news letter nov 12

through t Try and g standing you will c ‘Festival universal bad! Let t Let’s things rath gauge the at a parti come out w of Lights l appeal a there be li New s profe The mo of obse We see but un observ require home her than ju e need for cular plac with surpr ’ celebrat and applic ight to lea wslette ession http://w Bet ost essen ervation. e but we nderstand vation of ement for or outsid ust see th a thing to ce. Don’t i rising resu ted in Indi cation – v ad all on v er: Nov nalize t tter S tial qualit don’t obs ing the im what go r better se de in a pu hem. o be prese ignore any ults. Make ia with fe victory of virtuous pa vember the pro /sbtyagi/iciss Secur y, which w serve. Obs mplication oes on a ecurity se ublic plac ent at a pa ything tha e observat rvor is ro light ove ath! r 2012 ofessio s rity S we have b servation ns of wha around us ense. Whe ce look a articular p at seems u tion a hab und the c r darknes onalsSense but ignored is not jus at we see s is a v erever yo round an place, for unusual. P bit. corner! Its ss, victory Cap e... d, is the p st seeing e. So effe very impo u are, be d try and a person Pry harde s message y of good pt S B T For IC power thing ective ortant it at d see to be r and e has over Tyagi CISS

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Post on 12-Nov-2014




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You will be happy to know that this e-zine goes to more than seven thousand select security professional in the world as direct mail and is also placed in our web-site of ICISS. The link of the web-site is given below – I actively encourage you to join ICISS Group at ‘LinkedIn’ and also motivate other security professionals likewise. I am confident that by becoming active member of the ICISS Group, not only you professionally will be benefitted; the profession itself will be benefitted by your active support and contribution. The link to the ICISS Group at LinkedIn is given below –


Page 1: News letter nov 12

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Page 2: News letter nov 12


There is larequiremeWhile the increasingindividualsnothing dea result, License in About th(


To this C(

“Yeonupersusprivcrimor weunluseto s

For issuesscope of provides t No

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ack of conents and c

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he weapoROTECTIOrsonal weaPrincipal E


es anyone us of provrson usingspected crvate propeminal with single bar

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othing is astrictions inery personainst any oery person

mself or of finition of mmit theft,

e Secwea


sensus in conditions not recognfor armed

te security e Arms Actecurity agel capacity.

ing situatm/pub/arvi

on that aON. It is byapon, meaEmployer a

ndra Kumam/pub/sate

with valid ing that usg it. Now riminal is werty can thintent of crel gun visuse it at

pecifies legn. Surely nt's life!”

to securityprivate defe

n offence wn the Sec 9n has a rioffence affen have a any othertheft, robb robbery, m

curity aponCapt SB Ty

Man-guardin the Pr

nize armedd security guards wh

t, 1959, onencies hav

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a guard y default tnt for his pask vendor

ar CPO, Cendra-kum

license case of weap

next quewithout anhe ASG usommitting sible from

point blangal authorino client wi

guards usense as de

which is do99] ght to defecting the right to der person, abery, mischmischief or

Guas wh

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ding industivate Secud guarding is leading

ho hold pernly allows ive been c

t Arvind an/30/208/

carries, that the inpersonal pr agencies

CPO (I), Gmar-cpo-cpo

an use his pon was inestion is wny weaponse his weaa crime wmiles! He nk. There ty it is diffiill come in

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try and theurity Agenservices a

g to unregrsonal licenndividual a


Mahajan,/b16) ques

strictly spnstallation rotection), to provide

G. M. (Trao-i/16/88b/

weapon inn Self Defwhat is s

n and onlyapon? Youill never cowill come are very

cult to bai his suppo

ons while osection 96

exercise o

wn body ady. property wy act whcriminal t


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e Users regcies Reguas a distinculated andnses. Ironiapplicants to employ

, Senior tions –

peaking is(where sugets arme

e us Armed

aining) at /57b) says

n self- defeense lies welf-defense

y trespasseu be rest aome with awith a coifs and b

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of private d

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we need to ndian Pen

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e arms liceSAR) Act 2y of serviceemployme

