new york ny herald 1913 - 6215

K E W YORK HERALD, TUESDAY, AUGUST 5, 1913. •••• § IN CH IN A IN MUTINY ft I N O P B I M U T I N Y ; F L E E S Latter's Disappearance, How ever, Clear^ the Atmosphere for Lai^ and Order. ICAN ARTIST D IE S Al T H E OL D BRITANNIA WINS AT C OW ES; T H E MAPGHAPITA PROV ES HEP SPE ED HIS fS OVERNOR SHOOTS •uspects Them Them and WO ADVISERS of Perfidy and Kills n Army Officer— Rebels posing Prestige. - [•F«cnt MWPATCJ* TO THB HSRAXD VIA eoM- iiiRcrAL «tMlf coierAWT*» BTSTSM.] Ho.\o Kom, ilond*y.—Tha Cantonese trmy lis* mutinied and Chan, toe rebel Governor, lias disappeared. The greatest j-onfusion reigns In the city and the inkadliig army it within twenty mile*. A belief prevails, honrwe*. that order a ill tie restored speedily and the prov ince revert to the central government, as the disappearance of the Gorernor is el faring th e atmosphere. lieports from Canton say the populace there is celeb rating the endi ng of the up- rifcing with public rejoicings and the ex plosions of fire <Taeker8. .General Lung' Cbi-Kuang, the victori ous eomraander <f the government troops from Kwang -si, ft i» reported, has bee n appointed Governor General of the Prov in g of Kwang-rung , while his brother hait been nominated hi s assis tant. The rebel Governor Chan, who said at the'beginning of the revolutionary move ment that he disapproved of the independ- Southeru States, before two mill tar advisers , and Wang Suit-sun, and as he suspected them of •at policy of the It fled shot 'kit Chan Chung-ying at. army officer, iatrifue. The artillery mien of Canton kille d their Ueuteiiant colonel and then marched to tie Governor's offices, wher e they looted the treasury. One of t be shells fired b y the artillery nst u fe ll in the prefect's off ices an d utlled a tkzen persons. Fighting' conti nues along the Wf «t Kiv t.r, where the| rebels h ave captu red a gunboat. fbe chief proxies * of the authorities consists in dealinls, wit h the l ooter * G E O flG E H IT C H C O C K . M R S . G E R A R D I N S A T IS F IE D W IT H A M E R I C A N A R T I S T , B E R L I N T O J O I N | S H O R T S E N T E N C E S D I E S A T M A R K E N , S E A R C H F O R H O M E Generous Recognition Always Wife of New Ambassador to Accorded His Work in His Native Countrv. IWORK DONE LARGELY IN PARIS STUDIO Germany Arrives with Sis- ter from Hungary. «. PRESENT EMBASSY IS TO O SMALL FOR USE Decorated fey Emperor of Austria, As sociate of National Academy, Well Represented in Galleries. After Shoi Trip to This Country Thev Will Return to Post S in September. Prosecution Does Not Consid er German Army Scan3 al Veryf Serious Matter. COURT MARTIAL ENDED _ » Government Inclined To Be Lenient with Officers Involved in Brib- ery Charges with Krupp's % I [SPECIALORSPATCHTO THE HERALDVIA COM MERCIAL CABLECOMPANT'SSTSTEM.] HERALD BCREAC, 1 NO . 49 AVENIB I>KL'OPERA.r PARIS, Monday. J Mr. George Hitchcock, the American painter, died suddenly on the Island ot Marken, Saturday, from heart failure. BEBLt*. Monday— The tak ing of mony was completed to-day before the court martial which is trying four lieuten ants of the Ordnance Department, a chief clerk and two non-commiaatoned officer* of the Ordnance Corps of the German on a charge of betraying military (SPECIAL DESPATCHTOTHEHERALDVIACOM- ^ MERCIAL CABLECOMPAKT'SSTSTEM.l * r a y BERLIN. Monday.—Mrs. James Gerard, j »«cr*ta. tti« accep tance of bribes and ps- wife of Justice James W. Gerard, who aubordinatto^. has been tend ered the pos t of Am ha i dor to Germany, accompanied by her sister. Countess Anton Sigray, with whom she has been staying at the latter s Mr. George Hitchcock, one of the fore- Hungarian esta te, arrived at the Hotel I most of American artists, was born i n |E«Pl«nade to-day. Providence, ft I.. in 1£30, the son of Mr.! S h e J ° in 8 ***** ««« rd «* search for and Mrs. Charles. Hitchcock. He was n e w embassy quarters, (educated at Brown Unircrsitv and grad- Justice Gerard find s the present em- | uated in 1S7 2. The following year he en- UlSM r inadequate, if the new Ambassa- itered Harvard, where he was given his. doristo maintain a social position corre- LU B. degree in 1874. Art interested spending to that of repre sentatives of him, however , and he" went to Fa ris .j ot h * r * reat **<>*•*"» where he studied under Boulanger and! Mr - a nd Mr »- Gerard will leave on Lefebvre. Practically all his wor k has| bo * r d_ the Amerika, for Ne w York, Au- been done in Paris, where he maintained;8 ust •• _ THE BRlT/lNNlrV run Ge*MANiA «"«•*• •«.<•€* *v w»rrs_ >-^-#-#~i$>~^-'^"#-4 > -4>-^-<SH&- < ^-' REBELS BEATEN BACK IN ALL CLASHES flax IN, Monday. Province of Klanj along the line af l oa Thursday and government trooi -The rebel forces In the •al were driven back all ;r a seriou s engagement riday with th* Northern who captured a strong positio n, mainly though their super ior gun aery. The rebels had been reinforced by de tachments of revolutionists from the Prov isoes of Kwang-tbng. Hu- nan and Ngan- awd and numbered 25,000 men. They retreated toward the South. MORE FIG HT1NG MA Y TAKE PLACE IN CHINA LOKDO.V. iTuesdjay.-»A despatch to the Time ? from Shanjghal says that the nego tiations on the par* of th « government forces for the surrender of the rebels have •sen dropped andj that 'sharp flgbUng ap pears to be inevi table The altua-tion tip the river, It adds, Is SVremely confusing. Apparently the government troops con- tmi the railway! practically to P u-kow, wast of Nan king, a nd the rebel s are tend- S* to drift down Country betwee n Nan king asd thln-Ktang. While the government has the whip, the awrespondent concludes, there la no pros- •att of an early deaaation of all hosti lities. REFUSE TO SURRENDER TH E SHANGHAI FORTS onday-1 RANGHAI. Me -Shots ware ex- a\&oged to-day ambers and th a :setween the government Wu-Sung forts, held by «a a rebels, but Vith oat resul t. The ne - loUat ions for the surrend er of the f orts llHa proved futile and a stiff fight is Wo ha jba there w hen Admiral Tseng has ••Sal the Shanghai district of rebels. <a Kin g George' s veteran" cutter the Britann ia won the Satanita Cup at Cowes. Other yach ts taki ng part ^ <i in the reg atta were the new Margha rita, the Kaiser 's Meteor and the Germania. . 