news & information fall 2019 | elul - kislev 5779/80

kaleido SCOPE WHO WE ARE Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, is a volunteer organization that inspires a passion for and commitment to the land, the people, and the future of Israel. Through education, advocacy, and youth development, and its support of medical care and research at Hadassah Medical Organization, Hadassah enhances the health and lives of people in Israel, the United States and worldwide. NEWS & INFORMATION FALL 2019 | ELUL - KISLEV 5779/80 con·nec·tion/k 'nekSH( )n/ 1. the act or state of connecting 2. the state of being connected 3. anything that connects; a connecting part; link; bond 4. association; relationship 5. a circle of friends or associates or a member of such a circle e e Continued on Page 7 Connection is Power In 2002, Jamie Armin became involved with Hadassah in Massachusetts because she was looking for a Jewish women’s organization. With a background in education and an emphasis in health science and working with at-risk students, Jamie shares, “my background was a natural match with Hadassah’s work in health research, Youth Aliyah, and stem cell research.” Jamie held a variety of positions at the local level including membership chair, book club chair and president. When the time came to move west to California, Jamie reached out to the local Northern Area office and was told about a new group forming in the San Fernando Valley area where she would be able to connect with other like-minded Hadassah women and put her leadership skills into action. Thanks to Jamie’s background, commitment to Hadassah, and her outgoing personality, she found a home in the new, soon to be chartered group, Ruach, and will be installed as the first president. Originally from New York, Roni Splatnick lived in various locations on the east coast before settling in Saskatchewan, Canada, and becoming involved in Canadian Hadassah-WIZO (Women’s International Zionist Organization). A loyal member, Roni and her husband moved to Las Cruces, New Mexico, where she transferred her membership to Hadassah and four years later relocated to Palm Desert. It was here that Roni found her way to Sabra Hadassah of the Desert and made an immediate connection with other women who shared similar values and interests. Not long after joining the group, Roni jumped into a leadership position where she became HAD-KAL-Fall 2019.indd 1 8/26/19 3:59 PM

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WHO WE AREHadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, is a volunteer organization that inspires a passion for and commitment to the land, the people, and the future of Israel. Through education, advocacy, and youth development, and its support of medical care and research at Hadassah Medical Organization, Hadassah enhances the health and lives of people in Israel, the United States and worldwide.


con·nec·tion/k 'nekSH( )n/

1. the act or state of connecting2. the state of being connected3. anything that connects; a connecting part; link; bond4. association; relationship5. a circle of friends or associates or a member of such a circle


Continued on Page 7

Connection is Power

In 2002, Jamie Armin became involved with Hadassah in Massachusetts because she was looking for a Jewish women’s organization. With a background in education and an emphasis in health science and working with at-risk students, Jamie shares, “my background was a natural match with Hadassah’s work in health research, Youth Aliyah, and stem cell research.” Jamie held a

variety of positions at the local level including membership chair, book club chair and president. When the time came to move west to California, Jamie reached out to the local Northern Area offi ce and was told about a new group forming in the San Fernando Valley area where she would

be able to connect with other like-minded Hadassah women and put her leadership skills into action. Thanks to Jamie’s background, commitment to Hadassah, and her outgoing personality, she found a home in the new, soon to be chartered group, Ruach, and

will be installed as the fi rst president.

Originally from New York, Roni Splatnick lived in various locations on the east coast before settling in Saskatchewan, Canada, and becoming

involved in Canadian Hadassah-WIZO (Women’s International Zionist Organization). A loyal member, Roni and her husband moved to Las

Cruces, New Mexico, where she transferred her membership to Hadassah and four years later relocated to Palm Desert. It was here that Roni found

her way to Sabra Hadassah of the Desert and made an immediate connection with other women who shared similar values and interests. Not long after joining the group, Roni jumped into a leadership position where she became

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HADASSAH SABRA OF THE DESERT DESERT/EAST AREA Cindy Hailpern, President Michelle Shahon, Area Director Hadassah Desert/East Area PO Box 11979 Palm Desert, CA 92255-1979 ph (760) 327-7059 fax (310) 247-0607 [email protected]

HAWAII Andrea Snyder, Hawaii President ph (808) 265-3559 [email protected]

LONG BEACH/ORANGE COUNTY AREA Dorie Rogers, President Michelle Shahon, Area Director Hadassah Long Beach/Orange County Area PO Box 881 Los Alamitos, CA 90720 ph (562) 430-5055 fax (310) 247-0607 [email protected]