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S PERSOard carryinon. But, ca

curity Serv

as used we

understannal Code, w

There are

y other pe

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ensing 2005. e, the ent of R has es. As Arms


ONAL ng his an we



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ble, of er the

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Page 3: News letter nov 12

Thus we know that as a law abiding citizen any security guard who is on duty with his licensed weapon can use his weapon in exercise of his right to ‘private defense, even when his employer doesn’t order him to do so or even when scope of his employment or jurisdiction of duty does not provide so. In fact it is not only expected of him, but is also his duty as law-abiding citizen to use the licensed weapon while preventing attempt or commitment of crime. We also further need to study the scope of grant of arms’ licenses under Indian Arms Act, which in very clear terms is for the purpose of ‘private defense’. About armed security guards there is reference in PSAR Act 2005 in Section 2, Subsection (a) which says that –

“Armored car service” means the service provided by deployment of armed guards along with armored car…”

Further, Section2, Subsection (h) says that –

“Private security guard” means a person providing private security with or without arms to another person or property or both and includes a supervisor.”

Surprisingly there is no reference of armed security guards or the definition in PSAR Rules 2006. Thus we have to understand the scope of duties and validity of using licensed arms under Arms Act 1959 and also understand 'Right to Private Defense' as defined in Indian Penal Code (Section 96 onwards) especially on ‘use of force’. Under the Arms Act 1959, the arms licenses are issued but no specific purposes are enumerated for obtaining the licenses. It is only inferred that the arms under licenses are to be used in exercise of ‘Right to Private Defense’ (ROPD) or for ‘sports’ or special reasons such as cinematography. Hunting is not permitted anymore and thus only sport left is marksmanship. Good news is that Arms Act 1959 does provide in its Section 40 the protection of action taken in good faith. It says that, “No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie against any person for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act.” At this point Arvind Mahajan, Sr. VP at Reliance Infra is in quandary and he says -

“Knowing fully well that the Armed Guard has the weapon for his personal protection -- Is it right to call him an Armed Guard? (I am not going into ROPD provisions - whether he fires or not, that's immaterial). But, Can I deploy him as an Armed Guard? How do I differentiate his duties from the unarmed Guard?

His predicament goes further,

“How does one justify that an Armed Guard needs to be paid extra? Aren’t we by default admitting that he is being deployed for providing Armed Protection, which as per Arms Act he is not supposed to provide? The individual got an Arms License, because he convinced the authorities of threat to his life, and NOT for performing an Armed Guard duty.”

There were times when organizations or the companies used to get Arms Licensees under retainer ship basis (Section 13 of Arms Rules 1962), under which the licenses were issued on the name of the company and the arms were to be used by notified persons of the organization or the companies. These licenses were found to be cumbersome to obtain and had inherent

Page 4: News letter nov 12

difficultiesfactories sby the retaThe Secti

“Ofa cwaas pro

Maj. Dhbose/22/4




Thus armweapon, fhave anyobligationhis emplolicensed w The needamendmenow is thaperson anpurely at party can licenses aprovide foeasily treusages. I would thmuch to Ministry ohas been

s for the asince thereainers of thon 33 of A

ffences by company, eas responsi

the compoceeded ag

himan B456/739) ha

k all the pecal police jut a verificaense place

nce the guh his weaere the sa

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and weapoor ‘guns-onated by p

herefore likdesire! I o

of Home Afn apparent

actual licene was Seche licenses

Arms Act sa

companieevery persoible to the any, shall gainst and

Bose, VPas valuable

ersonnel wurisdiction ation of th

e. It needs

n entry is apon is suame is cross true,-- lia

two thingsister is keples do com

ty guard ihe might bntrol over d be well wciple emploany given

nd the ArmAct has co

ms licensesproperty of

etion and wholder of thons as of n-hire’. Theolice office

e to summoften said ffairs, whotly written

nse holderction 33 of s. ays, “

es.-(1) Wheon who at company fbe deemepunished

P of Te recomme

with arms t- now this

heir licenseleg work a

made in mmoned bss checkedaison acts

s are in plapt by the o

me and che

is a guardbe paid ext

his deciswithin his loyer. It wilcircumstan

ms Act, 1ome! My us are issuef self or othwisdom of he weapon

now canne security aers as ‘me

marize that in the pre

o is the offiby the po

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enever an the time thfor the coned to be gaccording


to have thetakes time

e from theand money

the nearesby the Locd, that the by the sec

ace the peorganizatioeck this ag

d who pertra. Neitheion to uselegal right l be his annces.

