new york tribune (new york, ny) 1906-03-18 [p...

FRITI BTEINBACH. WASSILY SAFONOFF. AUBSSANORO BONCI. JEAN QERARDY. LEANDRO CAMPANARI. HEINRICH CONRIED. Violoncellist who will play at Carnegie he will be one of the conductors at the Managing director of the Conned Opera Hall this afternoon. new opera house. Company. Musical. ! MuncaL INSTITUTE OF MUSICAL ART OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Eadatred and luomrpormted FRANK DAMROSCH DIRECTOR 53 Fifth Avenue, corner 12th Street. New York Ercon<t term o>sas Jrnuary 3rd. l>ot. OfTars a thorough muslcsU «due«t:on to i «r» aannos rra4*M trust'-, profaastonal or amateur. tn all branches of tha art. Ths faculty includes GER9TER, GIRAUDET, HENSCHEL. BTOJOWSKf K\RIBEL,, SCHRORDEHint other rreat teachers. Prospectus on ratios '-. lbs MOtsriAS. NEW YORK INSTITUTE OF MUSIC 560 West End Ave. (Corner 87th , \u25a0 THOROUGH MUSICAL EDUCATION PERIOUS BTVDENT. PROFESSIONAL. OR AMATEUR. I*ALL. BRANCHES OF HVSTCAL ART. n*m THJ FIRST RUDIMENT3 TO THE UIOHEST ARTISTIC FINISH. B. B. CLAT. Director. I.EO BRATTN. KKIJX HIH>TI Barlta. Ur*r&tt. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOP. sT l si'lpJ ri^"i NO ?JO BECOMB PROrESSIONALS <-t-»Mtf FOR BEQINNIRB TEACHERS' COVRBB. UNGLAUEg. 8C HOLAKiHIPS. FOP. CATALOGUE APPI.T TJ REGISTRAR ' . . , SIGNOR 6. ALDO RANOEGGER. pianist. rmsgsiasals Instruction te bsginnsrs advanced. rrofMsinnal students. St-ln» ay Hall, or 1M West 103d Kt. Pupils' resldsaca by epaetal arrangement. THREE SONS IN PARLIAMENT. The Rev. sir .J Erasmus PhUippo, th«» aged prebendary of Salisbury, is a Liberal parpon who will have three Rons in t!ie now Parliament. (Lionel Ivor PhUipps headed the poll al South- ampton. Mr. Owen Phlllpps converted a Con- servative majority of twelve Into a Libers ma- jority of 1,04!) In the pftnbr.ik^ borough?, and Mi Wynford Philipps was returned for Pem- brokeshire by a majority .->r 3,280. The three brothers tvill probably he the tallest trio In the House. Mr. Owen Philippe is C feet, 7 Inches high, Colonel Ivor Philipps 6 foet. 4 Inches, and Mr. Wyvford Philipps 6 fe«-t I inches -a total of 19 feet, 2 inches. Tit-Bit*. Giuseppe Ponsi, of No. ZS W<*st &st street, a for- mer grand opera tenor of Milan. Italy, '-xprpsses his ermtifleatlon at the succesa that, la attending his manner of teaching the art of singing The fourth and last recital this season by the atndents of the Maater School of Muate, Brookiyn, Is announced to take place on Mar. b 27. n; »9* re- oltals are given tr» demonstrate to the friends of the pupils the progress they are making. As yet only a limited number of the students are per- mitted to sing solos, but all—the membership num- bers three lrindreU—may take part in the choruses. At a musical given by Mrs. Antonla Sawyer at he r \u25a0tudlo. No. IC9O Broadway, on March ]>, she sang a number of the aonga of Hsilett Gilbert*, accom- panied by the composer, Others who assisted were Mrs Gllbeite, Rachel Daum, Percy Hemu.« May Jsevins Smith, the Severn Trio and Sallle KYotii- Inirham Akers. Miss Florence Mosher recently rendered a pro- gramme of Polish music before the Rosaird Club, at Portland, Me, comprising folk songs and dancej of the regions of <Vackow and Warsaw. Chopin's waltaes, maaurkaa, n<>cturncs and ballads, exam- i the "Dumka." or melancholy songs, and compositions bv I'arteren-skl and Leschetizky. M'ss Moaner is U.okeil to play In Kingatcn, Ontario On Man > \ y., On March :s. lime Lu "n Kornier, No. 138 Fifth avenue, gives a pupil*' ma al next Saturday aftt-rnoon, at 3 o'clock. Sim Grace Ande: son -will »oon slve a Joint re- dtal cii piano anil song -with Miss Harriet Ware at Ardsley Jlall. Aside from h*r elaaoea In piano at her studio. No. 6 West 102d street, Mrs. Anderson is ci>aehtnir several weli known singers. Miss Marparet OoetS gives her "Hlsorlcal Song Reeftalll" at h*r Carnegie Hall studios this season with the tisslstance of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Van Yorx, Dr. Oirl Bl Dufft and Walter L, BOs«rt. 'Ihe programme of early music takes place to-day at t p. ni.: "Modern Songs, " Manh 9, and "Folk SontfH Of Different Nations." April11. '»i sis. v Jj> Becker gave a lecture musical at Ma home. So. 1 West lOith street, on Saturday, on "Imagination," one of a ser,cs of "n.i Baajenttal to afuslcianahlp." Six of his advanced ptaneXorts pupils gave an appropriate programme In Illus- tration, ussl«tp<l by Miss Eranw ttayward, pupif of Benjaml-i MoutHth, lu songs bj P')nch>lll and FYanz. There will siso h* a "cello number and a violin obbllgato. THE WEEKLY CALENDAR.] miisasmsa ov«ra Houae,. B.EO i> . ui. Us" . >UU Studios, <|i m . hlstorreal song re. Ital *.> \u25a0 Mi?* Marsarei <;«etz. \u25a0 P^ » . P'^'f,^ 1 . rital it loeef Lbtvtana: Knabe Haß, , Ms 1 P rr ctracerl ••• chamber nwaio by the L*e \u25a0ekOlS Q-cartei Tuesday Hroe-dway Tabernacle. 4 9 m.. free organ recitsi by W'.ii C. MaeCartana, WediHiwUy-Mer.d«laaohn Hatt. A p m. pJaiuforte recital by Rudr-ipn Oan»; 8:15 P- » for.^e.-> dj Victor Beigel. | Tncr-aay-Ofendelaaohn Hail. 8:l» p. m . •onjj!; I by Mlaa I«Ua O-Ooonor: hal . -jf « ""i" ' \ Irrion, concert of rhamher musio WL^JLS*. run fcuartet; Ca»nrch of the Wvl^ _P- «•"»«>\u25a0 4 v . m. free organ concea by J. Warrn. An- (i-ewa. Association Hall Brooklyn, 131 l>- m.. 1 oncert ol the SangeTbun?. »riaay-« Xmeple Hall. M»f>. m.. elgh-. v -^1»J; ''; ht-nrfa! of the Philharmonic Soc.-o I- ntz conductor; M-neel«*ohn Hal » .U \ anoforte recital by Manfred Malkin. \u25a0atttrdajr-Camasta Hall. 1:1* p. m.. laal canran tor , rbe aeaaoa of :he PJillharmonic 8oo!et> THE OPERA SF.ASON 1903 '>'• Thaaeaaoi ' prar.d opera, which came to an n.d -,a>t nlchi \u25a0was the iweaty-thlrd feason at the Metropolitan Opera House, an'l the third under the iirtr" Of Heinrich Conried. It began on No- vember MBad BaotfeMMai seventeen weeke Tl pi-r- rorma.r.ees wen divided into two classes-, tboae ot 'he r SCSIS sabscnpiion and those outside of the eui>«criptlon The subscription •rformances took, j rlare on Monday. Wtdnewu ai:d Friday evenings j ar.a 6at\:-<:a)- afternoons. They nunibered sixty- | -lght The extra, performs!.: srere of various j kinds. There we:« seventeen on eueeessive Satur- | day ev»r ; !age. a; which the repertory waa practical- ; Yf that of the remoter \u25a0aasnn. though tbe casM were nnx always alike. Then thete were two per- fprmances of the. drama*, -.nakins up Wagner's ""Ring of the Mbetanx"— OM in the afternoon md another in the evening H.irrlfai." kept out of the subscription repertory, i<;.'i given «t fbe re^nlu: s':'oscTipi:in prloaa, had three evening parform- «n<~es ar:d ore !n the ai:»i :.'joii Th^re wtis a npe- . cia; performance devoted to *ti operetta, at which I all the artists of the rompar.> sai.g gratuitously for the relief.! of tlie mauaKing director of tlie Issssas, and a niimt>er of o'Uer performances for U;e benef.t of ohariiab;^ *!!\u25a0! ott.--r Inatitutiona, auch its the Italian EtoepHal, the Preaen H»: i-jety. r.h", 3-etfa.i aid Bo< .e'.y :-.:.'i ti.e 'ieiniaj Preaa 1 <'iub. At those perfonaaiKca the Harvtoea -w»- re i: c\a I •« I'",* bCßefidartea, »!:o were then permitted to | dispose of the tickets, the management receiving u | I rr.p sutii for tbe repre.-«?!jte.i:on and paying the 1 »irt!«ts their bonorana us aaj*i The extra lepre- •T.ta'iotis numbered tblrty-aix, Which, aO'if-d ".u the •iitv-eljh! rf the | th« r'p:lu:i season, made up a total of 10* i>»-iforrr:ances. Tt.e date of the prcxJ^ - time of aa .. ;<>ra aad nuicyr or tini-^ each wjls parfni nmd may be read la :\." lollowing tables .Si ' PS- -\\ I PTION SEASON. JL/ul* of •; , -,„; ";< : »- r.r»- t-errorrnax \u25a0•« ptrt' u ui'wr.o. ~i1 mnim j * -. -..-\u25a0. !+vm ... . :*.+: .it* •£: ' 4 .. November 24 ... .'.'.".. 3 "Htaeat «I4 \u25a0;•-•»\u25a0 N'u-.rr:.t*r 2f. sj "X* Pkrortta Koreabersa ..... 1 L*.'i.f4T .: . Deessaasr 4 ....'.'.'... a i-< J*ls: - - XM .. ,. :!t >,,.r i# .. . . £ Slerrn^ Daesssaer II _"] X* 601 ijf ember is '' a *•• !'.*\u25a0•::.