4 * <* > sumed the completion of what it is to bear for the next few days. The American element is not so well represented formally, but the Stars and Stripes was flown from the North Star, owned by Mr. Cornelius Yandertnlt, who, with Mrs. Vanderbil t, dined withi the Kin g and Queen aboard the Victoria and Albert at night. The Britannia, which had not raced at Victory of the Latter Taken as an Omen in the Great Cu p Race. NE W CHALLENGER BY TH E SAME DESIGNER Mr. and Mrs. Corneli us Vanderbilt Dine with King and Queen Aboard Yacht [SPECIAL OBSPATCHTO THE HERALDVIA COM MERCIAL CABLECOMPANT'S SYSTEM.] HERALD BUREAU. 1 No. 130 FLEETSTREET,1 London. Tuesday. I The Kin gs yacht, the Britannia, scored an easy victory in the handicap for cut ters, yawls and ketches exceeding seventy- five tons at Cowes yesterday. The old cutter, despite her clipped wings, led all the way and her success was ex tremely popular, as she won the Satanita Cup, presented bjr Sir Maurice Fita- gerald. The King and Queen and Princess Mary and Prince Afbert were aboard Mr. 1 . ^ r _ ft ,.,. n , ^ w:lh ; Cecil Whttake r's Marghari ta, whi ch also, j cratch boat in her rac e. The «ther com- riumphed over tfce German Emperor's j pe titors were the yawl Wendur snd the Meteor and Dr, Krupp von Bohlen und! ketches lul nar and Cariad. l?he royal Halbach's Germani a. cutter was first away on the tlirty- nine This victory was much welcomed by the mile course and soon established a strong Englis h contingent as proof of the d&Ueadj She won easily. signer's' 1 abilities and an earnest of w i n The Margharita was designei by Mr. England is prepared to do in other infer -jC. E. Ni cholson, of Cos port, trho is to national contests , j , !build the challenger for the America's Cowe s Roads i)s no * crowded with; Cup. Prince Henry of Prussia was on yachts, whil e Cow^a itself finally has as-]board the Meteor . a home. He was twice marru-d. his first wife being Miss Henrietta A. Richard son. He married Mies Cecil Jay in Eng land in 1905. Few American artists have received more generous recognition in their nativt land than Mr. Hit<h<o »k. Works from his studio may be found in almost everj art gallery of importance in this country. He was awarded the pold medal at the Paris Exposition in 18S9. Among his best known works are:— 'Toilers of the Sea." which is in the im- Tbey will return to Berlin in September. DIES AFTER A LONG RESIDENCE IN BERLIN Mrs. Sarah Bennett, Widow of Mich igan Man, Succumbs to In ternal Troubles. The accused, Lieutenants Til Ian. Hlnat, Hose and iJehleuder. together with Chief Clerk PfeLf|sr and thw iwo non-commis sioned officers, are accused of accepting bribes from a representative of the Krupp armament concern for disclosing details of the tenders for contracts vent in by competitors. I The affair caused a sensati on when the disclosures bf corruption were made tn the Imperial Parliament recently by D*. Karl Liebknjtcht, the socialist Deputy. The Prosecuting Attorney to-day, in speaking forf the condemnation of the ac cused, demanded that they should be sen tenced to terms ranging from three months to a year, thus confirming the earlier im pression thajt their offences were not re garded as particularly serious. He pro posed that tie most severe sentence should be passed otj Pfeiffer , whose opp ortunities to betray information h»d been -greatest. He suggested nine months' Imprisonment for Lieutenants Tlllan. Schleuder and Htnst, while Lieutenant Hoge, who had not accepted a bribe, should, he thought, be condemned to three months' confine- fortress, but should retain his in the army, which the others The two non-commissioned ment in a commission would lose. [SPECIAL DESPATCHTOTHE HERALDVIA COM MERCIAL CABLECOMPAKT'SSTSTEM.l RF.BI.IX , Mondav.—Mrs. Sarah Bennett, perinl collection u\ \ i- ,;n •» ; "The I^rk/" the widow of Mr. Alonr.o Bennett, of Ja ck- } offlcer " a e ^ rv *d. he said. son. Mich., for nine years a resident of Berlin, died Sunday from internal troubles. ip the Art Gallery in St. Louis; "Calypso," in the Herron Art Institute, Indianapo lis; "Tulips and Hyacinths," in the Mu nicipal Gallery at Alkmaar. Holland; *Tulip Seller. " in the Art .Institute, Chi cago, and "Spring Moon," in Telfair Academy, Savannah, Ga. He is represented in the National Gal lery, liOndoon: the Munich and Dresden galleries, in Germany : he exhibited at the Louvre in 1900, and other exhibitions of importance have hung his canvases. He is an associate of the National Academy, a member of the Paris Society of Amer ican Painters, and in 1903 was decorated by the Emperor of Austria with the ranz Joseph Order of Austria. H IG H D E A T H R A T E L A I D _ Mr. John Burns Sees the Menac e o f He r Increasing Entry Into Business Life. * I [SPECIAL DESPATCHTO THE HERALD VIACOM- MERCIAL CABLECOMPANY'S STSTEM.] HERALD BUREAU, No. 130 FLEETESTREBT London, Tsetdsy., The present high mortality in London, Mr. John Burns, President of the Local Government Board, declared yesterday, is duo to the fact that women increasi ngly are entering into all phases of commerce and industry and official and administra tive life. :, "They themselves must realise, - (H I Too Scarce, Says Coal M a n imOmmmLi w i y u r n inii | * Mr. D. A. Thomas Therefore Wonders How Coal Will Be Superseded as a Fuel. tEET.l ay. J [SPECIAL DESPATCHTO THE HERALDVIA COM MERCIAL CABLECOMPANT'SSTSTEM.] j HERALDBUREAU; No. 130 FLEETSTREET, London. Tuesday, "Oil will not take the place of coal in this or the next I generation," said Mr. D. A. Thomas, a Welsh coal mine owner who recently returned from Africa. "The total quantity of oil available for fuel purposes in |the world to-day," he declared yesterday^ "is less than two per cent of the total c4al production. How is two per cent going to take the place of i-nghai < EIES! ERALD DESPATCH IS FIRST WITH TIDINGS I HERALD BtraBAtr, V . N o. 1 502 H STBBET,N. W ; \ WASHINGTON, D. C. Monday. J **a Legation alt Peki n to-day reported ** the State Departme nt that tha Par - ll * n *eatary Committee of t he Kuo-Min T *ag, or nationajliat party, yesterday de- e **- r *d itself oppcaed to the rebelli on, and the principal leaders of as reported In a special ** w » despatch to th e HERALD. This •©- "•a *as taken In compliance with an w «*r co ntainlne d In tha recent proclama- J j of Yuan Shili-k*i . It ts roported tha t •se reoeit are J n urgent n eed of funds. WPelkd five of *•* hwarrection. SUBMARINES, MISSING, SOUGHT L ^Y DESTROYERS kwnow, Mond ay-Tw o British aub- •*rtnes which #er e engage d In tha re- Va lval mandauvre. ara mlaain*- axid "«*t>yere have been aant out from the *^ th naval atatlon. in Scotland, to *••** for tham. «?