newsletter issue 3 may 2014

Brantley Baptist Church, Brantley, AL Issue 3 May 2014 WOW! Where did the last three months go. Old Man Winter is just a memory, yet as a church we accomplished a lot as spring approached. We began collecting food for the food pantry and challenged our church members to give to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. The choir, too, was busy practicing their musical for our Easter services. We entered the Easter season with a Communion service on Good Friday followed by an Easter egg hunt for the children on Saturday. We continued Sunday with an Easter Sunrise Service and morning worship. Two weeks later we were honoring our mothers on Mother’s Day. We have added a new member, Stephanie Fisher, this quarter and are excit- ed about this family being part of our fellowship. In fact, we have several new families worshiping with us and, we know great things are happening for the Lord. We have been significantly busy honoring and serving our Risen Lord at Brantley Baptist Church. What is ahead for the summer? We don’t want to miss the family fun on Saturday, June 7. An End of School celebra- tion is planned at the Floyd Catrett cabin by Blake and Rachel Moates with others helping them. There will be fishing, swimming, paddle boating, and of course one of the favorite things, a cookout. Father’s Day is right around the cor- ner on June 15 . This will end our “baby bottle boomerang” for Save-A-Life. Vacation Bible school will be held from July 13-16. It will be in a little different format this year, but it is packed full of great Gospel presentations for the children who will be coming to experience Jesus this year at VBS. The youth will be leaving for their Laguana Beach trip in Panama City on July 18. On the heels of VBS, Brantley Baptist Church will be having its 122nd Homecoming . Our speaker for Homecoming will be Dr. Kline Johnson. Our revival will begin Monday, August 4 with Rev. Herbert Brown speaking and Mr. David Norrell leading the music. WMU will be busy ,also, hosting the birthday party for the residents having birthdays in the nursing home in August. This is always a blessing . If you have never experienced it, try it this year. The women of the church will be putting finishing touches on the 4th Annual Women’s Conference coming in September. Take a look at the calendar of activities that are planned. Pray about how you can participate. Let God lead you as you commit to serve Him this summer. There is a place of service for everyone. Just volunteer your time to serve the Lord, and you will certainly feel blessed. Sara McGinty—News Writer

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Page 1: Newsletter Issue 3 May 2014

Brantley Baptist Church, Brantley, AL

Issue 3

May 2014

WOW! Where did the last three months go. Old Man Winter is just a memory, yet as a church we accomplished a

lot as spring approached. We began collecting food for the food pantry and challenged our church members to give

to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. The choir, too, was busy practicing their musical for our Easter services. We

entered the Easter season with a Communion service on Good Friday followed by an Easter egg hunt for the children

on Saturday. We continued Sunday with an Easter Sunrise Service and morning worship. Two weeks later we were

honoring our mothers on Mother’s Day. We have added a new member, Stephanie Fisher, this quarter and are excit-

ed about this family being part of our fellowship. In fact, we have several new families worshiping with us and, we

know great things are happening for the Lord. We have been significantly busy honoring and serving our Risen Lord

at Brantley Baptist Church.

What is ahead for the summer? We don’t want to miss the family fun on Saturday, June 7. An End of School celebra-

tion is planned at the Floyd Catrett cabin by Blake and Rachel Moates with others helping them. There will be fishing,

swimming, paddle boating, and of course one of the favorite things, a cookout. Father’s Day is right around the cor-

ner on June 15 . This will end our “baby bottle boomerang” for Save-A-Life. Vacation Bible school will be held from

July 13-16. It will be in a little different format this year, but it is packed full of great Gospel presentations for the

children who will be coming to experience Jesus this year at VBS. The youth will be leaving for their Laguana Beach

trip in Panama City on July 18. On the heels of VBS, Brantley Baptist Church will be having its 122nd Homecoming .

Our speaker for Homecoming will be Dr. Kline Johnson. Our revival will begin Monday, August 4 with Rev. Herbert

Brown speaking and Mr. David Norrell leading the music.

