newsletter // september 2013

RAISING THE pages 2–5 By Kamran Karimi NEXT GENERATION INCONVENIENT Pg.12 By Amy Karimi O the of VOICE FREEDOM newsletter

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pages 2–5By Kamran Karimi



Pg.12By Amy Karimi



the ofVOICE


By Kamran Karimi




pages 2–5By Kamran Karimi


The nation of Iran’s population is 75% under the age of 30. For the last ten years, we have been diligently reaching that demographic with the Gospel through our program Nedae

Azadi (The Voice of Freedom), leadership conferences, Bible school training, house churches, Bible distribution and various other methods. We firmly believe in the power of this generation to change their world and see it thriving in relationship with Jesus. Recently, the Lord has been talking to us about what are now called Generation X and the Millennial Generation or Generation Y. These generations are comprised of those under the age of 40 and more specifically under 30. On a global scale, the enemy is waging a war for the hearts and minds of this dynamic group of people. “Why?” you might ask, because this is the generation that will see the culmination of the promises God has given previous generations! They are the ones who will usher in the last great awakening!

Over the last few years, God has been speaking to Amy and I about focusing on the next generation. He has been instructing us to teach them how to be led by the Holy Spirit and how to intentionally operate in the things of God. We have observed some alarming tendencies in this generation that have come as a result of the abuses and ignorance of the last generation. Several years ago, we were in a conference and a prophetic word came forward that there was coming a movement that thousands would flock to. This movement would be all about Church and it would mobilize thousands of people but it would have nothing to do with


Jesus and the Cross. It would have nothing to do with the Gospel and the sacrifi ce of fl esh needed to bring that Gospel to the ends of the earth. We are seeing this prophecy unfold in the current generation. I say it this way, “We can make people Church conscious, but only God can make people God conscious.”

We have seen a move toward Church and program involvement in this generation. Church leadership has gone over and above to cater to every whim through programs invented to appease how this generation wants to be churched. This is simply a refl ection of how modern culture seeks to entitle this generation in every area of life and develop self-consciousness within them. While this is a negative tendency, there are also positive ones as well. This generation is excited about helping people and readily involve themselves in social justice projects. They want to help the world! They want their time and their treasures to mean something so they involve themselves in a myriad of social justice projects (which have even replaced, in many instances, missions trips.) These are all great attitudes to have but we must understand that God has a prescribed way of doing things and it begins with the preaching of the Gospel. My wife says, “No amount of social justice projects can replace the preaching of the Gospel!” I agree with her completely! Social justice is important, it is what Jesus called good religion, but it cannot stand apart from the preaching of Gospel, which is the power of God to save every culture on earth!

When a generation becomes organizationally/ Church conscious without being God/ Spirit conscious, the power to work the miraculous ceases to exist and we cease to stand apart from any other religion that would do good works. We, as leaders, must allow God to move in and through us to bring about a God consciousness in this generation. The Lord spoke to me out of Joshua 5:7 that it is time to circumcise this generation!

“And their children, whom he raised up in their stead, them Joshua circumcised: for they were uncircumcised, because they had not circumcised them by the way.”

continued >

they involve themselves in a myriad of social justice projects (which they involve themselves in a myriad of social justice projects (which have even replaced, in many instances, missions trips.) These are all great attitudes


My generation has grown up knowing the power of God (His Word and His Spirit.) However, we have a whole generation who we have neglected to teach this way of life. In the Old Testament, circumcision was the mark born in the flesh of God’s covenant people. It had great meaning. It symbolized a group of people committed to doing things God’s way. Is it possible that with all our faith and knowledge of the Word and Spirit that we have neglected to pass on these ways to the next generation?

I know, I know. I can hear your thoughts! Galatians 5:2-3 in The Voice translation says this:

“Listen because I, Paul, am going to make this message very clear so it cannot be misunderstood: if you undergo the rite of circumcision, then all that the Anointed accomplished will be lost on you. And understand this: if you choose to be circumcised, then you will oblige yourself to do every single rule of the law for the rest of your life.”