-\u25a0 i>«rn.t«rlB tJOtleraarnxerunj December 23 P»u»"' ..... lanaary t. . "'\u25a0 \u25a0" vi !•\u25a0'!« *:. :«T>- 5 . 8 TT0 **-* ' Ijiuar} e •a A'ii !*jiisr . ;:. "II Tro\»f:«- January I*.. . . 4 "Ijudt dl UaanaMrmooi '»\u25a0: .»t> go Tax->« sal . laiaoary a i-- v.r.n! \u25a0 Jaaoan - -j. PtCHaccr- Jamikr> \u25a0>.} ' •\u25a0« Dl*M*- 1.--*--1 .--*--^ 1 !.. •: - \u25a0 Ar\ 5 iihr.H I ••:..-. •• .....'"' 4 lM "?*ra-. a ' c 13 II Bart>)»'» d ?\u25a0 r ..I"Vbrnarj x; •< <oBm aa :-i* \u25a0 •\u25a0 -, \u25a0nor Psaajaali \u25a0\u25a0'« .- I.I!!. •! '\u0084', * r H*ras "- 1 " aeed la <\-~ii- » uils EXTRA !•CBTOr. Ma N 1;h . TnT.'.ia»»r . KevctcaarSi 2 '— PtaeenssavM \u25a0\u25a0 crabci BO I.U'ta C: 1* r :>.-TtI:O«! '. . I » •\u25a0'LIST '1 .. ,1 HI 2 l><* W»lk'it . : . . w Ua -.•\u25a0".'. . . 1~. »":.t>. : lin Tratiata" \u0084Di . \ » rf'i .. . I \u25a0•\u25a0 sn '..': J0. ..... •» -•»efn»xl Dtwmbtra 2 \ ,d, d . .Dc«evbarSi 3 i|«jir- \u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 . \u25a0 Puss low aa 4 De I »- . - . ismiaiv « 1 r«r»i«»i . Jaeuary 11 4 + 8.-h*TT^ ...It- \u25a0 _" y . . '»:.\u25a0 _\u25a0: 1 tsrae i PVtoruarj :i «\u25a0 '•>:.: 1. _. \u25a0 « \u25a0 '\u25a0'' riia- . i<>. ... .... 1 !•«•\u25a0 c .\u25a0-\u25a0••• . Febnun 13 ', ;• . Hell --• Ma I a.; \u25a0 u were ei.-n m .h« nubscrlptioii si \u25a0 , ind •*-.'.;>• is: the f-\'r.-. nve <i[>er.T» whl h -i it were -.ot liearil si the roguia- >r>..s»' . \u25a0 ,\u25a0 - namely, \u25a0[>> WalltOre." "Das \u25a0 I'.ii ->-:f.ii." "Der Zlgeunerbaron" :i>..i . - " The total number of operas Ln ti.e hi'!:p a*i there - oalj !»•» »iir!:i had not prevt- eard \u25a0" ihe Metropolitan Opera Uouae. , , r^ \u0084f 1 .v^ vv.^, i>^i /:«. \u25a0:,.-rbaru!i." a Oaman r>«!'!;i. .• . v production »:i C"irH«h Mr. . Uteßtifled twenty ;«?> ito at Uia \u25a0 other was "IHnari und QreteU" an \u25a0ttlns ut a Uerman Cairj talc -:\u25a0 llun. j:ii- riXMB <jern.j!.y lo \u25a0upsrvtoe lti prod -.:\u25a0 . f era. a/ere forty-three ItaUafl perfortu tlon rrawn. lavet ty-four <}«-r- liiai-. -*;.i ifi i'ii-. i. 'je patrotia of t».« extra rcpreaentatlons );«-ji.i iwenty-atx Ooiiiiaii ie^r»! itaOan .*\u25a0'\u25a0& «ji.«- rreacb. romMiioii . , .^ r ,. »»r- Bfty-tWO I'alian l>e>f u rnii»jice«, flft> Oartsaa and *neu rrvoch. Tha execaa tf five opera ••. ea 0 af . tr-a BOrahajr of sasatatlons ii ij^t-i,, . iti iici \u25a0' \u25a0 We "Ui» on five occasion u tla bolm , aaaaoß. < if Hit works n.tnt!' i.tfi Ui i l:e prospectus for tin *«9-SMn iKelve were BjoC glvu naively, l-'idello." Ttorneo et Jiillette.' "aviilleria Rliatfpaiia.** "lit, Hug-uei uijs." "H Kla'it.j Maajlea," "I*a N o«xe a najaro** mtwwseetf. ant -withdrawn auas o Mm* Eauwafa lUaoaa), "Manon iy*sca':t" (PaedniJ \).c rerkaufta" 'Smetinai, ' I'n I'sllo i: Masi;)ierfi." " l>*r f^legende Hollander." "Puppea - <r«' rbaftet) and "Coppflia*' <bai!et^. 'i'hr«e artist f-r.rvo-noed in the piospecius took rio part In th. rruir.r+t T:.e..- aret» Stasa. Moieria, nr.o wa i'.t; Mrr># Telxaalni «nd th« premleie danseuft< Vtra#l. !t> tho pros;re.«« of the session t)'» compan- u-a* innrafce'l by iha »i cr.«.m«nt of Miss Resss >»>'« an<l Rignor <amr' > narl The subscribers o laj an4 Saturday hea:d eighteen oper«? thos of Wednesday and Friday seventeen, the difference | being caused by doubla Mils. 'He distribution of the op«ras on the subsorfption nlghta is set foftto 1n tlie following taLie: Mm.iay - Ti Glocwida." -KonlKin v.>n Sj.l>a. ' Lphen- giln,' -"I* K».vorita." 'lm BohUne,'' -Hanaa) un.l QreUl/' "KiKOletto. 1 •T.-.»ra,- "Al<3a.- ' Tnr.n bamer." "Faus*.," •Trovbtore." -Trariatik "Mei»i«t; : singer,' Marfa T"*«asn." \u25a0!>«• Pa«vjuale •nniliert " Wsdnesds,.v---'Kt>nlgln v»n S»ba." ' I*. b^iTcrlta.' 1 liti. sel iinj Gretel?" .-•>icfii*(j.' ••Rlgol^tto, ' L. Ellsir d'Anore." \u25a0 -Faust. ' I* Bohjms " "I-a Soni:a«n- l.ula. Istan un<J IsoMa.' \u25a0'FeflUcel/; ' Don Olc : "Locta." •'ftiiratoreT' "Tannbausai Msi^* .-• CUumb \u25a0 Friday— "WgolettO." "-Hansel und Gr«t«i. " 'IConifin von .-iaba. l«. sonr.ambula,"' \u25a0•OOtt«rdkninierung. ' I.* . Favorlta/ Tristan uoa laoMa." "Fauit.' "II i Travaton." "AMa." ••M«Uterslnger,- 1 ' -; Ur ' a \. U.h.i,Krt' ' -II H»rbl»re, \u25a0 "Tnsca." "Lucia, "<ilnroiiajß " \u25a0atlirday matins*- -Hdnsel aoa Qrelel.V Gtooonda i.'F.lialr il'A.-iiri'. ,i'lKln von S*b«. L* Faverltm." \u25a0\u25a0Lsthmvir luust." "Tr:etan ur.;l rsold*," ""lAn.ia.- -Don QIOA-anaL" "L« Bojj*" I*-..1 *-.. •Metoteralntti." "Jtarta," Alda."" •"PHgiiacci. "Troratore," "Tesca." "II BaiM*re \u25a0\u25a0 of ihe opeias in the icripti l 111 Mouda>'s : subscriber* missed -Slegf.-ieij." I.Kllslr d'Amorc." •La Sonnan:h'ilc. rristim und Inolde." "Doa j Qlovanni." "Kucla dl Laromermoor." "Gdtterdani- i tnei mg" an.l -11 iiarbiere"- -eight In all. Wednes- | day*a Bubacrlbeni were pelled to get along J without "U< Qloconda." •r.oi-.engrin. roeca. \u25a0 '•AMa," "Travlata." "I 1 !* Meistewlnger." "Don j P^sgual*-." "Gfitterdainmeruns" and 'II Baxbtere" | —nine oi*r;is. Fridays \u25a0cribers were denied "La Bobftn \u25a0 I'annhauser." "Travlata." "<"ar- men." "Don Paaauale," "Pagllacci." ifrled, ' "L'Ellsir d'Amore" and "Don Giovanni" -nine operaa, From the Saturday subscribers were wlth- h^id "Rigolftto ' "TennhiilsTW. rravlata." ' Car- men," "Don I'asquale." ' Siegfried." "La Sonnam- buta" and "<>6t!erdflmmeru'ng- ' eight opera*. Of Ibe works which were performed at the extra rep- rraiintal the two operettas "Die FJe.dermaus" and '-Per Zlgt-uneibaron" were not offered to the subscribers. a::<i to this extent their Ee!f-r*-. c pect waa considered; tli»» oilier op-ra* kept for tli»- ex- duslve delt-ctatiun of special subecrlbere and the gei^eral public were "Parsifal " "Das Rheinguld" u:.A "Dl*- Valkure." The record of il.e individual perforn-.atices of the piiucipal gers stands as follows: Mme. bem- brich *uug. tw*»nty-elf;l times and In •!«?\en operme. \iz. "Blcolatto," "Die Fladermauß,' "Lu- L." \u25a0 Kllsir dAiiiore." "Sonnatubula. " "Bohtma," \u25a0•Travlata," "Doa PaaquaJe," "Don Giovanni," "Jtarta" and "il Barblere." lime. Nordtca «jnt -.•»« time*. in seven operaa: "Qiwcunda.' "Lohengrin." "WaJkUre." '-GOtterdammerung-. rrlstan," "Don Giovanni " and "Trovatore": lime Eam.s. thirteen times, in tour operaa: --Touch, " "Faust," "Aida" and "Taiiiihiiusei ' \!i!<s Kr»-!:i^'.uii t.xeiittieii times. In r--;\ i-erao: •Tannhauaer." "WalkUra." "Siegfried." "uheln- g«ild." "Parsifal" and "Carmen." Mm.-. Jiijiiiet. !tiirty-ee\>-ii limes, in iwt-lve iperaa "Qloconda." "Hiirisel und Oretel." •' Lohen- grin " "Walk ."\u25a0 ' Siegfried." "<Jo"«teniamni«- ; ing." "Trovatore." "Trtetan." "Ald:i." "Melster- singer," "Zia%unerbaron" and \u25a0 Uhelngold." .\ii;"» W'.ilK"<\u25a0)•. twenty-one tiines. In sis peras: Konlgiti von S:J<a." "l-i Favorlta," \u25a0WalkUre," Tristan." "Alda" and "Mdita" Mme RappolU, '<-n times, in three operaa: Kunl- gin von Saba," "l-oh<ngrln" and "Zigetinerbaron." \fju> Weed, nineteen linies. In »>lx <jpery<i: Hiu sel unU CJreteL" "Fledermaus." \u25a0\u25a0 rdamrae- runs." "Rheingold." "flleKfrled" ai.<l "Lohengrin." .Jifn Alte.i. forty-two time-, in twelve operaa: "ivunlglnvan Baba." "HSnael tnd GretaU" "CTeder- maus " "\Valk»>.' 'as 01. e of the vulkyrloi I, '\u25a0.-;«\u25a0»- :rieii" lus the voice, of the. foreat bird), I'Jielrirold' end "OOtterdammeruna" '" rt one i,t il.e Klilno daughters). "Tannhauser," "Pagllaccl,* 1 "Meister- sii ger" .n,.l /.;^<;iri(-rbaron." JomelU. fourteen times, in six operaa 'Tannuiiuser." "Favorlta." "Wa!ktin»" ione •\u25a0" the i-alkyrlor), "Sonnambula," "Don Giovanni" and "Faust." Mls.s Beaai* Abbott, f^x time*, in tliree operH!<: "Bohexne." '•Rigoletto" ;.n(i "Canaan." Signor Cnruao, fortj times. In twelve operas: Qioconda," "lUa:oletto," "FaYOrtta." "Ellsir d fimore." "Sonnambula," "Boberae." \u25a0Ki.iist." \u25a0•Toaca," "Aids," "Patrllaccl." "Marta* 1 a::<1 '<'ar- ni''i!." Heir Knote, twenty-live tinnr.-'. in seven "Konlghi von Baba,'' "Tannhauser." "LAbeninia," •\u25a0Si'-g.'.rir-o.