METRO LOS ANGELES AREA Maureen Bernstein and Mitra Irani, Co-Presidents Hazel Gordon, Area Director Hadassah Metro Area Amelia & Mark Taper Hadassah House 455 S. Robertson Boulevard Beverly Hills, CA 90211 ph (310) 276-0036 fax (310) 247-0607 [email protected]

NORTHERN AREA (VALLEYS) Gabrielle Clayman and Fay Thaw, Co-Presidents Rachel Charnick, Area Director Hadassah Northern Area 20350 Ventura Blvd. Suite 220 Woodland Hills, CA 91364 ph (818) 887-1912 fax (818) 887-1913 [email protected]

SAN DIEGO AREA Lori Good and Joan Rosenberg, Co-Presidents Deena Feinman, Area Director Hadassah San Diego Area 4950 Murphy Canyon Road San Diego, CA 92123 ph (858) 268-3200 fax (858) 268-3299 [email protected]

HEADQUARTERSHADASSAH SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Debbie Kessler, President Lauren Rothman, Executive Director Neil Fischer, Director of Operations, Administration and Technology Harriett Zeitlin, Director of Development, Western and Desert Mountain Regions Ian Merles, Annual Giving Officer, West Coast Amelia & Mark Taper Hadassah House 455 S. Robertson Boulevard Beverly Hills, CA 90211 ph (310) 276-0036 fax (310) 247-0607 [email protected]

kaleidoSCOPE Published by Hadassah Southern California

Editor: Terry Whitten [email protected]

Staff Editor: Michelle Shahon [email protected]

Layout & Design: Mac Media, LLC

Rosh Hashanah is a time of renewal, an opportunity for a fresh start.

It is a time when we resolve to have a better year.

Each of us has unlimited potential and capacity for greatness. Each of us has a unique set of skills and talents that when applied

properly, can have a monumental impact. This Rosh Hashanah let us commit to using our individual strengths to make a difference.

 Through Hadassah you can connect to a community of 300,000 members, and that connection is power—the power:• to fight for Jewish values and social justice,• for the things you are about,• for quality healthcare in Israel and around the world,• for women’s rights,• to fight against anti-Semitism, and so much more! Choose to positively influence the next 365 days with kindness, joy and strength! All of us at Hadassah wish you and yours a Happy, Healthy and Sweet New Year!

L’Shanah Tovah,

Debbie Kessler

From the day I began working for Hadassah, the concept of “connection” was quite evident. I observed it in how our members interact with each other and enjoy deep lasting friendships, how our doctors in Israel relate to their patients, how our staff members work hard for the mission, and how generously our donors give to the organization. How does this happen, this concept of connection? Perhaps it was the foundation our founder Henrietta Szold created in 1912 when she called for practical Zionism, proactive work to help meet the health needs of Palestine’s people. More than 100 years later, Henrietta’s motivation of Jewish women engaged in a feet-on-the ground approach is still today what connects us together. What is your personal connection to Hadassah? Is it our medical research, our treatment of all patients that walk through our hospital doors, the cures to diseases that affect those we love? As Rosh Hashanah approaches, I invite you to look deep within your soul for opportunities to connect even more with the people you care about, to connect even more to Hadassah’s life-changing work and to connect even more with the world around you and leaving your personal imprint. Thank you for all you do for Hadassah and may you experience a Rosh Hashanah filled with peace and deep meaningful connections.

Lauren Rothman



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“The best way I know to assure women’s rights is to assert women’s rights.” This powerful statement was spoken by Hadassah National President Ellen Hershkin as she addressed the nearly one thousand attendees at Hadassah’s 99th National Convention this past July.

Hershkin’s words set the stage for a rally on the streets of Manhattan where the women of Hadassah raised their voices to support reproductive choice and culminated in a new policy statement on infertility. This included the reaffi rmation of pro-choice statements, protesting recent policy changes and proposals that are jeopardizing access to reproductive and preventive health services.

The new policy statement on infertility cites that one in eight couples in the United States have trouble getting and sustaining a pregnancy, and nearly 12% of women have received infertility services. Rates are higher in the Jewish community with infertility aff ecting one in six Jewish couples.

Despite these statistics, access to fertility treatments are often prohibitive due to limited insurance coverage, and many families incur debt or choose not to seek treatment due to fi nancial burden. Currently, Israel is the worldwide leader of in vitro fertilization, and Hadassah Medical Organization is also a leader in fertility treatment and research. Hadassah’s new policy statement urges lawmakers in the United States to expand access to and reduce the fi nancial burden on infertility screenings and treatments.

