newsletter no. 51

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  • 7/28/2019 Newsletter No. 51


    Our Motto is. We will survive.

    By Donna Highfill

    I watched the CEO strip off her jacket in the

    middle of a meeting like it was on fire. I was

    the external consultant, and I knew from the

    shade of red which her face had turned that

    she was in the midst of a hot flash.

    Of course, everybody else at the table knewit as well.

    Im not sure why womens physical issues

    have to manifest themselves visibly, but they

    do. From the first period when things leak to

    the development of breasts to pregnancy to

    the sweating that accompanies the shutdown

    of the reproductive system, every phase is

    out there for the world to see and judge.

    Its hard to empathize with a stage in life until

    youve experienced it, which is why meno-

    pause requires a village of women who are

    experiencing the same thing. Otherwise,

    menopause becomes a joke.

    My brother, sister and I used to think moms

    hot flashes were just hysterical. She had a

    fan in every room in the house. We tried

    hiding them once, but that didnt work out

    well for anybody. We learned, quickly, that

    hot flashes were a little more serious than

    we thought.

    But we didnt get it. Most spouses dont get it

    Spring 2013 No. 50




    If youre hanging out with your husband, he probably wont understand when you

    kick the trashcan and scream because you peeled the last cucumber for your salad

    and then proceeded, inexplicably, to throw it in the trashcan.

    And, odds are, your pets wont get it either. Recently, I confused my dogs Beggin

    Strips with my breakfast, handing him my bacon while taking a bite of his strip. That

    was not a good experience for me, although the dog was thrilled and is no longer

    fooled by Beggin Strips.

    Menopause brings all sorts of beautiful side-effects that are not easily resolved. For

    example, when you discuss the alarming expansion of your waist, those not going

    through menopause recommend diets and exercise. You try both, and nothing

    seems to stop the growth that matches the issue men have with their ears.

    J ust this morning, I was laughing with my husband when I tried to button my pants.

    After days of dieting, of going to bed hungry and waking up hungry, I still couldnt get

    the button and the hole to meet. My laughter quickly turned from a good time to

    something much more sinister.

    What the hell is wrong with my body? I screamed. I dont care if its menopause,

    there are skinny menopausal women out there Ive seen them on television. Why

    am I turning into an apple?

    My husband tried to add a little humor to the already combustible situation. Well, if it

    helps, I think youre a Red Delicious apple, he said with a smile. Is that a joke? I

    replied, or some form of porn? What the hell do you mean by that? I cant get these

    pants buttoned, and theyre my fat pants. This is pure bullshit.

    He stood there, frozen in place, afraid to move lest he set me off again.

    Seriously? Are you just going to stand there and watch me struggle into these

    pants? This is humiliating enough, I dont need a freakin audience, I gasped as I

    tried, once again, to suck in my stomach.

    Finally, the button found the hole, and even though the rest of me formed a ridicu-

    lous muffin top I was happy. My mood turned, and I walked into the kitchen laughingagain. My husband smiled the way that you might at your neighbors moody Rottwei-

    ler who has wandered into your yard.

    While those not experiencing menopause are still important members of our village,

    we have to accept the fact that they dont understand our situation. I remember be-

    ing very judgmental of my menopausal mother when she suddenly decided to stop

    attending church. That was certainly her option, but since she was the ministers

    wife it was a little awkward.

    To try and maintain a semblance of sanity, women going through menopause

    Contd on page 4




    Summer 2013 No. 51

  • 7/28/2019 Newsletter No. 51


    Lise FoxEditor & PublisherThe Menopause Gang Newsletter

    Contact: (441) 297-0928

    Email: [email protected]



    Trish Wan

    Caroline Ivaliotis

    Carole Sousa

    Monica Jones

    Donna Highfill

    Diana Fearis

    Travelabout with Trish 3

    Menopause It Takes A Village (Contd). 4

    Explaining How Extra Virgin Olive Oil protects

    against Alzheimers Disease ... 4

    Lines from Caroline ... 5

    Bda Cancer & Health Center Home Page . 6

    Leave It Better Than You Found It 7

    The Good Old Days and Good Old Ways... 8

    Weight Loss After 40; Why Its So Hard.. 9

    Weight Loss After 40 (Contd) .. 10

    Caroles Corner ... 11

    Introduction to our new advertiser 11

    Our Motto is. We will survive.

    Inside this issue

    Summer should be here by now, but in many parts of the world,

    its still not showing its face. Hang in there ladies, youll be

    wearing your bikinis pretty soon, just make sure you wear sunprotection to ward off skin cancer.

    Editors Corner



    The information set forth in this pamphlet is not in ANY way (either written or implied) to substitute for and/or give medical advice to any person

    who reads this. It is only intended to share the emotional aspect of going through menopause. The Publisher

    Im pleased to welcome Donna Highfill who contributed our

    cover story for this issue. Donna is a published author, change

    consultant and a lover of all things chocolate. Shes my kind of

    gal. Donna believes that laughter is the only true medicine.

