasd him 'o f he thron», re»o!v«<| to m hsase ins leatporsry sasgkatra y tor an bapsiial crown, he had the grrates' pos-ibls :nt' r> -I in proving to Barsps bow IC.-,. .. are put down, lie had alreadycoaosivsd -ue bfaaof playiagthatfroalport of champion of srdsr, wbksb has iBbssssasoO bMs hs 11 raoMvod by a,I aoren :gn- lii-t a< a brother, and af- lerwardas an srbslxatsr. Lsady, hahaww that the rettorstioa of tbs Pops woold sei uro bun a million of ( ti dko rotss toward] bM sMobMa to the m,|.. nai cr^ w ii It it to theo- motives o; porSMal interest wem added Mavsotbsn, If pondbls of a bftkw ObanrtsTi Tbs bsursf Vspolaaa and of the liberal BsaoiaUos of >'.», the man *lio rea«J Iks pas name BS lbs tir«t ['age ot the civil c.»de, the author of M many works breatii- iag tbs apart! ol new ideas aad tba paaawaato tssa sf 11 gn a, ». -ii. nt sraasMf arboos basy iiram alr>-aily teemed With the germs of all the proajieii'y we iiavo Slijoysd (or *be last ten years, was tie ipOMB <d hand- isgovei tbr'-e millions of Italians to reuctn n, lawleea DSM lad inisery. If bs bad tirnily resolved to put. down the R.-public of Koine, bs was i./vt kss tirm in ii rsSolutioS tu suppress the abuses, the injustice, and all tbs traditional oparessioas wbicb drove the Itaiians to nvolt, in the opinion of Ihe hea I of tee Kreuch Bepubbo, tie' way to !<.. again victorious over anarchy, was to d. pnve it of all prstoM and all cause for its si- iatsnt e. He knew Koine; he bad STSd th'-rc. He knew, frern personal experience, in wnat the I'apal liovrnment .I ffsred tr..m g.ei l QovarasMaM. Ha natural «enee of InMies arged him to give taosab|S0M0f the Holy Father, in OXObaagS for 'he poBUool autonomy of wiiiclt he robbed th'-m, nil the evil liberti'-s and ail the in- uLT' rights enjoyed in MviBssd Statea. Tbe OOasdaShM arrived at by M. Kdmond Abotit is, tbat the Kotnau QMothM may bo definitively vihed Without s citastrophe He ii not "ich a pessimist ai to bei.eve that war is oes-eitary to the ihlvation of Italy and the security of P.urope. Ku rope has only to utter bnff protest against tho ec- clesiaettcal monarchy. At least, ihe may diminub the evil by reducing the limits of the I'apal StiteA. The Adiiatic provinces may be freed at once. Tho niir.icle MBJ b«« wrought by a itroke 'if the pen. The eagle'* quill which signed the treaty of Paris is as yet but freshly mended. The PlRBOOB <S other uat.ons, too, may learn from history tbat the really strong (iovernmenta are those which have k<'pt It. gioaB authority in their own handa The Seo- atfl of Koiiied.i not grant the pru-sti of Carthago liberty to preach in Italy: taWQsMOl of Kngland lad the Kmperor of I: ... a are the beads of tho Ahzijcs.'i and K'issiin religions; and by tbe ikmo right, the sovereign iiictropo'is of tbe churches of Franc.- ahouid be in Paris. KFM in sr. kmc i.b op s»vii KL LATHAM MITCHIUi, M D,U ii By Jena W t ,,\u-, M. II., ete. l/u. pp.'il J. I Tr. w. The .it. rting nhsptsr sf personal nosaMsajoBS of t'-.e eccent'. naturalist atd plulo-opier, I>-. MB> cl.ill, which waa i mtaiLed Ut the authors " OlJ New- iork. is here npr.sioted w Ti MB Iry a-hi t.ot.,.l ir.^c.-ote- and teabthMkMkB Dft llhM Bl waa far r.ary years a prominent .r-t;tution in the looisty of BoW-Torit, aad wBhOKI an er;tertain;n^ ehroo.cVr at Uks writsrd th.s assfc, th»- pr> ,«nt generation w.U aoteasily V the memory t hi- -mgular d"ii gs tmi _ books Hf i »:ivei». rransaeti'.ni 11-- MaSk aHaefety aTtka S'.v .,f New-Tori for ihajraar ISM, Ms pp Ml Chartas \ an fcauMysam A ..<.:.. tl ¦<! .' M«it.e llj K. k.i.4 ». well H,o. lo. ,.. Bail Ellaha Clark A Ca. A n- »*:¦.> t '-¦ Hyroi T ¦¦ B<vA f.,r Sio-a-li .: gy WWafsn B. Btaslnij Uaaa. pp. hM iTkaa k Fhha- tey l.'.r-... > rre:. A Til. Tiraea. By Allen HanipSeti. i.rr. f.p I?' R..rtii k Cirieti.'ti. P taotl P « A ..- 4'. Rev..! BSS t Private tliftd kjHdaij tlWlaj thou. r;. i'.l. Taa ."ia.'.e _ M wimMuHi-.t'.-Wo lad it sMRBaHbatibers .." low bef. -.- t :e r.¦,,'.;¦. enty different stye s ol i .* rg maiMros t" c|,. from; ewd patert-rgl.t NraaaM ooarto deiiareskis the oaesb t\ The biggest mule ever pr»eiuce.l, it i- lupj.sel, iow In Wayne County. F lnca, OWBsd by Charles r'n*t. Tra weight girss as l,<L» p lunc?», «od -,'bt I'*. bntd>, Wl... I. 1- .. ! t .l.el.

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fc:rMr,<* TRAIN* LEAVE Nr. v ro&iPot ¦»» h'"' a, *a.ak "t.i. U la, .. IPM.J Pal

I 45 *- .> '"» . ~ ?. - a a. >.t » i 1 Ü let,,p.>», and ' v p n. Pot MV-rat. Strait M. f

U»e:p < a. p.. I. ».. ) '.. k,m i eA p in * r Nt rw«J*. { e-i> («I i - p -71 Pot

.Wut'« «' .. « " I I« ¦ li:4&. I .. I ». K If

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ft .« * .- 12:45. > i. m.I ON IE 1 .» T? t.

Pot B-ev.n. t a. - ml) P <:» re aca

8rtaife4,-. a. m. (a*A ,f ..' p o -a.! K . Caaaaaaieoat RivetIrrr«^ u *l<\.L->' ' a .1 . ar-a* i i* p. tt.. n.) u

.w r* r it P .t %. w iv.. :. » .! ¦". alt|WBe' ...« a' "a o a -.. »p r r < .v R«. . -%1 b N ttvmpcb, 11 a. ei v . p cr Pot Hi autark Ra:roaA.¦ a, an. Oat k pi Pot a. -*.'--1, « p. t. 1. !lp. at Oof Pti b ay aad Notar«1» ReUroaai ; |, .,_ v a> p. at

IAMBS M riftTT lt| alaiialtal.

YLW V'U K AND KKIK RAILROAD..OlIt raal aflat M< 'N:>a y. iprfl ; . ¦'. i ri a

faem i Train* wlU .-*..- PI of U at Iowa, rialHI NhiKK EXPREmB ati u., foi Duakirb t-.d ¦ iSale.

aaf prti 11pal ad ata I .

MAIL TEAIN a- , , .' j kirk p:.d RiaRVo. a d inter-aaa-d.a'e Bttt> a

ROfKLAND PASSENGER at 9 «i p aa., froaa fcwt f Hartaaai at., via Piero . .».. H .flania and in .-.ate BtathWAV PAS8KNOER at tp u ,! . Nearl «ja, M dlatoaT.

aaat baeeni «RIGHT K.X!,H...aS a. - p. NaT R t. t aal B-.e*jo.Tap aaave traiaa i v .... :¦.><-.Tk»>. Kapreaa Tran a eoaat ' a' ri.inira adtfe Uia K.rxli*.

Oaaaitdakj .« tad) .*« »rata Ka-.i Ralli id, I r, «a . Pi..«, at.I» ttmoiv I-, art'.. Uii Byra a* «. -i Rtaaaai n RaJlraad, fatByra. i.a» at Cotalap, wrri u.i H Ifaio, C ai.d N-w VorARa. riad t r p. d BjRalo; al Oreal Rend, vita UaIVaiware, Lt'kaw .. a ar ri Vaatotl RaUf A '.'S m t-n atHnrr..i,.,i a, arita taa Rofl Raa P r» City al¦BdlaiRtiffa UadD llrk, With I. «. Sf. ;* RAilnad, f'dC3evala:.d. Cloa.iuaatl T-.eU. 0« n r. Cl a« '.

< i.AKI ¦ s M (RAN. r--.M'Ot

Tp.TKW-V«»IiK la. th.' WHITK MolMAINSftJaadLARl MEMPHRBMAOOO Ry tBa Hear Tot* aaRPJeW-Hayea tad Coeoi tkral nr.d Paaawmpa:.: River RailriadiRBBaa aataatal .' I ¦: aad tta-av.

JOKTUKI'N R. H. of N. JERSEY.Fei }'i-r-_" a,..r:, RyaoA, Ha. keoaa. k Er.rl-w.-od, A<-...I>a*ea foot oltSaaotkaaarc-OL (Boaday . . ptedj at l:M a. m. ar d M n n y

p. m. La-avva Ce. ¦ ¦. a: aad ~. Ifi * rn and 1:2ft o. m.



VkU-JKKSKY RAILROAD.Foi PJIILA-Aa liPl.pmia ai'l -ha SOI Hard WEST, via JERSETCITY.. Mad aad Pupr-aa ttaaa laara Naw-York at 7. f aad Üa a-- «od t a-.,i p ai -are * :. T .- .'ti Tisketaanal par Ca>afaioati »i d !f.'- V\ a-, a: d f r W aar, ». N v. O- ,im and 'ria

Bofitk, A.-., aid tn aajk '.ar/»*e .¦-« at^i M W tahltfv.ri in1*aa. aad 4. p. m .


J -.V. lA'OODBOPP, a..! -a. . « T,.ri-.'»r.-".tvHr batiar* bü -..> .¦ a ., > ., r.d ard

aBookad ffteea ml ..«la advaaet f ... llaai of lea »Ii I,


< OMPOI si) < iioi.era < ORD1 iL.

A pr,'k> . r. aaajj al n v«i ,abl« aaaMtiaa ic the pr. vei Roa »i IaafaWCaoaan Motkaa, CanIota Irfaatnat. Rkvrthaa, kts, Notaiua. hnkl all ,IH I- ai'i .. -hia M, di. ine E«< 0 bottle bk>aaaaajkaaai ikaa, a Mek faadert Rakaa t aaaa ,«i oaaaakai .

au aaealtaa, to ahtaa i' will be bn,r.d of proat benefit iu prevent-Hit 't»- aapaaaaai I taV .« ,,ft> ¦ a aal by a kaapt of drmkiu(-aa

8<,|dliy.ill 4rot«data ami medi. in<- vend. r«. PI«.-, M aeataa.rboa. Wkoleaala, ky W. H. TOVVERR Proarietor, Ma. 9»|tr«..idi»ay, N.wY.ik, whi.b ia alad Ika iapal art Towera'ta. a i. J


MY UOTIIER - s.\i.\ i; .- m btjfaia u.if.l bytie naanria f,,r Pil.t, ..Ha!- itaaaaa, RraaVpalaa, kau, and

fa.,,,id to b.- tn. ki«' article . tei a ^ ,.(| f,,j |ka »p.edy pan fthe afeive dia. aa.a. < KOX. N,,. Hl Kar lay -t., Wk .1. aaleApaati RURRILL* HUNTING, Proprietora, No. p.a Naa.aat P.-r tale by an Bvappkata Pi. t 96 tatt

SANDS' SARSAPARILLA.Ira awaaV*rpjR| aailfkliaj >ne ratrp.,wert li«v>- b-eu .-vl-

aena.dU. tb>- d. BM f Ilioiiaar da daffa| tbe laat BMBBtaaBjeera la etataof aeaofnlaof tka aroraf kfcad. Ro natafal a>aakRw BANOA' BABBAPABILLA, I taki > i will Rodfc fully iiieiit* t^e ..iivmble reauAation If ha« a. <|uired.