*•* Admiralty It ta thought that tha nj y* °* tha submarines to report is l i y y due to their commanders' Igno- J*^ < tha fact that tha naval manoeu vres to and unexpectedly on S a tux day. i •that as far as their offspring is con-1 ne h u n dr e d pg, Lgtffi cerned this fact is attended with consid erable disadvantage to the community and to the race as a whole.*' MR. J. R. V. GILLIOT DIES IN LONDON Resident of Pomfret, Conn., Stricken with He^art Disease While Abroad. Is [SPECIAL DESPATCHTO THB HERALDVIA COM MERCIAL CABLECOMPANT'SS TSTEM] HERALD BUREAU. 1 Ifo. 130FLEETSTREBT,1 LONDON. Monday. J The death occurred in London Satur- U T H E R A L D S T O R Y * I Official Announcement Is Made o f C|oming Marriage o f Lady Sack- ville-West's Daughter. « [SPECIAL DESPATCHTOTHE HERALfriA COM MERCIAL CABLECOMPANT' S STBTEM.] HERALD BUREAU, 1 » No. 130 FLEET S TREET, 1 London, Tuesday, J The engagement of Hon. Victaria Sack- ville-West, known as "Kidlet,"I the only child of Lord and Lady SackvillfJvVest, to Mr. Harold Nicolson, third sail of Sir Arthur Nicholson, Permanent Under Sec- retaiy of Foreign Affairs, which was an- nounced i» a special cable despatch to the I IF.BALD some weeks ago, was officially confirmed yesterday. u-—« DR. EDWARD A. PARK MARRIED IN LONDON I Johns Hopkins Physician Takes an English i Girl as His Bride. AMERICANS SIGN HERALD REGISTER BALKAN TRUCE IS EXTENDED 3 DAYS THREE PASSENGERS . IN RECORD FLIGHT HERALD BUREAU. No. 11 0 FLEET STREET,r London. Tuesday. J Signer Cervaaco. ImSm ^ ^ achieved a world's record yesterday by flying from Milan to Venice with thre e! passengers in a monoplane. VALUABLE ESTATE LEFT IN ENGLAND -..» nuvATC H TOTHEHERALDVIA COM- I 8 ^»CLATCA»S COMPA NTB STSTEM.] HERALD BUREAU. No 130 FLEET STREET,1 i LONDON, Monday. J Mr Andr ew Buchanan McCreer. of San Francis co, who died on March -1 . aged e ig hty- four ye ar s. J f ^ ^ J J ^ ^ j | l ^\r*?vnUkin**™ valued .t Antwerp Chamber of Commerce, in a Manifesto, Calls At $2S,210. [BPECIAL DESPATCHTO THE HERALDVIA COM MERCIAL CABLECOMPANT'SSYSTEM.] HERALD BUREAU. 1 No. 49AVEXI'EDE L'OPERA, } Paris, Tuesday. J For the convenance of American tour ists the European'edition of the HERALU has established a bureau to which persons travelling on the Continent can nave their mail addressed, to be kept until convenient for them to claim or to be forwarded to wherever they are. A list of such mail o r cablegrams will be published each day in ihe European edition. The following Americans called at the ?aris office of the HERALD yesterday and inscribed their names on the tourists' reg ister :— Fitzgibbon, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S., New York. Gattle, Mr. and Mrs. E. O.. New York. Kennedy, Mr. Edward A., New York. King, Mr. Goodman, St. Louis. Lamont, Mr. John W., Brooklyn. Lamont, Mis^ M. S., Brooklyn. Lamont, Mrs. J. S., Brooklyn. O'Brien. Mr. John I., Brooklyn. Oppenbeim, Mrs. Sam, New Yor%. Polley, Mr. Harvey C, New York. Rosenberg, Mrs. Henry, New York. Siegel, Mr. Harold, New York. Spektorsky, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, New York. Young, Miss Bessie B., New York. Peace Delegates at Bucharest Decide on Scheme to Aid the Plen ipotentiaries. BUCHAREST, Monday.«-A three days* ex tension of the armistice between the Bal kan States was agreed to to-day by the peace delegates of Roumanla, Servla, Greece, Montenegro and Bulgaria. This action was taken to enable the plenipoten tiaries to endeavor to reconcile the differ ences and claims of the States. Mr. Majoresco, the Roumanian Premier and permanent president of the confer ence, in proposing: the three days' exten sion of the armistice said no further pro longation would be asked and that, there fore, the labors of the conference must be completed on Friday. It is understood that Roumania is deter mined that the peace preliminaries shall be signed on Friday and that the unset tled points, such as the ownership of Istip, Kotschana, Radovishtah and Strumitza shall be submitted to the decision of the Powers. It is believed Greece will retain Ka valla. months' Imprisonment, respectively. The prosecutor mentioned during hia speech that Max Brandt, Krupp's agent in Berlin, had had relations with foreign military attaches. He had earlier in the trial stated that there was no question of espionage in the usual unpatriotic sense of the word, but rather of unfair business practice on the part of Krupps in order toj le|r n the prices of thei r com petitors when they found themselves los ing businesa. The exact nature of Brandt'a relations with the foreign military at taches, howiever, was not disclosed. The prosecutor sharply censured Krupps for their practices, declaring that when they let Brandt loose with an annual en tertainment fund of $»75 on his former comrades in the non-commissioned ranks there could not have been the slightest doubt as to what the result would be. NEW BONANZA RTED. London 9 s Tango Craze Laid to a n American * Writer Also Discovers Why the Much Discussed Dance Necessarily Is One of Contact. ANTWERP, Monday.—A gold field of ex ceptional richness has been discovered in the southern part of the province of Ka tanga, in the Belgian Congo, according to despatches received here privately from Kllsabethvinje. the capital of the district. Some of the] samples are declared to yield an ounce of W gold to the ton. FORKJI.N \K\\ * CMTOf t M \K. \ I PKiiK. K l * Swift A ( o m pa n. *' « S a l es o f F r es h B e et to N >w Tors Hir r thp ««(>k <-IIII1OK Saturday, August -* nve^s gt'il l2.Vi ffnio p»-r I: I uiM'i;. DR. PIERRE ROUX HAS FOUND CHOLERA CURE Mr. [SPECIAL TOTHE HERALD.] HERALD BUREAU, 1 No. 130 FLEETSTREET,1 LONDON, Monday, i Filson Young, writing of the tango said that monkeys which had been infect ed with cholera had been perfectly cured by inoculaUon with the serum. [SPECIAL DESPATCHTOTHB HERALDVIA COM- HSRCTAL CASLB COMPANT'S STSTEM.] HERALD BUREAU. 