new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1920-09-25 [p 9]. · »y. m. c. a. huts in new york. mr. livermore...

At the Mineóla Horse Show Mrs. S. Bryce Wing, on the left, her little d-hugh'ter and Miss Ethel Carhart were among the most frequent visitors at.the horse show, held at Mineóla. Mrs. E. L. Fenno Becomes Bride At Lenox Villa O. E. Trnmure's Daughter Is Married to George K. Liv- ermore Amid Wealth of Palm», Roses and Asters Was Red Cross Worker V _______________________ Bridegroom, Yale Graduate, Served in France as a Captain of Artillery: LENOX, Mas?.. Sept. 24..Mrs. Eliza-, btth Lanier Fenno. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Turnure, was mar¬ ried to George Kirchway Livermore, of Winchester, Mass., at Beaupré, the rills of her parents, this afternoon at 5:30 o'clock. Xo formal invitations were issued and there were no attend¬ ants. The room was deco¬ rated v.ith clematis, tall palms, roses, asters and ether late autumn flowers. The brid»? was given away by her father, and '.he Rev. Latta Griswold, rector of Trinity Church, officiated. The bride wore raspberry'colored chiffon with oíd blue sash and a cham¬ pagne colored hat trimmed with ostrich feathers. , Among the 150 guests were the bride's grandfather. Charles Lanier; Mr. and Mrs. William Averell Harri- man, Dr. and Mrs. Percy R. Turnure,; Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Applcton, Mr. and Mrs. T.adolph H. Kissel jr.. Mr. and Mrä. Roger Wolcott Griswold, Mr. and Mrs. William E. S. Griswold, Mr.! and Mrs. Raymond T. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Delafleld and Mrs. John E. T. Morgan. Also the bridegroom's parents, Mr. and Mrs- Charles) H. Livermore, and brother, Charles H. Livermore jr., of Brooklyn; his brother-in-law and sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bnsworth, of White Plains, N, Y., and sister, Mrs. C. L Btllman, of Winchester, Mass.; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Parsons, Missj Lisa Parsons. John E. Parsons, Mrs. John E. Parsons, the Misses Mary and: Gertrude Parsons, Mrs. Robert "Win- throp, Grenville L. Winthrop. the Misses Emily and Kate Winthrop, Mr. and Mrs., Wiiliam B. Osgood Field,! Miss Isabel Í-. Shotter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hollister Pease, Mr. and Mrs.' Henry Livingston Lee, Mr. and Mrs.! Newbold Morris, Mr. and Mrs. David T. Dana. Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. de Gers- doriT, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Brad- lee jr.. Mr. and Mrs. D. Percy Morgan Ír. Mrs. Edith P. Morgen. Mr. and 1rs. Thomas Shields Clarke, Miss Alma Clarke, Charles John Clarke, Mrs. Kings'and Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Astor Bristed, the Misses M.l Symphorosa and Grace Rristed, Mrs..: John E. Alexandre and Miss Anna R.« Alexandre. I Mrs. Livcrmore's first husband was Allen Blanchard Fenno, organist of Trinity Church and a baritone singer of talent. He died of pneumonia in September, 1918, being survived by two children, besides his wife. She worked for the Red Cross during the war and was with the Victor and Eagle »Y. M. C. A. huts in New York. Mr. Livermore was* graduated from Yale in 1914. He served two years in France, with the rank of captain, in the 167th Artillery of the 26th Division. Many weddings are scheduled for to¬ day, the majority of them taking place in the country. Miss Dorothy Miller, daughter of Mrs. Roswell Miller and the Jate Mr. Miller, who was president of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad, will become the bride of William Harold Stewart, of Webster, Mass., at the home of the bride's mother, in Millbrook, N. Y. Miss Mil¬ ler is a sister^of Roswell Miller,-who married Miss Margaret Carnegie, daughter of the late Andrew Carnegie. The marriage of Miss Fanny T. Bald¬ win, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Clark Baldwin jr., to William Payne Thompson Preston will take place at 3 o'clock this afternoon in St. Mark's Church,' Mount Kisco, N. Y. A special train on the Harlem division of the New York Central Railroad will leave the-Grand Central Terminal'at 1:25 p. m. Mrs. William Fahnestock gave a dance for the bridal party last night at her country place at Katonah. Miss Adelaide Sedgwick and John Munroe will be married to-day at the country home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rich Steers, Port Chester, N. Y. Miss Sedgwick is a daughter of Mrs. Harry Sedgwick. A city wedding to-day is that of Miss Cleo Robertson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Allan Robertson, of this city, to William Kent Dupre jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Kent Dupre, of Portsmouth, Ohio, in the chantry of St. Thomas's Church. The eeremony will be followed by a small reception at the Hotel Plaza. Still another wedding to-day will he that of Miss Frances Ruxton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ruxton. to Will-. iam C. Hepnerheimer jr., at Cairnhill, East Hampton, L. I. Miss Helen Virginia McCutcheon, daughter of Mrs. Frederick Mc¬ Cutcheon, will be married to Lou'is Carreau to-Hay in St. Mark's-in-the- Bouwèrie. The ceremony will be per¬ formed at 4:30 o'clock by the rector, the Rev. William Norman Guthrie. The bride,.who will be given away by her uncle, will be attended by Miss Jessie Ruth Ridge, of Portland,'Me., as maid of honor, and by Miss Katherine Stymctz Lamb and Miss Jane Barklcy, of New York, as bridesmaids. Charles Valentine SneoVîker will servo- a* best man, and Joieph Stanislaus Carreau, Leonard Anderson Sneckner, W. Stir¬ ling Mackintosh and Newell Wells as ushers. Mr. Carreau, who is a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Cyrille Carreau, and his bride will live at 41 Gramercy Park. i Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Harris, of Ir- vington-on-Hurlrcn, are receiving con- granulations on the birth of a daughter! yesterday. Mrs. Harris whs Miss Emily Batbgate Becker. Mrs. Owen J. McWilliams und her daughter, Miss Clara McWilliams, have returned from a trip to the Orient, where they spent the summer, Mrs. John T. Pratt has arrived in town and is at the Hotel Plaza for a short stav. ¡ _ Under the auspices of the Hudson River Garden Club, Leonard Barron will grve a dahlia talk this afternoon for the benefit of Dobbs Ferry Hospital, at the home of Mrs. Walston H. Brown, at Dobbs Ferry. Mr. and Mrs. Robert LefTerts, of East Moriches, L- L, are at the Hotel Van- derbilt for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walker 8d are being congratulated on the birth of a son at their horn», 116 East Sixty-third Street. Mrs. Walker was Miss Eleanor de G. Cuyler. Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. De Gersdorff, will celebrate their silver wedding an- niversary this evening by giving a large dinner at Orchard Hill, their country place in Stockbridge, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. John N, Willy» and their daughter, Virginia* have returned from Europe on the Aquitar.ia, and are now at their home, NorthclifFe, Oyster Bay. Old South Amboy Hotel Burns SOTTTH AMBOY, N. J., Sept. 24. Fire destroyed the old Hotel Ripowan here to-day. The place was built sixty years ago by William Clark, who amassed a fortune during pre-war days. It is believed that a tramp set the place on fire. The loss is estimated at $75,000. ow Labor Labor is torn by conflicting feelings as it prepares to vote in the approaching Presidential election, if we may judge by the papers that claim to speak for it. It is told by Mr. Gompers that Cox is labor's true friend; it is told by Republican leaders that Harding's election will mean prosperity and the "full dinner-pail," and is assured by more radical advisers that Debs or" Christensen is the only true apostle of freedom. Any one who can poll all or even a large part of the labor i<ote would, of course, win hands down, but how the w-orker will vote after all this contrary advice nobody seems to know. No one, at least, is predicting the election of Christensen or Debs, so the choice narrows down to the two journalists from Ohio. An inter¬ esting omission is the absence of any appeal to the workers for this or that candidate to restore the workman's beer. Telegrams sent by THE LITERARY DIGEST to the labor, press, for light on the probable complexion of labor's vote this year, bring replies that give an impression of cross cur¬ rents and confusion. However, at this stage of the campaign it is undoubtedly the only line that the public can get upon the probable attitu de of organized labor in the coming election. The leading article in THE DIGEST this week, September 25th, presents the subject in an interesting and comprehensive form. It will be read with interest by hundreds of thousands of men and women. Other muminating articles in this number of THE DIGEST are: Full Text of the League-of Nations Covenant This Article k Presented at This Time so That the Public May Have in Easily Accessible Form the Text of the Document That Has Been Made the Issue by .the Republican and Democratic Parties "A* Maine Goes".WiU the Country Go? League Verdicts in the Primaries America and Germany as Shipmates The Timber Famine British Labor's Stand for Soviet Russia Troublesome Mesopotamia Greece in Turmoil Woman's Hand in Maine Voice of Canadian Independence To Use Niagara Without Marring It A Medical Defense of Pie Machinery Ousting''Harvest Hands" Labor Doing Better Work EuropeV lus Diagnosed by Anatole France Stephen Foster vs. Franz Schubert "Diplomatic Victories" of the Vatican The Lambeth Plan for Church Reunion America Is Eating More Candy How Obregon Cheated Death and His Enemies . Germany Very Much Alive, While Austria Stagnates Glimpses of Ireland Under British Repression Movie ""Extras" Whose Lives Rival Screen Romance On the Trail of the White. Rhinoceros .Topics of the Day Best of the Current Poetry Many Interesting Illustration», Including Maps and Humorous Cartoons September 25th Number on Sale To-day.'Newsdealers 10 Cents.