Pi.pjr.d aad mid ky \ i; BO IANOR, Oraa^kata, Pia. MRKalt« ii.' Naw-Yotk.

IDiUcr (Turc.

Moi NT PROSPECT WATER CURE, IUNQ-HAMTOM, P* V -K.rht h-,.ira ff rn Now Y .k -itya by

Pa V k 1 R M I1 ¦ .-.''. haa a v. ry pi. andk.-altbi. i I ... , a p»:t ikldr.M J.M. NORfll, m If.

Legal Notices.


PWintiti-.. at.. >. DAVID 0 DAVIS aad RBBP.CCR DAVIS,ku büV SAMI KL PINCOTT ,i RLIZA PINCOTP, bitwile, LEBLll MtKAHI.ANDai.d mary m. PARI.AND. i.ia«.it. HABT Mil ri >8S1 v. widowoi It M Cl an tbe-...,t WILLIAM RDOAR McCROSdBN, LEANDER klCKORBI N, inUN Ml l.o^Sl N ai CAROLINE m. CROd-NK.N Dtrfeiidatita I BAMI EL PINCOTT and ELIZA PINt'OIT, lot wife, Defeadanu: You no- hereby taauaooed toaawwei .¦ lot of SAMUEL HAMILTON and JANEHAMILTON. Ina wife, Pbtl.- arl b wi bei 4tntkeoRVai.f tin- cw-rk ol ti.. Oaaatj oi a Ibaap, «t ika CR] Hull, at tkadlily «f Albany, and to «» rv« a .( yur anaw. r on in.-at myaiBiaa in Ika CRj f Albany, WKala twenty daya aft.-r Iht «. i

vir» M tkda aaaaaaoat aa yoa, aaekaalTa ol th- day of patriot.and it ton fall t, nri.w. r tna amd ..mplaint aa beieby required.Pae pbdutiPa will apply to the Supreiue Court for tbe relial de-¦lainird iu tbe aaid uomplaiuC.Dated May 13, lüti.

J m EIMBA Plahitiffa' Attiraa ?,N-. :*> Mall tt Albany.

T^ie aaBBkaBat k Ikaakoraaatltlad a -ti. a wa.tii.-ii BttkooRBare of tbe I letkol A bany Coui-tv. n 'be 2ii\ ilav "I Line I«.>>».

a a.*, lawtiw's M RIMBALL, PklnUBV Atrtoniey,

FbuaI EVRRI MOBTH..So fur in 1859, we haveLati ireet in Lkit gfMtJ State of New-Torli pparjp akoatbin tin- j PRI ihM, tim, in ÜM "RoMlaaSfB(aBTOfeanntif«, wina-re it ia jrerrra!')- lipptMPf] the falMPtdin aal \i iy l...ienn.

Huth mi lha tit-' uii I fourth n.-ini'iifj-a pi July, nt

Ai'i ulitany, than im .jhit** a nLow »f lYsat, Oathifnurtli tin' fat i. s BB*J ['Im k »tt.k.- MBPR vhatS vital au

|pw «ayaayitparj but raajetabioB VPItJ not NlitNtAajf ik>juraif. We alat ii.-hui ni fftaR .ii PatlatAI "tin r plBBttlaMtMRtl ika BtaatP, ¦.*) PfP phtll ink for » PB«

fa^fn rut limtith. Ill Sopt.bBBAI IbVB, We -!ml! bava'it, to that if AipjwtoaapaBtaj wt tktU bavt (roM iaalt v.-n afIkt BkoaRha of lkit year.

low t Witt ii. Wt Iiut. ra-- rad from TI D a

rmfii-1 'Imrit. Blot, Bkk mtt D irit Covatp, i..wa,¦brm |u. intii kaAaV wi.-a*. |fOWR by I». Dajlpoi Mini i .»!'. ¦bash boat aBylhaapj of the boM RM kiaaHi .a Mala- of CbBbmeri, Raiaf fa.11 -,\ lajebat btapj, aadwill BaM witA baifiaRi It kbold a.n 'y, tmitpint iiitij4 up.'ii the [HlBBtl, Bl wi''l-ru!':\i.teJ \vh> .it

phoul.i ataaAa, vtaald fUU .¦¦,'Uu- batha - prr aotv,A PEMaRaRR b< IfRaRpJ vBaai I a.-ry BAAAAplbaBA,

tfoti^b out to be eOBaRaafad vitb the other. WeLa.i.e. ihaaa an >.f we Boval a psBl bmbrbj -'.ihwheat tia hi* in l.-a;t thi- Aefir.

Ttv.' ArciORNTB OB FBI OeEAI WltTRBB RAIL.h ii. An tmflojut of Uit <;ra At IVpatafi Railvaj,i.aintit Woi. Ki «vier, waa run ovt-r auJ iaalaatlt ktlia-jtHi Kn-lHV a \ I y U trni of a 1 n. ;,' io \\ . i.^t T.

pMavaatAtKti ol .-Mniiii'or at. i IWoato Railvaj.Mr. Kaiwarai Noion, n oltrk in lha fieifbt de|isrtiiiciitat HpajMRkam, vvn« barribiy taaaglrd at wt dapot ii tha|ti'a- nt u ni ii > a \ a im Wal t aUa'irj.f ,t.< to net oa

n l.K't nu.tiv a- Hin. h wara u: notion, he afippad an I fellBakaWtkt whet'-. Yaa vbatbpMtad ov.-r botk hm\ry.*, rn^hii a tlia-in Irit'littiiMy. Tin lifbd la'^waa am-

BaBABad M .my <i! ti e top "f to.- t! Igh, and tBt 'fit hB>

aaraHaltlj BBort tleatikle. IIaaaTTiTadbol a fo.wb. ':r«. Bp ana ti man of aoeb pr. mtte. ar laprtt a

latRe fitole of fueula ami rala'tvt-a in HanRltOB to

ttioiirn i-im 'ai o!a hi ,i ^ i-l r. deceant*.ItiR. wiM; t Witt OPT ot * N\ iM'ow...laihu Kay.

who r»-Mi!ee at No. i C'BkMBI - rtMi, wa.i air. .-!.¦¦: \-t

taiL'ht by (»flii er PaMikaaal for tliTOVaBf Bit vikl out ofa aiii.ia.w ea.n e aa-v.-tta-. ii feet abovi-the »:ilcw»;k.I»r. .lot,on wa« < n..e.i to n'T.'t:.l her. atnl o.iti«i i.-ra*.i hiTin a alatajppi poarftRJ ¦ oa BOfMtPM of intern*! iapViaa,It Hint Kay and wue rei.r.-d aa u^ual, laatRAjBi, and that abwl ii o'tRBBw he at awe and leit theIm ana, vkeretipi'ti Ina wife ^<<\ up an i lA«tet:ed thetRNB axait^t abPA, I BOB hit return, and nntnodiately* i it a a tit i tili entrann* :fta> the BttaMb ha' aei/.e.i Livifa land pitcha d ba r out of tbe window. Kay amliroll^ht I.f,-, !l'...;i'' ( "lilt to-inV, All i, H.-llVlft*An tianripRikoa, wai ixarnkaattad tot tnal is dafanR nftivl in $|ii.i*oii. IloKtam Journal, Jaly SI.

lira.'*! VrBI . A kIBBI v I'm..In tin NuperiaarI'utirt, yt>ter.lay. the Jury in tie cn-e ot H. R. aaaj«.. Ke> .

. iAJOr paaj IJitj (JoubcU of iU!t:-in. ti re Bei ra-, rrpp R56,0O0 pjie ad aa litaiagrttot m i'Ui'Lt EpOfl the BfPPjCa of a-Mltri'-' to bu:!lt!'i*Cttj Jail. ratttree I a v.-rat..-t m fartar of tho plfdatawY,bAYB R8RBH BRt- M j* I¦..'» ", T»al:. Atittr.

At ti e !«"'. I ti bkpj Court in IjppSprakppj, Uaa., themat. tt ho ¦ arii. i iii L .. lixyRaa viC m N Rth AdlaBaA,aidHtt-nrr- tad::. I'i a p'.ea.; .. at. !....;:) ..

Van m-tittrai 'l to iw.' vo:- npi - nn'ent.HoBBI PiaOiaO. aV.t RMh a-AntaniePt bt'.< ba-en

CPaaaS ka Ike am I. nt t»wn >( Cooim nipaw, fiami tbe fa. t thatt» b.< y i i: . ii At v a J , t 'a-. » ti.

fata, turned i.p a ii..-tnre.. ..r bol Met. .. half dollara ue

aattak waataaawoSoa Tbotaday kf va- .; .niet wuv ajivai a BlaktAtaadlÜBIbll .» ktii . ..a.:


im>: ROMAN OJTWtlOlt Bj k Abm t. rmeteSea1 fcaaitfw K'.i'O, Ij 11. GL Cur. l. v. pa . Ii .m.f j. «..<.tdmoiid Ab* 'it i* a young French DttoHtBBJl,

aim v, .ihm tte !s«t fooff ©r fi.e . .-«rs, La* ICBHiindiNMaJs^taMo OSlswfitrJ ai a popa'ar BOTolblt, B_l_1m> _r the wr.t.-r of or t.vo volume* <.f bigaV r

ami _B_ ij.'h'.er top rl i';..- work BOB» iostied it

in a different vein fl tu bis prwl... h j.-rt'irmanpf«,»_. a.idr.-e«.-a ii-f f Ihn rtiafSasbaS of pr. f..U'id

qufitioDB of SPflhaisslil kl iri'l jj'iv^r'jtii^ntal polity.Ft i» Wlittei in f*nb8St IkSStUH} to tat t»-:nj.»*.rnldoausioi i'( 'in- Pope, mjU -a.:£j Um prevailing hvu-Tft ii winterer relates to tr.e »jün of ItsJy,can Mit Iii] if lud d| i ?> SS rircalntkll andBk-MroaB rwsderi rbefiet oi its lupprossaoa bythe? Knipe-ror Loui* N' ij .!»-. ii fives n:t addi-tok_l -.'"t to itl peniStJ i;i Luropo. *:.d v.,11 dount-

i_ATpe_ Um poigdbocji of :t* entire to tbflorers ot int«. l!«-ctual lut-snd Lhrnstootkisside ofthsAtlan-:.<*. M Abo-t'i mode of handling *llbje.-tis pecv urtj Ffoneb. Hb cherishes so raspect efperson*, bau do Bcniplss of modesty, M reverevs

for cunt-ai or tradition, hnd pmfnssing'tn bo a

«tanneb <'/V <.. br V..- p»-r»;il.)»».. of V !*rt:;»"to tJkC overthrow of tbo i'npiry. Hit wit. at

irbiobboperpetasUj ...... is konowin*likotintof Jea*t, IS bis ths maiiee of tbat*ortb\, if not fcip deals i:i the eame

niek<-d hits, if not Is eqtudl) briOisot e»eapatJes.knd like bim, beneath his 1 res of offaet and Bfk>sJoi for paradox, bftnij« a h>*ry inWi'-ty of BOO-fiction, v»hieh redoOBOl many of Lin zig-zur. li^ht-oinp, HklbciS from the chhrsctei of ftippfAtt BadleohleM tliftof,W e W.ll o ,r r.f.'I'T« h few 'l> T!D1<'.'.». t&ki-tl

at rundi m. wbi<"ii v%nl hitvm to ii, ,i-tr.:,< ;r, . man

oer io wbicb bo Tfltllltfl bil MSJ agiinitt tbf tem¬

poral autbor,ty oi BOOMmi ton is \ Knro,

Tbe KoiiiAn Cath'jlic Ckureb, trb oh i SkkOtm !y r"-

.pa« t, OfaaiStI of oas hnnilr«-«! nnj Ik rty n::.-- null, n ¦¦

¦ todiiidnslii iritb mt ooootisg littJs Mortara,It i» |t>Tarsjed by sovanty Cardiosls, 01 Plriaosi of

