new york tribune.(new york, ny) 1922-07-30 [p 6].-,ï.--«sa -y' *-^:.*.^'?v>. *-*v--st:or.>. a...

._-*. '.' - -, ï .-- «sa -y' * -^:.*.^'?v>. or .>. a ..- sat » - , «¦. «,v *- *v--st: >-: 4? ¿^.-»w LIFE SAVERS, but not of the peppermint vari¬ ety. Three winsome volunteer (they all take turns at it) life savers from among the more than one hundred fair .swimmers at Camp Andrée Clark, Briareliff Manor, N. Y., where the Girl Scouts have one of the finest, vacation estab¬ lishments roundabout New York. From left to right the trio of smiling scoutesses are Mabel Decker, Margaret Holsey and Shirley Decker. Underwood R I C H M O ND'S NEW PRESIDENT. Shake hands with former State Senator John A. Lynch, of West New Brighton, Staten Island, who was chosen Borough Presi¬ dent of Richmond last week to succeed the late Matthew J, Cahill. The youthful looking new executive, who was ed¬ ucated in our public schools, is in the real estate and insurance business. p. ,i. «f New^brkTribuTieEdiicational Guide Laboratory work at Marqua nd School, Brooklyn, N. Y. Varcity Baseball Team Carlton Academy, Summit, N. J. Boys KISKI ^ Prepare« fur college or tav-hnlr«l school«. Thorotigh Preceptorial Sys¬ tem All Indoor and outdoor «porta ander cnmpeti.nt instructors, llymna «lum with swimming pool. A.I,lien-, OR. A. W. WILSON JR.. Preaadeat Bam SM. Saltaba-). Peansylvaala MACKENZIE SCHOOL HtlMMEK SCHOOL AND CAM!" UFE Jan«, July «and August Upper Ramapo Hills, Luke Region, Orange «Co., New York All water «port«, all field sports, all school studies desired insuring School and Col lese Credits. InUmate Personal Care for jwrncr and older boy« under experienced «tatT. Illustrated booklet. Registrar. .Mackenrio School, Monroe. N'.Y. asea icMkSchools For Boys. College. Preparatory. Nronll clause». Recreation build- Ins; and athletic Arid «an I*««« Cayuca. Beautifully located, above Ithaca. Summer school. Special Tulnniri: School. Catalogs. The Cauidilla School». Box 142. Ithaca, N. Y. BORDENTOWN MILITARY INSTITUTE Thorough preparation for college or business. Kftlclenl faculty, small classes. Individual atten¬ tion. Boys taught how to study. M11 It airy train¬ ing. Supervised athletic«. 3Xth year. For cata¬ logue, address Drawer 0-34, Bordentown. N. J. Col. T. D. LANDON. Principal and Commandant. Columbia Preparatory School 301 Went ftSth SI. Cor. Wajaat Knd Ave.. N. Y. ¦ l>«y and Boarding School For Hoys Primary to College DWIGHT SCHOOL It PARK AVENUK %s Bet. 38th aaa 3W*a Sto. « College and Regent»' Preparation 4Z»a Year Athletics I'ndcr Profeasioti- Supcrvlslon Kmll E. Camerer, Prin« ipial. Address for Catalog ~ Bethlehem Preparatory School BETHLEHEM.PA. v IfiOO boy» prepared for leading unl- . versiHe* in 42 years. Brartensive _-' '_ irr nun,is Gymnasium, swimming W ^ 1 WOl. athletic field. Summer session. J&* ', ialia T. Tuajiey. «. A.. H atad at aster Carmel Hall A «'.tinny Boanling and Day School for Boys. 7-15: 20 min¬ utes from New Haven. 