1 No. 1 30 F LE ET S TR EE T,1 LONDON, Monday. J, Dr,. Edward' A. Park, of John s Hopki ns day of Mr. John R. V. Gilliot, of Pom-1 T^^ t y, Baltimore, was married at SA Y S O X YGEN HA S fret, Conn. He was a brother of Mra .; gt C u t^ ^ g Churc h, Philbepch Gar- George Naylor and Mrs. Morton. I>eath dens ^ London, U s t Saturday, to Miss was caused by heart failure at the age .\?nes. only child of the late Mr. A. of sixty-three. i (Raw^inson Sevan , of London. in the Saturday Review, after discovering that "tango" is "I teuch," In Latin, and that therefore the much discussed dance PARIS, Monday.—Dr. Pierre Roux, dl- necessarily is one of contact, adds:— rector of the Pasteur Institute, announced "Where the shepherd le ads the sh eep before the Academy of Sciences to-day his I will follow. The shepherd In this case has discovery of an anU-eholera serum. He j been of American origin, and the Ameri can lady in London who is the chief insti gator of these revels is a shepherdess of AMERICAN L IF T V AX 8 f or H Jo »l u« b u UH M 4 furaitur*. foVlsn of utUnd. BOWLING (iHETN STOKA4 r». foitfign ;B § VAX CO.. l fr Rro«il ««,v. N>» York. DIRECTORY FO R ADVERTISERS. * »•« - FAUE. IS m 25 l i . II 17 l <; i* 14 19 18 Dlii'lendf, Mwiii;,,- i' . 1. Areata Wanted. A III II*' I lir-lit » .|.• AutooioMlea .„ Automobile -AW-««»or >g .%., Board anilladsing Wanted Boarders .Wanr<nd Boots am! StMj f* Bu*in*'*» Oppoftunlrle* Businecg Pluses Wanted BinritHtia Kperlalf I iothinjj i Do. Cosstwiae KtesaiBbip*. fbnimfpi-ial Eiu|>kifi i*cat Bureau*. Country Board. » * • " .... .... Belgium Called On To Be no mean abilit;. One by one English lead ers of society have surrendered their place to Her formidable ener gy and daring Dry Uoodi, a*. Do. Do. Dwelling; H«u*e» to I^et Furui»lwd snd I 'u f ur nU lf < .. Employment Bureatta. Europe. ..... ].••-..('. Ezeuraioos F:nan<-lai. Do. .................. »,.. Plata and Apsjrtmenta t* I>et—Tsr- aiahed L Furniaaed Apartnifnt* to I-ei• tn- farslaai A Do. Flats and Apairtmesta Wasted., go; Sa< Fuvnifb' -d K<* n« (o \* ' FurninSed Booms Wasted Foraitnre Do. Help Wasted—Feswlei Do. Help Wanted—Male*. .......... " CURED I N S A N I T Y j lr re ve re nc e, "There are, of course, always the quiet- PARIS, Monday.—The chief physician o fe ra nd more refined American women who the Villejulf inaane asylum announces have no love for these extravagances, and I Horace, oarrtas**, k< Hotel* a nd B^fiaursai. ... Isatrortlos, Cellefe*, KcSool*. a - Daat and FonSd MA^QI O*" y •-**i •#•••• *#»*#**• ** .••*. Medfeal J usel ess to cry 'Noli me ta nger e' when th e; Money to Loa n and a a nted «a cioua in madness resulti ng from physical -heoherdess raises her crook on hiah i B* al JE.Mte.] or mental e xhau sti on. ! _ . . . . . . . _ _ . _ * . : ! * « ' *"**•< t)sniKsea. (k*. that injections of oxygen made by him pretend to disapprove of them; but beside cured in a few days cases of an acute type of sudden madness. He says he be lieves the treatment will always be effica- such energetic initiative ot what avail is mere disapproval or detachment? It is * S w 17 19 U u is 1 7 IT IS IS IS 1* is a i 18 IS ia M IS . 1 IS IS IS 12 JTX J £ f^' 1 /~\ is _q * ! " ... , ; , J What ahe decrees the obedient sheep will I Newspaper* Ready tor Lanal upemng T WENTY.TWO MWEiis^r^^rar AUSTRALIAN SETS tention to the Enormous Influence the New Waterway VVill Exercise, Particularly on Belgian. Only One Man of the Shift in the Mine at Time of Accident U Escapes. M F W R U N N I NG MA R K [arso**- DSSFATCHITO TWS KUSALOVIA cow- fie generally and the Belgian-American ! GI-ASCOW, Monday. - Twe nty-1 wo coal 1 1 C " ( MBBCIAL CABLB COMFANT'B STSTKM.1 , ' mmmmr T m .„ *v .* miners periahed In the tire yesterday in trade in particular. The maniftesto says tn e Mavia Valley pit of the Cadder Col bunny hug, or one-atep, or enraptured at-{ ] -- DIE IN PIT FIRE tention tC * I> homey nerro yelling and rofeaakmal Situation* Wanted Females ,...] ropoaala . ...L j [.rSCIAL DSaPATCH TO THS HKRA L0VIA COM 1 MaaciALCAB^coaiFaNT'saTirrsM.l H»aAU> Bcasar. Ko ISO FXKKT arasanr, 1 Lo.don. Tnes4ay. J J Pottaldao n, the Australi an sprinter. MERC BBUSSFXS, Monday. — T** Antwerp Chamber of Commerce has issued a mani- festo calling''the attention'ot the govwrn- »)cm and:"the shipping trade, to the eaor** the Belgian shipping trade sh|gld alter '^JTZJSF Theif bodU> W<r * *- its rates in time to baffle th« competi- ^ ^ ° r n * .„*?-!• ffft a "? * te « •** ~ 0 f miners In the pit at the time of the tion of oth er ports, and tha* immediate fire. A widow lost three of her sons. The rescuing parties passed through a Pr.. Real K*tate at An<tlon..... For i* Jf ounding at the piano. 'It a baboon cou ld be traine d to play •*»» Estste. Je« Tor* Cit*. , . m r ••— * \ Sale or to Rent IS ragti me he wo uld be th e rage of London. - g^i Estate, Oa t of th e Ct *# Far and people would be asked out to meet Sale or to neat Tnis is n ot an B ^J e*tate toISscnssna Beai Eatate wlanted .Sales at Anctlee... ...-• •• ,. Mtssttesa Wanted—Females aitasdssa Wasted—Male* and sit at Sable with him. exaggeration, but a simple fact." yesterday lowered the worlds ™^ ^ Z ^ wt a* * , tte opening of the Pa ^m e- su re s should be taken to enlarge Ant- sever^ordeal jrtj, to^the jtnUn^ V « three hundred jarda * three-quarter stcoads. ,^ m—™ jjMiw.*- .:«»...-— ~-~, -y ; -..T«— -r^p- •—- 'and pois«>noua ftases. Many of them were three hundred jarda to 1 |^ ^ CwijUfj]I e x s ^ miou y, , WO rlda t«f -Jw erp a jharbor, docks and sluices. jprought to toe surface unconsoioua. NEWNES HOMI= BURNS; WOMEN ARE BLAMED Lo*mox, Tnesday.—Tha residence of the late Sir George Newnea at L-ynton, North Devonshire, was destroyed by Are early this morning. The poli ce believe the Are was sat by suf fxagette*. Sumner Reaorf To Let for Btadaeat Purposes...... Travellers' ««|d« ., Wasted to Pashas* or Rsetaage.. Yacbts, sbias,^|tesa* %ests, ax. .. , is IT 17 17 14 - IS A 7 M n JO 17 in if it IS 2 corf i « 4 7 7 1 J 4 t»T S«%7 I % 2 T S f I T avT 7 4 4 3 2 4 a 7 T e t»7 l a to 7 1 1 1 4 « to 7 4 tag 1 U a tst 7 « a 7 « 4 7 1 m.2 % S 7 T 4 t»7 5 to 7 1 4 ^ 7 1 4 2 1 J 1 T a * s f a u> 7 S 4 7 4 T % m 4 4 4 f