    Bermuda Cancer & Health Center are hosting a presentation at

    Fairmont Hamilton Princess on Male Cancer Checked Out.Please convince your men to attend. Details on Page 6.

    Diana Fearis, a reader, submitted her take on how she hates this

    new technology of cellphones and iPads and wishes we could

    all go back to the Good Old Days on Page 8.

  • 7/28/2019 Newsletter No. 51


    Our Motto is. We will survive.3

    Travelabout With TrishMurphys Law

    Murphys Law means anything that can go wrong will go wrong. It usually refers to scientific experiments, particularly in thermo-

    dynamics, but can equally be extended to everyday life. An example of Murphys Law is why several social invitations occur on the

    same day, with diary pages quite empty before & after the date. Murphys Law ensures that the large slow truck ahead appears to

    have gearbox problems and why traffic lights are ALWAYS red when youre running late. There is nothing more aggravating than

    driving towards a set of traffic lights, knowing that they will be red, and will be red at the next set, and the next! Having a clear run

    of green lights is definitely a red letter day!

    But I digress.

    Blighted to have been born with straight hair, as a child I detested my centre-part adorned with large bows, one on each side, like

    side-ways pony-tails. Long plaits preceded a permanent wave, a frizzy confection accomplished by the aid of a torturous-looking

    device hooked up to electrically heated rollers. I was in fashion for a brief period, inspired firstly by Audrey Hepburns gamin hair

    cut, and later by the mods of the swinging 60s. A flirtation with long hair piled up in swooping rolls and a beehive was followed

    by the 80s Afro, eventually giving way to the modern body wave.

    Sadly my dark brown tresses were sprinkled with gray at age 16 so in my early twenties I used brunette hair dye on a regular basis.

    Can you imagine the drama after a dip in the ocean? I emerged, mortified, brown streaks running down my face and back. In the

    mid-forties I allowed nature to take its course and emerged ten years later with what was, I have to admit, a pretty glamorous whitish

    -gray (hmm 50 shades of gray anyone?) Now I appear to have no hair at all when my drivers license photo is taken against that

    white screen, whilst my hairdresser categorically refuses to dye or streak my hair when I hanker for a change.

    Straight hair is now so fashionable that virtually everyone wants straight hair: women with tight curls want them relaxed or turned

    into dreadlocks; gentle waves must be coerced into stylish looks with regular hairdressers appointments. Devices to iron hair fly

    off the shelves. Curling wands promise loose, sexy curls to girls with shoulder length hair; gels, mousses, oils and other products

    come in a bewildering array to make hair conform to style or stand on end (which mine does all by itself!).

    Ive spent my life and dollars trying to maintain curly hair. Between body waves straight hair goes in 16 different directions

    overnight or resembles the British Jedwood twins do. My naturally endowed friends bemoan their springy curls but I envy them

    and every boy child similarly blessed while their sisters have lanky locks those same boys with abundant hair who will grow up toshave it off!

    At some stage during a long vacation hair will need attention unless appointments were carefully strategized before leaving home.

    With apologies to hair dressers across the globe, in trepidation Ive approached unfamiliar salons, discussed my expectations, heard a

    discourse on their plans for meeting them, and been divested of my clothes in favor of a weird 50s style wrap. A junior would wash

    my hair and massage my head before my selected grade of cutter declared that my hair went this way when I knew full well it went

    that way. Hours later, after giving monetary thanks and being reunited with my clothes, I no longer recognized myself, was ex-

    hausted & already praying for quick regrowth!

    Several years ago a dyed-blonde older woman brandishing a designer perfume pursued me around the aisles in a department store

    until I was finally corralled. Ironically her aim was not to spray with aromatics, but to enquire which product I used to get my hair

    that color! I took it as a compliment but could only advise her tobe patient perhaps that was her introduction to Murphys Law.

    Trish&Annee StreetbarberinVietnam

  • 7/28/2019 Newsletter No. 51


    should invite others like themselves into their village. But not the ones who seem to be really peppy about the whole experience. They

    are the same women who made you feel horrible when you complained about having small children.

    They declare that menopause is the ride of their lives. I appreciate the positive attitude, but would like to question what other rides

    they have actually been on.

    Because I dont think watching my hair turn gray and kink up and out like Einsteins is especially fun. Nor do I find having to put down

    a towel in my bed every night to absorb the sweat much better.

    The rages can be cathartic, but its a little embarrassing when I have to apologize to a mother in a restaurant for blurting out a string of

    curse words that her toddler is now repeating.

    This is why I value my village those of us who allow the cursing, understand the sweating, and find thick waists incredibly attractive.