4 build¬ ings. 17 acres. Preparation for leading secondary schools. House Mother. Manual Training, Agri¬ culture. Moderate rates. William H. Janet. Headmaster. Mourn Carmel, Connecticut. MaaaM_MMMMi_Haa_a_b Boys CariionActxiemy BLACKSTONE MILITARY ACADEMY Callee« Preparatory tar Bay». Catholic School for Catholic boys. Small classes, modern buildings. All athletics, gymnasium. Me«. JAME£ F. NEWCOMB. J. C. 0.. Headmaster. HENRY L CRE- HAN. L. L. I).. Act im: I lead master. summit. K. j. CHATHAM TRAINING SCHOOL An endowed Preparatory School for boy« offcriiiK the csscntlala of education without the frill«. Conducted to make men and not money. Necesnary expenses only $".50. New- Academic and Gymnasium HuildinK coHtlngr $70.000 in addition to $100.000 plant. For Catalogue address A. H. OAMOKN. Pm-klent, it©* 114. Cluithiaitt, Va. E^lNTMMUlÄlWACafflEMY Hoys to ¿o years prepared for I!ni««rrsllie«. (luvr-nimi nl Acad- i-idics or Uiisim-ss. Gym., swimming l"»»l and ittthlettc park. $600,(HHI plant Charges *f)00 F«n* calal'igue aai-lns« Col. Tlios. II. Russell. B. S.. Pre». Box Y. Kahle Sta.. .Uauiitun, Via. Boys Children Girls College Preparatory atad* l«om<- school for iKiys. New building" and complete gymnasium. Full, commercial «airees. Tuition S".-",.tM». t'nlt of R. O. T. C. Calalogue. Cad. E. 8. LIG0N Vrcs. Box J Blackstonc. V_. MRS. LAPHAM'S SCHOOL fiiniaerly tlair Mother's H«la- tr aaal Etnaaeaatary Sehaaaat. All ,lay sarreoul f««r children 2 «.-, 14. i^jii'-iiwrti atid carriagc .«.rrlci*. French, dancinx. rr.«T< ,i..,ii »mVikated pteyp_and Itooklnt Aadubsrn 0435. Mrs. Grace T. La-fftaaa. OtrMtar «70 RIvaniale 0<Ur «iOCth St.» ^HîMsidgJsçGiHs CLASON SUI.ITAHV ACADEMY ACatliiilii' i'.,.iriiiii*.: IIlet, School for lUiyn, iiii,li*t the iofnt Dinctlon of tli<* lirnllur.s of »he Christian. Hchrx.1» and the Ilcsrrre OflPieer»' Training «)i;nn of the I'riltcl HIiiU*« Army. Catalog on rr<7ucr*t REV. A. JEROME. Diractar . _____ View Ate».. B___ W. _ Fice Catahigs and er.ix'rl adv.iv all private school and emnps for Hoys or Girl SCHOOL INFORMATION Ami'riinn ScîiooK' A 110« Times HldR., lirviaiit H9K0 Stony Brool A Christian preparatory school that emphasizes sound scholarship and wholesome sport. Rate $850. For cuîr'loarue, uddrajaa D«pt. T. Stony Uf-aok. I,. I. until Au«. 1 N. Y Rep.. 156 Fifth Av., Room «13 ^OKISTER ACADEMY _50 BOYS I WORCESTER MASS Is a Cotlege Preparatory School «ariih strong Primary and Junior Grades Modena ecnool building, l-irge Oyirana- siam. WtUtary Drill and Supervised Athleties. Afternoon puling dasaaea. HI-41B. ntt$t.,Raw Tort Ostaataaaaaae rS£fA vrtsr ht%riruiSri>t. JSirt Aetlacr n&. »Smrrm», M,si»aaalaa* Secretarial THE Secretarial School. 5Z7 Fifth Av. (at 44th St.) N: Y. City. Spea-litl Hummer Courses at New York's most exclusive Secretarial school. Pre¬ pares for and obtains exce!l*;nt posi¬ tions. Phone Vanderbilt 2«,7i. U. o. HKCKKTARIAI. TRAINING Intrusive course begins in June, Oay and Evenln« Clanes ia all Butiaets Subjects. Cas mer¬ ci«! Art. ijMfuafet, Da- mectic Arts. Practical Mart¬ ial. Tea Roam Managemeat. Stad far Bulletla. EttablhlMd 50 Years DALLAM SCHOOL r\mmiM.miANnnjY W. C.A ULnMmficm Aw. ml M'.V.iV V C 7? WWW! ^5 A CARPENTER'S KNOWN BY HI8 CHIPS." Our students