In addition to women’s rights, Hadassah National Convention addressed the disturbing increase in anti-Semitic rhetoric, threats, propaganda, and attacks. “The only way to fi ght anti-Semitism is by waging an affi rmative battle for who we are,” said New York Times Opinion Editor Bari Weiss. Hadassah has expanded its policy statements to include details about the need for Holocaust and

anti-hate education and to affi rm support for Israel and opposition to anti-Semitism that must remain nonpartisan American values.

An additional policy statement was passed to address the humanitarian crisis at the border. It asserts that “as Jews we have a special understanding of the immigrant experience, especially refugees seeking safe haven from perilous circumstances in their native countries,” and it affi rms that Hadassah is dedicated to health, human rights, and the advancement of human dignity in response to this humanitarian crisis.

Hadassah’s Policy Statements are debated and voted on by Hadassah’s national board and delegates, and affi rm that Hadassah continues to play a vigorous and vital role in American society.

Visit Hadassah’s National Action Center to fi nd a policy that matters to you!

Advocacy at the Forefront


Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc.©2019 Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. Hadassah, the H logo and Hadassah the Power of Women Who Do are registered trademarks of Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc.




Together, we have the power to heal the world. Annual membership is only $36 and helps Hadassah address key issues of the day.

Help us connect with new

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Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer and does not discriminate by age, race or gender. It is most often caused by ultraviolet radiation from sunshine or tanning salons. If diagnosed and treated early, melanoma is almost always curable, but if not, the cancer can advance and spread to other parts of the body, where it becomes hard to treat and can be fatal.

In 2012, Florida attorney, Stewart Greenberg, was diagnosed with stage IV melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer. His doctors told him to get his aff airs in order because he did not have much time left to live.

But Stewart’s life was about to take a diff erent turn. While in Jerusalem on a community mission, Stewart met with Dr. Michal Lotem, Head of the Center for Melanoma and Cancer Immunotherapy at Hadassah’s Sharett Institute of Oncology. Dr. Lotem, a trailblazer, has been conducting clinical trials with personalized melanoma vaccines for more than sixteen years, and Stewart soon joined the clinical trial. Unique in the world, the treatment involves matching patient tissue type and using the donor’s melanoma lines to create more cells, which are then irradiated and injected into the patient. The cells work like a vaccine, triggering the patient’s immune system.

“I want the world to know that Hadassah Hospitals are changing the way we fi ght cancer with cutting-edge new treatment protocols,” says Stewart.

“At Hadassah, the doctors are also interested in everything that is going on in your body, head to toe. Their priority is saving lives,” adds Stewart, “and the doctors are willing to go the extra mile for their patients.”

Another new development in the fi eld of skin cancer treatment at Hadassah, was the 2019 opening of the new Center for Dermatologic Surgery at Ein Kerem, headed by Professor Abraham Zlotogorski. The most common skin cancers are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. These types of skin cancers usually appear as a wound that doesn’t heal or becomes infected, or as a lesion that grows gradually and spreads. Two types of surgery are used to remove those skin tumors: conventional surgery or a treatment called Mohs surgery.

Named after the doctor who invented it, with Mohs surgery, the surgeon removes the lesion only, without removing excess tissue, and sends the lesion to the lab next to the operating room for processing, which takes only a few minutes, instead of several weeks. Although the Mohs procedure takes more time than conventional surgery, the surgeon avoids cutting healthy tissue, resulting in a better aesthetic outcome and reduces the risk of recurrence and the need for repeat surgery for the same area.

We are fortunate that in November 2019, Stewart Greenberg will be touring extensively in Hadassah Southern California, where he will share details of his remarkable and inspiring experiences as a patient at Hadassah on the following dates:

• Friday, November 15, Greenberg will speak at “Miracles and Mimosas” a brunch in the Northern Valleys Area at Westlake Yacht Club in Westlake Village.

• Sunday, November 17, the Long Beach/Orange County Area will host its 5th Annual “Latkes and Vodka” event at Temple Beth Sholom in Santa Ana from 4:00-7:00PM.

• Monday, November 18, the San Diego Area will host “Wine, Miracles and Chocolate” from 7:00-8:30PM at a private home in Del Mar.

For more information, to attend one of these events or make a gift, call your local area offi ce (see page 2). See fi rsthand Hadassah’s power to heal the world, one patient at a time. In addition, Greenberg will also be speaking at selected private fundraising events in Southern California (see box on right).