    Our Motto is. We will survive.4Menopause - It Takes A Village

    Contd from Cover Page

    We listen to each other, and we nod knowingly. We are like

    Dorothy with the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Cowardly Lion. We

    know that this journey would be so lonely without each other.

    So, we link arms and skip down the yellow brick road. And,

    sometimes, we turn into the Wicked Witch of the West, but thats

    okay. Because, ultimately and together, we will find out newthings about our strength. We will tap our collective ruby slippers

    and find our way home.

    Donna Highfill is a published author,

    change consultant, and lover of all

    things chocolate. She confesses to a grown son and daughter, and a Boxer named Riggins. When not wring for

    the Huffington Post, Donna is helping businesses grow and women succeed all efforts supported by laughter.

    Because, as her blog DameNaonBlog contends, Donna believes that laughter is the only true medicine. Find

    Donna on Facebook at DameNaon, Twier at DameDonna, Linkedln and Google+.

    Explaining How Extra Virgin Olive Oil Protects Against Alzheimers DiseaseBy Science News March 2013

    The mystery of exactly how consumption of extra virgin olive oil helps reduce the risk of Alzheimers disease (AD) may lie in one

    component of olive oil that helps shuttle the abnormal AD proteins out of the brain, scientists are reporting in a new study.

    It appears in the journalACS Chemical Neuroscience. Amal Kaddoumi and colleagues note that AD affects about 30 million people

    worldwide, but the prevalence is lower in Mediterranean countries. Scientists once attributed it to the high concentration of healthful

    monounsaturated fats in olive oil consumed in large amounts in the Mediterranean diet. Newer research suggested that the actual

    protective agent might be a substance called oleocanthal, which has effects that protect nerve cells from the kind of damage that oc-

    curs in AD. Kaddoumis team sought evidence on whether oleocanthal helps decrease the accumulation of beta-amyloid (AB) in the

    brain, believed to be the culprit in AD.

    They describe tracking the effects of oleocanthal in the brains andcultured brain cells of laboratory mice used as

    stand-ins for humans in such research. In both

    instances, oleocanthal showed a consistent pat-

    tern in which it boosted production of two pro-

    teins and key enzymes believed to be critical in

    removing AB from the brain. Extra-virgin olive

    oil-derived oleocanthal associated with the con-

    sumption of Mediterranean diet has the potential

    to reduce the risk of AD or related neurodegenerative dementias,,

    the report concludes.

  • 7/28/2019 Newsletter No. 51


    Our Motto is. We will survive.5

    Lines from Caroline

    You know youre in

    Menopause when:









    When Life Sends You Lemons Make Lemonade

    Surprise, lemons are the most alkaline food one can eat. Even though lemons are an acidic fruit, when they are ingested, they mix

    with the bodys fluids and become an alkaline substance. If you can remember High School Chemistry class, the PH scale runs from

    1-14; the lower numbers represent an acidic state and the higher numbers present a more alkaline condition. The body strives to have

    a PH balance of around 7.3. You can test your bodys PH with litmus paper or through a blood test. Unfortunately, many of themeals we consume contain acidic foods that lower the bodys PH such as sugar, red meat, fried foods, alcohol and the most acidic of

    all, artificial sweeteners; Sweet and Low, Equal and all of the like. When the body becomes acidic it is prone to disease. Not so sur-

    prisingly other foods that raise the alkaline state of the body are fresh fruits, veggies; especially green veggies. There is also docu-

    mentation that our ancestors used lemons in their medical potions to fight off malaria, typhoid, scurvy and other diseases.

    Lemons offer many health benefits, it is believed that the citric acid in lemon juice can help to break down calcium deposits, kidney

    and gallstones. The high content of vitamin C found in lemon fights against the flu and colds. According to the Mayo Clinic, warm

    lemon water with honey loosens congestion and prevents dehydration. Lemons neutralize the free radicals that speed up the aging

    process. The delicious yellow juice may also reduce the growth of cancer cells by preventing the division of cancer cells. Lemons are

    well known throughout the world for stimulating and detoxing the liver. They can even help to dissolve uric acid say good bye to


    In order to get the most out of your lemons, one should start the morning with a warm cup of water with the juice of a half of a lem-

    on. This starts your day off with a detoxed liver and also gets the bowels moving which releases unwanted toxins that make you feel

    lethargic. Throughout the day fill a large glass with water and squeeze a half of a lemon in it. To satisfy your sweet tooth, add a a

    half a packet of organic stevia. Now you have refreshing lemonade. Organic stevia is the only healthy non sugar sweetener. Truvia

    and other so called healthy sweeteners still contain sugar alcohols. So if you are watching your sugar use organic stevia. You can

    also keep a pitcher of water with lemon slices in the refrigerator and pour it into your to go cup for the day. Add a fresh lemon