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K E W YORK HERALD, TUESDAY, AUGU ST 5, 1913.• • • • • §


I N O P B I M U T I N Y ;

F L E E SLatter's Disappearance, How

ever, Clear^ the Atmosphere

for Lai^ and Order.






•uspects Them

Them and


of Perfidy and Kills

n Army Officer—

Rebels posing Prestige. -

• •

[•F«cnt MWPATCJ* TO THB HSRAXD VIA eoM-iiiRcrAL «tMlf coierAWT*» BTSTSM.]

Ho.\o Kom, ilond*y.—Tha Cantonese

trmy l i s * mutinied and Chan, toe rebel

Governor, lias disappeared.

The greatest j-onfusion reigns In the

city and the inkadliig army it within

twenty mile*.

A belief prevails, honrwe*. that order

a ill tie restored speedily and the prov

ince revert to the central government, as

the disappearance of the Gorernor is

el faring th e atmosphere.

lieports from Canton say the populace

there is celeb rating the endi ng of the up-

rifcing with public rejoicings and the ex

plosions of fire <Taeker8.

.General Lung' Cbi-Kuang, the victori

ous eomraander <f the government troops

from Kwang -si, ft i» reported, has bee n

appointed Governor General of the Prov

in g of Kwang-rung , while his brother

hait been nominated hi s assis tant.

The rebel Governor Chan, who said at

the'beginning of the revolutionary move

ment that he disapproved of the independ-

Southeru States, before

two mill tar advisers ,

and Wang Suit-sun, and

as he suspected them of

•at policy of the

It fled shot 'kit

Chan Chung-ying

at. army officer,


The artillery mien of Canton kille d their

Ueuteiiant colonel and then marched to

tie Governor's offices, wher e they looted

the treasury.

One of t be shells fired b y the artillery

nstu fell in the prefect's off ices an d utlled

a tkzen persons.

Fighting' conti nues along the Wf «t

Kivt.r, where the| rebels h ave captu red a


fbe chief proxies * of the authorities

consists in dealinls, wit h the l ooter *

G E O f l G E H I T C H C O C K . M R S . G E R A R D I N S A T I S F I E D W I T HA M E R I C A N A R T I S T , B E R L I N T O J O I N | S H O R T S E N T E N C E

D I E S A T M A R K E N , S E A R C H F O R H O M EGenerous Recognition Always Wife of New Ambassador to

Accorded His Work in His

Native Countrv.



Germany Arrives with Sis-ter from Hungary.




Decorated fey Emperor of Austria, As

sociate of National Academy, Well

Represented in Galleries.

After Shoi Trip to This Country

Thev Will Return to Postml S

in September.

Prosecution Does Not Consid

er German Army Scan3al

Veryf Serious Matter.


Government Inclined To Be Lenient

with Officers Involved in Brib-

ery Charges with Krupp's%





P A R I S , Monday. J

Mr. George Hitchcock, the American

painter, died suddenly on the Island ot

Marken, Saturday, from heart failure.

BEBLt*. Monday— The tak ing of

mony was completed to-day before the

court martial which is trying four lieuten

ants of the Ordnance Department, a chief

clerk and two non-commiaatoned officer*

of the Ordnance Corps of the German

on a charge of betraying military(SPECIAL D ES PA TC H T O T H E H ER AL D V IA C O M - ^


B E R L I N . Monday.—Mrs. James Gerard, j »«cr*ta. tti« accep tance of bribes and ps-

wife of Justice James W. Gerard, who aubordinatto^.

has been tend ered the pos t of Am ha


dor to Germany, accompanied by her

sister. Countess Anton Sigray, with

whom she has been staying at the latter s

Mr. George Hitchcock, one of the fore- Hungarian esta te, arrived at the Hotel

I most of American artists, was born i n |E«Pl«nade to-day.

Providence, ft I.. in 1£30, the son of Mr.! S h eJ °

in 8***** ««« rd «* search for

and Mrs. Charles. Hitchcock. He was n e w embassy quarters,

(educated at Brown Unircrsitv and grad- Justice Gerard find s the present em-

| uated in 1S72. The following year he en-U l S M

r inadequate, if the new Ambassa-

itered Harvard, where he was given his.d o r i s t o

maintain a social position corre-

LU B. degree in 1874. Art interested spending to that of repre sentatives of

h im , however , and he" went to Fa ris .jot h


*r e a t


where he studied under Boulanger and!Mr

-a n d M r

»- Gerard will leave on

Lefebvre. Practically all his work has|bo

*rd_ the Amerika, for Ne w York, Au-

been done in Paris, where he maintained;8ust


_ TH E BRlT/ lNNlrV run Ge*MANiA « " « • * • • « . < • € * *v w » r r s _

>-^-#-#~i$>~^-'^"#-4>-4>-^-<SH&- <^-'



flax IN, Monday.

Province of Klanj

along the line af l

oa Thursday and

government trooi

-The rebel forces In the

•al were driven back all

;r a seriou s engagem ent

riday with th* Northern

who captured a strongposition, mainly though their super ior gun

aery.The rebels had been reinforced by de

tachments of revolutionists from the Provisoes of Kwang-tbng. Hu- nan and Ngan-awd and numbered 25,000 men.

They retreated toward the South.



L O K D O . V . iTuesdjay.-»A despatch to the

Time? from Shanjghal says that the nego

tiations on the par* of th « government

forces for the surrender of the rebels have

•sen dropped andj that 'sharp flgbUng ap

pears to be inevi tableThe altua-tion tip the ri ver, It adds, Is

SVremely confusing.Apparently the government troops con-

tmi the railway! practically to P u-kow,wast of Nan king, a nd the rebel s are tend-S* to drift down Country betwee n Nan kingasd thln-Ktang.

While the government has the whip, theawrespondent concludes, there la no pros-•att of an early deaaation of all hosti lities.



o nda y -1R A N G H A I . Me -Shots ware ex-

a\&oged to-day

ambers and th a

:setween the government

Wu-Sung forts, held by

«aa rebels, but Vith oat resul t. The ne -

loUations for the surrend er of the f orts

llHa proved futile and a stiff fight is

Wohajba there w hen Admiral Tseng has

••Sal the Shanghai district of rebels.