Sbs Cbtl ub, s. 1: »¦:.'."-ry of tbs tW«l»S ApOBtlSSTb«- CaidisalBisbop ol Rosas, abois siao dssic.

nat««i by Mj» BSJDS >jt Vicsi of Jt-<aii CLri.-t, llulyFwLer, or Pops, is bvsstsd aitb bo mdlsai sol boritswer tbs 11 iadi of '¦ boa .r«d and thL't>-u,ss mill-loss of (IslboUos,Tbo i krdiosli fcrs iMmiBSttd by tbs Pops; tbo Pops

if noiiiiiihU-ii liy tie Csrd i-aln, from '.:?) day of bilalactios bo iafsiKbis, at Issst is tbs opiokss-jf M de Mai'lre ari I :!,. bssl (Istbo id of 001 tflBO,

Tbi." wai* no' tbs opBkkM cf B asmst] but .t ban ai-aaj> bass ti at oi tbs Popss Lbi oissItss.\\ bss iii<- BoTsrstsja PoatiaT 'l< Isrss to ai tbat the

Virtin Mary ««h borii fr« <i from or.^nal -iin, 'lie bnr.-ired sad tbuty-oioe mil] ¦:. .: Cstaoitossrs booadtobslSTS it ol Liu word, lew in what low reecntiy oc-

urr^i!.Tbis iii>'-i|i'.it.e of ui. I'r-tandiriR r»-llei *n infinite

srsdit npua the niDeteentb osntwy. ti postsrity dossUJtUtM e, it will DS BSiafoJ |o BS therr-for. If will nee

tbst fantsad "i CDtiiny oas sooüswr's throat* aboutIbsoatatosl ipiiatkisis as bavo svvsysd liass of rslVany, laid :«..!« itrapbx QOBStiUtsd ft«'ri.i.-«-t-irit.en.Isn&cbad ^lijjih, pieroeu iatbimtass, created aciaaoea,

Ti I' d law, «?'.'! t-h- *."!!., t'.-.l (!... (1 ». <-1V 11Issd harhansi.f. dra i.« d DUribea, ooltivat'd «.*.»¦.taiidt> witboot ersr baviBg a siogls flirpits si to theIsfallibdit} "i h msa.

BffS Mi's I'U' > -t «.'.. the age wbJofe tbs bost knowntks vslos ot tisse, msj i"- obliged for s mossstittooej'liTt \\» basisBBS, If, for DMtsneo, it ab mid remarksro'.rid BoflM ai.-i ilt Bkibop a riolssl si;;tat:oO, win. Iiksktbsrtbs trickery sf diploma< y nor ttoprasswoofinsV I < an Mippiei -. if 1' psrosrVs in a HttM eorn«r ofI pssitiBiils s amnldi ring ti'e. ahieb utay at any m -

obsdI bnnt forth, sod is twenty.fom koan savalopskB Barops, this sge, prodanl Iross . ssoss of dnty, on

sccouot of ths sri ... tbh bss to a. ooowliss, tunit* sttestiop !" the idtastios oi Koni», and .n iats sposbaowiag a hat it ai. mssns.

In... a 1 tbst I impls prin. oJ of tbe tniddli» ajjef",pei.iii tli<- BhsL CbsrismsgDS, sod tho Conntsss IIIUiuu, bakwrsd intb un ar .:i rajity tot..- Pops, rosygave him lands s_d bss| SMNiraiM to ths fashion 01. lie ttVMBkj abas inen, Leic«: merely t lie Ii vi) atoek ofUm Land, wsre thrown uto lbs bargaiD. If thsy warssoDoros asi sol becsoss thsy ihonght. with II.ihisrs. tl. it lbs Pope could not be iiaiepeadesi with¬out being s h.'..-; thsy bod issn bin in his porsrtjmore bsdspsndsul snd mors ooaainsadins than af-ii i.- a: ) no m. h 01. eat til. Tln-y Stuiohsd himfrom ¦aothPSS ol M ndrihip, 1 alr.ila.'on, gratitude,ar it anight stss bs to difinherit tbsii rslstioss, a-,

ae Bonotirncs sss Is ou own thus, Binos tbettavH ot tl.n Oooatsss Matilda, the Pops, bnvisjjoo.qalred ata-tn f.n possssaion, lia-< COM "u ronndisg lr-<tststft 11. bss obtsinsd itias bycnpitolsiion, sithe i ;i-i' ol li..|o_-tia; be lia.< v» 11 i >at tiiu ar.

noii h nmii'li, a» itimini; wiide mhih' he has npnropri.aii-d by treachery snd itsshh, ss Adcosc laasi 0aeil have n.a::. r* be.'ii nia' aum), fliat in InVI theBaabop of Botns .- ths bsorp rsl loisrskfs of sbt rtmx iriilir"TTt uf sctsb, snd ti :l;iii otscIsrss sailhsaiote bawtrad and tw. iity four thowsM lij bsaSrsdand ility-sight BMsa, wm srs sll oryisg ut bodtjtgainat biin,Whal do thsy MNnplsJaol Only 1 -:kc, snd yon

aili fo- n laarn.They ray.that the authority to alm h, withotst

ha\ hbj Sil Ml a>k.-d «>r si epted it, they ate aubisi il.i is: -t fuBdsmentslly abaolttte thst wassrsrda>Insd bi Ai thai ths !. t daUvsjyVzs ..' re siIndicia] jiiw»r« an- raitsd,ooafoaiasd,sadJaaürfsdk>|:efber in 01 e aid the raine lud, eontraty tothe

tractics of ciTihnt 1 >t«:»"'. sad to tte theory ofloatsBcnthni; that tl sy vlllnkjly n "irnize tne mtJüA-

bill'y Ol the PbpS BpOS lU rsBfioill question", butbVsl in eitil mutters it appears t.. tin-in '.e.-* tn-y to

toksrste; that ttey Jo not refuse to obey, be. au-e. allIhisgi conaiderad, n an bi do| panooO)Vsn bslowtoii.lio» tbs hast Ol 1- ovwi i.ratloiis, lint that theyVtMld he l'liid toohey InWSj ths l,'' I plsMSSSoflay saaa, sewaver good r may h ., > n->t 10good as

the Code A'bbWSbb . that tlie reigning Pops is sot an

evil-diepo.-.-o, but tI .i» the aihitrary tfoTSrsSMSlof , i i- mai, even sdmittiog bis IsfsBib hty,. so never

be kWything but 11 bad m \ eminent.Tl at in v bins of an SM eiit and '. UbfftO inera.ü. ab'"

prai In e, lbs Pops II SSI its in tSMpOTOl fftn 'TV-

uient of bil BlStss by the spintim! chief-, suimlcera«,and sp.rifut' imyiny* of hi« t'liurrb; tfist < irdina!«,BkthopB,CsRaaa, itrieats, fcrsgl psLVvrO shoot thei-oiir.try; t'iut i>ne sole aid idecti- al i-a.-:e po-*e*sesUm righl of adtnii iterkag both saaissssals and psor«mir.-, vi iol bin.iLfct l.rt.e ' y- a:. l the pd^im-M-i fthe low r eoarts; vt flrisinisg ruhdsscoai and ar-

ra tsi of d: patehing 1 sitsng aonki ind esp'aios* 00m

¦haaionsj thnt thk otalhskM of me i-iir,t'ial and thetemporal IkhMSkOkBtSS BSSOng the hjghsf ofl'n e- a mul-tttwis of men, SBCsBsM n.» donbt in the ai»»iit of Hod,but msuppo'tah.e :ii that f the peof.'e: ft. 11 s*'at c-.¦.

.. intry, - naMirosato bssinsss,sndnlwnyiInthoSS d .. * a bSShl 4 \ v

*iely. aitiu-1: any -jK-iiai k'.owledite, unlew it b^ oithe th ii.« "i ar.otl. .;. wo»Id- witr.cut children, whtehrerdeis em ino-ftireLt to tbe .'..tti-e ot"'he nation;fcTSkbont wirss, wbicb randsrs tbsai dau^erou* to inSfSSOntj and t<i OOCclnds,* to near rea*<n.bsosnas thsy bsBsrs ven partn.11-atvts in thep*>utifci nlinfnlhbi] 'v.That tin ri Htrvatt.s i f s most ntered" 1! but «ome-

HansssststsOod, ilsisltsniionslj abu.-e both Bssreyand haStiOBj that, foil 1J bkdnlgeaes tor the iodifleren'.tot the.r frisnds, a: i for thsSBSSlTSS, they treat withHlUBtt rigTt wh.e-ver ha« had the Bakf rtane to be-"».nie obnoxious t«< jHiwer; tl at they u .-ra rea Bh par-ion tlie aii-t, h win. 1'its a man. :im»:, '.' an the im-prudi i.t citisen who bi^.i.e- an abu>e.Tbat ths Pope, and t 1 j-ri. its aht» s«s:st htm, not

hat og boon tnognt 001 isisnsgi thspubhe tinarns; that v»i.rr> as u;n,!*»d:uD.straaon or

n alvematK c of the pnbho flnsooes might have beenloasrstsd n hnsdrsd joars sgo, wbas ths szpsassi ofpnbln- wi rehip at : i .: ¦». oart »'¦:.¦ S-frayedby one hsndii u snd thirty-nins mdhon« of Caihohi-,B is . widely diatsrsnl afla.r cow, whon thsy horn tobe supported by 3,1^4,619 lodividuale.Trat they do Dot i'oiuplun of pay::;^ tavef. be.-anse

B at n naiTsrsaBy sttabnibsd praettss, but tba* thsyaish to see ti e.r moDey -;>i 11 upon :. rre.-:hal SS> SStS)that the eight 1 f !¦ «s:.:c%e. ci. ::. ee at. .f.Vet ti builtrr ii.r.-.i.'aire i a'1 rrvperse, n-.i.'.. s tie :n a« Ca*sjlHos hat phtTSS thsi a- oBtnsas, hsoMSS, after all,

are b;-t i;rpe*1"e' '-.ibeti'.ut.for railwaysa: . : ,t t) ei'.ear.i .- ¦.!' i.v >. end the e-e.-t -n

