newsletter vol 1 july 2014 - wildvoicestalk

Wild Voices TalkNewsletter In the Beginning..... Growing up in Africa was a true gift! What better place than the land of dust, lions, elephants and hyena’s to be initiated! As a little girl animals were my passion. I knew all the birds, watched all the wildlife programs and my family new that the only thing I really wanted was to visit the animal sanctuaries or better still go on a wild safari. Where else would I want to be but with creatures that made my heart sing! We had many domestic animals, actually we had more than most! Growing up in Africa I had so much wilderness around me. The natural world inspired me and made me feel whole. I remember often staring at the stars at night for hours and hours while the crickets and night jars serenaded all who would listen. The cool breeze of the African night caressing my cheeks, lulling me into a sense of calm and safety. I used to set up my camping tent in the yard and live in it during the warmer months. My connection with animals started at a very young age, but I didn’t realize I could talk to them until I was well into my thirties. At two years old I have pictures of wild birds perching in my cupped hands and puppies lying all over me! Bliss! I formed special bonds with domestic animals that no one else in the family did. When we had ostriches I would chirp like them and they would respond. The cats and dogs were so good at taking commands and even during horse riding lessons, no one could catch me no matter how small the enclosure - me and my horse friend were untouchable! I have learnt more from the animals in my life than I can express. Each and every one of them teaching me something new about myself, my perception of reality and their world. I am eternally grateful for their presence in my life. Enjoy the stories that follow as I share their world with you. May it enrich your life as much as it has mine!

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Journey with me on my animal communication adventures! May they inspire you as much as they inspire me!


Page 1: Newsletter Vol 1 July 2014 - WildVoicesTalk

Wild Voices Talk™


In the Beginning.....

Growing up in Africa was a true gift! What better place than the land of dust, lions, elephants and hyena’s to be initiated! As a little girl animals were my passion. I knew all the birds, watched all the wildlife programs and my family new that the only thing I really wanted was to visit the animal sanctuaries or better still go on a wild safari. Where else would I want to be but with creatures that made my heart sing! We had many domestic animals, actually we had more than most! Growing up in Africa I had so much wilderness around me. The natural world inspired me and made me feel whole. I remember often staring at the stars at night for hours and hours while the crickets and night jars serenaded all who would listen. The cool breeze of the African night caressing my cheeks, lulling me into a sense of calm and safety. I used to set up my camping tent in the yard and live in it during the warmer months. My connection with animals started

at a very young age, but I didn’t realize I could talk to them until I was well into my thirties. At two years old I have pictures of wild birds perching in my cupped hands and puppies lying all over me! Bliss! I formed special bonds with domestic animals that no one else in the family did. When we had ostriches I would chirp like them and they would respond. The cats and dogs were so good at taking commands and even during horse riding lessons, no one could catch me no matter how small the enclosure - me and my horse friend were untouchable! I have learnt more from the animals in my life than I can express. Each and every one of them teaching me something new about myself, my perception of reality and their world. I am eternally grateful for their presence in my life. Enjoy the stories that follow as I share their world with you. May it enrich your life as much as it has mine!

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I was in Los Angeles in a shopping mall and don’t usually like to go into pet shops. I am aware of the puppy mills and feel I don’t want to contribute to this type of abuse. For some reason I had to go into this pet shop. So I ventured in and I saw all these sad animal faces. I felt like crying. I remember seeing a bulldog puppy, it had an upset tummy and was so glum. The cats were busy playing with each other but the puppies seemed bored. Stuck in a glass cage for humans to coo at deciding which one they would be taking home. It seemed degrading. I felt sick to my stomach and yet I felt I couldn’t leave. I needed to be there to do something but I was not sure what it was. Just to be there. So I trotted around looking at each of the enclosures and talking to them all verbally under my breath. I didn’t know they could hear me. From childhood I seemed to know what the animals needed when no one else did and I was most frustrated and sad when humans could not understand the needs of their pets. Every time I went past one glass enclosure a Yorkshire terrier puppy would go crazy. It was a little female. She would wait until I went past and then would scratch the glass and bark at me to get my attention. That is when I heard it...”take me home, take me home, I know you are the one.” I thought I was going crazy! In those days I was not a believer in animal communication. I believed that the only type of

