newsletter for st joseph’s, tilehurst...newsletter for st joseph’s, tilehurst st joseph’s...

NEWSLETTER FOR ST JOSEPH’S, TILEHURST St Joseph’s Presbytery, Berkshire Drive, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 5JJ 0118 942 8632 [email protected] Registered Charity No. 246871 Parish Clergy: Fr Peter Glas MA (Parish Priest) Fr Richard Maniak (RBH Chaplain) 0118 322 7105 (RBH) 0118 958 6637 (H) [email protected] Parish Secretary: Sheila Jones Parish Office: 0118 942 8632 Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 9 am – 12.30 pm Safeguarding Representative: Miriam da Cruz Fernandes 0118 943 3524 [email protected] NEWSLETTER COVERING: FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT (A) - 18 TH DECEMBER 2016 THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD - 25 TH DECEMBER 2016 MARY, MOTHER OF GOD - 1 ST JANUARY 2017 CHURCH CLEANING FOR CHRISTMAS The Church will be cleaned for Christmas on Monday, 19 th December from 9.30 am onwards. Any help from parishioners would be most welcome. CHRISTMAS SERVICES Christmas Eve - Saturday, 24 th 2 pm Syro Malabar Vigil Mass 6 pm Vigil Mass 11.30 pm Carols followed by Midnight Mass Christmas Day - Sunday, 25 th 8.30 am & 10.30 am Masses St Stephen’s Day - Monday, 26 th 11 am Mass Due to annual leave, St Joseph’s Parish Office will be closed week commencing Monday, 19 th December and will re-open on Thursday, 5 th January 2017. Please bear this in mind should you need to contact the office at this time. A huge ‘THANK YOU’ to each and every one who generously gave their time and effort during the year. We are always in need of volunteers to be able to become a viable and successful Parish. Without your continued help and support many will feel disenchanted with the lack of vibrancy in the house of God. Please make this your New Year resolution to become more involved in Parish life. Wishing you and your families a very peaceful and joy filled Christmas. Fr Peter

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Page 1: NEWSLETTER FOR ST JOSEPH’S, TILEHURST...NEWSLETTER FOR ST JOSEPH’S, TILEHURST St Joseph’s Presbytery, Berkshire Drive, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 5JJ 0118 942 8632



01189428632 [email protected]




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01189433524 [email protected]





CHRISTMASSERVICESChristmasEve-Saturday,24th 2pm SyroMalabarVigilMass 6pm VigilMass 11.30pm CarolsfollowedbyMidnightMassChristmasDay-Sunday,25th 8.30am&10.30am MassesStStephen’sDay-Monday,26th 11am MassDuetoannualleave,StJoseph’sParishOfficewillbeclosedweekcommencingMonday,19thDecemberandwillre-openonThursday,5thJanuary2017.Pleasebearthisinmindshouldyouneedtocontacttheofficeatthistime.

Ahuge‘THANKYOU’toeachandeveryonewhogenerouslygavetheirtimeandeffortduringtheyear. Weare always inneedof volunteers tobe able tobecomea viable and successfulParish.WithoutyourcontinuedhelpandsupportmanywillfeeldisenchantedwiththelackofvibrancyinthehouseofGod.PleasemakethisyourNewYearresolutiontobecomemoreinvolvedinParishlife.


Page 2: NEWSLETTER FOR ST JOSEPH’S, TILEHURST...NEWSLETTER FOR ST JOSEPH’S, TILEHURST St Joseph’s Presbytery, Berkshire Drive, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 5JJ 0118 942 8632


Sunday,18thDecember 8.30am JackKerriganRIP 10.30amMichaelKennedyRIP 6.30pm SyroMalabarMonday,19thDecember NOMASS Tuesday,20thDecember 12noon MaryGougeRIP 7pm StPaul’sSchoolAdventServiceWednesday,21stDecember 12noon PeopleoftheparishThursday,22ndDecember 9.30am


11am Funeral:MrsMargaret(Peggy)WinshipRIPFriday,23rdDecember 7pm RobertThompsonRIPSaturday,24thDecember NOMORNINGMASS


THENATIVITY 2pm SyroMalabarVigil

OF 6pm MichaelHeneghanRIP

THELORD Midnight TimO’LearyRIP&CiaraWoollerRIPResponsorialPsalm:“Thisdaynewlightwillshineupontheearth:theLordisbornforus”.