.: hrkss a^aiu^: alSSSbnsaS| thai !.» ::.. baps snd jcbat'f.y raoMTOknors eDeot;r*geme: t tjian Sgncnltmrs,(01 -i.ene and ir.v tit.-vctitre-t ihn* j upcpLcity ision Ii pod t" :he d- tfiu ei I of pwbtk 1 'uontun.

liiBit.1'.- law SYkd tbap lea are t«oanaeh ooeapisdaith the mlrstisa of mux, and too UttiS with the

ptisan si onofUsIies; that they } n-retst boo.-- p-pis -m dainiiirjrthen.m Krss by swear.c»r. reading' baibot ka.oraee. ein«:!>.* "it'1 I-'" '.>'¦'¦ to! IhsJ 'Lev dent

pn-m-ut ra-eal- fiotn ¦¦IltsiiSg ÜODert peWMSi List

¦UfSlll Ml SS bsdajl pTfltSrtsd SI p~" M at 1 :. at . 1*

hard t<> be able to retk'.r; ujivn l> ii..' fcT lor tvx'.SJi banB clü^o-i'^aviet.,

That they BSP made to pay heav-Jr for keepine tpan army w.tnont hi,. *,. v-- or BBBSapkae, an irmy PJt ¦. aflBatkal courage and «touhti'ui b"tor«, and ie*>-t.r-.l Bevertolghl nt . f t BgaaBal tlMeWMMthoOJBBfWBl thar it i- a<: lag :t RON If itjury t-1 umk<* a man

pay lor Um rt,.k t...- L- btjataa v»itc. Thai thej.ereever, abBged tolodge hteiga Bfaaiaa, tad eepe»'.tally Au»:riatr. who, an (J-nr.aca, are Bot -tioa-.yLta\y fi-ted.

To".. 11 latle, tbey say all tkk not wi.a* ':.». Popajr i: -<-o ,r»m n t i' "i. './ />r./ r tf th- l'Th of 'imp¬fen her; and it is ««.1 to find ir.faiiibl- people break r..'t:.» .r Boat -m r--ii .xgb'p-u.eLta.

1 have M donbt UCM grhnan« e» are aaagajppatt I.I* v> imp.«--i?> 1. Ijfl.rv 'Mr an entfpa nation .-an be¦0 ...rr'bly in tbe riirht kfalaat iTj* m«".s*er». We « .1. ian..i e foe. fat-la of tbe ias« in deta:l le-fore. wa <ie-d le. We have not jat Blited at that point.

THE KOBtUTT.An ItaBaa La-" Mid wKb paagaal irony. "Who

knows bat that one of these data, a powerful Bb ft

soopemay drtaflt ahtbalBI >i nohuity in :l,e 1.»i1 am too national not b> apnlaad a g »od j«.ke, an-i

yet I no-t <<t.»»-- :b"*e "- bulee <>f Lob..:ty do nol

I oak rtah oaTaad my rea-

There la no I ibt thai aooa take after tbair father*.Tie Bur. n- ? the MA He At-¦« trii,.-m: t.-l :¦> their

ran a Iwritegt oi beroie gnsjities. K .*>.:...*.. k tt,e

Great ....«.t ad a rat . ai gigantic art aadii i* by uitr-

ry.r.^ n en <>f ail feat t.. women "f five feet da. Theraildtaa oi a^Vverman areaotfoofo, provided th^irnother baa l< r fail, d :e 1 er daties; and abaa tba( ¦¦ naof Ibe Air- .nt-rmarry. Ibt > ptod ¦¦ - I fx*.W a kt,"w doga axe «1..» r ia--. bat näi eoted >.r k« ak>ria. according; to tbeii biet d, Bad hay a Iajo-yi-«r-<..d r«>lt ut»<u Iba atp-ngth bb kk* paatigrae, Caa»¦ Ddataatijl <tcu,.: tflbflrtj BBaOSBJj iior»«3 ami BAAjBjami deny it am..t / n» n '

Ad<i lo tbJe, tba» the pr-de "f b^artHf an aaVhBBIaania ia a ptrwarfal iaeaativa toa Ddo g, KoUeaarabavadotiea tofaMtlbothtowaid tl..-ir *r.r.-«*..rr4 an!tl ¦ r p- -vroy. They innat waik uprightly under the

j, »ti.ty of ata oBoeiag an «t.'ir»- ra. .¦. TiatütioawbUgaa thtm tviloai a path afboQJOt and virtue. ft..tnaib tbey caaaol atraj a ah -;. p with at tall i..-.

Tbey aerei rfgi thaii aaaaaa a/Uaaat aoaaa aanratadtfcoaght . i an beradlitary >>blitraii<<n

I u u-t atU&il t'iat .-v. jftaiag .I geaeratea in theradLaad thai thaporaathl.i Bay eaaarioaally loaai*-- h uh qoaütiefi, aa tint n>oat geaerooB what tana t>.

Beolaaaea aad vkegar. Bat wa bare ail of aa bmH iathe world a \< Bog nian <.!' lofl »-r and ptXMdar bttariiajr,iure ( ich raiadad aad Btore eoaragaoaB.thaa bki fu-lowaj <-r « w».ii un b»'autifui and aimpl»* at-d ,-!.u.-te?,thai eh.' heen.. d ii ad.- ..f a Iii -r < !ay th in *l ¦. r^-t ..fl.ei Wt- «:.!>. be -ur»' that b.-ti ..! an 1 tt.- "ti.- r

have in tbtir biood iobm gfebaiaa ..i Dobtiity,Tbe-e pr*< t«.un gk>bnlea, waieh bo micrc^npe will

ever be powerful em ngb todeiaet, '.u* a»hieh the b>Loi f' 11 obaarrat -..> - mth the aakaal era. aia rareeaoagb Ib Kurnpe, and I anaotaanaBBai taeiraxkit*aaee oat of it. A aaaall oolkaotioa <>f them nii»;ht bebroagl t together la France, in Si.air, in Knrrland, inKaaaia, ia i.erniat y. in Italy. K.-me it OM af theoittei whiob '.¦ wwaal aoaldbalonad Ami y^tthe aobilitf n rnrmniided with a pertainpreh'tu-e.Th'tty ore prinf^-a or dnke«, a "Teat number of

npftpi -, oii'-, baroai ai..l kaigbtaj a aiattitade ofaobla fatniliea withoat trtlaa, aixty .f ahoai were in--(rtaad bj 'lie Capitol t.y Boaiadha XlV.j a vaal enental ligaitaial dooaaiaa; a thoaaaad pakaoaai a baaaradpit t;ir--."i. ,K*\:n ami small; a (¦..iimderahle rev-

eaae; ¦ prod u'al aHaplay oi botaaa, «arriaKe-., s.-rvant<<and muioiial beiu.iK-i - tue. aim -t ruyal ent.-r.&in-ntenta in ti e ooaraa of every Winter; the ramaiaa offt .' ! r rilegee, tad ;h>' re-pert of the kpaai oraWa:lach are the m.>re retnatkaij'.e featurea wiiieb di<tin-golab 'I..- Kuman aobtlity, and prpoo» it to the a-lmira-t on oi all the tra\i-i ^ ... km ft of the univirte.Ici i-rai e, nilenei-n, vanity, serv'lity, and above all in-eapa* .i) the-e are the pel viepp Which plare it belowail the arii-kx rai H .-t in Knmpe. BbotlH I meet withany pxaaptioBB on my road, 1 rhall o<ui-i>ler it my dutyto p..od Laeaa out.Tha ri-o*« el the K>«man nubility are very .iivtrse.

The Onixi and the Colooaa fanuh. - taaceaditVooa thabetoei vi trrlgpBitf ofthe Middle A^**. That of Caetaii dated trnui i'.iu. Tba boaaaaofMaaaLato,8antaCroce, and Mati, t"1 ba< ku» Ury ia aaadah of their!¦¦ ;i lert. PrinCP Ala-fimo bears in shield the t-a. i ofthe n krehioga and aaaataaaaaraiiiaga of fabinaJla.\'ii.i:s, oiheiwiM called Caactator« H.s aaotta1-, Caaffaaate real fuit. SaniaCr.Ke boaafi ofi.-:ti,' t-.-i oiUkOOl of VaJeti.;- I'lihlienla. TheMati family founts Matioa s arvola BBoaai tta an-oaatora. This nobility, whether anllieatiij or aot, i atall events v>-ry aacieat, asdiaoi iadapeadnaa] orlgia.I-, baa not he.-n aatohad aadee tha robea ofthe Popea,Tbeaeooad t ata^nry ia ..i Poalbasal oricia. Its titled

and ftWtaaaa have their orit.Mii in nepotism. In theooaraa t.t the ppppalaaaab aaaaavy, Paal \' i ri.-m\ 111., laaoopat X., AJexaa let \ II., Claaapat UL, andlaaoffart XI.. created ti e booaeeof Dcwhaaa, I'.ar-berini, I'amphih, Cbigi, bViapigboat, and MaaiMalofai.Tbey vied aaa anothtr m apjajaaitsbaj theirhumble tatnilies. Tbadomuina of the Horche*: bouse,h bjeb mako a toleral.l v large apoi un the map of K i-

ro|»e, te-tiiy that Paal V. wa- by BO means an unnat¬ural uncle. Tbe Popea nave kept up ti.e practice of. in., bling their relations, bit the icaaaal of their liber,aliti»- ceaees with 1'iusj \T., another of the lirasi hilamely (1775 lv| .

The laet batch aacladea the baakaca, each aaTVw.loaia Bad kusp' h, atoaopohata like Antonelli. millerabi Ike Mae. hi, bakers i,kethe Dabei OB, ttibiv-

ooaiatpI ka the Mankoaa Parraiaolii and nvrnian hke|1m Man i »-se Calabi iai,

I add, by way of inenmrandiiiii, strar^erc, noble or

aot 'is may !).., «ho parcheaa bb aatata, gat a titleLbi an into tha bargaia. A abort tkne ago a Frea ii

p. It] O BB'ry ttentleman. who had a little n n.-v, w .koup a Rotaa Piiaea one :'...». apprainaj, the e.piai of theDoriaa, roraaaiap, bn.loi the hak.-r Uuke Gra/.ioli.

Koi they nr.-ail pcroal frorn the boar whea tbe HolyPal bei ti aigaad their pareb»aata. Wbatererbathe o::o;(,Ri ,,| their nobility, and tbe antiquity of theirkaaaea, they no arm in arm, without anv oi.putea as

to prec<dance. Uta aaaaaa ofOraim, ('..lonna, andMot/a are jambled togatbar ia the raarlrj ofa toraser

,/<r. Tl.e -ot, nt a Laker murriea tbeI gate] ..f a l.ante de I.a Borara, nrand Ipngtltaf of

a Innre I'olonna. Bad a Pnti-e.a ¦: Sav«..e Carigaaarbereiano i»'ar t al tba baaaoai traarral of 'ne jinnrosand .'uk-s, wbich r-. rooeed the badtgaatioB oi our.:>.¦-.} >:. Simon, w ii: ever be r> p> a' .1 au.-.i .¦ tue It >-

n in an-t n-raoy.I., what parpeaa aboul.1 it be,grack>aa baareBa!

lion » they wall know..lukea and p:.u. es that theyate all alike inferior to tlie ¦babbits! of iheraroinals 1'I tie day .hat a Captn i. ti re. e.vrs tlie red h»», he a<--

rroirea the right to epla a mad m their face« a* hei..lea past in bis gilded BPapBh.

laall BMakkrcnjcal Mat.--, the kiag ia thaaataialbcadtf tkenokibty. The atroageet term that an'-ntJe-ti i».n aaa niak.- nse of, in aBaalfakg t>> bis Banana, is that.' :< tu noble as the K:ti>,'. ""¦« /'"/»'wonld ba s:.ip'y 'u<i<, linca a swineherd,

-. n of a swim-herd, may he t-a-.'ted Pope,ii re. the oath of tie.lei y :r nn all thelb i: at pfinCPP, T'.-y may w. ti.'n ...i.-der |akata>«..;... i- Bpoa an aojaa ity araoaaj tbeinaelTaa, tbaaa no >r

graadeaa, atnlag that th.-y are e<ijaoy iooked iowaup. ti by a lew priests.

