news letter issue 012 drk’s - good governance · 2018-05-28 · rk’ s news letter issue 012...

DRK’S NEWS LETTER Issue 012 DRK’s News Letter Issue No: 12 June,2017 DRK WITH HON’BLE HOME MINISTER SHRI. RAJNATH SINGH AND BOLLYWOOD STAR AKSHAY KUMAR AT- VALOUR DAY FUNCTION Nation Pays Homage to the Martyrs of CRPF In my over four decades of public service, I consider my association with Central Reserve Police Force as the most valuable, satisfying and learning experience about the Nation and its hotspots. It is such a unique force, I have always called it as the Peace Keepers of the Nation. I have seen the Force in action countering communal violence, natural disasters, extremism, insurgency and terrorism in various parts of the country like Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, North-East and Jammu & Kashmir. I have also personally seen the able and effective manner the Force performed its difficult and delicate tasks as part of the Indian Peace Keeping Force in Sri Lanka. It is because of my confidence in its ability, dependability and loyalty, I insisted upon my continued association with CRPF, even when I was requested by the Government of India to take up the leadership of the Special Investigation Team of CBI, specially constituted to investigate the blind case of the gruesome assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. (more about that in a later NewsLetter). Unarguably I was the only IPS officer to have held two full time jobs in entirely two different organisations for several years - in CBI with no arms and uniform- and in the fully uniformed and fully armed CRPF. In my book and several interviews with the print and electronic media I have Email: [email protected] Website: DRK as IG- CRPF with Prime Minister Shri. Deve Gowda

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Page 1: NEWS LETTER Issue 012 DRK’s - Good Governance · 2018-05-28 · RK’ S NEWS LETTER Issue 012 Email: DRK’s News Letter Issue No: 12 June,2017 DRK WITH HON’BLE HOME MINISTER


DRK’s News Letter

Issue No: 12



Nation Pays Homage to the Martyrs of CRPF

In my over four decades of public service, I consider my association with Central Reserve Police Force as the most valuable, satisfying and learning experience about the Nation and its hotspots. It is such a unique force, I have always called it as the Peace Keepers of the Nation.

I have seen the Force in action countering communal violence, natural disasters, extremism, insurgency and terrorism in various parts of the country like Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, North-East and Jammu & Kashmir. I have also personally seen the able and effective manner the Force performed its difficult and delicate tasks as part of the

Indian Peace Keeping Force in Sri Lanka.

It is because of my confidence in its ability, dependability and loyalty, I insisted upon my continued association with CRPF, even when I was requested by the Government of India to take up the leadership of the Special Investigation Team of CBI, specially constituted to investigate the blind case of the gruesome assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. (more about that in a later NewsLetter).

Unarguably I was the only IPS officer to have held two full time jobs in entirely two different organisations for several years -in CBI with no arms and uniform-and in the fully uniformed and fully armed CRPF.

In my book and several interviews with the print and electronic media I have

Email: [email protected] Website:

DRK as IG- CRPF with Prime Minister Shri. Deve Gowda

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acknowledged generously the contribution made by the CRPF personnel in enabling my successful performance of the challenging task entrusted to me in the CBI.

The glorious eight decades of history of the CRPF can be rightly described as a saga of sacrifice, sincere service and sustained dedication towards the unity, integrity and sovereignty of the nation.

The Force has earned universal appreciation as the peace-keeper of the nation. It was of course at enormous hardship and sacrifice to its brave men and women. CRPF which has proved to be an asset to the nation as the sentinel of peace, has also won accolades globally, when its personnel performed duties in the most commendable manner as part of the UN Peace Keeping Force in several theatres of operation like Kosovo and Haiti.

The hallmark of the CRPF has been highest level of discipline,

professional competence and a tradition of compassionate service to the community. Wherever they were deployed, they have won the confidence of the public in general and have been able to function effectively in perfect harmony with the local police and the administration.