I can hear you asking this question, “Why are you saying that this generation needs to be circumcised?” Remember, I said that circumcision was symbolic of God’s covenant people belonging to Him. Scripture also says that the Old Testament was a type and shadow for us (Colossians 2:17.) I am talking about the symbolic nature of circumcision. As New Covenant believers, circumcision of the flesh in no longer the symbol of our covenant. “Then what is?” you may ask. Here is it in a nutshell:

1. We are to be Christ like. (Matthew 5:48) He was the first among many (Romans 8:29).

2. What about His life symbolized His belonging to God? As the Father’s Son, He did only those things that He saw His Father do and said only those things He heard Him Say. (John 5:19)

3. What symbolizes to the world that we are the children of God and that we belong to Him? They that are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God! (Romans 8:14)

4. The earth is looking for those that bear the mark of God’s covenant! That mark is being led by the Spirit of God! (Romans 8:19)


wr i t ten by



Conclusion: We “circumcise” this generation when we teach them how to be led by the Spirit of God! Galatians 5:18 says, “But when you are led by the Spirit, you are no longer subject to the law.” (VOICE) In recent years, there has been much to do about the grace of God. I believe this scripture sums it up. Being led by the Spirit is the grace of God! It keeps you out from under the law and smack in the middle of God’s best plan for your life!

We have a generation that knows little to nothing about His Spirit or the reality of Jesus! I read an article in the CNN Faith Blog by Rachel Held Evans entitled, “Why Millennials are Leaving the Church?” In this article, she articulated something I believe to be very true, “What Millennials really want from the church is not a change in style but a change in substance… You can’t hand us a latte and then go about business as usual and expect us to stick around. We’re not leaving the church because we don’t fi nd the cool factor there; we’re leaving the church because we don’t fi nd Jesus there.”

This must change! The substance we give this generation must be real, whether in Iran or here in America. We must give them the substance of the Spirit and teach them how to apply it! This is what will “circumcise” or “mark” this generation for God! This is what will usher in the last great awakening!




FREEDOMOver the next several months, The Voice of Freedom will be holding two leadership conferences for our leaders in the Middle East. For security purpose, we cannot reveal when or where but we can tell you that these training modules bear much fruit!

We are seeking those who will partner with us in order to resource these emerging leaders in the Iranian church. These training modules cost $12,500 each. This means we are seeking to raise $25,000 for these modules. Time is sensitive and we would like to raise these funds by the end of September.

This covers travel, lodging, and resources for each person who attends!

$25,000by the end ofSeptember

Partner with us today and let’s train leaders to build a strong, thriving church in Iran!

Over the next several months, The Voice of Freedom will be holding two leadership conferences for our leaders in the Middle East. For security purpose, we cannot reveal when or where but we can tell you that these training modules bear much fruit!

We are seeking those who will partner with us in order to resource these emerging leaders in the Iranian church. These training modules cost $12,500 each. This means we are seeking to raise $25,000 for these modules. Time is sensitive and we would like to raise these funds by the end of September.

This covers travel, lodging, and resources for each person who attends!

$25,000by the end ofSeptember

Partner with us today and let’s train leaders to build a today and let’s train leaders to build a today and let’s train

strong, thriving church in Iran!strong, thriving church in Iran!strong, thriving

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by Mail:


Amy Karimiby

I n March of 2012, The Voice of Freedom held a wonderful

leadership conference for our emerging Iranian leaders in Istanbul, Turkey.

Several people from all over Iran attended and God did

amazing things in our midst as we prepared for greater ministry

in Iran. One particular young man, Iman, who has been instrumental

in our ministry efforts in Iran, received greatly and was excited to return to home for

greater ministry efforts.

U pon returning to Iran, Iman went into high gear applying what had been imparted to him. Within six months of returning to Iran,

he had established a dozen house churches with over 80 people in attendance and 95% of those added were under the age of 30. As you can imagine, when it came time for the October leadership conference, Iman and about a dozen additional leaders were looking forward to receiving further training and impartation. However, little did they know, not only would they not make the training but many of them would face the greatest test of their faith up until that point.