11 ay < pie tl .. - i\e» w-.tb tha tl igad that theyare »upenor to a.I the laymen in lha world. Tfjiaeoothiag vanity, aaatbar aakrj n< r inaob nt, bat aooathe lew firmly reot' d in their hearts, enabl.-s them toswai.-.w 'ne u.iily .-»rT- nt of ron.-< ;:.fet.ority.

1 am ijuite awaje .1 the pou ts in wi. h th.-y are in¬ferior P. the up-tatt- t the t'hup Ii, but tiieir alle.tetituperiority to otb«r men it lese tvi Jett to me.A to tl e r conraga N'Uie j.-ars hu ve eiapsed BBtOe

tbey bad the opportun ty of provmg :t <>n the field ofLa:tie. Heaven I rb:-:* duelitijf. The Government

BtPP thogei t.'-r \ ir*uei>.

Tbey are Lot waiting in a certain oetentationa andt: Btni a. libarabty. A Piomhino aent his eiubrwador:.. tin- Coararaact it V.enna. iii..tit; £4,100 l>r thej; .¦! t rt -.oi A H r_'i ->. cave the m' b

at Koaie a baaqaal tba*. coat Ji tn 000, t-> .-elebra'e thep . -xot PiaaVtL aVbaatl nfl tb< Boaa :. ntiaftaopea tbair palaoaa vihaa, aftid galienes to the pabbe,lo be r-1.r>-. .-ei > tarra Bead to peaataaaoa oapy

- i t-.rt s. !.;.: bp waa a nototioaa mu.-er, and hat1'oi'iiU i'> imttntora.Tin y Btaotkot irenerally tlie virtue of charity, in a

. aba) 11 r:;:. Bate mar.rjer, frooa tne i"ove ofaatvoaaga, haaa ati ka, abit, and weakness, becauset I ar- »- an rate rafaaeL Tory are by no means

ba.iiy iiisja-td, tiiey are ntHoi. I stop at tLis word,lest I ibeadd po loa lar.

Tbey are not wanting in to-n-* or mteilgen.e.I'titf Ma-simo i« quoted r h.s go.*! -.¦es»",and tbe tao l a»*an. nt tbtir pur.«. Santa-fpse,

a little traiktd, lo oM.nary man.

Hut what a wretched edut-atton tlte Govern¬ment p:v.s tbaat! v\ baa thay a->- aot tbe chü-Iraa, tney are the p^tr-tLs of pritata, wb.s.. -yst-'n¦rinctpalry consists in'tea^htrj them RatMBjc. GetboM i f a student of St, Solpi. e, wash him tolerablyrVsn, Lave I :m dre-.-ed by Aloa 1 or Pat 'e, and L»*Mweled by Ca^tcllani or ilunt ac.f Koskel, let himVam to tl.tnm a / tar. ami s-i: t;p»n a horse, at-dv ..'! b..\e a R. man pr.cce as K'asl aa the bert ofthetci.

1'oa probably tbrab t aabaraj fkal paaalp biaagblBp a* Korne, in the midat of th» fine-t wnrk» of art is

u. - it, inoaJd take kfittkl -n art, and knowat.ojtthj cb-'Ut 't. l"»-av b^ nn ie.^tved. Tl * man

baa rever entered the \atk an enei t to pay v jits;that ana known »- < f bi-owr. i;al.erv. but thi -u. htie r-. at of Iis .t;«e-«teward. Another had nevor

I the Catart inba fill he bet ame Pape. Theyfeea ar. akaaal bri rai pa, wM h 'hey think in Bpod

ta-te. ami w bieb w-.U always be fasLiouible in a Cain-Bll at ui.'t;.

ni I i\.

C.u Bp-e, BMJbMJ aiw li^sivi'.-iV atVt » (iAiffi W U.«

respe/-. all right-minded rVir not thai Iibnll bs wsntfeg d -a. r. r- -r». f.But trtst. rss «J-.-> it* rliix«: it also is old, B is m*»

kfStJt, :t .a M y. axd R Is *om*t»j>*s cruelly il-trwat'-dby BW-B.

I shoO i . :' rgsl the.! BbS P pS i' »7 years of SRS.ÜmR bs «<-«r«* assrsoflleis] y isssrsti soya band* iI 1 :i Irtj HUM ? .. .r SS I CstJbslkNL, that his privateBfs tae Vver been ' ienplsry, that he oh*en es UbSir"«t ton!« lunhtereetednssi np>»o s thrOM where sstfnbssM bss Isaf fceid -way, that be spontAn^ou-lyccmfseed hit n ;jrn by ooaaaTriBg bensfits, Ihst bisfir-t */.- bsU .. a tbs fiUrsst hor-e* fo Itay sad toK"J'> »t.a» .. ".¦> mff-fO t: .' lingering t'tTtSRVSf.'lie. tBRt bs SasfsiSBS a precanoi;* and dependentroyal'y uEdtr the pr.i'- cti.'n of two f.p-ign armies,and thai bs lives under the control «.f s Car-Ji! si. Uut Um -.¦ abs hove feUh n fit t bm to tbs erT. rt»maite *u MpbRM htm on his tlSBM, UbSSS wbSBBtbsAnsfriani have, at ids request, shot sod sabred, inopi'-r l" rse-'ab .-r. t :* authority, and eyn tho»e whoteil hi tbs fbllllS St I it ill p'au.* of tbs BOMSB Cam-..'ftL'Ta to t. bi v. are far BbOSS to be pitiedthan be is.0 rsnni Mi-.r hail llsstsiFsrrettLbors tbs

13th Way, 17 -j, atd eie. t- i lV.f e the loth June, IM6,.itefeT tbe n.ime 0f proa 1% , is S SSW WR4 looks osofsthat h.* artia! age; he i. sbest, ohe*e, somewhat pal¬lid. Rsd l health. BM bsasaohRSt «, py eor.Ltenat.. ¦.. br-athes t:. ^wi itureand [a«*i'n le,

L. ,.f an mpo-tn* obsrseter. lireg «ryWJ-. tr,. L|..y .it.u ;.....}¦ .. ..i -....1 to ave ...t-i a

grM I a>r.I' us )\. play- lil par. in 'he jOrgQQBI a] -w« of the

Kon an Cs:hoh< tbuii a meiiTer- riily well. Tne f*,»h-f .1 »! o hav- .. ¦¦ e in atar .>.fitin p-'n>nn 5K-s.are a uttle surprise i to s««'ake a piochsl sum!"m the ndd*t ot'he azure titt.-d clouds of ir.oeuse. InI. .* boWSsf lei.-ure i..- plays at bdluuds for SMfSMO|b] ordi r i hie physh .ate.HebslsTei in "(,<-i. He is n<>» on'y a c.ICbfb>

tiax, but a dsTOtM In h:s sntbseissH for UbS Vu^'inMsiy. bs isi isaaatsd s assaaas daRsan, and siaRajaradtbs Pl«7zii >ii Bpagas t>y a saiasaaiaf of badtasta.BMahorala are |.lire, a* <ney alwnya ha\" b.-en, e\env bovmryoRSgprisstj mv isstsa s sis ..m-

ti ei,oi!^i. i.u...iitL' eir r«ry, but rare, rot to sayu bassssae, bayoad f!ie A!t«.Bs l*" sepbsva, «i.o, voosMrfol tO r-la-*, ir«

ssstbsf r.r,i\ nor sttasiM, nor *\ -r. afbassa An i ft Ithere is no law vbJeb preven« him from spoiltn»; bisrabjects for tbs bsnelit of Ids fan.ily. Bresjory Mil.gSTi hdsnspbsv 1,-iJi v.-i £lsV,0W of cood pa(«er.wi rth mm c-h. The l(..rehese faimly booajbt atons Mroks stssty-Rre hrna ml ths s aey of PsslV. AeifajtahnbsRwbicbtaetin 1640,and ribs presi.ssaeo sf tbs Bsrsrsad Psthsr VltnUssobi, Qsasrsl of

s Jesnfta, decided, in order to put an n I to ji''hRbwsss, ttatthe Popsa bbosVl ssssbts tbasMsrtrss tosstsittrs propsrti to lbs srmwisI sf £is\00Q s yearpoo their fronts sspbsw and hi- t'*t..:.y irithtbs

rhjht of oroslhif an bsbr to tbs same privihtaes), andthat ti e p' rtioR of eaeii of th> ir i...-e.-s.. t.iuid not i-

Ceed £*> IH.O.1 tm iwnn U M ospotissn M brto Bssnstnds a* tbs

r. BNHbssMssI f tbesichtssoth esatary; botthsrs»ji. nothing to prevent riM IX Grosn bnsRjaa a intofai-nion again, after the txarrple of Ptna VI., if heebossi bat bs dww oot obouM to do so, B9s rsastioeia:> of the -eeoji't "-irr of nobiii'y. an I ar> I ..

he ha* dons bothSM to alfer their posilhwi. His¦epbsw, Count Msstsi Perretti, asi recsnttf sat risdjat .1 ti.e Pops WsddhM pre*..!/ ooSsiaUd of a few «liaii. r. Is, WOltfa al"-.t Al*,1"»1. Nor di 1 t'.i» ODO I «I | Itc. st the cation one ba;oeeho. The diamonds eatne

Irtaat tbs apfsrsigs of Turkey, Boom let y.v.-" ujthe Sal**tn sf t'oiii-tantinople, the CommandVr of the

Psttbfnl, presented tbs oonmsnder of tbs nsfsitbfnlwith a iRddVi wbroldsredwttb pro oas itos .;. Thstiavrlers !tl the re-NTing .'I.e. » o :,s.-.| to ti i. k to

QsstR and Poitici, earned off a great number of thenis their bogsj at at ttn y I« It aie in the casket ofyotn i CoustsM PsrrottLThai :.ara« tST tbil ft ipsotshls old man i- made up.n votiot, tiaipbcity, vanity, wosknsss and ob*

