newsletter 0916 pub - · 2016-09-01 · newsletter tynedale september 2016 learn,...

1 Newsletter Tynedale September 2016 Learn, laugh and live. Meet people, learn new skills and have fun. Art in the Right Place? Over 250 members of the public viewed the annual Tynedale U3A Art Exhibition set in the beautiful Cloister Corridor at Hexham Abbey over two days in early August. This was a ‘first’ for the Abbey who normally hold exhibitions in the North Transept but it enabled U3A stewards to talk to visitors from other U3As (Bath, Cheddar, Basildon, Newcastle) and other countries (USA, Germany) with ease. Over 65 paintings which were mainly watercolours were displayed with the light from the windows falling upon them. The standard was excellent and drew admiring comments from many people including visiting artists. Robert Ford, Group Convenor of Watercolour Painting, deserves a round of applause and many thanks for all his hard work and time in staging the Exhibition so successfully. The Abbey Roof Appeal was boosted by £36.50 in donations and the U3A hopefully attracted potential new members. A brilliant Exhibition definitely in the ‘right’ place. Sue Loader There will be a Group Convenors’ Meeting after the Monthly Meeting on 6 September from 3.15-4pm to discuss the Information Pack and any other concerns. A warm welcome to our new members, April Bell, Jennifer Berg, Trevor Field, and Roy Warren.

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Page 1: newsletter 0916 pub - · 2016-09-01 · Newsletter Tynedale September 2016 Learn, laugh and live. Meet people, ... Saturday September 10th 2016 11am – 4pm Guided


NewsletterTynedale September 2016

Learn, laugh and live. Meet people, learn new skills and have fun.

Art in the Right Place?Over 250 members of the public viewed the annual Tynedale U3A Art Exhibition set in the beautiful Cloister Corridor at Hexham Abbey over two days in early August. This was a ‘first’ for the Abbey who normally hold exhibitions in the North Transept but it enabled U3A stewards to talk to visitors from other U3As (Bath, Cheddar, Basildon, Newcastle) and other countries (USA, Germany) with ease.

Over 65 paintings which were mainly watercolours were displayed with the light from the windows falling upon them. The standard was excellent and drew admiring comments from many people including visiting artists.

Robert Ford, Group Convenor of Watercolour Painting, deserves a round of applause and many thanks for all his hard work and time in staging the Exhibition so successfully. The Abbey Roof Appeal was boosted by £36.50 in donations and the U3A hopefully attracted potential new members. A brilliant Exhibition definitely in the ‘right’ place. Sue Loader

There will be a Group Convenors’ Meeting after the Monthly Meeting on 6 September from 3.15-4pm to discuss the Information Pack and any other concerns.A warm welcome to our new members, April Bell, Jennifer Berg, Trevor Field, and Roy Warren.

Page 2: newsletter 0916 pub - · 2016-09-01 · Newsletter Tynedale September 2016 Learn, laugh and live. Meet people, ... Saturday September 10th 2016 11am – 4pm Guided


U3A Gentle Exercise GroupEnjoy and have fun. Refreshing, never stressful. Sit or stand. Do only what is comfortable. It helps us to keep joints flexible and muscles supple. We go forth to face the weekend with a raised feel-good factor, renewed vigour, humour and a smile. We enjoy a cup of tea, biscuit and chat with new friends.

Drop in for a trial session to see if this is for you, but please let us know in advance so we can set up the right number of chairs. If you wish to know more please phone a convenor, Douglas or Joan McFadzean at 01434 632150.

We meet at 1.30 pm each Thursday for an hour in the TORCH CENTRE across the road from Hexham Hospital and adjacent to the new bus station. We exercise under the gentle guidance of a qualified instructor. There is easy parking on site and the Centre is wheel chair friendly with level path and automatic door access.

We follow school term dates but continue through half term breaks for members not committed to grandchild minding or other family needs. Many U3A groups pay a small fee to cover room hire, equipment etc. We pay ours at the beginning of the term. This is £16.50p for the 15 weeks up to the Christmas break.