are trained to successfully fill positions of importance. datases rare »tiartitiji to-aiay. BníwnSclKKáofCcmmerce ,. n-W^45*iSts»&,'HCmYaik.Giy ¿ Special 11/ESTCHESTER » » MILITARY ACADEMY Aarauiemic prepaaraton' and business courses. Primary iaepartment, where young boys receive tile best of all-round care. Tuition moderate. JA MKS NKI.SfaN McLt'RE, Headmaster New York. Peekskill-on-Iluason. Box T. KINGSLEY SCHOOL ESSEX FEUS. N.J. ITPKR HCHOOI. Beys lï-lfî. Pn-psr- siory at all Colleges tk Technical Schools. S.OAVRR SCHOOL Boys, 9-12. Four «'.raiiimar Grades. 4. R. Campbell. A. M. SMOKY JOE." Acting Chief Martin, of the New York Fire Depart¬ ment, snapped directing some 350 firemen against what be said was the toughest fire he has known in his forty years' experience.last week's five - alarm warehouse blare in Greenwich Vil- lage."SmokyJoe,"despite his age, courageously stuck to the job from eight-thirty one morning until two the next. p. é a. AUGUSTA MILITARY ACADEMY (Kollrr'n School), Fort Defiance, Va. .A modern school with $200,000 plant. Fireproof barracks, steam heat. 250 acres. Rated an Honor School by War Dept. Boys from 25 states last year. Junior R. O. T. C. Rate $600. For catalog addre.-» Col. Tims. J. Roller or Maj. Ch-aa. 8. Roller .lr , Principals Berkeley-Ieving SCHOOL 4|Kt v*ar "Froaa Primary CtBttj»" Swimming Pool, Gymnasium, Playground. 309 fo 315 **M;«it Gird Street V»u, Ztfetf OiJ /)<»¦. ZNc*,lfi»U Cíín KÄTONAH, NEW YORK. Rudolph s, tnxtb >¦-'-.-.«»/¦ QUAND A Sehami of merit. Oonaltirted by the «a-tsrld'a -reatsNst Y.M.C.A. Catalog;. Carla? O. Wairr.'n. MeaaJmastet-, 55 Hanson Plae«, Brooklyn, N. Y. ¦XFtOOSEVEI-T >|Mriitcir*y Academy ri'roviiiis a sound «lucalion and all- ari'.und training which will prepare your boy for future leadership. Strong out¬ door life: progressive curriculum. Able tutors. Catalog. Write Dr. Jobu Carrlng- ttm. Hi-admaster. Wesj Knglewoou. N. J. THE OXFORD SCHOOL PLUCKAMIN, NEW JERSEY For bojr» under sixteen yean. Preparatory lo the -best tecoodary schools. Ideal country location. All athletic activities. Üp«» all year. Moderate fee». For catalog address Headmaster. Ta»lppli<>n«* Somc.rville M5-R-3 PENNINGTON SCHOOL For Young Men and Boys Trains for college, tech. schools and busi¬ ness Inspirational faculty; modern equipment; new buildings; gymaaasium; swimming pool. Junior school for bijys. Write for "The Pennington Idea." Francia Harvey Cress, A. M.. Lltt.D.. Heariwasttr Box 140 I'enningtam. N. .1. -.--^ Mc Bumey School *j k 318\^^57íAííí,Af«laií)faa»r Day Oilaje F raj» arstecy SchMl far Baya. . All »ranamar and academic subjects. Bsaktat aa Re- guest. Thomas Hemenway, A. M.. Keadiaaaster. J iC THE WRICHTORAL SCHOOL 1 For thi- Deaf àrisj- Pnrt.inUyDszaf\ 1 Mount Morris Parh. West, N Y C ity Caaaalete education by SPEECH METHOD Kttiaierparfen to College Entrance No Deaf Child Need Be Dumb Boardini aad Day Paails. 28th Vaar Lip Heading. Training of Residual Hearing THE M0NTES0RRI SCHOOL mth Year Por clukln-n .