-: t «¦ y. a its an on sal i si' a b of rsaei r. II" Mes.vvitn unetioa, and par bansirith ditiirulty; he i* a g P

prieat, and an inaoA ienl hH;s intellec', which has rai-ed -neh greathopss,

at.i csossd sueh r-ruej dhtsppointnanA is m a very or-

dn.aty eapacity. I cm bsrdly IRinh he :.- infedUOM iu

temporal statters. Hs edncstioo is that of thonvsr*age of cardinal* in SSBSrsL Hs talk* Prsnoh pu ttywell.Ths BfflWSM fuSIIIOti «n exaggerated SpfoJOB of

bial at bil SflflOSSion, ani hive due so ever

rbbCS, In 1M<, when bs boasstly manifested a

rJssirs to do, ti..-y enUsd bia ngrsst man,wiier-Bs ,i. ton.. f fact 1..' an* a w irtliymss whowianadtai t better than his prodwessssrshad done, ami tbet> by to win SOBS uppiause Uom Ba¬ri pe. Is II Ö bs penal los s violent reset oaliL bo>

isaasati have dbbsoiusRsd his good intentionsiat d abov e ail. because I ardinal Antonelli, who mas-t-ts .'inn by tear, violently draws him ibhlllasids Iconsider bus m pneritinc ssitboi pa.-t sdnairstioa norpreeSOl hatred. 1 pity Irin for having ioOSeasd ther»-in up' n h.s poople, wil'.i tit po-se-*ir.g ths nrmness

r.-,| uaite t.. restrms tneoi aassoasbly. I pi'y -.ill more

that infirmity of chnrSCtsr which now alloa* more

ev il to be .lore in his name thau he I as ever bun-' Ifdone good.The tsünrs of nO bis wtsrprisss, snd three or fsnr

accident* whieo happened in Usprseeaoe, n^ve given;,-e *,. Um j"; .1 bi belief that the Vicar of asC'btirt is what lbs Italian* call yettmttrt in otherwordi tbst be hna tbsevi/1 as. When hs drirei alon^ths CorSO, tbe 0 .1 aOIIISS fall down M their ku«e-, butthey snap their Bngers at hbn bsneeththsir loak*.Tbovshnbsn of the ItnBss aecrst aoehstisa bnpats

to i. in.though for other twsssno.oU lbsevfli aniebSfiitRUttirOoaatry¦ It is evident tliif lbs ItalianSWMttSfl WORld bs gteally -unphried if there were uo

P ps ol Romej but the hntrsd of tbe BIsBBioisM;.i -t Pint IX is t" bs eoadsawssd in a it* »er-mal

h-j ei TbOJ wnuld Ii IUI to R OOrtRaRtJ if our

troops wrrs not there t.. defaad bint. This murderwould be as ui'ju-t a* that of Loahl XVI., and as use-

less. Tbe gwiuotine would deprive a d oid mas ofIn« l.fe, but i' would not put an end to the bad princi¬ple ,,f iBfOfdotsl noMreby,

1 did Ii" t reek an Sudiel-ea of P lls IX. I r» .flierbissad bh bsRd sor bli kbppof ths oi j mnrfc ofBttsttioi I rsesrrsd frowt bint trsi s few Uses of insaMin the QiornaU di Ramm, Stil!, I never can bssi hima< ised withi st d« feodh | him.

l.-t niy r.-ajers few SOIQliaiBl pafi thsSMSTrsi n tl e

¦Ines of thi* too illustrious and t<s> ni.fortuna'e oldman. Aller having been t< r SSRllj tWO fSOTI the .*

rorits oi pnbhe opuioa, snd tbs ti i of Barops, bsfi und hmii-eif obBgod ' n I ths Osbrfabsl Pslnse M a

nosneat'i soCtoo, t-.i Ossto and Porrid bo bhstsdtbOM i.i.gerirg hours whh ri HV the -pirit of the exile.A grand and time-honored principle, of which thekgitiBNhry is not doabtfnl to lum. wt< violated m hisp. rr-L. BisoRsMt iunaainboaslyssid 1 "Itisjeu owRfsnk, TonbRTSsndnagsrsd tbshnoaarsbjby y.ur ideas of pit poos. The m mobility of govern-BIHIl Ml tbo SIM \ a BSa Of tbs stab'lity of thrones.Ton wnl not doubt this, if you read again the Uatntyof your pre.i.< eP.. r-. Hs I sd ha.1 tune to bsesansji¦ i"\tIttBj I" U m bsUsf wheu lbs armies of the Cath¬olic l'uwen .!. .. mole opened for him the road to

Boats, Ororjoyodol eeeii.jf tbs principle saved, hev oa. .i '" b:n.-ejf t.ev -r tzain to » ompromi»e it, but to

reiga wRhoat posgrsss, a. sdtog to papal MssBrioa.lint tLe-e \.ry fore gn powers who hvl saved lascp at. were ti e rir«t to in pose on htm the condition ofMl SOI kg \\ hat WM hO BS BOSS 1 iL-was equallyiiira. topr< ¦ 0 SI erytha g. aud to refuse ev «rythitiAAft. r a 1' t io - ta' ..r. 1 .. paWOMMd in BpAoof SHI H Ithee bs sbsshrsd bbwsslf, nr tbs Mahasftbs future,feWM the kSMHhgSShWRM ue had made jr the sake M tae

pre.' 1 '.

>'oa he is out of hnmer with hi* people, withthe French, and with himself. lie knows the nationis nffstbig, but he hliowi hua-eit to be porsaatfsdthat t. e mistortuEes of the nation ar>- m

pensable to tbe safety of tie Chun h. Tb"««.als.'it him take t are that the repp'tu he* of InsnL.-t ksnes shall be -titled by the iscoflsolioasof 1S1Bsr 'i ti e dread of a new revolution. He -top* is eyesand bil tar*, sr. ! prepsr-s to die < aimiy betWSM hislaSMM robjscM ot ore Land, and bM nSSBsBod pro»tnt.r- in the other. Ary nat: wanting in energy,m as he i*. would behave exa. tiy in the same

n st i er. Tbs (nah i. i is ot a -.-akLees andSki a.e.BfS I do SOl un b-rtaks to obtain the ao<iu.'ta! ifbM

MtnillST m Mate, tar linsl Ant.-:.-

ANTl'S'i I LIL- ws, bom in a dec of UdnrWA I Its Latlvv place.

Su tiro i- mt're celebrated in the tüst'-ey of crime th-inail Areatia in the annals ..( vi'tue. This nest of rul-ture* was hidden in ths soutiiero mour.*a;cs, toward tne>. . tat ff' Boa - iu-;.ra.-t.. ah.e t. mounteddriptO'-E-, windfsg through brakes and thr-kete:

ti jnp.t..trai b to ths rtrssgsr; dasp rsTdaee nodgli. it y %v, cxn-bined to ft rm a tnoet le-.rablelatdriepe, f. r the 301 verience of erime. Thehjuseiof >. ciico. old. ill-'-u !?. r! .f g ne' -x«l' o-e up."-, tteotl-er, ar.d a!mo-t nnitibab tab.e by hutnaa beiage,

.:.;. et mt fact,BttlsassstRM lopotool piBsgsanil mji aba 11 ropfa .. Tl S ] [ .>. a a a Iv e r. B», I asi for mary oent rfeo pioctiesd art sd rob¬bery snd rjepredafi'.t,"snd (raintd RR RSWRRand at thsjn Lt if tie. (arbife. \ a-b -rt. * ."..' Cot»

terrp' ofthelawwttn tMasoanOsbl 8;r, an-i firewin tuI'veofotberi fo-eia with their mother*' A m¦><M soon ss they «notd walk, they aaeunied the rxncrv, or

u. a- - L- f SRtSRRodlsRlnsr, with which thsy learnedto r.L fe» al i ? - « l_-e g I...-' .-'.nta a

arserpaesa. V\ kea thsy had aeeasreR tM art sf panag sad ascapisg, of lahiag aithoot being takse, thsknowledpe of the ralue of tne different coin*, tbo arith-nteih-of the dietitbution of b<e.»T, aad ti e principles oft . rights of nations as th*y are prar 'ieed am- ng theApsi ntiertbe Comar'be« ication wae deem»>l.-.ü: .. Thsyitgnirsd aptooohiogl .-.aiiih*.wto

apply tbe >t> rand to «v.-fy their pa--.....» ia thehour of victory.In the yenr oft/race IMC, this tesaraJ, br-.fal. umi-,,r.. MTparttBieas, tganraBB, and ( rai,j -nd >. «iItaly With a Lttie mountaineer, known as QiaeaBBOArtonelh.

Ilaak* ,)o not batch doves. Thi« it an txtotj n

¦timl hltltaj ahlth bttt need of aanioattrttloa.Hat) Piscinas iattiTlH hti gifted at bit birth tith

tin p> virtues nf an Arcadian shepherd, hu vm ._'ew.Mi <i have aMajaUjatwiBBiid mm EM the BataaaMOol certain »v»nta niodfiei h.» .a-ir. .?. al'l: ..!gr "-v

faded ?.i tn-dify !..« nature. Ria infan« y and hL< Cfl la>bead w e re *n hi .¦. ted .ntwoop p< ni r-giaiaeaSWS. If her- . \>.| ? > .¦ tr: est :e-son» fr.»in -'lo--, -«f,i. br gej> .s,.;e.¦!'!':' nrki"> »'¦!¦'.:"¦ >r... vVhen b» wt*

hardly 1-ur year* old. th» -Jtsoharga ¦fah,gn morali »f. n «t'o»k n;< . .r*: X » :» tv Fr-n. ''.«..p*»Hf thestbbg brgAtid* IB tb»* aaanaaTBtei tl a retara of Ptu« VII. Sie witnessed the.leoapt>'0 of a v w i.e.gtiboruiaj rc'aiivs »!. ad oftend ind'ed him on their k; aa, 1':. k r Lao XII. it wa«»tili wena, ItaBaa waVBaaaBM corrective* 'he wwodsalif"- nnl th* "Mpp're ja. k. w--re d ia tbt viLlag^ square. Aliout ooea afofti cbl

tbefaathafitiee rased tha beaeeef toaaa brigand, aftettaatnag hia family to the gaiioy«, and p iyw c a reward10 tbt arorwMr wba had ieananaawd f-.::n. St. iv-.-rs(late, \». .. eili.:t< tic- hoii»e id" the An'.u.el'.'*. aa.*

araajaaatad with a ganai,d of human iMMkdkwbiohBloejasat raBoa grimed dogmatically enough m theirirOBBBgea It IM s'age be a taBOOl of aft, -ir-iynab aatagaaatbia i» a rare Toaac tiiae.*-u <> was etabied t<> rerb , t upon the inoorven eives

brioan.i.ig.e, »v-n b.-tore Le hau tast.-d *s >*«'.>.A:, al i.ttn 'i " BBBBafHaaTl ¦ ha.' a!r«aiyengagedi'. iBdaatilal pafaatta afabwa ha^ard-m* aanra thanrobbery II sown lather, who, it »a> wh'.-pered. bad

ai l itaaT of a Oatpaioae ot a Pai at****, iaotaadofaxpotiat h BnieB upon the highways, took to keep-11 g bu.ioi k»; he then became an Infen-'ai t, aid *ati-

eemieiitiy a a'made a Mui.ioipal Keeetver; by whichaoaajaatkaaa ba .vip.ired more ¦oaajab aoaaawathy!e-* rirk.Tie taaaa AaanaaQi batitatad (or aotaa ttaaa aa to

tba i hoi- e of a caDiB£i lb . aalatai rocatk n a-a.» tiittof the lababltaala of floaaina in n. rai, to !iva innlaaty, to a^V y e\ery »ort of pleai ire, t i make b'm-e- t at home everywhere, to be dependent apoa a*>

bmiy, to rule otbaCB, and to frignten them if netvr»try,I nt ab.ive all, to awaajhi tht lawi with IttpaaHy,\\ ;th tt.- % tw of attainmg «-> !. fty an ei withoal \-