- "Gfitterdammerung," "Trovatore" ur.d \u25a0 Melstersinger.' Heir Burgataller, ihirteen tiroes, in seven operaa: Rheingold." "WalkUre." "OOtterdimmerun^," "Trlatan," "Paraifal." ''Tannhauaer" :in^l "Meis- 1 ••! linger." Ml Dlppel. twenty-two time*, in •ix'eci peras : "Piedermaus," Ljucia." "WalkUre." "Qioconda." '\u25a0Travlata.** "Bhetoajold '' "Ixm Pas()uale," "BobCtne," "Parsifal.' "Don Qiovanni," "Alda," Faust," "Zlajeunerbaron," "ll Barblere," •Tlluo- :>-t!o" and "Tos<a." Mr V«!. Hooy. twenty-si* -,:iif-s i-i nine opera.": "K<;r.lKin van Saba." "Tannhauaer." "WalkUre." SleKfrled." "lihinepold. I'rlsiati." Parsifal," "Meisterslnger" and "Lohengrin." Mr. Bias*, thirty-five times, In eleven operas: "Konigin von Piiba." "Tannhauser," "Lohenirin,* 1 "Walkure." -fii^iirfried." ' \u25a0; itterdammeruns;," "RbelneolA," "Trlatan." "Paraifal," 'Mcietertinger" and "Zigjeunerbaron." Mr, <'.:i-!tz. thirty-three timea. In •\u25a0•ti operas: 'Hiinsel und <liet<'l." "Pledermauß." \u25a0 lyoli^nKrin," "Siegfried." "Rhem*old." 'Parsifal," "Tnim- hauner." "Kdnigin von Baba," "Me!<:ter«;injf»'r" and "/.Jijeiiiir rharon " Mi luurnei, thirty-one times, in eleven operaa: Rigoletto." "l.i' -a.' "Boheme," "Lohencrtn," "Paraifal." "Trovatore." "Don Giovanni,"' "Kaust," 'IIBarbiira," "Rheingold" and "<'i.rmfp." I Plancon. twenty-two times, in six operaa: ;,i .i.'ia ' "Favorita," "Sonnambula," "Faust," ' 1 "Aida" ami 'Mart.i " Mi Bcotti, thirty-one times. In eleven operas: "Gloconda." "Rigoletto/" "Favorlta," "Eiiplr rJ'Amore." "Boh*rae," "Fa ut." -Don Paaquale," \u25a0 1 f..s. a." Don Olovannl," "Alda" and Travlata." Mr. I'ytnpaiwri. fifteen times. In six operaa: "Kn- '.\u25a0•!.\u25a0,.\u25a0 "I'i.uM" "AV«i: ." -!'n,v..|ii!v." -I'agllaccl" b:.<l "II Barblere." Theae flames' refer to tha entire list <>r perform- :. Tlie followli:K tabl" sbowa the number of tinea <"')\u25a0. «>r the principal alngera in the '\u25a0i,«nj>aiij- \u25a0ana \u25a0<\u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0< subacriptlon performaneat: V...11 n'edars- Pri - Skiur \u25a0.. \u25a0 \u25a0 | i.». lays <la>». Totals Bcmbrii u ... f. .". rt tt : a. -i S 3 « 14 1 >i>.i-H :i S ••\u25a0 a 11 ' Walker 4 '•* I !• 10 i'imuiuii - ?\u25a0 •' u :. B«m \u25a0• t> * ••> Si a- !»\u25a0> 11 1" i » M Ksata \u25a0'\u25a0 * r * s \ >: - ,"\u25a0 «-.r. O 1 1 1 S Van Hvoy -i 4 4 :< 13 Hesjcesi t> * '\u25a0 i i'J FoUowlag in a atatiaiicaJ recapitulation of all uie aeaaona at ths afetroi Opera [louse since It Kim op» •.• \u25a0: in the fall <<f US3. The aium from ' ;sm i. to IMO-'ti were devoitnl exclusively 10 iier- mu.'i opera: Total rapstaeata Haa*on v\ >ek» tlum Ltearaa. : Ihk-'. M 14 rtl IW4 >i U 6; Vi IIK- ~mt 1:: L2 \t I MM si ir. rtl n i ISH7 \u25a0** m i* 1 •\u25a0(•'» \u25a0«» 17 IS lfcfci^-90 _ 17 'V> u IK*U-VI 17 (IS !7 i im»i m . . la I lt'Ji »:i .. - I UK 'W II «.. 1H 1 I>*4 I*. 1] 2J I UN K^ 1J! 87 \u25a0M , \«*l 87 13 72 24 1W 'H«i !«# >*» 17 ion 37 I 1»>S#!» Ml If, 1 04 BO ! 1900--01 i & S8 I lilf'l OS . II «H -Jt. i i»i "\u25a0 ii (so » v*« \u25a0* m *\u25a0 ±i I WH '«.'• I•, Uf, X(» j IMI II KM II •No op^ra. MugpaJ. ' ETHEL CLERISE—KATE CHAMBERLaTnI I iJiad. B Ac Btaslc, Voice Specialist. London Inpedimeats in sion K or l.»tsons <tiv«n on Interpreiatlon of tl.o I Banjo -Mandolin— (»ultar. Claastca STIDIO. TIIK IM>.l\l.. 645 I.KXIXGTON AVE. 'Phono L'Bs» Flaza Master School of VOCAL. MUSIC 10» Montague St.. Brooklyn. N>w York <ltv Mme. .VLKKI.IA JAKOJEB, Wr* tr*ee •.SSiSted by Vli/roK HKK.KI and \u25a0 I ar're and ICfflolent Corps of Instructor!! TRT R WOODRUFF. Voles Placiug. Breathlnr. Prsparatlon for Conc«rt an.l Ora:&ilo 188 6th Ave . x. v. ' oncerx ANNASCHWARZ ~~ ronc*rr PtaalStS Piano Instruction and Thsorv l/<ischetiiky Method. "" Jl BTUDIO. 116 < ARNF.4.IE HAIX. PAUL SCHWARZ (From Germany) Vorul Instrurtion, Ear Training-, or,, Dreathlna;. Osrnian, rrenoh. Italian ptctton 1 I»IO. 116 CA.RNF.GIK HAIL MME. HER ZQG >\u25a0«.^ee»/ties£ Mmu. rlt.nZ.VvJ » ataetag. tons t'UlMlnr, -orrort lireathlnf. Voice trial fr«». I T"u«mlay and Friday afternoons M>3 (arn«s;ie> Hall. Mondaj- and Thursday. 10 to 12. liciel St. Oaorge, Uro.jklyn. ANTONIA SAWYER VOICE < lI.TI Art of Slhtfinr In All 1 uuk'u.iKO 1890 BROADWAY. COHSER BSD ST. _ nironrno " Piano, Org>n. Harmony. r. nironrnfi Musical omci. fa l/|W\KpKl a Musical Qovter. W nlrijO ill] «4 Bth Av... N.w York. ffs IlllsWliisllW Phons 462 Columbus. __ _ _ _j^ Posltloim for Oryants' and CHOIR CHAS. WADE WALKER W\u25a0\u25a0W \u25a0 \u25a0 10 Carnegie Hall T«l Jj»o Col. "TOM^DANIEL basso. Concert, oratorio. Recital. Lesson* elven In sln«!ng. (Tuosday and Friday* SO East :.\u25a0««» St.. City. VAN YORX, t««, tf KAal ITTH ST.. NBW YOHK. QUSTAV L BECKER. STI I'UJllut H..1 Tua.-tll-I KtuAibSl 1 \v«.«! loua It, anj Ketowaa Hall. MISS NORA MAYNARD GREEN Veeal Teectaor "Tm Ruii*nd. \ r.Tth b'. * Broadway LEOPOLD WINKLER, , PIANO KtHOOI ai EAST l«0TH -1 EL.OCUTIOIM \oli-e cultura for speech. Recitals studio. 138 tth Aw Satunlays ARTMt B JnL XJ SS jEm jLj Hm VOI-JK .TI.TfRE. tUNGINO. rARNEIiIB llAl.i. , MRS. WILLIAM S. NELSON lusirurtlon. Aroonipantst 1 EAST 40TH ST HELEN GAINTLiETTrvVirUAt*IS. Plsno anl light Reading Van Dyk« PtuJlos Miss I'n.tutt CaiTOlL sapilUiO. of No 144 West IfJla attreet, aang an aria froai "Oer Kretsohuta' aiid NevlnS'S "Woodptcker" at a niaal -al Ui Central f'arH Wast rtctnlly. In wMsh Mme. Maiitellt »;,a Mrne Ulclie" took part, among others. TesterOay aflernoon mht> aang three of T A. Hoeck's songs, us well h( i/thers. at a muslcul given In th* F*r>w* riv \u25a0- .- studios, Carnegie Hall. Wlillani C. Carl has pw.i. •\u25a0 1 the >.pening re- cital of iho l/ent»-ri scries in the old Kirsi I'res- byte;-l«n <'hurch. at Fifth avenue and 12th Btr»rt The dates are to announced later. Mme. C. de Rlgaud, voice teacher. No. 26*7 Broad- way, announr.-»n her int^nrion to give a series of pupils' musicals, the first tn takn place on March :l .i "'nrneKle Hall Her junior rlns« will »lnr so- !••• iinii ensenilU' >.-I*-, tion«i and the pupil* of Miss Hrnumann. 'he in;i--^jiHn»«t, HI plaj the piano Mrce. Hervoi Tot pudie gave a reoeyiiou, with muelc. In her Carnegie Hall nrudlo, in honor of her former pupil, Mls» Ellen Bearh Yaw, last Buuflay afternoon: and on \Vednesdu\ afternoon next she •rill Klve a. musical ut which will appear her uu- pils, Mrs. Cater-Karr and Miss Kathleen Kelly nwi/iajiofl. and Mrs H. A. Haskrli. soprano, aaslst- «ci by Jul'.en ra';l Bllts. 'cellUt A piano -ii. d violin recital -was Riven on Wednes- day evening ut the EOeratt* Rooms by the pupils of Professor ¥ Minutolo and of h!s brother, A. Mlnutolo. Thsj programme Included piano solos by Rosenaky. Miss E. Well, Mlas B. Kline, Mi«s B. Wolder. Miss M. Seherb and Master D. Bernstein, violin solos by Ma«t»r Is.. Teltelhauin fMlse N. Kandel. accompanist). Master C Schaerei' 'M.hs at Wllschek. a.-companlst », Miss flllverstelri (Professor I" Mlnutolo. a^companlnti, O. Tobler 'H Jesbera, accompanist), and. at the piano, Han- del's "Hallelujah Chorus, " with six hands by Misses Ettlnger, L. Stark and 1-. l>ewiu. ;ias Tapper, of Boston, the writer and lect- urer on edU'-ational and musical subjects, -will give six 1- \u25a0 ha endowed institute of Musical Art New-York, <>n Monday mornings at 11 o'clock, beginning March IS>. The topic- of the first lecture Will he "Music as a Culture Study," and among era will be "U'lmt the l':bl!c School .N'etrds In MuHio" and "Music as a Municipal Investment.' Another oours- of lectures announced by the In- PtltUte is or. . mi wi;l given by Pro- Morris Loeb, lieslnHlns March 21. at 11 o'clock. 'i.'h«\ be illiiMtruted by experiments and will be eight In nuiubei. STCDIO XOTES. An ordinary conductor d.