WMU will be busy ,also, hosting the birthday party for the residents having birthdays in the nursing home in August.

This is always a blessing . If you have never experienced it, try it this year. The women of the church will be putting

finishing touches on the 4th Annual Women’s Conference coming in September.

Take a look at the calendar of activities that are planned. Pray about how you can participate. Let God lead you as

you commit to serve Him this summer. There is a place of service for everyone. Just volunteer your time to serve

the Lord, and you will certainly feel blessed.

Sara McGinty—News Writer

Page 2: Newsletter Issue 3 May 2014

Words of Wisdom and Faith�..

B r a n t l e y B a p t i s t C h u r c h

In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Romans 8:37

We sing “Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war,” but so often when Satan

mounts an attack against us we behave as if we were prisoners of war, or worse, conscien-

tious objectors! But as Christians, we don’t have to live defeated lives. God wants us to

live victorious lives—lives that are constantly conquering sin.

There is only one way to have victory over sin. That is to walk so closely with

Christ that sin no longer dominates your life. It becomes the exception rather than the rule.

Why does a close walk with Christ make the difference? Simply this: The closer we

are to Christ, the farther we are from Satan. The Bible says, “Resist the devil and he

will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4: 7-8).

Is the devil farther away from you today than he was a week ago? If not, why?

Fom Billy Graham’s book: Hope for Each Day

Welcome New Member ChrisBan Sympathy

Stephanie Fisher to the family of Hazel Viet

Page 3: Newsletter Issue 3 May 2014

Brantley BapBst church overflowed with

children on Saturday, April 19 for our annual

egg hunt. About 25 children and 25 adults

enjoyed the occasion. This event was carried out by

the Outreach CommiFee. Teresa Foster, Outreach di-

rector, organized the egg hunt. They were served cup-

cakes, chips and dip, and of course chocolate candy.

We launched our Annie Armstrong

Easter Offering on March 2 by

watching the Week of Prayer video

featuring missionaries who serve in

North America, Canada and Mexi-

co. This year’s theme was Firmly

Planted-Rooted in the Gospel. We

set our goal at $1000. While we

fell a liFle short of our goal, the

offering will surely be mulBplied in

spreading the Gospel across the North American

countries. We collected $912.03. Our giJs cul-

minated on Easter Sunday when the children

collected the Annie eggs the CIA’s handed out on

March 9. They placed the plasBc eggs in a basket

during the Easter Parade on Easter Sunday. The

children collected approximately $250 from the

eggs. Thanks to those who gave. You will surely

be blessed .

A Home Mission program was also presented on

Wednesday, March 5. Teresa Foster and Sara

McGinty talked about the featured missionaries

in detail. We bathed those missionaries in pray-

er as we presented their prayer needs.

Our Easter season began with

Palm Sunday. A Communion

service was held on Friday, April

18 at 6:30 p.m. It was an hum-

bling experience as we parBcipated in the

Lord’s Supper. Our Easter Sunrise service

began at 6:30 a.m. on Easter Sunday which

was an equally humbling experience. The

Brotherhood hosted the breakfast following

the Sunrise service. During our morning ser-

vice, the children paraded into the sanctuary

for introducBons. It was a very sweet addi-

Bon to the morning service. A full sanctuary

was blessed by the choir’s Easter musical and

Bro. Burney’s message of hope and salvaBon

that was brought about by the shedding of

Jesus blood for our sins and His victory over

the grave.

Brantley BapBst Church honored all

mothers in the church on Mother’s Day

on May 11. Each mother was presented

a devoBonal, 31 Days with God— for Mothers. The

oldest mother present was Elizabeth Henderson. The

youngest was Elizabeth McMillon. The mothers with

the most children were Stephanie Fisher and Maritza

Rios. These mothers were presented with a giJ from

the church.

On May 17, the LLL class of senior ladies were taken

to David’s CaMish House for dinner. Michael Marvin

drove the church bus. Evidently by all the chaFer

there and back the ladies enjoyed their evening. The

ladies making the trip were Mary Adams, Madeline

Stricklin, BeFy Tisdale and Elizabeth Henderson.