The success is all due to its adaptability, neutrality, secularism, dedication, human rights consciousness, good behaviour and effectiveness in dealing with various situations.

This versatile Force could very comfortably work shoulder to shoulder along with the civil police and armed police in any part of the country in dealing

with any situation like law and order, communal situation, fighting extremism, insurgency and terrorism. There have been occasions when CRPF could function shoulder to shoulder with the Army also in situations of armed conflict with aggressive neighbours-China and Pakistan.

Central Reserve Police Force, the largest paramilitary force in the world has been celebrating 9th April of every year as “Valour Day” to pay tributes to the brave personnel who sacrificed their lives displaying exemplary courage to protect the country. The history of CRPF is a saga of sacrifice and sustained dedication for national integration, unity and maintenance of peace in the country.

The Valour Day is celebrated in remembrance of an act of unparalleled bravery displayed by a small contingent of CRPF personnel, pitted against a full-

With PM Shri. IK Gujral and USSR PM Mr. Kosygin

DRK As IG -CRPF with Prime Minister Shri. PV Narasimha Rao

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fledged infantry brigade of Pakistani Army, trying to overrun their post, at Sardar Post, Rann of Kutch, Gujarat on April 09, 1965. They not only defeated the Pakistani brigade but also killed 34 Pakistani soldiers and captured 4 of them alive. The CRPF successfully defended the post till the arrival of reinforcements. The saga of valour of Sardar Post is a rich source of inspiration to the officers and men of CRPF and hence befittingly 9th April is observed as the “Valour Day”.

This year’s Valour Day, the Union Home Minister Shri. Rajnath Singh was the Chief Guest, who awarded Police Medal for Gallantry to the CRPF personnel, including many posthumously.

Some of the widows honoured for the valour of their husbands who made the supreme sacrifice were very young, sobbing

uncontrollably and in tears as they received the honour.

Among those honoured was the 93 year old retired CRPF Head Constable Baljit Singh, who is the only living legend of the battle against Chinese intruders at Hot Spring, Aksai Chin, Ladakh on October 21, 1959. He fought gallantly in that battle. It is at an altitude of 4681 metres above sea level. I have visited and paid homage at the memorial, considered the pilgrimage by Indian Police.

Just days after Bollywood star Akshay Kumar was honoured with the National Film Award for Best Actor, for his film ‘Rustom’ in which he portrayed the role of Indian Navy officer, he has now finally done something commendable for the Armed personnel to look up to him with respect. The actor who was seen across TV channels donating money to the kin of jawans, now made it possible even for the common man. is the

website/ app sponsored by the actor.

The actor Akshay Kumar’s idea for donation to martyrs came into fruition, when the Home Minister launched the web portal – ‘BharatKeVeer’ where people can donate upto Rs 15 lakhs to the families of personnel of CRPF and other paramilitary forces, martyred in the line of duty. The contributions go directly to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries.

In his address the national award winning star Akshay Kumar, who was the guest of honour at the Valour Day function said, "Today I am here between you, not as an actor, but as the son of an Army officer. Some youth of the country get distracted and choose the path of terrorism but they don't realise that the terrorists have very few supporters. Our jawans fight with all their heart and do good work. They need the support of 1.25 billion people to perform their difficult task."

With 93 yr old Sh. Baljit Singh

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The actor has been an active contributor to the cause of armed forces. He had recently donated Rupees Nine lakhs to the families of the 12 CRPF personnel who were martyred at the Sukma Naxal attacks on 11 March.

Home Minister Singh praised the actor's commitment to the cause, and said, "It would not be wrong if I call him 'Action Kumar'. He is a hero for so many, but for him, Army and CRPF jawans are the real heroes."

The Home Minister paid tributes to the valour and sacrifice of CRPF personnel and announced that the government would

ensure every family of a martyr gets at least Rs. One crore in compensation, though their sacrifice is priceless.

Convocation at Christ University, Bengaluru

The Christ University at Bangalore is perhaps the greenest and cleanest university in any city.