>es not rely on his liutiui for the obtaining of his effects, but uses Ins lt-ft hand as well, and. in tact, tin whole physical In this hf'ii synPOOIl) >ajiu it ujs m uuint »i.. M. t3af<inoff brought out witli great Insfsteti \u25a0 owe reoognlZM completely thai laikowsky, using his enormous musical powci." tu the utmost, was, In reality, a barbarian, "smitten l>y the Z»lt-O*lst." I'ndersiAndinj: ivil tii" poasibUltiet of ctvUisatlon, in i'.jrt realising them in musl< . TKchalkOWSky, In this mpnony, shows hi? i rror of time and yet his knowledgment (if tha march of time. This Wiis a boin t vnich was brought oiu with emphasis with strength by tnis conductor; ai one time one f*lt what an arttnt wa: T«rhaikowsky, ut an- utber time wnut a barbarian he was; bui one ul- sraya felt what u magnificent <.onduotoi- was M. Safonoff i"oi "o . indeed, v\«- were shown in this *jm- phony ti»e picture ol :i man wim Ipnij-tis without ever smiling, aal whose ..,!'<•: is alwavrt melan- cboly. Mr. Baugban, la "The Dally New?,'" gave It as bis opinion thai the fact that Mr. SafonotT dis- pen—jsj ivi'.h a bai.ii In conductlns; w«> not ;t n,;i' ter of great moment. Tne programme will naturully incTude a sym- phony by Brahms. Th*. conductor has selected the second. In l> major, Other numbers will be ikjwanl IClgais \u25a0•Vai iatlonn un an Original Th*inw\" which the l J l:i!h;irniomo Society plays lor the nrst time; Beethoven's roncerto for pianoforta In B rla', and the third "L<eonore" overture of tne same inio^er. Harold Bauer will »ie the soloist. Mr. WaslU Safoiioff conducted a i.cert of the ]»ndon Bymphony Orchestra on J-Vbruary 21. In view of the fact that he has been engaged to con- dud sJ Hie concerts of tUe Xew-York Phllhar- monio Society during tha ext three years, ii is interestlns tu r*-ad vviiat soi:i<s of the English crH- i'S tho'.ipht of h»s irmance. Tlie prlr.clpal men ga\e him ion^ in<l serious attention. Mr. Vernon Blackburn wrote, imi o'li<»r things, in 'The Pall Mai: (iaz- te": OONCERTS. BYlti Stelnbarh. who !s to mike hi» ilrst appear- ance In this city at rha la^t concert* of tha Pliil- harmonto Society Ihia B«a*on on Friday ojid Sut- urday next at <'arnegie Hall. Is one of the most noted conductor* in Europe, «nd haa thl» year ap- peared as a »tar with local orohMtrM in London. Brussels and Berlin with great «ucc»sa. He comes to New-York from London, where a fortnight a«o he met with an «nthu«iastlo reception from the public at the concerts he conducted. Stelnbach bears a oumbergome title, which «M given to him by the aran.l Duke of Saj^-Melulnjon when he waa In his service so cs to enable bin to amass and command al. the available musical forces In the grand duchy on fentlTal occaalone. lie Is a Qrmnd Ducal General Mus!o Director, and was D:-. von Uiilow's successor aa <:ourt Conductor at lieinlnfen in ISM. There remained until 3903, when he was called to <"ologne as Municipal Con- ductor and lieaJ of ihe Cologne Conservatory of Music. Buco»cd:rf Pranj Wiillner. Ste'.nbach Is a native o* the Duchy of Baden snd was born In ]&f.5. He studied at Lelpsle < rvator\ , and car- rled off the llosart prlzo. Thence be went to Vienna, and as a pupil of Nortebohn laid the fouu- dations for the) special excellence which he Is ex- pected to disclose at the concerts of the Phil- harmonic Society. lie Is not a champion of the modern tendencies In muMc ro much as he la a laaalctet, with peculiarly strong leanings toward Beethoven and Brahms. When ycun£. Bteinbach displayed unmixiakable talent for composition, but soon aba-ndoned creative for Interpretative art. In ISSO he was appointed conductor of the Municipal Theatre at Mayencc. and he held the post until called to Meinlngen to be \on Btilow's successor. It was in this capacity that he laid the foundation of his fame as a conductor of the works of. the c'.ueslcF, and more especially of Brahms. He had made the acquaintance of Brahms some time previ- ously, for it was he who h?td i-*oomm«nded tjtein- bach. The close friendship between tbe great mas- ter and the young conductor continued till the end of Brahma's life. Not a year passed without their meeting. In the Bummer Bteinbach would vialt his friend ut Vienna or at Jschl, and every winter Brahms travelled to Me'.nlng-eii to hear the BOUflt orchestr.i discourse Bach for his special delecta- tion. LOll-> NOKMAN CULLIS ir STfDIO 32 EAST 23RD ST JKAN AM> KDI'AKD l)E RESZIiE HETER SriDEXI> TO nci CAUTIC ? tu«!io. 138 Btt an UcL rAnI lo For vote* r***m. MlN* Bflmil niEl.>l.%N'. Af(OMPAM«. MNIErC.DE RIGAUD EXrEltrF-NCED TEACHEB OF nil. VOICE. Thorour'.' Training Concert i Op*ra. -' «>-»7 LI Jv»a-. nr. 100 CONCERTS— RECITALS—PIANO INSTRUCTION. FLOKKNCK MOBHER. fertiacared by TiiKouoitE LUSCHETISKY in jj«9*. OrtliliIME 73d St., New Tork City SIG. FRANCIS MINUTOLO School fir Piaao, VIoUc and Vor»! Mm;.. ;t!2 i:\sr 132D-ST.. nbw tork. MR. Atiiuir MIMTOI.O, VIOLIN in-tkmtion. ' riiK smm YOKK HCTM -.rinios. IOR East ->th wt . for artl't*. jr •fe.«aors and \u25a0Cod«nt»: bawnttfo] and rmry llnht rooms, with irood MMWlci and liiSU sj!»" MM (\u25a0:«!\u25a1..» fur pnteUc*; Instrumental, vocal or languas«s, hour. d.ij w«rk Uytirr.« or evening: re- rriiiiun roeßß. Kl-gant parioH fcr mu<ioaieß. reteartala. rouslo »ih ol*. »l!h uran.l piano, subway station EDWARD SCHLOEMANN LATB METROPOLITAN GItAND OPEKA CO VOICE (I'LTI'KE. Studios 4. - K tOth 8t -Th* Vallamond." 150 St. M<-hola«-aTp. . ll*th-«») GIACOMO MINKOWSKI Vcl-a Bp*Ct*Hst, late Muplcal Critic u t N T Journal BTUDIO. 81»->^5 CAKNJECUa HALL. WALTER S. YOUNG Vooul Inntructi»n. Voice Production. Pi> tlr Style. IlniertjlT-e. 801 St 802 Oani»|',j Hsl!. I R lIIAASI I* nor S'- Bartholomew's. HllfOrißl 'Pi* Israel LAWoUN t w^auac.^ e GERRIT SMITH, Ornan. Piano. Theurj. studio 10 Ea»t 41at tit . S. T RUSSIAN MUSIC MO>HF.K KBVNK IK Tl KE It ( ir\l,- of national music. Kor terms AMrssa K«> E t;. ~ JANET BULLOCK WILLIAMS Teacher of Slr.cinf. Carnagle h*;:. \v»i. * tat. PROF. L. BALASSONE >w iu— iMtrncu— studio. UM RID urn st CHAS. HERBERT CLARKE, VOCAL INjTHI.-C-l-lON'. CARNKQIE HALL. MRS. E. H. CANFIELD, MARGARFT GOLIZ U R^- VYIRiZIMANOSCHOOI W 3L&^SJ& > JOSEPH ALTMAH SSS-,^&^g»ar4^ J^UJiiTION rreimati,, .\-t tnt.rtalnmem^ h». it*'. Inland St.,di,, 14 W. 1,,i. v tu,r?K<; n",i%£\ EDITH HAINtS N \u25a0 i>«. . ««ch , r '""'"^"MIIILJ nil Carnealo tUll N Y F. READE WINANT. V;::,-, •', MISS EMMA CARROLL B2T m^' ABT. MANDOLIN— HARP g^ggft -****"- 1 - 112 e»rnf|i« Hail ITALIAN -^i:::;:;^^:.i!:x^rK 1 ,;;; ANGELA EDWARDS ;;— ;. i^::;r M^ ITALIAN MCTKRI, O{.»!» r-p« t ,... r^ rUnal finintnt voles DlarlLg «Twf »S! s rVUdI »mm«nl for ' TBEWUMIT ORGAN SCHOOL NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON. ama^tor now cataiogus. M WMT ITTH #T.. *. T. AGNES SUMNER GEER r/«tif"°2?i J*«*<»«r. Elocutionist. Cooo«r-.s 7-jfita I*. cepted. 017 6oventh-»,y« aad 13* ALBERT MiLDENBEHG, btidio 33« A7th-S»t. Entrance. CAn^rarfrg iiatt^ MME. TORPADIE PERRY AVERILL, »aryt<ne. t oneert. Op«r» * a <) Ormtorto. BEWpiTl^ J pp. Holland HduatL ROSE STANGE T «i£ . . - . HTtDiq «7Tf FIJTn ATXXTX. . Vo*ai Instruction, -! . DECCA ... gS^LBB^ MME. ANITA E. ZIEGLER. STUDIO &"£.•«•* Stajja,. ,nclud:=, FREDERICK INTROPIM * iifi i '~ JEDMUND SEVERN ***** **— I Thllf. 13t TV.,t 31th OODEN- CRANE SCHObr OF" OJW LUELLA PHILLIPS Mr* Nosmi Fornifir ff 1 "* 0 t ««*m»« GRACE P. ANDERSON. ARTHUR *J)WARD STAHLSCHMW, Speciallat jn Voic n s*, t a* n NT . FREE VOICE TRIAL two ww *»\u25a0»««» —aa f*,!-. cj. koSgI^IST'Em? HELEN AU|USTA: HAYES, \^ MME. CAMPBELL, to?*?, wuchxh cwejei" e Int-nen- -\u0084-. . eraduai.- Trial fr«» by W SIGHT READING -^ -,; GORWIN PIANO SCHOOL \u25a0Tgas l^ MME. G.OE NAUD JSST'Srt g BESSIE TUDOR/-~*-j^ - MARY FIDELIA BURT. K-T^fe^ MARY E. SCOTT 11 * 01 """" ««*» .- *r.» \u2666 9 *UJ KHT\ MKK..U AUHKK NEW-YOKE DAILY TRIBUNK. SUNDAY. MARCH 18, 1906. *fKMELY MUSICAL COMME?^^ __ Allegro I \jm ** . r? '• w ff \u25a0* . "^" or Mr sir. I W. -%z ' * J KOO Bro»dw»v. oat tfh 9* \ V «*|p OPERA, ORATORIO. SON(i '"• J ' 4#51/ ?»V. i v°tVvd?'Jil: GAll % ' ROVAI IT I W OPEJL4 rOTT.VT 81«- "*M< '***Jw I OM»ON. ENGLAND. - „„{ *^_ >P-^ many European artists of fam». **- -IM HI. INDMKME\T« FOR GOOD VOHT Department for beginners. Apply this w«<tk. ELOCUTION and DRAMATIC ART. By Mr Wiliiam Parry, many T«a* sta«» - is—s mi dirortcr of thH Department for tha Metropolitan Opsra House. vii,\ia Minioii OF MCdIC. 1700 BKQAimAV. COR. 84TH «T.. nett YORK <>