959 has understanded for exerher personthe holder

n / license not be useagencies hercenaries

the PSAResence of icial directlolice office

case a bu1959 whic

offence unhe offence nduct of, thguilty of thly.”

n Indiafor security

eir license e and the pe jurisdictio

to get the

st police scal Arms Dlicense is

curity agen

erson can on regardinainst the g

rforms his er his empe his weato refuse

nd only his

been longding of the rcising righn. When tor of the weon how a

ed for earhaving ‘arms armies’ s

R Act 2009 past Join

ly concernr to retain

usy directoch held the

nder this Acwas comm

he businese offence

(http://in.y agencies

to be entepolice station and theprocess d

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display hing the dutygun numbe

duties whloyer nor hpon nor cuse of his s decisions

g since feArms Act

ht to privateo use the weapons annd when trning livelimed securisince law

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or or the rem respon

Act has beemitted was ss of the co

and shall

linkedin.cos which the

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individualOLICE HQ)and the All.

s weapon y/ shift. Ther and licen

hile carryinhis principcan these

weapon os to use o

elt and timt and the Pe defense

weapon annd of the lito use the hood. Indiity guards doesn’t p

hastily drary (Police e PSAR Aontrol over

rich ownernsible for a

en committin charge

ompany, asbe liable

om/pub/dhey must fol

e s f

l ) l

when stae roving p


ng his licele employebe contra

on the order not to us

me to presPSAR Act

of self or nd how to ucense. Nofirearms. Aian law doon hire’ carovide for

afted and leModerniza

Act that “thr the act a

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eaves ation), is Act and it

Page 5: News letter nov 12

appears tInterestingwhether sLabor Depand wardcategoriesdefined in


A New N

The rapidsecurity iseconomicGermany,opportunit

The challdirected tand prote




to be so gly even wsecurity gupartment’s

d duties’ bs. Unfortun

n any Act o


National S

d pace of ssues. The

c and poli, and the bty and thre

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edefining thfense induore explicittional secuoadening trspective o

superfluouwhen PSAuards are s gazette nbesides othnate part

or the Orde



change ine developmtical shiftsbrisk econeat.

he intelligeational come nation's s

he conceptstry to assly connect

urity issuesthe role oon "clearan

us that evAR Act 20to be treaotificationsher but dohere is tha


ng S


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ence commpanies asecrets wil

t of nationasisting the eting the ims. f personne

nces," train

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s on minimo not haveat even ‘W



t-Cold Wae Europeahe former

wth of Pac

munity is and interesll require:

al securityentire privapact of ind

el securityning, and th

broad headdes for lotlled, semi-

mum wagese ‘securityWatch and


ar era deman Commu

Warsaw ific Rim co

to discernsts. A fund

secrets aate sector dustrial esp

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dings are t many thi-skilled or

s mentioneguard’, ‘aWard’ se

ty TThe espioexpe A re

suggthe new growsecuintell

corpo If leestimadditthe n

mands a nunity, brea

Pact natiountries ha

n and disrdamental s

nd movingin combatipionage on

efense indreness.

not explaings, it nonon-skille

ed the catearmed sec

ervices are


onage eriencing a

ecent ana

gests the nproblem a

strategiewing threaurity froligence g

orate espio

eft unchemate lossestional 50%next year.

new definitk-up of theions, the ave led to

rupt econoshift in our

g beyond ping corporan the natio

dustries, in

ained propowhere clad workersgories of ‘wcurity guare duties ar

ndsof worldis cur

a dramatic

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cked, anas could gro

% by the

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omic espior understa

protection oate espiona

onal econo

ncluding a

perly!” arifies s. The watch rd’ as re not

-wide rrently shift.