The nearly five decade old campus is a living example for the multiculturalism with students from all the states of

India and from around 60 different countries, living

together harmoniously and

studying peacefully. The magnificent library has over one hundred thousand books and hundreds of

journals on varying subjects from India and abroad.

I was invited as Chief Guest at the Convocation. The 3000 capacity elegant auditorium was filled with the young and bright graduates adorning colourful gowns, students and parents. The ceremonial procession was greeted with melodious Nadaswaram and led by student band. The rituals were followed meticulously and the whole ceremony started with lighting

of the huge lamp.

In my Convocation Address I briefly referred to the state of the nation, state of the economy, menace of corruption, need for good governance, and emphasis on values and health.

“The first duty of each one of us is to be healthy. Unless one is healthy and fit, one cannot enjoy life – one cannot achieve anything in life, one will become a liability to the family and the nation. To enjoy life, to learn any skill, to be of any use for the With the Vice Chancellor Dr Fr Thomas C Mathew

Graduates and Audience at the Convocation of Christ University

Delivering the Convocation Address

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family and the society, one has to be healthy. Our physical health is in our hands – in what we eat and drink. We should be conscious to consume only healthy food, have regular physical exercise like yoga, take care of our mental, spiritual, social and emotional health by prayer, meditation and keeping good company. If the busiest person Prime Minister Narendra Modi can find time for starting the day at 5 am and committing 90 minutes every day for yoga, pranayama and meditation, none else can claim to be too busy to find time for exercise”.

“Very few in the country have such an opportunity of excellent education as you are blessed with. For that I applaud your parents and your own wisdom”.

“Take one vow – that each one of you will help at least one less fortunate person in his education and life. That will be the greatest contribution. In this country at least 50 percent of the

population are well to do – well above poverty line. If each one of us take care of one less fortunate person, there will be no poverty in this country. That is the duty of every citizen instead of waiting for the government to do everything”.

“The university has given them the best possible education – knowledge and skills. You have also been imparted the right

values, right attitudes, right conduct and right conduct. In short you have learnt the art and science of right living. Yet, you have only learnt how to learn. The real learning is when you go out into the world – the university of life. Be humble and willing to learn from everyone from every experience”.

I concluded my address with the following words of Abraham Lincoln – “Stand with anybody that stands right; stand with him while he is right; and part with him when he goes wrong”.

Flowers Bloom in Desert

At a time when even drinking water is becoming scarce and farmers are in distress due to drought due to failure of the monsoon in many parts of India. I was pleasantly surprised to find plenty of water everywhere and mile and miles of greenery and flower beds lining the roads in the desert country, UAE.

At the Convocation at Dubai

Congratulating a Medal winner at the Convocation

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I was visiting Dubai after a long gap on invitation and persuasion to visit Dubai to receive from the Commonwealth Vocational University, the Doctor of Science (Honoris Causa) in the specialised area of Good Governance.

The function was held at Hotel Atlantis, the Palm – an Oasis of palm trees and flowers. It is a super luxury hotel resort located at the apex of the Palm Jumeirah, an artificial archipelago in United Arab Emirates, created using land reclamation. It was the first resort to be built on the island and is themed on the myth of Atlantis but includes distinct Arabian elements.

Vast desert is on one side and on the other side is the vast ocean. There is no natural source of water. Dubai is full of amazing buildings with varying and beautiful architecture. The roads are perfectly made and maintained, with borders of

green lawns and flowerbeds for miles together.

The highest building in the world is Burj Khalifa with greenery all around. It is the tallest artificial structure in the world, standing at 829.8 m (2,722 ft). The largest mall in the world is said to be the Dubai mall.

The Dubai Fountain is the world's largest choreographed fountain system set on the 30-

acre manmade Burj Khalifa Lake, at the center of the Downtown Dubai.