$4.00 a Year wmm&wx» it CPMtiHM^tf'6* Form» NEW&*s_W Ofe&nry), NEWYOR& A. Anti-Trust Laws DeclarecTto Work Harm to Business «» , Chairman Colver of Trade Commission Would Ena-j ble Concerns Voluntarily! -toSeekGovernmentAdvice _ MAPLEWOOD, N. H., Sept. 24..The National Association of Cotton Manu- j facturera at- the banquet which! brought to a close here to-night its two days' semi-annual meeting lis- tened to addresses by Dr. Charles A. Eaton, of New York, associate editor of Leslie's Weekly, and William B. Colver, chairman of the Federal Trade Commission. Both dwelt on general problems of business, government and taxation. "Business is suffering under a very real hardship," said Mr. Colv*r. "It is this: Laws made to apply to busi-: ness are of necessity innexible, while business changes day by day. What is good for one industry is bad for an-I other. So it is that we have a body of anti-trust laws drawn, to meet certain known business sins, but in the very nature of their drawing so inflexible as to work hardship." He said it would not be wise to re¬ peal the anti-trust laws and that it was impossible for the Federal Trade Commission to make rulings in ad- vanee. "That leaves business in doubt," he went on, "and doubt breeds suspicion and fea-r a_nd despair. Sometimes it breeds defiance of law." . He advocated the principle contained' in a bill introduced in Congress by; Representative Steele. of Pennsylvania, which would enable any concern "about to embark on any course of conduct" to come voluntarily to the government and explain what it wanted to do. This would act as a bar to prosecution for carrying out its plans. Mr. Colver condemned the excess profits tax as "a penalty upon economy, upon conservative capitalization and upon quantity production," and said that while the theory of a graduated income tax was sound, it had its limit, "and that limit has been more than reached." The result, he said, was th»? turning of capital to non-taxable state and municipal bonds, with a consequent "oi^y of public expenditures." Need, for export in the cotton industry was urged by Daniel E. i.Douty and Oscar K. Davis, both of New York. * The foreign exchange situation was discussed by Dr. B. Anderson jr., of New York. ¡Fast Trip for Siisquchanna To Make Spe«edy Turn-Around on Second Trip to Danzig The United States Mail Steamship Company's liner Susquehanna will sail to-morrow on h«*r second voyage to Bremen and Danzig, the free "port of Poland. So great is the demand of- central and southern Europeans for passage to ¡the United States .that the Susque- hanna will make a quick turn-round on her arrival in Danzig, remaining but «aa few days in that port. On her last trip she brought back a full passenger list and her cargo holds were tilled to capacity. When she leaves port on Saturday she will be commanded by Captain Will¬ iam Bevan. While in command of the steamer Almirante, Captain Bevan res¬ cued Mrs. A. G. V^nderbilt and her party from the wrecked steam yacht Warrior. Captain Bevan later was given command Of the yacht. -_..- 1,100 Enrolled at Vassar -,- Record Number of Students In- eludes 315 Freshmen POUGHKEEPSIE, Sept. 24..Vassar College reopened to-day with the larg¬ est, enrollment in his history.1,100 students. Among the newcomers are four young women from France and cne each from Sweden* Russia, Serbia, England, China, Italy, Porto Rico and Chile. There were 315 freshmen, represent¬ ing thirty-seven states of the Union and Hawaii and Canada. New York sent the largest delegation, with Massachu¬ setts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Con¬ necticut, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Mis¬ souri, the District of Columbia and Col¬ orado following in the order named. School exercises will open formally on Monday. » Greenwich Gives Major Bles Big Reception at Lecture GREENWICH, Conn., Sept. 24..Ma- jor Arthur D. Bles of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers and late British Administrator at Cologne, Germany, lectured before a large audience at the Havemeyer Au- ditorium here to-night. Mr. and Mrs. Cosmo Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Thompson Seton and other prominent men and women were patrons and patronesses. Mrs. William G. Rockefeller will give a dance for her niece, Miss Isabel Rockefeller, at the Field Club to-mor¬ row evening. u Inquiry Into Use of Veronal In Place of Litruors Ordered Dr. Royal S. Copeland, Commissioner of Health, said yesterday that he had instructed the Bureau of Foods and Drugs to asoertain for him whether veronal and other sleep-producing drugs were being used instead of liquors. He referred to the reeent death of a woman in the Hotel Seville caused by an overdose of veronal, and said he was anxious to learn whatherits use is be- coming common. Should the investi- gation prove it is, he said that restric¬ tions against its sale probably would be made. Worthy -Chief Sets World Record at Mineóla Fair Thre«e-Y<ea_r-OΫr Make* Mue in 2iQ9^ï Dire«! C. Burnett Smashes Track Mark Worthy Chi<_f, by Nature Chief, es¬ tablished a world's record for three- year-olds on a half-mile track at the Mineóla Fair, Mineóla, L. L. yesterday, making the mile, paced by a seasoned trotter, in 2:09!4. The Mineóla "track record of 2:07^4 was broken by Direct C. Burnett, which made the last of five Heats in 2:06%. Ivy Madison's Myopia won in the horse show as ladies' best saddle horse. Winners in the events follow: Class 34 'combination harness antS sad¬ dle horse).CBarles B. Butler's La La, Lucille. Class 25 (stallion, mar«» or geldtns under 13.1 hands).Miss Cortnn* Poth's Never. Bounc». Class 15 .stallion, mar« or jreldlns, four years old or over, to be shown to waaon). Franklin B. Jordan's Fruithurst. Class 40 iroad hack).Miss Ivy D. Mad-; disons Myopia. Class 3? (horses 15 hands and not ex- cT-rMng 15.2 hands).Miss Clara Peck's Allah. * «lass 55 (children's Jumping contest: penlea to be shown over four Jumps).Mrs. Jamos A. Hewlett's Spinning Jlrfny. Class 22 (stallion, mare or gelding, not exceeding 13.2 hands; to be driven by children)-.Jane Sala Regan's TVUUsbrook Firelari. j Cía?