    wedge to your cocktail; the lemon juice can help to neutralize the acid in the alcohol. Fresh lemon juice is also delicious mixed with

    olive oil and garlic on a salad, sprayed over meats, fish and poultry and veggies. One of the most appetizing dishes you can make

    with lemons is the traditional Avgolemono Greek lemon soup. The preparation is easy and its so nutritious for you. All you need to

    do is bring eight cups of low salt organic chicken broth to a boil, add in a half a cup of rice,

    cover the pot and let it summer for about twenty minutes. Then blend three eggs and and the

    juice of three lemons into a large bowl, slowly add one cup of the broth to the bowl of lemon

    juice and eggs. When the eggs and the lemon broth are mixed well add the contents of the

    bowl back to the pot of chicken broth and rice. Warm it up but do not allow it to boil. Gar-

    nish your healthy lemon soup with sliced lemons, chicken and chopped parsley.

    Breaking old habits is not easy. Keeping a few lemons on the kitchen counter is a good visu-

    al start. Always keep one lemon sliced in half so all you need to do is squeeze it. Lemons are

    not like a box of cookies that we will get on a step ladder to grab out of the closet. But if

    they are easy enough to access we will take a squeeze more often than not. After all they can

    only help us to counteract some of our more acidic food choices.

    The hardest thing for many of us to giveup is that cup of coffee or tea in the

    morning. You can still have it! Just have

    a quick warm lemon drink first. Take the

    cup of coffee with you on your days

    journey if time is an issue. Since lemons

    are on the counter and easy to access it

    wont take too much effort to squeeze

    some juice on almost everything you eat.

    Enjoy all the health benefits of lemons!

  • 7/28/2019 Newsletter No. 51



    Our Motto is. We will survive.6

    Cancer Information Service

    Lets support our men and encourage them to

    attend this informative presentation

  • 7/28/2019 Newsletter No. 51


    Our Motto is. We will survive.7

    When my husband and I celebrated our 39th wedding anniversary I did a short post on Facebook. I got 100 or so likes! More than

    50 people commented. I was stunned by the reaction, as all I said was this:

    39 years ago today, I married a boy/man with some peach fuzz on his top lip, and with a special haircut for our special day (from

    beyond his shoulders to a nice conservative shoulder length cut). Why did I marry him? What was so special? Well, I have to

    tell you, I really cant remember. But I will say this: I still think hes hunky; Ive never been bored; weve laughed and cried togeth-

    er! Today we are celebrating because we love each others company, and yes, Arthur still makes me laugh. Its nice to be together,

    but also now, more than ever, we celebrate our individuality. Heres to you Arthur Norman Jones, heres to us and heres to the ad-

    venture of life!

    I was trying to say in this post, that we started our marriage with some ridiculous idea of love, so ridiculous now, that I find it diffi-

    cult to even relate to my feelings on my wedding day. Weve had many good times, and many times when we hated each other, when

    we could have parted, but both of us were seekers, both of us for some reason managed to change, to compromise, to forgive, and to

    continue to work together, through thick and thin. Today, its hard to remember the bad, because Im so very grateful for the fact that

    I found me, inside of us, and Im a better person today, because we are together, not because I feel I have to be with him, but because

    I want to be with him.

    I dont often wear a wedding ring these days, as I feel it is irrelevant to who I am. My marriage is not a fairytale and it never hasbeen, and it never will be. It is a story of two people whove raised children together, we both worked really hard as we wanted more

    for our children than we both had.

    In the same way that I cant even remember how I felt when my marriage started, because it was some immature idea of love out of a

    romance novel, I feel today that I do know what true love is.

    It is the love that I feel when I walk out onto the streets for everyone I meet. It is the love that I feel when I look at a baby, so pre-

    cious, so beautiful, so wonderful, so innocent. It is that mothers love that would die to make a baby safe.

    It is the love that is so deep, so vast, so immense, that I love the bird that refuses to sing, mostly because Ive been that grumpy bird

    too, not wanting to join in and have fun, not wanting to work with people, because I feel hurt by them and dont want to let go of the

    pain. It is the love that I feel for the bird that is singing some jumbled up song, but loves singing nevertheless. It is the love that loves

    all our differences, even though sometimes I want to slap some people for being so darned grumpy and I feel frustrated, because nomatter how hard I try, I cant get some people to crack out a smile!

    In my marriage, I made a decision a few years ago, to let go of resentment, to do things I wasnt crazy about with joy and to stop

    keeping a scorecard. Ive noticed since I started doing this, that our relationship has shifted subtly and become much more peaceful

    and harmonious.