<a Kin g George' s veteran" cutter the Britann ia won the Satanita Cup at Cowes. Other yach ts taki ng part ^

<i in the reg atta were the new Margha rita, the Kaiser 's Meteor and the Germania. . 4

* <*>

g> » m i l l , | i . • I j , l | l l l | i i i I

sumed the completion of what it is to bear

for the next few days.

The American element is not so well

represented formally, but the Stars and

Stripes was flown from the North Star,

owned by Mr. Cornelius Yandertnlt, who,

with Mrs. Vanderbil t, dined withi the Kin g

and Queen aboard the Victoria and Albert

at night.

The Britannia, which had not raced at

Victory of the Latter Taken as

an Omen in the Great

Cu p Race.



Mr. and Mrs. Corneli us Vanderbilt

Dine with King and Queen

Aboard Yacht



H E R A L D BUREAU. 1N o . 1 30 F L EE T S T R EE T, 1

London. Tuesday. I

The Kin gs yacht, the Britannia, scored

an easy victory in the handicap for cut

t er s , yawls and ketches exceeding seventy-

five tons at Cowes yesterday.

The old cutter, despite her clipped wings,

led all the way and her success was ex

tremely popular, as she won the Satanita

C u p , presented bjr Sir Maurice Fita-


The King and Queen and Princess Mary

a nd Princ e Afbert were a bo a rd Mr. 1 . ^ r _ ft ,.,.n , ^ w: l h ;„

Cecil Whttake r's Marghari ta, whi ch also, j cratch boat in her race. The «ther com-

triumphed over tfce German Emperor's j pe titors were the yawl Wendur snd the

Meteor and Dr, Krupp von Bohlen und! ketches lul nar and Cariad. l?he royal

Halbach's Germani a. cutter was first away on the tlirty- nine

This victory was much welcomed by the mile course and soon established a strong

Englis h contingent as proof of the d&Ueadj She won easily.

signer's'1 abilities and an earnest of w i n The Margharita was designei by Mr.

England is prepared to do in other infer -jC. E. Ni cholson, of Cos port, trho is to

national contests , j , !build the challenger for the America's

Cowe s Roads i)s no * crowded with; Cup. Prince Henry of Prussia was on

yachts, whil e Cow^a itself finally has as-]board the Meteor .

a home. He was twice marru-d. his first

wife being Miss Henrietta A. Richard

son. He married Mies Cecil Jay in Eng

land in 1905.

Few American artists have received

more generous recognition in their nativt

land than Mr. Hit<h<o»k. Works from

his studio may be found in almost everj

art gallery of importance in this country.

He was awarded the pold medal at the

Paris Exposition in 18S9. Among his best

known works are:—

'Toilers of the Sea." which is in the im-

Tbey will return to Berlin in September.



Mrs. Sarah Bennett, Widow of Mich

igan Man, Succumbs to In

ternal Troubles.

The accused, Lieutenants Til Ian. Hlnat

Hose and iJehleuder. together with Chief

Clerk PfeLf|sr and thw iwo non-commis

sioned officers, are accused of accepting

bribes from a representative of the Krupp

armament concern for disclosing details

of the tenders for contracts vent in by

competitors. I

The affair caused a sensati on when the

disclosures bf corruption were made tn

the Imperial Parliament recently by D*.

Karl Liebknjtcht, the socialist Deputy.

The Prosecuting Attorney to-day, in

speaking forf the condemnation of the ac

cused, demanded that they should be sen

tenced to terms ranging from three months

to a year, thus confirming the earlier im

pression thajt their offences were not re

garded as particularly serious. He pro

posed that tie most severe sentence should

be passed otj Pfeiffer , whose opp ortunities

to betray information h»d been -greatest.

He suggested nine months' Imprisonment

for Lieutenants Tlllan. Schleuder and

Htnst, while Lieutenant Hoge, who had

not accepted a bribe, should, he thought

be condemned to three months' confine-

fortress, but should retain hi

in the army, which the others

The two non-commissioned

ment in a


would lose.



R F . B I . I X , Mondav.—Mrs. Sarah Bennett,

perinl collection u\ \ i- ,;n•» ; "The I^rk/" the widow of Mr. Alonr.o Bennett, of Ja ck- } o f f l c e r " a e ^ rv *d. he said.

son. Mich., for nine years a resident of

Berlin, died Sunday from internal


ip the Art Gallery in St. Louis; "Calypso,"

in the Herron Art Institute, Indianapo

l i s ; "Tulips and Hyacinths," in the Mu

nicipal Gallery at Alkmaar. Holland;

*Tulip Seller. " in the Art .Institute, Chi

cago, and "Spring Moon," in Telfair

Academy, Savannah, Ga.

He is represented in the National Gal

lery, liOndoon: the Munich and Dresden

galleries, in Germany : he exhibited at the

Louvre in 1900, and other exhibitions of

importance have hung his canvases. He

is an associate of the National Academy,

a member of the Paris Society of Amer

ican Painters, and in 1903 was decorated

by the Emperor of Austria with the

ranz Joseph Order of Austria.




Mr. John Burns Sees the Menace of

He r Increasing Entry Into

Business Life.

* I



H E R A L D BUREAU,N o . 1 30 F L E E T E S TR EB T

London, Tsetdsy.,

The present high mortality in London,

Mr. John Burns, President of the Local

Government Board, declared yesterday, is

duo to the fact that women increasi ngly

are entering into all phases of commerce

and industry and official and administra

tive life. :,

"They themselves must realise, -

(H I Too Scarce,Says Coal Man

i m O m m m L i w i y u r n i n i i mu m | *

Mr. D. A. Thomas Therefore Wonders

How Coal Will Be Superseded

as a Fuel.

t EET . l

ay. J



j HERALDBUREAU;N o . 1 30 F L E E T S T R EE T ,

London. Tuesday,

"Oil will not take the place of coal in

this or the next I generation," said Mr.

D. A. Thomas, a Welsh coal mine owner

who recently returned from Africa.

"The total quantity of oil available for

fuel purposes in |the world to-day," he

declared yesterday^ "is less than two per

cent of the total c4al production. How is

two per cent going to take the place of

i-nghai <


I HERALD BtraBAtr, V. N o. 1 502 H S TBB ET , N . W ; \

W A S H I N G T O N , D. C. M onday . J

**a Legation alt Peki n to-day reported

** the State Departme nt that tha Par -ll*

n*eatary Committee of t he Kuo-Min

T*ag, or nationajliat party, yesterday de-e**-r*d itself oppcaed to the rebelli on, and

the principal leaders of

as reported In a special

**w» despatch to th e HERALD. This •©-

"•a *as taken In compliance with anw«*r containlned In tha recent proclama-

J j of Yuan Shili-k*i . It ts roported tha t

•se reoeit are Jn urgent n eed of funds.