« 38 (ladies' saddle horse ov»r 15 hands; hirrh ladle ."to ride).Miss Ivy D. Maddison's Myopia. Clara 5'! (horses to be shown over the Olympia fonces).The Brighthomea Farm's Sweet Kiss. Cla*s 41 (horses up to 2,000 pounds). Miss ciara Peck's Wtnuina. ("lass fiO («peelal sweepstakes for Jump- er*).Mrs. Thomas Hitchcock's Cavalier. Class 5? (champion class: hunters and Jumpers).Mrs. Thomas Hitchcock s Cava- lier, Class 36 (thoroughbred horses).Bright-i -holm«- Farm's Blue Pearl. Class 45 (champion prize: horses under 15.2 hands).Charlea D. Butler's La La, Lucillo. Class' 44 (champion prize; horses 15 2 hands and over).Miss Ivy D. Maddlson a Myopia, Westchester EJectrical Dealers to Aid Trade Conference*to Increase Business Precede« Shore Dinner at iftye Beach A conference of Westchester elec¬ trical dealers, followed by a shore ¡dinner, was held at Rye Beach last night for the purpose of promoting ¡trade conditions and forming an asso- ciation of electrieal contractors to ¡join the national body of that organi- zation. Following the dinner it was an- nounced that a campaign would be ¡started to educate the public, and deal-.! ers alike in the values to be derived ¡from the use of electrical appliances. ¡Cooperation in this direction will be, asked of smaller dealers in particular,: ¡so that a public demand will warrant; ¡the extension of facilities on the part' of manufacturers. j Statistics quoted by W. F. Creighton Peet, national chairman of the organi- zation; J, P. Ryan, state secretary of the New York State association, and William L. Goodwin, special represen- tative of the General Electric Company and prime mover of the organization, prove that the movement is well on the road to success, and that not. only rre the manufacturer, the jobbed and the dealer benefiting by it, but also the public in general. Big Boardwalk for Coney City Will Pay 65 Per Cent of Cost of $4,000,000 Promenade The Board of Estimate took action yesterday toward the construction of the two-mile boardwalk at Coney Isl- and, which will cost about $4,000,000. The board voted to place 65 per cent of the cost on the city at large and 35 per cent on the local area of assess¬ ment. The prop'jsed walk will be eighty feet wide and have a concrete foun- dation, but the promenade will be of wood. Borough President Riegelmann of Brooklyn asked for $1,900,000 with which to begin work on the boardwalk. The request was sent to the Committee on Finance and Budget for considera- tion and report. Borough President Van Ñame of Richmond protested against the cost of the project being assessed on the city at large, declar¬ ing that Richmoad did not feel it could afford to take up any such bur¬ den. Borough Presidents Connolly of Queens and Brucker of the Bronx mild¬ ly protested against the proposed di¬ vision of the cost, but the resolution was unanimously adopted. -.- Going On To-day - DAT American Unseam of Natural Hlatory; ad- mission free, Metropolitan Museum of Art; admission free. ' Aquarlam: admission free. j Zoological Park; admission frea. Van Cortlandt Park Museum; admission free. Convention of the American Naturopathlo Rociation. Hotel Commodore, ell day. National E_.po_iH!on of Chemical Indus¬ tries, Grand Central Palace, all day. Meeting and luncheon Conference Board of Physicians. Hotel 'Astor. 10 a. m. Dahlia Exhibition of the Horticultural Society of New York. Museum Building, New York Botanical Garden. 2 p. m Lecture at 4 p. m. on "Dahlias and Their Culture," by Dr. M. A. Howe, NIGHT Dinner and dance under the auspices of the Court' Mystical Rose Daughters of Isabella. Hotel Commodore, 7 p. m. Lecture by .Tobn Cow-per Powys on "The <*"ompl«-x Vision: My Own Philosophy of Life," at the Labor Temple. East Fourteenth Street and Second Avenue, 8:30 p. m. Reunion dinner of the Veterans of the 392d Engineers, 77th Dl-vntlon, A. EJ. F Allalres, 143 Bast. Seventeenth Street, 8 p. m. Dance and supper of the Swedish Olympic Society of New Tork, Hotel Astor, 8 p. m. Meeting, of the Ostéopathie Society of New Tork, Hotel Plaza, 8:30 p. m. Ad¬ dresses by Dr. Arthur M. Flack and Dr. J. Oliver Sartwell. aeg. Trait ifcris Imported. Handkerchief Linen "McCutcheon Quality" TÄ71E have just received and placed " ** on sale a new shipment of fine "Imported Handkerchief Linen." The assortment contains twenty-five plain colors. Öf correct weight and finish for Handkerchiefs.Lingerie.Blouses .Dresses, etc. James McCutcheon & Co. Fifth Ave., 34th and 33d Streets. Jeremiah Ï» Andreas, 88, Dies at Brooklyn Home Member of Walker's Expedition That Captured Lower California Had Adventurous Career Jeremiah J. Andrea», eighty-eifht years old, one of the adventure»« of the early fifties in Lower California and Central America, died Thursday of arterio sclerosis at his home, 429 Third j Street, South Brooklyn. Mr. Andreas was born In Stamford, Conn. When eighteen years old he railed around Cape Horn to San Fran- cisco, where he met William Walker, the famous American filibuster. Re joined Walker's expedition of 170 men, who in 1853 captured Lower California, and later followed him with*67 men on an expedition into Nicaragua, where Walker captured Greytown and set himielf up as Governor of the prov- ince. During the Civil War, Mr. ; Andrea? was the American Consul in Greytown. Hr. Andreas came to New York at the close of the Civil War and started an export trade at 17 Battfty Place, ! where, he remained in businlss until! the time of his death. He leaves no near relatives. I Funeral services will be held at noon to-day in the chapel at 763 Carroll Street, Brooklyn. They will be con¬ ducted by the Rev. John W. Van Zan- ten. pastor of the Old First Presby- terian Church. William Powers, Noted as Elephant Trainer, Dies Animal Expert at Hippodrome Had Followed Circus Life Since His Boyhood William Powers, for many year« an elephant trainer at the New York Hip¬ podrome and one of the best known animal men in the country, died last night in Seton Hospital, Spuyten Puyvil, the Bronx, after a lon_ illness. He was si-xty-four years old. Mr. Powers was known as the only trainer who did not use th« hook or inflict pain in teaching his animals. He be_an his career with cireuse» as a boy, and at one time was secretary and treasurer of the Walter L. Main Circus. He later held a similar posi¬ tion with the Cummings Wild WeBt Show. Mr. Powers was a close student of tropical animal«. Mr. Powers went to the Hippodrome in 1905, under Thompson & Dundy. He specialized in training elephants, and reared two of those now at the Hippo-¡ drome. 'About ten years ago Powers saved many lives when a herd of twenty-four elephants in the Hippodrome stamped- ed during a rehearsal and fled through an unguarded door into the street. Two of the four elephants now at the Hippodrome were brought to this coun¬ try from India by Powers'« father. ..-*- JOHN WILLIAM SERGENT John' William Sergent, for many year3 a well-known magician, and for the past three years private secretary to Houdini, the' ^Handcuff King," died yesterday in St. Vincent's Hospital after an operation. He was sixty-seven years old. " j Mr. Sergent was born near Bangor, Maine. He was founder of the Society of American Magicians and was a mem¬ ber of the Beefsteak Club; Mr. Seçgent'shome was at 728 West 181st Street. He is survived by his wife, Bertha Lord. . CHARLES STORRS COLTON Charles Storrs Colton, a retired manufacturing jeweler of 2G_. Clinton Avenue, Newark. N. J., died yesterday, after a short illness, at his home in that city. He had long been associated with his brothers in the firm of Colton & Co., but retired from active business some years ago. Mr. Colton was the son of Demas and Harriet A. Johnson Colton, and was de- scended from Revolutionary atock. His # mother's family waa among the settlors . of Essex County, N. J. Mr. Coito« i survived by his wife and a stater. -.-¦-1-_-. 1 GEORGE F. SALISBURY SARATOGA SPRINGS, N< Y* Sept Supreme CourJ in the 4tb Judicai Supreme Court in the Fourth Judicial District, died to-day at hs home here of pneumonia. Justice -Salisbury, who was fif«f- seven years old, was- a graduate of « Union College, Sehenectady. N. Y^with the claas of 1886. At various time« he had held the posts of District Attorney and «county judge of Saratoga County. Germans Predict Ruin in 'Fantastic Dance of Billions' National Financial Condition " Brings Declaration That Bankruptcy Seems Inevi- «table ; Marks Drop Again '; Special Cable to The Tribune Copyright. 10ÎO. New Tork Tribune y»e. BERLIN, Sept. 24..The newspapers comment in gloomy terms on the de- scription of Germany's appalling finan¬ cial condition as given to the Cabinet yesterday by Dr. Wirth. Ministen of Finance. The general public is^alarm\d at what one of the papers calls.the "fantastic dance of billions" and are asking again whether Germany can ¡ really avert national bankruptcy. As a result of the statement the value of the mark dropped on. the Börse this Afternoon. The newspapers are /skyig whether, in view of the disastrous condition of Germany's finances as thus revealed, government employees will continue to press for the increase in wages they are asking, aggregating $24,000,000 an« ' nually. Liberal and Socialist news- papers like the Berliner Tageblatt and Vorwaerts warn the people that unless drastic financial measures are readily . consented to nothing can save Ger¬ many from plunging down thf financial precipice toward which it is now , heading. The Junker press sharply attacks the Allies, partioularly Great Britain . and France, for the financial chaos which prevails. The Deutsche Tageszeitung, organ of the country landlord interests, says that the Allies must accept the logical consequences of~\ Germany's financial condition. "A debtor who stands' on the edge of bankruptcy," the newspaper adds, "will'merely be ruined if money or reparations are asked from him." » . Mrs. Haven Left $3.017,143 Daughter of Opera Manager's Widow Principal Beneficiary Mrs. Fanny Arnot Haven, widow of George Griswold Haven, who was presi¬ dent and