Our autumn dates are:- September 8th 15th 22nd 29th October 6th 13th 20th 27thNovember 3rd 10th 17th 24th December 1st 8th 15th

We have been asked by Trinity to plead with members to use the doorstops properly. They have again had to replace the rubber ferrule which they say is dragged across the carpet when the doorstop is not released. This is dangerous practice and must not be done. The doorstops should be applied by pressing down with the foot and released with the foot with a gentle kick or push upwards. If any person has a problem with the doorstop please contact Bill Walton on 672025.

Ladycross Nature ReserveForthcoming Event

Working with People for Nature – Working with Nature for People

Open DaySaturday September 10th 2016

11am – 4pmGuided walks through the Nature

Reserve Wood Carving * Country Crafts

Dry Stone Walling Demonstration using Ladycross Stone

Red Squirrels * Bird Boxes * Fire PitsA guided tour of the Stone Quarry

Membership Benefits of Becoming a Friend of Ladycross

Children’s Activities * Bee KeepingRefreshments * Eco Loo Opening

Entry £5 per adult (all children free) – free parking

Uneven surfaces please wear suitable footwear

[email protected]

Singing for PleasureWe start our autumn programme on September 27th and also meet on October 25th and November 29th at West End Methodist Church from 2.00pm until 3.30pm. New members are always welcome

Please contact Margaret Bentley (01434 634575) after September 12th for further details.

Below: U3A walkers in action.

Page 3: newsletter 0916 pub - · 2016-09-01 · Newsletter Tynedale September 2016 Learn, laugh and live. Meet people, ... Saturday September 10th 2016 11am – 4pm Guided


With the imminent arrival of the equinox on 22 September it is now time to get those binoculars and telescopes dusted off, winter woollies unearthed and perhaps star charts lifted down from the shelves as we prepare for a renewal of sky-sweeping

activities. The Sun has been uncharacteristically quiet during recent months - few sunspots have been in evidence and it is claimed that this is due to changes in the behaviour of its internal magnetic fields. One possible consequence of this could be the onset, within the next few years, of a mini Ice Age, with all its related problems. No mammoths or cave bears roaming round the Sele, but our rivers freezing over in winter, more snow and ice and all the associated joys therewith. Hopefully, the current trend of global warming could help to offset this - time will tell.

The Moon is due to undergo a penumbral eclipse (See right, photo: Alfredo Garcia, California, Creative Commons licence) on l6 September when it passes through the dim outer section of the Earth's shadow. The maximum is due around 8pm (BST) it could, be worth having a look and trying to estimate the degree of darkening or any change of colour. Look for it low in the Eastern sky after sunset.

Mercury is overtaken by the Sun on the 12th (inferior conjunction) and reaches its greatest Western distance from the Sun on the 28th, having become a morning object. Seek it late in the month in the East as the sky just begins to lighten. It should easily outshine the nearby stars. Jupiter is overtaken by the Sun on the 26th (superior conjunction). It is too near the Sun to search for around this time, but will become visible in the Eastern dawn sky during the coming months.

Mars and Saturn are both located very low in the SW during evening twilight at the beginning of the month, and are getting lower as the days progress. Saturn's rings are well presented at present, though telescope definition might not be too good at its current altitude. Mars continues to fade as its distance from us increases.

Venus overtook the Sun on June 6, passing directly behind it. It is now getting gradually higher in the WSW after sunset and should be easy to locate during the next few months. Telescope users could follow its changing phase, watching it imitate the Moon's behaviour (as Galileo did). Does its apparent size change during this time?

If we are sky-sweeping shortly after dusk during the second week of the month we can easily locate Patrick Moore's summer triangle of bright stars by looking to the South. High in the sky, near the zenith, is the cross of Cygnus with Deneb at its apex. To the right is Lyra with Vega (the fifth brightest star in the heavens ) just to the right. Well below these is Altair (in Aquila - the eagle), marking the triangle's apex.