>% to II years, ¡"trtanol nliiiliits c,ih«nlratlmi and dlsctpliate riir,.in'l, joyous aillvHIes. All-day Kii|iervki<m and hot lim.ti by apeciaU arrangemi-nl ll«K*le« Teadiers' Train«»» Cstsrse. (Mrs.) A. RENO MAR6ULIES B73 West Eaá Ave., aear 4M St.. N. V. »Saint Qizafeäi^fa-ißoses A Mother School <;irts anal children from iC_l ta« 12. One houi- fraain ~^» New York Play terms from Juna: lo < ><. l ««>_*r r The School That Develop* locnattve Mrs. «'. K. Stodaiard. Oira^treaata, Hox T. Caldwrll. New Jersey 4.r« «an froa» N V Pn-pau-atanai tor «^dlege t^itran« larama liona, fî«.»eral ..,r-.. Organ ir«l athletliv. Marvara* R. BrvjadHaaar. ». t (Vacsar) Pnaeáaaal VMa Hajat FraaMh. A. B _(SaattJa) Prtaeaajal HOCrlAL MOTIVR HCHOOL S«C W«Mt I Hth st. S-year «rlernen'ary eooraaj for boys and girls: Janaer ann senior, high school for girls only Km:. I! -larnri French «Mitdamr «aporta Play. iniHiK-ra« in charge (Pacing Columbia Csttver- aity Campus.) KKRTHA M. BKNTI.KY, PriaaelMl Telephone Cathedral 7tt* RCHARD HOME SCHOOL*--NURSEKY Day and Boardiug.for healtJiy normal children auid taahies. ¦ Health first. Seierteal toys, few 'companions, judiariou« handling. insure all-around development. Booklet. ANNA «3. MOVES, Dir Phone Iaeonia 671. I.W>NIA. N. I. THE JKTERSON SCHOOL 9id »t. At Central Park West Kindergarten and primary classes for children 3 to 14 years under guidance of experienced teachers. All-day activities. Outdoor play-groups in afternoons. M iSg-SYLVIA J. MARKS. Director. TrlcphoMt' Riverside HOI Mrs. Bart's School for Tray Tots An all-year boarding achool where chil¬ laren up to 10 year» have is. Mother-» care. Kindergarten and primary grades, music, dancing, best of food; medical attention; trained nurse. Inclusive fe«a. Special at¬ tention to infanta and very young children. MRS. M. [_ BURT. I12Ï Constant Ave., Peekskill. N. Y. THE HEBBARD SCHOOL Farnaerly The Children's Hesae An all-the-year graded school for boya and girts. » to 14. Moderate rates. Modem baiild- ings* country estate. Horseback riding and all outdaxrar sports. Send for catalogan* B. HEBBAR». Priaeipai, Tan-ytosara-on-Hua-aOB, ' N. Y. Vocational raN*HJALL «>ilifge paravaarauairy. Modern I-jniruagc and -Sya-ria) erounars. ItiK.nt» aaith privai« bail« May eaacb year spent at At¬ lantic City. Work continuai, aartUaout Interruption Now <¡}nina.'lilna. «rlnimlnj poot Kales *!tM. < _Xalog and ale» FRANK S. MA6IU- A. M. QüeBi mmhâm scHoa «hi Mam Lane P. it R New gymnasiam. sarimming (moi. Aeaaiemac and «Tollegr Pre¬ paratory. Catalogne. A R. GRIER. Pea*. B.. Btnai-a-aai. Pa. TARD SEMINARY {or Orris ¦» "»«1« fn««a b««ml J Ollege prepau-atory and general courses. HouseJxild ecocosiks «-Urune courses in instrumental and vajral anime Military drill. Hoansbadt riding. AH sports. Upper and tssnt school St pupils MR. aad MRS. C P. KEN0AU, Prinrigalt . Howard «t. Weiat Brtdgeaaaler. Ma» Columbia ¡^r Preparatory School «¦ . ¦*** -.I W'-aat 88th St. <C J Caar. W««t Knd Avo_ N. T. \V, tfj Ofay MMl Board ira* 8a_h.I ** '.