managing director of the Metropolitan Opera and Realty Com¬ pany and director in numerous largo corporations, left an estate valued at $3,017,143. Mrs. Haven died on Septem¬ ber 20, 1919, at her home in Lenox, Mass- in her eighty-fourth year. The transfer tax appraisal of her estate was filed in the Surrogates' Court yes¬ terday. Mrs. Haven had holdings of stocks and bonds amounting to $2,702,704. She owned $100,000 worth of Liberty bonds. The ijiief beneficiary in her will was Mrs. Marian H. Wickes, a daughter, who received $2,419,543. There wer»,, twenty-eight beneficiaries, the servants of the testatrix in her New York and Lenox residences receiving bequests rangir.g from $200 to $10,000 each. Birth, Engagement, Marriage, f>eath and In Metnoriam Notice* may be telephoned to The Trihune *n$ time up t* midnight f«r v**rli*n in the next dsyi's psptr. Tdeph*nc Beekman 3000. '_DEATHS_ I AHBEN8.On September 22, Alfred J., be- loved son of Alfred and Margaret Ahrens Cnee Phllbln). Funeral from his late Vesldence, 69Í West ITSth »t., Sat- urday, September 25, 9:30 a. m.; thence to the Church of the Incarnât lonr where a mass ivill be,said for the repos* of his soul. Relatives and friend» are request- ed to attend. Automobile cortege. BARRAGE.Helena Waple», widow of Richard A. Babbage, on September 24, 1920, at her residence, 244 West 101st' st.. New Tork City, In her 77th year. Funeral private. [ BLISS At New Haven, Conn., on Sept.em- ber 21. Franklin R. Bliss, in bis 94th! year. Funeral from his ¡ate residence, 163 DwiKht st., Saturday, September 25, 9.1 11 a. m, BCNCE.On September 23, Emma France», daughter of the late Jeremiah 8. and Susanna Bur.ce, In her 7Sth vear. Ser*.-- Ices at the Chapel of the líome, 104th st. and Amsterdam ave., Saturday, Sep¬ tember 25, at 11 a. m. CANFÏELD.On Wednesday, September Z2, 1920 Nicholas B. Ganfleld, beloved son of victor, former member of Engine Co., 26«, E. D., N. T., and Mrs. Nicholas J., in his 14th >ear. Funeral from his late residence, 4S27 101st St., Ozone Park. N, T., Saturday, September 25, 9 a. m.; thence to St. Mary's Gate of Heaven Church, whero a .requiem mass will be celebrated. Interment St. John's C»metery. Relatives and friend» in- virod. CHIC HERTO .John E.. at hi» home. Huntington-, N. T. September 23, 1920. Requiem mass St. Patrick's R. C. Church, Huntington, N. T., Saturday, September 2.", 1920. at 10:45 a. m. COLTOV.Entered into rest early Thurs¬ day morning., September 23d. Charles Stcrrs Cotton, husband of K&te Parker Colton, prm of th? ¡ate Demis and Har¬ riet A. Colton and brother of Katherine V. Cn'.tcn. Funeral services at his late residence, _5i Clinton Ave. corner of Hleh st., Newark. N. J . on Monday (.f'emoon. September 27th, at 2:30 o'clock. Interment at the convenience of th« family. CORNELL.Aat Central Valley, ÍT. T.. Sep¬ tember 24, Susan A. Cornell, wife of the la»e David Cornell, aged 90 years. Funeral Sunday, 2 p. m . at her residence. Kind¬ ly omit flc-vers. DEAN.On Thursday, September 22. Man* Dean '(nee Butterly), beloved wife .of the late Jos?ph F. and mother of «Doug¬ las. .Tnrcph. Carroll, Howard. Raymond, Jumes, Virginia. Gertrude Fuchs and Mattle McWade. Funeral from her late residence, 36 8utton pi.. between 58th and 59th »ts.. Saturdav, '.' 30 a.. JTi. thence i-. the Church of S't. John the Evangelist. 65th st. and let ave. InterrnenttCalvary Cepietery. BROMGOOLE. At Mt. Kisco. N. T.. Sep- tember 22, 1920, Frank M. Dromgojole, lr. his 66th year. Funeral from his late residence, Mt. Klsco, N. T., Saturday, September 25, at 3:30 p. m. | FORD.Willlam H., on tVednes«ï»y morn¬ ing. September 22. Funeral Saturday ai 9 o'clock, at St. Paul» Church. Cilntor and Carroll «ts., Brooklyn. Kindly omll flowers. FOX.on {September 2?, Bernard, bel or»«, husband of Mary Fot «nee Magulr«) Funeral from h!» late residence, 46: West 163d st.. _¿a.--rday. 9 a. m. GENTLE.At Plai-.*ie;d. N. 'J.. on Tburs dav. September 23, i»20, Harriet re Vree ¡and Gent.e. wife of the late Rober Ger.tle. of ^liiaheth. N J. Fuoer» service» private at the home of he daughter. Mrs. David C Waring. Whit ridge rd Summit N. J., c-n íeptembe: 25. at 11 a. m. Please emit Ôofvers. R4BDE>'-On Wednesday. September ÎÎ James J. Harden, in his 534 year, bon in 3d Ward. Manhattan. Funeral rton his late residence. 220 Coopor «t., Brook lvn, Saturday, September 25, $:30 a. m Requiem mIM at St. Martin of Tour Church, Weirfleld «t. and Knlekerbocke ave., 9 a. m. Interment Calvary Cera« tery. JERSEY.Qeorr« W,. on September 33. a Hackensack, if. ,L. beloved husband o Louis« Tyler Jerofcy. Funeral sai-vtce at hi» late residence. 176 Paséale st Sunday, at 2:S0. Naw Jeraey paper pleaee copy. ¿rOSErnSON.Eleanor Maria» irlfa t Walter S. Josephson, on September 2! Lying, In «tat« THE FCNBRX CHURCH. Bro»dT«y and «9tn 1 Services at Calvary Chapel. Septemb« 26, at 2 p. m. K£ATI>'0.Ob September 21, Blitabetl beloved ¿»lighter of Kd-ward. »ad I late Mary Ann Ke&tlas (dm Q'Brlea «later at Jofcn J. and the tat« jam« DEATHS Keating. Funeral from her late resi¬ dence, 114 South 3d er.. Brookivn, S.if- urday, 8:30 a. m: thence to SS. Peter and Paul'« Church. Wythe ave. and South 2d st., where« a solemn requiem mas» will be offered for the repone ef » her soul. Relatives and friends «re In¬ vited to attend. Interment Calvary Cemetery. Funeral Director Thomas F. Farley, Astoria. KUENNEKE. Bertha. THE FUNERAL CHURCH, Broadway and 66th st.. tun- day, 1 p. m. LIVINGSTON.On September 23. 1921), Sarah Helen Livingston, widow of S. Oria Livingston. Funeral private. Kindly omit flowers. . LOA.SF.On September 22, Albert C, be¬ loved husbsr.d of Emma Loas» (ne» Cavanaugh). Fun«rtLÎ eervices Saturday. 1:30 p m at his late residence, 22Í0 Bas'ford âve., «Bronx. Interment Mcuru OMvet Cemetery. LOCKE.September it, 1»28, Natalie, wife- cf Ashley T. Locke, aged 24 years. Funeral service at her late residence, 317 Hawthorn* »V. Brooklyn, Saturday aft¬ ernoon. 2 o clock. MeCORJIICK.On September 23, 1»20, at h«r resid*ace. lôÇa Koerer ave., Flat- bush. Clara McConnlek. mother of Rob- err J./ Clara and Martha McCormlck and Mrs. Sadie ^Volfgang. Funeral services at Our Lady of Befuge Church. Ocean , and Foster «ves., Saturday, 10 a. m. M'MVRTRY.At White Sulphur Spring», September 23, 1920. George Gibson Mc- Murtry Jr.. aged 22 months, son of Georgs Gibson and Mabel Post McMur- try. of Ä12 5th av., Xew Tork City. No- lice of funeral later. ORR.John. THE FUNERAL CHURCH. Broadway and 66th st., Sunday. 3 p. m. BTAN.Thursday, September ?3, 1929. Thomas F., beloved husband of Ame'!» L. and father of J. Alfred. Sylvester V., Geneviève B. and Dorothv C. Ryan. Funeral from his late residence. 3$3 D*- graw «t.. Brooklyn, on Saturday. Sep¬ tember 25, at S.-30; thence to St. Agnee's Roman Catholic Church, where a solemn mm of requiem wlJJ be offered for the repose «f hi» soul. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. ¦' SAKI.George. THE FUNERAL CHURCH. Broadway, s«th at.,'Sunday,.S p. m, SAROEXT.John W., husband et Vettb»^ Lord Sargent,.on Sépt*m*er 24.¦.#«r_ffl ices THE FUNERAL CStXTRCK, ».&#- way. at 66th st., on Sunday September 25, at 4 p. m. Interment ai 'Äaai*or, Me. 6TOWEIX.Edward Eety. »ni<Menly Sep- tember 22, husband of Alle» FelSowes and son of the late Calvin Daniel and Amelia E*ty Stowel!. Funeral « at Grace Church Chantry, Broadway and Tenth' Street, Saturday. September 2S, at 10 o'clock a. m. Interment private. It de»ired that flower» be not sent. TCTTLE.Entered into rest Wedne»d«y, September 22. 1320. Jessie W. Bering, wife of Martin Porter Tuttle and daugh¬ ter of the late Charlea H. and Pauline C. Berklng. 8ervlcea at her home. "^6 JRosevllie av., Newark, N. J.. Saturday. September 25. at 2:30 p in. Train leaves Herboken, Lackawann» R. R., 12:62, mfcndard time, to Roseville, Av. Station. L Automobiles in waiting. Interment mt, convenience of family. WALTERS.At Riverdale. N. T., on Sep¬ tember 23. Harry .1 "Walters, beloved husband of «.""»'hfrine Walter» (Dee Tifh-) ruw»raj will be from hi« lata residence. 2S9th st. and Hiverda!« axe.. " en Saturday, thence to St. Margaret'» Church, where a »olemn reqnlem »Kit. will be offered for the repose of hi» »oui at 10 a. m. WTEI.EÄ.On Thursday. September T3. I!.?. «Caroline A. Wleler (nee Luck«»>, Jn her 6 7th year, widow of the 1at» Ferdinand "VVieier. Relative» and friend» are re«p»etf«l»y "invited to attend the fun*ral wrviee« at her late residence, 200 Patchén ave., Brooklyn, on Sunday. September 28. at 2 p. m. Interment at Lutheran Cemetery._^ ,!cnm»mia*»mm»wmi***»^*~»~»*m»wim»»* Cat! Cttfombas 8200 A Complete Fuserai Service ta aa atmostpheve of refinement "The ÊmetettJs» ssert." FRANK L CAMPBELL "THE FUNERAL CHURCH" be (Non-Sectariaa) Brr^waWtiy at 6gth St