O ne day, before the leadership conference, Kamran received a phone call informing him that the Iranian secret police broke

into Iman and another leaders’ home and arrested them. The next day, the other eleven were contacted by the police and summoned to the Iranian intelligence offi ce. Upon arriving at the intelligence offi ce, each leader was interrogated and then advised that the police were aware they were going for a Christian conference. They were told that if they left the country they would not be allowed back into their home land. As they were released, one of our leaders called to inform us of their situation and, as you can imagine, they were shaken. As for Iman, it would be a month before we heard anything of his location or condition.

A fter a month of praying for Iman, we received a phone call that he was out on a $52,000 bail and that they had taken the title

deed to his Aunt’s home as security for the bail bond. Over the next eight months, we walked with Iman as he faced what could have


been life in prison or death by hanging. In case you do not know, conversion from Islam is a capitol offense in Iran and punishable by death. Iman received several threats during the time of his trial and was under constant surveillance. The day came for his trial and the judge sentenced him to fi ve years in prison for apostasy. He was informed that if he did not show up to serve his sentence that his Aunt would lose her home and bail would be forfeited.

I man called Kamran and he was noticeably shaken and fearful. He knew that going into the prison system would most likely mean

he would not come out. Kamran spent hours on the phone with him, building his faith and declaring victory over him. He told him to stand on the Word of God in Isaiah 54:17 and Psalms 91:6. He further gave him, by the Spirit, three prophetic words:

1. Your sentence will be revoked.

2. Your bail bond will be released and title deed returned to your Aunt.

3. You will be out of Iran by the summer.

W ell praise God! Two months ago the Iranian court revoked his sentence and cleared the

bail bond. Then in early July, Kamran received a call from Iman as he was crossing the border of Iran into another country! God’s Word did not fail him and it set him free! God is faithful to his Word and we are so grateful that Iman is a living example of the faithfulness of God! Iman is now at our Freedom Connection Bible Institute in Armenia and is thriving as he grows stronger in the Word!

P lease pray for our leaders and their safety! They are living a real, New Testament Christianity where sharing the Gospel could

cost their life. They need our support like never before! Join with us through prayer and financial support to shore up the emerging Church in Iran!



Here at The Voice of Freedom, we believe everything starts and ends with a diligent prayer life or you could say with a diligent dialogue with God. We believe what theWord of God says in James 5:16, “…The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produceswonderful results.” (NLT) We are asking you to stand with us in prayer as we are endeavoring to reach out to Muslim peoples and as we are endeavoring to minister to theBody of Christ!

1. Pray for Kamran and Amy to have wisdom to know each step that God would have them take in pursuit of the vision to see Iran saved and to see the Body of Christ operating at peak performance in the earth!

2. Pray for continued strength, financially and in every other way, for the vision!

3. Pray for favor and blessing in every endeavor!


4. Pray for the house church movement in Iran to spread like wild fire!

5. Pray for the safety of each of our leaders as they spread the Gospel through out Iran and other Farsi speaking communities.

6. Pray for open hearts in the government leaders of Iran so that they may know Christ and allow Him to move freely in Iran!

7. Pray for the 2013 leadership conferences to have great effect in the hearts of those who attend!

8. Pray that the hearts of the American and Western Church would soften toward Muslims and that they would pray for them and support ministries, like The Voice of Freedom in reaching Iran.

9. Pray for the Church to discern where it is on God’s timetable!10. Pray for unity within the body so that we may �ow with God’s

anointing in this hour and reach the world with the Gospel!





I was recently in a conference where the minister asked for all those who felt called to the nations to come up for prayer. As the minister began to go around the room and pray for these precious people, he asked each one which nation they felt called to. As I listened, it struck me that out of about 150 people; only two people mentioned an Islamic nation. Over the last decade, Kamran and I have noticed a sharp decline in the love for Muslim peoples within the Church, especially the American Church. It has broken our hearts to hear people curse entire people groups in services and through social media outlets just because they happen to be born in Islamic nations. It has become common to hear the word “hate” uttered from “Christian” lips as it pertains to those who live under the bondage of Islam.

As with most issues, we are fi nding people in two extremes: 1. They align themselves, in the name of patriotism and support for Israel, with a hard-line, hate-fi lled rhetoric that condemns all Muslims to “hell in a hand basket.” 2. They align themselves with a false perception that Christianity and Islam promote the same God and a “why can’t we all just get along” mentality. Neither one of these responses are God’s response, they are the response of love that has grown cold in the Church.