* For GlrU Prtmaa-y «tMlaacc. Camps Dramatic Art DRAKE BUSINESS SCHOOUK OAY. AFTER BUSINESS. AND NI6HT CLASSES Naja« Yark: trffeMM BW§.. IM Nacaaa St. Tal. Baakaaaa 2723 Besshlya: BatdfaMd Asa. at Faitea St- Taai. PrMjiect 7486. W YORK SCHOOL OF EXPRESSION Chartered by N. Y. Regents. ?Stb Year Day and evening classes, private in¬ struction in Public Spera-lng, Dramatic Art. Beading the Speech Arta. Voló» .Culture. Summer session July. Story telling. IC32 Went 56th St. (Circle tstê) TOME NATIONAL BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS RATE, $1,000 Murray Peabody Brush. Ph.D.. litre« t*r PORT »KPOSIT, MD. Alviene School of 7 Arts Kat. 85 Yira nt. STAGE TRAINING: Drama. Photoplay, Art Dancing, Musical Comedy, einging Normal Cou rae of Teawhing. Classic, Polk and Social Dancing, Elocution Physical Education 4_ West IZA St., N. T. C. Telephone Columbu* 9S8S. Languages . NEW YORK ELECTRICAL SCHOOL 42 WEST 17TH STREET TEL. Oabn 2Ö33 )omaml3e$t \%caticri FILING Good position afters month of instruction NEW VORKSCHOaOLoTFIUNG «9 WEST «-4TM ST. fMSDOWELL DRESS, ^MIlJJWEHYSCffiKX DESIGNIN6. Pattern (hitting Droasmakine .d Millinery taught Bchooi Open AU Susnmrr Established (f/6. M Wa»t 40ÍU St. New Yark Telauhoaie l_ttigaere 7232. Era» Catatsga aaal esaert 'advice on all Girts" and Boys"_ in V. S. Write, phone or call on CAMPS.^FORMATION Atarerican Sckool»' sKstmöaÜtm I ItS Time» Bldg.. N. Y. Bryaat 8SM MONTES SOR1 CAMP WYOOMBK. l'A. M nu. from Phils TO fro« »X CHILDREN 3 TO 12 TEAM Scientific Direction. Spearlrl- Ma. * Years' _aua«lt«?anii Kefetvoi-e Kacnanged. *». ANNA WINDLE PAf-T. Dtan-trsas First IfcMtCMsrl Bawaaaajaa- Oay trtml. N^Mj mm* Dancing LOVEU/S «SI MADISON AVKNT;B Car. SS/th St Paooe Plana 4M« CLASS LESSONS ISr We guarantee to teach »nato dance all the latest modero dances quickly and cirerrectly. 10 LESSONS $8 PRIVAT*: I/BSS«»NS__. W**>TH<HJT APPOÍNTMSI«. A. M. Tt> 11 P M LEARN LANGUAGES AT THE BERUTZ SCHOOL Manhattan: SB Weat S4th Street Brooklyn: 218 Livingston Mtreet New Classes CoastaatW Foraaiaj Private« La-aaaa«*-» »ay aad Kveninat In the Beriohire Hilb A college professor writes "' ""î, «?"«»»«**«* <X what you «c- complisked !" *^ SEDGWICK SCHOOL «"«.t BasrriaartoB. Vtaaa. The New York Tribune published more private school advertising than any other New York newspaper during the month of June. M f.' 1 £ ^fiardmanfâck frCo B¡- announce the Durable HENSEL PIANO at a new low price A Marcel Wave mule PERMANENT by »7 «sew iaaaraavxtl OIL METHOD $1.00 per ctarl. Bobbed hair permanent¬ ly xi-ased so that everj end curls up by itself Bleachctt and dtteJ hair permanently waved »accsTttftMu ¿y Leon', OIL METHOD. Leading specialist! all over the U. S. now i-e mf OIL METHOD exc-Weiy. 'sTLT' LEON ,j!7i£ 28 W. 46&I. SU N. Y. Bryant 4404 MatsHrl TrmntfttrsmxitUftts - ,¿ s%*mie »pith hi» f K Sighs Pr.f rmtíttg Are imeesmfmnMm C*ll MtJ aee our sew creahoot Hair GoW* -*-rJ lijl'ii ¡Umtraied booklet m requeU Specialist Exclutivclç »HmwCtsmth » Eut *mh St-, New Y«r*k illustrated boolrlet et oJimVuiea. m Mahogany LOI IS XVÏ End Table Dull Brown or l»u« Finish ns Value *_**..». Corresponding; low price«! prevail throughout oar entire new stock of furniture recently parchaaed- SHEPPARD KNAPP SON CO.t INC..Eat. 18S7 10ft-ll0 W«*t 38tk SU N. T.