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Page 1: New York Tribune (New York, NY) 1906-03-18 [p 2] · r^\u0084f 1.v^ vv.^, i>^i /:«. \u25a0:,.-rbaru!i." a Oaman

FRITI BTEINBACH. WASSILY SAFONOFF. AUBSSANORO BONCI. JEAN QERARDY. LEANDRO CAMPANARI. HEINRICH CONRIED.Violoncellist who will play at Carnegie he will be one of the conductors at the Managing director of the Conned Opera

Hall this afternoon. new opera house. Company.

Musical. ! MuncaL


Eadatred and luomrpormted


53 Fifth Avenue, corner 12th Street. New YorkErcon<t term o>sas Jrnuary 3rd. l>ot. OfTars a thorough muslcsU «due«t:on to i«r» aannos rra4*M >»trust'-, profaastonal or amateur. tn all branches of tha art.

Ths faculty includes GER9TER, GIRAUDET, HENSCHEL. BTOJOWSKfK\RIBEL,, SCHRORDEHint other rreat teachers. Prospectus on ratios '-. lbs MOtsriAS.

NEW YORK INSTITUTE OF MUSIC560 West End Ave. (Corner 87th ,—





' . —. ,

SIGNOR 6. ALDO RANOEGGER.pianist. rmsgsiasals Instruction te bsginnsrsadvanced. rrofMsinnal students. St-ln» ay Hall, or 1MWest 103d Kt. Pupils' resldsaca by epaetal arrangement.

THREE SONS IN PARLIAMENT.The Rev. sir .J Erasmus PhUippo, th«» aged

prebendary of Salisbury, is a Liberal parponwho willhave three Rons in t!ie now Parliament.(Lionel Ivor PhUipps headed the poll al South-ampton. Mr. Owen Phlllpps converted a Con-servative majority of twelve Into a Libers ma-jority of 1,04!) In the pftnbr.ik^ borough?, andMi Wynford Philipps was returned for Pem-brokeshire by a majority .->r 3,280. The threebrothers tvillprobably he the tallest trio In theHouse. Mr. Owen Philippe is C feet, 7 Incheshigh, Colonel Ivor Philipps 6 foet. 4 Inches, andMr. Wyvford Philipps 6 fe«-t Iinches -a totalof 19 feet, 2 inches.


Giuseppe Ponsi, of No. ZS W<*st &st street, a for-mer grand opera tenor of Milan. Italy, '-xprpsseshis ermtifleatlon at the succesa that, la attending hismanner of teaching the art of singing

The fourth and last recital this season by theatndents of the Maater School of Muate, Brookiyn,Is announced to take place on Mar. b 27. n;»9* re-oltals are given tr» demonstrate to the friends ofthe pupils the progress they are making. Asyet only a limited number of the students are per-mitted to sing solos, but all—the membership num-bers three lrindreU—may take part in the choruses.

At a musical given by Mrs. Antonla Sawyer at her\u25a0tudlo. No. IC9O Broadway, on March ]>, she sanga number of the aonga of Hsilett Gilbert*, accom-panied by the composer, Others who assisted wereMrs Gllbeite, Rachel Daum, Percy Hemu.« MayJsevins Smith, the Severn Trio and Sallle KYotii-Inirham Akers.

Miss Florence Mosher recently rendered a pro-gramme of Polish music before the Rosaird Club,at Portland, Me, comprising folk songs and dancej

of the regions of <Vackow and Warsaw. Chopin'swaltaes, maaurkaa, n<>cturncs and ballads, exam-i the "Dumka." or melancholy songs, andcompositions bv I'arteren-skl and Leschetizky. M'ssMoaner is U.okeil to play In Kingatcn, Ontario OnMan > \ y., On March :s.

lime Lu "n Kornier, No. 138 Fifth avenue, givesa pupil*' ma al next Saturday aftt-rnoon,at 3 o'clock.

Sim Grace Ande: son -will »oon slve a Joint re-dtal cii piano anil song -with Miss Harriet Ware atArdsley Jlall. Aside from h*r elaaoea In piano at

her studio. No. 6 West 102d street, Mrs. Andersonis ci>aehtnir several weli known singers.

Miss Marparet OoetS gives her "Hlsorlcal SongReeftalll" at h*r Carnegie Hall studios this seasonwith the tisslstance of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore VanYorx,Dr. OirlBl Dufft and Walter L, BOs«rt. 'Iheprogramme of early music takes place to-day at tp. ni.: "Modern Songs,

"Manh 9, and "Folk SontfH

Of Different Nations." April11.

'»i sis. v Jj> Becker gave a lecture musical at Mahome. So. 1 West lOith street, on Saturday, on"Imagination," one of a ser,cs of "n.i Baajenttalto afuslcianahlp." Six of his advanced ptaneXortspupils gave an appropriate programme In Illus-tration, ussl«tp<l by Miss Eranw ttayward, pupif ofBenjaml-i MoutHth, lu songs bj P')nch>lll andFYanz.

There will siso h* a "cello number and a violinobbllgato.


miisasmsa ov«ra Houae,. B.EO i>. ui. Us" .

>UU Studios, <|i m . hlstorreal song re. Ital*.> \u25a0

Mi?* Marsarei <;«etz.\u25a0 P^ ». P'^'f,^ 1.

rital it loeef Lbtvtana: Knabe Haß,, Ms1 Prr ctracerl ••• chamber nwaio by the L*e\u25a0ekOlS Q-cartei

Tuesday Hroe-dway Tabernacle. 4 9 m.. free organ

recitsi by W'.ii C. MaeCartana,WediHiwUy-Mer.d«laaohn Hatt. A p m. pJaiuforte

recital by Rudr-ipn Oan»; 8:15 P- » • for.^e.-> dj

Victor Beigel. |

Tncr-aay-Ofendelaaohn Hail. 8:l» p. m . •onjj!;I by Mlaa I«Ua O-Ooonor: hal. -jf « ""i"' \

Irrion, concert of rhamher musio WL^JLS*.run fcuartet; Ca»nrch of the Wvl^_P- • «•"»«>\u25a04 v. m. free organ concea by J. Warrn. An-

(i-ewa. Association Hall Brooklyn, 131 l>- m..1 oncert ol the SangeTbun?.

»riaay-« Xmeple Hall. M»f>. m.. elgh-. v -^1»J; '';ht-nrfa! of the Philharmonic Soc.-o I-ntz

conductor; M-neel«*ohn Hal ».U \anoforte recital by Manfred Malkin.

\u25a0atttrdajr-Camasta Hall. 1:1* p. m.. laal canran tor ,rbe aeaaoa of :he PJillharmonic 8oo!et>


Thaaeaaoi'prar.d opera, which came to an n.d

-,a>t nlchi \u25a0was the iweaty-thlrd feason at the

Metropolitan Opera House, an'l the third under the

iirtr" Of Heinrich Conried. Itbegan on No-

vember MBad BaotfeMMai seventeen weeke Tl pi-r-

rorma.r.ees wen divided into two classes-, tboae ot

'he rSCSIS sabscnpiion and those outside of the

eui>«criptlon The subscription •rformances took, jrlare on Monday. Wtdnewu ai:d Friday evenings jar.a 6at\:-<:a)- afternoons. They nunibered sixty- |-lght The extra, performs!.: srere of various jkinds. There we:« seventeen on eueeessive Satur- |day ev»r ;!age. a; which the repertory waa practical- ;Yf that of the remoter \u25a0aasnn. though tbe casM werennx always alike. Then thete were two per-fprmances of the. drama*, -.nakins up Wagner's

""Ring of the Mbetanx"—OM in the afternoon mdanother in the evening H.irrlfai." kept out of thesubscription repertory, i<;.'i given «t fbe re^nlu:s':'oscTipi:in prloaa, had three evening parform-«n<~es ar:d ore !n the ai:»i :.'joii Th^re wtis a npe- .cia; performance devoted to *tioperetta, at which Iall the artists of the rompar.> sai.g gratuitously

for the relief.! of tlie mauaKing director of tlieIssssas, and a niimt>er of o'Uer performances for U;e

benef.t of ohariiab;^ *!!\u25a0! ott.--r Inatitutiona, auchits the Italian EtoepHal, the Preaen H»: •i-jety. r.h", 3-etfa.i aid Bo< .e'.y :-.:.'i ti.e 'ieiniajPreaa 1

<'iub. At those perfonaaiKca the Harvtoea -w»- re i:c\a I•« I'",* bCßefidartea, »!:o were then permitted to |dispose of the tickets, the management receiving u |I rr.p sutii for tbe repre.-«?!jte.i:on and paying the 1

»irt!«ts their bonorana us aaj*i The extra lepre-•T.ta'iotis numbered tblrty-aix, Which, aO'if-d ".u the•iitv-eljh! rf the |th« r'p:lu:i season, made up atotal of 10* i>»-iforrr:ances. Tt.e date of the prcxJ^

-time of aa .. ;<>ra aad • nuicyr or tini-^ eachwjls parfninmd may be read la :\." lollowingtables


JL/ul* of •;,-,„;";<:»- r.r»- t-errorrnax \u25a0•« ptrt'uui'wr.o. ~i1 mnim j *-. -..-\u25a0. !+vm ... . :**•£:


4.. November 24 ... .'.'.".. 3"Htaeat «I4 \u25a0;•-•»\u25a0 N'u-.rr:.t*r2f. sj"X*Pkrortta Koreabersa ..... 1L*.'i.f4T.: . Deessaasr 4 ....'.'.'... ai-< J*ls:- -

X M.. ,.:!t>,,.r i# ... . £

Slerrn^ Daesssaer II _"]X* 601 ijfember is


a*•• !'.*\u25a0•::.-\u25a0 i>«rn.t«rlBtJOtleraarnxerunj December 23P»u»"' ..... lanaary t.."'\u25a0 \u25a0" vi !•\u25a0'!« *:. :«T>- 5 . 8TT0**-*' Ijiuar} e •aA'ii !*jiisr. ;:."IITro\»f:«- January I*... . 4"Ijudt dl UaanaMrmooi '»\u25a0: .»t> goTax->« sal . laiaoary a•

i-- v.r.n! \u25a0

Jaaoan --j.