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Page 1: New York Tribune.(New York, NY) 1920-09-25 [p 9]. · »Y. M. C. A. huts in New York. Mr. Livermore was*graduated from Yale in 1914. He served two years in France, with the rank of

At the Mineóla Horse Show

Mrs. S. Bryce Wing, on the left, her little d-hugh'ter and Miss EthelCarhart were among the most frequent visitors at.the horse show,held at Mineóla.

Mrs. E. L. FennoBecomes BrideAt Lenox Villa

O. E. Trnmure's Daughter IsMarried to George K. Liv-ermore Amid Wealth ofPalm», Roses and Asters

Was Red Cross WorkerV_______________________

Bridegroom, Yale Graduate,Served in France as a

Captain of Artillery:LENOX, Mas?.. Sept. 24..Mrs. Eliza-,

btth Lanier Fenno. daughter of Mr.and Mrs. George E. Turnure, was mar¬

ried to George Kirchway Livermore,of Winchester, Mass., at Beaupré, therills of her parents, this afternoon at5:30 o'clock. Xo formal invitationswere issued and there were no attend¬ants. The room was deco¬rated v.ith clematis, tall palms, roses,asters and ether late autumn flowers.The brid»? was given away by herfather, and '.he Rev. Latta Griswold,rector of Trinity Church, officiated.The bride wore raspberry'colored

chiffon with oíd blue sash and a cham¬pagne colored hat trimmed with ostrichfeathers. ,

Among the 150 guests were thebride's grandfather. Charles Lanier;Mr. and Mrs. William Averell Harri-man, Dr. and Mrs. Percy R. Turnure,;Mr. and Mrs. Francis R. Applcton, Mr.and Mrs. T.adolph H. Kissel jr.. Mr.and Mrä. Roger Wolcott Griswold, Mr.and Mrs. William E. S. Griswold, Mr.!and Mrs. Raymond T. Baker, Mr. andMrs. Frederick S. Delafleld and Mrs.John E. T. Morgan.Also the bridegroom's parents, Mr.

and Mrs- Charles) H. Livermore, andbrother, Charles H. Livermore jr., ofBrooklyn; his brother-in-law and sis-ter, Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bnsworth, ofWhite Plains, N, Y., and sister, Mrs.C. L Btllman, of Winchester, Mass.;Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Parsons, MissjLisa Parsons. John E. Parsons, Mrs.John E. Parsons, the Misses Mary and:Gertrude Parsons, Mrs. Robert "Win-throp, Grenville L. Winthrop. theMisses Emily and Kate Winthrop, Mr.and Mrs., Wiiliam B. Osgood Field,!Miss Isabel Í-. Shotter, Mr. and Mrs.Henry Hollister Pease, Mr. and Mrs.'Henry Livingston Lee, Mr. and Mrs.!Newbold Morris, Mr. and Mrs. DavidT. Dana. Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. de Gers-doriT, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Brad-lee jr.. Mr. and Mrs. D. Percy MorganÍr. Mrs. Edith P. Morgen. Mr. and1rs. Thomas Shields Clarke, MissAlma Clarke, Charles John Clarke,Mrs. Kings'and Bradford, Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Astor Bristed, the Misses M.lSymphorosa and Grace Rristed, Mrs..:John E. Alexandre and Miss Anna R.«Alexandre. I

Mrs. Livcrmore's first husband wasAllen Blanchard Fenno, organist ofTrinity Church and a baritone singerof talent. He died of pneumonia inSeptember, 1918, being survived bytwo children, besides his wife. Sheworked for the Red Cross during thewar and was with the Victor and Eagle»Y. M. C. A. huts in New York.

Mr. Livermore was* graduated fromYale in 1914. He served two years inFrance, with the rank of captain, in the167th Artillery of the 26th Division.

Many weddings are scheduled for to¬day, the majority of them taking placein the country. Miss Dorothy Miller,daughter of Mrs. Roswell Miller andthe Jate Mr. Miller, who was presidentof the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. PaulRailroad, will become the bride ofWilliam Harold Stewart, of Webster,Mass., at the home of the bride'smother, in Millbrook, N. Y. Miss Mil¬ler is a sister^of Roswell Miller,-who

married Miss Margaret Carnegie,daughter of the late Andrew Carnegie.The marriage of Miss Fanny T. Bald¬

win, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. JosephClark Baldwin jr., to William PayneThompson Preston will take place at 3o'clock this afternoon in St. Mark'sChurch,' Mount Kisco, N. Y. A specialtrain on the Harlem division of theNew York Central Railroad will leavethe-Grand Central Terminal'at 1:25p. m. Mrs. William Fahnestock gave adance for the bridal party last night ather country place at Katonah.

Miss Adelaide Sedgwick and JohnMunroe will be married to-day at thecountry home of the bride's uncle andaunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. Rich Steers, PortChester, N. Y. Miss Sedgwick is adaughter of Mrs. Harry Sedgwick.

A city wedding to-day is that of MissCleo Robertson, daughter of Mr. andMrs. Thomas Allan Robertson, of thiscity, to William Kent Dupre jr., sonof Mr. and Mrs. W. Kent Dupre, ofPortsmouth, Ohio, in the chantry of St.

Thomas's Church. The eeremony willbe followed by a small reception at theHotel Plaza.

Still another wedding to-day will hethat of Miss Frances Ruxton, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ruxton. to Will-.iam C. Hepnerheimer jr., at Cairnhill,East Hampton, L. I.

Miss Helen Virginia McCutcheon,daughter of Mrs. Frederick Mc¬Cutcheon, will be married to Lou'isCarreau to-Hay in St. Mark's-in-the-Bouwèrie. The ceremony will be per¬formed at 4:30 o'clock by the rector,the Rev. William Norman Guthrie. Thebride,.who will be given away by heruncle, will be attended by Miss JessieRuth Ridge, of Portland,'Me., as maidof honor, and by Miss KatherineStymctz Lamb and Miss Jane Barklcy,of New York, as bridesmaids. CharlesValentine SneoVîker will servo- a* bestman, and Joieph Stanislaus Carreau,Leonard Anderson Sneckner, W. Stir¬ling Mackintosh and Newell Wells asushers. Mr. Carreau, who is a son ofthe late Mr. and Mrs. Cyrille Carreau,and his bride will live at 41 GramercyPark. i

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon L. Harris, of Ir-vington-on-Hurlrcn, are receiving con-granulations on the birth of a daughter!yesterday. Mrs. Harris whs Miss EmilyBatbgate Becker.

Mrs. Owen J. McWilliams und herdaughter, Miss Clara McWilliams, havereturned from a trip to the Orient,where they spent the summer,

Mrs. John T. Pratt has arrived intown and is at the Hotel Plaza for ashort stav. ¡


Under the auspices of the HudsonRiver Garden Club, Leonard Barronwill grve a dahlia talk this afternoonfor the benefit of Dobbs Ferry Hospital,at the home of Mrs. Walston H. Brown,at Dobbs Ferry.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert LefTerts, of EastMoriches, L- L, are at the Hotel Van-derbilt for a few days.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walker 8d arebeing congratulated on the birth of ason at their horn», 116 East Sixty-thirdStreet. Mrs. Walker was Miss Eleanorde G. Cuyler.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl A. De Gersdorff,will celebrate their silver wedding an-

niversary this evening by giving a largedinner at Orchard Hill, their countryplace in Stockbridge, Mass.

Mr. and Mrs. John N, Willy» andtheir daughter, Virginia* have returnedfrom Europe on the Aquitar.ia, and are

now at their home, NorthclifFe, OysterBay.

Old South Amboy Hotel BurnsSOTTTH AMBOY, N. J., Sept. 24.

Fire destroyed the old Hotel Ripowanhere to-day. The place was built sixtyyears ago by William Clark, whoamassed a fortune during pre-war days.It is believed that a tramp set theplace on fire. The loss is estimatedat $75,000.

ow LaborLabor is torn by conflicting feelings as it prepares to vote in the approaching Presidential

election, if we may judge by the papers that claim to speak for it. It is told by Mr. Gompersthat Cox is labor's true friend; it is told by Republican leaders that Harding's election willmean prosperity and the "full dinner-pail," and is assured by more radical advisers that Debsor" Christensen is the only true apostle of freedom. Any one who can poll all or even a largepart of the labor i<ote would, of course, win hands down, but how the w-orker will vote after allthis contrary advice nobody seems to know. No one, at least, is predicting the election ofChristensen or Debs, so the choice narrows down to the two journalists from Ohio. An inter¬esting omission is the absence of any appeal to the workers for this or that candidate to restorethe workman's beer.

Telegrams sent by THE LITERARY DIGEST to the labor, press, for light on theprobable complexion of labor's vote this year, bring replies that give an impression of cross cur¬

rents and confusion. However, at this stage of the campaign it is undoubtedly the only linethat the public can get upon the probable attitu de of organized labor in the coming election.

The leading article in THE DIGEST this week, September 25th, presents the subjectin an interesting and comprehensive form. It will be read with interest by hundreds of thousandsof men and women.

Other muminating articles in this number of THE DIGEST are:

Full Text of the League-of Nations CovenantThis Article k Presented at This Time so That the Public May Have in Easily Accessible

Form the Text of the Document That Has Been Made the Issue by.the Republican and Democratic Parties

"A* Maine Goes".WiU the Country Go?League Verdicts in the PrimariesAmerica and Germany as ShipmatesThe Timber FamineBritish Labor's Stand for Soviet RussiaTroublesome MesopotamiaGreece in TurmoilWoman's Hand in MaineVoice of Canadian IndependenceTo Use Niagara Without Marring ItA Medical Defense of PieMachinery Ousting''Harvest Hands"Labor Doing Better WorkEuropeV lus Diagnosed by Anatole FranceStephen Foster vs. Franz Schubert

"Diplomatic Victories" of the VaticanThe Lambeth Plan for Church ReunionAmerica Is Eating More CandyHow Obregon Cheated Death and

His Enemies .