Cutting-EdgeSkin Cancer TreatmentHadassah Medical Organization Is Saving Lives

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“At Hadassah, the doctors are also interested in everythingthat is going on in your body,

head to toe. Their priorityis saving lives, and the

doctors are willing togo the extra mile for

their patients.” – Stewart Greenberg

Melanoma Survior

1. In 2019, melanoma is expected to take the lives of over 7,200 Americans.

2. More than 87,000 cases of melanoma will be diagnosed this year in the U.S.

3. The most important warning sign for skin cancer is a spot on the skin that is changing in size, shape or color.

4. Sun damage to the skin is cumulative. Covering your skin with proper clothing is critical to preventing melanoma. A long-sleeved shirt and pants, wide brimmed hat to cover the face, ears and neck and wraparound sunglasses are a few recommended items to reduce exposure to the sun.

5. Over 200 patients with metastatic melanoma (melanoma that has spread) have been successfully treated over the past 18 years in the Hadassah Melanoma and Cancer Immunotherapy Center at Hadassah Hospital.

To fi nd out more about the

private events, please contact

Harriett Zeitlin, Director of

Development, Western and

Desert Mountain Regions at

[email protected] or call


Facts Figures&

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161,513National Hadassah Facebook page likes, comments, shares— +35% growth from 2017

6Awards received by Hadassah Southern California at the 99th National Convention—the most received by any region or area in Hadassah

1,400Letters to Congress from Hadassah members in 42 states

97,649Hospitalizations at Hadassah Hospital

$178,500Associates raised for HMO and Alzheimer’s Research

13,037Births at Hadassah Hospital—the highest number ever at HMO in one year

250+Hadassah advocates at Day on the Hill in 25 states and every Hadassah region participated in over 80+ meetings with congressional representatives

5,000In vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures provided by Hadassah Hospital each year to patients from Israel, the Palestinian Authority and abroad—Israel provides free IVF until a woman has two babies or reaches age 45

340Participants on Hadassah Missions to Israel—213% growth

7,000New, renewed, upgraded Life and annual Hadassah members

Hadassah In Action: Impact from 2018

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Contributions will be used for the support of Hadassah’s charitable projects and programs in the U.S. and/or Israel including: medical relief, education and research; education and advocacy programs on issues of concern to women and that of the family; and support of programs for Jewish youth. Financial and other information about Hadassah may be obtained, without cost, by writing the Finance Department at Hadassah’s principal place of business at the address indicated above, or by calling the phone number indicated above. In addition, residents of the following states may obtain financial and/or licensing information from their states, as indicated.

DC: The Certificate of Registration Number of Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. is #40003848, which is valid for the period 9/1/2017-8/31/2019. Registration does not imply endorsement of the solicitation by the District of Columbia, or by any officer or employee of the District. FL: A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION FOR HADASSAH, THE WOMEN’S ZIONIST ORGANIZATION OF AMERICA, INC. (#SC-1298) AND HADASSAH MEDICAL RELIEF ASSOCIATION, INC. (#SC-4603) MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONSUMER SERVICES BY CALLING TOLL-FREE 1-800-HELP-FLA, OR ONLINE AT KS: The official registration and annual financial report of Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. is filed with the Kansas Secretary of State. Kansas Registration #237-478-3. MD: A copy of the current financial statement of Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. is available by writing 40 Wall Street, 8th Floor, New York, New York 10005, Att: Finance Dept., or by calling (212) 355-7900. Documents and information submitted under the Maryland Charitable Solicitations Act are also available for the cost of postage and copies, from the Maryland Secretary of State, State House, Annapolis, MD 21401. MI: Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. MICS #13005/Hadassah Medical Relief Association, Inc. MICS # 11986/The Hadassah Foundation, Inc. MICS #22965. MS: The official registration and financial information of Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. may be obtained from the Mississippi Secretary of State’s office by calling 1(888) 236-6167. NJ: INFORMATION FILED BY HADASSAH, THE WOMEN’S ZIONIST ORGANIZATION OF AMERICA, INC. AND HADASSAH MEDICAL RELIEF ASSOCIATION, INC. WITH THE NEW JERSEY ATTORNEY GENERAL CONCERNING THIS CHARITABLE SOLICITATION AND THE PERCENTAGE OF CONTRIBUTIONS RECEIVED BY THE CHARITY DURING THE LAST REPORTING PERIOD THAT WERE DEDICATED TO THE CHARITABLE PURPOSE MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY BY CALLING (973) 504-6215 AND IS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET AT NY: You may obtain a copy of Hadassah’s Financial Report by writing to the Hadassah Finance Dept., 40 Wall Street, 8th Floor, New York, New York 10005. NC: FINANCIAL INFORMATION ABOUT HADASSAH, THE WOMEN’S ZIONIST ORGANIZATION OF AMERICA, INC. AND A COPY OF ITS LICENSE ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE NORTH CAROLINA SECRETARY OF STATE, SOLICITATION LICENSING SECTION AT 919-807-2214 OR FOR NORTH CAROLINA RESIDENTS AT 1-888-830-4989. PA: The official registration and financial information of Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc., Hadassah Medical Relief Association, Inc., and The Hadassah Foundation, Inc. may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1(800) 732-0999. VA: A financial statement of the organization is available from the Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, P.O. Box 1163, Richmond, VA 23218, Phone #1 (800) 552-9963, upon request. WA: Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc., Hadassah Medical Relief Association, Inc. and The Hadassah Foundation, Inc. are registered with the Washington Secretary of State. Financial disclosure information is available from the Secretary of State. The toll-free phone number for Washington residents is 800-332-GIVE (800-332-4483), OR 360-725-0378. The website is WV: West Virginia residents may obtain a summary of the registration and financial documents of Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. from the Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, WV 25305. ALL OTHER STATES: A copy of Hadassah’s latest Financial Report is available by writing to the Hadassah Finance Dept., 40 Wall Street, 8th Floor, New York, New York 10005.