PtCHaccr- Jamikr> \u25a0>.}'



Ar\ 5iihr.H I••:..-. •• .....'"' 4lM "?*ra-. '«a'

c 13II Bart>)»'» d ?\u25a0 r • ..I"Vbrnarj x; •<

<oBm aa :-i* \u25a0 •\u25a0 -,\u25a0nor Psaajaali \u25a0\u25a0'« .- I.I!!. •!


*rH*ras "-1" aeed la <\-~ii-» uilsEXTRA !•CBTOr. Ma N • 1;h.

TnT.'.ia»»r . KevctcaarSi 2'— PtaeenssavM \u25a0\u25a0 crabci BOI.U'ta C: 1* r:>.-TtI:O«! '.. I» •\u25a0'LIST '1 .. ,1HI 2l><* W»lk'it . :. . wUa -.•\u25a0".'. . . 1~. »":.t>.: ]«lin Tratiata" \u0084Di . \• » rf'i . . . I\u25a0•\u25a0 sn '..': J0...... •»-•»efn»xl Dtwmbtra 2

\ • ,d, d ..Dc«evbarSi 3i|«jir-\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0. • \u25a0 Puss lowaa 4De I»- . - . ismiaiv « 1r«r»i«»i • . Jaeuary 11 4+ 8.-h*TT^ ...It- \u25a0 _" y• . • . '»:.\u25a0 _\u25a0: 1

tsrae iPVtoruarj :i

«\u25a0 '•>:.: 1. _.\u25a0 « \u25a0 '\u25a0'' riia-. i<>.... .... 1

!•«•\u25a0 c .\u25a0-\u25a0••• . Febnun 13 ',;•. Hell --• Ma •


a.;\u25a0 u were ei.-n m .h« nubscrlptioii


\u25a0 , ind •*-.'.;>• is: the f-\'r.-. nve <i[>er.T» whl h•

-i it were -.ot liearil si the roguia->r>..s»' . \u25a0 ,\u25a0

- namely, \u25a0[>> WalltOre." "Das\u25a0 I'.ii->-:f.ii." "Der Zlgeunerbaron" :i>..i

. - "The total number of operas

Ln ti.e hi'!:p a*i there-oalj !»•» »iir!:ihad not prevt-

• eard \u25a0" ihe Metropolitan Opera Uouae.,,r^ \u0084f 1 .v^ vv.^, i>^i /:«. \u25a0:,.-rbaru!i." a Oamanr>«!'!;i. .• . v production »:i C"irH«h Mr.• . Uteßtifled twenty ;«?> ito at Uia

\u25a0 other was "IHnari und QreteU" an\u25a0ttlns ut a Uerman Cairj talc -:\u25a0 llun.

j:ii- riXMB <jern.j!.y lo \u25a0upsrvtoe ltiprod -.:\u25a0 . f era. a/ere forty-three ItaUafl perfortu

• tlon rrawn. lavet ty-four <}«-r-

liiai-. -*;.i ifi i'ii-.i. 'je patrotia of t».« extrarcpreaentatlons );«-ji.i iwenty-atx Ooiiiiaii ie^r»!

itaOan .*\u25a0'\u25a0& «ji.«- rreacb. romMiioii.,. r̂,. »»r- Bfty-tWO I'alian l>e>furnii»jice«, flft>Oartsaa and *neu rrvoch. Tha execaa tf five opera

••. • ea 0 BOrahajr of sasatatlons iiij^t-i,,• . itiiici \u25a0' •

\u25a0 We "Ui» on five occasionu tla bolm , aaaaoß.

< ifHit works n.tnt!' i.tfiUi il:e prospectus for tin

*«9-SMn iKelve were BjoC glvu naively, •l-'idello."

Ttorneo et Jiillette.' •"aviilleria Rliatfpaiia.** "lit,Hug-uei uijs." "H Kla'it.j Maajlea," "I*a No«xe anajaro** mtwwseetf. ant -withdrawn auas o

Mm* Eauwafa lUaoaa), "Manon iy*sca':t" (PaedniJ• \).c rerkaufta" 'Smetinai, 'I'n I'sllo i:

Masi;)ierfi."" l>*r f^legende Hollander." "Puppea-

<r«' rbaftet) and "Coppflia*' <bai!et^. 'i'hr«e artistf-r.rvo-noed in the piospecius took rio part In th.

rruir.r+t T:.e..- aret» Stasa. Moieria, nr.o wai'.t; Mrr># Telxaalni «nd th« premleie danseuft<

Vtra#l. !t> tho pros;re.«« of the session t)'» compan-u-a* innrafce'l by iha »icr.«.m«nt of Miss Resss>»>'« an<l Rignor <amr'>narl The subscribers o

laj an4 Saturday hea:d eighteen oper«? thos

of Wednesday and Friday seventeen, the difference |

being caused by doubla Mils. 'He distribution of

the op«ras on the subsorfption nlghta is set foftto 1n

tlie following taLie:Mm.iay

-Ti Glocwida." -KonlKin v.>n Sj.l>a.

' Lphen-giln,' -"I* K».vorita." 'lm BohUne,'' -Hanaa) un.l

QreUl/' "KiKOletto.1 •T.-.»ra,- "Al<3a.-'Tnr.n •

bamer." "Faus*.," •Trovbtore." -Trariatik "Mei»i«t;:singer,' Marfa T"*«asn." \u25a0!>«• Pa«vjuale


Wsdnesds,.v---'Kt>nlgln v»n S»ba."'I*.b^iTcrlta.' 1 liti.

sel iinj Gretel?" .-•>icfii*(j.' ••Rlgol^tto,' L. Ellsir

d'Anore." \u25a0 -Faust.'


"I-a Soni:a«n-

l.ula. Istan un<J IsoMa.' \u25a0'FeflUcel/;'Don Olc:

"Locta." •'ftiiratoreT' "TannbausaiMsi^*.-• CUumb \u25a0

Friday— "WgolettO." "-Hansel und Gr«t«i." 'IConifin von

.-iaba. •l«. sonr.ambula,"' \u25a0•OOtt«rdkninierung.


Favorlta/ Tristan uoa laoMa." "Fauit.' "II iTravaton." "AMa." ••M«Uterslnger,- 1


U.h.i,Krt'' -II H»rbl»re, \u25a0 "Tnsca." "Lucia,


\u25a0atlirday matins*- -Hdnsel aoa Qrelel.V L« Gtooondai.'F.lialr il'A.-iiri'. ,i'lKln von S*b«. L*

Faverltm." \u25a0\u25a0Lsthmvir luust." "Tr:etan ur.;lrsold*," ""lAn.ia.- -Don QIOA-anaL" "L« Bojj*"I*-..1*-..•Metoteralntti." "Jtarta," Alda."" •"PHgiiacci.

"Troratore," "Tesca." "IIBaiM*re \u25a0\u25a0

of ihe opeias in the icripti l111 Mouda>'s :

subscriber* missed -Slegf.-ieij." I.Kllslr d'Amorc."

•La Sonnan:h'ilc. rristim und Inolde." "Doa j

Qlovanni." "Kucla dl Laromermoor." "Gdtterdani- itnei mg" an.l -11 iiarbiere"- -eight In all. Wednes- |day*a Bubacrlbeni were pelled to get along Jwithout "U< Qloconda." •r.oi-.engrin. roeca. \u25a0

'•AMa," "Travlata." "I1!* Meistewlnger." "Don jP^sgual*-." "Gfitterdainmeruns" and 'IIBaxbtere" |

—nine oi*r;is. Fridays \u25a0cribers were denied

"La Bobftn \u25a0 I'annhauser." "Travlata." "<"ar-

men." "Don Paaauale," "Pagllacci." ifrled,'

"L'Ellsir d'Amore" and "Don Giovanni" -nineoperaa, From the Saturday subscribers were wlth-h^id "Rigolftto

'"TennhiilsTW. rravlata."


men," "Don I'asquale."'Siegfried." "La Sonnam-

buta" and "<>6t!erdflmmeru'ng- '—eight opera*. Of

Ibe works which were performed at the extra rep-

rraiintal the two operettas "Die FJe.dermaus"and '-Per Zlgt-uneibaron" were not offered to thesubscribers. a::<i to this extent their Ee!f-r*-.cpectwaa considered; tli»» oilier op-ra* kept for tli»- ex-duslve delt-ctatiun of special subecrlbere and thegei^eral public were "Parsifal

""Das Rheinguld"

u:.A "Dl*- Valkure."The record of il.e individual perforn-.atices of the

piiucipal gers stands as follows: Mme. bem-

brich *uug. tw*»nty-elf;l times and In •!«?\en

operme. \iz. "Blcolatto," "Die Fladermauß,' "Lu-• L." \u25a0 Kllsir dAiiiore." "Sonnatubula." "Bohtma,"

\u25a0•Travlata," "Doa PaaquaJe," "Don Giovanni,""Jtarta" and "il Barblere."

lime. Nordtca «jnt• -.•»« time*. in seven

operaa: "Qiwcunda.' "Lohengrin." "WaJkUre."'-GOtterdammerung-. rrlstan," "Don Giovanni


and "Trovatore": lime Eam.s. thirteen times, intour operaa: --Touch,

""Faust," "Aida" and


\!i!<s Kr»-!:i^'.uii t.xeiittieii times. In r--;\ i-erao:•Tannhauaer." "WalkUra." "Siegfried." "uheln-g«ild." "Parsifal" and "Carmen."

Mm.-. Jiijiiiet. !tiirty-ee\>-ii limes, in iwt-lveiperaa "Qloconda." "Hiirisel und Oretel." •' Lohen-grin

""Walk ."\u25a0

' Siegfried." "<Jo"«teniamni«-;ing." "Trovatore." "Trtetan." "Ald:i." "Melster-singer," "Zia%unerbaron" and \u25a0 Uhelngold."

.\ii;"» W'.ilK" <\u25a0)•. twenty-one tiines. In sis peras:Konlgiti von S:J<a." "l-i Favorlta," \u25a0WalkUre,"Tristan." "Alda" and "Mdita"Mme RappolU, '<-n times, in three operaa: Kunl-

gin von Saba," "l-oh<ngrln" and "Zigetinerbaron."\fju> Weed, nineteen linies. In »>lx <jpery<i: Hiu

sel unU CJreteL" "Fledermaus." \u25a0\u25a0 rdamrae-runs." "Rheingold." "flleKfrled" ai.<l "Lohengrin."