Germany Very Much Alive, WhileAustria Stagnates

Glimpses of Ireland Under BritishRepression

Movie ""Extras" Whose Lives RivalScreen Romance

On the Trail of the White.Rhinoceros

.Topics of the DayBest of the Current Poetry

Many Interesting Illustration», Including Maps and Humorous Cartoons

September25th Numberon SaleTo-day.'Newsdealers 10 Cents.$4.00 a Year

wmm&wx» itCPMtiHM^tf'6* Form» NEW&*s_W Ofe&nry), NEWYOR&A.

Anti-Trust LawsDeclarecTto WorkHarm to Business


Chairman Colver of TradeCommission Would Ena-jble Concerns Voluntarily!


MAPLEWOOD, N. H., Sept. 24..TheNational Association of Cotton Manu- jfacturera at- the banquet which!brought to a close here to-night itstwo days' semi-annual meeting lis-tened to addresses by Dr. Charles A.Eaton, of New York, associate editorof Leslie's Weekly, and William B.Colver, chairman of the Federal TradeCommission. Both dwelt on generalproblems of business, government andtaxation."Business is suffering under a very

real hardship," said Mr. Colv*r. "Itis this: Laws made to apply to busi-:ness are of necessity innexible, whilebusiness changes day by day. What isgood for one industry is bad for an-Iother. So it is that we have a body ofanti-trust laws drawn, to meet certainknown business sins, but in the verynature of their drawing so inflexibleas to work hardship."He said it would not be wise to re¬

peal the anti-trust laws and that itwas impossible for the Federal TradeCommission to make rulings in ad-vanee."That leaves business in doubt," he

went on, "and doubt breeds suspicionand fea-r a_nd despair. Sometimes itbreeds defiance of law." .

He advocated the principle contained'in a bill introduced in Congress by;Representative Steele. of Pennsylvania,which would enable any concern "aboutto embark on any course of conduct"to come voluntarily to the governmentand explain what it wanted to do. Thiswould act as a bar to prosecution forcarrying out its plans.

Mr. Colver condemned the excessprofits tax as "a penalty upon economy,upon conservative capitalization andupon quantity production," and saidthat while the theory of a graduatedincome tax was sound, it had its limit,"and that limit has been more thanreached." The result, he said, was th»?turning of capital to non-taxable stateand municipal bonds, with a consequent"oi^y of public expenditures."

Need, for export in the cottonindustry was urged by Daniel E.

i.Douty and Oscar K. Davis, both of NewYork. *

The foreign exchange situation wasdiscussed by Dr. B. Anderson jr., ofNew York.

¡Fast Trip for SiisquchannaTo Make Spe«edy Turn-Aroundon Second Trip to DanzigThe United States Mail SteamshipCompany's liner Susquehanna will sail

to-morrow on h«*r second voyage toBremen and Danzig, the free "port ofPoland.

So great is the demand of- centraland southern Europeans for passage to¡the United States .that the Susque-hanna will make a quick turn-round onher arrival in Danzig, remaining but

«aa few days in that port. On her lasttrip she brought back a full passengerlist and her cargo holds were tilled tocapacity.When she leaves port on Saturday

she will be commanded by Captain Will¬iam Bevan. While in command of thesteamer Almirante, Captain Bevan res¬cued Mrs. A. G. V^nderbilt and herparty from the wrecked steam yachtWarrior. Captain Bevan later wasgiven command Of the yacht.


1,100 Enrolled at Vassar-,-

Record Number of Students In-eludes 315 Freshmen

POUGHKEEPSIE, Sept. 24..VassarCollege reopened to-day with the larg¬est, enrollment in his history.1,100students. Among the newcomers arefour young women from France andcne each from Sweden* Russia, Serbia,England, China, Italy, Porto Rico andChile.There were 315 freshmen, represent¬

ing thirty-seven states of the Unionand Hawaii and Canada. New York sentthe largest delegation, with Massachu¬setts, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Con¬necticut, Ohio, Illinois, Michigan, Mis¬souri, the District of Columbia and Col¬orado following in the order named.

School exercises will open formallyon Monday.


Greenwich Gives Major BlesBig Reception at Lecture

GREENWICH, Conn., Sept. 24..Ma-jor Arthur D. Bles of the Royal WelshFusiliers and late British Administratorat Cologne, Germany, lectured beforea large audience at the Havemeyer Au-ditorium here to-night. Mr. and Mrs.Cosmo Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. ErnestThompson Seton and other prominentmen and women were patrons andpatronesses.

Mrs. William G. Rockefeller will givea dance for her niece, Miss IsabelRockefeller, at the Field Club to-mor¬row evening.


Inquiry Into Use of VeronalIn Place of Litruors Ordered

Dr. Royal S. Copeland, Commissionerof Health, said yesterday that he hadinstructed the Bureau of Foods andDrugs to asoertain for him whetherveronal and other sleep-producingdrugs were being used instead ofliquors.He referred to the reeent death of a

woman in the Hotel Seville caused byan overdose of veronal, and said he wasanxious to learn whatherits use is be-coming common. Should the investi-gation prove it is, he said that restric¬tions against its sale probably wouldbe made.

Worthy -Chief Sets WorldRecord at Mineóla Fair

Thre«e-Y<ea_r-OΫr Make* Mue in2iQ9^ï Dire«! C. Burnett

Smashes Track MarkWorthy Chi<_f, by Nature Chief, es¬

tablished a world's record for three-year-olds on a half-mile track at theMineóla Fair, Mineóla, L. L. yesterday,making the mile, paced by a seasonedtrotter, in 2:09!4. The Mineóla "trackrecord of 2:07^4 was broken by DirectC. Burnett, which made the last offive Heats in 2:06%. Ivy Madison'sMyopia won in the horse show asladies' best saddle horse. Winners inthe events follow:

Class 34 'combination harness antS sad¬dle horse).CBarles B. Butler's La La,Lucille.

Class 25 (stallion, mar«» or geldtns under13.1 hands).Miss Cortnn* Poth's Never.Bounc».

Class 15 .stallion, mar« or jreldlns, fouryears old or over, to be shown to waaon).Franklin B. Jordan's Fruithurst.

Class 40 iroad hack).Miss Ivy D. Mad-;disons Myopia.

Class 3? (horses 15 hands and not ex-cT-rMng 15.2 hands).Miss Clara Peck'sAllah. *

«lass 55 (children's Jumping contest:penlea to be shown over four Jumps).Mrs.Jamos A. Hewlett's Spinning Jlrfny.

Class 22 (stallion, mare or gelding, notexceeding 13.2 hands; to be driven bychildren)-.Jane Sala Regan's TVUUsbrookFirelari. jCía?« 38 (ladies' saddle horse ov»r 15hands; hirrh ladle ."to ride).Miss Ivy D.Maddison's Myopia.

Clara 5'! (horses to be shown over theOlympia fonces).The Brighthomea Farm'sSweet Kiss.

Cla*s 41 (horses up to 2,000 pounds).Miss ciara Peck's Wtnuina.

("lass fiO («peelal sweepstakes for Jump-er*).Mrs. Thomas Hitchcock's Cavalier.

Class 5? (champion class: hunters andJumpers).Mrs. Thomas Hitchcock s Cava-lier,

Class 36 (thoroughbred horses).Bright-i-holm«- Farm's Blue Pearl.

Class 45 (champion prize: horses under15.2 hands).Charlea D. Butler's La La,Lucillo.

Class' 44 (champion prize; horses 15 2hands and over).Miss Ivy D. Maddlson aMyopia,

Westchester EJectricalDealers to Aid Trade

Conference*to Increase BusinessPrecede« Shore Dinner at

iftye BeachA conference of Westchester elec¬

trical dealers, followed by a shore¡dinner, was held at Rye Beach lastnight for the purpose of promoting¡trade conditions and forming an asso-ciation of electrieal contractors to¡join the national body of that organi-zation.

Following the dinner it was an-nounced that a campaign would be

¡started to educate the public, and deal-.!ers alike in the values to be derived¡from the use of electrical appliances.¡Cooperation in this direction will be,asked of smaller dealers in particular,:¡so that a public demand will warrant;¡the extension of facilities on the part'of manufacturers. j

Statistics quoted by W. F. CreightonPeet, national chairman of the organi-zation; J, P. Ryan, state secretary ofthe New York State association, andWilliam L. Goodwin, special represen-tative of the General Electric Companyand prime mover of the organization,prove that the movement is well onthe road to success, and that not. onlyrre the manufacturer, the jobbed andthe dealer benefiting by it, but alsothe public in general.

Big Boardwalk for ConeyCity Will Pay 65 Per Cent ofCost of$4,000,000 PromenadeThe Board of Estimate took action

yesterday toward the construction ofthe two-mile boardwalk at Coney Isl-and, which will cost about $4,000,000.The board voted to place 65 per centof the cost on the city at large and 35per cent on the local area of assess¬ment. The prop'jsed walk will be eightyfeet wide and have a concrete foun-dation, but the promenade will be ofwood.Borough President Riegelmann of

Brooklyn asked for $1,900,000 withwhich to begin work on the boardwalk.The request was sent to the Committeeon Finance and Budget for considera-tion and report. Borough PresidentVan Ñame of Richmond protestedagainst the cost of the project beingassessed on the city at large, declar¬ing that Richmoad did not feel itcould afford to take up any such bur¬den. Borough Presidents Connolly ofQueens and Brucker of the Bronx mild¬ly protested against the proposed di¬vision of the cost, but the resolutionwas unanimously adopted.-.-

Going On To-day-

DATAmerican Unseam of Natural Hlatory; ad-mission free,

Metropolitan Museum of Art; admissionfree. '

Aquarlam: admission free. jZoological Park; admission frea.Van Cortlandt Park Museum; admission

free.Convention of the American NaturopathloRociation. Hotel Commodore, ell day.