    Id been trying to write a newsletter for ages and ages. Id written pages and pages, and never felt any of them were good enough to

    send out, because they were airing my resentments. In writing this, Ive realized that I need to let go of the resentments that I feel

    towards my neighbors, who created a Neighborhood Watch group, because some of the emails that have circulated made me feel

    afraid of them. I started feeling like visiting friends might be harassed, that discrimination might escalate, my pet duck might be hurt

    and Ive had this vague feeling of disquiet ever since the watch started. I havent actually been able to fully articulate how sad I

    feel that we have this watch. Ive been trying to focus on the meaning of the word neighborly, which is: helpful, friendly, honest,kind, generous, thoughtful, decent, cordial, supportive. Ive started trying to remember to watch myself and make sure that I smile

    more, engage people in conversation, wave at people whether I know them or not and to keep these qualities in my heart as I know

    that these are the principles that build trust, that will stitch up and heal the wounds that weve all felt. They will open doors, open our

    hearts, open our homes, bind us together, rather than tear us apart.

    So go in peace, be in peace and bring peace wherever you go.

    Monica Jones is a Bermudian artist and writer. She paints in pastel, charcoal and encaustic. She lives in Bermuda with her husband

    Arthur (lifelong sweetheart and supporter) and two ducks. She has three children, two grandchildren, a son and daughter-in-law.

    She grew up in Paget, Bermuda Contact info: email [email protected]

    Cell: 441-332-2753Website:

  • 7/28/2019 Newsletter No. 51


    Our Motto is. We will survive.8

    The Good Old Days and Good Old WaysBy Diana Fearis

    Being a bit of a rebellious teenager through high school and

    fighting the system for what I believed or didnt believe in (and trust

    me that wasnt hard to do being a Protestant in a mostly Catholic

    school taught entirely by Nuns in Habits! Kiss WHAT RING, I dont

    think so!) well it seems I still carry a bit of that rebellious nature

    with me through my middle age years in fact it seems to have

    gotten worse! I refuse to conform to things that I just dont agree

    with or have little interest in. So many things seem to irritate me on

    a daily basis, especially in this techy era and too permissive and

    accepting society we live in today.

    I wont get into the too permissive and accepting society issues as this isnt the forum for that. What I can and will write about is

    the Good Old Days andGood Old Ways for those of us who have lived them and miss them.

    Topping my list of many techy irritations is the Cell Phone monster something I am happy to say that I dont own nor wish to

    own (and that goes for Blackberries, or Blueberries or whatever they want to call them, iPads, iPhones, or i anythings for that mat-ter, all of which have become the latest social must-have addiction basically all and every electronic radiation-emitting device

    that was ever created this side of the computer (something else I dont own, nor wish to). Theres no way you can convince me that

    all that radiation coursing through the human body is harmless, no matter what the experts say.

    Over the years both of my adult children (and now my grandchildren) have tried to convince me that I just HAVE to have these de-

    vices (they even bought me cell phones but I returned them). I grew up without these gadgets and intend to grow old without them

    too. I dont like being forced into using or doing something that I dont like or have little interest in, and unlike my job/office where I

    have no choice in the matter, I do have a choice in my home and personal life. Call me an old fart and living in a time warp and

    to get with the times all you like it all goes in one ear and out the other. I like my old-fashioned home and lifestyle and look

    forward to retreating to my oasis of calmness and quiet time away from all the stress, machines and madness. The last thing I want to

    do when I get home from work is to log on to another computer!

    I have to confess, however, that our otherwise computer and gadget-free house has recently had the invasion of a Kindle Fire oh

    horrors It detracts from quiet time with my boyfriend as he uses it all the time with his earplugs.

    Okay, okay, I get where maybe these things are useful if you have family abroad, but thats about it on the pro list for me. Well,

    after a year of this new invasion, let me tell you I HATE HAVING IT IN THE HOUSE!

    I, on the other hand, enjoy, and always will, reading a book the normal (and I guess now considered old-fashioned!) way and will do

    my bit to keep not only the libraries, but bookstores still in business.

    Recently, while visiting, my 5-year old Grandson came crying to me all upset because his Daddy wouldnt give him his tablet to

    which I responded Sorry honey but Im all out of childrens aspirin and just have some grown-up Advil which I cant give you

    THAT was the day I discovered what a tablet was! I didnt know whether to laugh or cry. I really do worry about what long-term

    damage these things will do, but it all falls on deaf ears. Yup, at Grannys house we play outside, read or color, kick a ball, hula

    hoop, remember that, play hide and seek, or just take a walk, you know all the good old-fashioned stuff we did as kids.

    Society has created a whole lost generation of machine-addicted humans.

    And, heres another irritation Cameras, or digital anythings! It makes me happy to see my family and friends look through all my

    PHOTO ALBUMS to see real pictures remember them?