p-Titg hi* life, tor wbanb ho ever uaiia most parucu ar

regard, he aatarad Iba paal aainaaarj af Roaaayla our Lai d of ikeao! tarn, a to tag man aalan the

i ary witii the hope of baaag nrdalaad i ;rAntot ei ei.ter. >l it wrta the oppueita intentioo, Bal

a eapttal of the Catbolie Caarah, yoang Levitotof ordiaan iatt ngaa< t bei ome mag *':at-*, prere< .»,a oneikaa of state, ai d aaa ster*. w kik tue "dry frail" i» no ugl.t giiKi aaooab for wtabing pi iatta,Aatoaauieo distifgu sh-d bbxawb^tbat (wRb heav¬

en s h< !pi i,'' escaped the svament of ordioattba.He baa aeTai mid mass: .,. t>&* tev.-r aoaaaaaadapeaiteatj i wont swear tie baa even ooal. '.t. :» If, II-» gained what was of bmn value thaai< the C r:-tian vi:fnes the (rioadthip of QrtgOtyXVI Ho ei a prolate, a magistral", a pr-Pecrotary General of tie laterior, and MioUter of1- aaai a, Ho aaa can *ay he as net cboaaa the rightpath, A iaaBftininwttr,If bebaowaanythingef h.s

basiaett,caa btybaaaoraBaoaeyin -:\ aaoaaba thanal! ti-- brfgaada of Soeaiao ia ttraaty yeart,UaearQiagerj XVI. he bad beaa areactioafaa,to

abaae bat tovareiga. On tha aooeaakw ol PiaalX.,Ii r the Mime reason, he prof- Med liberal IdeAA, A redhat and a nuiustcnal portfoUo wera tbe rocoatpaateol

is new coat ic ioiis. and proved to thtt inhabitaato triBoaarao that Kbaraham ittehTiB more hkBrative thaabrigaa laga, Wl a; a praetteal Itteoa tat th- --. naoaatabkeeral <'ne of themselves olothad laparplaaadbne mien, actually riding in d »

' oai ptaas I thebr-.trai ks, and their old friends the dragooat praMBl garm», in.»tea-l ol tinng ba | not» at bun

lb- obtained tbe aaaBe mflacaoe over tha bow PomII a? he ad over tba old one, tin:* proving tb vt peoplemay be got hold of without stopping them mi the high¬way, riaa IX., who had no aecrata fraan blaa, oaa>Bded to him bin with to ootreet abatee, wrtboat oaa>ceahacbi fearof i .ling too waB, He aarvad theH ly Father, e\en m i.i irr.Intioat. At Preeidentof tba Baprtma Cooacil of State, ba proponed rafbrme,and as Mtniater ho poatpoaad their adoption. No¬body waaaaore acthra than be, whether in aattBagoaTHtlatragtbamiaatitntii.i l^is. H.t Horandoto i.gut tie.- Anttriaat, and diaavowed himsiterthebll»«le.He OwMted tie pfakbdryaa soon aa he found there

were daar itnooaaaaiad, bataeaaalad tbe Poptin In, .not .\ j it,on la his ministers. Tin- mnrd.-roft'- ,{,t Boast gave Mat ttrioat eaaea for ranjoction,A man .. t '.the »' 'rouble t«i be born at s mi,in«>, inorder to N t an baaataaafaaaaadi naitat.n»rary. Ha placed tbe Papa aad Manien ia tatety, aadInea weal la Gaeta to paay the part of Baorataiy ofbtate tn / 'ii '//'¦'«.From lhi» enle dates his onm;poterce over the will

of the Holy Father, his reinstatement in the esteem ofthe Au.-tr.ans, and the OOaakBjaWCJ in hit nrhola cob*dart, Hace taoa ao more coatradJctioaa labfatpeaaVii al life. Tbey who fonaavy accated bimofheaitatu.g between the welfare of the nation and Ins ownj. raeaal interest are re.m ad to aOeaee. He wi-h.-sj toreatota the absolute power of the pope, t:

In- may diapoae of a at his ea.»e. He prevents nilr-11 i,i iiiation between PiaalX, and bit subjects; he.riinimont the cannon of Catholiclam to effeet the con.

qaeal o| Home. He ili-uses tin- French, who are will-iiiL' to die for bbai be turns a deaf ear to the liberalci hi eels of Nap"!, on HI., he di signed!/pn '. f »

exi.e of his ma.»'er; be flraw*. up the promises o| theAior» Proprio, w.. .- davbang amaaetoeladiA! n i;tii, he returns to, and f >r ten years eon.

baaea to reiga over a Baud om inaa aad aa eariavedp. opto, opposing a pasaiva reabaaaca lo a tba ¦ mi

Mai af WpfaMBacy and ail the demand< of KaaWMCbagiatj laaaatoasfj to power, let kkwa aa to tbe fa>tan Bitaaaiag proaeat opportaadttae, and .lav by dayba :. -i- g kia sortoaa» an r Iba mann, r oi ioaarao«In ttr.s aoar of graet IS99, lo ,s titty-three y< ar< of

age. lb pri sei-s the nppaaraaci of a a p - n i

man. His frann- is slight aad roboat, aad bit ouaaiMatioa b that of a mounta i e. r. TBe breadth oi bitforelii-ail. the brilliancy of bis eyes, 1.1st beak-llkoaoae, aad. all tb'- upper part of hia too tnapire a

aertaia awe. Hi* cooatenaace. id' abnoal M.i-bbaa, H at tim»-n lit up by Hashes of Intalleet. Ii ilins bi-a\y jaw, Im long BaAaj-Bbe laaib, and hi*thick bps express the craaaesl appetite*. He give*v 'i tr id< t ot a ii :n: t r grafted on a sn\

\\ h> ti he as»i..ts ti.- Popa in the nesaaaota *

Of tie Holy \Veek bs bj ¦agfanWatly diadsia-and BBaambjSati Be ''irr,» from time to time in the

direcBoa of the diploniatic tribune, and itMik* antho:ita su ..e at ti e po«,r emnaseadors, Whom he to t.igi.t. Von aiimir.- tba BOtOI arbo 1 athi* pnb.ic. Hut a hen at an evening party he engagea:!<.*< awaraataaa « tb a udaome woman, theplay of bis connteuatce shows, the direciton of binthoughts, and those of t ie lii.agma'.ve i.b«.-rver are:ti of, ptibiy carried to B rosdskBS in a loneiy forest,in wbk I. tie- prim teal objects are pwBtrata postiboas,

oaerturaed earrugt, bsmbbaej RHBalss,aad a i .

party i I the BlbsMttBtS ol S nnino!He kveBBBtbe Vatican, :mn,e.|;ale:y ,,\>-r the Pope.

T e Romana nab pnnaingly wbieb w tba upperiBeat,the poi,e or Aitoi,e|,i '

All ciaer«-« of sacisty l ate him equally. Cassini him.¦alf WBBBOtflaoaa c'.rdiaiiy detected. H- :- * e ,,i y... pg Baa tolawralag whom ..n aatirs paapls ¦ag-e. .J.A K' man prince furnished me with eoine informa¬

tion respecting tie r- .ative fBTtaaes of rr.e nobility.\\ BOB be gave me the list be Mad, " IToB w:'.l remarkthe aames oi two iadividoals, tba amount of wn«*w

nropeft] it daaeribad a* mba tad. They are TorMan aad Anton- QL Tbwy liave bath ma U barjaj for-tute-i;, a f< w years- the tir-t by spec.¦tlation, tbe

y power.Iba Caroiaala Altieri tr AntoneD wer«; one -lay

d'oputing ujsin some .i. the I*op<- s preaeaesTbey t'atly oalradieted ei <. another: and tl"- Popeia-ehaad t-i tba oalnioa ol bit .Minister. " Bbaaa your Hobmess, sani the tohie Altieri. " BCSaada bstlief to anoraari rather tnan to a Hi u..ti. j-r.n- e, 1 have nothingto do but to witb iraw.Ihe Apoetle» then-e'ive* a;; * ec.te-'ain no

v>-:\ ami .:: It !'..» .[.,¦. towar :. t. S r-'ury ol >rate.The last tine tie- Papa made a soieu u entry BBtOCj capital 1 t;..t.k .r wa» a ', r .- rt..- ,- uj pi>1- gro the Porta oe! Popow and tbe Oorao were ac-rording to < oatom hung with draperie», 1/ehitd whichlha oaf -tatue.- of Bt, Potar aad Bb Paal were eaan>phBtry hkidea. A<c<irding'y the people were ect.-r-ta bj tit. Bg tba ablkvwBkj abuog .e aj pt adad tothaeoraeroi - -t.-eett

Peter tu PomL M Itsssbbb tobm, oi-i f-Uow. thatw .¦ bal i' r- lbel >..*r-.'

/' af to Ptter, " What would you have ? We areno iorger ttyti.jig. ThSM is but .Jaan s in tue arsaUBOW,

I am aware( tt .a»- 1 - -v- * nothmg- .-v»n theA; -. -. I ¦¦ r re- n cAtmn. which cbnaaB

to be tbi-iignt jnat, icsudfi the funera. pBasanWBM ofi XIt Itslao occaaioi ally d- taatsd Heari IV.

f.-r I.:* e< or.otr y, ¦¦>< Stp>- --o f«>r bis Victore«. Noatatesmon-t .: ¦.>¦. Jasbjad i..roD tbe taet.nocy of Uaet>:. e*. Tt-e only av lete-e we sbonld admit eitherf r or agabart bbw, br Ida pabtb- a/-ts. The only wit-aeeaaa to whaab aay w.- gt.t simaid be aunhated aret. e g»- at: era fci. 1 J ' -.'' .ot *. .. CoOatf] hagavaraa.

!». en an inqniry would. I fear, ire ruinooa to An-: if .., Ii,« nation reproaches mm bix witn all the\ .s .. a- .!:¦ fori .- Bat tea J --an. Tbe pakhc

irretcbodaeMnad IgastaBes, the daaBas of tha arts,the .r'-e snpp..».-ion ! rty, ti t eve- ;,-e»entt urae of toreign < ipalior .all f&o upon hia head, be¬cause he alone is reeporsthle f< r everything.

It inay bv a.>gvJ Uat ..e at Utt : .:v-l

r. act cdtry party. I mach d«> kfM .'- What a-tetnal la. iujti» baa ba suppressed ' Se. re*t at have rwaruMsd in Kotne dirirg hi* re .an.What r»rr' r Tar. fr m without ¦¦ s.,-r»eed fFuripe continue* to erMBahkhl cani Roash/, andday by -tar bits np i < v< .< .> a ..b«- or two u.gher. Hehss tailed %i re. oueMr* ime amgie party or oca srnglop. w : to th> llo'y r**fh. r. |»irr.g hi* ten year*' dic¬tator »h p to ba- r.. ;thct gait..I the erdeem ot" oue for-aner I r Übe OOaaVhbha t oao Hainan. AI M has

ta bed it UM Hu pretereirt«! capacity ;* hu* siym* ts.To Um tr* k. ry . f tbs preeeal be aids U.inning <n

t! i» Ii d an, but be Cae rot tna* BWWSSMMB ot Ti- awith, 'it ah « b it s- bapssa bio to reiebli-h firmly thealasety of the p.-, pie. No one poeeease* in a greater

eg ragging oa SO affair, andmat iv enog with and I Dg out di| uakhtaMO; but it ist f pIsssaBaTMS si tbi :t t.<at s tyrannyrss bs propped np. Ahbsngh tu» SMposys sowy sab-.. k. oan to diehoesM poBcy. I am not faBM sarsthe! he ha* roii the cratt ol' a poh loan.