National E_.po_iH!on of Chemical Indus¬tries, Grand Central Palace, all day.

Meeting and luncheon Conference Boardof Physicians. Hotel 'Astor. 10 a. m.

Dahlia Exhibition of the HorticulturalSociety of New York. Museum Building,New York Botanical Garden. 2 p. mLecture at 4 p. m. on "Dahlias andTheir Culture," by Dr. M. A. Howe,

NIGHTDinner and dance under the auspices of

the Court' Mystical Rose Daughters ofIsabella. Hotel Commodore, 7 p. m.

Lecture by .Tobn Cow-per Powys on "The<*"ompl«-x Vision: My Own Philosophyof Life," at the Labor Temple. EastFourteenth Street and Second Avenue,8:30 p. m.

Reunion dinner of the Veterans of the392d Engineers, 77th Dl-vntlon, A. EJ. FAllalres, 143 Bast. Seventeenth Street,8 p. m.

Dance and supper of the Swedish OlympicSociety of New Tork, Hotel Astor, 8p. m.

Meeting, of the Ostéopathie Society ofNew Tork, Hotel Plaza, 8:30 p. m. Ad¬dresses by Dr. Arthur M. Flack andDr. J. Oliver Sartwell.

aeg. Trait ifcris

Imported.Handkerchief Linen"McCutcheon Quality"

TÄ71E have just received and placed" ** on sale a new shipment of fine"Imported Handkerchief Linen." Theassortment contains twenty-five plaincolors. Öf correct weight and finishfor Handkerchiefs.Lingerie.Blouses.Dresses, etc.

James McCutcheon & Co.Fifth Ave., 34th and 33d Streets.

Jeremiah Ï» Andreas, 88,Dies at Brooklyn Home

Member of Walker's ExpeditionThat Captured Lower California

Had Adventurous CareerJeremiah J. Andrea», eighty-eifht

years old, one of the adventure»« ofthe early fifties in Lower Californiaand Central America, died Thursday ofarterio sclerosis at his home, 429 Third jStreet, South Brooklyn.Mr. Andreas was born In Stamford,

Conn. When eighteen years old herailed around Cape Horn to San Fran-cisco, where he met William Walker,the famous American filibuster. Rejoined Walker's expedition of 170 men,who in 1853 captured Lower California,and later followed him with*67 men onan expedition into Nicaragua, whereWalker captured Greytown and sethimielf up as Governor of the prov-ince. During the Civil War, Mr. ;Andrea? was the American Consul inGreytown.

Hr. Andreas came to New York atthe close of the Civil War and startedan export trade at 17 Battfty Place, !where, he remained in businlss until!the time of his death. He leaves nonear relatives. IFuneral services will be held at noonto-day in the chapel at 763 CarrollStreet, Brooklyn. They will be con¬ducted by the Rev. John W. Van Zan-ten. pastor of the Old First Presby-terian Church.

William Powers, Noted as

Elephant Trainer, DiesAnimal Expert at HippodromeHad Followed Circus Life

Since His BoyhoodWilliam Powers, for many year« an

elephant trainer at the New York Hip¬podrome and one of the best knownanimal men in the country, died lastnight in Seton Hospital, SpuytenPuyvil, the Bronx, after a lon_ illness.He was si-xty-four years old.Mr. Powers was known as the onlytrainer who did not use th« hook orinflict pain in teaching his animals.He be_an his career with cireuse» as aboy, and at one time was secretaryand treasurer of the Walter L. MainCircus. He later held a similar posi¬tion with the Cummings Wild WeBtShow. Mr. Powers was a close studentof tropical animal«.Mr. Powers went to the Hippodromein 1905, under Thompson & Dundy. He

specialized in training elephants, andreared two of those now at the Hippo-¡drome.'About ten years ago Powers saved

many lives when a herd of twenty-fourelephants in the Hippodrome stamped-ed during a rehearsal and fled throughan unguarded door into the street.Two of the four elephants now at theHippodrome were brought to this coun¬

try from India by Powers'« father...-*-

JOHN WILLIAM SERGENTJohn' William Sergent, for many

year3 a well-known magician, and forthe past three years private secretaryto Houdini, the' ^Handcuff King," diedyesterday in St. Vincent's Hospitalafter an operation. He was sixty-sevenyears old. " jMr. Sergent was born near Bangor,Maine. He was founder of the Societyof American Magicians and was a mem¬ber of the Beefsteak Club;Mr. Seçgent'shome was at 728 West

181st Street. He is survived by hiswife, Bertha Lord. .

CHARLES STORRS COLTONCharles Storrs Colton, a retired

manufacturing jeweler of 2G_. ClintonAvenue, Newark. N. J., died yesterday,after a short illness, at his home inthat city. He had long been associatedwith his brothers in the firm of Colton& Co., but retired from active businesssome years ago.

Mr. Colton was the son of Demas andHarriet A. Johnson Colton, and was de-

scended from Revolutionary atock. His#mother's family waa among the settlors .

of Essex County, N. J. Mr. Coito« i» isurvived by his wife and a stater.

-.-¦-1-_-. 1


Supreme CourJ in the 4tb JudicaiSupreme Court in the Fourth JudicialDistrict, died to-day at hs home hereof pneumonia.Justice -Salisbury, who was fif«f-

seven years old, was- a graduate of «

Union College, Sehenectady. N. Y^withthe claas of 1886. At various time« hehad held the posts of District Attorneyand «county judge of Saratoga County.

Germans PredictRuin in 'FantasticDance of Billions'

National Financial Condition "

Brings Declaration ThatBankruptcy Seems Inevi- .»

«table ; Marks Drop Again ';Special Cable to The Tribune

Copyright. 10ÎO. New Tork Tribune y»e.BERLIN, Sept. 24..The newspaperscomment in gloomy terms on the de-scription of Germany's appalling finan¬cial condition as given to the Cabinetyesterday by Dr. Wirth. Ministen ofFinance. The general public is^alarm\dat what one of the papers calls.the"fantastic dance of billions" and areasking again whether Germany can ¡really avert national bankruptcy.As a result of the statement the

value of the mark dropped on. theBörse this Afternoon.The newspapers are /skyig whether,

in view of the disastrous condition ofGermany's finances as thus revealed,government employees will continue topress for the increase in wages theyare asking, aggregating $24,000,000 an« '

nually. Liberal and Socialist news-papers like the Berliner Tageblatt andVorwaerts warn the people that unlessdrastic financial measures are readily .

consented to nothing can save Ger¬many from plunging down thf financialprecipice toward which it is now ,

heading.The Junker press sharply attacks

the Allies, partioularly Great Britain .

and France, for the financial chaoswhich prevails.The Deutsche Tageszeitung, organof the country landlord interests, saysthat the Allies must accept the logicalconsequences of~\ Germany's financial

condition. "A debtor who stands' onthe edge of bankruptcy," the newspaperadds, "will'merely be ruined if moneyor reparations are asked from him."

» .

Mrs. Haven Left $3.017,143Daughter of Opera Manager'sWidow Principal BeneficiaryMrs. Fanny Arnot Haven, widow of

George Griswold Haven, who was presi¬dent and managing director of theMetropolitan Opera and Realty Com¬pany and director in numerous largocorporations, left an estate valued at$3,017,143. Mrs. Haven died on Septem¬ber 20, 1919, at her home in Lenox,Mass- in her eighty-fourth year. Thetransfer tax appraisal of her estatewas filed in the Surrogates' Court yes¬terday.

Mrs. Haven had holdings of stocksand bonds amounting to $2,702,704. Sheowned $100,000 worth of Liberty bonds.The ijiief beneficiary in her will wasMrs. Marian H. Wickes, a daughter,who received $2,419,543. There wer»,,twenty-eight beneficiaries, the servantsof the testatrix in her New York andLenox residences receiving bequestsrangir.g from $200 to $10,000 each.

Birth, Engagement, Marriage, f>eath and In Metnoriam Notice*may be telephoned to The Trihune *n$ time up t* midnight f«rv**rli*n in the next dsyi's psptr. Tdeph*nc Beekman 3000.'_DEATHS_ I

AHBEN8.On September 22, Alfred J., be-loved son of Alfred and MargaretAhrens Cnee Phllbln). Funeral from hislate Vesldence, 69Í West ITSth »t., Sat-urday, September 25, 9:30 a. m.; thenceto the Church of the Incarnâtlonr wherea mass ivill be,said for the repos* of hissoul. Relatives and friend» are request-ed to attend. Automobile cortege.