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  • ._-*. '.' -

    -, ï .-- «sa -y'* -^:.*.^'?v>. ;«or .>. a ..- sat » - , «¦. «,v

    *- *v--st: >-: 4? ¿^.-»w

    LIFE SAVERS, but notof the peppermint vari¬ety. Three winsomevolunteer (they all taketurns at it) life saversfrom among the morethan one hundred fair.swimmers at CampAndrée Clark, BriareliffManor, N. Y., where theGirl Scouts have one ofthe finest, vacation estab¬lishments roundaboutNew York. From left toright the trio of smilingscoutesses are MabelDecker, Margaret Holseyand Shirley Decker.


    R I C H M O ND'S NEWPRESIDENT. Shakehands with former StateSenator John A. Lynch,of West New Brighton,Staten Island, who waschosen Borough Presi¬dent of Richmond lastweek to succeed the lateMatthew J, Cahill. Theyouthful looking newexecutive, who was ed¬ucated in our publicschools, is in the realestate and insurancebusiness. p. ,i.


    New^brkTribuTieEdiicational Guide

    Laboratory work atMarquand School, Brooklyn, N. Y.

    Varcity Baseball TeamCarlton Academy, Summit, N. J.


    KISKI ^Prepare« fur college or tav-hnlr«lschool«. Thorotigh Preceptorial Sys¬tem All Indoor and outdoor «portaander cnmpeti.nt instructors, llymna«lum with swimming pool. A.I,lien-,OR. A. W. WILSON JR.. PreaadeatBam SM. Saltaba-). Peansylvaala


    Jan«, July «and AugustUpper Ramapo Hills, Luke Region,

    Orange «Co., New YorkAll water «port«, all field sports, all schoolstudies desired insuring School and Col leseCredits. InUmate Personal Care for jwrncr andolder boy« under experienced «tatT. Illustratedbooklet. Registrar. .Mackenrio School, Monroe. N'.Y.

    aseaicMkSchoolsFor Boys. College. Preparatory.Nronll clause». Recreation build-Ins; and athletic Arid «an I*«««Cayuca. Beautifully located,above Ithaca. Summer school.

    Special Tulnniri: School. Catalogs.The Cauidilla School». Box 142. Ithaca, N. Y.


    Thorough preparation for college or business.Kftlclenl faculty, small classes. Individual atten¬tion. Boys taught how to study. M11 It airy train¬ing. Supervised athletic«. 3Xth year. For cata¬logue, address Drawer 0-34, Bordentown. N. J.Col. T. D. LANDON. Principal and Commandant.

    ColumbiaPreparatory School

    301 Went ftSth SI.jÄ Cor. Wajaat Knd Ave.. N. Y.

    ¦ l>«y and Boarding SchoolFor Hoys

    Primary to College

    DWIGHT SCHOOLIt PARK AVENUK %sBet. 38th aaa 3W*a Sto. «

    College and Regent»' Preparation4Z»a Year

    Athletics I'ndcr Profeasioti-Supcrvlslon

    Kmll E. Camerer, Prin« ipial.Address for Catalog ~

    BethlehemPreparatory School

    BETHLEHEM.PA.v IfiOO boy» prepared for leading unl-. versiHe* in 42 years. Brartensive

    _-' '_ irr nun,is Gymnasium, swimmingW ^ 1 WOl. athletic field. Summer session.J&* ', ialia T. Tuajiey. «. A.. H atad ataster

    Carmel HallA «'.tinny Boanling and DaySchool for Boys. 7-15: 20 min¬utes from New Haven. 4 build¬ings. 17 acres. Preparation forleading secondary schools. HouseMother. Manual Training, Agri¬culture. Moderate rates.William H. Janet. Headmaster.Mourn Carmel, Connecticut.



    Callee« Preparatory tar Bay».Catholic School for Catholic boys.Small classes, modern buildings.All athletics, gymnasium. Me«.JAME£ F. NEWCOMB. J. C. 0..Headmaster. HENRY L CRE-HAN. L. L. I).. Act im: I leadmaster.

    summit. K. j.


    An endowed Preparatory School for boy«offcriiiK the csscntlala of education withoutthe frill«. Conducted to make men and notmoney. Necesnary expenses only $".50. New-Academic and Gymnasium HuildinK coHtlngr$70.000 in addition to $100.000 plant.

    For Catalogue addressA. H. OAMOKN. Pm-klent, it©* 114.Cluithiaitt, Va.

    E^lNTMMUlÄlWACafflEMYHoys 1« to ¿o years prepared for

    I!ni««rrsllie«. (luvr-nimi nl Acad-i-idics or Uiisim-ss. Gym.,swimming l"»»l and ittthlettcpark. $600,(HHI plant Charges*f)00 F«n* calal'igue aai-lns« Col.

    Tlios. II. Russell. B. S.. Pre».Box Y. Kahle Sta.. .Uauiitun, Via.

    Boys Children Girls

    College Preparatory atad* l«omTH 11 P M


    BERUTZ SCHOOLManhattan: SB Weat S4th StreetBrooklyn: 218 Livingston MtreetNew Classes CoastaatW ForaaiajPrivate« La-aaaa«*-» »ay aad Kveninat

    In the Beriohire HilbA college professor writes

    "' ""î, «?"«»»«**«*