Sunday,25thDecember 8.30am MichaelKellyRIP 10.30am JoyceHopkinsRIP&TomasIbarrondoRIP



11am Brian,Bridget-Ellen&theirsonBarneyClarkeRIP,andJohnDonoghue&hiswifeNellieRIP


12noon LouieFearnsRIP


12noon DominicBurgess’Intentions


9.30am KathleenO’SheaRIP


7pm EllenMcCormackRIP

Saturday,31stDecember 10am Charles&JuliaNewmanRIP

ResponsorialPsalm:“OGod,begraciousandblessus”.Sunday,1stJanuary2017 8.30am DeceasedmembersoftheDentfamilyRIPMARY,MOTHEROFGOD 10.30am MichaelLaniganRIPMonday,2ndJanuarySsBasiltheGreat&GregoryNazianzen


Tuesday,3rdJanuary 12noon RobertThompsonRIPWednesday,4thJanuary 12noon PeopleoftheparishThursday,5thJanuary 9.30am Thanksgiving–HopperfamilyFriday,6thJanuary 5pm ReadingMarianPrayerGroup 7pm JimWardRIPSaturday,7thJanuary 10am ThomasWalsheRIP&AnnieKateWalsheRIP

Page 3: NEWSLETTER FOR ST JOSEPH’S, TILEHURST...NEWSLETTER FOR ST JOSEPH’S, TILEHURST St Joseph’s Presbytery, Berkshire Drive, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 5JJ 0118 942 8632



25thDecember Peter&CrystalChesworth1stJanuary TerryClarke&JennyHorton8thJanuary JohnMacbeth&RosalindGilbert


CHRISTMASOFFERINGSTraditionally, your Offerings at Christmas are forthe personal use of the priest serving the parishandformthemajorpartofhisannualincome.


The next meeting of the Prayer Group will be onWednesday, 4th January 2017 at 9.30 am at StCatherine’s.Allarewelcome.


&HOUSEBOUNDEspecially for Nora Colley, Richard O’Brien, TerriHadland, Marie Minien, Sheila Robinson, EllenKnox, Pamela Humphries, Pat Togher, BrianSheridan,JohnSullivan,ZoieKathleenBarr,PatriciaKusta, Richard Owens, Gene, BernadetteSmeesters,FrTerryBurke,YvonneMillichap,GinoMarenghi,JacquelineMillion,RosaMariaSantos,FrVincentConvery,GerardTomas&AshleyGilbert.If youknowanyonewho isunwell andwould liketo be prayed for at Mass, please let St Joseph’sParish Office know. Their names** will then beincludedinthebiddingprayers. Pleasemakesurethe person is happy for their name to bementioned.**PleaseadvisetheParishOfficeifanyoftheabovenamed people no longer need to be included inprayersforthesick.**



• GabrieleScicluna-07778340444• RonTyler-07845162497• PaulBlake-07860433411


Representatives from each parish in the ReadingPastoral Area have been meeting with a view tosetting up Bereavement Support Groups in eachparishtoworkalongsidetheParishPriest.Weareabout to set up our Parish Bereavement group,whichmaybea supportatFuneralMassesand tothosewhohave losta lovedone. Itwillconsistofvolunteers who are kind and sympathetic, havegoodlisteningskillsandwhoarepreparedtomeetwith those who have suffered the loss of a lovedone.Trainingwillbeprovided. DBSclearanceandsafeguarding trainingwillbe required. Thegroupwill meet to consider how best to do this andsupportoneanother.PleasecontactFrPeterortheParishOfficeforfurtherinformation.