define evelop ombat ational nomic


alysts ow an


ational Union, on of

orld of

onage nding

of the age. my to

a new

Page 6: News letter nov 12



Emergin Every indGenerallycategories The first new techn


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mo Op Ae Me Adv Adv

app Ele Ch Inte

The secotechnolog

Pri Ma Pro Pro Pro Ma Se Ele Tec Sof


Two Vul Computerhighways like Elect

oviding mogarding espgressively

ng Espion

ustry and y, the focus.

is formulanologies. E

th generatochip reseaotechnologpercomput

olographic odeling. ptics and fibrospace te

edical technvanced covances in plications. ectromechaemical proegrated cir

ond categogies. Exam

cing informarketing resoducts neeoduction timoduction quarket targetcurity equi

ectronic bachnology-uftware dev


lnerable T

rs provide provided

tronic Data

ore informapionage thprosecutin

nage Tar

every couus of econ

ae, procesExamples i

tion compuarch; and sgy. ting and su

and las

ber optics echnologienologies, in

ommunicatisatellite u

anical prodocess technrcuit techno

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anking equiupgrade scvelopmentsl integratio


both a taby networ

a Exchang

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ntry has imnomic esp

sses, comnclude:

uter architsoftware de

uperconduser rese

technologys. ncluding pions technusage and

ducts and tnology andologies.

ors associade:

demand aompatibilityand produc

edules andnsors, andipment, intchedules as, especian.


arget and rk systemsge (EDI) a

e corporaterce countr

nvolved in

mportant eionage ac

ponents, s

tecture; neevelopmen

ctivity. arch, ap


harmaceuologies and space te

technologied research

ated with th

nd consumy and applict release d

d overseasd processeterfaces, aand plannelly those e

ers and I

a tool fos (like Inteand SWIF

e communies, and taillegal econ

economic rctivities ca


ew compunt.


ticals. nd processeechnologie

es. .

he marketi

mer profilescability. dates.

s marketings. nd protocod changes



r industriaernet, MilneFT (Society

nity from thrgets and nomic and

resources n be brok


ter chip d


es. es and

ing, produc


g plans.

ols. s in technonew techn

ual Prope

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he intelligemeans.

d competitiv

which musken down

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designs, co

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ology. nologies, n


ge. The ntnet) and rld Interna

ence comm

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st be proteinto two b



security o


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Page 7: News letter nov 12

Transactiocrimes ca

Computeto damageintellectuachanging systems)




Another espionageconcepts,formulae, services woriginal th(with copsecrets) oprotected and public

Intellectuavaluable istored on


In additionsecurity aobtaining




Co Co

ons) also an be broke

ers as Targe programal property

governmand techno

omputers aamples inudulent co

cidental Cditional cormation eormation inimes Assened new pyright viarket comp

growing e is inte ideas, and other

which havhought or pyrights, tror less wresearch,

c domain in

al propertyinvestmencomputer

s of Espi

n to unlawand industinformatio

pen sourcedding specionsultants ormation" toles" worormation.

omputer haompromisin

can meanen down in

Thisgets: s or hardw

y or markeent recordo-trespass

as Crime clude: AT

omputer traCriminal Crimes, forexchangesn hospital rociated Wcrime andiolations,

puter equip

target of llectual p

planning r materialse commerwork. It m

rade-markswell define


y is increast involvingmedia wh


wful computrial espionn are:

es (Right toifications, oor outso

to competirking insid

acking and ng employe

n increaseto four ma

relates toware. A wideting informds, techn

s (violating

InstrumenM fraud,

ansactions,Computer r examples, organizerecords or

With Compd espionag

counterfement and

economiproperty. I

docume intended rcial value may be cles, patentsd (in the e new con

n which has

singly sougg lengthy rich are the

ter accessnage will c

o Informatiopened bidurcing cotors.

de a parti

data transees throug

ed accessain categor

o unlawful ade array of mation, blo-vandalisthe privac

Compnts: rounding o, and telec

CoUse: e: moneyed crime other cont

puter Preve targets.