Tbe atta.rust nt of bia own etel doee not is fact re-

quire it. k or aftsr sO, wbsi is bis si II In wait hope,* '. s v kbB, <::.! 11 OOOM i ose iroui tbe tnoduta.ii*Of S .t.n.t.o

,'i j v ! \. lie tig f ofW miPg t>hoinfäctaay o< tasnatna '- or lbs savior of MM Papa-¦ y < r the I »i n Qsixote of lbs Church f N K, soeh a

11 sht, Brat, of f; sect ndly, of b.sfamily.

II - (SI By is I Brisk 1f. H - f. || brothers. Füippo1 (!:. ' ». '.! -i »ivo ;re mark' tngelo, allaor< tb< in thefr yoaagsr day * they hw#, oasanj all, wear :: e count - c« roi et. t toe - governor ofthe bask, aeapatal poet, at t Moos boos Casapaas'iroialamiiai ios tie has gut Ute aloala di Pieta. An shea-is Coassnratoi of U sa, ssdai a Boaster sspoeksJry.elected for bii kkospoefcty. Asotbar follow s ipeniy

trade «-f a monopolist, with immense l*c.lilies foitbor preventing or aii'noniing sxporlo ioa, rrmibV

lag IS bui wn woioboaa i »I p-'t hi bs ' H ot 1 npfy.'1 s. afreet - tbe mater ai traveler, tbsdlpfct-BtStkH ÜM MSOMOgSf af ths family, dlagORM /v-niu.

.\ the tnitiiiy, ('."int ttandini, reigns over "

police. rhiatttUs troop ta psrpetasBy m work addingrtuss wbleh is isvMibM ssd baesacasabba, The

n- sss ot Assoaalli is not ptthW m BoaathsaA- f r t; .. Bl rotary oi S its, a!! who know h'nt b>

timataly, both eien *i..l Wolter, n^re.- tf,-et he 1-aJa a

plesssnt Kfs, Il aerosol lot tl l bora of assbbagDead SgSSBSl tbe dlpkwaatlsts, and g'vtng audieneo. v ry bBOnhh*, bs VOObj bs tbshspptsOtof MkMk>t beers, His tsetss srs BsrpM a scarlet iUh nbO|nnlituiled poaer, an saoiMOM lortune, a KuiMpeanreputstios, sod with ad the bMMMM within maus

reat' Ibis tr;i!e ¦stisSss ti s HWpb lastss of the fat-dinal HisMter. Add by tbs by, ssploadid sylMetbM11 mil srsle, p.,rf»ct!y eubMiflsd, whtni bs hj ooosbaMbyenriel Bg siu tbs poirioi sf an SBBOtoai and UM Mo>dei i.c.-^ of a '.atlu r.

IHNUBBB 0411 PATIOff,The 1'ope is lived and rOTSTOd :u all fatbo'.io

c' iintrita aarept bM swaIt is, thsrafbia, perfectly just and nat. 'al that

I y i' II,1 M of devoted sad leepecUVJ men should ren¬

der bifcs saaiatescs airauist i,ÜUO,000 of disooasaabsdouesb it is nut eaoagh togisw bin a tsnporalhMsy.

or to batrarssOarsd *.itt kiagdosita bin srbsabs I id tl misfor uue to U»*e it, I. mil t lend i un a

permsj sal tupport, oalsss lbs sxpsooosf a frcth resto-il tfl »>e UMSIfed every veat.

[bii -. sprira pU of tbs awsiga ooeapotMBa Weare lii'.i.i ll.oui nf Catholics, Who nave Violently dele-gaied to 3,000,000 of [tattaai tboboaorsf b->ardina:aid lodging cur spiritual chief. If wo were not toleave s respsetable army us Italy to watch over the

t ii of oar ooaHMaadS) aa woohl bo Ssawg omiwo'k bv ha v aa

In MrM logie, the security of the PtjSSShOOMbOgaarsateed at Um ssanssa npss.t tne taihointI'oWers. It w-eiiis quits' na'uial mat each nation inter-e-:>d in the sppfSSstsO of the Uoinans sho.ild larnishits ci ottagOhi ot rxddiers. Such a system, however,would have the effect of tuririig the CkwB of St.Angslo into sastbsr Tosrsr of Babel. Bssidas^tbsaiiasis i this WSfMSM not all regulated .c .. d ug .«»

tbe i riaciplas ol ktaio.Tl .¦ oaly three Towers WhSSh contributed to the re-

SStablii-hiiieiit of l'ius IX. wi re Krance, Austria andSjiain. The PrsaoO bssasgsd B 'tne; the Austrian*¦S'sed Um plocss of tbo AdltatiCj tic Spaniards dideery liitls, aol (ran ths aaal aatbsssf good-will or

(ouiage, bathaeaass tbsir sllisi bfbtbsai notiung todo.

Ifa p v at e individisl tnay hs permitted to probe themotives upon ahi ii I'l a ra< t, I woahf veuiureto

"Uggsst Uiat ths O1 an*'1 lsa.1 nothing in viewli the ,,, i,,i no i 'lit'1 '. ller soldiers came U»re,t».ie i, ,, j. .,. , tin it "; they went as aoon as

hewasi.,,,,, ,J.'i |o- :s a cht vaboas pabsy.Kapol*,,, in. w»otcin-ioT'-d the rssMmsMa ti the

Pope to ^ i M ta>t»a*aeOBaBaryloabaaso4odtboCboreb. r.......». ihtaki i»lB tbongh I couldn't.wear to a, j,.i h m tin . of sctioa wars oookpaekled, Bhaa« P I i yt the French Republic, heir

t.. a name a lu ll MOMBOasd him 'o f he thron», re»o!v«<|to m hsase ins leatporsry sasgkatra y tor an bapsiialcrown, he had the grrates' pos-ibls :nt' r> -I in provingto Barsps bow IC.-,. .. are put down, lie hadalreadycoaosivsd -ue bfaaof playiagthatfroalportof champion of srdsr, wbksb has iBbssssasoO bMs hs11 raoMvod by a,I aoren :gn- lii-t a< a brother, and af-lerwardas an srbslxatsr. Lsady, hahaww that therettorstioa of tbs Pops woold sei uro bun a million of( ti dko rotss toward] bM sMobMa to the m,|.. naicr^ w ii It it to theo- motives o; porSMal interest wemadded Mavsotbsn, If pondbls of a bftkw ObanrtsTiTbs bsursf Vspolaaa and of the liberal BsaoiaUos of>'.», the man *lio rea«J Iks pas name BS lbs tir«t ['ageot the civil c.»de, the author of M many works breatii-iag tbs apart! ol new ideas aad tba paaawaato tssa sf11 gn a, ». -ii. nt sraasMf arboos basy iiram alr>-ailyteemed With the germs of all the proajieii'y we iiavo

Slijoysd (or *be last ten years, was tie ipOMB <d hand-isgovei tbr'-e millions of Italians to reuctn n, lawleeaDSM lad inisery. If bs bad tirnily resolved to put.down the R.-public of Koine, bs was i./vt kss tirm in

ii rsSolutioS tu suppress the abuses, the injustice, andall tbs traditional oparessioas wbicb drove the Itaiiansto nvolt, in the opinion of Ihe hea I of tee KreuchBepubbo, tie' way to !<.. again victorious over anarchy,was to d. pnve it of all prstoM and all cause for its si-iatsnt e.He knew Koine; he bad STSd th'-rc. He knew, frern

personal experience, in wnat the I'apal liovrnment.I ffsred tr..m g.ei l QovarasMaM. Ha natural «enee ofInMies arged him to give taosab|S0M0f the HolyFather, in OXObaagS for 'he poBUool autonomy of wiiiclthe robbed th'-m, nil the evil liberti'-s and ail the in-uLT' rights enjoyed in MviBssd Statea.Tbe OOasdaShM arrived at by M. Kdmond Abotit

is, tbat the Kotnau QMothM may bo definitivelyvihed Without s citastrophe He ii not "ich a

pessimist ai to bei.eve that war is oes-eitary to theihlvation of Italy and the security of P.urope. Kurope has only to utter bnff protest against tho ec-

clesiaettcal monarchy. At least, ihe may diminubthe evil by reducing the limits of the I'apal StiteA.The Adiiatic provinces may be freed at once. Thoniir.icle MBJ b«« wrought by a itroke 'if the pen.The eagle'* quill which signed the treaty of Parisis as yet but freshly mended. The PlRBOOB <S otheruat.ons, too, may learn from history tbat the reallystrong (iovernmenta are those which have k<'ptIt. gioaB authority in their own handa The Seo-atfl of Koiiied.i not grant the pru-sti of Carthagoliberty to preach in Italy: taWQsMOl of Knglandlad the Kmperor of I: ... a are the beads of thoAhzijcs.'i and K'issiin religions; and by tbe ikmo

right, the sovereign iiictropo'is of tbe churches ofFranc.- ahouid be in Paris.

KFM in sr. kmc i.b op s»vii KL LATHAM MITCHIUi, MD,U ii By Jena W t ,,\u-, M. II., ete. l/u. pp.'ilJ. I Tr. w.

The .it. r¦ rting nhsptsr sf personal nosaMsajoBS oft'-.e eccent'. naturalist atd plulo-opier, I>-. MB>cl.ill, which waa i mtaiLed Ut the authors " OlJ New-iork. is here npr.sioted w Ti MB Iry a-hi t.ot.,.lir.^c.-ote- and teabthMkMkB Dft llhM Bl waa far

r.ary years a prominent .r-t;tution in the looisty ofBoW-Torit, aad wBhOKI an er;tertain;n^ ehroo.cVrat Uks writsrd th.s assfc, th»- pr> ,«nt generation w.Uaoteasily V the memory t hi- -mgular d"ii gs _

books Hf i »:ivei».rransaeti'.ni 11-- MaSk aHaefety aTtka S'.v .,f New-Tori for

ihajraar ISM, Ms pp Ml Chartas \ an fcauMysamA ..<.:.. tl ¦<! l« .' M«it.e llj K. k.i.4 ». well H,o. lo.

,.. Bail Ellaha Clark A Ca.A n- »*:¦.> t '-¦ Hyroi T ¦¦ B<vA f.,r Sio-a-li .:

gy WWafsn B. Btaslnij Uaaa. pp. hM iTkaak Fhha-tey

l.'.r-... > rre:. A Til. Tiraea. By Allen HanipSeti.i.rr. f.p I?' R..rtii k Cirieti.'ti.

P taotl P « A ..- 4'. Rev..! BSS t Privatetliftd kjHdaij tlWlaj thou. r;. i'.l. Taa


M wimMuHi-.t'.-Wo lad it sMRBaHbatibers.." low bef. -.- t :e r.¦,,'.;¦. enty different stye s ol

i .* rg maiMros t" c|,. from; ewd patert-rgl.tNraaaM ooarto deiiareskis the oaesb t\

The biggest mule ever pr»eiuce.l, it i- lupj.sel,iow In Wayne County. F lnca, OWBsd by Charlesr'n*t. Tra weight i« girss as l,<L» p lunc?», «od

-,'bt I'*. bntd>, Wl... I. 1- .. ! t .l.el.