communication possible was with the use of verbal language and perhaps body language. I was a bit of a skeptic. So I brushed it off. Low and behold every time I went past her enclosure she was off on one again. I had the greatest pull to jump behind the enclosure open it and take her home with me. I felt like we were meant to be together forever, I just knew. She looked at me and I saw something strange in her eyes, like she was trying to say something. By this time, however, my doubting mind had closed any open channels so I couldn’t hear anything. I remember thinking if I lived in LA I would take her home. At the time I lived in Australia and it was the day of my return flight. My heart sank. I decided to leave the shop as I couldn’t take seeing all those creatures like that anymore. I never forgot about that puppy. I realize now that sometimes we are called to a place to give positive energy to it - filling it up with light and affecting the creatures within and this is what I did intuitively. When I was on the plane to Australia I couldn’t stop thinking about that puppy, even today I think of her. I often think of connecting with her but I feel I have no right to intrude on her life now unless she comes to me. She is a true inspiration to all those wishing to communicate with their animals in another way! Smudge my cat had other plans for me back in Australia.

Who is that Doggie in the Window?

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Smudge my Master TeacherSmudge is a very special cat. Not only is she a

Tortoiseshell with a fiery personality she knows exactly what I need to grow and evolve! My husband a n d I r e s c u e d Smudge from the

pound. She and her brothers and sisters were destined for termination and we found her by chance from a lady in Brisbane, Australia. We had been looking for a kitty for quite some time and I had begun to feel despondent, the Universe was just not on my side I thought. But that Saturday my husband came home and said I have found us the ‘Golden Gingie’ you will see. We arrived, it was dark and all the kittens were inside on a balcony. I wanted to take them all home, all of them. I had my eye on a small (clearly under nourished) ginger one, while my husband had other ideas! Out of the corner of his eye he saw a small ginger, black and white kitten rushing under the table. He caught it and put it in front of me, ‘this is the Golden Gingie, we have found it!’ he said to me. I looked at him and said, “Can we take two?”, the look on his face was we don’t have the space and you know the answer to that. This kitten was truly a beauty. It was so small and when it mewed there was silence it had lost it’s voice totally. I picked it up and put it to my heart, I had my chin over it’s little head gently. I looked at my husband and said “yes, you are right this is the ‘Golden Gingie”. I felt bad about the other kitten as I felt it needed an understanding home. Under my breath I apologized I could not take it home too and said

I know it would find a good home soon. In the meant time ‘Golden Gingie’ was forever silent under my chin. I had bought a cat traveling box for the kitty and put her inside - she swam in it. All of a sudden this kitten found it’s voice and mewed and mewed and mewed. I put my hand inside and touched her neck gently and told her “it’s alright, it’s alright” she was silent all the way home. I even got worried something had happened and had to peak. She was fine. To this day those words comfort her. I didn’t realize then what a journey I would be undertaking and how much I would learn. When she got home Smudge knew she was with her folk. She was no longer meek and running away at all. The moment she arrived she played all night! A month later I knew I had history with this kitten. She knew me and I her. She knew all sorts of things before I showed her what they meant - it was uncanny! At about the same time we almost lost her and emergency after emergency was the norm for her during her first year. Finally, I decided that I would use my intuition to assist as nothing else was working. I changed her diet, used acupuncture, energy healing and play to nurse her back to health. I arrogantly thought I was assisting her but actually she was teaching me. One day I decided to connect with her and ask her to come to me for fun. I have never seen a cat run so fast from the far side of the house to the top of the couch I was sitting on and I heard “I was waiting for you to do that!”. The animal communication training began!