eit and bprograms.

ic / induIt consist

ents, desfor producand repre

early protes, or as t

case of ncepts or ids been ind

ght throughresearch aem-selves

s, many ofcontinue to

on Act reqds and tecontractors

icular indu

smission inh blackma

s for illegitries.

accessing crimes falackmail, s

sm (causincy of comp

puter proceoff moneta

communicaomputers u launderinrecord ke

trol systemTvalence:

These incblack

ustrial s of

signs, cts or esent ected trade non-

deas, ividually m

h industriaand develoan increas

f the traditio be prom

quests, pubhnical jourfrom targ

ustry or c

nterruption.ail, set ups,

timate pur

of computl into this c

sabotage ong internauter files).

esses usedary entries

ations fraudused to inng, off-sheeping, m

ms), and boThe advenlude: softw

modified or

l espionagpment effo

sing target

ional methminent. Am

blished govnals). geted firm



rposes. Co

ters to gaincategory inof files, acal damage

d as instrus, credit cd. ncrease thhore bankurder (thr

ookmakingnt of microware piracy


ge becauseorts. Moreof espiona

hods emplomong the m


ms who p

with acce

n, and brib


n informatincluding: thccessing ae to com

ments of ccard fraud

he efficienking, pedorough cha. ocomputersy/counterfe

e it can refover, it is


oyed in namany mea


provide "i

ess to de



ion or heft of and/or mputer

crime. , and

cy of ophile nging

s has eiting,

flect a often

ational ans of

s and



Page 8: News letter nov 12

The Su Inte Bu Ga Ne


Motivati In generafactors haparticipatenational s(especiallythan betra

EmployerSecurity th

Are Be

and Fee Are Ha

Preventi There aremost cruc



Surveillapotential l

Supervisbefore pro


Target Hsecurity in

e use of strveillance ercepting crglary.

aining acceew technountermeas

ons for E

al, the primave emerge in econosecurity, thy when inaying a nat

rs should whreats may

e generallylieve they d rewards.el their cone facing pe

ave persona


e a numbecial of these

n: Employence, loyalty


nce: Mainosses.

ion: Attenoblems occ

ability: Enional value

ardening:n order to r

tudent reseof corporacommunica

ess to recoologies ansures.


mary motivged in recomic espiohe profitabformation tional secu

watch for ay include e

y unhappy have bee

ntributions ersonal finaal problem

r of measue are relate

ees shouly, and psyc

e training s

taining co

ntive supercur by rem

nsuring thaes will help

Measuresreduce tem

earchers ate employeations thro

rds througnd techniq


vation for ecent years onage. As bility of spis divulged

urity secret

a number employees

on the jobn overlook

to the comancial diffic


ures that eed to effec

d be recrchological a

should inclu

ntrol over

rvisors canmaining aler

at employe maintain p

s should bmptation.

nd interns ees.

ough faxes

h janitorialques ada

engaging that mayespionag

pying has d to traditit and does

of key cha who:

, or unhapked for pro

mpany are culties.

employers ctive perso

ruited and and social

ude inform

and limitin

n both idert to warnin

es follow ppersonnel

be taken t

to gain ac

, telephone

l or serviceapted as

in espionay make it e activity increasedional nationot incur t


ppy with theomotion, s

ignored an

can take tnnel policie


mation abou

ng access

entify secung signals.


to protect

ccess to res

es, etc.

e personnedetection

age is moeasier forhas shifte. In additi

onal allies) the same t

cs that ma

e location oalary incre

nd uncomp

to reduce es and pro

on the b

ut security

to sensitiv

rity violatio

s, perform

crucial inf


el. devices

netary. Hor employeeed away frion, econo) is less mthreat of pu

ay indicate

of their asseases, or c


industrial ocedures.

basis of th

threats an

ve informa

ons as we



or espio

owever, sees or otherom a focuomic espio

morally repuunishment.

a security

signment. commenda


heir knowle

nd procedu

ation will re

ell as inte

, and adhe

and to im


everal ers to us on onage ulsive .

y risk.


e. The





ere to


Page 9: News letter nov 12

Positive Wincrease t

Realistic identified

Positive Rmust be re

Reinforceof moral standards

Imagine avideo sucomprehestruggle iactivity.