    Being born here in 1954 and growing up in the old Bermuda and the good old days I find myself reminiscing more and more and

    have many fond memories of the way things used to be. I sound like my parents now as I say to my children and grandchildren that

    when I was growing up this is how we did or didnt do it. and wishing things could be like that again. Thank you for letting me

    let off some steam about these things and perhaps I have some company out there and would love to hear from you. 236-4542 (NO


  • 7/28/2019 Newsletter No. 51


    Our Motto is. We will survive.9

    Weight Loss After 40: Why Its So Hard and What Works By Melanie Haiken,

    Every year, it seems, the needle on the scale is a little harder to budge. You cut back on portion size, you say, No, thank you, to dessert; you sign

    up for an aerobics class and yet your jeans size goes up and your energy level goes down. Whats going on?

    Starting in our early 40s, our bodies go through a series of changes that affect the very core of our being. Thanks to hormonal and other changes, the

    very growth rate of our cells slows down. Some of these changes are the result of the natural aging process. Its just something we have to learn to

    work around.

    Seven Foods That Help You Lose Weight: Sometimes, though, somethings gotten off tr ack, metabolically speaking, and theres an und er-

    lying medical issue that needs to be dealt with before the usual weight-loss measures will have any effect. Heres a ten-step plan for understanding

    the challenges that prevent weight loss over 40, and for learning how to overcome them.

    1. Get to know your bodys new biological rhythms and adjust to them: In long-ago times, older didnt necessarily mean plumper. Think

    of those icons of the American prairie, the sinewy pitchfork-wielding farm couple pictured inAmerican Gothic. But today, those of us over 40

    face a twofold challenge. Were living longer, and were no longer out there pitching hay to the cows at 5 a.m. When it comes to burning calo-

    ries, its a fairly simple equation. What goes in must be burned off, or it sticks to our ribs. Acquiring weight is absurdly easy eating just 100

    extra calories a day (100 more than what your body burns) will lead to a nine to ten pound weight gain over the course of a year, experts say.

    How much is 100 calories? Not a lot. A can of Coke contains 155 calories, a chocolate bar more than 200. Of course, that cola or chocolate

    chip cookie is no problem if were walking or running it off. But after 40, our activity level tends to decline, too. So the challenge is to bring

    the two into balance. Look back over the past year, and think about when your weight seemed to be holding steady and when it seemed to betrending slowly upward. What were you doing during the good weeks? What sabotaged you the other times? Make a list of what works for

    you, and what throws you off. Your own healthy habits in the past are the ones most likely to work for you now.

    2. Eliminate underlying metabolic conditions: Would it surprise you to know that thyroid problems strike as many as one out of five

    adults over age 40? The most common of these is hypothyroidism an underactive thyroid and hypothyroidism is one of the primary

    reasons many people over 40 cant lose weight. The thyroid is a tiny gland that produces hormones that regulate metabolism, and when its

    underactive, so is everything else. Think of low thyroid as having your internal thermostat set too low. Symptoms include feeling cold all the

    time, poor circulation in the hands and feet, clammy hands, tiredness and lethargy, hair loss (including eyebrows and eyelashes), and weight

    gain despite real attempts to exercise and eat well. If you suspect an underactive thyroid may be undermining your metabolism, the first

    step is to call the doctor and ask for a thyroid test. But beware: The first line thyroid blood test, known as the TSH, is notoriously unreliable.

    And doctors are busy arguing about whats normal anyway. As of 2003, the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists began rec-

    ommending that the cutoff for normal TSH should be 3.0 versus the older standard of 5.5, but this news hasnt reached many labs or doctors.

    And lots of endocrinologists think having a TSH between 1 and 2 is ideal for maintaining normal body weight and function If your TSH resultis above 3.0, make sure your doctor knows about the new recommendation. And ask for further testing; there are a number of additional tests

    that many experts believe give more accurate readings of thyroid function.

    3. Adjust your eating habits for maximum energy: Your goal at this stage in your life is to keep yourself feeling full without succumbing

    to the temptation to eat like you could at age 20. One strategy recommended by internist Julie Taw, MD, of Englewood, New Jersey, is to eat

    more frequently but to consume less at each sitting. An added benefit of eating this way is that its easier to keep your blood sugar steady, so

    you dont have the peaks and valleys that contribute to fatigue. Heres the rule: Try eating five to six small meals a day, and dont go more

    than three or four hours without eating. For example, you might eat a healthy breakfast before you leave for work, then have a nonfat yogurt in

    the late morning. Then instead of eating a big pasta lunch and spending the afternoon in a stupor, eat a light lunch and spend the rest of your

    lunch break taking a brisk walk. An afternoon snack of trail mix and an apple keeps you from needing the 4 p.m. sweet treat and makes it easi-

    er to avoid overeating at dinner. Your goal is the opposite of the starvation approach to dieting you want to trick your body into feeling

    satisfied and well-fed at all times, though the total amount youre eating is less.