.Jifn Alte.i. forty-two time-, in twelve operaa:"ivunlglnvan Baba." "HSnael tnd GretaU" "CTeder-maus

""\Valk»>.' 'as 01.e of the vulkyrloiI, '\u25a0.-;«\u25a0»-

:rieii" lus the voice, of the. foreat bird), I'Jielrirold'end "OOtterdammeruna" '"

rt one i,t il.e Klilnodaughters). "Tannhauser," "Pagllaccl,*1 "Meister-sii ger" .n,.l /.;^<;iri(-rbaron."•

JomelU. fourteen times, in six operaa'Tannuiiuser." "Favorlta." "Wa!ktin»" ione •\u25a0" thei-alkyrlor), "Sonnambula," "Don Giovanni" and"Faust."

Mls.s Beaai* Abbott, f^x time*, in tliree operH!<:

"Bohexne." '•Rigoletto" ;.n(i "Canaan."Signor Cnruao, fortj times. In twelve operas:

Qioconda," "lUa:oletto," "FaYOrtta." "Ellsird fimore." "Sonnambula," "Boberae." \u25a0Ki.iist."\u25a0•Toaca," "Aids," "Patrllaccl." "Marta*1 a::<1 '<'ar-ni''i!."

Heir Knote, twenty-live tinnr.-'. in seven"Konlghi von Baba,'' "Tannhauser." "LAbeninia,"•\u25a0Si'-g.'.rir-o.- "Gfitterdammerung," "Trovatore" ur.d

\u25a0 Melstersinger.'Heir Burgataller, ihirteen tiroes, in seven operaa:

• Rheingold." "WalkUre." "OOtterdimmerun^,""Trlatan," "Paraifal." ''Tannhauaer" :in^l "Meis-1 ••!linger."

Ml Dlppel. twenty-two time*, in •ix'eci peras :"Piedermaus," Ljucia." "WalkUre." "Qioconda."'\u25a0Travlata.** "Bhetoajold

''"Ixm Pas()uale,"

"BobCtne," "Parsifal.' "Don Qiovanni," "Alda,"Faust," "Zlajeunerbaron," "ll Barblere," •Tlluo-

:>-t!o" and "Tos<a."Mr V«!. Hooy. twenty-si* -,:iif-s i-i nine opera.":

"K<;r.lKin van Saba." "Tannhauaer." "WalkUre."SleKfrled." "lihinepold. I'rlsiati." Parsifal,"

"Meisterslnger" and "Lohengrin."Mr. Bias*, thirty-five times, In eleven operas:

"Konigin von Piiba." "Tannhauser," "Lohenirin,*1

"Walkure." -fii^iirfried."'

\u25a0; itterdammeruns;,""RbelneolA," "Trlatan." "Paraifal," 'Mcietertinger"and "Zigjeunerbaron."

Mr, <'.:i-!tz. thirty-three timea. In •\u25a0•ti operas:'Hiinsel und <liet<'l." "Pledermauß." \u25a0 lyoli^nKrin,""Siegfried." "Rhem*old." 'Parsifal," "Tnim-hauner." "Kdnigin von Baba," "Me!<:ter«;injf»'r" and"/.Jijeiiiirrharon "

Mi luurnei, thirty-one times, in eleven operaa:Rigoletto." "l.i'-a.' "Boheme," "Lohencrtn,"

"Paraifal." "Trovatore." "Don Giovanni,"' "Kaust,"'IIBarbiira," "Rheingold" and "<'i.rmfp."

I Plancon. twenty-two times, in six operaa:• ;,i .i.'ia

' "Favorita," "Sonnambula," "Faust,"'

1 "Aida" ami 'Mart.i"

Mi Bcotti, thirty-one times. In eleven operas:"Gloconda." "Rigoletto/" "Favorlta," "Eiiplr

rJ'Amore." "Boh*rae," "Fa ut." -Don Paaquale,"\u25a0 1 f..s. a." Don Olovannl," "Alda" and Travlata."Mr.I'ytnpaiwri. fifteen times. In six operaa: "Kn-

'.\u25a0•!.\u25a0,.\u25a0• "I'i.uM" "AV«i: ." -!'n,v..|ii!v." -I'agllaccl"

b:.<l "IIBarblere."Theae flames' refer to tha entire list <>r perform-

:. • Tlie followli:K tabl" sbowa the number oftinea <"')\u25a0. «>r the principal alngera in the '\u25a0i,«nj>aiij-\u25a0ana \u25a0<\u25a0\u25a0 •\u25a0< subacriptlon performaneat:

V...11 n'edars- Pri-

Skiur\u25a0.. \u25a0 \u25a0|i.». lays <la>». Totals

Bcmbrii u ... f. .". rt tt: a. -i S 3 « 14

1 >i>.i-H :i S ••\u25a0 a 11'Walker 4 '•* I !• 10i'imuiuii

- ?\u25a0 •' u :.B«m \u25a0• t> * ••> Si• a- !»\u25a0> 11 1" i » MKsata \u25a0'\u25a0 * r * s

\ >: -,"\u25a0 «-.r. O 1 1 1 S

Van Hvoy -i 4 4 :< 13Hesjcesi t> *

'\u25a0 i i'J

FoUowlag in a atatiaiicaJ recapitulation of all uieaeaaona at ths afetroi Opera [louse since ItKim op» •.• \u25a0: in the fall <<f US3. The • aium from' ;sm i. to IMO-'ti were devoitnl exclusively 10 iier-mu.'i opera:


Haa*on v\>ek» tlum Ltearaa.:Ihk-'. M 14 rtl H»

IW4 >i U 6; ViIIK-~mt 1:: L2 \t

I MM si ir. rtl ni ISH7 \u25a0** 1« m i*

1•\u25a0(•'» \u25a0«» 17 IS l«lfcfci^-90

_17 'V> u

IK*U-VI 17 (IS !7i im»i m . . la a« a«Ilt'Ji »:i .. • -IUK 'W II «.. 1H1 I>*4 I*. 1] *« 2JIUN K^ 1J! 87 \u25a0M, \«*l 87 13 72 24

1W 'H«i•

!«# >*» 17 ion 37I 1»>S#!» Ml If, 104 BO! 1900--01 i& 8« S8Ililf'l OS . II «H -Jt.i i»i "\u25a0 ii (so »

v*« \u25a0* m *\u25a0 ±iI WH '«.'• I•, Uf, X(»


•No op^ra.


I iJiad. B Ac Btaslc, Voice Specialist.London Inpedimeats in sion K or

l.»tsons <tiv«n on Interpreiatlon of tl.oI Banjo -Mandolin— (»ultar. ClaastcaSTIDIO. TIIK IM>.l\l.. 645 I.KXIXGTON AVE.

'Phono L'Bs» Flaza

Master School ofVOCAL. MUSIC

10» Montague St.. Brooklyn. N>w York <ltvMme. .VLKKI.IAJAKOJEB, Wr* tr*ee•.SSiSted by Vli/roK HKK.KI and \u25a0 Iar're and

ICfflolent Corps of Instructor!!

TRTR WOODRUFF.Voles Placiug. Breathlnr. Prsparatlon for Conc«rtan.l Ora:&ilo 188 6th Ave. x. v.' oncerx


ronc*rr PtaalStS Piano Instruction and Thsorvl/<ischetiiky Method.



PAUL SCHWARZ (From Germany)Vorul Instrurtion, Ear Training-, • or,, Dreathlna;.

Osrnian, rrenoh. Italian ptctton1 I»IO. 116 CA.RNF.GIK HAIL

MME. HER ZQG >\u25a0«.^ee»/ties£Mmu. rlt.nZ.VvJ » ataetag.tons t'UlMlnr, -orrort lireathlnf. Voice trial fr«».

IT"u«mlay and Friday afternoons M>3 (arn«s;ie> Hall.Mondaj- and Thursday. 10 to 12. liciel St. Oaorge, Uro.jklyn.


Art of Slhtfinr In All 1 uuk'u.iKO1890 BROADWAY. COHSER BSD ST._

nironrno" Piano, Org>n. Harmony.

r. nironrnfi Musicalomci.fa l/|W\KpKla Musical Qovter.

W nlrijO ill]«4 Bth Av... N.w York.ffs IlllsWliisllW Phons 462 Columbus.__ _ _

_j^ Posltloim for Oryants' and

CHOIR CHAS. WADE WALKERW\u25a0\u25a0W \u25a0 \u25a0•

10 Carnegie Hall T«l Jj»o Col.

"TOM^DANIEL basso.Concert, oratorio. Recital. Lesson* elven In sln«!ng.

(Tuosday and Friday* SO East :.\u25a0««» St.. City.


QUSTAV L BECKER.STI I'UJllut H..1 Tua.-tll-IKtuAibSl 1 \v«.«! loua It,anj Ketowaa Hall.

MISS NORA MAYNARD GREENVeeal Teectaor "Tm Ruii*nd. \ r.Tth b'. * Broadway


EL.OCUTIOIM \oli-e cultura forspeech. Recitals studio. 138 tth Aw Satunlays


, MRS. WILLIAM S. NELSON• lusirurtlon. Aroonipantst 1 EAST 40TH ST

HELEN GAINTLiETTrvVirUAt*IS.Plsno anl light Reading Van Dyk« PtuJlos

Miss I'n.tutt CaiTOlL sapilUiO. of No 144 WestIfJla attreet, aang an aria froai "Oer Kretsohuta'aiid NevlnS'S "Woodptcker" at a niaal -al Ui Centralf'arH Wast rtctnlly. In wMsh Mme. Maiitellt »;,a

Mrne Ulclie" took part, among others. TesterOayaflernoon mht> aang three of T A. Hoeck's songs,us well h( i/thers. at a muslcul given In th* F*r>w*• riv \u25a0- .- studios, Carnegie Hall.

Wlillani C. Carl has pw.i. •\u25a0 1 the >.pening re-cital of iho l/ent»-ri scries in the old Kirsi I'res-byte;-l«n <'hurch. at Fifth avenue and 12th Btr»rtThe dates are to b« announced later.

Mme. C. de Rlgaud, voice teacher. No. 26*7 Broad-way, announr.-»n her int^nrion to give a series ofpupils' musicals, the first tn takn place on March:l .i "'nrneKle Hall Her junior rlns« will»lnr so-!••• iiniiensenilU' >.-I*-, tion«i and the pupil*of MissHrnumann. 'he in;i--^jiHn»«t, HI plaj the piano

Mrce. Hervoi Tot pudie gave a reoeyiiou, withmuelc. In her Carnegie Hall nrudlo, in honor of herformer pupil, Mls» Ellen Bearh Yaw, last Buuflayafternoon: and on \Vednesdu\ afternoon next she•rill Klve a. musical ut which will appear her uu-pils, Mrs. Cater-Karr and Miss Kathleen Kellynwi/iajiofl.and Mrs H. A. Haskrli. soprano, aaslst-«ci by Jul'.en ra';l Bllts. 'cellUt

A piano -ii.d violin recital -was Riven on Wednes-day evening ut the EOeratt* Rooms by the pupilsof Professor ¥ Minutolo and of h!s brother, A.Mlnutolo. Thsj programme Included piano solos by

Rosenaky. Miss E. Well, Mlas B. Kline,Mi«s B. Wolder. Miss M. Seherb and Master D.Bernstein, violin solos by Ma«t»r Is.. TeltelhauinfMlse N. Kandel. accompanist). Master C Schaerei''M.hs at Wllschek. a.-companlst », Miss flllverstelri(Professor I" Mlnutolo. a^companlnti, O. Tobler'H Jesbera, accompanist), and. at the piano, Han-del's "Hallelujah Chorus,

"with six hands by

Misses Ettlnger, L. Stark and 1-. l>ewiu.