Let’s takecapture tha major focused oindexed tooperator c

An alarm away zonsurveillanway throu

As the cavarious locameras atraffic depthe car ggreen to r

The light area. ThisBefore theguns draw

Because ocould havwas avoid

This is ncenters thvideo survpublic saf

Work Envtheir sense

Sanctionand severe

Rewards: einforced a

ement of Eobligation

s, and high

a world whrveillance

ensively thanvolved. T

e one scenhe license metropolit

on the caro video foconfirms it

is immedne in on tce camera

ugh the tun

r enters thocations, aare also p

partment reets closer


continuess gives vare suspectswn, and ha

of these adve potentiaded and the

ot a farfethroughout veillance tfety much m

vironment:e of obligat

ns: Employely punish

To balancand reward

Ethics andn through standards

here Licensmake it

at law enfoThere wou

nario as aplate numan area. . Working

ootage previs the one

iately sentthe vehicleas. The cannel.

e city and as these aart of a mesponsible

to the int

to stay rerious undes are able

ave no way

dvances inally injurede suspects

tched scethe world

technologymore effec

: Increasintion and loy

yees musted.

ce the threaded.

d Values:a stateme

s of profess

se Plate Rpossible

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Page 10: News letter nov 12

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Page 11: News letter nov 12

the world. Being able to index video footage and instantly link it to a license plate number is not just a convenience, but as seen from our previous example with the car full of suspects entering a city, can be essential to pro-active enforcement. The One-Two Punch for Municipalities: Advanced Video Surveillance and LPR Technology Most city departments, including police, fire, water, gas and electric, transportation etc. are more and more tied-in to one another. In the United States, as in many countries, the goal is not just interagency cooperation at the federal level, but the ability for cities to quickly marshal their defenses in the event of an emergency situation, and more importantly to use modern technology advances to try to be more pro-active in addressing public safety. On a more day-to-day level, with cities struggling for sources of revenue because of difficult economic times, it is important that such technology also benefit cities’ financial bottom lines as well. All this is possible now because of highly intelligent video surveillance and advanced LPR technology. Dispatch centers can instantly know through video cameras placed on highways and streets whether an ambulance should be sent to an accident scene. Law enforcement officers can observe criminal gang-related or illegal drug-selling activity in a neighborhood and do so un-detected by suspects. LPR technology can be used in both fixed applications for surveillance or traffic management or in mobile applications where LPR cameras are mounted on the vehicle to spot wanted criminals, scofflaw vehicles or vehicles without proper parking permits or parked overtime. In a day and age in which every dollar a city spends is scrutinized more closely, the ability to do more with less is a constant theme. The ability of video surveillance and LPR technologies to work in tandem so that, for example, a license plate is matched to previous video footage of a suspect’s car, reduces the amount of hours that might have been spent on such a task if this level of integration with new technologies did not exist.

For budget-conscious municipalities, the benefits of advanced video surveillance and LPR techniques have also been extended to mass transit. This includes controlling traffic through automated tolling, as well as monitoring traffic density, volume, and flow. Besides cutting down on gridlock, the cameras can also be used to check for speeding violations by calculating a vehicle’s time spent traveling between two points.

The Road Ahead As the populations of major cities of the world continue to grow, traffic issues typically get worse, not better. Along with such population growth, crime often increases, particularly in times of economic distress. At the same time, governments worldwide – at the federal, state and local levels – are facing even greater budgetary constraints than usual. With all this in mind, the need for automation and greater intelligence in reference to security technology should become even more paramount. Fortunately, the innovations that have taken place in city-wide video surveillance and LPR in recent years have not only increased the automation factor, but increased intelligence and functionality. These technologies have now become even greater crime fighting partners for law enforcement, as well as have helped to reduce total cost of ownership for cities. As the technology gets even smarter over time, such benefits can only be expected to increase.


Page 12: News letter nov 12


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