Small population, most of the workers are from outside –many from India and Pakistan. Plenty of desalinated potable water everywhere not only for drinking but even for maintaining the greenery and flowers everywhere. Even at the time of recession in Dubai- there is visible prosperity with tourists thronging everywhere. Newer constructions and tourist attractions being built all the time.

In the desert city, the efficiently organised boat cruise is a major attraction. So also the thrilling desert safari and Dune Buggy ride over undulating huge mounds of sand dunes is the most thrilling experience. Of course going to the top of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world is an unforgettable unique experience. One must have the time to experience all the exciting tours.

Receiving Doctor of Science, (Honoris Causa) at Dubai

From the top of the tallest artificial structure in the world- Burj Khalifa, Dubai

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There is law and order in the country – with perfect discipline on the roads – citizens experiencing a sense of high security both at home and outside, proving the efficiency of the administration and strict enforcement of the laws of the land. I interacted with many Indian families enjoying the life and safety living there.

One cannot help but admire the vision of the rulers constantly innovating and efficiently developing Dubai as a perennial attraction of tourists from around the world throughout the year.

To find reliable and permanent solution to water scarcity in many parts of our country, if we do not link the rivers – as water ways, we will be left with no option but to resort to large scale desalination of sea water, at whatever may be the cost – as the only way of vast parts of the country becoming desert in a couple of decades.

ISRO makes India Proud again

When I was invited by ISAC-ISRO, Bangalore to deliver the Bharat Ratna Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam memorial oration at the Bangalore campus of ISRO (ISAC) in October 2016, I also readily accepted their kind invitation to spend two full days on the campus.

At the end of two days I found I am immensely benefitted and also overwhelmed and proud to see the amazing achievements, commitment and devotion with which every member of the team – from the senior most space scientists to the junior most technicians – performing their duties with total zeal and pride.

I wrote about my experience in my earlier News Letter No-6. The contents were highly appreciated by a large number of space scientists and well wishers from around the world.

So when I had the invitation and opportunity to visit Sriharikota to witness the launch of GSLV Mk III- D1, I travelled overnight to reach Satish Dhawan Space Centre at the Island of Sriharikota on 5th June.

The Space Scientists graciously took me round the various facilities including Tele Commanding, Telemetry Station and SLV and ASLV Launch Pad areas.

With Project Director PK Gupta, Director ISAC Dr. M. Annadurai and Space Scientists in charge of the mission, just before the launch at Satish Dhawan Space Centre - SHAR

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I was moved when I was taken to the spots where Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam worked tirelessly.

An hour before the launch, I had the privilege of being taken to all the areas where the top scientists and the scientists in-charge of various controls would be sitting and monitoring the actual launch. I could interact with many of the scientists, who were humble and dignified in their conversation. They tried to explain the various operations patiently even to a layman like me.

In the visitors gallery I was seated in the front row with knowledgeable scientists sitting

on both sides and explaining to me as the count down began for the launch.

Like many others, I also rushed out to see the spectacular - once in a life time - opportunity of seeing the massive vehicle with the satellite shooting in the orbit with a huge trail of fire.

Thereafter I came back to the gallery to see the various stages of the flight on the huge screens in the massive auditorium. There was a huge thunder of applause from the scientists and the visitors, seeing and hearing that the “Mission Achieved”.

Every Indian was made proud by our talented and dedicated scientists working over the project over several years. Soon followed the message of congratulations from the Prime Minister of India.

The justifiably proud and dynamic Chairman of ISRO Dr. Kiran Kumar announced to the world, the success of the mission and the Prime Minister’s Message of congratulations just received.

Dr. Kiran Kumar congratulated all the members of the ISRO team and particularly named some of the directors, who have made direct and significant contribution to the success of the mission.

ISRO has been involving and encouraging over 300 Indian industries to make essential parts for the project.

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The scientists/directors in-charge of various operations spoke briefly about the enormous work of their teams for years together to make the entire mission successful.