;ias Tapper, of Boston, the writer and lect-urer on edU'-ational and musical subjects, -will givesix 1- \u25a0 ha endowed institute of MusicalArt New-York, <>n Monday mornings at 11 o'clock,beginning March IS>. The topic- of the first lectureWill he "Music as a Culture Study," and among

era willbe "U'lmt the l':bl!c School .N'etrdsIn MuHio" and "Music as a Municipal Investment.'Another oours- of lectures announced by the In-PtltUte is or. . mi wi;l b« given by Pro-

Morris Loeb, lieslnHlns March 21. at 11o'clock. 'i.'h«\ be illiiMtruted by experiments and willbe eight In nuiubei.


An ordinary conductor d.>es not rely on hisliutiui for the obtaining of his effects, but uses Inslt-ft hand as well, and. in tact, tin whole physical

In this hf'ii synPOOIl) >ajiu it ujs m uuint »i..

M. t3af<inoff brought out witli great Insfsteti \u25a0 owereoognlZM completely thai laikowsky, usinghis enormous musical powci." tu the utmost, was, Inreality, a barbarian, "smitten l>y the Z»lt-O*lst."I'ndersiAndinj: ivil tii" poasibUltiet of ctvUisatlon,in i'.jrt realising them in musl< . TKchalkOWSky, Inthis mpnony, shows hi? i rror of time and yethis knowledgment (if tha march of time. ThisWiis a boint vnich was brought oiu with emphasis

with strength by tnis conductor; ai one timeone f*lt what an arttnt wa: T«rhaikowsky, ut an-utber time wnut a barbarian he was; bui one ul-sraya felt what u magnificent <.onduotoi- was M.Safonoff i"oi "o . indeed, v\«- were shown in this *jm-phony ti»e picture ol :i man wim Ipnij-tis withoutever smiling, aal whose ..,!'<•: is alwavrt melan-cboly.

Mr. Baugban, la "The Dally New?,'" gave It asbis opinion thai the fact that Mr. SafonotT dis-pen—jsj ivi'.h a bai.ii In conductlns; w«> not ;t n,;i'

ter of great moment.

Tne programme will naturully incTude a sym-phony by Brahms. Th*. conductor has selectedthe second. In l> major, Other numbers will beikjwanl IClgais \u25a0•Vai iatlonn un an OriginalTh*inw\" which the lJ l:i!h;irniomo Society plays lorthe nrst time; Beethoven's roncerto for pianofortaIn B rla', and the third "L<eonore" overture of tnesame inio^er. Harold Bauer will »ie the soloist.

Mr. WaslU Safoiioff conducted a i.cert of the]»ndon Bymphony Orchestra on J-Vbruary 21. Inview of the fact that he has been engaged to con-dud sJ Hie concerts of tUe Xew-York Phllhar-monio Society during tha ext three years, ii is

interestlns tu r*-ad vviiat soi:i<s of the English crH-i'S tho'.ipht of h»s irmance. Tlie prlr.clpal menga\e him ion^ in<l serious attention. Mr. VernonBlackburn wrote, imi o'li<»r things, in 'ThePall Mai: (iaz- te":

OONCERTS.BYlti Stelnbarh. who !s to mike hi» ilrst appear-

ance In this city at rha la^t concert* of tha Pliil-harmonto Society Ihia B«a*on on Friday ojid Sut-urday next at <'arnegie Hall. Is one of the most

noted conductor* in Europe, «nd haa thl» year ap-

peared as a »tar with local orohMtrM in London.Brussels and Berlin with great «ucc»sa. He comesto New-York from London, where a fortnight a«ohe met with an «nthu«iastlo reception from thepublic at the concerts he conducted.

Stelnbach bears a oumbergome title, which «M

given to him by the aran.l Duke of Saj^-Melulnjon

when he waa In his service so cs to enable binto amass and command al. the available musicalforces In the grand duchy on fentlTal occaalone.lie Is a Qrmnd Ducal General Mus!o Director, andwas D:-. von Uiilow's successor aa <:ourt Conductorat lieinlnfen in ISM. There b« remained until 3903,when he was called to <"ologne as Municipal Con-ductor and lieaJ of ihe Cologne Conservatory ofMusic. Buco»cd:rf Pranj Wiillner. Ste'.nbach Is anative o* the Duchy of Baden snd was born In]&f.5. He studied at Lelpsle < rvator\ , and car-rled off the llosart prlzo. Thence be went toVienna, and as a pupil of Nortebohn laid the fouu-dations for the) special excellence which he Is ex-pected to disclose at the concerts of the Phil-harmonic Society. lie Is not a champion of themodern tendencies In muMc ro much as he la a

laaalctet, with peculiarly strong leanings towardBeethoven and Brahms. When ycun£. Bteinbachdisplayed unmixiakable talent for composition, butsoon aba-ndoned creative for Interpretative art. InISSO he was appointed conductor of the MunicipalTheatre at Mayencc. and he held the post untilcalled to Meinlngen to be \on Btilow's successor.It was in this capacity that he laid the foundationof his fame as a conductor of the works of. thec'.ueslcF, and more especially of Brahms. He hadmade the acquaintance of Brahms some time previ-ously, for it was he who h?td i-*oomm«nded tjtein-

bach. The close friendship between tbe great mas-ter and the young conductor continued till the endof Brahma's life. Not a year passed without theirmeeting. In the Bummer Bteinbach would vialt hisfriend ut Vienna or at Jschl, and every winterBrahms travelled to Me'.nlng-eii to hear the BOUfltorchestr.i discourse Bach for his special delecta-tion.




nci CAUTIC ?tu«!io. 138 Btt anUcL rAnIlo For vote* r***m.MlN*BflmilniEl.>l.%N'. Af(OMPAM«.


Thorour'.' Training Concert iOp*ra. -' «>-»7 LI Jv»a-. nr. 100


TiiKouoitE LUSCHETISKY in jj«9*.

OrtliliIME 73d St., New Tork City

SIG. FRANCIS MINUTOLOSchool fir Piaao, VIoUc and Vor»! Mm;..

;t!2 i:\sr 132D-ST.. nbw tork.MR. Atiiuir MIMTOI.O, VIOLIN in-tkmtion.

'riiK smm YOKK HCTM -.rinios.

IOR East ->th wt. for artl't*. jr •fe.«aors and \u25a0Cod«nt»:bawnttfo] and rmry llnht rooms, with irood MMWlci andliiSU sj!»" MM (\u25a0:«!\u25a1..» fur pnteUc*; Instrumental, vocalor languas«s, hour. d.ij w«rk Uytirr.« or evening: re-rriiiiun roeßß. Kl-gant parioH fcr mu<ioaieß. reteartala.rouslo »ih ol*. »l!h uran.l piano, subway station


-K tOth 8t

-Th* Vallamond." 150 St. M<-hola«-aTp. . ll*th-«»)

GIACOMO MINKOWSKIVcl-a Bp*Ct*Hst, late Muplcal Critic ut N T Journal


WALTER S. YOUNGVooul Inntructi»n. Voice Production.

Pi> tlr Style. IlniertjlT-e. 801 St 802 Oani»|',j Hsl!.

IR lIIAASII*nor S'- Bartholomew's.HllfOrißl 'Pi* IsraelLAWoUN t w^auac.^ e

GERRIT SMITH,Ornan. Piano. Theurj. studio 10 Ea»t 41at tit. S. T


of national music. Kor terms AMrssa K«> E


JANET BULLOCK WILLIAMSTeacher of Slr.cinf. Carnagle h*;:. \v»i. * tat.

PROF. L. BALASSONE>wiu— iMtrncu— studio. UM RID urn st





JOSEPH ALTMAH SSS-,^&^g»ar4^J^UJiiTION rreimati,, .\-t tnt.rtalnmem^ h». it*'.Inland St.,di,, 14 W. 1,,i. v tu,r?K<;n",i%£\EDITH HAINtS N \u25a0 i>«..««ch,r'""'"^"MIIILJ nil Carnealo tUll N Y

F. READE WINANT. V;::,-,•',


-112 e»rnf|i« Hail

ITALIAN -^i:::;:;^^:.i!:x^rK1,;;;

ANGELA EDWARDS ;;—;. i^::;rM^ITALIAN MCTKRI, O{.»!» r-p« t


rUnal finintnt voles DlarlLg «Twf»S!s rVUdI »mm«nl for '


AGNES SUMNER GEERr/«tif"°2?i J*«*<»«r. Elocutionist. Cooo«r-.s 7-jfita I*.cepted. 017 6oventh-»,y« aad 13*


—A7th-S»t. Entrance. CAn^rarfrg iiatt^


»aryt<ne. toneert. Op«r» *a<) Ormtorto.

BEWpiTl^J pp. Holland HduatL

ROSE STANGE T«i£. . -—

. HTtDiq «7Tf FIJTn ATXXTX. .

Vo*ai Instruction, -!.DECCA ...


STUDIO &"£.•«•*Stajja,. ,nclud:=,



IThllf. 13t TV.,t 31th

OODEN- CRANE SCHObr OF" OJWLUELLA PHILLIPSMr*Nosmi Fornifir ff1"*0 t««*m»«


Speciallat jn Voic n s*,t a* n NT.FREE VOICE TRIAL two ww*»\u25a0»««» —aa f*,!-. cj. koSgI^IST'Em?

HELEN AU|USTA:HAYES, \^MME. CAMPBELL, to?*?, wuchxh cwejei"e Int-nen- -\u0084-. . eraduai.- Trial fr«» by W





««*» .- *r.» \u2666 9*UJKHT\ MKK..U AUHKK



__ Allegro

I \jm**. r? '• w ff \u25a0* . "^"

or Mrsir.I W. -%z

' *J KOO Bro»dw»v. oat tfh 9*

\ V «*|p OPERA, ORATORIO. SON(i'"•

J'4#51/ ?»V.iv°tVvd?'Jil: GAll%'ROVAI IT IW OPEJL4 rOTT.VT 81«-

"*M< '***Jw IOM»ON. ENGLAND.-

„„{*^_ >P-^ many European artists of fam».**-

-IM HI. INDMKME\T« FOR GOOD VOHTDepartment for beginners. Apply this w«<tk.

ELOCUTION and DRAMATIC ART. By Mr Wiliiam Parry, many T«a* sta«»-

is—s midirortcr of thH Department for tha Metropolitan Opsra House.vii,\ia Minioii OF MCdIC. 1700 BKQAimAV. COR. 84TH «T.. nett YORK