To the West, at an elevation of about 45°, is the keystone-shaped torso of Hercules, close to the small arc of stars forming Corona Borealis, while almost due West is the kite-shaped Bootes with bright Arcturus at its lowest point. Ursa Major (the Plough) is easily identified - lying almost horizontally in the NW, with the smaller Ursa Minor some 30° above it. In the NNE is the steeply tilted "W" of Cassiopeia with the starry string of Perseus stretching up towards it from above the horizon. Nearby, at about 15° elevation, is the first magnitude star Capella - the sixth brightest in he sky - it lies in the constellation of Auriga (the Charioteer).

Almost due East is the large square forming the main part of Pegasus (the Flying Horse) - with the stars of Andromeda trailing away to the North from its top left-hand corner. Try counting the number of stars your unaided eyes can pick out inside the square (six or seven is not a bad score) a good test of eyesight and atmospheric clarity. New moon: September 1. Full moon: September 16.

Malcolm Rowe

Hook &

September skies

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Programme 2016 – 20172016Sept. 6th Peripatetic coffins and the Curate’s egg Iain Moffat, memberOct. 4th Title tba Dr. Robert MannersNov. 1st The Big Lottery Fund Paul JonesDec. 6th William Wales, glass maker Anthea Lang2017Jan. 3rd “a neighbour, she’s very kind to me but she’s 80. …...I think she’s 87”Janet Grime, member, RITAFeb. 7th ‘The worlds shortest stories’David Williams, authorMar 7th AGMAll at Trinity at 2.00pm

Holiday Fellowship

Our U3A has shares in the Holiday Fellowship Organisation and many members have enjoyed Group holidays with them in the past especially walking. Do look at the 2016/7 brochure on line and get in touch with Sue if your group fancies booking a holiday.

Group News

Getting Started on the InternetSo far we have only one ‘taker’ for this workshop to be held in October but we know we have 58 members who have no email address. We are offering an opportunity to ‘get started ‘or refresh your skills and gain confidence as the digital age moves on. Phone 604787.

Potential New GroupsAre you interested in joining or leadingPhotography ?Arts and Antiques? Phone 604787

Your committee

Hon. President:Pat Moore : [email protected]

Chairman:Mike Worthington : [email protected]

Secretary:Elizabeth Porter : [email protected]

Treasurer:Alistair Sinclair : [email protected]

Membership Secretary:Barbara Herring : [email protected]

Minutes Secretary:Wendy Dale : [email protected]

Group Liaison Secretary:Sue Loader : [email protected]

Newsletter Editor:Kevin Stephens : 01661 [email protected]

Events Secretary:Post currently vacant

Committee Member:Shirley Guppy : 634801


A member is requesting any length of wood, 150mm ( 6 inch) wide by 18-20mm (3/4 inch) thick to make bird boxes for a nature reserve. Can be collected. Email: [email protected]

Page 5: newsletter 0916 pub - · 2016-09-01 · Newsletter Tynedale September 2016 Learn, laugh and live. Meet people, ... Saturday September 10th 2016 11am – 4pm Guided


We have been asked by Trinity to plead with members to use the doorstops properly. They have again had to replace the rubber ferrule which they say is dragged across the carpet when the doorstop is not released. This is dangerous practice and must not be done. The doorstops should be applied by pressing down with the foot and released with the foot with a gentle kick or push upwards. If any person has a problem with the doorstop please contact Bill Walton on 672025.

Application form is on the next page.

Northumbra Region has asked that the following two documents be distributed. They describe two free local courses provided by The Third Age Trust.They will be of particular interest to Committee members, prospective Committee members, Convenors, Interest Group Co-ordinators and anyone interested in starting up a new group.

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P l e a s e s e n d y o u r c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o t h e O c t o b e r N e w s l e t t e r , t o [email protected] by Friday, 26 September.

NEXT GENERAL MEETING On Tuesday 6 September Iain Moffat’s talk is entitled “Peripatetic coffins and the Curate’s egg” and is at 2.00pm in Trinity main hall.

Please don’t forget that the popular holiday company, Riviera Travel, offers a bonus to your local U3A when you book one of their accompanied tours. If when booking you mention that you are a member of Tynedale U3A then we will benefit by 10% of your booking price. Tynedale U3A has already received one such bonus from a member’s booking.