Billy and Sara McGinty accompanied them.

Two seniors, Alyson Gibson and Ha-

ley Adams were honored along with

three six graders, Malekia Jobin, Han-

nah Fisher and Kayllee McGowan on

May 25 in recogniBon of their accomplishments.

Michael Marvin, youth director, presented them

with a Bible. A church-wide luncheon was held in

the fellowship hall following the morning service.

Brantley BapBst Church collected

food through May 18 for the associa-

Bonal food pantry. Billy and Sara

McGinty went to the associaBonal

office and assisted Jewel Killough and others in dis-

tribuBng food to the needy. Twenty-five families

were served. FiJy bags of food were given out.

May is our month to provide food and assist with

the distribuBon.

Page 4: Newsletter Issue 3 May 2014


Join Brantley Bap�st Church

Sunday, July 13—Wednesday, July 16

from 6:00 p.m. –8:30 p.m.

Classes for Adults, PreK-6th grade

If you have the gi* of working with children and

would commit to serving in VBS, we need workers

for 3rd and 4th grades, Pre-K, and Kindergarten


Homecoming is August 3, 2014

Dr. Kline Johnson, Speaker

Revival begins

August 4-7 at 7:00 p.m.

With Rev. Herbert Brown,

Music-David Norrell

Calendar of Events for this Quarter

June 1—RecepBon for Bro. Don Yancey—South

Luverne from 2:30-3:30 p.m.

June 1—Deacon’s MeeBng

June 7—End of School CelebraBon

at 3:00 p.m. at the Floyd CatreF Cabin

June 8—Quarterly Business MeeBng

June 11—Quarterly Family Night Supper

June 15—Father’s Day

June 29—Council MeeBng 4:00 p.m.

July 13-16— VBS from 6:30 –8:30 p.m.

July 18-19—Youth trip to Laguana Beach

August 3—Homecoming

August 4-7 —Revival —Speaker Rev. Herbert Brown

—Music by David Norrell

August 28—Nursing Home Birthday party

Page 5: Newsletter Issue 3 May 2014


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat


Deacon’s Meeting



2 3

WMU Meeting

4:00 p.m.


Prayer Meeting

Blink 180



B’day—Dale Gra-





7 End of School

Celebration 3:00



Ayers, Janie Da-

vis Ward


Quarterly Business


9 10 11

Family Night


12 13 14




Father’s Day

B’day—Willie Pearl


Men’s Breakfast

7:30 a.m.

16 17 18

Prayer Meeting

Blink 180


19 20 21

B’day—Bob Hol-












Prayer Meeting

Blink 180

Children’s Music



26 27 28


Fifth Sunday night


Church Council

Meeting 4:00 p.m.


June 2014

Page 6: Newsletter Issue 3 May 2014

Brantley Baptist Church

PO Box 61

Brantley, AL 36009

We are on the web:


Burney Enzor


Kim Graham


Michael Marvin


Michael Marvin, Chairman, Earl Henderson,

Dale Graham, Mike Morris, Pete Johnson,

Blake Moates, Sam Thornton, Jerry Stricklin


Sunday: Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Worship

11:00 a.m.

Sunday Night: Evening Worship 5:00 p.m.

Choir PracBce 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday Night:

Prayer meeBng 6:30 p.m.

Youth and CIA’s 6:30 p.m.

Pastor’s Phone Numbers:

Home: 566-1974 ...Cell: 268-3191

Flowers for June

1—Mary Adans

8—Pam Bailey

15—Maydeen Adkison

22—Barbara Godwin

29—Melissa McCarthy

1—Billy McGinty and Aaden Jobin Marvin and Noblin

8—Cody Smith and Eric Marvin Noblin and Thornton

15—Sam Thornton and Bryce Keener Thornton and Johnson

22—Mike Morris and Anthony McCarthy Johnson and Marvin

29—Billy McGinty and Aeden Jobin Marvin and Noblin