    4. Time your eating to take advantage of our bodys natural rhythms: Experts ar e sure of one thing: Snack (or eat dinner ) after 9 p.m.,

    and whatever you eat goes straight to your hips and stomach. Happily, the opposite is also true what you eat in the mornings, when your

    metabolism is revved up to its optimum operating speed, is much more likely to be expended efficiently. Dont like to eat breakfast? Sorry, but

    theres no way around this one, eating a good breakfast is one of the key habits experts have identified that keeps thin people thin. When mem-

    bers of the National Weight Control Registry (people who have maintained a weight loss of 30 pounds for between one and six years) were

    surveyed. 78 percent reported eating breakfast every day and almost 90 percent reported eating breakfast at least five days a week. This was

    one of the only factors researchers identified that those in the registry had in common!

    5. Trick your metabolism with fat-fighting foods: I know youve heard it before, but its true. Its really not just about how much you

    eat, but how much of which foods. There are plenty of healthy foods you can eat all you want of and no, that doesnt mean stuffing your

    Contd on Page 10

  • 7/28/2019 Newsletter No. 51


    Our Motto is. We will survive.10

    Weight Loss After 40: Why Its So Hard and What Works Contd from Page 9

    fridge with celery sticks. 1970sstyle. Instead, make a few simple tweaks to your diet, incorporating foods that actually fight fat instead of

    those that trigger it. Then eat other foods in moderation, and you should be OK.

    6. Make muscles an ally in your weight-loss campaign: Theres one thing the exercise guru s have gotten right. The more muscle mass

    you have, the more effectively your metabolism burns calories. But sad to say, a natural tendency of aging is to lose muscle, gradually replac-ing it with fat. So in order to enlist the calorie-burning abilities of muscle, we do have to work at it. A common misconception, though, is to

    mix up muscle-building with aerobic exercise. Both are good, but the aerobic part though it does burn calories isnt what were talking

    about here. What you really need to focus on for long term benefit is basic strength training. Buy some hand weights, a bar, and some stretch

    bands, and channel your high school gym teacher. Make it as pleasant as possible; work out while you watch the evening news or your favorite

    sit-com. Slowly and gradually build up those biceps, abs, deltoids, and glutes, and youll have some key allies in your fight to prevent age-

    related weight gain.

    7. Get more sleep to burn more calories: As any perimenopausal woman can tell you, sleep gets even more elusive as you age. Its not

    just that were busier and more stressed. We also have multiple physical issues, from back pain to snoring to night sweats, any of which can

    interfere with getting a good nights sleep. Yet, paradoxically, getting a good nights sleep is one of the keys to losing weight, says neurologist

    David Simon of the Chopra Center in Carlsbad, California. In recent years, significant research has shown that lack of sleep is directly con-

    nected to weight gain because of the actions of two hormones, leptin and ghrelin, that control hunger and satiety, or feeling full. When youre

    sleep deprived, your ghrelin levels increase at the same time that your leptin levels decrease. The result is more craving, less feeling full. Addto that the fact that sleep-deprived people often crave energy foods, which tend to be sweet or salty, and you can see how small changes in

    your routine can add up to big weight gain. Lastly, there are tantalizing new studies demonstrating that our bodies are most metabolically ac-

    tive while we sleep. So the longer we sleep, the more we rev up our inner fat-burning engines. (You still shouldnt snack late at night, though.

    Researchers also believe that calories eaten late in the evening are processed less efficiently than those consumed during the day, no matter

    how active our nighttime metabolism.) Add these all together and you can see a pattern emerging: The older we are, the harder it is to get a

    good nights sleep and the less we sleep, the more likely it is well gain weight. What to do? Take steps to combat sleep problems and your

    waistline will benefit too.

    8. Strike up a healthy relationship with your sweet tooth: If youre dying for a sweet treat, give it to yourself, savoring it slowly so it reg-

    isters fully with your brains pleasure sensors. A trick that many experts recommend: Cut the treat in half before you start eating, carefully

    wrapping the second half up to save for later. You may or may not want it sometimes if you eat the first half slowly and consciously

    enough, youll feel satisfied. But knowing its there if you do plays a nice trick on your brain, which tends to crave things it perceives as being

    in short supply. Also, dont try to substitute artificially flavored sweets. Researchers have recently discovered that artificial sweeteners fail totrigger the bodys natural satisfaction response. So eating that 100-calorie artificially sweetened cookie only adds to your problems, youll

    keep on wanting the real cookie, so the 100-calories you just ate were in vain.