The Gospel is for all people, not just the ones it is convenient to preach to. In 2 Timothy 3:3,5 the ERV translation says this about how people will be in the last days:

“They will have no love for others and will refuse to forgive anyone… 5 They will go on pretending to be devoted to God, but they will refuse to let that “devotion” change the way they live. Stay away from these people!”

This has never been any truer than in the case of how many Christians respond to Muslims. We cannot preach that God loves people and then pick whom it applies to and whom we think deserves it. You see the love of God will compel us to reach out to the whole world, even the dangerous


and inconvenient parts. When the love of God abides in us, it will draw us to even the most diffi cult people and the most dangerous environments.

Think about it in these terms. God loved Osama Bin Laden with a deep and passionate love. He was no different than Saul who became the Apostle Paul. You could say that the Apostle Paul was a terrorist in his day. He brutally persecuted the Church and put to death many believers. He was so intense that when God appeared to Ananias and asked him to go minister to Paul, Ananias hesitated and began to recount Paul’s evil to the Lord.

In Acts 9:10-16; we read Ananias’ response to the Lord:

“10 There was a follower of Jesus in Damascus named Ananias. In a vision the Lord said to him, “Ananias!” Ananias answered, “Here I am, Lord.” 11 The Lord said to him, “Get up and go to the street called Straight Street. Find the house of Judas and ask for a man named Saul from the city of Tarsus. He is there now, praying. 12 He has seen a vision in which a man named Ananias came and laid his hands on him so that he could see again.” 13 But Ananias answered, “Lord, many people have told me about this man. They told me about the many bad things he did to your holy people in Jerusalem. 14 Now he has come here to Damascus.The leading priests have given him the power to arrest all people who trust in you.” 15 But the Lord Jesus said to Ananias, “Go! I have chosen Saul for an important work. I want him to tell other nations, their rulers, and the people of Israel about me. 16 I will show him all that he must suffer for me.”

What if God had asked one of us to seek out Osama Bin Laden after 9-11? Would we have even been open to that? Are we so full of the love of God that we will go and do whatever He ask no matter the cost? It is much easier to talk about walking in the love of God than to actually do it. Have we so demonized Muslims that we are unwilling to even hear the call of the Lord to reach them?

continued >

There are over ten million Muslims in America. Are we willing to actively reach out to them on our own soil? I am challenging you, as a reader to think about these things. If the only knowledge you have of Muslims is what you see on the news, yes even Fox news, and what you hear from ministries that are more patriotic than they are Kingdom minded then your love will be held hostage and diminished toward people that make up almost 23% of the planet’s population.

God has called The Voice of Freedom and Kamran and I to develop compassion within the church for Muslims. Our biggest obstacles are stemming from gross ignorance, prejudice and religious spirits that promote everything but loving Muslims. Our love must be more intense than our fear! In reality, 85% of Muslims are nominal not devotional believers. We have had leaders of churches say to us that they can’t expect their church members to bring Muslims into their homes. Does this issue from the heart of God? We must be led by His Spirit to reach out to Muslims both in our local communities and around the world. We must judge our hearts and ask God to melt hardness and to ignite compassion!

As the army of God, our weapons are not human in nature! They are divine!

2 Corinthians 10:3-5 says,

“3 We live in this world, but we don’t fi ght our battles in the same way the world does. 4 The weapons we use are not human ones. Our weapons have power from God and can destroy the enemy’s strong places. We destroy people’s arguments, 5 and we tear down every proud idea that raises itself against the knowledge of God. We also capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ.”

How do we do this? It is by the love of God and prayer! Nothing can resist these! Nothing can come between these and the people it is sent for! God loves Muslims! Do we love them or do we hate and fear them? I know this, I have set myself with a willing heart to go where God wants me to go and say what He wants me to say. No matter how inconvenient or how uncomfortable, people are worth it! Let’s go after these precious people by God’s leading and with His all consuming and yes, sometimes, inconvenient love!

written by

Amywritten by

Amywritten by










stopon America,