WPelkd five of

*•* hwarrection.



kwnow, Mond ay-Tw o British aub-

•*rtnes which #er e engage d In tha re-

Va l va l mandauvre. ara mlaain*- axid

"«*t>yere have been aant out fro m the

*^ th naval atatlon. in Scotland, to

*••** for tham.

« ? * • * Admiralty It ta thought that tha

nj y* °* tha submarines to report isl i y y due to their commanders' Igno-

J*^ < tha fact that tha naval manoeu vres

• to and unexpectedly on S a tux day.

i •

•that as far as their offspring is con-1 n e h u n dr e d pg, Lgtffi

cerned this fact is attended with consid

erable disadvantage to the community

and to the race as a whole.*' MR. J. R. V. GILLIOT


Resident of Pomfret, Conn.,

Stricken with He^art Disease

While Abroad.





I f o . 13 0 F L E E T S T R EB T, 1

L O N D O N . Monday. J

The death occurred in London Satur-

U T H E R A L D S T O R Y* IOfficial Announcement Is Made of

C|oming Marriage of L ady Sack-

ville-West's Daughter.«




» No. 130 FLEET S TREET, 1

London, Tuesday, J

The engagement of Hon. Victaria Sack-

ville-West, known as "Kidlet,"I the only

child of Lord and Lady SackvillfJvVest, to

Mr. Harold Nicolson, third sail of Sir

Arthur Nicholson, Permanent Under Sec-

retaiy of Foreign Affairs, which was an-

nounced i» a special cable despatch to the

I I F . B A L D some weeks ago, was officially

confirmed yesterday.




Johns Hopkins Physician Takes an

English i Girl as His








H E R A L D BUREAU.N o . 1 10 F L EE T S T RE ET , r

London. Tuesday. J

Signer Cervaaco. ImSm ^ ^

achieved a world's record yesterday by

flying from Milan to Venice with thre e!

passengers in a monoplane.



- . . » n u v A T C H T O T H E H E R A LD V I A C O M-I 8


H E R A L D BUREAU.N o 130 F LE ET S TR EE T, 1 i

L O N D O N , Monday. J

Mr Andr ew Buchanan McCreer. of San

Francis co, who died on March -1 . aged

e ig hty- four ye ar s. J f ^ ^ J J ^ ^ j |

l^\r*?vnUkin**™ valued .t Antwerp Chamber of Commerce, in a Manifesto, Calls At





N o . 4 9 A V EX I' E D E L 'O PE RA , }

Paris, Tuesday. J

For the convenance of American tour

ists the European'edition of the HERALU

has established a bureau to which persons

travelling on the Continent can nave their

mail addressed, to be kept until convenient

for them to claim or to be forwarded to

wherever they are. A list of such mail or

cablegrams will be published each day in

ihe European edition.

The following Americans called at the

?aris office of the HERALD yesterday and

inscribed their names on the tourists' reg

ister :—

Fitzgibbon, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S.,

New York.

Gattle, Mr. and Mrs. E. O.. New York.

Kennedy, Mr. Edward A., New York.

King, Mr. Goodman, St. Louis.

Lamont, Mr. John W., Brooklyn.

Lamont, Mis^ M. S., Brooklyn.

Lamont, Mrs. J. S., Brooklyn.

O'Brien. Mr. John I., Brooklyn.

Oppenbeim, Mrs. Sam, New Yor%.

Polley, Mr. Harvey C, New York.

Rosenberg, Mrs. Henry, New York.

Siegel, Mr. Harold, New York.

Spektorsky, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph, New


Young, Miss Bessie B., New York.

Peace Delegates at Bucharest Decide

on Scheme to Aid the Plen

ipotentia r ie s .

B U C H A R E S T , Monday.«-A three days* ex

tension of the armistice between the Bal

kan States was agreed to to-day by the

peace delegates of Roumanla, Servla,

Greece, Montenegro and Bulgaria. This

action was taken to enable the plenipoten

tiaries to endeavor to reconcile the differ

ences and claims of the States.

Mr. Majoresco, the Roumanian Premier

and permanent president of the confer

ence, in proposing: the three days' exten

sion of the armistice said no further pro

longation would be asked and that, there

fore, the labors of the conference must be

completed on Friday.

It is understood that Roumania is deter

mined that the peace preliminaries shall

be signed on Friday and that the unset

tled points, such as the ownership of Istip,

Kotschana, Radovishtah and Strumitza

shall be submitted to the decision of the

Powers. It is believed Greece will retain

Ka valla.

months' Imprisonment, respectively.

The prosecutor mentioned during hia

speech that Max Brandt, Krupp's agent

in Berlin, had had relations with foreign

military attaches. He had earlier in th

trial stated that there was no question

of espionage in the usual unpatriotic

sense of the word, but rather of unfair

business practice on the part of Krupps in

order toj le|r n the prices of thei r com

petitors when they found themselves los

ing businesa. The exact nature of Brandt'a

relations with the foreign military at

taches, howiever, was not disclosed.

The prosecutor sharply censured Kruppfor their practices, declaring that whenthey let Brandt loose with an annual entertainment fund of $»75 on his formercomrades in the non-commissioned ranksthere could not have been the slightestdoubt as to what the result would be.

N E W B O N A N Z A R T E D .

London9s Tango

Craze Laid toan American

* —

Writer Also Discovers Why the Much

Discussed Dance Necessarily

Is One of Contact.

A N T W E R P , Monday.—A gold field of ex

ceptional richness has been discovered in

the southern part of the province of Ka

tanga, in the Belgian Congo, according to

despatches received here privately from

Kllsabethvinje. the capital of the district.

Some of the] samples are declared to yield

an ounce ofW

gold to the ton.


I»M \K. \ I PKiiK.

K l *

S w i f t A ( o m pa n. *' « S a l es o f F r es h B e et

to N >w T o r s Hir f «r t h p «« ( >k <-IIII1OK Saturday,August -* nve^sgt' i l l2.V i f fnio p»-r

I: I u i M ' i ; .




[ S P E C I A L T O T H E H E RA L D. ]


N o . 13 0 F L EE T S T R EE T, 1

L O N D O N , Monday, i

Filson Young, writing of the tango

said that monkeys which had been infected with cholera had been perfectly cured

by inoculaUon with the serum.



H E R A L D BUREAU. 1N o . 1 30 F LE ET S TR EE T, 1

L O N D O N , Monday. J,

Dr,. Edward' A. Park, of John s Hopki ns

da y o f Mr. J o hn R. V. G i l lio t , o f Pom-1 T ^ ^ t y , Ba l timo re , wa s ma rried a t S A Y S O X Y G E N H A S

fret, Conn. He was a brother of Mra .; gt C u t^ ^ g Church, Philbepch Gar-

George Naylor and Mrs. Morton. I>eath d e n s ^ London, U s t Saturday, to Miss

was caused by heart failure at the age .\?nes. only child of the late Mr. A.

of sixty-three. i • (Raw^inson Sevan , of London.

in the Saturday Review, after discovering

that "tango" is "I teuch," In Latin, and

that therefore the much discussed dance

P A R I S , Monday.—Dr. Pierre Roux, dl- necessarily is one of contact, adds:—

rector of the Pasteur Institute, announced "Where the shepherd le ads the sh eep

before the Academy of Sciences to-day his I will follow. The shepherd In this case has

discovery of an anU-eholera serum. He j been of American origin, and the Ameri

can lady in London who is the chief insti

gator of these revels is a shepherdess of

AMERICAN L IF T V AX 8 f or H Jo »l u« b u UH M 4f u r a i t u r * . f o Vl s n o f u t Un d . B O WL I NG ( i HE T N

STOKA4r». foitfign;B § VAX C O . . l fr R r o« i l« «, v . N > » Y o rk .