Charitable deductions are allowed to the extent provided by law. Hadassah shall have full dominion, control and discretion over this gift (and shall be under no legal obligation to transfer any portion of a gift to or for the use or benefit of any other entity or organization). All decisions regarding the transfer of funds to or for the benefit of any other entity or organization shall be subject to the approval of the Board or other governing body of Hadassah.

©2019 Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc. Hadassah is a registered trademark of Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc.

Continued from Page 1

the program co-chair and later this fall will be installed as the 2020 area president. According to Roni, “I appreciate the commitment, the good work and the life-long friends that Hadassah is known for.”

Evelyn Sherman, life member since 1958, has a long history with Hadassah in Los Angeles. She was a member of her mother’s group and participated in their meetings, functions, luncheons, and annual events. She remained supportive of this group until her mother passed away and continued as an active Hadassah member in a new group until her move to San Diego two years ago to be near to her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. “I am not ready to be active at this stage of my life,” Evelyn explains, “but I want to continue my financial support of Hadassah and all the good work it does.” She enjoys receiving e-mails and magazines which

keep her updated on Hadassah’s medical breakthroughs and the projects and programs it promotes. Currently, Evelyn lives at Seacrest Village—a retirement community in Encinitas that provides independent senior living —and a place where she has met and formed friendships with other Hadassah women.

Dallia Meshkani was gifted life membership by her mother many years ago but was not ready to become active until 2014 when she joined the Malka Group, one of two Persian groups in the Los Angeles area. After joining the group, Dallia immediately became involved with fundraising which included joint events with the established Haifa group. Dallia became co-chair of the Party Books sales, as well as overseeing several of the Malka group’s fundraising events. She was empowered and motivated by what she learned about Hadassah from some of the seasoned members from the

Haifa group. Inspired by the organization, Dallia became co-president of the Malka group to “better help the community through Hadassah and to make others aware of what we do in Israel, in the U.S. and throughout the world.” Wanting to pass on the commitment and legacy of this dynamic organization, Dallia plans to continue the tradition and gift her three children membership, making them a 3-generation Hadassah family.

For these women, and so many others, Hadassah is the tie that binds them together helping to connect and weave the bonds of friendship and sisterhood. Hadassah is a place to empower and be empowered. It is a place to advocate, effect change and make your voice heard; a place to make an impact. Hadassah is a dynamic force which embodies all of this, and so much more.

Connection is Power

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Amelia & Mark Taper Hadassah House455 S. Robertson Boulevard, Beverly Hills, CA 90211-3603


Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc.



HAPPY NEW YEARShanah TovahHadassah Southern California 310.276.0036 [email protected]

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Hadassah Southern CaliforniaWinter Conference & Installation

Morning keynote speaker: Elan Carr, U.S. Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating anti-Semitism

Afternoon keynote speaker & Installing Officer: Rhoda Smolow, National Hadassah President-Elect

Sunday, December 8, 201910:00 AM Check-in/10:30 AM Sharp, Program

Luxe Sunset Hotel, Los Angeles

S AV E T H E D A T E !Be inspired by Hadassah’s new, comprehensive leadership program, Building Hadassah Community.

Join a select group of San Diego area women to engage in Hadassah’s mission and values.

To find out more, callHadassah San Diego: 858-268-3200

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