    9. Forget dieting, instead, focus on your fuel-to-energy ratio: If, like most 40-somethings, youre packing some extra pounds, youve proba-

    bly made plenty of resolutions to go on a diet. Youve also probably figured out by this point in your life that diets rarely work, and neither

    does suddenly embarking on a strenuous new exercise regimen. Theres a good reason that sudden, drastic changes dont lead to long-term

    weight loss, and may even lead to a rebound. Have you noticed that your weight tends to stay fairly constant week to week, even if one day

    you go on a junk food binge and the next day youre fairly good? Nature designed us with optimum abilities to maintain a steady metabolic

    rate, because it helps us weather food shortages and sudden demands on our energies. Unfortunately, this means that when youve gradually

    gained weight over time, your body has adapted to the new weight and now does its best to hold onto it. So heres what you do: You make

    slow, gradual adjustments to each end of the equation. And you and only you decide which end of the fuel-in, energy-out equation to

    emphasize and when.

    10. Make slow, realistic changes in tune with your lifestyle: Lets say you want to lose ten pounds. To do so right now, youd have to eat

    nothing at all for about 2 weeks, or jog for 51 hours, or walk for 126 hours. Not only would it be impossible, attempts like those would send

    your body into starvation-mode metabolic slowdown, sabotaging your efforts. But you could also, much more effectively, set out to lose one to

    two pounds a week for the next five to ten weeks. Remind yourself that you are the only one in charge of tuning up your metabolic engine.

    Decide whether you prefer to focus your energies on cutting down the number of calories youre consuming, or on upping the number youre

    burning. Most likely, youll strike a balance between the two that suits you. If adding three half-hour walks a week is relatively painless for

    you, thats a good choice. If going outdoors in ten-degree weather is singularly unappealing and you wouldnt be caught dead in a gym, then

    focus on dietary changes instead. Your primary goal should be making small, gradual lifestyle changes that you can incorporate into your daily

    routine and stick with over time. Thats the ultimate secret to combating over-40 weight gain.

  • 7/28/2019 Newsletter No. 51


    Our Motto is. We will survive.11

    Caroles Corner

    Contact Tracey Caswell

    to purchase these books at:

    Email: [email protected]

    On the back burner for some time was my intention to enroll in the Learning Centre classes held at The Bermuda College. Not only

    are they inexpensive, diversified and close to home, but they take place in daylighthours and theres no parking problem! Although

    the full name is The Seniors Learning Centre, one becomes eligible at 55. This year I finally got it together and registered for four

    courses: computers, exercise, yoga and dancing.

    The 90-minute computer classes comprised three sections: beginner, intermediate and social media. Not exactly sure where my lim-itedcomputer knowledge would place me in a computer class, I was most relieved to find myself one step ahead of the rest of the

    beginner class not surprising as it was clear I was also ten years their junior. This allowed me the opportunity to assist the other

    students with the confusion of new terminology and instructions. By the end of the third section we were all on Gmail, Facebook and

    trying our hands at booking airline tickets, trips and hotels.

    The one-hour exercise class is called Fit for Life. The teacher is amazing pleasant, professional, patient giving alternate sug-

    gestions for students with any sort of physical limitation. Her exercises can be done standing or sitting. I was happy to discover floor

    exercise was not necessary! Basically, this class is divided into two equal sections. The standing involves a small ball and light

    weights, if one wants to use them, plus a cool-down stretching ending.

    Yoga, a class of 90 minutes, is neither stressful nor too long. It begins with a centering section, followed by a standing, then sitting

    and finally, a relaxation section. The instructor is a professional, calm and gentle as one would expect to find in a disciple of thisancient practice. I found my knee problem improved after this class.

    The 90-minute dancing class is in the country and western style called line dancing. If you can walk, you can do this. The teacher is

    good-humoured, kind and patient with the new kids on the block. One just has to shuffle along until the movements work their way

    into the brain. There is no pressure. Some of the students have no desire to move up to the intermediate class they just enjoy doing

    the dances they have already learned! At least two students are 82 years young. With an age range of almost 30 years, ones level of

    expertise is really inconsequential.

    The organization Im referring to here was founded in 1990 and amazingly enough (in a country of 20 square miles) has about 800

    members. Self-supporting and non-profit, it offers up to 28 varied classes, courses, lectures, outings and trips each semester embrac-

    ing subjects as diverse as: current affairs, history, conversational French, home maintenance, mature beauty care really, its all

    over the map! Many older folks are happy enough volunteering their time, knowledge and retain the old work ethic of days gone by.

    It is a most affordable, enjoyable and healthy experience to get out and about with those both a decade older and a decade younger

    than yourself. They can teach you much. I know I am certainly having a good time with these gals!

    Wherever you may be located in this olde world (or at least in the newish world), there is likely a comparable group. In the States try In Canada: In the United


    If you cant find a similar offering, how about ifyou start one? Perhaps something to think about for your goal list for . 2014?

    Introducon to our new Adverser Hayley J. Benne on Page 3

    HayleyJ.Benne hasbeenawellbeingpraconerforthelastsevenyearsand


    Themainpurposeofher treatmentsare togiveherclientsexactlywhat they

    need, therefore every treatment is tailored differently. She can begin treat





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