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Inspirational Animal of the MonthMuffin is our inspirational animal of the month! Her o w n e r a s k e d f o r a communication as she was leaving for a trip and wanted to let Muffin know and find out a few things from her. Well, her owner mentioned she felt a little

apprehensive as this was her first time with this sort of communication and I reassured her that everyone feels that way, let’s see if Muffin wants to talk and what she has to say! This was a long distance communication as Muffin lives in another state. I usually like to receive a picture of the animal in question as it assists with connection. I had planned to connect the following day, Muffin knew all about this already and actually connected with me the following morning. I was not able to talk to her right away and she kept on coming into my space requesting to speak! I told her kindly it wasn’t possible. In the afternoon I settled and prepared to communicate with Muffin. I tried the usual methods I use to begin the communication but Muffin had other ideas, her first words were “cut to the chase I don’t do that stuff!”. She was most upset that she was not spoken to when she came into my sphere, I explained that I was not ready. She is a very strong personality and knows her mind. She began to rattle a number of things about the trip for her owner telling her that she needed to take a picture of Muffin with and when she looked at it they would connect so she could tell Muffin how much she loved her. Muffin

like many animals needs to feel things from their owner directly even if I tell them. Animals listen to your hearts and the pictures you make in your minds that is how they communicate! She also said that she wanted to stay with a certain friend of her owners - she gave me the name and showed me a picture of what the person looked like. She also said she wanted one of her owners shirts to keep. There were a few adjustments she wanted for her feeding area and had some wonderful messages for her owner regarding their relationship. As quick as it all begin she said, “I have had enough now” and bounded away from me. I relayed all of this to the owner and we exchanged feedback, indeed, the person Muffin spoke about exists and the name was correct. The owner is now able to leave for their trip knowing that Muffin is fully aware and her needs will be met. Any adjustments needed will also be taken care of upon her return and both animal and human can deepen their bond. I have to say I really enjoyed speaking to Muffin. She has a lot of attitude! Animals have so much to say and they are very truthful, in fact I have found they don’t mince their words! Thank you to Muffin for talking with me and to her owner for choosing me to be the intermediary. I know this human-feline pair are a special match! Muffin is super proud of being the inspirational animal of the month, “Of course I am who else would be?”(Note: Copyright of photo remains with owner. Thank you for permission to publish it and your story).

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Power Animal of the Month

Wild Voices Talk™

Chiara is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist at Dance of the Soul Hypnotherapy. She delights in assisting and support ing individuals to release old patterns and

create anew! She is an intuitive and is quickly able to hone into both animals and people’s needs allowing them to find their true authentic selves. She has a penchant for health and is a researcher focusing her Master of Arts degree on Integral Health at the California Institute for Human Sciences. She uses a number of traditions in her techniques and teaches individuals to find their own spirituality. Animals feature a great deal in all sessions and are wonderful teachers for their humans. Indeed, Smudge is a very active part of each session (even energetically). Chiara runs individual and small spiritual workshops and also offers group hypnosis - Finding Your Power Animal is great fun! Chiara is also the founder of The Society for Animal Consciousness. If you would like Chiara Marrapodi to communicate with your pet or any wild animal and find out what messages they have for you she would be delighted, she can be reached at 760-889-4180!Acknowledgement:- All photos remain copyright of the respective photographers. The wild animal photos were retrieved from Photo of Smudge is copyright of Chiara Marrapodi. Permission to use any photos must be received from the respective photographers.

This months power animal is Bear. Bear shows us how to be grounded close to the Earth. Bear is our connection to all that is about cycles. Bears tend to have times when they are active and when they are in conservation. They know when to

expend the energy and when to conserve it. They use the trance state to slow their body down during hibernation months showing us the need to take the time to look deep within us and commune, often at things that are buried deep in the unconscious. This allows for growth on a much deeper level often looking deep within us will allow us to expand on many levels (exploring the subconscious). Bear also teaches us to commune with Mother Earth and to respect her and trust the cycles of life. Resistance is the status quo in our society and creates so many blocks towards positive change. Bears are careful to build their reserves of fat during the months of plenty so that the winter months they are able to survive. Bears eat a wide variety of foods from nuts, berries, honey, fish, termites, to small animals. The variety of food depends on the cycles and represents again the trust in Mother Nature and have variety and sweetness in life when needed. In some traditions Bear acts as a healer and cleaner - call on Bear when you need this - you will be surprised by the results!