newsletter - · newsletter april 2019 25 old white hill road,...

Principal Report Hi everyone, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome to Peninsula Specialist College all the new students and their families who join us for 2019. Everyone had a tremendous start to the school year and settled well into the daily school routines. Thank you to everyone for attending your children’s SSG meetings. You will receive the printed Individual Learning Plan shortly. Congratulations to our graduating class of 2019 for receiving their special jackets and badges in our recent assembly and to our school captains for 2019, Amy, Molly, Michael and Seth. One of our secondary students, Ryan Jennings, has a YouTube channel. Please feel free to follow the link to have a look: All the best Peter NEWSLETTER April 2019 25 Old White Hill Road, Dromana 3936 - – (03) 5987 2649

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Principal Report

Hi everyone,

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome to Peninsula Specialist College all the new students and

their families who join us for 2019.

Everyone had a tremendous start to the school year and settled well into the daily school routines.

Thank you to everyone for attending your children’s SSG meetings. You will receive the printed

Individual Learning Plan shortly.

Congratulations to our graduating class of 2019 for receiving their special jackets and badges in our

recent assembly and to our school captains for 2019, Amy, Molly, Michael and Seth.

One of our secondary students, Ryan Jennings, has a YouTube channel. Please feel free to follow the link to have a look: All the best Peter

NEWSLETTER April 2019 25 Old White Hill Road, Dromana 3936 - – (03) 5987 2649

Class 1 & 2

Welcome to our

Preps in Class 3 Class 3 students are off to a fantastic start this Term.

They are making friends and enjoying many fun

activities. We have learnt about shapes and colours

through our colour weeks. We have learnt to sit in

the whole school assembly and receive our Star of

the Week awards and go up the front for our

birthdays. We look forward to what is to come in

Term 2.


CLASS 4 We have been very busy in Class 4

learning about colours and shapes.

We have made Blue jelly, Pink

playdough, Green caterpillars,

Yellow sunflowers, Orange Stars and

Purple jellyfish.

POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT At Peninsula Specialist College we strive to support our students in all areas of their learning; academic,

physical and social/emotional.

Understanding student behaviour is a key to helping our students achieve the best possible outcomes at

school, home and in the community. All staff are being trained as part of the Department of Education

framework called School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support. This process will build the capacity of our staff to

prevent and respond to behaviour in a positive and consistent way across the school.

Information and tips will be provided via the school website and newsletter to keep families informed to help

you support our students at home and in the community.

PARENT INFORMATION SESSIONS will be held next term – dates to be advised

As part of the process students are learning about the College Values

……and expected behaviour in all areas at school

Parent/Carer information sessions will run in Term 2. Dates to be advised.

In Term 1, VCAL students have been working in collaboration with Art, Music and ICT to combine skill sets to

develop a digital art piece. Students had the choice to select between animation, screen printing, music making

and creation of CD covers, advertisements/graphic design and business/product design.

Some classes have been learning about the

Djembe drum from West Africa. The drum is

played using the palm and fingers of your

hands. The students have learned to play 2

notes on the Djembe, the bass and tone.

The bass is the low note and tone the high

note. The Djembe can be played on your lap,

between your legs or on the floor.

The students have learnt to play in a drum

circle, working together to play the same

beat with the same tempo. TEAM WORK is


‘Yulendj Laang’ (‘Making Connections’)

Womindjeka (welcome).There has been a great start to

2019 with the PSC community acknowledging and

celebrating the traditional owners of the land, the Boon

Wurrung people and paying their respects to their Elders

both past and present, through cross curricula activities.

Boonwurrung language is used daily for greetings,

sports teams, room names and songs etc.

A big thank you to the 2018 Horticulture VCAL team who

provided us with a beautiful Bush Tucker garden.

As part of their VCAL Personal

Development studies, Class 16

students have been visiting Dromana

College every Monday and accessing

their gym facilities. Students have

learnt about many aspects of health

and fitness, formulating their own

fitness goals and workout plans. They

have enjoyed using the different

equipment in the gym, and have

tracked their progress throughout the

term. Supporting each other in pairs,

students have loved working up a

sweat! A special shout out goes to

Lloyd for bench pressing 40kgs and to

James whom was able to cycle 1 mile

on the spin bike. We look forward to

continuing our gym sessions

throughout the year.

On Friday 29th March, a group of secondary

students were fortunate enough to visit

Edithvale Golf Course for a clinic run by

Golf Victoria. Students were given

demonstrations on how to swing a golf

club, and were run through a variety of fun

drills. They also got the opportunity to play

a few holes in some amazing weather. All

students commented on how much more

difficult golf was than they initially

expected – keep practising guys! Special

mention to Athan from Class 16 who was a

putting maestro. We look forward to more

sporting opportunities in term two.