* » • «









Dli i' lendf, Mwii i; ,, - i ' . 1.

Ar eat a Want ed.A III I I * ' I l i r - l i t » . |. •

AutooioMlea .„Automobi l e -AW-««»orU>g . %. ,

Board a n i l l a d s i n g W a n te dBoarders .Wanr<ndBoots am! StMjf*

Bu*in*'*» Oppoftunlrle*

Businecg P l u s es W a n te dBinritHtia KperlalfI iothinjj i

Do.Cosstwiae KtesaiBbip*.fbnimfpi-ial Eiu|>ki f ii*cat Bureau*.Country Board.

» * • ". . . .. . . .

Belgium Called On To Be

no mean abilit;. One by one English lead

ers of society have surrendered their

place to Her formidable ener gy and daring

Dry Uoodi, a*.Do.Do.

D w e l l i n g ; H « u* e » t o I e t F u r ui » l wdsnd I 'u f ur nU lf < . .

Employment Bureatta.E u r o p e. . . . . . ] . • • - . . ( ' .EzeuraioosF:nan<-lai.

Do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » , . .Plata and Apsjrtmenta t* I>et—Tsr-aiahed L

Furniaaed A p ar t ni f nt * t o I -e i • t n -farslaaiA

Do.Flats and Apairtmesta Wasted.,go; Sa<Fuvnifb'-d K<*n « (o \* 'FurninSed Booms WastedForaitnre

Do.Help Wasted—Feswlei

Do.Help Wanted—Male*. . . . . . . . . . .

" C U R E D I N S A N I T Y j lr re ve re nc e,

"There are, of course, always the quiet-

P A R I S , Monday.—The chief physician o fe ra nd more refined American women who

the Villejulf inaane asylum announces have no love for these extravagances, and I Horace, oarrtas**, k<

H o t e l * a nd B ^ fi a u rs a i. . . .

I s a t r o r t l o s , C e l l ef e * , K cS o ol * . a -

Daat a n d F on S d

M A ^ Q I O*" y • - * * i • # • • • • * # » * # * * • * * . • • * .

Medfeal J

usel ess to cry 'Noli me ta nger e' when th e; Money to Loan and a anted «acioua in madness resulti ng from physical -heoherdess raises her crook on hiah i B*al JE.Mte.]or mental e xhau sti on. ! _ . . . . . . . _ _ . _ * . : ! * • « ' *"**•< t)sniKsea. (k*.

that injections of oxygen made by him pretend to disapprove of them; but beside

cured in a few days cases of an acute

type of sudden madness. He says he be

lieves the treatment will always be effica-

such energetic initiative ot what avail

is mere disapproval or detachment? It is







1 7




2»IS .



JTX J £ f ' 1 /~\ is _q *!" ... , ; , J What ahe decrees the obedient sheep will I Newspaper*

Ready tor Lanal upemng TWENTY.TWO MWEiis r rar


tention to the Enormous Influence the New Waterway

VVill Exercise, Particularly on Belgian.

Only One Man of the Shift in the

Mine at Time of Accident

U Escapes.

M F W R U N N I N G MA R K [a rso * *- DSSFATCHITO TWS KUSALOVIAcow- fie generally and the Belgian-Am erican !GI-ASCOW, Monday. - Twe nty-1 wo coal

1 1 C" ( MBBCIAL CABLB COMFANT'B STSTKM.1 , 'm m m m r T h» m .„ *v .* miners periahed In the tire yesterday in

trade in particular. The maniftesto says tn e Mavia Valley pit of the Cadder Col

bunny hug, or one-atep, or enraptured at-{ ] --

D I E I N P I T F I R E t e n t io n t C * I> * h o m e y nerro yelling and

rofeaakmal S i t u at i o n * W a n te d

Females , . . . ]

ropoaala . ...L

j[ . r S C I A L D S a P A T C H T O T H S H K R A L 0 V I A COM1 MaaciALCAB^coaiFaNT'saTirrsM.l

H»aAU> Bcasar.Ko ISO FXKKT arasanr, 1

Lo.don. Tnes4ay. J

J Pottaldao n, the Australi an sprinter.


B B U S S F X S , M onday . — T** Antwe r p

Chamber of Commerce has issued a mani-

festo calling''the attention'ot the govwrn-

»)cm and:"the shipping trade, to the eaor**

the Belgian shipping trade sh|gld alter ' JTZJSFT h ei f b o dU > W< r* *-

its rates in time to baffle th« competi- ^ ^ °rn* . „ * ? - ! • fffta"? * te« •**

~ 0 f miners In the pit at the time of the

tion of oth er ports, and tha* immediate fire. A widow lost three of her sons.

The rescuing parties passed through a

Pr. .

Real K*tate at An<tlon..... For


Jfounding at the piano.

'It a baboon cou ld be traine d to play •*»» Estste. Je« Tor* Cit*.

, . m r ••— * \ Sale or to Rent IS

ragti me he wo uld be th e rage of London. - g^i Estate, Oat of the Ct*# Farand people would be asked out to meet Sale or to neat

Tnis is n ot an B ^J e*tate toISscnssnaBeai Eatate wlanted.Sales at Anctlee... ...-• •• ,.

Mtssttesa Wanted—Females

aitasdssa Wasted—Male*

and sit at Sable with him.

exaggeration, but a simple fact."

yesterday lowered the worlds ™ ^ ^ Z ^ wt a* * , tte opening of the Pa ^m e- su re s should be taken to enlarge Ant- sever^ordeal j r t j , to^the jtnUn^ V «

three hundred jarda *

three-quarter stcoads.

,^ m—™ jjMiw.*- . :« » . . . - — ~ - ~ , -y ; - . . T « — -r^p- •—- 'and pois«>noua ftases. Many of them were

three hundred jarda to 1 |^ ^ C w ij U f j ] I e x s ^ m i o u y, , WO rlda t«f -Jw erp a jharbor, docks and sluices. jprought to toe surface unconsoioua.



Lo*mox, Tnesday.—Tha residence of the

late Sir George Newnea at L-ynton, North

Devonshire, was destroyed by Are early

this morning. The poli ce believe the Are

was sat by suf fxagette*.

Sumner Reaorf

To Let for Btadaeat Purposes......Travellers' ««|d« .,Wasted to Pashas* or Rsetaage..Yacbts, sbias,^|tesa*%ests, ax. .. ,







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