The St Vincent de Paul Society has launched theirChristmas Time Appeal. Although they alwaysneedandwelcomefinancialdonations,they’realsoaskingparishionersforalittleoftheirtimetohelpothersbyjoiningourSVPgroup.AsyouplanyourChristmas celebrations, spare a thought for thosewhodreadthefestiveseason.Formanyit’satimeof profound loneliness and solitude, while forothersitmeansnotbeingabletoaffordthefamilypresentsordeliciousfoodsthattherestofustakefor granted. But giving a little of your time ormoney (or both) to help those in need couldtransformsomeone’sbleakChristmas. Itmightbethe best gift you’ve ever given. To find outmorephoneJackEwins,SVPPresidenton07734499190.Divine Mercy Meeting at St John Bosco on 8thJanuary2.30-3.30pmwithExposition,hymnsandthe chaplet is sung. Refreshments afterwards, allaremostwelcome.


The parish offers condolences to the family ofPeggyWinshipwhodiedrecently. Peggy’s funeralservicewilltakeplaceonThursday,22ndDecemberat 11 am here at St Joseph’s Church, followed byinterment at St Michael’s Churchyard. All arewelcome.

GiftAid: £282.98PlannedGiving: £37.92LoosePlate £249.65TF3(CAFOD) £15.00Hallhire £198.00Donation:Funeralfee £50.00Stolefees £100.00TOTAL £933.55RUNNINGTOTALS DivineMercy £222.07TF3(CAFOD) £245.00


Sunday,18th 3pm StAnne’sMonday,19th 7.30pm StJames’

Page 4: NEWSLETTER FOR ST JOSEPH’S, TILEHURST...NEWSLETTER FOR ST JOSEPH’S, TILEHURST St Joseph’s Presbytery, Berkshire Drive, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 5JJ 0118 942 8632

“SIMBANGGABI”MASSTheReading Filipino Community invites everyonetotheirTraditionalChristmasMass“SimbangGabi”at English Martyrs Church on Tuesday,20thDecember at7.30 pm (7 – 7.30 pmChildren’sCarols). Food/roast hog (Lechon) shared afterMass.Allarewelcome.

CAFODPORTSMOUTHSUPPORTERS’MEETING–SATURDAY,4THFEBRUARY2017Join us at our next CAFOD PortsmouthSupporters’ Meeting on Saturday, 4th February2017from10am-1.30pmatStBede’sCatholicPrimary School, PopleyWay, Basingstoke, RG249DX. There will be a special talk on ourlivelihoodsworkinZambia(ourLentenfocus)byMark Chamberlain and a chance to hear anupdate on all our exciting campaigns from DanHale. Please book a place in advance [email protected].

STPAUL’SSCHOOLADVENTSERVICEAllMiddleandUpperschoolpupilswillbeinvolvedin the annual Advent Service, which takes placehere at St Joseph’s Church on Tuesday, 20thDecemberat7pm.

THURSDAYMORNINGMASSSt Philip’s Class will be attending Mass onThursday, 12th January. Parents are more thanwelcometoattend.LastNewYear'snight, theStWilliam'sLatinMassCommunity had a Holy Hour of EucharisticAdoration from 11 pm to Midnight, which alsoprovedpopularwithsomeofStWilliam&StJamesparishioners, particularly some Indian families.This year, given that New Year's Day falls on aSunday, we are going to have another Holy Hourfrom 11 pm on New Year's night, followedimmediately by a sungMidnightMass and then alittle celebration in the church annexe.Wewouldbe very pleased to welcome any of yourparishioners. Obviously a full Holy Hour followedby a Sung Mass would feel quite a liturgicalmarathon for many, and so folk are welcome topick and choose which elements they feelcomfortable to attend. With my prayers and bestwishes.FrMatthewGoddard.


6PMCHRISTMASVIGILMASSDue to the traffic chaos which occurred inBerkshireDrivefollowinglastyear’sMass,wouldyou kindly considerwalking toMass or parkingyour car considerately further away fromBerkshireDrive.

LOSTPROPERTY-HALLTwochildrens’coats/jacketshavebeenhandedin.These may be collected from the Parish Officeduringofficehours.


We have had several companies in to give usquotes for improving the sound system in thechurchandalsotofitascreensothatwecanhaveinformation/images/videos shown during Mass.Wewill hold an information session in January togive parishioners more information and toencouragerequestsand feedback. Weare lookingfor people who have an interest in this area andwouldliketojoinasmallvolunteergroupofpeoplewho understand how it all works and can helpif/when required. Ideally this group will have acoupleof representatives fromeachSundayMass:8.30am,10.30am,andweekday.

