
My My Hoy Cart carpente years. I building long he house fr to the r electric refused houses f dad was these ho include hunting building My Faye Car many job driving This is a pic grandfathe

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Post on 31-Jul-2015




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My GrandparentsMy grandfather named Hoy

Carter. He was a carpenter for over fifty years. In fact he had been building houses for so long he could build a house from the foundation to the roof excepts for electrical he always refused to do it. He built houses for my dad while my dad was the contractor of these houses. His hobbies include hunting squirrels, hunting in general, and building cabinets.

My grandmother named Faye Carter. She has had many jobs including driving a school bus, being a parent, and working in a mobile home manufacturing plant. She held the job of working in the mobile home plant for the longest time she make cabinets and would hang them in the homes and design the kitchens in them. Later she would paint and put up wallpaper in house when my dad was actively building houses.

This is a picture of my grandmother and grandfather along with my brother Jacob.

My extended FamilyVOLUME # ISSUE #MONTH YEAR

My extended Family both on my Mom and Dad’s Sides

My mom’s side of the family I have 2 uncles and one aunt. One of my uncles named Terry Carter he was in the navy for a few years and after that he worked for the government in the pentagon managing their networks. Now he has been diagnosed with MS so he helps with walks to raise money for the MS society. His hobbies include computers and golf. My other uncle named Milton Young works with the Forsyth county air quality department. He measures the amount of particulate in the air under microscopes. His main hobby is to try to fix things.

My dad has many brothers and sisters. I will only talk about 2 uncles and 2 aunts. My first aunt and uncle are married. Their names are Kristine Isaacson and Dieter Isaacson. My aunt is a pharmacist. She is the only one for a few hundred miles. My uncle is named Dieter Isaacson he farms a few thousand acres of land. He is an awesome uncle and really cool. My next uncle is named David Isaacson. He is the manager of Burger King for the Midland Odessa region. My next aunt is named Sandra Leiker. She like my mother is a nurse, but lives in the Midland Odessa area

I have a ton of first cousins in fact twenty first cousin on my dad’s side and actually no first cousins on my mom’s side but is have several second cousins. But in this newsletter I will only take about 4 cousins in this they are John, Jack, Lauren, and James. These are all my cousins from my uncle Dieter and aunt Kristine

John is a very funny person who is about 14 years old. He learned how to drive from the time he was 10. One of my favorite story is he and my 21 year old cousin went to go pick potatoes and he drove to the field and almost flipped the truck.

Lauren is very much like her mother she is very bossy and tells people what to do. Last time my immediate family was in Texas my brother and I were playing with baby James. Well like all babies he pooped. I took him to Lauren who basically took him and yelled at my uncle to change him.

Jack is very hyper he is around 7. He is very interjected and loves spider man. My favorite story is when he kicked me off the trampoline and made me fall. He did this at the age of 5. Like I said before he is very interesting.

James is as far as I know 2 now. Last time I saw him he was very young. His nickname is Baby James. I don’t have any good stories about him nor do I know his personality.

The picture to the left if John, Lauren, Some random kid, James, and jack .

This is a picture of some of my cousins and one random kid.

My Cousins