The Mission is GSLV MkIII-D1 is the first developmental flight of GSLV MkIII, a heavy fit launch vehicle, capable of lofting payloads up to 4,000 kg into Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) and 10,000 kg into Low Earth Orbit (LEO).

GSAT-19, a high throughput communication satellite is identified as the payload in this mission. This will be the heaviest satellite being launched from India till date.

Launch of GSLV MkIII-D1 was done from the Second Launch Pad at Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota.

The dynamic, hardworking and admired chairman of ISRO, Dr. Kiran Kumar has said that ISRO is building an engine which will make it easier for scientists and astronomers to control land the spacecraft on the surface of the moon.

He added – “by achieving MkIII we will be able to push confidently and launch many of our communication satellites faster and indigenously. We will do one more launch within a year and establish it systematically. We have a significant shortage

of satellites in space. If we have to roughly double the capacity of the spacecraft, we have to do as many launches and cost effectively. That is the prime driver. On the technology side, we will be looking at how to reduce the cost further – by adopting new mechanisms, materials, new capabilities including the reusable launch vehicle concept. It is essential to build new capabilities, constantly get new skills to do complex jobs and to do routine things better”.

The heritage of GSLV MkIII

SLV – Satellite Launch vehicle III was the first launch vehicle developed in India – 1980

SLV III was followed by the augmented Satellite launch vehicle (ASLV)

Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) is the third generation launch vehicle of India

Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle MkII – (GSLV MKII) is the largest launch vehicle indigenously developed by India.

Now GSLV-MkIII is being launched on 5th June 2017

GSAT 19 is a Geostationary Communication Satellite of India with a lift of mass off 313 kg.

After its separation from the GSLV MKIII in GTO, GSAT-19 will use its own propulsion system to reach its geostationary orbital home.

The expected mission life is 10 years.

With Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev at Sriharikota ISRO Guest House

With Chairman ISRO Dr. Kiran Kumar at Sriharikota

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Earlier: Mission to Moon and Mars - Chandrayaan and Mangalyaan

Chandrayaan-1, India's first mission to Moon, was launched successfully on October 22, 2008 from SDSC SHAR, Sriharikota.

Among its many achievements, the greatest achievement was the discovery of the widespread presence of water molecules in the lunar soil.

The ISRO is planning to launch Chandrayaan-2 in the first quarter of 2018.

ISRO plans to develop and launch a follow-up mission called Mangalyaan 2 with a greater scientific payload to Mars between 2018 and 2020. This mission will likely consist of a lander and a Mars rover. As on date, no plans for an Indian human mission to Mars have been made public.

Mangalyaan is India's first interplanetary mission and ISRO has become the fourth space agency to reach Mars, after the Soviet space program, NASA, and the European Space Agency. It is the first Asian nation to reach Mars orbit, and the first nation in the world to do so in its first attempt.

With the visionary Dr Vikram Sarabhai at its helm, Indian Space Odyssey has achieved global recognition and admiration in a period of five decades, making every Indian proud of our Space Scientists.

During the past few decades, modern technology, with radio, TV, air travel, and satellites, has woven a network of communication which puts each part of the world into almost instant contact with all the other parts. - David Bohm, an American scientist, one of the most significant theoretical physicists of the 20th century With every inch of land on Earth now catalogued by our satellites, the stars are the next place we as a species must travel. And with a booming world population that will hit 9.1 billion in 2050, large-scale space travel may become a necessity. - Ben Parr, an American journalist, author of Captivology: The Science of Capturing People’s Attention

Space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind union of the two will preserve an independent reality. - Albert Einstein, greatest scientist of the last century

There are some who question the relevance of space activities in a developing nation. To us, there is no ambiguity of purpose. We do not have the fantasy of competing with the economically advanced nations in the exploration of the moon or the planets or manned space-flight. But we are convinced that if we are to play a meaningful role nationally, and in the community of nations, we must be second to none in the application of advanced technologies to the real problems of man and society.

- Dr. Vikram Sarabhai, The Father of the Indian Space program