FRFRANCISSASINOWSKIThose of youwhowould like to send ChristmasgreetingstoFrFrancis,hisaddressisasfollows:StThomas'RCChurch,17ValPlaisant StHelier,Jersey, JE2 4TA. UKpostal charges apply. MikeTomas.MARRIAGEPREPARATIONFACILITATORS

ANDAHEADOFCENTRENEEDEDMarriageCareist[email protected].


The governors are pleased to announce that MrSimonUttley,newlyappointedHeadTeacherattheschool, is nowable to takeuphis newposition inJanuary rather than at Easter. This is good newsforallandensuresacontinuityof leadershipfromthe formerHTMr JohnCasey. All of us rejoice inthisearlystartforMrUttleyattheschool.

IGNITEYOUTHGROUPIGNITEYouthGroupwouldliketothankall the young people and their familiesfor their support in 2016.Wewish youall a blessedChristmas filledwith joy&laughterandeveryhappinessintheNewYear.Seeyouallin2017!

Page 5: NEWSLETTER FOR ST JOSEPH’S, TILEHURST...NEWSLETTER FOR ST JOSEPH’S, TILEHURST St Joseph’s Presbytery, Berkshire Drive, Tilehurst, Reading, RG31 5JJ 0118 942 8632

KNITWITSOur next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 3rdJanuary2017at2.30pmatthehomeofMaureenEnglish:94BlewburyDrive.Wewould like towishyou all a holy andhappyChristmasandwarmwishesfor2017,andtosay“thankyou”foryourhelpwithwoolandsquaresthrough another year. We have now made13,658 blankets, clothes, school jumpers forBamenda and lots for the fishermen –MargaretChaplin.P.S.Thankyouto thekindpersonwho leftus twoblanketsinourbox.

THEBACKPACKPROJECTInresponsetorequestsfromparishioners,aboxtocollectdonationsforTheBackpackProjectwillnowbemadeavailableinthechurchporchafterallweekendMasses. Donationswill be collectedbyateammemberfromIGNITEYouthGroupona regular basis. We would also like to take thisopportunityofthankingeveryonefortheiroffersof help and kind donations so far – itmeans sovery much and we are truly grateful. For moreinformationor if youhaveanyquestions,

FLAME–CATHOLICYOUTHEVENT 11thMarch2017atTheSSEArena,Wembley,12noon–5.30pm.Foryoungpeopleaged14-21years(Year10+)accompaniedbyparishYouthLeaders.Tickets£20pp.TransportbycoachandDiocesan“Hoodie”


Ourmonthlycollection for theDrop-inCentreandparish SVP will be held on Sunday, 1st January2017. Theitemsthataremostusefulareas listedbelow:

• Tinnedmeatsuchas,hamorcornedbeef.• Tinnedmealse.g.beef/chickencasserole

orstew,FrayBentospiesintins.• Tinnedsoup.Instantcoffee,tea,sugar.• Tinned vegetarian meals. Tinned

vegetables.• Men’sboxershortsandsocks.Disposable

razors.Warmhats.• Men’swarmwintercoatsingoodcondition.

All donated food itemsmust have a long “use by”date, to beof use. Please leave yourdonations inthe churchporchonSunday the1st January. Anyqueries, please contact Margaret Bailie on 9411483.

BAPTISMCOURSEThenextBaptismcourseatSt Joseph’swill be on Wednesday, 11th & 18thJanuary2017from8pmuntil9.30pmin the large church hall. We will beusing a programme called: Baptism –helping your child get themost out oflife. Godparents are also welcome tojoin us for discussion and to watch aDVD. The courses only run every fewmonths,soifyouareneworexpectantparents, it might be better to attendthiscourseifyouwishyourchildtobebaptisedfairlysoon.IfyouareconsideringBaptismforyourchild,whatevertheirage,

STJOSEPH’SPARISHOFFICEThe Parish Office will be closed from weekcommencing Monday, 19th December, and will re-openonThursday,5thJanuary2017.FrPeterwilldohis best to answer any urgent queries. Any non-urgent matters may be left until the Parish OfficeopensagainintheNewYear.