BARRAGE.Helena Waple», widow ofRichard A. Babbage, on September 24,1920, at her residence, 244 West 101st'st.. New Tork City, In her 77th year.Funeral private. [

BLISS At New Haven, Conn., on Sept.em-ber 21. Franklin R. Bliss, in bis 94th!year. Funeral from his ¡ate residence,163 DwiKht st., Saturday, September 25,9.1 11 a. m,

BCNCE.On September 23, Emma France»,daughter of the late Jeremiah 8. andSusanna Bur.ce, In her 7Sth vear. Ser*.--Ices at the Chapel of the líome, 104thst. and Amsterdam ave., Saturday, Sep¬tember 25, at 11 a. m.

CANFÏELD.On Wednesday, SeptemberZ2, 1920 Nicholas B. Ganfleld, belovedson of victor, former member of EngineCo., 26«, E. D., N. T., and Mrs. NicholasJ., in his 14th >ear. Funeral from hislate residence, 4S27 101st St., OzonePark. N, T., Saturday, September 25, 9a. m.; thence to St. Mary's Gate ofHeaven Church, whero a .requiem masswill be celebrated. Interment St. John'sC»metery. Relatives and friend» in-virod.

CHIC HERTO .John E.. at hi» home.Huntington-, N. T. September 23, 1920.Requiem mass St. Patrick's R. C. Church,Huntington, N. T., Saturday, September2.", 1920. at 10:45 a. m.

COLTOV.Entered into rest early Thurs¬day morning., September 23d. CharlesStcrrs Cotton, husband of K&te ParkerColton, prm of th? ¡ate Demis and Har¬riet A. Colton and brother of KatherineV. Cn'.tcn. Funeral services at his lateresidence, _5i Clinton Ave. corner ofHleh st., Newark. N. J . on Monday(.f'emoon. September 27th, at 2:30o'clock. Interment at the convenienceof th« family.

CORNELL.Aat Central Valley, ÍT. T.. Sep¬tember 24, Susan A. Cornell, wife of thela»e David Cornell, aged 90 years. FuneralSunday, 2 p. m . at her residence. Kind¬ly omit flc-vers.

DEAN.On Thursday, September 22. Man*Dean '(nee Butterly), beloved wife .ofthe late Jos?ph F. and mother of «Doug¬las. .Tnrcph. Carroll, Howard.Raymond, Jumes, Virginia. GertrudeFuchs and Mattle McWade. Funeralfrom her late residence, 36 8utton pi..between 58th and 59th »ts.. Saturdav,'.' 30 a.. JTi. thence i-. the Church of S't.John the Evangelist. 65th st. and letave. InterrnenttCalvary Cepietery.

BROMGOOLE.At Mt. Kisco. N. T.. Sep-tember 22, 1920, Frank M. Dromgojole,lr. his 66th year. Funeral from his lateresidence, Mt. Klsco, N. T., Saturday,September 25, at 3:30 p. m.

| FORD.Willlam H., on tVednes«ï»y morn¬ing. September 22. Funeral Saturday ai9 o'clock, at St. Paul» Church. Cilntorand Carroll «ts., Brooklyn. Kindly omllflowers.

FOX.on {September 2?, Bernard, bel or»«,husband of Mary Fot «nee Magulr«)Funeral from h!» late residence, 46:West 163d st.. _¿a.--rday. 9 a. m.

GENTLE.At Plai-.*ie;d. N. 'J.. on Tbursdav. September 23, i»20, Harriet re Vree¡and Gent.e. wife of the late RoberGer.tle. of ^liiaheth. N J. Fuoer»service» private at the home of hedaughter. Mrs. David C Waring. Whitridge rd Summit N. J., c-n íeptembe:25. at 11 a. m. Please emit Ôofvers.

R4BDE>'-On Wednesday. September ÎÎJames J. Harden, in his 534 year, bonin 3d Ward. Manhattan. Funeral rtonhis late residence. 220 Coopor «t., Brooklvn, Saturday, September 25, $:30 a. mRequiem mIM at St. Martin of TourChurch, Weirfleld «t. and Knlekerbockeave., 9 a. m. Interment Calvary Cera«tery.

JERSEY.Qeorr« W,. on September 33. aHackensack, if. ,L. beloved husband oLouis« Tyler Jerofcy. Funeral sai-vtceat hi» late residence. 176 Paséale stSunday, at 2:S0. Naw Jeraey paperpleaee copy.

¿rOSErnSON.Eleanor Maria» irlfa tWalter S. Josephson, on September 2!Lying, In «tat« THE FCNBRXCHURCH. Bro»dT«y and «9tn 1Services at Calvary Chapel. Septemb«26, at 2 p. m.

K£ATI>'0.Ob September 21, Blitabetlbeloved ¿»lighter of Kd-ward. »ad tíI late Mary Ann Ke&tlas (dm Q'Brlea«later at Jofcn J. and the tat« jam«

DEATHSKeating. Funeral from her late resi¬dence, 114 South 3d er.. Brookivn, S.if-urday, 8:30 a. m: thence to SS. Peterand Paul'« Church. Wythe ave. andSouth 2d st., where« a solemn requiemmas» will be offered for the repone ef »her soul. Relatives and friends «re In¬vited to attend. Interment CalvaryCemetery. Funeral Director Thomas F.Farley, Astoria.

KUENNEKE.Bertha. THE FUNERALCHURCH, Broadway and 66th st.. tun-day, 1 p. m.

LIVINGSTON.On September 23. 1921),Sarah Helen Livingston, widow of S.Oria Livingston. Funeral private. Kindlyomit flowers..LOA.SF.On September 22, Albert C, be¬loved husbsr.d of Emma Loas» (ne»Cavanaugh). Fun«rtLÎ eervices Saturday.1:30 p m at his late residence, 22Í0Bas'ford âve., «Bronx. Interment McuruOMvet Cemetery.

LOCKE.September it, 1»28, Natalie, wife-cf Ashley T. Locke, aged 24 years.Funeral service at her late residence, 317Hawthorn* »V. Brooklyn, Saturday aft¬ernoon. 2 o clock.MeCORJIICK.On September 23, 1»20, ath«r resid*ace. lôÇa Koerer ave., Flat-bush. Clara McConnlek. mother of Rob-err J./ Clara and Martha McCormlck andMrs. Sadie ^Volfgang. Funeral servicesat Our Lady of Befuge Church. Ocean

, and Foster «ves., Saturday, 10 a. m.M'MVRTRY.At White Sulphur Spring»,September 23, 1920. George Gibson Mc-Murtry Jr.. aged 22 months, son ofGeorgs Gibson and Mabel Post McMur-try. of Ä12 5th av., Xew Tork City. No-lice of funeral later.ORR.John. THE FUNERAL CHURCH.Broadway and 66th st., Sunday. 3 p. m.BTAN.Thursday, September ?3, 1929.Thomas F., beloved husband of Ame'!»L. and father of J. Alfred. Sylvester V.,Geneviève B. and Dorothv C. Ryan.Funeral from his late residence. 3$3 D*-graw «t.. Brooklyn, on Saturday. Sep¬tember 25, at S.-30; thence to St. Agnee'sRoman Catholic Church, where a solemnmm of requiem wlJJ be offered for therepose «f hi» soul. Interment Holy CrossCemetery. ¦'SAKI.George. THE FUNERAL CHURCH.Broadway, s«th at.,'Sunday,.S p. m,SAROEXT.John W., husband et Vettb»^Lord Sargent,.on Sépt*m*er 24.¦.#«r_fflices THE FUNERAL CStXTRCK, ».&#-way. at 66th st., on Sunday September25, at 4 p. m. Interment ai 'Äaai*or, Me.6TOWEIX.Edward Eety. »ni<Menly Sep-tember 22, husband of Alle» FelSowesand son of the late Calvin Daniel andAmelia E*ty Stowel!. Funeral «ervlr.esat Grace Church Chantry, Broadway andTenth' Street, Saturday. September 2S,at 10 o'clock a. m. Interment private.It 1» de»ired that flower» be not sent.TCTTLE.Entered into rest Wedne»d«y,September 22. 1320. Jessie W. Bering,wife of Martin Porter Tuttle and daugh¬ter of the late Charlea H. and Pauline C.Berklng. 8ervlcea at her home. "^6JRosevllie av., Newark, N. J.. Saturday.September 25. at 2:30 p in. Train leavesHerboken, Lackawann» R. R., 12:62,mfcndard time, to Roseville, Av. Station.L Automobiles in waiting. Interment mt,convenience of family.WALTERS.At Riverdale. N. T., on Sep¬tember 23. Harry .1 "Walters, belovedhusband of «.""»'hfrine Walter» (DeeTifh-) ruw»raj will be from hi« lataresidence. 2S9th st. and Hiverda!« axe.."

en Saturday, thence to St. Margaret'»Church, where a »olemn reqnlem »Kit.will be offered for the repose of hi» »ouiat 10 a. m.WTEI.EÄ.On Thursday. September T3.I!.?. «Caroline A. Wleler (nee Luck«»>,Jn her 6 7th year, widow of the 1at»Ferdinand "VVieier. Relative» and friend»

are re«p»etf«l»y "invited to attend thefun*ral wrviee« at her late residence,200 Patchén ave., Brooklyn, on Sunday.September 28. at 2 p. m. Interment atLutheran Cemetery._^,!cnm»mia*»mm»wmi***»^*~»~»*m»wim»»*

Cat! Cttfombas 8200A Complete Fuserai Serviceta aa atmostpheve of refinement


(Non-Sectariaa)Brr^waWtiy at 6gth St